
Boris Holban

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696:, Mélinée Manouchian spoke with great conviction as she named Holban as the man responsible for her husband's capture. She claimed that Holban not only refused Manouchian's request to leave Paris, but also threatened to have him executed as a deserter if he should leave without permission. The American historian Brett Bowles noted that Boucault gave a series of close-up shots of Mélinée Manouchian's face as she spoke with great passion and anguish, which was intended to inspire the viewers to sympathise with her. By contrast, Bowles noted that Boucault by shooting Holban from in a long shot as he watched video of Mélinée Manouchian's interview was intended to inspire viewers to dislike him. Bowles also noted that: "Dressed in a dark suit, tie, and tinted glasses, with a smoldering cigarette in his left hand and a lighter in his right, Holban looks like a cold, calculating crime boss from a noir gangster film rather than a heroic former resister." As Holban watched the video, he clenched his cigarette in quiet fury before forcefully taking a drag that caused his face to be briefly obscured by the smoke, giving a vaguely sinister impression which caused viewers to dislike him before he even spoke a word in rebuttal. 310:
that a disproportionate number of the FTP-MOI were Jewish like himself, which provided a certain desperation to their efforts since for them, the victory of the Third Reich would mean their extermination. Rayski argued that for ordinary French people, if Nazi Germany won the war, France would remain occupied but the French people would continue to exist, while for himself, Holban, and all the other Jews in the FTP-MOI, they would die in the event of a German victory, making their underground struggle a matter of existential importance. Rayski recalled: "We brought together many young Jews without parents or homes in action groups of three people. During the winter of 1942–43, we had about 300 people, mostly young people, in the Jewish groups of the
Holban's leadership, the FTP-MOI between January–June 1943 were responsible for 14 train derailments, 34 acts of arson or bombings of buildings, and 43 assassinations in Paris. The FTP-MOI became an elite group within the FTP that was always assigned the most dangerous missions, which Holban regarded as an honor. Bowd wrote in 2014: "The detachments commanded by Bruhman turned out to be the most courageous and deadly arm of the Communist resistance in the Paris area: as foreigners, and often Jews, they had little to lose in occupied France, while a long experience of clandestine activity and civil war had made them well-prepared." The French police formed two special units to track down the resistance, namely the
439:"One of us read our conclusions to him before he was executed. Once this sad and grisly encounter was over, we had to act to ensure the safehouse was not compromised and that the tenants were not exposed to any consequences-a safehouse was particularly valuable to the party. What happened next was a nightmare. In the middle of the night, under curfew (it was about 3 in the morning), six armed men dragged the body. If we had met a routine patrol, we would had been done for. Exhausted, we arrived at a piece of wasteland, dumped the body, and did our best to cover it. At six in the morning with the curfew over, we finally left. Only the gun remained in the house. In pairs, we got on the train back to Paris". 568:, who in a similar fashion wanted the states of western Europe and especially his nation to take a more independent line from the United States. De Gaulle favored the idea of a European "third force" in the Cold War that would be equally independent of both superpowers, a vision that fitted in with Ceaușescu's vision of Romania's role in the Cold War. In 1968, de Gaulle visited Bucharest, where he praised Ceaușescu as a great world leader. For Ceaușescu, the Romanians who served in the French Resistance were useful for him, and in 1965 three veterans of the Resistance were appointed to the Central Committee of the PCR. In 1969, a book entitled 620:"The images and stories surrounding the Resistance provided an updated foundation myth for the French republic, after its startling failure in 1939. Fully incorporated into the school curriculum and in official commemorative culture as part of the civic catechism, the Resistance became a vital shared reference point for the French. The elevation of Jean Moulin as the transcendent figure of resistance--culminating in the solemn transfer of his remains to the Pantheon in 1964--was particularly emblematic of this myth-making impulse in post-war French political culture." 184:. In 1923, Bruhman became a Romanian citizen when a new constitution came in that allowed Jews to be citizens. The Kingdom of Romania was a deeply Francophile country and growing up in 1920s Romania, Bruhman learned French and came to be heavily influenced by French culture long before he ever actually went to France. Like many other Romanian Jewish intellectuals at the time, Bruhman was attracted to Communism as it promised a utopian society where religion, ethnicity and nationality would no longer exist, thus rendering the "Jewish Question" moot. 456:, Gheorghe Vasilichi and Ion Marinescu. At the time, it was announced that this was intended as the first step towards the overthrow of Antonescu. However, on 23 August, in a coup led by King Michael, Antonescu was dismissed as prime minister by the king, who appointed a new government that signed an armistice with the Allies and switched sides in the war. After the liberation of Paris in August 1944, Holban rejoined the French Army as the commander of battalion 51/22, leading a unit mostly made up of FTP-MOI men that was dissolved in June 1945. 700:
source of knowledge and as a scapegoat". Bowles noted in contrast to the sympathetic tone that Boucault interviewed Mélinée Manouchian, there was an accusatory tone to his interview with Holban as he asked leading questions that suggested Holban was responsible for Manouchian's capture and execution, much to the visible irritation of the latter. In turn, the defensive tone of Holban's answers to Boucalt's questions seemed to imply to the viewers that he was guilty of something.
208:) in 1929 and was imprisoned in 1930 for a short time for his political activities. In 1932, he deserted from the Romanian Army and was forced to live underground as a fugitive before being captured and imprisoned as a deserter. In 1936, he fled Romania for Czechoslovakia as the police were again looking for him as a Communist. In Czechoslovakia, Bruhman studied textile engineering at a technical college. On 28 December 1937, King 1330:
ligne officielle, qui exigeait d’ignorer tout ce qui n’était pas l’Union soviĂ©tique, l’ArmĂ©e rouge, les dĂ©mocraties populaires? C’était le dĂ©but de la guerre froide et la RĂ©sistance en France, mĂȘme celle des communistes, Ă©tait affublĂ©e d’une double tare: s’ĂȘtre dĂ©roulĂ©e dans un pays ‘impĂ©rialiste’ et avoir eu pour protagonistes des anciens volontaires d’Espagne, des Juifs, autant dire des Ă©lĂ©ments "cosmopolites"
Jewish community that ethnic, national and religious differences in the Soviet Union had all been subsumed by a common proletarian culture. Bessarabia was also a very backward region where most people lived in dire poverty, and the belief that the Soviet Union was an egalitarian society that was rapidly modernizing was appealing to many Bessarabian Jews living in destitution. The British historian
investigated Holban as a possible spy. The British historian Gavin Bowd wrote the people informing on Holban for the Securitate seemed to be looking desperately for some evidence that he was a spy, citing one report from an informer that read: "He goes to a doctor specialising in venereal diseases and syphilis. We believe that the objective is ill, because he bought medication. From the
844:, the pursuit and fall of a part of or all of an organisation. The absence of Boris Holban from the leadership of the FTP-MOI in the Paris region, during a period when he asked to be moved to another region, has been used in a wide press, television and cinema campaign to tarnish this hero of the Resistance, making him responsible for the fall and execution of the 518:
that was not the Soviet Union, the Red Army, the people's democracies? It was the start of the Cold War and the Resistance in France, even that of the Communists, was plagued with a double flaw: having taken place in an 'imperialist' country and having had former volunteers from Spain as protagonists, Jews, in other words 'cosmopolitan' elements".
372:" ("he never demanded anything from FTP-MOI and he never dismissed or appointed anyone belonging to them"). Bowd that regardless of who was telling the truth that it seems that Holban had some sort of dispute with the FTP leadership. Holban was not on the best of terms with either Manouchian or the political commissar of the FTP-MOI, 824:, where she mentions that Holban was in the Ardennes in November 1943 and had not been in Paris since September 1943. When Boico defected to France in 1987, she confirmed the account, saying that Holban had not been in contact with Manouchian or any members of his group for some time when they were arrested. 1398:
Cette affaire douloureuse, s’il en est, a laissĂ© encore aujourd’hui bien des blessures intactes. Il s’y mĂȘle la conscience d’une mise Ă  l’écart de l’immense majoritĂ© des cadres juifs de la rĂ©sistance communiste, en URSS et dans les dĂ©mocraties populaires, la rĂ©lĂ©gation de leur Ă©popĂ©e pendant bien des
I could never have thought, like Mélinée Manouchian, that he was involved in the fall of Missak. His political police record leaves little doubt about this. If they had had any evidence of such a responsibility, it would have been used. For my part, I think that Mélinée Manouchian was intoxicated and
We are far, as we can see, from the secret service novel we are being served today. He is not coming out of retirement today because he is seriously questioned: Mélinée Manouchian accuses him of having indirectly caused the death of her husband and his comrades, by sending them the order to remain on
Bowles noted in the film that everything Holban says "smacks of duplicity". In his interview with Boucault, Holban spoke with great anger as he accused Manouchian of telling "nothing but fabrications" and called her "someone who was never active in the resistance...but who presents herself as a great
After my return to Romania, when the facts were still strongly remembered, I had started to put the story down in writing. But the timing was wrong, as I soon noticed. The Resistance in France? Who would have dared to publish such a book and defy the official line, which demanded to ignore everything
under the alias Boris Holban, the name that he came to be known as. As a stateless person, Holban very much feared that he might be deported from France to Romania, and he knew that the French state was likely to grant French citizenship to foreigners who enlisted in the French Army. In June 1940, he
as the prime minister. During his short period in office, Goga disfranchised the Jewish community. On 22 January 1938 the government of Prime Minister Goga stripped all Romanian Jews who had acquired Romanian citizenship in 1923 of their citizenship, rendering Bruhman together most of the rest of the
Je n’ai jamais pu penser, comme MĂ©linĂ©e Manouchian, qu’il Ă©tait impliquĂ© dans la chute de Missak. Son dossier de la police politique livre le peu de doutes qu’il y avait Ă  ce sujet. S’ils avaient eu le moindre Ă©lĂ©ment sur une telle responsabilitĂ©, il en aurait Ă©tĂ© fait usage. Je pense, pour ma part,
Il me demande amicalement, mais avec insistance, de me prononcer publiquement contre la programmation du film et d’accompagner ainsi d’autres ‘protestations’. MalgrĂ© quelques rĂ©serves que j’avais, aprĂšs avoir visionnĂ© le film j’ai trouvĂ© qu’il Ă©tait nĂ©anmoins bien venu, ne fĂ»t-ce que pour contredire
by making the villain of the story a foreigner. The fact that Davidowicz broke under torture made him an unsatisfactory villain, and furthermore it was French policemen who tortured him. Bowd wrote there was a tendency in France to present all resistance in France as the work of the French, and even
Bowd wrote that the allegations that Holban was the informer were "discredited" by the opening of the French police records in the 1990s, which revealed that Davidowicz was the one who betrayed Manouchian, just as Holban had been maintaining all the long. Bowd wrote that it was the "huge, meticulous
in December 1940. Holban's escape was assisted by a nun, Sister HĂ©lĂšne Studler. Through he was a Communist and atheist, Holban always treasured the medal of the Virgin Mary given to him by Sister Studler, a woman he portrayed as very saintly in a biography of her written by him that was published in
On est loin, on le voit, du roman de services secrets qu’on nous sert aujourd’hui. Il ne sort aujourd’hui de sa retraite parce qu’il est mis gravement en cause : MĂ©linĂ©e Manouchian l’accuse d’avoir indirectement provoquĂ© la mort de son Ă©poux et de ses camarades, en leur transmettant l’ordre de
De Bruhman, je deviendrai Holban. Cela sonne plus roumain! D’ailleurs je ne serai pas le seul Ă  prendre un nouveau patronyme. Que ce soit dans l’armĂ©e ou d’autres institutions, on a bientĂŽt du mal Ă  trouver des Rotstein, Finkelstein et autres noms juifs. Rien que Marinescu, Cristescu, Ionescu, etc.
nous conseillons Ă  tous ceux qui sont originaires des pays libĂ©rĂ©s par l’ArmĂ©e rouge d’y retourner. C’est leur pays, ils connaissent la mentalitĂ© de leur pays, sa langue, ses coutumes, leur devoir de communistes est d’aider leur Parti Ă  transformer la sociĂ©tĂ©, afin de faire triompher le socialisme,
that the controversy improved the popular understanding of the resistance as it was revealed that many of the resistance acts that had been credited to the FTP were in fact the work of the FTP-MOI. Gildea wrote that the men and women who served in the FTP-MOI were all immigrants to France, and many
attacked the thesis of Courtois and Boucault, writing: "It is asserted or suggested that certain arrests of MOI resisters were made thanks to French resisters. According to ‘witnesses’, the PCF broke relations with the MOI and dislocated in various regions MOI cadres with a view to paralysing their
He asks me in a friendly, but emphatic manner, to speak out publicly against the programming of the film and thus to accompany other "protests". Despite some reservations I had, after watching the film I found it nonetheless welcome, if only to contradict the legend that the Jews allowed themselves
it emerges that he has visited various shops for food and hunting equipment and always looks at himself in the window. Habitually, he lunches at a new restaurant called The Hunter. It is the most luxurious and expensive restaurant in Bucharest". On 25 December 1952, the Securitate investigation was
as he believed that the organisation needed to slow down the pace of attacks to focus more on organisating itself as the police pressure was growing more intense by the day, which were contrary to the party's orders for more and more attacks. Holban's version of events was disputed by his superior,
described Holban as a "militant Communist". Holban welcomed Operation Barbarossa as it allowed him to undertake undercover work against Nazi Germany. Holban's work as a member of the illegal Romanian Communist Party and his experiences of Romanian prisons made him accustomed to undercover work and
En aoĂ»t-septembre 1943, Boris Holban (‘Roger’ ) se trouve en dĂ©saccord avec la nouvelle tactique de guĂ©rilla urbaine prĂŽnĂ©e par ses chefs. Il la trouve essentiellement, Ă  juste titre, trop coĂ»teuse en hommes, trop aventureuse. Il est alors relevĂ© de ses fonctions par ses responsables et Ă©loignĂ© de
such as Manouchian are portrayed as motivated by French patriotism, even through there is no evidence of this; Manouchian in last letters before his execution wrote only about being motivated by Communism. Bowd argued that as was often the case with quarrels between French intellectuals that there
over the "Muscovite" faction (i.e. those Communists who lived in exile in Moscow) led by Pauker. The triumph of Georghiu-Dej led to a purge of those Communists who lived abroad with those who fought in the Spanish Civil War and/or with the French Resistance being especially suspect. The Securitate
file on Holban stated he was unsatisfactory from the party's viewpoint, maintaining that he was too fond of luxury and hunting and preferred the company of Romanian Army officers who were not party members, leading to him to being ousted after less than six months as a general. Holban recalled the
observed that a disproportionate number of the members of the FTP-MOI were veterans of the International Brigades who had fought in the Spanish Civil War, providing a great advantage as these were men who had experienced combat and were well accustomed to handling guns and bombs. Rayski also noted
AprĂšs mon retour en Roumanie, alors que les faits Ă©taient encore fortement prĂ©sents Ă  la mĂ©moire, j’avais commencĂ© Ă  en coucher le rĂ©cit par Ă©crit. Mais le moment Ă©tait mal venu, comme je n’ai pas tardĂ© Ă  m’en apercevoir. La RĂ©sistance en France? Qui aurait osĂ© publier un tel ouvrage et braver la
Falling victim to a political purge in 1950, Holban was dishonorably discharged from the Romanian Army and demoted down to a factory worker, working until his retirement in 1970. Holban made the mistake of talking at length to a group of Romanian-American Communists from Detroit who were visiting
During the liberation of Paris between 19 and 25 August 1944, Holban took part in the revolt and led a group which seized the Romanian consulate in Paris (the Romanian embassy have been moved to Vichy) together with the Romanian tourist office, both of which were staffed by officials loyal to the
under the leadership of Holban. Bowd wrote: "Bruhman became part of a resistance network in which Romanians played a disproportionate role." Holban divided the FTP-MOI into four detachments-the first consisting of Hungarians and Romanians, the second of Poles, the third of Italians and the fourth
wrote that the Jewish community of Bessarabia was especially attracted to Communism as a "rejected minority" in greater Romania. Many Bessarabian Jews believed that the Soviet Union was a humanist society where the "Jewish Question" no longer mattered as it was widely believed in the Bessarabian
From Bruhman, I will become Holban. It sounds more Romanian! Besides, I will not be the only one to take a new surname. Whether in the military or other institutions, it soon became difficult to find Rotsteins, Finkelsteins and other Jewish names. Just Marinescu, Cristescu, Ionescu, etc. Do not
over the course of 1943. Bowd charged that much of the effort to paint Holban as an informer seemed to stem from embarrassment in France over the fact that it was French policemen who hunted down the FTP-MOI rather than the Gestapo, and the attacks on Holban seemed to be an attempt to distract
period leaned in a pro-Republican neutrality and ignored the activities of the Comintern in sending volunteers to Spain. By the time he arrived in Paris, the International Brigades were in the process of being disbanded, and he did not fight in Spain. Bruhman became very involved in recruiting
Heureusement que je me trouve aujourd’hui en France et que je peux m’exprimer librement sur ce sujet. Si je m’étais trouvĂ© pendant cette odieuse campagne en Roumanie, non seulement je n’aurais pu rĂ©pondre, mais j’aurais Ă©tĂ© traitĂ© comme un pestifĂ©rĂ©. C’est d’ailleurs la principale raison pour
demanded three hostages be shot for every dead German and two for each of the wounded. The Germans did not have that many hostages in custody and settled for executing 88 people on 11 August 1942. In the first six months of 1943, Holban organised more than 93 different attacks in Paris. Under
Holban's rise up the ranks was rapid as the Communist regime deeply distrusted officers who had served in the Royal Romanian Army, and he was appointed Director of Cadres in charge of the political indoctrination of young officers. Holban admitted that he was promoted for political reasons,
of them were illegal immigrants who lived on the margins of French society, but they all chose to risk their lives for France, making it an improvement in the public understanding of the past that there was greater attention paid to people whose actions had been mostly ignored until then.
This painful affair, if any, has left many wounds intact to this day. There is also the awareness of the exclusion of the vast majority of Jewish cadres of the communist resistance, in the USSR and in the popular democracies, the relegation of their epic for many years even by the PCF
In August–September 1943, Boris Holban (‘Roger’) found himself at odds with the new urban guerrilla tactics advocated by his leaders. He finds them essentially, and rightly so, too costly in men, too adventurous. He is then relieved of his duties by his officials and removed from the
we advise all those from countries liberated by the Red Army to return there. This is their country, they know the mentality of their country, its language, its customs, their duty as communists is to help their Party to transform society, in order to make socialism, social justice
instead of the French police. However, after de Gaulle resigned in 1969 and the French idea of a European "third force" fizzled out, Ceaușescu lost interest in the subject of the Romanians in the French resistance, whom became suspect again for having spent the war years abroad.
Fortunately, I am in France today and can express myself freely on this subject. If I had been in this heinous campaign in Romania, not only could I not have answered, but I would have been treated like a plague victim. This is the main reason why I decided not to go back there
la lĂ©gende selon laquelle les Juifs se seraient laissĂ© emmener comme des moutons dans les fours crĂ©matoires. Pour cette raison et aussi parce qu’à mes yeux il ne s’agissait plus d’un dĂ©bat, mais d’un rĂšglement de comptes et de querelles politiques, j’avais refusĂ© de m’en mĂȘler
that Himmler wanted to see the immediate end of the Jewish "terrorist" attacks in France and that the "foreign Jews should rendered incapable of doing further harm". Laval in turn promised Hagen that the number one priority of the French police was to wipe out the FTP-MOI.
About the charge that it was unjust to execute a man who had only given information to the police under torture, Holban wrote: "We must not judge Davidowicz with today's eyes and today's attitudes. At the time, it would have been simply inconceivable to let him live".
rester sur place Ă  Paris alors que ceux-ci se savaient menacĂ©s d’une arrestation imminente. Observons tout de suite que cet ordre, s’il avait Ă©tĂ© transmis, ne serait pas issu du cerveau de Holban lui-mĂȘme, qui Ă©tait directement subordonnĂ© au comitĂ© militaire des FTP
616:, that France was a "nation in arms", with almost the entirety of the French people united together in the Resistance from the beginning of the occupation to its end with the notable exception of a few loathsome traitors. The American historian Patrick Young noted: 790:
site in Paris when they knew they were threatened with imminent arrest. Let us observe immediately that this order, if it had been transmitted, would not have come from the brain of Holban himself, who was directly subordinate to the military committee of the FTP.
made up of young Frenchmen escaping service with the STO and escaped Soviet POWs. After Manouchian was arrested in November 1943, Holban resumed leadership of the FTP-MOI in December 1943. Holban assigned Luca Boico to lead the investigation into who betrayed the
352:(spinning) methods of the French police, carefully watching one member of the FTP-MOI, if necessary for months, to learn about his or her contacts, and then following the others. The degree of importance attached to hunting down the FTP-MOI could be seen in that 486:
It was only later that Holban realized that Duclos was embarrassed by the disproportionate number of foreigners who had taken part in the resistance, and wanted the FTP-MOI members to leave France in order to make the Communist resistance appear more French.
to be taken like sheep into the crematoria. For this reason and also because in my eyes it was no longer a debate, but a settling of scores and political quarrels, I refused to get involved"). The PCF reacted with fury to Holban's neutrality with regards to
236:), intending to fight in the Spanish civil war. In his memoirs, he recalled being very excited about coming to France, which he called "the land of the Revolution and of the Declaration of the Rights of Man, the land of the Commune and the Popular Front". 490:
In 1946, Holban returned to Romania, where he became first a colonel and then a general in the Romanian Army under the Communist regime. Upon his return, he legally changed his name to Boris Holban, which had been an alias until then, writing in
set in 1955, a French journalist named DragĂšre investigates who betrayed Manouchian in 1943 and discovers that Bruhman was the informer. However, in an interview on 17 October 2010, Daeninckx rejected the thesis he put forward in his novel,
Il n’en fallait pas plus pour nous convaincre de retourner dans nos pays respectifs. Quant Ă  moi, peu importe que je ne sois mĂȘme pas nĂ© en Roumanie et que j’aie Ă©tĂ© dĂ©chu de la nationalitĂ© roumaine en 1938 : j’y avais
302:, who had the responsibility of selecting targets and gathering as much information as possible about the targets, through Holban always had the ultimate power of decision about whatever attack would go through or not. 481:
It didn't take much more to convince us to return to our respective countries. As for me, it doesn't matter that I was not even born in Romania and that I was stripped of Romanian nationality in 1938: I had campaigned
awarded Holban French citizenship together with the Legion of Honor. During the ceremony, Holban talked much with Mitterrand about Sister HĂ©lĂšne Studler who also assisted Mitterrand during the war. In the 2009 novel
had first screened at the Cannes Film Festival in May 1983, was shelved as no distributor was interested in the film, and was first aired for a general viewing on Antenne 2 television station on 2 June 1985.
257:, a Romanian Jewish intellectual who was also a PCF member. For both men, lacking families and friends in Paris, the PCF became a sort of surrogate family that allowed them to integrate into French society. 196:
wrote: "Like many Jews, he became acutely aware of the persecution of his community. A double sense of oppression therefore pushed Bruhman to join the PCR and engage in political and trade union activity."
389:(STO) to bring forced labor to Germany had made him one of the most hated men in France. Holban had planned the assassination, through he was no longer the FTP-MOI commander by the time it occurred. The 941:
was more at stake than the ostensible facts of the case; in this case, it was an attempt to promote an idea of resistance as being the same as Frenchness, which in turn reflected broader concerns that
In August 1979, Holban returned to Paris for the first time since 1946 to take part in the celebrations marking the 35th anniversary of the Liberation of Paris, where he posted for photographs with
in Paris, which was critical of many of the decisions taken by the French Communist leaders during the war while seeking to rebut allegations of being a Gestapo informer. Holban concluded his book:
plus je m’intĂšgre dans la vie et dans l’activitĂ© militaires, plus je prends conscience du fait que mes connaissances en la matiĂšre sont nettement insuffisantes pour la fonction que j’exerce
2316: 547:. In a reversal of the usual pattern in Eastern Europe, the downfall of Pauker marked the triumph of the "home communist" faction (i.e. those Communists who lived in Romania) led by 2351: 746:
by Philippe Robrieux, it was alleged that Holban was part of an "ultra-secret special apparatus" within the PCF that answered only to the Kremlin and that Holban had betrayed the
2311: 1343:
En 1950, nous sommes en pleine guerre froide. En pleine chasse aux sorciÚres aussi. On voit des titoistes, des traßtres, des espions. De grands procÚs sont en préparation
In this narrative with the Resistance being equated with Frenchness, foreigners had almost no place. The only exception was Manouchian and his group. In 1955, the poet
After arriving at the safehouse, Holban confronted Davidowicz with the evidence gathered by Luca Boico; after some denials he finally confessed. Holban later recalled:
2346: 379:
Despite his demotion, Holban remained active in the FTP-MOI. On 28 September 1943, the FTP-MOI scored its most spectacular success with the assassination in Paris of
2341: 505:
the more I integrate into military life and activity, the more I realize that my knowledge in this area is clearly insufficient for the functions I perform.
2336: 840:
activity...The protagonists with such opinions do not know or forget the strict rules of illegality, the necessity to break links in order to prevent, via
and Denis Peschanski cleared Holban of the allegations made by Boucault that he was a Gestapo informer. On 8 May 1994, in a ceremony performed under the
mostly ignored the role of immigrants in the Resistance was closely related to how the Resistance was remembered in France. The narrative promoted by
was arrested. Adler is the son of German Jewish Holocaust survivors and felt a strong kinship with Holban, who like him was an "outsider" in France.
636:. Ever since Aragon's poem was published in 1955 with its claim that Mancouchian died for France, he and his group have been seen as French martyrs. 835:, a Romanian who served in the FTP-MOI and went on to become a cabinet minister in Communist Romania defended Holban. Gaston Marin in his 2000 book 531:
In 1950, we are in the middle of the cold war. In the middle of a witch hunt too. We see Titoists, traitors, spies. Major trials are in preparation.
2361: 2326: 2251: 1552: 646:
In October 1984, he returned to France, where he lived as a stateless person until 1994. On 2 July 1985, a documentary by Mosco Boucault entitled
2301: 1427:
que MĂ©linĂ©e Manouchian a Ă©tĂ© intoxiquĂ©e et qu’une opĂ©ration de dĂ©lĂ©gitimation du rapport PCF-Manouchian a Ă©tĂ© entreprise au dĂ©but des annĂ©es 80
accused "Roger" (one of the aliases used by Holban) as being the man who betrayed Manouchian. On 28 June 1985, the Communist weekly newspaper
about the role of Romanian Communists in the French Resistance, but was unable to do so. Holban wrote about his inability to publish his book:
2296: 1056: 1037: 600:
who relit the flame at the Arc de Triomphe. During his trip to Paris, he read a number of books about the Resistance, where he noted sourly "
325:, killing eight and wounding 13. The Germans claimed three were killed and 42 wounded; this let them execute more hostages, as Field Marshal 557:
closed under the comment written in his file: "nothing has emerged from this investigation except the fact that he meets lots of women".
424:, which led them to the political commissar, Joseph Davidowicz, whom it was discovered had cracked under torture after being arrested by 576:) was published in Paris with one chapter written by Holban. Holban's chapter was very selective in its treatment of the facts with the 1189: 1132: 180:(Yiddish-speaking Jews). In addition to Yiddish, Bruhman was also fluent in Russian and Romanian. In 1918, Bessarabia became part of 28: 1227: 1208: 1170: 1151: 1113: 1094: 1075: 983: 648: 596:, the Communist leader who ordered the revolt of 19 August 1944. In September 1979, he was of the three representatives of the 742:
on him, inspiring Holban to start writing his memoirs in response to defend his reputation. From the right, in the 1986 book
385: 317:
On 5 August 1942, in an attack organized by Holban, three Romanians belonging to the FTP-MOI tossed grenades into a group of
being a mixed group of various other nationalities. The intelligence chief of the FTP-MOI was Holban's fellow Romanian,
604:" ("historians or writers who deal with the Resistance ignore the contribution and role of immigrants"). The fact that 961:
HélÚne Studler, la passeuse de liberté; la vie héroïque d'une religieuse, grande patriote et grande résistante messine
680:, it was alleged that Holban had betrayed Manouchian and the rest of his group to the French police in November 1943. 602:
les historiens ou écrivains qui traitent de la Résistance passent sous silence la contribution et le rÎle des immigrés
280: 738:
prompted much controversy at the time, all the more as the PCF disawoved Holban and put the blame for the arrest of
portrayed Holban as a Communist terrorist and a Gestapo informer, making him the center of a heated dispute known as
632:, which was based on Manouchian's last letter to his wife, and which in turn was turned into a popular song of 1961, 564:, Romania started to take a more independent line from the Soviet Union, and his regime reached out to the France of 396:
was enraged by Ritter's assassination and came to follow the French police investigation of the FTP-MOI. Himmler had
had an average of 100 policemen assigned just to watch the movements of every one FTP-MOI member under surveillance.
Romanian Jewish community stateless. Losing his Romanian citizenship to a certain extent estranged him from Romania.
2366: 2281: 2321: 2286: 2356: 370:
il n’a jamais exigĂ© quoi que ce soit des FTP-MOI et qu’il n’ a jamais dĂ©mis ou nommĂ© quiconque leur appartenant
217: 205: 111: 689:
set a record in the ratings for a documentary, being watched by 29% of the French people when it first aired.
677: 2291: 889: 548: 241: 233: 115: 52: 832: 373: 1161:
Poznanski, Renée (1998). "Women in the French-Jewish Underground: Shield-Bearers of the Resistance?".
245: 140:(20 April 1908 – 27 June 2004) was a Russian-born Franco-Romanian communist known for his role in the 2276: 2271: 2255: 755: 732:" ("a certain Oliver"-another of Holban's aliases) as having exaggerated his role in the resistance. 665: 561: 254: 817: 453: 299: 209: 188: 2331: 428:
in October 1943. Davidowicz was stabbed to death as a result during a meeting in a safehouse in
376:, who had named Manouchian as Hoban's successor as he felt that Manouchian was more aggressive. 285: 193: 1223: 1204: 1185: 1166: 1147: 1128: 1109: 1090: 1071: 1052: 1033: 979: 911:
that an operation to delegitimize the PCF-Manouchian report was undertaken in the early 1980s.
770:. Adler took up Holban's cause in a series of articles, arguing that he was leading a band of 609: 605: 565: 360: 141: 129: 2306: 1024:
Bowles, Brett (2011). "Historiography, Memory, and the Politics of Form in Mosco Boucault's
1010: 1002: 930: 898: 831:
came to the defense of Holban, stating that the man who betrayed Manouchian was Davidowicz.
593: 393: 365: 331: 955:
Testament AprĂšs quarante-cinq ans de silence, le chef militaire des FTP-MOI de Paris parle
762:. Seeking to vindicate his reputation, Holban let himself be interviewed by the journalist 885: 848:, when the culprit was the traitor Davidowicz, condemned and executed by the Resistance." 763: 359:
In July 1943, Holban was replaced as the leader of the FTP-MOI by the Armenian Communist
thus well suited for the resistance. In April 1942, the PCF created an armed wing of its
465: 429: 173: 56: 2265: 852: 544: 449: 400: 249: 213: 1303:
Il ne faut pas ‘choquer’ les oreilles sensibles des bons antisĂ©mites qui pullulent
625: 404: 326: 125: 536:
Bucharest in early 1950, which led to the accusation that he was an American spy.
In September 1939, he enlisted in the First Regiment of Foreign Volunteers of the
Holban was born as Baruch Bruhman to a working class Jewish family in the town of
Holban's version was supported by an article published by his intelligence chief
881: 828: 540: 306: 261: 523: 165: 74: 880:
by Stéphane Courtois (who had changed his opinion about Holban since 1985),
in the fall of 1943, and had not been in Paris for quite some time when the
510: 318: 920:" of the French police that broke the FTP-MOI as the French detectives of 703:
When Holban was interviewed by a journalist from the Communist newspaper,
27: 775: 416: 265:
was taken prisoner by the Wehrmacht. He later escaped from a POW camp in
1006: 468:
called for a meeting of the leading FTP-MOI leaders where he told them:
294: 181: 169: 145: 101: 78: 1015: 676:
cynically to achieve their own ends. Prompted by Manouchian's widow,
as despite its professed neutrality, the French government during the
225: 176:. Bessarabia had a Romanian majority with a substantial minority of 82: 1201:
The Choice of the Jews Under Vichy Between Submission and Resistance
and it was wrongly stated that it was the Gestapo that arrested the
Stalinism for All Seasons A Political History of Romanian Communism
Bowd, Gavin (December 2014). "Romanians of the French Resistance".
322: 237: 161: 48: 945:(globalisation) was eroding a sense of French national identity. 496:'shock' the sensitive ears of the good anti-Semites who swarm ). 266: 758:, blamed Holban for the betrayal of the group in his 1986 book 284:(FTP), the armed wing of the PCF. The Franco-Israeli historian 1106:
Fighters in the Shadows A New History of the French Resistance
2086: 2084: 750:
on orders from Moscow. From the left, a surviving member of
Romanians living in France for the PCF and his roommate was
837:În serviciul RomĂąniei lui Gheorghiu-Dej Însemnari din viața 827:
Another member of the FTP-MOI, the Franco-Polish communist
2216: 2214: 2174: 2172: 1999: 1997: 1995: 1483: 1481: 1479: 1477: 321:
men watching a football game at the Jean-Bouin Stadium in
1525: 1523: 1521: 1519: 1517: 293:("Migrant Workforce") representing immigrants called the 2130: 2128: 2126: 2124: 2122: 2071: 2069: 2067: 2042: 2040: 2038: 2036: 1907: 1905: 1868: 1866: 1853: 1851: 1849: 1847: 1786: 1784: 1782: 1646: 1644: 1607: 1605: 1603: 1601: 1464: 1462: 1460: 1458: 1456: 1454: 1452: 1450: 1448: 1446: 305:
One of Holban's superiors, the Franco-Polish Communist
was the principle transit point for volunteers for the
2231: 2229: 2201: 2199: 2159: 2157: 2155: 2153: 2151: 2149: 2147: 2145: 2143: 2109: 2107: 2105: 2103: 2101: 2099: 1982: 1980: 1978: 1965: 1963: 1961: 1959: 1957: 1955: 1953: 1951: 1926: 1924: 1922: 1920: 1834: 1832: 1830: 1828: 1815: 1813: 1811: 1769: 1767: 1765: 1763: 1761: 1759: 1757: 1755: 1730: 1728: 1726: 1701: 1699: 1697: 1695: 1165:. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 234–252. 452:. Alongside Holban, the seizures were co-commanded by 1588: 1586: 1584: 1582: 1504: 1502: 1500: 1498: 1496: 901:, Holban appears as the character Boris Bruhman. In 820:
in the January 1980 edition of the Romanian journal
707:, Jean-Pierre Ravery, about the film, Holban stated: 121: 107: 97: 89: 63: 34: 18: 672:depicted the PCF leadership as willing to use the 403:visit Vichy to personally tell the French Premier 1068:The Resistance The French Fight Against the Nazis 1030:War, Exile, Justice, and Everyday Life, 1936–1946 963:, GĂ©rard Klopp Editeur, 1999, ISBN 9782911992353, 720:On 15 June 1985, Ravery in a front-page story in 344:, whose sole task was to track down the FTP-MOI. 1032:. Reno: University of Nevada. pp. 191–224. 957:, Calmann-LĂ©vy, Paris, 1989, ISBN 978-2702117781 200:As a young man, Bruhman joined the illegal PCR ( 1222:. Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1049:French Resistance Fighter: France's Secret Army 2317:Romanian participants in the French Resistance 1203:. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. 383:Julius Ritter, whose role in working with the 2352:World War II prisoners of war held by Germany 8: 803:Adler concluded his article of 17 June 1985 1553:"Boris Holban, ancien rĂ©sistant communiste" 1182:Occupation: The Ordeal of France, 1940–1944 2312:Communist members of the French Resistance 1546: 1544: 1542: 1540: 1538: 1487: 580:being portrayed as betrayed by an unnamed 15: 2252:Boris Holban, ancien rĂ©sistant communiste 1686: 1623: 1529: 1014: 1413:laquelle j’ai dĂ©cidĂ© ne plus y retourner 1237:Young, Patrick (March 2001). "Review of 855:wrote that regardless of the details of 2347:French prisoners of war in World War II 1442: 1265: 1108:. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1089:. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 2134: 2090: 2075: 2058: 2046: 2027: 2015: 1911: 1896: 1872: 1857: 1790: 1746: 1611: 1573: 1468: 1146:. Waltham: Brandeis University Press. 863:In 1989, Holban published his memoirs 509:Holban attempted to publish a book in 2342:French Army personnel of World War II 1986: 1717: 1674: 1650: 1635: 760:Les Francs-tireurs de l'affiche rouge 668:working as a consultant on the film, 477:Holban later recalled in his memoirs: 7: 2235: 2220: 2205: 2190: 2178: 2163: 2113: 2003: 1969: 1942: 1930: 1884: 1838: 1819: 1802: 1773: 1734: 1705: 1662: 1592: 1508: 598:Amicale des Juifs anciens rĂ©sistants 1070:. London: Simon & Schuster UK. 976:La France et la Roumanie communiste 570:Roumains de la RĂ©sistance française 224:In July 1938, Bruhman travelled to 2337:Prisoners and detainees of Romania 1551:Courtois, StĂ©phane (1 July 2004). 1144:Jews in France During World War II 574:Romanians of the French Resistance 539:In May 1952, the Foreign Minister 340:for French resistance groups and 14: 1184:. New York: Cooper Square Press. 774:guerillas in the forests of the 26: 978:. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan. 2362:Escapees from German detention 2327:Romanian Land Forces personnel 924:methodically tracked down the 656:) aired on French television. 386:Service du travail obligatoire 1: 2302:Jews in the French resistance 1218:Tismaneanu, Vladimir (2003). 1051:. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. 766:from the Socialist newspaper 728:ran an article that accused " 714:Des terroristes Ă  la retraite 694:Des terroristes Ă  la retraite 687:Des terroristes Ă  la retraite 682:Des terroristes Ă  la retraite 670:Des terroristes Ă  la retraite 658:Des terroristes Ă  la retraite 649:Des terroristes Ă  la retraite 2297:Romanian emigrants to France 1239:Des Terroristes Ă  la retrait 805:Exclusif: Boris Holban parle 411:Holban left Paris to lead a 368:. Rol-Tanguy later stated: " 929:attention from the role of 716:, and chose to condemn him. 415:band in the forests of the 312:Francs-Tireurs et Partisans 281:Francs-Tireurs et Partisans 2383: 1399:annĂ©es par le PCF lui-mĂȘme 936:those foreigners who were 543:was ousted on orders from 336:, which were divided into 216:of the extreme right-wing 172:), a province of the vast 152:controversy of the 1980s. 1142:Poznanski, RenĂ©e (2001). 785:Adler wrote about Holban: 630:Strophes pour se souvenir 230:Parti communiste français 228:, and he joined the PCF ( 25: 1028:". In Sandra Ott (ed.). 1026:Terrorists in Retirement 654:Terrorists in Retirement 612:starting in 1944 was of 218:National Christian Party 206:Romanian Communist Party 112:Romanian Communist Party 1127:. Paris: Calmann-Levy. 1104:Gildea, Robert (2015). 628:wrote the popular poem 614:la France la rĂ©sistante 278:In 1941, he joined the 202:Partidul Comunist RomĂąn 187:The Romanian historian 148:group in Paris and for 1163:Women in the Holocaust 1123:Holban, Boris (1989). 1087:Paris at War 1939-1944 1066:Cobb, Matthew (2009). 1047:Crowdy, Terry (2007). 913: 874: 851:The British historian 814: 801: 792: 718: 622: 549:Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej 533: 520: 507: 498: 484: 475: 441: 291:Main d'Oeuvre ImmigrĂ©e 242:International Brigades 234:French Communist Party 116:French Communist Party 53:Bessarabia Governorate 1199:Rayski, Adam (2015). 1085:Drake, David (2015). 908: 878:Le Sang de l'Ă©tranger 869: 833:Gheorghe Gaston Marin 809: 796: 787: 709: 664:. With the historian 618: 529: 515: 503: 493: 479: 470: 437: 432:on 28 December 1943. 212:of Romania appointed 1180:Ousby, Ian (2000) . 974:Bowd, Gavin (2009). 857:l’Affaire Manouchian 744:L’Affaire Manouchian 736:L’Affaire Manouchian 662:l’Affaire Manouchian 641:L’Affaire Manouchian 150:l’Affaire Manouchian 1638:, pp. 227–228. 890:François Mitterrand 818:Cristina Luca Boico 454:Cristina Luca Boico 381:SS StandartenfĂŒhrer 300:Cristina Luca Boico 189:Vladimir Tismaneanu 2223:, p. 555-556. 2193:, p. 550-551. 2181:, p. 553-554. 2093:, p. 214-215. 2061:, p. 213-214. 2018:, p. 197-198. 2006:, p. 558-559. 1945:, p. 548-549. 1887:, p. 543-544. 1720:, p. 324-326. 1275:la justice sociale 968:Books and articles 932:Brigade spĂ©ciale 2 922:Brigade spĂ©ciale 2 876:In 1989, the book 754:and a PCF member, 730:un certain Olivier 678:MĂ©linĂ©e Manouchian 464:In February 1946, 426:Brigade spĂ©ciale 2 398:SS-SturmbannfĂŒhrer 354:Brigade spĂ©ciale 2 348:used the favorite 346:Brigade spĂ©ciale 2 342:Brigade spĂ©ciale 2 338:Brigade spĂ©ciale 1 333:Brigades spĂ©ciales 156:Communist activist 93:Political activist 2367:Romanian generals 2282:People from Otaci 2256:StĂ©phane Courtois 1058:978-1-84603-076-5 1039:978-1-935709-09-1 1007:10.1093/fh/cru080 926:groupe Manouchian 846:Groupe Manouchian 780:groupe Manouchian 756:ArsĂšne Tchakarian 752:groupe Manouchian 748:groupe Manouchian 740:groupe Monouchian 674:groupe Manouchian 666:StĂ©phane Courtois 610:Charles de Gaulle 606:French historians 586:groupe Manouchian 578:groupe Manouchian 566:Charles de Gaulle 562:Nicolae Ceaușescu 460:Return to Romania 422:groupe Manouchian 374:Joseph Davidowicz 361:Missak Manouchian 274:In the Resistance 244:fighting for the 144:as the leader of 142:French Resistance 135: 134: 130:French Resistance 2374: 2322:Stateless people 2287:Bessarabian Jews 2239: 2233: 2224: 2218: 2209: 2203: 2194: 2188: 2182: 2176: 2167: 2161: 2138: 2132: 2117: 2111: 2094: 2088: 2079: 2073: 2062: 2056: 2050: 2044: 2031: 2025: 2019: 2013: 2007: 2001: 1990: 1984: 1973: 1967: 1946: 1940: 1934: 1928: 1915: 1909: 1900: 1894: 1888: 1882: 1876: 1870: 1861: 1855: 1842: 1836: 1823: 1817: 1806: 1800: 1794: 1788: 1777: 1771: 1750: 1744: 1738: 1732: 1721: 1715: 1709: 1703: 1690: 1684: 1678: 1672: 1666: 1660: 1654: 1648: 1639: 1633: 1627: 1621: 1615: 1609: 1596: 1590: 1577: 1571: 1565: 1564: 1562: 1560: 1548: 1533: 1527: 1512: 1506: 1491: 1485: 1472: 1466: 1430: 1422: 1416: 1408: 1402: 1394: 1388: 1380: 1374: 1366: 1360: 1352: 1346: 1339: 1333: 1325: 1319: 1312: 1306: 1298: 1292: 1284: 1278: 1270: 1250: 1233: 1214: 1195: 1176: 1157: 1138: 1119: 1100: 1081: 1062: 1043: 1020: 1018: 989: 899:Didier Daeninckx 726:La Voix de l’Est 594:Henri Rol-Tanguy 394:Heinrich Himmler 366:Henri Rol-Tanguy 246:Spanish republic 70: 44: 42: 30: 16: 2382: 2381: 2377: 2376: 2375: 2373: 2372: 2371: 2357:French escapees 2262: 2261: 2248: 2243: 2242: 2234: 2227: 2219: 2212: 2204: 2197: 2189: 2185: 2177: 2170: 2162: 2141: 2133: 2120: 2112: 2097: 2089: 2082: 2074: 2065: 2057: 2053: 2045: 2034: 2026: 2022: 2014: 2010: 2002: 1993: 1985: 1976: 1968: 1949: 1941: 1937: 1929: 1918: 1910: 1903: 1895: 1891: 1883: 1879: 1871: 1864: 1856: 1845: 1837: 1826: 1818: 1809: 1801: 1797: 1789: 1780: 1772: 1753: 1745: 1741: 1733: 1724: 1716: 1712: 1704: 1693: 1685: 1681: 1673: 1669: 1661: 1657: 1649: 1642: 1634: 1630: 1622: 1618: 1610: 1599: 1591: 1580: 1572: 1568: 1558: 1556: 1550: 1549: 1536: 1528: 1515: 1507: 1494: 1488:Tismaneanu 2003 1486: 1475: 1467: 1444: 1434: 1433: 1423: 1419: 1409: 1405: 1395: 1391: 1381: 1377: 1367: 1363: 1353: 1349: 1340: 1336: 1326: 1322: 1313: 1309: 1299: 1295: 1285: 1281: 1271: 1267: 1257: 1243:H-France Review 1236: 1230: 1217: 1211: 1198: 1192: 1179: 1173: 1160: 1154: 1141: 1135: 1122: 1116: 1103: 1097: 1084: 1078: 1065: 1059: 1046: 1040: 1023: 992: 986: 973: 970: 951: 949:Books by Holban 886:Arc de Triomphe 822:Magazin istoric 764:Alexandre Adler 644: 634:L'affiche rouge 462: 391:ReichsfĂŒhrer SS 286:RenĂ©e Poznanski 276: 158: 114: 108:Political party 85: 72: 68: 59: 46: 40: 38: 21: 12: 11: 5: 2380: 2378: 2370: 2369: 2364: 2359: 2354: 2349: 2344: 2339: 2334: 2329: 2324: 2319: 2314: 2309: 2304: 2299: 2294: 2289: 2284: 2279: 2274: 2264: 2263: 2260: 2259: 2247: 2246:External links 2244: 2241: 2240: 2238:, p. 556. 2225: 2210: 2208:, p. 554. 2195: 2183: 2168: 2166:, p. 553. 2139: 2137:, p. 464. 2118: 2116:, p. 552. 2095: 2080: 2078:, p. 214. 2063: 2051: 2049:, p. 213. 2032: 2030:, p. 200. 2020: 2008: 1991: 1974: 1972:, p. 550. 1947: 1935: 1933:, p. 545. 1916: 1914:, p. 234. 1901: 1899:, p. 233. 1889: 1877: 1875:, p. 232. 1862: 1860:, p. 229. 1843: 1841:, p. 549. 1824: 1822:, p. 188. 1807: 1805:, p. 547. 1795: 1793:, p. 236. 1778: 1776:, p. 548. 1751: 1749:, p. 233. 1739: 1737:, p. 187. 1722: 1710: 1708:, p. 546. 1691: 1689:, p. 351. 1687:Poznanski 2001 1679: 1677:, p. 480. 1667: 1665:, p. 186. 1655: 1653:, p. 228. 1640: 1628: 1626:, p. 242. 1624:Poznanski 1998 1616: 1614:, p. 224. 1597: 1595:, p. 544. 1578: 1566: 1534: 1530:Poznanski 2001 1513: 1511:, p. 543. 1492: 1473: 1471:, p. 218. 1441: 1440: 1439: 1438: 1432: 1431: 1417: 1403: 1389: 1375: 1361: 1347: 1334: 1320: 1307: 1293: 1279: 1264: 1263: 1262: 1261: 1256: 1253: 1252: 1251: 1234: 1228: 1215: 1209: 1196: 1191:978-0712665131 1190: 1177: 1171: 1158: 1152: 1139: 1134:978-2702117781 1133: 1120: 1114: 1101: 1095: 1082: 1076: 1063: 1057: 1044: 1038: 1021: 1001:(4): 541–559. 995:French History 990: 984: 969: 966: 965: 964: 958: 950: 947: 943:mondialisation 643: 638: 466:Jacques Duclos 461: 458: 430:Bourg-la-Reine 275: 272: 255:Albert Youdine 174:Russian empire 157: 154: 133: 132: 123: 119: 118: 109: 105: 104: 99: 95: 94: 91: 87: 86: 73: 71:(aged 96) 65: 61: 60: 57:Russian empire 47: 36: 32: 31: 23: 22: 19: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2379: 2368: 2365: 2363: 2360: 2358: 2355: 2353: 2350: 2348: 2345: 2343: 2340: 2338: 2335: 2333: 2330: 2328: 2325: 2323: 2320: 2318: 2315: 2313: 2310: 2308: 2305: 2303: 2300: 2298: 2295: 2293: 2292:Romanian Jews 2290: 2288: 2285: 2283: 2280: 2278: 2275: 2273: 2270: 2269: 2267: 2257: 2253: 2250: 2249: 2245: 2237: 2232: 2230: 2226: 2222: 2217: 2215: 2211: 2207: 2202: 2200: 2196: 2192: 2187: 2184: 2180: 2175: 2173: 2169: 2165: 2160: 2158: 2156: 2154: 2152: 2150: 2148: 2146: 2144: 2140: 2136: 2131: 2129: 2127: 2125: 2123: 2119: 2115: 2110: 2108: 2106: 2104: 2102: 2100: 2096: 2092: 2087: 2085: 2081: 2077: 2072: 2070: 2068: 2064: 2060: 2055: 2052: 2048: 2043: 2041: 2039: 2037: 2033: 2029: 2024: 2021: 2017: 2012: 2009: 2005: 2000: 1998: 1996: 1992: 1989:, p. 22. 1988: 1983: 1981: 1979: 1975: 1971: 1966: 1964: 1962: 1960: 1958: 1956: 1954: 1952: 1948: 1944: 1939: 1936: 1932: 1927: 1925: 1923: 1921: 1917: 1913: 1908: 1906: 1902: 1898: 1893: 1890: 1886: 1881: 1878: 1874: 1869: 1867: 1863: 1859: 1854: 1852: 1850: 1848: 1844: 1840: 1835: 1833: 1831: 1829: 1825: 1821: 1816: 1814: 1812: 1808: 1804: 1799: 1796: 1792: 1787: 1785: 1783: 1779: 1775: 1770: 1768: 1766: 1764: 1762: 1760: 1758: 1756: 1752: 1748: 1743: 1740: 1736: 1731: 1729: 1727: 1723: 1719: 1714: 1711: 1707: 1702: 1700: 1698: 1696: 1692: 1688: 1683: 1680: 1676: 1671: 1668: 1664: 1659: 1656: 1652: 1647: 1645: 1641: 1637: 1632: 1629: 1625: 1620: 1617: 1613: 1608: 1606: 1604: 1602: 1598: 1594: 1589: 1587: 1585: 1583: 1579: 1576:, p. 13. 1575: 1570: 1567: 1554: 1547: 1545: 1543: 1541: 1539: 1535: 1532:, p. 12. 1531: 1526: 1524: 1522: 1520: 1518: 1514: 1510: 1505: 1503: 1501: 1499: 1497: 1493: 1490:, p. 66. 1489: 1484: 1482: 1480: 1478: 1474: 1470: 1465: 1463: 1461: 1459: 1457: 1455: 1453: 1451: 1449: 1447: 1443: 1436: 1435: 1428: 1421: 1418: 1414: 1407: 1404: 1400: 1393: 1390: 1386: 1379: 1376: 1372: 1365: 1362: 1358: 1351: 1348: 1344: 1338: 1335: 1331: 1324: 1321: 1317: 1311: 1308: 1304: 1297: 1294: 1290: 1283: 1280: 1276: 1269: 1266: 1259: 1258: 1254: 1248: 1244: 1240: 1235: 1231: 1229:9780520237476 1225: 1221: 1216: 1212: 1210:9780268091835 1206: 1202: 1197: 1193: 1187: 1183: 1178: 1174: 1172:9780300080803 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478: 474: 469: 467: 459: 457: 455: 451: 450:Ion Antonescu 445: 440: 436: 433: 431: 427: 423: 418: 414: 409: 406: 402: 401:Herbert Hagen 399: 395: 392: 388: 387: 382: 377: 375: 371: 367: 362: 357: 355: 351: 347: 343: 339: 335: 334: 328: 324: 320: 315: 313: 308: 303: 301: 296: 292: 287: 283: 282: 273: 271: 268: 263: 258: 256: 251: 250:Popular Front 247: 243: 239: 235: 231: 227: 222: 219: 215: 214:Octavian Goga 211: 207: 203: 198: 195: 190: 185: 183: 179: 175: 171: 167: 163: 155: 153: 151: 147: 143: 139: 131: 127: 124: 120: 117: 113: 110: 106: 103: 100: 96: 92: 88: 84: 80: 76: 66: 62: 58: 54: 50: 45:20 April 1908 37: 33: 29: 24: 17: 2186: 2054: 2023: 2011: 1938: 1892: 1880: 1798: 1742: 1713: 1682: 1670: 1658: 1631: 1619: 1569: 1557:. 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Bessarabia Governorate
Russian empire
Romanian Communist Party
French Communist Party
French Resistance
French Resistance
Russian empire
Vladimir Tismaneanu
Gavin Bowd
Romanian Communist Party
Carol II
Octavian Goga
National Christian Party
French Communist Party
International Brigades
Spanish republic

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
