Knowledge (XXG)

Mount Penang Juvenile Justice Centre

Source 📝

mixed by the boys before being tipped into prepared boxing or formwork to create the walls. As two groups mixed the concrete, another would convey it to the site, while a fourth team lifted the boxing from the day before up the scaffolding for the next day's operation. In their spare time, mainly on Sundays when no construction work was undertaken, the boys developed a sports ground under Walpole's supervision, which was dedicated in 1912. The ground was developed adjacent to the building site, at the front of the dormitories but at a lower level. To the north of the building site, a team of boys also opened up a mile-long drain using a road plough, and sank a well 3.65 m (12 ft) deep to tap an underground stream for fresh water. By 1914, Mount Penang was dealing with all boy delinquents who had been institutionalised in NSW through the Children's Courts. In the Superintendent of Gosford Farm Home's Report to the Minister for Public year 1915, he set out the principle of the Farms' work ethic thus:
lighting and a hot water system were installed, which was followed in 1937 by a refrigeration service. By the end of 1937, the centre comprised four dormitories, a recreation hall that catered for concerts and movies, a dining and kitchen block, a hospital, a bathing and sanitary block, as well as a variety of outbuildings including a dairy and accommodation for single and married staff. Due to the relatively poor quality of the soil at Mount Penang, a farm was established on Government land at Narara, about 16 km from the centre. Here, thirty-one boys were transferred to clear the land and prepare it for cultivation. A vegetable garden at Narara provided for the requirements of both the Narara and Gosford centres. However, the Narara farm was closed in April 1934 following the opening of a much larger institution at
curving configuration of the eastern side of the ridge, with its steep rock benches downslope, creating a broad, amphitheatre effect; the excellent views outwards from the site from northeast, through east, to southwest; the diverse but pleasant views across and within the site created by the curving roadway, the spines of old buildings, the man-made dam and the grazing paddocks; the pastoral, almost Arcadian, rural landscape with old buildings and mature trees; direct access to an almost intact Hawkesbury sandstone plant community, with a good range of shrubs and herbaceous plants as understorey; he boundary or perimeter plantings of mature pines, poplars, coral trees and brush box; the remnant stands or scattered specimens of ancient scribly gums; the unexpected, but pleasant, informal "
they worked on the construction of their own dormitories. The boys were split into work parties under the supervision of tradesmen who could provide assistance and guidance to the boys. The first buildings to be constructed were the ones that were the most essential to the institution: dormitories, a dining room, staff quarters, offices, a kitchen, store rooms for supplies and equipment, and accommodation for the tradesmen and Clerk of Works. The Minister of Public Instruction laid the foundation stone of No. 1 Dormitory by December 1912. By September 1913, No. 1 Dormitory had been completed, as had the Assistant Superintendent's residence and four weatherboard cottages for the married staff members. These cottages still stand along the entrance road to the complex.
rehabilitation under the direction of the newly created Child Welfare Department, with Walter Bethal, who had been instrumental in setting up Mount Penang, as secretary. The new Act dealt with juvenile offenders who had come through the Children's Courts up to the age of sixteen, or those between sixteen and eighteen on minor charges in the adult system. The distinction reflected the Government's recognition of the need for more lenient treatment of young people under State care, away from the harsh environment of the NSW criminal justice system. Under the new system, the Gosford Farm Home was classified as an Industrial School with the schooling component being controlled by the
which to classify the inmates as well as providing constant supervision. Other works on the site during this period included: the construction of a windmill to pump water from a fresh water stream below the escarpment; five galvanised tanks for water storage; a carpentry workshop, a 300-yard (270 m) trolley line for transporting the sandstone from the quarry to the site; and a bullock team and wagon, two horses, two spring carts and one dray. The buildings were all roofed with corrugated iron. Also during this period a permanent dam and concrete reservoir was completed, supplying the site with constant fresh water. Construction work continued at the site until 1922.
important to the many boys and young men who were detained there over the course of nearly a century. For most detainees, Mt Penang is a place where the unforgettable occurred – experiences that strongly influenced the course of their lives. The place is significant to the many men and women who lived and worked at the former detention centre. For many of these people, it is a place of substantial personal and professional achievement. Mt Penang is also important to the local community as a landmark of historical and aesthetic importance. The place has functioned as a community meeting point, with many links between the wider community and the detainees and staff.
907: 649:. Built at an initial cost of £25,000, it was originally designed as a maximum-security sub-institution for unresponsive boys, but after 1948 it became a privilege cottage, representing a shift in governmental policy in child welfare. The changes in government policies generally sought to move away from the authoritarian structures and harsh discipline that was associated with reform schools, towards a more open, family-style environment. It was an earlier example of the same kind of thinking that had led to the establishment of the Gosford Farm Home for Boys, establishing a smaller scale, more personalised type of institution. 216: 668:
trust that the boys had gained from the Institution. A survey of the former inmates of McCabe Cottage, conducted in the 1950s, found that of sixty-two boys who had passed through it, seven had been returned to the main institution, thirty-eight had been discharged and fourteen were still in residence. Only one of the discharged boys had been re-admitted and one had absconded. It seemed that the Cottage was working in the rehabilitation of the boys and helping them make a successful adjustment to life in the community. In 1976, McCabe cottage became a Pre-discharge Unit for the Justice Centre.
were organised at the centre to play in the local competitions, including football, cricket and athletics, which helped promote a positive self-image in the boys and improved relations with the local community. Further involvement came through the public use of the Recreation Hall to view the latest movies on the centre's own screen. The boys were also employed on community projects in and around Gosford. Maintenance, gardening and small construction jobs could be carried out by the boys, which helped develop a sense of civic pride and responsibility amongst the inmates.
used as a place for immediately housing Aboriginal children removed from their families before they were assigned and relocated to other institutions. Because of this Mount Penang has close associations with the Kinchega Boys Home. The distinctively Aboriginal history of the Centre reflects the changing methods used to try to control the state's Aboriginal population, the very limited socio-economic roles allowed to Aboriginal people within the broader community, and the changing philosophies of "managing" a dispossessed people during the course of the 20th century.
42: 708:
remedial program for one-on-one teaching. In 1991, the school program was updated to a secondary level, having operated at a primary level since its beginning. Further to these changes, the school's name was changed to "Girrakool". It had been found that former inmates were reluctant to use certificates which had Mount Penang inscribed on them due to the attached stigma. The new name eliminated this concern. The school itself was now a collection of demountable schoolrooms, with the two original buildings serving as a library and cultural centre.
building material, due to the difficulties of transportation and associated costs. From the inception of the project, a building committee was established to oversee the construction and to work through any potential difficulties. As an alternative to bricks, the Committee recommended the use of local hardwood and sandstone for the works, the latter quarried on site, The building committee architect, James Nangle, also recommended the use of concrete for the buildings, which would reduce cost and overcome the problem of transport.
boys could shorten their time at the centre by advancing to probation based on the centre's honour system. Stayner organised the disciplinary system along a military line and teachers to carry or use canes without the direct authority of the Superintendent. The emphasis of the centre was to be on the character development of the boys as opposed to an unnecessarily harsh regime. Competitive sports were also introduced, giving the inmates a sense of teamwork as well as providing them with a regular exercise program.
Officer, a police interview room, a conference room and general office, was erected in 1978. A new hospital block and nurses quarters (to replace the original 1920s hospital) was also built during this phase, as was a new store and amenities building to the north of the gymnasium. In 1978, a 50m swimming pool was added to the recreational facilities at Mount Penang, constructed on the site of a disused bowling green. The former clubhouse associated with the bowling green then converted to a teacher's staffroom.
543:"Habits of steady industry are acquired, which are carried outside the boundaries of the institution and characterise the future conduct of many lads who, before, were inclined to settle down to any form of work and herein lies the secret of reformation in many cases. Boys frequently are bad, or delinquent, not from natural bent, but simply because they are lazy and have never been forced to work steadily at any occupation requiring the expenditure of a certain amount of energy." 915:
the site itself, as well as its agricultural and pastoral features, its remnant dairy and its landscaping collectively and individually illustrate juvenile penal philosophies and practices of the period and their subsequent evolution over eighty-five years of operation. The location of the centre is a feature in the historical expansion of the city of Sydney into its rural hinterland and its operations are an element in the development of Gosford and the Central Coast.
development. It was the combination of these factors of inaccessibility and isolation that led the committee appointed to locate a new site for the training of male juvenile delinquents to choose Mount Penang for their site. This decision was also influenced by the perceived need for agricultural labourers in New South Wales, which made a rural site with agricultural potential attractive. The chosen location of Mount Penang was one track to Sydney, which went via
punishment regime more closely, and found that it was common practice for more senior boys to administer punishment on junior inmates. Until 1934, this type of punishment often went unsupervised by staff and was open to serious abuse. One example of these forms of punishment had the offender being required to fight up to five other boys, with or without gloves. The fight continued until it was deemed that offender had received sufficient punishment.
946: 719:(RTA) depot on the western extreme of the site. In 1991, the last major building program was completed with the opening of the Frank Baxter Kariong Juvenile Justice Centre in 1999. This Juvenile Justice Centre was a purpose-built high security centre for those detainees with a history of escape or who had proved to be difficult to control in other centres, as well as those who had committed more serious offences on one edge of the former site. 664:, opened the converted detention cottage as a privilege cottage (renamed McCabe Cottage in 1976), in line with the new government thinking. The building was redecorated internally, and boys were allowed their own room. Although still supervised, the atmosphere was more relaxed than in the main centre. Adjacent to the cottage, two residences were also built to house visiting families, further reinforcing the reformation ideal. 747: 379:
included small farms and grazing properties. Citrus orchards were planted on farms from 1880 where timber getters had cleared the land, and climate and soils were suitable. As roads were developed, farming spread to Somersby Plateau. In 1897 the district produced 3% of NSW's citrus crop, increasing to 21% by 1921 and 34% by 1928. Market gardens and passionfruit were also increasing in popularity.
700:, implemented a building program aimed at improving the centre itself as well as the morale of the boys and staff. The first project in 1975 was internal modifications to the dormitories, with new and upgraded bathroom and toilet facilities being installed, providing more privacy for the boys. During the same year, a storeroom within the administration block was converted into a holding room. 223: 1152: 419:
the week. The principle of rehabilitation through the combination of education and physical labour is a doctrine that the centre had adopted throughout its history. Indeed, the initial building phase between 1912 and 1922 relied on the physical labour of the inmates for the construction of the centre's major buildings, many of which are still in use today.
upgrade. The construction of new recreational facilities, including new playing fields, bowling greens and a tennis court, as well as extensive landscaping and planting were also begun during this period. From the 1940s, Mount Penang began to show their livestock, winning a number of prizes at local events and the Royal Easter Show in Sydney.
state, both physically and ideologically. The honour system that had been introduced under Stayner had deteriorated, and discipline had become more and more rigid. In addition to this, the pastures were in poor condition as were both the pigs and cattle. Of further concern was the state of the various workshops and the schoolhouse.
grades, with each grade carrying privileges and work routines. Boys worked on a marks system to advance to higher grades, receiving the extra privileges that went with them. By encouraging advancement, the system was designed to maintain discipline and ensure self-reliance, both seen as being essential to reform.
Fissure gardens feature specialised plants: Pandanus or screw pines; rainforest; lithophytes (rock-dwellers) and epiphytes (tree-dwellers); Barefoot/fissure and Wind fissure. Water Gardens including the Lower Pond and the water cascades feeding it. Landmarks include an Obelisk, Queensland bottle trees and
The Mount Penang Juvenile Justice Centre has been the most important juvenile detention centre in NSW for most of the twentieth century and is a direct continuation of the nineteenth-century system of reformatory training ships. The design of the early buildings, their configuration and the layout of
Central Coast Region Development Corporation (CCRDC) owns the Mount Penang Parklands and is charged with securing ongoing management of public open spaces and community facilities at Mt. Penang, protecting and enhancing the broad Mt. Penang Parkland precinct including its remnant bushland and habitat
As well as renovations, a number of new buildings were constructed on the site during the late 1970s and early 1980s: a new Officer's Dining Room was built in 1976 adjacent to the boys' dining rooms; and a new office block, which included offices for the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendents, Salary
During the 1960s, five new buildings were erected behind the administration building and a new sports ground was built. The new buildings housed an assembly hall, a gymnasium, a new kitchen/dining room, a laundry and boiler house and a storeroom. The sports ground was defined on its northern boundary
Dating of items is difficult, firstly because of the lack of accurately dated site plans showing the built elements at any given point in time and, secondly, because of the lack of adherence to recognised architectural styles of the various periods (with the exception of the McCabe Cottage complex).
For most of the 20th century, the site of the Mt. Penang Parklands was part of a much larger area that accommodated an institution for the care, control and rehabilitation of delinquent and destitute boys. It is now being redeveloped by the NSW Government. The Parklands are made up of six key areas:
In 2008 approval was given for construction of a new Kariong High School and landscaping in the parkland's south, facing the Pacific Highway. With approval for the high school on the former Events Park site, the Festival Development Corporation needed to re-establish the events function elsewhere on
Mount Penang Gardens in 2003, becoming a tourist attraction on the Central Coast. Designed by Anton James of JMD (James, Mather Delaney) landscape architects. The gardens comprise 12 themed gardens feature a variety of permanent and changeable garden areas modelled around a cascading water fountain,
As part of this program, further interaction with the local community in Gosford was encouraged. The institution wanted to make the local community more aware of the Farm Home, thereby gaining a level of acceptance. This was to be achieved through a number of initiatives. For example, sporting teams
In the same year, the Superintendent reported that a second dormitory of concrete, a concrete reservoir, a store and office had all been completed. The two dormitories were built either side of the Household block, with the officers' dwelling behind. This arrangement allowed for a suitable system in
The Mount Penang Juvenile Justice Centre was the largest centre of its type in the Southern Hemisphere, accommodating 170 male juvenile offenders. The centre was set out on an open plan, with the detainees housed in dormitories and attending schooling and vocational technical training on site during
The farm buildings are also departures from the mainstream buildings. Of these, the barn is an excellent example of organic vernacular architecture, utilising the same characteristic mass concrete material as the main buildings. The others are utilitarian structures that follow modular construction
The original buildings and most of the buildings that followed have been designed by the Government Architect, operating through the Department of Public Works and Services. A member of the original building committee was the prominent architect, James Nangle, who also proved influential during the
The Kariong area features temperate rainforest. Trees in the Mt. Penang Parklands vicinity support hollow-dependent native fauna species including nocturnal mammals such as possums and gliders, microbats and some bird species such as parrots, cockatoos and wood ducks. Mature native trees would have
The Wondabyne Sculpture Symposium held in 1986, featured sandstone sculptures by Bruce Copping and 11 other sculptors from 6 nations. The symposia was undertaken along the foreshore area near the railway stop at Wondabyne. However, in 1994 Gosford Council decided that it was in the best interest of
The first Sculpture Symposium in Australia was held at Wondabyne near Gosford in New South Wales in 1986. Wondabyne is well known for its history of stone quarrying. The Wondabyne rail stop was named after Mt Wondabyne, located adjacent to the station across the bay, known as Mullet River or Mullet
Wondabyne Quarry was the source of a fine-gained Hawkesbury sandstone used to create some 20 sculptures in the Wondabyne 1 and Wondabyne 2 international sculpture symposia conducted on the banks of the Hawkesbury River in 1986. 12 of these sculptures since 2004 have stood in the sculpture garden on
into allegations of mistreatment of the boys at Mount Penang. Part of the findings of the 1923 report was that there had been undue severity in some punishments at Mount Penang and it recommended a lessening of the use of the cane by officers working there. A second inquiry in 1934 investigated the
In 1923, the State Government passed the Child Welfare Act, repealing and consolidating a variety of provisions that existed in legislation relating to the care and management of children under State protection. The Act was designed to place a much greater emphasis on children's health, welfare and
The first schoolmaster at Mount Penang, George Walpole, kept a diary of his time there, which included the construction phase in 1912. Walpole noted that the concrete mix for the works was made up of three portions of crushed stone, two portions sand and one portion cement mixture, all of which was
The ships combined a system of education and military-style discipline, based on a reformist vision. Social philanthropists supported the principle of removing a child from a bad family environment in order to ensure the child's moral reform. Military-style drills were introduced under the guidance
sites and shelters with both art and occupation deposit. Common motifs found at rock engraving sites include, what appear to be kangaroos and marine animals such as whales, fish and eels. Human forms have also been recorded throughout the region. Some rock platforms contain many motifs, while other
The centre has notable aesthetic qualities associated with its site and the available views, and layout of the low-scale buildings and the landscaping. The earlier buildings are attractive, human-scaled structures, which, while of an institutional character, utilise colonial homestead architecture
The landscape characteristics of the site derive from its bushland setting, originally separated from suburban development; its location on a broad, ridgetop plateau with gentle slopes suitable for farming; availability of water supply through its central drainage swale and underground stream; the
2011/12 "Regional Tourism Product Development Program" to electrify the Mount Penang Event Park. The total infrastructure project cost $ 61,000 and will enable new business opportunities, support and enhance regional tourism. Installation of permanent electrical services was effected between March
The International Sculpture Symposium movement was spearheaded by Karl Prantl in Austria in 1959. The first international sculpture symposium took place in an abandoned stone quarry in St. Margarethan, Austria. Sculptors from around the world joined to produce a permanent public artwork from local
Themed gardens include the Pond Garden; Entry Garden; Heath Mounds; Misty Mountains; Bamboo/Grass Gardens; Colour Field Garden; Bottle Tree Garden; Display Garden; Gondwana Garden; Rock Garden; Drylands/Arid Garden; Dragon Garden; Little Oasis; Grass/Sedge Garden; Cascade Garden and Puddle Garden.
A large proportion of the detainees at Mount Penang, often the majority, were men and boys of Aboriginal identity. This is not always clear in the documentary evidence of the history of the place, but it remains a vivid recollection of former detainees and their families. The centre was also often
Schooling was also provided to the inmates. On arrival at the centre, boys were assessed to determine what level of education they had achieved. Each boy was required to reach a fourth class standard of primary school, regardless of age. Initially, the school operated in any building, or verandas,
The railway, which was completed in 1887, provided opportunities for commencement of tourist activities in the area. Large numbers of tourists used trains to travel to Woy Woy and Gosford for fishing, hunting and sight seeing trips. Guest houses were developed to accommodate this rising demand for
All buildings are single-storeyed, giving the site a low and spread out appearance. Ornamentation is almost totally lacking on all the buildings, which therefore rely on form and play of light and shade for total effect. Further unity is provided by the grouping of buildings by function, which is
public to relocate these sculptures due to access and liability issues at the original site. It was then decided the more desirable and accessible site was the new Mt Penang Parklands. The cache is hidden in the bushland area of the park and is a stone's throw from the Wondabyne Stone Sculptures.
McCabe Cottage represented a new level of privilege at the centre. From the opening of Mount Penang, boys had had an opportunity to improve their position at the centre by showing that they could be trusted. The remote location of McCabe Cottage from the main centre at Mount Penang reinforced the
Under Stayner's leadership, a number of significant administrative operations were implemented at the farm. The first major change was the introduction of an honour system, where extra privileges were awarded to the boys if they behaved within the guidelines set by the centre. As an incentive the
The Minister of Public Instruction approved the plans, with a budget set at £12,000 for the main structures. Work commenced on the first day of July 1912, with the boys providing the labour; another cost-cutting measure. To begin with, the boys were accommodated in military-style bell tents while
James Nangle had worked as an architect in Sydney since 1891, being employed in the design of residential, commercial and industrial projects. His work with the Department of Public Instruction on the design of portable classrooms made him well qualified to sit on the Building Committee for Mount
The site was situated on the lip of a reasonably flat summit of a sharp escarpment, three miles west of the town of Gosford. The site was also isolated from main population centres, a requirement that had worked against the Brush Farm site at Eastwood which had been encroached upon by residential
On 1 July 1912, a party of approximately 100 boys aged between ten and sixteen began clearing a site at Mount Penang near Gosford, in order to build a new State-controlled farm for wayward boys. The farm was to replace the former Nautical School Ships and the small Brush Farm. All the boys in the
Later buildings used brick as the principal building material, but continued to utilise the same simple shapes and motifs and, even though built over several decades, were very consistent within themselves and blended with the earlier structures. The 1980s buildings, which are located between re
In 1980, the school program was returned to the Education Department after having been controlled by the Child Welfare Department since 1953. A number of new programs were introduced into the school at this time, including a new program for boys who rebelled against the traditional methods and a
Since the 1940s the greatest development in Gosford has been the growth of urbanisation in the eastern sector, brought about by road and rail improvements, an upsurge in secondary industries and State planning policies which see Gosford as part of an expanding Sydney region. In recent times, the
The days on board were divided in two, with lessons taking up one half of the day and drill taking up the other half. The boys were under constant supervision, with inspections being a means to ensure they stayed on the right path. The boys were further controlled through a class system of seven
The McCabe Cottage complex is an architectural departure from the other buildings on the site. It is seated on the opposite side of the site and both the main building and the two detached cottages are excellent examples of 1940s Functionalist architecture. The contrast of this highly contrived
language group of Aboriginal people. "Kariong" is said to be an Aboriginal word meaning "meeting place". Archaeological excavations on Mt. Penang have revealed evidence of cultural Aboriginal sites associated with Hawkesbury sandstone plateaux, such as rock engravings, grinding groove sites and
Also in 1944, a new Superintendent, Vincent Heffernan, was appointed. Heffernan had been an executive officer of the National Emergency Service during the war years and bought with him a new sense of purpose for the centre. Heffernan noticed that by the mid-1940s the centre was in a dilapidated
Access to the proposed site at Mount Penang provided the first obstacle that needed to be overcome. The only access to the building site was via a steep track, with gradients of between 1:8 and 1:11. With all the equipment and stores being bought in by bullock, bricks were ruled out as the main
was legally an Industrial School, and as such was intended to house children who had not been convicted of criminal offences, but were instead found to be destitute, neglected, or in moral danger. However, no Reformatory School, for young offenders, was created at the same time. As a result, it
The first buildings were designed so that the inmates could build them under the supervision of skilled artisans and tradesmen. The steep escarpment made the transport of building materials very expensive and James Nangle chose site-mixed concrete, using cement, sand and crushed sandstone as w
Between 1944 and 1947, Heffernan set about reinvigorating the Institution; buying new equipment for the trade rooms, establishing a boot shop to supply shoes, upgrading the pastures, and raising the pigs and cows to stud standard. A new dairy and stock shed were also constructed as part of the
The siting and relationship of buildings to each other and to the sports fields, paddocks and vistas are all components of the operational requirements and practices of the centre. These provide technical information regarding juvenile detention and reformatory practices. Mount Penang is very
Between 1923 and 1940, the living conditions and amenities at the centre gradually improved. An ongoing building program ensured that the boys continued to get building experience that could be used on their release, while at the same time upgrading their present conditions. In 1936, electric
In 1905, the Neglected Children and Juvenile Offenders Act was passed to replace the former Industrial and Reformatory Schools Acts of 1866. the Gosford Farm Home for Boys was built under this new Act. In the early 1900s, the Government Surveyor recommended the Mount Penang site as a possible
Early industry include timber getters (forest oak, ironbark and red cedar), lime burners (from shells from the many Aboriginal middens or large natural deposits around the shores) and ship builders of Brisbane Water (this activity continued into the 20th century). Early economic activity also
appropriate to their setting and construction techniques of particular interest. The earlier buildings reproduce these forms to reinforce the characteristic appearance of the complex, whilst the McCabe Cottages group is an excellent example of the Inter-War Functionalist architectural style.
which would remove children who were homeless, involved in crime or neglected in some way and place them in reformatories, separating them from the bad influences that they were under. Once "saved", the children could then be given a rudimentary education, taught the basics of a trade and be
In 1946, the name of the Institution was changed from The Farm Home for Boys, Gosford, to Mount Penang Training School for Boys, Gosford. The reason behind the name change was that the new name more clearly represented the idea that a varied program of planned training was required for the
Penang. Nangle's association with the department was further strengthened through his teaching in the technical education branch from 1890 to the late 1930s. From 1913, he was the Superintendent of the Branch, being instrumental in its move towards a more vocationally orientated approach.
available to them. In the first years, schooling was conducted in the converted end of the new dormitory until a school building was erected behind the main complex. The syllabus was based on the 1905 Primary Syllabus, which was supplemented after 1935 with visits from lecturers from the
and on work farms in the Sydney district. Some of the earliest buildings were designed to resemble lighthouse cottages, in keeping with the nautical background of the school. The centre also provides a tangible marker of the reform system for boys spanning most of the twentieth century.
It appears that construction on the site was not an ongoing continuous process but, rather, several buildings were constructed at a time and were separated from previous and following periods of construction by many years. This pattern could be explained by availability of funding.
Creek. It was originally built in 1889 for quarry use only and known as Mullet Creek Station. It was later renamed Hawkesbury Cabin station, then finally Wondabyne. The stone for the Wondabyne Sculptures was sourced from the Wondabyne Quarry which is now owned by Gosford Quarries.
in the same year. All the while, pasture improvement was being undertaken at Gosford, with sufficient milk being produced for the centre's purpose. However, as farm training was now offered elsewhere, more emphasis was made on vocational training at Gosford from this time.
and September 2013. The Corporation expects to attract a variety of new major events, and provide enhanced services to existing event organisers. Capable of accommodating up to 25,000 people, the Mount Penang Event Park is a prime location for events on the Central Coast.
Mount Penang also has significance for the local Aboriginal people both pre and post-contact, and during the time when Mt Penang was used as a juvenile detention centre and accommodated a number of Aboriginal detainees for whom the site would have profound associations.
residences and the dormitories, utilised the same elements as the original Colonial buildings and serve as an important visual and physical link between the dormitories running along the ridge and the "Carinya" dormitory and the maintenance building further to the west.
the banks of Mt Penang Parklands' upper lake while the others are towards the Baxter and Kariong Detention Centres on the Parklands' northeast boundary. The sculptures were positioned as per the plan of artist, Bruce Copping, above the upper lake in the Botanic Gardens.
location for a Government sanatorium; however, this was never acted upon. During the same period, the Government also looked for a site on which to construct a new centre for juvenile delinquents. The new centre would be based on similar principles as the Brush Farm in
In February 2007, NAISDA, the National Indigenous Dance College, opened their new premises at Mt. Penang Festival Parklands site. That year approval was given to build a Parklands Post Office, Family Tavern, Brewery & Hunter Wines Promotion Centre on The Avenue.
498:, where hard physical work and a basic school education would combine to assist in the rehabilitation of delinquent boys. The centre would also take the boys from the nautical training ships, which had become outdated and expensive to operate by the early 1900s. 772:
stone, a dynamic which would provide the model for many symposia to follow. Since then international sculpture symposia have been held in numerous towns and cities around the world, including Lindabrunn, Austria and Hagi, Japan (a town known for its pottery).
After 1970 gaps with deaths or removed trees have not been filled in the avenue. Several trees have been removed in the avenue's south, with road widening, creation of the link road to Old Mount Penang Road to the east, driveways for the fire station etc.
Creeks, a government township was laid out in the 1830s. It was described as the township at Port Frederick in honour of Frederick Hely, who was Superintendent of Convicts and had a large property on Narara Creek. But when the survey plan was sent to
Whilst many of the education buildings, which are standard Department of Education demountable classrooms, depart from the themes outlined above, they are generally placed in discrete groups which are screened from the main buildings by vegetation.
he had been transferred to the Carpentarian Reformatory at Brush Farm, Eastwood, before moving with the boys to Mount Penang in 1912. His experience and training from the two former institutions was instrumental in the development of Mount Penang.
in Sydney Harbour, the Sobraon remaining there until 1911 Whilst moored off Cockatoo Island, the boys of the Vernon and the Sobraon maintained a small farm to supply themselves with fresh food, a tradition that would be carried on at Mount Penang.
re-education and rehabilitation of delinquent youth. The application of the name "Mount Penang" was favoured over some of the other established names for the area, such as Kariong, as it had not been applied to any other institution or building.
443:. The committee estimated that there was up to 1,000 destitute children in Sydney alone, and recommended the establishment of reformatory schools to get them off the streets. The schools were designed on Industrial Schools in 853:
economy measure (the sand may have been made from finely crushed sandstone). The concrete does not appear to have been reinforced and was poured in shallow timber forms, lifted in stages. Other materials used were timber and
the site. In 2009 approval was given for two event park stages proposed (1) for the 2009 Flora Festival in September; (2) for a permanent events park layout further north and inside the Parklands site, away from the highway.
743:, an obelisk water feature and an outdoor amphitheatre. The amphitheatre is an event space. Around it are the Bottle Tree Garden, Puddle Garden, Rock Garden and Display Garden, which are available for hire for events. 680:, to that of a city containing some secondary and service industries related to the tourist trade. Agriculture and horticulture continue in the mountain areas but, in declining importance to employment and production. 555:
1912 as part of the initial detention centre development. The southern, straight part of The Avenue is thought to have been laid out slightly later, when attention turned to site landscaping. A row of brush box trees
on 19 September 2003. Today, Mount Penang Parklands is a redevelopment precinct containing parks and gardens, a high school, an events park, commercial and office space and residential development.
215: 676:
expansion of metropolitan Sydney, the availability of private and public transport and improved road systems have combined to change the development of Gosford from a rural community prior to
1350: 560:) was planted on each side. It appears that the road had been constructed and the trees planted by 1938. It functioned as one of two main entry ways into the site off what is now the 722:
In 2009, arson led to the loss of the former Paint Shop in the western precinct. It was reported at this time that other buildings in the western precinct were in a neglected state.
1260: 1391: 439:
in an effort to control wayward or destitute children. The Act was initiated following the findings of an 1859 Select Committee on the condition of the working classes in
1630: 1625: 1615: 77: 871:
The later houses are of mass concrete and show a superimposed Federation influence. These were introduced between the Colonial houses so that the styles alternated.
868:, steeply pitched roofs and regular punctuation of windows and door openings. Plan forms were simple rectangles. The houses were bungalows with a similar character. 518:. Although remoteness worked in favour of the choice of the Mount Penang site for the farm, it did create serious problems during the construction of the complex. 1620: 1416: 1535:
Photographic Recording of The Avenue, Central Coast Highway/Woy Woy Road Intersection Upgrade – Mount Penang Parklands – Exemption under section 57(2)
Despite these initiatives, some problems were inevitable considering the nature of the institution. As early as 1923, an inquiry was conducted by the
598: 642: 551:
The northern, curved part of The Avenue, along which several of Mt. Penang Boys Home's main buildings are located, is thought to have been laid out
629:. This work, completed in 1930, made road travel to the Gosford area much easier than previously. Further improvements, such as replacement of the 567:
The Superintendent at Mount Penang during its formative years was Frederick Stayner. Stayner began teaching in 1884, and had been appointed to the
1593: 1132: 931: 285: 261: 138: 60: 1137: 845:" created by the progressive placement of buildings over time; and the spaciousness around the buildings created by the numerous playing fields. 1346: 618: 1261:"Parental imposition or police coercion? The role of parents and police in committals to the industrial schools in New South Wales, 1867-1905" 1172: 887:
architectural style with the main complex is dramatic but is moderated by its remote location, such that it stands as a separate entity.
area included the Mount Penang site. Evidence of pre-European sites found are associated with the Hawkesbury Sandstone formations, being
906: 1585: 511: 481: 422:
The site maintains a link with the earliest days of juvenile reform in NSW when male offenders were housed on retired navy ships in
1384: 515: 341: 302: 1589: 480:
The Sobraon, a second training ship that had been built in 1866, replaced the Vernon in 1890. Both ships were anchored off
overnight or holiday accommodation. Railway access encouraged other industries, including dairying in the districts around
436: 383: 891:
patterns. The siting of the buildings in their farm paddock setting gives them considerable importance in the landscape.
car ferries with a new road bridge in 1945, led to a rapid increase in the numbers of day trippers to the Central Coast.
716: 626: 253: 468:
became common practice for children who were believed to have committed crimes to be sentenced by magistrates to the
854: 756: 460: 391: 387: 898:
Mount Penang remains intact enough to demonstrate the evolution of juvenile justice systems in 20th century NSW.
495: 398:), where the main shipbuilding yard was located. Until the 1880s the district's timber and other produce went to 257: 245: 149:
Mount Penang Parklands; The Farm Home for Boys; Girrakool; Kariong Juvenile Detention Centre; Mt Penang Parklands
56: 355:
the pioneering era, 1821–31, when the district's resources were exploited and little development took place; and
41: 395: 725:
In 2015, the remaining correctional facility, then known as the Kariong Juvenile Correctional Centre, closed.
1247: 1235: 451:
One response to the 1866 Act was the establishment of the Nautical School Ships, the first of which was the
367: 951: 606: 407: 363: 317: 310: 506:, and were supervised by the former probation officer of the Nautical School Ship, Herbert Charles Wood. 561: 557: 1127: 837:
Event Park, Retail/Commercial Park, Mt Penang Gardens, Sports Park, Future Business Park and Bushland.
In 1866, the Destitute Children Act, better known as the Industrial Schools Act was passed through the
European colonisation of the Gosford district began in the 1820s, with the main points of entry being
585: 1516: 824:
plateau of Penang Mountain. The area and surrounding Central Coast are the traditional lands of the
The first dormitories and administrative buildings were constructed in the colonial era, with wide
306: 1600: 1508:
Roudabout construction, The Avenue, Mount Penang Parklands, Kariong – Statement of Heritage Impact
1159: 829:
shelters. Common motifs found at rock engraving sites include kangaroos, whales, fish and eels.
348:) in the west. Most of the development subsequently occurred in the eastern or coastal sector. 17: 1596:
published by the State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) 2018 under
1410: 1305: 1295: 1155:
Text is licensed by State of New South Wales (Department of Planning and Environment) under
630: 345: 269: 808: 358:
the developing era, 1832–43, when considerable growth occurred in population and industry.
329: 321: 265: 64: 463:
the ex-navy sailing ship was converted into a training ship to house up to 500 boys. The
National Aboriginal and Islander Dance Association HQ and commercial development (2007)
423: 337: 325: 1609: 746: 1284:"From Reformatory to Farm Home: Developments in Twentieth-Century Juvenile Justice" 858: 697: 677: 456: 372: 1300: 1283: 661: 646: 1597: 1584: 1156: 941: 825: 740: 1309: 92: 79: 842: 821: 1498: 1248:
areas. CCRDC gained a $ 45,000 grant from the NSW Government, through the
In May 1944, a new sub-institution was opened at Mount Penang by the then
of the Superintendent (from 1878 to 1895), Frederick William Neitenstein.
In 1990, the centre's Vocational Training Unit was relocated to a former
for approval, it was returned with the notation "to be called Gosford".
268:, Australia. It was designed by James Nangle and built from 1912 by the 1544:
Sent to the Mountain: a history of Mount Penang Juvenile Justice Centre
1151: 865: 444: 313:. "Kariong" is said to be an Aboriginal word meaning "meeting place". 883:
both an operational characteristic and a response to the topography.
440: 399: 625:
In 1925 the newly formed Main Roads Board began construction of the
Location of Mount Penang Juvenile Justice Centre in New South Wales
905: 745: 351:
Early settlement of the district can be divided into two phases:
by the Department of Public Instruction in March 1894. From the
Managing New South Wales Government Heritage, Issue 6, 9/2007
on 19 September 2003 having satisfied the relevant criteria.
222: 1553:
Penang listed for heritage (Central Coast Herald 10/9/03)
apprenticed out to start their lives as useful citizens.
857:, with the majority of the early staff cottages null of 930:
Mount Penang Juvenile Justice Centre was listed on the
Government Architect's Office, Heritage Group, 12/2009
This Knowledge (XXG) article was originally based on
248:, now a parkland and redevelopment precinct known as 763:
Sculpture installations in Mt. Penang Gardens (2004)
1379: 1377: 1323: 1321: 1319: 333:sites may only a small number of engraved figures. 193: 185: 177: 169: 161: 153: 145: 136: 124: 116: 108: 71: 51: 34: 1265:Journal of the Royal Australian Historical Society 1221: 1219: 1209: 1207: 1205: 1203: 1201: 1199: 696:In 1975, the new Superintendent of Mount Penang, 564:. The Avenue is now the site's main entry drive. 1234:Destitute Children Act, New South Wales (1866). 637:Mount Penang Training School for Boys, 1944–1960 1347:"Kariong Juvenile Correctional Centre to close" 402:by boat, since few land routes were available. 362:At the head of Brisbane Water, on land between 1122: 1120: 1118: 1116: 1114: 1112: 1110: 1108: 1106: 1104: 1102: 1100: 1098: 1096: 1094: 1092: 1090: 1088: 1086: 1084: 1082: 1080: 1078: 1076: 1074: 1072: 1070: 1068: 1066: 1064: 1062: 1060: 1058: 1056: 1054: 1052: 1050: 1048: 1046: 1044: 1042: 1040: 1038: 1036: 1034: 1032: 1030: 1028: 1026: 1024: 1022: 1020: 1018: 1016: 1014: 1012: 1010: 1008: 1006: 1004: 1002: 1000: 998: 996: 994: 992: 990: 988: 820:Mount Penang Parklands is located west of the 382:Other early townships in the district were at 1569:Graham Brooks and Associates Pty Ltd (1997). 1560:Graham Brooks and Associates Pty Ltd (1997). 986: 984: 982: 980: 978: 976: 974: 972: 970: 968: 833:been logged in the area in the 19th century. 660:In May 1948, the new Minister for Education, 8: 1533:Roads & Traffic Authority (NSW) (2010). 739:bottle trees (Brachychiton rupestris) from 29:Historic site in New South Wales, Australia 1474:Mount Penang CMP 2001. Goddan Mackay Logan 849:design and construction of the buildings. 40: 31: 1470: 1468: 1466: 1464: 1299: 1462: 1460: 1458: 1456: 1454: 1452: 1450: 1448: 1446: 1444: 1429:Ken Phelan, pers.comm., 16 December 2009 1138:Department of Planning & Environment 1631:Central Coast Council (New South Wales) 1626:Juvenile detention centres in Australia 1616:New South Wales State Heritage Register 1594:New South Wales State Heritage Register 1371:Stuart Read, pers.comm., 1 October 2015 1133:New South Wales State Heritage Register 964: 932:New South Wales State Heritage Register 489:The Establishment of Mount Penang, 1912 286:New South Wales State Heritage Register 270:New South Wales Public Works Department 197:Department of Public Works and Services 1415:: CS1 maint: archived copy as title ( 1408: 689:by this new collection of buildings. 192: 184: 176: 168: 160: 152: 144: 135: 7: 431:The Nautical School Ships, 1866–1911 242:Mount Penang Juvenile Justice Centre 35:Mount Penang Juvenile Justice Centre 1353:from the original on 30 August 2018 502:working party were formerly of the 1621:Defunct prisons in New South Wales 25: 1397:from the original on 4 March 2015 1259:Scrivener, Gladys (1 June 2000). 305:are the traditional lands of the 297:Indigenous and early colonial use 282:Kariong Juvenile Detention Centre 139:New South Wales Heritage Register 1583: 1515:Central Coast Australia (2007). 1282:Carden, Clarissa (27 May 2019). 1246:Destitute Children Act, (1866). 1150: 944: 221: 214: 522:The Construction Phase, 1912–22 128:Minister for Community Services 18:Kariong Juvenile Justice Centre 1526:Mount Penang Conservation Plan 1: 1301:10.1080/14780038.2019.1594499 1173:Government Architect's Office 750:Waterfall, Mt. Penang Gardens 717:Roads & Traffic Authority 552: 437:Parliament of New South Wales 1603:, accessed on 2 June 2018. 1592:, entry number 01667 in the 1524:Godden Mackay Logan (2001). 1497:Attraction Homepage (2007). 244:is a heritage-listed former 1288:Cultural and Social History 734:Mount Penang Gardens (2003) 1647: 1175:, Heritage Group, 12/2009) 793:Kariong High School (2008) 461:Premier of New South Wales 157:state heritage (landscape) 1213:Godden Mackay Logan, 2001 301:The area and surrounding 246:juvenile detention centre 209: 205: 201: 132: 39: 1517:"Mount Penang Parklands" 1506:Biosys Research (2009). 1499:"Mount Penang Parklands" 1128:"Mount Penang Parklands" 759:sculptures (see below). 252:. It is situated on the 1571:Gosford Heritage Review 1562:Gosford Heritage Review 1542:Rubie, Valerie (2002). 802:Mount Penang Event Park 729:Redevelopment post-2000 599:Department of Education 414:Juvenile Justice Centre 272:. It was also known as 1590:Mount Penang Parklands 1551:Tucker, Scott (2003). 952:New South Wales portal 911: 751: 643:Minister for Education 592:Consolidation, 1923–40 545: 320:study in 1994 for the 284:. It was added to the 274:The Farm Home for Boys 250:Mount Penang Parklands 46:Mount Penang Parklands 909: 749: 562:Central Coast Highway 558:Lophostemon confertus 541: 586:University of Sydney 344:(a tributary of the 189:Landscape – Cultural 93:33.4281°S 151.3005°E 910:Heritage boundaries 645:and Child Welfare, 307:Darkinjung language 89: /  912: 752: 181:Historic Landscape 170:Reference no. 98:-33.4281; 151.3005 512:Mangrove Mountain 311:Aboriginal people 238: 237: 165:19 September 2003 55:Pacific Highway, 16:(Redirected from 1638: 1587: 1574: 1565: 1556: 1547: 1538: 1529: 1520: 1511: 1502: 1484: 1481: 1475: 1472: 1439: 1436: 1430: 1427: 1421: 1420: 1414: 1406: 1404: 1402: 1396: 1389: 1381: 1372: 1369: 1363: 1362: 1360: 1358: 1343: 1337: 1336:Biosys, 2009, 13 1334: 1328: 1325: 1314: 1313: 1303: 1279: 1273: 1272: 1256: 1250: 1244: 1238: 1232: 1226: 1225:Biosys, 2009, 12 1223: 1214: 1211: 1194: 1191: 1185: 1182: 1176: 1169: 1163: 1154: 1149: 1147: 1145: 1124: 954: 949: 948: 947: 902:Heritage listing 631:Hawkesbury River 619:Children's Court 554: 455:. Encouraged by 346:Hawkesbury River 340:in the east and 318:Aboriginal sites 225: 224: 218: 104: 103: 101: 100: 99: 94: 90: 87: 86: 85: 82: 44: 32: 21: 1646: 1645: 1641: 1640: 1639: 1637: 1636: 1635: 1606: 1605: 1581: 1568: 1559: 1550: 1541: 1532: 1523: 1514: 1505: 1496: 1493: 1488: 1487: 1482: 1478: 1473: 1442: 1437: 1433: 1428: 1424: 1407: 1400: 1398: 1394: 1387: 1385:"Archived copy" 1383: 1382: 1375: 1370: 1366: 1356: 1354: 1349:. NSW Justice. 1345: 1344: 1340: 1335: 1331: 1327:Biosys, 2009, 1 1326: 1317: 1281: 1280: 1276: 1258: 1257: 1253: 1245: 1241: 1233: 1229: 1224: 1217: 1212: 1197: 1192: 1188: 1184:Vinnicombe 1980 1183: 1179: 1170: 1166: 1143: 1141: 1126: 1125: 966: 961: 950: 945: 943: 940: 904: 855:corrugated iron 818: 809:Destination NSW 804: 795: 786: 765: 736: 731: 686: 639: 627:Pacific Highway 594: 524: 491: 482:Cockatoo Island 433: 416: 330:grinding groove 326:rock engravings 322:City of Gosford 299: 294: 266:New South Wales 254:Pacific Highway 234: 233: 232: 231: 228: 227: 226: 141: 97: 95: 91: 88: 83: 80: 78: 76: 75: 65:New South Wales 47: 30: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 1644: 1642: 1634: 1633: 1628: 1623: 1618: 1608: 1607: 1580: 1577: 1576: 1575: 1566: 1557: 1548: 1539: 1530: 1521: 1512: 1503: 1492: 1489: 1486: 1485: 1476: 1440: 1431: 1422: 1373: 1364: 1338: 1329: 1315: 1294:(3): 359–374. 1274: 1251: 1239: 1227: 1215: 1195: 1186: 1177: 1164: 963: 962: 960: 957: 956: 955: 939: 936: 903: 900: 817: 814: 803: 800: 794: 791: 785: 782: 764: 761: 735: 732: 730: 727: 685: 682: 638: 635: 593: 590: 523: 520: 516:Wisemans Ferry 490: 487: 432: 429: 424:Sydney Harbour 415: 412: 373:Governor Gipps 360: 359: 356: 342:Mangrove Creek 338:Brisbane Water 298: 295: 293: 290: 236: 235: 229: 220: 219: 213: 212: 211: 210: 207: 206: 203: 202: 199: 198: 195: 191: 190: 187: 183: 182: 179: 175: 174: 171: 167: 166: 163: 159: 158: 155: 151: 150: 147: 143: 142: 137: 134: 133: 130: 129: 126: 122: 121: 118: 114: 113: 110: 106: 105: 73: 69: 68: 53: 49: 48: 45: 37: 36: 28: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1643: 1632: 1629: 1627: 1624: 1622: 1619: 1617: 1614: 1613: 1611: 1604: 1602: 1599: 1595: 1591: 1586: 1578: 1572: 1567: 1563: 1558: 1554: 1549: 1545: 1540: 1536: 1531: 1527: 1522: 1518: 1513: 1509: 1504: 1500: 1495: 1494: 1490: 1480: 1477: 1471: 1469: 1467: 1465: 1463: 1461: 1459: 1457: 1455: 1453: 1451: 1449: 1447: 1445: 1441: 1435: 1432: 1426: 1423: 1418: 1412: 1393: 1386: 1380: 1378: 1374: 1368: 1365: 1352: 1348: 1342: 1339: 1333: 1330: 1324: 1322: 1320: 1316: 1311: 1307: 1302: 1297: 1293: 1289: 1285: 1278: 1275: 1270: 1266: 1262: 1255: 1252: 1249: 1243: 1240: 1237: 1231: 1228: 1222: 1220: 1216: 1210: 1208: 1206: 1204: 1202: 1200: 1196: 1190: 1187: 1181: 1178: 1174: 1168: 1165: 1161: 1158: 1153: 1139: 1135: 1134: 1129: 1123: 1121: 1119: 1117: 1115: 1113: 1111: 1109: 1107: 1105: 1103: 1101: 1099: 1097: 1095: 1093: 1091: 1089: 1087: 1085: 1083: 1081: 1079: 1077: 1075: 1073: 1071: 1069: 1067: 1065: 1063: 1061: 1059: 1057: 1055: 1053: 1051: 1049: 1047: 1045: 1043: 1041: 1039: 1037: 1035: 1033: 1031: 1029: 1027: 1025: 1023: 1021: 1019: 1017: 1015: 1013: 1011: 1009: 1007: 1005: 1003: 1001: 999: 997: 995: 993: 991: 989: 987: 985: 983: 981: 979: 977: 975: 973: 971: 969: 965: 958: 953: 942: 937: 935: 933: 928: 924: 920: 916: 908: 901: 899: 896: 892: 888: 884: 880: 876: 872: 869: 867: 862: 860: 856: 850: 846: 844: 838: 834: 830: 827: 823: 815: 813: 810: 801: 799: 792: 790: 783: 781: 777: 773: 769: 762: 760: 758: 748: 744: 742: 733: 728: 726: 723: 720: 718: 713: 709: 705: 701: 699: 694: 690: 683: 681: 679: 673: 669: 665: 663: 658: 654: 650: 648: 644: 636: 634: 632: 628: 623: 620: 615: 611: 608: 602: 600: 591: 589: 587: 581: 577: 574: 570: 565: 563: 559: 549: 544: 540: 536: 532: 528: 521: 519: 517: 513: 507: 505: 499: 497: 488: 486: 483: 478: 474: 471: 466: 462: 458: 454: 449: 446: 442: 438: 430: 428: 425: 420: 413: 411: 409: 403: 401: 397: 393: 389: 385: 380: 376: 374: 369: 365: 357: 354: 353: 352: 349: 347: 343: 339: 334: 331: 327: 323: 319: 314: 312: 308: 304: 303:Central Coast 296: 291: 289: 287: 283: 279: 275: 271: 267: 263: 262:Central Coast 259: 255: 251: 247: 243: 217: 208: 204: 200: 196: 188: 180: 172: 164: 156: 148: 146:Official name 140: 131: 127: 123: 119: 115: 111: 107: 102: 74: 70: 66: 62: 61:Central Coast 58: 54: 50: 43: 38: 33: 27: 19: 1582: 1570: 1561: 1552: 1543: 1534: 1525: 1507: 1491:Bibliography 1479: 1434: 1425: 1399:. Retrieved 1367: 1355:. Retrieved 1341: 1332: 1291: 1287: 1277: 1268: 1264: 1254: 1242: 1230: 1189: 1180: 1167: 1142:. Retrieved 1131: 929: 925: 921: 917: 913: 897: 893: 889: 885: 881: 877: 873: 870: 863: 859:weatherboard 851: 847: 839: 835: 831: 819: 805: 796: 787: 778: 774: 770: 766: 753: 737: 724: 721: 714: 710: 706: 702: 698:Laurie Maher 695: 691: 687: 678:World War II 674: 670: 666: 659: 655: 651: 640: 624: 616: 612: 603: 595: 582: 578: 572: 568: 566: 550: 546: 542: 537: 533: 529: 525: 508: 503: 500: 492: 479: 475: 469: 464: 457:Henry Parkes 452: 450: 434: 421: 417: 404: 384:East Gosford 381: 377: 361: 350: 335: 315: 300: 281: 277: 273: 249: 241: 239: 120:James Nangle 26: 1579:Attribution 816:Description 662:Bob Heffron 647:Clive Evatt 459:, the then 96: / 84:151°18′02″E 72:Coordinates 67:, Australia 1610:Categories 1193:Lough 1980 959:References 843:courtyards 826:Darkinjung 741:Queensland 162:Designated 81:33°25′41″S 1598:CC-BY 4.0 1401:29 August 1357:30 August 1310:1478-0038 1157:CC-BY 4.0 822:sandstone 757:Wondabyne 684:1960–2000 392:Blackwall 388:Kincumber 309:group of 278:Girrakool 117:Architect 1411:cite web 1392:Archived 1351:Archived 1271:(1): 23. 1140:. 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Kariong Juvenile Justice Centre

Central Coast
New South Wales
33°25′41″S 151°18′02″E / 33.4281°S 151.3005°E / -33.4281; 151.3005
New South Wales Heritage Register
Mount Penang Juvenile Justice Centre is located in New South Wales
juvenile detention centre
Pacific Highway
Central Coast
New South Wales
New South Wales Public Works Department
New South Wales State Heritage Register
Central Coast
Darkinjung language
Aboriginal people
Aboriginal sites
City of Gosford
rock engravings
grinding groove
Brisbane Water
Mangrove Creek
Hawkesbury River
Governor Gipps
East Gosford

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.