Knowledge (XXG)

History of UK immigration control

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642:- which again tightened citizenship criteria. From an immigration control standpoint there was growing concern, and heated debate, concerning the restrictions placed on foreign spouses joining UK partners. There was evidence that marriage was being used by some as a means to circumvent the stricter settlement rules and a particular focus on applications from the Indian sub-continent. In the absence of overseas visa controls there was an incentive for prospective spouses to attempt to gain entry as visitors and apply for stay on the basis of marriage once in the UK once the marriage had taken place. The attempts by the Immigration Service at ports to investigate suspected bogus marriages impacted on cultural and racial sensitivities where the differences between marriages arranged legitimately according to custom and those arranged for immigration purposes were notoriously difficult to separate. To investigate the complexities of the applications within a port of entry control environment was far from ideal and the Service was criticised for insensitivity in its dealings with these cases, especially in the misuse of medical examinations. In 1983 new immigration rules regarding marriage were introduced which required people to satisfy IND and UKIS that the "primary purpose" of the marriage was not for immigration purposes. 658:
extended to cover passengers without transit visas where these were required. This applied as much to lorry drivers and owners of small aircraft as it did to international airlines and was fiercely resisted by the transport lobby. The numbers of clandestine illegal entrants continued to increase despite the sanctions imposed. In 1998 8000 illegal entrants were detected arriving clandestinely where, in 1992, there had been 500. The Act insisted that carriers, including hauliers, should take responsibility for those they brought to the UK but allowed that carriers could not be expected to be experts in forged or counterfeit documents. The fine was applied however where, in the opinion of the Immigration Service, the forgery was "readily apparent". Carriers were also fined for the more demonstrable errors of transporting people without identity documents or without a visa where they were required to have one. The 1987 Act was later repealed and replaced by provisions within the 1999 Act. Between its implementation and 1991 approximately ÂŁ30m in fines were imposed. The numbers of "designated" ports, i.e.: those licensed to allow international passengers rose in 1987 to include Leeds/Bradford Airport, Newcastle and Edinburgh and a new terminal opened at Gatwick in 1988.
882:, (HAC), started a wide-ranging enquiry into the reasons for the rise in asylum and the way that IND and the Immigration Service had handled the issues. During the course of collating evidence for the enquiry the HAC visited the Red Cross centre at Sangatte near Calais and saw for themselves the numbers of would-be refugees waiting to try and enter the UK clandestinely. The issues were pushed higher up the political agenda by an awful tragedy that took place on 19 June that year when 58 Chinese people were found dead in the back of a sealed lorry at Dover. The Dutch driver was later charged with manslaughter. The deaths of the Chinese people at Dover brought about a new focus on the fact that the trafficking of people was now more than the exploitation of displaced people by opportunistic individuals it was the now (in this instance Triad based) organised crime. The HAC discussed what they described as the "pull factor", what it was that made Britain an attractive destination relative to other countries and what might be done to reduce this. 821:
failings of the previous decade and set out its ideas for the future. One of the major successes of recent times had been the establishment by the Immigration Service of a team of Airline Liaison Officers whose job was to stop inadmissible passengers at their point of departure abroad. The first of these had been posted to New Delhi as long before as 1993 and quickly established good links with local police and immigration officials. There were some notable successes and, although undocumented arrivals had risen by 17% the previous year, this was not the case where the ALO's were deployed. In 1998 ALO's in five locations, working under a code of conduct ratified by the Air Transport Association Control Authority Working Group, prevented 2095 passengers travelling with suspect documentation. In 1999, 4999 inadmissible passenger were identified in 17 locations. By 2001, 57 ALO's had been deployed abroad.
1241:“Controlling our Borders” also outlined two other planks that were to underpin future strategy. The Points Based System for issuing visas would not become reality until 2007 but was already in planning. More immediate was the “New Asylum Model”, (NAM), for dealing with asylum applications. This was a combination of existing fast track processes, which would be extended, and another attempt at single owner caseworking whose aim was to ensure continuity through the entire decision-making process. Caseworkers would be expected to perform a far wider range of duties including the presentation of case at appeal hearings and the casework surrounding a person's removal. The new casework teams would be the machine that would track and manage failed asylum seekers towards removal as a “ready to go product” in much the manner championed by the Home Affairs Committee. 862:
support to the Immigration Service at ports and in enforcement. The assumption behind the programme was that these specialisms would be absorbed within the new multi-skilled teams. The reorganisation which started in December 1998 had an immediate impact in that the system ground to halt. Urgent steps were taken to restore some kind of service but the infrastructure that had previously supported the thousands of enquiries, the requests for return of passports for travel, the MPs representations, enquiries from Courts, Prisons and legal representatives, the review procedures that allowed the Immigration Service to continue with removals – had all been seriously damaged or destroyed. Efforts were made to repair the damage against the expectation that all would be well once the promised IT system was actually rolled out. In early 2001, as reported by
benefits were that the agency would be more accountable. The key organisational change was that of regionalisation. The new agency would be divided into six new regions each under the command of a Director. Border staff would not be regionalised owing the fact that their workforce was inextricably tethered to ports in London and the South East. The Immigration Service Ports Directorate would, for the first time, be uniformed. The case for regionalisation was set out on the basis that local teams would form closer links with other regional government offices and with local communities. The Unions suspected another motive of creating an environment where national pay scales would be ended in favour of local rates. The practical argument for regionalisation appeared to undermined by the fact that most migrants lived in the South East.
abroad. During the 1990s the Airline Liaison Officers had been an essential component in preventing undocumented passengers reaching the UK and driving down asylum claims, (see previous sections). The impact was significant - numbers of Inadequately Documented Arrivals (IDAs) detected after arriving by air fell from 14,071 in 2003 to 6,831 in 2005. This though was only one of the measures taken to regain control of the border together with more casework and enforcement staff, restricted public benefits, improved casework processes and streamlined appeals procedures. The ALO network underlined the benefits of driving down the routes which organised criminal facilitators could exploit and more thought and effort went into refining these ideas and tightening the control. New IT support tools were introduced including::
tactical resourcing decisions about operational matters and manage risk". It was planned to expand the use of fingerprinting and, for enforcement, there was a major change of direction with ambitious plans to train immigration officers to make use of their powers of arrest, give them more powers of search and make them less reliant on police resources. These were just a few items on a lengthy programme of changes, backed up by substantial promises of money and legislative time in Parliament. The document was a serious statement of intent and bore the hallmarks of a small organisation evolving into a larger and very much more professional organisation but, at its heart, was a central IT project that was intended to be the hub of all the administration of casework within the Croydon HQ.
also by the dramatic rise of enforcement within the UK over the period. The removal of those whose asylum claims had failed became the top priority but the job of tracing and detaining failed asylum seekers was only the beginning of an often tortuous process of dealing with many barriers to their removal. These included renewed applications, resurrected appeals, judicial review, MPs representations, applications to stay on the basis of marriage, human rights appeals on the basis of family ties and the problems associated with obtaining travel documentation that would actually allow the removal to take place. Maintaining control of the person during this process was seen as essential to successfully enforcing immigration removals for adults.
Asian migrants in the early 1950s. It directly addressed what it saw as the key issue of migration from "coloured territories". The report discussed the possibility that the British public might react badly to a law that was seen to be overtly racist and attempted to address the central difficulty of putting legislation into place that met its aims without appearing to be racially motivated. It noted, "There is no doubt that even though a Bill...would in form be non-discriminatory, it would nevertheless be clear against whom the Bill was really directed". The committee agreed that, presentationally, it would be best to emphasise the potential housing shortages that further migration might bring about.
human trafficking and forgery & counterfeiting investigations. The CIS led the Service's investigation into the Yarlswood Detention Centre riots in 2001 and over a number of months was responsible for re-detaining almost all escapees. In 2003 the CIS was disbanded and reformed as the London Command Crime Group (LCCG) and moved from its central London offices to a new HQ in Croydon. Staffed by experienced UKIS investigators, former police officers, former HM Customs Officers and former Benefits Agency investigators, the 18-strong unit (1 HM Inspector, 3 Chief Immigration Officers and 14 Immigration Officers) was granted a number of additional powers traditionally reserved for police.
527:), issued abroad in the newly controlled Commonwealth countries also gave cause for concern when presented at British ports. The initial assumption when the 1962 Act was introduced was that these would be taken at face value on arrival. An instruction to Immigration Officers created a general understanding that written entry conditions would only be recorded and stored in exceptional circumstances. By 1965 new instructions had been issued which, although very liberal by later standards, encouraged control officers to impose conditions more often and to refuse people who had clearly obtained entry clearances by misrepresentation. 492:. West Indian immigration, (especially), had, since the war, continued to grow fairly gently but steadily until there were by 1956 around 100,000 new West Indian migrants in the UK. There were echoes of the public outcry which had brought about the 1905 Act and the political arguments, in public at least, similarly attempted to focus on the economic control of migrant labour and attempted to skirt around the underlying racial prejudices that were voiced by their constituents. Whatever the motivations of those concerned, it was clear that the common citizenship status shared by the various members of the Empire, or 738:. This allowed for control zones to be set up at each end of the tunnel; the British end at St Pancras operated by French officers and the French control zone at Coquelles staffed by UK Immigration Officers. A passenger at Coquelles was still legally in France; the international frontier was at the midpoint of the tunnel. In immigration terms a person did not enter the UK until they left the terminal at Cheriton. This brought about some complex scenarios; it was not possible to claim asylum in the UK at Coquelles but it was possible to enter the control area illegally and be treated as an illegal entrant. 654:
hostile opposition but the Home Office pressed forward with the idea and the Earl William was contracted into service under the management of Securicor, who had been running immigration detention facilities since 1970. Acceptance of the new arrangements required that the Earl William prove itself as cost effective, humane and secure. In October 1987 the strongest gale to hit England in 200 years broke the vessel free of its moorings and it ran aground on a sandbank. Although none of its 78 detainees was injured, the credibility of the exercise was fatally undermined and it was not used again.
1233:“The e-Borders systems will collect both arrivals and departure information … Carriers will provide advance passenger information (API) and passenger name records (PNR) electronically. Passenger details (including names, dates of birth, nationality and travel document details) will be checked against multi-agency watchlists prior to boarding a flight….we will have a much clearer picture of passengers’ movements in and out of the country. This wealth of information will help border control, law enforcement and intelligence agencies, and other Government departments to target their activity”. 152:. Their basic task was to test whether the traveler had means of support which might be proven by either presentation of cash or evidence of a firm offer of employment. The inspection generally took place aboard ships or in “receiving houses” on shore. The anomalies within the regulations meant that it was common for passengers to evade the control by the simple means of posing as 2nd or 3rd class passengers or sharing the evidence of funds between them. The head of the new organization was titled HM Inspector and its first incumbent was Mr. 825:
permission could be granted as part of the visa process abroad. This was part of a move to modernise working processes at ports which had barely changed in their basics since 1962. The general aims, as reported to the Home Affairs Select Committee, were to speed up passenger flows and to make better use of data supplied by carriers to identify facilitators and racketeers. Flexibility was contained in the Immigration (Leave to Enter and Remain) Order 2000 and came into effect 30 July 2000. It paved the way for:
Ghana as the UK leading to further racial exclusion from Africa and Asia in favour of white EU nations. For reasons which are unclear the visa restrictions did not come into force until 15 October (23 October for Ghana). The ensuing panic over the weeks in between the announcement and implementation of the new rules brought Heathrow Airport to a standstill and the evening television news bulletins contained footage of hundreds of detainees camped in the main arrivals hall at Terminal 3 awaiting processing.
entry of dependents into Britain increased almost threefold as families attempted to 'beat the act', amidst widespread fears that Britain planned to permanently close its doors to its citizens in the New Commonwealth, including the families of those already living in Britain. Total "New" Commonwealth immigration thus grew from 21,550 entrants in 1959, to 58,300 in 1960. A year later this last figure had more than doubled and a record 125,400 "New" Commonwealth immigrants entered the UK in 1961.
born, adopted, registered or naturalised in the UK. The issue of a passport by a British High Commission thus ceased to be a qualification for entry free of control. For those subject to control, another voucher system was introduced. This one was based on tight quotas. The 1968 Act directly, and deliberately, favoured white commonwealth citizens more likely to have British ancestry. Cabinet papers released in 2002 showed that the thrust of the legislation was designed to have this effect.
finding their way home after the war and passenger liners still travelled to the West Indies to return servicemen who had been de-mobbed. The owners of the shipping lines sought to reduce their costs for return journeys, which promised to otherwise have few passengers, and offered cut price fares to the UK. The first of these vessels to arrive, in 1947, was the now little remembered MV Ormonde which brought 108 migrant workers and attracted little notice. The arrival of the
626:. The practical reality of membership from an immigration control standpoint was that EU nationals were separated from other arriving passengers. As, in theory at least, they could be excluded or deported, (for instance following criminal conviction), there still continued checks against warnings lists. In 1970 the staff numbers within the Immigration Service had risen to approximately 1100 - rather more than double the administration workers at its London HQ. 894:, promised tough action but, a court ruled in 2004 that, under Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, they could not be sent back to Afghanistan because their lives would be endangered. By 2006 the hijackers eventually won both their release and permission to stay in the UK. The ruling that allowed the hijackers to stay was described by the Prime Minister as an "abuse of common sense", and the Home Secretary blamed it on misinterpretation the 931:“the gangs have transferred the knowledge, facilities and networks used for smuggling drugs and other commodities to a highly profitable new endeavour. Many actively recruit potential immigrants in source countries, provide escorts and safe houses en route and are increasingly providing support on arrival such as legal advice to lodge asylum applications. Opportunist illegal entry is becoming rarer. The trade is now firmly in the hands of organised crime”. 917:“We recommend that existing border control agencies should be combined into a single frontier force on the basis of secondment and direct employment, but with clear lines of communication back to the parent agencies. Pending the creation of a single frontier force, strategic co-direction of better joint working should be provided by a ministerial group to which the official Border Agencies Directors Group should report at least four times a year”. 618:, allowing only temporary residence. Commonwealth citizens who had been settled in the UK for five years when the Act came into force, (1 January 1973), also had the right to register and thus possibly the right of abode. Others would be subject to immigration controls. Apart from the five-year residence qualification, the right to live in the UK and to enter free from immigration control was determined by birth or parentage, not by nationality. 622:
new category of privilege was created for the European nationals who had formed the bulk of the work of the Immigrations Service for the preceding 50 years. This represented a dramatic change in Freedom of Movement from one that was previously ethnically diverse that included nations from Africa, Asia, America's, Caribbean and Pacific to white only European nations. Membership of the European Community, now the European Union, encompassed the
858:, (PFI) agreed between IND and an IT consortium led by Siemens Business Services signed in 1996 and scheduled for completion in 1998. It was a well meant but ultimately over ambitious venture intended to provide the department with a “paperless” office where cases, especially asylum cases, would be electronically prioritised and actioned without the old fashioned processes involving transport and storage of thousands of paper based files. 630:
was to be a recurring theme throughout the 1980s and beyond. The old "Traffic Index" of manually collated landing and embarkation cards was replaced by a new computer system, (INDECS), in 1979 but the primitive database was a limited success and the use of paper cards continued. Immigration Officers working in 24-hour ports-of-entry only had access to the main immigration database via telephone during office hours Monday to Friday.
463:. Between 19 November and 3 December 1956, 4221 refugees arrived at Dover and the Immigration Service was increasingly hard pressed. At that time it numbered fewer than 400 staff, including managers, to cover 30 different ports across the United Kingdom 24 hours per day and seven days a week. In 1959, a watershed moment arrived where, for the first time, more passengers arrived by air than by sea, (741,669 to 738,367). 183:
Index” was created from the landing and embarkation cards collected at ports and matched together at the Home Office's Aliens Branch HQ to show whether the person had complied with their conditions of entry. This simple process was the only mechanism for measuring the effectiveness of the control and continued until 1998 when embarkation controls were abolished. By 1920, the number of Aliens' Officers had reached 160.
Numbers of new asylum seekers peaked in 2002 at 84,130, (the highest it would reach), keeping the issue of asylum firmly at the top of the political agenda. It was a document that highlighted the changes in thinking and social attitudes that had taken place since the 1950s and 1960s when the background social policy assumptions had centred on the concept of assimilation. That idea had been replaced by
1111:, piloted an operation known as "Operation Paladin Child" to monitor the arrival of unaccompanied children at Heathrow Airport. Social services were asked to undertake assessments of any child meeting certain criteria. The operation, as well as addressing an important issue, had the wider benefit of building an understanding between social workers and law enforcement officers of each other's needs. 341: 715:
applications from those who saw no future in pursuing the difficult alternatives offered of seeking permission to remain through legitimate settlement or approved employment. As numbers rose, a decreasing proportion were found to qualify for refugee status. In 1980, in the United Kingdom, 64 per cent. of claimants were recognised as refugees. In 1990, the figure was about 25 per cent.
583: 115:. In 1898 the Secretary of the Board of Trade reported a " of Russian and Polish immigration—in other words, the immigration of the most destitute type...increasing in volume year by year". The numbers of arrivals were highly debatable owing to the deficiencies in available statistics. Concerns focussed on perceived overcrowding in the East End of London. 1115:
Heathrow Airport led the way in the UK in setting up sensitive and sophisticated reception arrangements for children and developed facilities and training to identify children at risk. A programme of specialist training for immigration officers in dealing with children at risk resulted in 495 immigration officers being trained in interviewing children by 2006.
dangerous Mosquito service to Stockholm), and found themselves occasionally giving a reception to escaped resistance fighters arriving in the Shetland Islands. In the first six months of 1940 Scottish immigration officers examined almost 4000 survivors from upwards of 100 ships sunk by enemy action. Some of these were found to be spies, and duly executed.
enemy aliens. Ireland's neutrality meant that steps had to be taken to introduce new controls between the UK and Republic. The Passenger Traffic Order 1939 remained in force until 1952 and a large proportion of the work of the immigration service during the war was taken up by the control of Irish workers seeking employment in the growing war economy.
35: 520:(casework), B2, (policy) and A2, (admin). In 1962 another Division was created, B3, to deal with deportation casework. No formal operational enforcement and detection structure was to come into being until the 1970s and realistic legal powers to deal with illegal migrants would not appear until 1973 with the implementation of the 1971 Act. 394: 259:. A Home Secretary memo to the Cabinet in 1933 shows that efforts were made to take a flexible approach but admitted that some refugees, ("a few") had been refused and returned to France where they awaited a relaxation of the rules. Restrictions placed on Jewish refugees were based mainly on economic fears for the employment market. 219:, which was of huge significance in establishing a link, for the first time, between immigration control and the employment market. It also targeted criminals, paupers and ‘undesirables’, and made it illegal for aliens to promote industrial action – a response to fears of imported revolutionaries following the still recent 1031:“Migration is an inevitable reality of the modern world and it brings significant benefits. But to ensure that we sustain the positive contribution of migration to our social well-being and economic prosperity, we need to manage it properly and build firmer foundations on which integration with diversity can be achieved”, 210:, and granted powers to attach conditions to the grant of leave, to refuse those who could not support themselves, and their dependants, those medically unfit and those convicted of crimes abroad. It gave the power to demand documents satisfactorily establishing identity and nationality. It restricted the 750:"In 1999, the FSU investigated 299 incidents and arrested 410 persons suspected of facilitating a total of 1,803 illegal entrants/asylum claimants. In the same period, 105 trials were completed involving 120 defendants and resulting in 106 convictions. Custodial sentences exceeding 172 years were imposed" 1198:
The agency, SOCA, would be a “non-departmental public body”. Rather ambiguously, the paper said that although the Home Secretary would be “accountable to parliament for the agencies performance”... “The Agency will enjoy full operational independence from Ministers”. The arms length relationship that
The impact for the Immigration Service was not so much the new arrivals as the opportunities that their national documents presented for fraud. A growing number of migrants from neighbouring countries used fraudulently obtained “accession” documents as a means of entering the UK. The wider impact on
Having grossly underestimated the numbers for the first eight countries there was concern about allowing unlimited access to Romania and Bulgaria when they joined. A particularly unexpected aspect of those coming was the impact on child benefit payments with 68,000 new applications. Restrictions were
expressed concern at the lack of checks that had been conducted and the Home Secretary admitted that the system had been “insufficiently robust”. It transpired that warnings had been given by the visa issuing post in Sofia that checks on applications were being waived in London against their wishes.
In 2003, 3,482 clandestine entrants had been detected at the on-entry controls; in 2005 this had been reduced to 1,588. More effort was directed into de-briefing new asylum seekers during initial screening to gather intelligence about the facilitators and routes used. In 2005 Iris screening underwent
The report saw an overarching need to join up the threads of law enforcement and recommended that people-smuggling should be treated as per any other area of organised crime and that the Immigration Service should develop joint intelligence cells to enable it to liaise more effectively with other law
before 1979 is difficult to determine as no separate statistics were collated before this point. A Parliamentary answer indicated that in 1973, 34 people had been granted refugee status. The application of the 1951 Convention dealing with the treatment of refugees was still being applied, to a large
The thrust of IND's policy throughout the 1980s was to continue to reassure public and political opinion that the numbers of those settling in the UK was under control and to try and take the heat out the immigration issue. The emphasis on settlement statistics remained the most important statistical
The potential numbers of those eligible to travel to the UK created alarm, and the Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1968 was rushed through Parliament. The new Act provided that British subjects would be free from immigration control only if they, or at least one of their parents or grandparents, had been
The new Act was seen by its opponents as draconian, but it created only limited powers to deal with those who misrepresented their intentions or entered illegally. Preparations to implement the new Act included a recruitment campaign in 1962 which brought the staffing of the Immigration Service up to
from the rural areas of the Punjab, where the partition of the Punjab between India and Pakistan had created immense pressure on land resources during the 1950s and 1960s, greatly increasing such emigration from then on. In the period immediately before and after the introduction of the 1962 Act, the
The beginnings of the modern-day UK immigration control can be traced from the final decade of the 19th century and the political debate that grew surrounding the perceived growth in the numbers of Eastern European Jews coming to the UK. Political alarm was also expressed regarding the rising numbers
This was a hugely ambitious project to join up various agencies and use both public and private data, both inside and outside the UK, in ways that had never been attempted before. It had already started in 2004 as Project Semaphore which was to test the principles in a limited way and act as a proof
The document advocated a policy of “managed immigration” to allow more people to enter the UK legally, (especially for work), and tougher mechanisms and rules to prevent those working illegally. It linked immigration policy to an oft repeated assertion that migration provided a positive resource for
INDIS believed that the documents were targeted at the points of the immigration control that were perceived as weakest – in this case the British and European Union channels. This created a conflict with the idea of flexibility at the controls which sought to move passengers quickly. How this might
A new emphasis was emerging around the professional management of intelligence and the recognition that racketeering, facilitation and identity fraud were now big business rather than a back-street industry. Statistics for the later 1990s showed that the most commonly forged documents encountered at
There were moves to set up a more joined up intelligence network, based on the police's National Intelligence Model, whose intention was to ensure " that information is fully researched, developed and analysed to provide intelligence which enables senior managers to provide strategic direction, make
The administrative processes governing asylum applications were overwhelmed and a backlog started to accumulate. The increased delays meant more applicants eventually found themselves eligible for concessions based on the length of time the process had taken and this, in turn, encouraged speculative
The rates of refusal highlighted a growth in applicants whose motive was found to be economic migration rather than genuine fear of return. The reasons for the rapid increase in arrivals included increasing availability of cheaper air travel, the existence by then of community groups able to provide
On the same day that the new Act came into force, 1 January 1973, the UK entered the European Economic Community (EEC). At the same time that immigration restrictions were confirmed for Commonwealth citizens (Africa, Asia, Caribbean, America's and Pacific) with a traditional allegiance to Britain, a
By the end of the 1960s immigration legislation and rules were drawn from too many sources. Consensus was reached that a completely new Immigration Act was needed to tighten controls, clarify the rules and unify the law for foreign and commonwealth nationals. This major reappraisal and consolidation
was reopened to passenger traffic. Southampton was faced with a rising number of passenger liners returning to peacetime service. A far reaching report by the Croydon Inspector after the war reviewed the processes for dealing with the growing number of air passengers. It suggested that these should,
Cover from the 1949 UK Immigration Service "Handbook of the Peculiarities of Foreign Names" with introduction by HM Chief Inspector W.R. Perks. An inscription shows that it was originally issued to Mr W. Argent, HM Immigration Office, Havelock Chambers, Queen's Terrace, Southampton. It contains such
War brought with it new emergency powers which meant that the Immigration Service now, as well as continuing to control the entry of a wave of displaced people, had to screen refugees, enforce rules on exit permits for all people leaving the UK and to take on the additional work of repatriating some
The events of 2006 involving the foreign prisoners crisis prompted a "re-branding" exercise combined with the move to turn IND into an executive agency. Since 1999 a great deal of legislative time, resources and development capital had been allocated to immigration issues. The mistakes that led to
The role of immigration staff in child protection was already long recognised as a high priority by the Immigration Service at ports and during enforcement operations where, for foreign children coming to the UK, they might be the only government officials with whom they come into contact. Although
space available to the Immigration Service was approximately 180 spaces located at the major London airports. Elsewhere, other ports made use of local prison spaces. The existing facilities were designed to cater for short stay cases of people soon to be removed from the country having been refused
The efforts made to identify and document the arriving asylum seekers were vital to the end of the process where an application was refused. Without proof of identity, nationality and inbound carrier it was very much more difficult to document and remove the person. Fingerprinting of asylum seekers
were the independence of, first, Kenya and, later, Uganda and Tanzania. Each of these countries at independence had an established minority population of Indian origin, some of whom had been introduced into East Africa by Britain which, as colonial power, had employed them on construction projects.
Statistics for 1938 and 1939 show Germans as being the top nationality refused entry for both years and it is likely that a large proportion of these were potential refugees being returned to an uncertain fate. That said, the UK admitted more Germans than any other nationality in 1939 and continued
was dealing with 15 aircraft movements per day. By 1937 the total numbers of people arriving by air reached 37,348, still a paltry number when compared to the numbers arriving by sea, 498,326. The numbers arriving at seaports would continue to rise, but would be outstripped by the late 1950s by the
The fate of Immigration Service enforcement staff was less clear cut. They already had a regional structure but the directorate was again disbanded and reorganised along a new regional structure. The central management structures for enforcement were disbanded and their functions dispersed. As the
The rules on young people coming for “working holidays” were to be relaxed and a new, “Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme” introduced which would be extended across the economy with set quotas for industries short of labour. Under the scheme a worker could stay up to six months but would have no
In 2002 Immigrations Service Ports Directorate achieved its highest number of refusals at the border ever, 50,362 as compared with 17,220 refusals at port in 1994. The gradual impact of more visas being issued abroad and the greater emphasis on screening people pre-entry reduced the figure, as did
The delivery of the IT system in 1998 was delayed but there was an interim rollout of a computer network in readiness and the old caseworking teams were disbanded. These included the various teams such as those dealing with deportation of foreign national criminals and the teams which had provided
The announcement in 1998 that IND had published its instructions on the internet was a tangible sign that the organisation was looking to the future possibilities offered by the IT revolution and was set for modernisation. The document "Fairer, faster, firmer" outlined what it considered to be the
By 1987 it was recognised that the available space was inadequate and an attempt was made to address this by use of a floating detention vessel, (see above). The failure of the Earl William meant that the numbers of those who had to be released on temporary admission, (immigration bail), grew. The
Most asylum applicants detected at ports of entry had no identifying documentation but it was not legally or physically possible to detain all those who arrived. A new team to counter the growing trend of facilitation of asylum and illegal entry at seaports, both clandestine and documentary abuse,
690: 629:
Despite the legislation of 1968 and 1971, the numbers of Commonwealth citizens coming to settle still caused political anxiety that was often racially based - especially where projections of future trends were based on a list of vague assumptions. The lack of reliable statistics and access to data
In Scotland the great "Queens" brought troop ships containing up to 15,000 troops each. The ports of Glasgow and Gourock pooled their resources to deal with the Russian convoys. Scottish immigration staff also covered the airports at Dyce and Leuchars, (which played their part as terminals for the
In order to mark someone's arrival and departure the new Aliens Officers endorsed the passports of passengers with red stamps on arrival and with black stamps to cancel the endorsement on the persons departure. In April 1915 an Order in Council was made that no alien passenger was to be allowed to
People refused entry under the act were given a right of appeal to the Immigration Board in charge of control of one of the designated ports listed by statute and the practical application of the control was conducted by the new Aliens Inspectorate and its officers, the first Immigration Officers,
Despite these future setbacks the numbers of asylum seekers started to fall. This was brought about by many factors, the better casework processes, faster removal rates, new appeal regulations and other factors such as the 33,000 people who were denied boarding in 2003 by Airline Liaison Officers
to spot hidden illegal entrants. The new technology would be used, to speed through frequent travellers so that resources were better targeted at those more likely to present a problem. The document went beyond the creation of new technologies though and has to be seen in the context of its time.
near Heathrow which increased the overall capacity by over 1500. Expansion brought the total capacity of immigration detention centres to approximately 2,800 by 2005. This massive expansion was driven by the need to maintain control not only of people arriving in the UK who had been refused, but
The pressures on the inbound controls presented by the growth in numbers and rates of refusal for some nationalities meant that, by 1986, there was increasing pressure for new visa requirements. On 1 September 1986, new visa restrictions were announced for India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria and
Consideration of legislation to place controls on Commonwealth citizens had by 1960 already been under active consideration for some years. A Cabinet committee comprising senior Cabinet members including the Home Secretary produced a report in 1956 which detailed the numbers of arriving black and
From April 1915 only passengers with exit permits were allowed to leave the UK, and then only from certain ports. In an extension to their duties that would be repeated during the Second World War, officers were tasked with retrieving ration documents from departing passengers. In 1916 a “Traffic
The Border and Immigration Agency was created on 1 April 2007. This was not the unified border force that had been recommended by the Home Affairs Committee in 2001. The creation of the new agency took place in the wake of the, still toxic, Foreign National Prisoners scandal. The publicly stated
Between August and November 2003, 1,738 unaccompanied children arrived from non-EU countries. Most of these were travelling legitimately for education or holidays but a small number of children gave 'grave cause for concern' and police were subsequently unable to locate 12 of the children. IS at
said that the law would “"potentially affect the lives and wellbeing of thousands of asylum applicants in the UK forcing them into extreme poverty and making it more difficult to pursue their asylum application". This aspect of the law was challenged and, in 2004, the European Court held that it
The Service's primary investigative capability was created in 1999 as the Criminal Investigations Section (CIS). The CIS were charged with the investigation and prosecution of criminal offences borne out of abuse of immigration legislation. Focussing on marriage abuse, the CIS soon expanded into
The HAC report noted the underlying issues of staffing within Immigration Service operational areas between 1995 and 2000 where numbers had been frozen or reduced. The HAC welcomed the plans to expand staff numbers. In fact, numbers were set to rise rapidly as new money was allocated. IND having
Detention Centre in 1993 provided 200 extra spaces. The expansion led to a more centralised management of the detention estate whereas before the centres had largely been managed by the airports that they served. On 25 May 1995 the total number of people held in immigration detention centres was
and forged documents provided by racketeers who would, for a price, provide a complete package comprising travel, documents and illegal work. They commonly reclaimed their investment on a proportion of the migrant's illicit wages. Other developing trends included bogus marriages and forged birth
in Dorset. Although well organised, its location so far from London made it unpopular with carriers. It was agreed that the main passenger airport for London would be Heathrow, which opened on 1 May 1946 and came under the command of the Croydon Inspector. It was still a time of displaced people
to set a target for IND and the Immigration Service that, by 2006, the numbers of failed asylum seekers removed from the UK would exceed the numbers of new applications. This became known as the “Tipping The Balance” target and the work to meet the target became the organisation's top priority.
in New York on 11 September 2001. The future emphasis was to be very much more stringent at the point where the traveller came into contact with border controls but the new thinking did have the effect of moving some of the consideration away from the airport queues. The reappraisal of the UK's
Another key change was a reappraisal of how and when people should be notified of their permission to enter the UK. This work was conducted under the banner “flexibility” and reconsidered how it was best to give people permission to enter, whether it was still necessary in all cases and whether
Growing pressures on immigration detention accommodation resulted in an attempt to provide additional capacity by means of a floating detention centre. The Earl William was an ex cross-channel ferry refitted for a new role as a static, secure holding facility moored at Harwich. Its use provoked
The Immigration Branch, and the administrative HQ at Princeton House in High Holborn, were limited in their ability to combat these abuses. The entire administrative strength of the Immigration and Nationality Dept was approximately 300 and before 1962 IND was divided into three "Divisions" B1,
After the mid-1950s employers were prompted by a general labour shortage to recruit directly from the West Indies. The London Transport executive made an agreement with the Barbadian Immigration Liaison Service. Other employers, such as the British Hotel and Restaurant Association, made similar
The total number of asylum applications in 1979 was 1563 and by 1988 had risen, fairly steadily but not too dramatically, to 3998. In 1989 the numbers of applications rose sharply, to 11640, and by 1991 had reached 44840. The reasons for the dramatic rise are complex and have to be seen in the
The 1987 Carriers Liability Act sought to place greater responsibility on those bringing passengers to the UK to verify that their documentation was in order. The Act gave powers to fine the carrier ÂŁ1000 for each inadmissible passenger. This fine was doubled in August 1991 and two years later
by Enoch Powell in 1968 changed the political landscape for anyone attempting to consider practical, administrative issues for many years to come. Thirty-nine Heathrow immigration officers, very unwisely, wrote to Enoch Powell in support of tougher controls whereupon he made their note public.
251:. Although there was no publicly stated policy for the admission of political refugees before 1971, a settled but implicit approach had emerged during the 1930s. The handling of refugees was largely dependent on their being able to show that they could maintain themselves or be maintained. The 169:
and allowed stricter controls than before including the power to make aliens aged over 16 register with the police. The power still remains in use. Although the 1905 Act technically survived until its repeal in 1919, it was, in practice, submerged by the far more stringent powers of the Aliens
approach. The "pull" factors which encouraged asylum seekers to come to Britain would be reduced, (by, for instance, removing access to support for destitute asylum seekers who did not claim asylum immediately upon arrival), and an incentive to follow the mainstream immigration route would be
reduced staff in the 1990s, quickly recruited 850 new staff and between 1997 and 2003 staff in IND would rise from 5000 to 11,000 The HAC was informed that on 1 July 2000 there were 2,567 staff in post in IS Ports Directorate and that this figure was due to increase to 3,050 by 31 March 2001.
in 1953, a year which also saw the opening of the new passenger car ferry terminal at Eastern Docks, Dover. Despite the increase in traffic the numbers of those detained on entry remained small. During the parliamentary debate for the 1953 Act the Home Secretary was asked how many people were
As the passenger traffic through the channel ports shrank, the efforts of border control were focused on the merchant shipping that kept Britain's lifelines open and many staff were redeployed to Scottish ports, Bristol and English northern ports for the duration. An office was also set up at
was a statutory instrument made under the 1919 Aliens Restriction Act. Brought out in the context of widespread unemployment after the First World War, it required all aliens seeking employment or residence to register with the police. The Order drew its powers from the 1919 Act and granted a
2004 saw the arrival of ten new countries into the EU, Cyprus, Malta, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia. This represented a continued shift away from freedom of movement that was multi-racial and multi-cultural to one that was only involving
496:, as it was becoming known, was untenable with a world population growing more mobile. There was also a better understanding than there had been in 1948 that Britain's world position had irrevocably changed as it moved away from the assumptions of empire towards potential membership of the 125:
It was, however, the first legislation to define some groups of migrants as 'undesirable', thereby making entry to the United Kingdom discretionary, rather than automatic. The Act ensured that leave to land could be withheld if the immigrant was judged to fall into one of four categories:
for instance presented problems in quickly clearing large numbers of passengers and to do so within Victorian Customs Sheds was increasingly impractical. Shipping companies invited a solution whereby Immigration Officers travelled 1st class on the liner itself or pre-cleared passengers in
Better liaison and better intelligence started to bring rewards - Operation Gular disrupted a network responsible for smuggling over 400 people into the UK over a two-year period. Five men were sentenced to a total of 20 years as a result of closer working with the French authorities.
The possibility that numbers might cause alarm seems to have been acknowledged by the Home Office who fast tracked visa applications in Romania and Bulgaria between 2002 and 2004. A later Home Office investigation showed that junior staff had taken short cuts to clear a back-log. The
at the time, Siemens conceded that they were unable to deliver the IT system that was supposed to form the heart of the process. The impact on IND of dismantling its administrative machine and losing experienced staff while dealing with a continuing rise in workload was catastrophic.
Only a very small proportion, 5% in 1994, of applicants were granted full refugee status. Of the others a larger number were granted Exceptional Leave, (later re-titled Discretionary Leave), usually on the basis that other compassionate circumstances applied such as family ties.
In late November 1938 the UK Parliament agreed to allow up to 15,000 unaccompanied children to enter Britain as refugees from the Nazis. Almost 10,000 such children from several European countries, but principally from Germany, were rescued by Britain in what became known as the
UK ports were EU documents. A report to the Home Affairs Committee by the IND Intelligence Section, (INDIS), noted that there was a general consensus among European law enforcement agencies that provision of such documents was being conducted on a commercial level and that,
of immigration law coincided with an expansion of the Immigration Branch administrative HQ, change of name and a change of location. In 1972 the Immigration and Nationality Department relocated from High Holborn to Croydon where it took up residence at the recently built
to prevent the entry and order the deportation of aliens if it was deemed 'conducive to the public good'. For the purposes of the 1914 legislation immigration officers were re-titled Aliens Officers and the service was a compound of Home Office staff and Customs staff.
in Poole harbour. The possibility of enemy agents gaining entry under the guise of being part of this group was very real and Immigration Service staff were seconded to interview refugees and displaced people at special reception centres. The main one of these was the
The pressure on the detention estate continued to grow during the 1990s. As detention usage grew so did the costs - ÂŁ7.76m in 1993/4 rising to ÂŁ17.8m by 1996/97. Tinsley House, which opened in 1996 at Gatwick, was the first purpose-built immigration detention centre.
gives an indicator of why Poles predominated so much. A large number of Polish citizens had been allowed to settle after the Second World War in a resettlement programme for those who had no wish to live under the new Communist Polish regime, (see earlier section).
land unless he held either a passport with a photograph attached issued within the two preceding years, or some other document establishing his national status and identity. Prior to this passports had not contained photographs and had not been stamped in any way.
1914 marked a landmark in UK immigration control in that it was only from this point that every person entering the country had to produce evidence of identity. The 1914 Aliens Registration Act was rushed through Parliament in a single day on the eve of the
encouraged by relaxing the rules on those coming to work. This would test the assumption that most asylum applicants were actually economic migrants and that by freeing up the legal labour market it would take the heat away from the asylum pressure-cooker.
Although their concerns were based on what they saw as a lack of administrative powers to do their job effectively they did, by associating themselves with the speech, damage their impartiality as Civil Servants and they were disciplined as a consequence.
was created between all the islands which still exists today. From the early 1950s immigration officers were allocated to deal with the residual screening of people who had arrived during and after the war who had still to have their status regularised.
to pursue the claim and eligibility to certain benefits and accommodation. For those who might otherwise have intended to enter and work illegally the benefit of an outstanding asylum claim was the legitimacy it conferred and safety as regards arrest.
of aliens resident in Britain, barring them from certain jobs (in the civil service, for example), and had a particular impact on foreign seamen working on British ships. It required people seeking employment in the UK to obtain permission from the
1262:, announced that he was going to:“reform the UK's border arrangements, integrating the work of Customs, the Border and Immigration Agency and UKvisas, overseas and at the main points of entry to the UK, and establishing a unified border force”. 756:
was a key part of this process, and was being considered by 1991. Legal powers to fingerprint asylum seekers were finally given within the 1993 Asylum and Immigration Act Opponents expressed the view that this criminalised asylum seekers.
Dartmouth to deal with the Channel convoys. Staff were also later deployed to Poole to deal with flying boat services which flew routes to Lisbon via Ireland and were of especial interest because of those seeking to exit occupied Europe.
223:. Further motivation to extend restrictions on foreigners was driven by post-war unemployment and the consequent desire to safeguard jobs for indigenous Britons. The 1919 Act was renewed annually until 1971 until it was replaced by the 566:
By the end of the 1960s the previous practice of detaining immigration offenders in prison was increasingly unworkable as numbers of detainees rose. A dedicated facility was opened near Heathrow in a disused RAF base which became the
white-nations with Europe. The government predicted that 15,000 new workers would arrive in the UK but, by 2006 around 430,000 had registered for work and this rose to 683,000 by 2007, 70% of which were from Poland. The history of
meant that the traffic generated by air travel could no longer be ignored. It was decided to appoint one immigration officer to deal with incoming passengers at the main London airport in Croydon. By 1925 the Immigration Officer at
Another event in February 2000 also raised the political profile of asylum seekers. A group of nine Afghan nationals hijacked an aircraft and forced it to fly to Stansted Airport. They and 79 of the passengers claimed asylum. The
1194:“In light of the creation of the Serious Organised Crime Agency and the opportunity for that new body to establish close working partnerships with the existing border agencies, it is not proposed to create a single border agency” 1189:
in tackling organised crime. The paper made it clear that it was intended that the various agencies already working together on these issues would do so ever more closely but that there was no need to create a new border agency.
told the BBC and the House of Commons that she had been unaware of the allegations but later confirmed that she, or her office, had been notified of the problems 18 months before and that she had inadvertently misled the House.
governments had warned that the new restrictions would create a black market in forged documentation and they were proven correct. The 1960s saw an emergent boom, in immigration terms, of bogus students. A market grew in
The position of refugees had been under review since the war. Questions had necessarily been posed as to whether more could and should have been done to save Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi persecution. The result was the
right to bring dependants. The work permit scheme would be extended to those with medium skills from outside the EU coming for a specific job. Permit holders would be able to apply to stay in Britain after four years.
1225:“a joined up modernised intelligence-led border control and security framework” to “allow Immigration Service and other agencies including Police, Customs and Excise, Security Services to work more closely together”. 1107:
mechanisms already existed to work with police and social services a new initiative was launched in 2003. The Metropolitan Police and Immigration Service, together with other government welfare agencies and the
IND and the Home Office was to undermine the positive work that had been achieved in restoring its reputation in the wake of the asylum crisis and once again damage its credibility and operational integrity.
319:. During four years over 30,000 people were interviewed at this centre. Other wartime work involving Immigration staff included the examination of British refugees exchanged with the Germans via Lisbon. 1258:
new agency was created so the Immigration Service ceased to exist but their functions continued under a new umbrella organisation called the Border and Immigration Agency. On 1 July the Prime Minister,
The 1953 Aliens Order replaced the 1920 Order and consolidated various other statutory instruments since the First World War. The 1950s brought special challenges such as the influx of visitors for the
192: 910:
enforcement agencies. It noted as well that the controls on movement across Europe were only as strong as the weakest point within the member states and that 61% of forgeries were European documents.
in future, be separated into inbound and outbound control areas and that arriving passengers should be marshalled or “funnelled” into one control area regardless of what aircraft they had arrived on.
UK asylum applications 1979–2009. Numbers of new applications for asylum, (not including dependents) peaked in 2002 at 84,130 - source; Home Office, Control of Immigration and Asylum statistics, HMSO
brought with it not only rescued troops but also vast numbers of refugees and displaced people who had to be screened. Large numbers of Dutch and Belgian refugees were temporarily placed in camps on
286:. In 1936 air traffic had grown to such an extent that a Chief Immigration Officer was appointed to take charge at Croydon Airport with additional responsibilities for immigration control in the new 742:
was created at Dover in 1994. The Facilitation Support Unit (FSU) was jointly staffed by the Immigration Service and Kent Police. The unit developed expertise in bringing prosecutions against those
the general fall in non-EEA passenger from its peak in 2000. By 2004, 31,930 passengers were refused entry at port and subsequently removed and, in 2010 the figure had markedly fallen to 18,276.
1270: 452: 3180:
Hartnett, Lynne Ann. “Alien or Refugee? The Politics of Russian Émigré Claims to British Asylum at the Turn of the Twentieth Century”, Journal of Migration History, 3:2 (2017), 229–253.
Williams, Callum. “Patriality, Work Permits and the European Economic Community: The Introduction of the 1971 Immigration Act.” Contemporary British history 29, no. 4 (2015), 508–538.
Smith, Evan, Marmo, Marinella. “The myth of sovereignty: British immigration control in policy and practice in the nineteen-seventies”, Historical Research, 87:236 (2014), 344–369.
3511: 623: 83:
Although some means of controlling foreign visitors to the United Kingdom existed before 1905, modern immigration border controls as now understood originated then. Although an
3429: 247:. Refugee arrivals rose from close to zero in 1930 to 3109 in 1933. By 1938 the annual figure was 11,000. After 1936 the figures were augmented by the numbers fleeing from 669:. The relaxation of travel restrictions raised concerns at the potential movement of labour from other countries in Eastern Europe and visa controls were applied in 1992. 358: 3243: 433:
allowed 200,000 Polish citizens to stay following the war and it took until 1952 for the wartime restrictions on travel between the UK and Ireland to be abolished and a
455:. Originally intended to encompass only European refugees it was later extended to all countries. Overlapping waves of refugees had to be dealt with in the wake of the 3419: 87:
and remained in force to some extent or other until 1836, there were no controls between then and 1905 barring a very loosely policed system of registration on entry.
122:. It was easily evaded, and did not even require Immigration Officers to give written permission to land or stamp a passport – permission to land was given verbally. 255:
cooperated with the Jewish support organizations who worked to provide support or provide sponsors but there was no agreed international approach to the handling of
3397: 422:, generated far greater attention. She arrived at Tilbury and brought with her approximately 500 regular passengers and a large number of stowaways as reported by 3501: 1692: 1664: 1501: 1385: 1238:
of concept for the full implementation of e-Borders. Semaphore went beyond the theoretical though – it would actually start producing data on routes of interest.
2496: 108:
of foreign national criminals in UK prisons, the growing demands on poor relief within local parishes and fears of degenerating health and housing conditions.
The 2004 white paper “One Step Ahead - A 21st Century Strategy to Defeat Organised Crime” set out, among other things the role and responsibilities of the new
brought with it a new political landscape, opened up travel routes long closed and meant the re-emergence of nationalities which had been submerged within the
placed on Romanian and Bulgarian citizens when they joined in 2007 which slowed their flow into the job market. Concerns among some government agencies about
3351: 1054: 1652: 271:. The first transport left Germany in December 1938 with most ending at the outbreak of war, but a final Kindertransport left the Netherlands in May 1940. 3170:
Hansen, Randall. “The Kenyan Asians, British Politics, and the Commonwealth Immigrants Act, 1968.” The Historical Journal, vol. 42, no. 3 (1999), 809–834.
3506: 3026: 2024: 601:
citizens of the UK and Colonies whose parent or grandparent had that citizenship by those same means at the time of the birth of the person in question;
useful information as advice on transliteration from the Cyrillic alphabet, advice on Russian patronymics and common Greek names in English characters.
290:, which with its very own direct rail link to London and art deco architecture was the last word in airport design until it was replaced in the 1950s. 3140:
Bashford, Alison, Gilchrist, Catie. “The Colonial History of the 1905 Aliens Act”, Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 40:3 (2012), 409–437.
1772: 1074:
Heartbeat technology - special sensors to detect and analyse clandestine movements within freight vehicles via the vehicle chassis and superstructure,
There was particular focus on the large numbers of Russian and Polish Jews who had arrived in the East End of London after fleeing persecution in the
1019:. The document set out ideas as to how the difficult balance could be struck between controlling migration, promoting cultural acceptance, combating 2768: 2344: 813: 568: 2576: 1968: 1716: 1884: 2796: 2632: 2728: 3475: 2456: 1704: 1417: 1282: 1134: 1125: 801: 723: 3160:
Consterdine, Erica. “Community Versus Commonwealth: Reappraising the 1971 Immigration Act.” Immigrants & minorities 35, no. 1 (2017), 1–20
1856: 1828: 1800: 1357: 516:
certificates which were designed to allow “children” to join relatives in the UK as dependants despite being clearly above the permitted age.
3434: 3346: 3236: 863: 559:
Many had left India before its independence and before the creation of Pakistan, and their only citizenship was that of the UK and Colonies.
Re-establishing normal controls after the war took time to accomplish. Dover was eventually fully staffed again after a gap of six years and
By 2000, the height of IND's administrative crisis coincided with a new peak in asylum claims of 76,040. In February 2000 the Parliamentary
3455: 3278: 1996: 936:
have been resolved is now immaterial because outside events provided a new focus on the security of border controls with the attack on the
512: 1552:
Roche, T.W.E. (1969). The Key in the Lock: a history of immigration control in England from 1066 to the present day. London: John Murray.
1162:" by foreign nationals meant that closer working and "joined up" government became newly fashionable concepts; but the constraints of the 2260: 2232: 2140: 2660: 2372: 2128: 2064: 2052: 1301: 1063: 216: 2604: 2288: 2088: 3411: 571:. At Gatwick Airport temporary detention accommodation was located in the disused 1930s air terminal and housed around 15 detainees. 1329: 429:
Over and above the continuing movement of displaced people there were other signs of re-adjustment following the end of the war. The
1624: 1557: 1155: 380: 70: 3150:
Collier, J.G. “THE COMMONWEALTH IMMIGRANTS ACT 1968 — A BRITISH OPINION.” Verfassung und Recht in Übersee 2, no. 4 (1969), 457–468.
Carter, Bob, Harris, Clive & Joshi, Shirley, "The 1951-55 Conservative Government and the Racialisation of Black Immigration",
3480: 3387: 3383: 3229: 1596: 555: 485: 443: 2316: 1693:
899: 854:
In 1995 IND entered into an agreement with an IT consortium to develop a new computer system. The IND casework programme was a
which promised an expansion of the detention estate. The result was a flurry of Public Finance Initiatives to build centres at
was to become a political headache that highlighted the lack of powers the Home Office actually had. The then–Home Secretary,
came about as a result of growing public and political unease regarding the impact of migration from the, now fast declining,
3367: 1912: 1186: 942: 362: 1250:
the resignation of Beverley Hughes and Charles Clarke led to consideration of whether more fundamental change was required.
2400: 598:
citizens of the UK and Colonies who had that citizenship (i) by birth, adoption, naturalization, or registration in the UK;
879: 2100: 718:
Between 1995 and 2000 the newest problem the Immigration Service faced was the growth in asylum seekers entering via the
3372: 3341: 3054: 2428: 1653:
1461: 1094: 639: 615: 460: 430: 171: 393: 133:
b) if he is a lunatic or an idiot or owing to any disease of infirmity liable to become a charge upon the public rates;
45: 3304: 2700: 497: 3218:
Wray, Helena. “The Aliens Act 1905 and the Immigration Dilemma.” Journal of law and society 33, no. 2 (2006), 302–323
1940: 3186:
Kelly, Bernard, ‘“Masters in Their Own House”: Britain, the Dominions and the 1946 Ex-Service Free Passage Scheme’,
2076: 1037:“The Government will initiate and open and constructive debate about citizenship, civic identity and shared values”. 447:
currently in detention and advised that on 22 July 1953 the total number of immigration detainees in the UK was 11.
3450: 3118: 2942: 2918: 2860: 937: 887: 855: 805: 727: 153: 130:
a) if he cannot show that he has in his possession ... the means of decently supporting himself and his dependents;
91: 2954: 2930: 2564: 351: 2836: 2824: 2756: 2552: 2484: 2180: 2168: 287: 220: 211: 3212:
Vincenzi, Christopher. “The Aliens Act 1905.” Journal of ethnic and migration studies 12, no. 2 (1985), 275–284.
3309: 3299: 3106: 2688: 2524: 1211: 1163: 274:
An ever-increasing number of passengers travelled in happier circumstances on the great liners of the day. The
c) if he has been sentenced in a foreign country for a crime, not being an offence of a political character; or
Paul, Kathleen, Whitewashing Britain: Race and Citizenship in the Postwar Era (Cornell University Press, 1997)
3082: 2881: 3273: 3252: 1705:
4646 German nationals were for instance admitted in 1941. Foreign Nationals Entering the UK 1938-1951, HMSO.
and the nervousness of government agencies in identifying foreign nationals meant that progress in tackling
735: 507: 493: 3094: 2906: 2848: 1218: 797: 543: 531: 252: 302:
Croydon Airport was closed and became a fighter base; its passenger traffic transferred to Shoreham. The
Literature, Immigration and Diaspora in Fin-de-Siècle England: A Cultural History of the 1905 Aliens Act
2192: 1078: 895: 760: 3209:
Spencer, Ian. British Immigration Policy Since 1939: The Making of Multi Racial Britain (London, 1997).
Foreign Nationals Entering and Leaving the UK 1938-1951, HMSO - Germans refused in 1938, 274; 1939, 481
206:. It stipulated that no alien might land without the permission of an immigration officer, by way of a 3183:
Jones, Claudia. “Butler's colour-bar bill mocks Commonwealth”, Race & Class, 58:1 (2016), 118–121.
3392: 3314: 2129:
1570: 591: 224: 3175:
Citizenship and Immigration in Post-war Britain: The Institutional Origins of a Multicultural Nation
support on arrival, relative economic prosperity that made employment possible, the availability of
689: 607:
Commonwealth citizens whose parent or grandparent was born or adopted in the UK before their birth;
416: 411: 243:
The 1930s were marked by the ever-increasing numbers of refugees arriving from Europe fleeing from
Kushner, Tony. The battle of Britishness: migrant journeys, 1685 to the present (Manchester, 2012)
agencies’ provided clearly had attractions and may have provided a model for the future of IND.
3465: 434: 303: 231: 1703:
National Archive 1966 - Roy Jenkins memo to Cabinet - New instructions to Immigration Officers -
1413: 982:. In many ways this was a continuation of the modernisation policies set out in its predecessor 17: 913:
Of the greatest long term significance was recommendation 14 to create a single border agency:
1553: 995: 731: 248: 207: 198: 3133:
Ansari, Sarah, ‘Subjects or Citizens? India, Pakistan and the 1948 British Nationality Act’,
3377: 1042: 1020: 1012: 991: 987: 769: 743: 1745: 638:
The incoming Conservative administration in 1979 acted to introduce more legislation - the
3460: 3424: 3294: 1058: 1016: 524: 403: 307: 268: 236: 166: 119: 84: 1651:
National Archives CAB 129/81 Colonial Immigrants, Report of the Committee of Ministers -
Home Office Statistics of Foreigners Arriving in the United Kingdom, 1959, HMSO, Cmnd 994
capacity to keep pace with new developments such as identification by use of biometrics.
1266: 1167: 1159: 719: 678: 539: 489: 275: 203: 149: 112: 1210:
The high level thinking around security and intelligence meant that, even without the
used to detect the exhaled breath of clandestine entrants in the trailers of vehicles.
3495: 3002: 2990: 2978: 2966: 2894: 2551:
Home Affairs Committee report 2001- annex 12 - 1999 Flexibile Control Arrangements -
1151: 1057:. The most controversial area was that of cutting off support to asylum seekers. The 1003: 230:
A new dimension to the work arrived in the 1920s where the influx of visitors to the
that year, there was a new appetite for greater cooperation and better use of data.
in that it outlined plans for more electronic mechanisation of the controls such as
1750: 1259: 773:
recorded as 381 with a further 508 being held in prisons under immigration powers.
683: 316: 244: 1302:"Hansard - background reasons for 1905 Act - HL Deb 28 July 1905 vol 150 cc749-75" 2220: 2077:
579:. The Immigration Branch at ports of entry was retitled the Immigration Service. 3119:
976: 941:
security needs in the wake of 9/11 would ultimately lead to the creation of the
793: 666: 662: 576: 456: 340: 90:
The development of in-country enforcement controls is dealt with separately—see
Secure Borders, Safe Haven: Integration with Diversity in Modern Britain CM5387
726:. Waterloo, as an international terminal, was later replaced by the control at 467:
agreements. In the 1950s most Indian migrant workers to arrive in Britain were
1438: 1142: 1090: 891: 746:
illegal entrants. A report to the Home Affairs Select Committee in 2001 said,
citizens of the UK and Colonies with five years’ ordinary residence in the UK;
423: 145: 3117:
Home Affairs Committee - enforcement and removals - tracking of applicants -
gave right of abode in the UK to those it defined as ‘patrials’. These were:
3014: 2689:
1007: 999: 832:
permission to enter to be given in writing, by fax, electronically or orally
707: 582: 283: 3083:
The practical intention was to seek to drive asylum applications down by a
3221: 829:
advance clearance to enter the UK for low risk groups such as tour parties
Home Affairs Committee report 2001 - Annex 22 - work of FSU Dover 1999 -
809: 256: 3095:
Home Affairs Committee 5th Report - July 2006 - supplementary memo 15 -
Restriction Act of 1914. The 1914 Act contained a clause which gave the
3059: 3031: 2801: 2773: 2733: 2705: 2665: 2637: 2609: 2581: 2529: 2501: 2461: 2433: 2405: 2377: 2349: 2321: 2293: 2265: 2237: 2197: 2145: 2105: 2029: 2001: 1973: 1945: 1917: 1889: 1861: 1833: 1805: 1777: 1721: 1669: 1629: 1601: 1466: 1390: 1362: 1334: 1306: 1023:
and promoting a cohesive, modern sense of what it meant to be British.
Fairer, faster and firmer - a modern approach to immigration and asylum
365: in this section. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 1089:
The downward trajectory was steep enough to prompt the Prime Minister
defended the decision and was itself critical of ministers' comments.
indicator until the steep rise in asylum numbers in the early 1990s.
1979–1989: Expansion, new visa controls, and carriers liability
context of international travel patterns to other European nations.
1531: 1245:
2007–2008: Border and Immigration Agency to UK Border Agency
1108: 688: 468: 392: 315:
at Wandsworth in London, whose MI6 interrogators included Colonel
312: 3157:, 1st ed. 2018 (Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 2017) 835:
permission to be given through a third party rather than directly
1571:"Caribbean family in Trafalgar Square - painting; oil on canvas" 294:
1939–1945: Immigration control during the Second World War
3225: 193:
Jews escaping from German-occupied Europe to the United Kingdom
1914–1918: Immigration control during the First World War
who were hurriedly recruited from within the existing ranks of
334: 28: 2051:
Home Office statistical bulletin - refugee statistics 1989 -
Pellew, Jill. "The Home Office and the Aliens Act, 1905,"
National Archive - memo to Cabinet 1933 - Jewish refugees -
extent, to those people fleeing persecution from behind the
1945–1961: Post-war growth of Commonwealth immigration
BBC report 2004 - IND loses ECHR case on asylum benefits -
Home Affairs Committee - First Report 2001 - Appendix 15 -
Controlling Our Borders - Making Migration Work for Britain
1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons
Home Affairs Committee - First Report 2001 - Appendix 2 -
2010–present: Home Office hostile environment policy
The key events leading to the hurried introduction of the
On 8 June 1968 Immigration Officers at Heathrow detained
Home Affairs Committee First Report - 2001 - Annex 15 -
Home Affairs Committee - First Report 2001 - Annex 15 -
and the creation of "juxtaposed controls" agreed by the
Home Affairs Select Committee report of January 2001 -
1968–1978: New laws and European Union membership
d) if an expulsion order under this act has been made.
52: 736:
Channel Tunnel (International Arrangements) Order 1993
In 1946 the major airport controlling air traffic was
Joint Committee on Human Rights 32nd report, 2006, -
Home Affairs Committee 5th report 2006 - Children -
national Archive Fleming Report 1963- CAB 129/114 -
3443: 3430:
British nationality law and the Republic of Ireland
3410: 3360: 3334: 3327: 3287: 3266: 3259: 792:In 1998, the new Labour administration published a 734:of 1992 which was itself brought into being by the 624:
freedom of movement of workers within member states
3003: 2991: 2979: 2967: 2929:Home Affairs Committee 2006 - Border technology - 2895: 2577:"Integrated Immigration Caseworking System (1999)" 1273:- Establishing the UK's new border arrangements”. 1229:It went on to explain how this would be achieved; 586:Lunar House; since 1972 the HQ of UK Immigration. 3188:The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 3135:The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 2605:"Immigration and Nationality Directorate (1999)" 1532:"History of the Royal Victoria Patriotic School" 1451:The Key in the Lock - TWE Roche, 1st ed p. 83–84 3398:British Nationality (Falkland Islands) Act 1983 2905:Controlling Our Borders - white paper - 2005 - 2847:Controlling Our Borders - White paper - 2005 - 2063:Home Office asylum statistical bulletin 1994 - 610:Commonwealth citizens married to a patrial man. 2457:"Immigration Directorates Instructions (1998)" 2221: 975:In February 2002 the government published the 3237: 3167:(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012) 3093:Controlling Our Borders - white paper 2005 - 1829:"Computers Use in Immigration Control (1983)" 922:Intelligence-led controls and organised crime 871:Home Affairs Committee report of January 2001 504:500 ready for the start date on 1 July 1962. 118:The legislation that finally emerged was the 8: 3512:History of immigration to the United Kingdom 3352:Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 3105:Home Affairs Committee report - e-Borders - 3013:BBC - Bulgarian and Romanian EU accession - 3001:BBC - Romanian and Bulgarian EU accession - 1746:"Ministers saw law's 'racism' as defensible" 1055:Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 781:1997–2001: Expansion and modernisation 546:, attempting to travel on a false passport. 957:2002–2005: Asylum starts to wane and 480:1962–1968: Post-imperial restrictions 187:Immigration controls in the 1920s and 1930s 3425:Citizen of the United Kingdom and Colonies 3331: 3263: 3244: 3230: 3222: 3081:Home Office Library research paper 2006 - 2859:Home Affairs Committee, 5th report 2006 - 1487: 1485: 1439:"UK visas and registering with the police" 1221:” outlined the new “e-Borders” programme; 1086:live testing at ports for the first time. 812:, (Scotland) and a new expanded centre at 722:with 700 a month presenting themselves at 614:The Act replaced employment vouchers with 103:1905 Aliens Act and the Immigration Boards 3015: 2953:Home Affairs Committee 5th report 2006 - 2917:Home Affairs Committee 5th report 2006 - 2871:HO Control of Immigration Statistics 2011 2075:Eurostat - asylum statistics explained - 381:Learn how and when to remove this message 71:Learn how and when to remove this message 2261:"Immigration Act 1971 Statistics (1983)" 1997:"Visas abolished or imposed 1970 - 1992" 1154:by EEA citizens and concerns within the 1119:EU accession and ministerial resignation 581: 569:Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre 3145:Policy Papers in Ethnic Relations No.11 2661:"Asylum and Immigration Appeals (1999)" 2373:"Asylum Seekers Detention Costs (1997)" 1293: 1269:quickly published a “review” document “ 898:which had come into force in 2000. The 3476:Home Office hostile environment policy 2289:"Immigration Detention Centres (1993)" 2219:Refugee Council - notes on 1993 Act - 1283:Home Office hostile environment policy 1126:Polish migration to the United Kingdom 838:for the control can be operated abroad 3502:Immigration law in the United Kingdom 3435:British nationality law and Hong Kong 3347:British Overseas Territories Act 2002 2401:"Immigration detention capacity 1991" 673:1990–1997: The growth in asylum 263:to admit Germans throughout the war. 7: 3420:British Nationality Selection Scheme 3279:British Overseas Territories citizen 2737:. House of Commons. 10 February 2000 2241:. House of Commons. 13 November 1991 2149:. House of Commons. 13 November 1991 2127:Immigration and asylum stats 1994 - 1921:. House of Commons. 22 February 1999 1913:"Immigration and Asylum Bill (1999)" 1717:"Examination of Arriving Passengers" 1470:. House of Commons. 26 February 1920 363:adding citations to reliable sources 3203:Vol. 32, No. 2 (Jun., 1989), 369–38 2777:. House of Commons. 2 February 2000 2297:. Written Answers. 30 November 1993 2233:"Asylum Bill 1991 - Fingerprinting" 2109:. House of Commons. 11 January 1996 2005:. Written Answers. 26 November 1992 1781:. House of Commons. 22 January 1969 1673:. House of Commons. 7 February 1962 1633:. Written Answers. 27 November 1952 1625:"Immigration Officers Staff (1952)" 1064:European Convention on Human Rights 1053:The changes were introduced by the 1027:the economy. The white paper said, 2805:. Written Answers. 15 October 2002 2709:. House of Lords. 16 February 2000 2505:. House of Lords. 13 November 2001 2437:. Written Answers. 27 October 2003 2381:. Written Answers. 27 October 1997 2193:"Identification of asylum seekers" 1977:. Written Answers. 5 February 1987 1893:. Written Answers. 21 October 1987 1865:. Written Answers. 24 October 1986 523:The quality of Entry Clearances, ( 25: 3507:Immigration to the United Kingdom 3471:History of UK immigration control 3035:. House of Lords. 6 February 2001 2769:"Cancellation of redundancy plan" 2429:"Immigration sole detainees 2003" 1941:"Carriers Liability fines (1991)" 1773:"Immigration Appeals Bill (1969)" 1725:. House of Lords. 4 February 1965 1534:. Royal Victoria Patriotic School 530:The notorious and highly emotive 2669:. Written Answers. 18 March 1999 2641:. Written Answers. 19 March 1999 2585:. Written Answers. 11 March 1999 2533:. Written Answers. 29 March 1999 2101:"Asylum Seekers Benefits (1996)" 2025:"Asylum grants in 1973 and 1974" 1837:. Written Answers. 16 March 1983 1597:"Aliens Order Detentions (1953)" 1394:. House of Commons. 20 June 1910 1181:and dealing with organised crime 1002:scanners which would be used at 556:Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1968 486:Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 444:Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II 339: 33: 18:UK immigration control - history 3382:Commonwealth Immigrants Act of 3177:(Oxford University Press, 2000) 3060:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 3032:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2989:BBC - Bulgarian visa scandal - 2977:BBC - Bulgarian visa scandal - 2884:. London: The Stationery Office 2802:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2774:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2734:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2706:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2701:"Afghan Aircraft Hijack (2000)" 2666:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2638:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2613:. House of Lords. 29 March 1999 2610:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2582:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2530:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2502:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2462:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2434:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2406:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2378:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2350:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2322:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2294:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2269:. Written Answers. 30 June 1983 2266:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2238:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2201:. House of Commons. 2 July 1991 2198:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2146:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2106:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2033:. Written Answers. 23 July 1974 2030:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 2002:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1974:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1949:. Written Answers. 18 July 1991 1946:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1918:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1890:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1862:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1834:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1806:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1778:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1744:Travis, Alan (1 January 2002). 1722:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1670:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1630:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1605:. Written Answers. 30 July 1953 1602:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1467:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1462:"Aliens Restriction Act (1920)" 1391:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1366:. House of Commons. 5 July 1900 1363:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1335:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1307:Parliamentary Debates (Hansard) 1102:Development of child protection 900:Joint Committee on Human Rights 350:needs additional citations for 313:Royal Victoria Patriotic School 202:wide-ranging discretion to the 3368:Sophia Naturalization Act 1705 3063:. Written Answers. 21 May 2004 2465:. Written Answers. 9 July 1998 2353:. Written Answers. 5 July 1995 2325:. Written Answers. 6 June 1995 2317:"Immigration Detainees (1995)" 2087:Home Office statistics 1994 - 1809:. Written Answers. 19 May 1971 1801:"Immigration staffing 1960-70" 1310:. House of Lords. 28 July 1905 1187:Serious Organised Crime Agency 943:Serious Organised Crime Agency 44:comply with Knowledge (XXG)'s 42:This article needs editing to 1: 3027:"Transnational benefit fraud" 2409:. Written Answers. 1 May 2001 2345:"Immigration detention costs" 1575:Exploring 20th century London 1386:"Use of deception on arrival" 1338:. House of Lords. 23 May 1898 880:Home Affairs Select Committee 3373:British Nationality Act 1948 3342:British Nationality Act 1981 1358:"Numbers of arriving aliens" 1330:"Numbers of Jewish migrants" 1066:and the policy was dropped. 640:British Nationality Act 1981 461:Hungarian Revolution of 1956 431:Polish Resettlement Act 1947 85:Alien Act was passed in 1793 3305:British National (Overseas) 3155:Labour's Immigration Policy 2633:"IND reorganisation 1998/9" 1969:"new Designated Ports 1987" 1414:"Aliens Registration Cards" 1212:July 7th terrorist bombings 498:European Economic Community 3528: 3451:Indefinite leave to remain 2965:BBC 2004 - EU accession - 1857:"1986 Visa Implementation" 1280: 1093:when speaking at the 2004 1062:breached Article 3 of the 980:Secure Borders, Safe Haven 966:Secure Borders, Safe Haven 856:Private Finance Initiative 190: 92:UK immigration enforcement 2141:"Asylum Bill debate 1991" 1206:: the 2005 five-year plan 1141:The Immigration Minister 1077:X/Gamma ray scanners and 3310:British protected person 3300:British Overseas citizen 2797:"IND staffing 1998-2002" 1665:"Opposition to 1962 Act" 1271:Security in a Global Hub 3253:British nationality law 3201:The Historical Journal, 3137:, 41.2 (2011), 285–312. 3055:"Health Tourism (2004)" 1204:Controlling Our Borders 1156:National Health Service 1095:Labour Party Conference 1217:The 2005 white paper “ 1079:carbon dioxide sensors 984:Fairer, Firmer, Faster 850:IND Casework Programme 787:Fairer, Faster, Firmer 694: 587: 544:Martin Luther King Jr. 532:Rivers of Blood speech 399: 154:William Haldane Porter 3190:, 44.1 (2015), 121–39 2880:Home Office (2002a), 1885:"Prison Ships (1987)" 1418:The National Archives 1158:(NHS) about illicit " 1135:National Audit Office 896:Human Rights Act 1998 888:Afghan hijackers case 761:Immigration detention 692: 585: 396: 3481:EU Settlement Scheme 3393:Immigration Act 1971 3315:Commonwealth citizen 3153:Consterdine, Erica, 2497:"Deployment of ALOs" 1577:. London Museums Hub 764:at a port of entry. 592:Immigration Act 1971 359:improve this article 240:rise of air travel. 225:Immigration Act 1971 172:Home Secretary power 1164:Data Protection Act 959:Tipping the Balance 253:Immigration Service 53:improve the content 3466:Common Travel Area 2729:"Afghan hijackers" 938:World Trade Center 759:In 1983 the total 728:St Pancras station 695: 588: 542:, the murderer of 435:Common Travel Area 400: 304:Dunkirk evacuation 232:Wembley Exhibition 221:Russian Revolution 217:Ministry of Labour 3489: 3488: 3406: 3405: 3323: 3322: 3173:Hansen, Randall, 996:backscatter X-ray 992:heartbeat sensors 732:Sangatte Protocol 391: 390: 383: 212:employment rights 199:Aliens Order 1920 81: 80: 73: 16:(Redirected from 3519: 3378:Ireland Act 1949 3332: 3264: 3246: 3239: 3232: 3223: 3147:(Coventry, 1987) 3121: 3115: 3109: 3103: 3097: 3091: 3085: 3079: 3073: 3072: 3070: 3068: 3051: 3045: 3044: 3042: 3040: 3023: 3017: 3011: 3005: 2999: 2993: 2987: 2981: 2975: 2969: 2963: 2957: 2951: 2945: 2939: 2933: 2927: 2921: 2915: 2909: 2903: 2897: 2891: 2885: 2878: 2872: 2869: 2863: 2857: 2851: 2845: 2839: 2833: 2827: 2821: 2815: 2814: 2812: 2810: 2793: 2787: 2786: 2784: 2782: 2765: 2759: 2753: 2747: 2746: 2744: 2742: 2725: 2719: 2718: 2716: 2714: 2697: 2691: 2685: 2679: 2678: 2676: 2674: 2657: 2651: 2650: 2648: 2646: 2629: 2623: 2622: 2620: 2618: 2601: 2595: 2594: 2592: 2590: 2573: 2567: 2561: 2555: 2549: 2543: 2542: 2540: 2538: 2521: 2515: 2514: 2512: 2510: 2493: 2487: 2481: 2475: 2474: 2472: 2470: 2453: 2447: 2446: 2444: 2442: 2425: 2419: 2418: 2416: 2414: 2397: 2391: 2390: 2388: 2386: 2369: 2363: 2362: 2360: 2358: 2341: 2335: 2334: 2332: 2330: 2313: 2307: 2306: 2304: 2302: 2285: 2279: 2278: 2276: 2274: 2257: 2251: 2250: 2248: 2246: 2229: 2223: 2217: 2211: 2210: 2208: 2206: 2189: 2183: 2177: 2171: 2165: 2159: 2158: 2156: 2154: 2137: 2131: 2125: 2119: 2118: 2116: 2114: 2097: 2091: 2085: 2079: 2073: 2067: 2061: 2055: 2049: 2043: 2042: 2040: 2038: 2021: 2015: 2014: 2012: 2010: 1993: 1987: 1986: 1984: 1982: 1965: 1959: 1958: 1956: 1954: 1937: 1931: 1930: 1928: 1926: 1909: 1903: 1902: 1900: 1898: 1881: 1875: 1874: 1872: 1870: 1853: 1847: 1846: 1844: 1842: 1825: 1819: 1818: 1816: 1814: 1797: 1791: 1790: 1788: 1786: 1769: 1763: 1762: 1760: 1758: 1741: 1735: 1734: 1732: 1730: 1713: 1707: 1701: 1695: 1689: 1683: 1682: 1680: 1678: 1661: 1655: 1649: 1643: 1642: 1640: 1638: 1621: 1615: 1614: 1612: 1610: 1593: 1587: 1586: 1584: 1582: 1567: 1561: 1550: 1544: 1543: 1541: 1539: 1528: 1522: 1519: 1513: 1510: 1504: 1498: 1492: 1489: 1480: 1479: 1477: 1475: 1458: 1452: 1449: 1443: 1442: 1435: 1429: 1428: 1426: 1424: 1410: 1404: 1403: 1401: 1399: 1382: 1376: 1375: 1373: 1371: 1354: 1348: 1347: 1345: 1343: 1326: 1320: 1319: 1317: 1315: 1298: 1043:carrot and stick 1021:social exclusion 1013:multiculturalism 988:iris recognition 770:Campsfield House 744:people smuggling 724:Waterloo station 661:The fall of the 386: 379: 375: 372: 366: 343: 335: 288:Gatwick terminal 76: 69: 65: 62: 56: 37: 36: 29: 21: 3527: 3526: 3522: 3521: 3520: 3518: 3517: 3516: 3492: 3491: 3490: 3485: 3461:Belonger status 3439: 3402: 3356: 3319: 3295:British subject 3283: 3274:British citizen 3255: 3250: 3163:Glover, David, 3130: 3128:Further reading 3125: 3124: 3116: 3112: 3104: 3100: 3092: 3088: 3080: 3076: 3066: 3064: 3053: 3052: 3048: 3038: 3036: 3025: 3024: 3020: 3012: 3008: 3000: 2996: 2988: 2984: 2976: 2972: 2964: 2960: 2952: 2948: 2940: 2936: 2928: 2924: 2916: 2912: 2904: 2900: 2892: 2888: 2879: 2875: 2870: 2866: 2858: 2854: 2846: 2842: 2834: 2830: 2822: 2818: 2808: 2806: 2795: 2794: 2790: 2780: 2778: 2767: 2766: 2762: 2754: 2750: 2740: 2738: 2727: 2726: 2722: 2712: 2710: 2699: 2698: 2694: 2686: 2682: 2672: 2670: 2659: 2658: 2654: 2644: 2642: 2631: 2630: 2626: 2616: 2614: 2603: 2602: 2598: 2588: 2586: 2575: 2574: 2570: 2562: 2558: 2550: 2546: 2536: 2534: 2523: 2522: 2518: 2508: 2506: 2495: 2494: 2490: 2482: 2478: 2468: 2466: 2455: 2454: 2450: 2440: 2438: 2427: 2426: 2422: 2412: 2410: 2399: 2398: 2394: 2384: 2382: 2371: 2370: 2366: 2356: 2354: 2343: 2342: 2338: 2328: 2326: 2315: 2314: 2310: 2300: 2298: 2287: 2286: 2282: 2272: 2270: 2259: 2258: 2254: 2244: 2242: 2231: 2230: 2226: 2218: 2214: 2204: 2202: 2191: 2190: 2186: 2178: 2174: 2166: 2162: 2152: 2150: 2139: 2138: 2134: 2126: 2122: 2112: 2110: 2099: 2098: 2094: 2086: 2082: 2074: 2070: 2062: 2058: 2050: 2046: 2036: 2034: 2023: 2022: 2018: 2008: 2006: 1995: 1994: 1990: 1980: 1978: 1967: 1966: 1962: 1952: 1950: 1939: 1938: 1934: 1924: 1922: 1911: 1910: 1906: 1896: 1894: 1883: 1882: 1878: 1868: 1866: 1855: 1854: 1850: 1840: 1838: 1827: 1826: 1822: 1812: 1810: 1799: 1798: 1794: 1784: 1782: 1771: 1770: 1766: 1756: 1754: 1743: 1742: 1738: 1728: 1726: 1715: 1714: 1710: 1702: 1698: 1690: 1686: 1676: 1674: 1663: 1662: 1658: 1650: 1646: 1636: 1634: 1623: 1622: 1618: 1608: 1606: 1595: 1594: 1590: 1580: 1578: 1569: 1568: 1564: 1551: 1547: 1537: 1535: 1530: 1529: 1525: 1520: 1516: 1511: 1507: 1499: 1495: 1490: 1483: 1473: 1471: 1460: 1459: 1455: 1450: 1446: 1437: 1436: 1432: 1422: 1420: 1412: 1411: 1407: 1397: 1395: 1384: 1383: 1379: 1369: 1367: 1356: 1355: 1351: 1341: 1339: 1328: 1327: 1323: 1313: 1311: 1300: 1299: 1295: 1290: 1285: 1279: 1247: 1208: 1183: 1170:would be slow. 1121: 1104: 1059:Refugee Council 1017:social cohesion 969: 962: 924: 873: 864:Computer Weekly 852: 804:, (Cambridge), 790: 783: 675: 636: 552: 482: 419:Empire Windrush 404:Croydon airport 387: 376: 370: 367: 356: 344: 333: 308:Brownsea Island 296: 269:Kindertransport 237:Croydon Airport 195: 189: 167:First World War 162: 120:Aliens Act 1905 105: 100: 77: 66: 60: 57: 50: 46:Manual of Style 38: 34: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 3525: 3523: 3515: 3514: 3509: 3504: 3494: 3493: 3487: 3486: 3484: 3483: 3478: 3473: 3468: 3463: 3458: 3456:Right of abode 3453: 3447: 3445: 3441: 3440: 3438: 3437: 3432: 3427: 3422: 3416: 3414: 3408: 3407: 3404: 3403: 3401: 3400: 3395: 3390: 3380: 3375: 3370: 3364: 3362: 3358: 3357: 3355: 3354: 3349: 3344: 3338: 3336: 3329: 3325: 3324: 3321: 3320: 3318: 3317: 3312: 3307: 3302: 3297: 3291: 3289: 3285: 3284: 3282: 3281: 3276: 3270: 3268: 3261: 3257: 3256: 3251: 3249: 3248: 3241: 3234: 3226: 3220: 3219: 3216: 3213: 3210: 3207: 3204: 3197: 3194: 3191: 3184: 3181: 3178: 3171: 3168: 3161: 3158: 3151: 3148: 3141: 3138: 3129: 3126: 3123: 3122: 3110: 3098: 3086: 3074: 3046: 3018: 3006: 2994: 2982: 2970: 2958: 2946: 2934: 2922: 2910: 2898: 2886: 2873: 2864: 2852: 2840: 2828: 2816: 2788: 2760: 2748: 2720: 2692: 2680: 2652: 2624: 2596: 2568: 2556: 2544: 2525:"Visas (1999)" 2516: 2488: 2476: 2448: 2420: 2392: 2364: 2336: 2308: 2280: 2252: 2224: 2212: 2184: 2172: 2160: 2132: 2120: 2092: 2080: 2068: 2056: 2044: 2016: 1988: 1960: 1932: 1904: 1876: 1848: 1820: 1792: 1764: 1736: 1708: 1696: 1684: 1656: 1644: 1616: 1588: 1562: 1545: 1523: 1514: 1505: 1493: 1481: 1453: 1444: 1430: 1405: 1377: 1349: 1321: 1292: 1291: 1289: 1286: 1281:Main article: 1278: 1275: 1267:Cabinet Office 1246: 1243: 1235: 1234: 1227: 1226: 1207: 1201: 1196: 1195: 1182: 1179:One Step Ahead 1176: 1168:identity fraud 1160:health tourism 1120: 1117: 1103: 1100: 1083: 1082: 1075: 968: 963: 961: 955: 923: 920: 872: 869: 851: 848: 843: 842: 839: 836: 833: 830: 789: 784: 782: 779: 720:Channel Tunnel 679:asylum seekers 677:The number of 674: 671: 635: 632: 612: 611: 608: 605: 602: 599: 551: 548: 540:James Earl Ray 513:bogus colleges 490:British Empire 481: 478: 389: 388: 347: 345: 338: 332: 329: 295: 292: 249:war-torn Spain 208:passport stamp 204:Home Secretary 188: 185: 161: 158: 150:Board of Trade 141: 140: 137: 134: 131: 113:Russian Empire 104: 101: 99: 96: 79: 78: 41: 39: 32: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3524: 3513: 3510: 3508: 3505: 3503: 3500: 3499: 3497: 3482: 3479: 3477: 3474: 3472: 3469: 3467: 3464: 3462: 3459: 3457: 3454: 3452: 3449: 3448: 3446: 3442: 3436: 3433: 3431: 3428: 3426: 3423: 3421: 3418: 3417: 3415: 3413: 3409: 3399: 3396: 3394: 3391: 3389: 3385: 3381: 3379: 3376: 3374: 3371: 3369: 3366: 3365: 3363: 3359: 3353: 3350: 3348: 3345: 3343: 3340: 3339: 3337: 3333: 3330: 3326: 3316: 3313: 3311: 3308: 3306: 3303: 3301: 3298: 3296: 3293: 3292: 3290: 3286: 3280: 3277: 3275: 3272: 3271: 3269: 3265: 3262: 3258: 3254: 3247: 3242: 3240: 3235: 3233: 3228: 3227: 3224: 3217: 3214: 3211: 3208: 3205: 3202: 3198: 3195: 3192: 3189: 3185: 3182: 3179: 3176: 3172: 3169: 3166: 3162: 3159: 3156: 3152: 3149: 3146: 3142: 3139: 3136: 3132: 3131: 3127: 3120: 3114: 3111: 3108: 3102: 3099: 3096: 3090: 3087: 3084: 3078: 3075: 3062: 3061: 3056: 3050: 3047: 3034: 3033: 3028: 3022: 3019: 3016: 3010: 3007: 3004: 2998: 2995: 2992: 2986: 2983: 2980: 2974: 2971: 2968: 2962: 2959: 2956: 2950: 2947: 2944: 2938: 2935: 2932: 2926: 2923: 2920: 2914: 2911: 2908: 2902: 2899: 2896: 2890: 2887: 2883: 2877: 2874: 2868: 2865: 2862: 2856: 2853: 2850: 2844: 2841: 2838: 2832: 2829: 2826: 2820: 2817: 2804: 2803: 2798: 2792: 2789: 2776: 2775: 2770: 2764: 2761: 2758: 2752: 2749: 2736: 2735: 2730: 2724: 2721: 2708: 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UK immigration control - history
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Alien Act was passed in 1793
UK immigration enforcement
Russian Empire
Aliens Act 1905
HM Customs
Board of Trade
William Haldane Porter
First World War
Home Secretary power
Jews escaping from German-occupied Europe to the United Kingdom
Aliens Order 1920
Home Secretary
passport stamp
employment rights
Ministry of Labour
Russian Revolution
Immigration Act 1971
Wembley Exhibition
Croydon Airport
Nazi Germany
war-torn Spain
Immigration Service
RMS Queen Mary

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
