
List of songs by Slavko Avsenik

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24: 70: 1071: 1076: 49: 66: 1081: 974:
Rosno mladi smo mi junaki bili nekoč (Some Day We the Heroes Were in the First Flush of Youth)
100: 149:Če te Gorenjc povabi in malo mešano (If an Upper Carniolan Invites You and a Little Mixed) 104: 1022:
Silvestrski večer, mali zidarski napotek (The New Year's Eve, the Little Building Advice)
Novoletno voščilo: Zvezde na nebu žare (The New Year's Wish: The Stars Glow in the Sky)
96: 1065: 75: 39: 158:Čevapčiči in ražnjiči in dobra kaplica (Čevapčiči and Grilled Skewers and Good Wine) 59: 1019:
Shujševalna kura, nevaren pivski napotek (The Diet, a Dangerous Drinking Advice)
Ne sveti zvezda v noč svetleje (The Star Doesn't Shine into the Night Brighter)
Po klančku gor, po klančku dol (Up the Little Slope, Down the Little Slope)
Slovenija, od kod lepote tvoje (Slovenia, Where Your Beauties Are From)
Pustovanje na Gorenjskem (The Shrovetide Celebration in Upper Carniola)
Tudi ti nekoč boš mamica postala (You Will Become a Mummy One Day Too)
Za kratek čas (Lustig mit Gitare und Accordeon) (For the Short Time)
Otoček sredi jezera (The Little Island in the Middle of the Lake)
This is a list of songs by the folk music composer and performer
Prelepa zelena Begunjščica (The Magnificent Green Begunjščica)
Povej mi, kje pomlad gostuje (Tell me Where the Spring Guests)
Ni važno od kod si doma (It Doesn't Matter Where You Are from)
Nabrala bom šopek cvetja (I Will Pick up a Bouquet of Flowers)
17: 506:
Moj rodni kraj, moj rodni dom (My Birth Place, My Birth Home)
Jej, jej, k'mam težko glavo (My, O, May, My Head Is So Heavy)
Ha, ha, Košir se še ne da (Ha, ha, Košir Doesn't Yet Give Up)
Posedam rad pred hišico (I Like to Sit in Front of my House)
Ko lovec na štoru je spal (When the Hunter Slept on a Stump)
Kadar pridem na planinco (When I Come to the Little Pasture)
99:(1929–2015). Avsenik wrote around 1000 songs altogether, in 944:
Prijatelji, ostanimo prijatelji (Friends, Let Stay Friends)
Nobena ni lepša kot moja (None is more Beautiful than Mine)
Mi ne gremo na drugi planet (We Won't Go to Another Planet)
Jaz pa pojdem k ljub'ci v vas (I Go to Court My Sweatheart)
Praznik pršuta in terana (The Prosciutto and Terano Feast)
Pozdrav iz Kranjske gore (The Greeting from Kranjska Gora)
Nobena žavba ne pomaga več (No Salve Doesn't Help Anymore)
Moj očka ima konjička dva (My Daddy Has Two Little Horses)
S čolnom po Ljubljanici (With a Boat on the Ljubljanica)
Prelepi gorenjski cvet (The Magnificent Mountain Flower)
Pozdrav Selški dolini (The Greeting to the Selca Valley)
Potepanje s harmoniko (The Wandering with the Accordion)
146:Če te Gorenjc povabi (If an Upper Carniolan Invites You) 1025:
Sinje morje, bela jadra (The Blue Sea, the White Sails)
Radovedni astronavt Franc (The Curious Astronaut Franc)
Prijateljem harmonike (To the Friends of the Accordion)
Prehitro mimo je mladost (The Youth Passes too Quickly)
Noč diši po pravljici (The Night Smells of a Fairytale)
Na tebe pa požvižgam se (I Don't Give a Hoot About You)
Med rojaki v Ameriki (Among the Compatriots in America)
Mavrica čez Gorenjsko (The Rainbow Over Upper Carniola)
Jutranjica na obzorju (The Morning Star on the Horizon)
Enkrat levo, dvakrat desno (Once Left, Two Times Right)
Pod cvetočimi kostanji (Under the Flowering Chestnuts)
Lepe ste ve Karavanke (You're Beautiful the Karawanks)
Ko se zjutraj prebudim (When I Wake up in the Morning)
Harmonika in orglice (The Accordion and the Harmonica)
S harmoniko v hribe (With the Accordion to the Hills)
Po cvetočih planinah (Across the Flowering Mountains)
Pijem rad in dobro jem (I Like to Drink and Eat Well)
Na valovih Jadrana (On the Waves of the Adriatic Sea)
Jadranje nad Gorenjsko (Sailing Above Upper Carniola)
S kitaro po svetu (With the Guitar Across the World)
Pojdi z menoj na planino (Go with Me to the Pasture)
Od Ljubljane do Maribora (From Ljubljana to Maribor)
167:Čujte me, čujte, mamca vi (Hear Me, Hear, You Mummy) 995:
S trobento v svet (With the Trumpet into the World)
Na planinski magistrali (On the Mountain Main Road)
Lisička in Marička (The Little Fox and Little Mary)
Lepo je biti muzikant (It Is Nice to Be a Musician)
Dobro jutro striček Janez (Good Morning Uncle John)
1028:Skozi Tuhinjsko dolino (Through the Tuhinj Valley) 992:S polko v novo leto (With a Polka to the New Year) 908:Prelepa Gorenjska (The Magnificent Upper Carniola) 881:Praktično je le kolo (Only a Bicycle is Practical) 221:Fantje, zdaj pa domov (Fellows, Let's Go Home Now) 215:Enkrat na leto praznujem (Once a Year I Celebrate) 965:Resje že cvete (The Heather Is Already in Flower) 599:Na vrtu mojega očeta (In the Garden of My Father) 449:Ljubezen in hrepenenje (The Love and the Longing) 323:Juhej, zavriskaj in zapoj (Juhey, Shout and Sing) 281:Iz Hotemaž v Tupal´če (From Hotemaže to Tupal´če) 65:for phonetic transcriptions, with an appropriate 917:Prelepi zimski čas (The Magnificent Winter Time) 872:Pozdrav s trobento (The Greeting with a Trumpet) 797:Pod ljubljanskim gradom (Below Ljubljana Castle) 773:Po cvetličnih tratah (Across the Flower Meadows) 518:Na avtocesti (Auf der Autobahn) (On the Highway) 305:Jaz sem pa en Franc Košir (I Am One Franc Košir) 260:Hodil po gozdu sem (I Walked Through the Forest) 140:Čar Julijskih alp (The Charm of the Julian Alps) 986:S kočijo v Bodešče (With a Carriage to Bodešče) 842:Pomladi je lepo (It Is Beautiful in the Spring) 641:Ne maraj za težave (Do not Care About Problems) 407:Koračnica Julijskih Alp (The Julian Alps March) 356:Kaj pa reče mamca moja (What Does My Mummy Say) 347:Kadar na rajžo se podam (When I go to a Travel) 245:Gremo na Gorenjsko (Let's go to Upper Carniola) 173:Dedek pridi na ples (Grandpa Come to the Dance) 1049:Veter nosi pesem mojo (The Wind Bears My Song) 749:Pesem o divjem petelinu (The Capercaille Poem) 623:Najlepše je doma (It Is Most Beatuful at Home) 542:Na Krki sem ribce lovil (I Fished in the Krka) 383:Kmetič praznuje (The Little Farmer Celebrates) 233:Godrnanje in meketanje (Growling and Bleating) 1007:Sanjam o domovini (I Dream About my Homeland) 998:Samo enkrat imaš 50 let (You're 50 Only Once) 932:Pri sankaški koči (At the Sled Rider's Lodge) 869:Pozdrav s Pohorja (The Greeting from Pohorje) 824:Poleti, pozimi (In the Winter, in the Summer) 653:Nemirna mlada leta (The Restless Young Years) 326:Jurčki in lisičke (Porcinis and Chanterelles) 272:Igral sem na orglice (I Played the Harmonica) 242:Gozdovi v mesečini (Forests in the Moonshine) 203:Ej, takšni smo vsi (Hey, We're All Like That) 8: 890:Praznik Gorenjske (The Upper Carniola Feast) 830:Polka ostane polka (A Polka Remains a Polka) 386:Ko bom k vojakom šel (When I Go to the Army) 335:Jutro na deželi (The Morning in the Country) 170:Dedek mraz prihaja (Grandfather Frost Comes) 1010:Sem deklica za vse (I'm A General Dogsbody) 962:Rana ura, huda ura (Early Hour, Angry Hour) 806:Pod zvezdnatim nebom (Under the Starry Sky) 443:Lepo je s teboj (It Is Nice to Be with You) 365:Kam tako hitiš (Where Do You Hurry So Much) 1037:Slovenski pozdravi (The Slovene Greetings) 884:Prav fletno se imamo (We're Really Groovy) 785:Počitnice na kmetih (Holidays on the Farm) 704:Obisk na Koroškem (The Visit in Carinthia) 434:Lep spomin, ljubica (Nice Memory, My Dear) 404:Komedijanti prihajajo (The Comedians Come) 341:Kadar bom vandral (When I Will Bum Around) 239:Gozdarjeva povest (The Lumberjack's Story) 161:Čez korensko sedlo (Over the Koren Saddle) 134:Cvetoči lokvanj (The Flowering Water Lily) 1004:Samo še en vrček (Only a Single Jug More) 938:Pri Valvazorjevi koči (At Valvasor Lodge) 935:Pri sedmerih jezerih (At the Seven Lakes) 857:Poskočni klarineti (The Lively Clarinets) 680:Novoletni koledar (The New Year Calendar) 626:Najlepši cvet (The Most Beautiful Flower) 554:Na Menini planini (On the Menina Pasture) 548:Na lovski veselici (On the Hunter's Fete) 401:Koledniška polka (The Carol Singer Polka) 377:Klic z gora (The Call from the Mountains) 287:Izlet na deželo (The Trip to the Country) 194:Drija drajsom polka (Drija Drajsom Polka) 152:Če vinček govori (If the Dear Wine Talks) 1052:Za konec tedna (For the End of the Week) 1001:Samo enkrat se živi (You Only Live Once) 833:Polka za harmoniko (The Accordion Polka) 713:Odmev s Triglava (The Echo from Triglav) 584:Na smučarskem tečaju (At the Ski Course) 452:Ljubici v slovo (To the Dear in Goodbye) 389:Ko boš tod mimo šel (When You Go Hereby) 374:Klic domovine (The Call of the Homeland) 344:Kadar grem na Rodne (When I Go to Rodne) 251:Gremo na Pokljuko (Let's Go to Pokljuka) 209:Enkrat ja, enkrat ne (Once Yes, Once No) 758:Pisani travniki (The Colourful Meadows) 752:Pesem v spomin (The Poem to the Memory) 725:Okoli novega leta (Around the New Year) 572:Na Poljški planini (At Poljška Pasture) 320:Jubilejna koračnica (The Jubilee March) 218:Fant s kitaro (The Boy with the Guitar) 191:Dopust se bliža (The Holiday Is Coming) 971:Romanca za kitaro (The Guitar Romance) 905:Prelep je svet (The Magnificent World) 902:Prekmurska polka (The Prekmurje Polka) 836:Polka za klarinet (The Clarinet Polka) 809:Pogled v dolino (View into the Valley) 794:Pod lipco (Under the Little Lime Tree) 539:Na Kranjskem sejmu (At the Kranj Fair) 530:Na Golici, na pomoč (On Golica, Help!) 419:Križi in težave (Worries and Problems) 416:Krivci mojega klobuka (My Hat's Brims) 413:Kraguljčki na saneh (The Sleigh Bells) 362:Kakor je tud' res (As It Is Also True) 839:Polnočni zvonovi (The Midnight Bells) 767:Planinski valček (The Mountain Waltz) 719:Ohcet na Borlu (The Wedding at Borl ) 560:Na oknu slonim (I Lean on the Window) 527:Na Golici (Trompetenecho) (On Golica) 485:Melodija za tebe (The Melody for You) 470:Luštna kelnarca (The Spiffy Waitress) 464:Lovska koračnica (The Hunter's March) 455:Ljubljanska noč (The Ljubljana Night) 395:Ko mesec sveti (When the Moon Shines) 308:Je že 35 let (It Is Already 35 Years) 266:Hopla-hopla polka (Hopla–Hopla Polka) 248:Gremo na ples (Let's Go to the Dance) 230:Gasilec Franc (The Firefighter Franc) 200:Drvarska polka (The Lumberjack Polka) 155:Če zunaj dežuje (If It Rains Outside) 7: 953:Pustni valček (The Shrovetide Waltz) 950:Prvi sončni žarek (The First Sunray) 812:Pogled z Jalovca (View from Jalovec) 782:Po trgatvi (After the Grape Harvest) 764:Planinski cvet (The Mountain Flower) 728:Oleandrov cvet (The Oleander Flower) 707:Obisk v Lipici (The Visit in Lipica) 689:O, sveti Florjan (Oh, Saint Florian) 662:Nežno šepetenje (The Gentle Whisper) 656:Nepozabni dnevi (Unforgettable Days) 638:Našim znancem (To Our Acquaintances) 602:Na Zbiljskem jezeru (At Lake Zbilje) 590:Na Šmarno goro (To Mount Saint Mary) 509:Moja zlata Mišika (My Golden Mišika) 380:Kmalu spet nasvidenje (Goodbye Soon) 359:Kako bi jo spoznal (How to Meet Her) 290:Izlet na Jamnik (The Trip to Jamnik) 197:Družinski praznik (The Family Feast) 131:Cvetoče tulpe (The Flowering Tulips) 1072:Lists of songs by recording artists 893:Praznik na vasi (The Village Feast) 821:Pokal - polka (The Cup – The Polka) 815:Pohorski valček (The Pohorje Waltz) 722:Okajeni godci (The Tipsy Musicians) 698:Ob Ljubljanici (At the Ljubljanica) 668:Nikar domov (On no Account Go Home) 629:Narodna noša (The National Costume) 467:Lovska trofeja (The Hunting Trophy) 410:Koroška polka (The Carinthia Polka) 206:En, dva in tri (One, Two and Three) 185:Dolge so noči (Long Are the Nights) 164:Čez Ljubelj (Over the Ljubelj Pass) 128:Cvetlični valček (The Flower Waltz) 122:Breze v vetru (Birches in the Wind) 920:Premišljevanje (The Contemplation) 845:Pomladni nasmeh (The Spring Smile) 737:Otroške želje (The Child's Wishes) 659:Neprespane noči (Sleepless Nights) 551:Na Martinovo (On St. Martin's Day) 461:Lovci prihajajo (The Hunters Come) 431:Leo je zaljubljen (Leo Is in Love) 422:Lahovška polka (The Italian Polka) 293:Izlet v Istro (The Trip to Istria) 179:Dišeče rože (The Fragrant Flowers) 176:Dilce se lomijo (The Planks Break) 143:Če prideš nazaj (If You Come Back) 55:for transliterated languages, and 35:of its non-English content, using 14: 947:Proti jutru (Towards the Morning) 878:Pozno jeseni (In the Late Autumn) 851:Popolna zmeda (The Complete Mess) 650:Nedeljski izlet (The Sunday Trip) 458:Lov na polhe (The Doormouse Hunt) 371:Klemenčkova (The Klemenček Polka) 368:Kje je sreča (Where Is Happiness) 329:Jutranja zarja (The Morning Dawn) 317:Jesenska polka (The Autumn Polka) 284:Iz naših krajev (From Our Places) 269:Hribovski valček (The Hill Waltz) 227:Franc vseved (Franc the Know-All) 224:Fantovsko veselje (The Boy's Joy) 827:Polka na Voglu (The Vogel Polka) 770:Ples kurentov (The Kurent Dance) 743:Paradna polka (The Parade Polka) 515:Moji tašči (To My Mother-in-Law) 338:Južek in Marta (Južek and Marta) 22: 1031:Slalom polka (The Slalom Polka) 746:Pastirček (The Little Shepherd) 731:Opravljivke (The Gossipmongers) 608:Na zdravje vsem (Cheers to All) 605:Na zdravje vsem (Cheers to All) 575:Na promenadi (At the Promenade) 989:S pesmijo našo (With Our Song) 887:Prava ljubezen (The True Love) 686:O, moj dragi (Oh, My Dear One) 644:Ne pozabi me (Don't Forget Me) 524:Na festivalu (At the Festival) 311:Je že pač tako (It Just Is So) 71:multilingual support templates 1: 803:Pod Vitrancem (Below Vitranc) 566:Na podeželju (In the Country) 476:Majski valček (The May Waltz) 296:Jadraj z menoj (Sail with Me) 188:Domače veselje (The Home Joy) 740:Pa se sliš (And It is Heard) 716:Oh ta žeja (Oh, this Thirst) 569:Na podstrešju (In the Attic) 1043:Stara polka (The Old Polka) 1016:Shujševalna kura (The Diet) 848:Ponočnjaki (The Night Owls) 701:Ob slapu (At the Waterfall) 635:Naša žlahta (Our Relatives) 491:Mini-polka (The Mini–Polka) 428:Le vrni se (Just Come Back) 116:Aljažev stolp (Aljaž Tower) 1098: 929:Pri nas doma (At Our Home) 632:Naš pozdrav (Our Greeting) 611:Na Zelenici (At Zelenica ) 536:Na Jezerskem (In Jezersko) 521:Na deželi (In the Country) 425:Le kdo ve (Just Who Knows) 353:Kaj da rečem (What to Say) 119:Bele lilije (White Lilies) 923:Pri Jožovcu (At Jožovc's) 791:Pod Dobrčo (Below Dobrča) 494:Miss Kaktus (Miss Cactus) 1013:Sem ter tja (To and Fro) 620:Najina zvezda (Our Star) 557:Na mostu (On the Bridge) 533:Na Gorjušah (In Gorjuše) 278:Iz Bohinja (From Bohinj) 236:Gor pa dol (Up and Down) 137:Čakala bom (I Will Wait) 926:Pri Matuču (At Matuč's) 800:Pod Špikom (Below Špik) 695:Ob jezeru (At the Lake) 692:Ob Dravi (At the Drava) 617:Najin tango (Our Tango) 545:Na Krvavcu (On Krvavec) 581:Na sejmu (At the Fair) 578:Na Robleku (On Roblek) 512:Moje sanje (My Dreams) 587:Na svidenje (Goodbye) 497:Moj Floki (My Floki ) 33:specify the language 31:This article should 1058:Zinka, Zefka, Zofka 1040:Spomin (The Memory) 500:Moj hobi (My Hobby) 93: 92: 73:may also be used. 1089: 761:Planica, Planica 473:Lutka (The Doll) 88: 85: 79: 64: 58: 54: 48: 44: 38: 26: 25: 18: 1097: 1096: 1092: 1091: 1090: 1088: 1087: 1086: 1077:Slovenian songs 1062: 1061: 263:Holadri holadra 113: 89: 83: 80: 74: 62: 56: 52: 50:transliteration 46: 42: 36: 27: 23: 12: 11: 5: 1095: 1093: 1085: 1084: 1079: 1074: 1064: 1063: 1060: 1059: 1056: 1053: 1050: 1047: 1044: 1041: 1038: 1035: 1032: 1029: 1026: 1023: 1020: 1017: 1014: 1011: 1008: 1005: 1002: 999: 996: 993: 990: 987: 984: 981: 978: 975: 972: 969: 966: 963: 960: 957: 954: 951: 948: 945: 942: 939: 936: 933: 930: 927: 924: 921: 918: 915: 912: 909: 906: 903: 900: 897: 894: 891: 888: 885: 882: 879: 876: 873: 870: 867: 864: 861: 858: 855: 852: 849: 846: 843: 840: 837: 834: 831: 828: 825: 822: 819: 816: 813: 810: 807: 804: 801: 798: 795: 792: 789: 786: 783: 780: 777: 774: 771: 768: 765: 762: 759: 756: 753: 750: 747: 744: 741: 738: 735: 732: 729: 726: 723: 720: 717: 714: 711: 708: 705: 702: 699: 696: 693: 690: 687: 684: 681: 678: 675: 672: 669: 666: 663: 660: 657: 654: 651: 648: 645: 642: 639: 636: 633: 630: 627: 624: 621: 618: 615: 612: 609: 606: 603: 600: 597: 594: 591: 588: 585: 582: 579: 576: 573: 570: 567: 564: 561: 558: 555: 552: 549: 546: 543: 540: 537: 534: 531: 528: 525: 522: 519: 516: 513: 510: 507: 504: 501: 498: 495: 492: 489: 486: 483: 480: 477: 474: 471: 468: 465: 462: 459: 456: 453: 450: 447: 444: 441: 438: 435: 432: 429: 426: 423: 420: 417: 414: 411: 408: 405: 402: 399: 396: 393: 390: 387: 384: 381: 378: 375: 372: 369: 366: 363: 360: 357: 354: 351: 348: 345: 342: 339: 336: 333: 330: 327: 324: 321: 318: 315: 312: 309: 306: 303: 300: 297: 294: 291: 288: 285: 282: 279: 276: 273: 270: 267: 264: 261: 258: 255: 252: 249: 246: 243: 240: 237: 234: 231: 228: 225: 222: 219: 216: 213: 210: 207: 204: 201: 198: 195: 192: 189: 186: 183: 180: 177: 174: 171: 168: 165: 162: 159: 156: 153: 150: 147: 144: 141: 138: 135: 132: 129: 126: 123: 120: 117: 112: 109: 97:Slavko Avsenik 91: 90: 69:. Knowledge's 30: 28: 21: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 1094: 1083: 1080: 1078: 1075: 1073: 1070: 1069: 1067: 1057: 1054: 1051: 1048: 1045: 1042: 1039: 1036: 1033: 1030: 1027: 1024: 1021: 1018: 1015: 1012: 1009: 1006: 1003: 1000: 997: 994: 991: 988: 985: 982: 979: 976: 973: 970: 967: 964: 961: 958: 955: 952: 949: 946: 943: 940: 937: 934: 931: 928: 925: 922: 919: 916: 913: 910: 907: 904: 901: 898: 895: 892: 889: 886: 883: 880: 877: 874: 871: 868: 865: 862: 859: 856: 853: 850: 847: 844: 841: 838: 835: 832: 829: 826: 823: 820: 817: 814: 811: 808: 805: 802: 799: 796: 793: 790: 787: 784: 781: 778: 775: 772: 769: 766: 763: 760: 757: 754: 751: 748: 745: 742: 739: 736: 733: 730: 727: 724: 721: 718: 715: 712: 709: 706: 703: 700: 697: 694: 691: 688: 685: 682: 679: 676: 673: 670: 667: 664: 661: 658: 655: 652: 649: 646: 643: 640: 637: 634: 631: 628: 625: 622: 619: 616: 613: 610: 607: 604: 601: 598: 595: 592: 589: 586: 583: 580: 577: 574: 571: 568: 565: 562: 559: 556: 553: 550: 547: 544: 541: 538: 535: 532: 529: 526: 523: 520: 517: 514: 511: 508: 505: 502: 499: 496: 493: 490: 487: 484: 481: 478: 475: 472: 469: 466: 463: 460: 457: 454: 451: 448: 445: 442: 439: 436: 433: 430: 427: 424: 421: 418: 415: 412: 409: 406: 403: 400: 397: 394: 391: 388: 385: 382: 379: 376: 373: 370: 367: 364: 361: 358: 355: 352: 349: 346: 343: 340: 337: 334: 331: 328: 325: 322: 319: 316: 313: 310: 307: 304: 301: 298: 295: 292: 289: 286: 283: 280: 277: 274: 271: 268: 265: 262: 259: 256: 253: 250: 247: 244: 241: 238: 235: 232: 229: 226: 223: 220: 217: 214: 211: 208: 205: 202: 199: 196: 193: 190: 187: 184: 181: 178: 175: 172: 169: 166: 163: 160: 157: 154: 151: 148: 145: 142: 139: 136: 133: 130: 127: 124: 121: 118: 115: 114: 110: 108: 106: 102: 98: 87: 77: 72: 68: 61: 51: 41: 34: 29: 20: 19: 16: 1082:German songs 94: 81: 67:ISO 639 code 63:}} 57:{{ 53:}} 47:{{ 43:}} 37:{{ 32: 15: 1066:Categories 125:Casanova 84:May 2019 101:Slovene 76:See why 275:Ivanka 105:German 968:Rezka 111:List 103:and 40:lang 60:IPA 1068:: 107:. 45:, 86:) 82:( 78:.


ISO 639 code
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Slavko Avsenik
Lists of songs by recording artists
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