
Talk:Sport in Australia

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what is going on. The Australian government spends hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to collect these statistics. It's worth searching for 'sport in australia participation numbers' to see that they are the best around. Currently the figures in wikipedia are misleading. The 57.4% of the population refers to people who have said they walked for exercise in the past year. The New Zealand sports page and other sports pages include participation numbers as they should. Amusingly also the article has actually had a figure for walking for women for years but somehow this is OK. Also for anyone looking to vote on this issue please note how HiLo48 keeps raising that allegedly mothers make their sons play soccer and that he has been involved in a sport in Australia for decades and that he has fought a long battle to stop soccer in Australia being referred to as football as the Australian Sports Commission does. It looks like the sport he is involved with is not soccer and he has something against soccer. Modern figures seem to show that soccer is the most played team sport in Australia. It looks like it may be that his various arguments against accurate numbers are really just an attempt to avoid that fact being included in wikipedia.
of the survey and asked him which tables should be included. There are no answers. Merely a repeated recalcitrant refusal to including the best figures available. There was an extensive attempt for mediated discussion on this issue as well. There HiLo48 said that the problem was that people frequently use this page to push for a particular sport and exaggerate the importance, this being something older Australians used to argue about. It appears this is HiLo48's problem also. It's also worth noting that HiLo48 does not seem to actually care about the numbers that are there. At no point in the years of the Cricket Australia figures being including has he wished to alter those. He complains about the walking figures from Ausplay and again, for years has ignored the walking figures in the article.
1676:. One thing that is easily definable and that is put in their method is 'did you pay for it through some organisation'. They then have this listed on page 16 of their results. This is clearly defined. The people who collect this data are clearly pretty serious about the numbers. Given that quite a large proportion of Australians participate in sport rather than just sit and watch it the perticipation section's small size and poor numbers downplay its significance. Particularly when there is a high quality data set like the Ausplay numbers out there. The fact that Roy Morgan's number correlate reasonably well also backs it all up. It's also worth noting that most of the sports that have pages have their own numbers that seem to be worse than the Ausplay ones. 3160:
good data? I'm sorry, I don't have mates on wikipedia to back me up. Nick T is also involved in reverting edits where people have written 'football' for soccer. Another approach woud be to include just the second two tables. Unfortunately that would drop walking out as a form of exercises, which would be less than ideal. If you folks actually cared about the numbers in this article why haven't they been improved for years? Laughable claims like Melbourne being 'The sporting capital of the world' are included. And with other figures, the figures for AFL, for instance, are actually higher in the article than those obtained by the Survey. And yet they have been there for years.
Knowledge, correct interpretation of statistics and the following of Knowledge policy. The numbers in the survey you seem so enamoured of are no doubt fine for the purpose for which they were compiled, which according to the information on that site is an agenda to encourage further involvement in physical activity. A laudable aim no doubt, but irrelevent to the usage proposed here. Exactly what questions were asked in the survey are entirely germaine to the uses to which the stats can be put. In this case, are you seriously trying to suggest that someone who has only done an activity
shifts to attend daily mosque and plays in several weekly leagues to keep fit are both going to tick the same participation box. A reasonable assumption is that outliers are few, and most respondents would be somewhere in the middle. Unless in a professional league, most participants in any given sport would play on a weekly basis for a limited season, is my guess, because I see the local sportsgrounds active on weekends and sometimes evenings under lights, and idle during a weekday, unless it's a school oval when the reverse pattern applies. You seem to be pushing the notion that
ABS ones. In addition there is no disclaimer about the accuracy of the figures. When I saw this article I was very interested to see the cricket figures and thought that Big Bash and immigration might have caused a big spike in cricket players. However, a quick bit of searching showed this is just not the case according to figures obtained by Ausplay and Roy Morgan, neither of whom are likely to pushing sport X or Y. Comparative figures from independent bodies that are reasonably close are better quality than the numbers that are there now.
421: 3239:, you are arguing over multiple things. Firstly, you are arguing the merits of your proposed new tables. That's all that should be happening here, and some people disagree on their merit. It's right to allow discussion to continue on that, preferably getting other people to the discussion. Secondly, you are also arguing that some existing content is poor. That's an entirely separate matter, and not part of this RFC. You are just confusing things by bringing the matter up. Thirdly, you also want to argue about the name " 3326:
does. The third table would appear to contain items that are more clearly sports. The second has gyms and yoga in them but mostly matches competitive sport and has tougher criteria for participation. The first table matches the content of the current data in the article and is an update which is why it seemed appropriate. Including these tables but removing certain items would seem to be taking licence with the source material. As for the issue of Ausplay being biased toward sport it is worth looking at their summary
278: 4432:, no I am not, I have never said that at all. What I have said is that we cannot possibly know anything about types of participants in the activities based on the data of this survey because the inclusion criterias is so low. No meaninngful conclusion can be drawn from such data, at the very least it would need to have asked how often the respondants participated in the activities and then we might have some figures on which we could use statistical analysis, but instead all we have is a binary question. Useless. - 3852:
and love. But it also contains data on sports in Australia from a good source. If we are writing an article about sport in Australia, rather than a list of organised sports, then the individual sports in themselves are not important. Whether football has a higher participation rate than cricket is not the plus or minus that supporters or detractors of those particular games might imagine. We're looking for the role of sport in Australian society and hey-ho, here are some good figures on that very thing. --
888: 1369:
collecting data of this kind that trying to publish precise figures is just little too ambitious. Definitions are a big problem. For example, does playing a sport at school count as participation? Does going bushwalking as a school Outdoor Education activity count as participation? Does backyard cricket count? These numbers are also used by proponents of various sports to promote those sports. Accuracy is not a goal of such people.
574: 806: 292: 375: 251: 5750:"Popular" is an ambiguous word. Popularity can be measured by number(s) of active participants, or attendance at competitions, or TV viewership, or in many other ways. The one significant difference between cricket and Australian rules football is that the former is equally popular all over the country, while the latter is only very popular among around half the population on a geographic basis. See 2946:- Highly respectable organization for sourcing. I thought maybe these type of stats might be in a "Health in Australia" or "Fitness in Australia" article, but I didn't see any of these types of articles. As long as readers know where these stats came from, these charts should be included under the participation section or perhaps a subsection entitles "Survey of Australian sports participation." 302: 399: 479: 461: 271: 220: 489: 440: 2858:
are being made with a particular agenda, which is to encourage people to participate. Not a bad agenda, but the survey cannot be considered any sort of dispassionate attempt to understand the actual participation rates. From what it says, it appears that the survey consideres a person to be a particiant in a given activity if they have done it
says, the number quoted for walking is utter nonsense, unless it is given a whole lot more context than is visible, making the whole table unreliable for Knowledge use. These figures were not compiled for the purpose for which it is proposed to use them here. To use them in the manner proposed is a gross mis-use of the statistics. -
information is not required and we're not going to get that. Useful comparative information from independent bodies like Roy Morgan and the Australian Sports Commission is good to have. I came to this page for this information and was surprised enough to go and check and found what I'd thought to be the case was widely reported.
Of course, none of these figures are authoritative but they are useful. However, the article contains outdated figures in the first paragraph, single figures from sports promotions bodies including the very dubious cricket figures and fails to show how any of these are related except for the outdated
Can you see that when questions are answered and new questions are raised it seems that there is a double standard here compared to the material already in the article? Given that you have repeatedly removed information from the article the questions becomes why do you apply one standard to this new
Pete, not all distributions are normal distributions, without access to information beyond that obtained from the simple yes/no question it is impossible to say anything about how many of the responses were of the once a year type or the regular participants. The distribution could just as easily be
suggests we all should. Anyway, this isn't about soccer. I didn't raise that matter in this thread. It has only been raised by editors choosing to attack others. As for them being government figures, it's quite amusing to see you placing so much trust in the government. Please discuss the topic, and
Just because activity data has been in the article for years does not mean it should stay. This article was for many years not an article at all but a portal of links to other articles. Yes there is a point to be made about participation, but when the data highlights off-topic elements perhaps prose
OK, apologies for getting annoyed. It is a bit odd that figures for walking, riding and skateboarding have been in the article for years and yet no-one has removed them. The proposed tables are an update of these figures as the ABS no longer collects them and instead The Australian Sports Commission
Any table with an obvious gap in it is unacceptable. Can you please bring anything you would like to add to this Talk page before actually adding to the article. By that I mean actually putting the table here first, not just talking about it. My personal view is that there are so many problems with
This post is entirely off topic. All you are talking about here is other editors, you should be talking about content, in particular the RFC question. If you don't have any response to the substantive questions about the content relating to the RFC that's fine, just don't keep trying to make this
As well as at least that much explanation, you definitely need a better heading. No reader, no matter how interested, should have to work out what our content means. Can you not see that there is a reason I and others have been asking so many questions here? Readers must never be forced to do their
that has been repeatedly linked have a look at page 4. See the question: "In the last 12 months, did you do any of this through an organisation – like a club or a gym; or at a venue – like a pool or an oval?" which is summarised as I did in the table. This information can easily precede the tables.
For example, in discussing the reasons given by editors for their !votes. That is a system that works well. !votes in one section, with concise reasons, and discussion in the following section, where we can examine various questions raised. For example, whether the figures are too precise, a matter
participation-type question like this - playing a sport, driving a car, going to church - respondents can only give a binary answer. Outliers such as the little old lady who only drives once a year - to umpire the annual church picnic cricket match - and the taxi-driver interrupting his twelve-hour
In the article in the section on participation as in many places in wikipedia, a group of related numbers are presented in table. The source material is in a table. There is also a survey from Roy Morgan that is also in a table. The New Zealand page on sport includes information on participation in
Rather a big gap in your logic above. If you think I've made a comment about you and football, please explain. But that's immaterial. This article is about sport in Australia, and the data is pertinent. Yes, it contains data on pastimes such as walking - presumably not the Olympic sport we all know
The issue Pete, is that there is no discrimination in the way the figures are compiled. For an activity like, say bushwalking, then maybe once a year could be reasonably said to be participation. However, in an organised team sport once a year is not really perticipation at all, is it? As HiLo48
territory. My comments were only about the proposed content, yet you make a point of discussing my editing history, which is entirely non-sequitur and about which your comments should be struck. None of your reply addresses the issue I raise. Instead you talk about things that have nothing to do
This must have been written by someone else then "Soccer is well known for having high levels of junior participation (it is alleged mothers prefer it to "rougher" forms of football), which drops off dramatically at adult levels.". Note also that I've repeatedly asked HiLo48 to read the methodology
There is no information contained on the Ausplay web site about the methodology used in the survey, the number of respondents and other information in order to form an opinion about the reliability of the data. What does pass for editorial content on that site makes it quite clear that the reports
Far too much precision is implied by the numbers in the tables, suggesting an accuracy that cannot possibly exist. The activities obviously require clearer definition too. Using the very first entry as an example, what on earth does "Walking" mean? Does 57.4% of the population never walk? Don't say
reference to the MoS, which turned out to be something else. I refer to football in discussion by its official name, as I think that having a global name for the sport is less confusing than calling other - regional - sports by the same name. The topic for discussion is the inclusion of government
I'm not arguing about precision, I'm arguing about accuracy. Perhaps you should read the article you linked to. No matter how precise these figures are expressed it does nothing about the undelying problem that the survey does not discriminate between very casual particpants and regular ones, so
Well, no. Because it remains off-topic. Please refer to my initial response. Use prose (and linked references) first instead of tables. Tabulation is lazy editting. Ask yourself what is the point you are trying to make in including these tables (or their predeccessors) and why tabulated data is so
Sad to read some of the comments above and be aware that their opposition to the inclusion of well-sourced data is because they don't want any sport other than their preferred addiction to be given a higher preference. Doubtless these same folk vote for the same political party every election, eat
Apologies for raising the issues of football and soccer, something I really don't care about but was curious to see was something that had been edited by people with opinions on better participation data who hadn't edited the current data in years. With the quote about Melbourne being the sporting
The ABS figures that are included on the page are the precursor to the survey. The Ausplay site literally includes this information. The walking figure doesn't seem to have bothered anyone. Why haven't they been removed for years? Again, are the figures obtained by 'Cricket Australia' likely to be
I have not mentioned soccer in this discussion, but since you have... Do you really believe that around one in 15 Australian adults play soccer? Remember, "adults" includes everyone over, what, 15? So it includes people over 80, women, men, the disabled, etc..... Soccer is not at all popular in my
Figures on the population of countries, the actual size of a country, their GDPs, people's wages, The Gini Coefficient, vegetarianism and many other things are all approximations. Please start to attempt removing them if you object to them all. They are very useful. They give people a good idea of
The page has poor or outdated statistics that include higher alleged precision currently. The Ausplay stats are the best available. Knowledge generally has good approximate statistics, for instance on GDP, GDP at PPP, percent of population that is vegetarian, vegan and many other things. The sport
There is no indication as to how cricket Australia addresses these issues. Also, I did address you concerns in saying 'the Australian sports commission has a lot of information there. If you go and look at their link you can see their survey has a load of tables about juniors and whatnot. Perfect
words, unaltered by me, HiLo. If you are unable to explain the contradiction, may I ask why? Is it about face? I ask because your !vote in the survey above is supported by the first quote, and if you have now changed your position, perhaps you should also change your !vote, lest you inadvertantly
I dunno. If you only get one root a year, are you sexually active? Ah, rhetorical question there, Nick. Are you saying that any of the listed activities are preferentially affected? Surely there would be a bell curve of participation. Some would be occasional players, some would be addicted, most
addressed the point. This is a government survey, and you haven't produced any external criticism of their methodology. The reason you give for your !vote is that you don't know if it's reliable or not. So, it's just your opinion, and last time I looked, Knowledge wasn't a democracy and works on
Tabulated data is commonplace throughout Knowledge. We could make a bar graph, I suppose, to present the information in a more visual format. If we were to summarise or otherwise manipulate the figures, then this would be original research, unless we found some reliable source that presented the
Perhaps I don't need to follow that link. I never try to blur the edges with references. It's directly relevant or I don't use it at all. My opinion has not changed. I did not !vote above and now will not. What has changed is my opinion of my opinion. I do not care enough to fight anyone on the
I guess that includes me as the "other" editor. Sorry, Pete. I don't hate football, or soccer or any other form of football I just don't care about them. I'm an equal oportunity football dismisser. I dont care about pretty much any sport. What I do care about is accurate language usage on
in the preceding year. This can hardly be used as any sort of reasonable measure of participations and will inflate the figures well beyond their usefulness and says nothing about the actual participation rates. That fact alone renders this whole collection of data meaningless as a source of
Secondly, participation is notoriously difficult to measure, and inevitably misleading. Should we include all ages? If so, what does that prove? Soccer is well known for having high levels of junior participation (it is alleged mothers prefer it to "rougher" forms of football), which drops off
Thanks, Nick! Two points: 1. It's a different survey. Do you have anything for this one, the subject of discussion here? 2. If it's a precursor and it's been criticised, then why would you conclude that Ausplay would take no notice of pertinent criticism? I mean, if someone takes the time to
Of course it is commonplace. That does not alter anything that I just typed. The prefered method of conveying information on wikipedia is still prose. It is not original research if you provide a link. You can make individual points about the data without dumping all of it into a table here.
in the previous twelve months. This is fine for the purposes for which the survey was conducted, but to try and use that data say anything about actual participation in sport is pure synthesis. The quoted figures simply do not do that. You are using statistics compiled for one purpose for
3976:, which directs us to include all views so as to give a balanced presentation, rather than including bias because we think our readers don't need all points of view. We expect incomplete data and spin from politicians, not folk like ourselves, beavering away on a compendium of knowledge. -- 3754:
You are both battling the pink on this. If you can find a reliable source making some strong criticisms of these figures, then fine. Otherwise you are attempting to insert your own research into Knowledge for reasons unknown. The bottom line is that we have good government-sourced data on
Pete. This is your first and last warning. The facts have already been provided, there is no data about the respondants to draw any conclusions about them. Just because a survey was conduscted by a government agency does not lend it any credibility if the stated methodolgy is flawed. -
Morning Herald. So, back to the actual topic - two editors have now drawn attention to problems they see with your proposed tables. I suggest you stick to doing nothing but addressing precisely those concerns, rather than heading off on irrelevant tangents, and attacking other editors.
When there are disagreements about content, referring to other editors is not always a personal attack. A posting that says "Your statement about X is wrong because of information at Y", or "The paragraph you inserted into the article looks like original research", is not a personal
The survey is straightforward. Anyone who participated in a sport is counted as a participant. You haven't provided any evidence that the data is flawed in any way, but you have waved your hands around a lot. How many times must I ask you for evidence that the study is flawed that
3251:. It is a pretty clear guideline. Attacking people for following it is fairly pointless, and won't help your case here. Fourthly, as for Melbourne being seen as the sporting capital of the world, that's also way off topic, and seems to be very well sourced in the article to the 2805:
Please !vote ‘’’Yes’’’ or ‘’’Include’’’ to include the tables. Please !vote ‘’’No’’’ or ‘’’Exclude’’’ to exclude the tables. A brief supporting statement is requested. Please do not reply to other statements or provide lengthy discussion. Do that in the Discussion section
OK, taking back the indent level. The table I've included first here just asks 'did you do the activity in the past year'. They also have another table that asks did you do it through an organisation. Both should be included. Are you actually having a look at the references?
on whether the tables, in their proposed form, should be added to or excluded from the article. Editors supporting inclusion argued that the data was reliably sourced, while editors opposing inclusion questioned the methodology of the survey from which the data was derived.
I'm reasonably familiar with the MoS, but I wasn't aware that football - the official name of the global sport - was mentioned. Then again I wasn't aware that snooker and pool were quite so heavily defined, so I'm open to your illumination. Do you have a reference, please?
An impartial observer might wonder that if some sport other than football - say, Aussie Rules - had a higher profile in these numbers then the two NO voices might suddenly be enthusiastically YES !votes. This is what I mean when I talk about agendas and Trumpian tactics.
dramatically at adult levels. How does one represent that in a national article covering all sport? We know that sports use such figures to demonstrate their success, and figures must depend on numbers reported by individual sports. Quite simply, I wouldn't trust them.
These statistics seem to be broadly studies of activity, rather than sport, so they are of only oblique interest to this article. Taking a walk is not a sport. Going to the gym is not sport. Yoga is not a sport. It is physical activity. The two terms are not
Nothing personal. I was thinking project-wide, rather than this particular thread. If someone rejects good, well-sourced encyclopaedic information, I think they should need more reason than "I just don't like it" and some spurious Trumpian red herrings.
content and a different one to the participation data already in the article? You object to walking in the table and yet haven't cared about walking in the article despite editing it repeatedly over the years during which it has contained walking.
of the numbers, the other wonders about the methodology. This is a government survey and we have their data. If there is any hard evidence that the figures are wrong, present it; don't throw mud just because you don't like the numbers they came up
capital of the world the issue is that there isn't one and that the term is marketing spin. No city in the world has a representative in all the world's most viewed or played sports at the highest level. Sport is regional everywhere. This
Nice try. Next time read the link before commenting. The article was about the inherent inccuracies of all such surveys and used the ERASS survey simply as an example. I'm done here, unless you can come up with something substantive. -
page 15), I note that "Football", "Australian football", "Rugby league" and "Rugby union" are the terms used officially. Perhaps it is time for Knowledge to synch up with the real world, where confusion does not seem to be a problem?
Furthermore, even if the data has a normal distribution, so what? The inclusion criteria are still "at least once in the last twelve months", so the figures are meaningless with regard to actual participation in organised sports. -
used. As a summary some 20 000 Australians were asked about their sport and fitness activities. All this information should preface the tables. This would appear to be about the best possible way to say where survey data comes from.
5239:(my emphasis). The authors plan to review the Ausplay data similarly, but there is no reason to assume that there will be any significant difference. This speaks directly to the accuracy/reliability of this sort of survey data. - 3787:
Why not take your own advice, Nick? See my comments above about bellcurves. And where is a reliable source making the points you seem to want to use as a basis for inclusion? Just waving your editor hands about doesn't help much.
in the Knowledge sense has a very different and far wider meaning. If you don't understand this, then perhaps you shouldn't be editing Knowledge at all. Your response above indicates ignorance of a cornerstone of this project.
Your argument makes no logical sense. At best, it's synthetic. At worst, it is sophistry. Given your long anti-football crusade stretching back years, I'm not quite so accepting of your bona fides as I once might have been.
This is an argument for the deletion of existing tables as much as it is for replacing them. More so really if the accuracy of the application of those statistics, and the accuracy of gathering the statistics is seriously in
an approximation) that cannot possibly exist. That means they are not very good figures, so we should not include them, no matter what happens with other numbers in other articles. Does 57.4% of the population never walk?
Pete, OK, I'll play. What is the arithmetihmetic mean, the variance and standard deviation? Does the data even have a normal distribution? If you cannot answer these questions then talk about Bell curves is just waffle. -
601: 153: 3993:
If the statistics compilation has already been performed by someone else, pointing out one fact in isolation does not constitute original research. The research has already been performed by the author of the study.
Knowledge generally has good approximate statistics, for instance on GDP, GDP at PPP, percent of population that is vegetarian, vegan and many other things. The sport page should at least have something of similar
a bi-nomial distribution with clusters at the once a year end and another at once a week. The fact is we just don't know and the surveys are conducted in such a manner that we cannot know. Any suggestions such as
The Australian Sports Commission survey has heaps of information as does the Roy Morgan Survey. Would it be worth having a table of participants from each as is done with the useful attendance figures here?
its accuracy is unknown. All the assumptions you have made about this are original research for the plain and simple reason that nothing has been recorded in the survey in order to make such comclusions. -
The advantage with Roy Morgan and the Ausralian Sports commission is that they are not interested in pushing any sport in particular. They are asking a statistically representative group of people what they
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I think baseball should be at the top of every ranking of sports codes, but do you see me complaining here because it does not have the prominence I think it should? Well, I suppose you do, but I digress.
The only voices raised in opposition are two editors renowned for their anti-football views. Surprise, surprise, this data puts football ahead of other sports, something that we've known about for years.
This is clearly not the place to discuss THAT off-topic digression. Anyway, with that logic, how can you support inclusion of these (government produced) tables, which call one of the football codes "
That's not the most stupid thing I've ever heard, Nick, but it comes pretty close. You want to reject a government survey because you have no way of knowing if it's nonsense or not. If you have any
the data. Not our reader, who doesn't know what has been deliberately excluded. It must therefore be the editor(s), and whatever criteria they use for omitting data is going to be their own choice.
readers can follow links. They should not need to, and most never will anyway. The figures are therefore going to be very misleading. This is not the only problem, but the lead sentence here says "
Firstly, that single post from you just there does not constitute discussion. You should not have re-added any content until some sort of consensus had developed here. That is bad faith editing.
accuracy? The population figures are given to two decimal places, but that's in millions. Every digit of precision is ten thousand people. That's pretty blocky. That's bigger than the towns of
768: 1576:
Can you see the problem yet with your own uncertainty about the various sets of numbers that are available? We need quality in this encyclopaedia. it's very hard to get for these figures.
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the topic. Activity has shrunk to misrepresentation and insults from you, and responding to them. Not productive. I will only comment again to defend myself, hoping that isn't necessary.
5823: 3330:
on children and it's clear that the worry is that sport and exercise by children and adults is decreasing. But perhaps the first table shouldn't be included but the second two should?
702: 3485:" That's it. Nothing more. Nothing about the voting habits of other editors, or their sports preferences. or my love for muesli. Let's just all stick to that quite simple topic, eh? 1642:
figures? I am not defending anything there already either. It could well be old and/or biased, and should be removed if it is. We just don't need more meaningless numbers added.
tables. FWIW one of the main things I use wikipedia for is looking up various numbers which are almost always contained in tables and are certainly most useful when they are.
147: 5793: 655: 389: 5441:". What on earth does that mean? Does this mean how many people Cricket Australia claims play cricket? Similar for the other sports. If so, that's completely unreliable. 4147:
As I was quoting someone elses use of terminology, altering it could have altered the meaning. It was not clear to me which code was intended. So I reject your critique
Yet again, wayyyyy off topic. There is no coherent discussion happening here on the subject of the RFC, and an awful lot on other things. This will all achieve nothing.
That doesn't seem right. Who pays to go walking, cycling and bush walking? I do a lot of two of those activities. No idea how anyone could ever count my participation.
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is arguing about precision. He seems to be mightily confused, making a complete about face, but I guess we'll sort that out, probably intertwangled with this thread.
that it's invalid, then put it forward. I've asked you this before, and all you've done is reach inside your own head to say you don't like it. Some facts, please. --
that it's invalid, then put it forward. I've asked you this before, and all you've done is reach inside your own head to say you don't like it. Some facts, please. --
would be in the middle. If you have any solid information to the contrary, let us know, otherwise I'd have to say you are just blowing smoke, and I'm not sure why. --
There is no meanigful data on that web site for the purposes you intend to use it on Knowledge. The data is rubbish, by dint of their definition of participation. -
That would certainly address some of my concerns. And yes, the Sports Commission has a lot of data. It's just hard to summarise it all for a broad article like this.
3599:" Can't be me. I love football. Now, which version are we each talking about? Apart from in this post, I always choose words that avoid ambiguity here on Knowledge. 5798: 3774:
something else entirely. I don't need to provide a reliable source to say that those figures are unreliablle for this purpose, the actual source says so itself. -
Please address my comments about juniors, and where the raw figures come from. And how do we measure what kids play at school, in their own time? Also please read
Should the sport in Australia page have participation statistics from Ausplay, a study funded and led by the Australian Sports Commission on sport participation.
I was referring to the government produced tables, which you may access by following the link I have helpfully provided. No need to thank me. I live to serve. --
4092: 3812:
Should the sport in Australia page have participation statistics from Ausplay, a study funded and led by the Australian Sports Commission on sport participation.
Should the sport in Australia page have participation statistics from Ausplay, a study funded and led by the Australian Sports Commission on sport participation.
Should the sport in Australia page have participation statistics from Ausplay, a study funded and led by the Australian Sports Commission on sport participation.
Should the sport in Australia page have participation statistics from Ausplay, a study funded and led by the Australian Sports Commission on sport participation.
Would you accept the top 10 items from the Roy Morgan in one table. The top 10 from the adult Ausplay in another and the top 10 child sports in another table?
5788: 1548: 5783: 5229:
Non-response bias in estimates of prevalence of club-based sport participation from an Australian national physical activity, recreation and sport survey
Non-response bias in estimates of prevalence of club-based sport participation from an Australian national physical activity, recreation and sport survey
365: 355: 79: 44: 864:
Provide better linkage between different sports in sections like history, where sports tend to sit isolated from the narrative of all Australian sport.
5818: 5300:
How can anyone respect the arguments of someone who blatantly, pointedly, and ambiguously defies Knowledge's Manual of Style every time he mentions
4682:. That's not a high level of precision if you can hide nineteen superjumbos full of people sitting shoulder to shoulder into the rounding error! -- 5803: 5456: 4205: 2772: 1944: 1673: 384: 261: 2965:
a line or two about methodology, mentioning some of the objections above, so readers can know the percentages are at least a little approximate.
3361: 982:
Thirdly, and logically from the paragraph above, I wouldn't trust material from a body representing a single sport, such as Cricket Australia.
outliers. Trying to pretend that it's all outliers is ridiculous, don't you agree? Bellcurves are basic statistics, not original research. --
85: 5813: 3769:
Try reading what I actually said, Pete. On the web site itself it states that the basis for inclusion on the survey is doing the activity
3327: 5778: 593: 277: 5739: 3869:
Would you be in favour if it was just the last 2 tables? Then the tables would include fewer of the items that you don't want to see.
the page of sport in each country from corresponding article in other language Knowledge to English Knowledge which was marked in red.
730: 670:* Fix project template and/or "to do list" Current version causes tables of content to be hidden unless/until reader chooses "show." 3243:". That clearly has even less to do with this RFC. It has been discussed extensively over the years, leading to part of Knowledge's 675: 511: 190: 5157:
Peace. Perhaps you could rethink your methodology for reading talk pages? My response to Nick was not in response to you, HiLo. --
on methods. On one of the previous discussions about this issue which is earlier on this talk page I've even linked to the actual
5808: 4076:
and the convention in the proposed tables when wanting to discuss a football code. Your comments above are just plain confusing.
168: 3899:
information in an acceptable fashion. I'm not seeing well-source figures relating to sport in Australia as being off-topic for
1395:. It's also worth noting that the current Australian page has outdated numbers and very dubious numbers from cricket Australia. 331: 318: 256: 135: 99: 30: 4722:
precise, and it turns out that they are about as precise as Tullamarine. That is, not a lot. Could we look at this, please? --
104: 20: 5373:" Oh, that happened very early in the discussion, almost entirely led by those wanting the new tables included. Funny that. 4770:
Yes, those are my words. Your earlier "paraphrasing", however, changed the meaning considerably. I hope it was an accident.
I'm opposed because the data is polluted with off topic elements. But you know that because you said you read the thread. --
There are surveys done by Roy Morgan and The Australian Sports Institute. While they differ they are broadly in agreement.
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
Removing reasonably well sourced information is also bad faith editing. Not every edit needs a discussion on the talk page.
270: 5715:
Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
neighbourhood, so it must be a lot higher than 1 in 15 in some areas. Come off the grass. I don't believe it. Why do you?
74: 4258: 3379: 3284: 2790: 2254: 1962: 1691: 1612: 1565: 1354: 1257: 1174: 1159:
Would a table with sources work that also included a disclaimer about how this kind of information was hard to verify?
1133: 1069: 1037: 964: 695: 616: 586: 502: 466: 231: 1549:
I'm opposed Skyring Pete. I've never heard of you before. Love to know how you believe I'm anti, or even pro-football.
Also, there should not be any copyright concerns. Similar lists taken from Ausplay have been published by online news
921: 665: 661: 65: 5103:
I'm not interested in playing stupid word games with you. I have answered this question several times already, your
Insure equal, fair and accurate representation of all major football codes as they pertain to all sport in Australia.
129: 1537:
That page also has a table for children. Alternatively the following page might be good for club sport activities.
185: 4865:
Far too much precision is implied by the numbers in the tables, suggesting an accuracy that cannot possibly exist.
Far too much precision is implied by the numbers in the tables, suggesting an accuracy that cannot possibly exist.
Far too much precision is implied by the numbers in the tables, suggesting an accuracy that cannot possibly exist.
3814:" That's it. Nothing more. Nothing about attacking other editors. You really should not even be mentioning them. 510:-related topics on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join 5725: 5355:
data in this article, and I think we've pretty well come to a stopping point if we've moved onto other things. --
925: 3499:
I think some here have an agenda other than improving the Knowledge. That's my point. Like some of the edits on
There should not be any copyright concerns. Similar lists taken from Ausplay have been published by online news
199: 5336:. But as seems so common with supporters of this proposal, you have again forced the discussion way off-topic. 3410:
and a link achieves a similar result instead of no less than three tables that highlight off topic elements. --
125: 4736:
I did not say the figures were too precise. Misrepresentation is a poor discussion technique. It never helps.
Great. Thanks. I'll put it all in a table. There is also some ABS data in the article that will be in there.
3013:. It is not a reason to make the same mistake here. As I said above, the proposed figures imply a precision ( 1785: 3755:
participation rates on various physical activities, and your own views as editors are irrelevant. Cheers. --
2951: 109: 1324:
The table is terrible! full of gaps. Are you saying no kids walk? It doesn't belong in a quality article.
5734: 4715: 4670: 4028:
subject. I decided two years ago that wikipedia was not important enough to spend this much time on it. --
I'm not seeing how prose would be a more effective method without being selective and therefore inserting
for example. Personal politics, personal preferences; these should have no impact on our encyclopaedia. --
Improve the history section to make it more comprehensive and reflect the history of all Australian sport.
175: 5619: 5278: 5245: 5113: 4823: 4476: 4438: 4327: 4313: 4240: 4233: 4197: 3780: 3747: 3678: 3205: 3136: 2907: 2869: 717: 237: 4201: 3936:. But I live to be enlightened. Perhaps you could put up some draft wording to illustrate the point? -- 3481:
I agree with two parts of that comment. Baseball is a great sport, and yes, you digress. The RFC asks "
with either this proposed change or my criticism of it. You're not doing your proposal any favours. -
5301: 4246: 3367: 2778: 2293: 2242: 1950: 1679: 1600: 1553: 1342: 1245: 1162: 1121: 1057: 1025: 952: 810: 639: 1534:
On the same page there is also an adult's top 10 through organisation/venue which might be better.
420: 219: 4418:
most participants in any given sport would play on a weekly basis for a limited season, is my guess
4156: 4033: 3999: 3955: 3923: 3889: 3842: 3415: 3292: 1022:
If the cricket Australia information isn't trustworthy shouldn't it be removed to start off with?
929: 745: 681: 161: 55: 3672:
in the last twelve months can be considered to be a participant in an organised sport? Really? -
4484: 3900: 2947: 896: 814: 753: 327: 204: 70: 24: 887: 430: 141: 5729: 5393: 5360: 5324: 5291: 5262: 5162: 5130: 5002: 4889: 4801: 4761: 4727: 4687: 4571: 4456: 4384: 4348: 4295: 4132: 4100: 4018: 3981: 3941: 3908: 3857: 3793: 3760: 3691: 3627: 3586: 3541: 3508: 3471: 2932: 631: 51: 5233:
the 2010 ERASS survey data were found to be subject to considerable non-response bias and to
My comment was aimed at your ridiculous argument, not you personally. Again. If you have any
5759: 5681: 5614: 5563: 5512: 5465: 5446: 5378: 5341: 5333: 5309: 5273: 5240: 5148: 5108: 4854: 4818: 4775: 4741: 4701: 4653: 4471: 4433: 4402: 4366: 4322: 4308: 4254: 4228: 4214: 4188: 4170: 4118: 4081: 4073: 3874: 3819: 3775: 3742: 3713: 3704:". It simply that the numbers are pretty useless, and very misleading at best. I ask again " 3673: 3665:
The only voices raised in opposition are two editors renowned for their anti-football views.
3613: 3600: 3555: 3526: 3490: 3433: 3407:
This is an argument for the deletion of existing tables as much as it is for replacing them.
3394: 3375: 3261: 3248: 3200: 3165: 3131: 3105: 3081: 3058: 3039: 3023: 2902: 2864: 2843: 2823: 2786: 2322: 2250: 1958: 1793: 1771: 1752: 1726: 1687: 1647: 1608: 1581: 1561: 1374: 1350: 1329: 1300: 1253: 1209: 1170: 1129: 1096: 1088: 1065: 1033: 990: 960: 307: 201: 4843:
is arguing about precision. He seems to be mightily confused, making a complete about face.
The only voices raised in opposition are two editors renowned for their anti-football views
the same brekky every day, and dress to the same side every time they scratch their nuts.
The evidence is in the numbers themselves, with their implied accuracy. THAT is nonsense.
2286: 724: 2998:
The page has poor or outdated statistics that include higher alleged precision currently.
Improve sub-articles so their leads could possibly be used, with sources, in the article.
5228: 2887: 858:
Improve the prose and text linkage from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph.
5104: 4225:
Please include activities even if you’ve only done them once or twice in the last year.
4179: 4152: 4065: 4029: 3995: 3973: 3951: 3919: 3885: 3866: 3838: 3411: 3288: 2970: 1391:
The New Zealand Sport page has straight numbers and is better than the Australian one.
710: 687: 573: 5754:. Note too that cricket is a summer sport, and Australian football is a winter sport. 5143:." Wrong again. I will take you to ANI if you persist in misrepresenting my comments. 3964:
Well, think about it. Who is performing the selection? Not our source, which provides
5772: 5673: 4466: 4200:
and anyone who has wants the survey methods searching for 'ausplay methods' yields a
4009: 3969: 3195: 3010: 2986: 1638:
participation? Kids? (Ages?) Holes in data sets. Where do Ausplay and Roy Morgan get
758: 652:(History section needs sources and accurate information - very vague at the moment.) 494: 5388:
on which, apparently, one person may hold two conflicting views at the same time. --
5751: 5389: 5356: 5320: 5287: 5258: 5158: 5126: 5125:
policy. If you have a reliable source for your opinion, that would be different. --
4998: 4885: 4797: 4757: 4723: 4683: 4567: 4452: 4380: 4358: 4344: 4291: 4128: 4096: 4069: 4014: 3977: 3937: 3933: 3904: 3853: 3789: 3756: 3687: 3623: 3582: 3537: 3504: 3500: 3467: 2928: 649: 623: 943:
This article should have better information on sport participation in Australia.
The reason you give for your !vote is that you don't know if it's reliable or not
2765: 622:
newly added and existing articles, maybe nominate some good B-class articles for
5755: 5677: 5669: 5559: 5508: 5461: 5442: 5374: 5337: 5305: 5144: 4850: 4771: 4737: 4697: 4649: 4398: 4362: 4250: 4210: 4184: 4166: 4148: 4114: 4077: 3870: 3815: 3709: 3609: 3551: 3522: 3486: 3429: 3390: 3371: 3257: 3236: 3161: 3101: 3077: 3054: 3035: 3019: 2993: 2839: 2819: 2782: 2318: 2246: 1954: 1807: 1789: 1767: 1748: 1722: 1683: 1643: 1604: 1577: 1557: 1540: 1404: 1370: 1346: 1325: 1296: 1249: 1205: 1166: 1125: 1092: 1061: 1029: 986: 956: 374: 291: 250: 3950:
I'm not seeing how being selective automatically makes it original research. --
The ABS figures that are included on the page are the precursor to the survey.
484: 398: 297: 203: 4361:. This makes the apparent precision of the numbers in the tables very silly. 1764:
They also have another table that asks did you do it through an organisation.
5763: 5744: 5685: 5621: 5567: 5516: 5469: 5450: 5397: 5382: 5364: 5345: 5328: 5313: 5295: 5280: 5266: 5247: 5166: 5152: 5134: 5115: 5006: 4893: 4858: 4825: 4805: 4779: 4765: 4745: 4731: 4705: 4691: 4657: 4575: 4478: 4460: 4440: 4406: 4388: 4370: 4352: 4329: 4315: 4299: 4262: 4235: 4218: 4192: 4174: 4160: 4136: 4122: 4104: 4085: 4037: 4022: 4003: 3985: 3959: 3945: 3927: 3912: 3893: 3878: 3861: 3846: 3823: 3797: 3782: 3764: 3749: 3717: 3695: 3680: 3631: 3617: 3590: 3559: 3545: 3530: 3512: 3494: 3475: 3437: 3419: 3398: 3383: 3296: 3265: 3207: 3169: 3138: 3109: 3085: 3062: 3043: 3027: 2974: 2966: 2955: 2936: 2909: 2871: 2847: 2827: 2794: 2326: 2300: 2258: 1966: 1797: 1775: 1756: 1730: 1695: 1651: 1616: 1585: 1569: 1378: 1358: 1333: 1304: 1261: 1213: 1178: 1137: 1100: 1073: 1041: 994: 968: 920:)) and some terms that are used in it may be different or absent from other 323: 4674: 4227:
There you have it, the exact reason why these figures are meaningless. -
There is also a survey commissioned by cricket Australia. Is this NPOV?
1392: 1295:
But can you address the junior vs adult issue that way? It does matter.
478: 460: 5107:
is not my problem. I have said all I intend to say on this sunject. -
4666: 2895:
data were found to be subject to considerable non-response bias and to
which is a survey funded and led by the Australian Sports Commission.
It's easy to find this information on the Ausplay Survey. They have an
411: 5672:. You framed the RFC. Please stick to the topic YOU chose, and avoid 4290:
See above comments re bell curves. This is basic statistics, Nick. --
Outliers do exist. Any guess at how many exist for these studies is
Thank you for the implication that I have not done so. Much obliged.
I think some here have an agenda other than improving the Knowledge.
It is a joy to see some good information, reliably sourced. This is
Are you sure? On reëxamining the discussion, two things stand out:
3708:" Despite the appearance of precision, they are rubbish figures. 668:
section is incorrect and unsourced. Reliable data is required.
507: 3364:
from a Monash University academic describes the situation well.
It has been proposed to add the following tables to the article:
the prevalences of club-based participation in four major sports
Do you object to the second two tables? If so for what reason.
the prevalences of club-based participation in four major sports
684:(crucial article explaining the salaried undertaking of sports) 626:; independently assess some as A-class, regardless of GA status. 4845:" Not playing that game. I have said all that needs to be said 3550:
Agreed. It's a good thing nothing like that is happening here.
on that basis. You should read these things more carefully. --
882: 796: 213: 205: 15: 5507:
own investigation to find out what any of our content means.
participants are outliers, and that makes no sense at all. --
Again, this is easy to work out for anyone interested. From
2340: 1806:
I'd like to see the following three tables from the Ausplay
Improve the sourcing by finding facts for Australian sports.
419: 397: 373: 1393:
3004:" That doesn't mean we must automatically include them. " 2838:
page should at least have something of similar quality.
4875: 4867: 4754: 3884:
important as a method of conveying this information. --
It's defined for Ausplay in their methods description:
838: 832: 826: 820: 703:
Category:Knowledge requested images of sports and games
562: 557: 552: 547: 5223:
Regarding the ERASS, precursor to the Ausplay survey,
Just waving your editor hands about doesn't help much.
160: 5439:
Adults through organisation / venue in the last year
Perhaps you should follow that link provided above.
Sadly, not all editors are as high-minded as you. --
Adults through organisation / venue in the last year
Adults through organisation / venue in the last year
My concerns have already been explained above. What
506:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 1545:It might also be worth including the top 10 from: 861:
Make sections less random facts and more narrative.
985:Fourthly, defining a sport can be an issue here. 656:Category:American college sports infobox templates 4796:Perhaps you could pick one or the other, hmmm? -- 2624:Children organised out of school in the last year 2103:Children organised out of school in the last year 4424:are obvious and pure original research. You say 322:, which aims to improve Knowledge's coverage of 33:for general discussion of the article's subject. 5720:Is cricket the most popular sport in Australia? 4422:I see the local sportsgrounds active on weekend 2985:Provide your comments here. Be civil. Follow 602:Requested articles (Association football women) 5824:Knowledge articles that use Australian English 5350:If you say so. My question was in response to 330:. If you would like to participate, visit the 3972:s one of the planks of Knowledge, along with 1766:" I've never been asked. Who does get asked? 1541: 1405: 174: 8: 2882:Such surveys are inherantly inaccurate, see 4873:I did not say the figures were too precise. 4792:I did not say the figures were too precise. 4375:Outliers exist. That's the point. But they 3283:Please feel free to start your own article 4710:Nice pivot. Let us address the point that 4244: 4223:A direct quote from the survey questions: 4165:Sorry. Misunderstood. But I WAS confused. 3365: 2776: 2627: 2488: 2349: 2240: 2106: 1976: 1948: 1817: 1677: 1598: 1551: 1408: 1340: 1243: 1160: 1119: 1055: 1023: 950: 900:, which has its own spelling conventions ( 610:Requested articles (Estonian sportspeople) 581:Here are some tasks awaiting attention: 535: 455: 245: 5794:Top-importance Australian sports articles 3247:addressing the matter. Do have a look at 3002:The Ausplay stats are the best available. 3000:" If they're rubbish, just delete them. " 598:Requested articles (Association football) 5120:The reason I keep asking is because you 4395:trying to pretend that it's all outliers 3706:Does 57.4% of the population never walk? 4426:You seem to be pushing the notion that 457: 247: 217: 5799:WikiProject Australian sports articles 5232: 4830:Sorry. HiLo has inserted himself, and 4425: 4421: 4417: 4413: 4224: 3804:You are both battling the pink on this 3664: 3604:stop attacking others. The RFC asks " 2894: 2890: 642:(this should-be-major article is in a 4750:Pardon me! Are these not your words? 928:, this should not be changed without 870:Find sources for the Olympic section. 7: 5724:Can someone confirm that for me? Is 5304:, ignoring long-standing consensus? 4756:Please explain the contradiction. -- 2308:The following discussion is closed. 500:This article is within the scope of 761:) sports to be part of this project 658:to use same font size and spacing. 236:It is of interest to the following 23:for discussing improvements to the 5789:C-Class Australian sports articles 5437:The second table has the heading " 3424:It's way off topic. The RFC asks " 3285:Recreational pastimes in Australia 2855:No in the strongest possible terms 731:List of world sports championships 406:Need help improving this article? 14: 5784:Top-importance Australia articles 5371:...we've moved onto other things. 4091:On checking the source material ( 606:Requested articles (Motor sports) 5819:Knowledge pages with to-do lists 5711:The discussion above is closed. 4334:How are they "meaningless"? For 886: 804: 572: 487: 477: 459: 438: 300: 290: 276: 269: 249: 218: 45:Click here to start a new topic. 4839:HiLo has inserted himself, and 4414:a reasonable assumption is that 3094:I have not mentioned soccer in 2237:This has been taken to dispute 360:This article has been rated as 340:Knowledge:WikiProject Australia 5804:WikiProject Australia articles 5686:22:30, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 5622:13:28, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 5568:10:26, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 5517:07:59, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 5470:07:54, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 5451:07:21, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 5398:05:35, 24 September 2018 (UTC) 5383:03:31, 24 September 2018 (UTC) 5365:02:36, 24 September 2018 (UTC) 5346:00:37, 24 September 2018 (UTC) 5329:00:25, 24 September 2018 (UTC) 5314:23:34, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 5296:15:29, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 5281:11:47, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 5267:03:30, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 5248:01:59, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 5167:07:25, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 5153:05:25, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 5135:01:25, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 5116:01:00, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 5007:10:50, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4894:00:25, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 4859:22:16, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4826:10:29, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4806:10:54, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4780:10:47, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4766:10:40, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4746:10:31, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4732:10:11, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4706:08:31, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4692:05:44, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4658:02:59, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4576:01:31, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4479:01:23, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4461:00:38, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 4441:23:34, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4407:23:18, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4389:22:59, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4371:22:30, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4353:17:43, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4330:09:19, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4316:07:37, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4300:06:34, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4263:06:25, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4236:04:23, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4219:04:18, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4193:04:07, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4175:02:08, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4161:23:01, 20 September 2018 (UTC) 4137:02:33, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4123:02:08, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4105:21:59, 20 September 2018 (UTC) 4086:21:38, 20 September 2018 (UTC) 4038:07:34, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 4023:17:49, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 4004:10:12, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 3986:06:34, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 3960:00:41, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 3946:00:20, 21 September 2018 (UTC) 3928:23:31, 20 September 2018 (UTC) 3913:23:19, 20 September 2018 (UTC) 3894:23:01, 20 September 2018 (UTC) 3879:21:30, 20 September 2018 (UTC) 3862:15:54, 20 September 2018 (UTC) 3847:10:12, 20 September 2018 (UTC) 3824:08:29, 19 September 2018 (UTC) 3798:07:30, 19 September 2018 (UTC) 3783:05:57, 19 September 2018 (UTC) 3765:05:34, 19 September 2018 (UTC) 3750:00:35, 19 September 2018 (UTC) 3718:23:04, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3700:It's not that activities are " 3696:23:00, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3681:22:38, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3632:22:32, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3618:21:57, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3591:15:12, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3560:06:48, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3546:05:03, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3531:00:45, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3513:22:12, 17 September 2018 (UTC) 3495:22:08, 17 September 2018 (UTC) 3476:15:54, 17 September 2018 (UTC) 3438:00:44, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3420:23:34, 17 September 2018 (UTC) 3399:12:01, 17 September 2018 (UTC) 3384:10:35, 17 September 2018 (UTC) 3297:09:20, 17 September 2018 (UTC) 3266:07:38, 17 September 2018 (UTC) 3208:11:46, 16 September 2018 (UTC) 3170:10:20, 16 September 2018 (UTC) 3139:10:11, 16 September 2018 (UTC) 3110:21:51, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 3086:10:07, 16 September 2018 (UTC) 3063:08:12, 16 September 2018 (UTC) 3044:06:40, 16 September 2018 (UTC) 3028:05:09, 16 September 2018 (UTC) 2975:13:41, 22 September 2018 (UTC) 2956:04:41, 18 September 2018 (UTC) 2937:15:48, 17 September 2018 (UTC) 2910:11:55, 23 September 2018 (UTC) 2872:10:08, 16 September 2018 (UTC) 2848:04:34, 16 September 2018 (UTC) 2828:03:40, 16 September 2018 (UTC) 2795:11:39, 10 September 2018 (UTC) 2346:Adults taken part in last year 2327:10:54, 15 September 2018 (UTC) 2268:RFC on Population-Wide Metrics 1967:11:39, 10 September 2018 (UTC) 1824:Population Estimate (millions) 1814:Adults taken part in last year 434:can be contacted via email to 343:Template:WikiProject Australia 1: 2301:00:30, 19 November 2018 (UTC) 1798:22:57, 3 September 2018 (UTC) 1776:05:24, 1 September 2018 (UTC) 514:and see a list of open tasks. 446:for non-editorial assistance. 412:National Library of Australia 385:WikiProject Australian sports 382:This article is supported by 42:Put new text under old text. 4718:. Tou said the figures were 2893:(a previous similar survey) 2863:information on Knowledge. - 1403:The following table is from 520:Knowledge:WikiProject Sports 5814:WikiProject Sports articles 5764:04:39, 17 August 2023 (UTC) 5745:04:31, 17 August 2023 (UTC) 3608:" That's it. Nothing more. 3428:" That's it. Nothing more. 2259:13:14, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 1757:23:41, 31 August 2018 (UTC) 1731:23:11, 31 August 2018 (UTC) 1696:11:55, 31 August 2018 (UTC) 1652:06:55, 31 August 2018 (UTC) 1617:10:23, 30 August 2018 (UTC) 1586:09:38, 30 August 2018 (UTC) 1570:10:58, 28 August 2018 (UTC) 1379:00:03, 28 August 2018 (UTC) 1359:01:11, 27 August 2018 (UTC) 1334:10:23, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 1305:03:03, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 1262:02:43, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 1214:02:40, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 1179:02:05, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 1138:01:30, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 1101:01:22, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 1074:01:16, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 1042:01:12, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 995:01:05, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 969:00:27, 24 August 2018 (UTC) 662:Sport in the United Kingdom 594:Requested articles (Sports) 523:Template:WikiProject Sports 431:Wikimedia Australia chapter 50:New to Knowledge? Welcome! 5840: 5779:C-Class Australia articles 4997:come from your opinion? -- 2927:where Knowledge shines. -- 366:project's importance scale 5726:Australian rules football 5460:This is easy to suggest. 4884:mislead other editors. -- 4430:participants are outliers 3194:Now you're straying into 534: 472: 439: 427: 405: 381: 359: 285: 244: 80:Be welcoming to newcomers 5713:Please do not modify it. 5253:criticise your work, do 2310:Please do not modify it. 328:Australia-related topics 5809:C-Class sports articles 5613:about other editors. - 5235:massively over-estimate 3702:preferentially affected 2897:massively over-estimate 316:is within the scope of 4716:accuracy and precision 3403:No it isn't off topic. 2116:Percent of population 1986:Percent of Population 1827:Percent of population 1418:Percent of population 690:(currently a sub-stub) 424: 402: 378: 226:This article is rated 75:avoid personal attacks 4241:User talk:Nick Thorne 4198:User talk:Nick Thorne 4072:- Please follow both 3974:Neutral Point of View 2891:the 2010 ERASS survey 2764:The data is from the 2745:Running and athletics 2584:Running and athletics 2390:Running and Athletics 2220:Running and athletics 2113:Population (millions) 2068:Running and athletics 1983:Population (millions) 1854:Running and Athletics 1445:Running and athletics 718:Category:Sports stubs 423: 401: 377: 319:WikiProject Australia 100:Neutral point of view 4485:this policy document 3970:No original research 3521:" That's unhelpful. 2987:talk page guidelines 1412:Adult sport activity 926:relevant style guide 922:varieties of English 769:requests for comment 757:: Gather all (major/ 716:work on articles in 701:for pages listed in 640:Sport governing body 105:No original research 2981:Threaded Discussion 2668:Australian Football 2143:Australian Football 1415:Population Estimate 924:. According to the 705:and sub-categories. 682:Professional sports 3901:Sport in Australia 2311: 897:Australian English 844:Updated 2012-10-02 815:Sport in Australia 503:WikiProject Sports 425: 403: 379: 346:Australia articles 314:Sport in Australia 232:content assessment 86:dispute resolution 47: 25:Sport in Australia 5225:BMC Public Health 4359:original research 4265: 4249:comment added by 4010:Original research 3386: 3370:comment added by 2901:(my emphasis). - 2884:BMC Public Health 2797: 2781:comment added by 2761: 2760: 2755: 2754: 2616: 2615: 2477: 2476: 2309: 2298: 2261: 2245:comment added by 2230: 2229: 2100: 2099: 1969: 1953:comment added by 1941: 1940: 1698: 1682:comment added by 1619: 1603:comment added by 1572: 1556:comment added by 1532: 1531: 1361: 1345:comment added by 1264: 1248:comment added by 1181: 1165:comment added by 1140: 1124:comment added by 1076: 1060:comment added by 1044: 1028:comment added by 971: 955:comment added by 936: 935: 881: 880: 795: 794: 791: 790: 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