
Talk:Coeliac disease/Archive 1

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continue. I know that this user only became interested in coeliacs when I started work on it, so sorry that I have brought this illness upon users interested in this page. A statement about this bullying is on my User Page. However, I hope other users with coeliacs will recognise that this bully is not interested in us coeliacs having a social life, in giving us a positive note in a largely negative matter, and is more preoccupied in beating me up. If his negative, unsympathetic edits continue, perhaps other users might share with him our right to be positive rather than crawl away and die. Alternatively, perhaps, other users will want to work on this area, as anything I do seems to attract this guy's nastiness.
1426:; it's your opinion that life isn't so bad for a coeliac sufferer. If you live on pizza, pasta, and sandwiches, and suddenly discover you have this problem with gluten, life suddenly sucks very very badly (trust me on this) -- and it's not for Knowledge to cheer people up. (Though they should be cheered up by the fact that their bellyaches are going to simply disappear, and most likely very quickly.) Now, if you could give us something like "Children often react badly to diagnoses of coeliac disease; nutritional psychiatrist Blahde Blahdly stresses that children should be encouraged in their normal social lives", then it would be going in the right direction. -- 3035:
gliadin restricted T-cells, so that the importance of anti-gliadin is ambiguous. Other than this the page does not elucidate the fact that alpha and to a much lessor degree gamma gliadin are triggering agents, omega gliadins are involved in allergies that may be independent of CD, and glutinen is a factor in DQ8 restricted disease. Omega is a factor in Baker's allegy is and exercise induced anaphalaxis, some better wording of gliadin should be made. prd(10-2-2006)
to submit looking at the Ix and Mx of over 100 cases referred to Prof C, most of these had an alternate diagnosis! The remainder have been treated with prednisolone and Azathioprine and this is the standard of care. To my knowledge infliximab has only been used in 1 or 2 case reports and I think should probably be classified as an experimental treatment, certainly this is not included in our current BSG guidelines (which are soon to be published).
31: 2782:(or Etiology). The very technical aspects of the genetic changes and consequent reactions to gluten are covered in the Pathophysiology section. It is a complex subject and I have no problem with the expert-level language used here. It is, of course, quite opaque to the general reader. This topic is covered very briefly in plain-English in the (long) intro. Should that text get expanded, then this might be the section to create for it. 3490:
free, but I try to stay away from whole grain/wheat products. Most of the time I don't have any break outs/rashes whatever they are called, but I do have flare ups occassionally. But if I could be at risk for getting coeliac, then I may consider going gluten free. But it is such a drastic diet, I don't want to have to do that if I have what I have and that will be all I'll ever get. Any opinions about this? Thank you, Jennifer
tests were included. The problem with coeliac disease is (in some cases) probably not only a problem of defective gluten digestion and according T-cell mediated immune response but related to prolamines of the Gramineae family of plants in general. Allergic responses to Gramineae challenging support this opinion in some cases of suspected (but neither definitely proven nor ruled out by biopsy and antibody testing) coeliac disease.
points? Shouldn't the reader reasonably assume the writer is anti-cancer? That being said, I repeat that your points are sound and I shall mull. Again I make the point that most work on coeliacs ignores the social impact, and yet this is perhaps the most obvious symptom! I shall try to get some source material on this aspect, as it is a significant area, but I accept and appreciate the opinions raised by
it quite difficult, limited and depressing. However, anything I can do to help my own rehabilitation to normality (or as close as is reasonable) and at the same time provide information for others that may give them hope is of worth. That does not (in itself) make it valid for Knowledge, I see that. But I hope in the light of all the other depressing stuff, this material actually provides
261:, as it provides an example of the controversy surrounding this disease and the Catholic church. The addition was immediately deleted, but there was no reason given. Is a link of this nature inappropriate? Was the link too NPOV? If so, I'll try to find a better example, but I truly believe that linking to a story that details both sides helps readers gain contextual understanding. 2800:. Currently there is "Social and religious issues", which is dominated by religious issues. Non-religious social aspects include the ease of implementing the GFD (e.g. no products in Third World countries, prescriptions), teenage non-compliance, getting medical insurance to pay for tests, etc. Perhaps the religious issues could be demoted to a sub-heading and probably abbreviated. 3119: 1406:
their life is not over. Whether they find out after a fall and realising they will struggle to ever have strong bones, or whether they find out at the same time that they find they have cancer. Is there not valid material in a statement that one can still be useful, and still lead a useful life, and that they may socialise normally as well, even if it is against the odds?
164:(or eithical code, or something like that) in the Jewish religion (I can't remember the name of it, which is why I didn't edit the article myself) that says that Health must always be considered before traditions and customs. I am familiar with this as a Jewish Diabetic, since I do not fast on Yom Kippur, and I have applied this to not eating matzah on passover. 2373: 2126:, trace (<20ppm) levels of gliadin in glucose, etc. - I'd need to search for academic citations, and I don't have the time. I've noticed some of the GF beer spam, but haven't seen the bearded fellow. More problematic has been the recent spate of McReverts, but these simply demonstrate the need to back up statements with credible references. 3489:
December 22, 2006 I just started googling this disease - mom recently diagnosed and I have dermatitis herpetiformis. My question, which I've never (in previous researches) found an answer. Can someone that has dermatitis herpetiformis have it turn into coeliac disease? I currently don't eat gluten
I don't like the term DMARDs used outside the context of rheumatology! It is best to use the term 'immunomodulator' or 'steriod sparing agent' for both Azathioprine and methotrexate. We have never used infliximab in non-responsive coeliac, this condition is rare and we have a paper which we are soon
It follows from the "epidemiology" section that 1:10 cases of CD are actually diagnosed. The rest is at marginally higher risk for some complications. I have no statistics on how many people are noncompliant with their diet, and I think that is a very temporal/local thing one cannot really generalise
An important correction needs to made in the second introductory paragraph, as mentioning only wheat is insufficient and misleading. E.g: "Coeliac disease is caused by an abnormal reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley." (If we want to be specific, the harmful proteins in wheat
Thank you for that. I think there is validity in your points here, and I should have been less emotional. However, I think the truth lies somewhere between these positions. It is hard to be "neutral" in the case of medical conditions. How can we balance the bad points about cancer with the "good"
Wikwobble, please make an effort so make your contributions sound like they would appear in an encyclopedia. Saying that certain products are "effectively poison" is unnecessary hyperbole, given that the article already states in more reserved terms that they would aggrevate coeliac disease. There is
However, while large scale commercial beers are out of the question for coeliacs (regardless of the sometimes misleading advice on their websites) and a very large amount of the foods available in the supermarket are effectively a poison, the good news is that life is getting easier for coeliacs, and
Coeliac disease → Celiac disease – Celiac is a much more common spelling; The World Health Organization, Encyclopedia Britannica, and 9 out of 10 external links on the page itself agree. Furthermore, Google returned 696,000 results for "coeliac disease" and 3,280,000 for "celiac disease." it seems as
I suspect I might have wheat allergy or coeliac disease - is there a difference between the two? I have an appointment with an allergist at the end of the month. It never dawned on me that the reocurring cough I have might be caused by gluten. When I get a cold, I often cough up clear phlegm for a
I have had Coceliac desease since I was 7 (I am now 14) I find that I enjoy my diet but none of my mates understand and they can't see its caused emotional pain. I have never really tried to cheat on my det but in food lessons I often get upset but I have learnt to deal with it. My diet defines who I
I am going to be proposing and executing some major edits. The science on this has advanced quite a bit. This is a disease of major interest, and has an element of patient activism due to the disease being underdiagnosed up until recently (still a problem) For folks that have interests in suggesting
Epidemiological studies in the UK have indicated the prevalence of coeliac disease to be between 0.5-1.0%. There are figures of the same order of magnitude in Caucasian populations worldwide including the USA, South America (2) and Australia. Coeliac disease appears to be uncommon in non-Caucasians
I've been brave and sent an email to Prof Paul Ciclitira, a gastroenterology professor at KCL in London who has an interest in coeliac disease and has written both the BSG guidelines and the AGA technical review (2001). He has asked one of his registrars to review the article. I'll post any comments
communion on the grounds that rice wafers cannot be used in the Eucharist; the fullness of the sacrament is, according to Catholic doctrine, still present in the consecrated wine alone. (A further theological point: the little girl in the AP article was not denied communion; her First Communion was
Hey, nice tone! Must make you feel more important. My point was simply that, as North America has so much maize, there is more money around for research relating to it than to other foods. Not to mention, the revolving door employment scenario between USDA and major food producers in the USA, which
Hello again. I have since worked the material and found supporting references. I hope that combined with my above comments, you will agree a positive note at the end of the article is both supportable and valuable. Trust me ! I do not feel that life with coeliacs is FUN FUN FUN! Actually I find
In the archived discussion, academics seem to prefer coeliac disease. But celiac disease is not an academic disease, it is a condition that affects millions. So goodbuy to cumbersome coeliac, welcome simple celiac. Also note that English is an international language; the rate of diagnosis in UK vs.
My hospital uses anti-endomysial. In my previous hospital I gave a talk about coeliac (which is the basis for my work on this article). At one point the cardiologist asked: "Do they still use ground-up monkey oesophaguses for that?" Turns out that anti-reticulin antibodies are indeed determined on
Thanks for the corrections. Though I still wonder why you say "such as barley and rye" - there are no others that one needs to worry about. Anyway, mentioning rye and barley really is mandatory: after you have been diagnosed, you start looking for alternatives, and it does not matter that wheat is
The article probably doesn't need to spend as much time as it does on aspects of the gluten-free diet. For example, is there really any need to mention GF beer at all here, when there is a separate article on both the diet and the beer? I've been reticent to rip it out, however, as I did not build
Thank you again. I understand what you are suggesting, and will try to find something that can be referenced. However, I think it is in the nature of this condition that those connected to it are preocupied with "cures" or, more likley, "vaccination". After that, the next role is persuasion that
The World Health Organization says "Celiac," as does Encyclopedia Britannica and 9 out of the 10 external links from this article. 696,000 articles were on Google for "Coeliac disease," but 3,280,000 for "Celiac disease" Only people in the UK spell it "Coeliac." I recall hearing that the rate of
I have celiac, too (diagnosed ca. 5 years ago), and although at first I was quite depressed about it and often yearned for my favorite food (same as you - pizza), I eventually found that celiac was actually a blessing. It forced me to try different foods and ultimately enriched my diet. Now I cook
As for the issue with passover, I think some information needs to be added to that. It is a part of the passover seder that everone must eat a special piece of matzah (the afekomen (sp?)) before the seder can conclude. This would appear to be an issue for Celiacs, however it is not. There is a law
From these studies, there is a clear gap between the estimated prevalence of coeliac disease in the general population and the number of people who have actually been diagnosed. This suggests that there is a large excess of undiagnosed individuals, possibly as many as 5-10 cases for each existing
9. The word "workup" doesn't appear in any British English dictionary I could find. Some online US dictionaries indicate that it is medical jargon: "A thorough medical examination for diagnostic purposes". You've already mentioned the specific blood tests and endoscopy - this sub-section could be
And while you made these changes you removed gliadin from the intro in favour of gluten (which is correct, but gliadin is the peptide we worry about). Gliadin is not present in barley and rye, and I don't think we should delve so deeply into the finer points of secalin/hordein in the intro. After
It seems to me that there is now a whole range of possibilities that could be included I could attempt to summarise them, and I am willing to, but perhaps someone more close to research in the field should be summarising the various ways to progress the possible therapies, rather than my garbled
Thank you for a really positive edit. you do not know how frustrating it has been to offer material to have it repeatedly reversed without discussion. I take your point, but surely there is place for one part of an article (that may be someone's first point of call when they are diagnosed) that
I agree with the above points, but.... This in my opinion is where the American and other European interpritations of the English languages differ. The W.H.O use The American spellings and Terminology. This is simply because the US is much bigger and seems to carry more weight when opinions are
They are mostly related to disturbances of the endocrine system because that is what was common in the group of people mentioned above (diabetes, grave's disease, deranged hormone levels, pituitary dysfunction and so forth) and which all profited from a prolamine-reduced (free if necessary) diet.
anti-endomysial antibodies are still useful in scientific work as the recent study of EMA-negative patients has revealed the presence or absense of different anti-tTG types can be used to subclassify tTG, see reference #24. As far as AGA is concerned, the disease appears to be mediated by DQ2/8
One purpose of having these sections is that the reader will come with the big questions: "What caused it", "What will happen to me/them", "How can I prevent it" – and currently they have to work hard to locate and understand their detailed answers. Creating a short section may be a trigger that
6. A general reader may wish, for example, to learn how to prevent their child getting this disease. Currently, the info is buried in the Pathophysiology section, which is a word the general reader may not even understand. So there's not much that can be said with any certainty, but even that is
be stuck to. I understand this, and it is important. But you must have seen that social isolation is also a symptom - difficult to eat out, go on holiday, drink at the pub.... But I do see your point and I will do my best to find something in the very few articles on coeliacs and their social
is formed; some bakeries do not have to add yeast to their dough at all, as there is already enough yeast in the air from years of bread making. In order to be kosher for Passover, matzo dough cannot sit long enough to absorb airborn yeast; it must be baked right away. Strict practice requires
Gluten is a generic term to cover the proteins found in grains (including wheat, barley, rice and maize) however the glutens found in rice and corn do not cause coeliac disease. When people refer to gluten intolerance they are refering to intolerance of gliadin, and the glutens found in barley
For those possibly affected by the disease and searching for literatur on the lesser well-known symptoms of c.d. I give here some references for further reading. (Unfortunately Knowledge articles do not have a special section for literature what bothers me for years now.) In chronological order:
in the therapy section. That's a conclusion from self-described case studies i received and experiments not only by myself but by some other people too who didn't recover from a gluten-free diet alone. One toxicologist and one physician were among the people. Partial blood analysises and allergy
There is no mention of the Catholic Church allowing celiac sufferers to take wine to complete the sacrement. Thus, for the most part it is not much of an issue wrt this religion. Most priests, if they are aware of the situation, will happily oblige and allow an individual to take wine instead of
4. Any "banana babies" are now well over 50. It is likely this term was used in the popular press rather than medical books/papers. The Internet doesn't archive old newspapers, so it isn't surprising that Google found little. Here's a newspaper article that I managed to get from Google's cache:
I've reintroduced the mention of both grains (but not the putative proteins) in the intro. Thanks for the compliment. I'm working hard on getting this one featured in a few weeks. Would you be able to supply papers that you would like to have included (e.g. on quality of life in patients on a
I keep trying to end this article with good news - about the increase in the availability of specialist bread, beer, pasta... However, a user that is stalking me and reversing my edits keeps removing what I do. Although I will keep trying to make the point, I suspect that this bullying will
diagnosis in the UK is slightly higher than it is elsewhere, but that doesn't necessarily mean much. I think it should be changed to "Celiac disease," but I don't know how to do it (in other words, how to move the page and change all references in the page without pissing people off). Help?
It's been amusing me on the spelling. I didn't know the WHO called it Celiac. I've been deferring to the Brits on this just cause there a bunch of very good docs from the island here on Knowledge. But with the WHO calling it celiac, well, that is a pretty reasonable example of a legitimate
10. Hmm. The section doesn't actually mention any symptoms. I think there is a case for a "Grains" section. This could include a discussion on the importance of certain grains in different population's diet and the changes from one grain to another (principally moving towards wheat) that are
2. I've found some supporting papers for the epidemiology section and I've included details of the US study that shows increased prevalence in certain groups. Ref 26 (currently) indicates that assumptions regarding the European focus may be wrong. Some recent studies may suggest it is vastly
Many section are referenced to what constitutes (in my view) a set of unreliable sources. The websites linked to may be popular and such, but many don't state on which studies they base their statements. If there are studies available, these certainly deserve priority over secondary sources.
I've added a sentence to the intro, covering the approximate prevalence in Caucasian populations. I think that briefly establishing how common or rare a disease is, is an important point to get accross in the intro. It is all part of getting the reader's attention. I took this data from the
This is worded strangely. I'm not sure what it means. Does it mean those with coeliac must observe the festival in only a limited way? What is the allusion to "other stringencies" that are avoided by replacing flour, and what impact does this have on those who deal with celiac disease?
But my searches through other coeliac (or celiac) pages have turned up zilch about coughing and phlegm, despite it being mentioned here. Is this a controversial issue? Is there a source for this so-called more rare symptom, given that the main coeliac websites make no mention of it?
If anything I would add that it will be a bad idea. Immunology works at very low antigen concentrations. However, that would look like original research. I don't mind my saying it since I do GI. If you want to mention the article go ahead and I'll follow up with something. Steve
2080:- e.g. cornflakes. I'm not too comfortable with your marginalisation of barley and rye in the disease. When I have time, I'll read some of your citations, to see what they have to say. ITMT, thanks for your excellent contributions - the article has greatly benefited from your work. 493:
Pynnönen, P.A.; Isometsä, E.T.; Verkasalo, M.A.; Kähkönen, S.A.; Sipilä, I.; Savilahti, E. & Aalberg, V.A. Gluten-free diet may alleviate depressive and behavioural symptoms in adolescents with coeliac disease: a prospective follow-up case-series study. BMC Psychiatry, 2005, 5,
beer-drinking celiacs about their gullibility when it came to hearsay 'information' about certain beers -- Uncle Fred said Guinness was gluten-free, for example, and his word was taken at face value. I finally gave up: they wanted to believe, and they persisted in their belief.
By the way, since I turned out only to have osteoperosis as a symptom, my bellyaches remain just as bad and since the gut is back to normal clearly I am doubly damned. Curses! a life restricted and still not feeling any better ! Isn't it right to have some good news?
Malabsorption is usually associated with a low HDL, which we also know is an independent lipid RF for CAD. My understanding was the low HDL in celiac was of unclear significance, and I'm also not too sure what the significance of an increased HDL post treatment is. --
Anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA), IgG and IgA. These tests are often useful when testing young symptomatic children, but they are found in fewer coeliacs than Anti-tTG, and their presence does not automatically indicate coeliac disease because they are found in some other
320:(Further comment) Part of my edit was to remove the note that some bishops had asked to use rice wafers. If anyone has a reference for this, I'd be happy to re-include it. Also (the AP article notwithstanding), it should be fairly clear that celiac sufferers are not 580:
I saw that and made a mental note to talk about the gluten issue as a grain protein terminology issue. I think wikipedia readers would be interested in the issue. Isn't gluten actually the alcohol insoluble protein fraction, or is that the gliadin portion?
Gluten, when talking about Celiac, refers to the protein that's in wheat, rye, and barley, since those are the ones that affect people with Celiac. Corn intolterance can happen with Celiacs, but it is separate (Celiacs have a high chance of having other food
From what I have read there is research going on about a possible medication that can allow celiacs to eat regular food. Maybe a section on research and medication should be added? There is an article covering one possible medication at the following address:
I just wanted to thank all the people who have worked hard on this article, as i am also suffering from the disease. i just recently discovered this issue (1 month or so ago) and it is hard to deal with. i really want some pizza, but i cant. thanks again,
I suspect it has a lot to do with major crops. In Europe, wheat is by far the major grain crop, and grain derivatives (modified starches, dextrose, maltodextrin, etc.) are largely derived from wheat there (and in Australia and New Zealand). The USA has
Classic teaching from textbooks (Sleisenger and Yamada both) is that celiac is associated with webs (both symptomatic and found incidentally) but I can't seem to find a reference in the literature. It's a (very) minor point, but thoughts? --
8. I see now where you get the figures. The huge range highlights the big difference in diagnosis rates from country to country. I think this area is worth expanding on and being explicit (rather than expecting the reader to do maths with
I know someone who was a "banana baby" and it is mentioned on forums in the US so the term seems to have been used on both sides of the Atlantic. Perhaps someone else can comment on whether they have heard this term, or regard it as worth
629:"Other stringencies of the festival" refers to the regulations surrounding unleavened bread. Any time that you work with unbaked flour or unbaked dough, you run the risk of airborne yeast contaminating and leavening it. This is how some 2637: 2581:
I have not seen good explanations why some get worse coeliac disease than others. It is also unknown why of the 20-30% with DQ2 only 1:20 develop coeliac disease. Van Heel and West suggest the spectrum of the disease may actually be
Jansson, U.H.G.; Kristiansson, B.; Albertsson-Wikland, K. & Bjarnason, R. Short-term gluten challenge in children with coeliac disease does not impair spontaneous growth hormone secretion. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab, 2003, 16,
P.S. Regarding pizza, there are a number of good gluten-free pizza mixes. The best one is by The Gluten-Free Pantry ( and it is called the "Country French Bread and Pizza Mix". Even non-celiacs I know like it.
Looks good, and it would be wonderful to see this article get such coverage. I'd be reticent to add anything now without proper citations, and most of what I can point to is anecdotal patient stuff, e.g. related problems with
3.I can't comment on whether you've missed something key, but it is all rather rapidly mentioned and lacks detail. From a brief search, there appears to be some history regarding whether there were two diseases (children and
For some reason Knowledge has been spammed heavily by someone who is addicted to gluten-free beer. Do you agree that we should not have whole paragraphs (plus the same photo with the bearded fellow) in every related article?
Capristo, E.; Farnetti, S.; Mingrone, G.; Certo, M.; Greco, A.V.; Addolorato, G. & Gasbarrini, G. Reduced plasma ghrelin concentration in celiac disease after gluten-free diet treatment. Scand J Gastroenterol, 2005, 40,
Prevention – there is a brief mention of delaying exposure to gluten in the Pathophysiology section. However, perhaps this deserves its own section, even if all you can say is that at present, there is very little one can
coeliac disease have any bearing on this? And the usual rule about, if there is a conflict of regional spellings in an article that isn't about a specific region, going with the style of the first author? Just wondering.
A big part of what's missing. Autoimmune disease associations (collagenous colitis, PBC, T1DM, etc.) and complications (jejunoileitis, SB Ca, lymphoma, esophageal/pharyngeal Ca) need to be mentioned and referenced --
Johnson, T.N.; Tanner, M.S.; Taylor, C.J. & Tucker, G.T. Enterocytic CYP3A4 in a paediatric population: developmental changes and the effect of coeliac disease and cystic fibrosis. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 2001, 51,
Some coeliacs are cross-sensitive to secaleins and hordeins, which may occur in beer. If these people are not getting malabsorption symptoms they may be fine, but a surveillance biopsy may reveal the harsh truth :-(
This isn't an encyclopedic paragraph. In fact, the entire "lifelong diet" section sounds more like a health columnist or a cheer-em-up pamphlet in the doctor's office. I notice the exact same first paragraph is in
Only one preventative measure is known (timing of gluten exposure) and even that is not specifically recommended by anyone in absence of stronger evidence. I agree prevention is relevant, but the section would be
Porpora, M.G.; Picarelli, A.; Porta, R.P.; Tola, M.D.; D'Elia, C. & Cosmi, E.V. Celiac disease as a cause of chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea, and deep dyspareunia Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2002, 99,
There is quite a fad of giving up wheat for various reasons. Where does this come from? Would a person without coeliac disease benefit – is there something about handling gluten that we all find difficult?
this article and haven't the time to fix up the others appropriately either (the GF beer article is a mess!). If I was to contribute much more to the topic, it would probably be on these articles (and the
Bozzola, M.; Giovenale, D.; Bozzola, E.; Meazza, C.; Martinetti, M.; Tinelli, C. & Corazza, G.R. Growth hormone deficiency and coeliac disease: an unusual association? Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 2005, 62,
all kinds of different foods - Indian, Korean, Chinese, etc., and I've grown to accept and actually be proud of my condition. It may seem paradoxical, but strangely, celiac actually gives us more options.
Farthing, M.J.; Mattei, A.M.; Edwards, C.R. & Dawson, A.M. Relationship between plasma testosterone and dihydrotestosterone concentrations and male facial hair growth. Br J Dermatol, 1982, 107, 559-64
1152:. It just is not correct to say that Coeliac is a UK spelling, it is used worldwide and particularly by health professionals working in the field. The academic world uses "coeliacs" (Dr with coeliacs) 671:
The disease is universally known as celiac disease, not coeliac disease. I recommend using "celiac" throughout the document, and putting "coeliac" in the "also known as _______ disease" sentence.
no need to make the article sound better than real life; it may be your personal opinion that coeliac does not stop people from enjoying life, but many other patients may not perceive it this way.
outline for medical articles. It can be moved to "pathophysiology". I'm not sure if there is any merit into diverging into diets - it doesn't occur in populations with low prevalence of DQ2/DQ8.
I have expanded the historical section. Should we mention how Anderson purified gluten and how the small bowel biopsy was developed (both by women, incidentally, in the male chauvinistic 1950s).
Collin, P.; Hakanen, M.; Salmi, J.; Mäki, M. & Kaukinen, K. Autoimmune hypopituitarism in patients with coeliac disease: symptoms confusingly similar. Scand J Gastroenterol, 2001, 36, 558-60
Really, my only concern with what you were doing was the apparent marginalisation of non-wheat grains, which you have addressed. Keep up the good work, and go get that Featured Article status!
I can try to find more small bowel endoscopy pictures but I don't think I have many (any?). I had a beautiful ulcerative jejunitis picture but haven't been able to find it for the past week
2788:. The lifelong aspect of the disease is briefly stated in the intro. Can any more be said? The references mention some research on the long-term implications of undiagnosed coeliac disease. 2596:
I don't understand your dislike for "diagnostic workup". It covers quite precisely what the paragraph states: tests generally performed in suspected or confirmed cases of coeliac disease.
781:- try Australia and New Zealand, for a couple of examples. Really, there are more important aspects to this article than simply how North Americans want to change the language. From the 596:
Said of Passover: "The festival can be very limiting, as matzo meal (fine-ground matzo) is used as a replacement for flour in many products to avoid other stringencies of the festival."
against this article. There are some (optional) sections that could be considered here. Here are just some suggestions for thought – there is no need to defend their current exclusion.
I'm colllecting useful sources in preparation for a major expansion. Having given a succesful talk about this condition last Friday I think this article is a bit of an embarrassment.
Rarely, coeliacs may experience symptoms similar to those of sinus infections and/or the formation of thick, choking plugs or ropes of mucus that require considerable effort to expel.
UK English is derived from Latin so we have the spelling "Coeliac" or silent "O" if you type the word in the UK search engines you get the "Did you Mean" link at the top of the page!
As this is partly a genetic disease, a section should be added on what racial / ethnic groups are predisposed to this disorder and what the affected percentages of those groups are.
Peters, J.H.; McKay, B.M.; Simasko, S.M. & Ritter, R.C. Leptin-induced satiation mediated by abdominal vagal afferents. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2005, 288, R879-84
The corn theory is an interesting one. There's not much published on it, but it has certainly come up at a couple of conferences. Also, I think JFW was just making a joke. About
if only the UK calls it Coeliac, and other than possibly a slightly higher rate of diagnosis (just diagnosis, not the disease), it cannot really be called a country-specific topic.
8. The diagnosis rates are not that dissimilar, apart from the obvious Saharawi outliers (which Van Heel and West link to a possible protective effect, e.g. less bowel infections).
Zadik, Z. & Kowarski, A. Incidence of neurosecretory dysfunction among children aged 6-14 years in Rehovot, Israel. Acta Paediatr Scand Suppl, 1989, 349, 77-80; discussion 81-3
Farthing, M.J.; Edwards, C.R.; Rees, L.H. & Dawson, A.M. Male gonadal function in coeliac disease: 1. Sexual dysfunction, infertility, and semen quality. Gut, 1982, 23, 608-14
2748:" gives a good indication of the population affected, which appears to include the Middle-East and India, as well as folk of European descent. If you know better, please change. 2658:
happening globally. There are references for this in some of the articles I've looked at. Writing such a section would require more work than I'm able/prepared to do at present.
2267:- a series of coeliakoid biopsies that were not, in fact, due to coeliac. We should include a differential diagnosis for the "typical" biopsy appearance. Whipple's, anyone? 2155:. I'll be removing the beer spam from this article in due course. I wasn't aware of the glucose thing, and have little direct knowledge of the casein business. Let me know. 2431:
There's of course plenty to do, but with some heavy editing behind me I was wondering if we shouldn't send this baby for peer review at some point. Samir, whaddaya think?
2331: 437:
Sher, K.S.; Jayanthi, V.; Probert, C.S.; Stewart, C.R. & Mayberry, J.F. Infertility, obstetric and gynaecological problems in coeliac sprue. Dig Dis, 1994, 12, 186-90
3471:(1) Celiacs who eat oats tend to have worse histology than those who do not. (2) We don't know the relevance of that entirely. It may confer higher long term risks -- 647:, for example) without violating the regulation against leavened bread. For coeliac sufferers, this means (to expand on JFW' comment) that only such products made with 2576:
and never got more than 70 hits. I don't think the term as such deserves inclusion. Still, more emphasis ought to be placed on the popularity of this diet before Dicke.
although the choice of a beer may seem peripheral to a life-changing illness, it is important to note that coeliac disease is compatible with a fun and fulfilling life.
Well, I mentioned the banana diet but wasn't aware of the cultural impact of that phenomenon. In the absence of a good etiology this diet was probably quite popular.
Reifen, R.; Buskila, D.; Maislos, M.; Press, J. & Lerner, A. Serum prolactin in coeliac disease: a marker for disease activity. Arch Dis Child, 1997, 77, 155-7
I placed that paragraph there because symptoms are detected in the context of ingestion of these grains. If you can think of a better place, feel free to move it.
I'd say do a move request. But in general, Knowledge does not automatically follow US spelling, even if there may be Google support. This is a traditional issue.
Green, J.R.; Goble, H.L.; Edwards, C.R. & Dawson, A.M. Reversible insensitivity to androgens in men with untreated gluten enteropathy. Lancet, 1977, 1, 280-2
As I stated above, I asked Prof Paul Ciclitira (Rayne Unit, London) for a proofreading. He delegated this to Dr Simon McLaughlin, one of his research registrars
Várkonyi, A.; Boda, M.; Endreffy, E.; Németh, I. & Timár, E. Coeliac disease: always something to discover. Scand J Gastroenterol Suppl, 1998, 228, 122-9
Well, the scientists argue... By my experience, maize is not safe for all. Most people (with c.d.) have no problems with maize, but some do have problems.
Blanco Quirós, A.; Arranz Sanz, E.; Garrote Adrados, J.A.; Oyágüez Ugidos, P.; Calvo Romero, C. & Alonso Franch, M. An Esp Pediatr, 2001, 55, 198-204
Farthing, M.J.; Rees, L.H. & Dawson, A.M. Male gonadal function in coeliac disease: III. Pituitary regulation. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf), 1983, 19, 661-71
I don't think it is over the top. It is a relevant issue for Catholics with Celiac Disease. If you want a reference, here is one from the New York Times.
I've only found patchy research on the quality of life, social stigma and actual mortality figures. These are essential in making the article complete.
There are many more productive and enjoyable ways to participate than worrying and fighting about which version of English to use on any particular page
patient (3). In the US, with an expected prevalence of about 1%, the number of registered cases amounts to only about 1 in 1000 of the population (4).
2343: 3496:
Hi Jennifer, people who have dermatitis herpetiformis and a family history of celiac disease should probably have testing done for celiac disease --
There is nothing about "banana babies" – only a brief mention of a banana diet. This was (I believe) quite a widespread treatment prior to the 50s.
Does anyone test this anymore? I haven't since I was a resident. The operating characteristics are abysmal. Is it still used in pediatrics? --
It's remarkable that almost all early-days research into coeliac disease took place in Europe. Does the condition exist accross the Atlantic? :-)
1264: 758: 2654:
better titled "Additional tests" since it doesn't cover the whole "workup". So, in its current usage here, IMO the term is opaque and misleading.
Bernstein, C.N. & Leslie, W.D. The pathophysiology of bone disease in gastrointestinal disease. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2003, 15, 857-64
1172:. The article contains four rogue instances of "celiac" that have crept in. Ironically, it has used the US spelling of diarrhea since creation. 431:
Ventura, A.; Florean, P.; Trevisan, M.; Not, T.; Perticarari, S.; Quadrifoglio, F.; Torre, G. & Cauci, S. Pediatr Med Chir, 1987, 9, 653-60
Vanderschueren-Lodeweyckx, M.; Eggermont, E.; Cornette, C.; Malvaux, P.; Eeckels, R. & Beckers, C. Ann Endocrinol (Paris), 1978, 39, 149-50
158: 3211:"While a role for carbohydrates had been suspected, the link with wheat was not made until 1950 by the Dutch paediatrician Dr Willem Dicke." 419:
Farthing, M.J.; Rees, L.H.; Edwards, C.R. & Dawson, A.M. Male gonadal function in coeliac disease: 2. Sex hormones. Gut, 1983, 24, 127-35
Can you give figures for what percentage of people are undiagnosed and what percentage are diagnosed but choose not to follow a strict diet?
suggests that oats, while clinically not much different, may still have the same long-term risks as other grains. Should be mentioned, uh?
Can anyone find a free image of the Marsh classification? It would be an exceptional addition to the article's basic science content. --
We should cover the name in the intro, but the page you've linked to is not well referenced. I'm still looking for an authoritative source.
Name – Could you explain the origins of the terms Coeliac and Sprue. It does mention who coined it but that doesn't really explain it. See
Maize (corn), sorghum, and rice are considered safe for a patient to consume. They contain types of gluten that do not trigger the disease.
Once baked, however, matzo is essentially impervious to airborne yeast, so matzo meal can be used as a flour substitute in many products (
Morris, J.S.; Adjukiewicz, A.B. & Read, A.E. Coeliac infertility: an indication for dietary gluten restriction? Lancet, 1970, 1, 213-
FWIW, I've got about 3 or 4 patients who refer to themselves as "banana babies". I think its still in parlance, at least in Canada --
The section presently covers practically all landmarks in the discovery of coeliac disease. Are there things you'd like me to include?
770: 2449:
All done now. A good QOL/psychological comorbidity study was found and duly cited. I'll be requesting an unofficial peer review from
the most common source of flour. You need to know that you cannot have the next common ones either! (Next common in many countries.)
bakery workers to scrub every trace of the last batch of dough from their hands before proceeding with the next, for the same reason.
1241: 1169: 799:
696,000 articles on Google for "Coeliac disease," compared to 3,280,000 for "Celiac disease"? That's overwhelming. I'm moving per
Yes, it is. There were several theories prior to Dicke's observation, but most of those involved nutritional carbohydrate content.
3. In adults it was initially called idiopathic steatorrhoea. I'm not sure at what point they were attributed to the same problem.
I'm a 'coeliac' myself, and of necessity an autodidact on the matter. For some time I squandered vast amounts of time trying to
I have reduced your paragraph to the important facts: there are gluten-free beers and their presence reflects positively on the
I have no idea why bread is evil. Sounds like an urban legend built on high-impact cases of coeliac in susceptible communities.
This should be the best reference for the bulk of the clinical part of the article. The 2004 technical review is excellent --
Dunger, D.; Ahmed, L. & Ong, K. Growth and body composition in type 1 diabetes mellitus. Horm Res, 2002, 58 Suppl 1, 66-71
For those having trouble even with gluten-free beer: Beer contains hops. And hops also is a member of the Gramineae family...
79: 71: 66: 3299:
I will have another look at the epidemiology section, and was wondering what Samir's views were on the infliximab section.
The AGA has also issued a guideline (2001, reviewed unchanged 2004), although it seems to have been written by Brits (see
2131: 3427: 3140:
would be a very neat image (as would IF of the IgA deposits -- that would be the money). I don't have a picture of one.
1081: 913: 310:
I've made some edits to the Catholic Church section (not least changing the section name) to be broader and more NPOV.
3248:, who kindly went through the whole page and emailed me with the following comments (reproduced here with permission): 1232:
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on this talk page. No further edits should be made to this section.
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. No further edits should be made to this section.
No gluten is contained in rice (even glutinous rice), wild rice, maize (corn), millets, buckwheat, quinoa, or amaranth.
2290: 1530: 1276: 739:
US should have no significance! Plus: it is the tendency of language to go from complicated forms towards the simple.
It's nearly ready, and a lot better than the previous FAC nomination, but there are still a few citations needed. --
patients? i noticed that the article doesn't mention this, but there is a brief reference to it on this page. best,
At first I want to express that I find this article on coeliac disease pretty good. Thanks for the work altogether!
but the prevalence is less well defined. There may be geographical sparing in regions that have a rice-based diet.
Here's a dump of some suggestions I've made after reading this. Apologies if these are covered and I've missed it:
1824: 1122: 269:
Perhaps you should put it back as a footnote. If it is inserted as an external link, it would clutter the article.
38: 2744:
conclusion in the vanHeelWest paper that forms the core reference for the article. I think their use of the word "
James, W.H. Hormones and offspring sex ratios associated with celiac disease. Am J Gastroenterol, 2001, 96, 2266-7
2479: 2402: 2353: 2300: 2225: 2011: 1875: 1811: 1729: 1295: 1193: 1118:
in one acceptable form, we don't generally change to another acceptable form, unless there's a very good reason.
1062: 1009: 782: 487:
Karagiannis, A. & Harsoulis, F. Gonadal dysfunction in systemic diseases. Eur J Endocrinol, 2005, 152, 501-13
3137: 2042:
Also "The role of other grains" needs modification accordingly. It has not been "may occur" for a long while.
1381: 1340:
How about you discuss the material in question here rather than elaborate on your disagreements with one user?
However, barley is by far the most common source of malt, often used to flavour foods that might otherwise be
Hoggan, R. Considering wheat, rye, and barley proteins as aids to carcinogens. Med Hypotheses, 1997, 49, 285-8
1665: 675:
Yeah, the World Health Organization calls it Celiac. Pretty much everyone except the British call it Celiac.
3497: 3472: 3424: 3416: 3369: 3345: 3331: 3184: 3165: 3161: 3147: 3077: 2958: 2932: 2928: 2912:
Not seen much at all on various websites I've seen. Perhaps your local pathologist would be able to assist?
2896: 2720: 2473: 2396: 2347: 2294: 2219: 2005: 1869: 1805: 1725: 1289: 1077: 1050: 923: 766: 2996:
Not only monkey oesophagus, but human intestine and human umbilical cord are also used for that purpose. --
2428:. I'm also planning to drastically shorten the "religious implications" section. Perhaps it can be forked. 1042: 1924:
as probably its major grain crop, and such derivatives therefor come from maize instead. Just a theory...
I'm not proposing to refer to each of these articles, but these are resources that I think may be useful.
198: 1183: 564: 1119: 1103: 503: 3255:
I have finally read through your coeliac article. I think this is very good. My only comments would be:
tissue blocks from monkey oesophagus. Thankfully they're out of fashion (even more than anti-gliadin).
Will look for the British and Italian epidemiology. Not mentioned specificially by van Heel & West.
762: 688: 511:
Actually, the best pizza is either Chebe (mix) or Foods by George (frozen). Celiac for a long time...
363: 262: 3246: 3015:
And tTG is sometimes purified from cavia livers (but also available as recombinant human tTG) :-). --
2190: 47: 17: 3128:
The article looks fabulous as it is but just a couple more pretty pictures would make this perfect:
1568: 201: 2172: 2043: 979: 881: 740: 170: 1466:
Naturally this relates also to DH, so please comment before I past this material to that article.
ppose. Pages are not normally moved to enforce US spelling, as there is no standard on Knowledge.
3458: 3402: 3304: 3225: 3192: 3098: 3056: 2980: 2917: 2863: 2823: 2707: 2609: 2462: 2436: 2381: 2372:
The Cambridge study suggested a benign cardiovascular risk profile due to the malabsorption, but
2317: 2285:
Classic exam question: Tropical sprue, Giardia, Radiation, Crohn's, NSAID enteropathy, lymphoma,
2272: 2242: 2205: 2160: 2105: 2060: 1948: 1899: 1850: 1832: 1791: 1746: 1703: 1681: 1537: 1492: 1430: 1392: 1345: 995: 918: 908: 727: 615: 329:
because, although the form was correct, the matter was not.) There's a difference between being
274: 243: 148: 120: 107:
I agree with you, Stephen (kd4ttc)! There a lot of disease articles that need major rewrites...
Do you have a good single source that parses all these associations nicely into a citable list?
Aretaeus of Cappadocia, translated by Francis Adams and printed for the Sydenham Society in 1856
The section of Communion should be moved to Communion and the section on Passover moved there.
There is a wide range of symptoms and, it would appear, severity. Can this be explained at all?
I've relied on the UK guideline, incidentally written by the same professor at King's College.
3447: 3324: 3318: 2794:. I mentioned prevention earlier. Screening is currently covered as a subsection of Diagnosis. 2699: 2450: 2261: 2194: 1652: 1623: 1610: 1595: 1586: 290: 230:
This is not the same as the wafer issue, but in both cases, desires and beliefs drive actions.
2829: 3344:
The term DMARD is also rarely used in gastroenterology. I prefer immunomodulator myself --
3048: 3016: 2997: 2770: 2425: 2152: 1637: 1168:
It would be useful to have an agreed authority on disease names as there is for drug names:
1100: 800: 135:
I think the religious controversy section is a bit over the top and imbalances the article.
encourages another editor to add more and ultimately produce a satisfying paragraph or so.
1067: 3266:
re epidemiology I have copied the following text from the latest (unpublished) guidelines:
2841: 2753: 2666: 2547: 1285: 1272: 1247: 1242:
Knowledge talk:Naming conventions#Coeliac disease - changing our spelling could save lives
1217: 1177: 1017: 817: 809: 644: 1695: 167:
I'm hoping that someone who knows the name of this law can edit the article accordingly.
2289:, eosiniphilic enteritis, ZE, HIV, bacterial overgrowth, amyloid, hypogammaglobulemia. 1529:
A userful timeline, which may help us find relevant references for historical background
Counter to some North American perceptions, the UK is not the only place using the form
2877: 2745: 2339: 1861: 1768: 1515: 1484: 1461: 1448: 1423: 1407: 1388:
doesn't work here; it's giving advice. And the entire "Social impact" section is OR. --
It is important for coeliacs to understand that one does not "get over" coeliac disease
1334: 1140: 840: 713: 655: 341: 314: 3505: 3480: 3463: 3432: 3407: 3389: 3377: 3353: 3339: 3309: 3230: 3197: 3173: 3155: 3103: 3085: 3061: 3019: 3000: 2985: 2966: 2940: 2922: 2904: 2880: 2868: 2843: 2755: 2728: 2712: 2668: 2614: 2549: 2483: 2467: 2441: 2406: 2386: 2357: 2322: 2304: 2277: 2247: 2229: 2210: 2175: 2165: 2141: 2110: 2084: 2065: 2046: 2015: 1977: 1953: 1928: 1904: 1879: 1855: 1837: 1815: 1796: 1751: 1733: 1708: 1686: 1542: 1497: 1433: 1395: 1351: 1321: 1299: 1250: 1219: 1197: 1186: 1143: 1127: 1106: 1087: 1031: 1019: 1000: 982: 970: 928: 884: 853: 843: 821: 793: 743: 732: 716: 705: 691: 658: 620: 604: 585: 554: 506: 422:
Magazzu, G.; Luca, F.d.; Benvenga, S. & Trimarchi, F. Pediatrie, 1983, 38, 249-52
366: 212: 183: 173: 125: 3454: 3419: 3398: 3300: 3221: 3188: 3094: 3052: 2976: 2913: 2859: 2703: 2605: 2557:
I've numbered your comments, so I can respond to them easier... Hope you don't mind.
2458: 2432: 2377: 2313: 2268: 2238: 2201: 2156: 2138: 2101: 2081: 2056: 1974: 1944: 1925: 1895: 1865: 1846: 1828: 1787: 1742: 1699: 1677: 1533: 1511: 1507: 1488: 1427: 1389: 1341: 991: 804: 790: 723: 611: 270: 239: 144: 116: 3285:
I think the italian and English epidemiology figures are probably a bit out of date.
3386: 2507: 2454: 2376:
paper in Am J Med seems to suggest that while TC and LDL go up, LDL:HDL goes down.
1419: 601: 551: 3292:
I hope this is helpful. Simon McLaughlin, Research fellow and Gastroenterology SpR
followed by an optional one-sentence explanation, then sign your opinion with ~~~~
of coeliac patients. I don't think the paragraph needs to say any more than that.
It looks very very good. I'll add a few additional pearls over the next bit --
Didn't know you took the British exams? I'm due PACES myself in a month or two.
1416: 1318: 1028: 967: 850: 702: 582: 544: 209: 180: 136: 101: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
1572: 3118: 3044: 2837: 2749: 2662: 2543: 1578:
Dicke WK. Coeliakie. PhD thesis. The Netherlands: University of Utrecht, 1950.
1268: 1213: 1201: 1173: 1070:. I think a move would serve little purpose. By the way, it's also rendered 1013: 2628:
underreported in the Third World and also unfortunately much harder to treat.
Enzyme therapy, something to watch (when the human trials become available):
1641: 1182:
The closest to that, in my opinion, would be the World Health Organization. -
1095:; we don't move for British English/American English reasons except where it 333:
communion ("You can't take communion at all) and having that communion ruled
Marsh's classification of upper jejunal mucosal pathology in coeliac disease
2001: 652: 630: 383: 338: 311: 108: 3450: 3327: 3321: 2264: 2197: 2055:
all, wheat is by far the most common source of flour in the Western world.
1655: 1626: 1613: 1598: 1589: 2335: 1136: 472:
Green, P.H.R. & Jabri, B. Coeliac disease. Lancet, 2003, 362, 383-91
Várkonyi, A. & Falkay, G. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd, 1984, 132, 547-9
258: 2424:
I'm thinking of ditching a lot of information presently redundant with
International Statistical Classification of Diseases, to the new ICD10
832: 199:
article which needs a cleanup/out - less autism-specific for a start).
No rush. I've seen perfectly good articles fail FA over trivialties.
2123: 836: 530: 2512:
British and Italian epidemiology – have you got references for this.
Coeliac is spelling used by World Health Organization. (See below)
Agreed that anti-TNF therapy for celiac is still investigational:
3117: 2698:
10. To make a level 2 section on "grains" breaks with the general
1921: 1422:
making such a point, it could be used. But on your own it's not a
Celiac is the spelling used by the Canadian Celiac Association. --
Why not nominate it for GA status? Surely it will achieve that.
Would the fact that British people seem to be far more likely to
The phrase: "Diagnostic workup" – this isn't a medical textbook.
The above discussion is preserved as an archive of the debate.
1072: 892:
The following discussion is an archived debate of the proposal.
Why is "The role of other grains" inside "Signs and symptoms"?
are called gliadin, in rye secalin, and in barley, hordein.)
Yes! I'm unaware of the history of the small bowel biopsy --
25: 2826:
that could be a source of plain-English text, if appropriate.
Further to the above: there's a discussion about renaming at
has changed their spelling of this disease from the old ICD9
2338:. PACES looks challenging, unlike Canadian exams. Back to 1056:
by more than 3 to 1 (with lesser but similar propotions for
Korepanov, A.M. & Ivanov, G.I. Ter Arkh, 1987, 59, 65-8
I am a gastroenteorlogist with an interest in this disease.
NIH Consensus Development Conference on Celiac Disease 2004
1244:. (NB: if you can't find it, it may have been acrchived.) 1317:
Can we get a reference to one of these other disorders?
6. So we should duplicate information for this purpose?
It means that only gluten-free matzos can be consumed.
Celiac is spelling used by World Health Organization.
Nevermind, I see there is a discussion on this below.
3047:? Don't mention the fact that early reagents for the 1209: 1135:
Why do Americans have such an aversion to words with
1060:), the latter is by no means incorrect nor rare: the 2686:
4. I await further comment on the banana baby thing.
2604:Your elaborate comments are much welcomed. Cheers. 1569:
Biographical and Bibliographical data on Samuel Gee
1384:. Knowledge does not tell people what to think, so 96:topics to include, please post in the discussions. 2151:Like you said, a lot of things can be spun off to 1460:without which the article skews towards misery ! 1212:gives 12 results compared with 28 for "coeliac". 3214:This is from the middle of the history section. 3134:We've got the Marsh classification image cooking 1767:efforts, followed by a more educated revision? 1550:Expansion and sourcing: a list of useful sources 1208:. In addition, a Google search for "celiac" on 2931:, whose first draft looked very promising. -- 1973:helps shape the regulatory environment there. 3164:do a great job on Marsh's classification! -- 2334:. September 20-21, or as I like to call it, 407:Prader, A. Klin Wochenschr, 1981, 59, 977-84 8: 755:Bill G BA(Hons) Dr. Mus PGCE BSc(Hons)Psych 337:(what you did wasn't really the Eucharist). 1943:So American's ain't eatin' no bread, man? 1284:I think it's in the epidemiology section: 3093:Never heard of it. Could it be spurious? 2344:small bowel bacterial overgrowth syndrome 3051:were made from puréed human brain. Heh. 2572:I googled for various combinations of 1717:Disease associations and complications 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 2876:Great idea- even better peer review. 1823:Included. Some background reading is 7: 259: 2515:The history section is quite terse. 1483:Please also read "Raul's razor" on 2806:. I thought these went at the end? 2330:Wish I did, but I just forgot the 24: 2453:before officially sending it for 1860:We have a similar disease called 1760:"cures"/ vaccinations / therapies 1514:which are positive and helpful. 831:dear all, what is the status of 29: 3354:00:26, 25 September 2006 (UTC) 3340:00:24, 25 September 2006 (UTC) 3310:15:52, 21 September 2006 (UTC) 3231:15:52, 21 September 2006 (UTC) 3198:15:52, 21 September 2006 (UTC) 3174:11:52, 16 September 2006 (UTC) 3156:00:50, 14 September 2006 (UTC) 3104:15:52, 21 September 2006 (UTC) 3086:23:45, 13 September 2006 (UTC) 3062:15:52, 21 September 2006 (UTC) 3020:20:18, 12 September 2006 (UTC) 3001:20:15, 12 September 2006 (UTC) 2986:19:30, 12 September 2006 (UTC) 2941:07:52, 13 September 2006 (UTC) 2923:19:30, 12 September 2006 (UTC) 794:04:06, 23 September 2006 (UTC) 701:authority on things medical. 257:On 15 Jan I created a link to 1: 3506:23:47, 22 December 2006 (UTC) 3433:00:34, 24 February 2007 (UTC) 3183:I made a TTG picture for the 2967:10:31, 8 September 2006 (UTC) 2905:10:05, 8 September 2006 (UTC) 2881:22:11, 4 September 2006 (UTC) 2869:16:41, 4 September 2006 (UTC) 2844:12:58, 5 September 2006 (UTC) 2756:12:02, 5 September 2006 (UTC) 2729:10:08, 8 September 2006 (UTC) 2713:16:41, 4 September 2006 (UTC) 2669:13:45, 4 September 2006 (UTC) 2615:23:26, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2550:22:19, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2484:17:03, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2468:16:31, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2442:14:59, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2407:10:30, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2387:08:22, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2358:09:36, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2323:09:02, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2305:02:11, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2278:02:01, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2248:02:01, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2230:01:57, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2211:01:52, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2166:15:02, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2142:11:47, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2132:gluten-free, casein-free diet 2111:10:26, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2085:02:50, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2066:00:59, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 2016:09:32, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 1978:02:55, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 1752:16:31, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 1146:(Doctor with Coeliac Disease) 903:The result of the debate was 854:23:13, 22 February 2006 (UTC) 844:14:44, 22 February 2006 (UTC) 692:16:59, 28 February 2006 (UTC) 651:matzo meal can be consumed. 586:22:01, 22 November 2006 (UTC) 499:Gluten-free alone didn't it. 131:Religious controversy section 126:16:31, 3 September 2006 (UTC) 3481:01:15, 8 November 2006 (UTC) 3464:16:12, 7 November 2006 (UTC) 3408:16:12, 7 November 2006 (UTC) 3390:07:21, 3 November 2006 (UTC) 3378:22:43, 25 October 2006 (UTC) 2816:Other resources I've found: 2176:16:27, 12 October 2006 (UTC) 1286:Coeliac disease#Epidemiology 659:19:34, 17 January 2006 (UTC) 213:18:18, 13 January 2006 (UTC) 2047:21:58, 29 August 2006 (UTC) 1954:21:44, 28 August 2006 (UTC) 1929:07:10, 28 August 2006 (UTC) 1905:21:44, 28 August 2006 (UTC) 1880:06:11, 28 August 2006 (UTC) 1856:02:00, 27 August 2006 (UTC) 1838:22:51, 26 August 2006 (UTC) 1816:11:26, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 1797:11:22, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 1634:Epidemiology and genetics: 1415:Well, if you can provide a 1163:Add any additional comments 1068:spelled that way by the WHO 744:20:37, 29 August 2006 (UTC) 621:03:41, 1 January 2006 (UTC) 605:02:15, 1 January 2006 (UTC) 555:17:13, 5 October 2005 (UTC) 507:10:58, 13 August 2005 (UTC) 367:19:18, 10 August 2005 (UTC) 184:21:22, 8 January 2006 (UTC) 174:20:13, 6 January 2006 (UTC) 3523: 3069:Celiac and esophageal webs 1864::) The ligature fell off 1251:08:26, 14 March 2007 (UTC) 1220:11:27, 11 March 2006 (UTC) 1187:05:41, 11 March 2006 (UTC) 1144:08:31, 20 March 2006 (UTC) 1128:17:46, 12 March 2006 (UTC) 1107:17:25, 12 March 2006 (UTC) 1088:03:36, 12 March 2006 (UTC) 1032:20:11, 11 March 2006 (UTC) 1010:Disputes over style issues 929:10:25, 13 March 2006 (UTC) 115:Almost two years later... 2824:article on celiac disease 2646:"information" in a sense. 1734:09:47, 21 June 2006 (UTC) 1709:06:53, 26 July 2006 (UTC) 1687:22:31, 19 June 2006 (UTC) 1543:23:38, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 1498:22:24, 15 June 2006 (UTC) 1434:00:31, 15 June 2006 (UTC) 1396:00:04, 15 June 2006 (UTC) 1352:23:38, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 1063:Oxford English Dictionary 1020:13:05, 9 March 2006 (UTC) 1012:and reverse the example. 1001:17:07, 8 March 2006 (UTC) 983:16:36, 8 March 2006 (UTC) 971:14:26, 8 March 2006 (UTC) 885:18:53, 7 March 2006 (UTC) 733:00:07, 7 March 2006 (UTC) 717:15:30, 5 March 2006 (UTC) 706:02:30, 1 March 2006 (UTC) 293:06:06, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC) 265:18:51, 15 Mar 2005 (UTC) 3368:Time for another go? -- 3138:Dermatitis herpetiformis 1642:10.1177/0272989X06289012 1487:and see what you think. 1382:Dermatitis herpetiformis 1322:00:05, 24 May 2006 (UTC) 1300:05:12, 17 May 2006 (UTC) 1229:Please do not modify it. 1066:lists it as such and is 895:Please do not modify it. 571:allergies/intolerances). 344:6 July 2005 20:35 (UTC) 317:6 July 2005 18:01 (UTC) 279:06:38, 16 Mar 2005 (UTC) 153:10:43, 10 Oct 2004 (UTC) 139:16:48, 6 Oct 2004 (UTC) 3187:page. Will include it. 3185:tissue transglutaminase 3162:User:WikipedianProlific 2763:Medical manual of style 1776:Referencing and junking 822:07:25, 9 May 2007 (UTC) 813:07:22, 9 May 2007 (UTC) 533:article, which states: 248:13:50, 2 Dec 2004 (UTC) 190:Add a research section? 111:00:47, 7 Dec 2004 (UTC) 3123: 1372: 1257:A section on genetics? 1058:celiac/coeliac disease 773:) 2006-09-23T12:14:25. 353:re:"thanks" GF pizza 3121: 2951:Anti-gliadin antibody 2695:9. I'll replace that. 1424:neutral point of view 1365: 1360:Here's the paragraph: 1267:comment was added by 761:comment was added by 576:(?hordeins) and rye. 529:This contradicts the 519:This article states: 99:Stephen Holland, M.D. 42:of past discussions. 3146:The TTG picture? -- 2889:Marsh classification 2851:External peer review 2822:A non-copyright NIH 2792:Prevention/Screening 2287:abetalipoproteinemia 1629:(genome-wide screen) 1601:- coeliac neuropathy 1592:- risk of malignancy 1049:online do outnumber 515:Terminology problems 382:I added the hint to 18:Talk:Coeliac disease 2574:"banana bab" celiac 1668:(systematic review) 1347:T@lk</small: --> 849:It is gluten free. 3124: 2929:WikipedianProlific 2769:I've reviewed the 2032:Rye and barley too 1306:false positive IgG 1204:. The latter uses 1114:. If something is 1099:country-specific. 1078:E Pluribus Anthony 864:From the article: 543:Please discuss on 204:13 Jan 2006 (UTC) 3510: 3503: 3492: 3485: 3478: 3467: 3461: 3444: 3437: 3411: 3405: 3394: 3381: 3375: 3365: 3358: 3351: 3337: 3313: 3307: 3296: 3250: 3242: 3235: 3228: 3216: 3208: 3205:Sentence correct? 3201: 3195: 3180: 3171: 3153: 3130: 3125: 3115: 3108: 3101: 3089: 3083: 3072: 3065: 3059: 3040: 3028: 3007: 2990: 2983: 2970: 2964: 2954: 2947: 2938: 2920: 2908: 2902: 2892: 2885: 2872: 2866: 2854: 2847: 2834: 2818: 2809: 2775: 2766: 2759: 2740: 2733: 2726: 2710: 2677: 2619: 2612: 2553: 2540: 2502: 2497: 2490: 2482: 2465: 2445: 2439: 2418: 2411: 2405: 2390: 2384: 2369: 2362: 2356: 2346:; have a peek -- 2326: 2320: 2309: 2303: 2281: 2275: 2258: 2251: 2245: 2234: 2228: 2214: 2208: 2186: 2179: 2163: 2148: 2115: 2108: 2091: 2070: 2063: 2050: 2035: 2028: 2014: 1988: 1962: 1951: 1935: 1913: 1902: 1886: 1878: 1853: 1841: 1835: 1820: 1814: 1800: 1794: 1779: 1772: 1763: 1756: 1749: 1737: 1732: 1720: 1713: 1706: 1690: 1684: 1673: 1662:very broad review 1558: 1553: 1546: 1540: 1526: 1519: 1502: 1495: 1468: 1438: 1411: 1402: 1373: 1363: 1354: 1348: 1298: 1280: 998: 873:few weeks after. 827:status of millets 774: 730: 618: 277: 246: 151: 123: 85: 84: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 3514: 3501: 3493: 3486: 3476: 3468: 3459: 3445: 3438: 3430: 3422: 3412: 3403: 3395: 3382: 3373: 3366: 3359: 3349: 3335: 3314: 3305: 3297: 3251: 3243: 3236: 3226: 3217: 3209: 3202: 3193: 3181: 3169: 3151: 3131: 3126: 3116: 3109: 3099: 3090: 3081: 3073: 3066: 3057: 3049:prothrombin time 3041: 3029: 3008: 2991: 2981: 2971: 2962: 2955: 2948: 2936: 2918: 2909: 2900: 2893: 2886: 2873: 2864: 2855: 2848: 2835: 2819: 2810: 2776: 2767: 2760: 2741: 2734: 2724: 2708: 2678: 2620: 2610: 2554: 2541: 2503: 2498: 2494:Some suggestions 2491: 2478: 2463: 2446: 2437: 2426:gluten-free diet 2419: 2412: 2401: 2391: 2382: 2370: 2363: 2352: 2327: 2318: 2310: 2299: 2282: 2273: 2259: 2252: 2243: 2235: 2224: 2215: 2206: 2187: 2180: 2161: 2153:gluten-free diet 2149: 2116: 2106: 2092: 2071: 2061: 2051: 2036: 2029: 2010: 1989: 1963: 1949: 1936: 1914: 1900: 1887: 1874: 1851: 1842: 1833: 1821: 1810: 1801: 1792: 1780: 1773: 1764: 1757: 1747: 1738: 1728: 1721: 1714: 1704: 1691: 1682: 1674: 1649:Recent reviews: 1573:Whonamedit entry 1559: 1554: 1547: 1538: 1527: 1520: 1503: 1493: 1469: 1439: 1412: 1403: 1374: 1364: 1357: 1350: 1346: 1294: 1262: 1231: 996: 921: 916: 911: 897: 756: 728: 616: 275: 244: 149: 121: 63: 56: 55: 33: 32: 26: 3522: 3521: 3517: 3516: 3515: 3513: 3512: 3511: 3443: 3428: 3420: 3364: 3241: 3239:External review 3207: 3114: 3071: 2953: 2891: 2853: 2765: 2739: 2586:underpopulated. 2496: 2417: 2415:Quality of life 2368: 2257: 2185: 2034: 1778: 1762: 1719: 1666:Use of serology 1552: 1525: 1420:reliable source 1330: 1308: 1263:—The preceding 1259: 1236: 1227: 1206:Coeliac disease 1159: 945: 936: 919: 914: 909: 893: 862: 829: 783:manual of style 779:coeliac disease 757:—The preceding 669: 667:Coeliac disease 645:matzo ball soup 594: 517: 377: 355: 308: 286: 255: 232:Roger Scrafford 220: 192: 133: 90: 59: 30: 22: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 3520: 3518: 3509: 3508: 3488: 3484: 3483: 3442: 3439: 3436: 3435: 3393: 3392: 3363: 3360: 3357: 3356: 3342: 3295: 3294: 3289: 3288: 3287: 3282: 3281: 3280: 3274: 3263: 3240: 3237: 3234: 3233: 3206: 3203: 3179: 3178: 3177: 3176: 3144: 3141: 3135: 3113: 3110: 3107: 3106: 3070: 3067: 3039: 3038: 3037: 3036: 3027: 3026: 3025: 3024: 3023: 3022: 3006: 3005: 3004: 3003: 2989: 2988: 2952: 2949: 2946: 2945: 2944: 2943: 2890: 2887: 2884: 2883: 2852: 2849: 2833: 2832: 2827: 2808: 2807: 2804:External links 2801: 2795: 2789: 2783: 2764: 2761: 2738: 2735: 2732: 2731: 2717: 2716: 2715: 2696: 2693: 2690: 2687: 2684: 2676: 2675: 2674: 2673: 2672: 2671: 2659: 2655: 2651: 2647: 2643: 2639: 2633: 2629: 2618: 2617: 2602: 2601: 2600: 2597: 2594: 2590: 2587: 2583: 2579: 2578: 2577: 2567: 2564: 2561: 2539: 2538: 2535: 2532: 2529: 2526: 2522: 2519: 2516: 2513: 2510: 2495: 2492: 2489: 2488: 2487: 2486: 2416: 2413: 2410: 2409: 2367: 2364: 2361: 2360: 2342:, I just made 2340:celiac disease 2308: 2307: 2256: 2253: 2233: 2232: 2184: 2181: 2147: 2146: 2145: 2144: 2135: 2127: 2114: 2113: 2097: 2090: 2089: 2088: 2087: 2069: 2068: 2033: 2030: 2027: 2026: 2025: 2024: 2023: 2022: 2021: 2020: 2019: 2018: 1987: 1986: 1985: 1984: 1983: 1982: 1981: 1980: 1961: 1960: 1959: 1958: 1957: 1956: 1934: 1933: 1932: 1931: 1912: 1911: 1910: 1909: 1908: 1907: 1885: 1884: 1883: 1882: 1862:celiac disease 1819: 1818: 1777: 1774: 1761: 1758: 1755: 1754: 1718: 1715: 1712: 1711: 1672: 1671: 1670: 1669: 1663: 1647: 1646: 1645: 1632: 1631: 1630: 1618: 1617: 1616: 1604: 1603: 1602: 1593: 1581: 1580: 1579: 1576: 1566: 1551: 1548: 1524: 1521: 1501: 1500: 1481: 1474: 1437: 1436: 1401: 1400: 1399: 1398: 1362: 1361: 1356: 1355: 1329: 1326: 1325: 1324: 1307: 1304: 1303: 1302: 1258: 1255: 1254: 1253: 1235: 1234: 1190: 1189: 1184: 1166: 1165: 1158: 1155: 1154: 1153: 1147: 1130: 1109: 1090: 1034: 1022: 1003: 985: 980:Nikolaus maack 973: 960: 959: 944: 941: 935: 934:Requested move 932: 901: 900: 888: 882:Nikolaus maack 861: 858: 857: 856: 828: 825: 736: 735: 709: 708: 697: 696: 695: 694: 677: 676: 668: 665: 664: 663: 662: 661: 638: 637: 636: 635: 624: 623: 593: 590: 589: 588: 573: 572: 565: 562: 561: 541: 540: 527: 526: 516: 513: 502:Best regards. 496: 495: 491: 488: 485: 481: 477: 473: 470: 467: 463: 460: 457: 453: 450: 447: 444: 441: 438: 435: 432: 429: 426: 423: 420: 417: 414: 411: 408: 405: 402: 399: 376: 373: 371: 354: 351: 347: 327:after the fact 325:ruled invalid 307: 304: 285: 282: 281: 280: 254: 251: 250: 249: 233: 231: 219: 216: 191: 188: 187: 186: 155: 154: 132: 129: 113: 112: 100: 89: 86: 83: 82: 77: 74: 69: 64: 52: 51: 34: 23: 15: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3519: 3507: 3504: 3500: 3495: 3494: 3491: 3482: 3479: 3475: 3470: 3469: 3466: 3465: 3462: 3456: 3452: 3449: 3440: 3434: 3431: 3426: 3423: 3418: 3414: 3413: 3410: 3409: 3406: 3400: 3391: 3388: 3384: 3383: 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Talk:Coeliac disease
current talk page
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16:31, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
20:13, 6 January 2006 (UTC)
21:22, 8 January 2006 (UTC)
18:18, 13 January 2006 (UTC)

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