
History of mining in Sardinia

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696:. In 1851 the Genuese company "Unione Sulcis e Sarrabus" acquired the research permits in the area of Monte Narba, in the comune of San Vito. In 1885 the French engineer Leon GoĂĽin founded in Genua the "SocietĂ  Tacconis-Sarrabus" for the exploitation of the Tacconis mine. In 1888 GoĂĽin himself constituted in Paris the "SocietĂ© des mines de Rio Ollastu". In its most flourishing period the ore body of the Sarrabus employed up to 1500 workers, distributed among the mines of Masaloni, Giovanni Bonu, Monte Narba, Per'Arba, Baccu Arrodas, Tuviois, S'erra e S'Ilixi and Nicola Secci. Just to have a more precise idea of the quality value of the silver ore body of the Sarrabus we can say that, while in the rest of the world the average silver revenue for 100 kilograms of lead was swaying around 200/300 grams, in the body of the Sarrabus was achieved an average of 1 kilogram for 100 kilograms. In Baccu Arrodas the assays were much higher. 507:
project of the National Society came to nothing. The opening of a great number of companies was marked by the same protagonists of the project of the National Society, in order to hold anyway the majority of the highest possible number of permits. The majority of mining societies operating in Sardinia depended then on a non-Sardinian capital money. A remarkable exception was the Sardinian manager Giovanni Antonio Sanna, who achieved in 1848 a perpetual concession on about 1200 hectares located in the area of Montavecchio. Not all societies that were founded in this period had the techniques to launch themselves on the market, many of these went bankruptcy and some other got fused giving birth to greater and more reliable Societies.
from the continent. Most of times the management of mining societies that operated on the island was set on criteria that could have been quietly defined as colonial; that is why very often these were confined to the exploitation of the richest parts of mined veins, transferring then out of Sardinia the mined material that was processed on plants located on the continent. The large proceeds coming from the exploitation of Sardinian mines were not invested again on the spot unless to ease the operation of the company. Sella's inquiry did not reveal the economic treatment inequities between Sardinian miners and those with a continental origin, not to mention the need to found a school for foundrymen and mining managers in
territory of the island and eighteen were limited to the circle of Iglesias. The assigners of the territory of the island had to pay to the Treasury 10% of the value of the extracted mineral. The first attempt to enhance the activity of the silver vein of Sarrabus, that had been relinquished for more than one thousand years, dates back to this period. In fact, on 6 June 1622 a certain Gio. Antonio Agus was granted a permit of prospecting around Monte Narba, near the town of San Vito. After no longer than four hundred years the Spanish dominion on Sardinia ended as a consequence of the events connected to the
369:) and tunnels. The ongoing vein or of the mineral lens was followed, so that the operation extension was quite limited. To grab on the rocky mass, picks, wedges and other hand tools were employed; sometimes fire was used to break out harder rocks. The working week started at noon on Monday and ended at noon on Saturday. Miners worked for 12 hours a day and during the week they could not leave their work. During summer season operations were stopped because of the unwholesome climate, being mostly coastal areas stricken by the plight of 684:
in which productions reached the value of two millions lire. From the three mines that were constituted on the ore body in 1871, they increased to ten within twenty years to decrease later in order to become only one when it came to close it for good. In Sarrabus it came to a real quest for silver: together with big societies, such as the Society of Lanusei and the society of Monteponi, many extemporised diggers of valuable metals demanded hundreds of permits to carry out mineral searches on the territories of the towns of
and 2% of the silver for the first 4 years, 5% for the following 6 years and 10% for the remaining 20 years. The obligatory taxes had to be paid at the dispatch for exported commodities and within six months for those that had been sold into the island. The new company, boosted especially by Mandel, introduced some technological innovations, among which the use of the explosive during mining operations. Handwoks skilled in mining industry were brought to Sardinia especially from Germany. Mandel also built by
following modification of 1859 in order to be more favourable for mining entrepreneurs, a swift development of researches and mining, an increase in production and employed hands was recorded. In 1870 the permits for research, that were 83 by the end of 1861 increased to 420 and the concessions from 16 to 32, The extracted mineral increased from 9,379,800 kilograms in 1860 to 127,924,600 kilograms in 1868 while its value got five times as high achieving in 1868–1869 the amount of £13.464.780.
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be performed was required, but, if the owner of the ground opposed the request and the refusal was not considered adequately evidenced, the Police chief could act officially to allow the permit. The only obligation due to the concessionary was to pay to the Treasury three per cent of the value of mined minerals and to pay the damages to the landowners for caused damage. This law was fully enacted in Sardinia only in 1848, after the "
173:, whereas lead was used in most various fields of civil life, from crockery to water pipes. Sardinia was ranked as the third region, among all Roman dominions, after Spain and Brittany, in the amount of worked metals. Mining production during the whole period of Roman rule was assessed at about six hundred thousand tons of lead and one thousand tons of silver. The mining industry of the Romans was not limited to the basin of the 417: 739: 1023: 400:
Spanish after that, the mining industry knew a continuous decay; Sardinia, that for centuries had been one of the most important productive areas for silver, ended up importing the valuable material that was by then coming in large amounts from the Spanish settlements in the New World. Even in this period Sardinian mines did not totally cease to be active, in fact a small domestic market remained.
453: 324:, that were at first allied against the Muslim emir Musa who had taken possession of some areas of the island, were afterwards competing for the dominion on the weak judge states. The defiance ended up in favour of Pisa. The peace of 1087AD between Genoese and Pisans brought, during the period that immediately precedes the Aragonese conquest, the predominance of Pisa across the whole of Sardinia. 428:, who acquired the title of Kings of Sardinia. The State of the Savoy boosted again the mining industry. Even under the Piedmontese mining was connected to the assignment of general concessions for the execution of research and mining operations on the whole territory of the island. The first who obtained this kind of concession, that lasted twenty years, were Pietro Nieddu and Stefano Durante. 1084: 636: 676: 492: 488:" between Sardinia and the countries on the continent under the rule of the House of Savoy had completed. The new act eased the achievement of mining concessions, calling back onto the island many managers, particularly from Liguria, Piedmont, and the first Societies, with the purpose of exploiting the promising Sardinian ore bodies. 143: 358:. In this codex the regulations of mining industry, particularly the silver prospecting, plays a major role. The crimes against mining were punished with the utmost rigour: the death penalty was provided for those who stole silver or silvery minerals but also for the foundrymen who mined silver from stolen materials. 608:. Within a short time this invention revolutionised the mining techniques allowing the operation at relatively low costs even in humid yards. Meanwhile, the uneasiness of Sardinia within the recently constituted Italian State was growing up. In 1867 Sardinian members of parliament asked Prime Minister 448:
Among the shortcomings that should be ascribed to Belly there is also the lack of exploitation of the rich silver vein in Sarrabus, the potentiality of which Mandel had already guessed. Belly maintained it was too costly to mine in this field because of the inaccessible ground and the difficulties in
In 1740 the general concession, lasting thirty years, was assigned to the British Charles Brander, to the baron Karl von Holtzendorf and to the Swedish consule in Cagliari Karl Gustav Mandel. According to the agreement, the concessionaries should pay to the King's Treasury 12% of the extracted galena
It has been calculated that Sardinian mines had supplied Pisa with almost 15 tons a year of the valuable metal in the period stretching from the end of the 12th century to the beginning of the 14th century. Under the Tuscan comune, in the period of brightest splendour the mines around Villa di Chiesa
Within a short period from fifteen million tons of mined minerals in 1871, the year in which the discovery of the Mine of Monte Narba was declared, 2000 average tons a year were achieved and produced within the ten years between 1880 and 1890, that Rolandi defined as "silvery ten-year-span-of-time",
The steady development of mining industry led to the flow of technicians (engineers and geologists) and board employees from other regions of the kingdom. Because of the poor level of education and technical preparation of Sardinian hands, even the majority of qualified hands employed in mines came
In 1840 the new mining act was passed, which prescribed the separation of property of ground from that of the underground. According to the new act everyone intending to carry out mining prospecting would require authorization: a permit written by the owner of the ground on which the research was to
In 1762 the direction of Sardinian mines came into the hands of the Director of the mining district Pietro De Belly, who hampered private mining industry maintaining it was more profitable for the State to exploit directly the richness of Sardinian underground. Belly tried also to reintroduce forced
Among these there was also the "SocietĂ  Nazionale per la coltivazione di miniere in Sardegna" of Genua that tried in vain to achieve general concession. This kind of concession was in fact formally forbidden by the new act, in order to prevent the establishment of monopolies in mining industry. The
Everyone in the territory of the Argentiera could undertake a mining industry, often for this purpose some companies whose participants (parsonavili) possessed quotations of society (trente) were founded. Some members of these companies, so called "bistanti" confined themselves to tender to advance
In the Iglesiente, the Pisans resumed the operations of the Romans by opening new shafts and bringing back to daylight the old veins. The strong mining industry, just like political, economic and social life, was ruled by some laws that were gathered in a codex divided into four books, better known
in the central-eastern part of the island. Monte Arci was one of the most important Mediterranean centres for mining and processing of this volcanic glass in the area. As a matter of fact at least seventy processed hectares of land and about 160 steady or temporary settlements have been found from
communication network was also highlighted: Sella points out that the main mining companies demanded to be able to build, at their own expense, new telegraph lines in order to make communications faster. Such purpose was though made useless by the act that guaranteed the State the monopoly in the
Under Spanish domination it was decided to subordinate the mining activities to the grant of concessions from the State administration. At least forty concessions for exploration and exploitation of Sardinian ore bodies were assigned. Eight of them were general concessions, extended to the whole
practices, probably exported there from the Eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea, expanded into Sardinia too, where they reached a highly practical level. Silver extraction was one of the earliest in Europe, known since the early Chalcolithic. Together with metal working, mining practices also
From his report the growing importance of the knowledge of the topic emerged within the Italian economy. In 1868–1869 in Sardinian mines there were 9,171 employees, almost three times as many as in 1860. In fact, following the extension to Sardinia of the mining act of 1840 of Piedmont and its
against the sale of the State-owned grounds. After that a parliamentary inquiry commission headed at constituted a document of extraordinary importance for the knowledge of the topic. During a journey that lasted 18 days Sella, accompanied by the engineer Eugenio Marchese, manager of the mining
Following the total conquest of the island, the Aragonese tried to enhance the silver mining industry: duties were lightened and also taxes and rights owed to the crown for metals. Such policy though could not return Sardinian mines to their past prosperity. Under Aragonese domination first and
The Aragonese crown took upon the rights concerning the exploitation of the rich ore bodies of the silver ore in order to avoid disputes between Aragonese nobles for the mineral richness of the zone. The mining industry level in this period was remarkably reduced if compared to the one of Pisan
Ugolino operated on a territory of about 590 square kilometers (230 sq mi), called Argentaria del Sigerro for the richness of its underground in silver minerals. He supported moreover the moving into the island of some Tuscan hands, skilled in mining and more generally he tried to
859:"Silver in Neolithic and Eneolithic Sardinia, in H. Meller/R. Risch/E. Pernicka (Eds.), Metalle der Macht – Frühes Gold und Silber. 6. Mitteldeutscher Archäologentag vom 17. Bis 19. Oktober 2013 in Halle (Saale), Tagungen des Landesmuseums für Vorgeschichte Halle 11 (Halle (Saale), 2014" 476:. At the beginning of the 19th century in Sardinia there were 59 mines, mainly of lead, iron, copper and silver. With the renewal of the fervour of mining, some Piedmontese adventurers and from some other European countries had their go too. Among them there was also the French novelist 436:
a large lead foundry. He was though accused by the Real Intendance of neglecting the exploration of new mines confining himself to exploit the existing ones. An enquiry was also opened for alleged fiscal illegalities that led in 1758 to the repeal of the concession of Mandel.
More and more isolated from the centre of the Byzantine Empire, Sardinia saw in this period the establishment, for the first time in its history, of a real administrative and political autonomy. The island was reorganised into four sovereign and independent kingdoms: the
648:. The report ended with the recommendations that more capital should be invested to improve mining industry, first of all the emergency of building a road network between mines and of completing railways. The need of carrying out and developing an adequate 554:. Some German influenced building and toponym is still visible in this area. The contemporaneous migration flow from the Italian peninsula towards the Sardinian mining areas of Iglesiente was more considerable and more stable; these miners came mostly from 118:, where there are some traces of excavations and wastes of fusion ascribable to this period. An intense metal working activity, both in excavation and in fusion, is evidenced by its archaeological viewpoint, by the large ore bodies rich in metal of 522:
for the exploitation of lead mineral in previously processed waste and not so much later of a second one in Fluminimaggiore. In 1862 the two foundries of Serpieri produced 56% of the whole Sardinian lead that had been excavated by previous waste.
For Sardinia the steady plunderings of the Arabs along the coast had been, for a long spell of time, an impending danger that provoked the depopulation of wide coastal areas and the migration of the people towards the inner side of the island.
rule. During the Byzantine rule the mining industry and the metal working activity scored a certain rebirth and silver became again one of the most important export products of Sardinia, although around 700AD trade traffic in the
181:), in fact they knew and definitely exploited rich silver ore bodies of Sarrabus, the importance of which the geographer Solinus was referring to when he wrote: "India ebore, argento Sardinia, Attica melle" ("India is famous for 219:
In the late Roman era, the Sardinian mining industry diminished significantly and, due to the limited needs of the island's market, many mines were relinquished and some of these, like those of the Sarrabus, were forgotten.
The year before, in 1871, the Italian mining activity had known the birth of a new industry. With the ultimate discovery and the beginning of mining, of silver-bearing vein of Saarabus, even in Italy the production of
570:. According to an 1882 census realised by the French engineer Leon GoĂĽine, in the south-western Sardinian mines worked 9.780 miners, 3.571 of which were of mainland Italian origin; most of them settled in Iglesias and 216:
prevented any metallari from moving to the island. There was a fear that the extraordinary richness of Sardinian ore bodies might threaten the silver mines of Spain that were owned by the Emperor.
carrier) comes from Eugenio Marchese, then manager of the mining district of Sardinia, bringing it back to the records of an ancient processing of the precious metal around the village of
to shatter rocks. Workers were free miners first, called "metallari" and from about 190 onwards were slaves and prisoners called "damnati ad effodienda metalla." In 369 the emperor
became the owner of the Montevecchio Mine, localised in the South West of Sardinia, it was the main mining site in Italy. He started modern industrial mining activity in the area.
From Sella's report it also comes out that, in order to ease the transportation of mineral to the landing points, up to 1870 the mining societies had built about 30 kilometers of
1213: 907: 384:. The loss of the island, but first of all of its silver mines, was the commencing of the fall of the Tuscan city that was pressed on the continent by its rivals 955: 196:
The mining development in the Roman era consisted mainly of excavations and shafts — some more than one hundred meters deep — using hand tools and sometimes
to the primatial church of Santa Maria of Pisa, as evidence of the ever-closer political links between the weak Sardinian States and the Tuscan comune.
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for a greater commitment of the State to alleviate poverty conditions of the people on the island. In April 1868 the social malaise caused in
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Ancient traders and conquerors, attracted by the astonishing underground riches, were drawn to the island's coast. Evidence of ancient
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and the upheaval of the mercenaries who were stationed on the island. In 226 BC, Sardinia was granted the status of a Roman province.
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The last years of the 18th century were anyway important years for Sardinian mining industry; traces of iron were discovered near
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decreed that each ship landing at Sardinia should pay a tax of 5 solidi for each metallarius on board. Afterwards the emperors
communications in the area. Only within the following century the mineral value of south-eastern region was discovered again.
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who in 1838 started off a disastrous enterprise that had the purpose of exploiting ancient lead-bearing wastes of the Nurra.
596:, and in fact that year in the mine of Malfidano in Bugerru, the famous "calamine" (zinc silicates) were found. About 1868 1051: 405: 1359: 1354: 1127: 1120: 1041: 338:, enhanced a new start for the mining industry in his dominions in Sardinia and particularly in what is now Iglesiente. 1110: 1364: 1071: 106:
The geographical position of the island and its mining asset, attracted, between the tenth and the 8th century BC,
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From 1865 onward lead and silver, by then the most extracted minerals on the island, were added to a third one,
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From the viewpoint of mining history the Pisan rule seems to be quite well supplied with documentary evidence.
In the 1930s there was extensive emigration from the mainland during the Fascist government when people from
At the beginning of the 9th century in fact, under the patronage of the Papal Court, that was then ruled by
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Relazione alla Commissione Parliamentare d'Inchiesta sulle condizioni dell'industria mineraria in Sardegna
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Atti della commissione parliamentare d'inchiesta sulla condizione degli operai delle miniere in Sardegna
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Under the Romans mining activity grew strongly, first of all as far as rich gold ore bodies of lead and
297:, but it is reasonable to maintain that mining industry was not relinquished at all. In 1131 the judge 43: 1142: 1105: 1100: 1061: 511: 298: 278: 270: 78:
The long mining history of Sardinia started probably around the 6th millennium BC with the mining of
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began in Sardinia. Carthage was forced to formally cede the island to Rome following defeat in the
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In 1720 following the provisions of the Treaty of the Hague the island came under the rule of the
47: 1293: 1288: 1273: 1268: 1046: 728: 724: 693: 661: 645: 347: 313: 309: 551: 1330: 1312: 1305: 1191: 1056: 997: 317: 246: 1300: 1263: 1223: 1186: 732: 621:
district of Sardinia, visited the main mines and the metal-working factories of the island.
609: 321: 241: 754:, today preserves the ancient mines and the ex mining villages that are become examples of 70: 381: 282: 155: 941: 584: 485: 442: 425: 416: 213: 201: 166: 114:. Phoenicians and Carthaginians deeply exploited the mining richness, above all in the 365:
The operations developed around the digging of ditches and in depth thanks to shafts (
1343: 170: 123: 111: 99: 672:
minerals was commenced. A new production cycle lasting about forty years had begun.
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processing is given in the many placenames connected with mining: examples include
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developed allowing the mining of growing amounts of minerals and then of metals.
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There are only a few documents left of the mining history of the period of the
1317: 1083: 720: 689: 539: 519: 457: 433: 331: 174: 115: 83: 39: 35: 1233: 649: 293: 262: 956:"ABB to supply control system for Enel's 590MW Grazia Deledda Sulcis plant" 1238: 1228: 1218: 1027: 1022: 685: 657: 597: 572: 559: 555: 535: 469: 389: 346:
was the founding and the development of the town of Villa di Chiesa, now
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repopulate his dominions. The main aim of the demographic policy of the
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work in mines and for this reason he merited in 1771 a criticism from
751: 716: 712: 704: 700: 669: 527: 473: 465: 209: 186: 162: 127: 88: 59: 55: 16: 380:
In the years around 1326AD Pisa lost its Sardinian dominions to the
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Quintino Sella in Sardegna. Ricordi dell'ingegner Eugenio Marchese
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came to Sardinia to populate the new mining towns founded in the
In 1872 the seat of the Sardinian Mining District was moved from
593: 131: 993: 908:"Quando i bergamaschi occuparono le case : Notedarchivio" 817:
Paesaggi ed architetture delle miniere in Sardegna da salvare
the historical events of Sardinia split up from those of the
became somewhat difficult because of the plunderings of the
Dall'ossidiana all'oro: sintesi di storia mineraria sarda
970:"Parco Geominerario Storico e Ambientale della Sardegna" 616:
big unrest: the whole population raised cries shouting
and to the attempt of reconquest of Cardinal Alberoni.
Since 1850 limited groups of specialised workers from
460:, where was located the main silver mine on the island 810:
La miniera d'argento di Monte Narba, storia e ricordi
1254: 1174: 1141: 1091: 1034: 495:
portrait of the entrepreneur Giovanni Antonio Sanna
796:La legge sulle miniere in Sardegna. Considerazioni 639:Carbonia, the "City of the Coal" founded in 1930's 604:, invented the year before by the Swedish chemist 122:, made up of minerals compounded by oxides and 770:, Roma 1911, tipog. della Camera dei deputati. 87:which obsidian was later exported to Southern 1005: 8: 886:Pietro Leo e Raimondo Garau. Tempi e luoghi 873:Pietro Leo e Raimondo Garau. Tempi e luoghi 1012: 998: 990: 420:Montevecchio mine in the Sulcis-Iglesiente 674: 653:building of these important structures. 634: 583: 451: 415: 69: 923:QUANDO I BERGAMASCHI OCCUPARONO LE CASE 849: 789:Le miniere e i minatori della Sardegna 742:Map of the Geomineral Park of Sardinia 301:donated half of the Argentiera of the 281:, after the title of their sovereign ( 542:in particular in the mining areas of 165:are concerned. Ever since 269 BC the 7: 750:, founded in 1989, and supported by 632:and 1081 kilometers of land roads. 538:began to settle temporarily in the 499:In 1848 the Sardinian entrepreneur 1214:Archaeological and artistic sights 838:Storia della Sardegna dopo l'unità 330:The Pisan family of the Counts of 240:occupation, the island came under 228:Following the fall of the Western 14: 534:, followed by German miners from 110:merchants, that were replaced by 1082: 1021: 236:. After the short period of the 362:the necessary amount of money. 312:, in Sardinian history the two 1156:List of presidents of Sardinia 897:Stefano Musso, op. cit., p.314 875:, Garau, Guspini, 2003, pp. 23 826:, Unione sarda, Cagliari 1994. 679:Museum of the Coal in Carbonia 377:gave shelter to 6500 workers. 23:date back to ancient times in 1: 888:, Garau, Guspini, 2003, p. 20 406:War of the Spanish Succession 822:Mezzolani S., Simoncini A., 819:, volume XIII, Sassari 1993. 815:Mezzolani S., Simoncini A., 808:Mezzolani S., Simoncini A., 782:Igiene e miniere in Sardegna 748:Geomineral Park of Sardinia 146:The mining region of Sulcis 1386: 1370:Economic history of Italy 1328: 1080: 618:su connottu! su connottu! 588:Mine trolleys in Piscinas 580:After Italian unification 336:Ugolino della Gherardesca 169:had employed silver as a 1035:Administrative divisions 731:, supplying Sardinia's 518:founded the foundry of 1246:National football team 743: 692:and, particularly, of 680: 640: 589: 501:Giovanni Antonio Sanna 496: 461: 421: 150:In 238 BC, the era of 147: 75: 19:and the processing of 1204:Sa die de sa Sardigna 1151:Elections in Sardinia 857:Melis, Maria Grazia. 756:industrial archeology 741: 678: 638: 587: 494: 455: 419: 356:Breve di Villa Chiesa 145: 73: 1106:Sardinia and Corsica 299:Gonario II of Torres 288:, meaning "judge"). 1360:Economy of Sardinia 1355:History of Sardinia 1209:Tourist attractions 472:in the vicinity of 958:. NS Energy. 2013. 744: 681: 641: 600:was introduced in 590: 510:In 1858 the exile 497: 462: 422: 314:Maritime republics 148: 98:About 3000 BC the 76: 1365:Industry in Italy 1337: 1336: 1161:Political parties 824:Storie di miniera 733:coal power plants 247:Mediterranean Sea 234:Italian Peninsula 1377: 1285:Corso-Sardinian 1086: 1026: 1025: 1014: 1007: 1000: 991: 985: 984: 982: 981: 972:. Archived from 966: 960: 959: 952: 946: 945: 940:. Archived from 930: 924: 922: 920: 919: 910:. Archived from 904: 898: 895: 889: 882: 876: 869: 863: 862: 854: 812:, Cagliari 1989. 777:, Oristano 1996. 610:Bettino Ricasoli 478:Honoré de Balzac 152:Roman domination 82:at the slant of 44:Funtana Raminosa 1385: 1384: 1380: 1379: 1378: 1376: 1375: 1374: 1350:Mining in Italy 1340: 1339: 1338: 1333: 1324: 1250: 1170: 1137: 1087: 1078: 1030: 1020: 1018: 988: 979: 977: 968: 967: 963: 954: 953: 949: 932: 931: 927: 917: 915: 906: 905: 901: 896: 892: 883: 879: 870: 866: 856: 855: 851: 847: 833:, Firenze 1871. 764: 723:region such as 582: 512:Enrico Serpieri 456:The village of 414: 382:crown of Aragon 226: 189:and Attica for 185:, Sardinia for 156:First Punic War 140: 68: 12: 11: 5: 1383: 1381: 1373: 1372: 1367: 1362: 1357: 1352: 1342: 1341: 1335: 1334: 1329: 1326: 1325: 1323: 1322: 1321: 1320: 1310: 1309: 1308: 1298: 1297: 1296: 1291: 1283: 1282: 1281: 1276: 1266: 1260: 1258: 1252: 1251: 1249: 1248: 1243: 1242: 1241: 1236: 1231: 1226: 1216: 1211: 1206: 1201: 1200: 1199: 1189: 1184: 1178: 1176: 1172: 1171: 1169: 1168: 1163: 1158: 1153: 1147: 1145: 1139: 1138: 1136: 1135: 1130: 1125: 1124: 1123: 1113: 1108: 1103: 1097: 1095: 1089: 1088: 1081: 1079: 1077: 1076: 1075: 1074: 1072:South Sardinia 1069: 1064: 1059: 1054: 1044: 1038: 1036: 1032: 1031: 1019: 1017: 1016: 1009: 1002: 994: 987: 986: 961: 947: 944:on 2001-11-22. 934:"Il progresso" 925: 899: 890: 877: 864: 848: 846: 843: 842: 841: 834: 827: 820: 813: 806: 805:, Torino 1893. 799: 798:, Genova 1869. 792: 791:, Milano 1986. 785: 778: 771: 763: 760: 703:but also from 581: 578: 486:perfect fusion 443:Quintino Sella 426:House of Savoy 413: 410: 334:, embodied by 225: 222: 214:Valentinian II 202:Valentinian II 167:Roman Republic 139: 136: 67: 64: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1382: 1371: 1368: 1366: 1363: 1361: 1358: 1356: 1353: 1351: 1348: 1347: 1345: 1332: 1327: 1319: 1316: 1315: 1314: 1311: 1307: 1304: 1303: 1302: 1299: 1295: 1292: 1290: 1287: 1286: 1284: 1280: 1277: 1275: 1272: 1271: 1270: 1267: 1265: 1262: 1261: 1259: 1257: 1253: 1247: 1244: 1240: 1237: 1235: 1232: 1230: 1227: 1225: 1222: 1221: 1220: 1217: 1215: 1212: 1210: 1207: 1205: 1202: 1198: 1195: 1194: 1193: 1190: 1188: 1185: 1183: 1180: 1179: 1177: 1173: 1167: 1164: 1162: 1159: 1157: 1154: 1152: 1149: 1148: 1146: 1144: 1140: 1134: 1131: 1129: 1126: 1122: 1119: 1118: 1117: 1114: 1112: 1109: 1107: 1104: 1102: 1099: 1098: 1096: 1094: 1090: 1085: 1073: 1070: 1068: 1065: 1063: 1060: 1058: 1055: 1053: 1050: 1049: 1048: 1045: 1043: 1040: 1039: 1037: 1033: 1029: 1024: 1015: 1010: 1008: 1003: 1001: 996: 995: 992: 976:on 2010-06-13 975: 971: 965: 962: 957: 951: 948: 943: 939: 935: 929: 926: 914:on 2012-11-12 913: 909: 903: 900: 894: 891: 887: 884:Piras, Aldo, 881: 878: 874: 871:Piras, Aldo, 868: 865: 860: 853: 850: 844: 839: 835: 832: 828: 825: 821: 818: 814: 811: 807: 804: 801:Marchese E., 800: 797: 794:Marchese E., 793: 790: 786: 783: 779: 776: 772: 769: 766: 765: 761: 759: 757: 753: 749: 740: 736: 735:for decades. 734: 730: 726: 722: 718: 714: 710: 706: 702: 697: 695: 691: 687: 677: 673: 671: 665: 663: 659: 654: 651: 647: 637: 633: 631: 626: 622: 619: 615: 611: 607: 603: 599: 595: 586: 579: 577: 575: 574: 569: 565: 561: 557: 553: 549: 545: 544:Monte Vecchio 541: 537: 533: 529: 524: 521: 517: 513: 508: 504: 502: 493: 489: 487: 481: 479: 475: 471: 467: 459: 454: 450: 446: 444: 438: 435: 429: 427: 418: 412:The Savoy Era 411: 409: 407: 401: 397: 393: 391: 387: 383: 378: 374: 372: 368: 363: 359: 357: 351: 349: 345: 339: 337: 333: 328: 325: 323: 319: 315: 311: 310:Benedict XIII 306: 304: 300: 296: 295: 289: 287: 284: 280: 276: 272: 268: 264: 258: 254: 252: 248: 243: 239: 235: 231: 223: 221: 217: 215: 211: 207: 203: 199: 194: 192: 188: 184: 180: 176: 172: 171:monetary unit 168: 164: 159: 157: 153: 144: 137: 135: 133: 129: 125: 124:iron sulphide 121: 117: 113: 112:Carthaginians 109: 104: 101: 100:metal working 96: 94: 91:and Northern 90: 85: 81: 72: 65: 63: 61: 57: 53: 49: 45: 41: 37: 33: 28: 26: 22: 18: 1132: 978:. Retrieved 974:the original 964: 950: 942:the original 937: 928: 916:. Retrieved 912:the original 902: 893: 885: 880: 872: 867: 852: 840:, Bari 1986. 837: 830: 823: 816: 809: 802: 795: 788: 787:Manconi F., 784:, Roma 1911. 781: 780:Frongia G., 774: 767: 762:Bibliography 745: 698: 682: 666: 655: 642: 627: 623: 617: 606:Alfred Nobel 591: 571: 525: 509: 505: 498: 482: 463: 447: 439: 430: 423: 402: 398: 396:domination. 394: 379: 375: 366: 364: 360: 352: 344:Gherardeschi 340: 329: 326: 307: 292: 290: 285: 259: 255: 230:Roman Empire 227: 218: 198:fire-setting 195: 160: 149: 105: 97: 77: 48:Capo Ferrato 29: 15: 1279:Campidanese 1166:Nationalism 1101:Nuragic era 836:Sotgiu G., 729:Cortoghiana 224:Middle Ages 138:Roman times 52:Gennargentu 50:. The term 1344:Categories 1331:Categories 1318:Tabarchino 1274:Logudorese 1224:Sardinians 980:2012-11-16 918:2012-11-05 845:References 829:Sella Q., 773:Cauli B., 721:Iglesiente 690:Villaputzu 540:Iglesiente 520:Domusnovas 458:Argentiera 434:Villacidro 332:Donoratico 175:Iglesiente 116:Iglesiente 108:Phoenician 84:Monte Arci 74:Monte Arci 66:Prehistory 40:Montiferru 36:Argentiera 1306:Algherese 1294:Sassarese 1289:Gallurese 1269:Sardinian 1256:Languages 1234:Corsicans 1111:Judicates 1047:Provinces 650:telegraph 552:Ingurtosu 514:from the 294:giudicati 263:Giudicati 242:Byzantine 1313:Ligurian 1239:Italians 1229:Catalans 1143:Politics 1128:Monarchs 1121:Viceroys 1062:Oristano 1052:Cagliari 1042:Communes 1028:Sardinia 725:Carbonia 694:San Vito 686:Muravera 662:Iglesias 658:Cagliari 646:Iglesias 630:railways 598:dynamite 573:frazioni 560:Piedmont 556:Lombardy 536:Freiburg 470:antimony 390:Florence 348:Iglesias 267:Cagliari 238:Vandalic 120:Sarrabus 80:obsidian 25:Sardinia 21:minerals 1301:Catalan 1264:Italian 1182:Cuisine 1175:Culture 1116:Kingdom 1093:History 1067:Sassari 709:Abruzzo 670:silvery 568:Romagna 564:Tuscany 548:Guspini 532:Austria 516:Romagna 468:and of 371:malaria 367:bottini 286:giudice 279:Gallura 271:Arborea 206:Gratian 179:Metalla 1219:People 1197:Anthem 1133:Mining 752:UNESCO 717:Sulcis 713:Sicily 705:Marche 701:Veneto 528:Styria 474:Ballao 466:Arzana 275:Torres 212:, and 210:Valens 187:silver 163:silver 128:copper 89:France 60:Talana 56:silver 46:, and 17:Mining 1192:Music 1057:Nuoro 614:Nuoro 602:Italy 386:Lucca 318:Genoa 303:Nurra 251:Arabs 191:honey 183:ivory 93:Italy 32:metal 1187:Flag 746:The 727:and 711:and 594:zinc 566:and 550:and 388:and 322:Pisa 320:and 277:and 193:"). 132:lead 130:and 660:to 354:as 316:of 283:it. 265:of 1346:: 936:. 758:. 707:, 688:, 664:. 576:. 562:, 558:, 546:, 530:, 445:. 392:. 373:. 350:. 273:, 269:, 253:. 208:, 134:. 126:, 95:. 62:. 42:, 38:, 27:. 1013:e 1006:t 999:v 983:. 921:. 861:. 719:- 177:( 54:(


Funtana Raminosa
Capo Ferrato

Monte Arci
metal working
iron sulphide

Roman domination
First Punic War
Roman Republic
monetary unit

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