Knowledge (XXG)

List of Lud, zbunjen, normalan episodes

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whereabouts, coming home late every night. Izet suspects that Damir wife is sleeping with someone else and goes to Damir to confront him and in turn they start drinking very late in the morning. Izet calls Refija to look after Dzema (Damirs son). Fast forward to 5AM Izet and Damir are in the casino they end getting lucky and win lot of money. While this is going on scene Damir's wife is shown in bed with another man as she tells him she wants to go with him to Hollywood. In the morning Damir comes to his apartment confronts his wife and accuses her of cheating, Izet calls Faruk to tell him they have the money. Damir comes over to Izets so they can go and bail Faruk out forgetting the suitcase full of money in his apartment, while he is at Izet's his wife opens the suitcase sees the large amount of money decides to call her new man and she steals all the money. Damir comes back to the suitcase finds it empty with note written thanks. He lets Izet know who ends up going crazy and wants to kill him. Damir's wife is shown at airport with unknown guy waiting for flight to Los Angeles. Meanwhile Damir and Izet are at San Remos drinking suddenly Faruk enters the door and thanks them for bailing him out of prison, which confuses they since they didn't have the money after it got stolen. Without Fazlinovic knowledge, Maria, the owner of San Remo, is the one that paid for Faruk's fine.
Damir in the restroom.In Damir's doctor office Mirna still tries to kiss him.Barbara came to see Damir.Barbara sees again how the broken flirtation does not get along.Later the men compliment about Ajna.They tell Damir to do it.Damir is scared.Barbara hears them thinking it is Barbara.Damir does not remember a thing no more. But Ajna remembers how they ended up on the bed with moans. She tries to open a stuck drawer.She opens the drawer but hits Damir.The drawer is stuck again.She opens it but she got the red moan.
up with a theory that the family is cursed. Both of them agree, while Izet denies it. He won't admit he had it the worst. Some time during Damir becomes dangerously self-aware thinking it's like they are recording some kind of sitcom in their apartment and Faruk came up with a theory that people will start to think they are all homosexuals. Of course Izet denies the latter. Later Damir admits they are a crazy family, thus no women like them. And that it's all due to them living in the same space.
3694:. Å ukrija's eighth husband will be killed by his wife, Fadila because she had seven husbands and they all died one by one case of their wife. Faruk wants make Å ukrija believe the male soothsayer Refko. When Å ukrija has discovered this, he only believes the soothsayer Refko. Čombe screws everything up by Marija to answer and she called. Later Ajna called Refko and he said let Å ukrija marry Fadila. 3993:, in which Faruk would have AIDS and cause major panic among Ajna (since she is his girlfriend) and Å ukrija, causing both of them to move back to Split. Meanwhile, Refko and Čombe, in order to get some money, decide to film a wedding (which didn't turn out to be such a good idea), after which they decide to film a funeral. The episode ends in Faruk's appearance in the local cafĆ© 4797:"Ako prijatelji i rodbina ne ocekuju tvoj povratak, onda tvoje nepokretnosti lako mogu dobiti noge. Nije mudro organizovati rodjendan bez slavljenika, niti sahranu bez pokojnika (If your friends and family does not expect you to come back, then your immovability can easily get legs.Its not wise to organize a birthday without the celebrant, nor a funeral without the dead.)" 4881:"Cak i ako priznas 86 krivicnih dijela, ne mora znaciti da ces odgovarati za njih. Naravno, to nema bas puno veze niti sa dodjelom starateljstva, niti sa casovima klavira (Even if you plead guilty for 86 criminal offenses, it does not mean that you will answer for them.Of course, that does not have a lot in common with granting custody, nor with piano lessons.)" 3662:Čombe's half-brother Fuke leaves to the US. Čombe, in order to feel better after the emotional separation from his brothers, he drinks a lot of beer. Izet gets a surprise call from secret agent Đido Mova, and gets assigned for a mission. He has to follow an unknown woman named Fadila, which will later on turn out to be Čombe's mother... 5056:"Osnovni uzrok za razvode je brak. Da nema brakova, ne bi bilo ni razvoda. Kad vec pripadas ljepsem spolu, sta te rukovodi da zelis biti ruzniji? (The root cause of divorce is marriage.If there weren't marriages, there would not be a divorce.When you already belong to a better looking gender, what drives you to be uglier.)" 2780:
An old friend of Izet named Đuro(Djuro) comes to pay a visit to him with a plan how to get rich. They need to buy a land, where there is supposed to be a box of gold. The problem is they don't who is the owner. After some research Čombe is revealed as the owner. Izet and Đuro buy the land not knowing
There is a review of this season. All 3 generations of Fazlinović family are in the kitchen contemplating some past events with the help of strong alcohol while talking funny nonsense to those who call them on the house phone. Based on all their relationships with women Faruk and partially Damir came
Izet dreamed that he became richman. Then Faruk wakes him up and tells him he married Senada and that she will be mowing in. Izet starts so crying uncontrollably, he is still crying after 3 days. His crying is so contagious, Điđimilović, who came to help him, starts crying too. Faruk ends in hospital
Selma returned, the waitress, after finishing college. But since Bosnia is recovering still from war, there are no jobs for her, but gets Ivana's job because Ivana went to Germany for a month (but she remained there forever). Izet, Faruk and Damir have a strange encounter at San Remo with the ladies.
Enes (the politician) comes to Izet and asks him to join his political party. Izet at first refuses because it is not a communist party, but a democratic one, but after Enes explains there will be a large amount of money involved he accepts, but something unexpected happens at the end. Then Senka and
This was supposed to be the last episode of the series in which Izet's twin brother buys him three airplane tickets to Sweden (one for him, Faruk and Damir). The episode ends with the supposed death of Izet, Faruk and Damir in a plane crash on the way to Sweden, but an after credit scene of the news
There is a review of the past season and some major changes in the lifes of the Fazlinovic clan. This is the last episode for season 2011. In ironic way the Fazlinovic clan comes full circle to the beginning. All four of them including Dzema (damir's son) are sitting at the kitchen table. Once again
Senada and Faruk try to get out of town. Barbara is sick of that Damir and she always do everyday same things. She replies "When i always make up, you read news. It's like the 80's" then Damir takes her out to dinner. Džema is left alone in the elevator. Izet finds him.Samir takes the car and brings
While walking in the city with Faruk, Ajna has sprained her leg in her high heels. That accident case means Ajna has to wear splints. Not only that, that brought Izet to get his old patenting inventions. Faruk meets Å ejla, Å ejla thinks he would want to see his mother. Later 5 minutes, Ajna found him
Ajna's ex-boyfriend escapes from prison and flees to Izet's house. There is taken hostage by Rabija, Izet, Faruk, Damir, Ajna, Laura and Sanjin, a gay man who was Faruk urged to persuade Ajna's boyfriend that he was gay, because Grdoba (Ajna's boyfriend) believed that there is nothing to Ajnom. Izet
Richman named Mahmut came to Faruk's studio to record several muslim religious songs. Meanwhile, Izet and Đuro find out that there are two treasure chests (the one that Čombe found in episode 74 was filled with treasure) and the one Izet and Đuro find is filled with cans of ham. They have sold it to
After winning some money on a sports bet, Dino dies due to compulsive overeating. After Izet finds out, he demands to get some money since he thinks Dino must pay him for the time he lived in his apartment for months. Faruk gets so angry he kick him out of his Studio. Izet then takes the money meant
Damir accidentally cheats on his girlfriend with some divorced doctor and doesn't want anyone to know, but Izet is Izet and tells Faruk. He thinks Senada is cheating on him and hires a private detective, who finds out, Senada is cheating with Damir. But that is a coincidence due to Damir, Senada and
The whole male crew: Izet, as the couch and the players Faruk, Damir, Samir, Dino, Stjepan and Dr.Džidimilovićes nephew, Srečko (who plays professionally in the Netherlands) make a team for a tournament where Izet bet a lot of money on, but there is a big twist that only Izet knows and the others do
Faruk wakes up one morning speaking Italian and presents himself as a famous painter named "Brotti". Rocker Đenis Đenis comes to Faruk's studio to record a song, but Faruk caught in his Brotti phase. Dr. Điđimilović comes to cure Faruk, while Izet has to go on pretending to be Faruk in order to keep
Annoyed at the traffic jam in Sarajevo, Faruk decides to buy a motorcycle. Ajna is thrilled that his idea, and when Faruk motorcycle vessel Čombe will turn out that he has been right. The motorcycle will be stolen and this will lead to a number of interesting twists. Šukrija still trying to get rid
Izet's leisure evening will stop by panicked Å ukrija. He realized that he wants to be killed by Fadila the asks Izet to help him save his head. In search of the apartment comes Fadila. Her arrival will make Å ukrija to hide, and Izet to be actively involved in saving his life. The issue will further
Refko & Čombe are prohibited to enter the radio station for a few days. Šukrija wants the Maksuzija rakija but he gets it when he sends Džema Branko to a playground to get some Maksuzija and make Izet miserable. The hole Sarajevo listens to the station because the sex Faruk and Ajna are having.
In order to preserve a youthful appearance Å ukrija, uses a moisturizer. Concerned about his own appearance and Izet decides to do something about it. To reach the best products for rejuvenation on the story involves Samir. Faruk will accidentally rip off Ajna's doll which Ajna's mother gave to her
Ajna and Damir wake up in bed naked with red moans on their heads. They are scared they had sex, but Damir remembers that Barbara and he went to San Remo where Faruk came before them.There Damir and Faruk meet their old hearts.Senada and Mirna.Barbara got angry like Ajna after Mirna tried to kiss
Faruk and Damir are talking about Izets siblings. Ironically, his identical twin brother Ismet comes from Sweden after 40 years to clean up then the messy grudges between them. But Izet being Izet destroys the plan with his crayziness. All while they trolling people around them and specifically
Izet is desperate. Barbara and Damir hired Zumreta to guard small Dzema, and it is allowed that the child is only in the presence of a parent. But everything will change when Zumreta from walking back without Dzema. The child is kidnapped and Izet will use this fact to gain confidence in their
Faruk is arrested for tax evasion concerning radio station Accord. In jail he is desperate to get out after another inmate wants to have sexual relationship with him. He is desperate and calls Izet for help but Izet has no money, while this is going on Damir is having doubts about his wife's
In this episode, Izet gets Makzusija's in Herzegovina, from Ante. Faruk steals Rabija's cleaner which are replaced with Izet's maksuzijom. A Rapka washes clothes unaware that washes maksuzijom by Izet just got. The doctor and the police obviously think that it is because the
4930:"Nikada ne bjezi iz prdekane, to je najbolji put da te opet uhapse. I zapamti da je spasavati propao brak, isto kao ozivljavati les (Never escape from jail, that is the best way to end up in jail again.And remember that saving a failed marriage, is same as reving a corpse.)" 1264:
Faruk and Damir find out that Izet has a testament written, but they only receive two minor gifts, while his love Spomenka is written to get the apartment and money, so the two of them call Samir in order to change the testament behind Izet's back, but something unexpected
Ajna's former boyfriend and abuser, he was released from prison. He took Marija, Mariofil, Đido Mova, Faruk, Damir and considerable hostage in San Remo. In the end, Čombe saves them in a funny way by knocking him in the face by door, accidentally and drops
Izet accommodates a lesbian couple into his makeshift hotel by making Faruk and Damir sleep in the studio. Combe and Dino get involved in the lesbian couple's plan to promote sexual equality in Bosnia while Faruk is exposed to some disturbing sexual
Samir, who has sold it to Maria as a turkey. Because of that 'turkey', to whole recording plan goes to hell. Izet and Đuro end up eating the turkey, not knowing its their own ham, while laughing thinking about those who will eat that ham from 1938.
Faruk & Ajna try to get a baby.If the purple colour is on the +, they are getting the baby. If the purple colour is on the -, they are not. Because in the same day Izet had high temperature, Zumreta accidentally screws everything
In the Fazlinovic household democracy came. All of them, Izet, Faruk, and Damir got a chunk of money and want to have a say on how to spend it. Although Izet does not like it at all. Ivana went to Germany. Dino buys Izet's Volkswagen
Izet has set on fire Faruk's picture of Keith Richard, which was important to Faruk. Because of it, Faruk destroyed Izet's picture of Tito, then Izet has thrown Damir's new LG phone from window, thinking that it is Faruk's thing for
Damir meets a girl in the library, but Izet scares her away after she comes to his apartment to rent a room. Meanwhile, Dino burns the mixer in the studio and Faruk buys a new one from the money everybody thinks he stole from
Faruk and Ajna go to a doctor from Zagreb to find out how to get her pregnant. Since Å ukrija is moving in, they have to sleep on the couch. The next day, Izet destroys their bed and there is no other place than the radio
Ivana's friend, Dragana, comes to visit her and wants her to get breast implants, but Faruk wants to renew his studio and Ivana gets something wrong. Meanwhile, Izet tries to break his leg in order to get the insurance
This is a continuation from episode 43, where Izet thinks he is hallucinating things and people, while his doctor confirms that and Faruk and Damir try to use that to their advantage, but Izet has a surprise for
The three generations of Fazlinović find themselves in the same restaurant with their dates after all of them lie about where they are in order to go to a date, but a problem occurs which requires one of them to
Damir has a problem with his computer; it is always broken, and while Izet eavesdrops he thinks that there is a problem with Damir not being able to perform sexually, which Izet ties to fix with the help of his
5077:"Igrana serija nema puno veze sa metalurgijom, ali se kradja scenarija ipak smatra industrijskom spijunazom. Mada semanticki vuku isti korjen, polaganje vozackog i polaganje kamen temeljca, nemaju nikakve veze" 1535:
not. Meanwhile, Enes and Å efika are in budding romance, but Å efika left Enes because of thong underwear which Enes 'bought' for her (actually, he has bought gloves, but the woman in shop screwed everything up).
5035:"Tacno je da plasticna operacija moze podmladiti zenu, ali je isto tako istina da nakon plasticne operacije zena moze biti cak i ljepsa. Utjerivanje dugova je legalan posao, jedini je problem sto nije zakonit" 3838:
before Ajna's mother's death, while Å ukrija will break a bottle full of precious Izet's maksuzija. Both of these events will be attributed to a number of circumstances to innocent Zumra, who will be fired ....
Damir gets a son.Izet and Faruk are happy and get drunk. Izet wants the child to be a military man, Faruk wants to be a Rock n' Roll singer, Marija wants to be a nice barman and Damir wants to be a doctor as
5315:"Neke odluke u zivotu je najbolje presjeci nozem. Recimo, snitu kruha. Potpuno se ista medicina praktikuje na zapadu i kod nas. Ali ako su medicinske sestre svedjanke, onda treba preferirati svedsku bolnicu" 3189:
It's 8 March, Women's Day. Faruk, Damir, Izet and Čombe want to give a perfect present for their girlfriends. Laura unknowingly ate a candy bar Čombe bought to Rabija. It is revealed that Čombe loves Rabija.
in which they will welcome interesting guests from various spheres of public life. Wager between Å ukrija and Izet will be an incentive to engage in this second adventure of the infamous fish fishing in
Izet's painting is vandalized. Damir and Marija are led to believe that Faruk is in love with a man named Vanja, speculating that Faruk is gay. Actually, Faruk is in love with woman with the same name.
Senada and Faruk are married. Izet makes a plan on how to sabotage them. His first attempt is to change the lock of the apartment. Then he marries a Chinese woman because of money and to troll Faruk.
5014:"Ako je dijete agresivno, to ne mora biti veliki problem, mozda samo uziva kada nanosi bol drugima. Sumnja je sasvim dovoljan povod da se nekoga proglasi homoseksualcem, pa makar je to on i stvarno" 5189:"Iako je imenica "salo" semanticki korjen muskog imena "Salko", neko ko se tako zove ne mora biti debeo. Ako covjeku uvrijedis ono njemu najvrjednije, niko ti ne moze oduzeti samar koji ti pripada" 2153:
A speaker fell on Dino's head, which caused that Dino has written a lot of songs and earned a lot of money. But, before dinner with Izet, the flusher fell on Dino's head and he became stupid again.
Izet tries to stop smoking, and he has gone to the hypnotist in Dubrovnik. Meanwhile, Čombe and Refko are trying to get some money, so they have founded hidden camera, and later hidden microphone.
Izet wants to call upon his dead wife in order to tell him where she put the secret savings. Ivana and Faruk go to Ivana's old house and later Izet and Dino come too to see what they are doing.
Faruk caughts Izet in the car saloon thinking he will try to trick him again. They end up coming back home and think about some past events while drinking. They affectively review the season.
5294:"Muskarci lakse podnose porod nego hemeroidne tegobe. Ako nisi siguran da li si u snu ili na javi, nazovi Pamelu Anderson i pitaj je da ima seks sa tobom. Ako pristane, nemoj se buditi!" 2068:
Izet becomes a fake police officer in an audition for a movie, but then wanders off into the city and acts as a real police officer. Dino thinks he is confusing people with other people.
Izet and Faruk talk about what happened to Damir's mother and how the crew met each other in Stjepan's cafe in 1985 with Faruk and Izet telling two different version of how things were.
Izet finds his old friend from the war, Mirko, who is really sick. Izet helps him, by giving him his legitimation. In hospital, Mirko has died, and everyone thinks that Izet has died.
4909:"Kada si u autu, pravi se Englez. A ako produciras igranu seriju, dobro pazi da ti neko od ukucana ne dodje na probno snimanje i da, zbog ukradene kamere, ne zavrsis u prdekani" 3161:
Rabija went to village for a short time and Fazlinovići are trying to find a replace for her. Meanwhile, Faruk needs a singer who will sing canzona written by one Italian woman.
8564: 3218:
saves them by when he discovers that the rifle that is abomination took only one shot, and the abomination of anger fired a bullet into the ceiling after Izet tried to escape.
8569: 4951:"Ne vjeruj slijepcu koji vidi, a prije vaznog poslovnog sastanka budi oprezan sa koktelima od medikamenata. Kada je odlazak na bazen u pitanju, takodjer oprez nije na odmet" 661:
Izet quits smoking but after a short period gives in and smokes a joint (thinking it is a regular cigarette). Meanwhile, Faruk tries to hook up Ivana with his cousin Samir.
Enes leaves an X-ray of his father's lungs and everyone then thinks that it is an X-ray of Izet and that he only has 6 days to live, so they are being really nice to him.
5126:"Ako dovoljno cesto prisluskujes tudje razgovore, moze ti se desiti da cujes i nesto korisno. Istina i laz, kao nebo i zemlja, ipak se susretnu tamo negdje na horizontu" 2866:
The Netherlands donated some domestic animals to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Izet and Đuro are trying to get a cow and to sell it, but they got a pig which died of hotness.
8504: 4972:"Ako si paranoik, to ne znaci da te proganjaju, isto kao sto kod hipohondra nije iskljucena mogucnost da ima rak. Moj brajko, snimati pilot epizodu nije maciji kasalj" 5252:"Sastanak na slijepo je kao i voznja auta na slijepo: mozes voziti, ali vrlo vjerovatno neces daleko dobaciti. Ne kaze se u narodu dzaba: jednom kenjac, vazda magare" 3481:
Damir & Barbara try to find a nanny for their son. Izet changes their minds so he is Džema Branko's nanny. Refko & Čombe watch an Italian film Barbara is in.
Spomenka's daughter, Vedrana, arrives from America and Dino confuses her with her mother and sleeps with her but the real problems appear when Spomenka catches them.
teacher education work. Čombe and Refko by Faruk get a task generally clean the radio station. That the two of them require an extraordinary intellectual effort ...
Nevena and Barbara together went back to Sarajevo. They are both thinking that Fazlinovići are in love with Jakov's mother Olga, who moved in next to Fazlinovići.
Faruk is determined to marry Senada which Izet and Damir don't like. They end up trolling and committing a sabotage. Faruk gets so mad, he starts to beat up Izet.
Izet gives an old painting to his new love, Spomenka, and later discovers that it is worth a lot of money. Faruk, also learning its value, tries to steal it back.
Izet has to go to the hospital for an analysis. After that, Nevena and Izet met in the hotel and Nevena left Izet a lot of money before she went back to London.
8531: 5273:"Dobro otvori oci ako koristis slusalice sa wireless kablom. Mozda kontejneri za smece izgledaju neprizorno, ali to ne znaci da ih je lijepo vidjeti" 1928:
Spomenka come to Izet to be with him, but at the same time and they go around and around the house until they meet each other and run away from Izet.
5210:"Ako imas problema sa memorijom, jedi sto vise bijelog luka. Ako nista, bar ce ti smrditi iz usta. Nekad je bolje da ti kasnis, nego da tebe cekaju" 1201:
The president of the apartment complex died, so Izet goes up for elections in order to become the new president, but someone is standing in his way.
Faruk and his love interest Bojana have birthday on the same day. Meanwhile, Zumra gets fired because of peeling potatoes with Ajna's used shaver.
5231:"Na svaki moguci nacin treba izbeci tuzbu, pa makar se problem rijesio i mimo suda. Nakon svega, poljubiti se sa konjem i nije tako grozna stvar" 4246:
A man named Jovan Belajbej seeks out to find Izet, so he can make an artistic sculpture for money. Čombe begins to think that he is becoming gay.
5168:"Ako imas odnos sa snahinom majkom, to nije incest, ali je ipak ugodno. Za lihvarenje je potrebno dvoje, a pozeljno je da bar jedno bude tokmak" 1814:
Izet holds auditions for a new maid after Å efika finds a better job and leaves him worried about his house. The new house maid is called Rabija.
A new tenant moves in next to Izet, Enes Hadžiethemćumurović. The bird flu goes around the city. Izet does some business with his nephew Samir.
After Samir screws Izet, Izet is seeking his money back and revenge. Meanwhile, Ivana is in love with Srećko, a man which Faruk does not like.
5147:"Nije problem ostaviti alkohol, problem je sta raditi ako ne pijes? Ako znas gdje se krije, onda nije problem pronaci osobu koja je nestala" 8497: 3453:
Refko has to go to the dentist. Meanwhile Damir and Barbara try to name their baby. They name him Dražen but Izet named him Džema Branko.
This was supposed to be the last episode of the series, but after it was too popular in Croatia, the filming was continued a year later.
Izet and Faruk think that someone is taking drugs and both try to get to the bottom of it while Damir tries to hide a secret of his own.
Izet and his communist friends are trying to cause the revolution, but the leader (not Izet) was arrested because of some fake euros.
Izet calls upon all his old colleges for a reunion in San Remo, but Faruk invites Izet's old enemy who tries to steal his girlfriend.
4853:"Nije se problem skinuti go, narocito ako te niko ne vidi. Pravni sustav je nakaradan - lakse je izaci iz zatvora, nego uci u njega" 4362:
Izet's school rival, Atif Đukelić, appears, and Izet wants to make him pay. Marija starts to make Mamur Čorba, which everyone likes.
complicate when the apartment came Čombe and later Ajna the Faruk who, on suspicion that she murdered Šukrija, bring the police ...
Faruk thinks his friend Igi, who has just died, took his Rolling Stones - Playing with Fire track, when Izet is actually at blame.
Barbara moves in Fazlinovići's house, and becomes their new maid. Lada, Džema's piano teacher, moves in Fazlinovići's house too.
8559: 8490: 4691:
Izet speeds his car to 150km/h and crosses over the red light. His driver license is deducted, but later is given back to him.
1113: 2012:
Izet bought himself chickens in order to get eggs for free because the price of eggs went up, so he would sell the eggs too.
Izet organized the birthday of the formation of their military company. After they demolished San Remo, they were arrested.
Everyone thinks that Fazlinovići are dead, so Samir and Barbara are trying to sell Izet's apartment and to get some money.
Izet starts to talk to a woman over the internet and it turns out to be someone he already knows, one of the cast members.
5105:"Ne treba vjerovati rodjacima, narocito kada lazu. A ako vani pada pljusak, velika je vjerovatnoca da je vrijeme oblacno" 1300:
A new woman shows up and Dino hits it off with her, but there is something that Faruk knows about her that Dino does not.
1391: 666: 1506:
Izet's father Muharem returns to Sarajevo to give Izet's family a lot of money and properties. But before it, he dies.
program FTV indicated their survival of the plane crash by saying that 3 passengers never went on board the airplane.
This episodes involves some fake euro's and Izet being taken to the police station in his underwear along with Faruk.
After Izet collects the insurance money he promises the money to his children if he gets the premium of the lottery.
Damir and Barbara are at war because of Džema. Meanwhile, Čombe has founded a solo band and earned a lot of money.
Faruk gets a goldfish from his girlfriend Tanja which Izet believes to be a magic fish granting him three wishes.
Izet has potency issues, but the Viagra given to him by the doctor ends up being taken by Dino and Faruk as well.
Izet secretly teaches Džema about Marxism and sex. Things get discovered after Faruk told them to put a webcam.
4825:"Trebas se dobro zabrinuti ako naletis na kugara, pogotovo ako ti se otac u isto vrijeme zabavlja sa klavirom" 3752:
of his wife Fadila, a selfless assistance in that his plan will give him a man of whom at least hoped - Izet .
3408:"Produžena Loza (The Extended Vine) (Loza also refers to a popular regional drink, Izet's Herzegovian grappa)" 3930:
Samir has stolen left shoes from the shop and sold it to Izet because he hadn't got any place in his garage.
Dino goes to a police station for questioning about a crime he committed, but ends up doing something worse.
Izet wants to stay in shape for his Spomenka and goes to a type of spa and gym in a hotel to get "younger".
8514: 4993:"Ako laze koza, ne laze DNK. Uzgred, dzeparenje je trka na 400 metara sa preponama, nikad ne smijes stati" 2752:
for funeral expenses from Dino's brother Refko after lying to him, that he actually paid for the ceremony.
24: 19: 1564: 1595:
Izet wants to see a close-up of electricity. Later because of an accident the entire city loses power.
Džebra has a parent-teacher interview. Everyone suddenly wants to go, when they see Džebra's teacher.
112: 29: 4162:
Fights ensue between Damir and Izet, when Izet finds out Džebra is registered for a religious class.
Mahmut again came to Faruk to record video for his songs, but something really unexpected happened.
817: 1172:
Izet's back starts hurting and he orders a Swedish massage, but someone else ends up having it.
8537: 8472: 4190:
Faruk wants to make a video featuring their housemaid, Sanela, but Damir wants her to himself.
297: 37: 33: 2639:
Faruk, who is drunk from Absinthe due to depression. He thinks he is travelling through time.
4331: 2040:
Izet and Điđimilović both want to have woman, so they went on cemetery to get widowed woman.
Izet and Samir are arrested because of piano, which Samir has actually stolen from someone.
In order to get rid of Å ukrija and Ajna - Izet, Faruk and Damir come up with a plan called
Faruk and Damir need money and in order to get it they steal Izet's car and ask for ransom.
Izet bought a new roofing tile for a roof of the building, because old one has collapsed.
Izet accidentally becomes a Russian doctor in a gathering at Damir's and Inese's college.
5800:"Advokat, odvjetnik i zanovjetnik (Lawyer, lawyer and a lawyer) (All words mean lawyer)" 3634:
at San Remo with Å ejla's mother. Before she beat him up, she scares Å ejla's mother away.
Izet and Đuro sent Rabija to talent show to earn money, but Damir screws everything up.
41: 1184:"Umro Predsjednik, Živio Predsjednik (The President Is Dead, Long Live The President)" 8553: 2809:
Izet and Đuro are trying to solve the problem about the land they bought from Čombe.
3596:Čombe and Refko have a brilliant idea how to raise the rating of the radio station 1563:
Guest star: Sejo Sexon (Davor Sučić - aka "Sejo Sexon")- Member of the rock group "
6306:"Dupla votka sa jednom kriŔkom limuna, dve kocke leda i malo badema da se zamezi" 738:"Kupoprodaja slike i Folcike (Buying and Selling of the Painting and Volkswagen)" 8466: 4146:"Prvi put sa pradedom u Ŕkolu (First Day of School, with Great-Grandfather)" 6012:"Mada njihov život jeste reality show, Faruku realno prijeti godina robije" 3600:. Faruk persuaded to allow them to broadcast new shows that will be called 5949:"Damir doneo iz podruma projektor, a Faruku je u posjetu doŔao stari drug" 1056:
Everyone is going around thinking that everyone else has a sexual disease.
8482: 3989: 8477: 36:
from 2 September 2007 to 10 November 2021. All episodes were written by
6117:"Faruk je konačno doguran do psihijatra, a Izet do dobitne kombinacije" 5970:"Kada Izet folira da snima seriju, a Refko se bori sa veličinom organa" 5928:"Faruk je prolupao i viŔe nego u predhodnoj epizodi, a Izet ganja puha" 2298: 2922:
Izet, Faruk and Damir are creating a hotline for women, to earn money.
Izet, Faruk and Damir are creating a hotline for women, to earn money.
Faruk is trying to be metrosexual, while Izet is trying to get a hair.
5991:"Izet ne bi da se Damir ženi, a fufe ulazi u turizam na velika vrata" 4418:
The family is led to believe that they are all chasing the same girl.
Izet must paint a theme for a gay community poster, led by Belajbeg.
6243:"Faruk se potvrđuje kao ekspert za žene, a Izet za kućne pomoćnice" 4502:
Izet, Faruk and Damir get scabies because of Čombe's "happy shirt"
but it is too expensive, so they trick Damir into buying them one.
2301:- Izet was released from the prison, and wants peace in his house. 812:
the business Đenis Đenis came to offer. Dino screws everything up.
5907:"Faruk jo totalno puk'o, a Izet i Damir pokuŔavaju da mu pomognu" 4111:
Fazlinovic clan of Izet, Faruk and Damir have no luck with women.
2735:"Kralj Je Umro - Živio Refko (The King is Dead, Long Live Refko)" 2369:"Istorijska Povijest Studija Akord (The History of Studio Akord)" 1356:
Damir finds an abandoned dog which Izet gives to Senka as a gift.
5380:"Scenarist, glumci i vjetrovi (Screenwriters, actors and winds)" 1116:
for money, while Ivana and Faruk try to hide their relationship.
8486: 6180:"Faruk je u potrazi za prijateljima, a Izet za preljubnicima" 3345:
Izet's old vacuum cleaner explodes, and Rabija quits her job.
Izet and Đuro opened a gynecology office in Izet's apartment.
2983:"Ginekologija i Pita Od ViŔanja (Gynecology and Cherry Pita)" 2525:
Izet and Điđimilović are selling catholic icons in Međimurje.
6096:"Izet je u ratarskom biznisu, a Faruk se navukao na lijepak" 2999:
Rabija made a cherry pie for Đuro while she had stomachache.
Faruk tells the story of how his studio "Accord" came about.
918:"Kupoprodaja Folcike (Buying and Selling of the Volkswagen)" 1842:
Faruk owes money to someone and sells his studio furniture.
5886:"PoŔtar je doneo paket, ali niko ne zna za koga je poklon" 5632:"Drama, fotografija i raskid (Drama, photo and a breakup)" 2441:
Izet does not want to be in relationship with Ana anymore.
Izet gets a job at Stjepan's cafe as a pizza delivery guy.
8402:"Halo, Džordan, haj molim te malo tamo na pomoćni teren!" 4530:
Damir found Faruk drunk and he granted him Izet's wishes.
3942:"Fotografija Ričardsa Kejta (Keith Richard's Photograph)" 1328:
Spomenka's cousin Senka comes and lives in her apartment.
Izet wants to sell his Folkcika, but complications arise.
7157:"Ako žive skupa, životinje se zavole, a ljudi se zamrze" 3997:
just after all of the people have found out he has AIDS.
2341:"RoÅ”tilj, Droga i Nauka (Barbecue, Drugs and Education)" 5401:"Pijanac, ubistvo i pas (A drunkard, murder and a dog)" 1635:"Bilo Jednom u Sarajevu (Once Upon A Time In Sarajevo)" 8148:"Trebaju mi subjektove usrane gaće i smrdljive čarape" 4458:"Seks, laži i video trake (Sex, Lies, and Videotapes)" 3902:
it to Faruk. The police arrests Faruk for a car-steal.
4174:"Ima neŔto u Saneli (There's Something About Sanela)" 2668:
detective being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
8339:"Nema zakona da leÅ” čovjeka ne smije biti u kuhinji" 7663:"Mali će položiti anatomiju, to je računaj zavrÅ”eno" 5506:"Avion, piÅ”tolj i banka (Airplane, gun and a bank)" 4346:"Dobar, loÅ”, zao (The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly)" 1406:"Ptičija Gripa-Priča Druga (The Bird Flu, Part II)" 1219:"Prepotentna Situacija (The Overbearing Situation)" 8318:"Moj rektalni integritet bi u zatvoru bio ugrožen" 5737:"Most, matura i alarm (Bridge, prom and an alarm)" 3133:Izet was caught while driving his Lada 2105 drunk. 1547:"Diler Pod Stare Dane (Dealer Under The Old Days)" 2554:again after tripping while walking up the stairs. 2223:"Brakorazvodna Parnica (The Divorce Partnership)" 2024:"Nedjeljom Na Groblje (Sunday, at the Graveyard)" 1368:"Ptičija Gripa-Priča Prva (The Bird Flu, Part I)" 58: 7852:"Može misionarski, a može i neka druga pozicija" 7262:"Žena treba da je Å”to gluplja, a drvo Å”to tvrđe" 4374:"Iz Rusije s ljubavlju (From Russia, With Love)" 3617:"Kad Vrisne Å tikla (When The High Heel Screams)" 1434:"Oktobarska Revolucija (The October Revolution)" 6075:"Faruka se namjerio na doktorku, a Izet na sač" 2680:"Ljubavni Jadi Mladih Fazlinovića (Love Pains)" 946:"Kvar Na Kompjuteru (Computer Troubleshooting)" 8444:"Obećavam da ću od Miljacke napraviti Neretvu" 3706:"Potraga za Å ukrijom (The Search for Å ukrija)" 8498: 7894:"Å ta ti je vrijeme uradilo, pa njega ubijaÅ”?" 3646:"Moral Prije Svega (Morals, Before Anything)" 1490:"Povratak Broja 1 (Return of The Number One)" 782:Izet enforces money savings in the household. 8: 7810:"Pijan u Busovači, isto trijezan u Hanoveru" 7199:"Kad čovjek tone i za vrelo gvožđe se hvata" 6989:"Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego golub na balkonu" 2497:Samir is trying to destroy Maria's business. 1478:Izet wants to learn English and buys a book. 8565:Lists of Bosnian television series episodes 8043:"Nikada nije luđa vojska zemljom marÅ”irala" 7747:"Nisam ja nervozan, ja samo unosim nervozu" 7010:"adava je dobro sjeme, kad je rđavo oranje" 3764:"Specijalno Vaspitanje (Special Education)" 3522:"Vrijeme Ovulacije (The Time of Ovulation)" 2279:"Analogno Na Digitalno (Analog to Digital)" 8570:Lists of comedy television series episodes 8505: 8491: 8483: 8252: 7977: 7450: 7052:"Osveta je najbolja kada se servira vrela" 6923: 6396: 5862: 5335: 4773: 4122: 4094:"Povratak Na Staro (Back to the Old Ways)" 3384: 2711: 1774: 794:"Brotijev Identitet (The Brotti Identity)" 570: 487: 61: 52: 8022:"U tvojim godinama kosti teÅ”ko zarastaju" 7283:"Bogatstvo mijenja ćud, rijetko na bolje" 7178:"Dobro je teÅ”ko vidjeti, a lako se pozna" 3850:"Posredni Raskid (The Indecent Break-Up)" 2934:"Estrada i Showbiz (Stardom and Showbiz)" 2239:Stjepan and Marija are getting a divorce. 1735:Izet and Damir have bought a new computer 379: 266: 230: 122: 81: 18:The following is an episode list for the 7430:"Bolje mrtav pijan, nego mrtav trijezan" 5590:"Infantilnost, zaljubljenost i internet" 3674:"Refko Tarot (Refko, the Fortuneteller)" 2397:"Debeli i Ćelavi (The Fat and The Bald)" 1883:"Prizivanje Izeta (The Ghost Whisperer)" 1012:"Igre Na Nesreću (The Game of Bad Luck)" 8436: 8415: 8394: 8373: 8352: 8331: 8310: 8289: 8268: 8224: 8203: 8182: 8161: 8140: 8119: 8098: 8077: 8056: 8035: 8014: 7993: 7949: 7928: 7907: 7886: 7865: 7844: 7823: 7802: 7781: 7760: 7739: 7718: 7697: 7676: 7655: 7634: 7613: 7592: 7571: 7550: 7529: 7508: 7487: 7466: 7422: 7401: 7380: 7359: 7338: 7317: 7296: 7275: 7254: 7233: 7212: 7191: 7170: 7149: 7128: 7107: 7086: 7065: 7044: 7023: 7002: 6981: 6960: 6939: 6895: 6874: 6853: 6832: 6811: 6790: 6769: 6748: 6727: 6706: 6685: 6664: 6643: 6622: 6601: 6580: 6559: 6538: 6517: 6496: 6475: 6454: 6433: 6412: 6368: 6347: 6340: 6319: 6298: 6277: 6256: 6235: 6214: 6193: 6172: 6159:"Faruk je Banja Luka, a Izet Če Gevara" 6151: 6130: 6109: 6088: 6067: 6046: 6025: 6004: 5983: 5962: 5941: 5920: 5899: 5878: 5834: 5813: 5792: 5771: 5750: 5729: 5708: 5687: 5666: 5645: 5624: 5603: 5582: 5561: 5540: 5519: 5498: 5485:"Pijanstvo, voajerstvo i starateljstvo" 5477: 5456: 5435: 5414: 5393: 5372: 5351: 5307: 5286: 5265: 5244: 5223: 5202: 5181: 5160: 5139: 5118: 5097: 5090: 5069: 5048: 5027: 5006: 4985: 4964: 4943: 4922: 4901: 4894: 4873: 4866: 4845: 4838: 4817: 4810: 4789: 4758: 4737: 4716: 4695: 4688: 4667: 4654:"Presjedničke laži (Presidential Lies)" 4646: 4625: 4604: 4583: 4562: 4555: 4534: 4527: 4506: 4499: 4478: 4471: 4450: 4443: 4422: 4415: 4394: 4387: 4366: 4359: 4338: 4327: 4314:"Spolovi rano lete (Genders Fly Early)" 4306: 4299: 4286:"Riba zvana Vanja (A Girl Named Vanja)" 4278: 4271: 4250: 4243: 4222: 4215: 4194: 4187: 4166: 4159: 4138: 4107: 4086: 4078: 4057: 4050: 4029: 4022: 4001: 3984: 3963: 3955: 3934: 3927: 3906: 3898: 3877: 3863: 3842: 3834: 3813: 3805: 3784: 3777: 3756: 3748: 3727: 3719: 3698: 3687: 3666: 3659: 3638: 3630: 3609: 3593: 3572: 3564: 3543: 3535: 3514: 3506: 3485: 3478: 3457: 3450: 3429: 3421: 3400: 3370: 3349: 3342: 3321: 3300: 3293: 3272: 3264: 3243: 3222: 3214: 3193: 3186: 3165: 3158: 3137: 3130: 3109: 3101: 3080: 3073: 3052: 3039:"Poslovni Prostor (The Business Space)" 3031: 3024: 3003: 2996: 2975: 2968: 2947: 2926: 2919: 2898: 2891: 2870: 2863: 2842: 2834: 2813: 2806: 2785: 2777: 2764:"Potraga Za Blagom (The Treasure Hunt)" 2756: 2748: 2727: 2693: 2672: 2664: 2643: 2635: 2614: 2607: 2586: 2579: 2558: 2550: 2529: 2522: 2501: 2494: 2473: 2466: 2445: 2438: 2417: 2410: 2389: 2382: 2361: 2354: 2333: 2326: 2305: 2292: 2271: 2264: 2243: 2236: 2215: 2207: 2186: 2178: 2157: 2150: 2129: 2121: 2100: 2093: 2072: 2065: 2044: 2037: 2016: 2009: 1988: 1981: 1960: 1953: 1932: 1924: 1903: 1896: 1875: 1867: 1846: 1839: 1818: 1811: 1790: 1760: 1739: 1732: 1711: 1704: 1683: 1676: 1655: 1648: 1627: 1620: 1599: 1592: 1571: 1560: 1539: 1531: 1510: 1503: 1482: 1475: 1454: 1447: 1426: 1419: 1398: 1381: 1360: 1353: 1332: 1325: 1304: 1297: 1276: 1260: 1239: 1232: 1211: 1197: 1176: 1169: 1148: 1141: 1120: 1109: 1088: 1081: 1060: 1053: 1032: 1025: 1004: 996: 975: 959: 938: 931: 910: 903: 882: 874: 853: 846: 825: 807: 786: 779: 758: 751: 730: 723: 702: 695: 674: 657: 636: 628: 607: 586: 8232:"Tata ti je nekakav nikakav i kaharli" 7558:"Vidjet ćete, to je dama par ekselans" 6327:"U ratu neprijatelji, u miru joÅ” veći" 5842:"Uvod, viseća litica i bljesak unazad" 5695:"Tripice, samoubistvo i bijelo odjelo" 4703:"Opravdano ubistvo (Justified Murder)" 4633:"Starac ga more (Old Man Did The Sea)" 4486:"Nemoralna ponuda (Indecent Proposal)" 2052:"Policijska Država (The Police State)" 1156:"Å vedska Masaža (The Swedish Massage)" 1096:"Ginisov Rekord (The Guinness Record)" 890:"Uspavana Ljepotica (Sleeping Beauty)" 766:"Stezanje KajÅ”a (Tightening the Belt)" 8437: 8416: 8395: 8374: 8353: 8332: 8311: 8290: 8269: 8225: 8211:"Dobro je biti trijezan, ali dosadno" 8204: 8183: 8162: 8141: 8120: 8099: 8078: 8057: 8036: 8015: 7994: 7950: 7929: 7908: 7887: 7866: 7845: 7831:"U Austriji ima da budemo agresivni!" 7824: 7803: 7782: 7761: 7740: 7719: 7698: 7677: 7656: 7635: 7614: 7593: 7572: 7551: 7530: 7509: 7488: 7467: 7423: 7402: 7381: 7360: 7339: 7318: 7297: 7276: 7255: 7234: 7213: 7192: 7171: 7150: 7129: 7108: 7087: 7066: 7045: 7024: 7003: 6982: 6961: 6940: 6896: 6875: 6854: 6833: 6812: 6791: 6770: 6749: 6728: 6707: 6686: 6665: 6644: 6623: 6602: 6581: 6560: 6539: 6518: 6497: 6476: 6455: 6434: 6413: 6369: 6348: 6320: 6299: 6278: 6264:"Izet se povetio veri, a Faruk Suadi" 6257: 6236: 6215: 6201:"Dok jedni žongliraju, drugi skijaju" 6194: 6173: 6152: 6131: 6110: 6089: 6068: 6047: 6026: 6005: 5984: 5963: 5942: 5921: 5900: 5879: 5835: 5814: 5793: 5772: 5751: 5730: 5709: 5688: 5667: 5646: 5625: 5604: 5583: 5562: 5541: 5520: 5499: 5478: 5464:"Renesansa, zemljotres i psihologija" 5457: 5436: 5415: 5394: 5373: 5352: 5308: 5287: 5266: 5245: 5224: 5203: 5182: 5161: 5140: 5119: 5098: 5070: 5049: 5028: 5007: 4986: 4965: 4944: 4923: 4902: 4874: 4846: 4818: 4790: 4738: 4717: 4696: 4668: 4647: 4626: 4605: 4584: 4563: 4535: 4507: 4479: 4451: 4423: 4395: 4367: 4339: 4307: 4279: 4251: 4223: 4195: 4167: 4139: 4087: 4058: 4030: 4002: 3964: 3935: 3907: 3878: 3843: 3814: 3785: 3757: 3728: 3699: 3667: 3639: 3610: 3573: 3544: 3515: 3486: 3458: 3430: 3401: 3350: 3322: 3301: 3296:Čombe accidentally becomes an artist. 3273: 3244: 3223: 3194: 3166: 3138: 3110: 3081: 3060:"Djevojka Sa Sela (The Country Girl)" 3053: 3032: 3004: 2976: 2948: 2927: 2899: 2871: 2843: 2814: 2786: 2757: 2728: 2673: 2644: 2615: 2587: 2559: 2530: 2502: 2474: 2446: 2418: 2390: 2362: 2334: 2306: 2272: 2244: 2216: 2194:"Afera Sangrija (The Sangria Affair)" 2187: 2158: 2130: 2101: 2073: 2045: 2017: 1989: 1961: 1933: 1904: 1876: 1847: 1819: 1791: 1740: 1712: 1684: 1656: 1628: 1600: 1572: 1540: 1511: 1483: 1462:"Kurs Engleskog (The English Course)" 1455: 1427: 1399: 1361: 1333: 1305: 1277: 1247:"Testament (Last Will And Testimony)" 1240: 1212: 1177: 1149: 1121: 1089: 1061: 1033: 1005: 976: 939: 911: 883: 854: 826: 787: 759: 731: 703: 682:"Problemi Sa Stolicom (Stool Issues)" 675: 644:"Narkomanska Posla (Junkie Business)" 637: 608: 587: 523: 519: 483: 451: 447: 415: 411: 375: 339: 303: 262: 226: 190: 154: 118: 77: 55: 7: 8360:"Sve se pravnim putem može rijeÅ”iti" 8190:"Dani su crni da crnji ne mogu biti" 7936:"Sunce vam kalajisano terorističko!" 7241:"Dok je raje i muka, biće i hajduka" 6735:"Konjuh planinom vjetar sumi, bruji" 3873::This episode shows Ajna's softness. 3580:"Dnevni Program (The Daily Program)" 3568:Refko and Čombe screw everything up. 2566:"Agresivni Faruk (Aggressive Faruk)" 2509:"Ikonografija (The Religious Icons)" 1691:"Doktor Fazlinović (Dr. Fazlinović)" 983:"Silikonska Dolina (Silicon Valley)" 343: 307: 194: 158: 8127:"Pare su ti jedno obično bogatstvo" 8106:"Trava počela po glavi da mi raste" 8001:"Palo je tržiÅ”te maltezera u čabar" 7957:"U frižider ću sjesti i brijati se" 7915:"Samo me promućkaÅ”, opet sam pijan" 6861:"Mrtvoga drugara, husinskog rudara" 6222:"Terminator boluje od hipohondrije" 4675:"Brzi i žestoki (Fast And Furious)" 3821:"Zečiji PaprikaÅ” (The Rabbit Stew)" 3735:"Motorijada (The Motorbike Parada)" 3690:Refko will be the host in his show 3437:"Stomakologija (The Dentist Visit)" 3117:"Policijske Igre (The Police Game)" 1940:"Egzibicionist (The Exhibitionist)" 861:"Tripl Randevu (Triple Randezvous)" 833:"GodiÅ”njica Mature (Class Reunion)" 698:Izet has problems with his stomach. 7684:"U Å”umi bukvi on je zagrlio javor" 7346:"Bolje svoje jaje nego tuđa kokoÅ”" 7094:"Zdrav čovjek ima hiljadu želja.." 6968:"Å uga i ljubav ne mogu se sakriti" 4591:"Utjerivači duhova (Ghostbusters)" 3076:Rabija's sister comes to Sarajevo. 1340:"KroatiÅ”e Pupi (Kroatische Puppy)" 14: 7621:"Treba bježati od kokuznih čvaka" 5779:"Pinokio, trudnoća i gerijatrija" 5674:"Rođendan, dijagnostika i SUBNOR" 4745:"Put na sjever (Travel to north)" 3308:"Hafifni Amidža (Terrible uncle)" 1747:"Eh, Kad Se Sjetim (Memory Lane)" 1719:"Novi Računar (The New Computer)" 1579:"Proka Pronalazač (Mr. Inventor)" 1567:", he is good friends with Faruk. 594:"Opća Zabuna (General Confusion)" 8423:"Jedva sam ga zamjetio u Å”umici" 8297:"Kakva divna demonstracija sile" 8064:"Mene sve zaobiđe izuzev budala" 7642:"MaliÅ”a, maliÅ”a, bokca ti tvoga" 7031:"Ko prije đevojci njemu đevojka" 6840:"Konjuh stenje, rusi se kamenje" 6355:"Kasting je Izetovo teÅ”ko breme" 5653:"Glumac, Kraljević i holesterol" 4570:"SavrÅ”ena oluja (Perfect Storm)" 4009:"Hipnoza (Hypnotherapy Session)" 3373:There's a review of this season. 2453:"ProkiÅ”njavanje (The Roof Leak)" 1284:"Edin il' Edina (Edin Or Edina)" 1068:"Prizivanje Duhova (Necromancy)" 710:"Stara Slika (The Old Painting)" 8169:"Ja sam potpuno izgubila konce" 8085:"Tačno ima da poludim normalno" 7873:"Umjereno do pretežno normalno" 7600:"Živimo ovdje kao časne sestre" 7367:"Daj mi znanje, daću ti imanje" 7220:"Gdje žena buči, tu muÅ”ko muči" 6903:"KiÅ”e jesenje po grobu su lile" 6819:"Noc je sumu svu u crno zavila" 6777:"Javori i jele, borovi i breze" 6546:"Hej, haj, hoj! Hej, haj, hoj!" 6054:"Nova godina kuca na vratima 2" 6033:"Nova godina kuca na vratima 1" 5422:"Gips, televizija i sponzoruÅ”a" 4230:"NepodnoÅ”ljiva lakoća primanja" 4037:"Rođendan (The Birthday Party)" 3914:"Lijeva Cipela (The Left Shoe)" 3792:"Trafiking (Child Trafficking)" 3357:"Tri FlaÅ”e (The Three Bottles)" 3329:"Usisivač (The Vacuum Cleaner)" 1996:"KokoÅ”injac (The Chicken Coop)" 1854:"Halucinacije (Hallucinations)" 1128:"Kućna Dostava (Home Delivery)" 7789:"Jel to već hvala Bogu idete?" 7768:"Veliki je taj Å”vedski džemat" 7726:"ImaÅ” reflekse ko pečena riba" 7304:"Jezik laže, srce istinu kaže" 6285:"Rat do zadnje kapi maksuzije" 4402:"Tri kralja (The Three Kings)" 2313:"Zlatna Ribica (The Goldfish)" 2080:"Crna Mamba (The Black Mamba)" 1312:"Grupni Seks (Manage A Trois)" 1114:Guinness Book of World Records 1: 7705:"Kokuzluk je prelazna bolest" 7537:"Dva puta su mi juče bježali" 7495:"Čemu mijenjati dobre navike" 6798:"Svijaju se jedno do drugoga" 6756:"Lisce pjeva zalovite pjesme" 6651:"Kroz progonstvo i trpljenje" 5611:"Mjesečnica, svećnjak i tanc" 5548:"Papiga, cirkus i potkrovlje" 4841:Izet gets a piano from Samir. 4612:"KiÅ”ni čovjek (The Rain Man)" 4330:Izet and Džebra want to play 3145:"Prljavo Suđe (Dirty Dishes)" 2651:"Puter i Starka (The Cougar)" 1911:"Kružni Tok (The Roundabout)" 615:"Crni Fond (The Black Funds)" 8381:"Meho da ga zaÅ”arafa na zid" 7409:"Žedan konj vode ne probira" 7325:"Gladan pas i na gazdu laje" 5443:"NepuÅ”a, sarma i deložacija" 4202:"Zgodna žena (Pretty Woman)" 1663:"DNK Analiza (DNA Analysis)" 1607:"Snimak Pluća (Chest X-Ray)" 8384:17 September 2021 8363:16 September 2021 8342:15 September 2021 8321:14 September 2021 8300:13 September 2021 8279:10 September 2021 8276:"Ljuta hrana dva puta peče" 7579:"Maksuzija, daje ti krila!" 6882:"Sahranjuje četa proletera" 6609:"Prognase nas zbog zlocina" 5569:"Ruža, mobitel i demencija" 4724:"Duboko grlo (Deep Throat)" 4558:Izet's twin brother visits. 3971:"Egzorcizam (The Exorcism)" 3885:"Gore-Dole (Up, Then Down)" 2793:"Minsko Polje (Mine Field)" 2781:it was actually mine field. 1886:28 September 2008 1857:21 September 2008 1829:14 September 2008 713:30 September 2007 685:23 September 2007 647:16 September 2007 534:10 September 2021 28:, which aired primarily on 8586: 8447:10 November 2021 7624:27 February 2020 7603:26 February 2020 7582:25 February 2020 7561:24 February 2020 7540:20 February 2020 7519:19 February 2020 7498:18 February 2020 7477:17 February 2020 6864:28 December 2015 6843:25 December 2015 6717:30 November 2015 6696:25 November 2015 6675:24 November 2015 6654:23 November 2015 6633:21 November 2015 6612:18 November 2015 6591:17 November 2015 6570:16 November 2015 6549:11 November 2015 6528:10 November 2015 5821:"LJubav, trice i proÅ”lost" 5527:"Dnevnik, kraljica i smrt" 5059:26 November 2014 5038:25 November 2014 5017:24 November 2014 4996:19 November 2014 4975:18 November 2014 4954:17 November 2014 4933:12 November 2014 4912:11 November 2014 4884:10 November 2014 4261:26 February 2012 4233:19 February 2012 4205:12 February 2012 3583:27 February 2011 3554:20 February 2011 3525:13 February 2011 3465:"Dadilja (The Babysitter)" 2958:28 February 2010 2937:21 February 2010 2909:14 February 2010 2594:"Gdje Čeljad Nisu Bijesna" 2484:22 February 2009 2456:15 February 2009 2254:28 December 2008 2226:21 December 2008 2197:14 December 2008 2140:30 November 2008 2137:"Hitmejker (The Hitmaker)" 2111:23 November 2008 2083:16 November 2008 1801:7 September 2008 1343:24 February 2008 1315:17 February 2008 1287:10 February 2008 1099:30 December 2007 1071:23 December 2007 1043:16 December 2007 949:25 November 2007 921:18 November 2007 893:11 November 2007 618:9 September 2007 597:2 September 2007 544:10 November 2021 462:17 February 2020 133:7 September 2008 92:2 September 2007 8522: 8443: 8426:9 November 2021 8422: 8405:8 November 2021 8401: 8380: 8359: 8338: 8317: 8296: 8275: 8231: 8210: 8189: 8168: 8147: 8126: 8105: 8084: 8063: 8042: 8021: 8000: 7956: 7935: 7914: 7893: 7872: 7851: 7830: 7809: 7788: 7767: 7746: 7725: 7704: 7683: 7662: 7641: 7620: 7599: 7578: 7557: 7536: 7515: 7494: 7473: 7429: 7408: 7387: 7366: 7345: 7324: 7303: 7282: 7261: 7240: 7219: 7198: 7177: 7156: 7135: 7114: 7093: 7072: 7051: 7030: 7009: 6988: 6967: 6946: 6902: 6881: 6860: 6839: 6822:9 December 2015 6818: 6801:8 December 2015 6797: 6780:7 December 2015 6776: 6759:2 December 2015 6755: 6738:1 December 2015 6734: 6713: 6692: 6671: 6650: 6629: 6608: 6587: 6566: 6545: 6525:"Po kamenju hercegovskom" 6524: 6507:9 November 2015 6503: 6486:8 November 2015 6482: 6465:7 November 2015 6461: 6444:4 November 2015 6440: 6423:3 November 2015 6419: 6379:2 November 2015 6375: 6358:31 October 2015 6354: 6341: 6330:28 October 2015 6326: 6309:27 October 2015 6305: 6288:26 October 2015 6284: 6267:24 October 2015 6263: 6246:21 October 2015 6242: 6225:20 October 2015 6221: 6204:19 October 2015 6200: 6183:17 October 2015 6179: 6162:14 October 2015 6158: 6141:13 October 2015 6137: 6120:12 October 2015 6116: 6095: 6074: 6057:4 November 2015 6053: 6036:3 November 2015 6032: 6011: 5990: 5969: 5948: 5927: 5906: 5885: 5841: 5820: 5799: 5778: 5757: 5736: 5715: 5694: 5673: 5652: 5631: 5610: 5589: 5568: 5547: 5526: 5505: 5484: 5463: 5442: 5421: 5400: 5379: 5358: 5314: 5293: 5272: 5251: 5230: 5209: 5188: 5167: 5146: 5129:3 December 2014 5125: 5108:2 December 2014 5104: 5093:Kufe gets driver license. 5091: 5080:1 December 2014 5076: 5055: 5034: 5013: 4992: 4971: 4950: 4929: 4908: 4895: 4880: 4867: 4856:5 November 2014 4852: 4839: 4828:3 November 2014 4824: 4811: 4800:3 November 2014 4796: 4759: 4744: 4723: 4702: 4689: 4674: 4657:1 February 2013 4653: 4636:26 January 2013 4632: 4615:25 January 2013 4611: 4594:21 January 2013 4590: 4569: 4556: 4541: 4528: 4513: 4500: 4485: 4472: 4457: 4444: 4429: 4416: 4401: 4388: 4373: 4360: 4345: 4328: 4313: 4300: 4285: 4272: 4257: 4244: 4229: 4216: 4201: 4188: 4177:5 February 2012 4173: 4160: 4149:29 January 2012 4145: 4108: 4093: 4079: 4064: 4051: 4036: 4023: 4008: 3985: 3970: 3956: 3941: 3928: 3913: 3899: 3884: 3864: 3849: 3835: 3820: 3806: 3791: 3778: 3763: 3749: 3734: 3720: 3705: 3688: 3673: 3660: 3645: 3631: 3616: 3594: 3579: 3565: 3551:"Igraona (The Playhouse)" 3550: 3536: 3521: 3507: 3496:6 February 2011 3492: 3479: 3468:30 January 2011 3464: 3451: 3440:23 January 2011 3436: 3422: 3407: 3371: 3356: 3343: 3328: 3307: 3294: 3279: 3265: 3250: 3229: 3215: 3200: 3187: 3172: 3159: 3144: 3131: 3116: 3102: 3087: 3074: 3059: 3038: 3025: 3010: 2997: 2982: 2969: 2954: 2933: 2920: 2905: 2892: 2881:7 February 2010 2877: 2864: 2853:31 January 2010 2850:"Donacija (The Donation)" 2849: 2835: 2824:24 January 2010 2820: 2807: 2796:17 January 2010 2792: 2778: 2767:10 January 2010 2763: 2749: 2734: 2694: 2679: 2665: 2650: 2636: 2622:"Alkoholizam i Renesansa" 2621: 2608: 2593: 2580: 2565: 2551: 2536: 2523: 2508: 2495: 2480: 2467: 2452: 2439: 2428:8 February 2009 2424: 2411: 2400:1 February 2009 2396: 2383: 2372:25 January 2009 2368: 2355: 2344:18 January 2009 2340: 2327: 2316:11 January 2009 2312: 2293: 2278: 2265: 2251:"Četiri Sekretara SKOJ-a" 2250: 2237: 2222: 2208: 2193: 2179: 2168:7 December 2008 2164: 2151: 2136: 2122: 2108:"Gay Parada (Gay Parade)" 2107: 2094: 2079: 2066: 2055:9 November 2008 2051: 2038: 2027:2 November 2008 2023: 2010: 1999:26 October 2008 1995: 1982: 1971:19 October 2008 1967: 1954: 1943:12 October 2008 1939: 1925: 1910: 1897: 1882: 1868: 1853: 1840: 1825: 1812: 1798:"Audicija (The Audition)" 1797: 1761: 1746: 1733: 1718: 1705: 1690: 1677: 1662: 1649: 1634: 1621: 1606: 1593: 1578: 1561: 1546: 1532: 1518:"Turnir (The Tournament)" 1517: 1504: 1489: 1476: 1461: 1448: 1433: 1420: 1405: 1382: 1367: 1354: 1339: 1326: 1311: 1298: 1283: 1261: 1250:3 February 2008 1246: 1233: 1222:27 January 2008 1218: 1198: 1187:20 January 2008 1183: 1170: 1159:13 January 2008 1155: 1142: 1127: 1112:Izet tries to get in the 1110: 1095: 1082: 1067: 1054: 1039: 1026: 1015:9 December 2007 1011: 997: 986:2 December 2007 982: 960: 945: 932: 917: 904: 889: 875: 864:4 November 2007 860: 847: 836:28 October 2007 832: 808: 797:21 October 2007 793: 780: 769:14 October 2007 765: 752: 737: 724: 709: 696: 681: 658: 643: 629: 614: 593: 533: 530: 497: 494: 461: 458: 425: 422: 390:3 November 2015 389: 386: 364:2 November 2015 353: 350: 317: 314: 296: 277:3 November 2014 276: 273: 241:29 January 2012 240: 237: 204: 201: 168: 165: 132: 129: 111: 91: 88: 72: 69: 66: 8258: 8255: 7983: 7980: 7456: 7453: 7388:"Bez starca nema udarca" 6947:"Iver ne pada daleko..." 6929: 6926: 6885:1 January 2016 6402: 6399: 6099:7 October 2015 6078:6 October 2015 5868: 5865: 5758:"Jagnje, jare i ubistvo" 5341: 5338: 4779: 4776: 4573:1 January 2013 4514:"Dnevnik jedne Å”iparice" 4128: 4125: 3411:2 January 2011 3390: 3387: 2738:1 January 2010 2717: 2714: 2282:4 January 2009 1914:5 October 2008 1780: 1777: 1207:Rambo Amadeus as himself 1131:6 January 2008 741:7 October 2007 576: 573: 205:2 January 2011 169:1 January 2010 8109:24 April 2021 8088:18 April 2021 8067:17 April 2021 8046:11 April 2021 8025:10 April 2021 8004:26 March 2020 7960:25 March 2020 7939:24 March 2020 7918:23 March 2020 7897:20 March 2020 7876:18 March 2020 7855:17 March 2020 7834:16 March 2020 7813:13 March 2020 7792:12 March 2020 7771:11 March 2020 7750:10 March 2020 7136:"U laži su kratke noge" 6693:"Dolazi nam novi zivot" 5740:29 April 2015 5719:28 April 2015 5698:27 April 2015 5677:26 April 2015 5656:25 April 2015 5635:22 April 2015 5614:21 April 2015 5593:20 April 2015 5572:19 April 2015 5551:18 April 2015 5530:15 April 2015 5509:14 April 2015 5488:13 April 2015 5467:12 April 2015 5446:11 April 2015 5359:"Neimar, Å panac i brat" 5297:31 March 2015 5276:30 March 2015 5255:29 March 2015 5234:28 March 2015 5213:27 March 2015 5192:22 March 2015 5171:21 March 2015 5150:20 March 2015 4727:31 March 2013 4706:24 March 2013 4678:17 March 2013 4517:29 April 2012 4489:22 April 2012 4461:15 April 2012 4430:"Umri muÅ”ki (Die Hard)" 4377:25 March 2012 4349:18 March 2012 4317:11 March 2012 3824:24 April 2011 3795:17 April 2011 3767:10 April 2011 3709:27 March 2011 3692:Refko told and foretold 3677:20 March 2011 3649:13 March 2011 3176:25 April 2010 3148:18 April 2010 3120:11 April 2010 3063:28 March 2010 3042:21 March 2010 3014:14 March 2010 2683:12 April 2009 2625:29 March 2009 2597:22 March 2009 2569:15 March 2009 1826:"Rasprodaja (The Sale)" 1610:27 April 2008 1582:20 April 2008 1550:13 April 2008 1493:30 March 2008 1465:23 March 2008 1437:16 March 2008 498:26 March 2020 472:25 March 2020 143:12 April 2009 8560:Lud, zbunjen, normalan 8515:Lud, zbunjen, normalan 8468:Lud, zbunjen, normalan 8235:21 July 2021 8214:20 July 2021 8193:19 July 2021 7729:9 March 2020 7708:5 March 2020 7687:4 March 2020 7666:3 March 2020 7645:2 March 2020 7433:19 July 2016 7412:18 July 2016 7391:17 July 2016 7370:16 July 2016 7349:15 July 2016 7328:14 July 2016 7307:13 July 2016 7286:12 July 2016 7265:11 July 2016 7244:10 July 2016 7115:"...bolestan samo 999" 7034:30 June 2016 7013:29 June 2016 6992:28 June 2016 6971:27 June 2016 6950:26 June 2016 6906:25 June 2016 6504:"Cuje se odjek koraka" 6462:"Tiho krece nasa ceta" 6420:"Sred puÅ”aka bajoneta" 5716:"Fokus, hazard i smrt" 5425:8 April 2015 5404:7 April 2015 5383:6 April 2015 5362:5 April 2015 5318:1 April 2015 4748:7 April 2013 4433:8 April 2012 4405:1 April 2012 4289:4 March 2012 4097:26 June 2011 4068:19 June 2011 4040:12 June 2011 3738:3 April 2011 3620:6 March 2011 3360:13 June 2010 3091:4 April 2010 2986:7 March 2010 2654:5 April 2009 2540:8 March 2009 2512:1 March 2009 1521:6 April 2008 1409:9 March 2008 1392:Emir Hadžihafizbegović 1371:2 March 2008 1270:Emir Hadžihafizbegović 667:Emir Hadžihafizbegović 508:21 July 2021 436:19 July 2016 426:26 June 2016 400:25 June 2016 318:5 April 2015 287:1 April 2015 251:7 April 2013 215:26 June 2011 179:13 June 2010 25:Lud, zbunjen, normalan 8172:15 May 2021 7974:Season 12 (2020ā€“2021) 7516:"Ko će ako nećemo mi" 7474:"Ko te rodi takvoga!" 7223:9 July 2016 7202:8 July 2016 7181:7 July 2016 7160:6 July 2016 7139:5 July 2016 7118:4 July 2016 7097:3 July 2016 7076:2 July 2016 7055:1 July 2016 6015:29 May 2015 5994:24 May 2015 5973:23 May 2015 5952:22 May 2015 5931:17 May 2015 5910:16 May 2015 5889:15 May 2015 5845:10 May 2015 4012:5 June 2011 3974:29 May 2011 3945:22 May 2011 3917:15 May 2011 3332:6 June 2010 3311:30 May 2010 3283:23 May 2010 3254:16 May 2010 3173:"Osmi Mart (March 8)" 3011:"Prijemno Odjeljenje" 1750:1 June 2008 1722:25 May 2008 1694:18 May 2008 1666:11 May 2008 354:15 May 2015 328:10 May 2015 102:1 June 2008 8151:8 May 2021 8130:1 May 2021 6567:"Daleko si zavicaju" 6393:Season 9 (2015ā€“2016) 5824:9 May 2015 5803:8 May 2015 5782:3 May 2015 5761:2 May 2015 4770:Season 6 (2014ā€“2015) 4545:6 May 2012 4119:Season 5 (2012ā€“2013) 3888:8 May 2011 3853:1 May 2011 3233:9 May 2010 3230:"Put Putuje Reufaga" 3204:1 May 2010 1771:Season 2 (2008ā€“2009) 1638:4 May 2008 1040:"Triper (Gonorrhea)" 567:Season 1 (2007ā€“2008) 7073:"Ko visoko leti..." 6672:"Kroz tamnice mrak" 6483:"Kroz bilecki kras" 6138:"Trči, Faruk, trči" 3602:Faceless interviews 3201:"Pasje Prijepodne" 2724:Original air date 1565:Zabranjeno PuÅ”enje 40:, and directed by 22:television series 8547: 8546: 8538:Konak kod Hilmije 8458: 8457: 8265:Original airdate 8246: 8245: 7990:Original airdate 7971: 7970: 7463:Original airdate 7444: 7443: 6936:Original airdate 6917: 6916: 6588:"Mi prognani smo" 6409:Original airdate 6390: 6389: 5875:Original airdate 5856: 5855: 5348:Original airdate 5329: 5328: 4786:Original airdate 4767: 4766: 4135:Original airdate 4116: 4115: 3397:Original airdate 3378: 3377: 3251:"Lažna Maksuzija" 2705: 2704: 1787:Original airdate 1768: 1767: 583:Original airdate 555: 554: 8577: 8507: 8500: 8493: 8484: 8454: 8452: 8433: 8431: 8412: 8410: 8391: 8389: 8370: 8368: 8349: 8347: 8328: 8326: 8307: 8305: 8286: 8284: 8253: 8249:Season 13 (2021) 8242: 8240: 8221: 8219: 8200: 8198: 8179: 8177: 8158: 8156: 8137: 8135: 8116: 8114: 8095: 8093: 8074: 8072: 8053: 8051: 8032: 8030: 8011: 8009: 7978: 7967: 7965: 7946: 7944: 7925: 7923: 7904: 7902: 7883: 7881: 7862: 7860: 7841: 7839: 7820: 7818: 7799: 7797: 7778: 7776: 7757: 7755: 7736: 7734: 7715: 7713: 7694: 7692: 7673: 7671: 7652: 7650: 7631: 7629: 7610: 7608: 7589: 7587: 7568: 7566: 7547: 7545: 7526: 7524: 7505: 7503: 7484: 7482: 7451: 7447:Season 11 (2020) 7440: 7438: 7419: 7417: 7398: 7396: 7377: 7375: 7356: 7354: 7335: 7333: 7314: 7312: 7293: 7291: 7272: 7270: 7251: 7249: 7230: 7228: 7209: 7207: 7188: 7186: 7167: 7165: 7146: 7144: 7125: 7123: 7104: 7102: 7083: 7081: 7062: 7060: 7041: 7039: 7020: 7018: 6999: 6997: 6978: 6976: 6957: 6955: 6924: 6920:Season 10 (2016) 6913: 6911: 6892: 6890: 6871: 6869: 6850: 6848: 6829: 6827: 6808: 6806: 6787: 6785: 6766: 6764: 6745: 6743: 6724: 6722: 6714:"Cujte mu korak" 6703: 6701: 6682: 6680: 6661: 6659: 6640: 6638: 6630:"Sto te ljubimo" 6619: 6617: 6598: 6596: 6577: 6575: 6556: 6554: 6535: 6533: 6514: 6512: 6493: 6491: 6472: 6470: 6451: 6449: 6441:"Straze oko nas" 6430: 6428: 6397: 6386: 6384: 6376:"Odlazak Eskima" 6365: 6363: 6337: 6335: 6316: 6314: 6295: 6293: 6274: 6272: 6253: 6251: 6232: 6230: 6211: 6209: 6190: 6188: 6169: 6167: 6148: 6146: 6127: 6125: 6106: 6104: 6085: 6083: 6064: 6062: 6043: 6041: 6022: 6020: 6001: 5999: 5980: 5978: 5959: 5957: 5938: 5936: 5917: 5915: 5896: 5894: 5863: 5852: 5850: 5831: 5829: 5810: 5808: 5789: 5787: 5768: 5766: 5747: 5745: 5726: 5724: 5705: 5703: 5684: 5682: 5663: 5661: 5642: 5640: 5621: 5619: 5600: 5598: 5579: 5577: 5558: 5556: 5537: 5535: 5516: 5514: 5495: 5493: 5474: 5472: 5453: 5451: 5432: 5430: 5411: 5409: 5390: 5388: 5369: 5367: 5336: 5325: 5323: 5304: 5302: 5283: 5281: 5262: 5260: 5241: 5239: 5220: 5218: 5199: 5197: 5178: 5176: 5157: 5155: 5136: 5134: 5115: 5113: 5087: 5085: 5066: 5064: 5045: 5043: 5024: 5022: 5003: 5001: 4982: 4980: 4961: 4959: 4940: 4938: 4919: 4917: 4891: 4889: 4863: 4861: 4835: 4833: 4807: 4805: 4774: 4755: 4753: 4734: 4732: 4713: 4711: 4685: 4683: 4664: 4662: 4643: 4641: 4622: 4620: 4601: 4599: 4580: 4578: 4552: 4550: 4524: 4522: 4496: 4494: 4468: 4466: 4440: 4438: 4412: 4410: 4384: 4382: 4356: 4354: 4332:Sony PlayStation 4324: 4322: 4296: 4294: 4268: 4266: 4240: 4238: 4212: 4210: 4184: 4182: 4156: 4154: 4123: 4104: 4102: 4075: 4073: 4047: 4045: 4019: 4017: 3981: 3979: 3952: 3950: 3924: 3922: 3895: 3893: 3860: 3858: 3831: 3829: 3802: 3800: 3774: 3772: 3745: 3743: 3716: 3714: 3684: 3682: 3656: 3654: 3627: 3625: 3590: 3588: 3561: 3559: 3532: 3530: 3503: 3501: 3475: 3473: 3447: 3445: 3418: 3416: 3385: 3367: 3365: 3339: 3337: 3318: 3316: 3290: 3288: 3280:"Večeri Poezije" 3261: 3259: 3240: 3238: 3211: 3209: 3183: 3181: 3155: 3153: 3127: 3125: 3098: 3096: 3070: 3068: 3049: 3047: 3021: 3019: 2993: 2991: 2965: 2963: 2944: 2942: 2916: 2914: 2888: 2886: 2860: 2858: 2831: 2829: 2821:"Dozivanje Tobe" 2803: 2801: 2774: 2772: 2745: 2743: 2712: 2690: 2688: 2661: 2659: 2632: 2630: 2604: 2602: 2576: 2574: 2547: 2545: 2519: 2517: 2491: 2489: 2463: 2461: 2435: 2433: 2407: 2405: 2379: 2377: 2351: 2349: 2323: 2321: 2289: 2287: 2261: 2259: 2233: 2231: 2204: 2202: 2175: 2173: 2147: 2145: 2118: 2116: 2090: 2088: 2062: 2060: 2034: 2032: 2006: 2004: 1978: 1976: 1950: 1948: 1921: 1919: 1893: 1891: 1864: 1862: 1836: 1834: 1808: 1806: 1775: 1757: 1755: 1729: 1727: 1701: 1699: 1673: 1671: 1645: 1643: 1617: 1615: 1589: 1587: 1557: 1555: 1528: 1526: 1500: 1498: 1472: 1470: 1444: 1442: 1416: 1414: 1378: 1376: 1350: 1348: 1322: 1320: 1294: 1292: 1257: 1255: 1229: 1227: 1194: 1192: 1166: 1164: 1138: 1136: 1106: 1104: 1078: 1076: 1050: 1048: 1022: 1020: 993: 991: 967:Guest-starring: 956: 954: 928: 926: 900: 898: 871: 869: 843: 841: 804: 802: 776: 774: 748: 746: 720: 718: 692: 690: 664:Guest-starring: 654: 652: 625: 623: 604: 602: 571: 551: 549: 541: 539: 528: 527: 526: 515: 513: 505: 503: 492: 491: 490: 479: 477: 469: 467: 456: 455: 454: 443: 441: 433: 431: 420: 419: 418: 407: 405: 397: 395: 384: 383: 382: 371: 369: 361: 359: 348: 347: 346: 335: 333: 325: 323: 312: 311: 310: 294: 292: 284: 282: 271: 270: 269: 258: 256: 248: 246: 235: 234: 233: 222: 220: 212: 210: 199: 198: 197: 186: 184: 176: 174: 163: 162: 161: 150: 148: 140: 138: 127: 126: 125: 109: 107: 99: 97: 86: 85: 84: 62:Originally aired 53: 8585: 8584: 8580: 8579: 8578: 8576: 8575: 8574: 8550: 8549: 8548: 8543: 8518: 8511: 8463: 8450: 8448: 8429: 8427: 8408: 8406: 8387: 8385: 8366: 8364: 8345: 8343: 8324: 8322: 8303: 8301: 8282: 8280: 8251: 8238: 8236: 8217: 8215: 8196: 8194: 8175: 8173: 8154: 8152: 8133: 8131: 8112: 8110: 8091: 8089: 8070: 8068: 8049: 8047: 8028: 8026: 8007: 8005: 7976: 7963: 7961: 7942: 7940: 7921: 7919: 7900: 7898: 7879: 7877: 7858: 7856: 7837: 7835: 7816: 7814: 7795: 7793: 7774: 7772: 7753: 7751: 7732: 7730: 7711: 7709: 7690: 7688: 7669: 7667: 7648: 7646: 7627: 7625: 7606: 7604: 7585: 7583: 7564: 7562: 7543: 7541: 7522: 7520: 7501: 7499: 7480: 7478: 7449: 7436: 7434: 7415: 7413: 7394: 7392: 7373: 7371: 7352: 7350: 7331: 7329: 7310: 7308: 7289: 7287: 7268: 7266: 7247: 7245: 7226: 7224: 7205: 7203: 7184: 7182: 7163: 7161: 7142: 7140: 7121: 7119: 7100: 7098: 7079: 7077: 7058: 7056: 7037: 7035: 7016: 7014: 6995: 6993: 6974: 6972: 6953: 6951: 6922: 6909: 6907: 6888: 6886: 6867: 6865: 6846: 6844: 6825: 6823: 6804: 6802: 6783: 6781: 6762: 6760: 6741: 6739: 6720: 6718: 6699: 6697: 6678: 6676: 6657: 6655: 6636: 6634: 6615: 6613: 6594: 6592: 6573: 6571: 6552: 6550: 6531: 6529: 6510: 6508: 6489: 6487: 6468: 6466: 6447: 6445: 6426: 6424: 6395: 6382: 6380: 6361: 6359: 6344: 6333: 6331: 6312: 6310: 6291: 6289: 6270: 6268: 6249: 6247: 6228: 6226: 6207: 6205: 6186: 6184: 6165: 6163: 6144: 6142: 6123: 6121: 6102: 6100: 6081: 6079: 6060: 6058: 6039: 6037: 6018: 6016: 5997: 5995: 5976: 5974: 5955: 5953: 5934: 5932: 5913: 5911: 5892: 5890: 5861: 5859:Season 8 (2015) 5848: 5846: 5827: 5825: 5806: 5804: 5785: 5783: 5764: 5762: 5743: 5741: 5722: 5720: 5701: 5699: 5680: 5678: 5659: 5657: 5638: 5636: 5617: 5615: 5596: 5594: 5575: 5573: 5554: 5552: 5533: 5531: 5512: 5510: 5491: 5489: 5470: 5468: 5449: 5447: 5428: 5426: 5407: 5405: 5386: 5384: 5365: 5363: 5334: 5332:Season 7 (2015) 5321: 5319: 5300: 5298: 5279: 5277: 5258: 5256: 5237: 5235: 5216: 5214: 5195: 5193: 5174: 5172: 5153: 5151: 5132: 5130: 5111: 5109: 5094: 5083: 5081: 5062: 5060: 5041: 5039: 5020: 5018: 4999: 4997: 4978: 4976: 4957: 4955: 4936: 4934: 4915: 4913: 4898: 4887: 4885: 4870: 4859: 4857: 4842: 4831: 4829: 4814: 4803: 4801: 4772: 4763: 4751: 4749: 4730: 4728: 4709: 4707: 4692: 4681: 4679: 4660: 4658: 4639: 4637: 4618: 4616: 4597: 4595: 4576: 4574: 4559: 4548: 4546: 4531: 4520: 4518: 4503: 4492: 4490: 4475: 4464: 4462: 4447: 4436: 4434: 4419: 4408: 4406: 4391: 4380: 4378: 4363: 4352: 4350: 4335: 4320: 4318: 4303: 4292: 4290: 4275: 4264: 4262: 4247: 4236: 4234: 4219: 4208: 4206: 4191: 4180: 4178: 4163: 4152: 4150: 4121: 4112: 4100: 4098: 4083: 4071: 4069: 4054: 4043: 4041: 4026: 4015: 4013: 3998: 3977: 3975: 3960: 3948: 3946: 3931: 3920: 3918: 3903: 3891: 3889: 3874: 3856: 3854: 3839: 3827: 3825: 3810: 3798: 3796: 3781: 3770: 3768: 3753: 3741: 3739: 3724: 3712: 3710: 3695: 3680: 3678: 3663: 3652: 3650: 3635: 3623: 3621: 3606: 3586: 3584: 3569: 3557: 3555: 3540: 3528: 3526: 3511: 3499: 3497: 3482: 3471: 3469: 3454: 3443: 3441: 3426: 3414: 3412: 3383: 3381:Season 4 (2011) 3374: 3363: 3361: 3346: 3335: 3333: 3314: 3312: 3297: 3286: 3284: 3269: 3257: 3255: 3236: 3234: 3219: 3207: 3205: 3190: 3179: 3177: 3162: 3151: 3149: 3134: 3123: 3121: 3106: 3094: 3092: 3088:"Pasje Popodne" 3077: 3066: 3064: 3045: 3043: 3028: 3017: 3015: 3000: 2989: 2987: 2972: 2961: 2959: 2940: 2938: 2923: 2912: 2910: 2895: 2884: 2882: 2867: 2856: 2854: 2839: 2827: 2825: 2810: 2799: 2797: 2782: 2770: 2768: 2753: 2741: 2739: 2710: 2708:Season 3 (2010) 2701: 2686: 2684: 2669: 2657: 2655: 2640: 2628: 2626: 2611: 2600: 2598: 2583: 2572: 2570: 2555: 2543: 2541: 2526: 2515: 2513: 2498: 2487: 2485: 2470: 2459: 2457: 2442: 2431: 2429: 2425:"Goropadna Ana" 2414: 2403: 2401: 2386: 2375: 2373: 2358: 2347: 2345: 2330: 2319: 2317: 2302: 2296:Guest starring: 2285: 2283: 2268: 2257: 2255: 2240: 2229: 2227: 2212: 2200: 2198: 2183: 2171: 2169: 2154: 2143: 2141: 2126: 2114: 2112: 2097: 2086: 2084: 2069: 2058: 2056: 2041: 2030: 2028: 2013: 2002: 2000: 1985: 1974: 1972: 1957: 1946: 1944: 1929: 1917: 1915: 1900: 1889: 1887: 1872: 1860: 1858: 1843: 1832: 1830: 1815: 1804: 1802: 1773: 1764: 1753: 1751: 1736: 1725: 1723: 1708: 1697: 1695: 1680: 1669: 1667: 1652: 1641: 1639: 1624: 1613: 1611: 1596: 1585: 1583: 1568: 1553: 1551: 1536: 1524: 1522: 1507: 1496: 1494: 1479: 1468: 1466: 1451: 1440: 1438: 1423: 1412: 1410: 1395: 1389:Guest starring: 1386: 1374: 1372: 1357: 1346: 1344: 1329: 1318: 1316: 1301: 1290: 1288: 1273: 1268:Guest starring: 1266: 1253: 1251: 1236: 1225: 1223: 1208: 1205:Guest starring: 1202: 1190: 1188: 1173: 1162: 1160: 1145: 1134: 1132: 1117: 1102: 1100: 1085: 1074: 1072: 1057: 1046: 1044: 1029: 1018: 1016: 1001: 989: 987: 972: 965: 952: 950: 935: 924: 922: 907: 896: 894: 879: 867: 865: 850: 839: 837: 822: 821:as Đenis Đenis. 815:Guest-starring: 813: 800: 798: 783: 772: 770: 755: 744: 742: 727: 716: 714: 699: 688: 686: 671: 662: 650: 648: 633: 621: 619: 600: 598: 569: 564: 558: 556: 547: 545: 537: 535: 522: 521: 520: 511: 509: 501: 499: 486: 485: 484: 475: 473: 465: 463: 450: 449: 448: 439: 437: 429: 427: 414: 413: 412: 403: 401: 393: 391: 378: 377: 376: 367: 365: 357: 355: 342: 341: 340: 331: 329: 321: 319: 306: 305: 304: 290: 288: 280: 278: 265: 264: 263: 254: 252: 244: 242: 229: 228: 227: 218: 216: 208: 206: 193: 192: 191: 182: 180: 172: 170: 157: 156: 155: 146: 144: 136: 134: 121: 120: 119: 105: 103: 95: 93: 80: 79: 78: 50: 48:Series overview 12: 11: 5: 8583: 8581: 8573: 8572: 8567: 8562: 8552: 8551: 8545: 8544: 8542: 8541: 8534: 8529: 8523: 8520: 8519: 8512: 8510: 8509: 8502: 8495: 8487: 8481: 8480: 8475: 8462: 8461:External links 8459: 8456: 8455: 8445: 8442: 8439: 8435: 8434: 8424: 8421: 8418: 8414: 8413: 8403: 8400: 8397: 8393: 8392: 8382: 8379: 8376: 8372: 8371: 8361: 8358: 8355: 8351: 8350: 8340: 8337: 8334: 8330: 8329: 8319: 8316: 8313: 8309: 8308: 8298: 8295: 8292: 8288: 8287: 8277: 8274: 8271: 8267: 8266: 8263: 8260: 8257: 8250: 8247: 8244: 8243: 8233: 8230: 8227: 8223: 8222: 8212: 8209: 8206: 8202: 8201: 8191: 8188: 8185: 8181: 8180: 8170: 8167: 8164: 8160: 8159: 8149: 8146: 8143: 8139: 8138: 8128: 8125: 8122: 8118: 8117: 8107: 8104: 8101: 8097: 8096: 8086: 8083: 8080: 8076: 8075: 8065: 8062: 8059: 8055: 8054: 8044: 8041: 8038: 8034: 8033: 8023: 8020: 8017: 8013: 8012: 8002: 7999: 7996: 7992: 7991: 7988: 7985: 7982: 7975: 7972: 7969: 7968: 7958: 7955: 7952: 7948: 7947: 7937: 7934: 7931: 7927: 7926: 7916: 7913: 7910: 7906: 7905: 7895: 7892: 7889: 7885: 7884: 7874: 7871: 7868: 7864: 7863: 7853: 7850: 7847: 7843: 7842: 7832: 7829: 7826: 7822: 7821: 7811: 7808: 7805: 7801: 7800: 7790: 7787: 7784: 7780: 7779: 7769: 7766: 7763: 7759: 7758: 7748: 7745: 7742: 7738: 7737: 7727: 7724: 7721: 7717: 7716: 7706: 7703: 7700: 7696: 7695: 7685: 7682: 7679: 7675: 7674: 7664: 7661: 7658: 7654: 7653: 7643: 7640: 7637: 7633: 7632: 7622: 7619: 7616: 7612: 7611: 7601: 7598: 7595: 7591: 7590: 7580: 7577: 7574: 7570: 7569: 7559: 7556: 7553: 7549: 7548: 7538: 7535: 7532: 7528: 7527: 7517: 7514: 7511: 7507: 7506: 7496: 7493: 7490: 7486: 7485: 7475: 7472: 7469: 7465: 7464: 7461: 7458: 7455: 7448: 7445: 7442: 7441: 7431: 7428: 7425: 7421: 7420: 7410: 7407: 7404: 7400: 7399: 7389: 7386: 7383: 7379: 7378: 7368: 7365: 7362: 7358: 7357: 7347: 7344: 7341: 7337: 7336: 7326: 7323: 7320: 7316: 7315: 7305: 7302: 7299: 7295: 7294: 7284: 7281: 7278: 7274: 7273: 7263: 7260: 7257: 7253: 7252: 7242: 7239: 7236: 7232: 7231: 7221: 7218: 7215: 7211: 7210: 7200: 7197: 7194: 7190: 7189: 7179: 7176: 7173: 7169: 7168: 7158: 7155: 7152: 7148: 7147: 7137: 7134: 7131: 7127: 7126: 7116: 7113: 7110: 7106: 7105: 7095: 7092: 7089: 7085: 7084: 7074: 7071: 7068: 7064: 7063: 7053: 7050: 7047: 7043: 7042: 7032: 7029: 7026: 7022: 7021: 7011: 7008: 7005: 7001: 7000: 6990: 6987: 6984: 6980: 6979: 6969: 6966: 6963: 6959: 6958: 6948: 6945: 6942: 6938: 6937: 6934: 6931: 6928: 6921: 6918: 6915: 6914: 6904: 6901: 6898: 6894: 6893: 6883: 6880: 6877: 6873: 6872: 6862: 6859: 6856: 6852: 6851: 6841: 6838: 6835: 6831: 6830: 6820: 6817: 6814: 6810: 6809: 6799: 6796: 6793: 6789: 6788: 6778: 6775: 6772: 6768: 6767: 6757: 6754: 6751: 6747: 6746: 6736: 6733: 6730: 6726: 6725: 6715: 6712: 6709: 6705: 6704: 6694: 6691: 6688: 6684: 6683: 6673: 6670: 6667: 6663: 6662: 6652: 6649: 6646: 6642: 6641: 6631: 6628: 6625: 6621: 6620: 6610: 6607: 6604: 6600: 6599: 6589: 6586: 6583: 6579: 6578: 6568: 6565: 6562: 6558: 6557: 6547: 6544: 6541: 6537: 6536: 6526: 6523: 6520: 6516: 6515: 6505: 6502: 6499: 6495: 6494: 6484: 6481: 6478: 6474: 6473: 6463: 6460: 6457: 6453: 6452: 6442: 6439: 6436: 6432: 6431: 6421: 6418: 6415: 6411: 6410: 6407: 6404: 6401: 6394: 6391: 6388: 6387: 6377: 6374: 6371: 6367: 6366: 6356: 6353: 6350: 6346: 6345: 6342: 6339: 6338: 6328: 6325: 6322: 6318: 6317: 6307: 6304: 6301: 6297: 6296: 6286: 6283: 6280: 6276: 6275: 6265: 6262: 6259: 6255: 6254: 6244: 6241: 6238: 6234: 6233: 6223: 6220: 6217: 6213: 6212: 6202: 6199: 6196: 6192: 6191: 6181: 6178: 6175: 6171: 6170: 6160: 6157: 6154: 6150: 6149: 6139: 6136: 6133: 6129: 6128: 6118: 6115: 6112: 6108: 6107: 6097: 6094: 6091: 6087: 6086: 6076: 6073: 6070: 6066: 6065: 6055: 6052: 6049: 6045: 6044: 6034: 6031: 6028: 6024: 6023: 6013: 6010: 6007: 6003: 6002: 5992: 5989: 5986: 5982: 5981: 5971: 5968: 5965: 5961: 5960: 5950: 5947: 5944: 5940: 5939: 5929: 5926: 5923: 5919: 5918: 5908: 5905: 5902: 5898: 5897: 5887: 5884: 5881: 5877: 5876: 5873: 5870: 5867: 5860: 5857: 5854: 5853: 5843: 5840: 5837: 5833: 5832: 5822: 5819: 5816: 5812: 5811: 5801: 5798: 5795: 5791: 5790: 5780: 5777: 5774: 5770: 5769: 5759: 5756: 5753: 5749: 5748: 5738: 5735: 5732: 5728: 5727: 5717: 5714: 5711: 5707: 5706: 5696: 5693: 5690: 5686: 5685: 5675: 5672: 5669: 5665: 5664: 5654: 5651: 5648: 5644: 5643: 5633: 5630: 5627: 5623: 5622: 5612: 5609: 5606: 5602: 5601: 5591: 5588: 5585: 5581: 5580: 5570: 5567: 5564: 5560: 5559: 5549: 5546: 5543: 5539: 5538: 5528: 5525: 5522: 5518: 5517: 5507: 5504: 5501: 5497: 5496: 5486: 5483: 5480: 5476: 5475: 5465: 5462: 5459: 5455: 5454: 5444: 5441: 5438: 5434: 5433: 5423: 5420: 5417: 5413: 5412: 5402: 5399: 5396: 5392: 5391: 5381: 5378: 5375: 5371: 5370: 5360: 5357: 5354: 5350: 5349: 5346: 5343: 5340: 5333: 5330: 5327: 5326: 5316: 5313: 5310: 5306: 5305: 5295: 5292: 5289: 5285: 5284: 5274: 5271: 5268: 5264: 5263: 5253: 5250: 5247: 5243: 5242: 5232: 5229: 5226: 5222: 5221: 5211: 5208: 5205: 5201: 5200: 5190: 5187: 5184: 5180: 5179: 5169: 5166: 5163: 5159: 5158: 5148: 5145: 5142: 5138: 5137: 5127: 5124: 5121: 5117: 5116: 5106: 5103: 5100: 5096: 5095: 5092: 5089: 5088: 5078: 5075: 5072: 5068: 5067: 5057: 5054: 5051: 5047: 5046: 5036: 5033: 5030: 5026: 5025: 5015: 5012: 5009: 5005: 5004: 4994: 4991: 4988: 4984: 4983: 4973: 4970: 4967: 4963: 4962: 4952: 4949: 4946: 4942: 4941: 4931: 4928: 4925: 4921: 4920: 4910: 4907: 4904: 4900: 4899: 4896: 4893: 4892: 4882: 4879: 4876: 4872: 4871: 4868: 4865: 4864: 4854: 4851: 4848: 4844: 4843: 4840: 4837: 4836: 4826: 4823: 4820: 4816: 4815: 4812: 4809: 4808: 4798: 4795: 4792: 4788: 4787: 4784: 4781: 4778: 4771: 4768: 4765: 4764: 4760: 4757: 4756: 4746: 4743: 4740: 4736: 4735: 4725: 4722: 4719: 4715: 4714: 4704: 4701: 4698: 4694: 4693: 4690: 4687: 4686: 4676: 4673: 4670: 4666: 4665: 4655: 4652: 4649: 4645: 4644: 4634: 4631: 4628: 4624: 4623: 4613: 4610: 4607: 4603: 4602: 4592: 4589: 4586: 4582: 4581: 4571: 4568: 4565: 4561: 4560: 4557: 4554: 4553: 4543: 4540: 4537: 4533: 4532: 4529: 4526: 4525: 4515: 4512: 4509: 4505: 4504: 4501: 4498: 4497: 4487: 4484: 4481: 4477: 4476: 4473: 4470: 4469: 4459: 4456: 4453: 4449: 4448: 4445: 4442: 4441: 4431: 4428: 4425: 4421: 4420: 4417: 4414: 4413: 4403: 4400: 4397: 4393: 4392: 4389: 4386: 4385: 4375: 4372: 4369: 4365: 4364: 4361: 4358: 4357: 4347: 4344: 4341: 4337: 4336: 4329: 4326: 4325: 4315: 4312: 4309: 4305: 4304: 4301: 4298: 4297: 4287: 4284: 4281: 4277: 4276: 4273: 4270: 4269: 4259: 4256: 4253: 4249: 4248: 4245: 4242: 4241: 4231: 4228: 4225: 4221: 4220: 4217: 4214: 4213: 4203: 4200: 4197: 4193: 4192: 4189: 4186: 4185: 4175: 4172: 4169: 4165: 4164: 4161: 4158: 4157: 4147: 4144: 4141: 4137: 4136: 4133: 4130: 4127: 4120: 4117: 4114: 4113: 4109: 4106: 4105: 4095: 4092: 4089: 4085: 4084: 4080: 4077: 4076: 4066: 4065:"Prison Break" 4063: 4060: 4056: 4055: 4052: 4049: 4048: 4038: 4035: 4032: 4028: 4027: 4024: 4021: 4020: 4010: 4007: 4004: 4000: 3999: 3986: 3983: 3982: 3972: 3969: 3966: 3962: 3961: 3957: 3954: 3953: 3943: 3940: 3937: 3933: 3932: 3929: 3926: 3925: 3915: 3912: 3909: 3905: 3904: 3900: 3897: 3896: 3886: 3883: 3880: 3876: 3875: 3865: 3862: 3861: 3851: 3848: 3845: 3841: 3840: 3836: 3833: 3832: 3822: 3819: 3816: 3812: 3811: 3807: 3804: 3803: 3793: 3790: 3787: 3783: 3782: 3779: 3776: 3775: 3765: 3762: 3759: 3755: 3754: 3750: 3747: 3746: 3736: 3733: 3730: 3726: 3725: 3721: 3718: 3717: 3707: 3704: 3701: 3697: 3696: 3689: 3686: 3685: 3675: 3672: 3669: 3665: 3664: 3661: 3658: 3657: 3647: 3644: 3641: 3637: 3636: 3632: 3629: 3628: 3618: 3615: 3612: 3608: 3607: 3595: 3592: 3591: 3581: 3578: 3575: 3571: 3570: 3566: 3563: 3562: 3552: 3549: 3546: 3542: 3541: 3537: 3534: 3533: 3523: 3520: 3517: 3513: 3512: 3508: 3505: 3504: 3494: 3491: 3488: 3484: 3483: 3480: 3477: 3476: 3466: 3463: 3460: 3456: 3455: 3452: 3449: 3448: 3438: 3435: 3432: 3428: 3427: 3423: 3420: 3419: 3409: 3406: 3403: 3399: 3398: 3395: 3392: 3389: 3382: 3379: 3376: 3375: 3372: 3369: 3368: 3358: 3355: 3352: 3348: 3347: 3344: 3341: 3340: 3330: 3327: 3324: 3320: 3319: 3309: 3306: 3303: 3299: 3298: 3295: 3292: 3291: 3281: 3278: 3275: 3271: 3270: 3266: 3263: 3262: 3252: 3249: 3246: 3242: 3241: 3231: 3228: 3225: 3221: 3220: 3216: 3213: 3212: 3202: 3199: 3196: 3192: 3191: 3188: 3185: 3184: 3174: 3171: 3168: 3164: 3163: 3160: 3157: 3156: 3146: 3143: 3140: 3136: 3135: 3132: 3129: 3128: 3118: 3115: 3112: 3108: 3107: 3103: 3100: 3099: 3089: 3086: 3083: 3079: 3078: 3075: 3072: 3071: 3061: 3058: 3055: 3051: 3050: 3040: 3037: 3034: 3030: 3029: 3026: 3023: 3022: 3012: 3009: 3006: 3002: 3001: 2998: 2995: 2994: 2984: 2981: 2978: 2974: 2973: 2970: 2967: 2966: 2956: 2953: 2950: 2946: 2945: 2935: 2932: 2929: 2925: 2924: 2921: 2918: 2917: 2907: 2904: 2901: 2897: 2896: 2893: 2890: 2889: 2879: 2876: 2873: 2869: 2868: 2865: 2862: 2861: 2851: 2848: 2845: 2841: 2840: 2836: 2833: 2832: 2822: 2819: 2816: 2812: 2811: 2808: 2805: 2804: 2794: 2791: 2788: 2784: 2783: 2779: 2776: 2775: 2765: 2762: 2759: 2755: 2754: 2750: 2747: 2746: 2736: 2733: 2730: 2726: 2725: 2722: 2719: 2716: 2709: 2706: 2703: 2702: 2695: 2692: 2691: 2681: 2678: 2675: 2671: 2670: 2666: 2663: 2662: 2652: 2649: 2646: 2642: 2641: 2637: 2634: 2633: 2623: 2620: 2617: 2613: 2612: 2609: 2606: 2605: 2595: 2592: 2589: 2585: 2584: 2581: 2578: 2577: 2567: 2564: 2561: 2557: 2556: 2552: 2549: 2548: 2538: 2535: 2532: 2528: 2527: 2524: 2521: 2520: 2510: 2507: 2504: 2500: 2499: 2496: 2493: 2492: 2482: 2481:"Karaoke Show" 2479: 2476: 2472: 2471: 2468: 2465: 2464: 2454: 2451: 2448: 2444: 2443: 2440: 2437: 2436: 2426: 2423: 2420: 2416: 2415: 2412: 2409: 2408: 2398: 2395: 2392: 2388: 2387: 2384: 2381: 2380: 2370: 2367: 2364: 2360: 2359: 2356: 2353: 2352: 2342: 2339: 2336: 2332: 2331: 2328: 2325: 2324: 2314: 2311: 2308: 2304: 2303: 2294: 2291: 2290: 2280: 2277: 2274: 2270: 2269: 2266: 2263: 2262: 2252: 2249: 2246: 2242: 2241: 2238: 2235: 2234: 2224: 2221: 2218: 2214: 2213: 2209: 2206: 2205: 2195: 2192: 2189: 2185: 2184: 2180: 2177: 2176: 2166: 2163: 2160: 2156: 2155: 2152: 2149: 2148: 2138: 2135: 2132: 2128: 2127: 2123: 2120: 2119: 2109: 2106: 2103: 2099: 2098: 2095: 2092: 2091: 2081: 2078: 2075: 2071: 2070: 2067: 2064: 2063: 2053: 2050: 2047: 2043: 2042: 2039: 2036: 2035: 2025: 2022: 2019: 2015: 2014: 2011: 2008: 2007: 1997: 1994: 1991: 1987: 1986: 1983: 1980: 1979: 1969: 1966: 1963: 1959: 1958: 1955: 1952: 1951: 1941: 1938: 1935: 1931: 1930: 1926: 1923: 1922: 1912: 1909: 1906: 1902: 1901: 1898: 1895: 1894: 1884: 1881: 1878: 1874: 1873: 1869: 1866: 1865: 1855: 1852: 1849: 1845: 1844: 1841: 1838: 1837: 1827: 1824: 1821: 1817: 1816: 1813: 1810: 1809: 1799: 1796: 1793: 1789: 1788: 1785: 1782: 1779: 1772: 1769: 1766: 1765: 1762: 1759: 1758: 1748: 1745: 1742: 1738: 1737: 1734: 1731: 1730: 1720: 1717: 1714: 1710: 1709: 1706: 1703: 1702: 1692: 1689: 1686: 1682: 1681: 1678: 1675: 1674: 1664: 1661: 1658: 1654: 1653: 1650: 1647: 1646: 1636: 1633: 1630: 1626: 1625: 1622: 1619: 1618: 1608: 1605: 1602: 1598: 1597: 1594: 1591: 1590: 1580: 1577: 1574: 1570: 1569: 1562: 1559: 1558: 1548: 1545: 1542: 1538: 1537: 1533: 1530: 1529: 1519: 1516: 1513: 1509: 1508: 1505: 1502: 1501: 1491: 1488: 1485: 1481: 1480: 1477: 1474: 1473: 1463: 1460: 1457: 1453: 1452: 1449: 1446: 1445: 1435: 1432: 1429: 1425: 1424: 1421: 1418: 1417: 1407: 1404: 1401: 1397: 1396: 1383: 1380: 1379: 1369: 1366: 1363: 1359: 1358: 1355: 1352: 1351: 1341: 1338: 1335: 1331: 1330: 1327: 1324: 1323: 1313: 1310: 1307: 1303: 1302: 1299: 1296: 1295: 1285: 1282: 1279: 1275: 1274: 1262: 1259: 1258: 1248: 1245: 1242: 1238: 1237: 1234: 1231: 1230: 1220: 1217: 1214: 1210: 1209: 1199: 1196: 1195: 1185: 1182: 1179: 1175: 1174: 1171: 1168: 1167: 1157: 1154: 1151: 1147: 1146: 1143: 1140: 1139: 1129: 1126: 1123: 1119: 1118: 1111: 1108: 1107: 1097: 1094: 1091: 1087: 1086: 1083: 1080: 1079: 1069: 1066: 1063: 1059: 1058: 1055: 1052: 1051: 1041: 1038: 1035: 1031: 1030: 1027: 1024: 1023: 1013: 1010: 1007: 1003: 1002: 998: 995: 994: 984: 981: 978: 974: 973: 971:as Đenis Đenis 961: 958: 957: 947: 944: 941: 937: 936: 933: 930: 929: 919: 916: 913: 909: 908: 905: 902: 901: 891: 888: 885: 881: 880: 876: 873: 872: 862: 859: 856: 852: 851: 848: 845: 844: 834: 831: 828: 824: 823: 809: 806: 805: 795: 792: 789: 785: 784: 781: 778: 777: 767: 764: 761: 757: 756: 753: 750: 749: 739: 736: 733: 729: 728: 725: 722: 721: 711: 708: 705: 701: 700: 697: 694: 693: 683: 680: 677: 673: 672: 659: 656: 655: 645: 642: 639: 635: 634: 630: 627: 626: 616: 613: 610: 606: 605: 595: 592: 589: 585: 584: 581: 578: 575: 568: 565: 563: 560: 553: 552: 542: 532: 529: 517: 516: 506: 496: 493: 481: 480: 470: 460: 457: 445: 444: 434: 424: 421: 409: 408: 398: 388: 385: 373: 372: 362: 352: 349: 337: 336: 326: 316: 313: 301: 300: 295: 285: 275: 272: 260: 259: 249: 239: 236: 224: 223: 213: 203: 200: 188: 187: 177: 167: 164: 152: 151: 141: 131: 128: 116: 115: 110: 100: 90: 87: 75: 74: 71: 68: 64: 63: 60: 57: 51: 49: 46: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 8582: 8571: 8568: 8566: 8563: 8561: 8558: 8557: 8555: 8540: 8539: 8535: 8533: 8530: 8528: 8525: 8524: 8521: 8517: 8516: 8508: 8503: 8501: 8496: 8494: 8489: 8488: 8485: 8479: 8476: 8474: 8470: 8469: 8465: 8464: 8460: 8446: 8440: 8425: 8419: 8404: 8398: 8383: 8377: 8362: 8356: 8341: 8335: 8320: 8314: 8299: 8293: 8278: 8272: 8264: 8261: 8254: 8248: 8234: 8228: 8213: 8207: 8192: 8186: 8171: 8165: 8150: 8144: 8129: 8123: 8108: 8102: 8087: 8081: 8066: 8060: 8045: 8039: 8024: 8018: 8003: 7997: 7989: 7986: 7979: 7973: 7959: 7953: 7938: 7932: 7917: 7911: 7896: 7890: 7875: 7869: 7854: 7848: 7833: 7827: 7812: 7806: 7791: 7785: 7770: 7764: 7749: 7743: 7728: 7722: 7707: 7701: 7686: 7680: 7665: 7659: 7644: 7638: 7623: 7617: 7602: 7596: 7581: 7575: 7560: 7554: 7539: 7533: 7518: 7512: 7497: 7491: 7476: 7470: 7462: 7459: 7452: 7446: 7432: 7426: 7411: 7405: 7390: 7384: 7369: 7363: 7348: 7342: 7327: 7321: 7306: 7300: 7285: 7279: 7264: 7258: 7243: 7237: 7222: 7216: 7201: 7195: 7180: 7174: 7159: 7153: 7138: 7132: 7117: 7111: 7096: 7090: 7075: 7069: 7054: 7048: 7033: 7027: 7012: 7006: 6991: 6985: 6970: 6964: 6949: 6943: 6935: 6932: 6925: 6919: 6905: 6899: 6884: 6878: 6863: 6857: 6842: 6836: 6821: 6815: 6800: 6794: 6779: 6773: 6758: 6752: 6737: 6731: 6716: 6710: 6695: 6689: 6674: 6668: 6653: 6647: 6632: 6626: 6611: 6605: 6590: 6584: 6569: 6563: 6548: 6542: 6527: 6521: 6506: 6500: 6485: 6479: 6464: 6458: 6443: 6437: 6422: 6416: 6408: 6405: 6398: 6392: 6378: 6372: 6357: 6351: 6329: 6323: 6308: 6302: 6287: 6281: 6266: 6260: 6245: 6239: 6224: 6218: 6203: 6197: 6182: 6176: 6161: 6155: 6140: 6134: 6119: 6113: 6098: 6092: 6077: 6071: 6056: 6050: 6035: 6029: 6014: 6008: 5993: 5987: 5972: 5966: 5951: 5945: 5930: 5924: 5909: 5903: 5888: 5882: 5874: 5871: 5864: 5858: 5844: 5838: 5823: 5817: 5802: 5796: 5781: 5775: 5760: 5754: 5739: 5733: 5718: 5712: 5697: 5691: 5676: 5670: 5655: 5649: 5634: 5628: 5613: 5607: 5592: 5586: 5571: 5565: 5550: 5544: 5529: 5523: 5508: 5502: 5487: 5481: 5466: 5460: 5445: 5439: 5424: 5418: 5403: 5397: 5382: 5376: 5361: 5355: 5347: 5344: 5337: 5331: 5317: 5311: 5296: 5290: 5275: 5269: 5254: 5248: 5233: 5227: 5212: 5206: 5191: 5185: 5170: 5164: 5149: 5143: 5128: 5122: 5107: 5101: 5079: 5073: 5058: 5052: 5037: 5031: 5016: 5010: 4995: 4989: 4974: 4968: 4953: 4947: 4932: 4926: 4911: 4905: 4883: 4877: 4855: 4849: 4827: 4821: 4799: 4793: 4785: 4782: 4775: 4769: 4747: 4741: 4726: 4720: 4705: 4699: 4677: 4671: 4656: 4650: 4635: 4629: 4614: 4608: 4593: 4587: 4572: 4566: 4544: 4538: 4516: 4510: 4488: 4482: 4460: 4454: 4432: 4426: 4404: 4398: 4376: 4370: 4348: 4342: 4333: 4316: 4310: 4288: 4282: 4260: 4254: 4232: 4226: 4204: 4198: 4176: 4170: 4148: 4142: 4134: 4131: 4124: 4118: 4096: 4090: 4067: 4061: 4039: 4033: 4011: 4005: 3996: 3992: 3991: 3973: 3967: 3944: 3938: 3916: 3910: 3887: 3881: 3872: 3869: 3852: 3846: 3823: 3817: 3794: 3788: 3766: 3760: 3737: 3731: 3708: 3702: 3693: 3676: 3670: 3648: 3642: 3619: 3613: 3603: 3599: 3582: 3576: 3553: 3547: 3524: 3518: 3495: 3489: 3467: 3461: 3439: 3433: 3410: 3404: 3396: 3393: 3386: 3380: 3359: 3353: 3331: 3325: 3310: 3304: 3282: 3276: 3253: 3247: 3232: 3226: 3203: 3197: 3175: 3169: 3147: 3141: 3119: 3113: 3090: 3084: 3062: 3056: 3041: 3035: 3013: 3007: 2985: 2979: 2957: 2955:"Talent Show" 2951: 2936: 2930: 2908: 2902: 2880: 2874: 2852: 2846: 2823: 2817: 2795: 2789: 2766: 2760: 2737: 2731: 2723: 2720: 2713: 2707: 2699: 2682: 2676: 2653: 2647: 2624: 2618: 2596: 2590: 2568: 2562: 2539: 2537:"Pusti Snovi" 2533: 2511: 2505: 2483: 2477: 2455: 2449: 2427: 2421: 2399: 2393: 2371: 2365: 2343: 2337: 2315: 2309: 2300: 2297: 2281: 2275: 2253: 2247: 2225: 2219: 2196: 2190: 2167: 2161: 2139: 2133: 2110: 2104: 2082: 2076: 2054: 2048: 2026: 2020: 1998: 1992: 1970: 1964: 1942: 1936: 1913: 1907: 1885: 1879: 1856: 1850: 1828: 1822: 1800: 1794: 1786: 1783: 1776: 1770: 1749: 1743: 1721: 1715: 1693: 1687: 1665: 1659: 1637: 1631: 1609: 1603: 1581: 1575: 1566: 1549: 1543: 1520: 1514: 1492: 1486: 1464: 1458: 1436: 1430: 1408: 1402: 1393: 1390: 1387: 1370: 1364: 1342: 1336: 1314: 1308: 1286: 1280: 1271: 1267: 1249: 1243: 1221: 1215: 1206: 1203: 1186: 1180: 1158: 1152: 1130: 1124: 1115: 1098: 1092: 1070: 1064: 1042: 1036: 1014: 1008: 985: 979: 970: 969:Enis BeÅ”lagić 966: 948: 942: 920: 914: 892: 886: 863: 857: 835: 829: 820: 819: 818:Enis BeÅ”lagić 814: 796: 790: 768: 762: 740: 734: 712: 706: 684: 678: 669: 668: 663: 646: 640: 617: 611: 596: 590: 582: 579: 572: 566: 561: 559: 543: 525: 518: 507: 489: 482: 471: 453: 446: 435: 417: 410: 399: 381: 374: 363: 345: 338: 327: 309: 302: 299: 286: 268: 261: 250: 232: 225: 214: 196: 189: 178: 160: 153: 142: 124: 117: 114: 101: 83: 76: 65: 54: 47: 45: 43: 39: 35: 31: 27: 26: 21: 16: 8536: 8526: 8513: 8467: 4258:"Gluvarenje" 3994: 3988: 3870: 3866: 3691: 3601: 3597: 3493:"Plus-Minus" 2906:"Hot Line 2" 2696: 2295: 1968:"Blind Date" 1388: 1384: 1269: 1263: 1204: 1200: 968: 962: 816: 810: 665: 660: 557: 23: 17: 15: 2125:situations. 67:First aired 42:Elmir Jukić 38:Feđa Isović 8554:Categories 8532:Characters 8451:2021-11-10 8430:2021-11-09 8409:2021-11-08 8388:2021-09-17 8367:2021-09-16 8346:2021-09-15 8325:2021-09-14 8304:2021-09-13 8283:2021-09-10 8239:2021-07-21 8218:2021-07-20 8197:2021-07-19 8176:2021-05-15 8155:2021-05-08 8134:2021-05-01 8113:2021-04-24 8092:2021-04-18 8071:2021-04-17 8050:2021-04-11 8029:2021-04-10 8008:2020-03-26 7964:2020-03-25 7943:2020-03-24 7922:2020-03-23 7901:2020-03-20 7880:2020-03-18 7859:2020-03-17 7838:2020-03-16 7817:2020-03-13 7796:2020-03-12 7775:2020-03-11 7754:2020-03-10 7733:2020-03-09 7712:2020-03-05 7691:2020-03-04 7670:2020-03-03 7649:2020-03-02 7628:2020-02-27 7607:2020-02-26 7586:2020-02-25 7565:2020-02-24 7544:2020-02-20 7523:2020-02-19 7502:2020-02-18 7481:2020-02-17 7437:2016-07-19 7416:2016-07-18 7395:2016-07-17 7374:2016-07-16 7353:2016-07-15 7332:2016-07-14 7311:2016-07-13 7290:2016-07-12 7269:2016-07-11 7248:2016-07-10 7227:2016-07-09 7206:2016-07-08 7185:2016-07-07 7164:2016-07-06 7143:2016-07-05 7122:2016-07-04 7101:2016-07-03 7080:2016-07-02 7059:2016-07-01 7038:2016-06-30 7017:2016-06-29 6996:2016-06-28 6975:2016-06-27 6954:2016-06-26 6910:2016-06-25 6889:2016-01-01 6868:2015-12-28 6847:2015-12-25 6826:2015-12-09 6805:2015-12-08 6784:2015-12-07 6763:2015-12-02 6742:2015-12-01 6721:2015-11-30 6700:2015-11-25 6679:2015-11-24 6658:2015-11-23 6637:2015-11-21 6616:2015-11-18 6595:2015-11-17 6574:2015-11-16 6553:2015-11-11 6532:2015-11-10 6511:2015-11-09 6490:2015-11-08 6469:2015-11-07 6448:2015-11-04 6427:2015-11-03 6383:2015-11-02 6362:2015-10-31 6334:2015-10-28 6313:2015-10-27 6292:2015-10-26 6271:2015-10-24 6250:2015-10-21 6229:2015-10-20 6208:2015-10-19 6187:2015-10-17 6166:2015-10-14 6145:2015-10-13 6124:2015-10-12 6103:2015-10-07 6082:2015-10-06 6061:2015-11-04 6040:2015-11-03 6019:2015-05-29 5998:2015-05-24 5977:2015-05-23 5956:2015-05-22 5935:2015-05-17 5914:2015-05-16 5893:2015-05-15 5849:2015-05-10 5828:2015-05-09 5807:2015-05-08 5786:2015-05-03 5765:2015-05-02 5744:2015-04-29 5723:2015-04-28 5702:2015-04-27 5681:2015-04-26 5660:2015-04-25 5639:2015-04-22 5618:2015-04-21 5597:2015-04-20 5576:2015-04-19 5555:2015-04-18 5534:2015-04-15 5513:2015-04-14 5492:2015-04-13 5471:2015-04-12 5450:2015-04-11 5429:2015-04-08 5408:2015-04-07 5387:2015-04-06 5366:2015-04-05 5322:2015-04-01 5301:2015-03-31 5280:2015-03-30 5259:2015-03-29 5238:2015-03-28 5217:2015-03-27 5196:2015-03-22 5175:2015-03-21 5154:2015-03-20 5133:2014-12-03 5112:2014-12-02 5084:2014-12-01 5063:2014-11-26 5042:2014-11-25 5021:2014-11-24 5000:2014-11-19 4979:2014-11-18 4958:2014-11-17 4937:2014-11-12 4916:2014-11-11 4888:2014-11-10 4860:2014-11-05 4832:2014-11-03 4804:2014-11-03 4752:2013-04-07 4731:2013-03-31 4710:2013-03-24 4682:2013-03-17 4661:2013-02-01 4640:2013-01-26 4619:2013-01-25 4598:2013-01-21 4577:2013-01-01 4549:2012-05-06 4521:2012-04-29 4493:2012-04-22 4465:2012-04-15 4437:2012-04-08 4409:2012-04-01 4381:2012-03-25 4353:2012-03-18 4321:2012-03-11 4293:2012-03-04 4265:2012-02-26 4237:2012-02-19 4209:2012-02-12 4181:2012-02-05 4153:2012-01-29 4101:2011-06-26 4072:2011-06-19 4044:2011-06-12 4016:2011-06-05 3978:2011-05-29 3949:2011-05-22 3921:2011-05-15 3892:2011-05-08 3857:2011-05-01 3828:2011-04-24 3799:2011-04-17 3771:2011-04-10 3742:2011-04-03 3713:2011-03-27 3681:2011-03-20 3653:2011-03-13 3624:2011-03-06 3587:2011-02-27 3558:2011-02-20 3529:2011-02-13 3500:2011-02-06 3472:2011-01-30 3444:2011-01-23 3415:2011-01-02 3364:2010-06-13 3336:2010-06-06 3315:2010-05-30 3287:2010-05-23 3268:Makzuzija. 3258:2010-05-16 3237:2010-05-09 3208:2010-05-01 3180:2010-04-25 3152:2010-04-18 3124:2010-04-11 3095:2010-04-04 3067:2010-03-28 3046:2010-03-21 3018:2010-03-14 2990:2010-03-07 2962:2010-02-28 2941:2010-02-21 2913:2010-02-14 2885:2010-02-07 2878:"Hot Line" 2857:2010-01-31 2828:2010-01-24 2800:2010-01-17 2771:2010-01-10 2742:2010-01-01 2718:Season No. 2715:Series No. 2687:2009-04-12 2658:2009-04-05 2629:2009-03-29 2601:2009-03-22 2573:2009-03-15 2544:2009-03-08 2516:2009-03-01 2488:2009-02-22 2460:2009-02-15 2432:2009-02-08 2404:2009-02-01 2376:2009-01-25 2348:2009-01-18 2320:2009-01-11 2286:2009-01-04 2258:2008-12-28 2230:2008-12-21 2201:2008-12-14 2172:2008-12-07 2144:2008-11-30 2115:2008-11-23 2087:2008-11-16 2059:2008-11-09 2031:2008-11-02 2003:2008-10-26 1975:2008-10-19 1947:2008-10-12 1918:2008-10-05 1890:2008-09-28 1861:2008-09-21 1833:2008-09-14 1805:2008-09-07 1754:2008-06-01 1726:2008-05-25 1698:2008-05-18 1670:2008-05-11 1642:2008-05-04 1614:2008-04-27 1586:2008-04-20 1554:2008-04-13 1525:2008-04-06 1497:2008-03-30 1469:2008-03-23 1441:2008-03-16 1413:2008-03-09 1375:2008-03-02 1347:2008-02-24 1319:2008-02-17 1291:2008-02-10 1254:2008-02-03 1226:2008-01-27 1191:2008-01-20 1163:2008-01-13 1135:2008-01-06 1103:2007-12-30 1075:2007-12-23 1047:2007-12-16 1019:2007-12-09 990:2007-12-02 953:2007-11-25 925:2007-11-18 897:2007-11-11 868:2007-11-04 840:2007-10-28 801:2007-10-21 773:2007-10-14 745:2007-10-07 717:2007-09-30 689:2007-09-23 651:2007-09-16 622:2007-09-09 601:2007-09-02 548:2021-11-10 538:2021-09-10 512:2021-07-21 502:2020-03-26 476:2020-03-25 466:2020-02-17 440:2016-07-19 430:2016-06-26 404:2016-06-25 394:2015-11-03 368:2015-11-02 358:2015-05-15 332:2015-05-10 322:2015-04-05 291:2015-04-01 281:2014-11-03 255:2013-04-07 245:2012-01-29 219:2011-06-26 209:2011-01-02 183:2010-06-13 173:2010-01-01 147:2009-04-12 137:2008-09-07 106:2008-06-01 96:2007-09-02 70:Last aired 3605:Miljacka. 8527:Episodes 8259:Season # 8256:Series # 7984:Season # 7981:Series # 7457:Season # 7454:Series # 6930:Season # 6927:Series # 6403:Season # 6400:Series # 5869:Season # 5866:Series # 5342:Season # 5339:Series # 4780:Season # 4777:Series # 4129:Season # 4126:Series # 3995:San Remo 3990:Exorcism 3539:station. 3391:Season # 3388:Series # 2165:"Dejton" 1781:Season # 1778:Series # 1394:as Samir 1272:as Samir 1265:happens. 670:as Samir 577:Season # 574:Series # 562:Episodes 59:Episodes 8449: ( 8428: ( 8407: ( 8386: ( 8365: ( 8344: ( 8323: ( 8302: ( 8281: ( 8237: ( 8216: ( 8195: ( 8174: ( 8153: ( 8132: ( 8111: ( 8090: ( 8069: ( 8048: ( 8027: ( 8006: ( 7962: ( 7941: ( 7920: ( 7899: ( 7878: ( 7857: ( 7836: ( 7815: ( 7794: ( 7773: ( 7752: ( 7731: ( 7710: ( 7689: ( 7668: ( 7647: ( 7626: ( 7605: ( 7584: ( 7563: ( 7542: ( 7521: ( 7500: ( 7479: ( 7435: ( 7414: ( 7393: ( 7372: ( 7351: ( 7330: ( 7309: ( 7288: ( 7267: ( 7246: ( 7225: ( 7204: ( 7183: ( 7162: ( 7141: ( 7120: ( 7099: ( 7078: ( 7057: ( 7036: ( 7015: ( 6994: ( 6973: ( 6952: ( 6908: ( 6887: ( 6866: ( 6845: ( 6824: ( 6803: ( 6782: ( 6761: ( 6740: ( 6719: ( 6698: ( 6677: ( 6656: ( 6635: ( 6614: ( 6593: ( 6572: ( 6551: ( 6530: ( 6509: ( 6488: ( 6467: ( 6446: ( 6425: ( 6381: ( 6360: ( 6332: ( 6311: ( 6290: ( 6269: ( 6248: ( 6227: ( 6206: ( 6185: ( 6164: ( 6143: ( 6122: ( 6101: ( 6080: ( 6059: ( 6038: ( 6017: ( 5996: ( 5975: ( 5954: ( 5933: ( 5912: ( 5891: ( 5847: ( 5826: ( 5805: ( 5784: ( 5763: ( 5742: ( 5721: ( 5700: ( 5679: ( 5658: ( 5637: ( 5616: ( 5595: ( 5574: ( 5553: ( 5532: ( 5511: ( 5490: ( 5469: ( 5448: ( 5427: ( 5406: ( 5385: ( 5364: ( 5320: ( 5299: ( 5278: ( 5257: ( 5236: ( 5215: ( 5194: ( 5173: ( 5152: ( 5131: ( 5110: ( 5082: ( 5061: ( 5040: ( 5019: ( 4998: ( 4977: ( 4956: ( 4935: ( 4914: ( 4886: ( 4858: ( 4830: ( 4802: ( 4750: ( 4729: ( 4708: ( 4680: ( 4659: ( 4638: ( 4617: ( 4596: ( 4575: ( 4547: ( 4542:"Twins" 4519: ( 4491: ( 4463: ( 4435: ( 4407: ( 4379: ( 4351: ( 4319: ( 4291: ( 4263: ( 4235: ( 4207: ( 4179: ( 4151: ( 4099: ( 4070: ( 4042: ( 4014: ( 3976: ( 3947: ( 3919: ( 3890: ( 3855: ( 3826: ( 3797: ( 3769: ( 3740: ( 3711: ( 3679: ( 3651: ( 3622: ( 3585: ( 3556: ( 3527: ( 3498: ( 3470: ( 3442: ( 3413: ( 3362: ( 3334: ( 3313: ( 3285: ( 3256: ( 3235: ( 3206: ( 3178: ( 3150: ( 3122: ( 3105:pizzas. 3093: ( 3065: ( 3044: ( 3016: ( 2988: ( 2960: ( 2939: ( 2911: ( 2883: ( 2855: ( 2826: ( 2798: ( 2769: ( 2740: ( 2685: ( 2656: ( 2627: ( 2599: ( 2571: ( 2542: ( 2514: ( 2486: ( 2458: ( 2430: ( 2402: ( 2374: ( 2346: ( 2318: ( 2299:Al Dino 2284: ( 2256: ( 2228: ( 2199: ( 2182:Beetle. 2170: ( 2142: ( 2113: ( 2085: ( 2057: ( 2029: ( 2001: ( 1973: ( 1945: ( 1916: ( 1888: ( 1859: ( 1831: ( 1803: ( 1752: ( 1724: ( 1696: ( 1668: ( 1640: ( 1612: ( 1584: ( 1552: ( 1523: ( 1495: ( 1467: ( 1439: ( 1411: ( 1373: ( 1345: ( 1317: ( 1289: ( 1252: ( 1224: ( 1189: ( 1161: ( 1133: ( 1101: ( 1073: ( 1045: ( 1017: ( 988: ( 964:doctor. 951: ( 923: ( 895: ( 866: ( 838: ( 799: ( 771: ( 743: ( 715: ( 687: ( 649: ( 620: ( 599: ( 546: ( 536: ( 510: ( 500: ( 474: ( 464: ( 438: ( 428: ( 402: ( 392: ( 366: ( 356: ( 330: ( 320: ( 298:Nova TV 289: ( 279: ( 253: ( 243: ( 217: ( 207: ( 181: ( 171: ( 145: ( 135: ( 104: ( 94: ( 73:Network 34:Nova TV 20:Bosnian 3959:music. 3598:Accord 1000:money. 56:Series 8262:Title 7987:Title 7460:Title 6933:Title 6406:Title 5872:Title 5345:Title 4783:Title 4132:Title 3394:Title 2721:Title 1871:them. 1784:Title 632:Izet. 580:Title 8473:IMDb 3871:Note 3425:him. 32:and 8471:at 8438:309 8417:308 8396:307 8375:306 8354:305 8333:304 8312:303 8291:302 8270:301 8226:300 8205:299 8184:298 8163:297 8142:296 8121:295 8100:294 8079:293 8058:292 8037:291 8016:290 7995:289 7951:288 7930:287 7909:286 7888:285 7867:284 7846:283 7825:282 7804:281 7783:280 7762:279 7741:278 7720:277 7699:276 7678:275 7657:274 7636:273 7615:272 7594:271 7573:270 7552:269 7531:268 7510:267 7489:266 7468:265 7424:264 7403:263 7382:262 7361:261 7340:260 7319:259 7298:258 7277:257 7256:256 7235:255 7214:254 7193:253 7172:252 7151:251 7130:250 7109:249 7088:248 7067:247 7046:246 7025:245 7004:244 6983:243 6962:242 6941:241 6897:240 6876:239 6855:238 6834:237 6813:236 6792:235 6771:234 6750:233 6729:232 6708:231 6687:230 6666:229 6645:228 6624:227 6603:226 6582:225 6561:224 6540:223 6519:222 6498:221 6477:220 6456:219 6435:218 6414:217 6370:216 6349:215 6321:214 6300:213 6279:212 6258:211 6237:210 6216:209 6195:208 6174:207 6153:206 6132:205 6111:204 6090:203 6069:202 6048:201 6027:200 6006:199 5985:198 5964:197 5943:196 5922:195 5901:194 5880:193 5836:192 5815:191 5794:190 5773:189 5752:188 5731:187 5710:186 5689:185 5668:184 5647:183 5626:182 5605:181 5584:180 5563:179 5542:178 5521:177 5500:176 5479:175 5458:174 5437:173 5416:172 5395:171 5374:170 5353:169 5309:168 5288:167 5267:166 5246:165 5225:164 5204:163 5183:162 5162:161 5141:160 5120:159 5099:158 5071:157 5050:156 5029:155 5008:154 4987:153 4966:152 4945:151 4924:150 4903:149 4875:148 4847:147 4819:146 4791:145 4739:144 4718:143 4697:142 4669:141 4648:140 4627:139 4606:138 4585:137 4564:136 4536:135 4508:134 4480:133 4452:132 4424:131 4396:130 4368:129 4340:128 4308:127 4280:126 4252:125 4224:124 4196:123 4168:122 4140:121 4088:120 4059:119 4031:118 4003:117 3965:116 3936:115 3908:114 3879:113 3844:112 3815:111 3786:110 3758:109 3729:108 3700:107 3668:106 3640:105 3611:104 3574:103 3545:102 3516:101 3510:up. 3487:100 878:go. 113:FTV 30:FTV 8556:: 8229:12 8208:11 8187:10 7954:24 7933:23 7912:22 7891:21 7870:20 7849:19 7828:18 7807:17 7786:16 7765:15 7744:14 7723:13 7702:12 7681:11 7660:10 7427:24 7406:23 7385:22 7364:21 7343:20 7322:19 7301:18 7280:17 7259:16 7238:15 7217:14 7196:13 7175:12 7154:11 7133:10 6900:24 6879:23 6858:22 6837:21 6816:20 6795:19 6774:18 6753:17 6732:16 6711:15 6690:14 6669:13 6648:12 6627:11 6606:10 6373:24 6352:23 6324:22 6303:21 6282:20 6261:19 6240:18 6219:17 6198:16 6177:15 6156:14 6135:13 6114:12 6093:11 6072:10 5839:24 5818:23 5797:22 5776:21 5755:20 5734:19 5713:18 5692:17 5671:16 5650:15 5629:14 5608:13 5587:12 5566:11 5545:10 5312:24 5291:23 5270:22 5249:21 5228:20 5207:19 5186:18 5165:17 5144:16 5123:15 5102:14 5074:13 5053:12 5032:11 5011:10 4742:24 4721:23 4700:22 4672:21 4651:20 4630:19 4609:18 4588:17 4567:16 4539:15 4511:14 4483:13 4455:12 4427:11 4399:10 4091:24 4062:23 4034:22 4006:21 3968:20 3939:19 3911:18 3882:17 3847:16 3818:15 3789:14 3761:13 3732:12 3703:11 3671:10 3459:99 3431:98 3402:97 3354:24 3351:96 3326:23 3323:95 3305:22 3302:94 3277:21 3274:93 3248:20 3245:92 3227:19 3224:91 3198:18 3195:90 3170:17 3167:89 3142:16 3139:88 3114:15 3111:87 3085:14 3082:86 3057:13 3054:85 3036:12 3033:84 3008:11 3005:83 2980:10 2977:82 2949:81 2928:80 2900:79 2872:78 2844:77 2815:76 2787:75 2758:74 2729:73 2677:32 2674:72 2648:31 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