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List of Twilight characters

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652:, she describes her human self as vain, self-centered, and shallow, pleased with her physical beauty and forever desiring attention. A wealthy young man named Royce King II took an interest in her and soon the two became engaged, with Rosalie eager to have a fancy wedding, live in a big, expensive house, and have children of her own. While visiting her friend Vera, she one day noticed that she did not share the same loving relationship with Royce as her friend Vera did with her husband. Dismissing it, Rosalie later walked home and met an intoxicated Royce and his friends, leading to her being beaten, gang-raped, and left to die in the streets. She is found by Carlisle, who had smelled the blood, and he pitied her and changed her into a vampire with the secret hope that she would become Edward's mate, though the two of them are never more than brother and sister. After her transformation, she tortured and killed those who had attacked her, including Royce, but did not drink their blood, a fact that she is proud of. She found Emmett two years after becoming a vampire, and begged Carlisle to change him since she was afraid of doing it herself. They have been together ever since. Apart from Carlisle and Edward, she has the most self-control and appreciation for human life, and has never tasted human blood. Rosalie is bitter that her life as a vampire prevents her from having children and experiencing the normal changes of life, and her desire to be human is so strong that she would give up her immortality and beauty for it. 989:
the power to make others happy, also act as leaders. The Volturi guard consists of 32 members, including Jane, who creates sensations of pain; her twin brother Alec, who is able to block others' senses; Demetri, who can track anyone once he has the tenor of their mind; Felix, who possesses exceptional physical strength and speed; Chelsea, who can change emotional bonds and causes members of the Volturi to be loyal to the coven; Chelsea's mate, Afton, who can cast mental invisibility to cover himself; Corin, who is able to invest addictive contentment and is primarily charged to please the leaders' wives; Heidi, who is extremely beautiful and hard to resist and serves as the "fisher" for outside humans to come to Volterra for the Volturi to feast, since the Volturi must maintain their secrecy in Volterra by not feeding on the local humans; Renata, who can make anyone feel distracted and wandering when they are near her (classified as a "shield"); and Santiago, who possesses heightened strength similar to Felix. The majority of the Volturi guard remain nameless throughout the series. There is also a human secretary named Gianna, who appears in
2833:) is a middle aged, balding attorney and forger of legal documents. Alice sends Bella to him when it seems likely that Renesmee and Jacob will need to go on the run to escape the Volturi. Jenks, having previously worked with Jasper several times, has a great fear of the Cullen family due to Jasper's belief that "some kinds of working relationships are better motivated by fear than by monetary gain". Bella employs Jenks to forge birth certificates, passports, and a driver's license for Jacob and Renesmee, and over the course of their relationship he starts to become more comfortable around her than he is with Jasper. An honorable man, he initially expresses reservations about giving Bella the documents she requests, under the belief that she intends to use them to kidnap Renesmee from her father, despite his fear that this might earn him the Cullen family's retribution. Bella assures him that this is not the case, and she decides afterwards to take over all relations with Jenks in order to spare him any further stress that Jasper might cause him. 854:
glows in sunlight. Her skin is warm and soft to the touch, but it is as strong as a vampire's. Only minutes after she is born, she is imprinted upon by Jacob Black, who becomes her soul mate and acts as an older brother figure to her. Renesmee can survive on either blood or human food, though she prefers blood, and she does not produce venom. Her special abilities are transmitting thoughts to others by touching their skin and penetrating mental shields, the opposite abilities of each of her parents. She rapidly grows both mentally and physically, is able to speak only seven days after her birth, and by the end of the novel can read, run, hunt, and perform other tasks at advanced levels for her young age. Her intelligence stuns everyone, and she is able to understand what is happening around her when the Volturi arrive. Jacob nicknames her "Nessie" because he considers her full name to be a mouthful, though Bella strongly dislikes her child being nicknamed "after the
1881:. His father, Joshua Uley, abandoned him and his mother when he was young, and Sam was thus forced to assume much adult responsibility at an early age. He is 19 when he first appears in the series, was the first wolf to phase, and is described as the calmest and most mature of his pack brothers. Before transforming, he dated Leah Clearwater, whom he is said to have loved. But because he was forbidden to tell her what he had become, their relationship fell apart and ended when he imprinted on Leah's cousin, Emily Young, and broke every promise he had made to Leah. According to Jacob, Sam feels guilty for betraying Leah and responsible for the bitter person she has become; he is also pained that his lack of control over his phasing one day led to the deep scars on Emily's face. All of this causes him to hate the Cullens, whom he blames for both his transformation and for causing him to break Leah's heart. The oncoming army of newborn vampires in 2123:, Leah joins Jacob's pack with the intention of breaking free of Sam, since she is still heartbroken. She helps to protect Bella and the Cullens, despite her extreme hatred for vampires and her open dislike for Bella. She shares her insecurities with Jacob, such as the reasons for Sam's imprinting on Emily, her regrets that she might be menopausal due to her transformation, and her inability to rise higher in pack rank due to her gender. As she spends more time in Jacob's pack, she becomes happier, makes notable changes in her attitude, and is less negative. Later in the book, Jacob and Leah's feelings toward each other become a trusted comradeship, though they conceal their fondness for each other by constantly bickering. She displays quite a bit of loyalty to him, and even angrily confronts Bella about her unfair treatment of Jacob and the pain she has caused him. By the end of the novel, Leah has replaced Seth as Jacob's second-in-command. 1323:, the only surviving members of the Northern Texas and Arkansas covens, respectively, the coven became known, as with other covens in Mexico, for their tact in using newborns as soldiers, whom they dispose of after they cease to be newborns. Maria also bit and recruited Jasper Hale as her second-in-command for his ability to influence other people's emotions, and also Peter on Jasper's request. After discovering that Lucy and Nettie were plotting to overthrow her, Maria killed them with Jasper's help. However, Maria has to lead the coven alone when Peter fell in love with a newborn, Charlotte, and ran away with her to become nomads, while Jasper eventually followed them due to his increasing disapproval over the coven's way of life. 466:, where she was treated at the age of 16 by Carlisle after breaking her leg when climbing a tree. She married Charles Evenson, but he abused her. After finding out she was pregnant, she ran away and gave birth to a son, who subsequently died a few days later. Grief-stricken by his death, Esme attempted to kill herself by jumping off a cliff. Presumed dead, she was brought to a morgue. Carlisle, who remembered treating her years before, was able to hear her faint heartbeat and transformed her into a vampire. Esme fell in love with and married Carlisle soon after. She loves her adoptive children, including Bella, as if they were her own and has the most affection for Edward, but she still grieves that she is unable to bear children. 523:, an enhanced version of her ability to have premonitions as a human. Her ability is limited; she is only able to see the outcome of a decision once it is made. Due to this, decisions made in the spur of the moment can not be foreseen. Alice can see futures involving humans and vampires, but is unable to see those involving half-breeds, such as Renesmee and the werewolves. Alice is bubbly and optimistic, and she loves and cares for Bella like a sister. She is also close to her brother Edward, and enjoys shopping, make-overs, and throwing parties. Alice's early history is vague, as she remembers nothing about her human life and woke up alone as a vampire. It is eventually revealed that she was born around 1901 in 1693:
when he was born, he bit his aunt, Huilen, who hated him for causing her sister's death, causing her transformation into a vampire. He is thus the only known hybrid who produces venom, in contrast to his half-sisters and Renesmee. He refused to join his father's family, and stayed with Huilen. Knowing that he was the one who killed his mother, Nahuel blamed himself for this. He was found by Kachiri, Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale in Chile to seek his aid in protecting their family. By finding the other hybrid, Renesmee Cullen, and meeting her family, he begins to realize that he himself may not be as evil as he had always thought and learned to forgive himself for his mother's death.
2006:. He calls Bella "vampire girl" because of her relationship with the Cullens. His mother is of the Makah tribe, not the Quileute, and she moved to the Quileute reservation while she was pregnant with him; until he joined the pack, it was assumed that she had left his father behind. However, the shape-shifting trait is present only in the Black, Ateara, and Uley bloodlines, with other families being included through marriage; by carrying the trait, Embry is therefore the half-brother of either Quil Ateara V, Jacob Black, or Sam Uley. This causes some stress within the pack, since all three of those boys' fathers were married before and at the time of Embry's birth. Near the end of 2692:
her. Emily is from the Makah tribe and lived there for most of her life, only visiting La Push for special occasions until her imprinting by Sam, after which she moved permanently to a cottage in La Push. Though she and Leah are only second cousins, it is said that they were like sisters when they were young. While dating Leah, Sam imprinted upon Emily when she was visiting in La Push and began pursuing her. She was initially furious with him and rejected his advances; however, the adoration and loyalty that result from imprinting are difficult the one who was imprinted to resist, and the accident eventually brought them together.
2337:) married Charlie Swan right after high school, but left with their baby, Bella, and divorced him soon after. Renée is an eccentric, silly person who tends to brave new, risky things and then come to her senses later. Bella always felt herself to be the mother in their relationship, having to guide Renée away from doing ridiculous things, and Renée considered Bella her "middle-aged" child. After Renée remarries a much younger baseball player, Phil Dwyer, Bella sends herself to live with her father in Forks so that Renée and Phil can travel together. Edward describes Renée's mind as being insightful and almost childlike. In 911:, and sparkles in direct sunlight because of the crystalline properties of their cells. Newborn vampires have bright red eyes; for vampires who choose to drink human blood, the most revitalizing kind of blood for a vampire, eye color fades to a deep crimson over the course of a year. If they feed on animal blood, like the Cullens, their eyes fade to a deep gold color. Regardless of meal preference, all vampires' eyes grow darker with thirst, eventually fading to black; vampires tire only from lack of blood. All vampires possess superhuman physical and mental attributes. Their 963:. They are regarded as "royalty" by other vampires because they have lived for well over 3000 years and ensure that vampires remain a secret from humans. They often send emissaries or enforcers from Volterra to prevent overzealous covens and renegade vampires from exposing their kind. They are guarded by several powerful vampires who have been recruited for their powers and skills. Carlisle once stayed with the coven as a guest, but left due to his desire to avoid harming humans and established his own coven in the United States. At the end of 2182:
to recognize that Jacob isn't thinking properly when he wanted to attack the Cullens after Bella's arrival from Brazil due to the treaty without proper investigation. Seth was also the first one to discover that different pack has their own mental link and convinced both Jacob and the Cullens that Sam's pack will not launch an assault due to lack members because it will be a suicide mission for Sam if he did. He also has, according to Edward, very honest and pure thoughts, something that endears him to the Cullens, and Edward in particular.
Intent on killing Renesmee and the other Cullens, the Volturi travel to Forks. The Cullens gather witnesses from around the world to testify that they have seen her mature and grow, and so she is therefore not an immortal child. Alice brings another half-breed, 150-year-old Nahuel, who explains that half-breeds pose no danger to the vampires. Convinced that Renesmee is not a threat, the Volturi leave, and Renesmee and her family are left in peace.
1778:, speed and endurance with the ability to cover 1.67 miles (2.7 km) in just 1 minute, outrunning vampires. Werewolves' skins are durable and their regenerative abilities allow them to heal within seconds. They are also immune to vampirism, though the venom does act as a mild irritant and inhibits their healing abilities to some degree. As long as they phase, they do not age. Their body temperature is around 108 °F (42 °C), which 2427:'s father, born and raised in La Push, and an elder of the Quileute tribe. He is described as being heavyset, having a wrinkled face and russet skin, and having black hair and black eyes. His other family members include his two daughters, Rachel and Rebecca, and his deceased wife, Sarah. Billy Black is directly descended from the last chief of the Quileute tribe, Ephraim Black, who was his grandfather. Among Billy's best friends in Forks is 1276:. While she was human, Riley found her and brought her to Victoria, who bit and changed her. Her age is said to be 15 or 16, and she is described as petite with chin-length black hair. Because of her youth and her willingness to surrender, the Cullens spare her life during the newborn attack, and Carlisle even offers to make her part of the family. When the Volturi arrive, however, Jane orders her destroyed by Felix despite her innocence. 2618:, she is revealed to be among the few of Bella's newly acquired "friends" who do not exploit Bella's popularity to their own advantage. She has light brown hair and soft brown eyes. She respects other people's space, a characteristic much appreciated by Bella, and has a gentle disposition. Angela plays a minor role in the series but soon becomes Bella's best human friend. She has a strong relationship with her boyfriend, Ben Cheney. In 2699:. The left side of her face is extremely beautiful, as she was before the scars, which pull one of her eyes down and tug on the side of her mouth, causing her to have a scowl on one side of her face. Despite this, Emily bears no resentment towards Sam or any other members of the pack, and it is noted that the pack members have become her family. She often cooks for them and they appear to feel very comfortable and open in her house. 535:. Alice was transformed by an old vampire who worked at the asylum to protect her from James, a tracker vampire who was hunting her. After some research, Alice found her grave and discovered that the date on her tombstone matches the date of her admission to the asylum. Through her research she additionally discovered that she had a younger sister named Cynthia, and that Cynthia's daughter, Alice's niece, is still alive in Biloxi. 462:) is Carlisle Cullen's wife and the adoptive mother of Edward, Emmett and Alice Cullen, as well as Rosalie and Jasper Hale. She enjoys restoring old houses and her physical age is 26. She has no special power, but has a strong ability to love passionately. Esme is described as having caramel-colored hair; she also has a heart-shaped face with dimples, and her figure is slender, but rounded and soft. Esme was born in 1895 in 672:, Bella contacts Rosalie after finding out she is pregnant, knowing that Rosalie has always wanted children. She stays by Bella's side throughout the pregnancy, defending Bella's choice to keep the baby; this ultimately brings the two of them closer together, and by the end of the novel they have become friends. Rosalie later helps care for the child, Renesmee, while Bella is undergoing transformation into a vampire. 1569:, and he and Kebi later flee in fear of the Volturi. Benjamin, the mate of Tia, has a high awareness of what is right and wrong, and his special ability is to control the elements of nature, air, earth, fire, and water. Benjamin's ability is unique in that it involves physical manipulation, as opposed to illusions of the mind. This fact is what made Amun very protective of him, in fear of losing him to the Volturi. 4404: 2252:, great-grandfather to Jacob Black, was the last chief of the Quileute tribe. He was a shape-shifter himself, and the Alpha of a pack of three which included Levi Uley and Quil Ateara Sr., the great-grandfathers of Sam Uley and Quil Ateara, respectively. He created a treaty with the Cullen family which maintained that the wolves would not expose the Cullens as vampires as long as they did not bite any humans. 1826:). Within the series, they can also imprint, which channels all of a werewolf's affections towards a single person. A shapeshifter in human form retains many enhanced abilities and in human form is described as lifting Bella like an "empty box". The shapeshifting werewolves of the Quileute tribe are typically dark-haired, dark-skinned, and dark-eyed, and they also prefer to eat animal meat. Genetically, 2807:, Rachel returns to Forks following her graduation, initially for a brief visit that turns into something permanent when Paul Lahote, Jacob's fellow werewolf member, imprints on her. While she reciprocates this affection, Jacob is annoyed as this means that Paul can visit the Black residence frequently, mostly to raid their food, though Billy is glad that Rachel visits home more often because of Paul. 934: 554:. After discovering the truth, Alice accompanies Bella to Italy to prevent Edward from killing himself. They are successful, but are taken to see the Volturi, who police the vampire world. Through Alice's premonitions, Aro is able to see that Bella will eventually become a vampire and invites her, Alice, and Edward to stay with them; it is later mentioned that Aro especially covets Alice's gift. In 1092:"tracker" vampire who hunts human beings and other vampires for sport. Fellow coven member Laurent says that James is unusually gifted at what he does and always gets what he wants, though it is later revealed that then-human Alice Cullen escaped him years ago by being turned into a vampire before James could attack her. Unlike the Cullen family, he drinks human blood. Towards the end of 1470:, though he turned her down. Carmen speaks fluent Spanish and was the first to listen to and not fear Renesmee for being a half-breed. Eleazar, a former member of the Volturi guard, speaks fluent Spanish as well and has the ability to vaguely identify the gifts of other vampires. Garrett, a tall, rangy vampire with ruby eyes and long sandy hair, is an adventurer, and is a veteran of the 1068: 600:) is Rosalie Hale's husband, Carlisle and Esme Cullen's adopted son, and Edward, Alice, and Jasper's adopted brother. He is tall and muscular. He has dark curly hair and dimpled cheeks. Despite his intimidating appearance, he is light-hearted and carefree. He enjoys fights and pranks. He is Edward's favorite brother, and he is in a loving, committed relationship with Rosalie. 1902:, the chief of the whole tribe. It also makes his pack brothers subject to any direct commands he gives them, though he dislikes taking their free will away from them and does so only when necessary, such as for coordination during fights. He proves to be highly protective of not only the tribe, but of all humans, and even goes so far as to plan an attack on the Cullens in 2109:, around the same time as her younger brother, Seth. This transformation is believed to be what caused the heart attack and subsequent death of their father, Harry. She dated Sam Uley for years until her second cousin Emily came to visit and Sam imprinted on her. Sam thus left her for Emily, leaving Leah broken-hearted. She puts up a brave face, though, and in 1510:, but before speaking with them, she sees Renesmee, mistakenly assumes she is an immortal child, and notifies the Volturi. After determining that Renesmee is not an immortal child, the Volturi summarily executed Irina in order to provoke her sisters into attacking them, thus giving them an excuse to destroy them along with the Cullens and their allies. 383:. Following his father, he discovered a coven of vampires. After an ancient vampire attacked him, he fled and silently endured the transformation. He was horrified by what he had become, and he attempted suicide. He realized that he could sate his thirst on the blood of animals, and he dedicated himself to becoming a doctor and helping humans. 985:, the vampire Irina goes to the Volturi and informs them that the Cullens have created an immortal child. The Volturi travel to Forks to destroy Renesmee and the Cullens, but leave when they are outnumbered by the group gathered there. It is noted at the end of the novel that the Volturi may one day attempt to destroy the Cullen family again. 2307:. Charlie stays in Bella's life after her transformation; though he comes to suspect that Bella and the Cullens are not quite human, he is never informed that they are vampires though he is informed that Jacob is a werewolf. Nevertheless, he is introduced to his granddaughter, Renesmee, and is shown to be very fond of her. At the end of 1183:, hoping to find solace among a coven of "vegetarian" vampires. He never adopts their strict diet of drinking animal blood, and "cheats" by occasionally feeding on humans. During this stay he takes a special liking to a vampire named Irina, though the infatuation is not strong enough to keep him there, as he later returns to Forks in 2272:'s father and works as police chief in Forks. His hobbies include fishing with Harry Clearwater and Billy Black, as well as watching various sports on TV. Charlie married Bella's mother, Renée, just after they both graduated from high school, and they soon had Bella. Renée divorced Charlie not long after and moved to 1974:, Quil imprints on Emily Young's two-year-old niece, Claire. Although this appears to cause a scandal, Jacob explains that there is currently nothing romantic about his feelings, and that Quil will be whatever Claire needs him to be at each point in her life, whether it be a brother, friend, protector, or lover. 697:) is the adopted son of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, adoptive brother of Rosalie, Edward, and Emmett, and husband of Alice Cullen. He and Rosalie are not related, but they can pass for biological siblings and share the surname "Hale." He has honey-blond hair, and he is lean. His face and body are covered with 402:, he found Rosalie Hale after her drunken fiancé and his friends nearly killed her. While hunting, Rosalie found Emmett (who had been mauled by a bear) and she carried him to Carlisle. Rosalie feared that she would be unable to resist her bloodlust, so she carried Emmett to Carlisle to be transformed. 2767:
is the paternal grandfather of Quil Ateara V, one of the members of the current werewolf pack. He is married to Molly Swan (a distant relative of Charlie Swan) and raised his grandson after the death of his son, Quil Ateara IV. He also advised Sam Uley when the latter was about to phase for the first
is Sam Uley's fiancée and second cousin to Leah and Seth Clearwater. She is described as having copper skin, raven black hair, and three long disfiguring scars running down the right side of her face and down her arms as the result of Sam's accidental loss of control in phasing when standing close to
are members of the Egyptian coven. The coven is said to be the oldest vampire coven in existence, predating even the Romanian coven. They were once rivals with the Romanian coven until the Volturi's rise in power, after which the Volturi decimated both groups while taking away any gifted vampires the
is originally a member of James' coven. She plays a small role in the first book assisting James, her lover and coven leader, in hunting Bella Swan. After James is killed, she decides to exact revenge on Edward Cullen by plotting to kill the woman he loves, Bella. Bella is sufficiently protected from
Weeks after Renesmee is born, Irina, a vampire from the Denali coven, sees Renesmee and incorrectly believes she is an "immortal child", a young human child who has been changed into a vampire. She informs the Volturi, as immortal children are not permitted to exist due to their unpredictable nature.
His physical age is 23, and he has blond hair. His natural compassion during his life as a human translated into his decision never to drink human blood or kill a human, which he has adhered to. Through the centuries, he has become a skilled doctor and surgeon, and he is completely indifferent to the
he nearly hits Bella with his van, but she is saved by Edward. Afterward, Tyler is desperate to make it up to her, bombarding her with constant apologies and asking her to a school dance, to which she refuses. He mistakenly assumes she will go to their prom with him and tells the rest of the school,
it is suggested that she intends to serve as bridesmaid at Sam and Emily's wedding. Despite this, she is disliked by her pack brothers for her very bitter and cynical attitude. She constantly antagonizes the pack by thinking about things that make the others uncomfortable, such as Embry's paternity.
to rise up against the combined forces of the werewolves and Cullen family. During this battle, both she and her new fighting partner, Riley, are destroyed by Edward and the young wolf Seth Clearwater. Her supernatural talent is self-preservation; she can sense if others are planning to harm or kill
Although young, Seth appears to have sharp mind and quick thinking as he was the first to oppose the assault towards the Cullens because the pack refused to consult with the Elders (which they were supposed to do and initially aborted the mission due to lack of offensive force) and he was the first
is a Mapuche vampire and the older sister of Pire. She was turned by her nephew, Nahuel, who is a half-human, half-vampire. Huilen and Nahuel came to Forks with Alice Cullen and Jasper Hale to witness against the Volturi that Renesmee, another half-human, half-vampire hybrid, wasn't a threat to the
is a Mapuche vampire/human hybrid conceived by human Pire and vampire Joham about 150 years ago. From his father, Nahuel has three half-sisters: the Norwegian Serena, the Algerian Maysun, and the American Jennifer, all of whom are also vampire/human hybrids. His mother died giving birth to him, and
The Volturi leaders include Aro, who can read every thought a person has ever had once he has made physical contact, Marcus, who senses the strength and nature of relationships, and Caius, who has no known power. Aro's wife Sulpicia, Caius' wife Athenodora, and formerly Marcus' wife Didyme, who had
is the adopted daughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, adoptive sister of Jasper Hale as well as Edward and Alice Cullen, and the wife of Emmett Cullen. She and Jasper are the only ones who don't take the surname of Cullen as they pass off as being biological siblings. Her physical age is 18, and she
Native American tribe. The Quileutes would not attack the Cullen family if they agreed not to attack any humans or trespass on Quileute land. The Cullens lived in relative peace until they needed to move on, so as not to lead to rumors about their stagnant ages. Alice and Jasper independently found
universe, werewolves' claws and teeth can tear through the "marble hard skin" of a vampire at ease. Each werewolf has a different look and different specific quality, whether size, speed, agility, stamina, durability or strength, Jacob being the strongest of the pack. All shapeshifters' senses are
of the names Carlisle, Edward's adoptive father, and Charlie, Bella's father. She has the same facial features and hair color as Edward, but has curly hair inherited from her grandfather, Charlie Swan, and brown eyes like Bella. Her heart pumps blood, giving her a blush, and her pale skin slightly
are the twin daughters of Billy and Sarah Black and the older sisters of Jacob by four years. Bella is already acquainted with them before her permanent relocation to Forks, though not to the same extent as she does with Jacob. The two dislike living in Forks as they are unable to completely cope
is a dark gray wolf who is prone to angry outbursts that cause him to burst into his wolf form. At 16, he was the third wolf to phase. He is the most volatile pack member, and becomes so enraged when he learns that Jacob has told Bella about the pack that he bursts into his wolf form and tries to
and then burned, as their body parts continue to move even after being detached. Vampires also do not have to sleep; they do not feel physical fatigue, and mental fatigue passes very quickly. After transformation, a vampire's certain ability becomes enhanced, sometimes resulting in a specialized,
deviate from traditional myth in many ways, a fact often alluded to in the series, usually for humor. Meyer has said she did not research vampire mythology before writing the series. For example, they are unharmed by garlic, holy items, or wooden stakes; they have reflections and shadows, and are
against humans and vampires alike, only occasionally going out to feed on humans. The Cullens only discovered them when they happened to cross paths with them while they were hunting during their trip to South America. Zafrina's special ability is to create illusions; her illusions do not affect
gives them the ability to subdue their prey, uproot trees, throw cars, and crush metal. Newborn vampires are known to be exceptionally strong during their first year because of the excessive amount of human blood still in their systems. Vampires have very keen senses and are able to see and hear
is a silver blonde, fishy-eyed student at Bella's high school. Despite being popular herself, she becomes jealous over the attention Bella receives after she moves to Forks and remains hostile toward her throughout the series. She is particularly jealous when Tyler Crowley, on whom Lauren has a
were former members of the Denali coven. Sasha, who created Tanya, Kate, Irina, and Vasilii, was executed by the Volturi for creating an immortal child, Vasilii. Volturi law prohibits creating an immortal child, as they are unpredictable and have no self-control. For this reason, both Sasha and
742:, he loses control and tries to attack Bella after smelling her blood when she gets a papercut, prompting Edward to leave Forks in order to protect her. When the Cullens return, Jasper votes for Bella to become a vampire, stating that it would be a nice change from him wanting to attack her. In 723:
Despite feeling his prey's fear and horror as they died, Jasper couldn't stop himself from feeding on humans. In the Cullen family, he is least able to control his bloodlust and struggles to maintain his "vegetarian" lifestyle. He isn't as emotionally attached to the other members of the Cullen
used to rule the vampire world along with other Romanian vampires about 1500 years ago. The Volturi overthrew them and destroyed their castle. After the rebellion, it became apparent that Vladimir and Stefan were the only survivors of their coven. They hold a grudge against the Volturi and are
Bella or anyone who is under her protective shield, and she assists Bella in improving her shield. Zafrina develops a friendship with Renesmee, who is said to like Zafrina and her "pretty pictures", and at the end of the novel she has Bella promise to bring Renesmee to visit her in the future.
2515:, he is described as a "cute, baby-faced boy" with "carefully" spiked "pale blond" hair. He crushes on Bella throughout the series and often asks her to accompany him on dates, though she always declines; he is also shown to be quite bitter and jealous over Bella and Edward's relationship. In 1404:
are American nomads. Peter is Jasper's good friend, and helped Jasper escape his previous life as a general of newborn vampires. Though he feeds on human blood, he does not agree with the execution of newborns after they have outlived their usefulness. In the past, Jasper lived with Peter and
are members of the Irish coven. Liam is Siobhan's mate. Siobhan's suspected special ability is to alter the course of a situation through willpower. Maggie, a redhead, has the ability to sense if someone is lying. They were called upon to witness for the Cullen clan in face of the Volturi in
supernatural skill. While not definite, the theory behind these special abilities is that the power is reminiscent of the individual's original personality. Some vampires have no special abilities, and instead have a prominent personality or physical trait from their human life magnified.
with Bella. Bella later mentions that Charlie still has not quite gotten over her mother. He became accustomed to living alone, except when Bella visited him in the summer. When Bella is seventeen, she moves to Forks to live with him after her mother remarries. Initially, Charlie accepts
because of the threat he believes Bella's unborn, half-vampire child presents. This sparks a conflict between him and Jacob, causing the latter to split from the pack. At the end of the series, Quil, Embry, and the Clearwaters join Jacob's pack, leaving Sam to lead the remaining wolves.
is a classmate of Bella's who immediately became interested in her when she moved to Forks. He is described as an "overly helpful" chess-club type, is very tall, has a poor complexion, and has "hair as black as an oil slick". He resents Mike's similar interest in Bella, and, later in
979:, they arrive in Forks under the pretense of eliminating Victoria and her newborn army for violating Volturi law; their true intentions, however, were to allow Victoria's army to destroy the Cullen clan, whom Aro envies for its large size and for its members' supernatural talents. In 720:. As a vampire, he gained the ability to sense and manipulate the emotions of those around him. In Maria's army, he trained young vampires and killed them when they were no longer useful. After a century, he wearied of the lifestyle and joined his friend Peter and his mate Charlotte. 1958:
Bella notes his depression over being abandoned by Embry and Jacob, who joined the pack and were not allowed to tell him what was going on. Unlike most of the other pack members, he was happy about becoming a wolf because it allowed him to join his friends. Near the end of
legends hold that chiefs could leave their bodies and wander as spirits, communicate with nature, command nature (weather, trees, insects, animals) and hear each other's thoughts; however, apart from the latter, many of these techniques appear to have been forgotten. In
has chocolate-brown fur in wolf form and is Jacob's best friend and second cousin. He is 16, and is described as muscular and loud. Upon meeting her, he takes an instant liking to Bella, who notes that he has a mischievous grin, and flirts with her. He first appears in
is Bella's classmate and her first friend in Forks. She informs Bella about the Cullen family on her first day at school. She tends to be more interested in Bella's popularity than Bella's actual character, and is sometimes jealous of Mike's attention toward Bella. In
306:, Jacob plays the minor role of a forgotten childhood friend of Bella's, and he develops a crush on her. In an attempt to learn more about Cullens, Bella flirts with Jacob, and he tells her tribe legends about "the cold ones", or vampires. After Edward leaves Bella in 2341:, Bella is scared to tell her mother about her engagement to Edward because of Renée's strong opposition to young people marrying early, but Renée gives them her blessing. It is said that Bella resembles her mother, but that Renée has shorter hair and laugh lines. In 1896:, in which it is noted that Jacob has grown taller than him. He is not Alpha by blood; that role belongs to Jacob, who initially refused the position although Sam willingly offered it to him. Sam's status as pack Alpha technically makes him, as Jacob explains in 1246:. Once Riley ages and gains some control, he helps to lead Victoria's army of newborn vampires. He performs his work faithfully because of his love for Victoria, which she pretends to return. In a battle between the army of newborns and the Cullens at the end of 1250:, Edward voices Riley's concern that Victoria has been lying to him. Edward tries to convince Riley to stop fighting by explaining Victoria's true motives, but in the end Victoria bolsters Riley's faith in her and he is destroyed by Edward and Seth Clearwater. 1100:
to an empty ballet studio and nearly kills her. The shimmery scar left by his venomous bite still remains on Bella's hand as a symbol of his unsuccessful attempt on her life. James is described as having light brown hair and being quite average-looking.
he is shown to have developed an unlikely friendship with Edward, and attends his and Bella's wedding. When Jacob splits from the pack, Seth quickly joined him because he opposes Sam's plan to attack the Cullens, whom he has become fond of. For most of
daughter of Carlisle and Esme Cullen, adoptive sister of Edward and Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale, and the partner of Jasper Hale. Alice is petite and pixie-like, with a graceful gait and hair that is short, spiky, and black. Her special ability is to
209:. Bella has the ability to shield her mind (from mind reading, attacks, etc.), which she had as a human. Once she is transformed into a vampire, her ability is enhanced to the point she can also expand her shield to protect others from mind control. 3676: 2564:, Edward hears that Jessica's thoughts toward Bella are actually quite rude, and that she only befriended Bella to share in her attention. Jessica is described as a petite "chatterbox" with curly dark hair. She and Bella have a falling out in 2178:, Seth is Jacob's second-in-command, until he is replaced by Leah at the end of the novel. He is initially the only wolf to feel completely comfortable being around the Cullen family, and becomes friendly with them by the end of the series. 664:, she mistakenly reports to Edward that Bella is dead after supposedly committing suicide. She is guilty and apologetic upon Bella and Edward's return from Italy, and is the only one next to Edward who opposes Bella becoming a vampire. In 1736: 19: 1486:
and becomes Kate's mate. Kate's special ability is the production of an electric current over her skin that can shock and incapacitate attackers. She assists Bella in learning to use her new ability to mentally shield those around her.
vampires' secret world. After the Volturi left, she stayed behind with her nephew during celebration and was one of the last to leave. Bella assumed that she and Nahuel would have gone with the Amazon Coven, but they departed earlier.
2091:. Though Jared's personality is never really explored in the novels and he remains somewhat of a background character, it has been noted that Jared's portrayal in the films reflects Pelletier's own joking, light-hearted personality. 659:
she is hostile toward Bella and jealous of her humanity; she is also irritated that Edward could be attracted to Bella, a mere human, when he had never shown the slightest interest in Rosalie, who has always been desired by men. In
648:. Rosalie is described as exceptionally beautiful, even for a vampire; she is tall, statuesque, and has long, wavy blonde hair. While she was human, she was said to be a woman with elegance, class, and eyes the color of violets. In 2045:, it is revealed that Paul has imprinted on Jacob's older sister, Rachel. This irritates Billy and Jacob because he is always at their house eating their food, but Billy is happy that Rachel visits home more often because of Paul. 2519:, Mike goes to the movies with Jacob and Bella and tries hard to compete with Jacob for Bella's attention. Mike's family owns a local sporting goods store, which serves as Bella's only job in the series. Mike and Jessica date in 2077:, it's revealed that he imprinted on Kim, a girl he sat next to in school who had always had a crush on him. Before he was a wolf he never paid attention to her, but after his transformation he looked at her once and imprinted. 2102:
is the only known female shape-shifting wolf in the history of the Quileute tribe. She is the smallest wolf, has light gray fur, and is the fastest in the pack. At the age of 19, she transforms into a wolf during the events of
and helps care for Renesmee until leaving to search out a crossbreed after the Volturi plan to destroy Renesmee, believing her to be an immortal child. Alice is successful and the Volturi, convinced there is no threat, leave.
558:, Alice, who proves to be an adept fighter, joins the fight to destroy a group of rampaging newborn vampires, created by Victoria in an effort to take revenge on Edward. Alice acts as Bella's maid of honor at her wedding in 1607:
are European nomads. Alistair considers Carlisle to be his oldest friend, though he does not visit him often and is highly standoffish. His special ability is tracking. When he is called to be a witness for the Cullens in
is an Alpha male thus possesses the unique ability to command the clan telepathically and forcibly, regardless of individual resistance. They possess immunity to vampire bites and some vampire special abilities, such as
2169:, Seth stays with Bella and Edward due to his youth and acts as a connection to the pack because of the wolves' telepathic ability. When Victoria and Riley appear, Seth fights and destroys Riley with Edward's help. In 877:
Stephenie Meyer, when asked about whether or not Jacob could father children with Renesmee, responded: "That is a question I'm reserving the right not to answer, because there is a chance I'll go back to their story."
1365:. They are described as tall and intimidating, with dark skin, long hair, and clothes made of animal fur. Most vampires have never heard of them, not even the Volturi, as they prefer to have a reclusive life in the 906:
All vampires possess refined and perfected physical features (including their voice and scent), allowing them to lure in prey. Their skin is flawless, has the texture and feel of marble due to being stronger than
607:. A bear attacked him, and he nearly died from his injuries. Rosalie was hunting in the area, and she was attracted to Emmett's dark curls, dimples, and innocent aura. She carried him over a hundred miles through 858:". By the book's end, however, all of the characters have adopted this shortened version. Nessie will reach physical maturity after about seven years, when her appearance will be around 17, and then stop aging. 2657:, is seen walking away after Mike is hit with a snowball. He invites Bella to a school dance, but she declines, and he goes with Angela Weber instead. Eric is valedictorian of his graduating class in the book 3427: 1187:
as a favor to Victoria. During this visit, he stumbles across Bella and tries to kill her, before being ambushed by the Quileute wolves and subsequently destroyed. Laurent is described as power-hungry in
997:, despite her hope that they would turn her into a vampire. Aro, coveting their talents, invites Carlisle, Edward, Alice, Kate, Benjamin, Zafrina, and Bella to join the Volturi, but all of them refuse. 3680: 1462:. Like the Cullens, the Denali coven practices a diet of drinking animal instead of human blood. They are considered to be cousins of the Cullen family, though the relationship is put under strain in 2165:
and is said to remind Bella of a younger Jacob. Like Quil, he is excited by his ability to transform into a wolf and not unhappy with it, as his other pack brothers are. During the newborn attack in
3525: 2529:
at Bella and Edward's wedding, where Edward irritatedly comments that "Mike's having difficulty with improper thoughts about a married woman", suggesting that Mike is still attracted to Bella.
2291:. Charlie is grateful to Jacob Black for his friendship with Bella during that difficult time, and he makes it clear that he'd rather Bella choose Jacob over Edward. Charlie ungrounds Bella in 4173: 4159: 738:, Jasper struggles to prevent himself from attacking Bella. He accompanies Alice and Bella when they are hiding from James, using his ability to calm Bella when she is stressed or afraid. In 2241:. These unknown wolves are believed to be very young because of their oversized paws. The reason for their transformations is the presence of many visiting vampires at the Cullen residence. 1838:, sparking speculation on Jacob and Renesmee having children, given that both had human maternal parents. At the end of the fourth book, it is revealed that they are indeed shape-shifters. 242:) is Bella's primary love interest. As stated in the first and second novels, he was born on June 20, 1901, in Chicago, Illinois, and was frozen in his 17-year-old body while dying of the 250:, Carlisle only did so because Edward's dying mother, Elizabeth, begged him to save Edward. A member of the Olympic Coven, Edward only drinks animal blood and has the special ability to 394:, he met an ill woman who begged him to save her dying son, Edward. He transformed Edward into a vampire, and he became Edward's father figure and companion. In 1921, Carlisle moved to 1466:
when they refuse to fight Victoria and her army because of Irina's vendetta against the werewolves. Tanya, their leader, has strawberry blonde hair and once expressed an interest in
611:, and she asked Carlisle to transform Emmett into a vampire. Emmett joined Carlisle's coven, but he struggled to resist his desire for human blood and subsist only on animal blood. 197:
tribe who is also a shape shifter taking a wolf form, comforts the distraught and severely depressed Bella. She comes to care for Jacob, though less than she loves Edward. In
because of Bella's social withdrawal, depression, and increasingly reckless behavior due to Edward's departure, but their friendship ends on a good note at graduation during
only to hear from Edward that Bella will be unavailable to anyone but himself. His constant attention toward Bella causes Lauren, who is interested in him, to resent Bella.
3066: 2000:
is a wolf with gray fur and dark spots on his back, and is another one of Jacob's best friends. He is described as tall, thin, and shy, and is 16 when he first appears in
1285:, which is written from Bree's perspective, tells of Bree's life as a newborn vampire and her interactions with Riley, the Cullens, and other members of the newborn army. 614:
Emmett treats Bella as a younger sister. He teases her for her clumsiness and constant blushing, and votes in favor of her becoming a vampire and joining their family in
4185: 4059: 3383: 668:, Rosalie reveals her past to Bella with the hope that Bella will choose to stay human and she later joins in the fight against Victoria's army of newborn vampires. In 1565:
Egyptians had, including Demetri, who was created by the coven's leader, Amun. Amun, the mate of Kebi, is shown to be very unhappy to stand witness for the Cullens in
258:, he decided to leave Forks with his family so they wouldn't be able to hurt her. He returned because he realized he cannot live without her. Edward marries Bella in 4445: 3435: 4167: 4153: 2842: 1723: 1702: 1209: 1050: 254:. He falls in love with Bella soon after she arrives in Forks. Edward knows that he could kill Bella easily, a fact that torments him so much that, in the book 2353:
throughout the rest of the series. After Bella becomes a vampire she does not visit her mother, knowing Renée would never adapt to her change as Charlie did.
3352: 489:, it is revealed that Esme owns a South American island named "Isle Esme" that Carlisle purchased for her, and where Edward and Bella spend their honeymoon. 3491: 3581: 310:, she spends much of her time with Jacob. Though she only considers him a friend, Jacob falls in love with Bella. Although he spends most of his time in 899:
properties of their cells will cause them to have a sparkling effect. Vampires are also capable of eating human food, though their bodies are unable to
3529: 1850:
is terrified of true werewolves because of an encounter with one centuries ago, leaving him almost obliterated. These true werewolves are called the "
4276: 4131: 2493:
crush, pays attention to Bella. She also tends to speak in a rather sneering tone, which Bella notices when she overhears Lauren talking about her.
3869: 1405:
Charlotte, but chose to leave because of his ability to sense his human prey's emotions. All four of these nomads join the Cullens as witnesses in
4297: 4145: 2039:
attack her. He later seems to have no ill feelings toward Bella or Jacob, though Jacob, Leah, and some of the other wolves find him annoying. In
546:, Alice uses her ability to see the future and help Bella when she is in danger. The two soon become friends, loving each other like sisters. In 2301:, Bella and Edward agree to tell Charlie about their engagement, and he is shown to have reluctantly agreed to the marriage at the beginning of 716:. He was extremely charismatic and ascended through the ranks. In 1863, Maria transformed the 19-year-old Jasper to help her claim territory in 2576:
as a guest at Bella and Edward's wedding, which she attends with Mike. Jessica is valedictorian of her graduating class in the film version of
750:, he leaves with Alice to find a vampire-human hybrid, and returns with her to defend Renesmee and the rest of the family against the Volturi. 4430: 295: 3830: 3757: 3723: 3457: 2914: 2208:
are two of the youngest wolves in the pack. Collin is Jacob's first cousin, while Brady is distantly related to the Clearwater siblings. In
4066: 2435:, he employed Jacob to persuade Bella to break up with Edward Cullen. He becomes a semi-regular character throughout the remaining series. 1281: 1887:, however, forces him to work together with the Cullens, and at the end of the novel it is suggested that he has begun to trust Carlisle. 386:
For a few decades, Carlisle lived with the Volturi in Italy, but he left because of their incompatible feeding styles. He traveled to the
3122: 3048: 4435: 4073: 3795: 1650:, the members of the Irish coven are portrayed by Marlane Barnes (as Maggie), Lisa Howard (as Siobhan), and Patrick Brennan (as Liam). 1506:
was Irina's mate, and she holds a grudge against the Quileute wolves for destroying him. She arrives to make peace with the Cullens in
3956: 2737:, Sue starts spending a lot of time with Charlie and occasionally cooks him meals after Bella moves out of his house. Near the end of 1315:. She was formerly a member of the Monterrey coven, which was eventually wiped out and left Maria as the only survivor. Together with 3606: 903:
it and they must cough it up later. They do not have to breathe, but typically find it uncomfortable to be without a sense of smell.
4440: 1612:, he leaves out of fear of the Volturi. Charles is the mate of Makenna, and his special ability is to sense if a statement is true. 814: 3326: 3003: 2886: 2431:'s father, Charlie Swan. Billy, who has diabetes and uses a wheelchair, sells his truck to Charlie to give to Bella. At the end of 1242:
is tall and muscular with bright red eyes and blond hair. Victoria bites and changes Riley when he is approximately Bella's age in
4407: 1875:, where his aversion toward the Cullens eventually leads Bella to discover that they are vampires, but is given a larger role in 3074: 4095: 3096: 2287:
he blames Edward for Bella's deep depression after he left her. Charlie grounded Bella when she left without talking to him in
1227: 103: 398:, and he met Esme after she attempted suicide. He transformed Esme into a vampire, fell in love with her, and married her. In 349:) is Esme Cullen's husband and the adoptive father of Edward, Emmett, Alice, Rosalie, and Jasper. His first appearance was in 4304: 3387: 2214:, they are said to have phased at the age of thirteen without their parents' knowledge, and they later make an appearance in 4209: 2151:, around the same time as his sister, Leah. He has sandy-colored fur, and at 15 he is among the youngest of the pack. In 916:
clearly for miles in total darkness and move with such speed that they become a blur to human eyes. They are effectively
4194: 4125: 4039: 4032: 3650: 2792: 1002: 939: 581: 433:
magazine placed Carlisle in 1st place. Using 370 years of compound interest, he amassed a fortune of $ 34.5 billion.
is a friend and classmate of Bella's who is described as a tall, shy, quiet, and very kind girl. In an excerpt from
4139: 4080: 1471: 1040: 746:, Jasper teaches the werewolves and vampires fighting techniques to defend themselves against newborn vampires. In 3838: 3767: 3731: 3465: 3362: 3011: 2922: 550:, Alice foresees Bella jumping off a cliff and assumes she is trying to commit suicide, though Bella actually was 477:. Esme treats Bella as her own daughter, comforting her after several traumatic events. In the film adaptation of 4255: 2622:
her role is limited; her father reads Bella and Edward's vows at their wedding, and she catches Bella's bouquet.
1045: 3503: 418:
saga, Carlisle works as a doctor, acts as the coven leader, and offers medical advice when Bella is pregnant in
3585: 387: 2772:, elder Quil and Billy recite to the Quileute tribe the legend about the "Cold Ones", which Bella listens to. 324:— an involuntary process in which a werewolf finds their soul mate— on Bella and Edward's daughter, Renesmee. 3966: 2398: 1749: 1331: 709: 481:, Esme participated in a battle against the newborn vampires but in the book series, it is stated by Sam in 152: 66: 4262: 3993: 3949: 3556: 1870: 1767: 1085: 351: 247: 79: 3212: 2947: 849:
of the names of Bella's mother, Renée, and Edward's adoptive mother, Esme. Her middle name, Carlie, is a
4354: 4117: 4007: 3877: 3677:"Tyson Beckford Enjoying Men's "Supermodel" Success/"Reno 911's" Lennon Delivers the State of the State" 2533: 2405: 2350: 2293: 2209: 2157: 2111: 2072: 1969: 1947: 1897: 1882: 1130: 1015: 975: 604: 312: 91: 3842: 3771: 3735: 3469: 3409: 3035: 2926: 2511:
is a friendly boy who initially has a crush on Bella, though Bella does not return his affections. In
973:, a human, has learned that vampires exist and demand that she become a vampire or else be killed. In 185:. Bella expresses a desire to become a vampire herself, against Edward's wishes. In the second novel, 4381: 4111: 3899: 3655: 3357: 3276: 3247: 1616: 1073: 1011: 846: 539: 528: 217: 23: 205:. Edward then transforms Bella into a vampire after she nearly dies giving birth to their daughter, 4337: 3458:"'Twilight' Premiere: Robert Pattinson Loses His Hearing, Taylor Lautner Gets An Indecent Proposal" 2796: 2474: 2315: 1775: 1678: 1156: 912: 645: 524: 406: 399: 189:, Edward and the other Cullens leave Forks in an effort to keep Bella safe from the vampire world. 2791:
with Sarah's death and had moved out of the town at the start of the series: Rachel to attend the
was a young vampire created by Victoria as a part of the newborn army that attacks the Cullens in
4283: 4269: 3298: 2626: 713: 576: 395: 3213:"'Twilight': Stephenie Meyer lets her inner fangirl loose at the 'Breaking Dawn' concert series" 933: 1179:. When James and Victoria choose to track and murder Bella, Laurent leaves them and travels to 4388: 3942: 3217: 3134: 3015: 2080: 1823: 1522: 1257:, Riley is described as a "good-looking college student" and is portrayed by Australian actor 855: 243: 174: 3802: 2496:
In the films, Lauren's character was combined with that of Jessica Stanley, who is played by
4000: 2385: 2346: 2282: 2273: 2146: 2105: 2001: 1953: 1941: 1876: 1502:
Vasilii were destroyed, and since then the Denalis have maintained respect for Volturi law.
1475: 1144: 1126: 1067: 965: 782: 753: 492: 410: 292: 267: 194: 85: 53: 41: 33: 4321: 3971: 3612: 1754: 1585: 1293: 842: 727:
Alice foresaw that she and Jasper would fall in love, and she found him out in a diner in
436: 368: 212: 159: 110: 74: 37: 3724:"'Twilight' Tuesday: Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg Was Inspired By 'Brokeback Mountain'" 3330: 3934: 3904: 2837: 2439: 2190: 1978: 1925: 1771: 1763: 1530: 1180: 1031: 1027: 1023: 1019: 551: 463: 327: 3831:"'Twilight' Gives The Green Light To Anna Kendrick, Justin Chon For Book-Turned-Movie" 2223:
Collin and Brady are portrayed by Brayden Jimmie and Swo-wo Gabriel, respectively, in
4424: 4367: 4360: 4248: 4226: 4014: 3353:"'Twilight' third pic 'Eclipse' begins casting with Australian unknown Xavier Samuel" 2811: 2584: 2525: 2497: 2303: 2278: 2237: 2216: 2041: 2008: 1961: 1904: 1892: 1581: 1518: 1479: 1467: 1416: 1258: 1089: 1007: 981: 870: 865: 837: 828: 566: 420: 260: 230: 178: 97: 49: 3156: 3100: 2733:
of a heart attack. Sue has two children, Seth and Leah, who are both werewolves. In
1096:, James is destroyed by the Cullen siblings Emmett, Jasper and Alice after he lures 4374: 4290: 2703: 2401:
occupied in La Push to protect him from Victoria and her army of newborn vampires.
2357: 2016: 1799: 1795: 1526: 1378: 1335: 1105: 728: 520: 532: 3268: 3243: 3004:"'Twilight' Finds Its Latest Victims: Nikki Reed, Rachelle Lefevre Added To Cast" 4231: 2665: 2424: 2394: 2162: 2131: 1831: 1787: 1697: 1534: 1420: 1339: 1196: 921: 917: 850: 625: 391: 283: 190: 148: 45: 4221: 2428: 2390: 2269: 2049: 1779: 1735: 1666:
willing to do anything for revenge, and so they eagerly serve as witnesses in
1577: 1381:
portrays Zafrina and Tracey Heggins portrays Senna, as Kachiri never appears.
1097: 1035: 970: 832: 675: 608: 376: 127: 29: 18: 3633: 3190: 3130: 2745: 1308: 1038:
as Heidi;. Fanning, Bright, Bewley, and Cudmore all reprised their roles in
960: 900: 717: 251: 3701: 2961: 2864: 2695:
Emily, who is described as a cheerful, friendly person, befriends Bella in
is Leah's younger brother. He transformed into a wolf during the events of
forms, transforming independently of the lunar cycles. Members are able to
Emmett helps train Bella to fight in the oncoming battle with the Volturi.
The Volturi, from left to right: Alec, Marcus, Aro, Caius, and Jane, from
701:-shaped scars, after his years of fighting and training newborn vampires. 3052: 1538: 1451: 1366: 952: 891: 698: 515: 473:
series, revealing her past to Bella during the Cullens' baseball game in
380: 361: 299: 246:, when he was changed into a vampire by Dr. Carlisle Cullen. As shown in 2982: 1890:
His fur is pure black when he phases, and he was the largest wolf until
1226: 3244:"Summit Entertainment Starts Production on The Twilight Saga: New Moon" 1866: 1136: 956: 908: 896: 835:, born on September 11, two days before Bella's nineteenth birthday in 824: 372: 182: 3636:. The Official Website of Stephenie Meyer. Retrieved February 6, 2013. 2389:. He left behind a wife, Sue, a daughter Leah, and a son, Seth. After 4329: 2800: 2768:
time, having waited for his and Quil's destinies for a long time. In
1743:. From left to right: Paul, Embry, Jacob, Sam, Jared, Quil, and Leah. 1459: 1455: 1312: 429: 364: 959:(Italy), which they have secretly controlled since the time of the 2799:, and Rebecca to marry a Samoan surfer, Solomon Finau and move to 1819: 1815: 1811: 1225: 1066: 932: 705: 2383:
was an elder of the Quileute tribe who died of a heart attack in
3929: 2311:, he and Sue Clearwater have developed a romantic relationship. 3938: 1916:
film, but was widely recognized as playing the role of Sam. In
1135:, Victoria creates an army of bloodthirsty newborn vampires in 920:
and nearly impossible to destroy, only permanently killed when
3762: 2741:, Bella hints that Sue and Charlie are romantically involved. 1450:, are members of the Denali coven. They originally resided in 1307:
is the only permanent member of the Mexican coven centered in
In its 2009 Fictional Top 15 wealthiest fictional characters,
177:, meets the mysterious Cullen family, and falls in love with 1762:, members of this tribe can still phase in and out of their 181:. However, she soon discovers that the family is a coven of 2297:
and wants her to spend some time with Jacob. At the end of
claims shape-shifters can take other mega-animal forms and
806: 797: 788: 3384:"Jodelle Ferland as Bree Tanner on Twilight Saga: Eclipse" 1454:, but after Sasha and Vasilii's executions, they moved to 542:-chess" against her telepathic brother Edward. Throughout 1112:
film. In the film, he is given the surname "Witherdale".
series is primarily narrated from Bella's point of view.
There are seven additional wolves present at the end of
Solomon Trimble was credited as "Jacob's friend" in the
are female vampires who comprise the Amazonian coven in
1192:, but decides to help Carlisle save Bella from James. 1140:
her, and her voice is said to sound high and girlish.
as his daughter's boyfriend, but after the events of
1576:, the members of the Egyptian coven are portrayed by 815: 800: 794: 724:
family, but he stays because he is devoted to Alice.
plays the young Mary Alice Brandon in the short film
In the 1640s, Carlisle Cullen was born the son of an
201:, Bella becomes engaged to Edward, and they marry in 3702:"Twilight Lexicon | Personal Correspondence #7" 2397:
is a werewolf, it is Harry and Billy Black who keep
1798:. In human form shape-shifters can use the style of 1213:. In the films, he is given the surname "Da Revin". 785: 4347: 4314: 4240: 4208: 4184: 4103: 4094: 4049: 4024: 3985: 3978: 3067:"Taylor Lautner Interested in More Twilight Movies" 1077:. From left to right: Laurent, James, and Victoria. 803: 791: 704:He was born about 1844 in what is now the state of 3651:"'Twilight Saga: Eclipse' beings production today" 3299:"Howard to replace Lefevre in 3rd 'Twilight' film" 2948:"And the winning TWILIGHT STORYTELLERS Film is..." 1865:is the Alpha, or leader, and oldest member of the 1854:" and these involuntarily phase in the full moon. 4060:The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide 1541:as Garrett. Sasha is portrayed by Andrea Powell. 1159:replaces Lefevre in the role for the third film, 3496:: Taylor Lautner and Solomon Trimble Interviews" 2729:) is the widow of Harry Clearwater, who died in 1415:, Peter is portrayed by Erik Odom, Charlotte by 3758:"'Twilight' Stars Reveal Key 'New Moon' Scenes" 1727:, Huilen is portrayed by actress Marisa Quinn. 414:Carlisle and joined his family. Throughout the 3644: 3642: 3611:. Access Hollywood. 2009-04-16. Archived from 3526:"Solomon Trimble Keeps His Possibilities Open" 2012:, Embry, along with Quil, joins Jacob's pack. 993:and is killed by the Volturi by the events of 3950: 3582:"Meet the New New Moon Cast – Wolf Pack" 1681:(as Vladimir) and Guri Weinberg (as Stefan). 8: 3321: 3319: 3317: 3315: 3097:"BookStories Interview with Stephenie Meyer" 1965:Quil, along with Embry, joins Jacob's pack. 3900:"Interview: New Moon's Humans Keep It Real" 3790: 3788: 3634:"Frequently Asked Questions: Breaking Dawn" 3550: 3548: 3546: 3269:"Summit Entertainment Starts Production on 1830:discovers that werewolves have 24 pairs of 731:. Together, they joined the Cullen family. 4100: 3982: 3957: 3943: 3935: 3238: 3236: 3234: 3191:"Twilight Series | Breaking Dawn FAQ" 2071:was the first wolf to phase after Sam. In 1675:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part II 1648:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part II 1574:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part II 1413:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part II 1071:All three of the nomads shown together in 3863: 3861: 3859: 3608:Alex Meraz: Life On The Set Of 'New Moon' 3157:"Stephenie Meyer website; Twilight movie" 2843:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 2816:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 2601:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 2370:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 2225:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 1724:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 1703:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 1375:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - part 2 1210:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 868:plays Renesmee in the film adaptation of 4277:Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever) 3824: 3822: 1734: 895:able to be out during daylight, but the 17: 2908: 2906: 2904: 2902: 2900: 2855: 1615:Alistair is portrayed by British actor 1292:, she is portrayed by Canadian actress 1129:shape-shifting wolves. Months later in 4446:Fictional characters with precognition 2997: 2995: 2993: 2991: 2915:"'Twilight' Character Film Portrayals" 1786:describes as "touching an open fire". 1677:, the Romanian coven are portrayed by 469:Esme is present throughout the entire 371:. His father and other pastors hunted 173:, Bella moves to her father's home in 3704:. 2006-03-26 3428:"Role in Twilight lets student shine" 3049:"A special note from Stephenie Meyer" 603:In 1935, Emmett was a 20-year-old in 7: 4067:The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner 3047:Meyer, Stephenie (October 6, 2010). 1835: 1827: 1670:, hoping to watch the Volturi fall. 1588:as Tia, and Andrea Gabriel as Kebi. 1282:The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner 1171:A dark-haired, olive-toned vampire, 264:and they have a daughter, Renesmee. 206: 4074:Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined 3930:Official website of Stephenie Meyer 3410:"'Twilight' fans are on Team Meyer" 2865:"Personal Correspondence #5 |" 1834:, the same as vampire hybrids like 1006:, the cast of the Volturi includes 3870:"'New Moon': 26 Pics from the Set" 1843: 14: 2775:Elder Quil appears uncredited in 2465:is one of Bella's classmates. In 2197:Collin Littlesea and Brady Fuller 1946:but does not become a wolf until 1792: 405:Carlisle and his family moved to 4403: 4402: 3038:Twilight Lexicon. March 11, 2006 2754:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn 1869:pack. He is first introduced in 1847: 1839: 1802:to get to hard-to-reach places. 1515:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn 1474:, fighting alongside his fellow 1051:The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn 781: 291:is Bella's best friend. He is a 3649:Sperling, Nicole (2009-08-18). 3555:Susan Wloszczyna (2009-04-21). 3524:Christina Radish (2009-02-02). 2950:Fickle Fish Films. August 2015. 2885:Perlroth, Nicole (2010-04-14). 1517:, the Denalis are portrayed by 1482:. He joins the Denali coven in 1175:is a member of James' coven in 1120:A red-haired, catlike vampire, 1044:. They all returned, joined by 947:The vampire coven known as the 409:and arranged a treaty with the 3679:. Archived from 3584:. ReelzChannel. Archived from 3351:Tanner Stransky (2009-07-17). 3297:Steven Zeitchik (2009-07-29). 2964:. Twilight Lexicon. 2006-03-10 1423:and Randall by Bill Tangradi. 1190:The Official Illustrated Guide 655:When Rosalie first appears in 485:that she is not a fighter. In 1: 3408:Memmott, Carol (2011-03-31). 3099:. BookStories. Archived from 3002:Carroll, Larry (2008-02-14). 2983:"PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE #12" 2913:Carroll, Larry (2008-02-19). 2572:. Jessica appears briefly in 1478:, and for the liberty of his 390:. Treating patients with the 4431:Lists of literary characters 3898:Jen McDonnell (2009-11-01). 3829:Larry Carroll (2008-02-07). 3756:Larry Carroll (2009-06-10). 3722:Larry Carroll (2008-09-16). 3528:. Media Blvd. Archived from 3456:Larry Carroll (2008-11-18). 3434:. 2008-03-05. Archived from 3386:. 2010-05-03. Archived from 3211:Denise Martin (2008-08-08). 3036:"PERSONAL CORRESPONDANCE #2" 2438:Billy Black is portrayed by 1230:Riley Biers as portrayed in 969:, the Volturi discover that 22:The Cullens as portrayed in 4195:The Mary Alice Brandon File 4040:New Moon: The Graphic Novel 4033:Twilight: The Graphic Novel 3868:Jean Bentley (2009-05-15). 2793:Washington State University 2708:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2674:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2635:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2593:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2542:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2448:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2410:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2085:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2054:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2021:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 1983:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 1918:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 1207:and in a flashback seen In 1205:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 1153:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 1003:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 940:The Twilight Saga: New Moon 582:The Mary Alice Brandon File 60:The following is a list of 4464: 4436:Twilight series characters 3271:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2777:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2750:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2712:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2678:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2639:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2597:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2546:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2523:and are together again in 2452:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2366:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2187:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2128:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2089:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2058:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2025:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 1987:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 1922:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 1741:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 1472:American Revolutionary War 1328:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 1290:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 1279:Stephenie Meyer's novella 1255:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 1232:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 1161:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 1084:is the main antagonist of 1041:The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 527:, and was committed to an 281: 228: 125: 4398: 3557:"Wanted: Birth and brawn" 2981:Seraphyn (May 20, 2007). 2161:, he is shown to idolize 1446:, and later Kate's mate, 1143:Victoria is portrayed by 1046:Lateef Crowder dos Santos 708:. In 1861, he joined the 4441:Lists of film characters 3908:. Canwest Publishing Inc 2788:Rachel and Rebecca Black 2783:Rachel and Rebecca Black 2583:Jessica is portrayed by 2314:Charlie is portrayed by 1330:, Maria is portrayed by 1195:Laurent is portrayed by 316:trying to win Bella, in 3127:Author Stephenie Meyer" 2863:Seraphyn (2006-03-11). 2810:Rachel is portrayed by 2625:Angela is portrayed by 2220:as part of Sam's pack. 2130:, Leah is portrayed by 1696:Nahuel is portrayed by 1332:Catalina Sandino Moreno 710:Confederate States Army 77:, comprising the books 4263:Meet Me on the Equinox 3327:"Full Cast & Crew" 2836:J. Jenks is played by 2702:Emily is portrayed by 2473:Tyler is portrayed by 2404:Harry is portrayed by 2356:Renée is portrayed by 2015:Embry is portrayed by 1924:, Sam is portrayed by 1810:very sharp (including 1770:, talk to one another 1744: 1235: 1104:James is portrayed by 1078: 944: 538:Alice enjoys playing " 439:plays Carlisle in the 357:scent of human blood. 57: 4355:Renesmee (given name) 4168:Breaking Dawn: Part 2 4154:Breaking Dawn: Part 1 2664:Eric is portrayed by 2532:Mike is portrayed by 2351:Jacksonville, Florida 2048:Paul is portrayed by 1977:Quil is portrayed by 1739:The werewolf pack in 1738: 1229: 1088:. He is a merciless, 1070: 1016:Christopher Heyerdahl 936: 678:plays Rosalie in the 605:Gatlinburg, Tennessee 21: 3874:Entertainment Weekly 3808:on December 19, 2007 3656:Entertainment Weekly 3358:Entertainment Weekly 3277:Summit Entertainment 3248:Summit Entertainment 3193:. 2744:Sue is portrayed by 2189:, Seth is played by 1852:Children of the Moon 1057: 1012:Jamie Campbell Bower 845:is derived from the 756:plays Jasper in the 644:was born in 1915 in 628:plays Emmett in the 270:plays Edward in the 240:Edward Anthony Masen 3472:on January 29, 2013 2985:. Twilight Lexicon. 2475:Gregory Tyree Boyce 1776:superhuman strength 1157:Bryce Dallas Howard 913:superhuman strength 646:Rochester, New York 598:Emmett Dale McCarty 569:plays Alice in the 525:Biloxi, Mississippi 407:Hoquiam, Washington 400:Rochester, New York 330:plays Jacob in the 215:plays Bella in the 147:) is the fictional 4338:Scene It? Twilight 4284:Heavy in Your Arms 3632:Meyer, Stephenie. 3176:Meyer, Stephenie. 3077:on 31 October 2014 2867:. Twilight Lexicon 2627:Christian Serratos 2083:portrays Jared in 1745: 1236: 1079: 945: 714:American Civil War 577:Paloma Kwiatkowski 512:Mary Alice Brandon 495:plays Esme in the 396:Ashland, Wisconsin 193:, a member of the 58: 4418: 4417: 4389:Beautiful Bastard 4382:Gabriel's Inferno 4204: 4203: 4090: 4089: 3967:The Twilight Saga 3490:Murray, Rebecca. 3275:(Press release). 3246:(Press release). 3218:Los Angeles Times 3159:. Stephenie Meyer 3121:Murray, Rebecca. 2929:on March 25, 2010 2081:Bronson Pelletier 1824:equilibrioception 1747:According to the 1523:Christian Camargo 1513:In both parts of 1125:her wrath by the 1048:as Santiago, for 856:Loch Ness Monster 540:Newcomb's paradox 392:Spanish Influenza 347:Stregoni Benefici 244:Spanish influenza 175:Forks, Washington 105:The Twilight Saga 4453: 4406: 4405: 4348:Related articles 4298:A Thousand Years 4101: 3983: 3959: 3952: 3945: 3936: 3917: 3916: 3914: 3913: 3895: 3889: 3888: 3886: 3885: 3876:. Archived from 3865: 3854: 3853: 3851: 3850: 3845:on July 25, 2008 3841:. Archived from 3826: 3817: 3816: 3814: 3813: 3807: 3801:. Archived from 3800: 3792: 3783: 3782: 3780: 3779: 3770:. Archived from 3753: 3747: 3746: 3744: 3743: 3734:. Archived from 3719: 3713: 3712: 3710: 3709: 3698: 3692: 3691: 3689: 3688: 3673: 3667: 3666: 3664: 3663: 3646: 3637: 3630: 3624: 3623: 3621: 3620: 3603: 3597: 3596: 3594: 3593: 3577: 3571: 3570: 3568: 3567: 3552: 3541: 3540: 3538: 3537: 3521: 3515: 3514: 3512: 3511: 3502:. Archived from 3487: 3481: 3480: 3478: 3477: 3468:. Archived from 3453: 3447: 3446: 3444: 3443: 3424: 3418: 3417: 3405: 3399: 3398: 3396: 3395: 3380: 3374: 3373: 3371: 3370: 3361:. Archived from 3348: 3342: 3341: 3339: 3338: 3329:. Archived from 3323: 3310: 3309: 3307: 3306: 3294: 3288: 3287: 3285: 3284: 3265: 3259: 3258: 3256: 3255: 3240: 3229: 3228: 3226: 3225: 3208: 3202: 3201: 3199: 3198: 3187: 3181: 3174: 3168: 3167: 3165: 3164: 3153: 3147: 3146: 3144: 3142: 3137:on 30 March 2012 3133:. Archived from 3123:"Interview with 3118: 3112: 3111: 3109: 3108: 3093: 3087: 3086: 3084: 3082: 3073:. Archived from 3062: 3056: 3045: 3039: 3033: 3027: 3026: 3024: 3023: 3014:. Archived from 2999: 2986: 2979: 2973: 2972: 2970: 2969: 2962:"Cullen, Emmett" 2958: 2952: 2951: 2944: 2938: 2937: 2935: 2934: 2925:. Archived from 2910: 2895: 2894: 2882: 2876: 2875: 2873: 2872: 2860: 2381:Harry Clearwater 2376:Harry Clearwater 2347:Phoenix, Arizona 2274:Phoenix, Arizona 2202:Collin Littlesea 1812:ophthalmoception 1782:as a vampire in 1338:, and Nettie by 1145:Rachelle Lefevre 819: 813: 812: 809: 808: 805: 802: 799: 796: 793: 790: 787: 754:Jackson Rathbone 712:to serve in the 531:because she had 493:Elizabeth Reaser 268:Robert Pattinson 117:Major characters 54:Jackson Rathbone 42:Robert Pattinson 34:Elizabeth Reaser 4463: 4462: 4456: 4455: 4454: 4452: 4451: 4450: 4421: 4420: 4419: 4414: 4394: 4343: 4310: 4236: 4200: 4180: 4086: 4051: 4045: 4020: 3974: 3972:Stephenie Meyer 3963: 3926: 3921: 3920: 3911: 3909: 3897: 3896: 3892: 3883: 3881: 3867: 3866: 3857: 3848: 3846: 3828: 3827: 3820: 3811: 3809: 3805: 3798: 3794: 3793: 3786: 3777: 3775: 3774:on May 26, 2012 3755: 3754: 3750: 3741: 3739: 3738:on May 26, 2012 3721: 3720: 3716: 3707: 3705: 3700: 3699: 3695: 3686: 3684: 3675: 3674: 3670: 3661: 3659: 3648: 3647: 3640: 3631: 3627: 3618: 3616: 3605: 3604: 3600: 3591: 3589: 3579: 3578: 3574: 3565: 3563: 3554: 3553: 3544: 3535: 3533: 3523: 3522: 3518: 3509: 3507: 3489: 3488: 3484: 3475: 3473: 3455: 3454: 3450: 3441: 3439: 3426: 3425: 3421: 3407: 3406: 3402: 3393: 3391: 3382: 3381: 3377: 3368: 3366: 3350: 3349: 3345: 3336: 3334: 3325: 3324: 3313: 3304: 3302: 3296: 3295: 3291: 3282: 3280: 3267: 3266: 3262: 3253: 3251: 3242: 3241: 3232: 3223: 3221: 3210: 3209: 3205: 3196: 3194: 3189: 3188: 3184: 3175: 3171: 3162: 3160: 3155: 3154: 3150: 3140: 3138: 3120: 3119: 3115: 3106: 3104: 3095: 3094: 3090: 3080: 3078: 3064: 3063: 3059: 3046: 3042: 3034: 3030: 3021: 3019: 3018:on May 26, 2012 3001: 3000: 2989: 2980: 2976: 2967: 2965: 2960: 2959: 2955: 2946: 2945: 2941: 2932: 2930: 2912: 2911: 2898: 2884: 2883: 2879: 2870: 2868: 2862: 2861: 2857: 2852: 2824: 2785: 2765:Quil Ateara III 2762: 2760:Quil Ateara III 2720: 2686: 2647: 2609: 2557:Jessica Stanley 2554: 2552:Jessica Stanley 2506: 2487: 2460: 2418: 2378: 2328: 2263: 2258: 2247: 2233: 2199: 2143:Seth Clearwater 2140: 2138:Seth Clearwater 2100:Leah Clearwater 2097: 2095:Leah Clearwater 2066: 2033: 1995: 1934: 1860: 1733: 1712: 1687: 1656: 1625: 1594: 1592:European nomads 1586:Angela Sarafyan 1547: 1429: 1387: 1385:American nomads 1348: 1346:Amazonian coven 1302: 1294:Jodelle Ferland 1267: 1224: 1219: 1169: 1118: 1086:the first novel 1065: 1060: 931: 884: 817: 784: 780: 769:Renesmee Carlie 766: 764:Renesmee Cullen 695:Jasper Whitlock 688: 638: 591: 505: 449: 437:Peter Facinelli 369:London, England 345:(also known as 343:Carlisle Cullen 340: 338:Carlisle Cullen 296:Native American 286: 280: 233: 227: 213:Kristen Stewart 160:Stephenie Meyer 130: 124: 119: 75:Stephenie Meyer 38:Peter Facinelli 12: 11: 5: 4461: 4460: 4457: 4449: 4448: 4443: 4438: 4433: 4423: 4422: 4416: 4415: 4413: 4412: 4399: 4396: 4395: 4393: 4392: 4385: 4378: 4371: 4364: 4357: 4351: 4349: 4345: 4344: 4342: 4341: 4334: 4333: 4332: 4318: 4316: 4312: 4311: 4309: 4308: 4301: 4294: 4287: 4280: 4273: 4266: 4259: 4252: 4244: 4242: 4238: 4237: 4235: 4234: 4229: 4224: 4218: 4216: 4206: 4205: 4202: 4201: 4199: 4198: 4190: 4188: 4182: 4181: 4179: 4178: 4177: 4176: 4164: 4163: 4162: 4150: 4149: 4148: 4136: 4135: 4134: 4122: 4121: 4120: 4107: 4105: 4098: 4092: 4091: 4088: 4087: 4085: 4084: 4077: 4070: 4063: 4055: 4053: 4047: 4046: 4044: 4043: 4036: 4028: 4026: 4022: 4021: 4019: 4018: 4011: 4004: 3997: 3989: 3987: 3980: 3976: 3975: 3964: 3962: 3961: 3954: 3947: 3939: 3933: 3932: 3925: 3924:External links 3922: 3919: 3918: 3905:Calgary Herald 3890: 3855: 3818: 3784: 3748: 3714: 3693: 3668: 3638: 3625: 3598: 3580:Jenny Davies. 3572: 3542: 3516: 3482: 3448: 3432:Daily Vanguard 3419: 3400: 3375: 3343: 3311: 3289: 3260: 3230: 3203: 3182: 3169: 3148: 3113: 3088: 3065:Yin, Maryann. 3057: 3040: 3028: 2987: 2974: 2953: 2939: 2896: 2877: 2854: 2853: 2851: 2848: 2838:Wendell Pierce 2823: 2820: 2784: 2781: 2761: 2758: 2723:Sue Clearwater 2719: 2718:Sue Clearwater 2716: 2685: 2682: 2646: 2643: 2608: 2605: 2553: 2550: 2505: 2502: 2490:Lauren Mallory 2486: 2485:Lauren Mallory 2483: 2459: 2456: 2440:Gil Birmingham 2417: 2414: 2377: 2374: 2327: 2324: 2262: 2259: 2257: 2254: 2246: 2243: 2232: 2229: 2198: 2195: 2191:Booboo Stewart 2139: 2136: 2096: 2093: 2065: 2062: 2032: 2029: 1994: 1991: 1979:Tyson Houseman 1933: 1930: 1926:Chaske Spencer 1859: 1856: 1774:, and possess 1772:telepathically 1764:shape-shifting 1755:Quileute tribe 1732: 1729: 1711: 1708: 1686: 1683: 1655: 1654:Romanian coven 1652: 1624: 1621: 1593: 1590: 1546: 1545:Egyptian coven 1543: 1480:Newborn Nation 1428: 1425: 1407:Breaking Dawn. 1386: 1383: 1347: 1344: 1301: 1298: 1266: 1263: 1238:As a vampire, 1223: 1220: 1218: 1215: 1181:Denali, Alaska 1168: 1165: 1117: 1114: 1064: 1061: 1059: 1056: 1034:as Felix; and 1032:Daniel Cudmore 1028:Charlie Bewley 1024:Cameron Bright 1020:Dakota Fanning 930: 927: 883: 880: 765: 762: 687: 684: 637: 634: 590: 587: 521:see the future 504: 501: 464:Columbus, Ohio 448: 445: 339: 336: 328:Taylor Lautner 282:Main article: 279: 276: 229:Main article: 226: 223: 133:Isabella Marie 126:Main article: 123: 120: 118: 115: 28:: (from left) 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 4459: 4458: 4447: 4444: 4442: 4439: 4437: 4434: 4432: 4429: 4428: 4426: 4411: 4410: 4401: 4400: 4397: 4391: 4390: 4386: 4384: 4383: 4379: 4377: 4376: 4372: 4370: 4369: 4368:Breaking Wind 4365: 4363: 4362: 4361:Vampires Suck 4358: 4356: 4353: 4352: 4350: 4346: 4340: 4339: 4335: 4331: 4328: 4327: 4326: 4324: 4320: 4319: 4317: 4313: 4306: 4305:The Forgotten 4302: 4299: 4295: 4292: 4288: 4285: 4281: 4278: 4274: 4271: 4267: 4264: 4260: 4257: 4253: 4250: 4246: 4245: 4243: 4239: 4233: 4230: 4228: 4227:Edward Cullen 4225: 4223: 4220: 4219: 4217: 4215: 4211: 4207: 4197: 4196: 4192: 4191: 4189: 4187: 4183: 4175: 4172: 4171: 4170: 4169: 4165: 4161: 4158: 4157: 4156: 4155: 4151: 4147: 4144: 4143: 4142: 4141: 4137: 4133: 4130: 4129: 4128: 4127: 4123: 4119: 4116: 4115: 4114: 4113: 4109: 4108: 4106: 4104:Feature films 4102: 4099: 4097: 4093: 4083: 4082: 4078: 4076: 4075: 4071: 4069: 4068: 4064: 4062: 4061: 4057: 4056: 4054: 4052:and spin-offs 4048: 4042: 4041: 4037: 4035: 4034: 4030: 4029: 4027: 4023: 4017: 4016: 4015:Breaking Dawn 4012: 4010: 4009: 4005: 4003: 4002: 3998: 3996: 3995: 3991: 3990: 3988: 3984: 3981: 3977: 3973: 3969: 3968: 3960: 3955: 3953: 3948: 3946: 3941: 3940: 3937: 3931: 3928: 3927: 3923: 3907: 3906: 3901: 3894: 3891: 3880:on 2009-05-19 3879: 3875: 3871: 3864: 3862: 3860: 3856: 3844: 3840: 3836: 3832: 3825: 3823: 3819: 3804: 3797: 3791: 3789: 3785: 3773: 3769: 3765: 3764: 3759: 3752: 3749: 3737: 3733: 3729: 3725: 3718: 3715: 3703: 3697: 3694: 3683:on 2009-04-25 3682: 3678: 3672: 3669: 3658: 3657: 3652: 3645: 3643: 3639: 3635: 3629: 3626: 3615:on 2009-05-02 3614: 3610: 3609: 3602: 3599: 3588:on 2009-05-31 3587: 3583: 3576: 3573: 3562: 3558: 3551: 3549: 3547: 3543: 3532:on 2009-03-03 3531: 3527: 3520: 3517: 3506:on 2009-02-09 3505: 3501: 3497: 3495: 3486: 3483: 3471: 3467: 3463: 3459: 3452: 3449: 3438:on 2008-03-07 3437: 3433: 3429: 3423: 3420: 3415: 3411: 3404: 3401: 3390:on 2010-07-11 3389: 3385: 3379: 3376: 3365:on 2009-07-18 3364: 3360: 3359: 3354: 3347: 3344: 3333:on 2008-03-05 3332: 3328: 3322: 3320: 3318: 3316: 3312: 3300: 3293: 3290: 3278: 3274: 3272: 3264: 3261: 3249: 3245: 3239: 3237: 3235: 3231: 3220: 3219: 3214: 3207: 3204: 3192: 3186: 3183: 3179: 3178:Breaking Dawn 3173: 3170: 3158: 3152: 3149: 3136: 3132: 3128: 3126: 3117: 3114: 3103:on 2008-09-02 3102: 3098: 3092: 3089: 3076: 3072: 3068: 3061: 3058: 3054: 3050: 3044: 3041: 3037: 3032: 3029: 3017: 3013: 3009: 3005: 2998: 2996: 2994: 2992: 2988: 2984: 2978: 2975: 2963: 2957: 2954: 2949: 2943: 2940: 2928: 2924: 2920: 2916: 2909: 2907: 2905: 2903: 2901: 2897: 2892: 2888: 2887:"Blood Money" 2881: 2878: 2866: 2859: 2856: 2849: 2847: 2845: 2844: 2839: 2834: 2832: 2828: 2821: 2819: 2817: 2813: 2812:Tanaya Beatty 2808: 2806: 2805:Breaking Dawn 2802: 2798: 2794: 2789: 2782: 2780: 2778: 2773: 2771: 2766: 2759: 2757: 2755: 2751: 2747: 2742: 2740: 2739:Breaking Dawn 2736: 2735:Breaking Dawn 2732: 2728: 2724: 2717: 2715: 2713: 2709: 2705: 2700: 2698: 2693: 2690: 2683: 2681: 2679: 2675: 2671: 2667: 2662: 2660: 2656: 2651: 2644: 2642: 2640: 2636: 2632: 2628: 2623: 2621: 2620:Breaking Dawn 2617: 2613: 2606: 2604: 2602: 2598: 2594: 2590: 2586: 2585:Anna Kendrick 2581: 2579: 2575: 2574:Breaking Dawn 2571: 2567: 2563: 2558: 2551: 2549: 2547: 2543: 2539: 2535: 2534:Michael Welch 2530: 2528: 2527: 2526:Breaking Dawn 2522: 2518: 2514: 2510: 2503: 2501: 2499: 2498:Anna Kendrick 2494: 2491: 2484: 2482: 2480: 2476: 2471: 2468: 2464: 2463:Tyler Crowley 2458:Tyler Crowley 2457: 2455: 2453: 2449: 2445: 2441: 2436: 2434: 2430: 2426: 2422: 2415: 2413: 2411: 2407: 2406:Graham Greene 2402: 2400: 2396: 2392: 2388: 2387: 2382: 2375: 2373: 2371: 2367: 2363: 2359: 2354: 2352: 2348: 2345:she lives in 2344: 2340: 2339:Breaking Dawn 2336: 2332: 2325: 2323: 2322:film series. 2321: 2317: 2312: 2310: 2309:Breaking Dawn 2306: 2305: 2304:Breaking Dawn 2300: 2296: 2295: 2290: 2286: 2285: 2280: 2275: 2271: 2267: 2260: 2255: 2253: 2251: 2250:Ephraim Black 2245:Ephraim Black 2244: 2242: 2240: 2239: 2238:Breaking Dawn 2230: 2228: 2226: 2221: 2219: 2218: 2217:Breaking Dawn 2213: 2212: 2207: 2203: 2196: 2194: 2192: 2188: 2183: 2179: 2177: 2176:Breaking Dawn 2172: 2171:Breaking Dawn 2168: 2164: 2160: 2159: 2154: 2150: 2149: 2144: 2137: 2135: 2133: 2129: 2124: 2122: 2121:Breaking Dawn 2117: 2114: 2113: 2108: 2107: 2101: 2094: 2092: 2090: 2086: 2082: 2078: 2076: 2075: 2070: 2069:Jared Cameron 2064:Jared Cameron 2063: 2061: 2059: 2055: 2051: 2046: 2044: 2043: 2042:Breaking Dawn 2037: 2030: 2028: 2026: 2022: 2018: 2013: 2011: 2010: 2009:Breaking Dawn 2005: 2004: 1999: 1992: 1990: 1988: 1984: 1980: 1975: 1973: 1972: 1966: 1964: 1963: 1962:Breaking Dawn 1957: 1956: 1951: 1950: 1945: 1944: 1938: 1937:Quil Ateara V 1932:Quil Ateara V 1931: 1929: 1927: 1923: 1919: 1915: 1910: 1907: 1906: 1905:Breaking Dawn 1901: 1900: 1895: 1894: 1893:Breaking Dawn 1888: 1886: 1885: 1880: 1879: 1874: 1873: 1868: 1864: 1857: 1855: 1853: 1849: 1845: 1841: 1837: 1833: 1829: 1825: 1821: 1820:olfacoception 1817: 1813: 1808: 1803: 1801: 1797: 1794: 1789: 1785: 1784:Breaking Dawn 1781: 1777: 1773: 1769: 1765: 1761: 1756: 1752: 1751: 1742: 1737: 1730: 1728: 1726: 1725: 1719: 1716: 1709: 1707: 1705: 1704: 1699: 1694: 1691: 1684: 1682: 1680: 1676: 1671: 1669: 1668:Breaking Dawn 1664: 1660: 1653: 1651: 1649: 1644: 1642: 1641:Breaking Dawn 1637: 1633: 1629: 1622: 1620: 1618: 1613: 1611: 1610:Breaking Dawn 1606: 1602: 1598: 1591: 1589: 1587: 1583: 1582:Omar Metwally 1580:as Benjamin, 1579: 1575: 1570: 1568: 1567:Breaking Dawn 1563: 1559: 1555: 1551: 1544: 1542: 1540: 1537:as Kate, and 1536: 1532: 1528: 1524: 1520: 1519:MyAnna Buring 1516: 1511: 1509: 1508:Breaking Dawn 1505: 1500: 1496: 1492: 1488: 1485: 1484:Breaking Dawn 1481: 1477: 1473: 1469: 1468:Edward Cullen 1465: 1461: 1457: 1453: 1449: 1445: 1441: 1437: 1434:and his mate 1433: 1426: 1424: 1422: 1418: 1417:Valorie Curry 1414: 1409: 1408: 1403: 1399: 1395: 1391: 1384: 1382: 1380: 1376: 1371: 1368: 1364: 1363:Breaking Dawn 1360: 1356: 1352: 1345: 1343: 1341: 1337: 1333: 1329: 1324: 1322: 1318: 1314: 1310: 1306: 1300:Mexican coven 1299: 1297: 1295: 1291: 1286: 1284: 1283: 1277: 1275: 1271: 1264: 1262: 1260: 1259:Xavier Samuel 1256: 1251: 1249: 1245: 1241: 1233: 1228: 1221: 1216: 1214: 1212: 1211: 1206: 1202: 1198: 1193: 1191: 1186: 1182: 1178: 1174: 1166: 1164: 1162: 1158: 1154: 1150: 1147:in the films 1146: 1141: 1138: 1134: 1133: 1128: 1123: 1115: 1113: 1111: 1107: 1102: 1099: 1095: 1091: 1087: 1083: 1076: 1075: 1069: 1062: 1055: 1053: 1052: 1047: 1043: 1042: 1037: 1033: 1029: 1025: 1021: 1017: 1013: 1009: 1008:Michael Sheen 1005: 1004: 998: 996: 995:Breaking Dawn 992: 986: 984: 983: 982:Breaking Dawn 978: 977: 972: 968: 967: 962: 958: 954: 950: 942: 941: 935: 928: 926: 923: 919: 914: 910: 904: 902: 898: 893: 889: 881: 879: 875: 873: 872: 871:Breaking Dawn 867: 866:Mackenzie Foy 863: 859: 857: 852: 848: 844: 840: 839: 838:Breaking Dawn 834: 830: 829:Edward Cullen 826: 822: 821: 811: 778: 774: 770: 763: 761: 760:film series. 759: 755: 751: 749: 748:Breaking Dawn 745: 741: 737: 732: 730: 725: 721: 719: 715: 711: 707: 702: 700: 696: 692: 685: 683: 682:film series. 681: 677: 673: 671: 670:Breaking Dawn 667: 663: 658: 653: 651: 647: 642: 635: 633: 632:film series. 631: 627: 623: 621: 620:Breaking Dawn 617: 612: 610: 606: 601: 599: 595: 594:Emmett Cullen 589:Emmett Cullen 588: 586: 584: 583: 578: 574: 573:film series. 572: 568: 567:Ashley Greene 564: 561: 560:Breaking Dawn 557: 553: 549: 545: 541: 536: 534: 530: 526: 522: 517: 513: 509: 502: 500: 499:film series. 498: 494: 490: 488: 487:Breaking Dawn 484: 483:Breaking Dawn 480: 476: 472: 467: 465: 461: 457: 453: 446: 444: 443:film series. 442: 438: 434: 432: 431: 425: 423: 422: 421:Breaking Dawn 417: 412: 408: 403: 401: 397: 393: 389: 384: 382: 378: 374: 370: 366: 363: 358: 355: 353: 348: 344: 337: 335: 334:film series. 333: 329: 325: 323: 319: 318:Breaking Dawn 315: 314: 309: 305: 301: 297: 294: 290: 285: 277: 275: 274:film series. 273: 269: 265: 263: 262: 261:Breaking Dawn 257: 253: 249: 245: 241: 237: 236:Edward Cullen 232: 231:Edward Cullen 225:Edward Cullen 224: 222: 221:film series. 220: 219: 214: 210: 208: 204: 203:Breaking Dawn 200: 196: 192: 188: 184: 180: 179:Edward Cullen 176: 172: 167: 165: 161: 158:, written by 157: 155: 150: 146: 142: 138: 134: 129: 121: 116: 114: 112: 109: 108: 106: 101:, as well as 100: 99: 98:Breaking Dawn 94: 93: 88: 87: 82: 81: 76: 72: 71: 69: 63: 55: 52:(Alice), and 51: 50:Ashley Greene 47: 43: 39: 35: 31: 27: 26: 20: 16: 4408: 4387: 4380: 4375:Fifty Shades 4373: 4366: 4359: 4336: 4322: 4291:It Will Rain 4213: 4193: 4166: 4152: 4138: 4124: 4110: 4081:Midnight Sun 4079: 4072: 4065: 4058: 4038: 4031: 4013: 4006: 3999: 3992: 3965: 3910:. Retrieved 3903: 3893: 3882:. Retrieved 3878:the original 3873: 3847:. Retrieved 3843:the original 3834: 3810:. Retrieved 3803:the original 3776:. Retrieved 3772:the original 3761: 3751: 3740:. Retrieved 3736:the original 3727: 3717: 3706:. Retrieved 3696: 3685:. Retrieved 3681:the original 3671: 3660:. Retrieved 3654: 3628: 3617:. Retrieved 3613:the original 3607: 3601: 3590:. Retrieved 3586:the original 3575: 3564:. Retrieved 3560: 3534:. Retrieved 3530:the original 3519: 3508:. Retrieved 3504:the original 3499: 3493: 3485: 3474:. Retrieved 3470:the original 3461: 3451: 3440:. Retrieved 3436:the original 3431: 3422: 3413: 3403: 3392:. Retrieved 3388:the original 3378: 3367:. Retrieved 3363:the original 3356: 3346: 3335:. Retrieved 3331:the original 3303:. Retrieved 3292: 3281:. Retrieved 3279:. 2009-08-18 3270: 3263: 3252:. Retrieved 3250:. 2009-04-15 3222:. Retrieved 3216: 3206: 3195:. Retrieved 3185: 3177: 3172: 3161:. Retrieved 3151: 3139:. Retrieved 3135:the original 3124: 3116: 3105:. Retrieved 3101:the original 3091: 3079:. Retrieved 3075:the original 3070: 3060: 3043: 3031: 3020:. Retrieved 3016:the original 3007: 2977: 2966:. Retrieved 2956: 2942: 2931:. Retrieved 2927:the original 2918: 2890: 2880: 2869:. Retrieved 2858: 2841: 2835: 2830: 2826: 2825: 2815: 2809: 2804: 2787: 2786: 2776: 2774: 2769: 2764: 2763: 2753: 2752:and both of 2749: 2743: 2738: 2734: 2730: 2726: 2722: 2721: 2711: 2707: 2704:Tinsel Korey 2701: 2696: 2694: 2688: 2687: 2677: 2673: 2669: 2663: 2658: 2654: 2649: 2648: 2638: 2634: 2630: 2624: 2619: 2616:Midnight Sun 2615: 2612:Angela Weber 2611: 2610: 2607:Angela Weber 2600: 2596: 2592: 2588: 2582: 2577: 2573: 2569: 2565: 2562:Midnight Sun 2561: 2556: 2555: 2545: 2541: 2537: 2531: 2524: 2520: 2516: 2512: 2508: 2507: 2495: 2489: 2488: 2478: 2472: 2466: 2462: 2461: 2451: 2447: 2443: 2437: 2432: 2420: 2419: 2409: 2403: 2399:Charlie Swan 2393:learns that 2384: 2380: 2379: 2369: 2365: 2361: 2358:Sarah Clarke 2355: 2342: 2338: 2334: 2330: 2329: 2319: 2313: 2308: 2302: 2298: 2292: 2288: 2283: 2266:Charlie Swan 2265: 2264: 2261:Charlie Swan 2249: 2248: 2236: 2234: 2224: 2222: 2215: 2210: 2206:Brady Fuller 2205: 2201: 2200: 2186: 2184: 2180: 2175: 2170: 2166: 2156: 2152: 2147: 2142: 2141: 2127: 2125: 2120: 2118: 2110: 2104: 2099: 2098: 2088: 2084: 2079: 2073: 2068: 2067: 2057: 2053: 2047: 2040: 2035: 2034: 2024: 2020: 2017:Kiowa Gordon 2014: 2007: 2002: 1997: 1996: 1986: 1982: 1976: 1970: 1967: 1960: 1954: 1948: 1942: 1936: 1935: 1921: 1917: 1913: 1911: 1903: 1898: 1891: 1889: 1883: 1877: 1871: 1862: 1861: 1851: 1816:audioception 1806: 1804: 1800:free running 1796:premonitions 1783: 1759: 1753:series, the 1748: 1746: 1740: 1722: 1721:In the film 1720: 1714: 1713: 1701: 1695: 1689: 1688: 1674: 1672: 1667: 1662: 1658: 1657: 1647: 1645: 1640: 1635: 1631: 1627: 1626: 1617:Joe Anderson 1614: 1609: 1604: 1600: 1596: 1595: 1573: 1571: 1566: 1561: 1557: 1553: 1549: 1548: 1527:Maggie Grace 1525:as Eleazar, 1514: 1512: 1507: 1503: 1498: 1494: 1490: 1489: 1483: 1463: 1447: 1443: 1439: 1435: 1431: 1430: 1427:Denali coven 1412: 1410: 1406: 1401: 1397: 1393: 1389: 1388: 1379:Judi Shekoni 1374: 1373:In the film 1372: 1362: 1358: 1354: 1350: 1349: 1336:Kirsten Zien 1327: 1326:In the film 1325: 1320: 1316: 1304: 1303: 1289: 1288:In the film 1287: 1280: 1278: 1273: 1269: 1268: 1254: 1253:In the film 1252: 1247: 1243: 1239: 1237: 1231: 1217:Newborn army 1208: 1204: 1200: 1194: 1189: 1184: 1176: 1172: 1170: 1160: 1152: 1148: 1142: 1131: 1121: 1119: 1109: 1106:Cam Gigandet 1103: 1093: 1081: 1080: 1072: 1058:James' coven 1049: 1039: 1030:as Demetri; 1001: 999: 994: 990: 987: 980: 974: 964: 948: 946: 938: 905: 887: 885: 876: 869: 864: 860: 847:amalgamation 836: 827:daughter of 776: 772: 768: 767: 757: 752: 747: 743: 739: 735: 733: 729:Philadelphia 726: 722: 703: 694: 690: 689: 679: 674: 669: 665: 661: 656: 654: 649: 641:Rosalie Hale 640: 639: 636:Rosalie Hale 629: 624: 619: 615: 613: 602: 597: 593: 592: 580: 575: 570: 565: 559: 555: 552:cliff diving 547: 543: 537: 533:premonitions 511: 508:Alice Cullen 507: 506: 503:Alice Cullen 496: 491: 486: 482: 478: 474: 470: 468: 460:Esme Evenson 459: 455: 451: 450: 440: 435: 428: 426: 419: 415: 404: 385: 359: 350: 346: 342: 341: 331: 326: 321: 317: 311: 307: 303: 288: 287: 271: 266: 259: 255: 239: 235: 234: 216: 211: 202: 198: 186: 170: 168: 163: 153: 145:Bella Cullen 144: 140: 136: 132: 131: 104: 102: 96: 90: 84: 78: 70:novel series 67: 65: 61: 59: 40:(Carlisle), 24: 15: 4270:Possibility 4232:Jacob Black 4186:Short films 4096:Film series 4025:Adaptations 3986:Main novels 3979:Story books 3180:, page 743. 3071:Mediabistro 2831:Jason Scott 2827:Jason Jenks 2689:Emily Young 2684:Emily Young 2666:Justin Chon 2650:Eric Yorkie 2645:Eric Yorkie 2509:Mike Newton 2504:Mike Newton 2425:Jacob Black 2421:Billy Black 2416:Billy Black 2331:Renée Dwyer 2326:Renée Dwyer 2316:Billy Burke 2163:Jacob Black 2132:Julia Jones 2036:Paul Lahote 2031:Paul Lahote 1832:chromosomes 1698:J. D. Pardo 1679:Noel Fisher 1623:Irish coven 1535:Casey LaBow 1533:as Carmen, 1531:Mía Maestro 1421:Toni Trucks 1392:, his mate 1340:Leah Gibson 1270:Bree Tanner 1265:Bree Tanner 1240:Riley Biers 1222:Riley Biers 1197:Edi Gathegi 1018:as Marcus; 929:The Volturi 922:dismembered 897:crystalline 851:portmanteau 691:Jasper Hale 686:Jasper Hale 626:Kellan Lutz 452:Esme Cullen 447:Esme Cullen 289:Jacob Black 284:Jacob Black 278:Jacob Black 191:Jacob Black 149:protagonist 111:adaptations 107:film series 46:Kellan Lutz 32:(Rosalie), 4425:Categories 4222:Bella Swan 4214:characters 4174:soundtrack 4160:soundtrack 4146:soundtrack 4132:soundtrack 4118:soundtrack 4050:Companions 3912:2009-11-02 3884:2009-05-16 3849:2008-02-18 3812:2010-05-01 3796:"Midnight" 3778:2009-06-11 3742:2009-04-30 3708:2010-05-01 3687:2010-05-01 3662:2009-08-20 3619:2009-04-16 3592:2009-06-03 3566:2009-06-03 3536:2009-03-28 3510:2009-03-28 3476:2009-03-28 3442:2008-03-05 3394:2010-07-08 3369:2009-08-08 3337:2008-03-03 3305:2009-08-08 3283:2009-08-18 3254:2009-04-15 3224:2008-08-21 3197:2010-05-01 3163:2008-08-24 3107:2008-08-24 3022:2008-02-21 2968:2010-05-01 2933:2008-02-21 2871:2010-05-01 2850:References 2429:Bella Swan 2335:Renée Swan 2333:(formerly 2270:Bella Swan 2050:Alex Meraz 1998:Embry Call 1993:Embry Call 1846:says that 1768:regenerate 1731:Werewolves 1578:Rami Malek 1529:as Irina, 1521:as Tanya, 1419:, Mary by 1334:, Lucy by 1036:Noot Seear 1014:as Caius; 833:Bella Swan 676:Nikki Reed 609:Appalachia 458:and later 456:Esme Platt 377:werewolves 252:read minds 128:Bella Swan 122:Bella Swan 62:characters 48:(Emmett), 44:(Edward), 30:Nikki Reed 4256:Spotlight 3561:USA Today 3414:USA Today 3301:. Reuters 3141:23 August 2746:Alex Rice 2349:, and in 1584:as Amun, 1394:Charlotte 1309:Monterrey 1026:as Alec; 1022:as Jane; 961:Etruscans 823:) is the 718:Monterrey 514:) is the 388:New World 56:(Jasper). 4409:Category 4323:Twilight 4126:New Moon 4112:Twilight 4001:New Moon 3994:Twilight 3494:Twilight 3125:Twilight 3053:Facebook 2822:J. Jenks 2731:New Moon 2727:Sue Uley 2697:New Moon 2670:Twilight 2655:Twilight 2631:Twilight 2589:Twilight 2566:New Moon 2538:Twilight 2521:Twilight 2517:New Moon 2513:Twilight 2479:Twilight 2467:Twilight 2444:Twilight 2433:Twilight 2386:New Moon 2362:Twilight 2343:Twilight 2320:Twilight 2289:New Moon 2284:New Moon 2153:New Moon 2148:New Moon 2106:New Moon 2003:New Moon 1955:New Moon 1943:New Moon 1914:Twilight 1878:New Moon 1872:Twilight 1863:Sam Uley 1858:Sam Uley 1836:Renesmee 1828:Carlisle 1807:Twilight 1760:Twilight 1750:Twilight 1659:Vladimir 1597:Alistair 1558:Benjamin 1539:Lee Pace 1476:Patriots 1452:Slovakia 1367:Pantanal 1201:Twilight 1185:New Moon 1177:Twilight 1149:Twilight 1127:Quileute 1122:Victoria 1116:Victoria 1110:Twilight 1094:Twilight 1090:sadistic 1074:Twilight 1010:as Aro; 991:New Moon 966:New Moon 953:Volterra 951:live in 918:immortal 892:vampires 888:Twilight 882:Vampires 758:Twilight 740:New Moon 736:Twilight 699:crescent 680:Twilight 662:New Moon 657:Twilight 630:Twilight 616:New Moon 571:Twilight 548:New Moon 544:Twilight 497:Twilight 475:Twilight 471:Twilight 441:Twilight 416:Twilight 411:Quileute 381:vampires 362:Anglican 352:Twilight 332:Twilight 322:imprints 308:New Moon 304:Twilight 300:werewolf 293:Quileute 272:Twilight 256:New Moon 248:Twilight 218:Twilight 207:Renesmee 195:Quileute 187:New Moon 183:vampires 171:Twilight 164:Twilight 154:Twilight 86:New Moon 80:Twilight 68:Twilight 36:(Esme), 25:New Moon 4241:Singles 4140:Eclipse 4008:Eclipse 2829:(alias 2797:Pullman 2770:Eclipse 2756:films. 2659:Eclipse 2578:Eclipse 2570:Eclipse 2477:in the 2318:in the 2299:Eclipse 2294:Eclipse 2211:Eclipse 2167:Eclipse 2158:Eclipse 2112:Eclipse 2074:Eclipse 1971:Eclipse 1949:Eclipse 1899:Eclipse 1884:Eclipse 1867:La Push 1805:In the 1793:Alice's 1628:Siobhan 1605:Makenna 1601:Charles 1504:Laurent 1495:Vasilii 1464:Eclipse 1448:Garrett 1432:Eleazar 1402:Randall 1359:Kachiri 1351:Zafrina 1274:Eclipse 1248:Eclipse 1244:Eclipse 1173:Laurent 1167:Laurent 1137:Seattle 1132:Eclipse 1108:in the 976:Eclipse 957:Tuscany 949:Volturi 909:granite 825:dhampir 744:Eclipse 666:Eclipse 650:Eclipse 556:Eclipse 516:adopted 479:Eclipse 373:witches 313:Eclipse 199:Eclipse 151:of the 143:(later 92:Eclipse 64:in the 4330:TwiCon 4325:fandom 4249:Decode 3839:Viacom 3768:Viacom 3732:Viacom 3466:Viacom 3081:13 May 3012:Viacom 2923:Viacom 2891:Forbes 2818:film. 2801:Hawaii 2779:film. 2725:(born 2481:film. 2450:, and 2368:, and 2279:Edward 2256:Humans 2231:Others 1844:Edward 1822:, and 1715:Huilen 1710:Huilen 1690:Nahuel 1685:Nahuel 1663:Stefan 1636:Maggie 1634:, and 1603:, and 1560:, and 1497:, and 1460:Alaska 1456:Denali 1436:Carmen 1400:, and 1357:, and 1321:Nettie 1313:Mexico 901:digest 841:. 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New Moon
Nikki Reed
Elizabeth Reaser
Peter Facinelli
Robert Pattinson
Kellan Lutz
Ashley Greene
Jackson Rathbone
Twilight novel series
Stephenie Meyer
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
The Twilight Saga film series
Bella Swan
Twilight series
Stephenie Meyer
Forks, Washington
Edward Cullen
Jacob Black
Kristen Stewart
Edward Cullen

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