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1637:. This describes a new "in-channel-select" (ics) technique that can significantly improve the sensitivity and selectivity of vhf/uhf fm receivers. A commercial "blackbox" adapter is being made and marketed by the German firm H&C Eletronik Hansen & Co of Berlin, which is claimed to improve the s:n ratio of weak fm signals by 6 dB and rejection of in-channel splatter from stronger adjacent-channel signals by some 20 dB. the ics technique appears to be a form of threshold-extension demodulation, as originally developed for professional reception of weak satellite signals, but implemented in a form suitable for use with typical amateur radio fm transceivers. The German unit features a very narrow voltage-controlled filter that automatically tracks the fm signal. For 145 MHz (25 kHz channelling) the filter bandwidth is only 1,800 Hz, ie about one-tenth of the usual i.f filter bandwidth. The receiver's fm detector output voltage, proportional to the instantaneous deviation, steers the ics filter so that it tracks the incoming signal. In demonstrations at a Dutch/German hamfest last year, reports that audibility of weak signals was improved by the unit from Q1 to Q4, though never completely to Q5. For strong signals it is usually advisable to switch threshold-extension demodulators out of circuit. The German hardware is being offered primarily as an external unit for base-station receivers, although the principle can be applied to mobile receivers. A threshold extension demodulator does not, of course, improve the front-end noise factor of a receiver, but there is no doubt that the technique does make it possible to copy signals that would otherwise be unintelligible. It certainly seems a development worth keeping in mind. 2015:
curve. In the front end, tracking error occurs when there is a discrepancy between the frequency of the broadcast station and the center of the band-pass filter. A narrower band-width, such as the ST-S333ESXII's, allows less margin for this sort of error and improves selectivity. Previously, it was difficult to accurate reception throughout the FM band, because FM broadcast frequencies fluctuate with the strength of their signal. If the FM frequency reception is perfectly adjusted on both ends of a bandwidth - that is, at 87.5 MHz and 108 MHz - an error of up to 100 kHz will occur when attempting to receive frequencies broadcast between these points. Likewise, if the FM frequency reception is perfectly adjusted at the center of the bandwidth, error will occur at either end. S.S.T. Circuitry effectively solves this problem. With the ST-S333ESXII's frequency range divided into four separate sections between 87.5 MHz and 108 MHz, perfect frequency reception can be at each of these points, and the error occurring between them is effectively minimized. You'll enjoy better FM selectivity, less tracking error and less distortion, thanks to the S.S.T. Circuitry. WOIS - Wave Optimized IF System The WOIS automatically selects the ideal IF characteristics for both the monaural and stereo positions at the IF Filter stage. The results are system selectivity of 65 dB and THD (
Mitlauffilterverfahren (MLF) "High Select" entwickelt und sich damit selbständig gemacht. Mit diesem neuen Verfahren können Signale empfangen werden, die mit einem üblichen Empfänger nur noch als "Leerlaufrauschen" wahrnehmbar wären. Die völlige Neuentwicklung benutzt anstelle eines in seiner Resonanzfrequenz feststehenden Zwischenfrequenzfilters ein schmalbandiges, in der Resonanzfrequenz steuerbares Filter, wobei die Steuerung dafür sorgt, daß der Filter-Resonanzbereich stets bei der Momentanzwischenfrequenz liegt. Das Ergebnis läßt sich hören. Abschattungen, Reflexionsstörungen, Nachbarkanalstörungen in kritischen Versorgungsgebieten und Grenzempfindlichkeiten sind ausgeschaltet. Selbst völlig verrauschte Signale erklingen klar und deutlich. Die Realisierung des MLF-Verfahrens und die Gründung des eigenen Unternehmens sind das Ergebnis eines mehrjährigen Entwicklungsprozesses. 1982 kam der Erfinder Jens Hansen zur TVA und stellte seine Konzeption mit den durchgeführten grundlegenden Untersuchungen vor. Um den Nachweis der Realisierbarkeit anzutreten, mußte ein Funktionsmodell gebaut werden. Durch die Vermittlung der TVA wurde der Forschungsförderungsfonds des Senators für Wissenschaft und Forschung genutzt. Für die Experten war das Konzept so überzeugend, daß es gefördert wurde. Ein Hochschullehrer der
werden d.h. ihre Bandbreite wird größer. Mit diesen Filtern läßt sich eine Bandbreite bis runter zu 10–15 kHz realisieren. Da diese Bandbreite nicht fĂĽr UKW-Rundfunk reicht, mĂĽssen die Filter nachgeregelt werden. Dies geschieht mittels Kapazitätsdioden. Die Steuerspannung dafĂĽr wird aus dem Mono-NF-Signal gewonnen. Dessen augenblicklicher Wert steht im direkten Zusammenhang mit der aktuellen Frequenz der ZF. Die Filter werden mit einer geringen Verzögerung nachgefĂĽhrt. Ein normaler 85 kHz ZF-Filter dämpft einfach die Störungen aber auch das Nutzsignal. Dynas hingegen läßt das Nutzsignal (Monosignal) komplett durch. Bei geringen NF-Pegeln grenzt es so die Störungen perfekt aus, bei hohen NF-Pegeln mĂĽssen die Filter so stark auslenken auch Teile der Störfrequenzen mit durch kommen. Letztendlich hängt die Trennschärfe von Dynas also vom Programminhalt des Senders ab. Die heutige Dynamikkompression bei den Sendern ist da ungĂĽnstig fĂĽr Dynas. In einer Zeitschrift (AutoHifi), die 91/92 herum Dynas noch als Prototyp vorstellte, stand drin, dass Dynas von einem ehemaligen Mitarbeiter von Blaupunkt, der eine eigene kleine Firma gegrĂĽndet hatte, entwickelt bzw. heraus gebracht wurde. Die haben damals oder kurze Zeit später auch verschiedene Hersteller befragt ob sie Dynas einsetzen wollen.
nicht mehr fest an einer Stelle. Damit die Musik-vermittelnden Frequenzauslenkungen noch durchpassen, versucht ihnen der Wackelschlitz so gut wie möglich zu folgen. Sobald der T 4970 Dynas-(Dynamic-Selectivity-)-Kunststückchen aufführen soll, wird die Zwischenfrequenz von 10,7 Megahertz noch einmal auf eine Lage um 700 Kilohertz umgesetzt. In härtesten UKW-Situationen versuchen dann gleich vier auf "scharf" gestellte, von elektronisch steuerbaren Kapazitätsdioden nachgezogene Schwingkreise den Modulationsschlenkern hinterherzuhechten. Die Abstimmspannung erzeugt sich der von der deutschen Firma Telefunken Electronics hergestellte Dynas-Chip dabei hintenrum, aus dem niederfrequenten Musik-Ausgangssignal. Das klappt aber nur mit dem Mono-Summensignal perfekt, bei Stereo wüßte der arme beinige Siliziumkäfer ja nicht hü oder hott. Die wirksameren schmaleren Trennschärfetürchen kommen deshalb erst dann zum Einsatz, wenn es aufgrund der Feldstärke und bösartiger Frequenznachbarn ohnehin ratsam wird, auf die unkritische Mono-Wiedergabe umzuschalten.
signal. This system's filter is controlled by feedforward control, therefore, stability is very high and no oscillation. This system followtype filter so that input FM signal frequency controlled for center of the filter at any time. ( conventional system, filter is followed the input signal.) system consists of the control block and filter block. control block consists of band pass filter , FM detector and low-pass filter The band-pass filter has the same characteristic as conventional tuner's narrow filter, and this filter has selective characteristic sufficiently. When FM signal is inputed, FM signal is detected by FM detector after pass through the band-pass filter then, output signal of FM detector is cut the useless high-frequency elements by low-pass filter Filter block consists of two mixer band-pass filter and
however, satisfy many of the most critical needs and requirements actually encountered in receiving operations. The following are, of course, the advantages of broadband transmission: high signal-to-noise ratios, high dynamics, and a broad audio-frequency spectrum. The DYNAS principle would couple the above advantages with the following benefits of narrowband transmission: great reception sensitivity, and great immunity to interference. The DYNAS principle would, in addition, eliminate the following disadvantages: relative great susceptibility to interference, and poor signal quality. The above advantages, needs, and requirements are in fact implemented by DYNAS by the technique of dynamic selectivity.
1784:. Mixer perform frequency change so that multiply input FM signal by VCO output. F-91 introduce the secondary IF frequency as 13.45 MHz. Band-pass filter has the same narrow bandwidth characteristic as the band-pass filter This filter (BPF2) cut the obstruction wave including input signal. Input signal of passed through the band-pass filter (BPF2) is multiplied by VCO output at mixer again, then change to the original frequency. Original signal is detected by FM detector then audio output is obtained. In this way, in spite of use the filter of fixed the center frequency, F-91 operate to the variable filter so that center frequency follow the input signal as equivalent. 2047:
und sorgt so bei Stereo- und Mono-Empfang für die jeweils optimale Selektivität, d.h., daß auch eng benachbarte Sender sauber voneinander getrennt werden. Das verbesserte Gruppenlaufzeitverhalten und das linearisierte Amplitudenverhalten reduzieren die Verzerrungen und tragen zur Klangoptimierung bei. SST (Super Sound Tracing) Die wichtigste Anforderung an einen Tuner ist der präzise Empfang der jeweils eingestellten Frequenz. Sonys SST-Technik stellt die Bandbreite der Eingangsstufe exakt auf die Empfangsfrequenz ein und verbessert so die Trennung des Nutzsignals von störenden benachbarten Senderfrequenzen. Diese verbesserte Vorselektion sorgt für störungsfreien Empfang.
1966:].) What the engineers at Pioneer observed was that, although the spectrum of an FM signal is wide when averaged over time, at any instant in time the signal has just one spectral line at the instantaneous frequency. So, if you build a time-varying filter with a very narrow band-width that moves with the instantaneous frequency of the desired signal, then you can eat your cake and have it too. The very narrow bandwidth removes the interferers, but the time-varying nature of the filter insures that the FM signal is not distorted. To move the filter around, a complete auxiliary IF strip designed in the conventional manner and a PLL FM detector are required. We now have a 1829:
conversely, the NARROW position provided better selectivity at the expense of sound quality (see oscillophotos). Using a kind of "servo-filtering", its IF filter circuit "tracks" the tuned frequency in real time, eliminating interference ONLY where it actually exists, thus providing optimum sound quality AND selectivity. F-91 - Reference Digital Synthesizer Tuner Pioneer's ARTS (Active Real-Time Tracing System): Tuned frequency is followed in real time by IF filter circuit to eliminate interference and pass on purest possible signal to audio output.
774:", also dynamische Trennschärfe. Der Grundgedanke von Dynas ist, das konventionelle, statische Zwischenfrequenzfilter durch einen Mitlauffilter zu ersetzen, das den Frequenzänderungen des UKW-Signals folgt. Ein solches Filter kann entsprechend schmalbandiger sein und verbessert die Trennschärfe. Zusätzlich wird die Filterbandbreite je nach Stärke der störenden Nachbarsender in mehreren Stufen automatisch umgeschaltet. Dazu sind aufwendige Kontrollschaltungen notwendig, die aus dem Dynas-Chip einen veritablen Vielbeiner gemacht haben. 2050:(218 pages + technical data and pricelist inlays) (NB. This 1992 product catalog describes the SST technology, and explicitly lists SST as a feature of the ST-S770ES, but also shows a photo of an opened ST-S770ES where the "Advanced SST" section is unpopulated on the PCB. While the 1993 catalog no longer describes SST, it is still listed as a feature of the ST-S770ES, until the tuner was replaced by its successor model, the ST-S707ES, in the subsequent 1993/1994 catalog.) 876:
ab. Die Unternehmensberatung für die Wirtschaft (ubw) wurde eingeschaltet, um im Rahmen des Förderprogramms "Existenzgründungsberatung" eine Unternehmenskonzeption auszuarbeiten. Mit der Unterstützung der TVA konnte die neue Firma Hansen/Catito Elektronik in das Berliner Innovations- und Gründerzentrum (BIG) einziehen. Im Rahmen des Modellversuchs "Förderung technologieorientierter Unternehmensgründungen" wurde ein Antrag auf Förderung beim
1970:, since the conventional receiver has to place the passband of the time-varying filter in the correct place. This is what limits the performance of the system. One very interesting (at least to this author) variation on this is to replace the bandpass filter with a notch filter. Then the stronger signal is removed, but a weaker cochannel interfering signal may now be revealed. Further information on this is in—you guessed it—[ 2875:
This paper discusses the possibility of using a high degree of negative feed-back of frequency modulation in the I.F. section of a frequency modulation receiver, for the purpose of (a) minimising the necessary I.F. band width and (b) making the detected output independent of amplitude without the use
WOIS (ZF mit optimierter Filtercharakteristik) Um eine optimale Signalverarbeitung zu gewährleisten, sind für Mono- und Stereo-Rundfunksignale unterschiedliche Filtercharakteristiken im Zwischenfrequenzverstärker erforderlich. Die WOIS-Technik selektiert automatisch die entsprechende Charakteristik
uses a variation on the tracking-filter theme that involves dynamically varying the position of the RF and mixer filters in response to the signal level at the output of the FM demodulator (which represents how far the instantaneous frequency has moved from the carrier frequency). This is easier to
ermöglichte Untersuchungen im Meßlabor. Im Sommer 1983 konnten Hansen/Catito bereits das Funktionsmodell vorstellen, das die gewünschten Eigenschaften aufwies. Dieser Erfolg ermutigte sie, selbst das neue Verfahren in marktfähige Produkte umzusetzen. Mit der TVA stimmten sie die nächsten Schritte
sind Begriffe, mit denen dieses Prinzip bekannt wurde. Für den Neuberliner Hansen und seinen Partner Müller-Catito ist die Leistungsfähigkeit dieser Verfahren auf die Dauer ungenügend. Um erheblich höhere Empfangsempfindlichkeiten und damit stark verbesserte Reichweiten zu erreichen, haben sie das
in den entscheidenden Augenblicken durch überlagerte Nachbarsender gestört wurde. Ähnlich beklagenswert ist es für den Funkamateur, wenn der Empfang von der Großwetterlage abhängt und die atmosphärischen Störungen "Gewitterstimmung" verbreiten. Nach dem Prinzip der Rauschunterdrückung versucht die
SST (Super Sound Tracing) Significantly Improves Filter Characteristics The task of the front end of an FM tuner is to capture the desired frequency with accuracy and without interference. Interference can be more efficiently eliminated by narrowing the bandwidth of a filter and by sharpening its
es ein dynamischer ZF-Filter. Dynas ändert aber nicht nur seine Bandbreite sondern auch seine DurchlaĂźfrequenz. Zuerst wird die ZF von 10,7 MHz auf 700 kHz heruntergemischt. Danach wird das Signal durch 4 LC-Kreise gefiltert Durch zugeschaltete Widerstände können die LC-Kreise bedämpft
Petsuya Toyama, Tunerentwickler von Onkyo Dafür bietet der Newcomer sieben weitere hyperschmale Trennschärfepositionen an. Nach der von dem Berliner Jens Hansen ausgetüftelten Methode stehen die entsprechenden, sich je nach Ernst der Empfangslage stufenweise mehr oder minder verengenden Türchen
states that it actively follows the selected signal to provide both the lower distortion normally resulting from wide bandpass and the high selectivity of narrow bandpass. I gathered that the system dynamically tailors bandwidth to the instantaneous modulation of the incoming signal. I also saw
DYNAS is a trademark of H.u.C. Eletronik GmbH The DYNAS system has been modified from the intermediate system. Although the FM P.C. board and parts list are present, any FM adjustment procedure is not described. Until the FM adjustment method is published, therefore, the FM P.C. board should be
In the case of conventional system, signal pass through the filter without generat distortion filter is wide. At this time, the system is affected by undesired signal. In the case of new system, signal pass through narrow filter follow the signal. the system is not affected by undesired
The DYNAS system features an approach which many would consider to be physically impossible: the reception of a broadband transmission spectrum via narrowband filters. This principle seems self-contradictory at first consideration; at any rate, specialists could all easily agree that it does,
ARTS Cleans Up Your Act Pioneer's new Active Real-Time Tracing System - ARTS for short - helps the F-91 deliver clean and optimum signal reception. It replaces the "WIDE/NARROW" filtering technique in which the WIDE position provided better sound quality at the expense of selectivity and,
implement in the RF and mixer stages than in the IF because these filters are already tunable. One would think the large signal delay in the IF strip and detector would prevent this from working well, but Sony is shipping tuners with this thing, so it must do something positive.
came up with a very innovative solution to the "narrow filters distort the signal" problem. They used this solution in the F-91 tuner. It is such a good idea that it could have gotten someone a Ph.D. (Indeed, a related concept did get someone a Ph.D.—see
evidence that the r.f. section has some capability of tracking the signal; even when my FM signal generator was deliberately detuned from the frequency indicated on the F-91's display, minimum distortion and perfect center tuning were maintained.
In the case of the ST-SA5ES even two vastly different PCB layouts exist: the first being very similar to the predecessor series (ST-S739ES/ST-S770ES/ST-S707ES and ST-S333ESG/ST-S333ESA/ST-S333ESJ), the second one a completely new design
Super Sound Tracing (SST) was not implemented in all locale-specific model variants of these tuners. For example, according to the service manual, in the UK, AEP, German and Italian versions of the ST-S770ES the real estate on the
While most sources state the company name as Hansen & Co., Hansen/Catito Elektronik, H&C Elektronik or H.u.C Elektronik GmbH, one source instead mentions a Berlin-based company named Sico-Elektronic GmbH which won the 1984
rather than the IF stage. A four-stage SST system was implemented in high-end tuners such as the ST-S555ESX (1986), ST-S333ESX (1986), ST-S444ESX/ST-S700ES (1987), ST-S800ES (1987) and ST-S333ESX II (1987)/ST-S730ES (1988).
circuit, which is controlled by software. It performs all the functions of the DYNAS system. The device is designed for car radio and home receiver applications. DYNAS is a completely new system of FM-IF processing. It uses
Dann hilft nur noch jene Schaltung, die von einem Berliner Ingenieur entwickelt, von Telefunken als Chip realisiert und von Onkyo jetzt erstmals serienmäßig in einem Heimtuner eingesetzt wurde: Dynas. Der Name steht für
317:, dividing the tuning range into 32 sections, was implemented in some model variants of the ST-S739ES, ST-S333ESG (1989)/ST-S770ES (1990) ST-S333ESA (1991), ST-S333ESJ (1993), ST-S707ES (1993) and ST-SA5ES (1994/1996). 104:
to start, with companion Klaus MĂĽller-Catito, his own company H.u.C. Elektronik in 1984. When licensing negotiations with his former employer failed, the system was marketed in the early 1990s as DYNAS by the German
893: 340:
section. Around 2000, the switchable IF filter moved into the digital domain as well, that is, it was integrated into the DigiCeiver/TwinCeiver chip leaving only the first stage of the IF filter a discrete part.
518: 950:
1984 System für die Erhöhung und Erweiterung der Frequenzmodulation im UKW-Bereich Sico-Elektronic GmbH Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin Herr Jens Hansen Tel. 030/ 46 320 38, Fax 030/ 46 307 300
TZ gestellt, um die ExistenzgrĂĽnder beim Aufbau eines eigenen Produktions- und Vertriebssystems zu unterstĂĽtzen. Hansen/Catito Elektronik - ein Beispiel fĂĽr eine eindrucksvolle Initiative aus Berlin.
538: 916:
for inventing an enhanced reception system for frequency modulated signals. Spurred by the award, he and Klaus MĂĽller-Catito, a close colleague, launched H & C Electronics last June in the
3514: 3172: 3141: 1874:
an FM i.f. circuit that has been given the acronym ARTS (for Active Real-time Tracing System). This system eliminates the need for choosing between narrow and wide i.f. bandwidths.
2019:) minimized at 1 kHz to 0.005% in mono and 0.0095% in stereo. This sophisticated technology has been integrated to create overall sound quality that is noticeably better. 425:
for inventing an enhanced reception system for frequency-modulated radio signals. (One of Hansen's patents was even filed by a company named "Sita Electronik GmbH" [
1142:[Method for controlling an FM receiver with a trackable IF filter and circuit arrangement for carrying out the method] (in German and English). Heilbronn, Germany: 565:
advertising the tuner's SST feature in German product catalogs up to mid-1993. A similar situation exists at least for the US, AEP, E, G and I variants of the ST-S707ES
2074:"Sony Tuners: Sony ST-S333ESXII / Sony ST-S444ESX / Sony ST-S500ES (1987) / Sony ST-S700ES(1987) / Sony ST-S707ES (1995) / Sony ST-S730ES (1988) / Sony ST-SA5ES (1996)" 88:) system by H.u.C. Elektronik. The novel tracking filter arrangement was originally conceived by the German engineer Jens Hansen in 1982. The concept was prototyped as 2752: 2860: 3381: 1000: 3352:[Arrangement for filtering an incoming FM signal] (in English, German, and French). Berlin, Germany: H.u.C. Elektronik GmbH. Patent EP0358649A1/EP0358649B1 1188: 802: 3363: 2475: 568: 3453: 3399: 3134: 1230: 511: 1674: 3372:[Arrangement for filtering an incoming FM signal] (in German, English, and French). Berlin, Germany: H.u.C. Elektronik GmbH. Patent WO1988008223A1 566: 174:(improved by 6 dB) thereby almost doubling the reception area and allowing to receive even extremely noisy stations. This is achieved by an adaptive 2002: 3121: 1723: 1546: 1023: 3332:[Arrangement for filtering an FM VHF reception signal] (in German and English). Berlin, Germany: H.u.C. Elektronik GmbH. Patent DE3724604A1. 445: 2263:(40 pages) (NB. This service manual, which covers the UK, AEP, German and Italian model variants shows PCBs and schematics with SST not populated.) 447:
seem to suggest that the Onkyo Integra T-9890DSR (1995) would support DYNAS as well, however, neither the user nor the service manual support this.
1943: 845: 1686: 670:
to the actual frequency. Implementation of the DYNAS system drastically enhances both of the basic, classic characteristics of radio reception:
1739: 1561: 487: 2747: 1452:
clarion Service Manual: RDS-EON/FM MPX/MW/LW Radio Cassette Combination With CD Changer Control Model CRX123R (PE-9806A) / CRX121R (PE-9825A)
1205: 1203: 1120: 533: 1187:(in German, English, and French). Berlin, Germany: H.u.C. Elektronik GmbH. Patent EP0436542B1. WO 89/12353 (14.12.89 89/29). 3310:"Verfahren und Schaltungsanordnung zum Umsetzen frequenzmodulierter Signale ĂĽber mindestens eine Zwischenfrequenz in Niederfrequenzsignale" 2921: 634: 509: 3583: 529: 328:", is a similar digital solution implemented in software. The original Sharx implementation still relied on a bank of switchable analog 1816: 571: 3510: 1257: 3255: 3225: 2709: 2664: 1520: 911: 420: 1396: 2895: 1140:"Verfahren zur Steuerung eines FM-Empfängers mit nachfĂĽhrbarem ZF-Filter und Schaltungsanordnung zur DurchfĂĽhrung des Verfahrens" 872: 705:
Maier, Johannes (December 1992). F., K.; W., C. (eds.). "Volles Programm: Onkyo T 4970 - Der Goldwäscher für UKW". RadioExtrem.
279:) developed by Jens Hansen since 1982. ICS improved the selectivity by about 20 dB and the sensitivity by about 6 dB. 2303: 975: 924:
units and satellite receiving systems. "We are small at present but growing rapidly," said Mr. Hansen, who formerly worked for
535: 531: 3467: 1166: 1855: 1808: 1760: 1617: 1582: 1515:
Hansen, Jens & Co. (20–21 September 1986). "In-Channel-Select-Verfahren". In Steger, Stefan & Bahner, Helmut (eds.).
IC Q851 on U2, the Digital Circuit PCB (NADG-4605-1, 1A404505-1), of this tuner is a TEMIC U4290B (Onkyo Part. No. 22240641).
681: 147:), also designed integrated circuits implementing the system, the TEMIC/TFK U4290B (stand-alone FM IF DYNAS system in 68-pin 3170:
Roberts, J. H. (November 1968). "Frequency-feedback receiver as a low-threshold demodulator f.m. f.d.m. satellite systems".
573: 3333: 3313: 2814: 1343:
1310R uses a 6-pin module FE002 (Part No. 77B50045W01), called DYNAS unit MB3R101A, which contains a U4290B chip (IC3001).)
1154: 3139:
Roberts, J. H. (November 1968). "Dynamic tracking filter as a low-threshold demodulator in f.m. f.d.m. satellitesystems".
3013: 2968: 1781: 485: 380: 175: 3441: 2115: 2261:, Audio Group / Customer Relations and Service Group. September 1991. pp. 8–9, 11, 18–23 . 9-956-628-11. 91I0850-1. 1180: 898: 152: 941: 2467: 2380: 2354: 2147: 1787: 1359: 1303: 1277: 877: 375: 148: 44: 1764: 3492: 1425: 3612: 2888: 2333: 2081: 1859: 1222: 3534: 1899: 1789: 1040: 483: 370: 3607: 3481: 3065: 2440: 2410: 2016: 844:(in German). Vol. 1984, no. 2. Berlin, Germany: Technologie-Vermittlungs-Agentur (TVA). February 1984. 675: 612: 337: 171: 133: 2172: 504:
on the front panel as sold in various international markets in 1987, is based on the F-77 (1985) tuner and does
3209: 1712: 1535: 3555: 1994: 404:
Sources differ in regard to the exact founding date of Hansen's company from summer 1983 to 1984 to June 1985.
3055: 3002: 906: 415: 2612: 1967: 1812: 1450: 917: 710: 2445: 2415: 1716: 1539: 862:
Industrie daher seit Jahren, die Empfangsqualitäten von Radios und Funkgeräten entscheidend zu verbessern.
617: 243:
AR6800 DYNAS, which are particularly affected by difficult and rapidly changing reception conditions.
138: 3424:[FM receiver] (in German and English). Berlin, Germany: H.u.C. Elektronik GmbH. Patent DE3818750A1 3408:[FM receiver] (in German and English). Berlin, Germany: H.u.C. Elektronik GmbH. Patent DE3818751A1 2770: 2725: 2680: 2635: 2590: 654: 209: 179: 1242: 754:
Wienforth, Ulrich (December 1992). "Imagepflege - Onkyo verteidigt seine Spitzenstellung: Tuner T-4970".
350: 3235: 2355:"DigiCeiver: Blaupunkt car audio delivered carriage-free to your home - Blaupunkt digiceiver technology" 2174:
Sony Service Manual FM Stereo/FM-AM Tuner ST-S333ESXII/ST730ES - US Model, AEP Model, UK Model / E Model
2041: 1482: 558: 475: 213: 106: 2833: 2223: 1924: 837: 792: 756: 1652: 666:
down to about 20 kHz compared to 160 kHz for a conventional bandpass filter, and tracks the
2829: 2617: 1934:. No. 23. Quakertown, Pennsylvania, USA: Critic Publications, Inc. pp. 43–64 (PDF:39–56) . 715: 650: 384: 110: 66: 3504:(Ph.D. dissertation). Brooklyn, New York, USA: Polytechnic University. UMI Order Number GAX91-17490. 1661: 577: 355: 3201: 2959: 2534: 2504: 2234: 1958: 1875: 671: 663: 500:
sold two completely different looking tuners under the F-717 name in 1987: The first one, labelled
497: 291: 167: 2575: 2538: 1306:
IC Q851 on U2, the Digital Circuit PCB (NADG-4605-1, 1A404505-1), of this tuner is a TEMIC U4290B.
3097: 3038: 2942: 2909: 2796: 1340: 1327: 1116: 1097: 1027: 903:. Vol. 15/86, no. 32,076. Paris, France. p. 12. ark:/13960/t88h3n32z. p. 12: 761: 678:. DYNAS ensures enhancement up to levels which until now were not considered physically feasible. 667: 540:, but features an additional front panel switch to select from two FM antenna inputs at the back. 225: 528:
support ARTS (also labelled as such on the front panel) and was sold at least in Japan in 1987.
3312:(in German). Berlin, Germany: Hansen Catito GmbH / H.u.C. Elektronik GmbH. Patent DE3438286A1. 2522: 2492: 605: 360: 236:
CRX121R (1993), CRX123R (1993), CRX121RM and CRX123RM, the Gelhard GXR 990S (1993) or the
3293: 3273: 3251: 3239: 3213: 3189: 3158: 3089: 3081: 3030: 2985: 2917: 2901: 2891: 2852: 2844: 2758: 2713: 2668: 2623: 2563: 2549: 2508: 1935: 1678: 1581:(product flyer and manual) (in German). Berlin, Germany: H.u.C. Elektronik / Hansen & Co. 1502: 1489: 1457: 1297: 1264: 1108: 994: 925: 721: 460: 457: 329: 240: 237: 233: 97: 3575: 1320: 3221: 3181: 3150: 3073: 3022: 2977: 2258: 2179: 1850: 1481: 1319: 1256: 183: 151:
package), U4291B (DYNAS coprocessor) and U4292B (software-controlled DYNAS system in 44-pin
1802: 3560: 2951: 2805: 2779: 2734: 2689: 2644: 2599: 2275:
Sony Service Manual FM Stereo/FM-AM Tuner ST-S707ES - AEP Model, E Model, G Model, I Model
Onkyo Service Manual Synthesized FM Stereo/AM Tuner Model T-4970 - Black and Silver models
Onkyo Service Manual Synthesized FM Stereo/AM Tuner Model T-488F - Black and Silver models
858: 659: 309: 69: 2490:"FM-ZF-Filter: In-Channel-Select (ICS)" [FM IF filter: In Channel Select (ICS)]. 2221: 1388: 1376:
U4290B-CP FM IF for Dynas System U4291B-FP Coprocessor for Dynas U4292B-FS Soft Dynas
3026: 2981: 1086: 333: 324:
technology, as introduced in 1997 in the Modena & Lausanne RD 148 car radios with "
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Tips Trends Märkte - Das Informationsblatt der Technologie-Vermittlungs-Agentur Berlin
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Wer hat sich nicht schon geärgert, wenn er beim Empfang seiner Lieblingssendung auf
3459: 3361: 3349: 3112:(15 pages) (NB. Presented before the New York Section of the I.R.E. on 1939-05-03.) 1578:
ICS - In-Channel-Select - das Empfangssystem der Zukunft / ICS-Restsignalverstärker
Alpine Service Manual: Digital FM/MW/LW/RDS Tuner & CD Shuttle Controller 1310R
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High-Fidelity Home-Entertainment - Audio & Video - Components & Systems
1102: 794:
JVC Service Manual - CD Changer Control Tuner Deck KS-CG10 B/E/G/GE/GI Digifine
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Modulation, Noise, and Spectral Analysis: Applied to Information Transmission
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Carlsson, Claes (September 1988). Written at Årby Fogdö, Strängnäs, Sweden.
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RADio COMmunication (Radcom) - Journal of the Radio Society of Great Britain
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Chaffee, Joseph G. (1937-03-30) . Written at Hackensack, New Jersey, USA.
3093: 3008: 2963: 2527: 2497: 2388: 2366: 2139: 2905: 2838: 1751: 2568: 1505:
CRX121RM and CRX123RM utilize a 68-pin U2490B-B (IC601) on the main PCB.)
1417: 920:
complex. His staff of seven produce accessory devices for radio systems,
867: 514: 3489:(Describes the old PCB layout in a model variant without SST populated.) 2325: 2073: 1842: 259:) system by H.u.C. Elektronik in 1984 is a DYNAS predecessor mainly for 3530: 2255:
Service Manual FM Stereo / FM-AM Tuner ST-S770ES - AEP Model / UK Model
1891: 905:
Two years ago, Jens Hansen, 42, a telecommunications engineer, won the
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The trademarked DYNAS system is based on the same principles as the
Cochannel FM interference cancellation using adaptive notch filters
2456: 2426: 1759:(in English, French, and Spanish). Tokyo, Japan / Long Beach, USA: 1673:(in Swedish). Vol. 60, no. 9. Farsta, Stockholm, Sweden: 1148: 1060: 628: 469: 294:
Elite F-91 and some versions of the F-717 high-end tuners in 1987.
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Rich, David Arthur; Modafferi, Richard Thomas (Winter 1995–1996).
1143: 1055: 863: 623: 474:
Tuner 1310 FAB 3X1 781 module. The unidentified DYNAS chip on the
464: 441: 365: 217: 122: 92:
in summer 1983. With funding from innovation funds of the city of
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Wireless Engineer - The Journal of Radio Research & Progress
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for the SST circuitry was left unpopulated and bypassed despite
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Sony Service Manual FM Stereo/FM-AM Tuner ST-S707ES - US Model
1267:. pp. 3, 6–7, 10–11, 19–24 . Ref. No. 3441. PN0M3441 A209 921: 798: 709:(in German). Vol. 1992, no. 12. Stuttgart, Germany: 427: 229: 220:
Integra T-4970 (1992) and T-488F (1993) as well as in various
2611:(in German). Vol. 1991, no. 7. Stuttgart, Germany: 2520:
Hansen, Jens (December 1991). "In der Spur des Nutzsignals".
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Freeman, Clive (1986-04-08). Written at Berlin, Germany.
2533:(in German). Vol. 63, no. 25. Munich, Germany: 2503:(in German). Vol. 58, no. 14. Munich, Germany: 1925:"FM Tuners: The Present State of the Art of FM Reception" 1085:(in German). Vol. 41, no. 2. Berlin, Germany: 940:
Ronzheimer, Manfred; Heller, Frank, eds. (2000-07-15) .
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Vereniging voor Experimenteel Radio Onderzoek Nederland
Sony ST-S800ES Service Manual - AEP Model / G-AEP Model
It was also sold as F-717L for a version with addition
Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers
Proceedings of the Institution of Electrical Engineers
F-91 FM/AM Digital Synthesizer Tuner - Service Manual
1620:(RSGB): 406–412 . ark:/13960/t9c58sk9x. p. 407: 1476: 1474: 197:
is possible, with 100 kHz a largely undisturbed
3330:"Anordnung zum Filtern eines FM-UKW-Empfangssignals" 2031: 2029: 2027: 1314: 1312: 1763:. August 1987. pp. 35–38 . Order No. ARP1465. 1444: 1442: 204:The principle has been adopted in some high-end FM 3549: 2697: 2652: 2171: 1449: 1418:"Onkyo Tuners: Onkyo T-488F (1993) / Onkyo T-4970" 2166: 2164: 1989: 1987: 1517:31. Weinheimer UKW Tagung - Skriptum der Vorträge 786: 784: 782: 3370:"Anordnung zum Filtern eines FM-Empfangssignals" 3350:"Anordnung zum Filtern eines FM-Empfangssignals" 2315:(NB. This model variant does not implement SST.) 2287:(NB. These model variants do not implement SST.) 1995:"ST-S333ESXII: Superior Reception of FM Signals" 1367:(in English and Japanese). TOKO. pp. 56–57 1133: 1131: 818:(NB. IC801 on the tuner PCB is a 68-pin U4290B.) 749: 747: 745: 743: 741: 739: 508:support Active Real-time Tracing System (ARTS). 2742:Rollema, Dick W. (November 1986). "(unknown)". 1671:- Organ för Föreningen Sveriges Sändareamatörer 1288: 1286: 1251: 1249: 961: 959: 2876:of an amplitude-limiter in the I.F. amplifier. 1052:DYNAS system and its application in car radios 838:"Ungestörter Dialog mit tonangebender Technik" 3487: 2667:(DARC). November 1986. pp. inlet 18–19. 2199: 2197: 2044:. March 1992. pp. 130–132. p. 130: 1571: 1569: 579:(yet different from the successor ST-SA50ES). 143:(the former AEG-Telefunken Halbleiterwerk in 8: 1918: 1916: 1353: 1351: 1349: 801:. March 1992. pp. 1, 21–22. No. 49142. 700: 698: 696: 694: 692: 690: 336:for further processing of the signal in the 274: 268: 193:of 200 kHz an undisturbed reception in 2815:"Reduction of Band Width in F.M. Receivers" 2068: 2066: 2064: 2062: 2060: 2058: 2056: 1460:, Service Information Section. pp. 2–3 999:: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 968:"Re: "Scheunentor"-Empfänger schlägt Dynas" 1807:(Exchange catalog for military). Germany: 1623: 1606:"In-channel-select fm threshold extension" 1545:(in German). Schönau-Altneudorf, Germany. 1484:clarion Service Manual CRX123RM / CRX121RM 1223:"Das InChannelSelect Verfahren fĂĽr UKW-FM" 1065:. January 1992 . WO 89/12353 A1. 832: 830: 828: 826: 824: 182:filter and by dynamically tracking of the 3206:The Fourier Integral and its Applications 3122:Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated 1997:. FM Stereo/AM Tuners (product catalog). 1389:"Tuner Reviews A-C: Burmester 915 (1991)" 1024:Institution of Engineering and Technology 552: 550: 548: 546: 522:Reference Digital Synthesizer Tuner F-717 3118:"Reception of frequency modulated waves" 1014:McLeod, Gordon Richard (January 1992) . 606:"U4292B - FM-IF IC for the DYNAS System" 600: 598: 596: 228:7619R (1989) and 1310R/3681 (1990), the 3466:(in Dutch). Stichting Circuits Online. 3388:"Arrangement having tracking IF filter" 2787:David, Erwin (1986–1987). "(unknown)". 2746:(in Dutch). 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East Kent Radio Society (EKRS). 2710:Deutscher Amateur Radio Club e.V. 2665:Deutscher Amateur Radio Club e.V. 2439:(datasheet). Heilbronn, Germany: 2409:(datasheet). Heilbronn, Germany: 1521:Deutscher Amateur Radio Club e.V. 1300:. pp. 3, 6–7, 10–11, 19–24 . 1208: 1107:. February 1992. pp. 88–90. 928:in Berlin as a research engineer. 873:Technischen Fachhochschule Berlin 282:A very similar technology is the 3511:"My, that's a heavy little box!" 2278:(in English, French, and German) 1841:Feldman, Leonard (August 1988). 1138:Herchner, Dieter (1997-04-24) . 1083:radio fernsehen elektronik (rfe) 1056:TEMIC Telefunken microelectronic 1016:"DYNAS-dynamic FM filter system" 376:Threshold extension demodulation 162:, DYNAS has a more than 26  123:TEMIC TELEFUNKEN microelectronic 27:For similar sounding terms, see 3586:from the original on 2021-06-11 3537:from the original on 2021-06-12 3517:from the original on 2021-06-16 3470:from the original on 2021-06-11 3444:from the original on 2021-06-10 3336:from the original on 2021-06-11 3316:from the original on 2021-06-11 3059:Chaffee, Joseph G. (May 1939). 2866:from the original on 2021-03-09 2478:from the original on 2021-06-14 2466:Rudolph, Dietmar (2016-11-09). 2336:from the original on 2021-04-11 2306:from the original on 2021-06-16 2150:from the original on 2021-06-10 2121:from the original on 2019-12-31 2084:from the original on 2021-06-09 2040:(in German). 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(June 1987). 263:receivers. It is based on the 170:and a typically twice as good 1: 3014:Bell System Technical Journal 2969:Bell System Technical Journal 2887:(1 ed.). New York, USA: 2663:. Vol. 58, no. 11. 1971: 1963: 1616:(6). Potters Bar, Herts, UK: 1492:, Service Information Section 1081:"Das DYNAS-Empfangskonzept". 767:(in German). pp. 28–31. 304:) is a similar technology by 290:), as was implemented in the 201:reception is still possible. 3509:Asbrink, Leif (2017-12-26). 3436:Hansen, Jens (1994-11-29) . 3420:Hansen, Jens (1989-12-14) . 3404:Hansen, Jens (1989-12-07) . 3386:Hansen, Jens (1992-10-27) . 3368:Hansen, Jens (1994-12-14) . 3348:Hansen, Jens (1994-12-14) . 3328:Hansen, Jens (1988-12-01) . 3308:Hansen, Jens (1986-04-17) . 3288:Hansen, Jens (1986-04-03) . 3268:Hansen, Jens (1984-03-07) . 2937:. British Patent No. 531779. 2708:. Vol. 59, no. 1. 2507:. 1986-07-04. pp. 35–. 2387:. 2009-07-08. 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(1965). 2576:Weka Media Publishing GmbH 1843:"Pioneer Elite F-91 Tuner" 966:rotterle64 (2005-06-16) . 72:under adverse conditions. 26: 3292:(in German and English). 3244:Digital Signal Processing 3066:Proceedings of the I.R.E. 2950:Cite uses generic title ( 2804:Cite uses generic title ( 2778:Cite uses generic title ( 2733:Cite uses generic title ( 2688:Cite uses generic title ( 2643:Cite uses generic title ( 2598:Cite uses generic title ( 2441:Telefunken Semiconductors 2411:Telefunken Semiconductors 2017:Total Harmonic Distortion 1858:pp. 58–60, 62, 67 . 1801:Written at Tokyo, Japan. 1677:(SSA). pp. 416–417. 1361:TEMIC Integrated Circuits 613:Telefunken Semiconductors 520:The second one, labelled 267:tracking filter (German: 158:Compared to conventional 134:Telefunken Semiconductors 3210:McGraw-Hill Book Company 2832:, Research Department / 2613:Vereinigte Motor-Verlage 2078:Tuner Information Center 1896:Tuner Information Center 1422:Tuner Information Center 1393:Tuner Information Center 1209:WO 89/12353 A1 711:Vereinigte Motor-Verlage 1968:chicken and egg problem 1813:Pioneer Electronic GmbH 907:Berlin Innovation Prize 416:Berlin Innovation Prize 3236:Oppenheim, Alan Victor 3186:10.1049/piee.1968.0281 3155:10.1049/piee.1968.0280 3045:. ark:/13960/t3qv4v85m 2992:. ark:/13960/t51g21662 2834:Iliffe & Sons Ltd. 2365:. 2000. 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Patent US2075503 2548:. pp. 74–77. 1328:Alpine Electronics 728:. pp. 19–20: 668:resonant frequency 330:ceramic resonators 3613:Radio electronics 3422:"FM-Empfangsteil" 3406:"FM-Empfangsteil" 3294:Robert Bosch GmbH 3274:Robert Bosch GmbH 3208:. New York, USA: 3180:(11): 1607–1618. 3149:(11): 1597–1606. 3120:. New York, USA: 2038:SONY Programm '92 1490:Clarion Co., Ltd. 1458:Clarion Co., Ltd. 1330:. pp. 24, 28 1298:Onkyo Corporation 1265:Onkyo Corporation 1181:"FM-Empfangsteil" 840:. Neue Produkte. 444:product catalogs 253:In Channel Select 82:In Channel Select 16:(Redirected from 3620: 3608:Radio technology 3594: 3592: 3591: 3571: 3569: 3568: 3545: 3543: 3542: 3525: 3523: 3522: 3505: 3478: 3476: 3475: 3452: 3450: 3449: 3432: 3430: 3429: 3416: 3414: 3413: 3398: 3396: 3395: 3380: 3378: 3377: 3360: 3358: 3357: 3344: 3342: 3341: 3324: 3322: 3321: 3304: 3302: 3301: 3284: 3282: 3281: 3261: 3231: 3197: 3166: 3132: 3130: 3129: 3111: 3109: 3108: 3053: 3051: 3050: 3000: 2998: 2997: 2955: 2948: 2946: 2938: 2925: 2922:978-0-07048446-7 2878: 2872: 2871: 2865: 2842: 2819: 2809: 2802: 2800: 2792: 2783: 2776: 2774: 2766: 2756: 2738: 2731: 2729: 2721: 2701: 2693: 2686: 2684: 2676: 2656: 2648: 2641: 2639: 2631: 2621: 2603: 2596: 2594: 2586: 2584: 2572: 2557: 2547: 2531: 2516: 2501: 2486: 2484: 2483: 2462: 2460: 2449: 2432: 2430: 2419: 2393: 2392: 2377: 2371: 2370: 2351: 2345: 2344: 2342: 2341: 2322: 2316: 2314: 2312: 2311: 2294: 2288: 2286: 2284: 2283: 2270: 2264: 2262: 2259:Sony Corporation 2251: 2245: 2244: 2242: 2241: 2231: 2225: 2220: 2218: 2217: 2201: 2192: 2190: 2188: 2187: 2180:Sony Corporation 2177: 2168: 2159: 2158: 2156: 2155: 2136: 2130: 2129: 2127: 2126: 2120: 2109: 2099: 2093: 2092: 2090: 2089: 2070: 2051: 2049: 2033: 2022: 2021: 2011: 2010: 1991: 1982: 1981: 1955: 1954: 1948: 1932:The Audio Critic 1929: 1920: 1911: 1910: 1908: 1907: 1888: 1882: 1881: 1871: 1870: 1864: 1847: 1838: 1832: 1831: 1825: 1824: 1798: 1792: 1786: 1776: 1775: 1769: 1758: 1747: 1741: 1737: 1735: 1734: 1728: 1721: 1708: 1702: 1700: 1698: 1697: 1691: 1670: 1658: 1648: 1642: 1639: 1601: 1595: 1593: 1591: 1590: 1573: 1564: 1560: 1558: 1557: 1551: 1544: 1532: 1526: 1525:(7 of 183 pages) 1524: 1512: 1506: 1500: 1498: 1497: 1488:. Tokyo, Japan: 1487: 1478: 1469: 1468: 1466: 1465: 1456:. Tokyo, Japan: 1455: 1446: 1437: 1436: 1434: 1433: 1414: 1408: 1407: 1405: 1404: 1385: 1379: 1378: 1373: 1372: 1366: 1355: 1344: 1338: 1336: 1335: 1325: 1316: 1307: 1301: 1296:. Tokyo, Japan: 1290: 1281: 1275: 1273: 1272: 1263:. 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