Knowledge (XXG)

List of members of the Senate (Haiti)

Source 📝

Dulciné Jean-Louis, Jacmel; J. P. Lafontant, Port-au-Prince, réélu; C. Archin, Port-au-Prince; Laërtre Charles Pierre, Fort-Liberté, réélu; Adin Boissonnière, Léogâne; Smith Duplessy, Port-au-Prince; C. W. Carvalho, Cap-Haïtien; Cadestin Robert, Jérémie; Mont-Morency Benjamin, Port-au-Prince; Cadieu Hibbert, Mîragoâne; Numa Tabuteau, Baradères; A. Roland, Jérémie; B. Maignan, Anse-à-Veau, réélu; Béliard jeune, Cap-Haïtien; S. Ultimo St.-Amand, Gonaïves; A. Dupiton, St.-Marc, réélu; Sidoine Thébaud, Gonaïves; C. Barbot, Gonaïves; Etienne St.-Aude, Port-de-Paix, réélu; Rosinky Jn-Joseph, Cap-Haïtien; Léonce Lubin, Cayes ; Deslandes, Coteaux ; Louis Auguste, Cayes, réélu ; S. Dubuisson fils, Lascahobas ; R. Samson, Cap-Haïtien, réélu; D, Lamour, Trou; Nemours Pre. Louis aîné, Jean-Rabel, réélu; Alfred William, Port-de-Paix ; J. B. M. Guillet, Môle St.-Nicolas ; réélu; D. Gentil, Cap-Haïtien; Edmond Paul, Jacmel; T. A. S. Sam, Cap-Haïtien, réélu; Nelson Louis, Saint-Louis-du-Nord.
1898 Mai: Pierre Victor fib, Cap-Haïtien, Renaud Hippolyte, Portau-Prince ; Thézalus Pierre Etienne, Port-au-Prince, réélu ; M. E. Magloire, Cap-Haïtien; Fuscien Denis, Cap-Haïtien; Aurel Bayard, Portau-Prince; Diogène Délinois, Port-au-Prince; Buteau, Cayes; R. Barjon, Jacmel réélu, J. C.
14 Alai 1886: St.-Cap Ls. Blot, Cap-Haïtien; Dr. Atibry, Jacmel; A. Bréa, Hinche; C. Fouchard, Jérémie; Brutus St.-Victor, Port-au-Prince; M. Zéphir, Port-au-Prince, Hyppolite, Cap-Haïtien, réélu; J. P. Lafontant, Port-au-Prince, réélu; A. V. Cabêche, Gonaïves, réélu; B. Maignan, Anse-à-Veau, réélu.
1936, 28 Septembre ARRETE PRIS EN VERTU DE LA CONSTITUTION.— Alfred Vieux, Charles Duplessy, Edgard Fanfan (Ouest) ; Beauvais Darbouze, Ulysse A. Simon (Sud) ; Joseph Titus, Charles Fombrun (Artibonite) ; Louiis S. Zéphirin, J. B. V. Leconte (Nord) ; Charles Elisée (Nord'Ouest).
Arteaud, Cap-Haïtien; W. Terlonge, Port-auPrince ; J. T. Salnave, Cap-Haïtien ; Dr. Arch. Désert, Gonaïves ; Evariste Laroche, Cap-Haïtien; Julien Dusseck, Port-au-Prince, A. Dérac, SaintMarc, réélu; St.-Far, Port-de-Paix; A. Tiphaine, Port-de-Paix ; Destin St. -Louis, St.-Marc.
1878: D. Lamour, Jacmel, réélu; François Hyppolite, Jérémie; Louis Auidain, Port-au-Prince, réélu; A. Thoby, St.-Marc; St. Léger Pre. Jn. Louis, Jérémie, réélu: E. Laroche, Cap-Haïtien; St.-Martin Dupuy, Cap-Haïtien; Falaiseau Cadet, Petit Goâve; Lalaguë fils, Aquin; Sylla Guignard, Port-au-Prince.
1896: Jules Justin, Petite-Rivière de Nippes, réélu; B. Maignan, Anse-à-Veau, réélu; Louis Auguste, Cayes, réélu; Cadestin Robert, Jérémie, réélu 25 et 26 Avril; L. Malebranche, Anse-à-Veau; Nicolas Léger, Cayes, 25 et 28 Avril; Dutréville Lamour, Trou, réélu; Tancrède Auguste, Cap-Haïtien ;
13 Juin 1888: Métellus Ménard, Dondon, réélu; Jules St.-Macary, Port-au-Prince; T. A. S. Sam, Cap-Haïtien; Nemours Pierre-Louis aîné, Jean- Rabel, réélu; Stewart, Cap-Haïtien, réélu; Joseph Dessources, Borgne, réélu ; Badère, Port-au-Prince, réélu ; M. Ménard, Dondon, réélu ; Emile
1890: Docteur M. Aubry, Port-au-Prince, réélu; T. Chalviré, Cayes; St.-Lucien Hector, Cap-Haïtien ; Ovide Cameau, St. -Marc, réélu ; Désinor St.-Louis Alexandre, St.-Marc, réélu; M. Montasse, Port-au-Prince, réélu; L. Barau, Port-au-Prince, réélu; Evariste Laroche, Cap-Haïtien, réélu;
1880: L. J. Adam, Port-au-Prince; Télus Lafontant, Port-au-Prince; Mompoint jeune, Cap-Haïtien: Hyppolitte (Gelin), Cap-Haïtien; T. Suire, Cavaillon; François Joseph, Port-au-Prince; Ed. Pinckombe, Port-au-Prince; Jn. -Charles Alexandre, Terre-Neuve; Surpris Laurent, St. -Marc; C. Océan Ulysse,
18 Mai 1892: Fontange Chevalier, Port-au-Prince; G. Guilbert Grand-Goâve; Jn. -Alerte, Port-au-Prince; S. M. Pierre, Port-au-Prince, réélu; Edmond Paul, Port-au-Prince, réélu; Ney-Cayemitte, Jérémie; A. Dérac, St. -Marc; C. G. D. Vaillant, Gonaïves ; .Azenoff Jn-Gilles, Hinche; D. Lézard,
1894 Mai: J. P. Lafontant, Port-au-Prince, réélu; Valcindor Hyppolite, Port-au-Prince, réélu ; Dérémond, Petit-Goâve ; Camille Molière, Port-au-Prince; 3. Dubuisson fils, Lascahobas, réélu; Nemours PierreLouis aîné, Jn.-Rabel, réélu. — 15 Mai: Roche aîné, Jean-Rabel; A. Malebranche,
Juin 1884: Symphor François, Môle St.-Nicolas, réélu; Ségur Gentil, Port-au-Prince; F. D. Légitime, Port-au-Prince; Samson, Cap-Haïtien; Sénèque Pierre, Anse-à-Veau; Chenier Rigaud, Tiburon; N. Léger, Cayes ; O. Cameau, St. Marc ; Désinor St.-Louis Alexandre, St. -Marc ; réélu.
21 Juin 1882: Laërte Charles Pierre, Fort-Liberté, réélu; Aimable Vilaire Cabêche, Gonaïves; Ed. Jn.-François, Plaine-du-Nord ; N. Bottex, Cap-Haëtien ; Jautel Manigat, Cap-Haïtien ; N. Pierre-Louis aîné, Jean Rabel; Louis Auguste, Port-de-Paix; Montasse, Port-au-Prince; S. M.
1930, 14 Octobre: Seymour Pradel, Sténio Vincent, Léon Nau, David Jeannot, (Ouest) ; Louis S. Zéphirin, Dr. Price Mars, Charles Zamor, (Nord) ; Charles Elisée, Denis St.-Aude, (Nord'Ouest) ; Dr. Hector Paultre, Dr. Justin Latortue, Charles Fombrun, (Artibonite) ; Antoine
Almonor Mars, Grande Rivière du Nord ; Joseph Poujol, Cap-Haïtien. — 30 Avril Plésance, Port-au-Prince, réélu; Thézalus Pierre Etienne, Port-au-Prince. — 5 mai : Pétion Eveillard aîné, StMarc; Souverain Jn-Jacques, Cap-Haitien. — 2 mai: Cyrille Bernateau, St.-Louis-du-Nord.
Mai 1879: G. Prophète, Port-au-Prince. — 22 Octobre: Buteau père, Cayes; Innocent Michel Pierre, Borgne; Desvallon jeune, Port-de-Paix; C. Auguste Laurent, Limbe; Désinor St.-Louis Alexandre, St.-Marc; Gaétan père, Coteaux; C. Kerlegrand, Jérémie; Marius Jean Simon, Miragoâne.
1936, 28 Septembre. — Normil Laurent, E. Moraille (Sud), Joseph Raphaël Noël, Adalbert Lecorps (Nord) ; Rivarol Lemaire, Dr. A. V. Carré, Nemours Vincent (Ouest) ; Christian Laporte, François Sénat Fleury (Artibonite) Denis St.-Aude, Cadet Dessources (Nord'Ouest).
1902, 21 Avril: C. Bernateau, réélu; G. Guillaume, réélu; F. Jn.Baptiste, réélu; J. C. Arteau, réélu; T. Guillaumette, W. Terlonge, réélu; P. E. Painson, réélu; P. Eveillard, réélu; A. Malebranche, réélu; D. Lamour, réélu; . Justin, réélu, M. Morisset, Prudent jeune.
1935, 21 Février: Dr. W. Théard, Beauvais Darbouze, Louis D. Gilles, (Sud) ; Francelly François, Sténio Alerte, Marceau Désinor (Artibonite) ; Hector Charles-Pierre (Nord) ;Florian Alfred, Edgard Fanfan, Charles Moravia, René T. Auguste (Ouest).
1900, 14 Mai: Camille Molière, Port-au-Prince, réélu; S. N, Lafontant, Port-au-Prince; S. Dubuisson fils, Lascahobas, réélu; Rémy Bastien, Port-au-Prince; Labbé Barbancourt Port-au-Prince; Tertulien Guilbaud, Port-de-Paix; Lascase Delbeau, Port-de-Paix.
1910, 20 Mai: Dr. Déjoie Laroche, R. Barjon, N. S. Lafontant, Vaudré Hilaire, F. N. Apollon, M. Sylvain, Aug. Durosier, Camille Molière, Sudre Dartiguenave, R. Chalviré, Léonce Lubin (réélu). NeltusNelson, St-Louis Thimothée, Salomon fils Papillon.
Cap-Haïtien; C. P, F. Bazin, Limbe; E. Laroche, Cap-Haïtien, réélu; Jn-François Pre-Loui.s, Ste-Suzanne; B. Jn. -Bernard, Cerca-la-Source; Diogène Serres, Port-de-Paix; Robert Roche, Môle St.-Nicolas; L. Bareau, Port-au-Prince, réélu.
16 Mai: Destin St. Louis, St. Marc, réélu; M. Limage Philippe, Gonaïves; Estime jeune, St.-Marc; Marius Jn, Simon, Miragoâne, réélu; Léonce Lubin, Cayes, réélu; Béris Léveillé, Cap-Haïtien.
1893: Ovide Camçau, Poit-au-Prince, réélu; Ernest Roumain, Portau-Prince; Jh. Osson, Petit-Trou de Nippes; Ed. Montreuil, Cap-Haïtien; Jules Justin, Dame-Marie; P. E. Latortue, Gonaïves.
Anse-à-Veau, M. Jean-Simon, Miragoâne, réélu; Stewart, CapHaïtien, réélu; Désinor Saint-Louis Alexandre, SaintMarc, réélu; P. E. Latortue, Gonaïves, Dupiton, St.-Marc, 21 Mai, réélu.
13603: 9306:
1932, 2 Août: Dr. Antoine V. Carré, (Ouest); Jh. Raphaël Noël, (Nord) ; Rameau Loubeau, (Sud) ; Valencourt Pasquet, (Artibonite) ; Léonce William, (Nord'Ouest).
Juin 1891: Louis Thimogène Lafontant, Jacmel, réélu; Dr. Tacite Lamothe, Port-au-Prince; V. Kither Domnd, Jacmel; Plésance, Portau-Prince; Valcindor Hippolyte, Port-au-Prince.
1917, 11 Avril: N. Lanoix, Josaphat François, E. Dornéval, P. M. Ducasse, Chs. Annoual, A. C. Sansaricq, B. Dartiguenave, P. Sannon. (Prestation de serment le 17 Avril 1917).
1908, 25 Mai: Vincent aîné, Gabriel Bouché, Moreau Michel, An dré Guillaume, Davilmar Théodore, Florian Moïse, (réélu) ; Robert David, réélu; Salomon Jn-Baptistc, réélu.
1904, 30 Mai: Nord: Louis André fils réélu; Vaudré Hilaire, réélu; Fuscien Denis, Dr. Déjoie Laroche. — Ouest: Julien Dussek, réélu; J. R. Barjon, réélu ; Buteau.
13612: 13946: 13920: 13915: 13910: 13902: 13897: 13892: 13457: 13437: 13417: 13395: 13375: 13355: 13333: 13313: 13293: 13271: 13251: 13231: 13209: 13187: 13167: 13145: 13125: 13105: 13083: 13063: 13043: 13025: 13005: 12985: 12963: 12943: 12923: 12901: 12881: 12861: 12823: 12806: 12787: 12768: 12749: 12730: 12711: 12692: 12673: 12654: 12635: 12616: 12597: 12578: 12557: 12535: 12512: 12491: 12470: 12448: 12429: 12410: 12391: 12372: 12350: 12331: 12308: 12287: 12266: 12245: 12222: 12137: 12103: 12067: 12048: 12029: 12010: 11991: 11972: 11953: 11934: 11915: 11896: 11877: 11858: 11839: 11820: 11801: 11782: 11763: 11744: 11725: 11706: 11685: 11666: 11647: 11628: 11609: 11590: 11571: 8114:
Ouest. — F. Cauvin, St.-Fort Colin, J, Dussek, A. Bourjolly, S. Dennis, R. Hippolite, E. Brossard, Michel Oreste, D. Jn-Louis, M. Gaston, C. François.
13951: 13690: 13682: 13677: 13672: 13667: 13662: 13657: 4026: 4005: 3982: 3959: 3938: 3917: 3877: 3856: 3833: 3810: 3787: 3766: 3743: 3720: 3697: 3674: 3653: 3151: 3118: 2684: 2664: 2644: 2624: 2596: 2592: 2572: 2552: 2532: 2528: 2508: 2504: 2484: 2480: 2460: 2456: 2436: 2432: 2412: 2408: 2387: 2383: 2362: 2358: 2337: 2333: 2312: 2308: 2287: 2283: 2262: 2258: 2237: 2233: 2213: 2209: 2189: 2185: 2165: 2161: 2139: 2135: 2115: 2111: 2091: 2087: 2067: 2063: 2043: 2039: 2019: 2015: 1995: 1991: 1971: 1967: 1933: 1929: 1908: 1904: 1883: 1879: 1858: 1854: 1831: 1827: 1806: 1802: 1781: 1777: 1756: 1752: 1731: 1727: 1706: 1702: 1681: 1677: 1656: 1652: 1631: 1627: 1606: 1602: 1581: 1577: 1556: 1552: 1548: 1527: 1523: 1519: 1498: 1494: 1490: 1469: 1465: 1461: 1440: 1436: 1432: 1411: 1407: 1403: 1382: 1378: 1374: 1353: 1349: 1345: 1324: 1320: 1316: 1295: 1291: 1287: 1266: 1262: 1258: 1237: 1233: 1212: 1208: 1187: 1183: 1163: 1159: 1139: 1135: 1112: 1108: 1084: 1080: 1058: 1054: 575: 364: 146: 13596: 314:
appointed to 6-year term; took the oath of office, but later joined the rebels. Replaced separately by Jean-Auguste Voltaire on March 4, 1807.
8-9 Décembre: Sud. — H. Dennery, M. Morisset, Néré Numa, Ney Cayemitte, N. Sandaire, A. Malebranche, N. Bance, P. Pierre André, Jules Justin.
1914, 22 Mai: Louis Ed. Pouget, C. St.-Aude, S Villard, C. Bemateau, Bussy Zamor, C. V. Cabêche, C. Latortue, F. Martineau, Dr. A. Hollant.
1er septembre — 3 Dec: Nord — Dr. N. Auguste, P. Béliard, M. E. Magloire, P. A. Steward, D. Théodore, P. Ménard, T. C. Laurent, V. Hilaire.
13589: 13887: 13882: 13877: 13872: 13867: 13862: 13857: 13852: 13844: 13839: 13834: 13829: 13824: 13819: 13814: 13806: 13801: 13796: 13791: 13786: 13781: 13776: 13771: 13766: 13761: 13756: 13751: 13746: 13741: 13736: 13728: 13723: 13715: 13710: 13705: 11548: 13700: 13695: 1840: 8056:
4-5 Décembre : Artibonite. — E. Cinéas, T. A. Dupiton, R. David, Boîsrond, Salomon, Jn.-Baptiste, Lanoue Sterling.
13639: 8826:
1912, 20 Mai: Th. Laroche. Th. Salnave, M. Jn-François, S. William, E. Dornéval, Dr. D. Désir, M. Morpeau, H. Lanoue.
1906, 21 Mai. — Nord: T. C. Laurent, réélu; A. Béliard, réélu; Damisca Nelson (Nord-Ouest) Silencieux William, réélu.
1904, 11 Mai: P. Pierre André, (réélu) Sud; Morisset, Sud, réélu; N. Bance, Sud, réélu; Ney Cayemitte, Sud, réélu.
12275: 12254: 680: 724: 106: 13154: 592: 13218: 12851: 12232: 12213: 11560: 1093: 702: 12846: 790: 636: 12296: 746: 346: 12500: 13342: 12910: 12566: 812: 13581: 13092: 12522: 1067: 558: 13280: 12479: 1121: 207: 12146: 12318: 7776:
Pierre, Cayes, réélu; M. Montas, Port-au-Prince, réélu; D. Théodore, Ouanaminthe; T. Riboul, réélu.
834: 768: 658: 13652: 12090: 1031: 1009: 987: 963: 940: 917: 894: 871: 847: 825: 803: 781: 759: 737: 715: 693: 671: 649: 627: 605: 571: 549: 528: 506: 484: 462: 438: 416: 394: 360: 336: 309: 287: 265: 243: 221: 197: 175: 142: 120: 96: 74: 60: 12163: 1041: 13616: 13404: 12544: 856: 226:
appointed to 6-year term; elected senate president on 31 December 1806, appointed to 6-year term
1917, 9; Avril: S. Pradel, C. Mayard, A. Arault, S. Vincent, L. Ed, Pouget, Chs, Zamor, Lecorps
1908, 29 Mai: Biaise Lavache, D. Lespinasse, Calice Lerebours, réélu ; H. Baussan, réélu.
13196: 11694: 973: 448: 369:
appointed to 3-year term; did not accept re-appointment in 1815, re-elected 3 February 1825
13535: 13508: 13481: 12972: 12359: 7624:
Marcelin, Port-au-Prince; T. Riboul, Port-au-Prince; Emile Pierre, Cayes; 18 Septembre.
13627: 12208: 8143:
1903, 12 Mai': S. M. Pierre, J. R. Barjon (Ouest) 1903, 1 Juil: F. Moïse (Nord-Ouest).
319: 17: 13940: 7949:
18 Mai: P. A. Stewart, Cap -Haïtien, réélu; Admète Malebranche, Anise-à-Veau, réélu.
2148: 8797:
1912, 17 Mai: Michel Oreste, Ed. Roumain, D. Duplessy, Paul Laraque, Weber Francis.
1906, 23 Mai. — Artibonite : T A. Dupiton, réélu; Lanoue Sterlin, réélu; Viau.
12457: 12126: 614: 79:
appointed to 9-year term; elected by the Senate as President of Haiti 9 March 1807
1906, 23 Mai. — Ouest: E. Brossard, réélu, Ph. Curiel, Dauphin, Chs. Régnier.
13567: 8942:
1914, 1er Juin: S. Archer, H. Baussan, Aug, Scott, Em. Volel, J. Dussek.
Du 4 Dec: Nord Ouest. — S. William, A. Tiphaine, Beauvoir, T. Champagne.
appointed by Pétion, but turned down the appointment. Replaced by Leroux
1902 : Reconstitution du Sénat après les événements du 12 mai.
21: 8361:
1905, 28 Juil. — H. Baussan, (Ouest), Calice Lerebaurs (Ouest).
13585: 13568:"Recueil général des lois & actes du gouvernement d'Haiti" 7885:
1897: Stéphen Archer, Port-au-Prince; Rovigo Barjon, Jacmel.
1907, 20 Août: S. Archer (Ouest), P. Colas, (Nord-Ouest).
appointed to 9-year term; re-elected on 22 February 1827
Télémaque, Normil Laurent, Fouchard Martineau, (Sud).
8477:1906, 23 Mai. — Sud: Camille St.-Rémy, P. Paulin. 7965:1901, 17 Juin: Tertilus Nicolas, F. Jn.-Baptiste, 7760:18 Juillet 1887: Etienne St.- Aude, Port-de-Paix. 7591:Port-au-Prince; J, C. Kerlegrand, Jérémie, réélu. 945:never took office, joined Christophe's rebellion. 922:never took office, joined Christophe's rebellion. 899:never took office, joined Christophe's rebellion. 876:never took office, joined Christophe's rebellion. 8593:1908, 27 Mai: Candelon Rigaud, Pétrus Pallière. 3108:re-elected 13 October 1849 and 13 October 1857 8390:1905, 18 Août. — 'Diogène Lerebours, (Ouest). 3883:re-elected 13 Octobe 1857 et le 10 Mars 1870 3141:re-elected 16 September 1849 and 20 July 1858 13597: 9248:1931, 10 Janvier; Pierre Hudicourt, (Ouest). 8884:1913, Mai: Dr. L E. Jeanty, L. C. Lhérisson. 8259:1904, 27 Mai: Nord — 'M, E. Magloire, réélu. 8: 13134:(vacant, due to expiration of term in 2015) 13114:(vacant, due to expiration of term in 2013) 13014:(vacant, due to expiration of term in 2015) 12994:(vacant, due to expiration of term in 2013) 12952:(vacant, due to expiration of term in 2015) 12932:(vacant, due to expiration of term in 2013) 9073:1915, 20 Août: Jules Justin, Aug. Supplice. 9029:1914, 18 Nov : Beauhamais Jn-François. 13536:"JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI" 13509:"JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI" 13482:"JOURNAL OFFICIEL DE LA REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI" 8651:1909, 24 Mai: Estimé jeiune, Léonce Lubin. 7745:— 18 Août: Moléus Germain, Port-au-Prince. 13604: 13590: 13582: 13562: 13560: 13558: 11516: 8332:1905, 19 Mai. — Labbé Barbancourt, (Sud). 36: 16:The following is a list of members of the 8172:1903, 11 Août: Masséus Salvador (Ouest). 1938:later appointed to the Council of State 13473: 8011:28 Août: Pour le Nord; Ls, André fils. 8303:1904, 17 Août. — Nord: Th. H. Ménard. 9277:1932, 10 Janv. — V. Leconte, (Nord). 9000:1914, 28 Octobre: Gerson Desrosiers. 8230:19i04, 27 Mai: Boisrond Canal jeune. 7: 8768:1910, 8 Juillet: Etienne Magloire. 1036:did not accept appointment in 1815 1014:did not accept appointment in 1815 992:did not accept appointment in 1815 13653:1st Senate (1806-1817, unicameral) 14: 13947:Members of the Haitian Parliament 9058:1915, 26 Mai: Canrobert Gougues. 8739:1910, 5juin : F. L. Cauvin. 13952:Lists of members of upper houses 12521:(vacant, due to resignation of 12317:(vacant, due to resignation of 9102:1915, 8 Nov: Antoine François. 8971:1914, 6 Juillet: Octave Brice. 8855:1913, 5 Mai: Arthur Thimothée. 8680:1909, 29 Juil: Cuvier Rouzier, 7356:Petite-Rivière de l'Artibonite 6298:Petite Rivière de l'Artibonite 4955:Antoine Bernard, Thomas Madiou 13364:Richard Lenine Hervé Fourcand 12720:Fritz Carlos Lebon (Quaestor) 5760:PetiteRivière-de-l'Artibonite 2541:Jean Daguerre, Port-au-Prince 1: 12587:Eddy Bastien (1st secretary) 472:Jean-Louis Guillaume Manigat 6380:St. Léger Pierre Jean-Louis 3988:re-elected 20 Juillet 1857 3965:re-elected 13 Octobre 1857 3839:re-elected 13 Octobre 1857 3816:re-elected 13 Octobre 1857 3793:re-elected 13 Octobre 1857 3749:re-elected 13 Octobre 1857 3491:re-elected 10 November 1855 3441:Antoine François Bance père 3060:re-elected 10 November 1855 1615:Marie Eth. Eustache Frémont 580:re-elected 28 February 1817 12255:François Fouchard Bergromme 3726:re-elected 8 Juillet 1856 3703:re-elected 8 Juillet 1856 3680:re-elected 8 Juillet 1856 3028:Nicolas Célestin, Lapointe 2613:Louis Séguy Vilvaleix aîné 2198:Louis Lézeaux jeune, Aquin 681:André Auguste Borno Lamarre 13968: 13613:Lists of terms and members 13384:Jean-Marie Junior Salomon 12777:Laurent Fequière Mathurin 9131:1915, 26 Nov: Th. Laleau. 5502:Pierre François Toussaint 4635:Théophile Adrien Blanchet 4491:Jean Evangéliste Célestin 3246:re-elected 25 August 1855 3126:Pierre François Toussaint 2747:Jean-Julien Dasny Labonté 2222:Jean-Jacques Sully, Cayes 1507:Jacques Hyppolyte Laroche 1362:Jean-Louis Lafontant père 13648: 13623: 12419:Jean Joseph Pierre Louis 12276:Edmonde Supplice Beauzile 12231:(vacant, due to death of 6110: 6100: 6097: 5893:Henry Théodore Granville 5587:Pierre Momplaisir Pierre 5556:St.-Michel de l'Attalaye 5497:re-elected 10 Mars 1870 4092:Petit-Trou des Baradères 3587:Ls. de Gonzague Latortue 3245: 3233: 3230: 3140: 3128: 3125: 3107: 3095: 3092: 3059: 3048: 3045: 2999: 2996: 2749: 2600: 2591: 2583: 2580: 2246:Jean-Claude Michel jeune 1919: 1916: 1815:François Domingue Labbée 1536:Charles Théodore Cupidon 1420:Jean-François Lespinasse 1275:Antoine Martinez Valdès, 725:Casimir Célestin Panayoty 579: 570: 562: 557: 533:appointed to 3-year term 511:appointed to 3-year term 489:appointed to 3-year term 467:appointed to 3-year term 443:appointed to 3-year term 421:appointed to 3-year term 399:appointed to 3-year term 368: 359: 350: 345: 341:appointed to 6-year term 297:Pierre Timothé, (Aubert) 292:appointed to 6-year term 270:appointed to 6-year term 248:appointed to 6-year term 202:appointed to 9-year term 180:appointed to 9-year term 150: 141: 132: 129: 125:appointed to 9-year term 101:appointed to 9-year term 11522: 5027:Petite Rivière-deNippes 4972:Charles Antoine Preston 4545:Jn. Alphonse, Mirambeau 4089:Louis Doizé, Pouponneau 3420:re-elected 6 April 1847 3231:Jn. -Louis Nicolas fils 3011:re-elected 20 July 1858 2979:Cerres et Valcin Gaudin 2852:Jean Joseph Rameau père 2174:Jh. Guillaume Longchamp 1917:Alexis Beaubrun Ardouin 42: 13155:Jean-Baptiste Bien-Aimé 11526:Date elected/appointed 7061:S. Léger Pre. Jn-Louis 5842:Pierre Louis Toussaint 5689:Antoine Norbert Gâteau 4290:Jn.-Louis Nicolas fils 4053:Jean- Joseph Dieudonné 3731:Désormes Ls. Lafontant 2653:Jean Michel Corvoisier 2633:Paul Emile Berthonieux 2028:José Joaquim Delmonte, 593:Philippe Bourjolly-Modé 253:Jn-Louis Despas Médina 46:Date elected/appointed 13219:François Lucas Sainvil 12000:Frahner Jean-Baptiste 11905:Jacques Clarck Parent 7489:Laërte Charles Pierre 6451:Grande-Rivièredu-Nord 5910:Pierre Alexis Lageroy 5279:Dagueaseau Lespinasse 4718:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4700:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4682:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4664:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4646:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4628:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4610:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4592:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4574:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4556:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4538:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4520:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4502:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4484:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4466:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4447:9th, 10th, 11th, 12th 4418:Jean-Baptiste Nicolas 4382:Pierre-Louis, Carriès 3821:Jean-Baptiste Pernier 3662:Casimir Jean-Baptiste 2956:re-elected 2 May 1846 1304:Desrivières Chanlatte 1148:Pierre François Birot 1094:Pierre-Prosper Rouanez 703:Jean-Baptiste Delaunay 13176:Jacques Sauveur Jean 12847:François Anick Joseph 12739:Fortuné Jean Gabriel 12644:Anacacis Jean Hector 12567:Jean Rodolphe Joazile 12038:Jean-Robert Martinez 6227:Montmorency Daguerre 6141:P. Momplaisir Pierre 5706:Fabre jeune (Fabien) 5228:Montmorency Benjamin 4617:José Ignacio Mendoza 4473:Théiismon Bouchereau 4429:8th, 9th, 10th, 11th 4411:8th, 9th, 10th, 11th 4393:8th, 9th, 10th, 11th 4375:8th, 9th, 10th, 11th 4357:8th, 9th, 10th, 11th 4339:8th, 9th, 10th, 11th 4320:8th, 9th, 10th, 11th 4309:Casimir Jn.-Baptiste 4301:8th, 9th, 10th, 11th 4071:Jean-Louis Hippolite 3754:Jean-Baptiste Alerte 3279:Alexandre Bouchereau 2942:Nemours Pierre-Louis 2493:Michel Charles jeune 2445:Alexandre Bouchereau 1449:Louis Gabriel Audigé 791:Etienne Célestin Obas 637:Jean-Auguste Voltaire 231:Jean-Louis Barlatier 12297:Jean Wilbert Jacques 12233:Noël Emmanuel Limage 11557:Thomas Eddy Dupiton 6789:St.-Louis Alexandre 5757:St.-Louis Alexandre 5075:Pierre Louis Coicou 4763:Jean Pierre Dauphin 4234:J. J. Dasny Labonté 3623:Thermidor Jean-Bart 3093:Hilaire Jean-Pierre 2906:Jean-Baptiste Dupuy 2561:Lunley Ch. Cerisier 2421:Guillaume Chegaraye 747:Jean-Baptiste Bayard 347:Louis Auguste Daumec 13640:Chamber of Deputies 13322:Jean Renel Senatus 13240:Evallière Beauplan 12870:Carl Murat Cantave 12606:Evallière Beauplan 12501:Antoine René Samson 12381:Jean Maxime Roumer 12091:Edgard Leblanc Fils 7546:1er Septembre 1876 7529:1er Septembre 1876 7113:François Hyppolite 6176:Volcé Pierre Louis 5876:Alexandre Benjamin 5723:Gonzalve Labanette 5536:Pierre Félix Cadet 5519:Lauriston Kernizan 5467:Jn.-Pierre Dauphin 5296:Alphonse Henriquez 4886:Jn.-Baptiste Dupuy 4455:Balthazar Ingignac 4436:Surville Toussaint 4200:Croix-des-Bouquets 3824:Croix des Bouquets 2961:Belonière Petionny 2296:Jérôme Chardavoine 2124:Pierre Louis Bouzi 1246:Joseph Pitre jeune 163:Gabriel David-Troy 13617:Haitian Parliament 13343:Fritz Carlos Lebon 12911:Francesco Delacruz 11962:Julio Larosiliere 11791:Firmin Jean-Louis 7727:Joseph Dessources 6704:Drouillard Meyers 6210:William Chanlatte 6193:Aristide Flambert 5859:Dominique Hilaire 5484:Etienne St. -Aude 5416:J. Cassius Daniel 5347:Guerrier Prophète 4938:Exilien Heurtelou 4695:19 Septembre 1860 4677:19 Septembre 1860 4659:19 Septembre 1860 4581:Sylvestre Jacques 4400:Brutus Jean-Simon 4197:Joseph Eyssalenne 3775:Jean Michel Duval 3708:Duverno Trouillot 3685:Alphonse Larochel 3574:13 September 1846 3477:Victorin Plésance 3369:Guerrier Prophète 3146:16 September 1849 2888:Philibert Laraque 2834:Cinus Marion aîné 2180:21 Septembre 1836 2156:19 Septembre 1836 2076:Emérand Lafontant 1980:Jean Pierre Oriol 1790:Jn. Jh. Dieudonné 1696:25 September 1830 1565:Fleuran Chevalier 1478:Jean Colin Castor 1077:24 September 1830 1074:24 September 1821 813:Jean Augustin Hogu 275:Magloire Ambroise 107:Etienne Elie Gérin 13934: 13933: 13926:vacant since 2023 13465: 13464: 13446:Dieupie CHERUBIN 13093:Westner Polycarpe 13052:Francenet Denius 12523:Rudolph H. Boulos 12362:(vice-president) 12100:January 11, 1999 11695:Bernard Sansaricq 11580:Déjean Belizaire 11510: 11509: 7695:Môle St.-Nicolas 7336:Symphor François 6471:5 Septembre 1873 6454:5 Septembre 1873 6437:5 Septembre 1873 6420:5 Septembre 1873 6403:5 Septembre 1873 6264:Môle St.-Nicolas 6261:Symphor François 5927:Eugène Bourjolly 5862:St.Louis du Nord 5825:Fils-Aimé Alexis 5576:5 Septembre 1867 5559:5 Septembre 1867 5553:Dominique Benoit 5542:5 Septembre 1867 5525:5 Septembre 1867 5508:5 Septembre 1867 5490:5 Septembre 1867 5473:5 Septembre 1867 5456:5 Septembre 1867 5439:5 Septembre 1867 5422:5 Septembre 1867 5405:5 Septembre 1867 5388:5 Septembre 1867 5370:5 Septembre 1867 5353:5 Septembre 1867 5336:5 Septembre 1867 5319:5 Septembre 1867 5302:5 Septembre 1867 5285:5 Septembre 1867 5268:5 Septembre 1867 5251:5 Septembre 1867 5234:4 Septembre 1867 5217:4 Septembre 1867 5214:St.-Louis du Sud 5200:4 Septembre 1867 5183:4 Septembre 1867 5166:8 Septembre 1866 5160:Alexandre Carrié 4869:Alexandre Madiou 4794:10th, 11th, 12th 4775:10th, 11th, 12th 4756:10th, 11th, 12th 4737:10th, 11th, 12th 4713:28 Décembre 1860 4689:Thimagène Rameau 4653:Antoine Laforest 4364:François Acloque 4203:24 Décembre 1853 4185:24 Décembre 1853 4179:Myrtil La tortue 4167:18 Décembre 1852 4149:18 Décembre 1852 4143:Pierre Santhonax 4131:18 Décembre 1852 4113:18 Décembre 1852 4095:18 Décembre 1852 3844:Clervaux Lavache 3714:15 Novembre 1847 3691:15 Novembre 1847 3668:15 Novembre 1847 3634:Council of State 3616:Council of State 3598:Council of State 3582:12 Novembre 1856 3579:Council of State 3561:Council of State 3543:Council of State 3525:Council of State 3507:Council of State 3488:Council of State 3470:Council of State 3452:Council of State 3417:Council of State 3398:Council of State 3387:Maximilien Zamor 3380:Council of State 3362:Council of State 3344:Council of State 3333:Philippeaux fils 3326:Council of State 3308:Council of State 3297:Chancy Ducayette 3290:Council of State 3272:Council of State 3243:Council of State 3224:Council of State 3213:Turenne Guerrier 3206:Council of State 3195:François Balmire 3188:Council of State 3170:Council of State 3138:Council of State 3105:Council of State 3086:Council of State 3065:10 November 1855 3057:Council of State 3052:22 February 1845 3039:Council of State 3034:22 February 1845 3008:Council of State 3003:22 February 1845 2990:Council of State 2985:22 February 1845 2972:Council of State 2953:Council of State 2935:Council of State 2917:Council of State 2899:Council of State 2881:Council of State 2863:Council of State 2845:Council of State 2827:Council of State 2816:André Jean-Simon 2809:Council of State 2791:Council of State 2758:Council of State 2740:Council of State 2722:Council of State 2704:Council of State 2302:4 Septembre 1839 2271:Rozier Decossard 2100:Charles Bàzelais 2004:Désiré Maillard, 1948:Council of State 1671:4 Septembre 1830 1665:Philippe Laraque 1646:4 Septembre 1830 1621:4 Septembre 1830 1545:14 February 1836 1542:14 February 1827 1458:26 February 1835 1455:26 February 1826 1221:Coquière Dupiton 1068:Antoine Lerebours 1019:J.-F. Lespinasse 974:Jean-Pierre Boyer 964:1st (Provisional) 941:1st (Provisional) 918:1st (Provisional) 895:1st (Provisional) 872:1st (Provisional) 848:1st (Provisional) 826:1st (Provisional) 804:1st (Provisional) 782:1st (Provisional) 760:1st (Provisional) 738:1st (Provisional) 716:1st (Provisional) 694:1st (Provisional) 672:1st (Provisional) 650:1st (Provisional) 628:1st (Provisional) 606:1st (Provisional) 585:28 February 1817 572:1st (Provisional) 559:Jean-Louis Larose 550:1st (Provisional) 529:1st (Provisional) 525:28 December 1809 522:28 December 1806 507:1st (Provisional) 503:28 December 1809 500:28 December 1806 485:1st (Provisional) 481:28 December 1809 478:28 December 1806 463:1st (Provisional) 459:28 December 1809 456:28 December 1806 449:Guy Joseph Bonnet 439:1st (Provisional) 435:28 December 1809 432:28 December 1806 417:1st (Provisional) 413:28 December 1809 410:28 December 1806 395:1st (Provisional) 391:28 December 1809 388:28 December 1806 361:1st (Provisional) 357:28 December 1809 354:28 December 1806 337:1st (Provisional) 333:28 December 1812 330:28 December 1806 310:1st (Provisional) 303:28 December 1806 288:1st (Provisional) 284:28 December 1812 281:28 December 1806 266:1st (Provisional) 262:28 December 1812 259:28 December 1806 244:1st (Provisional) 240:28 December 1812 237:28 December 1806 222:1st (Provisional) 218:28 December 1812 215:28 December 1806 198:1st (Provisional) 194:28 December 1815 191:28 December 1806 176:1st (Provisional) 172:28 December 1815 169:28 December 1806 156:22 February 1827 143:1st (Provisional) 139:28 December 1815 136:28 December 1806 121:1st (Provisional) 117:28 December 1815 114:28 December 1806 97:1st (Provisional) 93:28 December 1815 90:28 December 1806 75:1st (Provisional) 71:28 December 1815 68:28 December 1806 13959: 13606: 13599: 13592: 13583: 13576: 13575: 13564: 13553: 13552: 13550: 13549: 13540: 13532: 13526: 13525: 13523: 13522: 13513: 13505: 13499: 13498: 13496: 13495: 13486: 13478: 13302:Antonio Cherami 13281:Steven I. Benoit 12701:Yvon Buissereth 12625:Miléus Hypolite 12547:(2nd secretary) 12480:Cemephise Gilles 12438:Huguette Lamour 12097:October 9, 1995 11943:Wesner Emmanuel 11568:4 February 1995 11565:4 February 1991 11517: 7710:Métellus Ménard 7679:13 Juillet 1883 7662:13 Juillet 1883 7645:22 Février 1883 7506:Choute Narcisse 7339:MôleSt- Nicolas 7216:L. T. Lafontant 6996:Anse-d'Hainault 6911:MôleSt- Nicolas 6908:J. B. M Gnillet 6806:Lazarre Bastien 6687:Lovinsky Isidor 6098:Picare Niclaise 6013:Colbert Lochard 5996:Jeantel Manigat 5774:Polémon Lorquet 5330:Alvinzi Clément 5245:J. F. S. Victor 5177:Jacques Thébaud 5115:23 Juillet 1866 5098:23 Juillet 1866 5081:23 Juillet 1866 5064:23 Juillet 1866 5047:23 Juillet 1866 5030:23 Juillet 1866 5013:23 Juillet 1866 4995:19 Juillet 1865 4978:19 Juillet 1865 4961:19 Juillet 1865 4944:19 Juillet 1865 4788:14 Juillet 1862 4769:14 Juillet 1862 4750:14 Juillet 1862 4731:14 Juillet 1862 4599:Guillaume André 4527:J. H. Cayemitte 4272:Dérival Lévêque 4215:François Lacruz 4161:Gustave Apollon 4125:Sulïren Mirault 4107:Célestin Balier 4035:Edouard Etienne 4020:13 Octobre 1848 3999:13 Octobre 1848 3976:13 Octobre 1848 3953:13 Octobre 1848 3932:13 Octobre 1848 3911:13 Octobre 1848 3905:François Sévère 3871:13 Octobre 1848 3850:13 Octobre 1848 3827:13 Octobre 1848 3804:13 Octobre 1848 3798:Hippolite Lucas 3781:13 Octobre 1848 3760:13 Octobre 1848 3737:13 Octobre 1848 3629:16 October 1846 3611:16 October 1846 3593:16 October 1846 3568:François Capois 3113:13 October 1849 3075:Céligny Ardouin 3046:François Lacruz 2967:13 January 1845 2948:13 January 1845 2930:13 January 1845 2912:13 January 1845 2894:13 January 1845 2876:13 January 1845 2858:13 January 1845 2840:13 January 1845 2822:13 January 1845 2804:13 January 1845 2798:Joseph François 2786:13 January 1845 2753:13 January 1845 2735:13 January 1845 2717:13 January 1845 2711:Joseph Courtois 2699:13 January 1845 2601:re-elected 1847 2523:26 Juillet 1841 2499:26 Juillet 1841 2427:23 October 1839 2402:16 October 1839 2377:14 October 1839 2352:11 October 1839 2228:19 October 1836 1923:17 Juillet 1833 1848:8 December 1830 1821:26 October 1830 1796:18 October 1830 1771:17 October 1830 1746:12 October 1830 1721:10 Octobre 1830 1429:20 January 1835 1426:20 January 1826 1400:13 January 1835 1397:13 January 1826 1391:Fonroë Dubreuil 1371:31 January 1834 1368:31 January 1825 1342:24 January 1834 1339:24 January 1825 1313:14 January 1834 1310:14 January 1825 1230:28 October 1831 1227:28 October 1822 1205:21 October 1831 1202:21 October 1822 1196:Eliacin Dupuche 1132:26 January 1834 1129:26 January 1825 1122:François Sambour 1105:8 February 1834 1102:8 February 1825 934:28 December 1806 911:28 December 1806 888:28 December 1806 881:Toussaint-Brave 865:28 December 1806 842:5 December 1815 820:5 December 1815 798:5 December 1815 776:5 December 1815 754:5 December 1815 732:5 December 1815 404:Charles Daguilh 382:Théodat Trichet 377:3 February 1834 374:3 February 1825 208:César Thélémaque 61:Alexandre Pétion 37: 13967: 13966: 13962: 13961: 13960: 13958: 13957: 13956: 13937: 13936: 13935: 13930: 13644: 13619: 13610: 13580: 13579: 13566: 13565: 13556: 13547: 13545: 13538: 13534: 13533: 13529: 13520: 13518: 13511: 13507: 13506: 13502: 13493: 13491: 13484: 13480: 13479: 13475: 13470: 13260:Onondieu Louis 12890:Youri Latortue 12758:Joseph Lambert 12682:Evelyne Cheron 12147:Fourel Célestin 12057:Alberto Joseph 11981:Franck Leonard 11848:Luc Fleurinord 11753:Edrice Raymond 11734:Rony Mondestin 11515: 7733:2 Juillet 1885 7716:2 Juillet 1885 7659:Port-au-Prince 7642:Port-au-Prince 7526:Port-au-Prince 7441:Port-au-Prince 7424:Port-au-Prince 7370:Dr. Jn. Joseph 7353:Brutus Casimir 7322:Port-au-Prince 7253:Port-au-Prince 7233:A, F. Duvivier 7202:Port-au-Prince 7150:Port-au-Prince 6945:Port-au-Prince 6928:Port-au-Prince 6877:Port-au-Prince 6843:Port-au-Prince 6826:Port-au-Prince 6775:Port-au-Prince 6670:Ssmson Antoine 6570:Port-au-Prince 6519:Port-au-Prince 6502:Port-au-Prince 6485:Port-au-Prince 6482:Général Cauvin 6448:Pyrrhus Michel 6434:Port-au-Prince 6400:Port-au-Prince 6397:Boisrond Canal 6366:Port-au-Prince 6349:Port-au-Prince 6230:Port-au-Prince 6162:Port-au-Prince 6159:Auguste Montas 6144:Port-au-Prince 6127:Port-au-Prince 6104:7 Juillet 1871 6067:Port-au-Prince 6033:Port-au-Prince 6030:Boisrond Canal 6016:Port-au-Prince 5982:Port-au-Prince 5962:Furay V, Herne 5947:Port-au-Prince 5930:Port-au-Prince 5896:Port-au-Prince 5879:Port-au-Prince 5808:Albert Boucant 5777:Port-au-Prince 5692:Port-au-Prince 5672:Samson Antoine 5655:Désilus Lamour 5573:Port-au-Prince 5505:Port-au-Prince 5382:Louis Gauthier 5367:Port-au-Prince 5364:Volmar Laporte 5282:Port-au-Prince 5262:Hyppolite aîné 5248:Port-au-Prince 5194:Edmond Lauture 5163:Port-au-Prince 5146:Port-au-Prince 5095:Port-au-Prince 5078:Port-au-Prince 5061:Port-au-Prince 5058:Volmar Laporte 4975:Port-au-Prince 4958:Port-au-Prince 4941:Port-au-Prince 4924:Port-au-Prince 4921:Antoine Larose 4872:Port-au-Prince 4838:Port-au-Prince 4818:Bruno Blanchet 4804:Port-au-Prince 4728:Port-au-Prince 4725:Fénelon Buteau 4692:Port-au-Prince 4674:Port-au-Prince 4656:Port-au-Prince 4566:Port-au-Prince 4563:Joseph Lamothe 4548:Port-au-Prince 4512:Port-au-Prince 4509:René Lavelanet 4476:Port-au-Prince 4458:Port-au-Prince 4439:Port-au-Prince 4424:8 Juillet 1856 4406:8 Juillet 1856 4403:Port-au-Prince 4388:8 Juillet 1856 4370:8 Juillet 1856 4367:Port-au-Prince 4352:8 Juillet 1856 4334:8 Juillet 1856 4331:Port-au-Prince 4315:8 Juillet 1856 4312:Port-au-Prince 4296:25 August 1856 4264:8th, 9th, 10th 4256:Port-au-Prince 4253:Pierre Abraham 4245:8th, 9th, 10th 4237:Port-au-Prince 4226:8th, 9th, 10th 4110:Port-au-Prince 4074:Port-au-Prince 4056:Port-au-Prince 3947:Chéry Alcindor 3868:Port-au-Prince 3865:Saladin Lamour 3847:Port-au-Prince 3801:Port-au-Prince 3778:Port-au-Prince 3734:Port-au-Prince 3711:Port-au-Prince 3688:Port-au-Prince 3665:Port-au-Prince 3644:Port-au-Prince 3499:Port-au-Prince 3480:Port-au-Prince 3444:Port-au-Prince 3408:Port-au-Prince 3390:Port-au-Prince 3318:Port-au-Prince 3300:Port-au-Prince 3282:Port-au-Prince 3251:25 August 1855 3177:Fils-Aimé Obas 3129:Port-au-Prince 3078:Port-au-Prince 2924:François Genty 2783:Port-au-Prince 2772:8th, 9th, 10th 2750:Port-au-Prince 2732:Port-au-Prince 2714:Port-au-Prince 2696:Port-au-Prince 2636:Port-au-Prince 2616:Port-au-Prince 2584:Port-au-Prince 2564:Port-au-Prince 2544:Port-au-Prince 2448:Port-au-Prince 2396:Gabriel Dallon 2371:Philippe César 2349:Port-au-Prince 2346:Calice Bonneau 2327:7 October 1839 2204:5 October 1836 2153:Port-au-Prince 2127:Port-au-Prince 2103:Port-au-Prince 2079:Port-au-Prince 1983:Port-au-Prince 1958:Port-au-Prince 1920:Port-au-Prince 1845:Port-au-Prince 1793:Port-au-Prince 1768:Port-au-Prince 1718:Port-au-Prince 1643:Port-au-Prince 1618:Port-au-Prince 1596:11 August 1828 1590:Gilles Bénèche 1539:Port-au-Prince 1510:Port-au-Prince 1481:Port-au-Prince 1452:Port-au-Prince 1423:Port-au-Prince 1307:Port-au-Prince 1249:Port-au-Prince 1224:Port-au-Prince 1199:Port-au-Prince 1151:Port-au-Prince 1099:Port-au-Prince 1025:5 December 1815 1003:5 December 1815 981:5 December 1815 817:Port-au-Prince 795:Port-au-Prince 773:Port-au-Prince 729:Port-au-Prince 685:Port-au-Prince 666:March 30, 1807 663:Port-au-Prince 622:March 30, 1807 619:Port-au-Prince 563:Port-au-Prince 519:Port-au-Prince 453:Port-au-Prince 351:Port-au-Prince 327:Port-au-Prince 185:Lamothe Aigron 166:Port-au-Prince 133:Port-au-Prince 130:Ignace Fresnel 87:Port-au-Prince 65:Port-au-Prince 35: 30: 12: 11: 5: 13965: 13963: 13955: 13954: 13949: 13939: 13938: 13932: 13931: 13929: 13928: 13923: 13918: 13913: 13908: 13905: 13900: 13895: 13890: 13885: 13880: 13875: 13870: 13865: 13860: 13855: 13850: 13847: 13842: 13837: 13832: 13827: 13822: 13817: 13812: 13809: 13804: 13799: 13794: 13789: 13784: 13779: 13774: 13769: 13764: 13759: 13754: 13749: 13744: 13739: 13734: 13731: 13726: 13721: 13718: 13713: 13708: 13703: 13698: 13693: 13688: 13685: 13680: 13675: 13670: 13665: 13660: 13655: 13649: 13646: 13645: 13643: 13642: 13637: 13636: 13635: 13624: 13621: 13620: 13611: 13609: 13608: 13601: 13594: 13586: 13578: 13577: 13554: 13527: 13500: 13472: 13471: 13469: 13466: 13463: 13462: 13460: 13455: 13452: 13450: 13447: 13443: 13442: 13440: 13435: 13432: 13430: 13427: 13426:Ricard Pierre 13423: 13422: 13420: 13415: 13412: 13410: 13407: 13401: 13400: 13398: 13393: 13390: 13388: 13385: 13381: 13380: 13378: 13373: 13370: 13368: 13365: 13361: 13360: 13358: 13353: 13350: 13348: 13345: 13339: 13338: 13336: 13331: 13328: 13326: 13323: 13319: 13318: 13316: 13311: 13308: 13306: 13303: 13299: 13298: 13296: 13291: 13288: 13286: 13283: 13277: 13276: 13274: 13269: 13266: 13264: 13261: 13257: 13256: 13254: 13249: 13246: 13244: 13241: 13237: 13236: 13234: 13229: 13226: 13224: 13221: 13215: 13214: 13212: 13207: 13204: 13202: 13199: 13197:Ronald Larêche 13193: 13192: 13190: 13185: 13182: 13180: 13177: 13173: 13172: 13170: 13165: 13162: 13160: 13157: 13151: 13150: 13148: 13143: 13140: 13138: 13135: 13131: 13130: 13128: 13123: 13120: 13118: 13115: 13111: 13110: 13108: 13103: 13100: 13098: 13095: 13089: 13088: 13086: 13081: 13078: 13076: 13073: 13069: 13068: 13066: 13061: 13058: 13056: 13053: 13049: 13048: 13046: 13041: 13039: 13037: 13034: 13031: 13030: 13028: 13023: 13020: 13018: 13015: 13011: 13010: 13008: 13003: 13000: 12998: 12995: 12991: 12990: 12988: 12983: 12980: 12978: 12975: 12969: 12968: 12966: 12961: 12958: 12956: 12953: 12949: 12948: 12946: 12941: 12938: 12936: 12933: 12929: 12928: 12926: 12921: 12918: 12916: 12913: 12907: 12906: 12904: 12899: 12896: 12894: 12891: 12887: 12886: 12884: 12879: 12876: 12874: 12871: 12867: 12866: 12864: 12859: 12856: 12854: 12849: 12843: 12842: 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618: 616: 613: 612: 609: 607: 604: 602: 599: 596: 594: 591: 590: 587: 584: 583: 577: 573: 568: 565: 560: 556: 553: 551: 548: 546: 543: 540: 537: 536: 532: 530: 527: 524: 521: 518: 515: 514: 510: 508: 505: 502: 499: 496: 493: 492: 488: 486: 483: 480: 477: 475:Fort-Dauphin 474: 471: 470: 466: 464: 461: 458: 455: 452: 450: 447: 446: 442: 440: 437: 434: 431: 428: 425: 424: 420: 418: 415: 412: 409: 406: 403: 402: 398: 396: 393: 390: 387: 384: 381: 380: 376: 373: 372: 366: 362: 356: 353: 348: 344: 340: 338: 335: 332: 329: 326: 324: 321: 318: 317: 313: 311: 308: 305: 302: 300:Port-de-Paix 299: 296: 295: 291: 289: 286: 283: 280: 277: 274: 273: 269: 267: 264: 261: 258: 255: 252: 251: 247: 245: 242: 239: 236: 233: 230: 229: 225: 223: 220: 217: 214: 211: 209: 206: 205: 201: 199: 196: 193: 190: 187: 184: 183: 179: 177: 174: 171: 168: 165: 162: 161: 158: 155: 154: 148: 144: 138: 135: 128: 124: 122: 119: 116: 113: 110: 108: 105: 104: 100: 98: 95: 92: 89: 86: 83: 82: 78: 76: 73: 70: 67: 64: 62: 59: 58: 54: 51: 48: 45: 39: 38: 32: 27: 25: 23: 19: 13925: 13632: 13571: 13546:. Retrieved 13542: 13530: 13519:. Retrieved 13515: 13503: 13492:. Retrieved 13488: 13476: 13072:Nenel Cassy 12973:Riché Andris 12460:(president) 12458:Kely Bastien 12400:Nenel Cassy 12360:Andris Riché 12164:Yvon Feuillé 12127:Yvon Neptune 11810:Judnel Jean 11513:1988-present 7954:18 May 1900 7938:16 May 1900 7922:14 May 1900 7676:Anse-à-Veau 7458:Petit-Goâve 7421:M. Montasse 7407:Cap-Haïtien 7390:Anse-à-Veau 7373:Cap-Haïtien 7284:A. Flambert 7267:D. Pichardo 7167:Cap-Haïtien 6993:P. Alcindor 6942:S. Liautaud 6894:Cap-Haïtien 6891:A. Fontaine 6860:Cap-Haïtien 6809:Port-dePaix 6758:Port-dePaix 6738:Fabre jeune 6707:Anse-à-Veau 6690:Cap-Haïtien 6636:A. Débrosse 6602:Numa Rameau 6567:G. Prophète 6553:Port-dePaix 6468:Cap-Haïtien 6417:Port-dePaix 6332:Cap-Haïtien 6284:18 Août 181 6281:Petit Goâve 6084:Cap-Haïtien 6050:Cap-Haïtien 5999:Cap-Haïtien 5913:Anse-à-Veau 5791:Marcel père 5740:Debout aîné 5610:8 Mars 1870 5593:8 Mars 1870 5590:Anse-à-Veau 5433:Numa Rameau 5419:Cap-Haïtien 5385:Cap-Haïtien 5333:Cap-Haïtien 5265:Cap-Haïtien 5126:Philippeaux 5092:Auguste Nau 4907:Cap-Haïtien 4785:Petit-Goâve 4747:Cap-Haïtien 4275:Petit-Goâve 4218:Cap-Haïtien 4146:Cap-Haïtien 4038:Ouanaminthe 3996:Cap-Haïtien 3908:Cap-Haïtien 3590:Cap-Haïtien 3514:Jean Michel 3483:9 June 1846 3462:Cap-Haïtien 3315:Cauvin aîné 3159:Applys fils 3099:16 May 1845 3096:Cap-Haïtien 3049:Cap-Haïtien 2964:Cap-Haïtien 2945:Cap-Haïtien 2927:Cap-Haïtien 2676:Petit-Goâve 2520:Cap-Haïtien 2517:Héraux aîné 2472:Anse-à-Veau 2374:Grand Goâve 2324:Cap-Haïtien 2130:5 Juin 1835 2106:4 Juin 1835 2082:30 May 1834 2058:23 May 1834 2055:Cap-Haïtien 2034:21 May 1834 1898:3 July 1833 1873:6 Juin 1832 1765:Jean Béchet 1042:Noël Viallet 1024: 1002: 980: 956: 933: 910: 887: 864: 615:Louis Leroux 429:Cap-Haïtien 322: 212:Cap-Haïtien 188:Cap-Haïtien 111:Anse-à-Veau 84:Charles Lys 15: 13405:Edwin Zenny 13263:Nord-Ouest 13243:Nord-Ouest 13223:Nord-Ouest 13017:Grand'Anse 12997:Grand'Anse 12977:Grand'Anse 12893:Artibonite 12873:Artibonite 12628:Nord-Ouest 12609:Nord-Ouest 12590:Nord-Ouest 12545:Judnel Jean 12525:of FUSION) 12384:Grand'Anse 12365:Grand'Anse 12343:Grand'Anse 12259:Artibonite 12238:Artibonite 12019:Guy Bauduy 11889:Nord-Ouest 11870:Nord-Ouest 11851:Nord-Ouest 11829:Amos Andre 11772:Raoul Remy 11718:Grand'Anse 11699:Grand'Anse 11678:Grand'Anse 11602:Artibonite 11583:Artibonite 11529:Term ended 7705:re-elected 7686:re-elected 7673:B. Maignan 7553:re-elected 7540:A. Dupiton 7387:B. Maignan 7314:re-elected 7301:Jh. Baille 7177:re-elected 7074:re-elected 7044:A. Rouzier 7010:A. Fougère 6874:L. J. Adam 6823:D. Labonté 6653:H. Hérissé 6597:re-elected 6499:Jh. Armand 6465:Magny fils 6295:A. Dupiton 6244:A. Rouzier 6154:re-elected 6124:F. Faubert 6087:3 Mai 1871 6070:3 Mai 1871 6053:3 Mai 1871 5979:John Lynch 5957:re-elected 5641:Lascahobas 5604:Mégie aîné 5377:re-elected 5231:Mirebalais 5129:Petit-Trou 5109:E. Lauture 5002:re-elected 4899:re-elected 4450:re-elected 4323:re-elected 4304:re-elected 4267:re-elected 4248:re-elected 4229:re-elected 3985:, 8th, 9th 3970:Zamor père 3962:, 8th, 9th 3880:, 8th, 9th 3836:, 8th, 9th 3813:, 8th, 9th 3790:, 8th, 9th 3746:, 8th, 9th 3723:, 8th, 9th 3700:, 8th, 9th 3677:, 8th, 9th 3459:Aplys père 3354:Saint-Marc 3336:Petit-Trou 3261:Numa Paret 3216:Saint-Marc 3031:Saint-Marc 2775:re-elected 2729:Noël Piron 2693:David Troy 2673:Jean Bénis 2619:4 May 1843 2587:4 May 1843 2496:Mirebalais 2321:Tassy aîné 2277:2 May 1838 2010:5 May 1834 1867:Louis Alin 1640:Noël Piron 1568:Petit-Trou 857:Paul Romain 710:4 May 1808 497:Saint-Marc 494:Jean Simon 234:Mirebalais 49:Term ended 13941:Categories 13548:2020-08-05 13521:2020-08-05 13494:2020-08-05 13468:References 12852:Artibonite 12214:Artibonite 11561:Artibonite 7698:June 1884 7639:A. Lindor 7182:M. Alexis 7027:D. Lamour 6976:E. Berret 6959:H. Baille 6925:Jh Armand 6857:Chavannes 6755:A. Boucan 6639:Baradères 6619:Th. Paret 6329:A. Ménard 6179:JeanRabel 4744:Félix Box 4421:St. -Marc 4128:St. -Marc 3405:Jean-Paul 2819:Miragoâne 2581:Jean-Paul 1743:Miragoâne 1593:Baradères 1333:Dévalions 1096:(Romanez) 707:Miragoâne 13772:1899–1902 13201:Nord-Est 13179:Nord-Est 13159:Nord-Est 12571:Nord-Est 12550:Nord-Est 12528:Nord-Est 11832:Nord-Est 11813:Nord-Est 11794:Nord-Est 11523:District 7543:St. Marc 7509:St. Marc 7404:F. Dupuy 7304:Gonaïves 7199:D. Denis 7185:Gonaïves 6962:Gonaïves 6840:C. Ségur 6792:St.-Marc 6772:Ph. Noël 6721:O. Henry 6656:St.-Marc 6536:Gonaïves 6363:\. Duval 6081:Duvivier 5828:St.-Marc 5470:Gonaïves 5453:Gonaïves 5316:Gonaïves 4989:Léveillé 4889:Gonaïves 4766:Gonaïves 4620:Gonaïves 4602:St.-Marc 4494:Gonaïves 4182:Gonaïves 3973:Gonaïves 3535:Gonaïves 2982:Gonaïves 2909:Gonaïves 2656:Gonaïves 2399:Arcahaie 1175:St. Marc 997:Frédéric 950:Montbrun 927:Charéron 541:Gonaïves 43:District 33:1806-1964 13449:Sud-Est 13429:Sud-Est 13409:Sud-Est 12799:Sud-Est 12780:Sud-Est 12761:Sud-Est 12060:Sud-Est 12041:Sud-Est 12022:Sud-Est 7713:Donidon 7116:Jérémie 7099:Léogâne 7064:Jérémie 7047:Jérémie 6724:Jérémie 6622:Jérémie 6383:Jérémie 6247:Jérémie 5794:Jérémie 5624:Léogâne 5621:Lissade 5522:Léogâne 5450:Joubert 5010:Jérémie 4710:Jérémie 4638:Jérémie 4530:Jérémie 4349:Léogâne 3950:Jérémie 3757:Léogane 3264:Jérémie 3198:Jérémie 2891:Jérémie 2274:Jérémie 1895:Jérémie 1668:Jérémie 1336:Léogâne 13921:2015-23 13916:2010-15 13911:2006-10 13903:2000-04 13898:1995–99 13893:1991–94 13883:1984–86 13878:1979–83 13873:1973–79 13868:1967–73 13863:1961-67 13858:1957-61 13845:1950-55 13835:1946–50 13830:1941–45 13825:1935–41 13820:1932–35 13815:1930–32 13802:1914–17 13797:1911–14 13792:1908–11 13787:1905–08 13782:1902–05 13767:1896–99 13762:1893–96 13757:1890–93 13752:1887–88 13747:1882–87 13742:1879–82 13737:1875–79 13729:1873–74 13724:1870–73 13716:1867–69 13711:1863–67 13706:1862–63 13701:1857–62 13696:1852–57 13691:1847–52 13683:1842–43 13678:1837–42 13673:1832–37 13668:1827–32 13663:1822–27 13658:1817–22 13633:Members 13615:of the 13075:Nippes 13055:Nippes 13036:Nippes 12955:Centre 12935:Centre 12915:Centre 12441:Nippes 12422:Nippes 12403:Nippes 12324:Centre 12301:Centre 12280:Centre 11659:Centre 11640:Centre 11621:Centre 7730:Borgne 7656:Badère 7475:Jacmel 7455:Ferrus 7287:Jacmel 7270:Hinche 7219:Jacmel 7133:Jacmel 7079:Mouras 7030:Jacmel 6312:Dupont 6278:Ferrus 6213:Jacmel 6196:Jacmel 5944:Cauvin 5726:Hinche 5658:Jacmel 5607:Jacmel 5211:Salien 5197:Jacmel 5180:Jacmel 5112:Jacmel 4584:Borgne 4385:Jacmel 3929:Jacmel 3000:Borgne 2801:Jacmel 2249:Jacmel 2007:Jacmel 1690:Glésil 1365:Jacmel 839:Jacmel 751:Jacmel 597:Jacmel 278:Jacmel 13907:vacant 13849:vacant 13811:vacant 13733:vacant 13720:vacant 13687:vacant 13628:Senate 13325:Ouest 13305:Ouest 13285:Ouest 12685:Ouest 12666:Ouest 12647:Ouest 11946:Ouest 11927:Ouest 11908:Ouest 11535:Notes 7164:Magny 7082:Cayes 7013:Cayes 6979:Cayes 6741:Cayes 6605:Cayes 6587:Cayes 6315:Cayes 6101:Cayes 5965:Cayes 5845:Limbe 5743:Aquin 5709:Cayes 5539:Limbe 5436:Cayes 5402:Cayes 4992:Cayes 4855:Milot 4821:Cayes 4293:Cayes 4164:Cayes 4017:Cayes 3641:Détré 3626:Cayes 3608:Cayes 3553:Cayes 3234:Cayes 3180:Limbe 3154:, 8th 3121:, 8th 2873:Cayes 2855:Cayes 2837:Cayes 2424:Cayes 2299:Cayes 2225:Cayes 2201:Aquin 2177:Cayes 1818:Cayes 1693:Cayes 1394:Cayes 1126:Cayes 641:Cayes 516:Yayou 407:Cayes 385:Cayes 256:Cayes 55:Notes 18:Senate 13539:(PDF) 13512:(PDF) 13485:(PDF) 13454:2022 13434:2020 13414:2017 13392:2022 13372:2020 13352:2017 13330:2022 13310:2020 13290:2017 13268:2022 13248:2020 13228:2017 13206:2022 13184:2020 13164:2017 13142:none 13137:Nord 13122:none 13117:Nord 13102:2017 13097:Nord 13080:2022 13060:2020 13022:none 13002:none 12982:2017 12960:none 12940:none 12920:2017 12898:2022 12878:2020 12858:2017 12505:Nord 12484:Nord 12463:Nord 11775:Nord 11756:Nord 11737:Nord 11532:Term 11520:Name 7512:1876 7495:1876 7478:1876 7461:1876 7444:1876 7427:1876 7410:1876 7393:1876 7376:1876 7359:1876 7342:1876 7325:1876 7307:1876 7290:1876 7273:1876 7256:1876 7239:1876 7222:1876 7205:1876 7188:1876 7170:1876 7153:1876 7136:1876 7119:1876 7102:1876 7085:1876 7067:1876 7050:1876 7033:1876 7016:1876 6999:1875 6982:1875 6965:1875 6948:1875 6931:1875 6914:1875 6897:1875 6880:1875 6863:1875 6846:1875 6829:1875 6812:1875 6795:1875 6778:1875 6761:1875 6744:1875 6727:1875 6710:1875 6693:1875 6676:1875 6659:1875 6642:1875 6625:1875 6608:1875 6590:1875 6573:1875 6556:1875 6539:1875 6522:1875 6505:1875 6488:1875 6301:1873 6115:1875 5044:Trou 5024:Azor 4791:1873 4772:1873 4753:1873 4734:1873 4023:1857 4002:1857 3979:1866 3956:1866 3935:1857 3914:1857 3898:13th 3895:1876 3874:1866 3853:1857 3830:1866 3807:1866 3784:1866 3763:1857 3740:1866 3717:1865 3694:1865 3671:1865 3650:1856 3351:Paul 3240:1847 3135:1847 3102:1847 2606:1847 2405:1847 2380:1847 2355:1847 2330:1847 2305:1847 2280:1847 2255:1847 1964:1842 1926:1842 1901:1842 1876:1841 1851:1839 1824:1839 1799:1839 1774:1839 1749:1839 1724:1839 1699:1839 1674:1839 1649:1839 1624:1839 1599:1837 1574:1837 323:jeune 52:Term 40:Name 22:Haiti 13888:1988 13853:1957 13840:1950 13807:1917 13777:1902 13458:50th 13438:50th 13418:50th 13396:50th 13387:Sud 13376:50th 13367:Sud 13356:50th 13347:Sud 13334:50th 13314:50th 13294:50th 13272:50th 13252:50th 13232:50th 13210:50th 13188:50th 13168:50th 13146:50th 13126:50th 13106:50th 13084:50th 13064:50th 13044:50th 13026:50th 13006:50th 12986:50th 12964:50th 12944:50th 12924:50th 12902:50th 12882:50th 12862:50th 12824:49th 12807:48th 12788:48th 12769:48th 12750:48th 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Alexandre Pétion
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
Etienne Elie Gérin
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
César Thélémaque
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
Bruno Blanchet
1st (Provisional)
Louis Auguste Daumec
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
Guy Joseph Bonnet
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)
1st (Provisional)

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