
Lindner ethics complaint of the 83rd Minnesota Legislative Session

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194:, on up through the years that are being taught homosexual practices. And it doesn't mean they're going to be homosexual, but unfortunately they hear about some of the sexual activities of the homosexual, and they're being told that it's safe and so forth and healthy, and it isn't." He claimed "parents have complained to the schools, and administrators have told them that there's nothing they can do because of state law." Lindner co-authored a bill to repeal this provision and worked to get it a hearing by a House committee. Meeting with homosexuals opposed to his bill Lindner stressed "I don't hate any of those people. I know they accuse me of hating and wanting all kind of terrible things to happen to them, but I don't hate any of them. I do love them. Actually this would benefit them if they were to leave that lifestyle or if they would maybe be more faithful to one partner, if it's got to be that way. But it's my understanding that gays have hundreds and even thousands of partners over a lifetime." His remarks were seen as offensive by many Minnesotan homosexuals who said "most gays and lesbians are in committed relationships." They also took issue with Lindner's suggestion that homosexuality is a lifestyle choice. 468:
cynicism and moral confusion set in among Western democracies. When those who warned about a coming crisis, the rise of fascism and nazism, they were ridiculed or ignored. Indeed, in the decades before World War II, a great many argued that the fascist threat was exaggerated or that it was someone else's problem. Some nations tried to negotiate a separate peace, even as the enemy made its deadly ambitions crystal clear. It was, as Winston Churchill observed, a bit like feeding a crocodile, hoping it would eat you last. ...I recount that history because once again we face similar challenges in efforts to confront the rising threat of a new type of fascism. Today -- another enemy, a different kind of enemy -- has made clear its intentions with attacks in places like New York and Washington, D.C., Bali, London, Madrid, Moscow and so many other places. But some seem not to have learned history's lessons. ...With the growing lethality and the increasing availability of weapons, can we truly afford to believe that somehow, some way, vicious extremists can be appeased? Can folks really continue to think that free countries can negotiate a separate peace with terrorists?"
Office Building. The question is 'Do the people of the state of Minnesota and the legislators that represent them share the viewpoint that people who were victims of Nazi persecution were in fact not victims of Nazi persecution?' Mr. Lindner has insulted not only the House but members of the community at large." The Session Weekly reported "'The fact of the matter is his conduct calls for discipline,' said Ellison, who added that a censure penalty does not prohibit Lindner from saying what he believes. 'It would just be a denunciation, a condemnation, of what he said.'" Ellison told Minnesota Public Radio "That question mark sitting over this building is whether we represent all the people of this state or not. And whether or not an elected official, a person who holds an election certificate can spout bigoted language, mean-spirited, untrue statements designed to injure members of the community and members of this body. That is the issue."
partner, parents, and her partner's parents were attending the debate) expressed dismay at the comment. Lindner told her "I don't know why you felt that was insulting. I was trying to make a point, that we've got a norm of one man, one woman. Once we begin to deviate...what's to keep us from having to pass laws to allow a man to marry several women, or a man and a boy relationship -- and there are people who would like to have that. When we start changing that definition of marriage, that does open up the door to others who will say 'Why not us?'" He told Clark that while he saw her as "one of God's creations. ...I personally don't think the
100,000 arrests, 50,000 imprisonments, an untold number of deaths in concentration camps and such things as forced castrations". While one news service claimed Lindner refused to attend another reported that he accepted "an invitation to tour the exhibition with Stephen Silberfarb, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas" and said he was "looking forward to it". In that interview he claimed that what he had been misunderstood during the whole controversy "I said I didn't believe that homosexuals were persecuted to the same extent that Jewish people were. I was thinking more number-wise."
165:, and I would like it to be respectful of who I am." In response to his and others' concerns a rule was passed "requiring that in the future, prayer be non-denominational." In responding to Paymar, Lindner said "You know, we're told there's one God and one mediator between God and man. That man is Jesus Christ. And most of us here are Christians. And we shouldn't be left not able to pray in the name of our God....And if you don't like it, you may have to like it-Or just don't come. I don't come sometimes for some prayers here....We have that privilege, and you need to exercise it. But don't impose your 305:
sending out that letter. James Anderson, Lindner's lawyer, apologized to Walker saying it was a "simple mistake. I can tell you that the person typing the letter apparently looked at the file and put the words together wrong ." Walker said "I do believe it was an accident and somebody forgot to erase it. ...I am an elected official and I deserve respect, and that misprint is a lack of respect." The lawyer said "Basically, it's a tempest in a teapot," he said, adding that "some people are just hypersensitive if from a simple mistake they can call someone a
343:-- that we're allowed to express our views and so forth -- and it's getting close to maybe not being able to do that, but while we can, I'm doing it." In their rebuttal the House Republicans also played a recording of Ellison's interview with a radio station. In the interview Ellison had said "People should feel free to express themselves as long as they don't violate the law. ...I would never invoke the powers of the state to restrict Arlon Lindner from expressing himself." 411:
elections. Joyce Peppin who received the endorsement said it was because Lindner was "a flawed messenger for the conservative agenda...You can't change hearts and minds when you are constantly offending people". He then ran as an independent. In the general election the results were Joyce Peppin (R) 14,273 votes 53.8%, Caroll Holmstrom (D) 7,112 votes 26.8%, Arlon Lindner (I) 5,114 votes 19.3%; so Lindner failed in his re-election bid.
445:." The Ellison campaign called this an "extremely valued and valuable endorsement", and Ellison said "I am humbled, and just plain thrilled, by the confidence the American Jewish World has placed in my vision of a just future where there are no throw-away people and peace is our guiding principle. ...This is how we will win – by creating a powerful force of real people unified behind a passion for justice." The 238:. Lindner said he would only consider the offer "if others pay for his trip and time off." Lindner claimed that "no one can fully know what happened 60 years ago..." and said "I just think it's strange that over 58, 60 years it's just willing to come out about that. We know there's been a lot of rewriting of history lately and in my mind that's possibly an area where that's happening." 473:
many others. ...As one of the leaders in the Minnesota House in the fight to censure then- Representative Arlon Lindner for remarks that were anti-Semitic, homophobic and denied aspects of the Holocaust, I take this comparison personally. All who care about preserving the truth about the Holocaust should decry a trivialization of this horrible injustice."
about portions of the current law." (In his 2002 gubernatorial campaign Pawlenty called his 1993 vote as a freshman legislator, "to include sexual orientation in the human rights law, which prohibits certain forms of discrimination based on such factors as race, ethnicity, religion and disability status" as "the one vote he regrets.")
309:." Walker responded, "It's easy to say that when you're not on the receiving of a racist comment, but racist attacks are emotionally and mentally draining. And I am far from sensitive. It takes a lot to offend me. ...Folks who are so focused on this issue don't realize that there is a pattern with this particular representative." 428:
the Twin Cities-based publication American Jewish World endorsed Keith Ellison citing his work during the ethics complaint as one of their reasons. They wrote "Ellison acted as the lawyer for the House DFL caucus in an ethics proceeding against former representative Arlon Lindner, who contended that
law. The provision has been characterized by its supporters as protecting "gay and lesbian teachers and students from discrimination". In early 2003 Rep. Lindner claimed that the provision was a shield for the promotion of homosexuality, "In some of the schools, we've got children as young as three,
arranged for an unscheduled stop in Minneapolis for its "Nazi Persecutions of Homosexuals 1933-1945". The exhibit focused on Paragraph 175 of the German penal code (which banned sexual intimacy between members of the same gender) and "describes a purposeful effort by the Nazis that resulted in about
to Rep. Neva Walker, an African-American DFL member from Minneapolis. The letter was addressed to her as "Walker-Black". Walker had never been married, didn't use a hyphenated name, and had never had the last name Black. It appeared as if someone forgot to remove the race notation before signing and
from Central Baptist Theological Seminary in Minneapolis) stressed his theological opposition to harming Jews, "As a Christian who believes the Bible is true, there has always been a special place in my heart and life for God's words about the Jewish people. In Genesis 12:3, the Lord says regarding
The complaint from Ellison and company came after Lindner made several comments he made on the floor of the House while he "introduced a bill that would repeal the state's pro-gay human rights amendment and remove sexual orientation from its hate-crimes law." Lindner said "Most of my life, when the
on me." Rep. Matt Entenza (DFL-St. Paul), called on Lindner "to rethink his comments. When Lindner refused to reply, Entenza put forth a 'protest of dissent' petition asking the House Ethics Committee to reprimand Lindner. It was signed by 60 House members, including eight Republicans." Later "The
In his press release Ellison was outraged "on two counts – that Rumsfeld's comments are deeply un-American in their disrespect for the right of free speech, and are equally offensive for trivializing the evil of the Nazi regime, which manifested itself most tragically in the Holocaust of Jews and
said "Over the next decades , a sentiment took root that contended that if only the growing threats that had begun to emerge in Europe and Asia could be accommodated, then the carnage and the destruction of then-recent memory of World War I could be avoided. It was a time when a certain amount of
said he was "deeply troubled by Lindner's comments" adding "From my standpoint, his comments and perspective certainly do not reflect where the Republican Party is or should be." Pawlenty said he "wouldn't sign Lindner's proposed human rights repeal legislation as written." This despite "concerns
A House Ethics Committee motion to censure Lindner failed in a 2-2 vote following party lines. After the motion failed Lindner "told reporters he stands by his comments. 'I certainly do,' he said. Asked whether he regretted saying them, Lindner responded 'not in the least.'" After the committee's
Awada'" when Awada proposed to curb local government aid. Sviggum said "everyone is entitled to First Amendment rights. 'At some point or another people have freedom of speech even though that speech may not be appropriate, politically correct or even the most wise speech.'" Sviggum said "I don't
The Republicans in the Minnesota House dismissed the idea of speech being an ethics violation, maintaining "Lindner's comments were offensive, but Lindner has the right to say them." Republican House Speaker Steve Sviggum pointed out that "House Republicans didn't complain when Rep. Tom Rukavina,
Ellison, one of only two African-American state lawmakers at the time (the other being Rep. Neva Walker of District 61B), became the spokesman of the DFL group that filed with the Ethics Committee against Lindner. Besides Ellison the group consisted of Representatives Karen Clark, Frank Hornstein
At the time Republicans said "any action will be taken by the voters in Lindner's district, who can decide whether to re-elect the six-term lawmaker." Lindner who had been serving District 32A in the Minnesota House of Representatives since 1993, was denied the Republican endorsement in the 2004
Division of the House Commerce, Jobs, and Economic Development Policy Committee." Ellison's group exhibited letters from out-of-state residents who said they cancelled vacation plans in Minnesota after learning of Lindner's comments. Ellison stated "There's a question mark hanging over the State
141:, demanding a public adherence to that standard in terms of behavior rather than belief. The Judeo-Christian ethic is the moral and spiritual foundation of our Constitution, Bill of Rights and most of our laws and it has served us well. ...I for one will not be present on the morning of May 9." 78:
passed in 1996. In response a debate over banning gay and lesbian marriage occurred in the Minnesota Legislature. On the House floor Lindner claimed that allowing same-sex marriage would open the door to "a man marrying a child or a man marrying a dog." Openly gay State Rep. Karen Clark (whose
word Holocaust was referred to, it usually referred to the Jewish suffering and death that occurred under the Nazi occupation. It's just been within the recent two or three years that it's been brought forward that homosexuals also suffered like that....It never happened. I was a child during
over and over again in many lives, so why the big deal about ending one?' These beliefs are incompatible with Christian principles, and those Christian principles are or have been the governing principles of American society. There is a public religious ethic that prevails in this country,
Lindner also denied he was being bigoted in his reference to Africa saying "he should have specified one African country that is being decimated by AIDS." He also claimed he would "continue his research on homosexuality in Nazi Germany to get all sides on this issue."
the Jewish nation, 'I will bless them that bless thee and I will curse them that curse thee.' ...God has given us the Bible as our guide for living. The Bible teaches me homosexual activity is wrong, sinful, and harmful. ...The Jew shall always be my friend."
think that we want to take this to the ultimate end and put that chilling effect upon speech, upon feeling, upon values and principals that one has or doesn't have in this entire process." Lindner also invoked freedom of speech, saying "I still believe in the
is in the best interests of children." (In 1997 Minnesota enacted the Marriage Protection Act defining marriage as a "civil contract between a man and a woman" and stating that "Lawful marriage may be contracted only between persons of the opposite sex".)
problem, other diseases. It probably affects more homosexual men. ...I don't know of any couple, where they've been faithful to each other, a man and a woman, has any fear of any sexually transmitted disease unless they have to get a
Lindner stressed that he was not denying Jewish suffering, believing the only way his comments could be construed that way was because they "were edited by Democrats". Lindner (who originally came to Minnesota from Texas to earn his
231:, and that "nlike Lindner, I did not learn about World War II and the Nazi holocaust by reading books. I was in a concentration camp and can testify to the fact that homosexuals were indeed persecuted based on their sexuality." 144:
By the 83rd Minnesota Legislative Session Lindner had already faced an ethics complaint before. This was a result of his reaction to the request of Rep. Paymar. His first complaint stemmed from a May 2000 incident after the
In early 2003 Ellison was among several DFL legislators who filed an ethics complaint against Rep. Arlon Lindner (R-Corcoran) representing House District 33A. At the time Lindner was already seen as controversial.
275:(whose mother is a Holocaust survivor), Margaret Anderson Kelliher, Neva Walker, Lyndon Carlson, Ron Latz, and House Minority Leader Matt Entenza. The complaint held "that when Lindner expressed his belief that 377:
decision and still upset with Lindner's comments, Bill English of the Coalition of Black Churches approached Lindner and told him he "offended an entire continent of people." He then called Lindner "a
Lindner's bill to remove state human rights protection for gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people did not get a committee hearing and was never brought up for a vote in the House. Governor
207:, and I've read a lot about World War II. It's just been recently that anyone's come out with this idea that homosexuals were persecuted to this extent. There's been a lot of rewriting of history." 227:
from 1941 to 1945. She said "is obvious lack of knowledge concerning Nazi barbarity in World War II is appalling." She stated that the Nazis identified homosexuals in her camp with
262:, well, then, you do that, but I'm going to do something about it." Whatever his intentions, Lindner's new remarks only managed to offend more Jews and Gays, while upsetting many 1241: 425: 246:
On March 10, 2004 Lindner complained that critics of his remarks were not focusing on the real motives of his bill and his speech. He said "that homosexuality, the rise in
913: 340: 266:
within Minnesota. With respect to the accuracy of his claims that gays weren't targeted via death camps, Lindner said he was continuing his "research " on the issue.
1211: 120:, which historically has been considered a cult because of its anti-Biblical teachings concerning the one true Holy God, Creator of Heaven and earth and His Son, 283:, his conduct violated 'accepted norms of House behavior' and that his comments 'bring the House into dishonor or disrepute.'" Ellison stated that they sought " 116:, I am offended that we would have the Dalai Lama come and speak to a joint meeting of our Minnesota Legislature. He claims to be a god-king, a leader of the 680: 254:
could prompt a future 'holocaust' in Minnesota". On the House floor he said, "hat I am trying to prevent is the holocaust of our children getting STDs,
321:, who is Jewish, was calling on his fellow Minnesota Republicans to "reject" Lindner's "deplorable and historically inaccurate" view on the Holocaust. 1011: 1221: 21: 1059: 1159: 153:. "For many, things went too far when House leaders recently brought in a choir to open the day's session with a musical rendition of the 1037: 258:, and various other diseases that are going to affect their lives. If you want to sit around here and wait until America becomes another 1226: 1196: 1115: 1088: 161:
said "I would like to be part of that moment where a religious leader gets up before us and has a prayer. But I would like that to be
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you've chosen and other homosexuals have chosen is really good for you, your partner or society. ...I'm talking in general, the
917: 1231: 1216: 398: 109: 62:
was progressing through the Hawaiian State Court system, Minnesotan social conservatives feared their state would recognize
247: 1160:"Keith Ellison Denounces Rumsfeld's Remarks About Nazi Appeasers, Says Comments are Un-American and Trivialize Holocaust" 101: 67: 507: 459:
During his 2006 campaign Ellison invoked the Lindner controversy when rebutting remarks of the Secretary of Defense.
1236: 658: 429:
gays were not victims of Nazi oppression in the Holocaust. Ellison understands the importance of guarding against
At the Ethics Committee hearing Holocaust survivor Hinda Kibort testified against Lindner, saying she saw him as a
71: 17: 235: 890: 714: 684: 628: 220: 215:
Linder's comments not only drew a response from members of the DFL, but also from Hinda Kibort, an 82-year-old
962: 780: 565: 939: 426:
Minnesota's 2006 DFL primary for Minnesota's 5th District seat in the United States House of Representatives
75: 1015: 530: 80: 149:
took control of the House and some members felt that the prayers opening the session were becoming too
355:"Because if he denies a part of what happened, he denies the Holocaust. There is no way around that." 596: 837: 805: 1063: 873:"Lindner Subject Of Ethics Complaint". Saint Paul Pioneer Press. March 12, 2003. p. A6 Main. 360: 216: 182: 169: 162: 63: 1163: 1137: 862:"Mailing from Rep. Lindner upsets black colleague". Minneapolis Star and Tribune. April 2, 2003. 154: 112:
was going to address the Minnesota Legislature. In an e-mail to House members he stated "As a
447: 280: 263: 93: 1012:"Independent Lindner, Republican Peppin knock on doors, looking for votes in Nov. 2 election" 234:
Some of Lindner's critics invited him to join their upcoming trip to in Washington, D.C. for
438: 430: 352: 1092: 464: 442: 335: 301: 138: 744: 1197:
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals online exhibit
1187: 58: 1205: 914:"Outer Ring: Country-Western Accents: Arlon Lindner - Not from around here, are you?" 843:. Session Weekly – Minnesota House of Representatives. April 11, 2003. pp. 13–14 251: 228: 133: 29: 811:. Session Weekly – Minnesota House of Representatives. April 4, 2003. pp. 14–15 385: 318: 300:
In the middle of the controversy about Lindner's remarks his lawyer sent a routine
204: 186: 150: 121: 32:(R-Corcoran) for a speech he made which Ellison alleged amounted to a denial that 173:
ethics panel found the comments 'regrettable', but took no disciplinary action."
988: 276: 166: 33: 191: 129: 113: 433:
and revisionism, and links the lessons of the Shoah to more recent cases of
41: 434: 125: 117: 397:
In late 2003 in response to the controversy over Lindner's comments the
681:"Minn. Kampf - Politics - Minnesota state representative Arlon Lindner" 378: 331: 288: 284: 224: 496:"Face to face on gay marriage". Minneapolis Star Tribune. May 1, 1997. 1191: 306: 259: 158: 451:
described the endorsement's influence on the race as a "bombshell".
of Lindner and his removal as chair of the Economic Development and
659:"Gays, lesbians rally against proposed changes in human rights law" 566:"Holocaust survivor condemns lawmakers for questioning persecution" 1188:
Lindner ethics complaint of the 83rd Minnesota Legislative Session
37: 1138:"Address at the 88th Annual American Legion National Convention" 255: 88: 597:"Christian prayers at Minnesota legislature: Like it or leave?" 157:." In light of this Rep. Michael Paymar (DFL-St. Paul) who is 97: 84: 381:", and the two argued over which one of them was intolerant. 1136:
Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld (August 29, 2006).
963:"Bill would remove gays, lesbians from state protection" 891:"House Ethics Committee hears testimony in Lindner case" 715:"House Ethics Committee hears testimony in Lindner case" 317:
On March 12, 2003 it was reported that then-US Senator
989:"Traveling exhibit memorializes Gay Holocaust victims" 1116:""Bombshell": American Jewish World endorses Ellison" 560: 558: 556: 554: 552: 550: 548: 940:"Sexual orientation issue on hold for now in Senate" 832: 830: 828: 826: 108:In May 2001 Lindner was outraged by the news that 629:"Committee deadlocks on Lindner ethics complaint" 124:. A Buddhist would say, 'Why the big fuss about 1038:"Election results: Minnesota: State Legislative" 181:In 1993 Minnesota passed a provision that added 1062:. City Pages. September 1, 2006. Archived from 1083: 1081: 683:. The Advocate. April 15, 2003. Archived from 8: 884: 882: 880: 734: 732: 708: 706: 704: 702: 800: 798: 622: 620: 618: 616: 614: 1242:Persecution of homosexuals in Nazi Germany 102:adoption of children by homosexual couples 1089:"Keith Endorsed by American Jewish World" 781:"Ethics complaint lodged against Lindner" 774: 772: 770: 768: 766: 764: 762: 491: 489: 487: 485: 1192:Minnesota Legislators Past & Present 1060:"American Jewish World Endorses Ellison" 942:. Minnesota Public Radio. March 21, 2003 739:Mary Ellen Peterson (January 26, 2005). 591: 589: 587: 585: 583: 568:. Minnesota Public Radio. March 10, 2003 74:would require this, despite the Federal 26:Minnesota State House of Representatives 20:(DFL-Minneapolis) and a group of fellow 982: 980: 652: 650: 648: 646: 481: 415:Effect on Keith Ellison's 2006 campaign 66:performed there. They feared that the " 531:"Dalai Lama's Visit Stirs Controversy" 393:United States Holocaust Museum exhibit 347:Lindner versus charge of anti-Semitism 1212:Holocaust denial in the United States 741:"Gays Observe Holocaust Memorial Day" 510:. Minnesota Public Radio. May 1, 2001 252:comprehensive sexual health education 7: 1114:Paul Schmelzer (September 1, 2006). 325:Minnesota House Republicans response 281:persecuted during the Nazi Holocaust 242:Lindner responds to the controversy 100:." He also stated "I don't believe 28:filed an ethics complaint against 14: 961:Lorna Benson (February 7, 2003). 627:Laura McCallum (April 24, 2003). 889:Laura McCallum (April 8, 2003). 713:Laura McCallum (April 8, 2003). 657:Laura McCallum (March 6, 2003). 1010:T.W. Budig (October 12, 2004). 987:David Hawley (August 5, 2003). 508:"Rep. Arlon Lindner's Comments" 48:Lindner as controversial figure 1222:Political history of Minnesota 599:. Church & State. May 2000 406:Lindner and the 2004 elections 399:United States Holocaust Museum 110:Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama 1: 779:Tom Scheck (March 11, 2003). 414: 248:sexually transmitted diseases 211:Response to Lindner's remarks 1140:. U.S. Department of Defense 743:. Archived from 529:Marisa Helms (May 1, 2001). 177:Context of Lindner's remarks 68:Full Faith and Credit Clause 330:DFL-Virginia, called State 302:legal request for discovery 40:and were killed during the 1258: 1227:LGBTQ history in Minnesota 912:Joe Pastoor (April 2003). 72:United States Constitution 806:"Ethics hearing date set" 270:Ethics complaint is filed 236:Holocaust Remembrance Day 1040:. Minnesota Public Radio 991:. St. Paul Pioneer Press 965:. Minnesota Public Radio 893:. Minnesota Public Radio 783:. Minnesota Public Radio 717:. Minnesota Public Radio 661:. Minnesota Public Radio 631:. Minnesota Public Radio 533:. Minnesota Public Radio 463:On August 29, 2006 Sec. 372:Results of the complaint 132:? After all, we are all 30:State Rep. Arlon Lindner 16:In 2004 then State Rep. 210: 176: 76:Defense of Marriage Act 56:In 1997 as the case of 22:Democratic-Farmer-Labor 96:.'re living in 1232:2004 in LGBTQ history 1217:Minnesota Legislature 1014:. ECM. Archived from 920:on September 28, 2007 313:Norm Coleman responds 36:were targeted by the 1166:on December 13, 2006 455:Criticizing Rumsfeld 1095:on December 6, 2006 1018:on January 14, 2007 747:on December 6, 2006 687:on October 12, 2008 296:Walker-Black letter 219:who had lived in a 838:"Decision Pending" 361:Master of Divinity 279:may not have been 221:concentration camp 217:holocaust survivor 183:sexual orientation 163:non-denominational 64:same-sex marriages 1237:2004 in Minnesota 448:Minnesota Monitor 264:African-Americans 260:African continent 198:Holocaust remarks 94:blood transfusion 1249: 1176: 1175: 1173: 1171: 1162:. Archived from 1156: 1150: 1149: 1147: 1145: 1133: 1127: 1126: 1124: 1122: 1111: 1105: 1104: 1102: 1100: 1091:. Archived from 1085: 1076: 1075: 1073: 1071: 1066:on March 4, 2007 1056: 1050: 1049: 1047: 1045: 1034: 1028: 1027: 1025: 1023: 1007: 1001: 1000: 998: 996: 984: 975: 974: 972: 970: 958: 952: 951: 949: 947: 936: 930: 929: 927: 925: 916:. Archived from 909: 903: 902: 900: 898: 886: 875: 874: 870: 864: 863: 859: 853: 852: 850: 848: 842: 834: 821: 820: 818: 816: 810: 802: 793: 792: 790: 788: 776: 757: 756: 754: 752: 736: 727: 726: 724: 722: 710: 697: 696: 694: 692: 677: 671: 670: 668: 666: 654: 641: 640: 638: 636: 624: 609: 608: 606: 604: 593: 578: 577: 575: 573: 562: 543: 542: 540: 538: 526: 520: 519: 517: 515: 504: 498: 497: 493: 431:Holocaust denial 353:holocaust denier 147:Republican Party 1257: 1256: 1252: 1251: 1250: 1248: 1247: 1246: 1202: 1201: 1184: 1179: 1169: 1167: 1158: 1157: 1153: 1143: 1141: 1135: 1134: 1130: 1120: 1118: 1113: 1112: 1108: 1098: 1096: 1087: 1086: 1079: 1069: 1067: 1058: 1057: 1053: 1043: 1041: 1036: 1035: 1031: 1021: 1019: 1009: 1008: 1004: 994: 992: 986: 985: 978: 968: 966: 960: 959: 955: 945: 943: 938: 937: 933: 923: 921: 911: 910: 906: 896: 894: 888: 887: 878: 872: 871: 867: 861: 860: 856: 846: 844: 840: 836: 835: 824: 814: 812: 808: 804: 803: 796: 786: 784: 778: 777: 760: 750: 748: 738: 737: 730: 720: 718: 712: 711: 700: 690: 688: 679: 678: 674: 664: 662: 656: 655: 644: 634: 632: 626: 625: 612: 602: 600: 595: 594: 581: 571: 569: 564: 563: 546: 536: 534: 528: 527: 523: 513: 511: 506: 505: 501: 495: 494: 483: 479: 465:Donald Rumsfeld 457: 422: 417: 408: 395: 374: 349: 341:First Amendment 327: 315: 298: 272: 244: 213: 200: 185:to the state's 179: 155:Apostles' Creed 139:Judeo-Christian 118:Buddha religion 50: 24:members of the 12: 11: 5: 1255: 1253: 1245: 1244: 1239: 1234: 1229: 1224: 1219: 1214: 1204: 1203: 1200: 1199: 1194: 1183: 1182:External links 1180: 1178: 1177: 1151: 1128: 1106: 1077: 1051: 1029: 1002: 976: 953: 931: 904: 876: 865: 854: 822: 794: 758: 728: 698: 672: 642: 610: 579: 544: 521: 499: 480: 478: 475: 470: 469: 456: 453: 421: 418: 416: 413: 407: 404: 394: 391: 373: 370: 348: 345: 326: 323: 314: 311: 297: 294: 271: 268: 243: 240: 212: 209: 199: 196: 178: 175: 59:Baehr v. 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Retrieved 502: 471: 458: 446: 423: 409: 396: 386:Tim Pawlenty 383: 375: 366: 357: 350: 334:Pat Awada, ' 328: 319:Norm Coleman 316: 299: 273: 245: 233: 214: 205:World War II 201: 187:human rights 180: 143: 134:reincarnated 122:Jesus Christ 107: 57: 55: 51: 15: 420:Endorsement 277:homosexuals 167:irreligious 34:homosexuals 1206:Categories 1022:January 7, 229:pink stars 192:pre-school 170:left views 130:euthanasia 336:Osama Bin 151:sectarian 114:Christian 81:lifestyle 70:" of the 42:Holocaust 435:genocide 126:abortion 477:Sources 424:During 379:redneck 332:Auditor 289:Tourism 285:censure 225:Germany 443:Darfur 439:Rwanda 307:racist 250:, and 159:Jewish 841:(PDF) 809:(PDF) 38:Nazis 1172:2006 1146:2006 1123:2006 1101:2006 1072:2006 1046:2006 1024:2007 997:2006 971:2006 948:2006 926:2006 899:2006 849:2006 817:2006 789:2006 753:2006 723:2006 693:2006 667:2006 637:2006 605:2006 574:2006 539:2006 516:2006 441:and 256:AIDS 128:and 89:AIDS 1190:at 437:in 223:in 190:in 98:sin 85:HIV 1208:: 1080:^ 979:^ 879:^ 825:^ 797:^ 761:^ 731:^ 701:^ 645:^ 613:^ 582:^ 547:^ 484:^ 44:. 1174:. 1148:. 1125:. 1103:. 1074:. 1048:. 1026:. 999:. 973:. 950:. 928:. 901:. 851:. 819:. 791:. 755:. 725:. 695:. 669:. 639:. 607:. 576:. 541:. 518:. 87:/


Keith Ellison
Minnesota State House of Representatives
State Rep. Arlon Lindner
Baehr v. Miike
same-sex marriages
Full Faith and Credit Clause
United States Constitution
Defense of Marriage Act
blood transfusion
adoption of children by homosexual couples
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
Buddha religion
Jesus Christ
Republican Party
Apostles' Creed

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.