
File:The Conspiracy of the Batavians under Claudius Civilis (Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn) - Nationalmuseum - 17581.tif

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liberation from Spanish rule. In 1597 the northern provinces seceded from the empire of the Spanish Habsburgs and established a republic “the Seven United Provinces”. Tacitus’s account was chosen as the motif for some of the paintings decorating the walls of Amsterdam’s Town Hall. Begun in 1648, the Town Hall and was the Republic’s largest building project. It was intended to symbolise its power and wealth. The commission to depict the struggle for liberation by their ancestors originally went to Govaert Flinck, one of Rembrandt’s pupils. Flinck had hardly started the work before his sudden and untimely death. Rembrandt was then asked to complete the motif of the oath of loyalty, which was the only one Flinck had started. Following tradition, Flinck placed the Batavians and Romans on equal terms, painting them in classical armour. Rembrandt chose instead to follow Tacitus’s account more closely. In Rembrandt’s interpretation of Tacitus, Claudius Civilis dominates the scene in his costly garments and tall blue and orange headdress. He raises his heavy sword majestically to enable the men around the table to swear their oath of loyalty to him. According to legend, Claudius had lost an eye while prisoner of the Romans. Rembrandt defies tradition by depicting him full-face, so that the lack of one eye cannot be concealed. Rembrandt completed the work in 1662 and the monumental painting was hung in its intended place. Later in the same year it was removed for unknown reasons. There are no contemporary documents to explain why it was not allowed to remain, but a number of scholars believe that Rembrandt’s unconventional presentation did not please those who had commissioned the work. His style, with the use of light and shadow and thick layers of paint, was also somewhat old-fashioned at a time when history painting was increasingly characterised by austere classicism.
liberation from Spanish rule. In 1597 the northern provinces seceded from the empire of the Spanish Habsburgs and established a republic “the Seven United Provinces”. Tacitus’s account was chosen as the motif for some of the paintings decorating the walls of Amsterdam’s Town Hall. Begun in 1648, the Town Hall and was the Republic’s largest building project. It was intended to symbolise its power and wealth. The commission to depict the struggle for liberation by their ancestors originally went to Govaert Flinck, one of Rembrandt’s pupils. Flinck had hardly started the work before his sudden and untimely death. Rembrandt was then asked to complete the motif of the oath of loyalty, which was the only one Flinck had started. Following tradition, Flinck placed the Batavians and Romans on equal terms, painting them in classical armour. Rembrandt chose instead to follow Tacitus’s account more closely. In Rembrandt’s interpretation of Tacitus, Claudius Civilis dominates the scene in his costly garments and tall blue and orange headdress. He raises his heavy sword majestically to enable the men around the table to swear their oath of loyalty to him. According to legend, Claudius had lost an eye while prisoner of the Romans. Rembrandt defies tradition by depicting him full-face, so that the lack of one eye cannot be concealed. Rembrandt completed the work in 1662 and the monumental painting was hung in its intended place. Later in the same year it was removed for unknown reasons. There are no contemporary documents to explain why it was not allowed to remain, but a number of scholars believe that Rembrandt’s unconventional presentation did not please those who had commissioned the work. His style, with the use of light and shadow and thick layers of paint, was also somewhat old-fashioned at a time when history painting was increasingly characterised by austere classicism.
nordliga provinserna i de spanska habsburgarnas imperium ut och bildade republiken ”De sju förenade provinserna”. Historien valdes som motiv för nĂ„gra av vĂ€ggdekorationerna i Amsterdams rĂ„dhus. RĂ„dhuset pĂ„börjades 1648 och var ett av republikens största byggnadsprojekt. Huset blev en symbol för dess makt och rikedom. Uppdraget att pĂ„ fyra av rĂ„dhusets vĂ€ggfĂ€lt skildra förfĂ€dernas frihetskamp, gavs ursprungligen till Govaert Flinck, en av Rembrandts elever. Flinck hann knappt pĂ„börja arbetet innan han plötsligt och ovĂ€ntat avled. Rembrandt blev dĂ„ ombedd att slutföra motivet med trohetseden, vilket var det enda som Flinck hade pĂ„börjat. Flinck hade följt traditionen och mĂ„lat bataver och romare som likvĂ€rdiga parter i klassiska rustningar. Rembrandt valde istĂ€llet att mera troget följa Tacitus text. I Rembrandts tolkning av Tacitus behĂ€rskar Claudius Civilis scenen genom sina dyrbara klĂ€der och den höga huvudbonad i blĂ„tt och orange. MajestĂ€tiskt höjer han sitt tunga svĂ€rd för att lĂ„ta mĂ€nnen runt bordet svĂ€ra honom sin trohetsed. Enligt legenden förlorade Claudius sitt ena öga nĂ€r han satt fĂ€ngslad hos romarna. Rembrandt trotsar traditionen genom att avbilda hövdingen framifrĂ„n sĂ„ att hans enögdhet inte kan undgĂ„ nĂ„gon. 1662 var Rembrandt klar och den monumentala mĂ„lningen sattes pĂ„ plats. Senare samma Ă„r togs mĂ„lningen av okĂ€nda skĂ€l ned. Det finns inga samtida dokument som förklarar varför mĂ„lningen inte fick sitta kvar, men flera forskare tror att Rembrandts okonventionella framstĂ€llningssĂ€tt inte uppskattades av bestĂ€llarna. Rembrandts stil med ljusdunkelmĂ„leri och tjock fĂ€rgpĂ„lĂ€ggning var ocksĂ„ nĂ„got omodern i en tid dĂ„ historiemĂ„leriet alltmer kommit att prĂ€glas av en kylig klassicism.
nordliga provinserna i de spanska habsburgarnas imperium ut och bildade republiken ”De sju förenade provinserna”. Historien valdes som motiv för nĂ„gra av vĂ€ggdekorationerna i Amsterdams rĂ„dhus. RĂ„dhuset pĂ„börjades 1648 och var ett av republikens största byggnadsprojekt. Huset blev en symbol för dess makt och rikedom. Uppdraget att pĂ„ fyra av rĂ„dhusets vĂ€ggfĂ€lt skildra förfĂ€dernas frihetskamp, gavs ursprungligen till Govaert Flinck, en av Rembrandts elever. Flinck hann knappt pĂ„börja arbetet innan han plötsligt och ovĂ€ntat avled. Rembrandt blev dĂ„ ombedd att slutföra motivet med trohetseden, vilket var det enda som Flinck hade pĂ„börjat. Flinck hade följt traditionen och mĂ„lat bataver och romare som likvĂ€rdiga parter i klassiska rustningar. Rembrandt valde istĂ€llet att mera troget följa Tacitus text. I Rembrandts tolkning av Tacitus behĂ€rskar Claudius Civilis scenen genom sina dyrbara klĂ€der och den höga huvudbonad i blĂ„tt och orange. MajestĂ€tiskt höjer han sitt tunga svĂ€rd för att lĂ„ta mĂ€nnen runt bordet svĂ€ra honom sin trohetsed. Enligt legenden förlorade Claudius sitt ena öga nĂ€r han satt fĂ€ngslad hos romarna. Rembrandt trotsar traditionen genom att avbilda hövdingen framifrĂ„n sĂ„ att hans enögdhet inte kan undgĂ„ nĂ„gon. 1662 var Rembrandt klar och den monumentala mĂ„lningen sattes pĂ„ plats. Senare samma Ă„r togs mĂ„lningen av okĂ€nda skĂ€l ned. Det finns inga samtida dokument som förklarar varför mĂ„lningen inte fick sitta kvar, men flera forskare tror att Rembrandts okonventionella framstĂ€llningssĂ€tt inte uppskattades av bestĂ€llarna. Rembrandts stil med ljusdunkelmĂ„leri och tjock fĂ€rgpĂ„lĂ€ggning var ocksĂ„ nĂ„got omodern i en tid dĂ„ historiemĂ„leriet alltmer kommit att prĂ€glas av en kylig klassicism.
43: 443: 1414: 225: 1448: 1423: 1178: 1122: 1105: 1088: 1071: 992: 968: 953: 938: 794: 781: 730: 569: 515: 265: 257: 164: 1433: 1930: 774: 703: 1360: 1158: 1742: 204: 767: 588:“Civilis summoned the leaders of the tribe and those prepared to fight for liberty to a sacred grove ostensibly for a banquet and when he beheld that their senses had been overcome by the nocturnal festivities he began to speak of the honour and glory of the tribe and went on to list the wrongs they had suffered. His words met with great acclaim and he bonded them together with patriotic oaths and barbaric rites.” 532:“Civilis summoned the leaders of the tribe and those prepared to fight for liberty to a sacred grove ostensibly for a banquet and when he beheld that their senses had been overcome by the nocturnal festivities he began to speak of the honour and glory of the tribe and went on to list the wrongs they had suffered. His words met with great acclaim and he bonded them together with patriotic oaths and barbaric rites.” 210: 158: 819: 693: 347: 198: 602:”Civilis sammankallade stamhövdingarna och frihetskĂ€mparna bland folket till en helig lund med en festmĂ„ltid som förevĂ€ndning, och nĂ€r han sĂ„g att den nattliga festyran gripit deras sinnen, började han tala om deras stams heder och Ă€ra, och han fortsatte med att rĂ€kna upp de oförrĂ€tter de lidit. Hans ord vĂ€ckte stort bifall, och han band dem alla samman genom fosterlĂ€ndska eder och barbariska riter.” 546:”Civilis sammankallade stamhövdingarna och frihetskĂ€mparna bland folket till en helig lund med en festmĂ„ltid som förevĂ€ndning, och nĂ€r han sĂ„g att den nattliga festyran gripit deras sinnen, började han tala om deras stams heder och Ă€ra, och han fortsatte med att rĂ€kna upp de oförrĂ€tter de lidit. Hans ord vĂ€ckte stort bifall, och han band dem alla samman genom fosterlĂ€ndska eder och barbariska riter.” 1251: 687: 192: 1317: 1225: 103: 73: 69: 65: 61: 57: 53: 47: 82: 114: 604:
SÄ beskriver den romerske historikern Tacitus början pÄ germanfolket batavernas uppror mot romarna, som Àgde rum pÄ 100-talet under ledning av deras stamhövding Claudius Civilis. Batavernas frihetskamp fick under 1600-talet manifestera Hollands frigörelse frÄn det spanska vÀldet. 1597 bröt sig de sju
SÄ beskriver den romerske historikern Tacitus början pÄ germanfolket batavernas uppror mot romarna, som Àgde rum pÄ 100-talet under ledning av deras stamhövding Claudius Civilis. Batavernas frihetskamp fick under 1600-talet manifestera Hollands frigörelse frÄn det spanska vÀldet. 1597 bröt sig de sju
This is how the Roman historian Tacitus describes the beginning of the revolt during the 2nd century by the Germanic Batavian tribe against the Romans under the leadership of their chief, Claudius Civilis. The Batavians’ struggle for liberty was used in the 17th century as an emblem for Dutch
This is how the Roman historian Tacitus describes the beginning of the revolt during the 2nd century by the Germanic Batavian tribe against the Romans under the leadership of their chief, Claudius Civilis. The Batavians’ struggle for liberty was used in the 17th century as an emblem for Dutch
Nationalmuseum has placed those images in the Public Domain which have been acquired exclusively by digital reproduction of those works of art that are no longer protected by copyright. Nationalmuseum does not consider that a new copyright emerges for the reproduction.
Today a painting of the same motif by another of Rembrandt’s pupils, Jurian Ovens hangs on the same wall of Amsterdam’s Town Hall. The master’s own bold interpretation can now be seen here, somewhat smaller in size, at the Nationalmuseum, Stockholm,
Today a painting of the same motif by another of Rembrandt’s pupils, Jurian Ovens hangs on the same wall of Amsterdam’s Town Hall. The master’s own bold interpretation can now be seen here, somewhat smaller in size, at the
In many jurisdictions, faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are not copyrightable. The Wikimedia Foundation's position is that these works are not copyrightable in the United States (see
Idag pryds vÀggfÀltet i Amsterdams rÄdhus av en mÄlning av samma motiv av ytterligare en elev till Rembrandt, Jurian Ovens. MÀstarens egen djÀrva tolkning av motivet hÀnger i nedskuret format hÀr pÄ Nationalmuseum.
Idag pryds vÀggfÀltet i Amsterdams rÄdhus av en mÄlning av samma motiv av ytterligare en elev till Rembrandt, Jurian Ovens. MÀstarens egen djÀrva tolkning av motivet hÀnger i nedskuret format hÀr pÄ Nationalmuseum.
1985: 1741: 1736: 42: 1782: 1792: 1763:|style=information field}} |artist = {{Creator:Rembrandt}} |title = {{en|The Conspiracy of the Batavians under Claudius Civilis}} {{sv|Batavernas... 336: 1134: 1082: 1830: 1807: 1802: 1256: 1671: 442: 1413: 1325:
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Rembrandt van Rijn, Birth name: Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn
1975: 1970: 1950: 1422: 1121: 1087: 984: 1840: 1447: 1234: 1104: 1070: 991: 793: 624: 568: 514: 780: 729: 191: 1347:
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Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn: Batavernas trohetsed till Claudius Civilis. NM 578
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678: 87:(5,228 × 3,348 pixels, file size: 50.09 MB, MIME type: 1960: 1793:
User:Jane023/Paintings in the Nationalmuseum Stockholm
The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis (cut-down), 1661–62
The Conspiracy of the Batavians under Claudius Civilis
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1163:This file was provided to Wikimedia Commons by the 1375: 1274: 751: 628:medium QS:P186,Q296955;P186,Q12321255,P518,Q861259 1881:Benutzerin:Jane023/GemĂ€lde von Rembrandt van Rijn 960: 930: 639:height: 196 cm (77.1 in); width: 309 cm (10.1 ft) 1861:UsuĂ ria:Jane023/Llista d'obres de Rembrandt 1232:The author died in 1669, so this work is in the 1064: 102: 1951:Gebruiker:Jane023/schilderijen door Rembrandt 1808:User:Jane023/Rembrandt catalog raisonnĂ©, 1914 1803:User:Jane023/Rembrandt catalog raisonnĂ©, 1908 149: 8: 1441: 46:Size of this JPG preview of this TIF file: 2103: 1871:Wikipedista:Wesalius/Seznam děl Rembrandta 1711: 1471: 1446: 1421: 1291: 1199: 1120: 1103: 1086: 1069: 990: 966: 951: 936: 935:, 17 January 1945 - 18 February 1945  792: 779: 728: 567: 513: 482:Batavernas trohetsed till Claudius Civilis 263: 255: 1823:The following other wikis use this file: 1798:User:Jane023/Paintings in the Rijksmuseum 1327:Europeanas Public Domain Usage Guidelines 950:, 3 October 1945 - 17 February 1946  1971:AnvĂ€ndare:Jane023/Nationalmuseum samling 2245: 2237: 2227: 2219: 2211: 2203: 2195: 2187: 2179: 2171: 2163: 2155: 2137: 2129: 2121: 2113: 2105: 1906:Utilisateur:Louis-garden/protoencours00 1775: 1649: 1633: 1613: 1597: 1577: 1561: 1541: 1525: 1505: 1489: 1486: 1467: 1460: 1409: 1381:Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0 1280:Creative Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0 965:, 12 January 1956 - 15 April 1956  1359: 1941:Coniuratio Iulii Civilis (Rembrandus) 1773:The following 8 pages use this file: 1316: 1224: 7: 1976:AnvĂ€ndare:AndrĂ© Costa (WMSE)/Natmus2 946:MĂ€sterverk i Nationalmusei samlingar 246:Dutch painter, printmaker and drawer 1921:La Conspiration de Claudius Civilis 1788:User:Jane023/Paintings by Rembrandt 1700: 1393:Commons:Reuse of PD-Art photographs 1050:The Complete Paintings of Rembrandt 2096: 2072:Usage on 1616:The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis 1544:The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis 1508:The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis 1480: 1474: 1442:The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis 1230: 1112:Google Arts & Culture asset ID 1040:Rembrandt catalogue raisonnĂ©, 1908 1020:Rembrandt catalogue raisonnĂ©, 1935 1010:A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings VI 1000:Rembrandt catalogue raisonnĂ©, 1968 985:Rembrandt catalogue raisonnĂ©, 1914 596: 582: 540: 526: 476: 468: 150:The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis 134: 80: 2062:Usage on 1479: 294:between circa 1625 and circa 1669 1813:User:Jane023/Rembrandt paintings 1465: 1431: 1412: 1358: 1315: 1249: 1223: 1176: 1156: 1078:Nationalmuseum Sweden artwork ID 1030:Rembrandt catalog raisonnĂ©, 1986 817: 772: 765: 701: 691: 685: 441: 345: 223: 208: 202: 196: 190: 162: 156: 101: 31: 21: 1916:Liste de peintures de Rembrandt 1891:Zerrenda:Rembrandten margolanak 1462: 1257:United States public domain tag 597: 583: 541: 527: 477: 469: 14: 1986:ĐžĐ±ĐłĐŸĐČĐŸŃ€Đ”ĐœĐœŃ:Đ Đ”ĐŒĐ±Ń€Đ°ĐœĐŽŃ‚ ĐČĐ°Đœ Đ Đ”ĐčĐœ 1652:file available on the internet 1461: 656:dimensions QS:P2049,366U174728 653:dimensions QS:P2048,253U174728 644:dimensions QS:P2049,309U174728 641:dimensions QS:P2048,196U174728 26: 1: 2118:Foto Nationalmuseum Stockholm 724:Ministry of Culture of Sweden 659:dimensions QS:P5524,19U174728 36: 2046:User:Kringln/Sitelink report 1487:Items portrayed in this file 1244:life plus 100 years or fewer 1837:Usage on 1827:Usage on 907:institution QS:P195,Q842858 498:object_type QS:P31,Q3305213 2269: 2233:Adobe Photoshop CS Windows 2197:Bytes per compressed strip 2082:Usage on 1992:Usage on 1982:Usage on 1967:Usage on 1957:Usage on 1947:Usage on 1937:Usage on 1927:Usage on 1897:Usage on 1887:Usage on 1877:Usage on 1867:Usage on 1857:Usage on 1847:Usage on 809: 799: 786: 758: 735: 717: 709: 698: 673: 439: 138: 2239:File change date and time 1701: 1528:digital representation of 1366: 1265: 1196:for the following reason: 1167:(Stockholm) as part of a 813: 803: 790: 762: 741:Södra Blasieholmshamnen 2 739: 721: 713: 699: 674: 341: 334: 304: 301: 293: 290: 271: 250: 245: 242: 235: 232: 221: 179: 139: 16: 2189:Number of rows per strip 1464: 1255:You must also include a 1185: 1173:with Wikimedia Sverige. 108:This is a file from the 1758: 1405: 1140: 1130: 976: 922: 912: 666: 633: 620: 612: 557: 521: 503: 488: 463: 272:Location of birth/death 189: (1606–1669)  170: 112:. Information from its 1831:Ù…Ű€Ű§Ù…Ű±Ù‡ ÙƒÙ„ÙˆŰŻÙŠÙˆŰł ŰłÙŠÙÙŠÙ„ÙŠŰł 1420:image with frame  115:description page there 2205:Horizontal resolution 1737:09:52, 7 October 2016 2181:Number of components 1911:Utilisateur:Kretuski 1333:to comply to them. 563:Gaius Julius Civilis 435:artist QS:P170,Q5598 262:4 October 1669  74:5,228 × 3,348 pixels 70:2,560 × 1,639 pixels 2242:13:10, 1 March 2005 2213:Vertical resolution 2173:Image data location 1170:cooperation project 1131:Source/Photographer 251:Date of birth/death 52:Other resolutions: 2157:Compression scheme 2139:Bits per component 2076:Rembrandt van Rijn 1754:AndreCostaWMSE-bot 1331:no legal liability 923:Exhibition history 719:Parent institution 254:15 July 1606  66:1,280 × 820 pixels 62:1,024 × 656 pixels 2256: 2255: 2165:Pixel composition 1819:Global file usage 1766: 1473: 1458: 1457: 1400: 1399: 1373: 1372: 1310: 1309: 1272: 1271: 1260: 1218: 1217: 1184: 1183: 1149: 1146:Reusing this file 904: 903: 432: 431: 233:Alternative names 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File:The Conspiracy of the Batavians under Claudius Civilis (Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn) - Nationalmuseum - 17581.tif
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The Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis

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