
Human security

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organisations have sought to develop rights-based approaches to assistance strategies which challenge the apolitical approach of traditional humanitarianism. Rights-based approaches view poverty and vulnerability as rooted in power relations – specifically, the denial of power, which is itself related to the denial of human rights. Hence rights-based approaches to humanitarian action relate the achievement of security for marginalized people to the realization of their human rights and often to broader social change. Multimandate humanitarian organisations that seek more inclusive and participatory forms of citizenship and governance and the achievement of broader social rights outcomes, therefore, risk enmeshing apolitical humanitarian responses in advocacy programmes that push for broader social changes.
masculinity in contexts of war have become the norm. By focusing on the individual, the human security model aims to address the security concerns of both women and men equally. However, as of recent conflicts, it is believed that the majority of war casualties are civilians and that "such a conclusion has sometimes led to the assumptions that women are victimized by war to a greater extent than men, because the majority of adult civilians are women, and when the populations of civilian women and children are added together, they outnumber male combatants. Furthermore, in the post-war context women survivors generally outnumber men and so it is often said that women as a group bear a greater burden for post-war recovery". Women are often victims of
concerned with issues of human safety since at least the time of the establishment of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the 1860s. Stuart Gordon argues that Canada, one of its principal adherents, has in many ways simply recast its traditional Pearsonian foreign policy in the language of human security. Dorn also questioned whether the concept was really necessary ‘since all the initiatives in the human security agenda were already advancing before the advent of the concept.’ Finally, he suggests ways that the concept may be counterproductive. In their effort to fortify against ‘virtually limitless UN interventionism’ governments may repress ‘their populations into servility." Still, he sees an important role for the concept.
to eradicate such violent customary practices require political and legal approaches where human security in relation to gender should be brought up as the main source of assertion. Such cruel customary practices as honor killing, burning brides and widows, child marriage are still in existence because of women's vulnerability in economic independence and security. Human security in relationship to gender tries to overthrow such traditional practices that are incompatible to the rights of women. Also, human security seeks to empower women, through education, participation and access, as gender equality is seen as a necessary precondition for peace, security and a prosperous society.
1382:– in which each of the components of the HDI (education, health, and income) are modified by an indicator of equitability in an attempt to adjust, for example, for the gap between the indicator of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita (adjusted for purchasing power parity) and the desired measure of financial resources "in the pocket" of a typical person in a country. In that index some countries with relatively equitable ratings compared to their Human Development Index (such as Iceland, the Slovak Republic, and Estonia) do relatively well, whereas some countries with relatively inequitable ratings compared to their HDI (such as Ireland, Greece, and the USA) do less well. 449:. James asks two apparently simple questions: Firstly, why, if 'the human’ as a category by definition encompasses all considerations of governance, the state and the military, does military security continue to be treated as prior, more significant, or even equal to human security. By contrast, "when children play ‘category’ games", he says, "they implicitly understand such issues of ordering". Secondly, why does human security get narrowly defined in terms of liberal notions of 'freedom': freedom from want and freedom from fear? In response to these two questions, he provides the following alternative definition, with human security encompassing military security: 1011:
by governments in order to adequately respond to crises, as well as assist individual or collectivised groups of citizens in lobbying their interests; thus culminating in the ability to enact, influence and change government agendas. However, NGOs are still largely dependent on certain levels of government funding, hence critics may argue that NGOs pose the ability to potentially damage issues of human security due to this financial dependence. Despite these critiques, the focus, expertise and infrastructure developed by NGOs through their activities linked with human development and human rights allow them to make unique contributions to human security provision.
553:. In 2009, Professor Sunga argued that a concept of human security that is fully informed by international human rights law, international humanitarian law, international criminal law and international refugee law, and which takes into account the relevant international legal norms prohibiting the use of force in international relations, will likely prove more valuable to international legal theory and practice over the longer term, than a concept of human security which does not meet these conditions because these fields of law represent the objectified political will of States rather than the more subjective biases of scholars. 1093:
threat to human (more specifically female) security and well-being in the Global North, while it is more common that these events occur predominately in the Global Southern states. Thus it is seen by states with a traditional human security outlook, to see it as their duty to intervene and perpetuate this eurocentric ideal of what human security looks like, and what is best to protect the familiar concept of women. This can be seen as an infringement on the traditional practices found within some sovereign states of the Global South, and a threat to ways of life and processes of development.
94:. These challenged the dominance of the neorealist paradigm's focus on states, "mutually assured destruction" and military security and briefly enabled a broader concept of security to emerge. The increasingly rapid pace of globalization; the failure of liberal state-building through the instruments of the Washington Consensus; the reduced threat of nuclear war between the superpowers, and the exponential rise in the spread and consolidation of democratization and international human rights norms opened a space in which both 'development' and concepts of 'security' could be reconsidered. 995:
it shares with actors; detailing the economic, political and societal constructs they may be bound by. A generic understanding of the term may refer to the actions taken in the interests of independent, voluntary contributors which exist independently from governments and corporations, designed to represent and provide a collective voice to individuals regarding issues. These issues cover contributions to the fields and industries of human development, health and nutrition, human rights and education, and environmental concerns; all of which influence and affect human security.
1301:, which led to the banning of anti-personnel landmines, is seen as a victory for the Human Security agenda. The Ottawa Convention has proved to be a huge step forward in the 'Freedom from Fear' approach. In Ottawa, the negotiations were moved outside traditional disarmament forums, thus avoiding the entrenched logic of traditional arms control measures. According to Don Hubert, an advocate of Human Security from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, the main reason for its success was a multilateral focus. While 545:. Different with those approaches seek to narrow down and specify the objective of human security, Sabina Alkire pushes the idea a step further as "to safeguard the vital core of all human lives from critical pervasive threats, without impeding long-term human fulfilment". In a concept as such, she suggests the "vital core" cover a minimal or basic or fundamental set of functions related to survival, livelihood and dignity; and all institutions should at least and necessarily protect the core from any intervention. 1151:
blurring of the boundaries between politico-military interventions and those designed primarily to reduce suffering. In another sense the emphasis on human security has legitimised the idea of armed international intervention as a "moral duty" if states are deemed incapable or unwilling to protect their citizens. Similarly, the adoption of 'holistic' security and development strategies within UN Integrated peacekeeping missions is viewed by some as having the potential to compromise humanitarian principles.
one of the fundamental factors that act as a stimulus for humanitarian intervention in the first place. However, human security still faces difficulties concerning the scope of its applicability, as large problems requiring humanitarian intervention usually are built up from an array of socio-political, cultural and economic problems that may be beyond the limitations of humanitarian projects. On the other hand, successful examples of the use of human security principles within interventions can be found.
166: 150: 467:. King and Murray try to narrow down the human security definition to one's "expectation of years of life without experiencing the state of generalized poverty". In their definition, the "generalized poverty" means "falling below critical thresholds in any domain of well-being"; and it is in the same article, they give a brief review and categories of "Domains of Well-being". This set of definitions is similar to "freedom from want" but more concretely focused on some value system. 1075:
hyper-masculine behaviors, to playing upon the rise of "nationalist or ethnic consciousness" to secure "political support for the cause and to undermine "the Other". Overtly militaristic societies have utilized rape and other sexually violent acts to further their gains within the context of war, but also by using such practices of violence as rewards to the (often male) combatants. This tactic undermines the enemy's morale, as they are seen as "unable to protect their women".
policies. Alternatively, other scholars have argued that the concept of human security should be broadened to encompass military security: 'In other words, if this thing called 'human security' has the concept of 'the human' embedded at the heart of it, then let us address the question of the human condition directly. Thus understood, human security would no longer be the vague amorphous add-on to harder-edged areas of security such as military security or state security.'
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critical player in the efforts to ban landmines and has incorporated the "Freedom from Fear" agenda as a primary component in its own foreign policy. However, whether such a “narrow” approach can truly serve its purpose in guaranteeing more fruitful results remains to be an issue. For instance, the conflicts in Darfur are often used in questioning the effectiveness of the "Responsibility to Protect”, a key component of the Freedom from Fear agenda.
406:– The school advocates a holistic approach in achieving human security and argues that the threat agenda should be broadened to include hunger, disease and natural disasters because they are inseparable concepts in addressing the root of human insecurity and they kill far more people than war, genocide and terrorism combined. Different from "Freedom from Fear", it expands the focus beyond violence with emphasis on development and security goals. 1268: 457:
dignified life. Within this definition, it then makes sense that the core focus of human-security endeavours should be on the most vulnerable. It makes sense that risk management should be most responsive to immediate events or processes that have both an extensive and intensive impact in producing material and existential vulnerabilities of people in general or a category of persons across a particular locale.
755:, by seeking to bridge the divide between development and security. Too often, militaries didn't address or factor in the underlying causes of violence and insecurity while development workers often underplayed the vulnerability of development models to violent conflict. Human security springs from a growing consensus that these two fields need to be more fully integrated in order to enhance security for all. 1038:(IISD) states that a major goal of comprehensive human security is to “transmit practical recommendations to policy-makers on how to strengthen human security through better environmental management and more effective natural resource governance.” The overreaching goal being a pervasive global mindset that recognizes the interdependent natures of the natural environment and our collective social security. 1084:
is independent and capable of making decisions for themselves. This definition is problematic because it excludes persons who are not independent, such as persons with disabilities, from human security rights. If Human Security was to be entirely inclusive it would need to challenge the current definition of "human" on which it operates and acknowledge that different abilities also require rights.
1433: 585: 1409:. The release note of HSI Version 2 also notes efforts to balance local and global context, individual and society concerns, left-right political issues, east-west and north-south cultural and social issues. Current Version 2 of the HSI ingests about 30 datasets and composite indicators, and covers 232 countries and dependencies. It is released at 1190:
make it difficult to justify the intervention of other states in internal disputes. Through the development of clear principles based on the human security concept, there has been a step forward in the development of clear rules of when humanitarian intervention can occur and the obligations of states that intervene in the internal disputes of a state.
they do in GDP per capita or HDI. Conversely, Greece and some Eurozone peers such as Ireland and Spain, several countries in the Gulf, Israel, Equatorial Guinea, the US and Venezuela do worse in the HSI than in GDP per capita or HDI. Influential factors vary (as is viewed in the data and discussions on the Website), but include
group of civil society actors, the real influence on the treaty came from the ones in the 'global north'. Third, cynics may argue that the success of this campaign stems from the fact that these weapons were outdated and of limited military value and this treaty just helped to accelerate a process that would have happened anyway.
1182:, as it focuses on addressing the deep-rooted and multi-factorial problems inherent in humanitarian crises, and offers more long-term resolutions. In general, the term humanitarian intervention generally applies to when a state uses force against another state in order to alleviate suffering in the latter state (See, 1007:- Partner: refers to the NGOs relationships shared with external actors such as governments, donors or the private sector players through joint activities, or projects with communities, with the purpose to strengthen the relationship between the NGOs and these partners in a mutually beneficial fashion. 823:
than broadly defined goals of economic and social development. Others, such as Tadjbakhsh and Chenoy, argue that human development and human security are inextricably linked since progress in one enhances the chances of progress in another while failure in one increases the risk of failure of another.
could not be viable weapons of war due to the massive collateral damage they cause, their indiscriminate nature and persistence after conflict. In particular, they argue that anti-personnel mines differ from most weapons, which have to be aimed and fired since they have the potential to kill and maim
Recent feminist critiques of Human Security often find difficulties with the concept and categorization of "Human". This categorization is made under the influence of certain value systems which are inherently exclusive by their nature. For instance, the liberal definition of "human" is: someone that
is composed of two subcomponents: (a) Rational resource utilization, that is resource use that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” Social security can be simplified to components of (a) Established political safeguards, (b)
Comprehensive human security attempts to unify environmental security together with social (societal) security. A great number of intertwined environmental and social components together create the framework for comprehensive human security under the assumption that neither of those two categories is
The expansion of these roles have culminated in assisting the creation of a society where NGOs serve as important players in the global arena in regards to maintaining human security. Due to this increasing influence and the emergence of growing natural and man-made disasters, NGOs now are contracted
The term NGO (Non-Government Organisation) cannot be simply defined due to complexities surrounding its structure, environment and complex relations it shares with its internal factions; being its organisational mission, membership and sources of funding, and external factors such as the relationship
In order for human security to challenge global inequalities, there has to be cooperation between a country's foreign policy and its approach to global health. However, the interest of the state has continued to overshadow the interest of the people. For instance, Canada's foreign policy, "three Ds",
Sunga, Lyal S. (2009). "The Concept of Human Security: Does it Add Anything of Value to International Legal Theory or Practice?" in Power and Justice in International Relations Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Challenges Power and Justice in International Relations (Edited by Marie-Luisa Frick
Critics of the treaty, however, caution against complacency on its success. Many states, they point out, have neither signed nor ratified this convention. They include China, Russia and the United States who are major contributors to the global weapons trade. Second, even though there were a diverse
are neglected especially in the Middle East and Southeast Asian regions where customary practices are still prevalent. Although there are different opinions on the issue of customary practices, it infringes upon human security's notion that women and men are innated with equal human rights. Attempts
The first university textbook of human security, edited by Alexander Lautensach and Sabina Lautensach, appeared in open access form in 2020. According to their Four Pillar Model, human security rests on the four pillars of sociopolitical security, economic security, environmental security and health
in 2008-2012 cites theorists such as Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Hume to conclude that "human security is the primary purpose of organizing a state in the beginning.". He goes on to observe that the 1994 Human Development Report states that it is "reviving this concept" and suggests that the authors
In an ideal world, each of the UNDP's seven categories of threats (and perhaps others as a broader discussion might prioritize) would receive adequate global attention and resources. Yet attempts to implement this human security agenda have led to the emergence of two major schools of thought on how
Other authors, such as Roland Paris, argue that human security is not such a fundamental recasting of the security debate in terms of a central struggle ‘between Realist, traditional, state-based, interest-based, approaches and new, Liberal cosmopolitan, de-territorialised, values-based approaches,
1339:, complicates the international machinery for reaching decisions or taking action on the threats identified; Human security risks engaging the military in issues best tackled through non-military means; Human security under the UN risks raising hopes about the UN's capacity, which it cannot fulfil. 1293:
estimates that anti-personnel mines were the cause of 5,751 casualties in 2006. Whereas traditionally, states would justify these negative impacts of mines due to the advantage they give on the battlefield, under the human security lens, this is untenable as the wide-ranging post-conflict impact on
The report illustrates the usefulness of the human security approach, particularly its ability to examine the cause of conflicts that explain and justify humanitarian intervention. In addition, it could also act as a paradigm for identifying, prioritizing and resolving large transnational problems,
and conflict: they form the majority of civilian deaths; the majority of refugees; and, are often the victims of cruel and degrading practices, such as rape. Women's security is also threatened by unequal access to resources, services and opportunities. The UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against
As if to answer the points above, a Human Security Index was prototyped and released in 2008. Project coordinator D. A. Hastings notes that "if one were challenged to create an index on the condition of people-centric Human Security, such as the authors of the Human Development Index faced in 1990
In making an assessment of the pros and cons of the human security concept, Walter Dorn includes several additional criticisms. In particular, he asks whether it is in fact as radical a departure in foreign policy terms as is sometimes claimed. Dorn argues that the international community has been
While there are numerous examples of the human security approach in action, two notable global political events with direct ties to the human security agenda include the development of Responsibility to Protect (R3P) principles guiding humanitarian intervention and the passage of the Ottawa Treaty
The human security discourse was also used as a tool to resist aid policies becoming hijacked by narrow security concerns. States, such as the Republic of Ireland, promoted the Human Security concept as a way to ensure a more balanced approach to security and development issues both nationally and
attainable in the long run without synergy between the two. That is to say that the trends in environmental, resource, and population stresses are intensifying and will increasingly determine the quality of human life on our planet and as such are a large determining factor of our social security.
Considerable differences in national ratings and standings have been noted between the HSI and indicators such as GDP per capita or the Human Development Index. Several small island countries plus Bhutan, Botswana, and some central-eastern European countries do considerably better in the HSI than
Under the traditional security paradigm, humanitarian intervention is contentious. As discussed above, the traditional security paradigm places emphasis on the notion of states. Hence, the principles of state sovereignty and non-intervention that are paramount in the traditional security paradigm
The concept of human security has developed out of the precepts put forth by the United Nations, wherein there has been a critique of Human Security's focus on what is deemed acceptable behaviors. Human security perspectives view practices such as child marriage and female genital mutilation as a
Despite these similarities, the relationship with development is one of the most contested areas of human security. "Freedom from fear" advocates, such as Andrew Mack, argue that human security should focus on the achievable goals of decreasing individual vulnerability to violent conflict, rather
Coined in the early 1990s, the term human security has been used by thinkers who have sought to shift the discourse on security away from its traditional state-centered orientation to the protection and advancement of individuals within societies. Human security emerged as a challenge to ideas of
At the same time, the increasing number of internal violent conflicts in Africa, Asia and Europe (Balkans) resulted in concepts of national and international security failing to reflect the challenges of the post Cold War security environment whilst the failure of neoliberal development models to
Despite the sense of a natural fit between human security concepts and humanitarian principles, they have enjoyed a difficult relationship. Human security perspectives have the potential to interfere with the traditionally apolitical nature of humanitarianism in conflict situations, leading to a
Human security seeks to address underlying causes and long-term implications of conflicts instead of simply reacting to problems, as the traditional security approach is often accused of doing. "The basic point of preventive efforts is, of course, to reduce, and hopefully eliminate, the need for
The principal possible indicators of movement toward an individualized conception of security lie in the first place in the evolution of international society's consideration of rights of individuals in the face of potential threats from states. The most obvious foci of analysis here are the UN
Richard Jolly and Deepayan Basu Ray, in their UNDP report, suggest that the key criticisms of human security include: Human security does not have any definite boundaries, therefore anything and everything could be considered a risk to security. This makes the task of policy formulation nearly
and other forms of inequities. This approach argues that limiting the focus to violence is a realistic and manageable approach towards Human Security. Emergency assistance, conflict prevention and resolution, and peace-building are the main concerns of this approach. Canada, for example, was a
Critics of the concept argue that its vagueness undermines its effectiveness, that it has become little more than a vehicle for activists wishing to promote certain causes, and that it does not help the research community understand what security means or help decision-makers to formulate good
Prevention is the best solution. A collective understanding of the deeper social issues along with a desire to work together is necessary to prevent humanitarian crises, thereby preventing a widespread absence of human security within a population (which may mean investing more in development
1253:(UNTAET). This not only dealt with traditional security priorities, but also helped in nation-building projects, coordinated humanitarian aid and civil rehabilitation, illustrating not only a successful humanitarian intervention but also an effective application of human security principles. 1074:
During times of conflict, certain varieties of masculinity come to be celebrated by the State, and these varieties of behaviors can influence how a population's combatants come to behave, or are expected to behave during crises. These behaviors range from acting aggressively and exemplifying
was practiced. Accordingly, human development has emerged in the 1990s to challenge the dominant paradigm of liberal economy in the development community. Human development proponents argue that economic growth is insufficient to expand people's choices or capabilities, areas such as health,
Human security can be defined as one of the foundational conditions of being human, including both (1) the sustainable protection and provision of the material conditions for meeting the embodied needs of people, and (2) the protection of the variable existential conditions for maintaining a
concerns under the traditional security model. Traditional security's focus on external military threats to the state has meant that the majority of threats women face have been overlooked. It has recently been argued that these forms of violence are often overlooked because expressions of
are often threatened. About half of the world's states have experienced some inter-ethnic strife. The United Nations declared 1993 the Year of Indigenous People to highlight the continuing vulnerability of the 300 million Aboriginal people in 70 countries as they face a widening spiral of
Authors such as White and Cliffe drew attention to the way in which the 'broadening of aid objectives from pure survival support towards rehabilitation, development and/ or peace-building' led to the 'dilution of commitment to core humanitarian principles'. Furthermore, many humanitarian
that was labeled the ‘new humanitarianism’. Humanitarian assistance, once encompassing a narrow set of emergency-based life-saving interventions conducted by a small group of relatively independent actors, became ‘an organising principle for intervention in internal conflicts, a tool for
which, prior to its independence, was plagued with massive human rights abuses by pro-Indonesian militias and an insurgency war led by indigenous East Timorese against Indonesian forces. A peacekeeping mission was deployed to safeguard the move to independence and the UN established the
The state is the sole actor. Decision-making power is centralized in the government. Traditional security assumes that a sovereign state is operating in an anarchical international environment, in which there is no world governing body to enforce international rules of conduct.
797:. They challenge the orthodox approach to security and development i.e. state security and liberal economic growth respectively. Both emphasize people are to be the ultimate ends but not means. Both treat humans as agents and should be empowered to participate in the course. 185:
for individuals, usually from productive and remunerative work or, as a last resort, from a publicly financed safety net. In this sense, only about a quarter of the world's people are presently economically secure. While the economic security problem may be more serious in
intervention altogether," while an investment in rehabilitation or rebuilding seeks to ensure that former conflicts do not breed future violence. The concepts of prevention and rebuilding are clearly embraced as the “responsibility to prevent” and well elaborated in "The
security. Because of its focus on the long term as well as on immediate needs, the environmental pillar of human security assumes prime significance. It necessitates our attention to the utter dependence of human welfare on the integrity of ecological support structures.
212:. In the past, food security problems have been dealt with at both national and global levels. However, their impacts are limited. According to the UN, the key is to tackle the problems relating to access to assets, work and assured income (related to economic security). 1231:
The success of humanitarian intervention in international affairs is varied. As discussed above, humanitarian intervention is a contentious issue. Examples of humanitarian intervention illustrate, that in some cases intervention can lead to disastrous results, as in
and expanded qualitatively in 1994, one could now begin to do so – at least for the sake of discussion and resultant improvements." The release document and a United Nations Bangkok Working Paper publish and discuss the original approach, which is based partly on:
473:. She regards human security as describing "a condition of existence" which entails basic material needs, human dignity, including meaningful participation in the life of the community, and an active and substantive notion of democracy from the local to the global. 1131:. The concern with the protection of people or individuals is a core humanitarian value as well as of human security. In this sense it shares human security's merging of development and security and the casting of the protection of life as the referent object. 479:. He argues that many ways to define "human security" are related to a certain set of values and lose the neutral position. So he suggests to take human security as a category of research. As such, he gives a 2*2 matrix to illustrate the security studies field. 98:
generate growth, particularly in Africa, or to deal with the consequences of complex new threats (such as HIV and climate change) reinforced the sense that international institutions and states were not organized to address such problems in an integrated way.
Therefore, vicious cycles of lack of development which leads to conflict, then to lack of development, can readily emerge. Likewise, virtuous cycles are possible, with high levels of security leading to development, which further promotes security in
by arguing that the proper referent for security should be at the human rather than the national level. Human security reveals a people-centred and multi-disciplinary understanding of security which involves a number of research fields, including
1212:", a comprehensive report detailing how the “right of humanitarian intervention” could be exercised. It was considered a triumph for the human security approach as it emphasized and gathered much needed attention to some of its main principles: 439:
Although "freedom from fear" and "freedom from want" are the most commonly referred to categories of human security practice, an increasing number of alternative ideas continue to emerge on how to best practice human security. Among them:
is contested among human security advocates. Some human security advocates argue that the goal of human security should be to build upon and strengthen the existing global human rights legal framework. However, other advocates view the
Traditional security policies are designed to promote demands ascribed to the state. Other interests are subordinated to those of the state. Traditional security protects a state's boundaries, people, institutions and values.
1406: 1388:
which enumerates human security with respect to the environment, diversity, peacefulness, freedom from corruption, and info empowerment. This was blended with the Human Development Index to form the prototype Human Security
peacebuilding and the starting point for addressing poverty, as well as a palliative in times of conflict and crisis.’ It also merged with development concerns such as the promotion of social justice and societal cohesion.
Human security is people-centered. Its focus shifts to protecting individuals. The important dimensions are to entail the well-being of individuals and respond to ordinary people's needs in dealing with sources of threats.
1885: 352:. Tadjbakhsh, among others, traces the evolution of human security in international organizations, concluding that the concept has been manipulated and transformed considerably since 1994 to fit organizational interests. 1367: 963:
framework takes a legalistic approach, the human security framework, by utilizing a diverse range of actors, adopts flexible and issue-specific approaches, which can operate at local, national or international levels.
was still practised in 110 countries. Human rights violations are most frequent during periods of political unrest. Along with repressing individuals and groups, governments may try to exercise control over ideas and
actors (NGOs) and the general public. Human Security proponents believe that this treaty has set new standards in humanitarian advocacy and has acted as a landmark in international lawmaking for a more secure world.
The realization of human security involves not only governments, but a broader participation of different actors, viz. regional and international organizations, non-governmental organizations and local communities.
Lewis Opoku-Mensah, Paul and Lewis, David and Tvedt, Terje, eds (2007) Reconceptualising NGOs and their roles in development: NGOs, civil society and the international aid system Aalborg University Press, Aalborg,
explained that state security is about a state's ability to deter or defeat an attack. It makes use of deterrence strategies to maintain the integrity of the state and protect the territory from external threats.
for all humanity. Yet, continuing conflict and human rights abuses following the end of the Cold War and the fact that two-thirds of the global population seemed to have gained little from the economic gains of
David A. Hastings, "From Human Development to Human Security: A Prototype Human Security Index", United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Working Paper WP/09/03, 2009 online
The protection of individual welfare is more important than the state. If the security of individuals is threatened internally by the state or externally by other states, state authority can be overridden.
legal framework as part of the global insecurity problem and believe that a human security approach should propel us to move above and beyond this legalistic approach to get at the underlying sources of
395:– This school seeks to limit the practice of Human Security to protecting individuals from violent conflicts while recognizing that these violent threats are strongly associated with poverty, lack of 1205: 1116: 424:
The Government of Japan considers Freedom from Fear and Freedom from Want to be equal in developing Japan's foreign policy. Moreover, the UNDP 1994 called for the world's attention to both agendas.
also shared a similar process of evolution. The rise of the human security discourse in the 1990s paralleled an equally rapid expansion in humanitarian roles and a broadening in the objectives of
Fen Osler Hampson, "Chap.5: Promoting the Safety of Peoples: Banning Anti-Personnel Landmines", from Madness in the Multitude: Human Security and World Disorder, Oxford University Press, 2002
Addressing the root causes of humanitarian crises (e.g. economic, political or social instability) is a more effective way to solve problems and protect the long-term security of individuals.
posits that the two interdependent branches of comprehensive human security can be broken down into a series of subcomponents to better achieve optimal environmental and social security.
890:“Insuring” downturns with security. Identification of risks, prevention to avoid them through dealing with root causes, preparation to mitigate them, and cushioning when disaster strikes. 674:
In addition to protecting the state from external aggression, human security would expand the scope of protection to include a broader range of threats, including environmental pollution,
238:. Today, lifestyle-related chronic diseases are leading killers worldwide, with 80 percent of deaths from chronic diseases occurring in low- and middle-income countries. According to the 1289:
has reckoned that landmines are at least ten times more likely to kill or injure a civilian after a conflict than a combatant during hostilities. The effects are also long-lasting. The
1250: 1881:
Pitsuwan, Surin. Regional Cooperation for Human Security. Keynote address to the International Development Studies Conference on Human Security: The Asian Contribution. October 2007.
An objective of development is “the enlargement of human choices”. Insecurity cuts life short and thwarts the use of human potential, thereby affecting the reaching of this objective.
Michael, Sarah. 2002. "The Role of NGOs in Human Security", Working Paper #12, The Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations and The Kennedy School of Government Harvard University
1882: 1393:
A 2010 enhancement to the HSI recast the composite index around a trinity of Economic, Environmental, and Social Fabric Indices. The result is thus conceptually similar to the
ICISS "The Responsibility to Protect: Report of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty", Ottawa: International Development Research Council, 2001.
1035: 2141:
Stewart, Frances (2004). "Development and Security", Centre for Research on Inequality, Human Security, and Ethnicity (CRISE), Working Paper 3, London: University of Oxford.
Women, as of 1995, suggested that the problem is not just a social one, but requires evaluation of the political institutions which uphold the unequal system of domination.
Human security not only protects but also empowers people and societies as a means of security. People contribute by identifying and implementing solutions to insecurity.
1821: 2676: 699:
Traditional security relies upon building up national power and military defense. The common forms it takes are armament races, alliances, strategic boundaries, etc.
1795: 242:, in both developing and industrial countries, threats to health security are usually greater for poor people in rural areas, particularly children. This is due to 959:) are fundamental to human dignity. A major difference between the two models is in their approach to addressing threats to human dignity and survival. Whilst the 161:
coloured green exhibit high human development, those coloured yellow/orange exhibit medium human development, and those coloured red exhibit low human development.
Despite their differences, these two approaches to human security can be considered complementary rather than contradictory. Expressions to this effect include:
Marhia, Natasha (February 11, 2013). "Some humans are more Human than Others: Troubling the 'human' in human security from a critical feminist perspective".
1576: 158: 2039: 1280:
In contrast to the traditional security discourse which sees security as focused on protecting state interests, human security proponents believe that
speech of 1941, in which "Freedom from Want" is characterized as the third and "Freedom from Fear" is the fourth such fundamental, universal, freedom.
110:(1966), and conventions related to particular crimes (e.g., genocide) and the rights of particular groups (e.g., women, racial groups, and refugees). 1306: 777:, people who join the army or flee can no longer work productively. Also, destroying infrastructure reduces the productive capacity of the economy. 1004:- Catalyst: refers to the emotional and psychological aspect of the NGOs ability to inspire, facilitate or contribute to spur action or thinking. 2536:"Thomas, N. and Tow, WT. (2002) "The Utility of Human Security: Sovereignty and Humanitarian Intervention SAGE Publications, Vol. 33(2): 177-192" 1001:- Implementer: refers to the mobilisation of resources in order to aid the provision of goods and services, such as the act of service delivery. 2593:
Don Hubert, "The Landmine Treaty: A Case Study in Humanitarian Advocacy" Watson Institute for International Studies, Occasional Paper #42, 2000.
1240:. In other cases, a lack of clarity as to the rules of when intervention can occur has resulted in tragic inaction, as was witnessed during the 2492: 2357: 2061: 1624: 1343:
which focus on individual human needs. ‘ Rather, he suggests that the talk of two radically different ‘paradigms’ has been much exaggerated.
190:, concern also arises in developed countries as well. Unemployment problems constitute an important factor underlying political tensions and 2735: 1362: 127: 59: 1767: 910:
Protection and promotion of human survival (freedom from fear), daily life (freedom from want), and the avoidance of indignities (life of
Human security is defined as freedom from violently conflict and physical want (see Khagram and Ali for one recent review and synthesis)
For a comprehensive analysis of all definitions, critiques and counter-critiques, see Tadjbakhsh, Shahrbanou & Chenoy, Anuradha M.
2429: 2003: 1961: 107: 2705: 2249: 2219: 1566: 1476: 616: 135: 2209: 1402: 1194: 2881: 1828: 1398: 2756: 2659:"DESCRIBING THE HUMAN CONDITION - FROM HUMAN DEVELOPMENT TO HUMAN SECURITY: AN ENVIRONMENTAL REMOTE SENSING AND GIS APPROACH" 612: 256:
aims to protect people from the short- and long-term ravages of nature, man-made threats in nature, and deterioration of the
208:, the overall availability of food is not a problem, rather the problem often is the poor distribution of food and a lack of 103: 1720:
Spiegel, Jerry M.; Huish, Robert (January 2009). "Canadian foreign aid for global health: Human security opportunity lost".
is concerned with whether people live in a society that honors their basic human rights. According to a survey conducted by
Further, it could also be said that the practice of human development and human security share three fundamental elements:
1536: 1501: 989: 581:
concepts. It has been argued that, without human security, traditional state security cannot be attained and vice versa.
1491: 758:
The paper "Development and Security" by Frances Stewart argues that security and development are deeply interconnected.
of the 1994 HDR may be alluding to Franklin Roosevelt's Four Freedoms speech without literally citing that presentation.
2847: 2109: 2546: 277: 2835: 2823: 947:
tradition. Both approaches use the individual as the main referent and both argue that a wide range of issues (i.e.
943:). The development of the human security model can be seen to have drawn upon ideas and concepts fundamental to the 1506: 948: 348:
Since then, human security has been receiving more attention from key global development institutions, such as the
313: 1925:
King, Gary and Christopher Murray. Rethinking Human Security. Political Science Quarterly, Vol.116, No.4 #585-610
2803: 1521: 1336: 1209: 1201: 1183: 1179: 1173: 1112: 1105: 714: 595:
is about a state's ability to defend itself against external threats. Traditional security (often referred to as
America's Climate Choices: Panel on Advancing the Science of Climate Change, National Research Council (2010).
139: 63: 1244:. One example of a successful humanitarian intervention and also of humanitarian principles being applied is 204:
requires that all people at all times have both physical and economic access to basic food. According to the
1526: 1358: 1128: 826:
The following table is adopted from Tadjbakhsh to help clarify the relationship between these two concepts.
Human security forms an important part of people’s well-being, and is therefore an objective of development.
154: 90:
The emergence of the human security discourse was the product of a convergence of factors at the end of the
51: 2391: 2085: 1581: 1551: 1052: 1027: 253: 2290: 2670: 2658: 1904: 1698: 1481: 718: 445: 414: 332: 223: 751:
Human security could be said to further enlarge the scope for examining the causes and consequences of
142:'s definition of human security argues that the scope of global security should be expanded to include 66:
is considered a milestone publication in the field of human security, with its argument that ensuring "
2811: 1466: 1414: 340: 336: 187: 34: 2856: 1686: 165: 149: 2886: 2663:
GeoInformatics for Spatial-Infrastructure Development in Earth and Allied Sciences (GIS-IDEAS) 2008
2077: 1516: 1418: 1281: 744: 735: 724: 675: 604: 264:
is one of the greatest environmental threats. In industrial countries, one of the major threats is
257: 47: 316:
and values and from sectarian and ethnic violence. Traditional communities, particularly minority
2462: 2325: 2163:
S Tadjbakhsh, “Human Security”, 'Human Development Insights Issue 17, New York: UNDP HDR Networks
1789: 1745: 1602: 1546: 1394: 1313:
states like Norway and Canada, its actual power and push comes from the involvement of a host of
The traditional roles of NGOs may be classified into three components, in accordance with Lewis:
952: 578: 532:(e.g., environmental and economic threats to the survival of societies, groups, and individuals) 328: 294:, whether from the state or external states, from violent individuals and sub-state actors, from 287: 235: 227: 1446: 887:
Growth with equity. Expanding the choices and opportunities of people to lead lives they value.
Imbalanced development that involves horizontal inequalities is an important source of conflict.
1366:, made more geographically complete (to 230+ countries) as described in a report issued by the 388:
should be protected from) and over the appropriate mechanisms for responding to these threats.
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, Working Paper WP/09/02
2568: 2488: 2425: 2392:"The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, Its Causes and Consequences" 2353: 2245: 2235: 2215: 2057: 2011:
Center for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity (CRISE), Queen Elizabeth House
Center for Research on Inequality, Human Security and Ethnicity (CRISE), Queen Elizabeth House
1771: 1737: 1620: 1541: 1531: 1511: 1461: 1262: 1057: 1023: 978: 813: 770:
Lack of human security has adverse consequences on economic growth, and therefore development.
Traditionally, embracing liberal market economics was considered to be the universal path for
596: 574: 567: 373:. While the UNDP 1994 report originally argued that human security requires attention to both 309: 231: 178: 71: 67: 42: 38: 2316:
Coomaraswamy, Radhika (October 29 – November 4, 2005). "Human Security and Gender Violence".
Thomas, C., (2001) “Global governance, development and human security: exploring the links,”
2454: 1729: 1612: 1241: 1135: 752: 273: 209: 2014: 1972: 1909:"Human Security as a Left-Over of Military Security, or as Integral to the Human Condition" 1703:"Human Security as a Left-Over of Military Security, or as Integral to the Human Condition" 2851: 2839: 2827: 2815: 2577: 2113: 1889: 1561: 1139: 956: 731: 667: 600: 381:
divisions have gradually emerged over the proper scope of that protection (e.g. over what
261: 219: 2713: 2691: 2757:"Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress - Home page" 1571: 1556: 1438: 1286: 940: 904: 427: 396: 295: 269: 239: 205: 1267: 623:, the fundamental trait that these schools share is their focus on the primacy of the 2875: 2466: 1999: 1957: 1749: 1471: 1314: 1298: 740: 608: 549: 541: 418: 265: 201: 123: 2520: 1193:
These principles on humanitarian intervention are the product of a debate pushed by
and insufficient access to health services, clean water and other basic necessities.
2760: 2560: 1496: 1452: 1310: 973: 968: 960: 944: 932: 926: 877:
Combines short-term measures to deal with risks with long-term prevention efforts.
624: 317: 243: 182: 55: 2265: 1733: 1606: 2521:“Forces de police et forces armées, sécurité et défense: où sont les frontières?” 2239: 1809: 1200:. He posed a challenge to the international community to find a new approach to 936: 900: 804:. Both address people's dignity as well as their material and physical concerns. 748:
education, technology, the environment, and employment should not be neglected.
385: 298:, or from predatory adults. For many people, the greatest source of anxiety is 74:" for all persons is the best path to tackle the problem of global insecurity. 17: 2105:
Jeong Ho-Won (undated): Human Security and Conflict. George Mason University.
1486: 1432: 1428: 1245: 1233: 1197: 663: 620: 584: 382: 349: 234:, whereas in industrialized countries, the major killers were diseases of the 2866: 2458: 1775: 1741: 1127:
In several senses there is a natural fit between human security concepts and
The following table contrasts four differences between the two perspectives:
2844: 2106: 1347:
Formulation of a Human Security Index and an environment for discussing same
603:) describes the philosophy of international security predominance since the 191: 1294:
the day-to-day experience of individuals outweighs the military advantage.
Economic safeguards, (c) Personal safeguards, and (d) Military safeguards.
Human security also challenged and drew from the practice of international
2832: 2820: 2053:
Human Security in World Affairs: Problems and Opportunities (2nd edition)
Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress
291: 91: 1926: 1857: 1178:
The application of human security is highly relevant within the area of
Looks at who was left behind at the individual level: “Divided we fall”
226:. In developing countries, the major causes of death traditionally were 2793: 2329: 2051: 1237: 981:
and violence which are the root causes of insecurity in today's world.
911: 809: 1681:
Paris, Roland (2001): Human Security - Paradigm Shift or Hot Air? In:
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
2798: 2788: 2293:. International Institute for Sustainable Development. Archived from 1822:"HUMAN SECURITY IN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: BLESSING OR SCOURGE?" 1656:
United Nations Development Programme (1994): Human Development Report
1047: 2783: 2343: 2341: 2339: 126:
first drew global attention to the concept of human security in the
1908: 1702: 1616: 222:
aims to guarantee a minimum protection from diseases and unhealthy
has been criticized for emphasizing defense more than development.
impossible; Human security, when broadened to include issues like
431: 299: 148: 2241:
Ecological Security: An Evolutionary Perspective on Globalization
2004:"A conceptual framework for human security - working paper no. 2" 1962:"A conceptual framework for human security - working paper no. 2" 2633: 1374:
The essay on Human Security in the 1994 Human Development Report
1302: 1290: 861:
Moves forward, is progressive and aggregate: “Together we rise”
774: 2603: 2294: 2050:
Alexander Lautensach and Sabina Lautensach, Eds (2020-09-08).
An Equitability/Inclusiveness Enhanced Human Development Index
International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty
International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty
Arthur H. Westing: Pioneer on the Environmental Impact of War
1611:. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. p. 389. 2377:
Haq, K., 'Human Security for Women,' in Tehranian, M. (ed.),
Madness in the multitude: human security and world disorder,
2808: 2056:. BCcampus & University of Northern British Columbia. 967:
The nature of the relationship between human security and
Traditional security seeks to defend states from external
Walter Lippmann, U.S. Foreign Policy (Boston, 1943), p.51
long after the warring parties have ceased fighting. The
Security, stability, sustainability of development gains
2861: 1251:
United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor
2736:"The Human Security Index: An Update and a New Release" 2352:(2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. pp. 159–170. 1766:
IkenberrySeptember/October 2006, G. John (2009-01-28).
that responded to its inherent problems. In 2001, the
First, human security and human development are both
includes many variants of traditional security, from
whose proponents challenge the traditional notion of
and Andreas Oberprantacher) 2009 Ashgate Publishers
Some development costs are obvious. For example, in
509:(conventional realist approach to security studies) 312:
aims to protect people from the loss of traditional
2348:Pankhurst, Donna (2015). Shepherd, Laura J. (ed.). 1036:
International Institute for Sustainable Development
573:traditional security, but human and traditional or 260:. In developing countries, lack of access to clean 2379:Worlds Apart: Human Security and Global Governance Documentation Report V.1.1 1046:Human security focuses on the serious neglect of 526:(e.g., civil war, ethnic conflict, and democide) 356:Freedom from Fear vs Freedom from Want and beyond 985:Relationship with non-governmental organizations 136:World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen 2589: 2587: 1938: 1936: 1934: 1768:"Human Security and the UN: A Critical History" 1911:. In Paul Bacon and Christopher Hobson (ed.). 1810: 1808:World Health Organization, "Chronic Diseases" 1705:. In Paul Bacon and Christopher Hobson (ed.). 816:as the root causes of individual vulnerability 2706:"Filling Gaps in the Human Development Index" 2478: 2476: 2084:Vol. 1, No. 125, pp. 97-109. ISSN 0335-2013, 743:, led to fundamental questions about the way 515:(e.g., environmental and economic security) 8: 2675:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 2373: 2371: 2369: 2244:. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 59–60. 2078:“La sécurité entre permanence et changement” 1761: 1759: 1603:""Chapter 16. National and Human Security"." 1577:Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development 588:Europe after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 27:People-centric approach to national security 1794:: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list ( 1652: 1650: 489:What is the Source of the Security Threat? 2759:. Archived from 2547:"International Committee of the Red Cross" 2203: 2201: 1913:Human Security and Japan's Triple Disaster 1707:Human Security and Japan's Triple Disaster 2833:CERI Program for Peace and Human Security 2270:he Brundtland Report, “Our Common Future” 2150:Tadjbakhsh & Chenoy, Human Security: 1994: 1992: 1667:Human Security: Concepts and Implications 2657:Hastings, David; UN-ESCAP (2008-12-04). 2506: 2504: 1899: 1897: 1405:, as well as to the stated goals of the 1275: State Parties to the Ottawa Treaty 1266: 828: 807:Third, both schools of thought consider 632: 583: 482: 339:, systematic torture, ill-treatment, or 164: 2604:"Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor" 1677: 1675: 1608:Advancing the Science of Climate Change 1593: 990:See also: Non-governmental organization 33:is a paradigm for understanding global 2668: 2566: 2420:Nussbaum, Martha C. (24 August 2000). 2381:, London, I.B.Tauris Publishers, 1999. 2176:Ontario: Oxford University Press, 2002 1852: 1850: 1848: 1787: 562:Relationship with traditional security 134:and sought to influence the UN's 1995 2487:(2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. 1123:Relationship with humanitarian action 290:aims to protect people from physical 7: 1862:有料アダルト動画情報サイト【アダルトインフォnavi】2022年8月度版 1363:United Nations Development Programme 1065:Feminist critiques of human security 128:United Nations Development Programme 60:United Nations Development Programme 521:Societies, Groups, and Individuals 361:to best practice human security – ' 2238:; DeGeest, Theresa Manley (2004). 1309:remain the key players along with 1164:banning anti-personnel landmines. 931:Human security is indebted to the 25: 2485:Gender Matters in Global Politics 2350:Gender Matters in Global Politics 1567:Three generations of human rights 1477:Gender and Security Sector Reform 1015:Relationship with the environment 2291:"Environment and Human Security" 1709:. London: Routledge. p. 73. 1445: 1431: 1421:, peacefulness, and governance. 1195:United Nations Secretary General 499:Military, Non-military, or Both 2399:Office Of the High Commissioner 2266:"UN Global Issues, Environment" 1722:Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 1399:Corporate Social Responsibility 118: 2867:Disarmament Insight initiative 1070:Rape as a weapon of war theory 921:Relationship with human rights 800:Second, both perspectives are 613:international relations theory 153:Coloured world map indicating 104:UN Declaration of Human Rights 1: 2809:Human Security Report Project 2634:"Human Security: An Overview" 2318:Economic and Political Weekly 1734:10.1080/11926422.2009.9673492 1537:Non-governmental organization 1502:Human Security Report Project 709:Relationship with development 302:, particularly violent crime. 2784:Commission on Human Security 2214:. Springer. pp. 15–16. 678:, and economic deprivation. 607:in 1648 and the rise of the 278:environmental security issue 272:, caused by the emission of 2734:Hastings, David A. (2012). 2704:Hastings, David A. (2009). 2483:Shepherd, Laura J. (2015). 2424:. Oxford University Press. 1858:"アダルト総合情報サイト【アダルトインフォnavi】" 1100:Prevent, react, and rebuild 907:, equity and productivity. 430:, the Secretary-General of 2903: 2082:Relations Internationales, 1507:Human Security Report 2005 1260: 1171: 1103: 924: 712: 565: 2576:Cite uses generic title ( 2519:Arcudi, Giovanni (2004). 2154:, London: Routledge, 2006 2152:Concepts and implications 2076:Arcudi, Giovanni (2006). 1685:, Vol. 26, No. 2. 87–102. 1669:, London: Routledge, 2006 1522:Humanitarian intervention 1337:climate change and health 1210:Responsibility to protect 1202:humanitarian intervention 1184:humanitarian intervention 1180:humanitarian intervention 1174:Humanitarian intervention 1168:Humanitarian intervention 1113:Responsibility to protect 1106:Responsibility to protect 1042:Gender and human security 715:International development 488: 54:, strategic studies, and 2821:UN OCHA - Human Security 2459:10.1177/0967010612470293 2208:Westing, Arthur (2013). 1257:Anti-personnel landmines 935:tradition (the ideas of 140:Human Development Report 132:Human Development Report 64:Human Development Report 2128:, 24 December 1994 and 2086:DOI 10.3917/ri.125.0097 1527:International relations 1359:Human Development Index 1305:'s like the UN and the 1129:humanitarian principles 155:Human Development Index 52:international relations 2882:International security 2794:Human Security Gateway 2606:. 2009-05-12 2422:Sex and Social Justice 1944:Third World Quarterly, 1683:International Security 1582:International security 1552:Security sector reform 1277: 1208:(ICISS) produced the " 1028:Environmental security 589: 254:Environmental security 250:Environmental security 170: 162: 144:threats in seven areas 119:UNDP's 1994 definition 2804:Human Security Report 1482:Global spread of H5N1 1386:A Social Fabric Index 1270: 1079:The category of human 951:, cultural identity, 719:Development economics 638:Traditional Security 587: 465:G. King and C. Murray 415:Franklin D. Roosevelt 333:Amnesty International 168: 152: 2799:Human Security Index 2789:Human Security Brief 2324:(44/45): 4729–4736. 1915:. London: Routledge. 1467:Environmental racism 1282:Anti-personnel mines 593:Traditional security 524:Intrastate security 370:"Freedom from Want"' 364:"Freedom from Fear"' 337:political repression 188:developing countries 181:requires an assured 108:associated covenants 1517:Humanitarian crisis 1136:humanitarian action 1134:Human security and 953:access to education 676:infectious diseases 605:Peace of Westphalia 513:Redefined security 486:Security for Whom? 258:natural environment 48:development studies 2850:2013-12-05 at the 2838:2020-11-20 at the 2826:2008-05-17 at the 2814:2009-03-04 at the 2297:on 5 December 2012 2132:, 15 July 1996: 55 2112:2009-02-28 at the 1946:Vol. 22(2):159-175 1888:2011-08-18 at the 1547:Security of person 1395:Triple Bottom Line 1278: 883:General objectives 835:Human Development 590: 579:mutually exclusive 507:National security 379:freedom from want, 329:Political security 325:Political security 310:Community security 306:Community security 236:circulatory system 232:parasitic diseases 171: 163: 138:. The UNDP's 1994 2561:"404 | Icbl" 2527:No. 2, pp. 17-64. 2494:978-0-415-71521-8 2447:Security Dialogue 2359:978-0-415-71521-8 2063:978-1-77420-077-3 1626:978-0-309-14588-6 1542:Poverty reduction 1532:National security 1512:Human trafficking 1492:Human development 1462:Arms Trade Treaty 1299:Ottawa Convention 1263:Ottawa Convention 1024:Arthur H. Westing 918: 917: 706: 705: 597:national security 575:national security 568:Political realism 537: 536: 404:Freedom from Want 393:Freedom from Fear 375:freedom from fear 288:Personal security 284:Personal security 179:Economic security 175:Economic security 72:freedom from fear 68:freedom from want 43:military security 39:national security 16:(Redirected from 2894: 2772: 2771: 2769: 2768: 2753: 2747: 2746: 2740: 2731: 2725: 2724: 2722: 2721: 2712:. Archived from 2701: 2695: 2687: 2681: 2680: 2674: 2666: 2654: 2648: 2647: 2645: 2644: 2630: 2624: 2621: 2615: 2614: 2612: 2611: 2600: 2594: 2591: 2582: 2581: 2574: 2572: 2564: 2557: 2551: 2550: 2543: 2537: 2534: 2528: 2525:Cahier du GIPRI, 2517: 2511: 2508: 2499: 2498: 2480: 2471: 2470: 2442: 2436: 2435: 2417: 2411: 2410: 2408: 2406: 2401:. United Nations 2396: 2388: 2382: 2375: 2364: 2363: 2345: 2334: 2333: 2313: 2307: 2306: 2304: 2302: 2287: 2281: 2280: 2278: 2276: 2262: 2256: 2255: 2232: 2226: 2225: 2205: 2196: 2193: 2187: 2183: 2177: 2170: 2164: 2161: 2155: 2148: 2142: 2139: 2133: 2122: 2116: 2103: 2097: 2094: 2088: 2074: 2068: 2067: 2047: 2041: 2035: 2029: 2028: 2026: 2025: 2019: 2013:. Archived from 2008: 1996: 1987: 1986: 1984: 1983: 1977: 1971:. Archived from 1966: 1953: 1947: 1940: 1929: 1923: 1917: 1916: 1901: 1892: 1879: 1873: 1872: 1870: 1869: 1854: 1843: 1842: 1840: 1839: 1833: 1827:. Archived from 1826: 1818: 1812: 1806: 1800: 1799: 1793: 1785: 1783: 1782: 1763: 1754: 1753: 1717: 1711: 1710: 1695: 1689: 1679: 1670: 1663: 1657: 1654: 1645: 1644: 1635: 1633: 1598: 1455: 1450: 1449: 1441: 1436: 1435: 1401:as described by 1274: 1242:Rwandan genocide 829: 802:multidimensional 753:underdevelopment 633: 483: 274:greenhouse gases 210:purchasing power 21: 2902: 2901: 2897: 2896: 2895: 2893: 2892: 2891: 2872: 2871: 2852:Wayback Machine 2840:Wayback Machine 2828:Wayback Machine 2816:Wayback Machine 2780: 2775: 2766: 2764: 2755: 2754: 2750: 2738: 2733: 2732: 2728: 2719: 2717: 2703: 2702: 2698: 2688: 2684: 2667: 2656: 2655: 2651: 2642: 2640: 2632: 2631: 2627: 2622: 2618: 2609: 2607: 2602: 2601: 2597: 2592: 2585: 2575: 2565: 2559: 2558: 2554: 2545: 2544: 2540: 2535: 2531: 2518: 2514: 2509: 2502: 2495: 2482: 2481: 2474: 2444: 2443: 2439: 2432: 2419: 2418: 2414: 2404: 2402: 2394: 2390: 2389: 2385: 2376: 2367: 2360: 2347: 2346: 2337: 2315: 2314: 2310: 2300: 2298: 2289: 2288: 2284: 2274: 2272: 2264: 2263: 2259: 2252: 2236:Pirages, Dennis 2234: 2233: 2229: 2222: 2207: 2206: 2199: 2194: 2190: 2184: 2180: 2171: 2167: 2162: 2158: 2149: 2145: 2140: 2136: 2126:Financial Times 2123: 2119: 2114:Wayback Machine 2104: 2100: 2095: 2091: 2075: 2071: 2064: 2049: 2048: 2044: 2036: 2032: 2023: 2021: 2017: 2006: 1998: 1997: 1990: 1981: 1979: 1975: 1964: 1956: 1954: 1950: 1941: 1932: 1924: 1920: 1903: 1902: 1895: 1890:Wayback Machine 1880: 1876: 1867: 1865: 1856: 1855: 1846: 1837: 1835: 1831: 1824: 1820: 1819: 1815: 1807: 1803: 1786: 1780: 1778: 1765: 1764: 1757: 1719: 1718: 1714: 1697: 1696: 1692: 1680: 1673: 1664: 1660: 1655: 1648: 1631: 1629: 1627: 1600: 1599: 1595: 1591: 1586: 1562:Social security 1451: 1444: 1437: 1430: 1427: 1419:income equality 1349: 1328: 1276: 1272: 1265: 1259: 1176: 1170: 1161: 1147:within the EU. 1140:humanitarianism 1125: 1108: 1102: 1096: 1090: 1081: 1072: 1067: 1044: 1017: 987: 929: 923: 838:Human Security 795:people-centered 783: 772: 765: 732:economic growth 721: 711: 668:Walter Lippmann 641:Human Security 570: 564: 530:Human security 471:Caroline Thomas 358: 262:water resources 220:Health security 216:Health security 121: 116: 106:(1948) and its 88: 35:vulnerabilities 28: 23: 22: 18:Personal safety 15: 12: 11: 5: 2900: 2898: 2890: 2889: 2884: 2874: 2873: 2870: 2869: 2864: 2859: 2854: 2842: 2830: 2818: 2806: 2801: 2796: 2791: 2786: 2779: 2778:External links 2776: 2774: 2773: 2748: 2726: 2696: 2682: 2649: 2625: 2616: 2595: 2583: 2552: 2538: 2529: 2512: 2500: 2493: 2472: 2437: 2431:978-0195112108 2430: 2412: 2383: 2365: 2358: 2335: 2308: 2282: 2257: 2250: 2227: 2220: 2197: 2188: 2178: 2165: 2156: 2143: 2134: 2130:New York Times 2117: 2098: 2089: 2069: 2062: 2042: 2030: 2000:Alkire, Sabina 1988: 1958:Alkire, Sabina 1948: 1930: 1918: 1893: 1874: 1844: 1813: 1801: 1755: 1712: 1690: 1671: 1658: 1646: 1625: 1617:10.17226/12782 1592: 1590: 1587: 1585: 1584: 1579: 1574: 1569: 1564: 1559: 1557:Sexual slavery 1554: 1549: 1544: 1539: 1534: 1529: 1524: 1519: 1514: 1509: 1504: 1499: 1494: 1489: 1484: 1479: 1474: 1469: 1464: 1458: 1457: 1456: 1442: 1439:Society portal 1426: 1423: 1403:John Elkington 1391: 1390: 1383: 1377: 1371: 1348: 1345: 1327: 1324: 1287:United Nations 1271: 1261:Main article: 1258: 1255: 1225: 1224: 1220: 1217: 1172:Main article: 1169: 1166: 1160: 1157: 1124: 1121: 1115:report of the 1101: 1098: 1089: 1086: 1080: 1077: 1071: 1068: 1066: 1063: 1058:Women's rights 1043: 1040: 1016: 1013: 986: 983: 941:natural rights 922: 919: 916: 915: 908: 905:sustainability 898: 892: 891: 888: 885: 879: 878: 875: 872: 866: 865: 862: 859: 853: 852: 849: 846: 840: 839: 836: 833: 820: 819: 805: 798: 787: 786: 778: 767: 710: 707: 704: 703: 700: 697: 693: 692: 688: 684: 680: 679: 672: 660: 656: 655: 651: 647: 643: 642: 639: 636: 601:state security 563: 560: 555: 554: 546: 535: 534: 528: 522: 518: 517: 511: 505: 501: 500: 497: 494: 491: 490: 487: 481: 480: 474: 468: 461: 460: 459: 458: 451: 450: 437: 436: 428:Surin Pitsuwan 425: 422: 408: 407: 401: 397:state capacity 357: 354: 346: 345: 322: 303: 296:domestic abuse 281: 270:Global warming 247: 240:United Nations 213: 206:United Nations 195: 157:(as of 2008). 120: 117: 115: 112: 87: 84: 31:Human security 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2899: 2888: 2885: 2883: 2880: 2879: 2877: 2868: 2865: 2863: 2860: 2858: 2855: 2853: 2849: 2846: 2843: 2841: 2837: 2834: 2831: 2829: 2825: 2822: 2819: 2817: 2813: 2810: 2807: 2805: 2802: 2800: 2797: 2795: 2792: 2790: 2787: 2785: 2782: 2781: 2777: 2763:on 2015-07-20 2762: 2758: 2752: 2749: 2744: 2737: 2730: 2727: 2716:on 2011-04-30 2715: 2711: 2707: 2700: 2697: 2693: 2686: 2683: 2678: 2672: 2664: 2660: 2653: 2650: 2639: 2635: 2629: 2626: 2620: 2617: 2605: 2599: 2596: 2590: 2588: 2584: 2579: 2570: 2562: 2556: 2553: 2549:. 2013-10-03. 2548: 2542: 2539: 2533: 2530: 2526: 2522: 2516: 2513: 2507: 2505: 2501: 2496: 2490: 2486: 2479: 2477: 2473: 2468: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2452: 2448: 2441: 2438: 2433: 2427: 2423: 2416: 2413: 2400: 2393: 2387: 2384: 2380: 2374: 2372: 2370: 2366: 2361: 2355: 2351: 2344: 2342: 2340: 2336: 2331: 2327: 2323: 2319: 2312: 2309: 2296: 2292: 2286: 2283: 2271: 2267: 2261: 2258: 2253: 2251:9780847695010 2247: 2243: 2242: 2237: 2231: 2228: 2223: 2221:9783642313226 2217: 2213: 2212: 2204: 2202: 2198: 2192: 2189: 2182: 2179: 2175: 2172:Hampson, F., 2169: 2166: 2160: 2157: 2153: 2147: 2144: 2138: 2135: 2131: 2127: 2121: 2118: 2115: 2111: 2108: 2102: 2099: 2093: 2090: 2087: 2083: 2079: 2073: 2070: 2065: 2059: 2055: 2054: 2046: 2043: 2040: 2034: 2031: 2020:on 2014-04-18 2016: 2012: 2005: 2001: 1995: 1993: 1989: 1978:on 2014-04-18 1974: 1970: 1963: 1959: 1952: 1949: 1945: 1939: 1937: 1935: 1931: 1928: 1922: 1919: 1914: 1910: 1906: 1900: 1898: 1894: 1891: 1887: 1884: 1878: 1875: 1864:(in Japanese) 1863: 1859: 1853: 1851: 1849: 1845: 1834:on 2010-02-15 1830: 1823: 1817: 1814: 1811: 1805: 1802: 1797: 1791: 1777: 1773: 1769: 1762: 1760: 1756: 1751: 1747: 1743: 1739: 1735: 1731: 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Personal safety
national security
military security
development studies
international relations
human rights
United Nations Development Programme
Human Development Report
freedom from want
freedom from fear
Cold War
UN Declaration of Human Rights
associated covenants
Mahbub ul Haq
United Nations Development Programme
World Summit on Social Development in Copenhagen
Human Development Report

Human Development Index

Economic security
basic income
developing countries
Food security
United Nations
purchasing power
Health security

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