
British expedition to Tibet

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726: 1234:, was determined to see that Brigadier-General Macdonald should henceforth be in charge of the Mission at all times. The feeling in Simla was that Younghusband was unduly eager to head straight for Lhasa. Younghusband set out for New Chumbi on 6 June and telegraphed Louis Dane, the head of Curzon's Foreign Department, telling him that "we are now fighting the Russians, not the Tibetans. Since Karo La we are dealing with Russia." He further sent off a stream of letters and telegrams claiming there was overwhelming evidence of the Tibetans relying on Russian support and that they were receiving a very substantial amount of it. These were claims with no foundation. Younghusband was ordered by Lord Ampthill, as acting Viceroy, to re-open negotiations and try again to communicate with the Dalai Lama. Reluctantly Younghusband did deliver an ultimatum in two letters, one addressed to the Dalai Lama and one to the Chinese amban, 626: 1514:
this matter". Younghusband raised the indemnity demanded from 5,900,000 to 7,500,000 rupees, and further demanded the right for a British trade agent, based at Gyantse, to visit Lhasa "for consultations". It seems that he was still following Lord Curzon's geo-political agenda to extend British influence in Tibet by securing the Chumbi Valley for Britain. Younghusband wanted the payment to be met by yearly instalments; it would have taken about 75 years for the Tibetans to clear their debt, and since British occupation of the Chumbi valley was surety until payment was completed, the valley would remain in British hands. Younghusband wrote to his wife immediately after the signing; "I have got Chumbi for 75 years. I have got Russia out for ever". The regent commented that "When one has known the scorpion the frog is divine".
Mission at Tali. The telegram, which is in Latin, is dated Tali, the 24th April, and is to the effect that the lamas of Batang have killed PP. Musset and Soulie, together with, it is believed, 200 converts. The chapel at Atentse has been burnt down, and the lamas hold the road to Tachien-lu. Pere Bourdonnec (another member of the French Tibet Mission) begs that Pere Maire will take action. Pere Maire has accordingly written to M. Leduc, my French colleague, who will doubtless communicate with the Governor-General. The Provicaire is of opinion that the missionaries were attacked by orders of the ex-Dalai Lama, as the nearest Europeans on whom he could avenge his disgrace. He is good enough to say that he will give me any further information which he may receive. I am telegraphing to you the news of the massacre.
confrontation. The British took a few months to prepare for the expedition which pressed into Tibetan territories in early December 1903 following an act of "Tibetan hostility", which was afterwards established by the British resident in Nepal to have been the herding of some trespassing Nepalese yaks and their drovers back across the border. When Younghusband telegrammed the Viceroy, in an attempt to strengthen the British Cabinet's support of the invasion, that intelligence indicated Russian arms had entered Tibet, Curzon privately silenced him. "Remember that in the eyes of HMG we are advancing not because of Dorjyev, or Russian rifles in Lhasa, but because of our Convention shamelessly violated, our frontier trespassed upon, our subjects arrested, our mission flouted, our representations ignored."
1462:, the capital of Outer Mongolia. The Amban escorted the British into the city with his personal guard, but informed them that he had no authority to negotiate with them. The Tibetans told them that only the absent Dalai Lama had authority to sign any accord. The Amban advised the Chinese emperor to depose the Dalai Lama. The Tibetan Council of Ministers and the General Assembly began to submit to pressure on the terms as August progressed, except on the matter of the indemnity which they believed impossibly high for a poor country. Eventually however Younghusband intimidated the regent, Ganden Tri Rinpoche, and the Tsongdu (Tibetan National Assembly), into signing a treaty on 7 September 1904, drafted by himself, known subsequently as the 1116:
while faraway at New Chumbi, extolled Younghusband's heroism; in fact, Younghusband's own account revealed that he had fled to the Redoubt, where he remained under cover. The Gurkhas' light mountain guns and Maxims which would have been extremely useful in defending the fort, now back in Tibetan hands, had been requisitioned by Brander's Karo La party. Younghusband sent a message to Brander telling him to complete his attack on Karo, and only then to return to relieve the garrison. The unprovoked attack on the Mission and the Tibetans' reoccupation of the Gyantse Dzong, though a shock, did in fact serve Younghusband's purpose. He wrote privately to Lord Curzon: "The Tibetans as usual have played into our hands." To
and drive out the Tibetan forces ensconced high on their cliffs. This they began, but soon were lost in a furious blizzard, which stopped all communications with the Gurkha force. Some hours later, exploratory probes down the pass encountered shooting and a desultory exchange continued till the storm ended around noon, which showed that the Gurkhas had by chance found their way to a position above the Tibetan troops. Thus faced with shooting from both sides as Sikh soldiers pushed up the hill, the Tibetans moved back, again coming under severe fire from British artillery and retreated in good order, leaving behind 200 dead. British losses were again negligible.
990:, mowed down the Tibetans in a few minutes with a terrific slaughter." Second-hand accounts from the Tibetan side have asserted both that the British tricked the Tibetans into extinguishing the fuses for their matchlocks, and that the British opened fire without warning. However, no evidence exists to show such trickery took place and the likelihood is that the unwieldy weapons were of very limited use in the circumstances. Furthermore, the British, Sikh, and Gurkha soldiers closest to the Tibetans were nearly all protected by a high wall, and none were killed. 465: 1223:
Brander's fighters set out for the village of Naini, where the monastery and a small fort were occupied by the Tibetans; they were involved in significant fighting but were required to break off to return to defend the Mission which was under concerted attack from the Dzong – an attack stifled by Ottley's Mounted Infantry. It was the last serious attempt by Dapon Tailing (the Tibetan commander of the garrison at Gyantse Dzong) to take Changlo Manor. On 24 May a company of the 32nd Sikh pioneers arrived and Captain Seymour Shepard,
197: 454: 994: 1227:, 'a legend in the Indian Army' reached Gyantse, commanding a group of sappers, which lifted British morale. On 28 May he was involved in an attack on Palla Manor, 1,000 yards east of Changlo Manor. 400 Tibetans were killed or wounded. No more assaults were contemplated at this point until Macdonald returned with more troops and Brander concentrated on strengthening the 3 positions: the Manor, the Gurka House, and Palla Manor; he also reopened the line of communication with New Chumbi. 1215: 968:. The Commissioner, Younghusband, was asked to stop but replied that the advance must continue, and that he could not allow any Tibetan troops to remain on the road. The Tibetans would not fight, but nor would they vacate their positions. Younghusband and Macdonald agreed that "the only thing to do was to disarm them and let them go". British writer Charles Allen has also suggested that a dummy attack was played out in an effort to provoke the Tibetans into opening fire. 794:, proved to be effective, but they were in such small numbers as to be unable to reverse the tide of battle. This problem was exacerbated by their generals, who seemed in awe of the British and refused to make any aggressive moves against the small and often dispersed column. They also failed conspicuously to properly defend their natural barriers, frequently offering battle in relatively open ground, where Maxim guns and rifle volleys caused great numbers of casualties. 1362:
them. After several failed attempts to gain the walls, two soldiers broke through a bottleneck under fire despite both being wounded. They gained a foothold which the following troops exploited, enabling the walls to be taken. The Tibetans retreated in good order, allowing the British control of the road to Lhasa, but denying Macdonald a route and thus remaining a constant threat (although never a serious problem) in the British rear for the remainder of the campaign.
disputes was a pretext for annexing the whole Tibet region into British India, which was a step towards the ultimate goal of annexing all of China. They also assert that the Tibetans annihilated the British forces, and that Younghusband escaped only with a small retinue. The Chinese government has turned Gyantze Dzong into a "Resistance Against the British Museum", promoting these views, as well as other themes such as the brutal living conditions endured by
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this battle and some to follow, the Tibetans wore amulets which their lamas had promised would magically protect them from any harm. After one battle, surviving Tibetans showed profound confusion over the ineffectiveness of these amulets. In a telegraph to his superior in India a day later, Younghusband stated: "I trust the tremendous punishment they have received will prevent further fighting, and induce them at last to negotiate."
769:, to prepare for his mission. White was unhappy with his secondment to the expeditionary force and, to Younghusband's displeasure, had done everything in his power to have the appointment cancelled. He failed and Younghusband had his revenge for White's insubordination when he later left him in the leech-infested jungles of Sikkim to arrange for mules and coolies to transport supplies to the expedition. 666:
not recognise the concessions made by China. British efforts to directly negotiate with the Tibetans were also rebuffed. The Chinese inability to implement the concessions exposed their "impotence" in Tibet. The British Governor-General came to the conclusion that Chinese suzerainty over Tibet was a "constitutional fiction", which was maintained only for mutual convenience and had no effect in practice.
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soldiers away from the southern side of the Dzong which was to be the main object of the attack to come. An artillery bombardment with mountain guns would then create a breach, which would be stormed immediately by his main force. The ancient monastic complex at Tsechen, dating from the fourteenth century, was torched, to prevent its re-occupation by the Tibetans.
1447:, and reached the fortress of Nakartse, unoccupied except for a party of delegates from Lhasa. Macdonald urged Younghusband to settle the business but Younghusband would negotiate only at Lhasa. By 22 July, the troops camped under the wall of another fortress, Peté Dzong, deserted and in ruins, while Mounted Infantry pushed on ahead to seize the crossing at 725: 862:
the British at Khampa Dzong, Younghusband advanced with some 1,150 soldiers, porters, labourers, and thousands of pack animals, to Tuna, 50 miles beyond the border. After waiting more months there, hoping in vain to be met by negotiators, the expedition received orders (in 1904) to continue toward Lhasa.
was a massively protected fortress; defended by the best Tibetan troops and the country's only artillery, it commanded a forbidding position high over the valley below. Macdonald engaged in a 'demonstration', a feint directed mainly against the western edges of Gyantse Dzong which would draw Tibetan
Resident in Lhasa, Yu-t'ai, though, as he wrote to his sister, he was against this course of action for he saw it as "giving them another chance of negotiating". On 10 June Younghusband arrived at New Chumbi. Macdonald and Younghusband discussed their differences, and on 12 June the Tibet Field Force
Significant alarms and actions during this period included fighting on 18–19 May when attempts were made to take a building away from the Tibetans between the Dzong and the Mission post, which were successful. About 50 Tibetans were gunned down and the building was renamed the Gurkha House. On 21 May
Lt. Colonel Herbert Brander, Commander of the Mission Escort at Changlo Manor, decided to strike against the Tibetan force assembling at Karo La without consulting Brigadier-General Macdonald, who was two days' riding away. Brander consulted Younghusband instead, who declared himself in favour of the
Past the first barrier and with increasing momentum, Macdonald's force crossed abandoned defences at Kangma a week later, and on 9 April attempted to pass through Red Idol Gorge, which had been fortified to prevent passage. Macdonald ordered his Gurkha troops to scale the steep hillsides of the gorge
July 1903 stated that "In the event of your meeting the Dalai Lama, the government of India authorizes you to give him the assurance which you suggest in your letter." From August 1903, Younghusband and his escort commander at Khampa Dzong, Lt-Col Herbert Brander, tried to provoke the Tibetans into a
through Dorjiev. He sent an appeal for Russian protection in 1900 through Dorjiev, who met the Tsar at the imperial summer residence in Livadia on 30 September, 1900. Gifts were exchanged and the possibility of a Russian consulate in Tibet was discussed. In 1901 Dorjiyev and other representatives met
over Tibet, and that Russia was providing arms and fighting forces to Tibet. Russian influence in Tibet would afford them a direct route to British India, breaking the chain of quasi-autonomous buffer-states which separated the Raj from the Russian Empire to the north. These rumours were supported by
and the trade agreement. Tibetan troops erected a stone fortress across the trade route on Sikkimese territory. Protests to China obtained no relief. Boundary pillars erected by the British and Chinese commissioners were removed by the Tibetans. The British trade commissioner was told that Tibet did
Many Chinese historians have written concerning the expedition an image of Tibetans heroically opposing the expeditionary force out of loyalty not to Tibet, but to China. This particular school of Chinese historiography asserts that the British interest in trade and resolving the Tibet-Sikkim border
may have dictated, looting seemed acceptable if the army felt it had been opposed in any way. According to Major William Beynon, in a letter to his wife on 7 July, some of the pillaging was officially approved – in contrast to claims by Dr Waddell, Brigadier-General Macdonald and his chief of staff,
Once the obstacle of Gyantse Dzong was cleared, the road to Lhasa would be open. Gyantse Dzong was, however, too strong for a small raiding force to capture, and as it overlooked British supply routes, it became the primary target of Macdonald's army. On 26 June, a fortified monastery at Naini which
Following this fight at the "Red Idol Gorge", as the British later called it, the British military pressed on to Gyantse, reaching it on 11 April. The town's gates were opened before Macdonald's forces, the garrison having already departed. Francis Younghusband wrote to his father; "As I have always
The size of the indemnity had been the hardest factor to accept for the Tibetan negotiators. The Secretary of State for India, St John Brodrick, had in fact expressed the need for it to be "within the power of the Tibetans to pay" and given Younghusband a free hand to be "guided by circumstances in
The eventual assault on 6 July did not happen as planned, as the Tibetan walls were stronger than expected. General Macdonald's plan was for the infantry to advance in three columns, from the south-west, the south, and south-east. Yet at the opening of the attack there was a near disaster when two
first achieved enlightenment. Statuettes and scrolls were shared out between officers. Younghusband's Mission Staff and Escort were billeted in the country mansion and farmyard of a Tibetan noble family named Changlo, and 'Changlo Manor' became the Mission Headquarters where Younghusband could hold
Half a mile from the battlefield, the Tibetan forces reached shelter and were allowed to withdraw by Brigadier-General Macdonald. Behind them, they left between 600 and 700 dead and 168 wounded, 148 of whom survived in British field hospitals as prisoners. British casualties were 12 wounded. During
The Tibetans were mown down by the Maxim guns as they fled. "I got so sick of the slaughter that I ceased fire, though the general’s order was to make as big a bag as possible", wrote Lieutenant Arthur Hadow, commander of the Maxim guns detachment. "I hope I shall never again have to shoot down men
pledged that if the British made no attack upon the Tibetans, he would not attack the British. Colonel Younghusband replied, on 6 December 1903, that "we are not at war with Tibet and that, unless we are ourselves attacked, we shall not attack the Tibetans". When no Tibetan or Chinese officials met
The British seem to have misread the military and diplomatic situation, for the Russians did not have the designs on India that the British imagined, and the campaign was politically redundant before it began. Russian arms in Tibet amounted to no more than thirty Russian government rifles, and the
The Amban later publicly repudiated the treaty, while Britain announced that it still accepted Chinese claims of authority over Tibet. Acting Viceroy Lord Ampthill reduced the indemnity by two-thirds and considerably eased the terms in other ways. The provisions of this 1904 treaty were revised in
Following the 5 May attack, the Mission and its garrison remained under constant fire from the Dzong. The Tibetans' weapons may have been inefficient and primitive but they kept up a constant pressure and fatalities were an irregular but nagging reality; a fatality on 6 May was followed by another
who had sat in on the discussions, observed that it was "injudicious" to attack the Tibetans, and that it was "quite out of keeping with the studious way in which we have hitherto kept ourselves in the right." Brander's telegram setting out his plans reached Macdonald at New Chumbi on 3 May and he
It seems then that scuffles between the Sikhs and Tibetan guards grouped around Tibetan generals sparked an action of the Lhasa general: he fired a pistol hitting a Sikh in the jaw. British accounts insist that the Tibetan general became angry at the sight of the brawl developing and shot the Sikh
that began in February 1904 further altered perceptions of the balance of power in Asia, and the Russian threat. However, it has been argued that the campaign had "a profound effect upon Tibet, changing it forever, and for the worse at that, doing much to contribute to Tibet's loss of innocence."
It was in fact the reaction in London which was fiercest in condemnation of the war. By the Edwardian period, colonial wars had become increasingly unpopular, and public and political opinion were unhappy about waging war for such minor reasons as those provided by Curzon, and about the beginning
charged the broken wall, they came under heavy fire and suffered some casualties. Gurkha troops climbed the rock directly under the upper ramparts, scaling the rock face as rocks rained down on them and misdirected fire from one of the Maxims hit more of these Gurkhas than Tibetan defenders above
No. 10. Despatch from Consul-General Wilkinson to Sir E. Satow, dated Yünnan-fu, 28th April, 1905. (Received in London 14th June, 1905.) Pere Maire, the Provicaire of the Roman Catholic Mission here, called this morning to show me a telegram which he had just received from a native priest of his
Though Younghusband, through Curzon's patronage, ascended to the Residency of Kashmir following the campaign, his judgment was no longer trusted, and political decisions on Kashmir and the princely states were made without him. Once Curzon's protection was gone, Younghusband had no future in the
Meanwhile, an estimated 800 Tibetans attacked the Chang Lo garrison. The Tibetan war gave the Mission staff time to form ranks and repulse the assailants, who lost 160 dead; three men of the Mission garrison were killed. An exaggerated account of the attack, written by Lieutenant Leonard Bethell
The British mission departed in late September 1904, after a ceremonial presentation of gifts. Britain had "won" and had received the agreements it desired, but without actually receiving any tangible results. The Tibetans had lost the war but had seen China humbled by its failure to defend its
and meet representatives of the Dalai Lama. In the words of historian Charles Allen, they now entered 'a halcyon period', even planting a vegetable garden at the Manor while officers explored the town unescorted, or went fishing and shooting. The commission's medical officer, the philanthropic
Tibetan responses to the invasion so far had comprised almost entirely static defences and sniping from the mountains at the passing column, neither tactic proving effective. Apart from the failed assault on Chang Lo two months previously, the Tibetans had not made any sallies against British
with two Maxim guns, a British Army Mountain Battery with four ten-pounder guns, and Murree Mountain Battery, as well as two Field Hospitals. Setting out on 24 May 1904, the Royal Fusiliers joined up with Macdonald at New Chumbi, the base depot of the Tibet Mission, in the first days of June.
The Tibetans were not just unwilling to fulfil the treaty; they were also unable to perform many of its stipulations. Tibet did not have any substantial international trade commodities, and already accepted the borders with its neighbours. Nevertheless, the provisions of the 1904 treaty were
On 3 July, a formal durbar was held at the Mission and the Tibetan delegation told by Younghusband to clear out of the Dzong in 36 hours. Younghusband made no effort to negotiate, though why talks could not take place while the Tibetans held the Dzong was not clear. The more patient General
At the Karo La, the Wide-Mouthed Pass that had been the scene of fighting two and a half months earlier, the Gurkhas skirmished with a determined group of Tibetan fighters on the heights to the left and right. Essentially however resistance faded before the advance and a policy of
625: 577:. In April 1903, the British government received clear assurances from Russia that it had no interest in Tibet. "In spite, however, of the Russian assurances, Lord Curzon continued to press for the dispatch of a mission to Tibet", a high level British political officer noted. 908:, wintered in the border country, using the time to train his troops near regular supplies of food and shelter before advancing in earnest in March 1904, travelling over 50 miles (80 km) before encountering his first major obstacle at the pass of Guru ( 1247:
by the Gurkhas and 40th Pathan soldiers. Further, Tibetan forces in two forts in the village were caught "between two fires" as the garrison at Changlo Manor joined the fight. On 28 June a final obstacle to assaulting Gyantse Dzong was overcome when the
client state from foreign incursion, and had pacified the British by signing an unenforceable and largely irrelevant treaty. Captured Tibetan troops were released without condition upon the war's conclusion, many after receiving medical treatment.
1252:, to the north-west, and the fortress that guarded its rear were cleared by two companies of Gurkhas, the 40th Pathans and two waves of infantry. Since the monastery had offered resistance it was considered fit to loot – several old and valuable 6057: 1643:
The position of British Trade Agent at Gyangzê was occupied from 1904 until 1944. It was not until 1937, with the creation of the position of "Head of British Mission Lhasa", that a British officer had a permanent posting in Lhasa itself.
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troops from mountainous regions such as Nepal; six companies of the 23rd Sikh Pioneers, four companies of the 8th Gurkhas in reserve at Gnatong in Sikkim, and two Gurkha companies guarding the British camp at Khamba Dzong were involved.
positions. This attitude was born of a mix of justifiable fear of the Maxim Guns, and faith in the solid rock of their defences, yet in every battle they were disappointed, primarily by their poor weaponry and inexperienced officers.
in Tibet led the British to assume that China possessed authority over Tibet and they began to negotiate with China regarding relations with Tibet. However, the Tibetans rejected the results of these negotiations, including the
columns blundered into each other in the dark. It took eleven hours to break through. The breach was not completed until 4:00 pm, by which time the assault had little time to succeed before nightfall. As Gurkhas and
986:, and that very soon after this, fire was directed from three sides on the Tibetans crowded behind the wall. In Doctor Austine Waddell's account, "they poured a withering fire into the enemy, which, with the quick firing 694:
belief that the Dalai Lama intended to place Tibet firmly within a sphere of Russian influence and end its neutrality. In 1903, Curzon sent a request to the governments of China and Tibet for negotiations, to be held at
1753: 6121: 4234: 785:
The Tibetan soldiers were almost all rapidly impressed peasants, who lacked organisation, discipline, training and motivation. Only a handful of their most devoted units, comprising monks armed usually with
Lamellar coat and helmet. From Tibet, in modern-day China. 14th–17th century CE. Iron, leather, and textile. Presented by Lieutenant Colonel Sir Francis Younghusband. Discoveries Gallery, National Museum of
687:. A Russo-Tibetan treaty was drafted but not adopted due to fears of conflict with the British and Qing empires. Russia sent back arms and ammunition, as well as a set of Episcopal robes, to the Dalai Lama. 4818: 4813: 600:. The poorly-trained and equipped Tibetans proved no match for the modern equipment and training of the British Indian forces. At Lhasa, the Commission forced remaining Tibetan officials to sign the 5468: 4162: 1633: 1128:
eleven in the seven weeks after the surprise attack on Changlo Manor. The garrison responded with its own attacks; some of the Mounted Infantry returned from Karo La, armed with new standard-issue
7016: 5955: 1061:, a particularly common affliction in Tibet. Five days after he arrived at Gyantse, and deeming the defences of Changlo Manor secure, Macdonald ordered the main force to begin the march back to 6716: 4843: 1569: 1519: 703:
to establish trade agreements. The Chinese were willing, and ordered the thirteenth Dalai Lama to attend. However, the Dalai Lama refused, and also refused to provide transport to enable the
1800:, p. 403: "The critical factor which ultimately produced a major change, however, was political, a consequence of the rise of Chinese influence in Lhasa following the departure of the 1683:
has remarked that, although the Younghusband Mission did inflict "considerable material damage on Tibet and its people", it was damage that paled into insignificance when compared "to the
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sought to reverse the action, but it was too late. The battle at Karo La on 5–6 May is possibly the highest altitude action in history, won by Gurkha riflemen of the 8th Gurkhas and
rifles, and pursued Tibetan horsemen, and one of the Maxims was stationed on the roof and short bursts of machine-gun fire met targets as they appeared on the walls of the Dzong.
was adopted – the Tibetans removed what food and fodder they could and emptied villages. Nevertheless, troops could fish in the lakes, where there were also plenty of gulls and
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and China. The British, for a fee from the Qing court, also agreed "not to annex Tibetan territory or to interfere in the administration of Tibet", while China engaged "not to
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Contemporary documents show that the British continued to occupy the Chumbi Valley until 8 February 1908, after having received the full payment of the indemnity from China.
6557: 604:, before withdrawing to Sikkim in September, with the understanding the Chinese government would not permit any other country to interfere with the administration of Tibet. 960:
March 1904 became known as the Massacre of Chumik Shenko. Facing the vanguard of Macdonald's army and blocking the road was a Tibetan force of 3,000 armed with antiquated
5168: 6396: 5074: 1522:. The British, for a fee from the Qing court, also agreed "not to annex Tibetan territory or to interfere in the administration of Tibet", while China engaged "not to 1135:
The attack on Changlo Manor seemed to spur the British and Indian Governments to renewed efforts, and reinforcements were duly despatched. British troops stationed at
came under British protection in 1861, its border with Tibet needed to be defined. Sikkim also appeared to the British as an ideal route to conduct trade with Tibet.
6136: 3819: 976:, who described himself as an eye-witness, said that following this shot, the mass of Tibetans surged forward and their attack fell next on a correspondent for the 691: 570: 1088:, the Cabinet "kept its collective head down". Meanwhile, intelligence reached Younghusband that Tibetan troops had gathered at Karo La, 45 miles east of Gyantse. 3021: 5752: 6541: 6512: 6131: 5587: 4785: 2505: 7051: 6213: 5173: 1305: 1179: 7091: 7071: 573:, the head of the British Indian government. Curzon had long held deep concerns over Russia's advances in central Asia and now feared a Russian invasion of 3056: 1573: 171: 1143:, the nearest British infantry available, were sent, as well as six companies of Indian troops from the 40th Pathans, a party from the 1st Battalion, the 89: 7006: 5201: 4765: 493: 3789: 6201: 6186: 5049: 4633: 5888: 4750: 1027:
said, the Tibetans are nothing but sheep." The townspeople continued with their business and the Westerners took a look at the monastic complex, the
7041: 7011: 4491: 4434: 4270: 3392: 3162: 1552: 1084:
magazines had expressed views critical of a spectacle that included "half-armed men" being wiped out "with the irresistible weapons of science". In
On top of this, there were rumours and suspicions in the British government that the Chinese government had reached a secret understanding with the
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soldier in the face, prompting a violent response from the soldier's comrades, which rapidly escalated the situation. Henry Newman, a reporter for
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Pillaging by soldiers took place at Palkor Chode, Dongtse and other monasteries after the fall of Gyantse Dzong. Whatever General Orders and the
911: 6924: 6263: 5431: 4542: 4388: 798: 236: 2351:
Carrington, Michael (2003) "Officers, Gentlemen and Thieves: the looting of monasteries during the 1903/4 Younghusband Mission to Tibet", in:
7001: 6955: 6196: 3585: 3117: 3097: 2965: 2928: 2880: 2860: 2769: 2047: 1271: 1231: 5813: 4342: 2451: 2430: 1866: 716: 6425: 6176: 6089: 5828: 5113: 3615: 3428: 4623: 4258: 4192: 1700: 411: 2803:
The McMahon Line and After: A Study of the Triangular Contest on India's North-eastern Frontier Between Britain, China and Tibet, 1904–47
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and 411 to other causes, such as disease. Tibetan casualties have been estimated at between 2,000 and 3,000 killed or fatally wounded.
808:, numbered over 3,000 fighting men complemented by 7,000 sherpas, porters, and camp followers. This force consisted of elements of the 7086: 6641: 6010: 5883: 5707: 4728: 4683: 3470: 1715: 1710: 1613: 1072:
London for an opinion but got no reply. Reaction in Britain to the events of Chumik Shenko had been one of "shock growing disquiet".
766: 4071: 3416: 3265: 6930: 6771: 6646: 6003: 5580: 4755: 3034: 3000: 2985: 2908: 2811: 2790: 2747: 1327: 1201: 3295: 1423:
On 12 July the sappers pulled down the Tsechen monastery and fort and on 14 July Macdonald's force marched east on the Lhasa road.
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wrote to Helen Younghusband on 3 July that "He should be removed & another & better man-a fighting general- substituted".
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he wrote that "His Majesty's Government must see that the necessity for going to Lhasa has now been proved beyond all doubt."
7101: 7096: 6442: 6308: 6076: 5732: 5103: 5069: 4878: 4481: 3633: 3217: 2538: 1309: 1183: 486: 5923: 5863: 964:
muskets, ensconced behind a 5-foot-high (1.5 m) rock wall. On the slope above, the Tibetans had placed seven or eight
7046: 6986: 6876: 6651: 6507: 6191: 6181: 6166: 6161: 5993: 5943: 5697: 5118: 4919: 3729: 3717: 3705: 3675: 3651: 3645: 3639: 3621: 3597: 905: 522:, whose purported mission was to establish diplomatic relations and resolve the dispute over the border between Tibet and 4775: 1648:
whole narrative of Russian influence, and the Czar's ambitions, was dropped. The defeats the Russians experienced in the
massacred French missionaries, Manchu and Han Qing officials, and Christian converts before the Qing crushed the revolt.
battle, which was described in Britain as a deliberate massacre of unarmed men. It was only because of support from King
The mission was recognized as a military expedition by the British Indian government, which issued a campaign medal, the
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Meanwhile, many Tibetans look back to it as an exercise of Tibetan self-defence and an act of independence from the
6996: 6991: 6935: 6381: 5206: 5135: 5128: 5086: 4868: 4653: 4381: 3735: 3663: 3603: 3452: 1628:
isolated the now independent Tibet, reducing Western influence and interest. Ineffectual regents ruled during the
1601: 5843: 5630: 5211: 5145: 6945: 6664: 6593: 6386: 5918: 5712: 4998: 4989: 4873: 4863: 4663: 4486: 4439: 3993: 3380: 3307: 3223: 1735: 735: 519: 514:, began in December 1903 and lasted until September 1904. The expedition was effectively a temporary invasion by 479: 432: 311: 4554: 4524: 4496: 4005: 2993:
Small Wars and Skirmishes, 1902–18: early twentieth-century colonial campaigns in Africa, Asia, and the Americas
869:, alarmed by a foreign power dispatching a military mission to its capital, began marshalling its armed forces. 396: 6866: 6686: 6420: 6391: 6141: 5335: 4848: 4246: 4059: 3891: 3879: 3849: 3591: 3482: 3283: 3277: 1400: 678:
with the Dalai Lama. While the Dalai Lama declined to have dealings with the British, he was in touch with the
593: 3013:. Edinburgh: Blackwood. 1st edition 1932, pp 21–66. Bethell was a member of the expedition. See 'A Footnote'. 2572:. Contributors India. Foreign and Political Dept, India. Governor-General. H.M. Stationery Office. p. 12 901:
December 1903 was well prepared for battle, having had long experience of Indian border wars. Its commander,
7081: 7056: 6462: 5928: 5913: 5747: 5645: 5502: 5163: 5061: 4914: 4909: 4429: 4210: 4144: 3981: 3945: 3831: 3747: 3723: 3681: 3554: 3542: 3524: 3464: 3458: 3259: 3241: 1298: 1244: 1172: 437: 7036: 7031: 6843: 6731: 6612: 6437: 5655: 4833: 4792: 4186: 3795: 3777: 3771: 3494: 3362: 3247: 3229: 3147: 3026: 3006: 2951: 2896: 1680: 1584: 1028: 965: 797:
By contrast, the British and Indian troops were experienced veterans of mountainous border warfare on the
662: 136: 6736: 5798: 5702: 4743: 4703: 4611: 559: 406: 7026: 7021: 6917: 6776: 6403: 6365: 6253: 6233: 6151: 5950: 5933: 5767: 5496: 5352: 5347: 5324: 5091: 4770: 4658: 4591: 4534: 4374: 3843: 3669: 3386: 1758: 1705: 1452: 1381: 840:
and Sikkim. The British authorities, anticipating the problems of high altitude conflict, included many
547: 401: 366: 215: 79: 3446: 3313: 1804:
which culminated in the Chinese military occupation of 1910 and the flight of the Dalai Lama to India."
that Younghusband, Macdonald, Grant and others were praised for the war. The British lost just 202 men
993: 1599:
I have, &c., (Signed) W. H. WILKINSON. East India (Tibet): Papers Relating to Tibet , Issues 2–4,
1214: 750:
government was fully aware of the difficulty of the operation, or of the Tibetan opinion of the idea.
6848: 6815: 6781: 6726: 6606: 6588: 6298: 6228: 6035: 5818: 5096: 4828: 4733: 4506: 4240: 4029: 3975: 3903: 3825: 3813: 3609: 3368: 3289: 2353: 1676:, and its growing disdain for China in the aftermath due to ruthless repression of Tibetans at 1905. 1054: 882: 739: 719: 361: 247: 2820:
Mehra, Parshotam (2016). "Britain and Tibet: From the Eighteenth Century to the Transfer of Power".
1632:'s infancy and China began to reassert its control, a process that culminated in 1950–1951 with the 1396:
he considered "the storming of the breach at Gyantse Dzong by the Gurkhas a far finer performance."
of the 32nd Sikh Pioneers who had climbed and then fought at an altitude in excess of 5,700 m.
6901: 6751: 6691: 6623: 6303: 6156: 6111: 5858: 5737: 5717: 5625: 5307: 5140: 4838: 4780: 4549: 4114: 3927: 3885: 3338: 3205: 3072: 2780: 1981: 1688: 1485: 1479: 1463: 1458:
The force arrived in Lhasa on 3 August 1904 to discover that the thirteenth Dalai Lama had fled to
805: 601: 515: 371: 129: 3133: 1388:). Major Wimberley, one of the Medical Officers to the Mission, wrote that though he had seen the 453: 6786: 6497: 6492: 6318: 6258: 6248: 6243: 6238: 6062: 5908: 5727: 5483: 5448: 5265: 5235: 5081: 4950: 4893: 4693: 4688: 4673: 4282: 4150: 4132: 4083: 4047: 4035: 4023: 3969: 3741: 3699: 3530: 3506: 3476: 3404: 3138: 2837: 2567: 1862: 1649: 1625: 1556: 1389: 1144: 821: 817: 331: 2872:
Journeys to Empire: Enlightenment, Imperialism, and the British Encounter with Tibet, 1774-1904
2675: 746:
and E.C. Wilson as Deputy Commissioners, to Khampa Dzong. However, it is not known whether the
6796: 6791: 6766: 6711: 6706: 6629: 6577: 6482: 6313: 6218: 6116: 6015: 5978: 5903: 5833: 5803: 5757: 5458: 5245: 5240: 4823: 4808: 4713: 4698: 4300: 4294: 4204: 4065: 4011: 3867: 3518: 3440: 3410: 3301: 3113: 3093: 3030: 2996: 2981: 2961: 2924: 2904: 2876: 2856: 2807: 2786: 2765: 2743: 2534: 2043: 1992: 1740: 1730: 1617: 1580:
any other foreign state to interfere with the territory or internal administration of Tibet".
any other foreign state to interfere with the territory or internal administration of Tibet".
1366: 902: 833: 743: 523: 2528: 2455: 2434: 1551:
Indian political service. In 1908, the position he wanted, that of Chief Commissioner of the
Meanwhile, a letter from the under-secretary to the government of India to Younghusband on 26
6950: 6833: 6756: 6696: 6502: 6223: 6084: 6030: 5873: 5838: 5742: 5667: 5635: 5538: 5438: 5389: 5372: 5255: 5189: 5029: 4858: 4760: 4738: 4409: 4324: 4312: 4306: 4264: 4168: 4138: 4053: 3873: 3855: 3837: 3807: 3422: 3271: 3211: 2829: 1544: 1426: 1412: 1080: 1036: 679: 649:. However, the British were unable to carry out any negotiations or trade with Tibet. After 638: 527: 320: 1620:, which began in October 1911. Although the Chinese forces departed once more in 1913, the 1470:. He wrote to his wife that he had been able to "ram the whole treaty down their throats". 1129: 6965: 6911: 6761: 6746: 6570: 6025: 5988: 5938: 5898: 5848: 5793: 5662: 5453: 5443: 5340: 4979: 4974: 4960: 4723: 4586: 4574: 4468: 4455: 4216: 4156: 4095: 4089: 4017: 3897: 3801: 3783: 3434: 2682: 1826: 1725: 1629: 1621: 1448: 1440: 1385: 1358: 1140: 1093: 866: 829: 809: 684: 634: 589: 555: 539: 391: 386: 351: 341: 259: 3356: 2942: 2569:
East India (Tibet): Papers Relating to Tibet [and Further Papers ...], Issues 2–4
first class (equivalent to the VC as Indian soldiers were not eligible for VCs until the
The two soldiers who broke the wall at Gyantse Dzong were both well rewarded. Lieutenant
17: 1270:
Macdonald, meanwhile, was subject to a campaign that sought to undermine his authority;
1057:, attended to the needs of the local populace, notably performing operations to correct 6828: 6701: 6467: 6430: 5878: 5868: 5808: 5554: 5509: 5489: 5415: 5357: 4473: 4348: 4077: 3999: 3957: 3951: 3939: 3627: 3183: 3076: 3016: 2973: 2938: 2758: 2607:
East India (Tibet): Papers Relating to Tibet [and Further Papers ..., Issues 2–4,p. 143
1720: 1436: 1370: 1049: 1044: 983: 877: 845: 747: 675: 670: 620: 566: 356: 857:
The Tibetans were aware of the expedition; to avoid bloodshed, the Tibetan general at
49: 6980: 6940: 6906: 6871: 6487: 6477: 6293: 5684: 5463: 4931: 4354: 4330: 4228: 4222: 4120: 3560: 3488: 3374: 3344: 3050: 3045: 2955: 2841: 2733: 2158:
Virtual Tibet: Searching for Shangri-La from the Himalayas to Hollywood, p. 195.
1500: 1467: 1417: 1349: 1259: 1117: 1074: 825: 142: 1929: 1927: 1925: 1923: 1031:. The central feature was the Temple of One Hundred Thousand Deities, a nine-storey 6960: 6657: 6599: 6288: 6270: 6126: 5596: 5421: 5377: 5367: 5319: 5314: 5297: 4945: 4616: 4198: 4041: 3915: 3566: 3536: 3319: 1673: 1670: 1444: 1058: 813: 715: 597: 551: 530:
and Sikkim, with the whole southern flank of Tibet coming under the control of the
469: 202: 83: 3861: 2957:
Bayonets to Lhasa: The First Full Account of the British Invasion of Tibet in 1904
comes under control of British India until 1908 for Chinese payment of indemnities
3107: 3087: 2918: 2870: 2850: 2801: 2737: 2037: 6896: 6617: 6338: 6333: 5402: 5397: 4318: 3963: 3759: 3693: 3500: 3350: 1287: 1161: 696: 608: 574: 531: 458: 186: 2833: 2504:. fifth series (3). Tokyo: John Bray & The Asian Society of Japan: 93–118. 1340: 1014: 633:
The British Empire in India came in contact with Tibet after the annexation of
6564: 6408: 6358: 6328: 6171: 5514: 5302: 5108: 5024: 4599: 4463: 3765: 3687: 3398: 3235: 2467: 2465: 2014: 2012: 1540: 1459: 1062: 978: 858: 535: 346: 41: 3060:. Vol. 12 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 916–928. 2593:
East India (Tibet): Papers Relating to Tibet [and Further Papers ...]
2498:"Sacred Words and Earthly Powers: Christian Missionary Engagement with Tibet" 927: 913: 104: 91: 6353: 6343: 5270: 4984: 4564: 4180: 3933: 3753: 1455:
in the wake of the Mounted Infantry, a feat that took four days to achieve.
1377: 1098: 1085: 1069: 987: 961: 543: 376: 2852:
History as Propaganda: Tibetan Exiles Versus the People's Republic of China
2689:, 9 August 2010 (10 August 2010 p. A6 of NY ed.). Retrieved 10 August 2010. 2389: 2387: 1750:, a 1997 Chinese movie about the events of the British expedition to Tibet 6838: 6583: 6530: 6472: 6348: 6323: 4940: 4519: 3909: 2208:
Plarr's Lives of the Fellows of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
1781: 1779: 1374: 1040: 791: 2533:(illustrated, reprint ed.). Columbia University Press. p. 45. 836:
detachments from four regiments and thousands of porters recruited from
the Russian exploration of Tibet and the presence of a Russian courtier
6823: 5408: 5362: 5277: 4569: 1312: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 1254: 1186: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 973: 758: 646: 581: 381: 5565: 1754:
Category:British military personnel of the British expedition to Tibet
Major Iggulden that monastic sites were "most religiously respected".
5287: 4936: 4819:
29-Article Ordinance for the More Effective Governing of Tibet (1793)
13-Article Ordinance for the More Effective Governing of Tibet (1751)
4579: 2782:
History of Tibet, Volume 3: The Encounter with Modernity: c.1895–1959
1393: 1235: 1136: 1121: 894: 841: 762: 700: 650: 642: 2739:
Tibet, China & India, 1914–1950: A history of imperial diplomacy
2452:"Convention Between Great Britain and China Respecting Tibet (1906)" 1957: 1945: 1933: 6547: 6106: 5473: 5292: 5282: 5155: 4844:
Convention Between Great Britain and China Respecting Tibet (1906)
4397: 1637: 1496: 1425: 1411: 1339: 1213: 1104: 1032: 1013: 992: 886: 876: 837: 787: 724: 714: 704: 624: 585: 265: 254: 210: 4366: 6206: 5019: 5014: 4514: 1982:
1588: 569:'s perceived ambitions in the East and was initiated largely by 5569: 4370: 3151: 5250: 1914: 1797: 1281: 1155: 734:
Governor-General Curzon gained approval from London to send a
2663: 2651: 2417: 2170: 2098: 2018: 3049: 2471: 1887: 1849: 1492:
The British allowed to trade in Yatung, Gyantse, and Gartok.
1466:. It was signed, again at Younghusband's insistence, at the 6717:
Convention Between Great Britain and China Respecting Tibet
1451:, the Iron Bridge. On 25 July, the army began to cross the 2110: 1685:
invasion of Tibet by the Chinese People's Liberation Army
a military expedition of its own to Tibet for direct rule
2947:. New York; London: Longmans, Green, & Co; E. Arnold 2760:
Tibet and the British Raj: The Frontier Cadre, 1904-1947
2698: 2617: 2483: 2405: 2393: 2378: 2366: 2339: 2327: 2315: 2303: 2291: 2279: 2267: 2255: 2243: 2231: 2219: 2194: 2182: 2146: 2134: 2122: 2086: 2074: 2062: 2003: 1969: 1837: 1785: 1559:, and Younghusband retired from India at the age of 46. 1509:
Tibet to have no relations with any other foreign powers
The Great Game: the struggle for empire in central Asia
in 1815, and it expanded further with their reach into
526:. In the nineteenth century, the British had conquered 4869:
Sino-Indian Trade Agreement over Tibetan Border (1954)
Treaty of friendship and alliance with Mongolia (1913)
The British invasion was one of the triggers for the
Younghusband wanted to move the Mission to Lhasa and
Tales from the Outposts - Vol 1, Frontiers of Empire
20th-century military history of the United Kingdom
6889: 6857: 6814: 6807: 6722:
Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory
6676: 6521: 6453: 6374: 6279: 6075: 5966: 5776: 5683: 5613: 5604: 5388: 5224: 5188: 5154: 5048: 5007: 4892: 4801: 4644: 4448: 4417: 4408: 4105: 3576: 3329: 3190: 3142:(Supplement). 13 December 1904. pp. 8529–8536. 2728:, Geneva: International Commission of Jurists, 1959 1863:"Convention Between Great Britain and Tibet (1904)" 1262:later in the summer and were sold for high prices. 2757: 2210:Vol. 3, p. 815. Royal College of Surgeons, London. 1616:. However, the Qing dynasty was overthrown in the 948:), near Lake Bam Tso (or Dochen Tso) on 31 March. 2978:Younghusband: the Last Great Imperial Adventurer 2502:The Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 2039:Younghusband: The Last Great Imperial Adventurer 1904:. pp. 217–8. Published Spink, London. 1988. 629:India's frontier with Tibet in late 19th century 2530:Tibetan Buddhists in the Making of Modern China 1666:who supposedly loved their motherland (China). 1587:at Batang monastery, when anti-foreign Tibetan 34: 6122:Dates of establishment of diplomatic relations 3022:The Great Game: On Secret Service in High Asia 2446: 2444: 6542:Complete Classics Collection of Ancient China 6513:Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties 5581: 4786:Self-immolation protests by Tibetans in China 4382: 3163: 1430:Amban Yu-t'ai with Col. Younghusband at Lhasa 804:The British force, which consisted mostly of 690:These events reinforced the Governor-General 487: 8: 832:, as well as mountain artillery, engineers, 588:, the capital of Tibet, in August 1904. The 285:Unknown, several thousand peasant conscripts 3109:The North-eastern Frontier, Vol. 2: 1914-54 3089:The North-eastern Frontier, Vol. 1: 1906-14 2166: 2164: 893:The British army that departed Gnathong in 6811: 5610: 5588: 5574: 5566: 5228: 5194: 5054: 4902: 4898: 4414: 4389: 4375: 4367: 3170: 3156: 3148: 2676:"China Seizes on a Dark Chapter for Tibet" 2596:. H.M. Stationery Office. 1897. p. 5. 1958:International Commission of Jurists (1959) 1946:International Commission of Jurists (1959) 1934:International Commission of Jurists (1959) 1495:Tibet to pay a large indemnity (7,500,000 1152:Alarms and politics at Gyantse, and beyond 761:, the capital city of the Indian state of 580:The expeditionary force fought its way to 494: 480: 305: 31: 6202:Royal and noble ranks of the Qing dynasty 3081:(First ed.), Oxford University Press 2722:The Question of Tibet and the Rule of Law 2031: 2029: 2027: 1679:The British writer and popular historian 1328:Learn how and when to remove this message 1202:Learn how and when to remove this message 565:The invasion was intended to counter the 6051:Imperial Edict of the Abdication of Puyi 1230:By now the Commander-in-Chief in India, 6658:Complete Library of the Four Treasuries 2638:Martin Booth, review of Charles Allen, 1775: 1506:Recognition of the Sikkim-Tibet border. 560:period of de facto Tibetan independence 419: 319: 308: 4543:Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs 2849:Powers, John; Holzinger, Lutz (2004), 2566:Great Britain. Foreign Office (1904). 2042:. Penguin Books Limited. p. 269. 1443:. They passed along the shores of the 1373:awarded during the expedition, whilst 997:Tibetan soldier during target practice 6956:Timeline of late anti-Qing rebellions 6197:Principles of the Constitution (1908) 4624:People's Republic of China (PRC) rule 1915:Lamb, Tibet, China & India (1989) 1798:Lamb, Tibet, China & India (1989) 7: 6177:Ministry of Posts and Communications 4751:1938–1939 German expedition to Tibet 3429:Regulator Movement in North Carolina 2664:Powers, History as Propaganda (2004) 2652:Powers, History as Propaganda (2004) 2418:Powers, History as Propaganda (2004) 2171:Powers, History as Propaganda (2004) 2099:Powers, History as Propaganda (2004) 2019:Powers, History as Propaganda (2004) 1701:Tibetan expedition of Islamic Bengal 1310:adding citations to reliable sources 1184:adding citations to reliable sources 865:The Tibet government, guided by the 7052:Expeditions from the United Kingdom 6925:History of Qing (People's Republic) 2472:Bell, Tibet Past and Present (1924) 1888:Bell, Tibet Past and Present (1924) 1850:Bell, Tibet Past and Present (1924) 1817:Doubleday, Page & Co, New York. 1503:to be ceded to Britain until paid). 1499:, later reduced by two-thirds; the 801:, as was their commanding officer. 757:July 1903, Younghusband arrived at 6642:Sacred Edict of the Kangxi Emperor 6011:Chinese expedition to Tibet (1910) 6004:1909 Provincial Assembly elections 5884:Japanese invasion of Taiwan (1874) 5708:Chinese expedition to Tibet (1720) 4729:Chinese expedition to Tibet (1910) 4684:Chinese expedition to Tibet (1720) 2547:from the original on 19 March 2015 1716:Chinese expedition to Tibet (1910) 1711:Chinese expedition to Tibet (1720) 1243:covered the approach was taken in 699:, a tiny Tibetan village north of 25: 7007:Wars involving the United Kingdom 6931:Imperial hunt of the Qing dynasty 6772:Treaty of Saint Petersburg (1881) 6647:Shamanism during the Qing dynasty 5799:Dogra–Tibetan war (Sino-Sikh war) 4766:Protests and uprisings since 1950 4756:1939 Japanese expedition to Tibet 3178:Colonial conflicts involving the 2111:Fleming, Bayonets to Lhasa (1961) 1869:from the original on 10 June 2011 1474:Anglo-Tibetan Convention of Lhasa 6742:Sino-Portuguese Treaty of Peking 6058:Articles of Favourable Treatment 5814:Red Turban Rebellion (1854–1856) 4874:70,000 Character Petition (1962) 4864:Seventeen Point Agreement (1951) 2855:, Oxford University Press, USA, 2508:from the original on 1 July 2014 1900:Joslin, Litherland and Simpkin. 1674:as the dynasty was falling apart 1520:Anglo-Chinese Convention of 1906 1286: 1160: 463: 452: 330: 264: 253: 241: 230: 209: 195: 179: 164: 48: 7042:Invasions by the United Kingdom 7012:Wars involving the Qing dynasty 5789:Eight Trigrams uprising of 1813 5675:Revolt of the Three Feudatories 4849:Anglo-Russian Convention (1907) 3254:Cromwellian conquest of Ireland 3025:. London: Murray (Reprinted by 2699:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2618:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2484:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2406:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2394:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2379:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2367:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2357:; 37, 1 (2003), pp. 81–109 2340:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2328:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2316:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2304:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2292:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2280:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2268:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2256:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2244:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2232:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2220:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2195:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2183:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2147:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2135:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2123:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2087:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2075:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2063:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 2004:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 1970:Mehra, Britain and Tibet (2016) 1838:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 1786:Allen, Duel in the Snows (2015) 1612:In early 1910, Qing China sent 1297:needs additional citations for 1218:Native troops on the expedition 1171:needs additional citations for 550:(or suzerainty) of the Chinese 7092:China–India military relations 7072:Tibet–United Kingdom relations 6443:Guest House of Imperial Envoys 5733:Revolt of the Altishahr Khojas 5104:Patron and priest relationship 5070:Central Tibetan Administration 4879:Memorandum on Genuine Autonomy 3357:Father Rale's War/Dummer's War 2875:, Cambridge University Press, 956:A military confrontation on 31 765:, where John Claude White was 611:, to all those who took part. 70:December 1903 – September 1904 1: 6877:Banknotes of the Da Qing Bank 6652:Islam during the Qing dynasty 6508:Zhao Mausoleum (Qing dynasty) 6192:Provincial military commander 6182:Nine Gates Infantry Commander 6167:Imperial Household Department 5994:Preparative Constitutionalism 5698:Sino-Russian border conflicts 5469:Historical and cultural sites 4834:Convention of Calcutta (1890) 3754:Black War (Van Diemen's Land) 3598:Castle Hill convict rebellion 2995:. Nottingham: Foundry Books. 1602:Great Britain. Foreign Office 1570:1906 Anglo-Chinese Convention 906:James Ronald Leslie Macdonald 592:had fled to safety, first to 27:1903–1904 military expedition 7002:Wars involving British India 6636:Researches on Manchu Origins 6041:Mongolian Revolution of 1911 5651:Transition from Ming to Qing 5641:Later Jin invasion of Joseon 4809:Treaty of Tingmosgang (1684) 2629:McKay, 1997, pp. 230–1. 1553:North-West Frontier Province 1065:to protect the supply line. 6536:Changzhou School of Thought 6046:1911 Revolution in Xinjiang 6021:Railway Protection Movement 5999:1909 Parliamentary election 5984:British expedition to Tibet 5894:Qing reconquest of Xinjiang 5854:Self-Strengthening Movement 5829:Nepal–Tibet War (1855–1856) 4829:Treaty of Thapathali (1856) 4719:British expedition to Tibet 4709:Nepal-Tibet War (1855–1856) 4679:Battle of the Salween River 3144:Macdonald's official report 3112:, Oxford University Press, 3092:, Oxford University Press, 2869:Stewart, Gordon T. (2009), 1764:Tibetan government in exile 1239:marched out of New Chumbi. 1139:, the 1st battalion of the 885:leading a British force to 516:British Indian Armed Forces 508:British expedition to Tibet 54:British officers with Qing 35:British expedition to Tibet 7118: 6936:Legacy of the Qing dynasty 5824:Miao Rebellion (1854–1873) 5763:Miao Rebellion (1795–1806) 5753:Battle of Ngọc Hồi-Đống Đa 5723:Miao Rebellion (1735–1736) 5202:Postage and postal history 4654:Tibetan attack on Songzhou 4271:Jewish revolt in Palestine 3916:Fenian Rebellion in Canada 3561:Dwyer's guerrilla campaign 3453:American Revolutionary War 2834:10.1177/037698360703400111 2431:"Anglo-Chinese Convention" 1902:British Battles and Medals 1657:Subsequent interpretations 1484:The salient points of the 1477: 618: 518:under the auspices of the 7087:Military history of India 6946:Names of the Qing dynasty 6594:Manchu Han Imperial Feast 5924:Dungan Revolt (1895–1896) 5919:Gongche Shangshu movement 5864:Dungan Revolt (1862–1877) 5713:Chinese Rites controversy 5532: 5231: 5197: 5057: 4905: 4901: 4664:Mongol invasions of Tibet 4042:Jameson Raid South Africa 3106:Mehra, Parshotam (1980), 3086:Mehra, Parshotam (1979), 2980:. London: HarperCollins. 2800:Mehra, Parshotam (1974), 1736:Frederick Percival Mackie 1634:Chinese invasion of Tibet 1488:of 1904 were as follows: 1278:Storming of Gyantse Dzong 1018:Armoured Tibetan horseman 952:Massacre of Chumik Shenko 736:Tibet Frontier Commission 720:Col. Francis Younghusband 711:Tibet Frontier Commission 520:Tibet Frontier Commission 289: 274: 223: 155: 62: 47: 39: 18:British invasion of Tibet 6867:Great Qing Treasure Note 6687:Treaty of Kyakhta (1727) 6397:Administrative divisions 6214:Administrative divisions 6142:Flag of the Qing dynasty 5062:Tibet Autonomous Region 4824:Treaty of Chushul (1842) 4776:1987–1989 Tibetan unrest 4253:Arab revolt in Palestine 3850:Second Anglo-Burmese War 3592:Second Anglo-Maratha War 3483:Australian frontier wars 2822:Indian Historical Review 2681:18 February 2017 at the 2036:French, Patrick (2011). 1401:Hague Convention of 1899 656:The presence of Chinese 407:13th and 14th Dalai Lama 6463:Chengde Mountain Resort 6264:Three Eastern Provinces 5914:First Sino-Japanese War 5889:Northern Chinese Famine 5748:Lin Shuangwen rebellion 5646:Qing invasion of Joseon 5169:TAR People's Government 5129:Serfs' Emancipation Day 4669:Tibet–Ladakh–Mughal war 4247:Second Mohmand campaign 3982:Third Anglo-Burmese War 3946:Second Anglo-Afghan War 3748:First Anglo-Burmese War 3724:Third Anglo-Maratha War 3555:Fourth Anglo-Mysore War 3465:Second Anglo-Mysore War 3459:First Anglo-Maratha War 3057:Encyclopædia Britannica 2917:Allen, Charles (2015), 2795:– via 2774:– via 1802:Younghusband Expedition 1344:The Gyantse Dzong today 1245:house-to-house fighting 584:and eventually reached 512:Younghusband expedition 7062:Expeditions from India 6844:Great Qing Copper Coin 6732:Convention of Tientsin 6665:Annotated Bibliography 6613:Qing official headwear 5656:Battle of Shanhai Pass 4839:Treaty of Lhasa (1904) 4793:Special Frontier Force 4187:Third Anglo-Afghan War 4072:First Mohmand campaign 3796:First Anglo-Afghan War 3495:Third Anglo-Mysore War 3078:Tibet Past and Present 3027:Kodansha International 3007:Leonard Arthur Bethell 2991:Herbert, Edwin (2003) 2944:The Unveiling of Lhasa 1607: 1585:1905 Tibetan Rebellion 1431: 1420: 1345: 1219: 1019: 998: 890: 731: 722: 707:, You Tai, to attend. 630: 562:(1912–1951) followed. 224:Commanders and leaders 137:status quo ante bellum 7102:1904 in British India 7097:1903 in British India 7077:India–Tibet relations 6918:Draft History of Qing 6777:Treaty of Shimonoseki 6558:performance criticism 6162:Imperial Commissioner 6152:Great Qing Legal Code 5951:Eight-Nation Alliance 5934:Third plague pandemic 5844:Punti–Hakka Clan Wars 5768:White Lotus Rebellion 5212:Qinghai–Tibet railway 5207:Qinghai-Tibet Highway 5174:TAR People's Congress 5146:India–Tibet relations 5119:Independence movement 4771:1959 Tibetan uprising 4659:Battle of Dafei River 4507:Era of Fragmentation 3844:Second Anglo-Sikh War 3501:Cotiote (Wayanad) War 3387:French and Indian War 2923:, John Murray Press, 2903:, John Murray Press, 2527:Tuttle, Gray (2005). 2458:on 12 September 2009. 2437:on 12 September 2009. 1759:Sinicisation of Tibet 1706:Tibet under Qing rule 1593: 1429: 1415: 1382:Indian Order of Merit 1343: 1217: 1017: 996: 880: 867:thirteenth Dalai Lama 806:British Indian troops 728: 718: 628: 619:Further information: 534:. Tibet ruled by the 532:British Indian Empire 297:411 non-combat deaths 290:Casualties and losses 105:26.08889°N 89.27694°E 7047:Military expeditions 6987:Wars involving Tibet 6849:Great Qing Gold Coin 6782:Treaty of Tarbagatai 6727:Convention of Peking 6607:Pentaglot Dictionary 6589:Literary inquisition 6299:Ever Victorious Army 6132:Deliberative Council 6036:Xinhai Lhasa turmoil 5989:1905 Batang uprising 5929:Hundred Days' Reform 5819:Small Swords Society 5520:Traditional medicine 4734:Xinhai Lhasa turmoil 4555:Relations with Ming 4525:Relations with Song 4497:Relations with Tang 4435:European exploration 4006:Hunza–Nagar Campaign 3814:First Anglo-Sikh War 3790:Egyptian–Ottoman War 2779:McKay, Alex (2003), 2764:, Psychology Press, 2756:McKay, Alex (1997), 2354:Modern Asian Studies 1815:The Opening of Tibet 1306:improve this article 1180:improve this article 883:Francis Younghusband 826:19th Punjab Infantry 740:Francis Younghusband 510:, also known as the 443:European exploration 397:Ming–Tibet relations 362:Era of Fragmentation 295:202 killed in action 282:7,000 support troops 248:Francis Younghusband 6902:Anti-Qing sentiment 6752:Treaty of the Bogue 6692:Treaty of Nerchinsk 6624:Complete Tang Poems 6304:Green Standard Army 6187:Provincial governor 6157:Imperial Clan Court 6137:Diplomatic missions 6112:Consultative Bureau 5859:Tongzhi Restoration 5738:Afaqi Khoja revolts 5718:Ten Great Campaigns 5626:Jurchen unification 5164:Regional Government 5141:CIA Tibetan program 5124:Serfdom controversy 5008:Traditional regions 4859:Simla Accord (1914) 4781:2008 Tibetan unrest 4605:List of Qing ambans 4550:Phagmodrupa dynasty 4259:Waziristan campaign 4193:Waziristan campaign 3886:Revolt of Rajab Ali 3363:War of Jenkins' Ear 2642:, The Sunday Times. 2496:Bray, John (2011). 2381:, pp. 272–273. 2369:, pp. 225–226. 2246:, pp. 157–159. 2137:, pp. 111–120. 1813:Landon, P. (1905). 1689:Cultural Revolution 1486:Convention of Lhasa 1480:Convention of Lhasa 1464:Convention of Lhasa 1369:was given the only 1111:Mission under siege 1096:, correspondent of 928:28.0895°N 89.2778°E 923: /  799:North-West Frontier 602:Convention of Lhasa 372:Phagmodrupa dynasty 130:Convention of Lhasa 101: /  7067:Invasions of Tibet 6787:Treaty of Tientsin 6498:Western Qing tombs 6493:Eastern Qing tombs 6319:Peking Field Force 6063:Manchu Restoration 5956:Declaration of war 5909:Jindandao incident 5728:Lhasa riot of 1750 5478:(ceremonial scarf) 5449:Dzong architecture 5266:Imperial Preceptor 5136:Sovereignty debate 5082:Etymology of Tibet 4694:Lhasa riot of 1750 4689:Jinchuan campaigns 4674:Battle of Dartsedo 4592:Qing dynasty rule 4535:Yuan dynasty rule 4509:(9th–13th century) 4133:Bambatha Rebellion 4048:Anglo-Zanzibar War 4036:Chitral Expedition 3970:Anglo-Egyptian War 3742:Anglo-Ashanti wars 3447:Lord Dunmore's War 3405:Anglo-Cherokee War 3314:King William's War 3139:The London Gazette 2687:The New York Times 2685:, by Edward Wong, 2206:Plarr, V. (1938). 1650:Russo-Japanese war 1636:by a newly formed 1626:Russian Revolution 1557:George Roos-Keppel 1432: 1421: 1346: 1220: 1145:Royal Irish Rifles 1035:, modelled on the 1020: 1010:Advance to Gyantse 999: 891: 822:32nd Sikh Pioneers 732: 723: 631: 300:2,000–3,000 killed 110:26.08889; 89.27694 6997:Conflicts in 1904 6992:Conflicts in 1903 6974: 6973: 6885: 6884: 6797:Treaty of Whampoa 6792:Treaty of Wanghia 6767:Treaty of Nanking 6737:Li–Lobanov Treaty 6712:Chefoo Convention 6707:Burlingame Treaty 6578:Kangxi Dictionary 6483:Old Summer Palace 6314:Firearm Battalion 6117:Cup of Solid Gold 6071: 6070: 6016:Manchurian plague 5979:Late Qing reforms 5970:(1901–1912) 5904:Sikkim expedition 5834:Panthay Rebellion 5804:Taiping Rebellion 5780:(1801–1900) 5758:Sino-Nepalese War 5703:Dzungar–Qing Wars 5689:(1683–1799) 5617:(1616–1683) 5563: 5562: 5528: 5527: 5220: 5219: 5184: 5183: 5087:Foreign relations 5044: 5043: 5040: 5039: 4888: 4887: 4744:Qinghai–Tibet War 4714:Sikkim expedition 4704:Dogra–Tibetan War 4699:Sino-Nepalese War 4634:political leaders 4612:Post-Qing to 1950 4565:Rinpungpa dynasty 4476:(7th–9th century) 4364: 4363: 4295:Malayan Emergency 4205:Malabar rebellion 4066:Siege of Malakand 4012:Anglo-Manipur War 3868:Anglo-Persian War 3417:Anglo-Spanish War 3369:King George's War 3290:King Philip's War 3266:Anglo-Spanish War 3119:978-0-19-561158-8 3099:978-0-19-561158-8 3029:, New York, 1992 2967:978-91-30-03829-9 2960:, R. Hart-Davis, 2930:978-1-4736-2754-3 2920:Duel in the Snows 2901:Duel in the Snows 2882:978-0-521-73568-1 2862:978-0-19-517426-7 2771:978-0-7007-0627-3 2742:, Roxford Books, 2714:Scholarly sources 2654:, pp. 84–89. 2640:Duel in the Snows 2420:, pp. 82–83. 2049:978-0-14-196430-0 1741:Sikkim expedition 1731:John Duncan Grant 1618:Xinhai Revolution 1568:confirmed by the 1367:John Duncan Grant 1338: 1337: 1330: 1258:duly surfaced at 1250:Tsechen monastery 1212: 1211: 1204: 1043:, the spot where 903:Brigadier-General 834:Maxim machine gun 767:Political Officer 744:John Claude White 738:, led by Colonel 683:with the Tsar at 663:border settlement 542:government was a 504: 503: 377:Rinpungpa dynasty 304: 303: 151: 150: 16:(Redirected from 7109: 6951:New Qing History 6834:Qianlong Tongbao 6812: 6757:Treaty of Canton 6697:Unequal treaties 6503:Fuling Mausoleum 6102:Advisory Council 6031:Wuchang Uprising 5971: 5874:Tianjin Massacre 5839:Second Opium War 5781: 5743:Sino-Burmese War 5690: 5668:Battle of Penghu 5636:Seven Grievances 5618: 5611: 5590: 5583: 5576: 5567: 5548: 5541: 5479: 5256:Tibetan Buddhism 5229: 5195: 5065: 5055: 4903: 4899: 4761:Battle of Chamdo 4739:Sino-Tibetan War 4595: 4558: 4538: 4528: 4510: 4500: 4487:List of emperors 4477: 4459: 4440:Historical money 4415: 4391: 4384: 4377: 4368: 4313:Cyprus Emergency 4139:Maritz rebellion 4127:Tibet expedition 4060:Benin Expedition 3880:Indian Rebellion 3874:Second Opium War 3856:Eureka Rebellion 3832:British Honduras 3808:New Zealand Wars 3393:Seven Years' War 3339:Queen Anne's War 3172: 3165: 3158: 3149: 3143: 3122: 3102: 3082: 3061: 3053: 2970: 2933: 2913: 2885: 2865: 2845: 2816: 2796: 2775: 2763: 2752: 2729: 2727: 2702: 2696: 2690: 2673: 2667: 2661: 2655: 2649: 2643: 2636: 2630: 2627: 2621: 2615: 2609: 2604: 2598: 2597: 2588: 2582: 2581: 2579: 2577: 2563: 2557: 2556: 2554: 2552: 2524: 2518: 2517: 2515: 2513: 2493: 2487: 2481: 2475: 2469: 2460: 2459: 2454:. Archived from 2448: 2439: 2438: 2433:. Archived from 2427: 2421: 2415: 2409: 2403: 2397: 2391: 2382: 2376: 2370: 2364: 2358: 2349: 2343: 2337: 2331: 2325: 2319: 2313: 2307: 2301: 2295: 2289: 2283: 2277: 2271: 2265: 2259: 2253: 2247: 2241: 2235: 2229: 2223: 2217: 2211: 2204: 2198: 2192: 2186: 2180: 2174: 2168: 2159: 2156: 2150: 2144: 2138: 2132: 2126: 2120: 2114: 2108: 2102: 2096: 2090: 2084: 2078: 2072: 2066: 2060: 2054: 2053: 2033: 2022: 2016: 2007: 2001: 1995: 1990: 1984: 1979: 1973: 1967: 1961: 1955: 1949: 1943: 1937: 1931: 1918: 1912: 1906: 1905: 1897: 1891: 1885: 1879: 1878: 1876: 1874: 1859: 1853: 1847: 1841: 1835: 1829: 1824: 1818: 1811: 1805: 1795: 1789: 1783: 1747:Red River Valley 1687:in 1951 and the 1555:, was handed to 1545:killed in action 1333: 1326: 1322: 1319: 1313: 1290: 1282: 1272:Captain O'Connor 1207: 1200: 1196: 1193: 1187: 1164: 1156: 1037:Mahabodhi Temple 959: 947: 946: 944: 943: 942: 940: 935: 934: 933:28.0895; 89.2778 929: 924: 921: 920: 919: 916: 900: 775: 756: 558:, after which a 546:state under the 496: 489: 482: 470:China portal 468: 467: 466: 457: 456: 433:Historical money 334: 324: 306: 269: 268: 258: 257: 246: 245: 244: 235: 234: 233: 214: 213: 201: 199: 198: 185: 183: 182: 174: 170: 168: 167: 125:British victory 116: 115: 113: 112: 111: 106: 102: 99: 98: 97: 94: 64: 63: 52: 32: 21: 7117: 7116: 7112: 7111: 7110: 7108: 7107: 7106: 6977: 6976: 6975: 6970: 6966:Willow Palisade 6912:Chuang Guandong 6881: 6853: 6803: 6762:Treaty of Kulja 6747:Treaty of Aigun 6680: 6672: 6571:History of Ming 6523: 6517: 6455: 6449: 6375:Special regions 6370: 6309:Imperial Guards 6275: 6067: 6026:1911 Revolution 5972: 5969: 5962: 5939:Boxer Rebellion 5899:Sino-French War 5849:Amur Annexation 5794:First Opium War 5782: 5779: 5772: 5691: 5688: 5679: 5663:Great Clearance 5619: 5616: 5600: 5594: 5564: 5559: 5551: 5544: 5537: 5524: 5477: 5384: 5216: 5180: 5150: 5063: 5036: 5003: 4980:Tibetan Plateau 4975:Rongbuk Glacier 4961:Yarlung Tsangpo 4884: 4797: 4724:Batang uprising 4646: 4640: 4593: 4587:Khoshut Khanate 4575:Ganden Phodrang 4570:Tsangpa dynasty 4556: 4536: 4526: 4508: 4498: 4475: 4469:Yarlung dynasty 4457: 4444: 4404: 4395: 4365: 4360: 4301:Kenya Emergency 4107: 4101: 4096:Second Boer War 4090:Boxer Rebellion 4018:Pahang Uprising 3898:Ambela campaign 3820:Río de la Plata 3802:First Opium War 3784:Aden Expedition 3616:Río de la Plata 3578: 3572: 3543:Irish Rebellion 3435:First Carib War 3331: 3325: 3248:Confederate War 3242:Irish Rebellion 3192: 3186: 3176: 3132: 3129: 3120: 3105: 3100: 3085: 3071: 3066:Primary sources 3044: 2974:French, Patrick 2968: 2950: 2939:Candler, Edmund 2931: 2916: 2911: 2895: 2883: 2868: 2863: 2848: 2819: 2814: 2799: 2793: 2778: 2772: 2755: 2750: 2732: 2725: 2719: 2711: 2706: 2705: 2697: 2693: 2683:Wayback Machine 2674: 2670: 2662: 2658: 2650: 2646: 2637: 2633: 2628: 2624: 2616: 2612: 2605: 2601: 2590: 2589: 2585: 2575: 2573: 2565: 2564: 2560: 2550: 2548: 2541: 2526: 2525: 2521: 2511: 2509: 2495: 2494: 2490: 2482: 2478: 2470: 2463: 2450: 2449: 2442: 2429: 2428: 2424: 2416: 2412: 2404: 2400: 2392: 2385: 2377: 2373: 2365: 2361: 2350: 2346: 2338: 2334: 2326: 2322: 2314: 2310: 2302: 2298: 2290: 2286: 2278: 2274: 2266: 2262: 2254: 2250: 2242: 2238: 2230: 2226: 2218: 2214: 2205: 2201: 2193: 2189: 2181: 2177: 2169: 2162: 2157: 2153: 2145: 2141: 2133: 2129: 2121: 2117: 2109: 2105: 2097: 2093: 2085: 2081: 2073: 2069: 2061: 2057: 2050: 2035: 2034: 2025: 2017: 2010: 2002: 1998: 1991: 1987: 1980: 1976: 1968: 1964: 1956: 1952: 1944: 1940: 1932: 1921: 1917:, pp. 1–2. 1913: 1909: 1899: 1898: 1894: 1886: 1882: 1872: 1870: 1861: 1860: 1856: 1848: 1844: 1836: 1832: 1825: 1821: 1812: 1808: 1796: 1792: 1784: 1777: 1772: 1726:Perceval Landon 1697: 1691:of 1966–1967". 1659: 1638:Communist China 1630:14th Dalai Lama 1622:First World War 1572:signed between 1565: 1532: 1482: 1476: 1449:Chushul Chakzam 1410: 1386:First World War 1359:Royal Fusiliers 1334: 1323: 1317: 1314: 1303: 1291: 1280: 1208: 1197: 1191: 1188: 1177: 1165: 1154: 1141:Royal Fusiliers 1113: 1094:Perceval Landon 1012: 1002:walking away." 957: 954: 938: 936: 932: 930: 926: 925: 922: 917: 914: 912: 910: 909: 898: 875: 855: 830:Royal Fusiliers 783: 781:Opposing forces 773: 754: 713: 623: 617: 556:1911 Revolution 540:Ganden Phodrang 500: 464: 462: 459:Asia portal 451: 392:Ganden Phodrang 387:Khoshut Khanate 382:Tsangpa dynasty 352:Yarlung dynasty 342:Neolithic Tibet 322: 315: 296: 281: 263: 262: 260:13th Dalai Lama 252: 242: 240: 239: 237:James Macdonald 231: 229: 208: 196: 194: 180: 178: 165: 163: 162: 109: 107: 103: 100: 95: 92: 90: 88: 87: 86: 53: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 7115: 7113: 7105: 7104: 7099: 7094: 7089: 7084: 7082:1910s in Tibet 7079: 7074: 7069: 7064: 7059: 7057:1900s in Tibet 7054: 7049: 7044: 7039: 7034: 7029: 7024: 7019: 7014: 7009: 7004: 6999: 6994: 6989: 6979: 6978: 6972: 6971: 6969: 6968: 6963: 6958: 6953: 6948: 6943: 6938: 6933: 6928: 6921: 6914: 6909: 6904: 6899: 6893: 6891: 6887: 6886: 6883: 6882: 6880: 6879: 6874: 6869: 6863: 6861: 6855: 6854: 6852: 6851: 6846: 6841: 6836: 6831: 6829:Kangxi Tongbao 6826: 6820: 6818: 6809: 6805: 6804: 6802: 6801: 6800: 6799: 6794: 6789: 6784: 6779: 6774: 6769: 6764: 6759: 6754: 6749: 6744: 6739: 6734: 6729: 6724: 6719: 6714: 6709: 6704: 6702:Boxer Protocol 6694: 6689: 6683: 6681: 6674: 6673: 6671: 6670: 6669: 6668: 6654: 6649: 6644: 6639: 6632: 6627: 6620: 6615: 6610: 6603: 6596: 6591: 6586: 6581: 6574: 6567: 6562: 6561: 6560: 6550: 6545: 6538: 6533: 6527: 6525: 6519: 6518: 6516: 6515: 6510: 6505: 6500: 6495: 6490: 6485: 6480: 6475: 6470: 6468:Forbidden City 6465: 6459: 6457: 6451: 6450: 6448: 6447: 6446: 6445: 6435: 6434: 6433: 6431:General of Ili 6428: 6418: 6417: 6416: 6414:List of ambans 6411: 6401: 6400: 6399: 6389: 6384: 6378: 6376: 6372: 6371: 6369: 6368: 6363: 6362: 6361: 6356: 6351: 6341: 6336: 6331: 6326: 6321: 6316: 6311: 6306: 6301: 6296: 6291: 6285: 6283: 6277: 6276: 6274: 6273: 6268: 6267: 6266: 6261: 6256: 6251: 6246: 6241: 6236: 6231: 6226: 6216: 6211: 6210: 6209: 6199: 6194: 6189: 6184: 6179: 6174: 6169: 6164: 6159: 6154: 6149: 6144: 6139: 6134: 6129: 6124: 6119: 6114: 6109: 6104: 6099: 6098: 6097: 6092: 6081: 6079: 6073: 6072: 6069: 6068: 6066: 6065: 6060: 6055: 6054: 6053: 6048: 6043: 6038: 6033: 6023: 6018: 6013: 6008: 6007: 6006: 6001: 5991: 5986: 5981: 5975: 5973: 5968: 5964: 5963: 5961: 5960: 5959: 5958: 5948: 5947: 5946: 5936: 5931: 5926: 5921: 5916: 5911: 5906: 5901: 5896: 5891: 5886: 5881: 5879:Margary Affair 5876: 5871: 5869:Mudan incident 5866: 5861: 5856: 5851: 5846: 5841: 5836: 5831: 5826: 5821: 5816: 5811: 5809:Nian Rebellion 5806: 5801: 5796: 5791: 5785: 5783: 5778: 5774: 5773: 5771: 5770: 5765: 5760: 5755: 5750: 5745: 5740: 5735: 5730: 5725: 5720: 5715: 5710: 5705: 5700: 5694: 5692: 5687: 5681: 5680: 5678: 5677: 5672: 5671: 5670: 5660: 5659: 5658: 5648: 5643: 5638: 5633: 5628: 5622: 5620: 5615: 5608: 5602: 5601: 5595: 5593: 5592: 5585: 5578: 5570: 5561: 5560: 5558: 5557: 5550: 5549: 5542: 5534: 5533: 5530: 5529: 5526: 5525: 5523: 5522: 5517: 5512: 5507: 5506: 5505: 5500: 5493: 5481: 5471: 5466: 5461: 5456: 5451: 5446: 5441: 5436: 5435: 5434: 5429: 5427:wall paintings 5424: 5419: 5412: 5405: 5394: 5392: 5386: 5385: 5383: 5382: 5381: 5380: 5375: 5370: 5365: 5358:Tibetan people 5355: 5353:Social classes 5350: 5345: 5344: 5343: 5338: 5333: 5332: 5331: 5330: 5329: 5328: 5327: 5317: 5312: 5311: 5310: 5300: 5290: 5285: 5280: 5275: 5274: 5273: 5268: 5253: 5243: 5238: 5232: 5226: 5222: 5221: 5218: 5217: 5215: 5214: 5209: 5204: 5198: 5192: 5186: 5185: 5182: 5181: 5179: 5178: 5177: 5176: 5166: 5160: 5158: 5152: 5151: 5149: 5148: 5143: 5138: 5133: 5132: 5131: 5121: 5116: 5111: 5106: 5101: 5100: 5099: 5089: 5084: 5079: 5078: 5077: 5067: 5058: 5052: 5046: 5045: 5042: 5041: 5038: 5037: 5035: 5034: 5033: 5032: 5022: 5017: 5011: 5009: 5005: 5004: 5002: 5001: 4996: 4995: 4994: 4993: 4992: 4990:Nature Reserve 4977: 4972: 4971: 4970: 4969: 4968: 4955: 4954: 4953: 4948: 4943: 4934: 4924: 4922: 4917: 4912: 4906: 4896: 4890: 4889: 4886: 4885: 4883: 4882: 4876: 4871: 4866: 4861: 4856: 4851: 4846: 4841: 4836: 4831: 4826: 4821: 4816: 4811: 4805: 4803: 4799: 4798: 4796: 4795: 4790: 4789: 4788: 4783: 4778: 4773: 4763: 4758: 4753: 4748: 4747: 4746: 4736: 4731: 4726: 4721: 4716: 4711: 4706: 4701: 4696: 4691: 4686: 4681: 4676: 4671: 4666: 4661: 4656: 4650: 4648: 4642: 4641: 4639: 4638: 4637: 4636: 4631: 4629:PRC annexation 4621: 4620: 4619: 4609: 4608: 4607: 4602: 4589: 4584: 4583: 4582: 4572: 4567: 4562: 4561: 4560: 4547: 4546: 4545: 4532: 4531: 4530: 4522: 4517: 4504: 4503: 4502: 4494: 4489: 4484: 4471: 4466: 4461: 4452: 4450: 4446: 4445: 4443: 4442: 4437: 4432: 4430:List of rulers 4427: 4421: 4419: 4412: 4406: 4405: 4396: 4394: 4393: 4386: 4379: 4371: 4362: 4361: 4359: 4358: 4352: 4346: 4340: 4334: 4328: 4322: 4316: 4310: 4304: 4298: 4292: 4286: 4280: 4274: 4268: 4262: 4256: 4250: 4244: 4241:Barzani revolt 4238: 4232: 4226: 4220: 4214: 4208: 4202: 4196: 4190: 4184: 4178: 4172: 4166: 4160: 4154: 4148: 4142: 4136: 4130: 4124: 4118: 4111: 4109: 4103: 4102: 4100: 4099: 4093: 4087: 4081: 4078:Tirah campaign 4075: 4069: 4063: 4057: 4051: 4045: 4039: 4033: 4027: 4021: 4015: 4009: 4003: 3997: 3991: 3988:Central Africa 3985: 3979: 3973: 3967: 3961: 3958:First Boer War 3955: 3949: 3943: 3940:Anglo-Zulu War 3937: 3931: 3925: 3919: 3913: 3907: 3901: 3895: 3889: 3883: 3877: 3871: 3865: 3859: 3853: 3847: 3841: 3835: 3829: 3823: 3817: 3811: 3805: 3799: 3793: 3787: 3781: 3775: 3769: 3763: 3757: 3751: 3745: 3739: 3733: 3727: 3721: 3715: 3709: 3703: 3697: 3691: 3685: 3679: 3673: 3667: 3661: 3655: 3649: 3643: 3637: 3631: 3628:Froberg mutiny 3625: 3619: 3613: 3607: 3601: 3595: 3589: 3582: 3580: 3574: 3573: 3571: 3570: 3564: 3558: 3552: 3546: 3540: 3534: 3528: 3522: 3516: 3510: 3504: 3498: 3492: 3486: 3480: 3474: 3468: 3462: 3456: 3450: 3444: 3438: 3432: 3426: 3420: 3414: 3408: 3402: 3396: 3390: 3384: 3378: 3372: 3366: 3360: 3354: 3348: 3342: 3335: 3333: 3327: 3326: 3324: 3323: 3317: 3311: 3308:Williamite War 3305: 3299: 3293: 3287: 3281: 3275: 3269: 3263: 3257: 3251: 3245: 3239: 3233: 3227: 3221: 3215: 3209: 3203: 3196: 3194: 3188: 3187: 3184:British Empire 3177: 3175: 3174: 3167: 3160: 3152: 3146: 3145: 3128: 3127:External links 3125: 3124: 3123: 3118: 3103: 3098: 3083: 3068: 3067: 3063: 3062: 3048:, ed. (1911). 3046:Chisholm, Hugh 3042: 3017:Hopkirk, Peter 3014: 3004: 2989: 2971: 2966: 2952:Fleming, Peter 2948: 2936: 2935: 2934: 2929: 2909: 2897:Allen, Charles 2892: 2891: 2887: 2886: 2881: 2866: 2861: 2846: 2828:(1): 270–282. 2817: 2812: 2797: 2791: 2776: 2770: 2753: 2748: 2734:Lamb, Alastair 2730: 2716: 2715: 2710: 2707: 2704: 2703: 2701:, p. 310. 2691: 2668: 2656: 2644: 2631: 2622: 2620:, p. 311. 2610: 2599: 2583: 2558: 2539: 2519: 2488: 2486:, p. 302. 2476: 2474:, p. 288. 2461: 2440: 2422: 2410: 2408:, p. 278. 2398: 2396:, p. 284. 2383: 2371: 2359: 2344: 2342:, p. 221. 2332: 2330:, p. 209. 2320: 2318:, p. 201. 2308: 2306:, p. 185. 2296: 2294:, p. 186. 2284: 2282:, p. 177. 2272: 2270:, p. 163. 2260: 2258:, p. 176. 2248: 2236: 2234:, p. 156. 2224: 2222:, p. 149. 2212: 2199: 2197:, p. 141. 2187: 2185:, p. 137. 2175: 2160: 2151: 2149:, p. 120. 2139: 2127: 2125:, p. 113. 2115: 2113:, p. 146. 2103: 2091: 2079: 2067: 2055: 2048: 2023: 2008: 1996: 1985: 1974: 1972:, p. 277. 1962: 1950: 1938: 1919: 1907: 1892: 1880: 1854: 1842: 1830: 1819: 1806: 1790: 1788:, p. 299. 1774: 1773: 1771: 1768: 1767: 1766: 1761: 1756: 1751: 1743: 1738: 1733: 1728: 1723: 1721:The Great Game 1718: 1713: 1708: 1703: 1696: 1693: 1658: 1655: 1605:, p. 12. 1564: 1561: 1531: 1528: 1511: 1510: 1507: 1504: 1493: 1478:Main article: 1475: 1472: 1437:scorched earth 1409: 1408:Entry to Lhasa 1406: 1371:Victoria Cross 1336: 1335: 1294: 1292: 1285: 1279: 1276: 1232:Lord Kitchener 1210: 1209: 1168: 1166: 1159: 1153: 1150: 1112: 1109: 1055:Herbert Walton 1045:Gautama Buddha 1011: 1008: 984:Edmund Candler 953: 950: 874: 871: 854: 851: 782: 779: 712: 709: 680:Tsar of Russia 676:Agvan Dorjiyev 621:The Great Game 616: 613: 567:Russian Empire 502: 501: 499: 498: 491: 484: 476: 473: 472: 448: 447: 446: 445: 440: 438:List of rulers 435: 430: 422: 421: 417: 416: 415: 414: 409: 404: 399: 394: 389: 384: 379: 374: 369: 364: 359: 357:Tibetan Empire 354: 349: 344: 336: 335: 327: 326: 317: 316: 309: 302: 301: 298: 292: 291: 287: 286: 283: 280:3,000 soldiers 277: 276: 272: 271: 250: 226: 225: 221: 220: 219: 218: 191: 190: 189: 172:United Kingdom 158: 157: 153: 152: 149: 148: 147: 146: 140: 132: 122: 118: 117: 78: 76: 72: 71: 68: 60: 59: 45: 44: 37: 36: 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 7114: 7103: 7100: 7098: 7095: 7093: 7090: 7088: 7085: 7083: 7080: 7078: 7075: 7073: 7070: 7068: 7065: 7063: 7060: 7058: 7055: 7053: 7050: 7048: 7045: 7043: 7040: 7038: 7037:1904 in China 7035: 7033: 7032:1903 in China 7030: 7028: 7025: 7023: 7020: 7018: 7015: 7013: 7010: 7008: 7005: 7003: 7000: 6998: 6995: 6993: 6990: 6988: 6985: 6984: 6982: 6967: 6964: 6962: 6959: 6957: 6954: 6952: 6949: 6947: 6944: 6942: 6941:Manchu people 6939: 6937: 6934: 6932: 6929: 6927: 6926: 6922: 6920: 6919: 6915: 6913: 6910: 6908: 6907:Canton System 6905: 6903: 6900: 6898: 6895: 6894: 6892: 6888: 6878: 6875: 6873: 6872:Hubu Guanpiao 6870: 6868: 6865: 6864: 6862: 6860: 6856: 6850: 6847: 6845: 6842: 6840: 6837: 6835: 6832: 6830: 6827: 6825: 6822: 6821: 6819: 6817: 6813: 6810: 6806: 6798: 6795: 6793: 6790: 6788: 6785: 6783: 6780: 6778: 6775: 6773: 6770: 6768: 6765: 6763: 6760: 6758: 6755: 6753: 6750: 6748: 6745: 6743: 6740: 6738: 6735: 6733: 6730: 6728: 6725: 6723: 6720: 6718: 6715: 6713: 6710: 6708: 6705: 6703: 6700: 6699: 6698: 6695: 6693: 6690: 6688: 6685: 6684: 6682: 6679: 6675: 6667: 6666: 6662: 6661: 6660: 6659: 6655: 6653: 6650: 6648: 6645: 6643: 6640: 6638: 6637: 6633: 6631: 6628: 6626: 6625: 6621: 6619: 6616: 6614: 6611: 6609: 6608: 6604: 6602: 6601: 6597: 6595: 6592: 6590: 6587: 6585: 6582: 6580: 6579: 6575: 6573: 6572: 6568: 6566: 6563: 6559: 6556: 6555: 6554: 6551: 6549: 6546: 6544: 6543: 6539: 6537: 6534: 6532: 6529: 6528: 6526: 6522:Society & 6520: 6514: 6511: 6509: 6506: 6504: 6501: 6499: 6496: 6494: 6491: 6489: 6488:Summer Palace 6486: 6484: 6481: 6479: 6478:Mukden Palace 6476: 6474: 6471: 6469: 6466: 6464: 6461: 6460: 6458: 6454:Palaces & 6452: 6444: 6441: 6440: 6439: 6436: 6432: 6429: 6427: 6424: 6423: 6422: 6419: 6415: 6412: 6410: 6407: 6406: 6405: 6402: 6398: 6395: 6394: 6393: 6390: 6388: 6385: 6383: 6380: 6379: 6377: 6373: 6367: 6364: 6360: 6357: 6355: 6352: 6350: 6347: 6346: 6345: 6342: 6340: 6337: 6335: 6332: 6330: 6327: 6325: 6322: 6320: 6317: 6315: 6312: 6310: 6307: 6305: 6302: 6300: 6297: 6295: 6294:Eight Banners 6292: 6290: 6287: 6286: 6284: 6282: 6278: 6272: 6269: 6265: 6262: 6260: 6257: 6255: 6252: 6250: 6247: 6245: 6242: 6240: 6237: 6235: 6232: 6230: 6227: 6225: 6222: 6221: 6220: 6217: 6215: 6212: 6208: 6205: 6204: 6203: 6200: 6198: 6195: 6193: 6190: 6188: 6185: 6183: 6180: 6178: 6175: 6173: 6170: 6168: 6165: 6163: 6160: 6158: 6155: 6153: 6150: 6148: 6147:Grand Council 6145: 6143: 6140: 6138: 6135: 6133: 6130: 6128: 6125: 6123: 6120: 6118: 6115: 6113: 6110: 6108: 6105: 6103: 6100: 6096: 6093: 6091: 6088: 6087: 6086: 6083: 6082: 6080: 6078: 6074: 6064: 6061: 6059: 6056: 6052: 6049: 6047: 6044: 6042: 6039: 6037: 6034: 6032: 6029: 6028: 6027: 6024: 6022: 6019: 6017: 6014: 6012: 6009: 6005: 6002: 6000: 5997: 5996: 5995: 5992: 5990: 5987: 5985: 5982: 5980: 5977: 5976: 5974: 5967:20th century 5965: 5957: 5954: 5953: 5952: 5949: 5945: 5942: 5941: 5940: 5937: 5935: 5932: 5930: 5927: 5925: 5922: 5920: 5917: 5915: 5912: 5910: 5907: 5905: 5902: 5900: 5897: 5895: 5892: 5890: 5887: 5885: 5882: 5880: 5877: 5875: 5872: 5870: 5867: 5865: 5862: 5860: 5857: 5855: 5852: 5850: 5847: 5845: 5842: 5840: 5837: 5835: 5832: 5830: 5827: 5825: 5822: 5820: 5817: 5815: 5812: 5810: 5807: 5805: 5802: 5800: 5797: 5795: 5792: 5790: 5787: 5786: 5784: 5777:19th century 5775: 5769: 5766: 5764: 5761: 5759: 5756: 5754: 5751: 5749: 5746: 5744: 5741: 5739: 5736: 5734: 5731: 5729: 5726: 5724: 5721: 5719: 5716: 5714: 5711: 5709: 5706: 5704: 5701: 5699: 5696: 5695: 5693: 5686: 5682: 5676: 5673: 5669: 5666: 5665: 5664: 5661: 5657: 5654: 5653: 5652: 5649: 5647: 5644: 5642: 5639: 5637: 5634: 5632: 5629: 5627: 5624: 5623: 5621: 5612: 5609: 5607: 5603: 5598: 5591: 5586: 5584: 5579: 5577: 5572: 5571: 5568: 5556: 5553: 5552: 5547: 5543: 5540: 5536: 5535: 5531: 5521: 5518: 5516: 5513: 5511: 5508: 5504: 5501: 5499: 5498: 5494: 5492: 5491: 5487: 5486: 5485: 5482: 5480: 5476: 5472: 5470: 5467: 5465: 5462: 5460: 5457: 5455: 5452: 5450: 5447: 5445: 5442: 5440: 5437: 5433: 5430: 5428: 5425: 5423: 5420: 5418: 5417: 5413: 5411: 5410: 5406: 5404: 5401: 5400: 5399: 5396: 5395: 5393: 5391: 5387: 5379: 5376: 5374: 5371: 5369: 5366: 5364: 5361: 5360: 5359: 5356: 5354: 5351: 5349: 5346: 5342: 5339: 5337: 5334: 5326: 5323: 5322: 5321: 5318: 5316: 5313: 5309: 5306: 5305: 5304: 5301: 5299: 5296: 5295: 5294: 5291: 5289: 5286: 5284: 5281: 5279: 5276: 5272: 5269: 5267: 5264: 5263: 5262: 5259: 5258: 5257: 5254: 5252: 5249: 5248: 5247: 5244: 5242: 5239: 5237: 5234: 5233: 5230: 5227: 5223: 5213: 5210: 5208: 5205: 5203: 5200: 5199: 5196: 5193: 5191: 5187: 5175: 5172: 5171: 5170: 5167: 5165: 5162: 5161: 5159: 5157: 5153: 5147: 5144: 5142: 5139: 5137: 5134: 5130: 5127: 5126: 5125: 5122: 5120: 5117: 5115: 5112: 5110: 5107: 5105: 5102: 5098: 5095: 5094: 5093: 5090: 5088: 5085: 5083: 5080: 5076: 5073: 5072: 5071: 5068: 5066: 5060: 5059: 5056: 5053: 5051: 5047: 5031: 5028: 5027: 5026: 5023: 5021: 5018: 5016: 5013: 5012: 5010: 5006: 5000: 4997: 4991: 4988: 4987: 4986: 4983: 4982: 4981: 4978: 4976: 4973: 4967: 4964: 4963: 4962: 4959: 4958: 4956: 4952: 4949: 4947: 4944: 4942: 4938: 4935: 4933: 4930: 4929: 4928: 4925: 4923: 4921: 4918: 4916: 4913: 4911: 4908: 4907: 4904: 4900: 4897: 4895: 4891: 4880: 4877: 4875: 4872: 4870: 4867: 4865: 4862: 4860: 4857: 4855: 4852: 4850: 4847: 4845: 4842: 4840: 4837: 4835: 4832: 4830: 4827: 4825: 4822: 4820: 4817: 4815: 4812: 4810: 4807: 4806: 4804: 4800: 4794: 4791: 4787: 4784: 4782: 4779: 4777: 4774: 4772: 4769: 4768: 4767: 4764: 4762: 4759: 4757: 4754: 4752: 4749: 4745: 4742: 4741: 4740: 4737: 4735: 4732: 4730: 4727: 4725: 4722: 4720: 4717: 4715: 4712: 4710: 4707: 4705: 4702: 4700: 4697: 4695: 4692: 4690: 4687: 4685: 4682: 4680: 4677: 4675: 4672: 4670: 4667: 4665: 4662: 4660: 4657: 4655: 4652: 4651: 4649: 4643: 4635: 4632: 4630: 4627: 4626: 4625: 4622: 4618: 4615: 4614: 4613: 4610: 4606: 4603: 4601: 4598: 4597: 4596: 4590: 4588: 4585: 4581: 4578: 4577: 4576: 4573: 4571: 4568: 4566: 4563: 4559: 4553: 4552: 4551: 4548: 4544: 4541: 4540: 4539: 4533: 4529: 4523: 4521: 4518: 4516: 4513: 4512: 4511: 4505: 4501: 4495: 4493: 4490: 4488: 4485: 4483: 4480: 4479: 4478: 4472: 4470: 4467: 4465: 4462: 4460: 4454: 4453: 4451: 4447: 4441: 4438: 4436: 4433: 4431: 4428: 4426: 4423: 4422: 4420: 4416: 4413: 4411: 4407: 4403: 4399: 4392: 4387: 4385: 4380: 4378: 4373: 4372: 4369: 4356: 4353: 4350: 4347: 4344: 4341: 4338: 4335: 4332: 4329: 4326: 4323: 4320: 4317: 4314: 4311: 4308: 4305: 4302: 4299: 4296: 4293: 4290: 4287: 4284: 4281: 4278: 4275: 4272: 4269: 4266: 4263: 4260: 4257: 4254: 4251: 4248: 4245: 4242: 4239: 4236: 4233: 4230: 4229:Ikhwan revolt 4227: 4224: 4221: 4218: 4215: 4212: 4209: 4206: 4203: 4200: 4197: 4194: 4191: 4188: 4185: 4182: 4179: 4176: 4173: 4170: 4167: 4164: 4161: 4158: 4155: 4152: 4149: 4146: 4143: 4140: 4137: 4134: 4131: 4128: 4125: 4122: 4119: 4116: 4113: 4112: 4110: 4104: 4097: 4094: 4091: 4088: 4085: 4082: 4079: 4076: 4073: 4070: 4067: 4064: 4061: 4058: 4055: 4052: 4049: 4046: 4043: 4040: 4037: 4034: 4031: 4028: 4025: 4022: 4019: 4016: 4013: 4010: 4007: 4004: 4001: 3998: 3995: 3992: 3989: 3986: 3983: 3980: 3977: 3974: 3971: 3968: 3965: 3962: 3959: 3956: 3953: 3950: 3947: 3944: 3941: 3938: 3935: 3932: 3929: 3926: 3923: 3920: 3917: 3914: 3911: 3908: 3905: 3902: 3899: 3896: 3893: 3890: 3887: 3884: 3881: 3878: 3875: 3872: 3869: 3866: 3863: 3860: 3857: 3854: 3851: 3848: 3845: 3842: 3839: 3836: 3833: 3830: 3827: 3824: 3821: 3818: 3815: 3812: 3809: 3806: 3803: 3800: 3797: 3794: 3791: 3788: 3785: 3782: 3779: 3776: 3773: 3770: 3767: 3764: 3761: 3758: 3755: 3752: 3749: 3746: 3743: 3740: 3737: 3734: 3731: 3728: 3725: 3722: 3719: 3716: 3713: 3710: 3707: 3704: 3701: 3698: 3695: 3692: 3689: 3686: 3683: 3680: 3677: 3676:Spice Islands 3674: 3671: 3668: 3665: 3662: 3659: 3656: 3653: 3650: 3647: 3644: 3641: 3638: 3635: 3634:Santo Domingo 3632: 3629: 3626: 3623: 3620: 3617: 3614: 3611: 3608: 3605: 3602: 3599: 3596: 3593: 3590: 3587: 3584: 3583: 3581: 3575: 3568: 3565: 3562: 3559: 3556: 3553: 3550: 3547: 3544: 3541: 3538: 3535: 3532: 3529: 3526: 3523: 3520: 3517: 3514: 3511: 3508: 3505: 3502: 3499: 3496: 3493: 3490: 3487: 3484: 3481: 3478: 3475: 3472: 3469: 3466: 3463: 3460: 3457: 3454: 3451: 3448: 3445: 3442: 3439: 3436: 3433: 3430: 3427: 3424: 3423:Pontiac's War 3421: 3418: 3415: 3412: 3409: 3406: 3403: 3400: 3397: 3394: 3391: 3388: 3385: 3382: 3379: 3376: 3375:Carnatic Wars 3373: 3370: 3367: 3364: 3361: 3358: 3355: 3352: 3349: 3346: 3345:Tuscarora War 3343: 3340: 3337: 3336: 3334: 3328: 3321: 3318: 3315: 3312: 3309: 3306: 3303: 3300: 3297: 3294: 3291: 3288: 3285: 3282: 3279: 3276: 3273: 3270: 3267: 3264: 3261: 3258: 3255: 3252: 3249: 3246: 3243: 3240: 3237: 3234: 3231: 3228: 3225: 3222: 3219: 3216: 3213: 3210: 3207: 3204: 3201: 3198: 3197: 3195: 3189: 3185: 3181: 3173: 3168: 3166: 3161: 3159: 3154: 3153: 3150: 3141: 3140: 3135: 3131: 3130: 3126: 3121: 3115: 3111: 3110: 3104: 3101: 3095: 3091: 3090: 3084: 3080: 3079: 3074: 3073:Bell, Charles 3070: 3069: 3065: 3064: 3059: 3058: 3052: 3051:"Tibet"  3047: 3043: 3040: 3036: 3035:1-56836-022-3 3032: 3028: 3024: 3023: 3018: 3015: 3012: 3008: 3005: 3002: 3001:1-901543-05-6 2998: 2994: 2990: 2987: 2986:0-00-637601-0 2983: 2979: 2975: 2972: 2969: 2963: 2959: 2958: 2953: 2949: 2946: 2945: 2940: 2937: 2932: 2926: 2922: 2921: 2915: 2914: 2912: 2910:0-7195-5427-6 2906: 2902: 2898: 2894: 2893: 2890:General books 2889: 2888: 2884: 2878: 2874: 2873: 2867: 2864: 2858: 2854: 2853: 2847: 2843: 2839: 2835: 2831: 2827: 2823: 2818: 2815: 2813:9780333157374 2809: 2806:, Macmillan, 2805: 2804: 2798: 2794: 2792:0-415-30844-5 2788: 2785:, Routledge, 2784: 2783: 2777: 2773: 2767: 2762: 2761: 2754: 2751: 2749:9780907129035 2745: 2741: 2740: 2735: 2731: 2724: 2723: 2718: 2717: 2713: 2712: 2708: 2700: 2695: 2692: 2688: 2684: 2680: 2677: 2672: 2669: 2666:, p. 93. 2665: 2660: 2657: 2653: 2648: 2645: 2641: 2635: 2632: 2626: 2623: 2619: 2614: 2611: 2608: 2603: 2600: 2595: 2594: 2587: 2584: 2571: 2570: 2562: 2559: 2546: 2542: 2536: 2532: 2531: 2523: 2520: 2507: 2503: 2499: 2492: 2489: 2485: 2480: 2477: 2473: 2468: 2466: 2462: 2457: 2453: 2447: 2445: 2441: 2436: 2432: 2426: 2423: 2419: 2414: 2411: 2407: 2402: 2399: 2395: 2390: 2388: 2384: 2380: 2375: 2372: 2368: 2363: 2360: 2356: 2355: 2348: 2345: 2341: 2336: 2333: 2329: 2324: 2321: 2317: 2312: 2309: 2305: 2300: 2297: 2293: 2288: 2285: 2281: 2276: 2273: 2269: 2264: 2261: 2257: 2252: 2249: 2245: 2240: 2237: 2233: 2228: 2225: 2221: 2216: 2213: 2209: 2203: 2200: 2196: 2191: 2188: 2184: 2179: 2176: 2172: 2167: 2165: 2161: 2155: 2152: 2148: 2143: 2140: 2136: 2131: 2128: 2124: 2119: 2116: 2112: 2107: 2104: 2100: 2095: 2092: 2089:, p. 33. 2088: 2083: 2080: 2077:, p. 31. 2076: 2071: 2068: 2065:, p. 28. 2064: 2059: 2056: 2051: 2045: 2041: 2040: 2032: 2030: 2028: 2024: 2021:, p. 80. 2020: 2015: 2013: 2009: 2005: 2000: 1997: 1994: 1989: 1986: 1983: 1978: 1975: 1971: 1966: 1963: 1960:, p. 80. 1959: 1954: 1951: 1948:, p. 78. 1947: 1942: 1939: 1936:, p. 77. 1935: 1930: 1928: 1926: 1924: 1920: 1916: 1911: 1908: 1903: 1896: 1893: 1890:, p. 68. 1889: 1884: 1881: 1868: 1864: 1858: 1855: 1852:, p. 66. 1851: 1846: 1843: 1839: 1834: 1831: 1828: 1823: 1820: 1816: 1810: 1807: 1803: 1799: 1794: 1791: 1787: 1782: 1780: 1776: 1769: 1765: 1762: 1760: 1757: 1755: 1752: 1749: 1748: 1744: 1742: 1739: 1737: 1734: 1732: 1729: 1727: 1724: 1722: 1719: 1717: 1714: 1712: 1709: 1707: 1704: 1702: 1699: 1698: 1694: 1692: 1690: 1686: 1682: 1681:Charles Allen 1677: 1675: 1672: 1667: 1665: 1664:Tibetan serfs 1656: 1654: 1651: 1645: 1641: 1639: 1635: 1631: 1627: 1623: 1619: 1615: 1610: 1606: 1604: 1603: 1597: 1592: 1590: 1586: 1581: 1579: 1575: 1571: 1562: 1560: 1558: 1554: 1548: 1546: 1542: 1536: 1529: 1527: 1525: 1521: 1515: 1508: 1505: 1502: 1501:Chumbi Valley 1498: 1494: 1491: 1490: 1489: 1487: 1481: 1473: 1471: 1469: 1468:Potala Palace 1465: 1461: 1456: 1454: 1450: 1446: 1442: 1438: 1428: 1424: 1419: 1418:Potala Palace 1414: 1407: 1405: 1402: 1397: 1395: 1391: 1387: 1383: 1380:received the 1379: 1376: 1372: 1368: 1363: 1360: 1354: 1351: 1350:Gyantse Dzong 1342: 1332: 1329: 1321: 1311: 1307: 1301: 1300: 1295:This section 1293: 1289: 1284: 1283: 1277: 1275: 1273: 1267: 1263: 1261: 1257: 1256: 1251: 1246: 1240: 1237: 1233: 1228: 1226: 1216: 1206: 1203: 1195: 1185: 1181: 1175: 1174: 1169:This section 1167: 1163: 1158: 1157: 1151: 1149: 1146: 1142: 1138: 1133: 1131: 1125: 1123: 1119: 1118:Lord Ampthill 1110: 1108: 1106: 1101: 1100: 1095: 1089: 1087: 1083: 1082: 1077: 1076: 1075:The Spectator 1071: 1066: 1064: 1060: 1059:cleft palates 1056: 1051: 1046: 1042: 1038: 1034: 1030: 1024: 1016: 1009: 1007: 1003: 995: 991: 989: 985: 981: 980: 975: 969: 967: 963: 951: 949: 945: 907: 904: 896: 888: 884: 879: 872: 870: 868: 863: 860: 852: 850: 847: 843: 839: 835: 831: 827: 823: 819: 815: 811: 807: 802: 800: 795: 793: 789: 780: 778: 770: 768: 764: 760: 751: 749: 745: 741: 737: 727: 721: 717: 710: 708: 706: 702: 698: 693: 692:Lord Curzon's 688: 686: 681: 677: 672: 667: 664: 659: 654: 652: 648: 644: 640: 636: 627: 622: 614: 612: 610: 605: 603: 599: 595: 591: 587: 583: 578: 576: 575:British India 572: 568: 563: 561: 557: 553: 549: 545: 541: 537: 533: 529: 525: 521: 517: 513: 509: 497: 492: 490: 485: 483: 478: 477: 475: 474: 471: 460: 455: 450: 449: 444: 441: 439: 436: 434: 431: 429: 426: 425: 424: 423: 418: 413: 410: 408: 405: 403: 400: 398: 395: 393: 390: 388: 385: 383: 380: 378: 375: 373: 370: 368: 365: 363: 360: 358: 355: 353: 350: 348: 345: 343: 340: 339: 338: 337: 333: 329: 328: 325: 318: 313: 307: 299: 294: 293: 288: 284: 279: 278: 273: 270:Dapon Tailing 267: 261: 256: 251: 249: 238: 228: 227: 222: 217: 212: 207: 206: 205: 204: 192: 188: 187:British India 177: 176: 175: 173: 160: 159: 154: 144: 143:Chumbi Valley 141: 139: 138: 133: 131: 128: 127: 126: 123: 120: 119: 114: 85: 81: 77: 74: 73: 69: 66: 65: 61: 57: 51: 46: 43: 38: 33: 30: 19: 7027:1904 in Asia 7022:1903 in Asia 6961:Treaty ports 6923: 6916: 6890:Other topics 6663: 6656: 6634: 6622: 6605: 6600:Peiwen Yunfu 6598: 6576: 6569: 6540: 6289:Beiyang Army 6271:Zongli Yamen 6127:Da-Qing Bank 5983: 5944:Red Lanterns 5597:Qing dynasty 5495: 5488: 5474: 5422:sand mandala 5414: 5407: 5348:Sinicization 5320:Panchen Lama 5315:Lhamo La-tso 5298:Ganden Tripa 5092:Human rights 4966:Grand Canyon 4946:Namcha Barwa 4939: / 4718: 4617:Tibetan Army 4515:Guge kingdom 4199:Iraqi Revolt 4126: 4054:Matabeleland 4030:North Borneo 4024:Matabeleland 3976:Saskatchewan 3778:Upper Canada 3772:Lower Canada 3730:Persian Gulf 3646:Persian Gulf 3586:Newfoundland 3567:Polygar Wars 3537:Kandyan Wars 3489:Nootka Sound 3137: 3108: 3088: 3077: 3055: 3038: 3020: 3010: 2992: 2977: 2956: 2943: 2919: 2900: 2871: 2851: 2825: 2821: 2802: 2781: 2759: 2738: 2721: 2709:Bibliography 2694: 2686: 2671: 2659: 2647: 2639: 2634: 2625: 2613: 2602: 2592: 2586: 2574:. Retrieved 2568: 2561: 2549:. Retrieved 2529: 2522: 2510:. Retrieved 2501: 2491: 2479: 2456:the original 2435:the original 2425: 2413: 2401: 2374: 2362: 2352: 2347: 2335: 2323: 2311: 2299: 2287: 2275: 2263: 2251: 2239: 2227: 2215: 2207: 2202: 2190: 2178: 2173:, p. 81 2154: 2142: 2130: 2118: 2106: 2101:, p. 80 2094: 2082: 2070: 2058: 2038: 2006:, p. 2. 1999: 1988: 1977: 1965: 1953: 1941: 1910: 1901: 1895: 1883: 1871:. Retrieved 1857: 1845: 1840:, p. 1. 1833: 1822: 1814: 1809: 1801: 1793: 1745: 1678: 1671:Qing dynasty 1668: 1660: 1646: 1642: 1611: 1608: 1600: 1598: 1594: 1582: 1577: 1566: 1549: 1537: 1533: 1523: 1516: 1512: 1483: 1457: 1433: 1422: 1398: 1364: 1355: 1347: 1324: 1318:October 2022 1315: 1304:Please help 1299:verification 1296: 1268: 1264: 1253: 1241: 1229: 1221: 1198: 1192:October 2022 1189: 1178:Please help 1173:verification 1170: 1134: 1126: 1114: 1097: 1090: 1079: 1073: 1067: 1029:Palkor Chode 1025: 1021: 1004: 1000: 977: 970: 955: 892: 864: 856: 853:Preparations 814:40th Pathans 803: 796: 784: 771: 752: 733: 697:Khampa Dzong 689: 668: 657: 655: 632: 606: 598:China proper 596:and then to 579: 564: 552:Qing dynasty 548:protectorate 511: 507: 505: 203:Qing dynasty 193: 161: 156:Belligerents 135: 124: 58:and Tibetans 40:Part of the 29: 6897:Aisin Gioro 6859:Paper money 6618:Qing poetry 6339:Wuwei Corps 6334:Shuishiying 6095:Family tree 5432:wall murals 5336:Catholicism 4920:Environment 4594:(1720–1912) 4557:(1368–1644) 4537:(1270–1350) 4458:(Neolithic) 4456:Prehistory 4319:Suez Crisis 4217:Transjordan 4121:West Africa 4098:(1899–1902) 4092:(1898–1901) 4084:Six-Day War 4032:(1894–1905) 4020:(1891–1895) 4000:Mashonaland 3964:Mahdist War 3904:Shimonoseki 3834:(1847–1901) 3744:(1824–1901) 3712:Cape Colony 3610:Cape Colony 3569:(1799–1805) 3563:(1799–1803) 3551:(1798–1800) 3539:(1796–1818) 3513:Cape Colony 3503:(1793–1806) 3485:(1788–1934) 3381:Nova Scotia 3351:Yamasee War 3322:(1694–1700) 3296:Child's War 3284:2nd Tangier 3278:1st Tangier 3274:(1655–1739) 3224:Saint Kitts 3202:(1593–1603) 3134:"No. 27743" 1130:Lee–Enfield 1070:telegraphed 931: / 810:8th Gurkhas 609:Tibet Medal 571:Lord Curzon 321:History of 108: / 84:Qing Empire 6981:Categories 6565:Four Wangs 6456:mausoleums 6409:Golden Urn 6382:Inner Asia 6359:Xiang Army 6329:Hushenying 6254:Liangguang 6234:Liangjiang 6172:Lifan Yuan 6077:Government 5515:Tibetology 5484:Literature 5303:Dalai Lama 5156:Government 5114:Tibet Area 5109:Golden Urn 5075:Parliament 4600:Lifan Yuan 4527:(960–1279) 4464:Zhangzhung 4449:Chronology 4223:Pink's War 4115:Somaliland 3952:Basutoland 3706:Guadeloupe 3688:Xhosa Wars 3670:Seychelles 3652:Guadeloupe 3640:Martinique 3507:Rohilkhand 3471:Gold Coast 3441:Rohilkhand 3399:Bengal War 3236:Pequot War 2540:0231134460 1770:References 1541:Edward VII 1530:Conclusion 1445:Yamdok Tso 1260:Christie's 1063:New Chumbi 979:Daily Mail 937: ( 918:89°16′40″E 915:28°05′22″N 873:Expedition 615:Background 590:Dalai Lama 554:until the 538:under the 536:Dalai Lama 347:Zhangzhung 134:Return to 96:89°16′37″E 93:26°05′20″N 42:Great Game 6387:Manchuria 6354:Huai Army 6344:Yong Ying 6229:Shaan-Gan 5685:High Qing 5631:Later Jin 5497:Chronicle 5459:Festivals 5271:Dpon-chen 5241:Languages 5236:Education 4985:Changtang 4927:Mountains 4894:Geography 4802:Documents 4647:conflicts 4499:(618–907) 4418:Overviews 4355:Falklands 4351:(1963–67) 4345:(1962–66) 4339:(1962–90) 4327:(1962–76) 4315:(1955–59) 4309:(1954–59) 4303:(1952–60) 4297:(1948–60) 4291:(1946–50) 4283:Indonesia 4279:(1945–46) 4277:Indochina 4273:(1944–48) 4261:(1936–39) 4255:(1936–39) 4243:(1931–32) 4237:(1930–31) 4231:(1927–30) 4213:(1922–24) 4211:Kurdistan 4195:(1919–20) 4171:(1916–17) 4151:Nyasaland 4147:(1914–15) 4141:(1914–15) 4129:(1903–04) 4123:(1901–02) 4117:(1900–20) 4080:(1897–98) 4074:(1897–98) 4056:(1896–97) 4026:(1893–94) 3990:(1886–89) 3966:(1881–99) 3960:(1880–81) 3954:(1880–81) 3948:(1879–80) 3936:(1875–76) 3922:Abyssinia 3918:(1866–71) 3912:(1864–65) 3900:(1863–64) 3892:Kagoshima 3888:(1857–58) 3882:(1857–59) 3876:(1856–60) 3870:(1856–57) 3864:(1854–56) 3862:Åland War 3846:(1848–49) 3822:(1845–50) 3816:(1845–46) 3810:(1845–72) 3804:(1839–42) 3798:(1839–42) 3792:(1839–41) 3780:(1837–38) 3774:(1837–38) 3768:(1831–33) 3762:(1831–32) 3756:(1828–32) 3750:(1824–26) 3726:(1817–18) 3702:(1814–16) 3696:(1812–15) 3690:(1811–79) 3684:(1810–11) 3664:Mauritius 3636:(1808–09) 3618:(1806–07) 3594:(1803–05) 3557:(1798–99) 3527:(1795–96) 3521:(1795–96) 3497:(1789–92) 3473:(1781–82) 3467:(1779–84) 3461:(1775–82) 3455:(1775–83) 3443:(1773–74) 3437:(1769–73) 3431:(1765–71) 3425:(1763–66) 3419:(1762–63) 3407:(1758–61) 3401:(1756–65) 3395:(1756–63) 3389:(1754–63) 3383:(1749–55) 3377:(1746–63) 3371:(1744–48) 3365:(1740–42) 3359:(1722–25) 3353:(1715–17) 3347:(1711–15) 3341:(1702–13) 3316:(1688–97) 3310:(1688–91) 3298:(1686–90) 3292:(1675–78) 3268:(1654–60) 3262:(1654–67) 3256:(1649–53) 3250:(1641–53) 3238:(1634–38) 3208:(1609–46) 2842:141011277 1563:Aftermath 1441:redshanks 1378:Kabir Pun 1099:The Times 1086:Whitehall 962:matchlock 544:Himalayan 402:Qing rule 367:Yuan rule 6839:Hongqian 6808:Currency 6678:Treaties 6584:Kaozheng 6531:Booi Aha 6473:Hetu Ala 6426:Timeline 6421:Xinjiang 6392:Mongolia 6349:Chu Army 6324:New Army 6281:Military 6219:Viceroys 5555:Category 5439:Calendar 5373:Diaspora 5246:Religion 5050:Politics 4951:Tanggula 4941:Changtse 4645:Wars and 4520:Tsongkha 4482:Timeline 4425:Timeline 4402:articles 4343:Malaysia 4265:Ethiopia 4163:Peshawar 3928:Manitoba 3910:Duar War 3206:Virginia 3075:(1924), 3009:(1932), 2954:(1961), 2899:(2004), 2736:(1989), 2679:Archived 2576:24 April 2551:24 April 2545:Archived 2506:Archived 1867:Archived 1695:See also 1624:and the 1375:Havildar 1092:action. 1053:Captain 1041:Bodhgaya 828:and the 730:Scotland 685:Peterhof 671:Russians 594:Mongolia 461:• 428:Timeline 420:See also 412:PRC rule 312:a series 310:Part of 275:Strength 75:Location 6824:Zhiqian 6816:Coinage 6553:Economy 6524:culture 6259:Yun-Gui 6249:Min-Zhe 6244:Sichuan 6239:Huguang 6085:Emperor 5606:History 5539:Outline 5503:writers 5444:Cuisine 5409:thangka 5390:Culture 5363:Changpa 5278:Nyingma 5225:Society 5190:Economy 5025:Ü-Tsang 4999:Valleys 4957:Rivers 4932:Kailash 4492:Lönchen 4474:Empire 4410:History 4337:Sarawak 4289:Sarawak 4181:Nigeria 4169:Mohmand 4157:Nigeria 4108:century 3766:Malacca 3760:Jamaica 3718:Algiers 3658:Reunion 3604:Surinam 3579:century 3525:Grenada 3519:Jamaica 3411:Jamaica 3332:century 3272:Jamaica 3200:Ireland 3193:century 3180:English 3019:(1990) 2976:(1994) 2941:(1905) 2512:13 July 1873:29 June 1574:Britain 1453:Tsangpo 1390:Gordons 1255:thankas 1050:durbars 974:Reuters 966:sangars 889:in 1904 792:jingals 759:Gangtok 748:Balfour 647:Kashmir 639:Garhwal 582:Gyantse 6438:Taiwan 5614:Early 5599:topics 5490:Annals 5454:Emblem 5416:tsakli 5288:Jonang 4937:Lhotse 4881:(2008) 4580:Kashag 4400:  4357:(1982) 4333:(1962) 4331:Brunei 4321:(1956) 4285:(1945) 4267:(1943) 4249:(1935) 4225:(1925) 4219:(1923) 4207:(1921) 4201:(1920) 4189:(1919) 4183:(1918) 4177:(1917) 4175:Quebec 4165:(1915) 4159:(1915) 4153:(1915) 4135:(1906) 4086:(1899) 4068:(1897) 4062:(1897) 4050:(1896) 4044:(1896) 4038:(1895) 4014:(1891) 4008:(1891) 4002:(1890) 3996:(1888) 3994:Hazara 3984:(1885) 3978:(1885) 3972:(1882) 3942:(1879) 3930:(1870) 3924:(1868) 3906:(1864) 3894:(1863) 3858:(1854) 3852:(1852) 3840:(1848) 3838:Ceylon 3828:(1847) 3826:Canton 3786:(1839) 3738:(1823) 3736:Guiana 3732:(1819) 3720:(1816) 3714:(1815) 3708:(1815) 3678:(1810) 3672:(1810) 3666:(1810) 3660:(1810) 3654:(1810) 3648:(1809) 3642:(1809) 3630:(1807) 3624:(1807) 3612:(1806) 3606:(1804) 3600:(1804) 3588:(1800) 3545:(1798) 3533:(1795) 3531:Ceylon 3515:(1795) 3509:(1794) 3491:(1789) 3479:(1786) 3449:(1774) 3413:(1762) 3304:(1687) 3286:(1664) 3280:(1662) 3260:Acadia 3244:(1641) 3232:(1628) 3230:Quebec 3226:(1626) 3220:(1622) 3214:(1612) 3212:Swally 3116:  3096:  3037:; as: 3033:  2999:  2984:  2964:  2927:  2907:  2879:  2859:  2840:  2810:  2789:  2768:  2746:  2537:  2046:  1578:permit 1524:permit 1497:rupees 1394:Dargai 1236:Manchu 1137:Lebong 1105:sepoys 988:Maxims 958:  899:  895:Sikkim 881:Major 859:Yatung 846:Pathan 842:Gurkha 788:swords 774:  763:Sikkim 755:  701:Sikkim 658:ambans 651:Sikkim 643:Punjab 635:Kumaon 524:Sikkim 314:on the 200:  184:  169:  121:Result 6630:Queue 6548:Dibao 6404:Tibet 6224:Zhili 6107:Amban 5546:Index 5510:Music 5475:Khata 5378:Names 5368:Yolmo 5341:Islam 5293:Gelug 5283:Kagyu 5261:Sakya 5064:(TAR) 5030:Ngari 4915:Fauna 4910:Flora 4398:Tibet 4235:Tirah 4145:Tochi 3934:Perak 3700:Nepal 3622:Egypt 3549:Malta 3477:Assam 3320:Ghana 3218:Ormuz 2838:S2CID 2726:(PDF) 1589:lamas 1122:Simla 1081:Punch 1033:stupa 897:on 11 887:Lhasa 838:Nepal 753:On 19 742:with 705:Amban 586:Lhasa 528:Burma 323:Tibet 216:Tibet 80:Tibet 56:amban 6366:Navy 6207:Ejen 6090:List 5464:Flag 5403:rugs 5325:list 5308:list 5097:LGBT 5020:Kham 5015:Amdo 4349:Aden 4325:Oman 4307:Oman 4106:20th 3682:Java 3577:19th 3330:18th 3302:Siam 3191:17th 3114:ISBN 3094:ISBN 3031:ISBN 2997:ISBN 2982:ISBN 2962:ISBN 2925:ISBN 2905:ISBN 2877:ISBN 2857:ISBN 2808:ISBN 2787:ISBN 2766:ISBN 2744:ISBN 2578:2014 2553:2014 2535:ISBN 2514:2014 2044:ISBN 1875:2011 1518:the 1460:Urga 1416:The 1348:The 1078:and 1048:his 939:Guru 844:and 820:and 818:23rd 790:and 645:and 637:and 506:The 67:Date 5398:Art 5251:Bon 3694:USA 2830:doi 1392:at 1308:by 1225:DSO 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British invasion of Tibet
Great Game

Qing Empire
26°05′20″N 89°16′37″E / 26.08889°N 89.27694°E / 26.08889; 89.27694
Convention of Lhasa
status quo ante bellum
Chumbi Valley
United Kingdom
British India
Qing dynasty
James Macdonald
Francis Younghusband
13th Dalai Lama
a series
History of Tibet
Potala Palace
Neolithic Tibet
Yarlung dynasty
Tibetan Empire
Era of Fragmentation
Yuan rule
Phagmodrupa dynasty

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.