
File:Sussex loop (FindID 437360).jpg

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metalwork phase (c. 1400-1250 BC) (cf. Rowlands 1976, 31-32) or on the basis of finds in other regions possibly even in the Acton Park metalwork phase (c. 1500-1400 BC) (cf. Burgess 1964, 120; O'Connor 1980, 53). However, the Class 2, Group 3 side flanged palstaves occur only in Taunton metalwork phase (c. 1400-1250 BC) hoards (O'Connor 1980, 53). The 5 'Sussex Loop' bracelets, 8 finger-rings; 4 twisted torcs, 4 identifiable tutuli (or Monkswood ornaments) and Quoit-headed pin fragments are traditionally grouped in a Middle Bronze Age 'ornament horizon' which is now placed in the Taunton and Penard metalwork phases (c. 1400-1150 BC) (Smith 1959a; Roberts 2007). The coiled spiral ring fragments date typically to the central European late Middle Bronze Age Tumulus culture (1600-1300 BC). The other objects are less well dated with the sheet gold discs placed in the Middle Bronze Age in France (c. 1600-1300 BC) (Eluère 1981, 39-41). Only one of the lozenge-headed pins has been found before and the excavation context has not allowed especially precise dating (Curwen 1954, 202, Fig 62). The amber beads are not typologically diagnostic and are relatively rare in Britain during the Middle Bronze Age (Beck and Shennan 1991, 99-101). The vast majority of the objects were found together inside part of a plain large urn or bucket urn which are not a closely dated types beyond mid-late 2nd millennium BC (Ellison 1980, 32-34), it is possible to argue for a relatively narrow date of c. 1400-1250 BC for the deposition.
which may include a mixture of round and lozenge section as at Hollingbury Castle, Sussex (Rowlands 1976, 267) but the presence of an odd number is not particularly unusual but the 'Nr. Lewes' hoard does have the largest number of 'Sussex loop' bracelets so far discovered. Quoit headed pins are found south of a line between the Severn and the Wash (Rowlands, 1976, map 21; Pendleton in prep) and have been found with 'Sussex loop' bracelets in hoards such as East Dean, Sussex (Rowlands 1976, 266). The bronze spiral-twisted bar torcs are found mainly throughout southern England as at Hollingbury, Sussex where one was found accompanying four 'Sussex Loop' bracelets and three coiled finger rings (Rowlands 1976, 267) but with a concentration towards the southwest (Rowlands 1976, map 22; Roberts 2007, Fig 4. and Appendix). This is in contrast to the broader distribution of gold spiral-twisted bar torcs which are concentrated throughout western Britain but have also been found in eastern Britain (Roberts 2007, Fig 4. and Appendix). Bronze coiled finger rings are relatively numerous throughout southern England with a significant concentration in hoards in Sussex (Roberts 2007, Fig 4 and Appendix) as well as at the settlement site of Black Patch where they were apparently found placed on the settlement floor (Drewett 1982).
Class 2 side flanged palstaves have a relatively wide distribution across England south of a line between the Humber and the Mersey but are concentrated especially in the upper Thames area (O'Connor 1980, 52-3). Local parallels are known from Barnham, Sussex (Rowlands 1976, 231-2; plate 3, 127) and Nr Bognor, Sussex (O'Connor 1980, Fig 13C). However, Group 2 Class 3 palstaves have a more restricted range and, largely cluster, with a few outliers, south of the line of the Thames and tend to be a south coast type as at St. Leonards Marina, Sussex (Rowlands 1976, 269, Plate 3, no. 2). The two are often found together in hoards (Rowlands 1976, Map 4; O'Connor 1980, 53). The deposition of Class 2 Groups 2-3 palstaves is a feature typical of finds from the Brighton region and extends eastward to Kent (Rowlands 1976, 129). The presence of palstaves, but lack of other larger weapons such as rapiers, is consistent with the limited evidence for weapon deposition in the Sussex region (Rowlands, 1976, 129, 131). This pattern is apparently confirmed in the Nr. Lewes hoard with the lack of any rapier, dagger or spear fragments.
to that of an example from Barbuise-Courtavant (35mm, as compared to Magny Lambert 22mm, Eluère 1982, 40). The coiled spiral rolls on necklaces with amber beads are thought to be north German in origin (Sprockhoff 1956, 161-162) but coiled spiral rolls are relatively widespread and are evidenced in hoards such as Wolfersheim, Germany (Kubach 1977, Fig. 118) and Kolkhagen, Germany (Laux 1976, Fig 57). They have been found once before in Britain complete with rod fragments in an unpublished and little known West Ashling hoard, Chichester, West Sussex and now in Chichester Museum (Needham unpublished). It also contained quoit-headed pin fragments, an amber bead and tutuli. The few amber beads which have been found in Middle Bronze Age in Britain have are found near the coastal and major riverine areas of southern England (Beck and Shennan 1991, 99-101). The ceramic vessel appears to be typical for Sussex during the Later Bronze Age (Ellison 1980, 32-34).
closest parallel might be the poorly documented Hanley Cross barrow or hoard (Curwen 1954, 202) although this lacks several object types and was apparently placed with a skeleton rather than in a ceramic vessel. The complete length of around 19 inches (48cm), with the lozenge-shaped plate around 4 inches (10cm) below the pin head suggests the potential dimensions of the 'Near Lewes' pin. The head of barrow find was flat with a central boss and the pierced eye behind the lozenge plate was suggested to have potential for the attachment of a cord or chain (Curwen 1954) but is not obviously a variant of the swollen neck pins as classically argued (Hawkes 1942, 41). The placing of hoards in pots is relatively rare in Britain during the Middle Bronze Age though is evidenced with Picardy pins at Ramsgate, Kent (Hawkes 1942) and 14 palstaves at Birchington, Kent (Coombs 1971, 403).
a quoit headed pin and so again suggests a local tradition (Curwen 1954, 201-2; Rowlands 1976, 267). The tutuli or 'Monkswood ornament' is partially paralleled in the Monkswood hoard, Somerset where a 'small sheet bronze cone' was found but, unlike the 'Near Lewes' example, has no flange (Smith 1959b, Fig 16. Rowlands 1976, 257). It is more precisely paralleled in the 'disc-shaped fitting' - or small sheet bronze cone surrounded by a flange comprising two concentric corrugations found in the filling or a posthole in hut (roundhouse) 1 at the settlement site of Chalton, Hampshire (Cunliffe 1970, 11, Fig 5). Additionally, a Class 2 Group 2 palstave, identical to the 'Near Lewes' hoard was also found on the floor of hut (roundhouse) 1 (ibid.).
of the objects in a ceramic vessel is also very rare in Britain during the Middle Bronze Age and is far more common in northern France (e.g. Briard 1966, 288-91). These 'foreign' objects were placed with distinctive local forms such as the 'Sussex loop' bracelets and the pin with a Lozenge-shaped plate as well as with more typically widely distributed southern English objects such as Quoit-headed pins, Group 2 Class 2 and 3 palstaves and coiled finger rings. In this sense, the 'Near Lewes' hoard can be regarded as the most spectacular and overtly continental manifestation of a distinct region of Middle Bronze Age 'ornament horizon' hoards (Roberts 2007, Fig 4 and 6, Region C).
38: 1005: 1011: 1016: 634:
found within the context as well. Most of these objects were located during the intensive sieving process directly after removal and were probably missed due to their mainly non-metallic composition during the finder's initial search. No large objects or complex fragments were discovered during the excavation which would necessitate extensive reassessment of the entire assemblage.
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excavation were ideal (i.e. 'dry and bright'), a small team was able to thoroughly excavate a 3 x 3 meter trench within one day, including extensive sieving and metal detecting of the spoil heap. The concern was that due to its highly visible location and accessibility, a more extensive archaeological project would put the site at risk for illegal activity.
front. The disc has some small perforations in the centre and at the fold of the lip. A small section of the lip is torn with the edge possibly missing several small fragments and some small strands of detached material can be seen. There are large patches of white deposit on the back surface and green corrosion deposits on a section of the front.
ends, which both show clean metal, and red discoloration of corrosion on both pieces suggests the terminal and the larger section were once joined and may have been broken recently. The patina is pale yellow with extensive but quite thin green and white corrosion with a small patch of red corrosion near the break.
half by folding. Brown deposits are left in a small patch on the inner surface of the lip and the back surface in general bears large white patches of deposit. The front surface has some speckles of green corrosion and a further patch of green corrosion which lies above the brown deposit noted on the reverse.
The continental connections evidenced in the 'Near Lewes' hoard can be clearly seen in the gold appliqué discs, the amber beads, tutuli or Monkswood ornament and the coiled spiral rolls which, with the rare exceptions of the amber beads and tutuli, have never before been found in Britain. The placing
The pin with a Lozenge-shaped plate is a decidedly unusual find. The only previously published example of this pin was an apparently complete example found in a barrow or hoard 'between Brighton and Lewes' known as the Hanley Cross: this nearby hoard also contained a pair of Sussex Loop bracelets and
58 2 pieces comprising just over half of a Copper alloy spiral twisted torc. The main surviving length retains its spiral twist, but the form has been misshapen and partly straightened. The second part consists of a plain hooked terminal which retains its curved shape. Comparison of the narrow broken
56 Copper alloy spiral twisted torc in 2 near equal pieces - albeit with one half having a tighter twist than the other. The torc is formed from a spiral twisted rod tapering to 2 plain hooked terminals. The patina is dark grey at the ends but more yellow in the widest parts and is largely covered in
36 Necklace fragment with amber bead. Copper alloy spiral rolls with an amber bead on a central wire. The coil's wire has a round section. The reddish-brown amber bead is oval shaped. The spirals are all corroded similarly and are a chalky grey colour with occasionally patches of green and areas of a
34 Copper alloy tutulus. Single metal sheet tutulus 2 broken parts; cone with part of the horizontally extending flange attached and 2 pieces of the base which have become detached. From the top of the cone is a hole and inside a pin without a head, which is unattached and moves freely, easily become
32 Copper alloy tutulus. Single metal sheet tutulus in 2 broken parts (cone with horizontally extending flange attached and a broken joining flattened flange piece) that come together to make a flat platform which the cone rises up from. Out the top of the cone is a pin which is attached and does not
26 Copper alloy coiled plain finger ring. One plain round sectioned copper alloy bar coiled on itself 6 times to make a ring. The patina is corroded and has patches of green and white, except for two vertical sections that run down the bars which are smooth and yellowy brown. The coils are also on an
25 Copper alloy coiled plain finger ring. One plain round sectioned copper alloy bar coiled on itself 3 times to make a ring. The patina is corroded and has patches of green and white, except for a section that runs vertically down the bars which is smooth grey and shiny. The top and bottom coils are
18 Copper alloy quoit headed pin fragment. Pin and fork with part of loop survive broken into 4 sections. Terminus of the pin section is bent at 45 degrees. Surface on one side is largely covered with green and white corrosion, patina is shiny and dark brown where visible with no decoration apparent.
9. Necklace fragment. Copper alloy spiral roll coiled around wire. The coil's wire has a round section. 4 coiled pieces of metal, one with a curved metal wire through it, and two loose piece of wire. One of the coils is heavily corroded and is very green in colour. The patina of the other segments is
40 Gold appliqué disc made from thin foil using a repoussé technique. It is decorated by embossing three concentric bands and then incising parallel dashes around a raised central dome. The disc bears a backward lip around the edge. The disc is warped by several folds and a large depression from the
38 Gold appliqué disc made from thin foil using a repoussé technique. It is decorated by embossing three concentric bands and then incising parallel dashes around a slightly raised central dome. The disc bears a backward lip around the edge with occasional minor tears. The disc has been malformed by
2. Copper alloy palstave (Rowlands Type: Class 2 group 3 side-flanged). It has a prominent medial rib running down the centre of the blade, with four/ five short ribs set in the depression below the stop ridge. There are similar though shorter ribs present in the butt. The patina is green and pitted
There have been no previous finds of the gold appliqué discs in Britain and the known finds have been confined to northern and central France. There are parallel finds from Magny-Lambert although the decoration is simpler (Eluère 1982, 39-41). The diameters, which range from c. 34-39 mm, are closer
All in all, the results of the excavations were useful in that they allowed us to assess more carefully the context of the cut within the chalk which facilitated the preservation of the bottom portion of the vessel and indeed the remaining assemblage interred with the vessel. A full post-excavation
29 Copper alloy coiled plain finger ring. One plain sectioned hammered copper alloy bar coiled on itself 3 times to make a ring, giving a flatter edge on the top and bottom of the ring. The patina has patches of green and white corrosion, but the majority of the surface is smooth and shiny brown in
1. Copper alloy palstave (Rowlands Type: Class 2, group 2, side-flanged). It has a prominent medial rib running from the centre of the stop ridge. The medial rib is also present on the butt, however it is significantly shorter. The stop is squared, and the patina is green in part except for heavily
A Middle Bronze Age hoard consisting of 79 objects including: 3 copper alloy palstaves; 5 copper alloy 'Sussex Loop' bracelets; 8 copper alloy finger rings; 4 copper alloy tutuli (with fragments); 4 sheet gold discs; 1 copper alloy lozenge-headed pin; 19 amber beads (with fragments); 4 copper alloy
The Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) is a voluntary programme run by the United Kingdom government to record the increasing numbers of small finds of archaeological interest found by members of the public. The scheme started in 1997 and now covers most of England and Wales. Finds are published at
The 'Sussex loop' bracelets and Quoit-headed pins are insular varieties of Middle Bronze Age ornaments that are found only in southern England (Roberts 2007, 143; Pendleton in prep). 'Sussex loop' bracelets in particular are only found within the vicinity of Brighton. They are often found in pairs
The distribution of the object types in the 'Near Lewes' hoard varies from the common and the local to the rare and the exotic. There are not only typical local and regional forms but also forms which are either rare or currently unknown in Britain and instead have continental origins. The Group 2
Items suggested for inclusion into the Treasure assemblage originate generally from Contexts 2 and 3: Context 2 being the backfill of the metal detected hole where the vessel and majority of the assemblage was found; Context 3, which consisted of subsoil throughout the trench, could be included if
The County Archaeologists, HER Officer, and Finds Liaison Officer hope to return to the site as soon as possible to conduct geophysical survey, due to the discovery of a deep cut in the chalk, potentially indicating the end of a ditch or enclosure at one corner of the trench (Feature 4, Contexts 5
57 Copper alloy spiral twisted torc in 1 piece, but with 1 end missing a terminal and the other missing a terminal and part of the body. It is formed from a twisted rod tapering toward the two missing ends. The round form of the torc is misshapen and slightly twisted. The patina is a strong yellow
31 Copper alloy tutulus. Single metal sheet tutulus in 2 broken parts (cone and horizontally extending flange fragment) that join together to make a flat platform which the cone rises from. Out the top of the cone is a pin which is unattached and moves through a hole in the top. The pin has a head
30 Copper alloy coiled spiral twisted finger ring. One twisted bar coiled on itself 3 times making a ring. The twisted section is more visible on the inside of the ring, although slightly worn twists are also visible on the outside. The patina is corroded and has patches of green and white, except
27 Copper alloy coiled plain finger ring. One plain round sectioned copper alloy bar coiled on itself 5 times to make a ring. The surface of the ring is pitted, with green and white corrosion, with sections of shiny brown underneath. The ring is misshaped with the last two loops deformed. The ring
3. Copper alloy (Rowlands Type: Class 2, group 2 side flanged). It has a prominent medial rib running from the centre of the stop ridge down the blade. The stop ridge is squared and the patina is green except for areas such as the medial rib that are (or once were) prominent which are polished and
There has never been a closely comparable hoard found in Britain beyond the little known from West Ashling hoard, West Sussex (Needham unpublished) which is of a similar size but still lacks the gold discs, 'Sussex Loop' bracelets and palstaves but contains spearhead fragments, saws and awls. The
The objects in the 'Near Lewes' hoard can be dated typologically to the Middle Bronze Age (c. 1500-1100 BC). Their dating can be broken down according to type and metalwork phase (see Needham 1996, Needham et. al. 1997). The two Class 2 Group 2 side flanged palstaves, can be placed in the Taunton
Context 3 yielded a mixture of objects that seemed to be relatively mixed in dating; however, a few pieces of possible Bronze Age vessel were discovered that would be appropriate for inclusion in the treasure case, as it is likely they were part of the vessel. I would suggest that most items from
Context 2 yielded a few additional objects, mostly fragments of amber beads, presumably from the coiled necklaces, two fragments of which had been found with beads still attached during the initial recovery by the finder. In addition to amber beads, a small amount of further coiled fragments were
41 Gold appliqué disc made from thin foil using a repoussé technique. It is decorated by embossing three concentric bands and then incising parallel dashes around a raised central dome. The disc bears a backward lip around the edge. The disc is warped by a large fold and is misshapen with the lip
39 Gold appliqué disc made from thin foil using a repoussé technique. It is decorated by embossing three concentric bands and then incising parallel dashes around a raised central dome. The disc bears a backward lip around the edge. The disc appears complete but the shape has been deformed on one
5. Copper alloy Sussex loop with lozenge cross section. The loop is made from one twisted bar. The patina of the Sussex loop is a shiny yellowish colour but with extensive green and white corrosion over all surfaces, consequently no identification can be made of any nick patterning which might be
10. Necklace fragment. Copper alloy spiral rolls and wire. The coil's wire has a round section. 13 small spiralled fragments and a piece of wire. The spirals are all corroded similarly and are a chalky grey colour with occasionally patches of green. The wire is less corroded and has a smooth and
33 Copper alloy tutulus. Single metal sheet cone section of tutulus with large chips and breaks at the base. Out the top of the cone is a pin which is unattached and moves through a hole located in the centre and at the top of the cone. The pin has a head which prevents it escaping all the way
8. Copper alloy Sussex loop. Lozenge section. The loop is made from one twisted bar. The patina of the Sussex loop is polished and shiny with a yellowish tint. The form is slightly misshapen which has led the terminals becoming unwrapped from the loop. Patches of green and white corrosion. The
13. 9 necklace fragments. Copper alloy spiral roll coiled around a central wire. 1 major additional section of spiral roll and multiple fragments of copper alloy coils. The spiral has a round section. Patina has patches of white and green corrosion throughout the group with copper colour wire
59 Copper alloy spiral twisted torc in 4 pieces. It is formed from a twisted rod with square section, which survives in 2 large sections, tapering toward the 2 plain terminals which have become detached. All breaks appear to be corroded which suggests they are old, but the form can be easily
24 Copper alloy coiled plain finger ring. One plain round sectioned copper alloy bar coiled on itself 3 times to make a ring. The patina is corroded and is mostly grey green in colour. The inside of the ring is smooth, grey and shiny and is less corroded. One of the terminus' has been broken
Further to the initial discovery and removal of the majority of the hoard, excavations were undertaken on 8th April 2011 in order to explore the context of the hoard, particularly focusing on the exact location of the Middle Bronze Age vessel and its immediate context. As the conditions for
present. A break where the bracelet arm opens out to form the loop gives a large amount of mobility to that section, though the bar remains wrapped around the loop at the clasp. The end of one of the terminals is broken. Corrosion on both surfaces of the break suggests that the break is old.
35 Necklace fragment with amber bead. Copper alloy spiral rolls with an amber bead on a central wire. The coil's wire has a round section. The reddish-brown amber bead is sub-circular. The spirals and wire are all corroded similarly and are a chalky grey colour with occasionally patches of
19 Copper alloy quoit headed pin stem without loop. The pin is curved slightly toward the tip, and is bent upwards. The pin gets thinner towards the tip which is sharp. The patina is green, white and corroded except for patches of smooth shiny yellow/brown which gets darker toward the
1395: 214:
4. Copper alloy Sussex loop bracelet. Plain and round-sectioned. The loop is made from one twisted bar. The patina of the Sussex loop is highly polished and shiny with sections of green and white corrosion especially towards and on the clasp. One of the clasp ends is
21 Pin with a Lozenge-shaped plate attached, in 5 fragments. The Lozenge plate has a fixed loop attached to the reverse. All breaks on the 4 rod sections appear corroded. Small length of copper alloy wire. A possible sixth fragment was identified and has been added
28 Copper alloy coiled plain finger ring. One plain round sectioned copper alloy bar (with hammering) coiled on itself 3 times to make a ring. The patina is corroded and has patches of green and white, with a slight shiny yellow brown coming through underneath the
17 Copper alloy quoit headed pin fragment broken into 3 sections with nick decoration along both edges of the rim of the head. Fragments appear to consist of the fork section and a separate section from the loop broken into 2 fragments. Patches of white and green
23 Copper alloy coiled plain finger ring. One plain round sectioned copper alloy bar coiled on itself 3 times to make a ring. The patina is corroded in patches of green and white, except for a section that runs vertically down the bars which is smooth grey and
60. Ceramic vessel. The rim and several parts of the upper body are missing with the base and lower body surviving. It may well be part of a plain large urn or a plain bucket urn. The remaining vessel is undecorated with a plain smooth surface and flint
which prevents it escaping all the way through. The patina of the tutulus cone is green and corroded with a patch that is smooth and brown. The flange fragment is also green and corroded and there is evidence of a raised stripe pattern around the edge.
flattened out on one side. The lip edge is damaged with 3 small tears. The back surface is largely covered by thick white deposit. The front surface has a band of green corrosion deposit and a band of thick white deposit along one side of the disc.
7. Copper alloy Sussex loop. Plain round section. The loop is made from one twisted bar. Extensive green and white corrosion with bubbling effect over all surfaces. Some evidence of a matt yellowy patina underneath from the condition of the
20 Copper alloy quoit headed pin stem with missing loop. The bottom third of the pin is bent at an approximate right angle. The pin gets thinner towards the tip which is sharp. Large patches of green and white corrosion, with some
Needham, S.P., Bronk Ramsay, C., Coombs, D., Cartwright, C., & Petitt, P. 1997. An independent chronology for British Bronze Age metalwork: the results of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Programme. Archaeology Journal 154,
reconstructed and retains its shape. The patina is a shiny rich grey with yellow highlights and large sections of white and green corrosion. There are two large pits across the peak of the spiral decoration which appear recent.
6. Copper alloy Sussex loop. Plain round section. The loop is made from one twisted bar. The patina of the Sussex loop is highly polished and shiny with some scratches and large sections of green and especially white
1063:– You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. 430:
move freely through a hole, located in the centre at the top of the cone. The patina of the tutulus is light green/grey and corroded. The cone's flange has a raised flat section that curves around the base.
626:& 7 listed below). This type of feature seems to be consistent with other Middle Bronze Age hoards and vessels which have been discovered within the direct vicinity of enclosures from the period. 388:
angle which slants the overall appearance of the ring. There are small chips on the 4th, 5th and 6th coil which reveals reddish corrosion deposits. The larger terminus has been broken off.
Needham, S.P. unpublished. Copper alloy metalwork from the Summersdale area of Chichester, West Sussex. Bronze Age material from the assemblage is now known as the West Ashling Hoard
11. Necklace fragment. Copper alloy spiral roll. Half of the roll is chalky and corroded and the half of the fragment is a shiny grey colour. The coil wire has a round section.
report will be forthcoming, but will not necessarily be appropriate to the valuation of the treasure assemblage which has been fully represented within this report.
flattening and bears some small patches of a white deposit on the back surface as well as on the front and some patches of a green corrosion deposit on the front.
for two vertical sections (one larger than the other) that run down the bars which are smooth and grey. One of the terminals is much thinner than the other.
twisted torcs; as well as fragments of coiled spiral ring necklaces and quoit headed pins were located within and excavated with one large ceramic vessel.
2 Bronze Age ceramic fragments, residual and undiagnostic lithic waste, medieval- post medieval ceramic fragments, a piece of shell, 1 clay pipe fragment
941: 870:
Rowlands, M. J 1976. The Production and Distribution of Metalwork in the Middle Bronze Age in Southern Britain. British Archaeological Reports 31 (ii)
60: 56: 52: 48: 42: 844:
Hawkes, C.F.C. 1942. The Deverel Urn and the Picardy pin.: a phase of Bronze age settlement in Kent. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 8, 26-47
1 large fragment of ceramic building material and 20 smaller fragments, 3 pieces of modern glass, 1 ceramic fragment and 1 red earthenware fragment.
Drewett, P. 1982. Later Bronze Age Downland Economy and Excavations at Black Patch, East Sussex. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 48: 321-400
Treasure Case 2011 T192 'Near Lewes' Hoard: The Barbican House Museum in Lewes and the Sussex Archaeological Society haveacquired the assemblage.
a) Copper alloy wire clasp in 3 fragments. Patina is a distinctive very dark grey Weight: 5.00g, Diameter of wire 2.35mm, Total Length 110.49mm.
Smith, M.A. 1959a. Some Somerset hoards and their place in the Bronze age of Southern Britain. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 25:144-87
The following list is a catalogue of the objects found during the excavations which should be included in the Treasure report and evaluation:
73: 201:
and the blade and butt tip are heavily corroded. The blade tip end is slightly miscast and there is evidence of casting sprues on one side.
105: 512:
45 Amber bead, flat profile with a round shape and reddish-brown in colour, pierced hole is particularly round. Probably for a necklace.
983: 867:
Pendleton, C. in prep A possible small Middle Bronze Age hoard from Lakenheath, Suffolk and a re-examination of small quoit-headed pins
48 Amber bead, flat profile with an oval shape and reddish-brown in colour. Length-wise crack in surface. Probably for a necklace.
Weight: 2.8g, Max Length (fragments joined together): 39.70mm, Max Width (fragments joined together): 35.12mm, Max Height: 15.43mm
Weight: 2.9g, Max Length (fragments joined together): 39.82mm, Max Width (fragments joined together): 28.07mm, Max Height: 21.49mm
b) 2 copper alloy wire fragments (not certainly joined), one u shaped and one linear. Weight: 9.4g, Diameter of wire 2.96-4.16mm.
1196: 1160: 1232: 1555: 532:
49 Amber bead, flat in profile with a sub-round shape, cracked on one side. Reddish brown in colour. Probably for a necklace.
This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it.
Weight: 7.00g, Diameter of wire 2.34mm, Diameter of coils 5.57mm, Length: 64.53mm Bead: max length 15.13mm max width 10.22mm
1070: 638:
this context should not be included, so it is the prerogative of the specialist if this context should be included in part.
detached from the object. The patina is chalky, corroded, yellowy grey in colour, and has small sporadic patches of green.
1323: 1289: 1252: 1216: 1144: 552:
53 Amber bead, round shape in two pieces (a +b). Reddish brown in colour. Break appears recent. Probably for a necklace.
1180: 1127: 826:
Coombs, D. 1971. Late Bronze Age metalwork in the south of England. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.
13 iron nail fragments, 1 iron bolt fragment and 3 iron unidentified fragments all dating to post-medieval to modern
outside edge surface has a number of nicks which may potentially be tool marks or incised decoration of the surface.
12. Necklace fragment. 2 pieces of copper alloy spiral roll coiled around wire. The coil wire has a round section.
54 Broken amber bead, reddish brown in colour, comprising just over half of the bead. Originally round in shape.
Ellison, A. 1980. The Bronze Age of Sussex. In P.L. Drewett (ed.) Archaeology in Sussex: essays for Eric Holden
1026: 398:
Weight: 19.4g, Estimated External Diameter: 29.29mm, Estimated Internal Diameter: 18.74mm, Max Height: 19.48mm
Weight: 33.4g, Estimated External Diameter: 29.17mm, Estimated Internal Diameter: 19.51mm, Max Height: 21.65mm
Kubach, W. 1977. Die Nadeln in Hessen und Rheinhessen. Prähistorische Bronzefunde XIII, 3. Munich: C.H. Beck.
Weight: 33.1g, Estimated External Diameter: 27.96mm, Estimated Internal Diameter: 21.10mm Max Height: 24.61mm
Weight: 24.1g, Estimated External Diameter: 28.43mm, Estimated Internal Diameter: 19.72mm Max Height: 16.18mm
If the file has been modified from its original state, some details may not fully reflect the modified file.
colour with large patches of green and white. The broken ends are highly corroded which suggests old breaks.
Weight: 45g, Estimated External Diameter: 34.04mm, Estimated Internal Diameter: 20.72mm, Max Height: 20.92mm
Weight: 14.2g, Estimated External Diameter: 26.37, Estimated Internal Diameter: 20.67mm, Max Height: 13.32mm
Weight: 15.4g, Estimated External Diameter: 24.17mm, Estimated Internal Diameter: 19.32, Max Height: 12.12mm
Smith, M.A. (ed.) 1959b. Middle Bronze Age hoards from Southern England. Inventaria Archaeologica. 7, 42-47
Needham, S. P. 1996. Chronology and periodisation in the British Bronze age. Acta Archaeologica 67, 121-140
The objects qualify as Treasure under the stipulations of the Treasure Act (1996) (Designation Order 2002).
corroded areas (the butt mainly) which appear chalky in texture and are grey. The cutting edge is chipped.
1603: 1069:– If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the 879:
Sprockhoff, E. 1956. Jungbronzezeitliche Hortfunde Der SĂĽdzone Des Nordischen Kreises (Periode V) Band I
Weight: 5.3g, Diameter of wire 2.00mm, Diameter of coils 5.57mm Length: 55.69. Diameter of bead 12.11mm.
50 Amber bead, flat in profile with a round shape and reddish-brown in colour. Probably for a necklace.
1394: 1389: 1023: 64: 37: 1422:
The following pages on the English Knowledge use this file (pages on other projects are not listed):
52 Amber bead, flat profile with a round shape and reddish-brown in colour. Probably for a necklace.
51 Amber bead, flat profile with an oval shape and reddish-brown in colour. Probably for a necklace.
47 Amber bead, flat profile with a round shape and reddish-brown in colour. Probably for a necklace.
46 Amber bead, flat profile with an oval shape and reddish-brown in colour. Probably for a necklace.
44 Amber bead, flat profile with an oval shape and reddish-brown in colour. Probably for a necklace.
underneath and ends are sufficiently corroded to prevent reconstruction except by thickness of wire.
1639: 829:
Cunliffe, B. 1970. Bronze Age settlement at Chalton, Hants (Site 78). Antiquaries Journal 50, 1-13.
Square shafted Fe fragment, possibly nail or hook: Length 71.0mm, Thickness 8.0mm, weight 11.24 gms
Laux, F. 1976. Die Nadeln in Niedersachsen. Prähistorische Bronzefunde XIII, 4. Munich: C.H. Beck.
a layer of patchy green and white corrosion deposits with some areas of the metal surface visible.
43 Amber bead, flat profile with a round shape and reddish-brown in colour. Probably for necklace.
42 Amber bead, flat profile with a round shape and reddish-brown in colour. Probably for necklace.
Portable Antiquities Scheme, BM, FindID: 437360, bronze age, page 5450, batch primary count 18488
through the top. The patina is dark and light green, heavily corroded and covered in small bumps.
smaller and begin to coil towards the inside of the ring rather than on top of the previous coil.
113: 864:
O'Connor, B. 1980. Cross-Channel relations in the later Bronze Age. BAR International Series 91.
1524: 1449: 462:
37 Spherical bead. ?possibly faience or ceramic with white inclusions and damage on one side.
The break between pin and loop is largely un-corroded which suggests it is relatively recent.
935: 486:
Weight: 0.8g Max diameter: 35.50mm. Depth: 8.48mm. Thickness of foil at edge of disc 0.13 mm
972: 962: 967: 665:
No photographs have been taken of these objects before transport to the British Museum.
Weight: 49.6g External Diameter: 30.11mm Internal Diameter: 20.29mm Max Height: 17.22mm
Burgess, C. 1964. A palstave from Chepstow. The Monmouthshire Antiquary 1 (4), 267-72.
1621: 1466: 493:
Weight: 1.6g Max diameter: 39.71mm. Depth: 13.04 mm. Thickness of foil at lip 0.25 mm
Weight: 4.1g, Estimated diameter (fragments joined together) 49.03mm, Height: 20.45mm
100: 562:
55 Broken amber bead fragments, reddish brown in colour. Surface is pitted and worn.
Weight: 1.1g Max diameter: 34.62 mm. Depth: 7.83mm. Thickness of foil at lip 0.26 mm
Weight: 0.8g, Max diameter: 37.37mm. Depth: 3.37mm. Thickness of foil at lip 0.39 mm
1495: 675:
61. Copper alloy coil necklace frag: Length 12.7mm, diam 5.7mm, weight 0.85 grams
1681: 1426: 751:
Bag containing 6 assorted pieces of ceramic and flint: bagged weight 18.07 grams
Beck, C., & Shennan, S., 1991. Amber in Prehistoric Britain. Oxford: Oxbow.
74. Copper alloy coil necklace frag: Length 23.8mm, diam 6.5mm, weight 1.85 gms
1405: 841:
Eluère, C. 1982. Les Ors Prehistoriques. L'age du bronze en France 2. Picard.
1459: 745:
24.4 gms, largest fragment length 30.8mm, max width: 29.3mm thickness 11.8mm
Curwen, E.C. 1954. The Archaeology of Sussex. 2nd edition. London: Methuen.
76. Copper alloy necklace shaft: Length 26.3mm, diam 2.5mm, weight 0.79 gms
65. Amber bead, incomplete: Diam 12.4mm, thickness 1.3mm, weight 0.46 grams
64. Amber bead, incomplete: Diam 18.5mm, thickness 7.9mm, weight 0.90 grams
Largest fragment max height175mm, max thickness 14.25mm; max diameter 245mm
Briard, J. 1966, Les Dépôts bretons et l'âge du Bronze Atlantique. Rennes.
Total Weight: 226.3g, Total max diameter 199.64 mm, Max Thickness: 10.51mm
Weight: 2.0g, Max Length: 29.63mm, Max Width: 27.39mm, Max Height: 20.98mm
1476: 743:
79. 1 bag containing 11 Bronze Age ceramic fragments: total bagged weight
75. Copper alloy coil necklace frag: Length 24.6mm, diam 4.9mm, 1.48 gms,
70. Amber bead, incomplete: Diam 14.4mm, thickness 8.2mm, weight 0.64 gms
63. Amber bead, complete: Diam 15.0mm, thickness 7.4mm, weight 0.88 grams
62. Amber bead, complete: Diam 15.8mm, thickness 8.0mm, weight 0.97 grams
Weight: 76.4g, Length: 159.5 mm, Width: 158.17 mm, Max Thickness: 6.19mm
Weight:18.6g, Max Length: 131.48mm, Max Width: 68.10, Thickness: 4.92mm,
68. Amber bead, fragment: Length 10. 5mm, width 6.8mm, weight 0.14 gms
66. Amber bead, fragment: Length 18.0, width 10.9mm, weight 1.29 grams
a) Length: 55.15mm, Diameter of wire 2.36mm, Diameter of coils 5.85mm.
Weight: 11.5g, Diameter of wire 3.43mm, Diameter of coils 3.86-7.94mm.
72. Amber bead, fragment: Length 6.09mm, width 4.4mm, weight 0.17 gms
71. Amber bead, fragment: Length 15.7mm, width 7.4mm, weight 0.66 gms
69. Amber bead, fragment: Length 10.0mm, width 6.3mm, weight 0.11 gms
67. Amber bead, fragment: Length 15.2mm, width 6.8mm, weight 0.17 gms
Joined loop fragments (2) Total Length: 68.24 mm, Max Width: 19.27 mm
78. Copper alloy coil necklace fragment: Diam 4.9mm, weight 0.07 gms
73. Amber bead, fragment: Length 9.2mm, width 5.6mm, weight 0.07 gms
16 Two hooks forming a copper alloy wire clasp, ?Necklace fragments.
Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time.
The Portable Antiquities Scheme/ The Trustees of the British Museum
15 Copper alloy wire with tip bent at a right angle. ?Pin fragment.
b) Length: 57.91mm, Diameter of wire 2.15mm, Length of wire 55.16mm
1 round stone ball, possibly natural: diam 20.4mm, weight 7.88 gms
77. Copper alloy hook: Length 16.1mm, diam 1.71mm, weight 0.51 gms
Total Weight: 36.4g , Max Length: 188.99 mm, Max Width: 128.31 mm
Weight: 4.5g, Diameter of wire 2.06mm, Diameter of coils 4.78mm.
88: 293:
Diameter of wire section: 2.4mm, Diameter with coils: 4.76mm
4 body fragments with a max diameter between 50mm and 150mm
brown. The butt's tip is grey, pitted and heavily corroded.
a) Weight: 53.9g, Length: 193.39 mm, Max Thickness: 6.85mm
a) Weight: 51.7g, Length: 168.50 mm, Max Thickness: 6.78mm
Weight: 165.6g , Max Length: 80.34 mm, Max Width: 79.85 mm
Weight: 255.4g , Max Length: 83.55 mm, Max Width: 72.72 mm
Weight: 351.1g , Max Length: 90.06 mm, Max Width: 76.87 mm
b) Weight 30.0g, Length: 176.67 mm, Max Thickness: 6.68mm
Weight: 345.4g, Max Length: 90.38 mm, Max Width: 81.49 mm
Weight: 210.6g, Max Length: 86.93 mm, Max Width: 71.54mm
Weight: 50.11g, Max Length: 172.98mm, Max Width: 69.66mm
Weight: 604.1g, Max Length: 182.49mm, Max Width: 74.00mm
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948: 594:
b) Weight 2.8g, Length: 31.21 mm, Max Thickness: 3.34mm
Weight: 20.9g, Max Length: 154.65mm, Max Width: 75.67mm
Weight: 2.1g, Diameter of coil: 4.28mm, Length: 58.7mm.
Weight: 537.9g, Max Length: 172.8mm, Max Width: 64.49mm
Weight: 2.6g, Diameter of wire 2.43mm, Length 55.67mm.
Weight: 3.2g, Diameter of wire: 3.18, Length: 47.89mm.
78:(3,008 Ă— 2,000 pixels, file size: 1.79 MB, MIME type: 963:
The British Museum, Janina Parol, 2012-07-12 15:55:24
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132: 112:
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322:Fork part Max Length: 92.63mm, Max Width: 71.39 mm 564:a) Weight less than 0.1 g, max diameter 7.65 mm 1080: 295:Estimated diameter of complete necklace: 172mm 93: 1086:Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 1004: 566:b) Weight less than 0.1 g, max length 5.56 mm 8: 613:29 fragments with a max diameter under 50 mm 1046:– to copy, distribute and transmit the work 658:Context 8: Cut created by Metal Detectorist 646:Context 2: Backfill of Metal Detected hole 1442: 1364: 1107: 554:Total weight 0.3 g, total diameter 8.86mm 590:Total Weight 56.7g, Total length: 212.68 559:Total weight 0.5 g, max diameter 18.63mm 1705: 1697: 1689: 1679: 1671: 1663: 1655: 1647: 1637: 1629: 1619: 1611: 1601: 1593: 1572: 1564: 1553: 1545: 1537: 1529: 1519: 1511: 1503: 1492: 1484: 1474: 1464: 1454: 1424: 1337: 1321: 1303: 1287: 1266: 1250: 1230: 1214: 1194: 1178: 1158: 1142: 1125: 1122: 1103: 1096: 1444: 607:Total weight of all fragments 2330.8g 360:22 Copper alloy fragments of tutulus. 7: 1353: 1027:Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic 1015: 1010: 656:Context 7: Fill of below Context 5 326:Total Weight of 3 fragments: 23.4g. 1435: 1116: 1110: 1001: 169: 125: 71: 1115: 509:Weight 0.3g, Max Diameter 10.02mm 260:chalky and slightly yellow/white. 229:Thickness of bar at clasp 10.11mm 1486:Date and time of data generation 1101: 1057:Under the following conditions: 1022:This file is licensed under the 1014: 1009: 1003: 939: 905:(County of findspot) East Sussex 891:Ben Roberts (Bronze Age Curator) 92: 21: 1098: 465:Weight: 1.1g Diameter: 10.80mm. 170: 14: 1097: 990:Attribution-ShareAlike License 544:Weight 0.3g, Diameter 13.12 mm 354:(weigh and measure separately) 26: 1: 1710:A directly photographed image 549:Weight 0.1g, Diameter 7.70 mm 534:Weight 0.3g, Diameter 10.43mm 529:Weight 0.4g, Diameter 11.60mm 514:Weight 0.3g, Diameter 10.04mm 504:Weight 0.5g, Diameter 13.19mm 220:Max thickness of bar 10.34 mm 31: 1665:DateTimeDigitized subseconds 1471:1/13 sec (0.076923076923077) 1123:Items portrayed in this file 894:Stephanie Smith (Sussex FLO) 885:Morn Capper (Future Curator) 539:Weight 0.2g, Diameter 9.76mm 524:Weight 0.2g, Diameter 9.48mm 519:Weight 0.2g, Diameter 9.64mm 499:Weight 0.2g, Diameter 8.99mm 256:Max thickness of bar 8.71 mm 247:Max thickness of bar 9.21 mm 238:Max thickness of bar 9.98 mm 1657:DateTimeOriginal subseconds 1566:Date and time of digitizing 913:between 1500 BC and 1100 BC 357:Weight: Total Weight 113.8g 1727: 1694:One-chip color area sensor 1673:Supported Flashpix version 1071:same or compatible license 134: 1574:Meaning of each component 1531:File change date and time 1354: 888:Kasia McBride (Volunteer) 135: 16: 1100: 1037: 654:Context 6: Chalk bedrock 630:found to be appropriate. 457:shiny yellow underneath. 99:This is a file from the 1411: 978: 958: 931: 917: 909: 901: 650:Feature 4: ?cut feature 164: 154: 144: 103:. Information from its 1595:Image compression mode 1390:08:51, 2 February 2017 926:Filename: DSC_5683.JPG 395:coils now at an angle. 300:14. Copper alloy wires 106:description page there 41:Size of this preview: 1613:Maximum land aperture 1505:Horizontal resolution 1702:Digital still camera 949: 924:Old ref: SUSS-C5D042 65:3,008 Ă— 2,000 pixels 1649:DateTime subseconds 1539:Y and C positioning 1513:Vertical resolution 1446:Camera manufacturer 1052:– to adapt the work 652:Context 5: Fill of 617:Excavation Addendum 363:Total Weight: 4.00g 47:Other resolutions: 1644:Flash did not fire 1569:15:43, 13 May 2011 1534:15:43, 13 May 2011 1489:15:43, 13 May 2011 1268:0.076923076923077 777: 648:Context 3: Subsoil 644:Context 1: Topsoil 618: 572:Total weight 81.7g 282:Total weight: 8.3g 267:shiny brown patch. 190: 181: 180:Curatorial Report: 61:1,280 Ă— 851 pixels 57:1,024 Ă— 681 pixels 1714: 1713: 1616:4.4 APEX (f/4.59) 1550:Aperture priority 1450:NIKON CORPORATION 1415: 1181:copyright license 1109: 994: 993: 987: 984:Reusing this file 954: 953: 775: 772:2 shell fragments 616: 188: 179: 121: 120: 101:Wikimedia Commons 1718: 1547:Exposure Program 1443: 1402: 1342: 1271: 1145:copyright status 1093: 1090: 1087: 1084: 1081: 1073:as the original. 1035: 1024:Creative Commons 1018: 1017: 1013: 1012: 1007: 1006: 981: 943: 942: 936: 918:Accession number 725:No central shaft 677:No central shaft 174: 140: 133: 117: 96: 95: 89: 83: 81: 68: 53:640 Ă— 426 pixels 49:320 Ă— 213 pixels 43:800 Ă— 532 pixels 1726: 1725: 1721: 1720: 1719: 1717: 1716: 1715: 1431: 1423: 1416: 1408: 1400: 1356: 1355: 1352: 1351: 1350: 1349: 1348: 1347: 1346: 1345: 1343: 1340: 1330: 1329: 1328: 1326: 1315: 1314: 1313: 1312: 1311: 1310: 1309: 1308: 1306: 1296: 1295: 1294: 1292: 1281: 1280: 1279: 1278: 1277: 1276: 1275: 1274: 1272: 1269: 1259: 1258: 1257: 1255: 1244: 1243: 1242: 1241: 1240: 1239: 1238: 1237: 1235: 1223: 1222: 1221: 1219: 1208: 1207: 1206: 1205: 1204: 1203: 1202: 1201: 1199: 1187: 1186: 1185: 1183: 1172: 1171: 1170: 1169: 1168: 1167: 1166: 1165: 1163: 1151: 1150: 1149: 1147: 1136: 1135: 1134: 1133: 1132: 1130: 1114: 1113: 1112: 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1332: 1331: 1327: 1322: 1320: 1319: 1318: 1317: 1316: 1307: 1304: 1302: 1301: 1300: 1299: 1298: 1297: 1293: 1288: 1286: 1285: 1284: 1283: 1282: 1273: 1267: 1265: 1264: 1263: 1262: 1261: 1260: 1256: 1251: 1249: 1248: 1247: 1246: 1245: 1236: 1231: 1229: 1228: 1227: 1226: 1225: 1224: 1220: 1215: 1213: 1212: 1211: 1210: 1209: 1200: 1195: 1193: 1192: 1191: 1190: 1189: 1188: 1184: 1179: 1177: 1176: 1175: 1174: 1173: 1164: 1159: 1157: 1156: 1155: 1154: 1153: 1152: 1148: 1143: 1141: 1140: 1139: 1138: 1137: 1131: 1126: 1124: 1121: 1120: 1119: 1118: 1117: 1106: 1105: 1102: 1099: 1077: 1076: 1075: 1074: 1064: 1055: 1054: 1053: 1047: 1040:You are free: 1031: 1021: 1020: 1002: 999: 996: 992: 991: 988: 976: 975: 960: 956: 955: 952: 951: 944: 933: 929: 928: 922:FindID: 437360 921: 919: 915: 914: 911: 907: 906: 903: 902:Depicted place 899: 898: 769:TN11 Context 5 754:TN11 Context 3 671:TN11 Context 2 168: 166: 162: 161: 158: 156: 152: 151: 148: 146: 142: 141: 137: 131: 129: 126: 124: 119: 118: 97: 87: 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361: 358: 355: 352: 348: 345: 341: 338: 334: 331: 327: 325: 323: 320: 316: 314: 311: 309: 307: 305: 303: 301: 298: 297:Weight: 49.1g 296: 294: 291: 287: 285: 283: 280: 277: 274: 271: 268: 264: 261: 258: 257: 255: 252: 248: 246: 243: 239: 237: 234: 230: 228: 225: 221: 219: 216: 212: 209: 205: 202: 198: 195: 191: 186: 182: 177: 173: 167: 163: 157: 153: 147: 143: 127: 115: 108: 107: 102: 98: 91: 90: 84: 75: 74:Original file 66: 62: 58: 54: 50: 44: 39: 33: 30: 28: 25: 23: 20: 18: 15: 1631:Light source 1496:focal length 1456:Camera model 1439: 1436: 1361: 1358:File history 1324:focal length 1066: 1060: 1049: 1043: 893: 890: 887: 884: 881: 878: 875: 872: 869: 866: 863: 858: 855: 852: 849: 846: 843: 840: 837: 834: 831: 828: 825: 822: 819: 816: 813: 810: 803: 799: 795: 791: 787: 783: 779: 774: 771: 768: 765: 762: 759: 756: 753: 750: 747: 742: 739: 735: 732: 727: 721: 717: 714: 711: 708: 705: 702: 699: 696: 693: 690: 687: 684: 681: 673: 670: 667: 664: 660: 643: 640: 636: 632: 628: 624: 620: 615: 603: 596: 589: 585: 582: 578: 568: 561: 556: 551: 546: 541: 536: 531: 526: 521: 516: 511: 506: 501: 498: 495: 492: 488: 485: 481: 478: 474: 471: 467: 464: 461: 455: 449: 446: 442: 439: 435: 432: 428: 425: 421: 418: 414: 411: 407: 404: 400: 397: 393: 390: 386: 383: 379: 376: 372: 369: 365: 362: 359: 356: 353: 349: 346: 342: 339: 335: 332: 328: 321: 317: 312: 299: 292: 288: 281: 278: 275: 272: 269: 265: 262: 253: 249: 244: 240: 235: 231: 226: 222: 217: 213: 210: 206: 203: 199: 196: 192: 187: 183: 178: 176: 171: 145:Photographer 138:Sussex loop 114:You can help 104: 72: 22:File history 1699:File source 1682:Color space 1427:Sussex loop 1161:copyrighted 1067:share alike 1061:attribution 932:Credit line 605:inclusions. 165:Description 159:Sussex loop 1707:Scene type 1418:File usage 1375:Dimensions 1341:millimetre 979:Permission 971:Artefact: 814:References 808:Conclusion 776:Discussion 730:With shaft 402:corrosion. 319:corrosion. 233:corrosion. 80:image/jpeg 27:File usage 1525:Ver.1.00 1460:NIKON D50 1401:(1.79 MB) 1372:Thumbnail 1369:Date/Time 1233:Nikon D50 998:Licensing 966:Catalog: 344:bubbling. 189:Catalogue 172:English: 1542:Co-sited 1477:F-number 1433:Metadata 1290:f-number 1104:Captions 1050:to remix 1044:to share 1029:license. 215:chipped. 32:Metadata 1634:Unknown 1626:Pattern 1558:version 1516:300 dpi 1508:300 dpi 1386:current 1381:Comment 1128:depicts 1108:English 882:Authors 409:colour. 128:Summary 76:‎ 1270:second 959:Source 861:55-107 451:green. 367:shiny. 242:clasp. 1640:Flash 1500:35 mm 1494:Lens 351:here. 155:Title 1686:sRGB 1561:2.21 1556:Exif 1481:f/14 1378:User 1092:true 1089:true 910:Date 337:tip. 17:File 1339:35 706:--- 679:--- 374:off 1668:00 1660:00 1652:00 1585:Cr 1582:Cb 1407:Fæ 1305:14 63:| 59:| 55:| 51:| 45:. 1676:1 1608:0 1598:4 1579:Y 986:) 982:( 306:. 116:. 82:) 67:.


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