
Black Clover season 4

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foretold them to save Noelle and her comrades, and they're the reason why they are in Elysia. They also realize Elysia is the Elves’ new village, Tetia revealed to survived the Elves’s slaughter centuries ago thanks to Nero and that she was pregnant with twins with Elysia’s residents descended from Licht’s surviving child. Patry also tells them they managed to withstand the explosions and saved the Heart Kingdom, Noelle then pleads the Elves to help them become stronger to save Loropechika by teaching them Ultimate Magic. Back at the Royal Capital, Augustus is informed by Gaja about what happened at the Heart Kingdom. At the Black Bulls headquarters, Vanessa and the others meet Nacht for the first time. He explains why the members are seeing him for the first time, and that he does what he wants as a vice-captain. He tells them if they want to save Yami then they must find a way to become stronger in 2 days. Consequently Nacht takes Asta to an abandoned house that belonged to one noble family a long ago. Nacht initiates the Devil-Binding ritual to summon the Anti-Magic, instructing Asta to defeat the devil in battle. But Asta instead thanks the devil for helping him in past events as the latter attacks him, stating his refusal to fight and that he is not bad despite being a devil. Hearing this causes the devil to remembers a woman from his past who resembles Asta.
draining mana from all near her, and decides to raise the devil as her son and giving him a name, Liebe. Liebe recalls how Lichita changed his life while he saved Lichita from being alone. But one day, Liebe finds him possessed by Lucifero, who is livid that a devil resides in the human world without making a contract with a human. Lucifero kills Lichita by impaling her with his arm when she interferes. At the abandoned house, Asta acknowledges Liebe's feelings of rage, hatred and sorrow and decides to fight him and win. During the fight, Liebe recalls how he was sealed inside the five-leaf grimoire where he developed his anti-magic from spending his time cursing Lucifero and the other devils. Asta recalls the enemies he's fought and with renewed determination defeats Liebe. Instead of enslaving Liebe through the devil-binding ritual, Asta proposes that they be friends since they have a common goal. The episode ends with Nacht preparing to train Asta and Liebe with his four devils, Noelle and the others getting ready to train to become stronger, the captains along with the Wizard King and Mereoleona preparing for the upcoming war, and Yuno training on his own to become stronger is then offered help by Langris.
offers to teach Asta how to use his devil’s power and introduces him to his devil, Gimodelo. He also reveals he has been a spy in the Spade kingdom for years. Nacht takes Asta to an emergency Captains meeting. The Captains, not recognising Nacht, try to attack him, Nacht surprises everyone by revealing he has four devils. Nacht reveals Yami and Vangeance will be sacrificed in a seven day ceremony and has a plan to save them. Nacht reveals he’s not strong to defeat the Dark Triad but he will train Asta to control his devil and make him stronger and have an elite team made from the captains invade the Spade Kingdom and rescue Yami and William and stop the ritual in 2 days. Nacht also forces Yuno to reveal he is Spade royalty, making some Captains unsure he can be trusted, until Yuno gives an impassioned speech about retrieving Vangeance and Bell reveals she’s storing all the mana she can so they can defeat Zenon, Nacht also reveals that Vanica might have also attacked the Heart Kingdom. Meanwhile, Noelle awakens in a Strong Magic Region in the Heart Kingdom with Patry, Rhya, Fana and Vetto, former members of the Eye of the Midnight Sun.
Bulls while Yuno was accepted by the Golden Dawn, later finding the Demon Dweller sword that allowed him to borrow the magic of others and his first contact with the elves, when Patry was still masquerading as Licht. He also explains how Yami taught him Ki detection. Gaja asks how Asta activates his devil form so Asta explains about his visit to the Witches Forest and his fight against Ladros when he activated his devil form by accident, then his training at Yultim volcano where he activated it intentionally. Asta explains how he received the Demon Destroyer sword during the Elves invasion that helped in his defeat of the devil Zagred. All that remained was his trial by Parliament and attempting to prove his innocence. Satisfied with the tale Gaja resumes dueling with Asta. Meanwhile, Loropechika explains to Noelle how everyone is improving and Noelle is hopeful she can get revenge for her mother. Gaja disarms Asta and momentarily sees Liebe manifesting himself to protect Asta from harm and decides he must push Asta to his limit to grow his powers even further. Within Asta, Liebe declares events are getting a lot more interesting.
Noelle to get stronger and she’ll be waiting for her in the Spade Kingdom and takes Loropechika with her. Back at the Black Bull's headquarters Asta and Yami fight Dante. Asta decides to awaken his dormant power, in doing so he meets his devil. Asta converses with the devil, who agrees to give him some of his true power in return for a part of his body. With renewed power Asta fights Dante, who is supported by Yami. Asta manages to get close to Dante and slashes him using Yami's katana, nullifying Lucifero's power. Grey is overjoyed to see Gauche alive. Before Yami can finish Dante, Zenon arrives with a still unconscious and captured William Vengeance and restrains him while recovering Dante. Zenon also tries to capture Asta but is stopped by Finral and realizes he’s still injured from his last fight with Yuno so he decides to retreat. Enraged, Gauche and Henry attack Zenon but their attacks fail to hit him. Asta's devil rejects Asta's plea to trade more power. Vanessa also tries to use Rouge to save Yami but Zenon sends Rogue back, Zenon escapes taking William and Yami with him leaving the Black Bulls devastated.
Charlotte, Potrof of Plants who will train Rill, Floga of Fire who will train Leopold, and Smurik of Wind who will train Finral. Queen Loropechika announces she will be training Secre while Undine trains Noelle. The Guardians reveal their technique, Mana Words, that enables them to imbue spells with complicated instructions, making them more intricate, accurate, and powerful. Unable to pass Gaja’s first test Magna is deemed not ready and leaves. Rill quickly takes to Mana Words by painting them. Charmy also proves adept at Mana Words but only uses them to find more food. Loropechika reveals to Noelle and Secre the others are being trained to stop the Spade army, but only Loropechika, Undine, Noelle, and Secre together will be capable of stopping Megicula and her human vessel, Vanica. Finral struggles in using his magic for attacks, more used to supporting his teammates. Asta also struggles as his straightforward methods are too limited for Gaja’s more strategic methods and he loses every training match. Finral passes on their progress to Yami who is shown undergoing his own training on Yultim Volcano Trail.
also reveals that she cursed each of the Disciples with immortality, meaning none of the Disciples have actually been defeated. The Disciples all recover from their injuries and continue attacking the kingdom, with Vanica revealing they will only die if they kill her first. As they duel Vanica hints at the impending capture of Vangeance and Yami. Loropechika, who has inherited the knowledge and experiences of all previous Heart Queens in a library in her mind, realises they are trying to grow the Tree of Qliphoth and destroy the human world. Combining Mana Zone with Mana Words Loropechika succeeds in halving Vanica’s magic power while increasing Noelle’s, which unlocks her Valkyrie Dress' Mermaid Form, but she is still almost overwhelmed. Loropechika, who had previously admitted she felt afraid and thus unfit to be queen, decides not to be afraid and begins her plan to defeat Vanica. By forcing Vanica to draw all the blood from her body using her own Blood Magic, she begins using Megicula’s magic instead of her own. At that moment, Secre appears and seals Megicula’s magic in an eternal prison.
even using ki detection. Asta remembers that his Demon Dweller sword possesses the ability to borrow magic from others while Yami suddenly develops the ability to manoeuvre in mid-air using Mana Zone like Mereoleona. Surpassing their limits Asta uses a ranged anti-magic attack and land his first blow on Gaja while Yami unlocks a new spell, Mana Zone’s Black Hole, which swallows Mereoleona’s magic leaving him unharmed. The Guardians report their progress to Loropechika. Rill and Charmy are naturals at Mana Words but Noelle and Secre have made the most progress while Leopold and Finral have self-doubt which holds them back. A group of rebel Spade kingdom mages attempt to escape into the Clover kingdom through the strong mana region with important information about the Spade army. They are attacked by Spade soldiers so they transfer their remaining magic to their leader, Ralph, so he can escape. As Ralph is the son of a deceased Spade commander the incident is reported to the Spade King, whose monstrous shadow reveals he is the vessel for a devil.
in curse magic with his family. Asta learns after Magna returned from the Heart Kingdom he disappeared with Zora. Henry suddenly warns the Bulls the base is being levitated by Dante Zogratis using gravity magic. Realising his target, Yami, is absent, Dante attempts to crush the base, only failing due to Rouge. Seeing Vanessa is both powerful and beautiful Dante decides he wants her as a mistress. Gauche creates multiple Asta clones, hoping Dante cannot dodge them all, but Dante activates his devil form and generates a reality warping black hole so every attack misses. Seeing that Asta is also devil possessed Dante attempts to reason with him that humans are the evil ones but Asta furiously disagrees. Dante destroys Rouge and stabs Gauche. Asta has a very brief flashback of a woman calling him her beloved son before unleashing his devil powers. Lucifero, Dante’s devil, assures him Asta is likely possessed by a low level devil, so Dante is shocked when Asta manages to predict his movements and slash his face, enraging him.
giant scary form to survive, joining the Bulls to be close to Gauche. Desperate not to let Gauche die, Grey uses her transformation magic to turn Gauche’s wound into healed flesh. Dante knocks Asta unconscious and decides he wants both Vanessa and Grey as mistresses, but they are saved when Finral arrives with Yami. Yami shows he can use his Black Hole spell to generate gravitational fields and resist Dante’s gravity. Dante confirms Yami is the arcane mage he needs to cut through dimensions and reach the underworld. Yami responds by slashing Dante’s chest. The Disciples defeat the spirit guardians and begin destroying the Heart Kingdom. Luck challenges the Disciple Svenkin, who can manipulate his body to make it perfectly resistant to any magic, including Luck’s lightning. Disgusted by Svenkin’s selfish personality Luck uses a spell he learned from Gaja and turns himself into a spear of naturally generated lightning, which Svenkin cannot defend against, and shoots himself straight through Svenkin’s chest, defeating him.
fight back and stab Vanica through the chest. Vanica at first is able to withstand the attack and strike Noelle down but is actually injured from Noelle’s attack. Vanica is impressed and asks Noelle’s name, Noelle replying she is a Clover royal and a Black Bull. Yami and Dante continue their battle, with Dante explaining if they manage to open the tree of Qliphoth he will have access to all Lucifero’s powers, though he is unsure if the same applies to Asta who uses anti-magic. Yami is crushed under a giant boulder but survives and, deciding he must once again surpass his limits, condenses his entire mana zone to just the tip of his sword and creates Death Thrust, which obliterates Dante’s entire torso. Dante’s own Body Magic, boosted by Lucifero’s power, regenerates him in seconds and his reveal makes him incapable of dying. Asta struggles to stand, but to his surprise, Yami announces he cannot win without Asta’s help, and Asta finds the strength to stand beside Yami and they battle Dante together, as equals.
summons his Zephyr wind sword and destroys Gaderois stone armour, defeating him. Klaus faces a disciple named Foyal using enhanced mist magic and he is unable to fight back as Foyal can turn his body intangible. Yuno blows away the mist while Letoile uses her compass magic to expose Foyal’s real body. Klaus impales Foyal with his iron spear, defeating him. Zenon suddenly appears, having defeated and captured Vangeance. Zenon, who uses bone magic, summons spears made of his own bones and impales Klaus and Letoile. Impressed by Yuno’s power Zenon decides to show Yuno his devil power and completely overwhelms him. Ralph arrives at the Golden Dawn and finds Yuno dying. Vangeance’s Yggdrasil tree suddenly sprouts from the rubble and begins healing everyone since, even defeated, Vangeance used the last of his magic to help heal his knights, though fully half of the Golden Dawn is dead and Vangeance was taken by Zenon, Yuno screams in the distance and blames himself for not being strong enough to defeat Zenon.
Spade Knights siphoning prisoners to death. Asta confronts Candelo’s commander who reveals he is also the vessel for a devil. He poisons Asta with poison magic but Asta easily absorbs the poison into the demon destroyer sword and furiously cuts the citadel in half, defeating the captain in a single blow. The Bulls arrive and Mimosa helps the prisoners recover. Noelle reveals Luck and Leopold were sent to destroy the Spade base near to the prisoner’s village. Realising they get to return home safely the prisoners reveal the Spade kingdom is ruled by the Dark Triad, each possessed by a powerful devil, and their followers the Dark Disciples who draw demonic power from the Triad. The Triad, siblings Dante, Vanica and Zenon Zogratis, consider the loss of Candelo trivial when they are close to their goal for which they only need capture two Arcane Stage mages. Ralph finally crosses the border and collapses by Hage Church where Sister Lily finds him calling out for “Prince Yuno”.
magic to allow every devil from the underworld to come to the human world. Disciple Halbet sets the Heart kingdoms fruit trees on fire, claiming all that is required for health and beauty is basic nutrition, thus eating food for pleasure is ridiculous. Outraged by this, the comically obese Charmy activates her adult form, instantly losing her excess weight and transforming her sheep chef into her gluttonous wolf. Halbet’s magic is entirely consumed leaving her defenceless, so Charmy beats her up, ruining her flawless beauty. Disciple Sivoir battles Leopold using hundreds of magic eyes to watch the entire battlefield. Leopold is injured by Sivoir’s long range attacks but Sivoir realises Leopold had been enduring the attacks in order to craft a giant circle of mana words and defeats Sivoir by summoning a volcanic eruption. Loropechika’s throne room is suddenly invaded by Triad member Vanica, whom Loropechika recognises.
Noelle refuses to admit liking Asta while Mimosa admits she is too afraid to confess. Secre, who spends the most time with Asta, merely admits he has the best head for sitting on. Mimosa asks about Gaja and Loropechika who regretfully insists they are just friends. Asta finds Charmy has eaten so much fruit she has gained weight. He suggests she stop eating so she sets her giant sheep chef on him. Yuno receives a message from Hage. Potrof teams up with Asta and Rill who manage to defeat Charmy. Rill claims he fights for the woman he loves and shows Asta a portrait of her, which Asta realises, is Charmy in her adult form, though Rill doubts it is Charmy due to her weight gain. Yuno travels to Hage where Ralph reveals that the Dark Triad stole the Spade Kingdom from the former royal family, House Grinberryall, and Yuno is their missing heir, Prince Yuno of House Grinberryall.
Ciel who gave him his necklace and for a time the Spade Kingdom was peaceful, until the three Zogratis siblings, three of the strongest Spade warriors, gained devil powers and attacked the castle. Yuno was smuggled out of the Spade kingdom through the strong magic region by Ralph’s father. After placing Yuno outside the orphanage he led the Spade soldiers away, killing them and himself by collapsing a cliff. Before Yuno can think how to react to the revelation he receives word Golden Dawn headquarters has been attacked. Zenon Zogratis of the Dark Triad orders his disciples to kill every Golden Dawn member except William Vangeance, the arcane stage mage he needs, and savagely attacks the knights who get in his way. Yuno rushes to help his squad, many of whom are injured or already dead.
Gaja asks Asta about his early life and the Devil in his Grimoire so Asta explains about being found by Father Orsi, his childhood with Yuno at Hage and his initial failure to receive a Grimoire. After Yuno was attacked by Revchi, Asta was granted the 5 clover Grimoire and was accepted into the Black
In the Spade Kingdom a spy from the Clover Kingdom is discovered in Dante’s office, revealed to be wearing a Black Bull robe under their cape. Vanica, the one who cursed Loropechika, demands Loropechika duel her while her masochistic subordinate, Disciple Robero, keeps Noelle and Mimosa busy. Vanica
Rill and Charlotte depart to meet the other captains so Asta and Finral return to their base. Loropechika and Undine suddenly sense six enemies inside the kingdom, including Vanica Zogratis and her devil Megicula. Asta reaches Bull's base and Finral teleports to fetch Yami. Gordon continues training
Yuno tries to defend his surviving comrades but struggles against Gaderois, a Dark Disciple using devil enhanced stone magic. Gaderois brags about the Dark Triad who gave demonic power to murderers like him to make them Zero Stage mages. When he also brags about the Triad killing the Spade King Yuno
Leopold admits to Floga he feels inferior to Mereoleona and Fuegoleon. Yami meets Mereoleona and admits that while he was able to instinctively use Mana Zone against Zagred he wants Mereoleona’s help using it to its full potential. Yami and Asta find they cannot match the speed of Mereoleona or Gaja
Owen examines Gauche and is astounded by his recovery, revealing to Grey her magic might not be Transformation magic. Asta realises Yami’s katana has appeared in his Grimoire. He tries to leave the hospital but is stopped by Nacht, secret Vice Captain of the Black Bulls and also devil possessed. He
Dante is overjoyed that Yami was able to cut him as he had grown completely bored of the human world and Yami made him enjoy combat again. He explains that the Triad plan to reach the Underworld but require a spell called Tree of Qliphoth, which requires Vangeance’s world tree magic and Yami’s dark
Ralph continues trying to cross the border. The Spade army begins crossing the border in a mechanized citadel called Candelo powered by siphoning magic from Spade commoners. Asta, who has grown even stronger and can now fly astride his demon slayer sword, flies to Candelo where he is enraged to see
Vanica decides not to kill Loropechika but to take her to the Spade Kingdom and recalls fighting someone similar to Noelle, and remembers the person to be Acier Silva, Noelle's mother. Using a curse-bomb Vanica kills all of her subordinates and cause explosions all over the Heart Kingdom and tells
After getting over his surprise at Yuno being the Prince of the Spade Kingdom, Father Orsi asks about Asta, since he was left on the same night as Yuno, but Ralph has no idea who Asta is. With his flame magic Ralph shows Yuno visions of his past. Yuno was born the first son of King Royce and Queen
Sister Lily helps Ralph recover. Loropechika decides to keep capturing villages from the Spade Kingdom. Charmy has been pillaging the forests fruit and there is almost none left. Loropechika takes the girls to the royal hot spring to bathe where Undine is curious which of the girls is dating Asta.
The Anti-Magic devil narrates the rules of power in the underworld, that he was tormented because of little magic he had. He talks about how he was able to pass through the gates of the underworld, into the human world as he had no magic. He is rescued by Lichita, who explains her magic power is
Megicula takes over Vanica’s body, shatters the eternal prison and captures Secre. Loropechika is overcome with fear when she realises Megicula has also cursed Undine, and her proximity to Megicula activates her own curse, crippling her with pain. Vanica decides to kill her but Noelle manages to
Grey recalls how her stepmother doted on her beautiful stepsisters while she was abused. After receiving her Grimoire she made herself beautiful, causing her stepsisters to attack her. She ran away only to be saved from bandits by Gauche who told her to find some resolve. Grey began assuming her
Noelle wakes up to see Patry and the former members of The Third Eye. She finds out that Nero, Charmy, Leopold, Mimosa and Luck are also with her. Patry tells Noelle that they are in Elysia, a secluded strong magic region in the Heart Kingdom. Patry narrates that the guardian of Elysia, Dryad
The Black Bulls travel to the Heart Kingdom with the other squad members (Leopold, Mimosa, Charlotte, and Rill), including an uninvited Charmy who insists on sampling Heart Kingdom cuisine. Gaja, who will train Luck, introduces the Spirit Guardians, Sarado of Earth who will train Mimosa and
38: 316:, Funimation added a disclaimer at the beginning of each episode stating that the English dub voice actors were able to record their lines from the safety of their homes. This disclaimer was played weekly before the English dub broadcast. 1208:
released the season on DVD and Blu-ray combination sets, which was labelled as the fourth of the series. The now-combined company also distributes the series in Australia and New Zealand via
1402: 1801: 170:
The fourth season uses four pieces of theme music: two opening theme and two ending theme. For the first 3 episodes, the opening and ending themes are "Everlasting Shine"
1428: 1376: 1348: 1796: 1791: 167:
licensed the series for an English release, with Crunchyroll simulcasting the fourth season, and Funimation producing a North American Simuldub.
1711: 1647: 1786: 1722: 1683: 1678: 211: 152: 118: 1153:
released the season on DVD and Blu-ray in one "chapter" volumes, with the sixteenth volume released on June 25, 2021.
1757: 1640: 1492: 1515:"Brush up on your magic! Toonami is proud to announce season 4 of Black Clover, premiering June 19th at 2:00a!" 1514: 1323: 1698: 1693: 1688: 1633: 110: 1209: 1730: 1228: 1213: 187: 1353: 147:, and ended on March 30, 2021. The season started with anime canon episodes supervised by author 1591: 1621: 1321:
on the night of July 31–August 1, 2021. The following week on August 7–8, Adult Swim showed a
1095: 1041: 987: 933: 879: 825: 769: 715: 661: 607: 553: 499: 445: 391: 337: 313: 272: 136: 42:
Cover of the sixteenth Blu-ray volume of the fourth season released in Japan on June 25, 2021
1569: 1540: 199: 191: 1615: 1403:"Black Clover Star Gakuto Kajiwara Makes Debut as Singer With Anime's Next Ending Theme" 194:. The second opening and ending themes, used for episodes 158 to 170, are "Grandeur" by 1664: 148: 1780: 1740: 1157: 1150: 1454: 37: 1735: 1658: 128: 1305: 1220: 1201: 160: 1764: 1625: 1487: 1292: 1224: 1205: 164: 1459: 195: 140: 67: 1482: 1541:"Bust out your planners! Toonami's got some scheduling announcements" 1429:"Black Clover Anime Unveils New Theme Song Artists, New Cast Member" 1377:"TOMORROW X TOGETHER Perform Black Clover Anime's New Opening Song" 135:
television series was directed by Ayataka Tanemura and produced by
1349:"Monster Musume's Tatsuya Yoshihara Directs Black Clover TV Anime" 156: 144: 132: 1629: 1227:(North America and Australasia – Region 1, 2, 4 / A, B); 1304:
If there's one title; it is taken from Funimation and
1089: 1035: 981: 927: 873: 819: 763: 709: 655: 601: 547: 493: 439: 385: 331: 266: 238:
Funimation's English title / Japanese translated title
series of the same name starting on episode 158. Both
1749: 1721: 1671: 98: 73: 63: 58: 47: 23: 1308:. As the second title is taken from Crunchyroll. 179: 173: 139:. The season premiered on December 8, 2020 on 1641: 8: 1564: 1562: 1648: 1634: 1626: 706:"Dante vs. the Captain of the Black Bulls" 219: 36: 20: 1802:2021 American animated television seasons 1592:"Black Clover - Season 4 - Blu-Ray + DVD" 1218: 1155: 1340: 1284: 1128: 1078: 1070: 1024: 1016: 970: 962: 916: 908: 862: 854: 808: 800: 752: 744: 698: 690: 644: 636: 590: 582: 536: 528: 482: 474: 428: 420: 374: 366: 320: 301: 255: 544:"The Messenger from the Spade Kingdom" 1257: 1235: 1231:(British Isles – Region 1, 2, 4 / B) 1178: 1079: 1025: 971: 917: 863: 809: 753: 699: 645: 591: 537: 483: 429: 375: 321: 256: 7: 1216:in the United Kingdom and Ireland. 436:"The Beginning of Hope and Despair" 102: 1495:from the original on June 19, 2021 495:Shizuka na Mizuumi to Mori no Kage 14: 711:Dante Bāsasu Kuro no Bōgyū Danchō 1797:2021 Japanese television seasons 1792:2020 Japanese television seasons 490:"Quiet Lakes and Forest Shadows" 151:before continuing off with the 1090: 1036: 982: 928: 874: 820: 764: 710: 656: 602: 548: 494: 440: 386: 332: 267: 240:Original Japanese title  230: 223: 48: 1: 1455:"エピソード ブラッククローバー|テレビ東京アニメ公式" 978:"Stirrings of the Strongest" 760:"Battlefield: Heart Kingdom" 1572:(in Japanese). Black Clover 841:February 23, 2021 787:February 16, 2021 407:December 22, 2020 353:December 15, 2020 180: 18:Season of television series 1818: 1787:Black Clover episode lists 1594:. Crunchyroll / Funimation 1032:"The Devil-Binding Ritual" 731:February 9, 2021 677:February 2, 2021 652:"The Great War Breaks Out" 623:January 26, 2021 569:January 19, 2021 515:January 12, 2021 441:Kibō to Zetsubō no Makuake 288:December 8, 2020 209: 126:The fourth season of the 1259: 1241: 1238: 1164: 1129: 1099: 1085: 1071: 1045: 1031: 1017: 991: 977: 963: 937: 923: 909: 883: 869: 855: 829: 815: 801: 773: 759: 745: 719: 705: 691: 665: 651: 637: 611: 597: 583: 557: 543: 529: 503: 489: 475: 461:January 5, 2021 449: 435: 421: 395: 381: 367: 341: 327: 302: 276: 262: 251: 248: 245: 242: 237: 229: 222: 174: 117: 103: 35: 30: 1712:Sword of the Wizard King 1547:. Toonami. July 13, 2021 1173: 1115:March 30, 2021 1057:March 23, 2021 1003:March 16, 2021 870:"Captain: Yami Sukehiro" 263:"The 5 Spirit Guardians" 249:Original air date  1521:. Toonami. May 24, 2021 1483:"Schedule - Adult Swim" 1160:(Japan – Region 2 / A) 949:March 9, 2021 895:March 2, 2021 268:Gonin no Seirei no Kami 252:English air date  549:Supēdo Ōkoku no Shisha 1317:Adult Swim preempted 1210:Madman Entertainment 1086:"The Faraway Future" 875:Danchō Yami Sukehiro 1435:. December 15, 2020 1232: 1229:Manga Entertainment 1214:Manga Entertainment 1161: 387:Itsutsuba no Kurōbā 333:Mezame Yuku Chikara 198:and "Beautiful" by 188:Tomorrow X Together 1433:Anime News Network 1407:Anime News Network 1381:Anime News Network 1354:Anime News Network 1219: 1200:In North America, 1156: 1140:Home media release 1088:Transliteration: " 1034:Transliteration: " 980:Transliteration: " 959:September 26, 2021 926:Transliteration: " 905:September 19, 2021 872:Transliteration: " 851:September 12, 2021 818:Transliteration: " 762:Transliteration: " 708:Transliteration: " 654:Transliteration: " 600:Transliteration: " 546:Transliteration: " 492:Transliteration: " 438:Transliteration: " 384:Transliteration: " 382:"Five-Leaf Clover" 330:Transliteration: " 328:"Awakening Powers" 265:Transliteration: " 1774: 1773: 1409:. August 30, 2020 1295:'s English title. 1276: 1275: 1193: 1192: 1137: 1136: 797:September 5, 2021 314:COVID-19 pandemic 124: 123: 99:Season chronology 1809: 1650: 1643: 1636: 1627: 1604: 1603: 1601: 1599: 1588: 1582: 1581: 1579: 1577: 1566: 1557: 1556: 1554: 1552: 1537: 1531: 1530: 1528: 1526: 1511: 1505: 1504: 1502: 1500: 1479: 1473: 1472: 1470: 1468: 1451: 1445: 1444: 1442: 1440: 1425: 1419: 1418: 1416: 1414: 1399: 1393: 1392: 1390: 1388: 1373: 1367: 1366: 1364: 1362: 1345: 1328: 1315: 1309: 1302: 1296: 1291:Adult Swim uses 1289: 1233: 1162: 1125:October 10, 2021 1122: 1120: 1109:Takahiro Enokida 1107:Ayataka Tanemura 1101: 1093: 1092: 1067:October 10, 2021 1064: 1062: 1051:Tazumi Mukaiyama 1047: 1039: 1038: 1010: 1008: 993: 985: 984: 956: 954: 946:Masanao Akahoshi 939: 931: 930: 902: 900: 885: 877: 876: 848: 846: 838:Masanao Akahoshi 831: 823: 822: 794: 792: 775: 767: 766: 765:Senjō Hāto Ōkoku 738: 736: 721: 713: 712: 684: 682: 667: 659: 658: 630: 628: 613: 605: 604: 603:Zenon no Chikara 576: 574: 566:Masanao Akahoshi 563:Tazumi Mukaiyama 559: 551: 550: 522: 520: 505: 497: 496: 468: 466: 451: 443: 442: 414: 412: 401:Takahiro Enokida 397: 389: 388: 360: 358: 343: 335: 334: 295: 293: 278: 270: 269: 232: 225: 220: 190:and "A Walk" by 185: 183: 177: 176: 119:List of episodes 94: 92: 84: 82: 77:December 8, 2020 74:Original release 64:Original network 50: 40: 21: 1817: 1816: 1812: 1811: 1810: 1808: 1807: 1806: 1777: 1776: 1775: 1770: 1745: 1717: 1667: 1654: 1613: 1608: 1607: 1597: 1595: 1590: 1589: 1585: 1575: 1573: 1568: 1567: 1560: 1550: 1548: 1539: 1538: 1534: 1524: 1522: 1513: 1512: 1508: 1498: 1496: 1481: 1480: 1476: 1466: 1464: 1453: 1452: 1448: 1438: 1436: 1427: 1426: 1422: 1412: 1410: 1401: 1400: 1396: 1386: 1384: 1383:. July 30, 2020 1375: 1374: 1370: 1360: 1358: 1347: 1346: 1342: 1337: 1332: 1331: 1316: 1312: 1303: 1299: 1290: 1286: 1281: 1198: 1147: 1142: 1133: 1118: 1116: 1108: 1106: 1087: 1075: 1060: 1058: 1054:Momoko Murakami 1033: 1021: 1013:October 3, 2021 1006: 1004: 983:Saikyō no Taidō 979: 967: 952: 950: 925: 913: 898: 896: 871: 859: 844: 842: 817: 816:"Water Crusade" 805: 790: 788: 780: 761: 749: 741:August 29, 2021 734: 732: 728:Momoko Murakami 707: 695: 687:August 22, 2021 680: 678: 657:Taisen Boppatsu 653: 641: 633:August 15, 2021 626: 624: 620:Momoko Murakami 599: 598:"Zenon's Power" 587: 572: 570: 545: 533: 518: 516: 491: 479: 464: 462: 437: 425: 410: 408: 383: 371: 356: 354: 329: 317: 308: 291: 289: 264: 239: 234: 226: 218: 208: 192:Gakuto Kajiwara 171: 113: 109: 90: 88: 86: 80: 78: 43: 19: 12: 11: 5: 1815: 1813: 1805: 1804: 1799: 1794: 1789: 1779: 1778: 1772: 1771: 1769: 1768: 1761: 1758:Paint It Black 1753: 1751: 1747: 1746: 1744: 1743: 1738: 1733: 1727: 1725: 1719: 1718: 1716: 1715: 1708: 1707: 1706: 1701: 1696: 1691: 1681: 1675: 1673: 1669: 1668: 1655: 1653: 1652: 1645: 1638: 1630: 1612: 1611:External links 1609: 1606: 1605: 1583: 1558: 1532: 1506: 1474: 1446: 1420: 1394: 1368: 1357:. June 1, 2017 1339: 1338: 1336: 1333: 1330: 1329: 1310: 1297: 1283: 1282: 1280: 1277: 1274: 1273: 1270: 1267: 1264: 1261: 1258: 1255: 1254: 1251: 1250:British Isles 1248: 1247:North America 1244: 1243: 1240: 1237: 1197: 1194: 1191: 1190: 1188: 1187:June 25, 2021 1185: 1182: 1179: 1176: 1175: 1172: 1169: 1166: 1146: 1143: 1141: 1138: 1135: 1134: 1130: 1127: 1126: 1123: 1113: 1110: 1103: 1084: 1081: 1077: 1076: 1072: 1069: 1068: 1065: 1055: 1052: 1049: 1030: 1027: 1023: 1022: 1018: 1015: 1014: 1011: 1001: 998: 995: 976: 973: 969: 968: 964: 961: 960: 957: 947: 944: 941: 929:Kuro no Chikai 922: 919: 915: 914: 910: 907: 906: 903: 893: 892:Kunihiko Okada 890: 889:Naoki Matsuura 887: 868: 865: 861: 860: 856: 853: 852: 849: 839: 836: 833: 821:Mizu no Seisen 814: 811: 807: 806: 802: 799: 798: 795: 785: 782: 777: 758: 755: 751: 750: 746: 743: 742: 739: 729: 726: 723: 704: 701: 697: 696: 692: 689: 688: 685: 675: 674:Kunihiko Okada 672: 669: 650: 647: 643: 642: 638: 635: 634: 631: 621: 618: 615: 596: 593: 589: 588: 584: 581: 580: 577: 567: 564: 561: 542: 539: 535: 534: 530: 527: 526: 523: 513: 510: 507: 488: 485: 481: 480: 476: 473: 472: 469: 459: 458:Kunihiko Okada 456: 455:Naoki Matsuura 453: 434: 431: 427: 426: 422: 419: 418: 415: 405: 402: 399: 380: 377: 373: 372: 368: 365: 364: 361: 351: 348: 347:Chihiro Kumano 345: 326: 323: 319: 318: 303: 300: 299: 296: 286: 285:Kunihiko Okada 283: 280: 261: 258: 254: 253: 250: 247: 244: 241: 236: 228: 207: 204: 181:Eien ni Hikare 155:volume of his 122: 121: 115: 114: 104: 101: 100: 96: 95: 87:March 30, 2021 75: 71: 70: 65: 61: 60: 56: 55: 52: 45: 44: 41: 33: 32: 28: 27: 17: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1814: 1803: 1800: 1798: 1795: 1793: 1790: 1788: 1785: 1784: 1782: 1767: 1766: 1762: 1759: 1755: 1754: 1752: 1748: 1742: 1741:Yami Sukehiro 1739: 1737: 1734: 1732: 1729: 1728: 1726: 1724: 1720: 1714: 1713: 1709: 1705: 1702: 1700: 1697: 1695: 1692: 1690: 1687: 1686: 1685: 1682: 1680: 1677: 1676: 1674: 1670: 1666: 1662: 1661: 1660: 1651: 1646: 1644: 1639: 1637: 1632: 1631: 1628: 1624: 1623: 1619: 1618: 1610: 1593: 1587: 1584: 1571: 1570:"Chapter XVI" 1565: 1563: 1559: 1546: 1542: 1536: 1533: 1520: 1516: 1510: 1507: 1494: 1490: 1489: 1484: 1478: 1475: 1463:(in Japanese) 1462: 1461: 1456: 1450: 1447: 1434: 1430: 1424: 1421: 1408: 1404: 1398: 1395: 1382: 1378: 1372: 1369: 1356: 1355: 1350: 1344: 1341: 1334: 1326: 1325: 1320: 1314: 1311: 1307: 1301: 1298: 1294: 1288: 1285: 1278: 1271: 1268: 1266:May 24, 2022 1265: 1262: 1256: 1252: 1249: 1246: 1245: 1242:Release date 1234: 1230: 1226: 1222: 1217: 1215: 1211: 1207: 1203: 1195: 1189: 1186: 1183: 1180: 1177: 1171:Release date 1170: 1167: 1163: 1159: 1158:Avex Pictures 1154: 1152: 1151:Avex Pictures 1144: 1139: 1124: 1114: 1112:Kan'ichi Katō 1111: 1104: 1097: 1082: 1066: 1056: 1053: 1050: 1043: 1028: 1012: 1002: 999: 996: 989: 974: 958: 948: 945: 942: 935: 920: 904: 894: 891: 888: 881: 866: 850: 840: 837: 834: 827: 812: 796: 786: 783: 781:Fumio Maezono 778: 771: 756: 740: 730: 727: 724: 717: 702: 686: 676: 673: 670: 663: 648: 632: 622: 619: 617:Akira Shimizu 616: 609: 594: 579:July 25, 2021 578: 568: 565: 562: 555: 540: 525:July 18, 2021 524: 514: 511: 509:Fumio Maezono 508: 501: 486: 471:July 11, 2021 470: 460: 457: 454: 447: 432: 416: 406: 404:Kan'ichi Katō 403: 400: 393: 378: 363:June 27, 2021 362: 352: 349: 346: 339: 324: 315: 312:: Due to the 311: 307: 298:June 20, 2021 297: 287: 284: 282:Fumio Maezono 281: 274: 259: 221: 217: 215: 205: 203: 201: 197: 193: 189: 182: 168: 166: 162: 158: 154: 150: 146: 142: 138: 134: 131: 130: 120: 116: 112: 108: 97: 76: 72: 69: 66: 62: 57: 53: 46: 39: 34: 29: 26: 22: 16: 1763: 1736:Noelle Silva 1710: 1703: 1659:Black Clover 1657: 1656: 1617:Black Clover 1616: 1614: 1598:February 27, 1596:. Retrieved 1586: 1574:. Retrieved 1549:. Retrieved 1544: 1535: 1523:. Retrieved 1518: 1509: 1497:. Retrieved 1486: 1477: 1465:. Retrieved 1458: 1449: 1439:December 16, 1437:. Retrieved 1432: 1423: 1411:. Retrieved 1406: 1397: 1385:. Retrieved 1380: 1371: 1359:. Retrieved 1352: 1343: 1324:Harley Quinn 1322: 1319:Black Clover 1318: 1313: 1300: 1287: 1253:Australasia 1199: 1148: 1105:Rokō Ogiwara 1091:Haruka Mirai 997:Matsuo Asami 943:Naoki Kotani 924:"Black Oath" 835:Matsuo Asami 779:Matsuo Asami 725:Rokō Ogiwara 671:Naoki Kotani 417:July 4, 2021 309: 304: 214:Black Clover 213: 169: 129:Black Clover 127: 125: 106: 25:Black Clover 24: 15: 1665:Yūki Tabata 1576:February 2, 1467:January 16, 1306:Crunchyroll 1221:Crunchyroll 1202:Crunchyroll 720:ダンテVS黒の暴牛団長 243:Directed by 161:Crunchyroll 149:Yūki Tabata 51:of episodes 1781:Categories 1765:Jump Force 1723:Characters 1551:August 21, 1488:Adult Swim 1413:August 31, 1335:References 1293:Funimation 1225:Funimation 1212:, and via 1206:Funimation 1149:In Japan, 1119:2021-03-30 1061:2021-03-23 1037:Jūma no Gi 1007:2021-03-16 953:2021-03-09 899:2021-03-02 884:団長 ヤミ・スケヒロ 845:2021-02-23 791:2021-02-16 735:2021-02-09 681:2021-02-02 627:2021-01-26 573:2021-01-19 519:2021-01-12 465:2021-01-05 411:2020-12-22 357:2020-12-15 292:2020-12-08 246:Written by 210:See also: 165:Funimation 91:2021-03-30 81:2020-12-08 1327:marathon. 1260:Season 4 1239:Episodes 1168:Episodes 1000:Mio Inoue 784:Mio Inoue 558:スペード王国の使者 512:Mio Inoue 450:希望と絶望の幕開け 396:五つ葉のクローバー 350:Mio Inoue 1689:Season 1 1684:Episodes 1679:Chapters 1545:Facebook 1519:Facebook 1499:June 19, 1493:Archived 1460:TV Tokyo 1387:July 30, 1263:155–170 1184:155–170 1165:Chapter 1145:Japanese 1096:Japanese 1042:Japanese 988:Japanese 934:Japanese 880:Japanese 826:Japanese 774:戦場 ハート王国 770:Japanese 716:Japanese 662:Japanese 608:Japanese 554:Japanese 504:静かな湖と森の影 500:Japanese 446:Japanese 392:Japanese 338:Japanese 273:Japanese 216:episodes 212:List of 206:Episodes 200:Treasure 196:Snow Man 141:TV Tokyo 111:Season 3 107:Previous 68:TV Tokyo 31:Season 4 1750:Related 1525:May 24, 1361:June 1, 1196:English 1117: ( 1059: ( 1005: ( 951: ( 897: ( 843: ( 789: ( 733: ( 679: ( 625: ( 571: ( 517: ( 463: ( 409: ( 355: ( 290: ( 227:overall 137:Pierrot 105:←  89: ( 85: – 79: ( 59:Release 1100:ハルカミライ 342:目覚めゆく力 277:5人の精霊守 235:season 1672:Media 1279:Notes 1236:Part 1174:Ref. 992:最強の胎動 612:ゼノンの力 175:永遠に光れ 157:manga 145:Japan 133:anime 1731:Asta 1622:IMDb 1600:2022 1578:2021 1553:2021 1527:2021 1501:2021 1469:2018 1441:2020 1415:2020 1389:2020 1363:2017 1272:TBA 1269:TBA 1204:and 1181:XVI 1046:従魔の儀 938:黒の誓い 830:水の聖戦 666:大戦勃発 310:Note 163:and 153:24th 1663:by 1620:at 1094:" ( 1080:170 1040:" ( 1026:169 986:" ( 972:168 932:" ( 918:167 878:" ( 864:166 824:" ( 810:165 768:" ( 754:164 714:" ( 700:163 660:" ( 646:162 606:" ( 592:161 552:" ( 538:160 498:" ( 484:159 444:" ( 430:158 390:" ( 376:157 336:" ( 322:156 271:" ( 257:155 231:No. 224:No. 186:by 143:in 49:No. 1783:: 1561:^ 1543:. 1517:. 1491:. 1485:. 1457:. 1431:. 1405:. 1379:. 1351:. 1223:/ 1098:: 1083:16 1044:: 1029:15 990:: 975:14 936:: 921:13 882:: 867:12 828:: 813:11 772:: 757:10 718:: 664:: 610:: 556:: 502:: 448:: 394:: 340:: 275:: 233:in 202:. 178:, 54:16 1760:" 1756:" 1704:4 1699:3 1694:2 1649:e 1642:t 1635:v 1602:. 1580:. 1555:. 1529:. 1503:. 1471:. 1443:. 1417:. 1391:. 1365:. 1121:) 1102:) 1063:) 1048:) 1009:) 994:) 955:) 940:) 901:) 886:) 847:) 832:) 793:) 776:) 737:) 722:) 703:9 683:) 668:) 649:8 629:) 614:) 595:7 575:) 560:) 541:6 521:) 506:) 487:5 467:) 452:) 433:4 413:) 398:) 379:3 359:) 344:) 325:2 294:) 279:) 260:1 184:) 172:( 93:) 83:)


TV Tokyo
Season 3
List of episodes
Black Clover
TV Tokyo
Yūki Tabata
Tomorrow X Together
Gakuto Kajiwara
Snow Man
List of Black Clover episodes
COVID-19 pandemic

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