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Luftwaffe radio equipment of World War II

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437:: The "Bernhard/Bernhardine" system was a nightfighter/day fighter radio-navigation system. Primary intended to guide fighters into the bomber streams rather than against individual aircraft. The ground station (FuSAn 724/725) "Bernhard" was the VHF rotating directional-beacon ground-station. It continuously transmitted the station identifier and the antenna azimuth (bearing) in Hellschreiber-format. The FuG 120 "Bernhardine" was the airborne Hellschreiber system that prints the data stream from the selected Bernhard station. The HF receiver for the system was the EBL3 from the FuBL 2 ILS system. Operating Frequency: 30 - 33.1 MHz, Transmitter power: 2 × 500 Watt (FuSAn 724) or 2 x 5000 Watt (FuSAn 725). Antenna rotational speed: 12 degrees per second (2 revolutions per minute). Accuracy: initially ±1°, then improved to ±0.5°. The system was initially deployed in 1941/42 however work was stopped until 1944. Deployment was started to try and produce a "jam proof" system. A later version (deployed at about 3 sites) alternated between sending angular information and text message instructions which allowed a simple form of data link between the fighter direction stations and the fighters. 419:: This system was a VHF radio beacon. Originally developed in 1942 due to problems the design was suspended. When in 1944 the existing radio navigation systems were either being jammed or under physical attack the design was revisited. It consisted of a rotating radio beacon transmitting at 30 -33 MHz. The signal consisted of a tone and a robot voice using FM. The robot voice was encoded onto an optical disk. The voice spoke a number between 1 and 35, corresponding to 10 degrees of angle from the beacon. The pilot listened to the signal, when the tone disappeared the next number corresponded to the angle from the beacon. It was expected that this would give an angular resolution of about 5 degrees but when tested it was found that some pilots could estimate to within 3 degrees. The receiver was a modified EBL 3 which had had its bandwidth increased and fitted with an FM interface board. This board also connected to the pilots audio via the 678:: As experience was gained it was discovered that using the system above the radar operators were unable to identify which aircraft had responded to the interrogation pulse as the basic system did not provide range. In an attempt to resolve this question a modification was applied turning the Zwilling into the Häuptling.This retransmitted the receiving pulse on the 160 MHz frequency to a receiver on the radar. However, by the time that this modification had been developed jamming of the Würzburg had commenced and the radar had been modified to work on one of three bands called "islands". As the Häuptling could not cover these bands it was abandoned and the FuG 25z was replaced by the various versions of the FuG 25a system. 488:: Development started on this system in 1934 based on work done by Lorenz. The initial work was to develop their ILS system but further work investigated how far a beam of this frequency could be used to guide an aircraft. It was found that by using a combination of a large antenna, a powerful transmitter and maximum elevation of the antenna that ranges far in excess of those expected could be achieved. (probably being caused by ducting, a little understood propagation mode at the time). With an antenna at 1000m above sea level and an aircraft flying at 3000m ranges of 400 km could be achieved. Aircraft equipment was the EBL3 receiver. Frequency range 30 - 34 MHz. 407:: Used the Knickebein beam navigation and bombing system. Consisted of the EBL 3 and EBL 2 receivers with display device ANF 2. The EBL 3 operated between 30 and 33 MHz and received 34 channels, The EBL 2 operated at 38 MHz and was unchanged from the FuBL 1 system. The AFN 2 provided the pilot with a left/right display and a signal strength. The unit was available in two versions FuBL 2 H for a unit operated by the radio operator and the FuBL 2 F for remote operation by the pilot in a single seat aircraft.`The primary difference between the EBL 1 and the EBL 3 was sensitivity to allow, what was basically a ILS system, to be used for bombing. 806:: The receiver for this was the FuG25a IFF system. When a ground station interrogated the unit it flashed a small light to indicate this had happened to the pilot. The system involved modifying the transmitter so that the light flashed Morse signals. This allowed a very primitive way of signaling the pilot. A development of this system was to include a unit called the Luftkurier which decoded the Morse and indicated commands on a pointer (left/right). The system was trialed but it was found to be too hard for pilots to watch the indicator while piloting their aircraft. Another issue was that the Luftkurier was found to be very easy to jam. 569:. No special receiver was required as the pattern was discernable with the ear all that was required was the special charts. At least 6 stations were built providing coverage from the Bay of Biscay to Norway. Accuracy was reasonable during the day but errors up to 4 degrees occurred at night. The allies captured the maps with resulted in the being issued to allied units, because of this the allies left the Sonne system alone. After the war the stations were rebuilt and operated into the 1970s. The system was called Consol by that time. 242: 494:: The Knickebein system was even for its time very crude. As soon as it had proved itself development of an improved system called X-Gerät was started. This used higher frequencies 66-70 MHz to improve resolution and reduce the size of the antenna group. This allowed the system to be mobile (by standards of 1940s not today's standards for mobile). Additionally it used 4 beams rather than two, included was a system called the X-clock. This allowed much better accuracy, crews often achieved 300 x 300 meter target boxes. 413:: Y-Gerät transponder. Based on the Fug17 transceiver with additional components to send the response to the Y-Gerät ground station for the ground station to derive range. Also derived the azimuth signal and displayed the results on the ANF 2 display giving the pilot a left/right command. Operating frequency 24 - 28 MHz. 8 Watts transmit power. The unit also interfaced to the FuG 10 system in the aircraft so that voice communication with the pilot from the ground controllers via the Fug 28a was possible. 238:: Intended as the next standard aircraft transceiver to replace earlier series units. Unusual in using FM as well as AM for voice. Operating Frequency 37.8 to 47.7 MHz. It could be fitted with a remote control system that allowed the pilot to control it rather than the radio operator. Production planned to start in 1942 but service trials showed problems and deployment stopped. Replaced by the Fug16. Completed units rebuilt as BS 15 navigation radio beacons in 1945. 153: 741:: This was a development of the FuG 25z to provide a wide band receiver which would respond to the Würzburg "Island A" & "Island B" frequencies. It was hoped by doing this that the beam width problems with Fug25a would be resolved. However, by the time this was ready for production in 1944 Flak Würzburg now included "Island C' which could not be received. The unit was therefore never deployed. Further development of the basic Fug 25 was then abandoned. 632:: FM (Frequency Modulated) CW (Continuous Wave) Altimeter. Operating frequency 337 - 400 MHz. (75 – 89 cm) Selectable between two ranges, 0 - 150 Meters and 0 - 750 Meters. Units were small enough to be fitted to single-engine day fighters and night fighters. Fitted generally at first but later in the war only to aircraft expected to operate at night. In larger aircraft usually paired with Fug 102 due to its max height limitation. 341:" - that was transmitted from radio navigation stations to aid the day- and night- fighters participating in the defense of the Reich. Due to the high transmitting power of the transmitters, the signal was almost immune to interference from jamming. It was an AM receiver, with a frequency range of between 150 kHz and 6 MHz, with 6 push buttons preselected frequencies but details lacking and development was never completed. 427:. The beacon identifier was transmitted instead of the number 0. This allowed a pilot to select a particular beacon. Between 10 -20 beacons were commissioned by May 1945. 30 channels were available with 2 more being reserved for airfield ILS. Beacons were usually placed 20 km from a runway, The pilot would over fly the beacon and then circle until he acquired the ILS landing beam on the 539:: In 1942 with the He 177 and the "Battle of the Atlantic" in full swing the Germans started the development of a long range beacon system called Komet. This was based on pre-war work done by Lorenz. Its consisted or a rapidly rotating beam (electronic not mechanical) transmitting at 3 kW and at frequencies between 5 and 12 MHz. The signals were picked up using a 559:
On smaller aircraft there was not enough space and German industry was by now having trouble supplying enough radios to the air force without adding 4 more receivers per plane. The system was not deployed. Some sources indicate that there may have been a version called Electra that operated at 250 to 300 kHz but details are lacking or contradictory.
232:: Designed to supplement early versions of the Fug 10 to improve long range communications. Frequency range 3 MHz to 20 MHz 20 Watts output power. Deployed on long range aircraft such as the Fw 200 Condor. Improvements in the Fug 10 family resulted in no need for this additional radio and it was withdrawn from service. 850:: Single watertight box transmitter. Operated on a frequency of 53.5 to 61 MHz. Powered by batteries. Sent Morse code, no receiver. Fitted to most German aircraft expected to operate over water from the middle of the war. Replaced NS2. Range 6 to 16 Miles. Easier to use than the NS2. Transmit power 1 to 2 watts. 929:: Location transmitter installed in some Fieseler Fi 103 (V 1) cruise missiles. Transmitted at frequencies between 340 kHz and 3.5 MHz. Allowed the missiles to be tracked. Transmitted two signals, one while the motor was running and the second when it cut off, allowing its impact point to be calculated. 747:: Intended to incorporate all the lessons using the preceding systems. The objectives of the design were; (a) Work with all anticipated service radars i.e. "staring and PPI' (b) operate at 6, later 12 frequency pairs to defeat jamming (c) for the first time provide an air-to-air mode. Development never completed. 672:. The reception frequency range was 600 MHz 50 cm. Transmitting frequency was also 600 MHz, 50 cm. When it responded the radar operator could hear a morse character in their headphones. This only worked with the Würzburg radars not Freya. It could be received at up to 30 km (19 mi). 610:
beacons as the aircraft approached the threshold to land. The AFN 2 provided the pilot with a left/right display and a signal strength. The pilot could also hear the azimuth signal and the marker beacons in his headset. When the aircraft passed over the beacons a light was also illuminated in the cockpit.`
a problem was encountered with the FuG 25a in that the dwell time of the radar was too short for the operator of the system to observe, in many cases, the mark on their screen. Earlier radars which "stared" rather than scanned did not have this problem. This modification increased the duration of the
radio beacon signal system via the Fug 16ZY. For approach and landing it used the FuBL 1 or 2 blind landing receiver. For altitude it used the Fug 101 radio altimeter. Given the pilot workload in a single pilot aircraft it also included a simple auto pilot. Fitted in some types of Fw 190 and Bf 109s.
receivers which would allow a wider turning range. This allowed the Germans to set up GEE chains of their own further inside Germany where the British GEE signals were unusable. There seems to have been some idea of using frequencies very close to the British frequencies to make jamming by the Allies
Würzburg radars as they worked on a different band required separate equipment to work with the FuG 25a. This was known under the name Kuckuck. It consisted of the interrogator transmitter Kur and the receiver Gemse. Dipoles were mounted inside the reflector to transmit and receive. A severe problem
Komet processor which printed the results out on a paper strip.(The Kometscriber). Two test stations were built in 1944. There were several problems which resulted in it never being used. The antenna array was vast using 127 aerials and 19 control huts. It was discovered that it would be easy to jam
receivers. The signal was adjusted in phase between a ref point and a navigation point. After processing the FuG 121 displayed an angle from the beacon. By using two beacons it was possible to achieve a fix. However, this was a problem as four receivers were required, two listening to each station.
or Fighter Formation Leaders that could be tracked and directed from the ground via special R/T equipment. Aircraft equipped with ZY were fitted with a Morane whip aerial array. Principal components: Transmitter, Receiver, Modulator in one case, S 16 Z Tx, E 16 Z Rcvr, NG 16 Z Modulator Dynamotor U
Used the Lorenz landing beam system. Consisted of the EBL 1 and EBL 2 receivers with display device ANF 2. The EBL 1 operated between 30 and 33 MHz and received the azimuth signals from a transmitter at the far end of the runway, The EBL 2 operated at 38 MHz and received the two marker
HF band). CW & AM voice. Reduced volume, cost & weight. Intended to be combined with the PeilG 6 & FuBL 2. It could be fitted with a remote control system that allowed the pilot to control it rather than the radio operator. Development completed but never deployed as there was little
844:: Single watertight box transmitter. Operated on the international distress frequency of 500 kHz. Powered by a hand generator. Sent Morse code, no receiver. Fitted to most German aircraft expected to operate over water at the start of the war. Range 120 – 250 miles. Transmit power 8 Watts. 812:: A development of the Nachlicht system. Used the Fug25a receiver again. This time commands were decoded onto a small CRT, which allowed up to 16 commands to be issued to the fighter. Had the same problems as Nachlicht, too easy to jam and too hard to use in a single-seater plane. Abandoned. 149:. The FuG 7 typically operated in the 2.5 to 7.5 MHz, with a power of approximately 7 watts. The range of the FuG 7 was approximately 50 km in good weather. Later versions of the FuG 7 included the FuG 7a, which included the S 6a Transmitter, E 5a Receiver and Junction Box VK 5 A. 214:
incorporated a fixed loop D/F aerial and a homing device for navigation to a ground station. This loop aerial, usually fitted on a small, "teardrop" shaped mounting, was standard equipment on most fighter aircraft from late 1943 on. Manufactured by Lorenz. Typical power was 70 watts.
889:: Radio Buoy. Dropped into the sea to mark a particular location for following aircraft. Initially transmitted at 45 MHz for detection by Fug 17, later modified to operate at 40 MHz for location by FuG 16. Used in late 1944 to guide He 111 launching V-1 over the North Sea. 396:
device to reduce drag over a protruding D/F loop antenna, and made up of a series of metal strips in a "sunburst" pattern. often being fitted under a round, flush fitting plexiglass cover. A small "whip" aerial was also fitted to the FuG 10 radiomast. Manufactured by
771:, a need for IFF was identified. The Frischling was an add on unit for either FuG 25a or FuG 226 that converted the 9 cm integration pulse to a standard 125 MHz pulse which was then passed it to the response unit. Development not completed. 818:: A further development of the Nachlicht system. This time an audio receiver was added to the system between the Fug25a and the Fug16ZY. This allowed the pilot to hear Morse commands sent up the data link. Unusable in practice and abandoned. 401:. Version PeilG 5 was of similar performance but used a manually controlled loop antenna. Control was via an electric servo motor. Versions 1 - 4 had manual control either via cable linkage or direct control via an attached handle. 760:
developed to allow night fighters fitted with it to identify one another. Transmitted and received on the same band (100 - 156 MHz). It may have been intended to use it as some sort of squadron control system. Never deployed.
Originally IFF was only considered to be of use with Flak hence the limitation above. As the war progressed it was realised that IFF should also work with early warning radars hence a new version of the FuG 25 was developed.
was based on the SN2 radar. Accuracy was +- 100 meters. The system seems to have only deployed in small numbers as bomber operations were ceasing due to the air forces concentration just on fighters and CAS. A variant called
printer. This removed the requirement to read Morse or continuously watch a display. Deployed in small numbers in 1945. An attempt was being made to use Pulse Modulation to also transmit voice but this was never completed.
735:: In anticipation of the allies jamming of the 125/160 MHz IFF frequency this modification changed the interrogation wavelength to 2.5 meters and the response to 2 meters. No other changes were made. Never deployed. 294:
radio fitted to command tanks and reconnaissance units. The FuG 17 was identical to the Fug 16 with the exception of the frequency range and seems to have been deployed first. In the Fug 17ZY version it was also used for
on ground stations when used in conjunction with the FuG 10P or FuG 10ZY. Installed for Bf 109G-3/G-4 and later, Fw 190A-4 and later subtypes. Frequency Range was 38.5 to 42.3 MHz. The FuG 16ZY was also used for
638:: Pulse modulated Altimeter. Operating frequency 182 MHz. Usable between 100 Meters and 15,000 Meters. Due to its limited minimum height usually paired with Fug 101. Too large to fit in single-engined fighters. 821:
As German pilot training was cut back due to the war situation it was realised that the above systems would be unusable as pilots were no longer being trained in Morse. This led to the Fug 120 and Fug 139 systems.
and as it was now 1944 with German forces falling back on all fronts there was no longer a requirement for it. The few Fug124 receivers built were only used on the ground for R&D work.
which allowed the reception of British GEE signals. Units in France received these units and were able to navigate using British signals. The Germans then developed the concept to produce
862:: Receiver to receive MW beacons. Battery powered to be used when other power had failed on an aircraft. Not deployed after service tests had revealed problems. Due to be replaced by the 441:: This version was developed as the original unit was bulky and expensive. In return for considerable reduction is size and weight azimuth measurement was reduced to approx. 4 degrees. 127:. Set consists of: S 3a Transmitter; E 2a Receiver. Power source: G 3 Air-driven generator and 2 - 90 volt dry cells. The FuG 03 operated in the 1250 to 1400 kHz frequency range. 616:: Was a system designed for night fighters and single pilot aircraft in night/poor visibility conditions. It consisted of several sub systems. For navigation it used the "Hermine" 800:
As allied jamming of the fighter voice links became increasingly effective by 1944/45 attempts were made to find other ways of passing information and commands to fighter pilots.
447:: By 1944 the Germans were aware of the operating concept of the British Rebecca/Eureka system and the Oboe and G-H systems via captured examples. From this they developed the 1178: 554:: First deployed in 1942 it was used briefly before being replaced by Sonne and Bernard. Erika transmitted a VHF signal on 30-33 MHz which could be received by standard 392:
A and Ju 88G night fighter series are some of the aircraft types to be fitted. Frequency range was 150 to 1,200 kHz. A "flat" equivalent of a D/F loop was used for the
1296: 479:
The Luftwaffe operationally deployed 3 beam navigation systems during the first part of the war. Knickebein, X-Gerät and Y-Gerät. For more information see the main page
644:: Pulse Modulated Altimeter. Improved version of Fug 102 with reduced min height limitation, therefore Fug 101 could be dispensed with. Small numbers produced in 1945. 508:
with additional transponder systems. Essentially the system transmitted on one beam that indicated left/right on a pilot display and a range indication by using the
system. The reception frequency range was 125 + or - 1.8 MHz. Transmitting frequency was 160 MHz. It could be received at up to 100 km (62 mi).
seems to be the only one that entered service in small numbers in early 1945 in Norway with coastal units. It operated on the low-UHF band frequencies used by the
291: 79:. It operated in the 600 to 1667 kHz range (generally the entire American AM radio broadcast band) at a power of 20 to 100 watts, depending on installation. 589:: This system was based on the British GEE system. After British units were captured the Germans set up a project to 'clone' the units. The first unit was the 221:: Developed as a replacement for the Fug 10 series. No MF mode, and of up to 3 kW output. Increased HF-only transceiving range to 3 - 30 MHz (the 1311: 923:. This used a transponder system working at 300 MHz to track the radio sonde and received values from it on 27 MHz. It was mounted in a trailer. 178:
communications. The German FuG 10 panel, or rack, contained two transmitters and two receivers: One transmitter and its companion receiver operated in the
The Luftwaffe was known to have fitted small aluminum strips which frequently carried explosive self-destruct charges onto the outside of the equipment's
and later aircraft. Did not have a direction finder capability or a Y control interface. Frequency Range was 42 to 48.3 MHz, FM & AM voice only.
1316: 202:(100 to 50 m). Most of the FuG 10 series used a fixed wire aerial between the fuselage and tailfin or a retractable trailing aerial wire. The 1101: 781:
system via captured examples. From this a series of radar beacons were designed to respond to different frequencies and waveforms. The
85:: An update of the FuG 1, also manufactured by Lorenz, that operated in the 310 to 600 kHz frequency range, the lower end of the 1259: 778: 1186: 856:: Receiver for signals from the NS4 emergency transmitter. Fitted to air-sea rescue units. Operated with a direction finding loop. 290:
aircraft for R/T and W/T communications with ground units. Frequency Range was 42 to 48.3 MHz. This matched the ground forces
1301: 935:: Radio tracking beacon for various German missiles such as 'Waterfall', 'Enzian' and 'HS 117'. Operated at 600 MHz. 500:: This system was developed to allow one beam rather than the 2 or 4 of the other systems. The airborne component was the 256:
transceivers used in single-seat fighter aircraft for R/T and W/T communications, and were also used for ground fixes and
39: 460:
was produced for single seat fighter (reduced accuracy +- 500 meters) operation but it seems never to have been used.
17: 1306: 64:
equipment also used the FuG prefix. This article is a list and a description of the radio, IFF and RDF equipment.
133:: A compact airborne receiver/transmitter used in fighters and dive bombers. Prior to 1943, it was fitted in the 241: 1043: 951:
attached onto any sensitive apparatus, which allowed it to be destroyed rather than be captured by the Allies.
691: 309:: Developed in 1944 as an improvement to the Fug 15. Frequency range 24 - 75 MHz. FM & AM voice. 520: 263: 524:: Developed from mid 1943 to guide fighters to intercept bomber streams. Radio equipment was a modified 451:
system. This was a system or responder beacons working at 2-4 Meters wavelength. The airborne equipment
790: 338: 134: 480: 319:: This set was developed from the Fug 16 as a simplified and cost reduced system. Intended for the 175: 431:
equipment. Ground units were BS 15 navigation radio beacons constructed from rebuilt FuG 15 sets.
152: 1109: 786: 754: 423:
to send the audio information to the pilot. In single-seater aircraft the radio fit was numbered
95:: Codenamed Stuttgart, was an airborne receiver/transmitter set used in bombers. Was fitted in: 1291: 1255: 948: 708: 702: 667: 353: 287: 257: 207: 138: 43: 598:
hard to do without jamming their own GEE system. One chain became operational around Berlin.
303:), though it seems to have superseded it this role by the FuG 16ZY when it became available. 982: 883:: Radio sonde, operated suspended from a barrage balloon. Transmit frequency 13.4 MHz. 276:
17 Antenna Matching unit AAG 16 Z Modulator Unit MZ 16 Homing Unit ZVG 16 Indicator AFN - 2
190:(1,000 to 500 m) range and the other transmitter and its companion receiver operated in the 179: 104: 86: 916:
Numerous different Radio Sonde systems were deployed by both the Army, Air Force and Navy.
in its aircraft and also on the ground. Most of this equipment received the generic prefix
146: 389: 385: 381: 377: 373: 361: 320: 191: 108: 1285: 829: 369: 157: 142: 112: 100: 96: 471:
again a combination. Neither of these systems seem to have achieved flight trials.
357: 167: 124: 76: 31: 696: 388:
A heavy bombers (Germany's only "heavy bomber" design in service), and both the
171: 120: 116: 313:
included the ability for Y-control, blind landing and Hermione beacon receive.
398: 365: 337:: Development unit designed to work as receiver for the running commentary,- " 195: 35: 1014: 944: 777:: By 1944 the Germans were aware of the operating concept of the British 565:: This system transmitted on 270–480 kHz and could be received on a 183: 47: 1219: 1140: 206:
replaced the standard E 10L longwave receiver with an EZ6 unit for a G6
872:: Replacement for the PeiGL 6 MF receiver. Development not completed. 650:: Improved Fug 103 by reducing its size. Development never completed. 38:
relied on an increasingly diverse array of electronic communications,
1271: 767:: With the deployment starting on 9 cm band radars such as the 199: 187: 61: 1102:"FuG 101 Radio Altimeter - Militaria Forums" 352:: Codenamed "Alex Sniatkowski", this was a long and medium range 789:
ASV airborne radar hardware. In modern terms it was a type of
617: 579:(sun) to remove the night time errors, this system was called 283: 253: 828:: This system again used the Fug25a receiver but fed it to a 1227:
Foundation for German Communication and Related Technologies
Foundation for German Communication and Related Technologies
60:, meaning "radio equipment". Most of the aircraft-mounted 1276: 947:
housings. These explosives were linked then by a delay
666:: This was an early IFF set designed to respond to the 718:
was encountered with the width of the resulting beam.
Luftwaffe usage of radio equipment during World War II
demand for long range bomber communications in 1944.
Luftwaffe radio equipment (Funkgerät) of World War II
1179:"Bordfunk-Geräte der Deutschen Luftwaffe, 1939-1945" 75:: An early receiver/transmitter set manufactured by 1252:
History of the German Night Fighter Force 1917-1945
1172: 1170: 1168: 1166: 1164: 1141:"Radio and Radar Equipment in the Luftwaffe - III" 1254:. London: Jane's Publishing Group Limited, 1979. 1220:"Radio and Radar Equipment in the Luftwaffe - II" 621:Manufactured in small numbers by Lorenz in 1945. 1078: 1076: 1066: 1064: 724:: With the introduction of PPI radars such as 463:Two variants of the system were also designed 356:set and homing device used mainly on bombers: 1214: 1212: 1210: 1208: 1206: 1204: 729:response signal so that this did not happen. 695:: This was an IFF set designed to respond to 8: 1015:"History of Radio Flight Navigation Systems" 919:An example of a ground station would be the 1008: 1006: 1004: 1135: 1133: 1131: 1129: 1127: 327:included Y-Control and blind landing and 141:. After 1943, it was still fitted in the 1297:History of telecommunications in Germany 240: 151: 965: 512:transponder. System transmitted at the 271:), in which aircraft were fitted up as 707:and the advanced, limited-deployment 7: 753:: The last-developed version of the 532:Long range radio navigation systems 1312:Telecommunications in World War II 987:Museum für Historische Wehrtechnik 876:Location beacons & radio sonde 583:(moon). Work was never completed. 25: 516:range of 42.1 to 47.7 MHz. 345:Navigation and direction finding 1317:World War II German electronics 895:: Overland version of FuG 302. 575:: Development work was done on 543:receiver and processed by the 1: 475:Radio beam navigation systems 331:beacon-receiving capability. 1044:"Hell Bernhard/Bernhardine" 1042:Dörenberg, F. (June 2021). 983:"Flugzeugfunkanlage FuG 10" 907:: Jammer - details lacking 282:: These sets were airborne 252:: These sets were airborne 1333: 602:Instrument landing systems 156:FuG 10 radio panel from a 1272:Luftwaffe radio equipment 837:Emergency navigation aids 751:FuG 228 Lichtenstein SN-3 796:Ground-to-air data links 758:airborne intercept radar 901:: Distress Radio Buoy. 435:FuG120/FuG120k Bernhard 68:Airborne communications 1302:Military radio systems 1277:ADIK reports 1944-1945 521:Y-Control for fighters 467:, combined system and 246: 160: 881:Fug 301 & FuG 310 733:FuG 25a Erstling-Grün 286:transceivers used in 244: 155: 125:Junkers W 33 and W 34 791:Radar beacon (racon) 722:FuG 25a Erstling-Rot 1189:on 24 December 2015 739:FuG 225 Wobbelbiene 686:Early warning radar 481:Battle of the Beams 469:Baldur- Bernhardine 350:Peilgerät (PeilG) 6 250:FuG 16 Z, ZE and ZY 1013:Hollmann, Martin. 826:FuG 139 Barbarossa 787:FuG 200 Hohentwiel 765:FuG 229 Frischling 339:Laufende reportage 247: 161: 1307:Radio electronics 676:FuG 25z Häuptling 659:Flak fire control 288:Close Air Support 208:direction finding 139:Fw 190 A-0 to A-3 16:(Redirected from 1324: 1250:Aders, Gebhard. 1238: 1237: 1235: 1233: 1224: 1216: 1199: 1198: 1196: 1194: 1185:. Archived from 1177:Wiedmer, Erwin. 1174: 1159: 1158: 1156: 1154: 1145: 1137: 1122: 1121: 1119: 1117: 1108:. Archived from 1098: 1092: 1089: 1083: 1080: 1071: 1068: 1059: 1058: 1056: 1054: 1039: 1033: 1032: 1030: 1028: 1019: 1010: 999: 998: 996: 994: 979: 973: 970: 810:Fug 136 Nachtfee 692:FuG 25a Erstling 664:FuG 25z Zwilling 625:Radio altimeters 21: 1332: 1331: 1327: 1326: 1325: 1323: 1322: 1321: 1282: 1281: 1268: 1247: 1242: 1241: 1231: 1229: 1222: 1218: 1217: 1202: 1192: 1190: 1176: 1175: 1162: 1152: 1150: 1143: 1139: 1138: 1125: 1115: 1113: 1112:on 4 March 2016 1100: 1099: 1095: 1090: 1086: 1081: 1074: 1069: 1062: 1052: 1050: 1048:Nonstop Systems 1041: 1040: 1036: 1026: 1024: 1017: 1012: 1011: 1002: 992: 990: 981: 980: 976: 971: 967: 962: 957: 941: 878: 839: 816:Fug 138 Barbara 798: 745:FuG 226 Neuling 688: 661: 656: 627: 614:FuG 125 Hermine 604: 534: 504:, which was an 477: 347: 280:FuG 17 Z and ZY 70: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 1330: 1328: 1320: 1319: 1314: 1309: 1304: 1299: 1294: 1284: 1283: 1280: 1279: 1274: 1267: 1266:External links 1264: 1263: 1262: 1246: 1243: 1240: 1239: 1200: 1160: 1123: 1093: 1084: 1072: 1060: 1034: 1000: 974: 964: 963: 961: 958: 956: 953: 940: 937: 921:FuG 502 Mouse 913:: Radio Sonde 877: 874: 838: 835: 797: 794: 779:Rebecca/Eureka 687: 684: 660: 657: 655: 652: 626: 623: 603: 600: 533: 530: 476: 473: 346: 343: 321:Heinkel He 162 245:FuG 16 Z radio 198:range; 3 to 6 166:: A family of 135:Bf 109C to G-2 69: 66: 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1329: 1318: 1315: 1313: 1310: 1308: 1305: 1303: 1300: 1298: 1295: 1293: 1290: 1289: 1287: 1278: 1275: 1273: 1270: 1269: 1265: 1261: 1260:0-354-01247-9 1257: 1253: 1249: 1248: 1244: 1228: 1221: 1215: 1213: 1211: 1209: 1207: 1205: 1201: 1188: 1184: 1180: 1173: 1171: 1169: 1167: 1165: 1161: 1149: 1142: 1136: 1134: 1132: 1130: 1128: 1124: 1111: 1107: 1103: 1097: 1094: 1091:ADIK 409/1944 1088: 1085: 1082:ADIK 357/1944 1079: 1077: 1073: 1070:ADIK 364/1944 1067: 1065: 1061: 1049: 1045: 1038: 1035: 1023: 1016: 1009: 1007: 1005: 1001: 988: 984: 978: 975: 969: 966: 959: 954: 952: 950: 946: 939:Miscellaneous 938: 936: 934: 930: 928: 924: 922: 917: 914: 912: 908: 906: 902: 900: 896: 894: 890: 888: 884: 882: 875: 873: 871: 867: 865: 861: 857: 855: 851: 849: 845: 843: 836: 834: 831: 830:Hellschreiber 827: 823: 819: 817: 813: 811: 807: 805: 801: 795: 793: 792: 788: 784: 780: 776: 772: 770: 769:Jagdschloss Z 766: 762: 759: 757: 752: 748: 746: 742: 740: 736: 734: 730: 727: 723: 719: 715: 713: 712: 706: 705: 700: 699: 694: 693: 685: 683: 679: 677: 673: 671: 670: 665: 658: 653: 651: 649: 645: 643: 639: 637: 633: 631: 624: 622: 619: 615: 611: 608: 601: 599: 596: 592: 588: 584: 582: 578: 574: 570: 568: 564: 560: 557: 553: 552:FuG 121 Erika 549: 546: 542: 538: 537:FuG 124 Komet 531: 529: 527: 523: 522: 517: 515: 511: 507: 503: 499: 495: 493: 489: 487: 483: 482: 474: 472: 470: 466: 461: 459: 454: 450: 446: 442: 440: 436: 432: 430: 426: 422: 418: 414: 412: 408: 406: 402: 400: 395: 391: 387: 383: 379: 375: 371: 367: 363: 359: 355: 351: 344: 342: 340: 336: 332: 330: 326: 322: 318: 314: 312: 308: 304: 302: 298: 293: 289: 285: 281: 277: 274: 270: 266: 265: 259: 255: 251: 243: 239: 237: 233: 231: 227: 224: 220: 216: 213: 209: 205: 201: 197: 193: 189: 186:; 300 to 600 185: 181: 177: 173: 169: 165: 164:FuG 10 series 159: 158:Dornier Do 17 154: 150: 148: 144: 140: 136: 132: 128: 126: 122: 118: 114: 110: 106: 102: 101:Do 17 E and F 98: 94: 90: 88: 84: 80: 78: 74: 67: 65: 63: 59: 58: 53: 49: 46:equipment as 45: 41: 37: 34:, the German 33: 19: 1251: 1245:Bibliography 1230:. Retrieved 1226: 1191:. Retrieved 1187:the original 1182: 1151:. Retrieved 1147: 1114:. Retrieved 1110:the original 1105: 1096: 1087: 1051:. Retrieved 1047: 1037: 1025:. Retrieved 1021: 991:. Retrieved 986: 977: 972:Aders, 1979. 968: 942: 932: 931: 926: 925: 920: 918: 915: 910: 909: 904: 903: 898: 897: 892: 891: 886: 885: 880: 879: 869: 868: 863: 859: 858: 853: 852: 847: 846: 841: 840: 825: 824: 820: 815: 814: 809: 808: 803: 802: 799: 782: 774: 773: 768: 764: 763: 756:Lichtenstein 755: 750: 749: 744: 743: 738: 737: 732: 731: 725: 721: 720: 716: 710: 703: 697: 690: 689: 680: 675: 674: 668: 663: 662: 647: 646: 641: 640: 635: 634: 629: 628: 613: 612: 606: 605: 594: 590: 586: 585: 580: 576: 572: 571: 566: 562: 561: 555: 551: 550: 544: 540: 536: 535: 525: 519: 518: 513: 509: 505: 501: 497: 496: 491: 490: 485: 484: 478: 468: 465:Baldur-Truhe 464: 462: 457: 452: 448: 444: 443: 438: 434: 433: 428: 424: 420: 416: 415: 410: 409: 404: 403: 393: 349: 348: 334: 333: 328: 324: 316: 315: 310: 306: 305: 300: 296: 279: 278: 272: 268: 262: 249: 248: 235: 234: 229: 228: 222: 218: 217: 211: 203: 168:transceivers 163: 162: 130: 129: 92: 91: 82: 81: 72: 71: 56: 55: 51: 32:World War II 29: 1232:9 September 1193:9 September 1153:9 September 1053:9 September 1027:9 September 1022:Radar World 993:9 September 989:(in German) 726:Jagdschloss 711:Jagdschloss 528:equipment. 370:Ju 88A-4 on 297:Y-Verfahren 264:Y-Verfahren 1286:Categories 1116:12 January 955:References 804:Nachtlicht 486:Knickebein 399:Telefunken 394:Peilgerät 301:Y-Control 273:Leitjäger 269:Y-Control 258:DF homing 210:set. The 196:Shortwave 170:for both 57:Funkgerät 36:Luftwaffe 1292:Avionics 945:aluminum 709:FuG 404 704:Würzburg 669:Würzburg 439:FuG 120k 212:FuG 10ZY 184:Longwave 48:avionics 933:FuG 230 911:FuG 308 905:FuG 305 899:FuG 304 893:FuG 303 887:FuG 302 870:Fug 145 864:FuG 145 860:FuG 142 854:FuG 141 775:FuG 243 648:FuG 104 642:FuG 103 636:FuG 102 630:FuG 101 595:FuG 123 591:FuG 122 545:FuG 124 506:FuG 17E 498:Y-Gerät 492:X-Gerät 458:FuG162k 453:FuG 126 445:Fug 126 425:FuG 125 417:Hermine 411:FuG 28a 329:Hermine 325:FuG 24Z 204:FuG 10P 30:During 1258:  927:FuG 23 783:FuG243 607:FuBL 1 567:FuG 10 541:FuG10K 526:FuG 16 514:FuG 17 510:FuG 28 502:FuG 28 449:Baldur 429:FuBL 2 405:FuBL 2 390:He 219 386:He 177 384:; the 382:Ju 388 378:Ju 290 374:Ju 188 362:Do 217 358:Ar 234 335:FuG 29 317:FuG 24 311:FuG18Y 307:FuG 18 236:FuG 15 230:FuG 13 223:entire 219:FuG 11 147:Hs 129 137:, and 109:He 114 93:FuG 03 89:band. 83:FuG II 77:Lorenz 1223:(PDF) 1144:(PDF) 1018:(PDF) 960:Notes 698:Freya 587:Truhe 577:Sonne 563:Sonne 556:EBL 3 421:Fug16 366:Ju 87 292:Fug 7 143:Ju 87 131:FuG 7 121:Ar 96 117:Ar 66 113:Ju 52 105:Fw 58 97:Do 11 73:FuG I 62:Radar 1256:ISBN 1234:2021 1195:2021 1155:2021 1118:2022 1055:2021 1029:2021 995:2021 949:fuse 848:NS 4 842:NS 2 581:Mond 573:Mond 174:and 145:and 54:for 42:and 654:IFF 618:VHF 354:D/F 284:VHF 254:VHF 200:MHz 194:or 188:kHz 182:or 176:W/T 172:R/T 52:FuG 44:RDF 40:IFF 1288:: 1225:. 1203:^ 1181:. 1163:^ 1146:. 1126:^ 1104:. 1075:^ 1063:^ 1046:. 1020:. 1003:^ 985:. 866:. 701:, 380:, 376:, 372:, 368:, 364:, 360:, 192:HF 180:MF 123:, 119:, 115:, 111:, 107:, 103:, 99:, 87:MF 1236:. 1197:. 1157:. 1120:. 1057:. 1031:. 997:. 299:( 267:( 20:)


Luftwaffe radio equipment (Funkgerät) of World War II
World War II
Do 11
Do 17 E and F
Fw 58
He 114
Ju 52
Ar 66
Ar 96
Junkers W 33 and W 34
Bf 109C to G-2
Fw 190 A-0 to A-3
Ju 87
Hs 129

Dornier Do 17

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