
List of Six Feet Under characters

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1114:, is Claire's sexually-ambiguous classmate at art school and one-time boyfriend. Claire initially suspects that Russell is gay. However, Russell claims that he is not, and starts seeing Claire. Later, Russell has sex with his teacher, Olivier Castro-Staal. Claire subsequently breaks up with him and, learning she is pregnant, gets an abortion. When he finds out about the abortion, Russell is distraught. He begins sleeping with Claire's friend Anita, despite having feelings for Claire. Claire enjoys great success with an art project that Russell helps her begin, but Claire takes all the credit, and also gets a gallery showing. Russell is infuriated and gets into a fight with Claire at the exhibit. She drops out of art school and does not see him again for several months. When she runs into him at another showing, he tells her he had been hit by a car, and that while most believe he is in love with fellow student/artist, Jimmy (to whom he gave a drunken blow job), he confides in Claire that he is merely jealous and wishes he could be as talented as she. In their last moment together in the series, Russell gives her a kiss on the cheek and rushes away. Shortly afterward, Russell causes a scene at the same gallery while attempting to deface a sculpture. 298:(AVM) and becomes engaged to Brenda around the same time. During their engagement, Brenda sleeps with others, claiming a sex addiction which Nate does not believe. Nate began having seizures and seeks treatment for his AVM. Nate marries his former roommate and girlfriend Lisa, after discovering that Lisa is pregnant with their child (between seasons 2 and 3). When their daughter Maya is still very young, Lisa disappears and is eventually discovered to have drowned. It's later implied that she was murdered by her brother-in-law when she tried to end their affair. Nate conspired to fulfill Lisa's wishes for a "green" burial, despite her family’s wish for her to be cremated and interred in the family mausoleum. Nate reconciles with Brenda and they move in together. He agrees to marry her and have a child but Brenda miscarries on the eve of their wedding. Nate does not want Brenda's next pregnancy. He develops feelings for his stepfather's daughter, Maggie, a Quaker. After Nate and Maggie have sex, he collapses and is rushed to a hospital. Although it appears he will recover, he dies in his sleep with David by his side. 425:
manifestation of Nate encourages her to move to New York anyway, assuring her she will find something. Claire decides to do so, leaving her family and Ted behind, driving to NYC in her new Toyota Prius, replacing the family's vintage Cadillac hearse, which Claire wrecked. On her journey, she listens to a CD which Ted gave her, a compilation of 'un-hip' songs he listens to. In 2025, then in her 40s, Claire returns to L.A. shortly before her mother's death. Claire reunites with Ted at her mother's funeral and later marries him. According to her obituary, Claire became an award-winning photographer and taught photography as a faculty member at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts in 2018, earning tenure in 2028. Claire eventually dies of natural causes in 2085 at the age of 101, as she lies in her bed surrounded by pictures of her family – eight decades after the finale and the last to die from those introduced in the opening episode.
804:, 2000. Although Ruth viewed him as a distant husband and father, many flashbacks show him trying his best to bond with his children, but also to give them their space, as well as acting as a surrogate father and friend to Rico. Even after his death, he is still a presence with all of the Fishers and Rico and frequently appears in scenes as the living characters converse with him, visually like a "ghost" but actually as a fiction of their minds and sort of a conscience. In many of the early episodes, family members have lengthy conversations with the senior Nathaniel, on their way to reconciling themselves with his death. His children, particularly Nate, all come to realize that they never really knew their father; something they all grieve. Both Nathaniel Sr. and Jr. appear to Ruth shortly before her death. 684:. While his disorder can be managed with medication, he sometimes stops using it for various reasons, which has caused many issues for his family, especially Brenda. In 1986, he burnt down a section of the family home, which caused Brenda to leave school and abandon her fiancé. In another incident, he carved a tattoo off his back with a box cutter and attempts to do the same to his sister, forcing his sister to have him committed. Billy is an alumnus and associate professor at LAC-Arts, where Claire Fisher also attends college until late 2004. Billy first meets Claire in 2001 at Brenda's place but nothing happens besides casual flirting. After being institutionalized, the only person he can talk to is Claire and they begin to communicate over 1254:. During his senior year, he receives a live-in apprenticeship from the Fishers and Federico. Things soon decline after Ruth Fisher starts thinking their budding friendship is becoming physical. When she realizes he is not able to relate to her in a sexual, more mature relationship, she stops the relationship and acts coldly to Arthur during his attempts at conversation. When Ruth's daughter-in-law Lisa goes missing, she is comforted by George Sibley, who had been attending one of Fisher & Diaz's funerals. The two become close and marry after only a few months, to Arthur's discomfort. When George moves in, Arthur has a confrontational relationship with him. Later, George's estranged son starts sending boxed 688:. After he is released he rekindles the relationship, and the two begin dating two years later, briefly living together. After some taunting by old acquaintances that he's not the guy he used to be, coupled with finding himself lacking artistic inspiration, Billy again ceases to take his medication. When Claire realizes this, she breaks it off with him for her own safety. Billy goes back on his medication and asks Claire to take him back, but she refuses. Billy later helps his sister after Nate dies, until she asks him to leave. However, the two remain close and Billy is present when Brenda dies. During Brenda's death, Billy is shown talking about Claire's husband, Ted. 1460:, is a Hollywood movie producer who became Keith's employer in season 5. David and Roger had gotten into a fight towards the end of season 4, which resulted in Roger opening a lawsuit against him. The case was dropped when Keith agreed to allow Roger to perform oral sex on him. After this initial meeting, Roger employs Keith on an as-needed basis as a body guard and personal assistant. Keith and Roger's relationship ends near the end of the series when he discovers that Roger has filmed their one sexual encounter, and frequently plays it back with other sexual partners. Despite being gay, Roger remains in an open marriage with the mother of his two children. 728:, still recovering from the wounds of his mother's suicide when he was a child in 1953. It soon becomes too much for Ruth to take care of him, and the two separate. After adjusting, he reveals to Ruth that he is engaged for the eighth time. Ruth warns this new fiancée of George's past and sabotages the relationship. George and Ruth later reconcile at the time of Nate's death. They plan to move in together but Ruth changes her mind at the last minute, preferring her independence. Meanwhile, his daughter Maggie walks out of his life after blaming him for her problems. Ruth and George remain in separate residences, but stay together until her death in 2025. 1204:, is Sarah's caretaker. Bettina's brash personality and Ruth's reserved nature complement each other and they form a strong friendship. She prides herself on her ability to see people through drug detoxes; although she has done quite a few drugs herself, she seems to be someone who can still run her life without the drugs running her. She does have a reckless streak; she eggs Ruth on to shoplifting once, and encourages her to take a Vicodin when they are overseeing one of Sarah's detoxes. Bettina was married three times—her second husband cheated on her and her first and third husbands left her a widow. Bettina has a daughter who got caught up in a 1513:, is a criminal who appears in seasons four and five. He carjacks David and takes him on a night-long joyride through the city, beating him, forcing him to do drugs, and ultimately putting a gun in his mouth after dousing him with gasoline, before driving away in David's car, sparing him. Jake is later arrested and thrown in jail for numerous violent crimes, and David visits him there to try to get closure on his ordeal; however, Jake is completely detached from reality and provides no answers, so David satisfies himself that Jake is visibly miserable in prison and leaves, telling Jake he is never coming back. 765:
he is not forgiven for his actions. When Rico finally tells her that he does not want to be there if she no longer loves him and will move out for good, Vanessa begins treating him a little better, and they slowly begin to successfully work through their issues until their marriage is back on solid footing. Throughout the series, Rico's moods and decisions outside the home are often closely affected by Vanessa's advice and attitude. Vanessa pushes Rico into opening his own mortuary business, and they remain together for many years until his death at age 75.
1425:. In season 2, Vanessa goes behind Rico's back to borrow money from Angelica to for a down payment on a house, causing strain between Angelica and Rico. Later, when she experiences her own financial difficulties, she moves in with Rico and Vanessa but quickly wears out her welcome. In season 4, after Vanessa discovers Rico's affair with Sophia, Angelica helps her confront Sophia and smash her car windows. Despite her generally combative attitude toward Rico, she and her sister remain very close, even after Vanessa asks her to move out. 848:. Nate buries Lisa as she wanted, while giving her family the cremated remains of an unclaimed body from several decades earlier. At the end of season 4, it is revealed that her brother-in-law, Hoyt, with whom she had had an affair before marrying Nate, was with her on the beach the day she drowned. The details of Lisa's death are left ambiguous (although murder by Hoyt is strongly implied, it is never confirmed) but she remains in the show as another deceased character who appears in recurring visions, frequently to Nate or Brenda. 931:. Sarah lives with a caretaker and friend named Bettina. Sarah feels she has little talent but surrounds herself with people who do. As a young girl Sarah left Ruth alone to deal with sick relatives. Sarah later baby-sat Ruth's sons and they got into trouble: fifteen-year-old Nate Jr lost his virginity to a friend of Sarah's and David once got lost in the wild. Ruth resented Sarah for both these reasons and they stayed out of touch for decades. The two finally reconcile after Ruth attends a self-help seminar and Sarah returns from 1498:(born 2005) is Brenda and Nate's daughter, born prematurely, six weeks after Nate's death. Willa's birth is unexpected, since Brenda was due to deliver 2 months later. Several weeks after her birth, Willa is healthy enough to go home, a cause for celebration between the two families. Brenda worries about her daughter's health for some time after, but Willa is completely fine. In the final scenes, she's seen celebrating her first birthday, as a little girl at David and Keith's wedding, and as a young woman at Ruth's funeral. 611:. During Season 5, after the surrogacy attempt fails, they adopt brothers Anthony and Durrell, whom David met at a fair. Durrell is rebellious due to his history of foster care, but despite Keith's protests, David insists that they keep the boys. Soon, Keith begins to embrace his new family life. Keith offers to combine his savings with David's when Rico has a chance to buy his own smaller mortuary and agrees to sell back his 25% share of Fisher & Diaz Funeral Home for $ 500,000. 1410:, is a gifted French horn player and Brenda's boyfriend for the first half of season 4. They become neighbors when Brenda returns to L.A. and quickly become friends. Although Brenda is hesitant to start a new relationship, and insists on a period of celibacy, they soon become serious. The couple buy a house together and even tried for a baby. However, Brenda soon becomes tired of Joe's cerebral sexual ambivalence. Their relationship ends when Joe walks in on Nate and Brenda. 912:
Ruth later calls Maggie to ask her if Nate had been happy while he was with her before he had his stroke. During the phone call, Maggie is at the doctor's office, which led to audience speculation as to whether she was pregnant with Nate's child. Alan Ball specifically denied this speculation during his DVD commentary on the series finale, noting that as a pharmaceutical industry representative, Maggie is simply working when we see her in the doctor's office.
1336:) who gave up cooking to become a hairdresser. One of his clients, Ruth Fisher, was unhappily married and, during frequent camping trips, Hiram taught her how to enjoy sex. After Ruth's husband dies, she initially pushes Hiram away, but then dates him for several months. Their relationship ends when he tells her he has feelings for another woman; to his surprise, she happily sends him on his way. Months later, she calls him to make amends (she is on 1133:, although she appears to be a "goody two-shoes", who attempts to start a friendship with Claire Fisher. The friendship blossoms, but after finding out that Parker had cheated on her SATs and had been accepted into better colleges than Claire, the friendship is broken off until Claire learns it's better to have one friend than no friends at all. Parker tells Claire that the Chinese holistic herbs that her Aunt Sarah sent her are actually 1445:
Rico's time and money. Rico, feeling guilty, breaks things off with Sophia, but Vanessa soon finds out about the affair and kicks Rico out of the house. Rico has sex with Sophia and asks if he can stay with her. Vanessa and Angelica confront Sophia, but she seems unfazed by them. They smash in her car windows with a baseball bat, and when she confronts Rico about the encounter, they break things off for good.
1026:. Claire thinks she is in love, but after Gabe tells the entire school that she slept with him and sucked his toes, an upset Claire gets her revenge by placing a severed foot from a deceased person into Gabe's school locker. The two do not speak to each other again until the death of Gabe's brother. Gabe's mother blames Gabe for the death, and his stepfather attacks him at the funeral. Soon after, Gabe 977:(2002–unknown), played alternately by twins Brenna and Bronwyn Tosh, is Nate and Lisa's daughter. After Nate's death, Brenda (her stepmother) is given custody of Maya. After learning of Nate's affair with George's daughter, Brenda gives temporary custody to Ruth so that she can process her grief. Maya moves back in with Brenda after Brenda gives birth to her half-sister, Willa and is eventually fully 515:. Brenda eventually becomes pregnant again and begins an internship as a cognitive therapist. About this time, Nate begins spending a lot of time with his step-sister Maggie and becomes interested in her religion. After Nate's collapse and admission to hospital, he breaks up with Brenda but dies before divorce proceedings begin. Six weeks after Nate's death, Brenda successfully delivers a 413:
troubled and rebellious teen. Claire briefly questions her sexuality, experimenting with a fellow female college student, but this ends badly when Claire cannot commit. Claire also had brief relationship with Brenda's brother Billy, who has bipolar disorder. Claire dated a fellow college student Russell, who struggled with his sexuality and had an affair with their professor, Olivier.
1091:, is Keith's niece. Her mother Karla is a drug addict and not in a fit state to look after the young girl. Keith and David look after her for some time during season 2. She is quite often rude and unhappy due to her poor upbringing. After Keith is suspended from the police force, Taylor goes to live with Keith's parents, Roderick and Lucille Charles (played by 1363:. Prior to meeting Claire, Ted had a (one-night stand and some "discreet" making out in the men's room of a local bar) relationship with Kirsten, one of Claire's other co-workers at the Legal Department. Ted insists that it is over, making Claire feel at ease when she secretly makes out with him. On their first date, Ted reveals himself to be a conservative 1227:, teaches Form and Space at LAC-Arts. Claire, Russell, and Billy Chenowith were all his students. Olivier is bisexual and has flings with Russell and Billy, but ends up living with Billy and Brenda's mother, Margaret. Despite having a rocky relationship with Claire, he is the one who makes the recommendation for her photographer assistant's job in New York. 344:, David comes out to his family and resigns his post as deacon. David and Keith eventually reconcile and start planning a family together. Soon after, David is carjacked. The experience leaves him extremely traumatized and he remains so for the rest of the series. They later adopt two young boys (brothers) Anthony and Durrell. 1189:
with his father David in the prep room. He most likely inherits the operation of Fisher and Sons Funeral Home after David's retirement, as he is shown conducting Ruth Fisher's funeral in the final minutes of the series. Durrell becomes involved with a woman and has three children with her: Matthew, Keith Jr., and Katie.
the home) had made his father look just as he was before the accident. Rico struck up a friendship with Nathaniel, who paid for his education and hired him as a restorative artist. They remained close until Nathaniel's death. Rico married his high school sweetheart, Vanessa and had two children. Federico graduated from
1387:, is Lisa Kimmel's boss during seasons 2 and 3, a neurotic, self-involved motion picture producer with an unstable demeanor. Her demands on Lisa prove incompatible with Lisa's newfound roles as a wife and mother, leading to a confrontation in which Lisa quits. Carol later appears in Episode 52, in a video 828:
Nate's remaining feelings for Brenda. Several episodes during season 3 and 4 focus on Lisa's disappearance. It becomes evident that she is dead and her corpse is later found washed up on the beach. Nate conflicts with Lisa's family about how she wanted to be buried; Lisa had told him that she wanted to be
1544: The tattoos were of their favorite fictional characters: Nathaniel and Isabel, based on a book their father bought them when they were children. – there was speculation that the two siblings were intimately involved during their childhood, until the episode "Static" showed they hadn't been. 1006:
policy. Several weeks after their break-up, Ruth resigns from Blossom d'Amour so that she can spend more time with her newborn grandchild, Maya. Nikolai had a son and wife who died before he moved to the U.S. He has a brief cameo in episode #5.9 ("Ecotone") when Ruth envisions herself shooting all of
when he was only two). Rather than confide in his pregnant wife, Nate decides to cheat on her, sleeping with Maggie on the evening of his seizure. Maggie suffers guilt and tried to make amends with Brenda, who is not interested. Maggie leaves town after Nate's funeral and an argument with her father.
causes the couple to separate and consider divorce. After finding it difficult to live and raise her sons alone, she asks Federico to move back in. However, she is initially very cold towards him, refusing to communicate with him more than the bare minimum and taking every opportunity to let him know
owner of Blossom d'Amour Flower Shop where Ruth Fisher works for a time. He is Ruth's lover for almost two years. Nikolai is in serious debt which culminates several encounters with a Russian mob. When they break his legs because he is unable to repay his debt, he recuperates at the Fishers' house.
after he visits and they sleep together. This is apparently her second pregnancy from Nate; it is implied she had an abortion after their first pregnancy. They later marry after the birth of their daughter, Maya. Their marriage lasts throughout season 3, but is a turbulent one, as Lisa worries about
and is thrown out by his wife. He is devastated by the breakdown of his marriage, however he and Vanessa eventually reconcile. Federico is frequently in conflict with the Fishers over the direction of the business. After the death of Nate, Federico is pondering his future with Fisher & Diaz when
The series finale and official HBO website reveal that Keith eventually owns his own security company, and dies in 2029 at age 61 after being gunned down in an armored car. While at a family function in 2044, David sees Keith in a vision, still young and healthy and playing football; Keith smiles at
11-year-old son. At first when going back to adopt younger brother Anthony, David and Keith do not realize they will be adopting his older brother also. After two weeks of Durrell testing the waters and Keith's patience, Keith believes it is time for the brothers to go. David then sticks up for the
in 1997 with a degree in Mortuary Science. Rico is considered one of the best in the business, and is briefly lured away by a funeral home chain called Kroehner Services International, before he realizes he has become just another over-worked employee. He returns to work with David and Nate, though
who later becomes a partner in the business. In 1992, Rico's father Mauricio slipped on the roof and landed face-first in a pile of bricks next to the house. Rico and his mother Lilia went to the Fisher funeral home for burial, and to Rico's shock, Nathaniel Fisher Sr. (who then owned and operated
A recurring theme throughout the series is Nate searching for the ideal life. In the pilot episode, he meets Brenda Chenowith on an airplane and has sex with her upon landing. Brenda becomes his on-again/off-again lover throughout the series. Upon learning of his father's death, his mother asks him
and stays with her through the night as her emotional support, causing Claire to see that Ted is a positive force in her life. Ted and Claire part ways when Claire moves to New York in the final episode, although when Claire returns to Los Angeles for her mother's funeral in 2025, she and Ted will
by Brenda, who raises her as if she were her own daughter. In the final scenes, she's seen celebrating her sister's first birthday, as a little girl at David and Keith's wedding (still holding her favorite puppet toy, a monkey), and as a woman in her twenties at Ruth's funeral and Claire and Ted's
who were in an open marriage, flaunting their activities in front of their children. As a child, she was under the scrutiny of Dr. Gareth Feinberg and various psychologists who began documenting her odd behavior. Being a genius, however, she would study the symptoms of various mental disorders and
Before the series begins, Ruth had an affair with her hairdresser, Hiram Gunderson. After Nathaniel's sudden death, she calls off the affair to mourn but rekindles the relationship some months later. Ruth takes a job at a flower shop, where the owner Nikolai becomes infatuated with her. Hiram then
but no one knows except his boyfriend, Keith Charles, a police officer, whom he met at a church social function. Keith has come out to his family and friends and quickly loses patience with David hiding his own sexuality. David joined the family business in 1989 at the age of 20 and was upset that
becomes permanent. Slowly, Durrell becomes comfortable in his surroundings after David and Keith set some boundaries and show Durrell some support and nurturing. At age 11, Durrell expresses interest in becoming a fireman. However, in the last scenes of the last episode, he is shown spending time
and Claire tries to help him recover. However, he gets into more trouble: holding up a convenience store, stealing the Fishers' embalming fluid to use for extra-potent joints, and pulling a gun on another driver while Claire is trying to drive him to a secluded area. After that, Claire breaks off
to them, and Ruth assumes it is a jealous Arthur. When she confronts Arthur, he becomes offended and leaves. After Ruth talks about pressing charges against Arthur, George tells her that it is his son who has been sending the feces. Arthur has a brief cameo in episode #5.9 ("Ecotone"), when Ruth
with whom Rico has an affair in seasons 3 and 4. Although their relationship was initially only sexual on their first encounter, Rico continues to show her affection for several months by spending time with her and her daughter and buying her gifts. Over time, Sophia begins to take advantage of
manner, yet displays genuine affection and care for her family at moments of crisis. Claire is the most creative member of the family, specializing in art and photography. Claire has several turbulent relationships during the five years of the series. Claire's high school boyfriend, Gabe, was a
lawyer, despite having left-wing views. Ted becomes a source of comfort after Nate's death. In the series finale, Claire receives a job offer to work as a photographer's assistant in New York, but the job offer is later rescinded when the company is taken over by a corporation. Claire's mental
service out of her house. Brenda meets Nate Fisher on a flight from Seattle to Los Angeles, immediately before Nate learns of his father's death. The two begin a relationship which is often interrupted by her brother Billy who continues to find his way into her life. After she has her brother
After Nate's death, Ruth decides she needs a change in her life and moves in with her sister Sarah and her caretaker, Bettina. Ruth dies at the age of 79 at a hospital with George and her surviving children at her bedside. In her final moments, she sees the spirits of Nathaniel and Nate.
Following his death, the series spends the last three episodes addressing the other characters' lives as they attempt to cope with his absence. Nate – like his father – continues to appear in these episodes as a mental manifestation of his surviving family.
George Sibley after six weeks of courtship. During the marriage, Ruth discovers unpleasant facts about her new husband's past, including multiple wives and an estranged son. During this time, George becomes increasingly paranoid, particularly with beliefs regarding an inevitable
representative. While he was still a student, George dated a woman and she became pregnant with a son, Kyle. Before Kyle was born, however, George signed away his custodial rights, and Kyle, though he was born into great wealth, intensely hated his father and sent boxes of
1280:-like relationship. The relationship is broken off when Claire is abandoned by her friends soon after she leaves art school for good. They briefly meet again towards the end of the series, and Anita makes it clear that she was hurt by Claire's lack of contact. 1310:, was a friend of Claire's during her time at art school. At first Jimmy wanted a relationship with her, but realized in the end that she didn't. They engaged in a brief sexual relationship where he was responsible for giving Claire her first orgasm using the 328:
his brother Nate did not do the same. After his father's death and Nate's return, David holds resentment towards Nate, which is resolved when Nate agrees to help with the family funeral business. At the same time, David is offered his father's old position as
591:). While Keith is on tour, David is carjacked and tortured, so Keith returns home for several days, but returns to the tour at David's insistence. While he is gone, David begins to suffer from panic attacks and becomes emotionally unstable. Keith, who has " 645:
he hears about a mortuary in the area for sale. David and Keith purchase Rico's 25% and Federico and Vanessa go on to establish the Diaz Family Mortuary in 2005, where he serves the community for 35 years before retiring. Rico dies in 2049 at age 75 on a
often resenting his status within the business. Although Rico and Vanessa struggle for money, they receive inheritance from an elderly neighbor and Rico buys 25% of Fisher & Sons, becoming Fisher & Diaz Funeral Home. Rico becomes involved with a
1068:. In the 1970s, the Chenowiths made headlines when they allowed their daughter to undergo testing by the controversial Dr. Gareth Feinberg for her brilliant, yet uncontrollable behavior. Bernard and Margaret briefly separate in 2002 for reasons of 1340:
at this time) but he mistakenly assumes she wants to reunite, leading to a fight. Several years pass before they meet up again for another camping trip. While on the trip, Ruth realizes she is no longer attracted to Hiram and hitchhikes back home.
following the death of her mother and begins abusing prescription medication. When her health begins to suffer she seeks help; her increased spending habits and closeness to her sister Angelica alienate Rico. In late season four, Federico's
to David, and David suffers anxiety that Keith will leave him for a woman. Keith is hired as personal security to an agent named Roger in order to have a lawsuit against David (who had previously attacked Roger and was being sued) dropped.
1169:, Keith and David try to adopt Anthony, at which time they learn he also has an older brother. In the last scenes of the last episode, Anthony is shown as an adult attending his aunt Claire's wedding in the company of a male companion. 906:
to help take care of her ailing father. She and Nate become close friends, with Nate confiding to her his fears about his and Brenda's unborn child after blood tests show the baby may have special needs (Maggie's own child had died of
and the two trip together. After Claire enrolls in art school, Parker is caught when the person who took the SATs for Parker was arrested. Parker enrolled in community college as a result. The two don't speak again after graduation.
369:. Four years later, David was born. Their last child, Claire, is born much later, in 1983. Feeling trapped in a maternal role at such a young age, Ruth resented her younger sister Sarah, an artist whom Ruth views as a free spirit. 1314:
which he refers to by its slang name "grinding the corn". He also introduced Claire to her first gallery owner. He was often drinking and getting high. He remained a friend of Anita and Claire, until Claire quit art school.
to stay, despite Nate wanting to return to Seattle. Displeased with the direction his life is going, Nate agrees to stay and become business partners with his brother in the funeral home. Nate becomes diagnosed with an
1330:, is a fling of Ruth's. A divorcée and an environmentalist (he drove a hybrid Toyota Prius car, while Begley drives an electric vehicle in real life), Hiram was once a major chef (he received a rave review from the 2032: 466:. Brenda spent much of her life taking care of Billy and has struggled to build her own life outside of Billy's illness. Billy has a strong fixation on Brenda's life and their relationship at times bordered on 1421:, played by Melissa Marsala, is Vanessa's sister who appears periodically in seasons 2 through 5. An aspiring actress, she brings business to the funeral home when one of her horror film co-stars overdoses on 44:") was met with universal acclaim from both critics and viewers alike, who cited the fact that the finale looked decades forward to the end of each main character's life, as shown in the "biographies" below. 336:. After breaking up with Keith over continuing sexuality issues, David briefly engages in some anonymous sex, for which he suffered ongoing legal issues. After arranging a funeral for a young gay man who was 323:, is the middle child in the Fisher family. Prior to the start of the series, David was engaged to a woman named Jennifer Mason, but broke the engagement because he was unsure of his sexuality. David is 373:
breaks up with Ruth and she begins seeing Nikolai. Ruth ends their relationship when she realizes Nikolai has been feeling suffocated by her attentions and has only been staying with her out of guilt.
389:. During that time, Ruth finds it hard to deal with his subsequent memory loss and emotional instability, Ruth decides to set George up with a life separate from hers before eventually divorcing him. 362:, is the widow of Nathaniel, Sr and mother to Nate, David and Claire. Ruth had an unhappy and abusive childhood, so she has learned to bottle her emotions, frequently resulting in a violent outburst. 871:. The couple married in 1967. In the 1970s, the Chenowiths had become controversial for allowing their daughter Brenda to undergo testing by the controversial Gareth Feinberg, who later wrote 863:, is Brenda and Billy's dysfunctional mother and a psychologist. Her bouts of misplaced anger can be seen throughout the series. In the 1960s, she met her future husband, Bernard Chenowith in 1761: 879:. The two later renew their vows and soon after, Bernard dies of cancer in early 2003. Margaret moves on and begins dating her son's former lover (and art teacher), Olivier Castro-Staal. 572:. David and Keith then reconcile. After Keith's sister is incarcerated, Keith gets custody of Taylor and begins adoption proceedings. However, after Keith brutally beats a man during a 530:. Brenda later marries a man named Daniel Nathanson and has another child, Forrest Nathanson. She dies of natural causes in 2051, aged 82, while sitting talking with her brother Billy. 1372:
reunite and marry, and stay together for the rest of Ted's life. His death is not shown in the final episode, but it is implied that he died before Claire as she dies alone in 2085.
call, he resigns from the LAPD and gives Taylor to his parents without consulting David. David is hurt and furious, and the two go into couples' counseling to sort out their issues.
ties with him. She later receives closure from a fantasy scene showing that she believes Gabe has died and that he is at peace in death and able to see his younger brother Anthony.
1739: 1242:, is an intern at Fisher & Diaz Funeral Home from March to November 2003, though it was intended to be permanent. The eccentric Arthur was orphaned at the age of 5 and was 347:
David marries Keith around 2009 and they remain together until Keith's death in 2029. David dies in 2044, aged 75, at a family outing after seeing a vision of a young Keith.
1295:, is a free-spirited lesbian artist who becomes a friend and (briefly) a lover of Claire. Their relationship ends when Edie gets fed up with Claire's sexual ambivalence. 595:" at work, confides in Celeste about David, and she seduces him into having sex, then fires him the next day for the indiscretion. When Keith gets home, he confesses the 966:
full moon celebration every year at her house. Sarah later gives Ruth invaluable support following Nate's death, and Ruth moves into Sarah's house at Topanga Canyon.
1561: 2027: 1367:, which upsets Claire at the moment when the mood changes to somber after receiving the news of Nate's stroke. Rather than going home, Ted drives Claire to the 408:, is the only daughter and third child of the Fisher family. Claire is known for being rebellious throughout her teenage years and often acts in a selfish and 1475:
that tries to get Fisher & Sons out of business in the first two seasons. In the first season, a smarmy company representative named Matthew Gilardi (
During her daughter-in-law Lisa's disappearance, Ruth struggles with her emotions and her role of matriarch. During this time, she meets and marries
1732: 1157:
8-year-old son. The couple meet young Anthony at an "adoption picnic" where David feels an instant bond with the boy. After Mary, David and Keith's
while at his wife's side. He leaves behind his wife Vanessa, his sons Julio and Augusto and his three grandchildren: Emily, Celestina and Vincent.
2005: 1002:
Ruth takes this as an opportunity to expand their relationship, but instead causes more tension when she pays off Nikolai's debt with Nathaniel's
who had been married six times previously. He has two children from a previous marriage: a son, Brian, and a daughter, Maggie, who is a traveling
1633: 1259:
imagines herself shooting all of her ex-boyfriends (and eventually her dead husband Nathaniel) with a shotgun to the tune of circus music.
1853: 1725: 568:
named Eddie, but their relationship fails when Keith becomes concerned with his niece Taylor and his sister Karla Denise, who goes into
1665: 497:
is revealed. Consequently, she spirals into drug addiction and harmful behavior. Brenda moves away from Los Angeles and seeks therapy.
in bed. After Joe catches Brenda making out with Nate, he ends the relationship and moves out of the house they had recently bought.
Ruth married Nathaniel Fisher in 1965 after becoming pregnant with her first child, Nate, who was born while Nathaniel is serving in
1585: 1364: 505: 421: 1981: 1976: 1971: 1966: 1961: 1781: 88: 83: 78: 73: 68: 1356:, is an attorney at Braeden Chemical Legal Department who becomes Claire Fisher's love interest after she begins working as a 800:, is the patriarch of the Fisher family and owner of Fisher & Sons Funeral Home until his death in a traffic accident on 1388: 493:
and eventually finds herself succumbing to sexual impulses outside of her relationship. Nate breaks up with Brenda after her
223: 175: 875:
about Brenda. Though Margaret and Bernard have an open marriage, they separate briefly in 2002 after Bernard lies about an
1945: 1825: 1680: 1609: 557: 311: 115: 1569: 1839: 1483:, fires him and tries buying the Fishers out, but she also fails. Ultimately, Kroehner Service International files for 565: 130: 100: 1250:
to study music but, after discovering his major was not what he had hoped, Arthur attended mortuary school to become a
1998: 1846: 546: 1749: 1392: 1311: 935:. Sarah feels a strong connection to Claire, who she believes is a true artist. She invites Claire to her house in 553:
in 1989. David and Keith began dating some months before the pilot episode after meeting at a gay-friendly church.
386: 295: 33: 1878: 1832: 1811: 1804: 725: 545:, is David's main love interest over the course of the series. Keith was born in 1968 in San Diego and attended 1818: 1766: 627: 165: 845: 485:
for violent behavior, Brenda returns to college to study psychology and begins writing a novel to stave off
1797: 1472: 743:, is Federico's high school sweetheart, wife and mother of his two sons Julio and Augusto. Vanessa is a 650: 588: 1922: 1487:
at the end of the second season, though their bankruptcy was most likely not connected to the Fishers.
560:(LAPD). He tolerates David hiding his sexuality until an incident where a fellow shopper calls them " 41: 511:
Brenda reconciles with Nate and becomes pregnant. On the night before their wedding, Brenda suffers a
947: 721: 1641: 1384: 1276: 1158: 955: 756: 569: 1111: 542: 482: 382: 341: 180: 943:
on her birthday to help inspire her artistic passion. Ruth discovers that Sarah has developed a
1092: 924: 685: 677: 592: 573: 523: 486: 1476: 1437: 1251: 1166: 744: 669: 494: 463: 443: 434: 195: 190: 755:
down the deceased's throat. She later finds work at a hospital. In 2003 Vanessa sinks into
1332: 1307: 1271: 1134: 1043: 1007:
her ex-lovers with a rifle to the tune of carnival music in a bloodless shooting gallery.
940: 797: 740: 720:
to the Fisher home. George and Kyle later reconcile with Ruth's help. George suffers from
636: 603:
Towards the end of Season 4, Keith and David decide to have children, with Keith favoring
596: 527: 320: 251: 205: 120: 282:, is the oldest of the three Fisher siblings. In the first episode, Nate is returning to 1479:) tries buying the Fishers out. When he fails, his boss Mitzi Dalton-Huntley, played by 1860: 1510: 1407: 1357: 1274:, is Claire's former best friend and roommate. The two met at art school and develop a 1224: 1130: 1073: 1003: 959: 928: 860: 829: 712: 700: 561: 516: 417: 405: 359: 228: 150: 135: 1593: 2021: 1353: 1327: 1243: 1181: 1150: 1027: 864: 801: 583:, but does not reveal his sexuality to co-workers. He is selected to go on tour with 451:
feign them to spite the doctors. Her case was turned into a best-selling book titled
333: 287: 160: 145: 1771: 751:
she is fired for negligence after not realizing that a resident's roommate shoved a
1525: 1239: 1096: 1050: 1019: 833: 748: 665: 459: 447: 279: 246: 210: 105: 1391:
to 2002 revolving around Nate and Lisa's wedding where she expresses her views on
994: 17: 1480: 1457: 1292: 1201: 1126: 1023: 963: 951: 903: 891: 816: 782: 646: 550: 512: 366: 283: 1617: 1484: 1088: 1069: 944: 876: 785:, is a compassionate priest who heads the church at which the Fishers attend. 761: 490: 337: 672:
and occasionally suffers from disruptive, and sometimes violent, episodes of
1360: 1165:, the plans to adopt Anthony slowly fade away. However, after Mary gets her 1162: 1047: 841: 837: 704: 681: 631: 604: 584: 580: 377: 1246:
by his great Aunt Pearl. After his aunt died of old age, Arthur went on to
played by Marina Black, is Claire's best friend during her senior year of
Brenda becomes a university professor and leading scholar on the topic of
1441: 1368: 1185: 908: 824: 641: 608: 504:. She then begins a relationship with her neighbor Joe, who likes to be 1422: 1247: 1209: 1205: 1176: 1154: 1065: 1054: 978: 936: 899: 820: 752: 708: 477: 474: 409: 1061: 1057: 998: 895: 868: 501: 467: 329: 927:, is Ruth's artistic younger sister who runs an artists' colony in 500:
Brenda returns to L.A. after her father is diagnosed with terminal
1255: 932: 717: 673: 1717: 446:, is Nate's girlfriend and, later, wife. Her parents are wealthy 420:
in a legal department where she meets and begins to date Ted, a
1721: 958:, which puts her life into perspective. Sarah once lived with 668:, is an artist and Brenda's younger brother. He suffers from 324: 28: 27:
The following is a list of descriptions for characters on the
747:. In 2002, after several years of working at the Bay Breeze 2033:
Lists of American comedy-drama television series characters
1634:"Top 10 TV Series Finales: The Sopranos, Friends, Cheers" 1072:
but soon reconcile and renew their vows. He succumbs to
954:. Weeks after going through withdrawal, Sarah goes into 579:
After another breakup with David, Keith finds work as a
37:, which aired for five seasons, from 2001 through 2005. 385:, forcing Ruth to admit him for treatments including 1562:"Six Feet Under – The 100 Best TV Shows of All-TIME" 939:
and they spend a weekend together. She sends Claire
1990: 1954: 1936: 1914: 1901: 1888: 1870: 1789: 1780: 1053:with his wife Margaret, whom he met when she was a 556:Keith is an openly gay policeman who works for the 473:At the time of the series beginning, Brenda runs a 1022:, is Claire's boyfriend during her senior year in 615:David, who immediately dies from a heart attack. 1129:. Parker is a rebellious transfer student from a 898:and traveling pharmaceutical representative from 404:(March 13, 1983 – February 11, 2085), played by 1175:, played by Kendré Berry, is David and Keith's 1046:, is Brenda and Billy's father who worked as a 796:(June 9, 1943 – December 24, 2000), played by 489:. She develops a friendship with a high-class 1733: 8: 40:While the series ends in 2005, the finale (" 564:". Keith dumps David and begins dating an 1786: 1740: 1726: 1718: 332:at their local church, which frowns upon 290:only to learn that his father has died. 51: 1691: 1689: 1553: 1661: 1659: 455:, which haunts Brenda into adulthood. 358:(November 17, 1946 – 2025), played by 2028:Six Feet Under (TV series) characters 549:, before graduating with a degree in 7: 458:Her brother (Billy) is a successful 1683:. Retrieved July 23, 2010. 1568:. September 6, 2007. Archived from 416:During Season 5, Claire works as a 276:Nathaniel Samuel "Nate" Fisher, Jr. 1528:, is Claire's guidance counselor. 1142:Anthony and Durrell Charles-Fisher 25: 1712:. 24 June 2001. No. 4, Season 1 1592:. March 14, 2008. Archived from 1640:. April 2, 2009. Archived from 1616:. June 11, 2007. Archived from 1180:boys in front of Keith and the 1699:. 3 June 2001. No. 1, season 1 1469:Kroehner Service International 703:, is Ruth's second husband, a 1: 836:, while her family wants her 558:Los Angeles Police Department 312:David Fisher (Six Feet Under) 278:(1965–2005), played by 794:Nathaniel Samuel Fisher, Sr. 566:emergency medical technician 867:when she was working as an 840:and buried in their family 630:, is the extremely skilled 624:Hector Federico "Rico" Diaz 547:West Point Military Academy 2049: 1312:coital alignment technique 894:, is George's daughter. A 432: 387:electro-convulsive therapy 309: 296:arteriovenous malformation 1757: 1610:"The Best Series Finales" 1064:but ultimately became an 1040:Dr. Bernard Asa Chenowith 873:Charlotte: Light and Dark 726:electroconvulsive therapy 258: 255: 240: 237: 232: 217: 214: 199: 184: 169: 154: 139: 124: 109: 94: 62: 59: 56: 830:buried in the wilderness 819:, is Nate's friend from 453:Charlotte Light and Dark 2006:Vol. 2: Everything Ends 1153:, is David and Keith's 1042:(1939–2003), played by 1018:(1983–2002), played by 815:(1967–2003), played by 626:(1974–2049), played by 541:(1968–2029), played by 442:(1969–2051), played by 319:(1969–2044), played by 1762:Awards and nominations 1496:Willa Fisher Chenowith 1173:Durrell Charles-Fisher 1147:Anthony Charles-Fisher 962:in Berlin and hosts a 1060:. Bernard was raised 832:with no chemicals or 769:Supporting characters 589:Michelle Trachtenberg 1221:Olivier Castro-Staal 1216:Olivier Castro-Staal 1016:Gabriel "Gabe" Dimas 915: 846:Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 722:psychotic depression 539:Keith Dwayne Charles 402:Claire Simone Fisher 356:Ruth O'Connor Fisher 1667:Everybody's Waiting 1586:"5 Best TV Finales" 1277:Laverne and Shirley 956:drug rehabilitation 950:to the pain killer 757:clinical depression 607:and David favoring 570:drug rehabilitation 53: 1923:Everyone’s Waiting 1631: • 1620:on August 24, 2010 1607: • 1583: • 902:, Maggie moves to 857:Margaret Chenowith 852:Margaret Chenowith 813:Lisa Kimmel Fisher 808:Lisa Kimmel Fisher 632:restorative artist 543:Mathew St. Patrick 519:girl named Willa. 462:, struggling with 383:nuclear apocalypse 342:sexual orientation 317:David James Fisher 181:Mathew St. Patrick 52: 42:Everyone's Waiting 31:television series 18:Lisa Kimmel Fisher 2015: 2014: 1932: 1931: 1644:on March 16, 2010 1572:on March 17, 2010 1093:James Pickens Jr. 1035:Bernard Chenowith 925:Patricia Clarkson 686:instant messaging 574:domestic violence 483:institutionalized 338:brutally murdered 263: 262: 16:(Redirected from 2040: 1854:Life's Too Short 1787: 1742: 1735: 1728: 1719: 1713: 1706: 1700: 1693: 1684: 1678: 1672: 1663: 1654: 1653: 1651: 1649: 1629: 1627: 1625: 1605: 1603: 1601: 1596:on July 15, 2011 1581: 1579: 1577: 1558: 1539: 1477:Gary Hershberger 1385:Catherine O'Hara 1252:funeral director 1161:, announces her 789:Nathaniel Fisher 745:registered nurse 670:bipolar disorder 649:apparently of a 628:Freddy Rodriguez 495:sexual addiction 464:bipolar disorder 444:Rachel Griffiths 440:Brenda Chenowith 435:Brenda Chenowith 429:Brenda Chenowith 266:Major characters 235: 196:Rachel Griffiths 191:Brenda Chenowith 166:Freddy Rodriguez 95:Main Characters 54: 21: 2048: 2047: 2043: 2042: 2041: 2039: 2038: 2037: 2018: 2017: 2016: 2011: 1986: 1950: 1928: 1910: 1897: 1884: 1866: 1776: 1753: 1746: 1716: 1707: 1703: 1694: 1687: 1679: 1675: 1664: 1657: 1647: 1645: 1632: 1630: 1623: 1621: 1608: 1606: 1599: 1597: 1584: 1582: 1575: 1573: 1560: 1559: 1555: 1551: 1545: 1536: 1534: 1519: 1504: 1493: 1491:Willa Chenowith 1466: 1451: 1431: 1416: 1401: 1378: 1347: 1333:Chicago Tribune 1324:Hiram Gunderson 1321: 1319:Hiram Gunderson 1308:Peter Facinelli 1301: 1286: 1272:Sprague Grayden 1265: 1233: 1218: 1195: 1144: 1135:magic mushrooms 1120: 1105: 1082: 1044:Robert Foxworth 1037: 1013: 988: 972: 941:magic mushrooms 918: 885: 854: 810: 798:Richard Jenkins 791: 776: 771: 741:Justina Machado 734: 694: 662:Billy Chenowith 659: 657:Billy Chenowith 637:Cypress College 621: 597:one-night stand 536: 528:gifted children 437: 431: 399: 353: 321:Michael C. Hall 314: 308: 273: 268: 252:Justina Machado 234:Does not appear 233: 206:Billy Chenowith 121:Michael C. Hall 50: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 2046: 2044: 2036: 2035: 2030: 2020: 2019: 2013: 2012: 2010: 2009: 2002: 1994: 1992: 1988: 1987: 1985: 1984: 1979: 1974: 1969: 1964: 1958: 1956: 1952: 1951: 1949: 1948: 1942: 1940: 1934: 1933: 1930: 1929: 1927: 1926: 1918: 1916: 1912: 1911: 1909: 1908: 1905: 1903: 1899: 1898: 1896: 1895: 1892: 1890: 1886: 1885: 1883: 1882: 1874: 1872: 1868: 1867: 1865: 1864: 1861:The New Person 1857: 1850: 1843: 1836: 1829: 1822: 1815: 1808: 1801: 1793: 1791: 1784: 1778: 1777: 1775: 1774: 1769: 1764: 1758: 1755: 1754: 1750:Six Feet Under 1747: 1745: 1744: 1737: 1730: 1722: 1715: 1714: 1710:Six Feet Under 1701: 1697:Six Feet Under 1685: 1673: 1655: 1552: 1550: 1547: 1533: 1530: 1518: 1515: 1511:Michael Weston 1503: 1500: 1492: 1489: 1471:is a mortuary 1465: 1462: 1454:Roger Pasquese 1450: 1449:Roger Pasquese 1447: 1430: 1427: 1415: 1412: 1408:Justin Theroux 1400: 1397: 1395:and marriage. 1377: 1374: 1346: 1343: 1320: 1317: 1300: 1297: 1285: 1282: 1264: 1261: 1232: 1229: 1225:Peter Macdissi 1217: 1214: 1194: 1191: 1143: 1140: 1131:private school 1123:Parker McKenna 1119: 1118:Parker McKenna 1116: 1108:Russell Corwin 1104: 1103:Russell Corwin 1101: 1081: 1078: 1074:stomach cancer 1036: 1033: 1012: 1009: 1004:life insurance 987: 984: 971: 968: 960:Allen Ginsberg 929:Topanga Canyon 921:Sarah O'Connor 917: 916:Sarah O'Connor 914: 884: 881: 861:Joanna Cassidy 853: 850: 809: 806: 790: 787: 775: 772: 770: 767: 733: 730: 724:and undergoes 713:pharmaceutical 701:James Cromwell 693: 690: 658: 655: 620: 617: 535: 532: 517:premature baby 433:Main article: 430: 427: 406:Lauren Ambrose 398: 395: 360:Frances Conroy 352: 349: 310:Main article: 307: 304: 272: 269: 267: 264: 261: 260: 257: 254: 249: 243: 242: 239: 236: 231: 229:James Cromwell 226: 220: 219: 216: 213: 208: 202: 201: 198: 193: 187: 186: 183: 178: 172: 171: 168: 163: 157: 156: 153: 151:Lauren Ambrose 148: 142: 141: 138: 136:Frances Conroy 133: 127: 126: 123: 118: 112: 111: 108: 103: 97: 96: 92: 91: 86: 81: 76: 71: 65: 64: 61: 58: 49: 46: 34:Six Feet Under 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2045: 2034: 2031: 2029: 2026: 2025: 2023: 2008: 2007: 2003: 2001: 2000: 1996: 1995: 1993: 1989: 1983: 1980: 1978: 1975: 1973: 1970: 1968: 1965: 1963: 1960: 1959: 1957: 1953: 1947: 1944: 1943: 1941: 1939: 1935: 1924: 1920: 1919: 1917: 1913: 1907: 1906: 1904: 1900: 1894: 1893: 1891: 1887: 1880: 1876: 1875: 1873: 1869: 1862: 1858: 1855: 1851: 1848: 1844: 1841: 1837: 1834: 1830: 1827: 1823: 1820: 1816: 1813: 1809: 1806: 1802: 1799: 1795: 1794: 1792: 1788: 1785: 1783: 1779: 1773: 1770: 1768: 1765: 1763: 1760: 1759: 1756: 1752: 1751: 1743: 1738: 1736: 1731: 1729: 1724: 1723: 1720: 1711: 1705: 1702: 1698: 1692: 1690: 1686: 1682: 1677: 1674: 1670: 1668: 1662: 1660: 1656: 1643: 1639: 1635: 1619: 1615: 1611: 1595: 1591: 1587: 1571: 1567: 1563: 1557: 1554: 1548: 1546: 1543: 1538: 1531: 1529: 1527: 1523: 1516: 1514: 1512: 1508: 1501: 1499: 1497: 1490: 1488: 1486: 1482: 1478: 1474: 1470: 1463: 1461: 1459: 1455: 1448: 1446: 1443: 1442:erotic dancer 1439: 1438:Idalis DeLeón 1435: 1428: 1426: 1424: 1420: 1413: 1411: 1409: 1405: 1398: 1396: 1394: 1393:relationships 1390: 1386: 1382: 1375: 1373: 1370: 1366: 1362: 1359: 1355: 1354:Chris Messina 1351: 1344: 1342: 1339: 1335: 1334: 1329: 1328:Ed Begley Jr. 1325: 1318: 1316: 1313: 1309: 1305: 1298: 1296: 1294: 1290: 1283: 1281: 1279: 1278: 1273: 1269: 1262: 1260: 1257: 1253: 1249: 1245: 1244:home schooled 1241: 1237: 1236:Arthur Martin 1231:Arthur Martin 1230: 1228: 1226: 1222: 1215: 1213: 1211: 1207: 1203: 1199: 1192: 1190: 1187: 1183: 1182:social worker 1178: 1174: 1170: 1168: 1164: 1160: 1156: 1152: 1151:C. J. Sanders 1148: 1141: 1139: 1136: 1132: 1128: 1124: 1117: 1115: 1113: 1109: 1102: 1100: 1098: 1094: 1090: 1086: 1085:Taylor Benoit 1080:Taylor Benoit 1079: 1077: 1075: 1071: 1067: 1063: 1059: 1056: 1052: 1049: 1045: 1041: 1034: 1032: 1029: 1025: 1021: 1017: 1011:Gabriel Dimas 1010: 1008: 1005: 1000: 996: 992: 985: 983: 980: 976: 969: 967: 965: 961: 957: 953: 949: 946: 942: 938: 934: 930: 926: 922: 913: 910: 905: 901: 897: 893: 889: 888:Maggie Sibley 883:Maggie Sibley 882: 880: 878: 874: 870: 866: 862: 858: 851: 849: 847: 843: 839: 835: 834:preservatives 831: 826: 822: 818: 814: 807: 805: 803: 802:Christmas Eve 799: 795: 788: 786: 784: 780: 773: 768: 766: 763: 758: 754: 750: 746: 742: 738: 731: 729: 727: 723: 719: 714: 710: 706: 702: 698: 697:George Sibley 692:George Sibley 691: 689: 687: 683: 679: 675: 671: 667: 663: 656: 654: 652: 648: 643: 638: 633: 629: 625: 619:Federico Diaz 618: 616: 612: 610: 606: 601: 598: 594: 590: 586: 582: 577: 575: 571: 567: 563: 559: 554: 552: 548: 544: 540: 534:Keith Charles 533: 531: 529: 525: 520: 518: 514: 509: 507: 503: 498: 496: 492: 488: 484: 479: 476: 471: 469: 465: 461: 456: 454: 449: 448:psychiatrists 445: 441: 436: 428: 426: 423: 419: 414: 411: 407: 403: 397:Claire Fisher 396: 394: 390: 388: 384: 379: 374: 370: 368: 363: 361: 357: 350: 348: 345: 343: 339: 335: 334:homosexuality 331: 326: 322: 318: 313: 305: 303: 299: 297: 291: 289: 288:Christmas Eve 285: 281: 277: 270: 265: 253: 250: 248: 245: 244: 230: 227: 225: 224:George Sibley 222: 221: 212: 209: 207: 204: 203: 197: 194: 192: 189: 188: 182: 179: 177: 176:Keith Charles 174: 173: 167: 164: 162: 161:Federico Diaz 159: 158: 152: 149: 147: 146:Claire Fisher 144: 143: 137: 134: 132: 129: 128: 122: 119: 117: 114: 113: 107: 104: 102: 99: 98: 93: 90: 87: 85: 82: 80: 77: 75: 72: 70: 67: 66: 60:Portrayed by 55: 47: 45: 43: 38: 36: 35: 30: 19: 2004: 1997: 1946:David Fisher 1937: 1826:An Open Book 1748: 1709: 1704: 1696: 1676: 1666: 1646:. Retrieved 1642:the original 1637: 1622:. Retrieved 1618:the original 1613: 1598:. Retrieved 1594:the original 1590:Pop Vultures 1589: 1574:. Retrieved 1570:the original 1565: 1556: 1541: 1537: 1535: 1526:David Norona 1524:, played by 1521: 1520: 1517:Gary Deitman 1509:, played by 1506: 1505: 1495: 1494: 1473:conglomerate 1468: 1467: 1456:, played by 1453: 1452: 1436:, played by 1433: 1432: 1418: 1417: 1406:, played by 1403: 1402: 1383:, played by 1380: 1379: 1352:, played by 1350:Ted Fairwell 1349: 1348: 1345:Ted Fairwell 1337: 1331: 1326:, played by 1323: 1322: 1306:, played by 1303: 1302: 1291:, played by 1288: 1287: 1275: 1270:, played by 1268:Anita Miller 1267: 1266: 1263:Anita Miller 1240:Rainn Wilson 1238:, played by 1235: 1234: 1223:, played by 1220: 1219: 1208:movement in 1200:, played by 1197: 1196: 1172: 1171: 1149:, played by 1146: 1145: 1122: 1121: 1110:, played by 1107: 1106: 1097:Beverly Todd 1087:, played by 1084: 1083: 1051:psychiatrist 1039: 1038: 1020:Eric Balfour 1015: 1014: 993:, played by 990: 989: 974: 973: 923:, played by 920: 919: 890:, played by 887: 886: 872: 859:, played by 856: 855: 823:who becomes 812: 811: 793: 792: 781:, played by 778: 777: 749:Nursing Home 739:, played by 737:Vanessa Diaz 736: 735: 732:Vanessa Diaz 699:, played by 696: 695: 666:Jeremy Sisto 664:, played by 661: 660: 651:heart attack 623: 622: 613: 602: 578: 555: 538: 537: 521: 510: 499: 472: 460:photographer 457: 452: 439: 438: 415: 401: 400: 391: 375: 371: 364: 355: 354: 346: 316: 315: 306:David Fisher 300: 292: 280:Peter Krause 275: 274: 247:Vanessa Diaz 211:Jeremy Sisto 116:David Fisher 106:Peter Krause 39: 32: 26: 1991:Soundtracks 1840:Brotherhood 1708:"Familia". 1481:Julie White 1458:Matt Malloy 1293:Mena Suvari 1202:Kathy Bates 1127:high school 1024:high school 975:Maya Fisher 970:Maya Fisher 904:Los Angeles 892:Tina Holmes 817:Lili Taylor 783:Tim Maculan 779:Father Jack 774:Father Jack 647:cruise ship 551:Criminology 524:development 513:miscarriage 351:Ruth Fisher 284:Los Angeles 271:Nate Fisher 131:Ruth Fisher 101:Nate Fisher 2022:Categories 1938:Characters 1847:Crossroads 1681:"Obituary" 1671:. 1669:Obituaries 1549:References 1485:bankruptcy 1381:Carol Ward 1376:Carol Ward 1365:Republican 1184:, and the 1112:Ben Foster 1089:Aysia Polk 1070:infidelity 877:infidelity 762:infidelity 678:depression 491:prostitute 487:depression 422:Republican 256:Recurring 238:Recurring 218:Recurring 57:Character 48:Cast table 1767:Alan Ball 1695:"Pilot". 1648:March 28, 1624:March 28, 1600:March 28, 1576:March 28, 1389:flashback 1361:secretary 1163:pregnancy 1159:surrogate 1076:in 2003. 1048:celebrity 1028:overdoses 997:, is the 995:Ed O'Ross 982:wedding. 948:addiction 842:mausoleum 705:professor 682:psychosis 605:surrogacy 587:Celeste ( 581:bodyguard 506:dominated 378:geologist 1915:Season 5 1902:Season 4 1889:Season 3 1879:The Plan 1871:Season 2 1833:The Room 1812:The Foot 1805:The Will 1790:Season 1 1782:Episodes 1464:Kroehner 1440:, is an 1419:Angelica 1414:Angelica 1369:hospital 1338:The Plan 1186:adoption 909:leukemia 838:cremated 825:pregnant 642:stripper 609:adoption 593:come out 585:pop star 340:for his 1955:Seasons 1819:Familia 1423:cocaine 1248:college 1210:Montana 1206:militia 1198:Bettina 1193:Bettina 1177:adopted 1155:adopted 1066:atheist 1055:college 999:Russian 991:Nikolai 986:Nikolai 979:adopted 952:Vicodin 937:Topanga 900:Arizona 865:therapy 821:Seattle 753:hot dog 709:geology 478:massage 475:shiatsu 367:Vietnam 63:Season 1999:Vol. 1 1772:Quotes 1540:  1434:Sophia 1429:Sophia 1167:period 1062:Jewish 1058:intern 896:Quaker 869:intern 680:, and 502:cancer 468:incest 330:deacon 1798:Pilot 1532:Notes 1304:Jimmy 1299:Jimmy 1256:feces 933:Spain 718:feces 674:mania 410:surly 259:Main 241:Main 215:Main 200:Main 185:Main 170:Main 155:Main 140:Main 125:Main 110:Main 1650:2010 1626:2010 1602:2010 1578:2010 1566:TIME 1522:Gary 1507:Jake 1502:Jake 1358:temp 1289:Edie 1284:Edie 1095:and 964:Howl 945:drug 562:fags 418:temp 1404:Joe 1399:Joe 1099:). 844:in 707:of 526:of 325:gay 286:on 29:HBO 2024:: 1688:^ 1658:^ 1636:. 1612:. 1588:. 1564:. 1542:a: 1212:. 676:, 470:. 1982:5 1977:4 1972:3 1967:2 1962:1 1925:" 1921:" 1881:" 1877:" 1863:" 1859:" 1856:" 1852:" 1849:" 1845:" 1842:" 1838:" 1835:" 1831:" 1828:" 1824:" 1821:" 1817:" 1814:" 1810:" 1807:" 1803:" 1800:" 1796:" 1741:e 1734:t 1727:v 1652:. 1628:. 1604:. 1580:. 89:5 84:4 79:3 74:2 69:1 20:)


Lisa Kimmel Fisher
Six Feet Under
Everyone's Waiting
Nate Fisher
Peter Krause
David Fisher
Michael C. Hall
Ruth Fisher
Frances Conroy
Claire Fisher
Lauren Ambrose
Federico Diaz
Freddy Rodriguez
Keith Charles
Mathew St. Patrick
Brenda Chenowith
Rachel Griffiths
Billy Chenowith
Jeremy Sisto
George Sibley
James Cromwell
Vanessa Diaz
Justina Machado
Peter Krause

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.