
History of the Armée de l'Air in the colonies (1939–1962)

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521:(naval aviation) could muster F6F Hellcats, SB2C Helldivers, F4AU-1 and four-engined PB4Y Privateers (navalized versions of the B-24 Liberator heavy bomber). The transport groups provided approximately 100 C-47s, but there were also the twelve Fairchild C-119Cs "Boxcars" crewed by 24 CAT personnel, to air-drop to the French garrison personnel, food, ammunition, and artillery pieces, as well as tons of barbed wire and other supplies. There was some initial friction between the French and the Americans, as the French commander at the base lodged complaints that the CAT crews were not actually following instructions directly, though this was more to do with a language barrier, as few, if any, of the CAT crews had any Francophone linguistic skills that could allow them to communicate well with the French air traffic controllers. Fortunately, the French garrison included British-born Legionnaires, so they were used as interpreters. As a result, the 37 CAT pilots excelled at their duties, flying a total of 682 missions over Dien Bien Phu and earning the respect of the French. (This respect was finally recognized half a century later when seven of the surviving CAT pilots were created 599:
mission flown on July 15, 1959, witnessed the use of napalm. French army paratroopers had been brought to a standstill by a rebel group near Rafaa, allowing the rebels to control a significant amount of terrain. A B-26 from GB 2/91 took off from Oran, armed with four containers of napalm under the wings. Contact with the army paratroopers proved to be difficult initially, and bad visibility—because it was already dark—did not help when the B-26 flew so low that it clipped some trees only meters away from the paratroopers themselves. Worse was the fact that the radio became temporarily inoperable. It was up to the pilot himself to release the napalm on his target even if he was flying at high speed and at (very) low altitude. Probably through blind luck, he managed to drop his load without endangering the lives of the paratroopers.
595:. In terms of organizational practice, four RB-26s were grouped alongside 16 B-26s. All these aircraft were designated to perform combat duties at a maximum range of some 600 kilometers from base with a maximum duration of 20 minutes over the target, or else up to 800 kilometers from base with a very short duration over the target. The final version was unofficially called the B-26N, a B-26C converted into a night fighter to interdict planes smuggling weapons from Tunisia. The glass nose was re-designed and equipped with British AI Mk.X radar taken from Meteor NF.11's. The B-26N was armed with two underwing gun pods with two 12,7 mm machine guns each and two rocket pods for air-to-air rockets. 426: 330: 257: 378:
powerful engine (2100 hp), the Bearcat was probably the fastest propeller-driven aircraft with a maximum speed of over 450 mph. (The Americans would follow their lead in their war against the Việt Minh by using the Douglas A-1 Skyraider piston-engined aircraft during the 1960s.) For the task of dropping large "hardware" on guerrilla groups, the twin-engined bomber Douglas B-26 Invader would also be chosen. A revised command structure for the
450:, now under the command of Chassin, Hartmann's successor, managed to support the French army in repelling a new insurgency from late May to early June 1951, having at its disposal some 48 F8Fs and 23 P-63s in the fighter groups, yet its bomber arm was down to a mere eight B-26s. In support were a combined total of 40 C-47s and Ju 52s. Several months later, after about 6,000 French troops had been killed by Việt Minh insurgents, General 422:", during the battle for Mao-Khe (which was the center of the coal mine region in northern Vietnam, and its loss would hurt the French) to protect Haiphong. Giap himself was partly to blame for the fact that the Việt Minh had been trounced, since air power, which had seen Vĩnh Yên remain in French hands, and naval power, which had seen Mạo Khê remain in French hands, were beyond his experience, and he had thus not planned for them. 509:. Once sworn to secrecy owing to the political ramifications of their presence, they would go to work on B-26s at Da Nang (then called Tourane) in the south and on C-47s at Do Son, located south of Haiphong, in the north, respectively. (In fact, Eisenhower was so concerned about their presence, which itself caused the Chinese government to label the American mechanics as "combatants", that he told U.S. Secretary of State 459:, whose personnel in theater had been subject to the punishing pace of conducting operations for months, it was ignored. Gatac-Laos, grouping fighters and bombers aircraft which had been requisitioned from various units, was created as a reaction to a Việt Minh offensive in Laos, launched in April 1953. Three months later, 56 F8Fs and ten B-26s, as well as MS.500s and helicopters, participated in 455:
to a defensive one. De lattre won crushing victories at Vinh yen, Mao khé and on the Day. The viet minh never attacked again hanoï after this. But he was the nrapatrieted to France without have destroyed the viet minh. He would die of cancer in January 1952 after being promoted—almost posthumously—to the rank of Marshal of France. Despite Chassin's call for substantial reinforcements for the
485:, fearing both domestic and international backlashes if he were to send in U.S. troops, sent an American mission to Indochina to determine the extent of help that the French needed. Following a personal letter from the French prime minister, Joseph Laniel, Eisenhower authorized the loan of aircraft with French markings painted on them and flown by crews from 369:, which would start in late June 1950. Communist expansion into what remained of "free" South-East Asia (apart from Japan, which was still under U.S. occupation at the time) seemed inevitable, and so the U.S. government under Harry S. Truman began to revise their position. In March, General Hartmann, who commanded the 281:. However, the complement was completed with seized Japanese aircraft, mostly ones dedicated to liaison duties. Although the C-47s were not bombers, a lot of them were jury-rigged in order to fulfill bombing missions over the nine years which remained to the French empire in Indochina. By March 1946, the 454:
became commander-in-chief of all the then-190,000-strong French Expeditionary Corps in Indochina (having previously been the commander-in-chief of the Free French forces during the Second World War). He decided to reverse the trend and have the French armed forces adopt an offensive stance as opposed
About 30% of the French aircraft were rendered unserviceable by the end of the war, some as a result of minor damage sustained in air raids that remained unrepaired. The Armée de l'Air admitted the loss of one Farman F221 and two Morane M.S.406s destroyed on the ground, but in reality its losses were
On January 16, 1941 the French launched a large counterattack on the Thai-held villages of Yang Dang Khum and Phum Preav, initiating the fiercest battle of the war. Because of over-complicated orders and nonexistent intelligence, the French counterattacks were cut to pieces and fighting ended with a
provided to the insurgents by Maoist China, yet the Việt Minh did not suffer significantly as a result. The arms were being transported along what became famous as the so-called "Ho Chi Minh trail", and, in November 1953, to counter this, the French military decided to choose a site near the border
during World War II, the aircraft, dubbed the "Wooden Wonder" by the British, began to deteriorate as a result of their exposure to a climate that they were not designed to operate in at all. That same month, the Nam-Dinh garrison was encircled, so the transport groups were called upon to drop over
Japan, even though a defeated power by the summer of 1945, exploited long-standing Vietnamese resentment of French colonialism. The first signs of the beginning of the end of the French empire in Indochina came when Vietnamese insurgents attacked and killed French residents in Saigon, prompting the
that airfields in French control be surrendered. Cut off from (Nazi-occupied) Europe, the Armée de l'Air in Indochina became an air force virtually in name only, as lack of fuel and spares kept aircraft grounded, forcing the authorities to strike them off charge progressively as the war progressed.
in Indochina until his death in an air crash in April 1951, wanted to create a "Battle Air Corps" composed of four fighter, two bomber and four transport groups. Jets were in service with the U.S. Air Force and the U.S. Navy at this time, yet Hartmann believed that they were actually not up to the
The month of December 1941 was a watershed in the war in the Pacific, yet the French aircraft were more or less left to deteriorate on the ground from that time on as Japan began, firstly, to impose what would today be termed "no-fly" zones over the conquered territory and, subsequently, to demand
At the same time, however, the insurgents were equipped with Soviet-made weaponry, including 37-mm antiaircraft guns, which were to take a toll of the U.S. and French aircraft trying to attack their forces, including with napalm, in an effort to repel them and thus relieve the besieged garrison,
The first Việt Minh artillery attacks against the base came on March 16, 1954, as a result of which six French F8Fs, five MS.500s and two helicopters were destroyed. The French response could only come from bases located in the northern sector. The Armée de l'Air mustered two fighter groups with
The armor on the B-26 made it a particularly useful and versatile aircraft for both bombing and counter-insurgency operations. On March 15, 1957, for example, in the Nord-Constantanois area, a force of no less than 12 B-26s was sent to destroy insurgents hiding in the Movis forest. However, one
based at Bône in eastern Algeria. The B-26 was used in four versions. The B-26B, with a solid nose equipped with 6 to 8 12,7 mm machines-guns and B-26C glass nosed aircraft were used as bombers and for close air support with rockets, bombs and napalm. The famous Norden bombsight fitted to
As a result, piston-engined fighters, such as the F8F Bearcat, an aircraft from the Grumman stable with one of the most powerful piston engines ever developed for a single-engined aircraft, the Pratt & Whitney P&W R-2800 radial engine, would be used to combat the insurgents. With this
353:" which were equipped with the Bell P-63 and would remain in theater until January 1951. Firstly, they were stationed at Saigon's main military airbase at Tan Son Nhut before being relocated to the future North Vietnamese capital, where II/6, better known as the famous and highly decorated " 554:
After the fall of the French empire in Indochina, the French Empire was crumbling, as more and more countries vied for independence from Paris. Yet the post-1945 era was one of massive decolonization, and France was having to deal with the realities that went with being a colonial power.
277:, totaling eighteen in number after reinforcements had been brought in. In November 1945, the personnel of the 1st Fighter Wing (consisting of GC I/7 and II/7) arrived in Saigon, but without airplanes. Later on, those units received the F.VIII and F.IX variants of the British 226:
In the course of its first experience of combat, the Royal Thai Air Force claimed to have shot down five French aircraft and destroyed seventeen on the ground, for the loss of three of its own in the air and another five to ten destroyed in French air raids on Thai airfields.
Tourane Airfield, Indochina (Da Nang, Vietnam), showing the newly constructed metal mat parking area on northeast side of runway. New construction is visible in the foreground, the taxiway in the background. The camera is pointed northwest. Visible are 25 Vought F4U-7/AU-1
had begun. As yet, the French colonial authorities were hoping that the Japanese would not be brazen enough to take on the might of a European power. However, it became increasingly likely after the German invasion of Poland in September 1939, since Japan was part of the
which eventually capitulated to Giap's troops on May 7, 1954. In total, the French lost sixty-two aircraft destroyed or severely damaged in the last major battle fought in French Indochina, which, as a colony, was consigned to history with the signing of an agreement in
51:. And yet its array of airplanes seemed inadequate to perform any kind of real defense against any incursion by an enemy, because there were less than 100 airplanes available to it, all obsolescent or obsolete. In September 1931, Japan invaded and occupied 218:
The Japanese mediated the conflict, and a general armistice was arranged to go into effect on January 28. On May 9 a peace treaty was signed in Tokyo, with the French being coerced by the Japanese into relinquishing their hold on the disputed territories.
contingent of B-26s and C-47s, plus the C-119s. They even packed parachutes for French airborne troops. The Americans left Vietnam eventually on September 6, 1954, albeit five days after the original leaving date promised by the French. Other
had in its inventory approximately a hundred aircraft, of which around sixty could be considered first line. These consisted of thirty Potez 25 TOEs, four Farman 221s, six Potez 542s, nine Morane M.S.406s, and eight Loire 130 flying boats.
On September 26, 1940, Japanese troops landed in Haiphong, violating a cease-fire which had been signed only the previous day. From the middle of the following month, the French became heavily involved in repelling Japanese army assaults.
as colonies. Yet uprisings were on the rise in the 1950s, undoubtedly inspired by the Việt Minh victory over French expeditionary forces, as it showed that a "mighty" European power could be dislodged from "conquered" territory.
Fresh from establishing the People's Republic, the new Maoist government of mainland China began to provide logistical support to the insurgents short of actually supplying troops, something that China would do during the war in
in September 1940, the French were forced to allow the Japanese to set up military bases. This seemingly subservient behavior convinced the Thai regime that Vichy France would not seriously resist a confrontation with Thailand.
By the beginning of 1954, Dien Bien Phu alone required 20 C-119s and 50 C-47s, so, on January 2, Navarre's second-in-command asked for additional aircraft and crews under the so-called "Navarre Plan." U.S. President
responded to this aggression and inflicted heavy casualties on Japanese troops, who were pursuing French forces withdrawing towards China, where they did benefit from being re-armed with U.S.-built hardware.
with impunity. The French retaliated with their own planes, but the damage caused was less than equal. The activities of the Thai air force, particularly in the field of dive-bombing, was such that Admiral
418:" fighter group was charged with the protection of the southern sector. French bombing capability was very much enhanced with the operational missions flown by dedicated B-26 bombers, assigned to GB I/19 " 215:. The last Thai mission commenced at 0710 hours on January 28, when the Martins of the 50th Bomber Squadron set out on a raid on Sisophon, escorted by three Hawk 75Ns of the 60th Fighter Squadron. 239:
In March 1945, Japan decided to neutralize altogether the token French presence in Indochina, initially by capturing the high-ranking French service chiefs at their headquarters in the capital,
in July to carve up Vietnam into two countries along the 17th parallel. France, though, was permitted to maintain a small military presence in the new Republic of Vietnam, known to the West as
196:. French resistance was instantaneous, but many units were simply swept along by the better-equipped Thai forces. The Thais swiftly took Laos, but Cambodia proved a much harder nut to crack. 98:
in 1940, Thais perceived a chance to regain the territories they had lost years earlier. The collapse of Metropolitan France made the French hold on Indochina tenuous. After the Japanese
between 1942 and 1945, joined them. They were certainly needed, as they participated in counterattacks against Việt Minh guerrillas encircling French army positions in the Tonkin region.
402:) broke out in January 1951 at Vĩnh Yên, located in the Tonkin region. Air cover for the French army's "mobile groups" led by de Lattre was provided by two fighter groups, namely III/6 " 285:
consisted of four units, two of which were fighter units equipped with the Spitfire F.IX, a transport/bombing unit equipped with the C-47 and a further one consisting of examples of the
851: 106:
French forces in Indochina consisted of an army of approximately fifty thousand men, The most obvious deficiency of the French army lay in its shortage of armor; however, the
582:, equipped with two Pratt & Whitney R-2800 engines. The B-26 began to equip two bombardment wings from the autumn of 1956 onwards based in Algeria, starting with GB 1/91 505:
in the year war broke out in Korea. He further authorized the dispatch of American "specialists" to Indochina, that is, mechanics from the Far East Air Force (FEAF) of the
846: 414:." During the month, more than 1,700 fighter sorties were flown by 114 out of the 147 aircraft, mostly from Gatac North, then in service protecting Hanoi, while the " 591:
B-26C's could help bombardiers to aim bombs (up to two tons) on targets accurately, even in bad weather. The RB-26 photo-reconnaissance version was used by ERP.1/32
350 airborne troops in order to relieve the besieged troops and thus break the enemy's encirclement. Little by little, the insurgents, fighting the French as a
fighter units during the summer and autumn of 1949, as the situation began to deteriorate. Units were relocated from North Africa to Indochina, including I/5 "
held both a quantitative and qualitative edge over l'Armee de l'Air. Among the 140 aircraft that composed the air force's first-line strength were twenty-four
122:—consisting of several vessels, including two coastal defence ships, twelve torpedo boats and four submarines—was inferior to the French naval forces, but the 578:
in particular, it meant being equipped primarily with U.S.-built aircraft, as had been the case in Indochina. One bomber type in the French armory was the
MS.500 and Nord NC.702 liaison aircraft, which would be used for observation and evacuation duties as well. (The MS.500 was actually a copy of the German
358: 779: 200:
French withdrawal from the area. The Thais were unable to pursue the retreating French, as their forward tanks were kept in check by the gunnery of
618: 468:
with Laos, from which missions could be launched to strike against both Giap's insurgent army in order to eliminate it altogether. Its name was
776:—Marcel Paquelier's website on his experiences in the Armée de l'Air also includes a history of the involvement of this air force in Indochina 181:, the governor of French Indochina, grudgingly remarked that the Thai planes seemed to have been flown by men with plenty of war experience. 841: 806:—Patrick-Charles Renaud's article about the role in Algeria of the French army air corps (ALAT), entitled Bananes a l'assaut des djebels. 265:
French to send in a combat command (light brigade) of Leclerc's old 2nd Armored Division, among other troops, to help restore order. The
units were meanwhile dedicating itself to the training of Vietnamese Air Force (VNAF) technical and flight personnel at Nha-Trang.
410:", which were able to muster about forty P-63s, and these were reinforced by eight F6Fs lent from II/6 "Normandie Niemen" and I/6 " 398:/Tan Son Nhut. Renewed fighting between the French and the insurgents (in the guise of the 308th and 312th Divisions, commanded by 27:
This article deals with the history of the French air force in colonial territories from World War II to the post-colonial period.
836: 831: 785: 425: 17: 472:, and it became operational on the 24th of the month, four days after General Henri Navarre launched Operation "Castor". 773: 99: 502: 513:
that he wanted them withdrawn by the end of June 1954 no matter what the situation in Indochina was at that time.)
451: 35:
The outbreak of the war in Europe in September 1939 did not immediately affect the status of the Armée de l'Air in
788:—Article called "Mechanics at the Edge of War: U.S. Ground Forces in Vietnam, 1953–1954", written by John Prados 494: 68: 748:
Young, Edward M. (1995) Aerial Nationalism: A History of Aviation in Thailand. Smithsonian Institution Press.
Young, Edward M. (1995) Aerial Nationalism: A History of Aviation in Thailand. Smithsonian Institution Press.
506: 482: 118:
was a relatively well-equipped force. Consisting of some sixty thousand men, with artillery and tanks. The
399: 613: 329: 608: 314: 256: 201: 782:—Article about the honor ceremony for the seven CAT pilots who participated in the Dien Bien Phu battle 490: 278: 161: 123: 107: 486: 334: 797: 243:. Despite having less than 30 antiquated aircraft remaining in serviceable condition, though, the 510: 139: 639:
L'Aviation de Vichy au combat: Tome 1: Les campagnes oubliées, 3 juillet 1940 – 27 novembre 1942
273:(the Far East Forward Group), which included U.S.-built aircraft such as the ubiquitous Douglas 207:
On January 24, the final air battle took place when Thai bombers raided the French airfield at
323: 146: 286: 240: 131: 127: 36: 489:(CAT), a commercial airline, which had been started in 1946 by then-retired Major General 374:
task of dealing with insurgents as opposed to fighting conventional armies on the ground.
294: 290: 119: 115: 89: 39:
because it had the task of defending a wide area of Southeast Asia, including the future
at a special ceremony at the French embassy in Washington, D.C., on February 24, 2005.)
95: 809: 803: 825: 791: 534: 498: 469: 274: 579: 64: 558:
France still maintained a sizable presence in North Africa with countries such as
815: 574:
To meet this threat, the French expanded their presence in North Africa. For the
178: 142: 135: 73: 537:, and the Americans still present were also permitted to remain, servicing the 687:
Singapore: the Pregnable Fortress: A Study in Deception, Discord and Desertion
173: 341:
The future capitals of North and South Vietnam would witness the presence of
317:. However, just as their RAF counterparts had experienced when stationed in 212: 165: 52: 55:. This was an area of northeast China, which encompassed the provinces of 309:" fighter groups had come to Indochina, and they had been joined by the " 193: 169: 60: 44: 152:
While nationalistic demonstrations and anti-French rallies were held in
567: 563: 559: 318: 153: 48: 530: 395: 208: 157: 391: 812:—Patrick-Charles Renaud's article about the B-26 bomber in Algeria. 800:—"A timeline of events, 1800–1999: French Indochina War, 1946–1954" 794:—Article called "Setting the Stage in Vietnam" by David T. Zabecki 712:
The History of the Air Force in the Conflict with French Indochina
The History of the Air Force in the Conflict with French Indochina
424: 387: 366: 328: 255: 56: 586:, based at Oran la Senia, followed three months later by GB 2/91 326:
army, began to perfect the art and science of guerrilla warfare.
189: 185: 40: 382:
in Indochina was also put in effect with the creation of three
The last years of French colonialism in Indochina (1945–1954)
Algeria: the last days of empire in North Africa (1954–1962)
Dien Bien Phu: the last gasp in Indochina (January–May 1954)
History of the Armée de l'Air in the colonies (1939–62)
818:—Site dedicated to enthusiasts of the B-26 Marauder bomber. 501:", in China during World War II, and then purchased by the 637:
Ehrengardt, Christian J. and Shores, Christopher. (1985)
289:. Indeed, the only French-built aircraft available were 269:
reinforced the army units in the guise of the so-called
Aerial Nationalism: A History of Aviation in Thailand
Aerial Nationalism: A History of Aviation in Thailand
386:(Gatac) ("Aerial Tactical Groups"): Gatac North in 757:Ehrengardt, Christian J. and Shores, Christopher. 698:Ehrengardt, Christian J. and Shores, Christopher. 67:. Nearly six whole years later, in July 1937, the 463:("Swallow"), whose objective was to destroy the 852:Military history of France during World War II 517:F8Fs, two bomber groups with B-26s, while the 8: 184:In early January 1941, the Thai Burapha and 357:" fighter regiment from their stint in the 301:" (Stork) aircraft.). By March 1947, the " 847:History of the French Air and Space Force 786:Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) website 630: 619:List of French possessions and colonies 156:, border skirmishes erupted along the 780:Embassy of France in Washington, D.C. 7: 164:conducted daytime bombing runs over 271:Groupe marchant de l'extrême-orient 188:Armies launched their offensive on 76:alliance and thus Germany's ally. 25: 523:Chevaliers de la Légion d'Honneur 727:. Smithsonian Institution Press. 654:. Smithsonian Institution Press. 84:The French-Thai War (1940–1941) 810:Aerostories: Algeria 1954-1962 804:Aerostories: Algeria 1954-1962 493:, the famous commander of the 1: 710:Royal Thai Air Force. (1976) 663:Royal Thai Air Force. (1976) 138:twin-engine bombers, seventy 497:(AVG), better known as the " 438:s and a single Douglas C-47 260:A French A-26C in Indochina. 100:invasion of French Indochina 842:Contemporary French history 313:" group, equipped with the 231:Post Pearl Harbor 1941–1945 868: 452:Jean de Lattre de Tassigny 384:Groupes aériens tacticques 87: 723:Young, Edward M. (1995) 650:Young, Edward M. (1995) 495:American Volunteer Group 69:Second Sino-Japanese War 837:20th century in Vietnam 832:20th century in Algeria 792:The History Net website 736:Hesse d'Alzon, Claude. 685:Elphick, Peter. (1995) 160:frontier. The superior 614:French Colonial Empire 443: 338: 261: 641:. Charles-Lavauzelle. 609:French colonial flags 428: 332: 315:de Havilland Mosquito 259: 202:French Foreign Legion 31:Indochina (1939–1940) 461:Operation Hirondelle 434:s, four Grumman F8F 279:Supermarine Spitfire 162:Royal Thai Air Force 130:light bombers, nine 124:Royal Thai Air Force 487:Civil Air Transport 394:and Gatac South in 335:Grumman F8F Bearcat 511:John Foster Dulles 444: 390:, Gatac Center in 339: 262: 145:, and twenty-five 337:in Đà Nẵng, 1954. 16:(Redirected from 859: 761: 755: 749: 746: 740: 734: 728: 721: 715: 708: 702: 696: 690: 689:. Coronet Books. 683: 677: 674: 668: 661: 655: 648: 642: 635: 539:Armée de l'Air's 416:Normandie-Niemen 355:Normandie-Niemen 287:Junkers Ju 52/3m 132:Mitsubishi Ki-21 128:Mitsubishi Ki-30 37:French Indochina 21: 867: 866: 862: 861: 860: 858: 857: 856: 822: 821: 770: 765: 764: 756: 752: 747: 743: 735: 731: 722: 718: 709: 705: 697: 693: 684: 680: 675: 671: 662: 658: 649: 645: 636: 632: 627: 605: 552: 478: 295:Fieseler Fi 156 291:Morane-Saulnier 254: 233: 147:Curtiss Hawk 75 120:Royal Thai Navy 92: 90:French-Thai War 86: 33: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 865: 863: 855: 854: 849: 844: 839: 834: 824: 823: 820: 819: 813: 807: 801: 798:On War website 795: 789: 783: 777: 774:Armée de l’Air 769: 766: 763: 762: 750: 741: 729: 716: 703: 691: 678: 669: 656: 643: 629: 628: 626: 623: 622: 621: 616: 611: 604: 601: 576:Armée de l'Air 551: 548: 544:Armée de l'Air 477: 474: 457:Armée de l'Air 448:Armée de l'Air 400:Võ Nguyên Giáp 380:Armée de l'Air 371:Armée de l'Air 343:Armée de l'Air 283:Armée de l'Air 267:Armée de l'Air 253: 250: 245:Armée de l'Air 232: 229: 204:artillerists. 140:Vought Corsair 108:Armée de l'Air 96:Fall of France 94:Following the 88:Main article: 85: 82: 32: 29: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 864: 853: 850: 848: 845: 843: 840: 838: 835: 833: 830: 829: 827: 817: 814: 811: 808: 805: 802: 799: 796: 793: 790: 787: 784: 781: 778: 775: 772: 771: 767: 760: 754: 751: 745: 742: 739: 733: 730: 726: 720: 717: 713: 707: 704: 701: 695: 692: 688: 682: 679: 673: 670: 666: 660: 657: 653: 647: 644: 640: 634: 631: 624: 620: 617: 615: 612: 610: 607: 606: 602: 600: 596: 594: 589: 585: 581: 577: 572: 569: 565: 561: 556: 549: 547: 545: 540: 536: 535:South Vietnam 532: 526: 524: 520: 514: 512: 508: 504: 500: 499:Flying Tigers 496: 492: 488: 484: 475: 473: 471: 470:Dien Bien Phu 466: 462: 458: 453: 449: 442:. April 1954. 441: 437: 433: 427: 423: 421: 417: 413: 409: 405: 401: 397: 393: 389: 385: 381: 375: 372: 368: 362: 360: 356: 352: 351:Ile de France 348: 344: 336: 331: 327: 325: 320: 316: 312: 308: 304: 300: 296: 292: 288: 284: 280: 276: 275:C-47 Skytrain 272: 268: 258: 251: 249: 246: 242: 237: 230: 228: 224: 220: 216: 214: 210: 205: 203: 197: 195: 191: 187: 182: 180: 175: 171: 167: 163: 159: 155: 150: 148: 144: 141: 137: 133: 129: 125: 121: 117: 112: 109: 104: 101: 97: 91: 83: 81: 77: 75: 70: 66: 62: 58: 54: 50: 46: 42: 38: 30: 28: 19: 758: 753: 744: 737: 732: 724: 719: 711: 706: 699: 694: 686: 681: 672: 664: 659: 651: 646: 638: 633: 597: 592: 587: 583: 580:B-26 Invader 575: 573: 557: 553: 543: 538: 527: 522: 518: 515: 479: 464: 460: 456: 447: 445: 439: 435: 431: 419: 415: 411: 407: 403: 383: 379: 376: 370: 363: 359:Soviet Union 354: 350: 349:" and II/5 " 346: 342: 340: 310: 306: 302: 298: 282: 270: 266: 263: 244: 238: 234: 225: 221: 217: 206: 198: 183: 151: 143:dive bombers 113: 105: 93: 78: 65:Heilongjiang 34: 26: 406:" and I/9 " 179:Jean Decoux 136:Martin B-10 826:Categories 768:References 714:. Bangkok. 667:. Bangkok. 519:Aéronavale 483:Eisenhower 404:Roussillon 174:Battambang 149:fighters. 491:Chennault 324:guerrilla 223:greater. 213:Siem Reap 166:Vientiane 116:Thai Army 53:Manchuria 759:op. cit. 738:op. cit. 700:op. cit. 603:See also 593:Armagnac 584:Gascogne 465:matériel 440:Skytrain 420:Gascogne 408:Limousin 333:Frenchs 303:Cigognes 194:Cambodia 170:Sisophon 134:and six 61:Liaoning 45:Cambodia 588:Guyenne 568:Tunisia 564:Morocco 560:Algeria 436:Bearcat 432:Corsair 305:" and " 154:Bangkok 49:Vietnam 531:Geneva 396:Saigon 347:Vendée 307:Alsace 299:Storch 241:Saigon 209:Angkor 172:, and 158:Mekong 625:Notes 412:Corse 388:Hanoi 367:Korea 319:Burma 311:Corse 211:near 57:Jilin 566:and 507:USAF 446:The 192:and 190:Laos 186:Isan 114:The 74:Axis 63:and 47:and 41:Laos 503:CIA 392:Hué 828:: 562:, 168:, 59:, 43:, 297:" 20:)


History of the Armée de l'Air in the colonies (1939–62)
French Indochina
Second Sino-Japanese War
French-Thai War
Fall of France
invasion of French Indochina
Armée de l'Air
Thai Army
Royal Thai Navy
Royal Thai Air Force
Mitsubishi Ki-30
Mitsubishi Ki-21
Martin B-10
Vought Corsair
dive bombers
Curtiss Hawk 75
Royal Thai Air Force

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