Knowledge (XXG)

The Teacher (2016 TV series)

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and Dorota, each appeared surprised by Ewelina's strangulation. Pablo names Lucjan and "Halluciantion". Paweł recognizes latter as Magda's alias. Paweł confronts Magda; demands she contact Lucjan. Karol collects Magda for rehearsal. Luiza tells Paweł about Tymek's vlog ads. Rafał confirms police server hacking to Paweł. Magda provides Lucjan's address, which Paweł tells Radosław. Police stop Tymek for ID check; his photos are vandalized. CBŚ raid Lucjan's, they see him fleeing. During shoot-out, Radosław kills Lucjan. Tymek plans revenge for vandalization. While congratulating Radosław for Lucjan, Ryszard deduces Ewelina was his female informant. Radosław ordered: clean any collaboration evidence. Krzysztof tells Radosław: Lucjan was warned. Luiza's vlog hijacked: music ad. Magda invites Luiza for meeting. Marta minds Karol's children. Radosław details prepper plans: power disruption using Iwo's strategy. Paweł blackmails Radosław into determining Ewelina's murderer via vlog ad. Marta informed of Ewelina's murder. Tymek's ads arrange meetings. Luiza searches Magda's home. Radosław arrives at dance club meeting; he's injected, dies.
notebook. Powerbrokers squabble amongst themselves. Radosław and Rafał interrupt meeting to search Grzegorz' house. Radosław dismisses Sławomir. Kamil asks Ewelina to help write Lesław's backstory. Ola appears confident entering test but collapses. Radosław collects Grzegorz' Beretta. Ewelina tells Radosław that Lesław's suicide provoked by Ryszard's threats. Radosław requires tangible evidence. Ola's mother castigates Paweł. Radosław arrests Julka for Adrian's murder: fingerprints on Beretta. "Principal" suspends Paweł over Ola's drug taking. Grzegorz thrashes Jasiek in front of associates. Julka refuses help from parents. Grzegorz asks Paweł to help Julka. Paweł tells Julka: confess to Asia's bashing. Julka's motive: Asia told Grzegorz about Adrian. Krystian observes Asia bashed at Julka's behest. Grzegorz to Paweł: Asia never informed on Julka. Ewelina and Maciek have sex. Paweł confronts Ewelina about rumour mongering; Ewelina scoffs. Police arrest Jasiek. Paweł leaves town; asks Marta to visit. Fellow students shun Ewelina; Julka divulged that Ewelina spread rumours. Radosław has Adrian's phone containing Paweł's nickname.
unpopular. Zbigniew arrives; stops Łukasz' questioning. Katarzyna organizes sportsground purchase. Grzegorz, Ryszard and Przybylski gloat about cheaply acquiring sportsground. Ryszard angered as part of his zone reclassified: nature reserve. Ewelina tells Paweł: students afraid to talk. Students recall Maciek jealous over Asia and had tantrums. At police station, Sławomir accuses Maciek of impregnating Asia then killing her when she would not abort their baby. Ewelina tells panel they should question perverts. Daniel leers at basketball players. Lesław to Paweł: Asia killed and pregnant. Lesław: town's businessmen protect killer. Maciek leaves home at night. Paweł, Marta and students attend Asia's funeral. Grzegorz orders Sławomir: close investigation. Ola scolds Daniel for attending funeral. Sławomir interviews Szrek and Kijana; Adrian provides alibis. Ewa and Paweł discuss Asia: she's not Bogdan's daughter. Paweł, Rafał and Ewelina find Maciek inside hut. Marta confronts Jowita over letters. Jowita provides locket: Asia's initials and "D". Maciek shows flowers left by Asia's lover.
drowned. Zbyszek blackmails Roztocka: declare accidental drowning. Zbyszek updates Waldemar: all covered up; Aleksander's thugs botched Bogdan's search. Waldemar has doubts; Aleksander holds Zbyszek's head under pool water. Bogdan's willed half his house to Milena. Paweł observes Marta and Milena. Igor takes Kinga for thrill ride. Olaf banned Igor driving company cars. Ewa cannot find informer on Bogdan. Igor films sex with Kinga; claims only personal use. Two men interrupt couple, leave Igor; drive Kinga home. Ewa's suspicious of Roztocka's report. Kinga shuns Igor; who overhears Olaf, Robert and Waldemar discussing illegal activities. Paweł gives casing to Ewa. Ada feels guilty over Kacper's death. Paweł scatters Bogdan's ashes aboard Tomek's boat. Ewa scolds Ada and Bartek for marijuana. Igor tells Kinga their fathers ordered Bogdan's death. Kacper's birthdate opens Bogdan's safe; removes documents, mobile phone. Zbyszek tries shelving Iwan's case. Bogdan's funeral held. Paweł hands Bogdan's phone to Ewa. Kacper observes Paweł. Intoxicated Bartek visits Ada.
Adrian's bullet to Grzegorz: Adrian conned Grzegorz. Students view toxic barrels website. Anna accuses Sławomir of evidence tampering: catch Asia's killer or resign. Zbigniew confirms Kijana shot at close range. Sławomir to Grzegorz: frame Adrian for Asia's murder. Paweł asks Ola to enter competition. Grzegorz discovers Adrian and Julka having sex. Rafał removed from Asia case. Sławomir blackmails Szrek and Kijana: testify that Adrian killed Asia. Lesław tells Ewelina not to publicize toxic barrels. Grzegorz: Adrian killed Asia; Julka confined to bedroom. Lesław to Paweł: powerbrokers hid drunk driving, incapacitating girl. Jasiek tells Julka: Adrian arrested. Julka climbs out window. Baniocha and Sławomir steal Adrian's money. Paweł and Marta determine powerbrokers swapped sites on maps. Julka to Paweł: Adrian innocent; met Jurij in Kaliningrad. Paweł updates Rafał: going to Jurij. Adrian jailed with two thugs. Kamil to Ewelina: fact-checking required. Jurij captures Paweł. Adrian disables thugs; escapes custody. Jurij tells Paweł: only Adrian visited.
Waldemar, had nervous breakdown: medicated. Ewa inspects corpse, it has wave symbol tattoo. When Bogdan returns he ignores Paweł. Ewa asks Krynickis about Kacper. Waldemar: Kacper's problem child. Basia describes Kacper's scars. Neither recognizes tattoo nor corpse. Car tails Bogdan. Ewa asks Zbyszek whether he recognizes wave symbol. Bogdan phones: delayed by car tailing him. Tomek describes finding vest. Paweł meets Stefan. Ada does not recognize tattoo. Ewa finds Ada's marijuana. Students invite Paweł into derelict tower; they remember Kacper called away from party. Roztocka: corpse beaten up, killed by blow to head – not Kacper. Paweł fixes motorbike; rides to school; introduces himself at assembly. Students recall Kacper's individualism. Kuba delivers improvised poem about Kacper. Paweł recognizes symbol: senet "house of water". Bogdan takes regular swim. Sebastian identifies corpse as Iwan. Waldemar orders Zbyszek: close case. Intruder running wakes Paweł; Bogdan provides improbable story. Kacper's video: he's cowardly, says goodbye to mother.
Daniel's phone, someone asks about hairdresser. Daniel refuses to confess. Paweł meets Adrian. Katarzyna invites Paweł to party. Grzegorz agrees to swindle Swedes by selling sportsground to Ryszard. Prisoner "Pigeon" brutalizes Daniel. Marta asks Paweł to supervise students' party: he has another meeting, first. After seeing Daniel's injuries, Rafał confronts Sławomir but he's ordered not to interfere. Rafał warns Paweł that Daniel needs help. Paweł confronts hairdresser's boyfriend about Daniel's alibi. Julka tells Grzegorz she's partying tonight then staying at Daria's. Party begins, "Yogi" fails to smuggle in alcohol. Łukasz already hid drugs at venue. Łukasz enlists "Yogi" to sell his drugs. Paweł goes to Katarzyna's, meets Sebastian. Łukasz and Jowita have sex. Paweł sees Sebastian's flowers same as Asia's lover's gift. Łukasz asks Jowita to sell drugs for him. Hairdresser provides Daniel's alibi. Paweł and Marta prevent Julka leaving party with Adrian. Maciek gets call from Asia's phone; he sees Jakob with Asia's phone.
investigation would uncover school's dubious finances. Police trick Adrian's brother into phoning. Ola's given drugs by Jowita. Adrian asks Paweł: help his brother. Paweł: henchmen know about Asia's murder. Swedes start land negotiations. Paweł advises Rafał: check border CCTV for Adrian. Rafał hands-over henchmen's statements. Lesław to Ryszard: website photos will go. Ryszard tells Lesław where henchmen hide. Lesław to Kamil: Ewelina's photos not from Poland. Paweł and Adrian kidnap henchmen. Ewelina rails at Lesław for lying to Kamil. Adrian takes henchmen to Ryszard's meatworks. Szrek and Kijana admit to hitting Asia; they will talk to Adrian, alone. Paweł leaves room; henchmen are shot dead. Adrian claims they killed Asia. Swedes will not sign, yet. Marta translates for powerbrokers. Adrian breaks door, asks Julka to wait for him. Jasiek alerts Grzegorz. Adrian collects money cache. Paweł phones Adrian – no answer. Adrian and police shoot. Injured, Adrian escapes but crashes. Jasiek kills Adrian, takes money.
Bogdan's death with Leszek. Leszek: Waldemar tipped police about Bogdan's smuggling to stop Basia's affair. Bartek and Ada argue. Igor pretends to delete their video. Paweł shows Marta Bogdan's house; Paweł wants to meet Milena. Zbyszek finally grants permission to visit warehouse. Olaf orders Igor to wash ten cars. Igor has Kinga blackmail Olaf. Paweł considers selling Bogdan's home; he asks Stopka about Kacper's girlfriend. Basia cannot help Paweł; he hands her letters back. Aleksander observes them. Ewa and Sebastian enter warehouse. Worker: Iwan worked for Robert. Sebastian searches cargo container. As Ewa approaches, Marcin runs off, Sebastian catches Marcin. Ada apologises to Paweł for missing funeral; they play senet. Marcin hardly responds to Ewa's questioning. Basia tells Waldemar: she's leaving him. Kinga cries on Robert's shoulder. Zbyszek instructs Marcin. Kinga meets Igor: money drop's ready. Olaf and his men thrash Igor. Police interview men. Marcin confesses to killing Iwan for stealing drugs.
264:, who are planning terrorist activities. Karol kills Ewelina to hide his connection with Iwo. Tymek hacks police files, kills Radosław. Magda kills Karol to prevent his escaping justice. Paweł refuses to work for Polish intelligence agents. Five years later, in August 2022, Paweł is released from jail without conviction. He returns to Małomorze as a teacher. Paweł reconnects with Bogdan, who runs cruises using local school students as crew members. Paweł finds out about Kacper's mid-voyage disappearance, which is investigated by local police officer Ewa. Her daughter Ada is Kacper's friend. Kacper's father Waldemar is corrupt. His confederates Olaf and Robert join his schemes. They are protected by Ewa's boss Zbyszek. Paweł and Ewa also separately investigates the death of Waldemar's warehouseman Iwan. Paweł's determination escalates when Bogdan dies, officially by drowning while drunk. Paweł meets Marta again and asks to see their daughter Milena. 2443:. Bartek leaves when Paweł asks about his injured arm. Ada follows; Bartek pushes her away. Ewa and Sliwinska view Kacper's video of bashing. Aleksander identifiable but not Waldemar. Sliwinska permits Waldemar's arrest. When Ewa arrives; Wademar texts someone. Sebastian tails Aleksander. Robert and Olaf conflict over Kinga and Igor. Waldemar: dismissed Aleksander for smuggling amber. Ewa shows video still. Lawyer: too blurred, could be anyone. Waldemar's released. Paweł takes Basia to Kacper. Olaf asks Waldemar to resolve dire situation. Zbyszek warns Aleksander: Ewa's impending raid. Aleksander flees. Ada treats Bartek's wound. Aleksander avoids meeting Zbyszek. Basia asks Kacper about Iwan. Kacper drives home; berates Waldemar for being ashamed of him. Zbyszek learns Aleksander's location. Paweł drives to Waldemar's. Igor sees Aleksander arrive at Podolex but Igor's shot. Ewa calls for backup. Paweł sees Waldemar's corpse in pool. 2480:
or he will talk. Paweł enters yard, approaches Aleksander. Paweł volunteers to swap with injured Igor. Igor allowed out. Paweł and Ewa convince Aleksander to surrender. Aleksander walks out with hands raised; Zbyszek kills him. Ada hugs Kacper at Bogdan's. Zbyszek claims he was protecting Ewa. Paweł uses Aleksander's phone to call Zbyszek. Zbyszek brandishes another officer's gun, but surrenders. Kacper explains situation to Ada. Ewa attends Waldemar's corpse. Ada tells Paweł that Bartek does drugs, injures himself. Zbyszek does not know who killed Bogdan. Bartek, at police station, wants to see Ewa or Paweł but they are busy. Paweł drives Kacper and Ada to Bogdan's ship; Bartek cycles after them. Bartek threatens Ada with Bogdan's gun. Ada and Bartek stole Bogdan's gun, wanted to learn about Kacper. Bartek accidentally killed Bogdan. Kacper cuddles Bartek. Police arrest Bartek and Ada; Ewa cries.
involvement. Lesław warns Krystian not to pursue barrels story. Radosław wants Paweł's cooperation in Asia's case. Jasiek buys drugs from "Pigeon". At meatworks, Sławomir found no gun; shells being examined. Lesław follows Jakub to Asia's bash site; later Lesław shows Paweł. Paweł observes meat hooks where Asia was restrained. Krystian and Ewelina argue over blog's deletion. Marta overhears Paweł inform Radosław of bash site. Ryszard and men threaten Lesław. Paweł tells Radosław: another person cut Asia's hair. Lesław sends his files to Warsaw newspaper. Julka points gun at Grzegorz before leaving home. Jusiek has Jowita sell his drugs. Paweł finds Lesław's hanged himself. Ewa thanks Paweł for finding Asia's killers. Ewelina prevents Jowita selling drugs to Ola. Swedes delay signing land deal. Pathologist to Radosław: Adrian shot by a Beretta – local police use
1912:; dumped in pit. Marta reports Paweł missing. Tymek interrupts Luiza's date with Patryk. Marta transferred to Radosław. Luiza tells students, she's stopped vlogging. Luiza rejects Magda's friendship. Ryszard tells Radosław to forget Paweł: he's running from Marta. Students tell Karol about Paweł; Szymon helps find Paweł. Karol drops Paweł off. Borys takes him to Radosław. Paweł explains what he found; returns home. Paweł wants to keep Marta safe. CBŚ raids prepper site: it's been cleared. Karol finds Marta a job. Marta stays with Karol's family. CBŚ appoint Orzechowski to supervise Radosław. Paweł refuses to reveal his informer. Radosław threatens Paweł's family. Luiza deduces Patryk posed as "Gudrun"; they break up. Paweł in Dobrowice, seeks Rafał's help. Luiza and Tymek kiss. Tymek threatens to expose Patryk unless he reveals schemes to Karolina's parents. 1461:
phone; orders police to conduct paternity tests on Sebastian, Jasiek and Grzegorz. Paweł and Katarzyna have sex. Grzegorz threatens Jacek about Maciek. Jowita speculates Maciek wanted to kill Sebastian because of Asia's pregnancy. Julka tells off Jowita. Paweł settles class down. Grzegorz asks Paweł to meeting. Sławomir has Jacek lie about weapon. Marta studies sportsground proposal: map missing. Grzegorz introduces Paweł to his partners. They ask Paweł to manage cultural center. While Grzegorz promises Marta, Paweł sees Grzegorz destroy map. Adrian and gang ignore Jasiek's efforts to recover stolen goods. Jasiek threatens to tell Grzegorz about Adrian being Julka's lover. Zbigniew asks Paweł to run Asia's scholarship. Paweł updates Lesław on meeting town's powerbrokers. Ewelina to Paweł: Asia talked of
2390:". No lawyer helps Basia with divorce process. Ewa's suspicious of Marcin; asks Sebastian to delay processing. Kinga apologises to Igor but he films her crying. Car follows Paweł. Olaf bribes Igor with expensive car. Ada searches for Bartek. Paweł tells Ewa that Kacper and Iwan were friends. Ewa dates Zbyszek, hands his keys to Paweł. Paweł investigates Zbyszek's home; photographs documents. Kinga finds Bartek in tower, intoxicated. Bartek starts mumbling. Paweł returns keys before date ends. Paweł found Roztocka's original Bogdan autopsy: he was killed. Igor drives Kinga home; then views their video. Paweł and Ewa follow Zbyszek to his foster mother Stawecka's house. Olaf and Waldemar are already there. Ada and Bartek argue. Stawecka shows Paweł photo of her foster sons. Igor posts 1806:
shoots Karol's leg; then leaves. Paweł and Karol sneak students to nearest first aid. Jaga has Tosia remove hairpin, which Jaga uses to break ties. Szymon and Slawek check downstairs but exits locked. Jaga and Tosia paint signs about terrorists. Police phoned. Magda and Karol staunch Karolina's bleeding. Iwo approaches Szymon but lowers gun. Szymon distracts Iwo as Paweł tackles him. Szymon throws Iwo's gun away. Slawek runs past but leaves gun. Iwo collects gun; views CCTV link: police entering. Parents start arriving outside. Police find Zygmont. Paweł gives Karolina drink. Students relocate to staffroom. Iwo shoots police. Jaga and Tosia run past. Tosia finds Slawek's hiding but Slawek shoves Tosia away. Iwo discovers Slawek. Radosław and
1424:; abandons him with Jurij's gang. Ewelina asks Lesław to publish meat dumps: he requires photographic evidence. Paweł borrows Lesław's car. Jurij forces Jasiek to undress; tie him to tree. Ewelina cannot convince Maciek to help find dumps. Paweł tails Sebastian to nightclub; Sebastian meets gay lover. Jasiek escapes; phones Bujak for help. Jacek loans Ewelina forest maps. Daniel sees Maciek with Sabastian. Paweł's gets Daniel another job. Ewelina and Jacek look for Maciek. Daniel overhears Ewelina's call to Paweł about Maciek. Daniel: Maciek went with Sebastian. Maciek holds pistol to Sebastian's head: blamed for Asia's murder. Paweł approaches, convinces Maciek not to shoot Sebastian. Maciek tries to kill himself. 2271:
break-in. Ewa questions students, most did not like Kacper. Sebastian stops Ewa questioning Ada. Stefan writes that Bogdan's blameworthy for Kacper's suicide, mentioned video before it was posted. Stopka tells Paweł, Bogdan's swimming. Paweł and Bogdan argue about gun, historical affair with Basia and recent scuffle with Kacper. Paweł accuses Stefan of abusive behavior to students; gut punches Stefan. Sebastian tells Ewa: Jaroslaw admitted to buying stolen goods from Iwan. Zbyszek denies Ewa permission to search warehouse despite Iwan working there. Paweł jailed overnight. Bogdan's brought in for questioning. Bogdan says Kacper's talking about Waldemar. Basia tells Paweł that Bogdan had smuggled
2083:. Maria: Zygmont recommended Karol. Marta sends Paweł photo: Zygmont and Karol related. Luiza finds Tymek. Agata drugs Marta, restrains her. Magda drives Paweł to meet Karol, who garotted Ewelina. Karol: Marta's with Agata. Karol: Paweł in pit for days, so he escapes. Magda asks Karol for Tymek; cannot believe assurances. Paweł pushes Karol into pit. Magda orders Karol to phone Agata; who releases Marta. Magda and Karol reveal spy training. Tymek restrained in computer room. Magda kills Karol so government cannot free him. Paweł admits to killing Karol; Orzechowski frees Paweł as Karol and family left country. Intelligence agents want Paweł working with Magda. Marta rejects Paweł's advances. 1949:
dumped Karolina.. Students discuss Patryk leaving, Karol returning and Paweł's snooping. Luiza and Tymek have sex. Paweł asks Radosław to ensure Ewelina's safety; provide her money. Tymek researches Paweł's history. Paweł introduces Ewelina to Radosław. Orzechowski asks Radosław for female informant's name. Radosław warns team: Ewelina's underage. Ewelina picks fight with man in bar, gym users help her. Magda flirts with Paweł. Pablo asks Ewelina’s prepper badge. Magda invites Ewelina to school's gym. Magda now has large tattoo. Pablo takes Ewelina to prepper camp; she wears dark goggles. Radosław's alerted to Ewelina's movements. Ewelina meets Tati, who drenches her phone. Pablo
2005:. Pablo invites Ewelina to meet Lucjan. Ewelina presses panic button. Paweł and Marta's weekend together interrupted by Ewelina's alert. "Hallucination" and Ewelina recognize one another. Draco tails Paweł and Marta; Draco threatened with knife by Paweł. Radosław to Paweł: out of town, check Ewelina tomorrow. Magda messages Tymek: Ewelina here. Paweł heads to Ewelina. Tymek rebuffs Luiza; Tymek researches Ewelina, then phones someone. Lucjan sells Tati guns; same as Iwo's. Lucjan questions Ewelina; starts to frisk her. "Hallucination" helps Ewelina escape. Tati and crew leave. Lucjan hunts Ewelina. Paweł finds Ewelina, dead posed as Asia. 1864:-based preppers. Paweł enters gym; rebuffed by attendees. Rafal and Aneta assault Karol. Magda invites Paweł to dinner but parents are missing. Tymek has Luisa contact "Gudrun", who recognises Luisa. Magda claims briefly stayed in Paris, then hid in Poland. Magda photographs herself with Paweł. "Gudrun" posted Karol's details. Agata takes Karol home. Marta informs Paweł she's pregnant. Lucek collects Magda. 1300:
drinks when Lesław recognizes Paweł. Daniel ignores drunken Lesław. Paweł interrupts Jasiek bullying Jakob. Paweł meets fellow staff; then the Molendas. Students discuss why Maciek attacked Łukasz during assembly. Paweł introduced to his class as Marta arrives for their lesson. Grzegorz discusses Swedish business interested in buying local properties. Ewelina leaves with Maciek. Paweł tells Lesław: no
2169:: Bogdan hugs Paweł, drives him home. Ewa collects Ada from bus. Bartek takes marijuana; they kiss. Bogdan invites Paweł for training cruise. Paweł hired by local principal. Paweł introduces himself to Kacper and Ada. Students attend Kacper's party; Ada gives present. Kacper films Waldemar's thugs beating Iwan. Thugs chase Kacper; Waldemar retrieves present. Students aboard ship; Ada plays 1769:. Paweł photographs Tymek's computer screen. Iwo disrupts rehearsal, insults Magda and Slawek. Karol orders Iwo to leave. Paweł reads script Iwo left. During sport Iwo roughs Slawek. Iwo upsets Karolina. Iwo rejects Paweł's attempts to find out about him. Iwo's parents remove him from school. Iwo puts locks on doors; shoots Zygmont dead. 1908:(social camouflage). Magda deletes Paweł's photo. Szymon hands Iwo's script to Paweł, which has prepper site drawing. Luiza and Tymek prepare next vlog. Paweł near prepper site, sets off tripwire. Magda and Tymek split. Lucek collects Magda. Paweł finds prepper's locked cache. Marta cooks meal but cannot contact Paweł. Paweł shot by 2079:
Lucjan hired actors as "parents". Paweł threatens Magda with police. Pathologist: Radosław murdered by injection. Magda tells Paweł: Iwo wanted her dead, not Karolina. Preppers visit Lucjan; Iwo sees "Hallucination". Paweł updates Marta: Iwo hunted Karol, Magda and Zygmont. Paweł wants to uncover Zygmont. Students perform
2189:(Bogdan). Kacper lashes out, hits Bartek, who fights back. Bogdan takes Kacper belowdeck. Kinga believes Kacper's Bogdan's son. Paweł sees Bogdan struggle with Kacper. Paweł lets Kacper out. Kacper apologizes to Paweł; they play senet. Bogdan calls Kacper for duty. Kacper kisses Ada. Kinga and Igor smoke 2312:
White-suited man disfigures Iwan. Two thugs carry corpse. Ewa treated by medics. Zbyszek sends Sebastian to Bogdan's corpse overriding Ewa. Sebastian: probable drowning suicide. Ewa comforts Paweł. At home, Ewa observes Ada's feverish. Paweł finds bullet casing. Roztocka to Zbyszek: Bogdan held down,
material and badge; will send files. Lucek watches news: victims' funerals. Paweł commiserates with Iwo's parents. Paweł sees Tosia annoyed by Slawek. Maria tells Paweł student enrolment declining; dismisses Internet rumours about Karol. Paweł recommends parents let Magda remain. From Radosław's CCTV
Adrian phones Jurij: let Paweł go. Maciek wakes from coma. Paweł and Lesław look for Szrek and Kijana. Radosław disdains Sławomir's ineptness. Paweł and class visit Maciek. Jasiek says Julka is ill. Grzegorz banishes Julka to locked study. "Principal" berates Paweł for irregular behaviour. Paweł: any
teacher, former juvenile psychologist. Investigates criminal cases both assisting police and acting on his own. Returns to Dobrowice when Asia's murdered. Biological father of Asia and Milena, becomes Katarzyna's lover, then Marta's lover. Blackmailed by Radosław into becoming undercover teacher at a
Press films memorial on school steps. Paweł enters hospital; students group hug him. Agata greets Paweł: Karol critically injured. Maria arrives, visits Magda. Radosław's CBŚ search Iwo's home. Internet speculation: Karol fucked Karolina. Magda flirts with Paweł. Radosław requests extra support from
or so much money. Ewa faints. Paweł meets Daniel and "Principal". Police have not found Asia's phone. Paweł enters Krysia's home. Rafał and Maria detain Paweł while searching Asia's site; he's released after identity confirmed. Paweł suggest police question students at school. Paweł and Daniel share
Waldemar has cut his own wrists. Kacper runs away. Ewa patrols Podolex yard; Aleksander knocks her out, takes her hostage. Basia phones Ada, implies Kacper's alive. Aleksander attempts driving out but police back up arrives. Aleksander threatens to kill hostages. Aleksander orders Zbyszek: save him
Three men transport corpse on small boat. Kinga comforts Ada, who decides against going home. Media speculate that Bogdan's negligent. Ewa questions Bogdan, he did not know Kacper well. Bogdan suggests Ewa ask Ada instead. Ewa notices Ada's gone. Ada and Paweł discuss Kacper. Kacper conflicted with
Ryszard attends Radosław's corpse. Tymek throws laptop off bridge. Krzysztof: club uses fake cameras. Marta leaves Paweł over Ewelina's death. Paweł to Ryszard: was home, Marta's left him. Dorota asks Paweł: find Tymek. Luiza informs Paweł about Magda's home. Paweł questions Magda: she's an orphan;
while his team works under Orzechowski. Paweł photographs Ewelina with Radosław. Tymek's abrasive to family during dinner with Luiza. Ewelina stops prepper from overreacting when disciplining their sleepy guard. She's supported by Pablo and Tati. Tati plans citywide blackout. Pablo and Ewelina have
Ewelina. Radosław gives Paweł panic button for Ewelina. Ewelina dumped in pit. Tymek blackmails credit card hacker, Jan. Ewelina uncovers manhole, swims to exit. Borys disturbs Marta: Paweł's cheating with schoolgirls. Outside pits, Ewelina stopped by Pablo. Jan hacks Dobrowice's police. At Paweł's
Asia leaves Grzegorz; takes money. Ewa alibis Grzegorz. Adrian falsifies scene; phones Jasiek: truck stolen. Ewelina posts toxic barrel photos on website. Jasiek asks Zbigniew: treat Kijana. Bogdan to Paweł: stop interfering; you were sperm donor. Adrian lies to Jasiek regarding theft. Jasiek shows
Police arrest Daniel at school. "Principal" to staff: will dismiss Daniel, Marta protests: what if Daniel's innocent? Łukasz hands cash to Adrian. Sławomir questions Daniel. Marta: police arrested Daniel because of bracelet. Daniel's alibi: working as stripper but no witness confirms. Paweł answers
teacher, transfers from a Warsaw private school to Dobrowice. He investigates the recent murder of a school student, Asia who was his unacknowledged daughter. Marta becomes his lover and eventually pregnant. Paweł encounters local police corruption and criminal activity by both the social hierarchy
Radosław's CBŚ team attend Ewelina's garotted corpse. Paweł bashes Radosław because Ewelina left unprotected. Radosław tracks preppers. Tymek sees Ewelina's corpse photo. CBŚ raid preppers camp, find guns. Paweł uses Ewelina's descriptions to identify Tati and Pablo. During questioning by Radosław
Paweł recruits Ewelina to infiltrate preppers. Karolina's parents throw Patryk out. Patryk begs Tymek: leave him alone. Marta minds Tytus. Ewelina works in school cafe. Karolina's parents apologise to Karol, Maria and Paweł. Patryk expelled. Parents thank Paweł for comforting Karolina; confirm Iwo
Rehearsal starts; Karol's running late. Paweł explains Balladyna's character to Karolina. Iwo locks doors and windows. He restrains Jaga and another student, Tosia. Iwo interrupts rehearsal. Student announces Zygmont's died. Iwo starts firing. Students run except Karolina freezes; shot in gut. Iwo
Both Paweł and Jasiek get rid of evidence. Sławomir tells Radosław how he killed Adrian. Paweł asks Lesław to find where Asia was bashed. Grzegorz congratulates Sławomir for killing Adrian. Krystian asks Ewelina about barrels but she's meeting Maciek. Ryszard finds dead henchmen; deduces Lesław's
Ewelina hugs Jacek, doctor tells them that Maciek is critical. Jacek gave Asia's phone to Sławomir. Sławomir wants to charge Maciek with attempted murder. Jacek: Maceik tried to kill himself. Paweł to Sławomir: Jacek asked for help; Sebastian saw Maciek enter forest. Anna arrives, collects Asia's
for Waldemar before they fell out. Bogdan threatens Waldemar with gun. Bogdan realizes Paweł's nomadic; they get drunk. Bartek and Ada have sex. Kacper was Ada's lover. Ewa and Sebastian break into warehouse, surprise two men who run off. Aleksander knocks out Ewa. Paweł finds Bogdan's corpse on
Kacper films Iwan's bashing; Waldemar delivers fatal blow. Two thugs chase Kacper. Waldemar finds Iwan's phone: photo of Iwan and Kacper. Aleksander threatens Milena's life; Paweł stabs Aleksander's face. Basia to Ewa: Kacper's DNA matched Waldemar. Zbyszek interrupts, Ewa claims she's updating
Maciek views Asia's video filmed by Sebastian. Daniel leaves school to work for Sebastian. Ewelina and Krystian see rotting meat dump. Sławomir, Grzegorz, Ryszard and Sebastian discuss meat dumps, sportsground and Paweł helping Katarzyna. Katarzyna fobbed off from seeing Przybylski. Jasiek asks
Iwan being bashed by Aleksander while Waldemar and confederates watch. Iwan claims he did not steal; Marcin's lying. Waldemar strikes Iwan. Waldemar orders someone to discover Paweł's secrets. Olaf warns Igor: no more chances. Ewa to Sliwinska: Zbyszek's offloading Iwan's case. Paweł discusses
After seeing Julka's reaction, Radosław investigates further. Swedes end negotiations. Maciek leaves hospital. Marta concerned by Ola's personality changes. Paweł: should we test Ola for drugs? Ewelina: Ola no longer takes drugs. Maciek and Ewelina help Ola study. Łukasz slips drugs into Ola's
in car's boot. Adrian gives his brother an emergency use phone. Jowita sells drugs. Grzegorz lies to Marta: historical map not needed. Marta will translate for Swedish investors. Paweł castigates students for poor tests. Jasiek asks Łukasz for drugs. Łukasz: wait until Adrian returns. Grzegorz
As Kacper finishes recording video, Bogdan stands nearby. Bogdan reluctant to report break-in. Zbyszek rails at Ewa: do not try to link two cases. During class, Ada runs out. Mobiles start pinging; Kinga views Kacper's video. Ewa's seen video; asks Paweł where's Bogdan? Paweł tells her about
Asia stumbles in forest, slumps against tree trunk; she has her phone. Marta argues against police questioning students unsupervised; Paweł to sit in as psychologist. Adrian and henchmen supply drugs to Łukasz. Rafał and Maria meet Marta, Paweł and "Principal". Students tell police Asia was
Kijana for work. Lesław to Paweł: Sebastian arrived year ago, hired Asia as waitress. Lesław: Sebastian protected by Grzegorz. Grzegorz bullies Katarzyna over sportsground. Szrek and Kijana attack Paweł; he fights them off. Katarzyna tends Paweł's wounds; they kiss. Maciek steals Jacek's
commiserates with Paweł about fire. Paweł wants Lesław help to jail Grzegorz. Paweł stays at Marta's. Ewelina organizes protest against Ryszard's meat dump. Paweł ends affair with Katarzyna. Ryszard threatens Lesław: expose drunk-driving incident. Ewelina and Krystian ask Cezary to find
arrest Grzegorz at home; Jasiek hides Beretta. Adrian supervises loading Grzegorz' truck. Adrian shoots Kijana. Ewelina and Krystian find waste barrels using Cezary's metal detector. Paweł to Ewa: Grzegorz arrested for Asia's murder. Ewa: knew about Asia's pregnancy; Grzegorz was at
Season 2, consisting of eight episodes, premiered on 22 October 2017. Krzysztof Łukaszewicz and Maciej Bochniak directed the second series, with scripts written by Żulczyk, Powalisz and Bartłomiej Ignaciuk. It was filmed from April to July 2017 in Wrocław, Warsaw and
Paweł observes students socialising. Magda kisses Tymek. Paweł asks Maria about missing students, which include Magda and Tymek. Maria: they overstayed in Paris. Iwo contacted school; recently dumped by Karolina. Maria asks Paweł to assist Karol's school production,
bunkers. Paweł and Lesław approach Anna about Grzegorz. She requires more evidence; Grzegorz' DNA does not match Asia's foetus. Grzegorz gloats about fooling Anna and Swedes. Ryszard laughs: site maps do not match. Paweł asks Anna to check Grzegorz with sons' DNA.
after graduation. Sławomir supervises Zbigniew running paternity tests. Katarzyna describes scholarship, Ewa's initially resistant. Grzegorz: Asia planned to study in Barcelona. Paweł searches Grzegorz' lodge. Sławomir diverts constable while Grzegorz swaps blood
1810:(SPAP) arrive. Szymon finds opened window, everyone except Paweł and Karolina will leave. Paweł soothes Karolina until she dies. Iwo shoots Karol, who falls out window. Iwo breaks into staffroom; but gun's empty. Iwo approaches SPAP holding gun; Iwo's shot dead. 1295:, empty pill bottle but no phone. Krystian to police: Asia was Maciek's girlfriend. Wróblewskis collect their sons and Maciek; they inform Jacek. Sławomir drinks at Grazyna's bar; Ewelina learns Asia's dead. Ewelina weeps to Ola. Bogdan did not know Asia had 1758:
Zygmont upgrades Paweł's identity card for staff access. Iwo returns to school. Karol introduces Paweł to fellow staff. Magda maintains illusion of Paris stay. Iwo talks to school psychologist; Iwo claims he had instructions in a dream and travelled to
1750:. Paweł interrupts rehearsal; meets Magda and Szymon. Tymek hacks into computers. Paweł sees Iwo lurking. Maria meets students' parents. Paweł to Radosław: all three are back. Radosław: find out where they really went. Luisa's walking tour, posted as 259:
private school, where three students (Iwo, Magda, Tymek) disappeared before Paweł arrived. Polish intelligence officer, Karol, trained them as spies. Iwo kills and injures people at the school. Paweł uses Ewelina as his informant and helps find
where Asia found. Pathologist determines Asia died of ruptured spleen from a severe blow – not suicide. Jasiek tries baiting Paweł but his efforts are defused. Maciek reads out his thoughts on Asia. Police find threatening letters in Asia's
2394:; Kinga breaks down. Kacper gives phone to Paweł. Marcin admits Zbyszek coerced him into false confession. Marcin: Iwan stole amber from warehouse. Basia to testify against Waldemar. Masked man attacks Paweł. Bartek collects gun from tower. 1996:, Magda exclaims male authors romanticize prostitution. Magda sees Paweł and Ewelina together. Ryszard asks Radosław about female informant, which Orzechowski overheard. Radosław claims they referred to Dorota. Ryszard sends Radosław to 1160:
Director of the third season of eight episodes is Łukasz Grzegorzek while scripts were written by Żulczyk, Powalisz, Kacper Wysocki, Liliana Pomykalska and Przemysław Nowakowski. The scenes were recorded in 2022, in
as Magda Reiss: Wrocław private school student, one of three who went missing, slightly injured during shootings; actually an undercover intelligence agent trained by Karol, also poses as "Hallucination" Lucjan's
files, Paweł sees Iwo and Slawek talking. Students discuss response to Internet criticism. Maria combines classes. Students defend school on vlog. Tymek tells Luisa: "Gudrun" posted first Karol rumours. Students
2794: 761:
as Tymon "Tymek" Karski: student, Magda's boyfriend, one of three who went missing; talented hacker, becomes Luiza's boyfriend, starts delving into Paweł's past, works as Karol's intelligence spy with Magda
The first season was a rating success for Canal+ breaking its all-time best viewing figures, with an average audience rating of 345,000 and over 461,000 viewers watching the finale on 27 November 2016.
Krysia's home set alight; she's unharmed. Paweł and Rafał view destruction. Ewa does not want scholarship. Ewelina and Krystian photograph Ryszard's workers dumping meat. Jasiek notices Grzegorz'
2784: 2386:
Kacper recalls Bogdan arranged Tomek to deliver him to Leszek. Kacpe'sr afraid Paweł might get killed. Olaf drives Igor to school; Igor ignores Kinga. Ada hugs Kinga. Paweł has Kuba read "
2789: 2193:. Students cannot find Kacper but gangway gate's open. Students ring alarm. Bogdan alerts coast guard. Paweł photographs symbols behind gate. Another ship finds Kacper's 1990:
Paweł explains to Marta: Ewelina's his informant. Marta asks about photo with Magda. Paweł realizes someone else sent photo. Ewelina moves to hostel. While discussing
1807: 2630: 2774: 2769: 291:: Marta Mirska: Dobrowice high school class teacher, Paweł's lover who becomes pregnant. Follows Paweł to Wrocław but their relationship ends. Milena's mother. 2799: 2578: 242:. A second season of eight episodes began in October 2017. After a gap of six years, a third season of eight episodes was broadcast from September 2023. 2604: 2656: 1632:. Paweł films students' taking dictation. Ryszard reads newspaper reporting toxic barrels. Paweł and Marta note Julka's reaction to Paweł's dictation. 255:
and students. He meets aspiring journalist Ewelina. After that case is resolved in 2017, Paweł is coerced by inspector Radosław to go undercover at a
2779: 1200: 235: 2197:. Paweł tries to console students. When lifts his kit he finds Kacper's message. Ewa meets Paweł; Waldemar punches Bogdan. Dead body's washed up. 2181:'s poetry. Kacper reviews video, exacerbating his discouragement. Paweł asks Bogdan: focus on Kacper. Ada asks Kacper to attend performance of 1513: 318: 285:
private school. After being accused of espionage, he is released without conviction. Returns to port city of Małomorze and lives with Bogdan.
Dariusz Biskupski as Tadeusz "Tati" Tkaczyk: furniture factory owner, former mercenary, doomsday prepper's leader, buys weaponry from Lucjan
as Ewelina Rozłucka: Dobrowice student, Asia's friend, becomes Maciek's lover. Later poses as Weronika/"Wera" to assist Paweł in Wrocław
as Adrian Kuś: works for Grzegorz, Julka's lover, supplies drugs to dealers, supports his 6-year-old brother despite their inept mother
2684: 426:
as Ryszard Kumiński: local meatworks and supermarket owner, disposes of wastes by dumping in forest, partner in Grzegorz' schemes
882: 2431:
Basia. Waldemar dismisses Paweł's threats. Aleksander promises girlfriend they will depart soon. Paweł's class compare
555: 231: 664:
as Krysia/Krystyna: Paweł's aunt, retired dentist, Paweł boarded with her until fire, she stays with Walewski family
613: 1291:
Jakob, Kyrstian and Maciek find Asia's corpse in the forest. Sławomir and Rafał attend; Asia's purse has 4000 
2194: 1992: 673: 2296:
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Bartłomiej Ignaciuk, Kacper Wysocki, Liliana Pomykalska, Przemysław Nowakowski
595: 307: 689: 387: 375: 1763:. Iwo's story becomes increasingly unrealistic and insulting. Paweł asks students to write about their own 1036: 992:
as Waldemar Krynicki: Basia's husband, Kacper's father: major businessman, organizes clandestine activities
678: 550: 2387: 1142: 770: 637: 429: 288: 216: 52: 1860:. Slawek informs Paweł: Iwo wanted it continued; shows Iwo's training gym. Gaming shop recognizes badge: 877: 869: 864: 722: 651:-based prosecutor, unimpressed with Dobrowice police's work on Asia and Maciek's cases, calls in Radosław 608: 230:
appears as a student, Ewelina, in two seasons. The first season of ten episodes was a rating success for
2158: 1183: 825: 751: 524: 442: 2515: 1075:
as Olaf Podolak: Igor's father, owns car and truck transport company (Podolex), Waldermar's confederate
1049: 851: 830: 600: 458: 403: 381: 362: 312: 1065: 1014: 1011:
as Zbigniew/Zbyszek Molak: Police Superintendent, Ewa's boss and sometime lover, corrupted by Waldemar
809: 783:
Damian Kret as Iwo Drawicz: student, one of three who went missing; trained by Karol to spy on Tati's
775: 642: 576: 434: 2433: 1901: 936: 856: 764: 563: 502: 408: 367: 356: 327:
as Rafał Papiński: Dobrowice police officer, Sławomir's second-in-charge. Later promoted to Commander
294: 220: 57: 986:
Michał Zieliński as Kacper Krynicki: Waldemar's son, student, Ada's friend, missing presumed drowned
931: 838: 796: 667: 654: 521:
Maciej Charyton as Jakub "Kuba" Wróblewski: autistic and epileptic student, Krystian's older brother
330: 2186: 1267: 1122: 1041: 983:
Wiktoria Kruszczyńska as Ada Krawiec: Ewa's daughter, student, Kacper's friend, Bartek's girlfriend
967: 915: 709: 624: 416: 1001: 944: 756: 471: 447: 2524: 2162: 537: 350: 239: 1054: 727: 2754: 1746: 1629: 1296: 1019: 903: 734: 515: 324: 277: 251: 205: 970:
as Ewa Krawiec: Małomorze Police Commissioner, Paweł's former lover, Zbyszek's sometime lover
529: 1905: 1755: 1272: 1146: 1126: 995: 989: 397: 2710: 463: 2661: 835:
as Orzechowski: CBŚ Commissioner, Radosław former rival, takes over Radosław's supervision
659: 499:
as Bogdan Walewski: Ewa's husband, Asia's father (later learns of Ewa's affair with Paweł)
as Grzegorz Molenda: prominent Dobrowice businessman, Julka, Jasiek and Sebastian's father
195: 2463:
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Kacper Wysocki, Liliana Pomykalska, Przemysław Nowakowski
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Kacper Wysocki, Liliana Pomykalska, Przemysław Nowakowski
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Kacper Wysocki, Liliana Pomykalska, Przemysław Nowakowski
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Kacper Wysocki, Liliana Pomykalska, Przemysław Nowakowski
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Kacper Wysocki, Liliana Pomykalska, Przemysław Nowakowski
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Kacper Wysocki, Liliana Pomykalska, Przemysław Nowakowski
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Kacper Wysocki, Liliana Pomykalska, Przemysław Nowakowski
1292: 1070: 814: 581: 1100:
former thief, Waldemar's warehouse worker, Kacper's love interest; murdered in warehouse
738:, injured during shootings. Actually an intelligence officer training students as spies. 421: 353:
as Katarzyna Molenda: head of Dobrowice foundation for youths, Julka and Jasiek's mother
132: 2178: 1853: 716: 568: 507: 299: 225: 62: 2549: 2763: 2002: 1861: 1090: 843: 801: 694: 496: 335: 1900:
Marta lives with Paweł. Karol remembers Iwo disliked script changes. While studying
1162: 1130: 890:
Krzysztof Franieczek as Lucjan/Lucek: former mercenary, arms dealer, "Hallucination"
Aleksandra Grabowska as Julka Molenda: student, Jasiek's twin sister, Adrian's lover
413:: Jasiek Molenda: student, Julka's twin brother, abrasive bully, becomes drug dealer 2605:"Serial Belfer - ostatnia lekcja fabuła obsada Canal+ kiedy premiera gdzie oglądać" 2391: 1508: 920: 629: 589: 273: 212: 47: 1997: 1154: 998:
as Basia/Barbara Krynicka: Waldemar's wife, Kacper's mother, Bogdan's former lover
as Bogdan Zawadzki: Paweł's father, sailing ship captain, historically jailed for
17: 1006: 949: 476: 1848: 1765: 1421: 1081:
Ireneusz Koziol as Leszek Maran: youth training center director, Bogdan's friend
973: 784: 684: 261: 208: 542: 2182: 1138: 1097: 1084:
Przemyslaw Kozlowski as Stefan Wyganski: geography teacher, part-time reporter
as Patryk Dobosz: student, Luisa's boyfriend, poses as "Gudrun" to smear Karol
282: 256: 1112:
Jan Jurewicz as Stopka: Bogdan's neighbor, retired vessel traffic controller
as Karolina Gontarska: student, Iwo's ex-girlfriend, portrayed title role of
as Maciej Dąbrowa: student, Asia's boyfriend, briefly becomes Ewelina's lover
2579:"W niedzielę premiera serialu "Belfer". Obraz był kręcony w Kwidzynie" 1954:
flat, Marta leaves upon seeing Ewelina. Tymek learns Paweł works for police.
1462: 1170: 767:
as Maria Zaborska: high school principal, aware of Paweł's undercover status
2631:""Belfer" hitem Canal+: Średnio 345 tys. widzów, finał pobił rekord stacji" 1109:
Rafal Kwietniewski as Tomek Zawislak: Bogdan's friend, fishing boat captain
648: 787:; goes rogue shoots and kills two people, injures others; killed by police 340:
as Maria Zimmer: Dobrowice police officer. Later becomes Rafał's assistant
2174: 1909: 1301: 1030:
Radoslaw Drozdz as Sebastian Druzbacki: police officer, Ewa's subordinate
2748: 2439: 1503: 1134: 719:
as Luiza Dlugosz: student, Magda's friend, Patryk's girlfriend, vlogger
1417: 1174: 1166: 2685:"Orły 2017: "Wołyń" najlepszym filmem, "Belfer" najlepszym serialem" 2484:: Paweł and Kacper ride motorcycle. Ada's out; Paweł's forgiven her. 468:
as Asia/Joanna Walewska: student, Maciej's girlfriend, murder victim
Filip Warot as Tomasz "Pablo" Tkaczyk: doomsday prepper, Tati's son
2272: 2170: 1950: 1760: 1178: 977: 732:
as Karol Ebig: biology teacher, also directs school production of
as Paweł, a high school teacher, who investigates criminal cases.
Jakub Gąsowski as Szymon Strzelecki: student, assists Karol with
2190: 1751: 1106:
Oskar Stoczynski as Marcin Szczerba: Waldemar's warehouse worker
as Olga Wróblewska: Krystian and Jakub's mother, Krysia's friend
as it broke their all-time record and won two awards, including
and Monika Powalisz. Filming began in July 2015 using sites in
as Jowita Wójcik: student, composed threatening letters to Asia
2741: 900:
Marcin Kobierski as Krzysztof: CBŚ officer, works for Radosław
Kamil Mroz as Kijana: Adrian's henchman, Ryszard's meat worker
Karolina Kowalska as Kinga Świtaj: student, Igor's girlfriend
as Łukasz Tarczyński: student, drug dealer working for Adrian
Michalina Rodak as Daria Sadurska: student, coached by Daniel
as Sebastian Molenda: Grzegorz' first son, works for Grzegorz
portrays Marta, another teacher and some-time love interest.
Jakub Zając as Krystian Wróblewski: student, Maciej's friend
series, which began screening from 2 October 2016. It stars
as Jurij Kolonienko: Russian criminal, Adrian's contact in
Piotr Kruszewski as "Yogi": student, bully, Jasiek's stooge
as "Shrek"/Szrek: Adrian's henchman, Ryszard's meat worker
2657:"Telekamery 2017 wręczone. Nagroda specjalna za "Belfra"" 1078:
Maciej Miszczak as Aleksander Butryś: Waldemar's henchman
It was awarded the Special Prize at Telekamera 2017 and
as Robert Świtaj: Kinga's father, Waldemar's confederate
Kamil Pudlik as Igor Podolak: student, Kinga's boyfriend
Krystian Pesta as Borys: CBŚ officer, works for Radosław
as Ryszard Kowalczyk: CBŚ inspector, Radosław's superior
The first season was released on DVD on 17 March 2017.
Cezary Kolacz as Jaroslaw Nowak: uniform police officer
Pawel Aksamit as Draco: CBŚ officer, works for Radosław
Radosław Drożdż as Sebastian Drużbacki: police officer
as Daniel Poręba: PE teacher, leers at female students
Matylda Paszczenko as Sliwinska: Małomorze Prosecutor
as Kamil: Warsaw-based journalist, interviews Ewelina
as Grazyna Rozlucka: runs local bar, Ewelina's mother
Television shows set in Warmian–Masurian Voivodeship
as Zbigniew Tarczynski: Łukasz' father, local doctor
as Ewa Walewska: Asia's mother, Paweł's former lover
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Bartłomiej Ignaciuk
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Bartłomiej Ignaciuk
Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz, Bartłomiej Ignaciuk
1754:by Tymek. Paweł praises Karolina's acting ability. 586:
as "Principal": high school principal, Paweł's boss
163: 138: 128: 123: 115: 110: 99: 88: 80: 72: 41: 34: 2173:against Kacper. Paweł's literature class discuss " 605:as Przybylski: mayor, partner in Grzegorz' schemes 573:as Mikolaj Wróblewski: Krystian and Jakub's father 321:(CBŚ) inspector, coerces Paweł to work as informer 741:Bartosz Sak as Slawek Godlewski: student, given 2785:Canal+ (Polish TV channel) original programming 490:Matt Malecki as Bujak: student, "Yogi"'s friend 2790:Television shows set in Pomeranian Voivodeship 2509: 2507: 2505: 2503: 2501: 2161:in harbor. Ewa investigates wave symbol near 848:as Jaga Bienkowska: student, escapes from Iwo 372:as Sławomir Słota: Dobrowice Police Commander 8: 928:Mikolaj Zielinski as Tytus Ebig: Karol's son 861:as Marek Reiss: Magda's father, car repairer 518:as Ola Kaczmarek: student, Ewelina's friend 2544: 2542: 2094: 1847:Ryszard. Radosław tells Paweł about Iwo's 1680: 1223: 1133:, which doubles for Dobrowice; as well as 887:as Dorota: CBŚ officer, works for Radosław 394:newspaper editor-reporter, Ewelina's uncle 31: 534:as Jacek Dabrowa: Maciej's father, hunter 250:In late August 2016 Paweł, a high school 2497: 2476: 2447: 2427: 2398: 2383: 2354: 2346: 2317: 2309: 2280: 2267: 2238: 2230: 2201: 2154: 2125: 2075: 2046: 2038: 2009: 1987: 1958: 1945: 1916: 1897: 1868: 1843: 1814: 1802: 1773: 1740: 1711: 1665: 1636: 1624: 1595: 1587: 1558: 1550: 1521: 1499: 1470: 1457: 1428: 1412: 1383: 1375: 1346: 1338: 1309: 1288: 1254: 748:s lead male role after Iwo went missing 2448: 2399: 2355: 2318: 2281: 2239: 2202: 2126: 2047: 2010: 1959: 1917: 1869: 1815: 1774: 1712: 1637: 1596: 1559: 1522: 1471: 1429: 1384: 1347: 1310: 1255: 1059:as Kuba: student, capable rapper-poet 954:as Aneta Gontarska: Karolina's mother 941:as Rafal Gontarski: Karolina's father 7: 2775:Polish crime drama television series 2770:2016 Polish television series debuts 1096:Mykola Panasiuk as Iwan/Ivan Mylko: 276:as Paweł Zawadzki: secondary school 27:Polish crime drama television series 1024:as Bartek: student, Ada's boyfriend 819:as Agata Ebig: doctor, Karol's wife 634:as Baniocha: police desk constable 25: 2514:Barraclough, Leo (30 June 2022). 925:as Natalia Ebig: Karol's daughter 1203:at the 2017 Polish Film Awards. 874:as Marcin Karski: Tymek's father 2800:Television shows set in Wrocław 2558:Kujawsko-Pomorska Trasa Filmowa 319:Central Bureau of Investigation 2780:Television shows set in Poland 2585:(in Polish). 30 September 2016 2105: 2098: 1932:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1904:, Paweł's class discuss being 1884:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1830:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1789:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1727:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1691: 1684: 1652:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1611:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1574:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1537:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1486:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1444:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1399:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1362:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1325:Jakub Żulczyk, Monika Powalisz 1234: 1227: 100: 89: 1: 2637:(in Polish). 28 November 2016 2665:(in Polish). 30 January 2017 2336:29 September 2023 2299:22 September 2023 2257:15 September 2023 1420:. Kijana lures Jasiek into 1121:Season one was directed by 2816: 2711:"Belfer (2016-) serial TV" 2691:(in Polish). 20 March 2017 2220:8 September 2023 2144:8 September 2023 2065:10 December 2017 1977:26 November 2017 1935:19 November 2017 1887:12 November 2017 1655:27 November 2016 1614:20 November 2016 1577:13 November 2016 670:as Cezary: history teacher 2477: 2466:20 October 2023 2454: 2428: 2417:13 October 2023 2405: 2384: 2361: 2347: 2324: 2310: 2287: 2268: 2245: 2231: 2208: 2177:"; Kacper compares it to 2155: 2132: 2121: 2118: 2115: 2112: 2104: 2097: 2076: 2053: 2039: 2028:3 December 2017 2016: 1988: 1965: 1946: 1923: 1898: 1875: 1844: 1833:5 November 2017 1821: 1803: 1792:29 October 2017 1780: 1741: 1730:22 October 2017 1718: 1707: 1704: 1701: 1698: 1690: 1683: 1666: 1643: 1625: 1602: 1588: 1565: 1551: 1540:6 November 2016 1528: 1500: 1489:30 October 2016 1477: 1458: 1447:23 October 2016 1435: 1413: 1402:16 October 2016 1390: 1376: 1353: 1339: 1316: 1289: 1261: 1250: 1247: 1244: 1241: 1233: 1226: 1125:and based on a script by 674:Jan Aleksandrowicz-Krasko 2373:6 October 2023 1365:9 October 2016 1328:2 October 2016 1278:2 October 2016 1093:as Roztocka: pathologist 317:as Radosław Kędzierski: 2516:"Polish Crime Thriller 596:Andrzej Konopka (actor) 308:Szymon Piotr Warszawski 2520:Greenlit for Season 3" 2388:O Captain! My Captain! 1808:counter-terrorist unit 1143:Kampinos National Park 690:Andrzej Deskur (actor) 1724:Krzysztof Lukaszewicz 1184:STS Kapitan Borchardt 713:prostitute/girlfriend 551:Katarzyna Kwiatkowska 390:: Lesław Dobrzański: 2434:Crime and Punishment 2001:sex. Tymek accesses 771:Mirosław Haniszewski 765:Aleksandra Konieczna 638:Magdalena Czerwińska 430:Aleksandra Popławska 388:Krzysztof Pieczyński 376:Sebastian Fabijański 1141:, Warsaw, Wilanów, 878:Aleksandra Domańska 865:Radosław Krzyżowski 723:Dariusz Starczewski 609:Wojciech Czerwinski 289:Katarzyna Dąbrowska 217:Katarzyna Dąbrowska 53:Katarzyna Dąbrowska 1856:Karol: continuing 826:Philippe Tłokiński 752:Stanisław Linowski 525:Przemyslaw Bluszcz 443:Cezary Łukaszewicz 351:Magdalena Cielecka 240:Polish Film Awards 18:Belfer (TV series) 2489: 2488: 2460:Łukasz Grzegorzek 2411:Łukasz Grzegorzek 2367:Łukasz Grzegorzek 2330:Łukasz Grzegorzek 2293:Łukasz Grzegorzek 2251:Łukasz Grzegorzek 2214:Łukasz Grzegorzek 2138:Łukasz Grzegorzek 2122:Original air date 2088: 2087: 1910:tranquilizer dart 1708:Original air date 1674: 1673: 1275:, Monika Powalisz 1251:Original air date 1050:Mateusz Wardyński 962:Season three only 852:Mariusz Słupiński 785:doomsday preppers 647:as Anna Bednarz: 516:Sandra Drzymalska 459:Katarzyna Sawczuk 404:Mateusz Więcławek 363:Paweł Królikowski 357:Grzegorz Damięcki 262:doomsday preppers 206:Polish television 181: 180: 81:Original language 73:Country of origin 16:(Redirected from 2807: 2745: 2744: 2742:Official website 2727: 2726: 2724: 2722: 2707: 2701: 2700: 2698: 2696: 2681: 2675: 2674: 2672: 2670: 2653: 2647: 2646: 2644: 2642: 2627: 2621: 2620: 2618: 2616: 2601: 2595: 2594: 2592: 2590: 2575: 2569: 2568: 2566: 2564: 2546: 2537: 2536: 2534: 2532: 2511: 2473: 2471: 2424: 2422: 2380: 2378: 2343: 2341: 2306: 2304: 2264: 2262: 2227: 2225: 2151: 2149: 2107: 2100: 2095: 2072: 2070: 2035: 2033: 1984: 1982: 1942: 1940: 1929:Łukasz Palkowski 1894: 1892: 1881:Łukasz Palkowski 1840: 1838: 1827:Łukasz Palkowski 1799: 1797: 1786:Łukasz Palkowski 1737: 1735: 1693: 1686: 1681: 1662: 1660: 1649:Łukasz Palkowski 1621: 1619: 1608:Łukasz Palkowski 1584: 1582: 1571:Łukasz Palkowski 1547: 1545: 1534:Łukasz Palkowski 1496: 1494: 1483:Łukasz Palkowski 1454: 1452: 1441:Łukasz Palkowski 1409: 1407: 1396:Łukasz Palkowski 1372: 1370: 1359:Łukasz Palkowski 1335: 1333: 1322:Łukasz Palkowski 1285: 1283: 1268:Łukasz Palkowski 1236: 1229: 1224: 1147:Lake Zegrzyńskie 1123:Łukasz Palkowski 1074: 1066:Roman Gancarczyk 1058: 1045: 1023: 1015:Hubert Miłkowski 1010: 996:Katarzyna Herman 968:Roma Gąsiorowska 953: 940: 924: 894:s boyfriend/pimp 893: 886: 873: 860: 847: 834: 818: 810:Joanna Niemirska 805: 779: 760: 747: 731: 710:Michalina Łabacz 698: 682: 663: 646: 633: 617: 604: 585: 577:Zbigniew Konopka 572: 559: 546: 533: 511: 480: 467: 451: 438: 425: 412: 371: 339: 316: 303: 229: 174: 172: 167:8 September 2023 159: 157: 152:10 December 2017 149: 147: 124:Original release 102: 91: 66: 32: 21: 2815: 2814: 2810: 2809: 2808: 2806: 2805: 2804: 2760: 2759: 2740: 2739: 2736: 2731: 2730: 2720: 2718: 2709: 2708: 2704: 2694: 2692: 2683: 2682: 2678: 2668: 2666: 2662:Gazeta Wyborcza 2655: 2654: 2650: 2640: 2638: 2629: 2628: 2624: 2614: 2612: 2603: 2602: 2598: 2588: 2586: 2577: 2576: 2572: 2562: 2560: 2548: 2547: 2540: 2530: 2528: 2513: 2512: 2499: 2494: 2485: 2469: 2467: 2456: 2444: 2420: 2418: 2407: 2395: 2376: 2374: 2363: 2351: 2339: 2337: 2326: 2314: 2302: 2300: 2289: 2277: 2260: 2258: 2247: 2235: 2223: 2221: 2210: 2198: 2147: 2145: 2134: 2109: 2101: 2093: 2084: 2068: 2066: 2059:Maciej Bochniak 2055: 2043: 2031: 2029: 2022:Maciej Bochniak 2018: 2006: 1980: 1978: 1971:Maciej Bochniak 1967: 1955: 1938: 1936: 1925: 1913: 1890: 1888: 1877: 1865: 1836: 1834: 1823: 1811: 1795: 1793: 1782: 1770: 1733: 1731: 1720: 1695: 1687: 1679: 1670: 1658: 1656: 1645: 1633: 1617: 1615: 1604: 1592: 1580: 1578: 1567: 1555: 1543: 1541: 1530: 1518: 1514:National police 1492: 1490: 1479: 1467: 1450: 1448: 1437: 1425: 1405: 1403: 1392: 1380: 1368: 1366: 1355: 1343: 1331: 1329: 1318: 1306: 1281: 1279: 1263: 1238: 1230: 1222: 1217: 1209: 1193: 1119: 1068: 1052: 1039: 1017: 1004: 964: 947: 934: 918: 891: 880: 867: 854: 841: 828: 812: 799: 773: 754: 745: 725: 706: 704:Season two only 692: 676: 657: 640: 627: 611: 598: 579: 566: 564:Robert Czebotar 553: 540: 527: 505: 503:Patryk Pniewski 474: 461: 445: 432: 419: 406: 392:Dobrowice Voice 382:Józef Pawłowski 365: 347: 345:Season one only 333: 310: 297: 295:Paulina Szostak 270: 248: 223: 221:Paulina Szostak 176: 170: 168: 155: 153: 151: 145: 143: 60: 58:Paulina Szostak 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 2813: 2811: 2803: 2802: 2797: 2792: 2787: 2782: 2777: 2772: 2762: 2761: 2758: 2757: 2746: 2735: 2734:External links 2732: 2729: 2728: 2702: 2676: 2648: 2622: 2596: 2570: 2538: 2496: 2495: 2493: 2490: 2487: 2486: 2482:One Year Later 2478: 2475: 2474: 2464: 2461: 2458: 2453: 2450: 2446: 2445: 2429: 2426: 2425: 2415: 2412: 2409: 2404: 2401: 2397: 2396: 2385: 2382: 2381: 2371: 2368: 2365: 2360: 2357: 2353: 2352: 2348: 2345: 2344: 2334: 2331: 2328: 2323: 2320: 2316: 2315: 2311: 2308: 2307: 2297: 2294: 2291: 2286: 2283: 2279: 2278: 2269: 2266: 2265: 2255: 2252: 2249: 2244: 2241: 2237: 2236: 2232: 2229: 2228: 2218: 2215: 2212: 2207: 2204: 2200: 2199: 2157:Police search 2156: 2153: 2152: 2142: 2139: 2136: 2131: 2128: 2124: 2123: 2120: 2117: 2114: 2111: 2103: 2092: 2089: 2086: 2085: 2077: 2074: 2073: 2063: 2060: 2057: 2052: 2049: 2045: 2044: 2040: 2037: 2036: 2026: 2023: 2020: 2015: 2012: 2008: 2007: 1989: 1986: 1985: 1975: 1972: 1969: 1964: 1961: 1957: 1956: 1947: 1944: 1943: 1933: 1930: 1927: 1922: 1919: 1915: 1914: 1899: 1896: 1895: 1885: 1882: 1879: 1874: 1871: 1867: 1866: 1845: 1842: 1841: 1831: 1828: 1825: 1820: 1817: 1813: 1812: 1804: 1801: 1800: 1790: 1787: 1784: 1779: 1776: 1772: 1771: 1742: 1739: 1738: 1728: 1725: 1722: 1717: 1714: 1710: 1709: 1706: 1703: 1700: 1697: 1689: 1678: 1675: 1672: 1671: 1667: 1664: 1663: 1653: 1650: 1647: 1642: 1639: 1635: 1634: 1626: 1623: 1622: 1612: 1609: 1606: 1601: 1598: 1594: 1593: 1589: 1586: 1585: 1575: 1572: 1569: 1564: 1561: 1557: 1556: 1552: 1549: 1548: 1538: 1535: 1532: 1527: 1524: 1520: 1519: 1501: 1498: 1497: 1487: 1484: 1481: 1476: 1473: 1469: 1468: 1459: 1456: 1455: 1445: 1442: 1439: 1434: 1431: 1427: 1426: 1414: 1411: 1410: 1400: 1397: 1394: 1389: 1386: 1382: 1381: 1377: 1374: 1373: 1363: 1360: 1357: 1352: 1349: 1345: 1344: 1340: 1337: 1336: 1326: 1323: 1320: 1315: 1312: 1308: 1307: 1290: 1287: 1286: 1276: 1270: 1265: 1260: 1257: 1253: 1252: 1249: 1246: 1243: 1240: 1232: 1221: 1218: 1216: 1213: 1208: 1205: 1201:Best TV Series 1192: 1189: 1187:sailing ship. 1118: 1115: 1114: 1113: 1110: 1107: 1104: 1101: 1094: 1088: 1085: 1082: 1079: 1076: 1063: 1060: 1047: 1034: 1031: 1028: 1025: 1012: 999: 993: 987: 984: 981: 971: 963: 960: 959: 958: 955: 942: 932:Marek Kasprzyk 929: 926: 913: 910: 904:Zofia Wichłacz 901: 898: 895: 888: 875: 862: 849: 839:Milena Staszuk 836: 823: 820: 807: 797:Adrian Zaremba 794: 788: 781: 768: 762: 749: 739: 720: 717:Eliza Rycembel 714: 705: 702: 701: 700: 687: 671: 668:Dariusz Toczek 665: 655:Ewa Kolasińska 652: 635: 622: 619: 606: 593: 587: 574: 561: 548: 535: 522: 519: 513: 500: 494: 491: 488: 485: 482: 469: 456: 453: 440: 427: 414: 401: 395: 385: 379: 373: 360: 354: 346: 343: 342: 341: 331:Helena Sujecka 328: 325:Piotr Głowacki 322: 305: 292: 286: 269: 266: 247: 244: 236:Best TV Series 179: 178: 165: 161: 160: 142:2 October 2016 140: 136: 135: 130: 126: 125: 121: 120: 117: 113: 112: 108: 107: 104: 97: 96: 93: 86: 85: 82: 78: 77: 74: 70: 69: 68: 67: 55: 50: 43: 39: 38: 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2812: 2801: 2798: 2796: 2793: 2791: 2788: 2786: 2783: 2781: 2778: 2776: 2773: 2771: 2768: 2767: 2765: 2756: 2752: 2751: 2747: 2743: 2738: 2737: 2733: 2716: 2712: 2706: 2703: 2690: 2686: 2680: 2677: 2664: 2663: 2658: 2652: 2649: 2636: 2632: 2626: 2623: 2610: 2606: 2600: 2597: 2584: 2580: 2574: 2571: 2559: 2555: 2553: 2545: 2543: 2539: 2527: 2526: 2521: 2519: 2510: 2508: 2506: 2504: 2502: 2498: 2491: 2483: 2465: 2462: 2459: 2451: 2442: 2441: 2436: 2435: 2416: 2413: 2410: 2402: 2393: 2389: 2372: 2369: 2366: 2358: 2335: 2332: 2329: 2321: 2298: 2295: 2292: 2284: 2274: 2256: 2253: 2250: 2242: 2219: 2216: 2213: 2205: 2196: 2192: 2188: 2184: 2180: 2176: 2172: 2168: 2164: 2160: 2143: 2140: 2137: 2129: 2096: 2090: 2082: 2064: 2061: 2058: 2050: 2027: 2024: 2021: 2013: 2004: 1999: 1995: 1994: 1976: 1973: 1970: 1962: 1952: 1934: 1931: 1928: 1920: 1911: 1907: 1903: 1886: 1883: 1880: 1872: 1863: 1862:Owl Mountains 1859: 1855: 1850: 1832: 1829: 1826: 1818: 1809: 1791: 1788: 1785: 1777: 1768: 1767: 1762: 1757: 1753: 1749: 1748: 1729: 1726: 1723: 1715: 1682: 1676: 1654: 1651: 1648: 1640: 1631: 1613: 1610: 1607: 1599: 1576: 1573: 1570: 1562: 1539: 1536: 1533: 1525: 1515: 1510: 1505: 1488: 1485: 1482: 1474: 1464: 1446: 1443: 1440: 1432: 1423: 1419: 1401: 1398: 1395: 1387: 1364: 1361: 1358: 1350: 1327: 1324: 1321: 1313: 1303: 1298: 1297:psychotropics 1294: 1277: 1274: 1273:Jakub Żulczyk 1271: 1269: 1266: 1258: 1225: 1219: 1214: 1212: 1206: 1204: 1202: 1197: 1190: 1188: 1186: 1185: 1180: 1176: 1172: 1168: 1164: 1158: 1156: 1150: 1148: 1144: 1140: 1136: 1132: 1128: 1127:Jakub Żulczyk 1124: 1116: 1111: 1108: 1105: 1102: 1099: 1095: 1092: 1091:Agata Kulesza 1089: 1086: 1083: 1080: 1077: 1072: 1067: 1064: 1061: 1056: 1051: 1048: 1043: 1038: 1037:Jan Jankowski 1035: 1032: 1029: 1026: 1021: 1016: 1013: 1008: 1003: 1000: 997: 994: 991: 990:Mirosław Baka 988: 985: 982: 979: 975: 972: 969: 966: 965: 961: 956: 951: 946: 943: 938: 933: 930: 927: 922: 917: 916:Emilia Dankwa 914: 911: 909: 905: 902: 899: 896: 889: 884: 879: 876: 871: 866: 863: 858: 853: 850: 845: 840: 837: 832: 827: 824: 821: 816: 811: 808: 803: 798: 795: 793: 789: 786: 782: 777: 772: 769: 766: 763: 758: 753: 750: 744: 740: 737: 736: 729: 724: 721: 718: 715: 711: 708: 707: 703: 696: 691: 688: 686: 680: 675: 672: 669: 666: 661: 656: 653: 650: 644: 639: 636: 631: 626: 625:Robert Wabich 623: 620: 615: 610: 607: 602: 597: 594: 591: 588: 583: 578: 575: 570: 565: 562: 557: 552: 549: 544: 539: 536: 531: 526: 523: 520: 517: 514: 509: 504: 501: 498: 497:Robert Gonera 495: 492: 489: 486: 483: 478: 473: 470: 465: 460: 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Retrieved 2714: 2705: 2693:. Retrieved 2688: 2679: 2667:. Retrieved 2660: 2651: 2639:. Retrieved 2634: 2625: 2613:. Retrieved 2608: 2599: 2587:. Retrieved 2583:Polska Times 2582: 2573: 2561:. Retrieved 2557: 2551: 2529:. 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1924:"Episode 5" 1878:(Odcinek 4) 1876:"Episode 4" 1824:(Odcinek 3) 1822:"Episode 3" 1783:(Odcinek 2) 1781:"Episode 2" 1766:genius loci 1721:(Odcinek 1) 1719:"Episode 1" 1702:Directed by 1605:(Odcinek 9) 1603:"Episode 9" 1568:(Odcinek 8) 1566:"Episode 8" 1531:(Odcinek 7) 1529:"Episode 7" 1509:Nazi German 1480:(Odcinek 6) 1478:"Episode 6" 1438:(Odcinek 5) 1436:"Episode 5" 1422:Kaliningrad 1393:(Odcinek 4) 1391:"Episode 4" 1356:(Odcinek 3) 1354:"Episode 3" 1319:(Odcinek 2) 1317:"Episode 2" 1264:(Odcinek 1) 1262:"Episode 1" 1245:Directed by 1181:and on the 1069: [ 1053: [ 1040: [ 1018: [ 1005: [ 974:Jacek Koman 948: [ 935: [ 919: [ 881: [ 868: [ 855: [ 842: [ 829: [ 813: [ 800: [ 774: [ 755: [ 726: [ 693: [ 685:Kaliningrad 677: [ 658: [ 641: [ 628: [ 612: [ 599: [ 580: [ 567: [ 554: [ 541: [ 538:Beata Kawka 528: [ 506: [ 475: [ 462: [ 446: [ 433: [ 420: [ 407: [ 366: [ 334: [ 311: [ 298: [ 224: [ 209:crime drama 185:The Teacher 103:of episodes 61: [ 36:The Teacher 2764:Categories 2492:References 2470:2023-10-20 2421:2023-10-13 2377:2023-10-06 2340:2023-09-29 2303:2023-09-22 2261:2023-09-15 2224:2023-09-08 2183:Proserpina 2148:2023-09-08 2119:Written by 2069:2017-12-10 2032:2017-12-03 1981:2017-11-26 1939:2017-11-19 1891:2017-11-12 1854:videophone 1837:2017-11-05 1796:2017-10-29 1734:2017-10-22 1705:Written by 1677:Season two 1659:2016-11-27 1618:2016-11-20 1581:2016-11-13 1544:2016-11-06 1493:2016-10-30 1451:2016-10-23 1406:2016-10-16 1369:2016-10-09 1332:2016-10-02 1282:2016-10-02 1248:Written by 1220:Season one 1117:Production 171:2023-09-08 156:2017-12-10 146:2016-10-02 119:55 minutes 111:Production 2518:The Teach 2167:Flashback 2081:Balladyna 1998:Wałbrzych 1858:Balladyna 1747:Balladyna 1463:Barcelona 1191:Reception 1171:Pabianice 1155:Wałbrzych 1098:Ukrainian 980:smuggling 908:Balladyna 792:Balladyna 743:Balladyna 735:Balladyna 191:The Teach 92:of series 2175:Invictus 2003:dark web 1630:Walthers 1215:Episodes 1207:Releases 42:Starring 2525:Variety 2468: ( 2440:Macbeth 2419: ( 2375: ( 2338: ( 2301: ( 2259: ( 2222: ( 2187:Neptune 2163:gangway 2146: ( 2102:overall 2067: ( 2030: ( 1993:Camille 1979: ( 1937: ( 1889: ( 1849:prepper 1835: ( 1794: ( 1732: ( 1688:overall 1657: ( 1616: ( 1579: ( 1542: ( 1504:Beretta 1491: ( 1466:sample. 1449: ( 1404: ( 1367: ( 1330: ( 1305:locker. 1280: ( 1231:overall 1139:Chełmno 1135:Kwidzyn 1131:Chełmża 283:Wrocław 257:Wrocław 238:at the 232:Canal + 204:) is a 177:present 175: – 169: ( 164:Release 154: ( 150: – 144: ( 139:Release 129:Network 2750:Belfer 2552:Belfer 2276:beach. 2179:Coelho 2110:season 1951:tasers 1906:Ketman 1902:Miłosz 1756:Porter 1696:season 1517:Ewa's. 1418:pistol 1239:season 1175:Zgierz 1167:Tuszyn 649:Elbląg 278:Polish 252:Polish 201:Belfer 196:Polish 133:Canal+ 84:Polish 76:Poland 2437:with 2273:amber 2171:senet 2113:Title 1761:Sejny 1699:Title 1302:vomit 1293:złoty 1242:Title 1179:Ustka 1073:] 1057:] 1044:] 1022:] 1009:] 978:amber 952:] 939:] 923:] 892:' 885:] 872:] 859:] 846:] 833:] 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Belfer (TV series)
Maciej Stuhr
Katarzyna Dąbrowska
Paulina Szostak
Polish television
crime drama
Maciej Stuhr
Katarzyna Dąbrowska
Paulina Szostak
Canal +
Best TV Series
Polish Film Awards
doomsday preppers
Maciej Stuhr
Katarzyna Dąbrowska
Paulina Szostak
Szymon Piotr Warszawski
Central Bureau of Investigation
Piotr Głowacki
Helena Sujecka

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.