Knowledge (XXG)


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315:(?i)soo+;;-1;;v;; (?i)(?he|yu) (s|re) +u+c+h+ +;;-1;;v;; (?i).*?asdf.*?;;-2;;v;; #common jibberish (?i)\!\!\!;;-1;;v;;#shout (!!! is a band) (?!)p+u+t++;;-2;;v;; (?i)t+w++t+*;;-2;;v;; 8==+>;;-2;;v;; (?i)m++f+;;-1;;v;; (?i)b+u+tt+*m+u+n+c+h+(e+r+|+)?;;-10;;v;; (?i)( |h |the ) wng?;;-1;;v;; # a wang, his wang, the wang, becareful (?i){40,};;-1;;v;;#Very few words are 30 characters long, see (?i)(+s{2,}|+h++t+|c+r++p|b+u+(tt+|m+)|d++c*k+)?h++w*l+e++;;-2;;v;; #assholes, asshowles, buthowles, bumholllesss ect (?i)((a|\@){2,}|b+u+(tt+|m+))*(r++p+(++t+|e+(d+|r+|+n+g+|+)?)|c+r++c*k+*|l++c*k+e+r+*|f+u++(e*d+|e*r*+|+n+g+)?|+e+x+|m+u+n++e+r);;-10;;v;; # will revert without exception (assrape, bumrape, asscrack, butttcrack, asslicker ect) (?i){2,}(e)?;;-2;;v;; #ass, ect (needs to be spaced to avoid assessment and such) (?i)+w+e+++m+e+*;;-1;;v;; #awesome, aawwweesssommmee, awesomez, ect (?i)(b++l{2,}|n+u+t+)?++c+k+(e+d+|+|+n+g+)?;;-3;;v;; #ballsack ect (?i)b+++t+(|u)+r+d+*;;-2;;v;; #bastard, basturd, bastardz, bbbassstarrrd, ect (?i)b++t+c+h+(e++)?;;-2;;v;; #bitch, bitches, bittttcchhhess, ect (?i)blh;;-1;;v;; (?i)(hnd|rm|blw?)?job?;;-2;;v;; (?i)b+{2,}g+e+r+*;;-1;;v;; #boogers (?i)b++n+e+r+*;;-1;;v;; (?i)(b+u+ll+|d++g+|c++w+|d+u+m+b+)??+(?)h+\2?+\2?t+\2?((t+\2?)e+\2?(d|r)+\2?|+\2?|z+\2?|t*\2?(y+|(i|y)+(\2?e+\2?+\2?t+|l+\2?y+|e+\2?r+))\2?)?;;-3;;v;; #shit, shhhiiiit, *h*i*t*, buuullllshhhiiiittt, shittiest, but NOT hi's hit. ect (?i)(?<!head )(?<!head)b+u+tt+*';;-1;;v;; (?i)c+h++d+e+*;;-2;;v;; (?i)c+u+m+(?!\-)e*d*;;-1;;v;; #cum or cummed or cummmmmmmeeeedd, but not cum- because that could be cum-lade ect (?i)c+u+n+t+*;;-2;;v;; (?i)d++m+n+e*d*;;-1;;v;; THE BET;;-3;;v;; (?i)is (the man|a beast);;-3;;v (?i)+(?)(+\1?c+\1?|+\1?w+\1?c*\1?)k+\1?*\1?;;-2;;v;; #, cock, kawk, ect. (?i)d+(?)+\1?c*\1?k+\1?(e*\1?(|d)+\1?|+\1?n+\1?g+\1?);;-1;;v;; #dick dicked, d*i*k*z (?i)(d++c*k+|c++c+k+|p+e+n+++)?+u+c*k+e+r+(+|+n+g+|e*d+)?;;-20;;v;; #dick-sucker, ect. (?i)d+u+d+e+*;;-2;;v;; (?i)d+u+m+(b*(|ies|y)+|b+);;-1;;v;; #dumy dumby, ect (?i)(e++t+|l++c*k+|b++t+e+|+u+c*k+) m+(e|y)+;;-2;;v;; #that's not nice (bite me/my) (?i)f+(?)+\1?g+\1?(g+\1)?((|)+\1?t+\1?)?*\1?;;-2;;v;; #fags, faggots, f.a.g.g.o.t, ect (?i)(p+h+|f+)(?)u+\2?(c+\2?k+|k+\1?c*)\2? *\2?((y+\2?+\2?)?u+\2?|u+\2?+\2?|h+\2?(e+\2?r+\2?|+\2?m+\2?)|t+\2?h+\2?(e+\2?m+|+\2?+|+\2?t+\2?)\2?|m+\2?e+\2?|+\2?f\2?f+\2?);;-3;;v;; #personal attack( fuck you, fukc me, f.u.c.k. us, fuk this, ect) (?i)(p+h+|f+)(?)u+\2?(c+\2?k+|k+\2?c*)\2?(e+\2?r+\2?*\2?|+\2?|(i|e)+\2?n+\2?(g+\2?)?|e+\2?d+\2?)?;;-2;;v;; #fuck, f*u*c*k, fukc, fukin, fuk, ect (?i)(p+h+|f+)+r+t+(+|(e|)+d+)?;;-2;;v;; #farts, fartid, fartz (?i)ff+uuuu+;;-1;;v;; #wierd internet joke 'ffffuuuuuuu' (?i)g+(?)+\1?y+\1?(e+\1?(r+\1?|+\1?t+\1?)|+\1?)?;;-1;;v;; #gay, gayz, ggggaaaayyyy, g*a*y*, ect (?i)g++ \w+ (y++)u+r++e+l+(f+|v+e++);;-2;;v;; # go (blank) yourself/yourselves/urself ect. (?i)*?h+()+h* ?h+\1+h* ?h+\1+h* ?;;-2;;v;;#e.g. 'hahaha', hohoho, hehehe, heh heh heh, hah hah hah, ect (?i)I (l(|u)ve?|h(ate|8)|li+|want);;-1;;v;; #I like/love/want/hate is never good in an article (?i)+ l++k+e+* p++e+;;-5;;v;; (?i)+d+++t+(+c+|+)?;;-1;;v;; (?i)(?<!what )in (t+|d) (+{2,}|p+{2,}p+e+r+|b+u+t{2,}|b+u+m+)(?w*h++w*l+e*)?;;-4;;v;; #'in the ass' is never good for anywhere (?i)?he (i|wa)s t+ (u+g+l++|h++t+|m+e++n+|d+u+m+b+|c+r++p++|g++y+|n++c+|c+{2,}l+|f+u+nn++)e++t+;;-2;;v;; # keep adding adjectives please, eg he is the coolest, she is teh meanest, ect (?i)l+(?)\1?+\1?+\1?e+\1?r+\1?*\1?;;-1;;v;; #looser, looooooser, l*o*o**e*r, ect (?i)l++m+e+;;-1;;v;; (?i)(l++c+k+|l++e+k+|l++k+e+|l++v+e+)* *(p+e+n+++e*|c++c+k+|d++c*k+)*;;-10;;v;; #never good: (blank) like penis, (blank) loves cock, ect. (?i)l(|w|u)l(|ed|l?ing)?;;-2;;v;;#e.g. 'lol' or 'lawled' and lolling (?i)m++e+r+d++*;;-2;;v;; #spanish for shit (?i)n+(?)+\1?g\1?g+\1?(e+\1?r+\1?|a+\1?)*\1?;;-2;;v;; #no thank you (niggers, niggggaz, n.i.g.g.e.r.z, ect) (?i)n({2,}|ew)b(|ed)?;;-2;;v;; #noobs, newbs, noobed, ect O+H+ ++H++\-;;-1;;v;; #internet joke i guess (?i)+m+f*g+;;-1;;v;; #omg, ect (?i)p+(?)+\1?(+\1?n+\1?u+\1?|n+\1?+\1?)+\1?(e+\1?+\1?)?;;-1;;v;; #penis, peanus, p3n1s, p.e.n.i.s.e.s ect (?i)pimp(ed|s)?;;-1;;v;; (?i)p++{2,}(+n+g|?(e+d+(?+f{2,})?));;-1;;v;; (?i)p+*w+n+(*d*|a*g*e*)?;;-1;;v;; #pwned, p0wned, pwn3ed, ect (?i)p+{2,}p*(e+d+|e+r+|+)?;;-5;;v;; #poop, poos, pooper (?i)p+r+e+g+(+|e+r++);;-1;;v;; #pregerz, prego (?i)pube?;;-1;;v;; #pube or pubes (?i)p+u+{2,}(i|y)+e**;;-2;;v;; #pussy, pussies (?i)p+u+t++*;;-2;;v;; #spanish for slut (?i)r++p+(e|i)+(d+|+t*|+n+g+)?;;-1;;v;; #rape (?i)r+e+t++r+d+(*|e*d*);;-1;;v;; #retard, reeeetard, retarded, ect (?i)(rotf)?lmf?(h|);;-2;;v;; #rotflmfao, lmao, lmfao, ect (?i)+(?)e+\1?x+\1?(e+\1?d+\1?|y+\1?|i*\1?e+\1?(s|r)+\1?(t\1?)?)?(?! and the city);;-1;;v;;#sexy, sex, sexed, sexiest, s.e.x, seeeexx, ect (?i)+(?)u+\1?c+\1?k+\1?(?! up)(e+\1?d+\1?|+\1?n+\1?g\1?|+\1?|z+\1?)(?! up);;-2;;v;; #suck, sucked, sucks, *u*c*k*s, ect. (?i)(c?h)lngs?;;-2;;v;; #schlong (?i)+h+u+t+( ?(t+h+e+|d+a+) \w+)? ?u+p+;;-1;;v;; #shut up, shutup, shut the (blank) up, ect. (?i)+l+u+t+*;;-3;;v;; # ssslllluuut, slut, sluts, ect (?i)+t+f+u+;;-1;;v;; (?i)tiff(y|ie)?;;-1;;v;; #stiffy, stiffies, ect (?i)+t++n+k+(i*e*+|y+);;-1;;v;; #stinks/stinky/stinkies/ssttiinnkkiiees/ect (?i)+t+(u|)+p++d+;;-1;;v;; (?i)+u+c*k+(+|+n+g+|e*d+)??(d++c*k+|c++c+k+|p+e+n++s(e+s)?)*;;-20;;v;; #same as above, tramposed (?i)t+h++t\'* w+(h++|u+)t+ *h+e+ +++d+;;-2;;v;; #thats what she said (?i)(t++t+|b+{2,}b+)(+e++|y+|+)?;;-1;;v;; #titties, boobies, tits, boobs (?i)t+u+r+d+*;;-1;;v;; #turds, turdz, turd, ect (?i)v+(?)+\1?g+\1?+\1?n+\1?a+\1?*\1?;;-1;;v;; (?i)\w+ i (c|k)+(e+w+|{2,})l+;;-1;;v;; #(blank) is cool/kewl/ect (?i)w++n+a+b+e+*;;-1;;v;; #wannabes, wannabe (?i)w+++ h+e+r+e+;;-1;;v;; (?i)w+(e++|+e+)+n+e+r+;;-1;;v;; #wieners (?i)wh(t\'??|)\s?u+p+;;-1;;v;; #what's up? (?i)w+h++r+e+(+|d+|+n+g+)?;;-2;;v;; (?i)w++e+r+d+**;;-1;;v;; # I cant think of a time when this would be appropriate. (?i)(?<!how I met )((y++)?u+r+|y+(|a)+) m+(+(t+h+e+r+|+m+(y+)?)|a+m++)*;;-3;;v;; #your mom, yo mamma, ur mother, ect (?i)((y++)?u+|*h+e+|w+e+( +l+l+)?|t+h+(e+y+|++|+t+)|+) +u+c+k+*;;-5;;v;; #personalattack (you suck, she sucks, he sucks, I suck) 307:(?i)\[\[(The )?Fuck;;5;;g;; \'\'\'?.+?\'\'\'?;;1;;g;; #italic/bold text (?i)lyrics;;5;;g;;' (?i)illegitimate;;1;;g;; (?i)gay (and|or) lesbian;;33;;g;; (?i)(gay|lesbian) (rights?|pride|mar+iaged?);;4;;g;; \n0?\:\d\n;;10;;g;; (?i)1987.{1,3}What The Fuck Is Going On;;10;;g;;#album (?i)recognition of gay;;10;;g;;# see ] (?i)national (gay|lesbian);;10;;g;;# see ] (?i)singapore gay;;10;;g;;# see ] (?i)international (gay|lesbian);;10;;g;;# see ] (?i)the gay;;10;;g;;#see ] (?i)william gay;;10;;g;;#see ] (?i)\[\[ *category *\:;;5;;g;;#categories are very good (?i)\{\{ *defaultsort *\:;;5;;g;;#{{defaultsort:}} (?i)<references */;;5;;g;;#<references/> (?i)\{\{ *reflist *;;5;;g;;#{{reflist}} template is good (?i)(19|20)\d\d;;2;;g;;#current years are good (?i)\"*?I (l(o|u)ve?|h(ate|8)|li+|want)*?\";;3;;g;;# false positive fix (?i)\(+?\);;1;;g;;#brackets are good (?i)cite *web;;1;;g;;#cite web templates are good (?i)\"+?\";;2;;g;; #quotes are good (?i)homosexual lifestyle;;2;;g;; (?i)\://;;1;;g;; #html-links are good (ftp:// http:// https:// (?i)\{2,3}(\-{2,3})? *\:;;2;;g;; #interwiki (?i)<\s?ref;;2;;g;; #ref tags are good, < symbol in HTML TAG <ref> <ref name= (?i)(\]+?\]\]|\{\{+?\}\});;2;;g;;#transclusions and wikilinks are good 38: 86: 118: 327: 94: 263:
Hi. The following regexes are what DASHbot uses to score edits. All regexes must follow this syntax, starting from a new line:
102: 126: 110: 43:
DASHBot's Anti-Vandalism Feature has been disabled, as it has been superseded by the artificially intelligent
78: 191:
lenmatched.append('<Replaced content with someting esle, as acording to edit summary.>')
if self.msg.startswith( u']Replaced content with') and creator(self.msg)!=self.msg:
44: 236:
if score >= scorelimit and top_edits_to_page(self.msg,self.msg)>4:scorelimit =-9999
62: 17: 197:
if self.msg.startswith( u']Blanked the page') and creator(self.msg)!=self.msg:
23: 321: 203:
lenmatched.append('<Blanked the page, as acording to edit summary.>')
230:#The Below excludes edits where the user has edited the page 5 times in a row. 182:
if '<BAD WORD IN TITLE' in ''.join(lenmatched): score = 200
This code is executed after the bot has assesed the score of an edit.
For each match to a case-insensitive regex (those that start with
52: 32: 296:) are reduced an extra point if they are in all CAPS. 143:This setting makes DASHBot ignore its own 1RR. 8: 288:\|\{\}\+\&]<REGEX>\|\{\}\+\&] 215:if renderedsize >800: scorelimit =-9999 218:if (renderedsize) <150:scorelimit = -3 221:if (renderedsize) <50:scorelimit = -2 47:. I for one welcome our robot overlords. 270:"g" of course is for good edit regexps. 286:All regexes are put into the context 7: 31: 36: 1: 328:Inactive Knowledge (XXG) bots 273:"v" is for bad edit regexps. 344: 152: 71:Regular-Expression List 111:Error Report Generator 59:DASHBot Anti-Vandalism 24:User:DASHBot/Vandalism 127:Emergency Bot Shutoff 265:regex;;score;;(g|v) 248:""" 170:""" 103:Recent Actions Log 303:Good Edit Regexes 155:run_dashbot_angry 140:run_dashbot_angry 132: 131: 51: 50: 22:(Redirected from 335: 311:Bad Edit Regexps 295: 289: 266: 249: 246: 243: 240: 237: 234: 231: 228: 225: 222: 219: 216: 213: 210: 207: 204: 201: 198: 195: 192: 189: 186: 183: 180: 177: 174: 171: 168: 165: 162: 159: 156: 135:GENERAL SETTINGS 53: 40: 39: 33: 27: 343: 342: 338: 337: 336: 334: 333: 332: 318: 317: 316: 313: 308: 305: 293: 287: 264: 261: 256: 251: 250: 247: 244: 241: 238: 235: 232: 229: 226: 223: 220: 217: 214: 211: 208: 205: 202: 199: 196: 193: 190: 187: 184: 181: 178: 175: 172: 169: 166: 163: 160: 157: 154: 137: 119:False Positives 79:Excluded Titles 61: 37: 29: 28: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 341: 339: 331: 330: 320: 319: 314: 312: 309: 306: 304: 301: 300: 299: 298: 297: 290: 275: 274: 271: 260: 257: 255: 252: 153: 151: 150: 147: 144: 141: 136: 133: 130: 129: 56: 49: 48: 41: 30: 18:User:DASHBotAV 15: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 340: 329: 326: 325: 323: 310: 302: 291: 285: 284: 283: 282: 281: 279: 272: 269: 268: 267: 258: 253: 148: 145: 142: 139: 138: 134: 128: 124: 120: 116: 112: 108: 104: 100: 96: 92: 88: 84: 80: 76: 72: 68: 64: 60: 57: 55: 54: 46: 42: 35: 34: 25: 19: 277: 276: 262: 259:Instructions 122: 114: 106: 98: 90: 87:Message List 82: 74: 70: 66: 58: 200:score -= 10 188:score -= 10 164:size_alter 146:size_alter 45:ClueBot NG 194:######### 322:Category 254:The List 95:Requests 245:####### 242:####### 239:####### 233:####### 227:####### 212:####### 209:####### 206:####### 179:####### 173:####### 176:quit() 123:· 121:  117: 115:· 113:  107:· 105:  99:· 97:  93: 91:· 89:  85: 83:· 81:  77: 75:· 73:  69: 67:· 65:  224:##### 161:False 125: 109: 101: 16:< 294:(?i) 278:NOTE 63:Home 324:: 280:: 167:= 158:= 26:)


ClueBot NG
Regular-Expression List
Excluded Titles
Message List
Recent Actions Log
Error Report Generator
False Positives
Emergency Bot Shutoff
Inactive Knowledge (XXG) bots

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