
William Phips

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Trade. Also at this meeting is Sir Henry Ashurst. These three—Mather the clergyman, flanked by two knights: Sir William Phips and Sir Henry Ashurst—would emerge later as the major proponents of the various compromises that brought about a new charter. Not counting Phips, there seem to have been a total of four agents acting on behalf of Massachusetts in seeking to restore the old charter. The two agents holding official commission papers from the Massachusetts council—Cooke and Oakes—were also the least compromising and the least politically deft. The Board of Trade seems to have sought a policy of pushing through a new charter by cleaving the two knights away from these two agents. On July 24, Increase Mather recorded in his diary that he would "part with my life sooner than ". Not long after this, Increase Mather left London on vacation. On August 11, 1691, a letter was written from Whitehall to King William's secretary: "I must now desire your Lordship to acquaint the King that they are willing to accept their Charter ... and no longer Insist upon the Alterations mentioned ... " This could not have been Cooke and Oakes because they never wavered in their stance opposing a new charter. Mather's diary entry one week later (August 19) indicates that he is still either unaware or has not yet accepted this move. On August 20, the Earl of Nottingham told a committee that he had been with Sir William Phips, who informed him that the New England agents "did acquiesce therein ." By August 27, Increase Mather had decided to participate in the process of shaping this new charter, if reluctantly.
476:. In Knepp's first interaction, he says that he is seeking signatures between the crew and the King though the July 13 agreement (see image) would more accurately be portrayed as between Phips and the crew, as the first mate protests. Knepp's job seemed to be to seek additional signatures from the crew, which is easily done when Phips returns to the ship, with Randolph acting as a witness. Next, Knepp complained to Phips about the firing of the ships cannons to set the watch. By the time the ship set sail the next day, Phips and Knepp were distinctly at odds, as Knepp records when asked for a cabin or berth and was told he would have to make do sleeping on a trunk. This was an unfortunate turn of events for both of them, as well as the historian who would prefer to have Knepp at the Captain's table recording the dinner conversation between Randolph, his brother, and Phips. Class friction surely played a strong role in the conflict between Knepp and Phips. Knepp consistently presents himself as a victim, and there are many times he is bullied and badly mistreated, but it also seems that he must have set himself above and thought of himself as being of a higher class than Phips. The articles of agreement testify to the trust that the King and Narborough placed in Phips, and the crew seemed willing to do as Phips commanded, but Knepp acts as if he is not beholden to Phips. Knepp's journal is addressed to Narborough (and 498:
gathering diving equipment and divers to take to the Bahamas. Phips later followed the same procedures of requiring ships to strike in the West Indies and with a new crew in Bermuda. Phips lack of experience in the Royal Navy would suggest he likely made mistakes and did not always go about this procedure in the best way. It must have been a strange and uncomfortable chore for someone whose loyalties were with Boston (in '76 the records show initiated the building of a house in Boston). Randolph was never one to withhold criticism, but he did not complain of Phips activities in Boston harbor that winter, and Randolph even seems to have assisted Phips by searching a ship for him. But choosing a threatening posture showed Randolph's inability to understand the New England character, and it did not produce the effect Randolph intended. The magistrates voted to submit to the crown, but the deputies resisted. Phips and the
522:." Empty-handed, Randolph and his brother boarded a pink bound for England on December 14. A few days later, Phips began making preparations but was detained by problems with the Boston government and the ongoing search for victuals. In a discussion with Phips, Knepp allows, as a purser, that many of the crew owe him money and says that he would have them thrown into jail except that it would hinder His Majesty's treasure hunt. Phips finally sailed clear of the Boston Harbor on January 19, 1684 but unfortunately not before some of his rogue-ish crew could cause a small riot in Boston and perpetrate a despicable assault in Hull, according to Knepp. Knepp was not on board, meaning he had effectively deserted according to the Articles, "though I should be almost undone by it" and so it became all the more important for Knepp to show Phips in a bad light. 866: 459:
and other desirables by offering them credit against their wages, (collected through the captain). It was a lucrative post and required an investment to procure, hence it usually went to young Naval clerks and scions who could afford the capital outlay. It seems like a terrible idea to place a purser on a voyage like that of the Rose, on a shoestring budget, with the men receiving no wages and collectively buying and sharing food together. Knepp brought great quantities of fancy cheese and brandy, with predictable results. But either way, the purser was dependent on good relations with the captain, yet Knepp seems to have looked down on Phips and decided to be forward in introducing himself to the crew of HMS Rose while Phips was absent in London. The reception was rather less than friendly:
against each other in letters to Whitehall follow the standard lines of the Tarpaulin vs. Gentleman. Short is called a drunk, corrupt, unwilling to withstand hardships, or obey direct orders. His lieutenant captain is accused of cowardice. Phips, as usual, is accused of having only a carpenter's education, poor manners, and disregarding standard procedure (reminiscent of the journal of Knepp). Phips' pick for a replacement captain, Dobbins, is accused of the same. Phips is also accused of corruption, which was a standard charge, and a standard problem for colonial leadership at this time. But Phips, having traded silver for paper after the fiasco of Quebec, and building his own ship to chase pirates in Maine, seems to take the teeth out of this accusation.
480:), and it reads like a sycophant's strong gambit for a future promotion. He presents Phips as the trope of a tarpaulin captain—every sailor his comrade, questionable literacy level—and so it is probably safe to infer that Knepp was of the gentleman class and likely some years younger than Phips, perhaps in his mid-twenties. Knepp is excellent at taking coordinates and seems trained in piloting, but does not exhibit a breadth of experience or knowledge of the rigging. Though he records every perceived misstep by Phips, his careful plotting of the journey also shows the great ability Phips possessed as a sailor, crossing the Atlantic in half the time of another ship that they meet and making first landfall at Cape Ann. 1226:
charter, but ironically, he seems to have been the architect of this move. A few weeks later, Phips invited both men to dinner but was unable to broker a truce. Phips was still trying to maintain a bond of loyalty to Increase Mather. By many counts this move against Cooke was considered poor political calculus. The Mathers, father and son, were a house divided, trying to heal itself. The Mathers had lost much credibility and public trust. Phips seemed slow to realize that Increase Mather should no longer be his trusted adviser. A year later, when Elisha Cooke was again elected, Phips allowed it to stand. But by this time, it was probably too little, too late.
kept by Knepp, and he has rightly been called a "hostile observer", but he was often ignorant of the complex, dual nature of the voyage, as well as basic colonial politics, if not some important elements of human nature. Distant historians must grope for any available source to shed light on events of the past, and so history tends to be swayed heavily by the writers. Phips was never a writer and so much of his story comes from others, with Knepp's Journal at the top of this pile. Like the rest of us, Knepp does not seem to have understood the role Phips was intended to play, either in support of Randolph or as a possible decoy and cleanup for the
381:. By any measure, this was a remarkable achievement for a poor New Englander like Phips, but it also seems clear that he must have been at the right place at the right time. His reputation for finding sunken ships may have preceded him, and he seems to have had demonstrable gains to show, as one letter writer mentions his "late successful returns." Perhaps he delivered the King's portion of these returns to Whitehall in person. In any case, a reckless plan was concocted, probably by Narborough, whereby this New England native, despite having no background in the English navy, would be assigned as the commander of a 20-gun frigate, HMS 1042: 713:. In September 1687, Phips returned to the wreck, though he did not command the venture. Admiral Narborough elected to personally lead the expedition, but it was not nearly as successful. The wreck had been discovered by others, and the arrival of the English scattered more than 20 smaller ships. Treasure worth ÂŁ10,000 was recovered before Narborough's death in May 1688 brought the expedition to an end. Phips had by then already left the wreck site in early May, sailing for Boston for what seems to have been his first time home in four and a half years, to take up his new post as Provost Marshal General. 1038:
governor and powerful clergymen, including the fully committed Cotton Mather and the somewhat more waffling Increase Mather. There is no record of Phips ever having traveled north to meet any of the "afflicted" or attend a single Oyer and Terminer trial or execution. Instead, Phips continued to work on recruiting troops and gathering supplies to build a fort in Maine, and he left the province around August 1 and was gone the entire month and much of September. William Stoughton seems to have officially taken over executive powers in this period of Phips's absence.
Church show Phips' name added to admissions. (Curiously, a "B" for "brother" is withheld as prefix to his name, unlike all others. See image.) Another book, mostly recording infant baptisms, lists Phips as "Admitted and Baptized." Phip's wife's name does not seems not to appear in the records at all. The admission and baptism of an adult was generally a somewhat drawn-out process over some weeks. There seems to be no surviving record of Phips "coming to the table" to partake in the Lord's Supper, as only church members were invited to do.
635:). Phips utilized experience as a sailor and shipwright to select high quality anchors, chains, and cables to hold their ships securely in close proximity to the shoals for months as they tried to fish treasure from it. ÂŁ500 worth of merchandize was taken along to barter for provisions, as well as to provide cover, or a ruse, that they were in Hispaniola merely as merchants, not treasure hunters. The London investors must have felt confident because they paid a total of ÂŁ3,210 outfitting the ships for the voyage. Unlike the voyage of the 1266: 3054: 849:
He had the fortifications destroyed, removing all of their weaponry. Before he left, he convinced a number of Acadians to swear oaths of allegiance to the English Crown, appointed a council of locals to administer the town, and then sailed back to Boston, carrying Meneval and his garrison as prisoners of war. Phips received a hero's welcome and was lavished with praise, although he was criticized in some circles (and has been vilified in French and Acadian histories) for allowing the sacking of Port Royal.
himself as having no intentions to oppose the ancient laws and customs of Puritan Boston. He promised to rule as a weak governor, according to the tradition of his predecessors. The speech itself had likely been crafted with the care and attention of Increase Mather as they crossed the Atlantic. They seemed to have come to an agreement—you work your side of the street and I'll work mine—whereby Phips would tend to the frontier while Increase Mather and his slate of cohorts would see to domestic affairs.
5227: 914: 228: 790: 1002:. This may have been Increase Mather's idea since such courts were specifically mentioned in the new charter and no one had spent more time working on the details of the charter than Increase Mather. Nonetheless, Phips signed the order and may have composed it. The language of the order itself is curious because it speaks of concern for the welfare of those "imprisoned during this hot time of the year". Increase Mather's pick for lieutenant governor, 643: 537:" was distributed this same month, with echoes to the New England government Increase Mather assembles in 1692.} It had been Phips' debut into colonial politics too, if clumsily and involuntarily. To what extent he was swayed by the arguments of Randolph as they crossed the Atlantic, it is hard to know, but Phips certainly played the role with bluster, and he seems to have spoken up as a royalist to the Boston government in the meetings he had with 1214:
of the admiralty, thereby doling out favors to gain the support of the powerful merchant class. This was part of an old turf battle between the Admiralty and Customs, but it led to an altercation with Randolph's custom inspector, Jahleel Brenton, which seemed to follow the similar embarrassing and unseemly pattern as his altercation with Captain Short. The two altercations weighed together against Phips. Phips was accused of violating the
to answer the charges. It took months for the letter to reach Boston. On July 4, 1694, Phips received the summons to appear before the Lords of Trade. Stoughton, of all people, was ordered to oversee the gathering of evidence for the hearing, a galling reversal of fortunes for Phips. Phips spent much of the summer in Maine, at Pemaquid, securing a peace treaty and overseeing the frontier defenses near his birthplace.
401:, Phips was not sent directly to search near Hispaniola where Narborough (correctly) believed a great treasure lay buried. Phips' instructions were not kept secret but were signed by the entire crew, thereby broadcasting their designs through the harbor and shipyards. On July 13, 1683, the articles of agreement (see image) were signed by Phips and seven other crew members, in the presence of Narborough and Haddock. 768:. Phips had not demonstrated military interests as a young man. During King Philip's War, when many took up arms, Phips built ships and cut lumber. John Knepp's journal testifies to Phips' constitutional disinterest in military discipline. Yet Phips' control of a naval gunship, and his subsequent actions, seem to have suggested he was a good candidate to lead a large military expedition. Sewall writes: 1018:. Cotton Mather's manuscript is carefully scribed with few cross-outs or mistakes, suggesting it was not so much "minutes" of a meeting as a careful construction after the fact. It is not endorsed by any minister or government official. According to Cotton Mather's telling, the ministers at the gathering simultaneously urged both caution and speedy prosecution. Most importantly, Cotton Mather's 764:'s Governor to take advantage of the political turmoil in New England, launching a series of Indian raids across the northern frontier in 1689 and early 1690. When a frontier town in Maine was overrun in early March 1690, the French were perceived as instigators and the provisional government of Massachusetts began casting about for a major general to lead an expedition against the French in 1092: 1006:, was chosen as chief judge of this new court. There was little then to indicate that Stoughton would proceed with such ruthless conviction. Phips later claimed to have chosen nominations for the court from "persons of the best prudence and figure that could then be pitched upon", and indeed, as Thomas Brattle pointed out, most were well-known and respected merchants from the Boston area. 184: 557: 370: 786:
wherein only church members were free. The court, not the church, made Phips free on this Saturday, according to Sewall. Sewall was religiously devout and active in his church congregation and would not likely have misspoken or deliberately withheld information on this point. Sewall's diary is generally considered trustworthy and is widely referenced by historians.
858: 726:
weeks before shipping back to London to join with Increase Mather in opposing the Dominion and seeking to restore the original charter. This seems to be the first mention of Phips in Increase Mather's diary or correspondence. Motivated by a shared dislike of Andros, Phips and Increase Mather worked together to bring about his downfall. After the
211:; February 2, 1651 – February 18, 1695) was born in Maine in the Massachusetts Bay Colony and was of humble origin, uneducated, and fatherless from a young age but rapidly advanced from shepherd boy to shipwright, ship's captain, and treasure hunter, the first New England native to be knighted, and the first royally appointed governor of the 1074:
and Terminer "must fall". A new court was formed with instructions to entirely disregard spectral evidence. But Stoughton was once again selected by his peers to be chief justice. In late January 1693, Stoughton ordered eight graves dug in advance of his next round of execution orders, not realizing that Phips would no longer appease him.
573:. There is no record of their joining forces or sharing information. It seems likely they met up, but it is unknown if it was preordained. If Phips was unwittingly being used as a decoy to distract the other treasure hunters away from Stanley, it might have dawned on him at this time. Soon afterward, Phips visited the north coast of 906:, and the naval bombardment failed because the New Englanders' guns were unable to reach the high battlements of the city, and they furthermore soon ran out of ammunition. The fighting, according to Phips, cost the expedition 30 deaths and one field cannon, as well as numerous wounded; disease and disaster took an additional toll. 922:
financial losses in the process. At this same time, Governor Meneval petitioned for the return of minor valuables (silverware and other small items) that Phips had taken. Phips was outraged when the General Council heard Meneval's case. He returned to England in February 1691 to seek support for another expedition against Quebec.
686:, jewelry, a small amount of gold, and other artifacts. Concerned about the possibility of mutiny, Phips guaranteed to the crew, who had been hired for seaman's wages, that they would receive shares in the find even if he had to pay them from his own percentage. He carefully avoided putting in at any ports before anchoring at 667:). There was a bit more delay due to the weather, but Peter Earle writes, "There is no doubt that he knew exactly where he was going." On January 20, they spotted cannons from a shipwreck lying on the white sands of the reef. The ship they had found was the Almiranta of the Spanish silver fleet (later determined to be 503:
barroom brawl. " ... one of the constables in particular told him that he thought Capt. Phips had been a town born child, Captain Phips answering him, 'Let him be what he would, he had been sworn at sixteen years of age to be true to the King and his government." (As if in an act of delayed vengeance, HMS
was elected, and Phips negated his seat. For a royally appointed governor to exercise such veto power, granted only by the controversial new charter, was a highly unpopular move and could establish a dangerous precedent. Increase Mather had fought unsuccessfully to keep this veto power out of the new
Following the Dominion government, in which Andros oversaw all of the colonies, there was a good bit of jealousy, border disputes, and jockeying for position between the new governors of the various colonies, and Phips seems to have done as much to inflame these jealousies as to work past them. Phips
Phips' leadership was dependent on the support of the powerful Mather's, father and son, as well as their pick to be his lieutenant governor. This strange and disparate coalition had been badly fractured by the witchcraft proceedings, and Phips' resolute and final, if slow, move to shut it down. In a
Phips, whose motives continue to be debated by historians today, claimed this was a violation of the terms of capitulation and consequently declared the agreement void. He allowed his troops to sack the town and destroy the church, acts that he had promised to prevent in the oral surrender agreement.
The only other reference to a baptism of Phips is not first-hand but a sardonic reference by Blathwayt (Randolph's boss in London) mentioning Phips being made a general the same year he was "publicly christened at Boston." Expanding the franchise of New England away from the control of the clergy was
Some years later, after Phips' death and a good bit of political upheaval involving Phips and the Mathers, Cotton Mather anonymously wrote a biography of Phips and sent it away to London for publication although he had Boston printing presses at his beck and call. He implausibly cast this scenario as
Phips arrived back in Boston in the summer of 1688 and was welcomed back as a hero. His wife seemed very happy to see him. He was celebrated in sermons and at the Harvard College commencement he was compared to Jason fetching the Golden Fleece. Andros and Randolph were not so happy to see him, and it
is already fitted out for the Bahamas with orders to call at Boston for 2 or 3 weeks on the way." Randolph indicates that time is of the essence, and he is willing to travel with Phips or forego the frigate idea and embark on a merchantman. Randolph, along with his brother Bernard, were given passage
Soon after returning to England, Phips joined up again with Increase Mather, and again supported him in dealing with Whitehall. Increase Mather's diary says they are together on March 25, 1691, and again on March 26. On March 31, they are together as Increase Mather writes a response to the Board of
Phips sailed from the Downs on September 12, 1686, and on November 28, arrived in Hispaniola, Samana Bay, where they spent two weeks restocking their water and provender. The weather was bad, and the search consequently did not get underway for a few more weeks. On January 12, Phips sent out Captain
and slowly cruised north exploring the banks where Stanley had been diligently searching for over a year. The decisiveness with which Phips later returned and quickly located the treasure suggests that he was able to gather valuable knowledge and began to formulate a clear plan, though he would have
The crew were a salty bunch to say the least; a "rum lot" as Peter Earle calls them, and this final last-minute bait-and-switch, after the previous addition of Randolph, seems to have nearly put them over the edge. Everything we know about the crew comes from a detailed journal of the trip to Boston
Diary of Increase Mather (MHS & AAS). August 1688 entry contains I.M.'s first mention of Phips, as the two of them begin working together on behalf of Massachusetts in London. They would continue to work together for the next 4 years. Also see F.L. Gay, ''Rough List of the Collection" available
On November 30, 1693, little over a year after Phips had shut down the Court of Oyer and Terminer, Whitehall heard complaints against Phips regarding Short and Brenton, shepherded to London by Stoughton and Dudley. A recall with the internal date of February 15, 1694, summoned Phips back to London
Keeping up the longstanding tradition of Massachusetts Bay, Phips fought against the office of custom inspectors, arguing that the port of Massachusetts did not see enough enumerated goods to warrant their presence. Instead Phips attempted to re-establish a naval office, with himself acting as head
On June 8, William Stoughton ordered a woman accused of witchcraft (Bridget Bishop) to be executed only two days later, though tradition had been to allow at least four days between order and execution. The following Monday, the clergy all around the Boston area were asked to officially weigh in on
was estimated at ÂŁ700. In this age of piracy and high mortality, Phips making it back to London alive and with the King's ship still afloat was probably enough for him to pass the test. Already Narborough had a new plan in the works for Captain Phips, though this time it would be a private venture.
Phips watched over his family's flock of sheep, according to Mather, until the age of 18, after which he began a four-year apprenticeship as a ship's carpenter. He received no formal schooling. Despite a keen intelligence, his literacy skills were likely rudimentary. Robert Calef wrote, "It will be
in his biography of Phips claimed that he was one of 26 children, this number is likely an exaggeration or includes many who did not survive infancy. His mother is known to have had six children by James Phips and eight by White. His father was poor, but his ancestry may have descended from country
Phips arrived in London in early January, 1695. Upon his arrival in London, he was arrested on exaggerated charges, levied by Dudley, that he had conspired to withhold customs monies. Phips was bailed out by Sir Henry Ashurst but fell ill with a fever and died on February 18, 1695, aged 44, before
On July 31, 1693, Phips hosted at his house a meeting of the General Council, including Stoughton and four other O&T judges, and read a letter that had arrived the day before from the Queen. The letter supported Phips in his ending of the trials and stated that "the greatest moderation and all
By the time Phips returned from Maine on September 29, 1692, twenty people had been executed and the accusations and arrests continued, including charges against many high-profile individuals, allegedly including Phips's own wife. At this point, Phips finally let it be known that the Court of Oyer
At the end of June, five more women were condemned to die. Phips granted a reprieve to one of these but was impressed upon "by some Salem gentlemen" to take it back. At this point, Phips seemed to wash his hands of the proceedings, not relishing the idea of gaining the enmity of his own lieutenant
to surrender. Meneval, in command of about 70 men and a fort in disrepair, promptly negotiated terms of capitulation. When Phips came ashore the next day, it was discovered that Acadians had been removing valuables, including some that were government property (and thus were supposed to come under
This is Sewall's entire entry, and he has no entry for the next day. It shows that Phips, though knighted, one of the richest men in the colony, and highly active on the colony's behalf, was not yet able to vote or serve under the provisional government because they were following the old charter,
Andros swore Phips into his new post in early July, but his council refused Phips' demand that the previously named sheriffs be dismissed. If Phips had simply wanted a share in the spoils of the Dominion, he might have stuck around and kept his head down. Instead, he stayed home in Boston only six
set sail, things were complicated again when the Crown decided to place a minder on board named John Knepp "to look after the King's interest". Knepp seems to have been a purser. In the English Navy, the purser acted as a sort of Company Store, tempting sailors far from shore with whiskey, tobacco
The expedition cost the colony ÂŁ50,000 to mount, for which it issued paper currency, a first in the English colonies. Many of the expedition's participants and creditors were unhappy at being paid this way, and Phips generously purchased some of the depreciated paper with hard currency, incurring
As a final stroke, before Phips left, he pardoned all those who had been accused of witchcraft. Most had already been reprieved, but a pardon ensured they would not be brought to trial in his absence. He sailed from the harbor after sunset on the sabbath, firing guns from his ship. Samuel Sewall
1014:, which was put into print at the end of 1692 in a book by Increase Mather, after Phips's had disrupted the trials and disbanded the Court of Oyer and Terminer. The manuscript was unknown to historians until 1943, when it was presented to archivists in a trove of documents including the infamous 986:
in 1683, when Phips showed little regard for the sabbath, on this occasion, Phips was highly deferential toward the theocracy. Phips's elaborate swearing-in ceremony at the meeting house was halted at sundown and delayed until the following Monday. According to one letter writer, Phips presented
Because of contrary winds and the difficulty in navigating the Saint Lawrence, the expedition took eight weeks to reach Quebec. The late arrival (wintry conditions were already setting in on the river) and the long voyage meant that it would be impossible to conduct a lengthy siege. Phips sent a
Both events are not mutually exclusive. Cotton Mather places the baptism the next day, March 23. The general court in which Cotton Mather played an active role may have made Phips free with the understanding that Cotton Mather would add him to the rolls of the North Church. Records of the North
After Phips was discreetly informed of their amazing find, he spent the next nine days preparing the ships and gathering enough food to sustain the men over months of bringing up treasure. (During the controversies that surrounded Phips at the end of his life, his critics like to portray him as
became a focal point for the resistance, as Knepp dutifully recorded without understanding the subtext: "Phips crew say that they would as soon fire against this town as against Algiers and called us rebels," is one deposition Knepp records though Knepp seems to believe he is merely recording a
recorded his one and only diary entry for all of 1683: "Randolph arrived at Boston." Phips quickly began to provide a show of force for Randolph by insisting other ships strike their colors and firing across their bows if they did not. Knepp claims that Narborough did not condone this, and many
for a treasure hunt but given no other financial backing. He and his crew would be required to pay for all other expenses of the voyage, including food and diving equipment, and give a deposit of ÂŁ100. Of the treasure they found, 35% would go to the King, and the rest would be divided among the
The strain of this seems to have gotten to Phips in a way that so many previous seemingly insurmountable challenges had not. In January 1693, Phips was involved in an embarrassing and unseemly physical altercation with his subordinate captain in the royal navy, Richard Short. Their accusations
A number of Mather's requests concerning the new charter were rejected, but William and Mary allowed Mather to nominate the colony's lieutenant governor and council members. The monarchs appointed Phips as the first Royal Governor, with Increase Mather's approval, under a newly issued colonial
The treasure weighed in at over 34 tons, or ÂŁ205,536. Almost a quarter went to Albemarle. Phips, after paying out ÂŁ8,000 in crew shares, received ÂŁ11,000. Phips was treated as a hero in London, and the find was the talk of the town. Some economic historians argue that Phips' find significantly
that Phips was not doing this merely for some explosive fun. Phips cites personal instructions from the King, and indeed Charles II was known to have insisted on a salute to his flag. As Phips was creating chaos for the Massachusetts government, he continued to pursue his original intention of
Phips finally sailed for England on November 17. Increase Mather was asked to go along in support but decided against it, citing the difficulty of the journey, though his diary from the time is full of yearning to return to England. They were still friendly, but it seems their coalition and
All eight were cleared by Phips's proclamations, leading Stoughton to storm from the court. His replacement on the court was more inclined to mercy for the accused. Beginning in February 1693, no more of the accused were condemned to die, and almost all had been released from prison by May.
598:. And Knepp's report on Phips did not disqualify him. Phips had shown that he was serviceable: willing to harass the harbor of his hometown and to compromise between his own interests and the interests of the Crown. This was surely noted at Whitehall, even by the more conservative elements. 966:
Phips and Increase Mather were odd fellows, without much in common, but they had become politically conjoined to the new charter, and it would be their job to sell it to the people of Massachusetts, who were expecting their agents to return with nothing less than the old charter restored.
271:). Mary's father, Daniel Spencer, was a merchant and landowner with interests in Maine. Phips may have known Mary from an early age. By all accounts, the couple exhibited "genuine affection" for one another, and there is no evidence Phips was unfaithful during his long absences from home. 810:
one of Blathwayt's obsessions, and his comment probably goes to this point, as well as noting Phips loyalty with New England as opposed to the crown. In short, if something like Cotton Mather's March 23 church scene happened at all, it should be understood as foremost a political event.
seems the feeling was mutual. Almost all of New England was unified in their opposition to Andros and Randolph. Phips, despite having been Captain of Randolph's gunship in 1683-4, does not seem to have carried an association with Randolph in the minds of the people of Massachusetts Bay.
671:; the English did not know the name of the ship) wrecked in 1641. Over the next two days, the divers were able to bring up 3,000 coins and 3 silver bars. They decided to travel back to Phips to let him know, but this turned out to be a somewhat slow and treacherous trip among the reefs. 901:
declared that his only response would be from "the mouths of my cannons". Phips then held a war council, which decided to make a combined land assault and naval bombardment. Both failed. The landing force, 1,200 men led by Major John Walley, were unable to cross the well-defended
letter written October 20, 1692, Cotton Mather expressed anguish over the ending of the "proceedings" and stated his displeasure with his father's recent call for presumed innocence ("Cases of Conscience"). When Phips stood up to Stoughton, he gained a terrible foe. Furthermore,
290:. The shipyard was successful, turning out a number of small boats and building its first large merchant ship in 1676. As he was preparing for its maiden voyage in August 1676, planning to deliver a load of lumber to Boston, a band of Indians descended on the area during the 798:
a spontaneous spiritual awakening, including heartfelt testimony, which Cotton Mather claims to faithfully transcribe "without adding so much as one word unto it." (Cotton Mather loved puns and inside jokes, which could be interpreted as his sly way of saying Phips wrote
generally acknowledged, that not withstanding the meanness of his parentage and education, he attained to be master of a Ship." Once Phips achieved wealth and fame, he relied on a personal secretary and scribes for assistance, as was common for many figures of the time.
294:. Rather than take on his cargo, he took on board as many of the local settlers as he could. Although he was financially ruined (the Indians destroyed the shipyard and his intended cargo of masts and lumber), Phips was considered a hero among the colonists in Boston. 772:
Saturday, March 22. Sir William Phips offers himself to go in person, the Governor sends for me, and tells me of it, I tell the Court; they send for Sir William who accepts to go, and is appointed to command the forces. Major Townsend relinquishes with thanks.
After leaving Boston, Phips searched the picked over wrecks in the Bahamas with limited success. Too many other treasure hunters had already gone before. When some of his crew became mutinous, he had them put off in Jamaica. On November 18, 1684, Phips was in
Calendar of State Papers Domestic Series of the reign of William and Mary. Vol I-III. Preserved in the Public Record Office (PRO). London. Available online. Sir Francis speaks of need for masts is July 1692. For Blathwayt on Phips christening see March 6,
589:. Pepys had been out of power when Narborough set the strange plan in motion. In March and May 1686, Phips was ordered to attend the Lord Treasurer, where it was found that the king was only to receive ÂŁ471 in treasure, though the wear and tear on the 1049:
French and Indian raids had resumed in the years following Phips's 1690 expeditions, so he sought to improve the province's defenses. Pursuant to his instructions from London, in 1692, he oversaw the construction of a stone fort, which was dubbed
2356:. Worcester, MA: American Antiquarian Society, Public Domain. p. 9: Moore lists Phips as having been present at General Council (not O&T) meetings on June 13, 18; July 4, 8, 15, 18, 21–22, 25–26; September 5, 12, 16; October 14, 22, 26. 49: 1209:
was placed over Fletcher, Usher, and Stoughton, suggesting Whitehall was unimpressed by the bickering of the three provinces and not swayed by the particular merits of any of their arguments. Bellomont ordered a posthumous pardon of Leisler.)
due circumspection be used..." No doubt Phips wanted the letter read into the official minutes, but by hosting the meeting at his house, one wonders if he was not trying to provoke, especially if his own wife had been among the accused.
expressing disinterest in continuing to search for the Hispaniola treasure, while Captain Phips probably expressed enthusiasm and new confidence, the next logical choice for commander was obvious. Narborough turned to the hard-partying
Phips and Increase Mather reached Boston in separate ships on May 14, 1692. This was a Saturday afternoon, meaning all activity was to cease at sundown according to the old Puritan laws regarding the sabbath. Unlike his arrival in HMS
885:, the expedition's departure was delayed in the vain hope that needed munitions would arrive from England. The expedition, counting 34 ships and more than 2,000 soldiers, finally sailed on August 20. It was short on ammunition, had no 742:
to delay the transmission of formal instructions about the change of power to Andros. Phips returned to Boston in May 1689, carrying proclamations from the King and Queen and found Andros and Randolph had already been arrested in a
305:, he was seeking treasure from sunken Spanish ships near New Providence. The expedition is not well documented but seems to have been profitable, returning shares worth ÂŁ54 to certain low-level participants. New England mintmaster 1544:
Diary of Samuel Sewall" Vol. I 1674–1700, Vol II 1700–1729 MHS Collections Vol. V-VI Fifth Series, Boston MA 1878. Public Domain. Happy wife is June, 1688. Golden Fleece is July, 1688. Becoming free in 1691 and bold emphasis is
1218:, as his predecessor had been. Blathwayt was slowly and steadily working to standardize the flow of tributes from the colonies to the Crown, and if Phips was clogging these pipes, he would need to answer for it. 333:
was sailing from England to the West Indies and beckoned the other officers to be present as he broke open his secret instructions. He learned that his mission was to aid in the hunt for a large treasure near
1015: 389:
The plan seemed ill-conceived and suggests that Narborough was obsessed by the possibility of treasure. It is also possible that Phips was being used in a complex way with the sly intention that HMS
notes the similarity to his "uncomfortable" time of arrival, but the differences are more telling. Phips was no longer sensitive to the customs of the Puritan clergy, he was loudly defying them.
Pietas in Patriam. Life of His Excellency Sir William Phips. Dedicated to the Earl of Bellomont. London 1697. Anonymously published but later owned by Cotton Mather and included in his Magnalia.
Phips and the crew were rewarded by the investors with medals, and Phips was knighted by James in June. James also rewarded Phips with the post of Provost Marshal General (Chief Sheriff) of the
and harbored enemies of Fletcher and the New York government that replaced Leisler. Phips' ongoing struggles with Usher in New Hampshire continued as before. (In 1695, following Phips' death,
215:. Phips was famous in his lifetime for recovering a large treasure from a sunken Spanish galleon but is perhaps best remembered today for establishing the court associated with the infamous 1026:(accusations of a crime committed by one's "specter", against which there is no alibi possible). The Mathers, father and son, continued to debate this issue with other area ministers, like 433:
Randolph hoped such a display would induce New England to submit to revisions of their charter from the Crown, rather than having it fully revoked. On August 3, 1683, Randolph wrote to Sir
Sewall DI, Vol I. See June 8, 1693: "Mr. Danforth labors to bring Mr. Mather and Cooke together. Is great wrath about Mr. Cooke's being refused and tis supposed Mr. Mather is the cause."
93: 2396:
See Increase Mather's postscript to "Cases of Conscience", which was added around this time as a reprint in London and tagged to the end of his son's "Wonder's of the Invisible World".
5469: 1262:, the son of Mary's sister Rebecca, who formally took the Phips name in 1716. He went on to serve as Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, including two periods as acting governor. 865: 2919: 267:, where he continued to employ his shipmaking and carpentry skills. About a year later, he married Mary Spencer Hull, widow to John Hull (unrelated to Massachusetts mintmaster 939:. The charter greatly expanded the colony's bounds, including not just the territories of the Massachusetts Bay Colony but also those of the Plymouth Colony, islands south of 2288:
Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies, London, 1901. Now also found online at British History online. Letter-writer is Joshua Broadbent, June 21, 1692.
All dates are Julian calendar, as recorded at the time, except that each new year is begun on January 1 (as opposed to March 25). Orthography is also updated for clarity.
5347: 5179: 1193:, a Massachusetts native (and former Dominion official alongside Randolph) was in London, scheming to replace Phips, and in early 1693 Stoughton joined forces with him. 2302:. Virginia: Colonial Society of Massachusetts. p. 612 Note: some activitĂ©s of Phips are omitted but the industriousness of Increase Mather is very well-documented. 253: 3766: 2873: 61: 493:
historians have followed his lead in treating Phips' activities in Boston harbor as arrogant showboating, but it seems clear from the letters of Randolph and
5474: 5429: 463:... then most of them began to curse the ship and wished she had been afire before they saw her and that they had better have hired a ship of merchants ... 549:
government he helped bring about and with a vehemence that would seem to suggest some degree of shame and dismay for the role he played as Captain of HMS
4601: 4596: 1051: 3461: 1010:
the issue. There is no official record of this meeting except what was written down by Increase Mather's son Cotton Mather and usually referred to as
Calendar (1901) and British History online. See February 15, 1693, for Phips's account. Other accounts, including Captain Short's, follow thereafter.
MHS holds a copy of John Knepp Journal in the F.L. Gay Collection. It remains unpublished but is available for public viewing in their reading room.
5464: 5454: 5449: 3761: 3511: 3471: 3455: 2912: 2864: 612: 410: 243:, on February 2, 1651. His father died when the boy was six years old, and his mother married a neighbor and business partner, John White. Although 3173: 841: 994:
hysteria. More than 125 people had been arrested on charges of witchcraft and were being held in Boston and Salem prisons. On May 27, a special
4095: 4160: 2789: 2650: 2618: 2591: 2544: 2505: 615:
who assembled a group of private investors to fund another expedition. Phips was tasked with finding suitable ships and these came to be the
545:, at least as recorded by Knepp. By 1688, Phips had crossed over to Increase Mather's side and begun to consistently oppose Randolph and the 5459: 4411: 4381: 4371: 3118: 1206: 5444: 5439: 4990: 4925: 4346: 3394: 3372: 3312: 3222: 3143: 3131: 2905: 4025: 5141: 5078: 4950: 4496: 4361: 4356: 4215: 3809: 3756: 877:, the capital of New France, and gave its command to Phips. Originally intending to coordinate with a simultaneous overland attack on 5489: 5434: 4975: 4965: 4566: 4461: 4456: 2570: 1175: 903: 4125: 1675: 1580: 1041: 377:
Around this same time, the thirty-two-year-old Phips had made his way to England, where he gained an audience with Narborough and
5165: 4970: 4889: 4731: 4636: 4280: 4115: 3240: 675:
hot-headed, ill-bred, and impatient, so it seems worth noting his careful conduct during this life-changing and momentous time.)
4245: 873:
In the wake of the success, the Massachusetts provisional government agreed to organize an expedition on a larger scale against
4611: 4366: 3735: 3501: 291: 4819: 4814: 4616: 4431: 4426: 4421: 4336: 4310: 4135: 4110: 4000: 2243:
The Glorious Revolution in Massachusetts, Selected Documents 1689–1692, pp. 544–624. The documents are in chronological order.
Narborough's long infatuation with the Hispaniola treasure had not been diminished by Captain Stanley's discouragement on the
5479: 4516: 4376: 1113: 1109: 5131: 5083: 4829: 4786: 4781: 4766: 4761: 4726: 4711: 4576: 4536: 4481: 4386: 4100: 3954: 1156: 183: 5172: 4834: 4736: 4681: 4446: 4265: 4210: 4200: 4195: 4165: 4065: 738:, Phips and Mather petitioned the new monarchs for restoration of the Massachusetts charter and successfully convinced the 5146: 5126: 4864: 4859: 4854: 4776: 4676: 4661: 4571: 4466: 4331: 4250: 4205: 4035: 3995: 3926: 3094: 2342:
See 1692 private letters from Cotton Mather to various correspondents August 5, September 2, September 22, and October 20.
1128: 936: 212: 5121: 4791: 4721: 4696: 4606: 4506: 4406: 4315: 4285: 4275: 4240: 4170: 4140: 4040: 4030: 4015: 4010: 4005: 3861: 2524: 5111: 4771: 4671: 4656: 4626: 4560: 4556: 4501: 4416: 4396: 4391: 4351: 4225: 4220: 4190: 4185: 4155: 4075: 4070: 4055: 3921: 3245: 3234: 5063: 5058: 4874: 4869: 4756: 4701: 4641: 4511: 4491: 4476: 4471: 4295: 4120: 4085: 4060: 4809: 4631: 4541: 4451: 4260: 4255: 4235: 4145: 4105: 4080: 4050: 4045: 913: 898: 838: 819: 5136: 4741: 4691: 4686: 4551: 4401: 1135: 4716: 4706: 4651: 4486: 4090: 1221:
By the spring elections of 1693, Phips needed new connections to balance against the dangerous enmity of Stoughton.
Through March and April, the divers and ships' crews worked to recover all manner of treasure: silver coins, silver
4894: 3845: 5484: 5337: 3886: 3824: 3323: 3124: 3112: 2928: 2883: 1003: 833:
In late April, leading a fleet of seven ships and over 700 men, Phips sailed from Boston to the Acadian capital,
542: 127: 98: 2333:
Calef, Robert (1700) Public Domain, many editions available with different pagination. Search for Rebecca Nurse.
1265: 756:
If Paris were worth a mass to Henry IV, Boston was worth a conversion, in the Puritan sense, to William Phips.
5332: 2936: 1142: 1063: 1059: 114: 529:
gave a rousing speech to the deputies and freemen advising them not to submit to the Crown and to resist the
5383: 5188: 3378: 3062: 1102: 823: 706: 546: 507:
would be boarded and demasted, and its captain John George imprisoned, less than six years later during the
2464: 309:
was one of Phips's investors. Phips earned a widespread reputation for "continually finding sunken ships".
5398: 5212: 3506: 3491: 3350: 2968: 2963: 1202: 1124: 910:
ravaged the troops, and two transports were lost to accidents; another 200 men were lost to these causes.
731: 534: 82: 1592:
Karraker, Cyrus H. (1932-10-01). "The Treasure Expedition of Captain William Phips to the Bahama Banks".
834: 5226: 5202: 3974: 3814: 3526: 2636: 2049:. London: Public Domain. Online. BPL. pp. see postscript regarding Cotton Mather's "Life of Phips". 1031: 417:
against the precious Charter of Massachusetts and searching for a frigate to be the muscle backing him:
378: 363: 264: 3906: 663:; the name of the other diver is not listed) to search what was then called the Ambrosia Bank (now the 1310:
Letters of Randolph are now freely available online in various forms and can usually arranged by date.
747:. Phips served for a time as an Overseer guarding Andros and Randolph in the prison at Castle Island. 5424: 5419: 5357: 3990: 3881: 3591: 3581: 944: 890: 656: 306: 268: 297:
In the early 1680s, Phips began to engage in a favorite colonial pastime of treasure hunting in the
5207: 5106: 4341: 3728: 3496: 3449: 2833: 1766:
Diary by Increase Mather. 1674–1687. Cambridge MA. University Press. 1900. p. 51 or search by date.
and swear him Major General, and several others. Adjourn to Boston, Wednesday,14 night one o'clock.
727: 695: 2739: 235:
Phips was born the son of James and Mary Phips in a frontier settlement at Nequasset (present-day
5393: 5352: 5216: 3789: 3744: 3601: 3536: 3486: 3434: 3429: 3409: 3033: 3023: 2983: 2015: 1609: 999: 976: 744: 735: 660: 632: 508: 216: 86: 2840:
Nathaniel Hawthorne on Phips in the collection "Memoir of Nathaniel Hawthorne with Stories ... "
2536: 533:. One historian calls this Increase Mather's "first important entry into politics." {Mather's " 227: 1661:" clamored for a ship, preferably a ship of war to give the business prestige."Michael G. Hall 789: 421:
It is essential that a frigate should be on the New England coast at such a time to second the
5258: 5253: 4666: 4586: 4180: 3586: 3516: 3466: 3439: 2814: 2795: 2785: 2764: 2743: 2720: 2699: 2680: 2646: 2624: 2614: 2597: 2587: 2566: 2540: 2511: 2501: 2173: 1273: 1023: 995: 642: 494: 5274: 5042: 4920: 4839: 4531: 4526: 4521: 4305: 4230: 3866: 3626: 3611: 3596: 3551: 3531: 3414: 3404: 3367: 3335: 3329: 3192: 3084: 3043: 2856: 2640: 2532: 2007: 1601: 1247: 1222: 882: 538: 287: 283: 110: 1149: 869:
Frontenac receiving the envoy of Sir William Phips demanding the surrender of Quebec, 1690.
256:, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, seems to have been a cousin of Phips, five years his junior. 5342: 5316: 5284: 5088: 4995: 4955: 4884: 4879: 4751: 4746: 4020: 3949: 3901: 3784: 3651: 3641: 3636: 3566: 3561: 3556: 3481: 3476: 3444: 3299: 3209: 3197: 1215: 699: 687: 526: 519: 489: 477: 434: 355: 279: 249: 236: 150: 2733: 2693: 627:
commanded by Francis Rogers, Phips' second mate on the previous voyage (he had left the
4945: 4915: 4436: 4300: 3964: 3931: 3911: 3804: 3799: 3721: 3646: 3616: 3571: 3546: 3419: 3384: 3355: 3340: 3278: 3228: 3186: 3179: 3167: 3155: 2778: 1055: 1027: 886: 739: 240: 1066:
to lead a 450-man expedition eventually leading to a tenuous peace agreement with the
219:, which he grew unhappy with and was forced to prematurely disband after five months. 5413: 5289: 5279: 5248: 5116: 4960: 4849: 4844: 4591: 3916: 3896: 3891: 3829: 3819: 3794: 3683: 3678: 3661: 3631: 3621: 3606: 3576: 3521: 3424: 3399: 3389: 3361: 3284: 3260: 3215: 3203: 3149: 3137: 3079: 3074: 3038: 3028: 3018: 3013: 3008: 3003: 2998: 2993: 2988: 2978: 2973: 2958: 2953: 2948: 2808: 2757: 2713: 2674: 2662: 2581: 2495: 1259: 1190: 990:
Unfortunately, their crossing also coincided with the great swelling of the infamous
956: 710: 244: 5005: 5000: 4980: 4930: 4824: 4546: 4441: 4290: 4270: 4150: 3969: 3876: 3688: 3345: 3318: 3294: 3289: 3272: 3161: 582: 339: 17: 2324:
Calendar of State Papers (1901) and British History online, see October 12, 1692.
See Upham Vol I and II for detailed descriptions of Parris admitting new members.
1399:. Public Domain: Nathaniel Hillar at the Prince's Arms. pp. Postscript, 145. 5388: 5367: 5362: 5243: 5021: 4985: 4935: 4621: 4581: 4130: 3673: 3541: 3250: 1091: 960: 874: 664: 3713: 2839: 1030:, throughout the summer and into the fall, as documented by the minutes of the 5073: 5068: 5037: 4940: 4175: 3667: 3305: 1733:
John Knepp at MHS & F.L. Gay "A Rough List of a Collection of Transcripts"
991: 777:; but some feared he would not go; others thought his Lady would not consent. 761: 574: 566: 359: 335: 2897: 2601: 2515: 3656: 2628: 948: 556: 369: 48: 2799: 2768: 2747: 2724: 2703: 2684: 409:
Before Phips could set sail, he had another mission added to the manifest.
5157: 2818: 760:
The turmoil in England and William's accession to the throne had prompted
940: 907: 878: 694:
affected history, because it led to a major increase in the formation of
683: 275: 393:
would act as a noisy decoy for his more important treasure hunt. Unlike
5310: 2525:"Phips, Sir William (1651-1695), first royal governor of Massachusetts" 1116: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 1067: 857: 679: 326: 298: 2019: 1704:
Gentlemen and Tarpaulins: The Officers and Men of the Restoration Navy
1613: 1322:, p. 151 provides several competing points of view on the matter. 730:
in late 1688 replaced the Catholic James with the Protestant monarchs
4899: 963:. It also expanded the franchise to be nearly universal (for males). 765: 413:, "indefatigable foe of Puritans", was serving Boston with a writ of 163: 2011: 1605: 897:
message into the citadel demanding its surrender. Governor General
Phips added to the rolls of the North church. MHS with permission.
From Migrant to Acadian: A North American Border People, 1604-1755
1264: 1040: 952: 912: 864: 856: 788: 641: 624: 555: 368: 226: 1016:
Letter from Cotton Mather to William Stoughton, September 2, 1692
17th-century royal governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
5161: 3717: 2901: 893:, and carried what would turn out to be inadequate provisions. 1085: 354:
would act as aid and protection. These instructions were from
36: 2087:
British History online, 1691, search Blathwayt and "baptised"
5225: 1998:
Barnes, Viola F. (1928-07-01). "The Rise of William Phips".
1636:. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. pp. 152–154. 1651:. Boston, MA: Little and Brown. Public Domain. p. 121. 373:
Agreement between Phips and his crew, drawn up at Whitehall
The Treasure of the ConcepciĂłn: The Wreck of the Almiranta
Ann Jacobsen's biography of Blathwayt also points to this.
Postcard showing a 1909 reproduction of Fort William Henry
After his apprenticeship ended in 1673, Phips traveled to
690:, where he dispatched a courier to London with the news. 698:
and even played a role in the eventual formation of the
his charges were heard. He was buried in London at the
British History online search Blathwayt and July 1683.
required a response from Massachusetts by the end of "
William and Mary Phips had no children. They adopted
Engraving depicting Phips raising the sunken treasure
The New England Knight: Sir William Phips, 1651–1695
Bibliographical Notes on Witchcraft in Massachusetts
5376: 5325: 5303: 5267: 5236: 5195: 5097: 5051: 5030: 5014: 4908: 4800: 4324: 3983: 3940: 3854: 3838: 3775: 3259: 3093: 3061: 2935: 1554:Earle (1979) p. 125. Earle's citation is from the 861:
French drawing showing the English attack on Quebec
655:along with three Native American divers (including 569:, Jamaica, the same time as Captain Stanley of the 350:), was designated to do most of the searching, but 190: 178: 170: 157: 143: 138: 121: 104: 92: 78: 59: 34: 2777: 2756: 2712: 2661: 2300:The Glorious Revolution in Massachusetts 1689–1692 1022:does not disallow, or discredit, the admission of 1649:Sketches of the Judicial History of Massachusetts 405:Delivering Randolph, "Evil Genius of New England" 1432: 1430: 581:After Phips returned to London in August 1685, 5470:Government officials in the Salem witch trials 5173: 3729: 2913: 2874:Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay 2784:. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press. 2465:"Many Maine towns bear names of military men" 751:Becoming free: The political baptism of Phips 62:Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay 8: 2836:,; accessed December 23, 2014. 2239: 2237: 2235: 2233: 2231: 2229: 619:, a 22-gun 200-ton frigate, and the 45-ton 578:to wait two years to bring it to fruition. 525:Two days after Phips left the Boston area, 5180: 5166: 5158: 3736: 3722: 3714: 2920: 2906: 2898: 2845: 2450: 2438: 2414: 2276: 2264: 2157: 2096: 1980: 1922: 1886: 1805: 1706:. New York: Oxford. pp. 16–21 passim. 1525:. New York: The Viking Press. p. 125. 1496: 1484: 1472: 1421: 1344: 639:, the crew were to be paid regular wages. 47: 31: 2664:Edward Randolph and the American Colonies 2537:10.1093/anb/9780198606697.article.0100728 2494:Baker, Emerson W.; Reid, John G. (1998). 2252: 2176:. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online 2120: 2032: 1968: 1946: 1934: 1910: 1817: 1745: 1663:Edward Randolph and the American Colonies 1508: 1460: 1448: 1436: 1409: 1382: 1370: 1319: 1176:Learn how and when to remove this message 358:, a rear admiral and commissioner of the 74:May 16, 1692 â€“ November 17, 1694 2865:Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony 2763:. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 2679:. New York: The States History Company. 2500:. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2145: 2132: 2108: 1729: 1727: 1581:July 26, 1683, in British History Online 2366: 2220: 2208: 2196: 1906: 1904: 1674:Eward Randolph to Sir Leoline Jenkins, 1334: 1285: 1269:Cotton Mather's anonymous Life of Phips 2192: 2190: 2168: 2166: 1355: 1353: 1340: 1338: 1201:expressed outrage at the execution of 842:Louis-Alexandre des Friches de Meneval 2719:. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 2676:Commonwealth History of Massachusetts 2668:. University of North Carolina Press. 2426: 1993: 1991: 1989: 1741: 1739: 1717: 1715: 1713: 1697: 1695: 1693: 1676:British History Online, August 3,1683 1627: 1625: 1623: 1575: 1573: 1540: 1538: 1536: 1534: 1532: 951:, and the present-day territories of 775:Sir William had been sent to at first 585:ordered the Navy Board to assess the 437:, "I am now informed that the H.M.S. 7: 3815:Nathanial (or Nathaniel) Saltonstall 2312: 1865: 1793: 1114:adding citations to reliable sources 286:in Maine in 1675 at the outbreak of 5475:Phipps family (English aristocracy) 5430:Colonial governors of Massachusetts 2813:. Hallowell, ME: Glazier, Masters. 2735:History of Cambridge, Massachusetts 2673:Hart, Albert Bushnell, ed. (1927). 2645:. McGill-Queen's University Press. 2463:Chadbourne, Ava H. (Apr 20, 1949). 2047:More Wonders of the Invisible World 1796:, See index under "Rose" or "Phips" 1397:More Wonders of the Invisible World 1359: 427:a war vessel be present to awe them 325:On May 2, 1683, the captain of the 4316:Frances Wycom or Wycome or Wycombe 4161:Samuel and Ruth Perley (or Pearly) 3871:convicted of witchcraft and hanged 2738:. Boston: H. O. Houghton. p.  25: 5084:Infant child of Elizabeth Scargen 5074:Mercy, infant child of Sarah Good 5038:Mercy, infant child of Sarah Good 2878:May 16, 1692 – November 17, 1694 2810:The History of the State of Maine 2298:Moody, Robert Earle, ed. (1988). 4311:Daniel Wycom or Wicom or Wycombe 3052: 2695:The Public Life of Joseph Dudley 2660:Hall, Michael Garibaldi (1960). 2174:"Biography of Sir William Phips" 1757:Peter Earle (1979), pp. 126–127. 1579:Randolph to Sir Leoline Jenkins 1090: 1058:), where a wooden fort had been 560:1684 Map Drawn by Charles Salmon 182: 174:Mary Spencer Hull (married 1673) 5465:People from pre-statehood Maine 5455:Military history of Nova Scotia 5450:Military history of New England 4777:Mary Whittredge (or Witheridge) 2609:Fine, John Christopher (2006). 1567:Peter Earle (1979) pp. 122–125. 1101:needs additional citations for 917:Sir William Phips in later life 669:Nuestra Señora de la ConcepciĂłn 292:Northeast Coast Campaign (1676) 4206:Jonathan (or Johnathan) Putnam 2613:. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot. 1523:The Treasure of the Concepcion 161:February 18, 1694/95 (aged 44) 1: 3704:indicate acting officeholders 2698:. New York: Longmans, Green. 2611:Treasures of the Spanish Main 1687:Baker & Reid (1998) p. 30 937:Province of Massachusetts Bay 320: 231:Coat of Arms of William Phips 213:Province of Massachusetts Bay 4026:John Bly Sr. and Rebecca Bly 2807:Williamson, William (1832). 2759:The Colonial Wars, 1689–1762 2580:Faragher, John Mack (2005). 1632:Murdock, Kenneth B. (1925). 1238:partnership was in tatters. 779:Court makes Sir William free 606:With Captain Stanley of the 5460:People from Woolwich, Maine 2780:Nova Scotia's Massachusetts 2531:. Oxford University Press. 2529:American National Biography 1248:Church of St. Mary Woolnoth 1054:, at Pemaquid (present-day 1012:The Return of the Ministers 899:Louis de Buade de Frontenac 820:Battle of Port Royal (1690) 425:and hasten submission; ... 5506: 5445:Military history of Canada 5440:Military history of Acadia 2929:Governors of Massachusetts 2711:Lounsberry, Alice (1941). 2586:. New York: W. W. Norton. 1829:Earle, Peter (1979) p. 154 1556:Archivo General de Indias, 1000:hear the accumulated cases 996:Court of Oyer and Terminer 974: 817: 484:Randolph arrived at Boston 362:, who also had the ear of 321:Narborough's treasure hunt 313:The strange voyage of HMS 5223: 4567:Elizabeth Hutchinson Hart 3752: 3697: 3050: 2880: 2871: 2853: 2848: 2692:Kimball, Everett (1911). 2523:Chu, Jonathan M. (2000). 2352:Moore, George H. (1888). 2000:The New England Quarterly 1594:The New England Quarterly 1276:, is named in his honor. 926:Governor of Massachusetts 239:), near the mouth of the 198: 134: 67: 55: 46: 5490:Burials in Massachusetts 5435:Critics of witch hunting 5384:Creation of the dominion 5127:Phillip and Mary English 2755:Peckham, Howard (1964). 2583:A Great and Noble Scheme 2469:Lewiston Evening Journal 1647:Washburn, Emory (1840). 602:Striking silver and gold 252:, at least technically. 115:Massachusetts Bay Colony 5189:Dominion of New England 4126:Margaret Wilkins Knight 2776:Rawlyk, George (1973). 2253:Baker & Reid (1998) 1969:Baker & Reid (1998) 1947:Baker & Reid (1998) 1935:Baker & Reid (1998) 1911:Baker & Reid (1998) 1847:Earle (1979) p. 160-167 1818:Baker & Reid (1998) 1746:Baker & Reid (1998) 1509:Baker & Reid (1998) 1461:Baker & Reid (1998) 1449:Baker & Reid (1998) 1437:Baker & Reid (1998) 1410:Baker & Reid (1998) 1383:Baker & Reid (1998) 1371:Baker & Reid (1998) 845:the victor's control). 824:Battle of Quebec (1690) 717:Provost Marshal General 707:Dominion of New England 633:ISTG Vol 4 - Salee Rose 386:otherwise unpaid crew. 5230: 4732:Mary Harrington Taylor 4637:Joan Penney (or Penny) 4632:Robert and Sarah Pease 4612:Jane Lilly (or Lillie) 4492:Daniel and Lydia Eames 4116:Thomas and Mary Jacobs 2732:Paige, Lucius (1877). 2045:Calef, Robert (1700). 1395:Calef, Robert (1700). 1270: 1046: 918: 870: 862: 794: 783: 758: 651:Rogers in the smaller 647: 561: 535:Remarkable Providences 465: 431: 374: 232: 194:The New England Knight 5480:American shipbuilders 5229: 5203:Charles II of England 4597:Elizabeth Johnson Sr. 4246:Timothy Swan or Swann 3941:Politicians, writers, 2561:Earle, Peter (1980). 1856:Earle (1979) p. 165-7 1702:Davies, J.D. (1991). 1521:Earle, Peter (1979). 1268: 1062:. He recruited Major 1044: 1032:Cambridge Association 916: 868: 860: 829:Port Royal expedition 792: 770: 754: 696:joint-stock companies 645: 559: 461: 450:As told by John Knepp 419: 372: 230: 5389:Charter Oak incident 5326:Assimilated colonies 5311:New England Puritans 4527:Abigail Faulkner Sr. 4522:Abigail Faulkner Jr. 4402:John Busse (or Buss) 4325:Accused but survived 2565:. New York: Viking. 2405:Calef, Robert (1700) 1110:improve this article 891:Saint Lawrence River 301:. As captain of the 274:Phips established a 166:, Kingdom of England 113:(as governor of the 5399:Leisler's Rebellion 5244:Colonel Percy Kirke 5208:James II of England 4909:Executed by hanging 4497:Rebecca Blake Eames 4111:Nathaniel Ingersoll 3767:Cultural depictions 2849:Government offices 2441:, pp. 260, 327 1898:Earle (1979) p. 201 1877:Earle (1979) p. 181 1838:Earle (1979) p. 158 1784:Davies (1991) p. 64 904:Saint-Charles River 728:Glorious Revolution 514:Randolph's writ of 356:Sir John Narborough 147:February 2, 1650/51 5394:1689 Boston revolt 5231: 5217:Mary II of England 4820:William Barker Sr. 4815:William Barker Jr. 4747:Margaret Toothaker 4432:Bethiah Carter Sr. 4427:Bethiah Carter Jr. 4422:Thomas Carrier Jr. 4337:Nehemiah Abbot Jr. 4136:Abigail Martin Jr. 4001:William Barker Sr. 3943:and public figures 3830:Waitstill Winthrop 3790:Bartholomew Gedney 3745:Salem witch trials 3313:Governor's Council 3223:Governor's Council 3144:Governor's Council 3132:Governor's Council 2255:, pp. 206–210 1271: 1052:Fort William Henry 1047: 977:Salem witch trials 971:Salem witch trials 919: 889:familiar with the 871: 863: 795: 648: 562: 442:and cabins on HMS 375: 254:Constantine Phipps 233: 217:Salem Witch Trials 18:Sir William Phipps 5407: 5406: 5333:Massachusetts Bay 5295:Sir William Phips 5259:Francis Nicholson 5254:Sir Edmund Andros 5155: 5154: 5142:George Jacobs Jr. 5132:Edward Farrington 4951:George Jacobs Sr. 4767:Hezekiah Usher II 4762:Mary Lovett Tyler 4727:Sarah Clapp Swift 4712:Elizabeth Scargen 4667:Elizabeth Proctor 4587:Deliverance Hobbs 4537:Elizabeth Fosdick 4517:Thomas Farrar Sr. 4482:Mehitable Downing 4377:Dudley Bradstreet 4362:Edward Bishop III 4101:Joseph Hutchinson 4096:Elizabeth Hubbard 3907:William Milbourne 3872: 3825:William Stoughton 3711: 3710: 2896: 2895: 2891: 2884:William Stoughton 2881:Succeeded by 2869: 2791:978-0-7735-0142-3 2715:Sir William Phips 2652:978-0-7735-2699-0 2637:Griffiths, N.E.S. 2620:978-1-59228-760-4 2593:978-0-393-05135-3 2546:978-0-19-860669-7 2507:978-0-8020-0925-8 2451:Williamson (1832) 2439:Williamson (1832) 2415:Lounsberry (1941) 2277:Lounsberry (1941) 2265:Lounsberry (1941) 2158:Lounsberry (1941) 2097:Lounsberry (1941) 1981:Lounsberry (1941) 1923:Lounsberry (1941) 1887:Lounsberry (1941) 1806:Lounsberry (1941) 1665:(1960) pp. 79–81. 1497:Lounsberry (1941) 1485:Lounsberry (1941) 1473:Lounsberry (1941) 1422:Lounsberry (1941) 1345:Lounsberry (1941) 1274:Phippsburg, Maine 1254:Family and legacy 1186: 1185: 1178: 1160: 1060:destroyed in 1689 1024:spectral evidence 1004:William Stoughton 945:Martha's Vineyard 853:Quebec expedition 839:summoned Governor 800:not a single word 711:Sir Edmund Andros 613:Duke of Albemarle 205:Sir William Phips 202: 201: 128:William Stoughton 99:William Stoughton 16:(Redirected from 5497: 5485:Treasure hunters 5275:Simon Bradstreet 5182: 5175: 5168: 5159: 5043:John Proctor III 5015:Pressed to death 4971:Mary Ayer Parker 4921:George Burroughs 4840:Deliverance Dane 4835:Sarah Churchwell 4830:Mary Bridges Jr. 4801:Confessed and/or 4787:Sarah Wilson Sr. 4782:Sarah Wilson Jr. 4737:Margaret Thacher 4682:Sarah Davis Rice 4577:Sarah Hawkes Jr. 4557:Sarah Noyes Hale 4532:Dorothy Faulkner 4447:Elizabeth Colson 4387:Mary Bridges Sr. 4306:Abigail Williams 4266:Jonathan Walcott 4231:Susannah Sheldon 4211:Nathaniel Putnam 4166:Samuel Pickworth 4066:Ralph Farnum Sr. 3870: 3867:George Burroughs 3738: 3731: 3724: 3715: 3265: 3099: 3067: 3056: 3055: 2941: 2922: 2915: 2908: 2899: 2887: 2860: 2857:Simon Bradstreet 2854:Preceded by 2846: 2842:(Public Domain). 2822: 2803: 2783: 2772: 2762: 2751: 2728: 2718: 2707: 2688: 2669: 2667: 2656: 2632: 2605: 2576: 2557: 2555: 2553: 2519: 2481: 2480: 2478: 2476: 2460: 2454: 2448: 2442: 2436: 2430: 2424: 2418: 2412: 2406: 2403: 2397: 2394: 2388: 2385: 2379: 2376: 2370: 2364: 2358: 2357: 2349: 2343: 2340: 2334: 2331: 2325: 2322: 2316: 2310: 2304: 2303: 2295: 2289: 2286: 2280: 2274: 2268: 2262: 2256: 2250: 2244: 2241: 2224: 2218: 2212: 2206: 2200: 2194: 2185: 2184: 2182: 2181: 2170: 2161: 2155: 2149: 2142: 2136: 2130: 2124: 2121:Griffiths (2005) 2118: 2112: 2106: 2100: 2094: 2088: 2085: 2079: 2075: 2069: 2066: 2060: 2057: 2051: 2050: 2042: 2036: 2033:Griffiths (2005) 2030: 2024: 2023: 1995: 1984: 1978: 1972: 1971:, pp. 69–74 1966: 1960: 1956: 1950: 1949:, pp. 59–63 1944: 1938: 1937:, pp. 55–58 1932: 1926: 1920: 1914: 1908: 1899: 1896: 1890: 1884: 1878: 1875: 1869: 1868:, pp. 48–52 1863: 1857: 1854: 1848: 1845: 1839: 1836: 1830: 1827: 1821: 1820:, pp. 41–43 1815: 1809: 1803: 1797: 1791: 1785: 1782: 1776: 1773: 1767: 1764: 1758: 1755: 1749: 1743: 1734: 1731: 1722: 1719: 1708: 1707: 1699: 1688: 1685: 1679: 1672: 1666: 1659: 1653: 1652: 1644: 1638: 1637: 1629: 1618: 1617: 1589: 1583: 1577: 1568: 1565: 1559: 1552: 1546: 1542: 1527: 1526: 1518: 1512: 1511:, pp. 26–27 1506: 1500: 1499:, pp. 24–26 1494: 1488: 1482: 1476: 1470: 1464: 1458: 1452: 1446: 1440: 1434: 1425: 1419: 1413: 1407: 1401: 1400: 1392: 1386: 1380: 1374: 1368: 1362: 1357: 1348: 1342: 1323: 1320:Griffiths (2005) 1317: 1311: 1308: 1302: 1299: 1293: 1290: 1181: 1174: 1170: 1167: 1161: 1159: 1118: 1094: 1086: 1082:Recall to London 935:charter for the 883:Albany, New York 745:revolt in Boston 709:, serving under 454:Just before the 383:Rose of Algiers, 288:King Philips War 284:Merrymeeting Bay 186: 139:Personal details 124: 111:Simon Bradstreet 107: 72: 51: 32: 21: 5505: 5504: 5500: 5499: 5498: 5496: 5495: 5494: 5410: 5409: 5408: 5403: 5372: 5321: 5317:Navigation Acts 5299: 5285:Increase Mather 5263: 5232: 5221: 5191: 5186: 5156: 5151: 5147:Ephraim Stevens 5099: 5093: 5089:Roger Toothaker 5047: 5026: 5010: 4996:Samuel Wardwell 4956:Susannah Martin 4904: 4855:Margaret Jacobs 4802: 4796: 4677:William Proctor 4662:Margaret Prince 4647:Lady Mary Phips 4602:Stephen Johnson 4572:Margaret Hawkes 4467:Elizabeth Dicer 4412:Richard Carrier 4382:John Bradstreet 4372:Anne Bradstreet 4320: 4251:Christian Trask 4201:John Putnam Sr. 4196:John Putnam Jr. 4036:Thomas Chandler 4021:Elizabeth Booth 3996:Ebenezer Babson 3979: 3950:Thomas Danforth 3942: 3936: 3927:Samuel Phillips 3902:Increase Mather 3850: 3834: 3785:Jonathan Corwin 3778:court officials 3777: 3776:Magistrates and 3771: 3748: 3742: 3712: 3707: 3693: 3263: 3262: 3255: 3097: 3096: 3089: 3065: 3064: 3057: 3053: 3048: 2939: 2938: 2931: 2926: 2892: 2886: 2877: 2859: 2830: 2825: 2806: 2792: 2775: 2754: 2731: 2710: 2691: 2672: 2659: 2653: 2635: 2621: 2608: 2594: 2579: 2573: 2560: 2551: 2549: 2547: 2522: 2508: 2493: 2489: 2484: 2474: 2472: 2462: 2461: 2457: 2449: 2445: 2437: 2433: 2425: 2421: 2413: 2409: 2404: 2400: 2395: 2391: 2386: 2382: 2377: 2373: 2365: 2361: 2351: 2350: 2346: 2341: 2337: 2332: 2328: 2323: 2319: 2311: 2307: 2297: 2296: 2292: 2287: 2283: 2275: 2271: 2263: 2259: 2251: 2247: 2242: 2227: 2219: 2215: 2207: 2203: 2195: 2188: 2179: 2177: 2172: 2171: 2164: 2156: 2152: 2146:Faragher (2005) 2143: 2139: 2133:Faragher (2005) 2131: 2127: 2119: 2115: 2109:Faragher (2005) 2107: 2103: 2095: 2091: 2086: 2082: 2076: 2072: 2067: 2063: 2058: 2054: 2044: 2043: 2039: 2031: 2027: 1997: 1996: 1987: 1979: 1975: 1967: 1963: 1957: 1953: 1945: 1941: 1933: 1929: 1921: 1917: 1909: 1902: 1897: 1893: 1885: 1881: 1876: 1872: 1864: 1860: 1855: 1851: 1846: 1842: 1837: 1833: 1828: 1824: 1816: 1812: 1804: 1800: 1792: 1788: 1783: 1779: 1774: 1770: 1765: 1761: 1756: 1752: 1744: 1737: 1732: 1725: 1720: 1711: 1701: 1700: 1691: 1686: 1682: 1673: 1669: 1660: 1656: 1646: 1645: 1641: 1634:Increase Mather 1631: 1630: 1621: 1591: 1590: 1586: 1578: 1571: 1566: 1562: 1553: 1549: 1543: 1530: 1520: 1519: 1515: 1507: 1503: 1495: 1491: 1483: 1479: 1471: 1467: 1459: 1455: 1447: 1443: 1435: 1428: 1420: 1416: 1408: 1404: 1394: 1393: 1389: 1381: 1377: 1369: 1365: 1358: 1351: 1347:, pp. 8–11 1343: 1336: 1332: 1327: 1326: 1318: 1314: 1309: 1305: 1300: 1296: 1291: 1287: 1282: 1260:Spencer Bennett 1256: 1216:Navigation Acts 1182: 1171: 1165: 1162: 1125:"William Phips" 1119: 1117: 1107: 1095: 1084: 1064:Benjamin Church 998:was created to 979: 973: 928: 855: 831: 826: 818:Main articles: 816: 753: 719: 700:Bank of England 657:Jonas Abimeleck 653:Henry of London 621:Henry of London 604: 527:Increase Mather 520:Michaelmas term 490:Increase Mather 488:On October 27, 486: 452: 435:Leoline Jenkins 411:Edward Randolph 407: 364:King Charles II 342:in convoy, HMS 323: 318: 315:Rose of Algeree 280:Sheepscot River 250:Nottinghamshire 237:Woolwich, Maine 225: 162: 151:Woolwich, Maine 148: 122: 105: 73: 68: 42: 39: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 5503: 5501: 5493: 5492: 5487: 5482: 5477: 5472: 5467: 5462: 5457: 5452: 5447: 5442: 5437: 5432: 5427: 5422: 5412: 5411: 5405: 5404: 5402: 5401: 5396: 5391: 5386: 5380: 5378: 5374: 5373: 5371: 5370: 5365: 5360: 5355: 5350: 5345: 5340: 5335: 5329: 5327: 5323: 5322: 5320: 5319: 5313: 5307: 5305: 5301: 5300: 5298: 5297: 5292: 5287: 5282: 5277: 5271: 5269: 5265: 5264: 5262: 5261: 5256: 5251: 5246: 5240: 5238: 5237:Administrators 5234: 5233: 5224: 5222: 5220: 5219: 5210: 5205: 5199: 5197: 5193: 5192: 5187: 5185: 5184: 5177: 5170: 5162: 5153: 5152: 5150: 5149: 5144: 5139: 5134: 5129: 5124: 5122:Elizabeth Cary 5119: 5114: 5109: 5103: 5101: 5100:otherwise fled 5095: 5094: 5092: 5091: 5086: 5081: 5076: 5071: 5066: 5061: 5055: 5053: 5052:Died in prison 5049: 5048: 5046: 5045: 5040: 5034: 5032: 5031:Born in prison 5028: 5027: 5025: 5024: 5018: 5016: 5012: 5011: 5009: 5008: 5003: 4998: 4993: 4991:Margaret Scott 4988: 4983: 4978: 4973: 4968: 4963: 4958: 4953: 4948: 4946:Elizabeth Howe 4943: 4938: 4933: 4928: 4926:Martha Carrier 4923: 4918: 4916:Bridget Bishop 4912: 4910: 4906: 4905: 4903: 4902: 4897: 4892: 4887: 4885:Sarah Wardwell 4882: 4880:Mercy Wardwell 4877: 4872: 4867: 4865:Mary Lacey Sr. 4862: 4860:Mary Lacey Jr. 4857: 4852: 4847: 4842: 4837: 4832: 4827: 4822: 4817: 4812: 4806: 4804: 4803:accused others 4798: 4797: 4795: 4794: 4792:Edward Wooland 4789: 4784: 4779: 4774: 4769: 4764: 4759: 4754: 4752:Mary Toothaker 4749: 4744: 4739: 4734: 4729: 4724: 4719: 4714: 4709: 4704: 4699: 4697:Susanna Rootes 4694: 4689: 4684: 4679: 4674: 4669: 4664: 4659: 4654: 4649: 4644: 4639: 4634: 4629: 4624: 4619: 4614: 4609: 4607:Rebecca Jacobs 4604: 4599: 4594: 4589: 4584: 4579: 4574: 4569: 4564: 4554: 4549: 4544: 4539: 4534: 4529: 4524: 4519: 4514: 4509: 4507:Martha Emerson 4504: 4499: 4494: 4489: 4484: 4479: 4474: 4469: 4464: 4459: 4454: 4449: 4444: 4439: 4437:Rachel Clinton 4434: 4429: 4424: 4419: 4414: 4409: 4407:Andrew Carrier 4404: 4399: 4394: 4389: 4384: 4379: 4374: 4369: 4364: 4359: 4354: 4349: 4347:Abigail Barker 4344: 4339: 4334: 4328: 4326: 4322: 4321: 4319: 4318: 4313: 4308: 4303: 4301:Samuel Wilkins 4298: 4293: 4288: 4286:Joseph Whipple 4283: 4278: 4276:Richard Walker 4273: 4268: 4263: 4258: 4253: 4248: 4243: 4241:Martha Sprague 4238: 4233: 4228: 4223: 4218: 4213: 4208: 4203: 4198: 4193: 4188: 4183: 4181:Ann Putnam Sr. 4178: 4176:Ann Putnam Jr. 4173: 4171:Thomas Preston 4168: 4163: 4158: 4153: 4148: 4143: 4141:Jeremiah Neale 4138: 4133: 4128: 4123: 4118: 4113: 4108: 4103: 4098: 4093: 4088: 4083: 4078: 4073: 4068: 4063: 4058: 4053: 4048: 4043: 4041:Nathaniel Coit 4038: 4033: 4031:Thomas Boreman 4028: 4023: 4018: 4016:James Best Sr. 4013: 4011:James Best Jr. 4008: 4006:Thomas Barnard 4003: 3998: 3993: 3991:Benjamin Abbot 3987: 3985: 3981: 3980: 3978: 3977: 3972: 3967: 3965:Thomas Brattle 3962: 3957: 3952: 3946: 3944: 3938: 3937: 3935: 3934: 3932:Samuel Willard 3929: 3924: 3919: 3914: 3912:Nicholas Noyes 3909: 3904: 3899: 3894: 3889: 3887:John Higginson 3884: 3879: 3874: 3864: 3862:Thomas Barnard 3858: 3856: 3852: 3851: 3849: 3848: 3846:William Griggs 3842: 3840: 3839:Town physician 3836: 3835: 3833: 3832: 3827: 3822: 3817: 3812: 3807: 3805:George Herrick 3802: 3800:Joseph Herrick 3797: 3792: 3787: 3781: 3779: 3773: 3772: 3770: 3769: 3764: 3759: 3753: 3750: 3749: 3743: 3741: 3740: 3733: 3726: 3718: 3709: 3708: 3706: 3705: 3698: 3695: 3694: 3692: 3691: 3686: 3681: 3676: 3671: 3664: 3659: 3654: 3649: 3644: 3639: 3634: 3629: 3624: 3619: 3614: 3609: 3604: 3599: 3594: 3589: 3584: 3579: 3574: 3569: 3564: 3559: 3554: 3549: 3544: 3539: 3534: 3529: 3524: 3519: 3514: 3509: 3504: 3499: 3494: 3489: 3484: 3479: 3474: 3469: 3464: 3459: 3452: 3447: 3442: 3437: 3432: 3427: 3422: 3417: 3412: 3407: 3402: 3397: 3392: 3387: 3382: 3375: 3370: 3365: 3358: 3353: 3348: 3343: 3338: 3333: 3326: 3321: 3316: 3309: 3302: 3297: 3292: 3287: 3282: 3275: 3269: 3267: 3257: 3256: 3254: 3253: 3248: 3243: 3238: 3231: 3226: 3219: 3212: 3207: 3200: 3195: 3190: 3183: 3176: 3171: 3164: 3159: 3152: 3147: 3140: 3135: 3128: 3121: 3116: 3109: 3103: 3101: 3091: 3090: 3088: 3087: 3082: 3077: 3071: 3069: 3059: 3058: 3051: 3049: 3047: 3046: 3041: 3036: 3031: 3026: 3021: 3016: 3011: 3006: 3001: 2996: 2991: 2986: 2981: 2976: 2971: 2966: 2961: 2956: 2951: 2945: 2943: 2933: 2932: 2927: 2925: 2924: 2917: 2910: 2902: 2894: 2893: 2882: 2879: 2870: 2855: 2851: 2850: 2844: 2843: 2837: 2829: 2828:External links 2826: 2824: 2823: 2804: 2790: 2773: 2752: 2729: 2708: 2689: 2670: 2657: 2651: 2633: 2619: 2606: 2592: 2577: 2571: 2558: 2545: 2520: 2506: 2490: 2488: 2485: 2483: 2482: 2471:. pp. A-2 2455: 2443: 2431: 2419: 2407: 2398: 2389: 2380: 2371: 2367:Kimball (1911) 2359: 2344: 2335: 2326: 2317: 2305: 2290: 2281: 2269: 2257: 2245: 2225: 2221:Peckham (1964) 2213: 2209:Peckham (1964) 2201: 2197:Peckham (1964) 2186: 2162: 2150: 2137: 2125: 2113: 2101: 2089: 2080: 2070: 2061: 2052: 2037: 2025: 2012:10.2307/359875 2006:(3): 271–294. 1985: 1973: 1961: 1951: 1939: 1927: 1915: 1900: 1891: 1879: 1870: 1858: 1849: 1840: 1831: 1822: 1810: 1798: 1786: 1777: 1768: 1759: 1750: 1735: 1723: 1709: 1689: 1680: 1667: 1654: 1639: 1619: 1606:10.2307/359331 1600:(4): 731–752. 1584: 1569: 1560: 1547: 1528: 1513: 1501: 1489: 1477: 1465: 1453: 1441: 1426: 1414: 1402: 1387: 1375: 1363: 1349: 1333: 1331: 1328: 1325: 1324: 1312: 1303: 1294: 1284: 1283: 1281: 1278: 1255: 1252: 1184: 1183: 1098: 1096: 1089: 1083: 1080: 1068:Abenaki people 1056:Bristol, Maine 1028:Samuel Willard 972: 969: 927: 924: 881:launched from 854: 851: 837:. On May 9 he 830: 827: 815: 812: 752: 749: 740:Lords of Trade 718: 715: 617:James and Mary 603: 600: 485: 482: 451: 448: 406: 403: 322: 319: 317: 311: 241:Kennebec River 224: 221: 200: 199: 196: 195: 192: 188: 187: 180: 176: 175: 172: 168: 167: 159: 155: 154: 145: 141: 140: 136: 135: 132: 131: 125: 119: 118: 108: 102: 101: 96: 90: 89: 80: 76: 75: 65: 64: 57: 56: 53: 52: 44: 43: 40: 35: 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 5502: 5491: 5488: 5486: 5483: 5481: 5478: 5476: 5473: 5471: 5468: 5466: 5463: 5461: 5458: 5456: 5453: 5451: 5448: 5446: 5443: 5441: 5438: 5436: 5433: 5431: 5428: 5426: 5423: 5421: 5418: 5417: 5415: 5400: 5397: 5395: 5392: 5390: 5387: 5385: 5382: 5381: 5379: 5375: 5369: 5366: 5364: 5361: 5359: 5356: 5354: 5351: 5349: 5346: 5344: 5341: 5339: 5338:New Hampshire 5336: 5334: 5331: 5330: 5328: 5324: 5318: 5314: 5312: 5309: 5308: 5306: 5302: 5296: 5293: 5291: 5290:Cotton Mather 5288: 5286: 5283: 5281: 5280:Jacob Leisler 5278: 5276: 5273: 5272: 5270: 5266: 5260: 5257: 5255: 5252: 5250: 5249:Joseph Dudley 5247: 5245: 5242: 5241: 5239: 5235: 5228: 5218: 5214: 5211: 5209: 5206: 5204: 5201: 5200: 5198: 5194: 5190: 5183: 5178: 5176: 5171: 5169: 5164: 5163: 5160: 5148: 5145: 5143: 5140: 5138: 5135: 5133: 5130: 5128: 5125: 5123: 5120: 5118: 5117:Mary Bradbury 5115: 5113: 5112:Daniel Andrew 5110: 5108: 5105: 5104: 5102: 5096: 5090: 5087: 5085: 5082: 5080: 5079:Sarah Osborne 5077: 5075: 5072: 5070: 5067: 5065: 5062: 5060: 5057: 5056: 5054: 5050: 5044: 5041: 5039: 5036: 5035: 5033: 5029: 5023: 5020: 5019: 5017: 5013: 5007: 5004: 5002: 4999: 4997: 4994: 4992: 4989: 4987: 4984: 4982: 4979: 4977: 4974: 4972: 4969: 4967: 4964: 4962: 4961:Rebecca Nurse 4959: 4957: 4954: 4952: 4949: 4947: 4944: 4942: 4939: 4937: 4934: 4932: 4929: 4927: 4924: 4922: 4919: 4917: 4914: 4913: 4911: 4907: 4901: 4898: 4896: 4893: 4891: 4888: 4886: 4883: 4881: 4878: 4876: 4873: 4871: 4868: 4866: 4863: 4861: 4858: 4856: 4853: 4851: 4850:Abigail Hobbs 4848: 4846: 4845:Rebecca Eames 4843: 4841: 4838: 4836: 4833: 4831: 4828: 4826: 4823: 4821: 4818: 4816: 4813: 4811: 4808: 4807: 4805: 4799: 4793: 4790: 4788: 4785: 4783: 4780: 4778: 4775: 4773: 4772:Rachel Vinson 4770: 4768: 4765: 4763: 4760: 4758: 4755: 4753: 4750: 4748: 4745: 4743: 4740: 4738: 4735: 4733: 4730: 4728: 4725: 4723: 4722:Abigail Somes 4720: 4718: 4715: 4713: 4710: 4708: 4705: 4703: 4700: 4698: 4695: 4693: 4690: 4688: 4685: 4683: 4680: 4678: 4675: 4673: 4672:Sarah Proctor 4670: 4668: 4665: 4663: 4660: 4658: 4657:Susannah Post 4655: 4653: 4650: 4648: 4645: 4643: 4640: 4638: 4635: 4633: 4630: 4628: 4627:Sarah Murrell 4625: 4623: 4620: 4618: 4615: 4613: 4610: 4608: 4605: 4603: 4600: 4598: 4595: 4593: 4592:William Hobbs 4590: 4588: 4585: 4583: 4580: 4578: 4575: 4573: 4570: 4568: 4565: 4562: 4558: 4555: 4553: 4550: 4548: 4545: 4543: 4540: 4538: 4535: 4533: 4530: 4528: 4525: 4523: 4520: 4518: 4515: 4513: 4510: 4508: 4505: 4503: 4502:Esther Elwell 4500: 4498: 4495: 4493: 4490: 4488: 4485: 4483: 4480: 4478: 4475: 4473: 4470: 4468: 4465: 4463: 4460: 4458: 4455: 4453: 4450: 4448: 4445: 4443: 4440: 4438: 4435: 4433: 4430: 4428: 4425: 4423: 4420: 4418: 4417:Sarah Carrier 4415: 4413: 4410: 4408: 4405: 4403: 4400: 4398: 4397:Sarah Buckley 4395: 4393: 4392:Sarah Bridges 4390: 4388: 4385: 4383: 4380: 4378: 4375: 4373: 4370: 4368: 4365: 4363: 4360: 4358: 4357:Edward Bishop 4355: 4353: 4352:Katerina Biss 4350: 4348: 4345: 4343: 4340: 4338: 4335: 4333: 4330: 4329: 4327: 4323: 4317: 4314: 4312: 4309: 4307: 4304: 4302: 4299: 4297: 4294: 4292: 4289: 4287: 4284: 4282: 4279: 4277: 4274: 4272: 4269: 4267: 4264: 4262: 4259: 4257: 4254: 4252: 4249: 4247: 4244: 4242: 4239: 4237: 4234: 4232: 4229: 4227: 4226:Margaret Rule 4224: 4222: 4221:Nicholas Rist 4219: 4217: 4216:Thomas Putnam 4214: 4212: 4209: 4207: 4204: 4202: 4199: 4197: 4194: 4192: 4191:Hannah Putnam 4189: 4187: 4186:Edward Putnam 4184: 4182: 4179: 4177: 4174: 4172: 4169: 4167: 4164: 4162: 4159: 4157: 4156:Edward Payson 4154: 4152: 4149: 4147: 4144: 4142: 4139: 4137: 4134: 4132: 4129: 4127: 4124: 4122: 4119: 4117: 4114: 4112: 4109: 4107: 4104: 4102: 4099: 4097: 4094: 4092: 4089: 4087: 4084: 4082: 4079: 4077: 4076:Joseph Fowler 4074: 4072: 4071:Hannah Foster 4069: 4067: 4064: 4062: 4059: 4057: 4056:Joseph Draper 4054: 4052: 4049: 4047: 4044: 4042: 4039: 4037: 4034: 4032: 4029: 4027: 4024: 4022: 4019: 4017: 4014: 4012: 4009: 4007: 4004: 4002: 3999: 3997: 3994: 3992: 3989: 3988: 3986: 3982: 3976: 3973: 3971: 3968: 3966: 3963: 3961: 3960:William Phips 3958: 3956: 3955:James Russell 3953: 3951: 3948: 3947: 3945: 3939: 3933: 3930: 3928: 3925: 3923: 3922:Edward Payson 3920: 3918: 3917:Samuel Parris 3915: 3913: 3910: 3908: 3905: 3903: 3900: 3898: 3897:Cotton Mather 3895: 3893: 3892:Deodat Lawson 3890: 3888: 3885: 3883: 3880: 3878: 3875: 3868: 3865: 3863: 3860: 3859: 3857: 3853: 3847: 3844: 3843: 3841: 3837: 3831: 3828: 3826: 3823: 3821: 3820:Samuel Sewall 3818: 3816: 3813: 3811: 3810:John Richards 3808: 3806: 3803: 3801: 3798: 3796: 3795:John Hathorne 3793: 3791: 3788: 3786: 3783: 3782: 3780: 3774: 3768: 3765: 3763: 3760: 3758: 3755: 3754: 3751: 3746: 3739: 3734: 3732: 3727: 3725: 3720: 3719: 3716: 3703: 3700: 3699: 3696: 3690: 3687: 3685: 3682: 3680: 3677: 3675: 3672: 3670: 3669: 3665: 3663: 3660: 3658: 3655: 3653: 3650: 3648: 3645: 3643: 3640: 3638: 3635: 3633: 3630: 3628: 3625: 3623: 3620: 3618: 3615: 3613: 3610: 3608: 3605: 3603: 3600: 3598: 3595: 3593: 3590: 3588: 3585: 3583: 3580: 3578: 3575: 3573: 3570: 3568: 3565: 3563: 3560: 3558: 3555: 3553: 3550: 3548: 3545: 3543: 3540: 3538: 3535: 3533: 3530: 3528: 3525: 3523: 3520: 3518: 3515: 3513: 3510: 3508: 3505: 3503: 3500: 3498: 3495: 3493: 3490: 3488: 3485: 3483: 3480: 3478: 3475: 3473: 3470: 3468: 3465: 3463: 3460: 3458: 3457: 3453: 3451: 3448: 3446: 3443: 3441: 3438: 3436: 3433: 3431: 3428: 3426: 3423: 3421: 3418: 3416: 3413: 3411: 3408: 3406: 3403: 3401: 3398: 3396: 3393: 3391: 3388: 3386: 3383: 3381: 3380: 3376: 3374: 3371: 3369: 3366: 3364: 3363: 3359: 3357: 3354: 3352: 3349: 3347: 3344: 3342: 3339: 3337: 3334: 3332: 3331: 3327: 3325: 3322: 3320: 3317: 3315: 3314: 3310: 3308: 3307: 3303: 3301: 3298: 3296: 3293: 3291: 3288: 3286: 3283: 3281: 3280: 3276: 3274: 3271: 3270: 3268: 3266: 3261:Commonwealth 3258: 3252: 3249: 3247: 3244: 3242: 3239: 3237: 3236: 3232: 3230: 3227: 3225: 3224: 3220: 3218: 3217: 3213: 3211: 3208: 3206: 3205: 3201: 3199: 3196: 3194: 3191: 3189: 3188: 3184: 3182: 3181: 3177: 3175: 3172: 3170: 3169: 3165: 3163: 3160: 3158: 3157: 3153: 3151: 3148: 3146: 3145: 3141: 3139: 3136: 3134: 3133: 3129: 3127: 3126: 3122: 3120: 3117: 3115: 3114: 3110: 3108: 3105: 3104: 3102: 3100: 3092: 3086: 3083: 3081: 3078: 3076: 3073: 3072: 3070: 3068: 3060: 3045: 3042: 3040: 3037: 3035: 3032: 3030: 3027: 3025: 3022: 3020: 3017: 3015: 3012: 3010: 3007: 3005: 3002: 3000: 2997: 2995: 2992: 2990: 2987: 2985: 2982: 2980: 2977: 2975: 2972: 2970: 2967: 2965: 2962: 2960: 2957: 2955: 2952: 2950: 2947: 2946: 2944: 2942: 2934: 2930: 2923: 2918: 2916: 2911: 2909: 2904: 2903: 2900: 2890: 2885: 2876: 2875: 2868: 2867: 2866: 2858: 2852: 2847: 2841: 2838: 2835: 2832: 2831: 2827: 2820: 2816: 2812: 2811: 2805: 2801: 2797: 2793: 2787: 2782: 2781: 2774: 2770: 2766: 2761: 2760: 2753: 2749: 2745: 2741: 2737: 2736: 2730: 2726: 2722: 2717: 2716: 2709: 2705: 2701: 2697: 2696: 2690: 2686: 2682: 2678: 2677: 2671: 2666: 2665: 2658: 2654: 2648: 2644: 2643: 2638: 2634: 2630: 2626: 2622: 2616: 2612: 2607: 2603: 2599: 2595: 2589: 2585: 2584: 2578: 2574: 2572:0-670-72558-7 2568: 2564: 2559: 2548: 2542: 2538: 2534: 2530: 2526: 2521: 2517: 2513: 2509: 2503: 2499: 2498: 2492: 2491: 2486: 2470: 2466: 2459: 2456: 2453:, p. 637 2452: 2447: 2444: 2440: 2435: 2432: 2428: 2423: 2420: 2417:, p. 284 2416: 2411: 2408: 2402: 2399: 2393: 2390: 2384: 2381: 2375: 2372: 2368: 2363: 2360: 2355: 2348: 2345: 2339: 2336: 2330: 2327: 2321: 2318: 2314: 2309: 2306: 2301: 2294: 2291: 2285: 2282: 2279:, p. 252 2278: 2273: 2270: 2267:, p. 245 2266: 2261: 2258: 2254: 2249: 2246: 2240: 2238: 2236: 2234: 2232: 2230: 2226: 2222: 2217: 2214: 2210: 2205: 2202: 2198: 2193: 2191: 2187: 2175: 2169: 2167: 2163: 2160:, p. 213 2159: 2154: 2151: 2147: 2141: 2138: 2134: 2129: 2126: 2123:, p. 151 2122: 2117: 2114: 2110: 2105: 2102: 2099:, p. 210 2098: 2093: 2090: 2084: 2081: 2074: 2071: 2065: 2062: 2056: 2053: 2048: 2041: 2038: 2035:, p. 190 2034: 2029: 2026: 2021: 2017: 2013: 2009: 2005: 2001: 1994: 1992: 1990: 1986: 1983:, p. 200 1982: 1977: 1974: 1970: 1965: 1962: 1955: 1952: 1948: 1943: 1940: 1936: 1931: 1928: 1925:, p. 147 1924: 1919: 1916: 1912: 1907: 1905: 1901: 1895: 1892: 1889:, p. 140 1888: 1883: 1880: 1874: 1871: 1867: 1862: 1859: 1853: 1850: 1844: 1841: 1835: 1832: 1826: 1823: 1819: 1814: 1811: 1807: 1802: 1799: 1795: 1790: 1787: 1781: 1778: 1772: 1769: 1763: 1760: 1754: 1751: 1747: 1742: 1740: 1736: 1730: 1728: 1724: 1718: 1716: 1714: 1710: 1705: 1698: 1696: 1694: 1690: 1684: 1681: 1677: 1671: 1668: 1664: 1658: 1655: 1650: 1643: 1640: 1635: 1628: 1626: 1624: 1620: 1615: 1611: 1607: 1603: 1599: 1595: 1588: 1585: 1582: 1576: 1574: 1570: 1564: 1561: 1557: 1551: 1548: 1541: 1539: 1537: 1535: 1533: 1529: 1524: 1517: 1514: 1510: 1505: 1502: 1498: 1493: 1490: 1486: 1481: 1478: 1474: 1469: 1466: 1462: 1457: 1454: 1450: 1445: 1442: 1438: 1433: 1431: 1427: 1423: 1418: 1415: 1411: 1406: 1403: 1398: 1391: 1388: 1384: 1379: 1376: 1372: 1367: 1364: 1361: 1356: 1354: 1350: 1346: 1341: 1339: 1335: 1329: 1321: 1316: 1313: 1307: 1304: 1298: 1295: 1289: 1286: 1279: 1277: 1275: 1267: 1263: 1261: 1253: 1251: 1249: 1243: 1239: 1235: 1231: 1227: 1224: 1219: 1217: 1211: 1208: 1204: 1198: 1194: 1192: 1191:Joseph Dudley 1180: 1177: 1169: 1166:February 2022 1158: 1155: 1151: 1148: 1144: 1141: 1137: 1134: 1130: 1127: â€“  1126: 1122: 1121:Find sources: 1115: 1111: 1105: 1104: 1099:This section 1097: 1093: 1088: 1087: 1081: 1079: 1075: 1071: 1069: 1065: 1061: 1057: 1053: 1043: 1039: 1035: 1033: 1029: 1025: 1021: 1017: 1013: 1007: 1005: 1001: 997: 993: 988: 985: 978: 970: 968: 964: 962: 958: 957:New Brunswick 954: 950: 946: 942: 938: 932: 925: 923: 915: 911: 909: 905: 900: 894: 892: 888: 884: 880: 876: 867: 859: 852: 850: 846: 843: 840: 836: 828: 825: 821: 814:Major General 813: 811: 807: 803: 801: 791: 787: 782: 780: 776: 769: 767: 763: 757: 750: 748: 746: 741: 737: 733: 729: 723: 716: 714: 712: 708: 703: 701: 697: 691: 689: 685: 681: 676: 672: 670: 666: 662: 658: 654: 644: 640: 638: 634: 630: 626: 622: 618: 614: 609: 601: 599: 597: 592: 588: 584: 579: 576: 572: 568: 558: 554: 552: 548: 544: 540: 536: 532: 528: 523: 521: 517: 512: 510: 509:Boston revolt 506: 501: 496: 491: 483: 481: 479: 475: 471: 464: 460: 457: 449: 447: 445: 440: 436: 430: 428: 424: 418: 416: 412: 404: 402: 400: 396: 392: 387: 384: 380: 371: 367: 365: 361: 357: 353: 349: 345: 341: 337: 332: 328: 316: 312: 310: 308: 304: 300: 295: 293: 289: 285: 281: 277: 272: 270: 266: 261: 257: 255: 251: 246: 245:Cotton Mather 242: 238: 229: 222: 220: 218: 214: 210: 206: 197: 193: 189: 185: 181: 177: 173: 169: 165: 160: 156: 152: 146: 142: 137: 133: 129: 126: 120: 116: 112: 109: 103: 100: 97: 95: 91: 88: 84: 81: 77: 71: 66: 63: 58: 54: 50: 45: 41:William Phips 38: 33: 30: 19: 5348:Rhode Island 5294: 5064:Lydia Dustin 5059:John Durrant 5006:John Willard 5001:Sarah Wildes 4981:Ann Pudeator 4976:John Proctor 4966:Alice Parker 4931:Martha Corey 4875:Martha Tyler 4870:Joanna Tyler 4825:Sarah Bibber 4757:Hannah Tyler 4702:Abigail Rowe 4646: 4642:Sarah Phelps 4617:Mary Marston 4547:Dorothy Good 4512:Joseph Emons 4477:Ann Dolliver 4472:Rebecca Dike 4457:Francis Dane 4442:Sarah Cloyce 4332:Arthur Abbot 4296:John Wilkins 4291:Bray Wilkins 4271:Mary Walcott 4151:Betty Parris 4121:Henry Kinney 4086:Mary Herrick 4061:John Emerson 3975:Thomas Maule 3970:Robert Calef 3959: 3877:Francis Dane 3701: 3666: 3454: 3377: 3360: 3328: 3311: 3304: 3277: 3264:(since 1776) 3233: 3221: 3214: 3202: 3185: 3178: 3166: 3154: 3142: 3130: 3123: 3111: 3106: 2888: 2872: 2862: 2861: 2809: 2779: 2758: 2734: 2714: 2694: 2675: 2663: 2641: 2610: 2582: 2562: 2552:February 17, 2550:. Retrieved 2528: 2496: 2487:Bibliography 2473:. Retrieved 2468: 2458: 2446: 2434: 2427:Paige (1877) 2422: 2410: 2401: 2392: 2383: 2374: 2369:, p. 66 2362: 2353: 2347: 2338: 2329: 2320: 2308: 2299: 2293: 2284: 2272: 2260: 2248: 2223:, p. 38 2216: 2211:, p. 37 2204: 2199:, p. 36 2178:. Retrieved 2153: 2148:, p. 88 2140: 2135:, p. 88 2128: 2116: 2111:, p. 87 2104: 2092: 2083: 2073: 2064: 2055: 2046: 2040: 2028: 2003: 1999: 1976: 1964: 1954: 1942: 1930: 1918: 1913:, p. 54 1894: 1882: 1873: 1861: 1852: 1843: 1834: 1825: 1813: 1808:, p. 85 1801: 1789: 1780: 1771: 1762: 1753: 1748:, p. 32 1703: 1683: 1670: 1662: 1657: 1648: 1642: 1633: 1597: 1593: 1587: 1563: 1555: 1550: 1522: 1516: 1504: 1492: 1487:, p. 23 1480: 1475:, p. 22 1468: 1463:, p. 17 1456: 1451:, p. 16 1444: 1439:, p. 15 1424:, p. 16 1417: 1412:, p. 21 1405: 1396: 1390: 1378: 1373:, p. 10 1366: 1315: 1306: 1297: 1288: 1272: 1257: 1244: 1240: 1236: 1232: 1228: 1223:Elisha Cooke 1220: 1212: 1199: 1195: 1187: 1172: 1163: 1153: 1146: 1139: 1132: 1120: 1108:Please help 1103:verification 1100: 1076: 1072: 1048: 1036: 1019: 1011: 1008: 989: 983: 980: 965: 933: 929: 920: 895: 872: 847: 832: 808: 804: 799: 796: 784: 778: 774: 771: 759: 755: 724: 720: 704: 692: 677: 673: 668: 652: 649: 636: 628: 620: 616: 607: 605: 595: 590: 586: 583:Samuel Pepys 580: 570: 563: 553:in 1683–84. 550: 531:quo warranto 530: 524: 516:quo warranto 515: 513: 504: 499: 487: 473: 469: 466: 462: 455: 453: 443: 438: 432: 426: 423:quo warranto 422: 420: 415:quo warranto 414: 408: 398: 394: 390: 388: 382: 376: 351: 347: 343: 330: 324: 314: 302: 296: 273: 262: 258: 234: 208: 204: 203: 123:Succeeded by 69: 29: 5425:1695 deaths 5420:1651 births 5368:West Jersey 5363:East Jersey 5353:Connecticut 5213:William III 5022:Giles Corey 4986:Wilmot Redd 4936:Mary Eastey 4890:Mary Warren 4810:Mary Barker 4622:Sarah Morey 4582:Dorcas Hoar 4542:Eunice Frye 4452:Mary Colson 4281:Mary Warren 4261:Moses Tyler 4256:Peter Tufts 4236:Mercy Short 4146:Sarah Nurse 4131:Mercy Lewis 4106:John Indian 4081:Mary Fuller 4051:John DeRich 4046:Mary Daniel 3592:Saltonstall 3450:W. Washburn 3420:E. Washburn 3368:Lincoln Jr. 3330:Lincoln Sr. 3098:(1692–1776) 3066:(1686–1689) 2940:(1629–1686) 2313:Hart (1927) 1866:Fine (2006) 1794:Hall (1960) 1385:, p. 5 961:Nova Scotia 732:William III 665:Silver Bank 661:John Pasqua 346:(sometimes 149:Nequasset ( 106:Preceded by 83:William III 5414:Categories 5304:Background 5137:Mary Green 5107:John Alden 5098:Escaped or 5069:Ann Foster 4941:Sarah Good 4742:Job Tookey 4692:Sarah Root 4687:Sarah Rist 4552:Mary Green 4462:Phoebe Day 4367:Mary Black 4342:John Alden 3507:Greenhalge 3246:Hutchinson 3235:Hutchinson 3085:Bradstreet 3044:Bradstreet 3034:Bellingham 3024:Bellingham 2984:Bellingham 2475:17 October 2180:2011-05-03 1360:Chu (2000) 1330:References 1136:newspapers 992:witchcraft 975:See also: 943:including 835:Port Royal 762:New France 631:in Boston 575:Hispaniola 567:Port Royal 539:Bradstreet 379:Charles II 360:Royal Navy 336:Hispaniola 303:Resolution 248:gentry in 223:Early life 94:Lieutenant 5268:Opponents 4717:Ann Sears 4707:Mary Rowe 4652:Mary Post 4561:John Hale 4559:(wife of 4487:Mary Dyer 4091:John Howe 3882:John Hale 3747:(1692–93) 3379:Armstrong 3150:J. Dudley 3138:J. Dudley 3125:Stoughton 3119:Bellomont 3113:Stoughton 3095:Province 3075:J. Dudley 3063:Dominion 3014:T. Dudley 2999:T. Dudley 2979:T. Dudley 2959:T. Dudley 2602:217980421 2516:222435560 2144:See e.g. 1207:Bellomont 949:Nantucket 688:Gravesend 684:doubloons 543:Stoughton 495:Blathwayt 307:John Hull 269:John Hull 179:Signature 70:In office 5358:New York 5343:Plymouth 5196:Monarchs 3984:Accusers 3757:Timeline 3662:Cellucci 3602:Bradford 3557:Coolidge 3497:Brackett 3487:Robinson 3415:Clifford 3410:Boutwell 3324:Sullivan 3216:S. Phips 3204:S. Phips 3107:W. Phips 3039:Leverett 3029:Endecott 3019:Endecott 3009:Endecott 3004:Winthrop 2994:Endecott 2989:Winthrop 2974:Winthrop 2954:Winthrop 2949:Endecott 2889:(acting) 2639:(2005). 2629:70265588 2429:, 2: 627 1558:Seville. 941:Cape Cod 908:Smallpox 879:Montreal 547:Dominion 276:shipyard 191:Nickname 130:(acting) 79:Monarchs 60:1st 3702:Italics 3679:Patrick 3652:Dukakis 3642:Dukakis 3637:Sargent 3627:Peabody 3617:Furcolo 3527:Douglas 3512:Wolcott 3502:Russell 3445:Claflin 3440:Bullock 3425:Gardner 3385:Everett 3290:Hancock 3285:Bowdoin 3279:Cushing 3273:Hancock 3241:Bernard 3229:Pownall 3210:Shirley 3198:Shirley 3193:Belcher 2937:Colony 2834:Profile 2800:1371993 2769:1175484 2748:1305589 2725:3040370 2704:1876620 2685:1543273 2315:, 2: 41 1959:online. 1203:Leisler 1150:scholar 736:Mary II 680:bullion 608:Bonetta 596:Bonetta 571:Bonetta 478:Haddock 474:Bonetta 399:Bonetta 344:Bonetta 327:frigate 299:Bahamas 278:on the 87:Mary II 5377:Events 4900:Tituba 3855:Clergy 3762:People 3689:Healey 3674:Romney 3612:Herter 3587:Hurley 3582:Curley 3567:Fuller 3552:McCall 3537:Draper 3482:Butler 3472:Talbot 3462:Gaston 3456:Talbot 3435:Andrew 3405:Briggs 3400:Morton 3390:Morton 3362:Morton 3356:Eustis 3351:Brooks 3346:Strong 3319:Strong 3300:Sumner 3187:Tailer 3180:Dummer 3174:Burnet 3168:Dummer 3156:Tailer 3080:Andros 2964:Haynes 2819:193830 2817:  2798:  2788:  2767:  2746:  2723:  2702:  2683:  2649:  2627:  2617:  2600:  2590:  2569:  2543:  2514:  2504:  2020:359875 2018:  1614:359331 1612:  1152:  1145:  1138:  1131:  1123:  1020:Return 959:, and 887:pilots 875:Quebec 766:Acadia 472:& 470:Falcon 395:Falcon 352:Falcon 348:Bonito 331:Falcon 265:Boston 209:Phipps 171:Spouse 164:London 4895:Candy 3684:Baker 3668:Swift 3632:Volpe 3622:Volpe 3607:Dever 3597:Tobin 3572:Allen 3547:Walsh 3532:Guild 3522:Bates 3517:Crane 3430:Banks 3395:Davis 3373:Davis 3341:Gerry 3295:Adams 3162:Shute 2078:1691. 2016:JSTOR 1610:JSTOR 1545:mine. 1280:Notes 1157:JSTOR 1143:books 953:Maine 625:sloop 340:sloop 5315:The 5215:and 3657:Weld 3647:King 3542:Foss 3492:Ames 3477:Long 3467:Rice 3336:Gore 3306:Gill 3251:Gage 2969:Vane 2815:OCLC 2796:OCLC 2786:ISBN 2765:OCLC 2744:OCLC 2721:OCLC 2700:OCLC 2681:OCLC 2647:ISBN 2625:OCLC 2615:ISBN 2598:OCLC 2588:ISBN 2567:ISBN 2554:2019 2541:ISBN 2512:OCLC 2502:ISBN 2477:2015 1129:news 984:Rose 947:and 822:and 734:and 659:and 637:Rose 629:Rose 623:, a 591:Rose 587:Rose 551:Rose 541:and 505:Rose 500:Rose 456:Rose 444:Rose 439:Rose 397:and 391:Rose 338:. 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Sir William Phipps

Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay
William III
Mary II
William Stoughton
Simon Bradstreet
Massachusetts Bay Colony
William Stoughton
Woolwich, Maine

Province of Massachusetts Bay
Salem Witch Trials

Woolwich, Maine
Kennebec River
Cotton Mather
Constantine Phipps
John Hull
Sheepscot River
Merrymeeting Bay
King Philips War
Northeast Coast Campaign (1676)

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
