Knowledge (XXG)

File:Black hole - Messier 87.jpg

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first direct visual evidence of the supermassive black hole in the centre of Messier 87 and its shadow. The shadow of a black hole seen here is the closest we can come to an image of the black hole itself, a completely dark object from which light cannot escape. The black hole’s boundary — the event horizon from which the EHT takes its name — is around 2.5 times smaller than the shadow it casts and measures just under 40 billion km across. While this may sound large, this ring is only about 40 microarcseconds across — equivalent to measuring the length of a credit card on the surface of the Moon. Although the telescopes making up the EHT are not physically connected, they are able to synchronize their recorded data with atomic clocks — hydrogen masers — which precisely time their observations. These observations were collected at a wavelength of 1.3 mm during a 2017 global campaign. Each telescope of the EHT produced enormous amounts of data – roughly 350 terabytes per day – which was stored on high-performance helium-filled hard drives. These data were flown to highly specialised supercomputers — known as correlators — at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and MIT Haystack Observatory to be combined. They were then painstakingly converted into an image using novel computational tools developed by the collaboration.
1470: 1412: 1202: 558:, à un consortium de 33 télescopes/instituts/universités dans le monde, ont contribué à l'observation du trou noir gargantuesque au cœur de la galaxie lointaine Messier 87. L'image EHT de M87* tirée des observations du 11 avril 2017, à titre d'exemple représentatif des images recueillies lors de la campagne de 2017. L'image est la moyenne de trois méthodes d'imagerie différentes après convolution avec un noyau gaussien circulaire pour donner des résolutions adaptées. L'image est affichée en unités de température de luminosité, 1188: 1515: 1374: 43: 1294: 1595: 302:
the EHT produced enormous amounts of data – roughly 350 terabytes per day – which was stored on high-performance helium-filled hard drives. These data were flown to highly specialised supercomputers — known as correlators — at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and MIT Haystack Observatory to be combined. They were then painstakingly converted into an image using novel computational tools developed by the collaboration.
1276: 1521: 1138: 1104: 1271: 719:Телескоп «Горизонт событий» (EHT) - массив из восьми наземных радиотелескопов, созданный в рамках международного сотрудничества, в масштабе планеты, предназначен для захвата изображений черной дыры. На скоординированных пресс-конференциях по всему миру исследователи EHT показали, что им это удалось, представив первое прямое визуальное свидетельство сверхмассивной черной дыры в центре Мессье-87 и ее тени. 1289: 1263: 1035:द इवेंट होराइज़न टेलीस्कोप (ईएचटी) - अंतर्राष्ट्रीय सहयोग के माध्यम से आठ ग्राउंड-आधारित रेडियो दूरबीनों का एक ग्रह-स्केल सरणी - एक ब्लैक होल की छवियों को कैप्चर करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया था। दुनिया भर में समन्वित प्रेस सम्मेलनों में, ईएचटी शोधकर्ताओं ने खुलासा किया कि वे सफल रहे, मेसियर 87 के केंद्र में सुपरमासिव ब्लैक होल के पहले प्रत्यक्ष दृश्य साक्ष्य और इसकी छाया का अनावरण किया। 1400: 1381: 1362: 1010:Събитието Horizon Telescope (EHT) - мащаб от осем наземни радиотелескопа, създаден чрез международно сътрудничество, е проектиран да заснеме изображения на черна дупка. На координирани пресконференции по целия свят, изследователи на EHT разкриха, че са успели, откривайки първите директни визуални доказателства за супермасивната черна дупка в центъра на Messier 87 и нейната сянка. 1408: 1393: 103: 915:تلسکوپ رویداد افق (EHT) - مجموعه ای از مقیاس های سیاره ای از هشت تلسکوپ مبتنی بر زمین که از طریق همکاری بین المللی ساخته شده است، برای گرفتن تصاویر سیاهچاله طراحی شده است. در کنفرانس های هماهنگ مطبوعاتی در سراسر جهان، محققان EHT نشان دادند که آنها موفق به ارائه اولین شواهد بصری مستقیم سیاهچاله فوق العاده در مرکز مسیه 87 و سایه آن شدند. 1027:กล้องโทรทรรศน์ขอบฟ้าเหตุการณ์ (EHT) - อาเรย์ระดับโลกของกล้องโทรทรรศน์วิทยุภาคพื้นแปดตัวที่ถูกสร้างขึ้นจากความร่วมมือระหว่างประเทศ - ได้รับการออกแบบมาเพื่อจับภาพหลุมดำ ในการแถลงข่าวร่วมกันทั่วโลกนักวิจัย EHT เปิดเผยว่าพวกเขาประสบความสำเร็จเปิดเผยหลักฐานทางภาพโดยตรงครั้งแรกของหลุมดำมวลมหาศาลที่ใจกลาง Messier 87 และเงาของมัน 3211: 299:— the event horizon from which the EHT takes its name — is around 2.5 times smaller than the shadow it casts and measures just under 40 billion km across. While this may sound large, this ring is only about 40 microarcseconds across — equivalent to measuring the length of a credit card on the surface of the Moon. 3196: 1043:טלסקופ אופק האירועים (EHT) - מערך בקנה מידה פלנטרי של שמונה טלסקופי רדיו מבוססי קרקע שנזויפו באמצעות שיתוף פעולה בינלאומי - נועד לצלם תמונות של חור שחור. במסיבות עיתונאים מתואמות ברחבי העולם חשפו חוקרי EHT כי הם הצליחו, וחשפו את העדויות הוויזואליות הישירות הראשונות של החור השחור העל-מסיבי במרכז מסייר 87 וצלו. 2575:
Save from tiff at maximum quality 12 from Photoshop 2019 (previous had approx 10 which produced some block artefacts visible at high magnification). Source TIF image has some random noise which is likely inherent in the production and requires minimal compression to reproduce faithfully in JPG. First
Kính thiên văn chân trời sự kiện (EHT) - một mảng gồm 8 kính viễn vọng vô tuyến trên mặt đất được rèn qua sự hợp tác quốc tế - được thiết kế để ghi lại hình ảnh của một lỗ đen. Trong các cuộc họp báo phối hợp trên toàn cầu, các nhà nghiên cứu EHT tiết lộ rằng họ đã thành công, tiết lộ bằng chứng trực
In this image of M87* taken on 11 April 2017 (a representative example of the images collected in a global 2017 EHT campaign), the shadow of a black hole is the closest we can come to an image of the black hole itself, a completely dark object from which light cannot escape. The black hole’s boundary
1389: 959:
Telescopul pentru orizont de eveniment (EHT) - o gamă planetară de opt telescoape la sol pe platformă, forjată prin colaborare internațională - a fost concepută pentru a capta imagini ale unei găuri negre. În cadrul conferințelor de presă organizate în întreaga lume, cercetătorii EHT au dezvăluit că
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) - ett planetstort nätverk av åtta markbaserade radioteleskop i internationellt samarbete - utformades för att ta bilder av ett svart hål. I samordnade presskonferenser över hela världen visade EHT-forskare att de lyckats, och avslöjade de första direkta visuella bevisen
Although the telescopes making up the EHT are not physically connected, they are able to synchronize their recorded data with atomic clocks — hydrogen masers — which precisely time their observations. These observations were collected at a wavelength of 1.3 mm in the 2017 campaign. Each telescope of
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) — a planet-scale array of eight ground-based radio telescopes forged through international collaboration — was designed to capture images of a black hole. In coordinated press conferences across the globe, EHT researchers revealed that they succeeded, unveiling the
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) - et planetstort nettverk av åtte jordbaserte radioteleskoper i internasjonalt samarbeid - ble laget for å fange bilder av et svart hull. I samordnede pressekonferanser over hele verden viste EHT-forskere at de lyktes, og avslørte de første direkte visuelle bevisene på
De Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) - een array op planeetschaal van acht radiotelescopen op de grond, gesmeed door internationale samenwerking - was ontworpen om beelden van een zwart gat vast te leggen. In gecoördineerde persconferenties over de hele wereld hebben EHT-onderzoekers geopenbaard dat ze
Taken from 16-bit original. Converted to 8-bit with dithering using Photoshop 2019. Saved as JPG with maximum level 12 quality. This file is smaller than previous one because the previous one had noise or extreme dithering which does
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) - zestaw ośmiu naziemnych radioteleskopów w skali globalnej wykutych w ramach współpracy międzynarodowej - został zaprojektowany do rejestrowania obrazów czarnej dziury. Podczas skoordynowanych konferencji prasowych na całym świecie naukowcy EHT ujawnili, że im się to
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) - array delapan skala teleskop radio berbasis planet yang ditempa melalui kolaborasi internasional - dirancang untuk menangkap gambar lubang hitam. Dalam konferensi pers terkoordinasi di seluruh dunia, para peneliti EHT mengungkapkan bahwa mereka berhasil, mengungkap
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) - et planetstort netværk af otte jordbaserede radioteleskoper i internationalt samarbejde - var designet til at fange billeder af et sort hul. På koordinerede pressekonferencer over hele verden viste EHT-forskere, at de lykkedes at afsløre de første direkte visuelle
Uluslararası işbirliğiyle yapılan sekiz kara tabanlı radyo teleskopu olan gezegen ölçeğinde bir dizi olan Event Horizon Teleskopu (EHT) bir kara deliğin görüntülerini yakalamak için tasarlandı. EHT araştırmacıları, dünya genelindeki koordineli basın konferanslarında, Messier 87'nin merkezinde ve
Esta imagen del M87* proviene de observaciones del EHT realizadas el 11 de abril de 2017 y es un ejemplar representativo de las imágenes obtenidas durante la campaña de 2017. La imagen es el resultado de combinar tres métodos distintos de generación de imágenes tras convolucionar cada uno con un
Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) - planetno množica osmih zemeljskih radijskih teleskopov, kovanih v mednarodnem sodelovanju - je bila zasnovana za zajemanje slik črne luknje. Na usklajenih tiskovnih konferencah po vsem svetu so raziskovalci EHT razkrili, da jim je uspelo razkriti prve neposredne
Událost Horizon Telescope (EHT) - planetová škála osmi pozemních rádiových teleskopů kovaných prostřednictvím mezinárodní spolupráce - byla navržena tak, aby zachytila obrazy černé díry. V koordinovaných tiskových konferencích po celém světě vědci EHT odhalili, že uspěli a odhalili první přímý
Event Horizon -teleskooppi (EHT) on kansainvälisen yhteistyön avulla toteutettu kahdeksan maanpäällisen radioteleskoopin muodostama kokonaisuus, joka on suunniteltu kuvaamaan mustaa aukkoa. Koordinoiduissa lehdistötilaisuuksissa eri puolilla maailmaa EHT: n tutkijat osoittivat onnistuneensa
159:صورة للثقب الأسود M87* من تلسكوب أفق الحدث عن رصد فلكي أجري بتاريخ 11 أبريل عام 2017، كمثال تمثيلي عن الصور التي تم تجميعها في التعاون عام 2017. الصورة هي متوسط لثلاث طرق تصوير مختلفة ملتفة حول بعضها البعض مع نواة غاوسِيّة مدَوَّرة لإعطاء دقة متَطابِقة. الصورة معروضة في وحدات حرارة السطوع، 1001:
Teleskop Horizon Acara (EHT) - sebuah rangkaian skala teluskop lapan berasaskan bumi yang dipalsukan melalui kerjasama antarabangsa - direka untuk menangkap imej-imej lubang hitam. Dalam persidangan akhbar yang terselaras di seluruh dunia, penyelidik EHT mendedahkan bahawa mereka berjaya,
2652: 2682: 2619: 2589: 2558: 3251: 3366: 2527: 3241: 3256: 3221: 1370: 1491:"Unless specifically noted, the images, videos, and music distributed on the public ESO website, along with the texts of press releases, announcements, pictures of the week, blog posts and captions, are licensed under a 3286: 821: 634: 501: 380: 235: 1562:– You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. 421:
La Fundación Nacional para la Ciencia y el Telescopio del Horizonte de Sucesos (EHT) han contribuido en observaciones que rompen paradigmas sobre el colosal agujero negro en el centro de la lejana galaxia Messier
This image is the average of three different imaging methods after convolving each with a circular Gaussian kernel to give matched resolutions. The image is shown in units of brightness temperature,
Event Holizon Telescope (EHT) - 블랙홀의 이미지를 캡처하기 위해 국제 공동 작업을 통해 만들어진 8 개의 지상 기반 무선 망원경으로 이루어진 행성 규모의 배열입니다. 전 세계의 기자 회견에서 EHT 연구원들은 메시에 87의 중심과 그 그림자에있는 초대형 블랙홀의 최초의 직접적인 시각적 증거를 발표하면서 성공했다고 밝혔다.
3098: 3231: 292:. In coordinated press conferences across the globe, EHT researchers revealed that they succeeded, unveiling the first direct visual evidence of the supermassive black hole in the centre of 1323: 3093: 3201: 3261: 3246: 3226: 3236: 3336: 3296: 3291: 3281: 1127: 3103: 711:
A National Science Foundation e o Event Horizon Telescope contribuem para as observações revolucionárias do gigantesco buraco negro no coração da distante galáxia Messier 87.
3083: 3078: 276:
Die National Science Foundation und das Event Horizon Telescope tragen zu den Paradigmenwechsel des gigantischen Schwarzen Lochs im Herzen der fernen Galaxie Messier 87 bei.
852: 665: 532: 411: 266: 2928: 1345: 3480: 3113: 3216: 3088: 3191: 288:(EHT) — a planet-scale array of eight ground-based radio telescopes forged through international collaboration — was designed to capture images of a 748: 561: 428: 307: 162: 863:
erin geslaagd zijn, het eerste directe visuele bewijs van het supermassieve zwarte gat in het centrum van Messier 87 en zijn schaduw onthullen.
2933: 951:
paljastamalla ensimmäiset suorat visuaaliset todisteet Messier 87: n keskellä olevasta supermassiivisesta mustasta aukosta ja sen varjosta.
L’Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), dissenyat per capturar imatges d’un forat negre, va ser dissenyat per capturar imatges d’un forat negre.
10.4. 2019 zverejnili vedci z projektu EHT prvú fotografiu z okraja čiernej diery. Konkrétne ide o čiernu dieru v strede Mliečnej dráhy.
3306: 1164: 69: 65: 61: 57: 53: 47: 3660: 3073: 157:صورة من التعاون ما بين مؤسسة العلوم الوطنية وتلسكوب أفق الحدث التي أفضت إلى رصد تاريخي لثقب أسود فائق الضخامة في قلب مجرة مسييه 87. 114: 82: 2360: 2202: 2111: 2094: 2058: 2022: 1859:
La prima fotografia diretta di un buco nero in Messier 87, una galassia ellittica supergigante nella costellazione della Vergine
1986: 1899: 425:
núcleo gaussiano circular para producir resoluciones equiparables. La imagen se muestra en unidades de temperatura de brillo,
1480: 1340: 3491:
This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it.
3451: 2272: 2166: 1950: 1916: 1436: 1933: 3043: 2455: 2418: 2381: 2326: 2292: 2256: 2186: 2078: 2006: 1635:
The first direct visual image of a black hole in Messier 87, a supergiant elliptical galaxy in the constellation Virgo.
au reușit să dezvăluie primele dovezi directe ale gaurii negre supermassive din centrul lui Messier 87 și a umbrei sale.
2636: 1819:
The first direct visual image of a black hole in Messier 87, a supergiant elliptical galaxy in the constellation Virgo.
udało, odkrywając pierwszy bezpośredni wizualny dowód supermasywnej czarnej dziury w centrum Messiera 87 i jego cienia.
3346: 2681: 2676: 2651: 2646: 2618: 2613: 2588: 2583: 2557: 2552: 2353: 2222: 2124: 2042: 1970: 1883: 3376: 1308: 1094: 684: 2150: 3058: 3028: 735:Перше зображення чорної діри, отримане у рамках проекту «Event Horizon Telescope» і опубліковане у квітні 2019 року 3271: 703:
Radyo hevelep a toll du en Messier 87. Erbynn kachyans "Event Horizon Telescope" (sowsnek) an eth pellweler sett.
1329: 1201: 680: 2713: 285: 3494:
If the file has been modified from its original state, some details may not fully reflect the modified file.
3053: 2988: 907:
gölgesinde yer alan süper kütleli kara deliğin ilk doğrudan görsel kanıtını ortaya koyduklarını açıkladılar.
1606: 3326: 3108: 2709:
The following pages on the English Knowledge (XXG) use this file (pages on other projects are not listed):
membentangkan bukti visual langsung pertama lubang hitam supermassive di pusat Messier 87 dan bayangannya.
3008: 3003: 2938: 1531: 1262: 1495:, and may on a non-exclusive basis be reproduced without fee provided the credit is clear and visible." 1319: 3033: 1528: 3206: 2888: 2838: 2793: 2788: 1231: 1076: 826: 639: 506: 385: 240: 3118: 2958: 1504:: You must provide a link (URL) to the original file and the authorship information if available. 1432: 122: 1811:
Gambar langsung pertama lubang hitam di Messier 87, sebuah galaxy eliptikal di konstelasi Virgo.
1126: 1334: 872:
bukti visual langsung pertama dari lubang hitam supermasif di pusat Messier 87 dan bayangannya.
2723: 2526: 2521: 1469: 683:. Si tratta della prima foto diretta di un buco nero, realizzata dal progetto internazionale 73: 42: 3068: 2903: 1187: 3048: 2983: 2963: 2953: 2808: 2629: 3181: 3018: 745:此照片拍攝於2017年4月11日,是當年的代表性圖像。 在用圓形高斯核對每個成像方法進行卷積以得到匹配的分辨率之後,圖像是三種不同成像方法的平均值。 圖像以亮度溫度為單位顯示, 3038: 2853: 1843:Першая наўпрост зробленая выява чорнай дзіркі ў эліптычнай галактыцы M87 (аб’ект Месье) 1424: 2843: 2798: 2662: 109: 3013: 2948: 2908: 2878: 2848: 2813: 2692: 1614:, who confirmed that it was available there under the stated license on that date. 1095: 993:
vizualne dokaze o supermasivni črni luknji v središču Messierja 87 in njeni senci.
3156: 1486: 1428: 1172: 667:
est la constante de Boltzmann et Ω est l'angle solide de l'élément de résolution.
3675: 3063: 2858: 2823: 2818: 534:
es la constante de Boltzmann y Ω es el ángulo sólido del elemento de resolución.
293: 289: 1610: 1137: 1103: 3446: 3151: 2943: 2803: 2728: 2568: 2537: 1602: 1492: 1227: 1072: 413:
is the Boltzmann constant, and Ω is the solid angle of the resolution element.
beviser for det supermassive sorte hul i Messier 87's centrum og dets skygge.
676: 3436: 2993: 2923: 2918: 2883: 2833: 2828: 2783: 2718: 2599: 503:, donde S es la densidad de flujo, λ es la longitud de onda de observación, 816:{\displaystyle {T}_{\rm {b}}=S{\lambda }^{2}/2{k}_{\rm {B}}{\rm {\Omega }}} 629:{\displaystyle {T}_{\rm {b}}=S{\lambda }^{2}/2{k}_{\rm {B}}{\rm {\Omega }}} 496:{\displaystyle {T}_{\rm {b}}=S{\lambda }^{2}/2{k}_{\rm {B}}{\rm {\Omega }}} 375:{\displaystyle {T}_{\rm {b}}=S{\lambda }^{2}/2{k}_{\rm {B}}{\rm {\Omega }}} 230:{\displaystyle {T}_{\rm {b}}=S{\lambda }^{2}/2{k}_{\rm {B}}{\rm {\Omega }}} 2998: 2898: 2873: 2868: 2863: 2778: 2773: 2768: 2763: 2748: 2743: 2738: 2733: 881:
vizuální důkaz supermasivní černé díry v centru Messieru 87 a jeho stínu.
1142: 2978: 2973: 2968: 2913: 2758: 2753: 1019:
quan đầu tiên về lỗ đen siêu lớn ở trung tâm Messier 87 và bóng của nó.
på det supermassiva svarta hålet i Messier 87s centrum och dess skugga.
636:, où S est la densité de flux, λ est la longueur d'onde d'observation, 1795:Первое визуальное изображение черной дыры в центре галактики Мессье 87 1423:
If you have an image of similar quality that can be published under a
3023: 2893: 3411: 3401: 3146: 2606:
original from source:
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
det supermassive svart hullet i Messier 87s sentrum og dets skygge.
695:イベントホライズンテレスコープ(EHT) - 国際協力による電波望遠鏡プロジェクトにより撮影されたM87中心の巨大ブラックホールの画像 3099:
Knowledge (XXG):Knowledge (XXG) Signpost/2019-04-30/Traffic report
3461: 1411:) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination 1392:) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination 1373:) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination 1322:) and is considered one of the finest images. See its nomination 3094:
Knowledge (XXG):Knowledge (XXG) Signpost/2019-04-30/In the media
Il buco nero supermassiccio nel nucleo della galassia ellittica
3186: 3421: 1088: 1079:
and converted with maximum quality level 12 in Photoshop 2019.
382:, where S is the flux density, λ is the observing wavelength, 97: 3161: 1468: 1274: 1261: 976:
Imaxe de radio do buraco negro Pōwehi, situada en Messier 87
3356: 984:Радыё малюнак чорнай дзіркі Pōwehi, размешчаны ў Messier 87 3471: 3316: 3104:
Knowledge (XXG):Knowledge (XXG) Signpost/Single/2019-04-30
3431: 3171: 3396: 3386: 268:هو ثابت بولتزمان، أمَّا Ω فهو الزاوية الصلبة لعضو الدقة. 3141: 3729: 3551:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
3136: 3084:
Knowledge (XXG):Featured picture candidates/Black hole
Knowledge (XXG):Featured picture candidates/April-2019
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Inoiz ikusitako lehen zulo beltza, Messier 87 galaxian
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3212:ويكيبيديا:ترشيحات الصور المختارة/أول صورة لثقب أسود 3197:ويكيبيديا:صور مختارة/الفضاء والكون/نظرة إلى الأعلى 2929:List of asteroid close approaches to Earth in 2019 846: 815: 659: 628: 526: 495: 405: 374: 260: 229: 3331: 3089:Knowledge (XXG):Top 25 Report/April 7 to 13, 2019 1173:ESO: Usage of images, videos, music and web texts 1062:date QS:P,+2017-04-00T00:00:00Z/10,P1480,Q5727902 743:此照片是室女A星系中心的巨大黑洞。美國國家科學基金會和事件視界望遠鏡為觀測巨大黑洞做出了巨大貢獻。 1464: 1245: 3114:Template:Did you know nominations/Katie Bouman 2059:Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 102: 1514: 8: 3704:xmp.did:3162f4f9-7f2c-6344-9ea6-4f18ca9d79a7 1803:Snímek černé díry M87* v galaxii Messier 87 1603: 1569: 1545:– to copy, distribute and transmit the work 1228: 1073: 3496: 3157:Knowledge (XXG):Voorbladbeeld week 18 2019 2639:: Please upload under a different filename 2496: 1863: 1855: 1847: 1839: 1831: 1823: 1815: 1807: 1799: 1791: 1783: 1775: 1767: 1759: 1751: 1743: 1735: 1727: 1719: 1711: 1703: 1695: 1687: 1679: 1671: 1663: 1655: 1647: 1639: 1631: 1601:This file, which was originally posted to 1351: 3252:الجدول الزمني لاكتشافات الفيزياء الأساسية 3129:The following other wikis use this file: 1388:on the Persian language Knowledge (XXG) ( 1288: 837: 836: 831: 828: 807: 806: 799: 798: 793: 784: 778: 773: 759: 758: 753: 750: 650: 649: 644: 641: 620: 619: 612: 611: 606: 597: 591: 586: 572: 571: 566: 563: 517: 516: 511: 508: 487: 486: 479: 478: 473: 464: 458: 453: 439: 438: 433: 430: 396: 395: 390: 387: 366: 365: 358: 357: 352: 343: 337: 332: 318: 317: 312: 309: 251: 250: 245: 242: 221: 220: 213: 212: 207: 198: 192: 187: 173: 172: 167: 164: 3242:ويكيبيديا:صورة اليوم المختارة/يونيو 2020 2342:03cb2c573be33545bb840ad36183ec4990522af8 1369:on the Arabic language Knowledge (XXG) ( 1270: 936: 3759: 3722: 3707: 3699: 3691: 3683: 3673: 3665: 3655: 3647: 3639: 3631: 3623: 3615: 3607: 3599: 3581: 3573: 3565: 3557: 3548: 3543: 3533: 3528: 3519: 3514: 3506: 3498: 3257:ويكيبيديا:صورة اليوم المختارة/مايو 2023 3222:ويكيبيديا:صورة اليوم المختارة/مايو 2019 3152:Knowledge (XXG):Beeld van die week/2019 2711: 2469: 2453: 2432: 2416: 2395: 2379: 2340: 2324: 2306: 2290: 2270: 2254: 2236: 2220: 2200: 2184: 2164: 2148: 2109: 2092: 2076: 2056: 2040: 2020: 2004: 1984: 1968: 1948: 1931: 1914: 1897: 1881: 1878: 1851:اولین تصویری که از یک سیاهچاله گرفته شد 1755:Hình ảnh được chụp đầu tiên của lỗ đen. 1738: 1627: 1620: 1407:on the Hindi language Knowledge (XXG) ( 1328:This image has been assessed under the 1293: 1183: 3437:Knowledge (XXG):Kurier/Ausgabe 5 2020 2934:List of exoplanets discovered in 2019 2576:version uploaded was likely smoothed. 1818: 1683:radyo hevelep a toll du en Messier 87 1674: 7: 1275: 3262:قالب:صورة اليوم المختارة/2023-05-24 3247:قالب:صورة اليوم المختارة/2020-06-02 3227:قالب:صورة اليوم المختارة/2019-05-12 2699:User created page with UploadWizard 2485: 1605:, was reviewed on 13 April 2019 by 1520: 1481:European Southern Observatory (ESO) 3489: 2637:Commons:Overwriting existing files 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1699:Agujero negro de Messier 87 1341:First image of a black hole 1332:and is considered the most 1046: 681:costellazione della Vergine 552:National Science Foundation 147:Black hole - Messier 87.jpg 3781: 3468:Usage on 3443:Usage on 3428:Usage on 3418:Usage on 3393:Usage on 3373:Usage on 3363:Usage on 3343:Usage on 3323:Usage on 3303:Usage on 3297:بوابة:فيزيا/مقالة مختارة/3 3292:بوابة:فيزيا/مقالة مختارة/5 3282:بوابة:فيزيا/مقالة مختارة/1 3178:Usage on 3168:Usage on 3133:Usage on 3059:User:Ordralfebetix/sandbox 3029:Talk:Black hole/Archive 16 2079:Commons quality assessment 1667:buraco negro de Messier 87 1425:suitable copyright license 1253: 1249: 3667:File change date and time 3367:কৃষ্ণগহ্বর গবেষণার ইতিহাস 3237:قائمة أقرب الثقوب السوداء 2486: 1835:أول صورة مباشرة لثقب أسود 1747:Nigrum cavum in Messir 87 1510: 1354: 1285: 1260: 1132: 1125: 1118: 1115: 1091: 16: 3337:Свръхмасивна черна дупка 1651:μαύρη τρύπα του Μεσιέ 87 1624: 1309:Picture of the Year 2019 1154:creator QS:P170,Q3944788 1064:; released 10 April 2019 108:This is a file from the 3412:Event Horizon Telescope 3402:Forat negre supermassiu 3147:Supermassiewe swartkolk 3054:User:Kiwismashi/sandbox 3009:Teegarden's Star c 3004:Teegarden's Star b 2989:Supermassive black hole 2698: 2668: 2635: 2605: 2574: 2543: 1987:Event Horizon Telescope 1691:Trou noir de Messier 87 1222: 1179: 1159: 1096:Event Horizon Telescope 1083: 1068: 1059: 1056: 685:Event Horizon Telescope 556:Event Horizon Telescope 286:Event Horizon Telescope 144: 112:. Information from its 3109:Template:2019 in space 1473: 1318:on Wikimedia Commons ( 1280: 1267: 848: 817: 661: 630: 528: 497: 407: 376: 262: 231: 115:description page there 46:Size of this preview: 3633:Horizontal resolution 3217:قائمة الصور الأيقونية 2939:List of novae in 2019 1472: 1344:. See its nomination 1330:valued image criteria 1278: 1265: 849: 818: 662: 631: 529: 498: 408: 377: 263: 232: 3742:Garching bei München 3696:21:16, 17 April 2019 3670:20:16, 17 April 2019 3625:Number of components 3562:15:07, 10 April 2019 3192:ثقب أسود فائق الكتلة 3034:User:Ashish Menon 21 2677:13:43, 10 April 2019 2647:07:48, 11 April 2019 2614:10:31, 11 April 2019 2584:14:06, 12 April 2019 2553:18:19, 13 April 2019 2522:19:58, 17 April 2019 2354:determination method 1934:Schwarzschild radius 1487:Their website states 854:是玻爾茲曼常數,Ω是分辨率元素的立體角。 827: 749: 640: 562: 507: 429: 386: 308: 241: 163: 74:7,416 × 4,320 pixels 70:2,560 × 1,491 pixels 3730: 3724:Contact information 3688:19:06, 7 March 2019 3641:Vertical resolution 2889:Interstellar (film) 2839:C/2018 Y1 (Iwamoto) 2794:2020 in spaceflight 2789:2019 in spaceflight 2714:138P/Shoemaker–Levy 2273:digital photography 1736:Traditional Chinese 1659:svarthol Messier 87 1551:– to adapt the work 1266:Picture of the year 52:Other resolutions: 3601:Compression scheme 3583:Bits per component 3119:Portal:Outer space 2959:Proxima Centauri c 2545:not compress well. 2257:fabrication method 1731:Svarta hålet i M87 1723:ຮູບພາບຫຼຸມ​ດໍາ M87 1707:Messier 87のブラックホール 1474: 1281: 1268: 1051:ຮູບພາບຫຼຸມ​ດໍາ M87 868:Bahasa Indonesia: 844: 813: 657: 626: 524: 493: 403: 372: 258: 227: 66:1,280 × 746 pixels 62:1,024 × 597 pixels 3768: 3767: 3609:Pixel composition 3503:EHT Collaboration 3481:more global usage 3125:Global file usage 2724:168P/Hergenrother 2702: 2043:copyright license 1865: 1857: 1849: 1841: 1833: 1825: 1817: 1809: 1801: 1793: 1785: 1777: 1769: 1761: 1753: 1745: 1737: 1729: 1721: 1713: 1705: 1697: 1689: 1681: 1673: 1665: 1657: 1649: 1641: 1633: 1619: 1618: 1588: 1587: 1505: 1457: 1456: 1453: 1452: 1449: 1448: 1445: 1444: 1420: 1419: 1390:نگاره‌های برگزیده 1320:Featured pictures 1237: 1236: 1216: 1215: 1168: 1165:Reusing this file 1151: 1150: 1116:Alternative names 1075:; JPG saved from 823:,其中S是磁通密度,λ是觀察波長, 130: 129: 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File:Black hole - Messier 87.jpg
800 × 466 pixels
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2,560 × 1,491 pixels
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