
User talk:باسم

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1303:أولا , صحيح أنك منعتني لكن حقي تعديل صفحة المستخدم الخاصة بي ثانيا , لا تظن بأن منعك لي يهمني , و أنا لست مهتما بوجودي في موقع كاذب مثل ويكيبيديا العربية , إن أردت منعي فمنعني كما تشاء , لاتظن أنت و أصدقاؤك أنكم تستطيعون التحكم بي , سورية تكتب كما كتيتها الان , و إن لم يعجبك , فافتح جميع الأشياء الرسمية في سورية و سوف ترى كيف مكتوبة , لا تعلمني على بلدي , و من حسن حظك أني لم أكتب أن لبنان و فلسطين و الأردن أراضي سورية فأن لست أدعي بملكية لواء إسكندرون و ديار بكر و الموصل أراضي سورية بل هي فعلا كذلك , أضف إلى ذلك أنك قمت بنعي أنت و أصدقاؤك فلأنني أكتب الحق , و هذا ما تخشونه , مشروع ويكيبيديا العربية لإيصال التاريخ المزور التي تريده أنت و إداريووك , فما يعجبكم من التاريخ تكتبوه و ما لايعجبكم تمسحوه 2085:السلام عليكم أخي باسم. بداية أعتذر عن مراسلتك هنا، ولكن لم يكن لي خيار آخر، فقد تفاجأت كثيرا عندما علمت بأن حسابي ممنوع، ولم أدر ماذا أفعل. ما حيرني أخي: ما هو المعيار الذي دفعكم للشك في أني دمية جورب؟ أقصد ما هو العمل التخريبي الذي قمت به حتى يتم منعي؟! أرجو منك أن توضح لي هذه النقطة. رجاء آخر سيدي: إعادة تدقيق المستخدم، فربما يكون هناك خلل ما، لأن حساب "مصعب مصعب" من الجزائر وأنا أيضا من الجزائر. أخشى أن يكون قد حدث نفس الالتباس الذي حدث قبلا مع حساب "الشيماء المغربية" عندما تم منع عدة حسابات مغربية بالرغم من أنها لم تكن دمى جورب، كحساب "عدنان حليم" و"أنس بادو". في الأخير، تيقن أخي باسم بأن حسابي ليس بدمية جورب، ولا يمت لتلك الحسابات بأية صلة، ولكم واسع النظر...أسمى التحايا ودمت بخير-- 3181:وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته. ما فعلته في ويكيبيديا العربيَّة كان قمَّة الخطأ: أولًا علاء وكريم شخصان مُختلفان، وهذه معلومة معروفة مؤكَّدة لدى المُجتمع العربي، ولو كان لديك شك، فمُجرَّد رفض إداري لتعديل أو حذف مقالة من طرف إداريَّان مُختلفان، فهذا لا يجعلهما شخصًا واحدًا، والطلب يُرفض فورًا بهذه الحالة. كذلك فإنَّ تتبُعك لعلاء بهذا الشكل يصب في خانة التصيُّد والإزعاج، وهذه يُمنع فاعلها فورًا. لن ينفع تقديم شكوى أو تظلُّم هُنا في ويكيبيديا الإنگليزيَّة، فكُل مُجتمع ويكيبيدي مُستقل عن شقيقاته، ولكُل مُجتمع إدارييه الذين يُعالجون مُشكلاته. سيدوم المنع يومًا فقط، وبعدها احرص على أن لا يتكرَّر هذا الخطأ، فنتعاون جميعنا في بناء الموسوعة. تحيَّاتي-- 1362:سأقول لك لماذا لم تسمع عنه , هو شخصية اقتصادية ليس سياسية , لكنه كان يكتب مقالات سياسية عن سورية أحيانا , كتب في جريدة الإقتصاد و له كتب كثيرة ليس لديه مصادر كثيرة تتحدث عنه , حيث إنه شخصية قديمة , و لم تكن الحكومة السورية معجبتا به جدا لأنه لم يكن يريد تمشية مصالحهم التي كانت فاسدة , فكان مستقيما لديه شهرة كبيرة وواسعة في ذلك العصر , لقد ولد في 1926 إلى 2009 منصبه انتهى في السبعينيات من القرن العشرين و جمده حافظ الأسد بسبب استقامته هذا سبب عدم سمعانك عنه , و كما قلت هو قديم فلم يكن في تلك الأيام وجود للإنترنت , و الصحف التي كتبت عنه قد تكون قديمة , لكن يوجد مصادر لكتبه , و جامعة الملك فيصل عرضت كتاب من كتبه في المكتبة-- 2105:تحية طيبة أخي باسم. أرجو منك أن تقوم بوضع قالب رفع المنع في صفحتي الشخصية لأني لم أتمكن من وضعه، ولازلت أحتج على منع حسابي: لنكن منطقيين بعض الشيء، أيعقل أن يكون حسابي الذي مضى على إنشائي له أكثر من سبعة أشهر ولا يضم تعديلات تخريبية، دمية جورب لحساب أو حسابات أنشأت مؤخرا للهو والعبث؟! حقيقة أخي لقد كنت أنوي تقديم الكثير لموسوعتنا العربية، ولكن قرار المنع هذا حز في نفسي كثيرا، فما كان يمنعني من التحرير هو جوالي التعيس (الذي أكل عليه الدهر وشرب)، وبالرغم من هذا كنت أحاول تقديم المساعدة بما أستطيع، فقد رشحت العديد من المقالات (التي تجعل من موسوعتنا أضحوكة) للحذف السريع، مثل 888: 774: 660: 546: 1207:, if that's case would it be possible to make two different tables: one listing the most populous Muslim majority countries and the other the countries where most Muslims live? It's just a suggestion because I believe it would widen the horizon of readers from Arabophone countries when they will learn there are more Muslims in China and India than in many countries that are traditionally held Islamic. It may be a shock but it will also be an eye opening revelation. :) 58: 385: 267: 149: 44: 30: 2703: 72: 1226:هذا التعديل هو أننا مُكتفون بمقالة الحياة البرية في الشام، لذا فلن ننشئ مقالات عن الحياة البرية لا للأردن ولا سوريا ولا لبنان ولا فلسطين، لذلك فرأيتُ أن الأفضل ربط هذه المقالة بمقالات الحياة البرية في هذه البلدان إن وُجدت، بحيث أن يَعرف القارئ أن لدينا بديلاً عربياً للمقالة، لكنه مختلف بحيث يُغطي موضوعاً أشمل قليلاً، لذلك فأرى أنه من الأفضل ترك حلقة اللغات في هذه المقالات لكي نجمع عدداً أكبر من الزوار. تحياتي -- 1893:. The idea is not to record every minor edit, but to create a momentum to motivate editors to produce good content improvements and creations and inspire people to work on more countries than they might otherwise work on. There's also the possibility of establishing smaller country or regional challenges for places like Germany, Italy, the Benelux countries, Iberian Peninsula, Romania, Slovenia etc, much like 37: 3073: 2869: 2742: 2477: 2334: 2261: 2154: 1926: 65: 51: 2670: 2408: 1901:, sign up today and once the challenge starts a contest can be organized. This is a way we can target every country of Europe, and steadily vastly improve the encyclopedia. We need numbers to make this work so consider signing up as a participant and also sign under any country sub challenge on the page that you might contribute to! Thank you. -- 1695:
Knowledge represents facts, not public opinion (or in this case your perception of it). Community consensus is largely in line with the scientific one which claims that Egyptian Arabic is indeed a language of its own derived from Literary Arabic and in case you weren't aware I should let you know that Egyptian Arabic even has its own Knowledge:
1318:لقد استفزني رافي استفزازا عظيما إذا نظرت لصفحة نقاش ويكيبيديا العربية , ما فعلته كان خطأ, أنا لم أفتح حسابا على وكيبيديا للكتابة و التحرير , كنت أريد كتابة مقالة لكن أجلت الموضوع لعدم ثبوته بعد . شكرا على حسن الرد و تعاملك الجيد , لم يكن رافي معي في هذا التعامل الجيد و أريد من إداريي ويكيبيديا أن يصححوا أخطائي قبل منعي. شكرا-- 1419:السلام و عليكم سيد باسم لقد تم منعي في ويكيبيديا لأنني قمت بإعادة إنشاء مقالة يحيى عرودكي لقد فعلت ما طلبت مني فعله , وضعت صورة لأحد كتبه , و و ضعت مصدر لكتبه فحذفت غير أنني أنشأت مقالة عن أحد رسامي الكتب الهزلية المعروفيين , فحذفت لأنهل لا تحقق الملحوظية , مع أنه مشهور بشكل كبير , رسام أجنبي ما هذا الهراء ؟-- 2613:
because the user was speaking to me on IRC via Google Translate. I think he knows no English and as you and علاء both know, I know no Arabic. I thought it would be better to direct him to sysops from for his question. Just wanted to give an explanation of the ping. I also copied the text he
by علاء to look at it from an policy standpoint. I understand you're very familiar with the topic. Would you mind discussing it on the talk page? Our policy here is to discuss the souring when it is contested. I get the background here with the user who is reverting you, so I'm sorry about
1034:) and didn't supply an Edit Summary. Before I wrote this note, I looked at your editing history and saw that--by my count--only five of your last 100 edits have a Summary. (That may be generous; some of the summaries were auto-generated.) While this may save you some time, it makes reviewing edits 1694:
before you decide to embark on an edit war. Please note that your stance vis-a-vis Egyptian Arabic is non-factual and political. Conferring the status of language on something is not predicated on official recognition which can be swayed by religious and political factors as in the case of Egypt.
May I ask why is India not in the list of most populous countries by Muslim population? With more than 138,000 Muslims (2001 Census) it is the fifth most popular Muslim country. And when I put India into that list (along with a reference that cited Government of India Census figures) the edit was
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status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, then a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a restatement of that website's terms of use of its content, is usually sufficient
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Your additions of Link FA/GA templates are most of them misleading since most of the articles you added were really featured or good articles in Arabic Knowledge. Anyway, now Link FA/Link GA are not used anymore in articles and there are removed by bots and editors. Link FA/Link GA stars are now
1340:, لقد عمل في الأمم المتحدة , ووقع اتفاقيات مهمة اقتصادية عالميا , أرسل لليمن لتنمية اقتصادها , و هذه مهمة من الأمم المتحدة , كتب له جمال عبدالناصر رسالة شكر على أحد كتبه , و عمل في أهم و أكبر الشركات السورية , بعث بعثات اقتصادية مهمة لدول أخرى , له أهمية كبيرة يجب فيها تخليد اسمه في ويكيبيديا-- 401:
status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, then you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, then a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a restatement of that website's terms of use of its content, is usually
status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, then you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, then a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a restatement of that website's terms of use of its content, is usually
status is unclear. If you did not create this file yourself, then you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. If you obtained it from a website, then a link to the website from which it was taken, together with a restatement of that website's terms of use of its content, is usually
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is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 2 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
even uses it. But could you specify where exactly you found the animal? I guess it's somewhere in the Israel/Palestine area, but recent research suggests there are four different, geographically discrete species there, and it would be nice if we could put a species ID on it. Thanks,
2113:حتى لا يحصل القارئ أو الباحث على معلومات مغلوطة. أخيرا تقبل تحياتي أخي وبلغ سلامي للأخ علاء الذي وضع تصنيف دمى الجورب في صفحتي وكله سعادة وحبور، وأخبره بأن التصنيف خاطئ لغويا، فجمع "دمية جورب" هو "دمى جورب" وليس "دمى جوارب" فالجمع يقع على الاسم ولا يقع على مضافه. والسلام عليكم-- 1583:راسلتك هنا لانكم منعتموني بشكل دائم بدون اي سبب بالويكي العربي لكن هذا لايهمني لان اخلاقي اكبر من اخلاقك وانا شخص واثق من نفسي لست ضعيف الشخصية مثلك انت يا ظالم يا لبناني يا سخيف متهمني لو اشتكيت علية بالويكي الانجليزي لاتهمني الويكيبديا اصلا بعد وجود حقراء امثالك 2106: 1569:انت واحد متكبر ومغرور ماترد علارسائل شايف نفسك كبرت عيب عليك عيب عليك انت لا تتقي الله انت تظلم المستخدمين بالويكي العربي انت وهذا عباس شون عدكم تكبر وتقول اني ترول والله انت الترول عيب عليك بس انا اخلاقي اكبر من اخلاقك طول عمرك راح تظل صغير بالفكر والعقل 1938:
is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.
2132:مرحبا، بما أنك قررت التطنيش عن عذا الحساب وترغب مني جديا العودة من جديد بصورة جديد، أقترح منع الحساب نظرا للتدقيق الذي جار حاليا، وسأفتح حسابا جديدا مصرحا به لك وللمجتمع، حينها يمكنني المساهمة بحرية دون قيود (أعنى نوعية المساهمات، أفلام هندية)، شكرا. 2610: 3010:
is helping me transform many of these maps to svg format. Perhaps we can create another version of this map in particular in English, but that's gonna take sometime as I'm still working on the text and haven't moved to the maps yet. Best--
1897:. For this to really work we need diversity and exciting content and editors from a broad range of countries regularly contributing. If you would like to see masses of articles being improved for Europe and your specialist country like 1797:
OK, I understand. If you know anyone at Knowledge or in real life who is interested in SW, you can invite them there. To contribute there it's needed to be registered. And on Wikia I'm User:Quentum if you want to contact me.
2109:المقالة التي أرجو منك حذفها سريعا لأني لم أوفق في وضع قالب الشطب بها، إضافة إلى أنني كنت أتراجع في كثير من الأحيان عن التعديلات التخريبية التي تقع عيني عليها...بالمناسبة أرجو منك التراجع عن التعديلات المعلقة بمقالة 2651:
Yes, I think they're getting some help on IRC, but on-wiki help would likely be good as well. I don't think they know how to edit a talk page. Anyway, thank you for the quick response and have a blessed Ramadan.
1737:. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose 3118: 2912: 2785: 2520: 2374: 2301: 2194: 1966: 2977: 1462:
Hi. Sorry for answering your question in a short time, because I'm studying medicine and so busy. In the past, I learned Ottoman Turkish partly but now I forgot. Sorry for not helping you. Best regards...
Hello, i didn't edit any new information on the English wiki for a long time, i just add a featured article link to the Arabic articles whenever any get the star, i mostly work as an editor over there.
3102:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 2896:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 2769:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 2504:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 2358:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 2285:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 2178:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 1950:. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose 1084:
You posted the above reply on my Talk page; it should go here (and there is a note to that effect at the top of my page. Sorry, but I'm not going to chase conversations all over the place.
3087: 2882: 2755: 2490: 2110: 1511:
Thank you, I gave them a Barnstar award here on English Knowledge, and a thank you on If you know of a way to contact them, please just say thank you very very much !!! —
1231: 1820:
fan!". Also can you tell me if Arabic title is official (from movie)? If your knowledge of Persian and Armaic is good enough, I'd be grateful if you can translate this sentence.
2421: 1898: 946:
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1886: 3233:
I also hope for a new page, and I hope that page is in English. Conflicts on the one wiki shouldn't be exported to the other--we have no jurisdiction over them anyway.
1227: 2583:. Inappropriate usage of this user right may result in revocation. I hope this will enhance your editing, and allow you to edit successfully and without disruption. 1663:
HI , we must become friend , I hope you understand me and we help to gather in arabic wikipedia , I want to comeback in arabic wikipedia , help me , thank you
3218: 2637:, we'll follow on this. From a first look seems that this user doesn't know about the separate Knowledge communities. Thank you for notifying us, Best-- 402:
sufficient information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, then their copyright should also be acknowledged.
sufficient information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, then their copyright should also be acknowledged.
sufficient information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, then their copyright should also be acknowledged.
1336:شكرا لك , ما مشكلة مقالة يحيى عرودكي , إذ يتم محيها كثيرا ؟ , أتعرف أهميته اقتصاديا داخل و خارج سورية ؟ , لو لم يكن مهما لم تبقه ويكيبيدا الإنجليزية 1121:... for your reply over an ar.wp regarding the composition of the calligrapic symbol for the Prophet. I've taken the wrong description out. Best, -- 959: 845: 731: 617: 455: 337: 219: 1862:
Hello, can you tell me where you made the Picture of the Mountain gazelle, or do you know the Subspecies? Is it the Palestine mountain gazelle
955: 841: 727: 613: 451: 333: 215: 3214: 2955: 1894: 3141: 2935: 2807: 2542: 2388: 2315: 2208: 1980: 1906: 1762: 1484: 1612:عفى الله عما سلف ياباسم انسى الخلافات ودعنا نبدا من جديد شوف مساهماتي باللغة الانجليزية لم تظهر مني اي مخالفة او مشكلة مع الويكي الانجليزي 2830: 2426: 1154: 975: 861: 747: 633: 471: 353: 235: 2243: 906:
information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, their copyright should also be acknowledged.
information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, their copyright should also be acknowledged.
information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, their copyright should also be acknowledged.
information. However, if the copyright holder is different from the website's publisher, their copyright should also be acknowledged.
122: 2034:, أنا أرفض مصطلح التعدد العرقي وأرفض أيضا تعريب الوطن العربي أعلم أنه لدى العرب جينات غير عربية ولكن الجينات العربية هي المُهيمنة.-- 1696: 1467: 2055:, جلبت له مصادر تثبت هذا ولكن يتجاهل المصادر هذا طبيعي هو أمازيغي كاره للعرب يريد أن يطرح أفكاره في المقالة, أنا قُلت للمستخدم 3137: 2931: 2803: 2538: 2384: 2311: 2204: 1976: 1902: 1758: 1619:ادعوك لنبذ الخلافات و ارفع المنع عني في الويكيبديا العربي وهذا التماس اقدمه لك منذ اربع شهور تقريبا وانا ممنوع من الويكي العربي 101: 2415: 2401: 1890: 1133: 940: 936: 826: 822: 712: 708: 598: 594: 436: 432: 318: 314: 200: 196: 887: 773: 659: 545: 3029:
Thank you for your prompt reply. I will be patient. Quite keen to see more of your work on the Islamic conquests. Regards,
1624:اتمنى ان ارجع وان اساهم بالويكي العربي الغاية من العقوبة و المنع غاية اصلاحية فان صلح الحال وثبت حسن النوايا يجب رفع المنع 71: 3159:السلام عليكم، بعد أن قمت بإضافة طلب تدقيق مستخدم وقدمت التفاصيل، قام أحد الإداريين بمنعي في ويكيبيديا العربية وحذف الطلب. 3034: 2985: 2825:
How can you call yourself a historian when you delete sourced content as you do on the Arabic Knowledge? The full name of
more difficult for your fellow editors. It's contrary to the rules, to boot. Please start supplying Edit Summary data for
1002: 930: 816: 702: 588: 426: 308: 190: 3111: 2905: 2778: 2580: 2576: 2561: 2513: 2367: 2294: 2187: 1959: 43: 1749:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to
1463: 3123: 2917: 2790: 2525: 2379: 2306: 2199: 1971: 1754: 897: 669: 50: 1282:
needs more reliable and up-to-date information. If you are interested you can contribute to it. Thanks in advance.
needs more reliable and up-to-date information. If you are interested you can contribute to it. Thanks in advance.
924: 810: 696: 582: 524: 3257: 3200: 3164: 2682: 2959: 1668: 1654: 1588: 1574: 3030: 2997: 2981: 1697:
1252: 1245: 1184: 555: 36: 1871: 2834: 57: 1447: 1424: 1394: 1367: 1345: 1323: 1308: 1214: 1193: 1158: 523:, including the extension) so that you won't lose track of your uploads. For tips on good file naming, see 94: 3051: 2657: 2619: 2588: 2458: 2239: 1557: 1289: 1262: 527:. If you have any questions about this notice, or feel that the deletion is inappropriate, please contact 500: 393: 378: 64: 1867: 508: 275: 260: 157: 142: 29: 3099: 2893: 2766: 2501: 2355: 2282: 2175: 2118: 2090: 1947: 3213:أعجبني صراحة ردك الأخير على الزميل باسم. أتمنى أن تفتح صفحة جديدة مع المجتمع بعد انتهاء اليوم، تحياتي. 2235: 901:. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the 787:. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the 673:. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the 559:. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the 397:. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the 279:. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the 161:. I noticed that the file's description page currently doesn't specify who created the content, so the 3253: 3210: 3196: 3182: 3176: 3160: 3012: 2845: 2677: 2638: 2606: 2050: 2025: 1999: 108: 80: 2231: 1706: 1664: 1650: 1584: 1570: 1150: 783: 115: 2114: 2086: 1750: 1337: 1065: 1062: 1012: 2720: 2434: 2137: 1443: 1420: 1390: 1363: 1341: 1319: 1304: 1210: 1189: 1128: 1069: 963: 913: 849: 799: 735: 685: 621: 571: 515:
since it is redundant. If this sounds okay to you, there is no need for you to take any action.
459: 420: 409: 341: 302: 291: 223: 184: 173: 2453:
that. Thank you for your help expanding coverage on the English Knowledge. It is appreciated :)
Hello! That's me again. This time I'm here to ask you if you can correct the Arabic sentence in
Do you know who was principally responsible for getting it to that level of quality over there?
3081: 3047: 3005: 2876: 2749: 2653: 2632: 2615: 2584: 2484: 2454: 2342: 2269: 2162: 2068: 2058: 2039: 2013: 1934: 1916: 1726: 1717: 1553: 1285: 1279: 1272: 1258: 985: 871: 757: 643: 3271: 3238: 3130: 3095: 2924: 2889: 2797: 2762: 2532: 2497: 2351: 2278: 2171: 1943: 1746: 1730: 1017: 532: 384: 266: 148: 3275: 3261: 3242: 3222: 3204: 3190: 3168: 3145: 3110:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 3055: 3038: 3020: 2989: 2963: 2939: 2904:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2853: 2838: 2811: 2777:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2724: 2685: 2661: 2646: 2623: 2592: 2546: 2512:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2462: 2438: 2392: 2366:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2319: 2293:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2247: 2212: 2186:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 2141: 2122: 2094: 2072: 2043: 2017: 1984: 1958:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 1910: 1875: 1847: 1829: 1807: 1791: 1766: 1745:, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The 1710: 1672: 1658: 1592: 1578: 1561: 1538: 1522: 1505: 1471: 1451: 1428: 1398: 1371: 1349: 1327: 1312: 1293: 1266: 1235: 1218: 1197: 1162: 1139: 1108: 1073: 1053: 1020: 991: 877: 763: 649: 535: 489: 371: 253: 2826: 2565: 1843: 1825: 1813: 1803: 1787: 1702: 1098: 1043: 2702: 2228:
the ottoman sultans were not sunni muslims. they were alevis. get your facts straight.
3107: 2901: 2774: 2509: 2363: 2290: 2183: 1955: 1742: 1734: 1534: 1518: 1501: 520: 1835: 3103: 2897: 2770: 2716: 2505: 2449: 2430: 2359: 2286: 2179: 2133: 1951: 1738: 1637:واني راسلتك بالعربي لانها لغة القران و نحن بشهر محرم الحرام اعزه الله علينا و عليكم 1123: 969: 855: 741: 627: 528: 512: 504: 465: 347: 229: 2064: 2035: 2009: 1031: 979: 865: 751: 637: 481: 363: 245: 3072: 2868: 2741: 2476: 2333: 2260: 2153: 1925: 1816:(please read the documentation to do it correctly), because it should mean "I'm a 952:
Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged
Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged
Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged
Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged
Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged
Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged
Unsourced and untagged images may be deleted one week after they have been tagged
3267: 3249: 3234: 3002:
hello. I'm currently working on a book about the early Islamic conquests. Dr.
2569: 2005: 1839: 1821: 1799: 1783: 1389:حسنا لا مشكلة يوجد صور عديدة لكتبه , لكن وجوده فهو فعلا موجود شكرا لإهتمامك , 1529: 1513: 1496: 1185:
902: 788: 674: 560: 398: 280: 162: 2614:
wished me to ask you since he apparently doesn't get how talk pages work.
2030:المشكلة أنه يقول أن معظم العالم العربي مستعرب , أنظر مثلاُ ماذا كتب هنٌا 3114:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
2407: 2370:
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.
2225: 2063:بما أنه إداري وشخصية مُهتمة بالتاريخ العربي ولكن للأسف يتجاهل الأمر.-- 1007: 2666:
Thanks TonyBallioni I'll follow up in his talk page or in IRC. Best
2031: 1691: 1733:
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Knowledge
3127:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 2921:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 2794:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 2529:. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add 2419:
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Hello Bassim, I will work on a vectorial version this week-end.
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3195:شكرا لك للتوضيح، بعد هذا اليوم سأعد للتحرير كأن لم يحدث شيء. 2976:
Would it be possible for you to translate the information on
noticed that you also uploaded the same image under the name
2564:. This will allow you to edit the English Knowledge through 2406: 886: 772: 658: 544: 383: 265: 147: 2224:
i don't know where do you got the information but up until
Hi, I saw you like it. Would you be interested in joining
511:. The copy called Image:Establish2.jpg has been marked for 883:
Image source problem with Image:Persian Fallow Deer 2.jpg
Image source problem with Image:Persian Fallow Deer 3.jpg
is ناصيف بن عبد الله بن ناصيف بن جنبلاط بن سعد اليازجي.
is now open until 23:59 on Monday, 2 December 2019. All
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the
1634:فاتمنى ان تتقبل التماسي بالعودة للمشاركة بالويكي العربي 1224: 1204: 947: 833: 719: 605: 443: 325: 207: 943:
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for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.
for the full list of copyright tags that you can use.
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Image source problem with Image:Persian onager 2.jpg
ottoman sultans were not sunni until sultan selim i
Knowledge:WikiProject Africa/The Africa Destubathon
974:. If you have any questions please ask them at the 860:. If you have any questions please ask them at the 746:. If you have any questions please ask them at the 632:. If you have any questions please ask them at the 470:. If you have any questions please ask them at the 352:. If you have any questions please ask them at the 234:. If you have any questions please ask them at the 1887:Knowledge:WikiProject Europe/The 10,000 Challenge 1725:You appear to be eligible to vote in the current 1147:حبيبي باسم، كون على ثقة انو صرمايتك بتسوى راسو. 923:. If you believe the media meets the criteria at 809:. If you believe the media meets the criteria at 695:. If you believe the media meets the criteria at 581:. If you believe the media meets the criteria at 419:. If you believe the media meets the criteria at 301:. If you believe the media meets the criteria at 183:. If you believe the media meets the criteria at 24: 20: 3252:I apologize to you. I also apologize to Basim. 2844:Read my comment first my dear unknown soldier-- 1629:كلنا يتعرض للخطا و ليس منا من هو معصوم من الخطا 1889:has recently started, based on the UK/Ireland 2954:The changes on the Isaac wiki are not saving 1690:I would like to address your recent edits at 1180:reversed with no reason whatsoever provided. 8: 2980:? That would be truly appreciated. Regards, 1097:supply an Edit Summary for your changes! — 2863: 2736: 2471: 2229: 1011:, from the Middle East. It's so good that 769:Image source problem with Image:Wolf 1.jpg 919:tag can be used to release it under the 805:tag can be used to release it under the 691:tag can be used to release it under the 577:tag can be used to release it under the 415:tag can be used to release it under the 297:tag can be used to release it under the 179:tag can be used to release it under the 1527:Thanks again, and peace be upon you, — 1183:Kindly have a look at this GoI figure: 1001:A few years ago, you uploaded an image 937:Knowledge:Image copyright tags#Fair use 823:Knowledge:Image copyright tags#Fair use 709:Knowledge:Image copyright tags#Fair use 595:Knowledge:Image copyright tags#Fair use 433:Knowledge:Image copyright tags#Fair use 315:Knowledge:Image copyright tags#Fair use 197:Knowledge:Image copyright tags#Fair use 958:. If the image is copyrighted under a 844:. If the image is copyrighted under a 730:. If the image is copyrighted under a 616:. If the image is copyrighted under a 454:. If the image is copyrighted under a 336:. If the image is copyrighted under a 218:. If the image is copyrighted under a 2579:carefully, especially the section on 1895:Knowledge:The 1000 Challenge (Nordic) 7: 3082:2023 Arbitration Committee elections 2877:2021 Arbitration Committee elections 2750:2020 Arbitration Committee elections 2709:The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar 2667: 2485:2019 Arbitration Committee elections 2343:2018 Arbitration Committee elections 2270:2018 Arbitration Committee elections 2163:2017 Arbitration Committee elections 1935:2016 Arbitration Committee elections 1640:وان هذا سيكون من دواعي سروري يا باسم 1485:Freedom for the Thought That We Hate 1030:Hello! I saw you edited an article ( 468:after 21:37, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 350:after 21:33, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 232:after 21:29, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 3066:ArbCom 2023 Elections voter message 2860:ArbCom 2021 Elections voter message 2733:ArbCom 2020 Elections voter message 972:after 17:21, 18 December 2007 (UTC) 935:or one of the other tags listed at 858:after 17:20, 18 December 2007 (UTC) 821:or one of the other tags listed at 744:after 17:19, 18 December 2007 (UTC) 707:or one of the other tags listed at 630:after 17:18, 18 December 2007 (UTC) 593:or one of the other tags listed at 431:or one of the other tags listed at 313:or one of the other tags listed at 195:or one of the other tags listed at 2468:ArbCom 2019 election voter message 2327:ArbCom 2018 election voter message 2254:ArbCom 2018 election voter message 2147:ArbCom 2017 election voter message 531:, who operates the robot account. 14: 2969:Translation of information on map 2611:ar:نقاش المستخدم:معتز وزة المكتشف 1751:review the candidates' statements 3071: 2867: 2740: 2701: 2668: 2475: 2332: 2259: 2152: 1924: 1547:Link FA/GA you add are incorrect 1093:NEVERTHELESS, you really should 70: 63: 56: 49: 42: 35: 28: 3121:and submit your choices on the 2915:and submit your choices on the 2788:and submit your choices on the 2560:I have granted your account an 2523:and submit your choices on the 2377:and submit your choices on the 2304:and submit your choices on the 2197:and submit your choices on the 898:Image:Persian Fallow Deer 2.jpg 670:Image:Persian Fallow Deer 3.jpg 2416:Category:Muslim user templates 2402:Category:Muslim user templates 1891:Knowledge:The 10,000 Challenge 1881:Europe 10,000 Challenge invite 1757:. For the Election committee, 1727:Arbitration Committee election 1718:ArbCom elections are now open! 976:Media copyright questions page 941:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 862:Media copyright questions page 827:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 748:Media copyright questions page 713:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 634:Media copyright questions page 599:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 536:21:44, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 490:21:37, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 472:Media copyright questions page 437:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 372:21:33, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 354:Media copyright questions page 319:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 254:21:29, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 236:Media copyright questions page 201:Knowledge:Image copyright tags 1: 3266:Thank you, أرمز. No problem. 3146:00:30, 28 November 2023 (UTC) 3100:Knowledge arbitration process 2964:07:06, 30 December 2021 (UTC) 2940:00:17, 23 November 2021 (UTC) 2894:Knowledge arbitration process 2812:01:29, 24 November 2020 (UTC) 2767:Knowledge arbitration process 2605:Hello باسم, I pinged you and 2581:IP block exemption conditions 2547:00:08, 19 November 2019 (UTC) 2502:Knowledge arbitration process 2448:Hello باسم, I was pointed to 2393:18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC) 2356:Knowledge arbitration process 2320:18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC) 2283:Knowledge arbitration process 2248:18:15, 17 February 2018 (UTC) 2176:Knowledge arbitration process 1985:22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC) 1948:Knowledge arbitration process 1767:16:05, 23 November 2015 (UTC) 1711:17:36, 20 November 2015 (UTC) 1552:shown automatically. Thanks, 1452:19:45, 15 February 2013 (UTC) 1429:11:36, 15 February 2013 (UTC) 1140:19:16, 18 November 2011 (UTC) 1021:01:05, 11 February 2010 (UTC) 1003:File:Palestine Mole-rat 1.jpg 992:17:21, 18 December 2007 (UTC) 878:17:20, 18 December 2007 (UTC) 764:17:19, 18 December 2007 (UTC) 650:17:18, 18 December 2007 (UTC) 2854:11:11, 14 October 2021 (UTC) 2839:10:15, 14 October 2021 (UTC) 2577:Knowledge:IP block exemption 2213:18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC) 2123:12:49, 7 December 2016 (UTC) 2095:18:04, 6 December 2016 (UTC) 2073:15:12, 4 December 2016 (UTC) 2044:10:40, 3 December 2016 (UTC) 2018:04:04, 2 December 2016 (UTC) 2004:, I wish you to follow this 1911:21:09, 7 November 2016 (UTC) 1876:12:30, 9 February 2016 (UTC) 1808:15:27, 17 January 2016 (UTC) 1792:12:59, 17 January 2016 (UTC) 1780: 1673:13:51, 23 October 2015 (UTC) 1659:13:43, 23 October 2015 (UTC) 1562:10:14, 21 January 2015 (UTC) 1472:17:26, 10 January 2014 (UTC) 1399:14:49, 8 February 2013 (UTC) 1372:05:40, 8 February 2013 (UTC) 1350:20:05, 7 February 2013 (UTC) 1328:04:14, 6 February 2013 (UTC) 1313:15:29, 5 February 2013 (UTC) 1236:16:18, 8 February 2012 (UTC) 1163:08:04, 3 December 2011 (UTC) 1042:edit you make. Thank you! — 956:criteria for speedy deletion 842:criteria for speedy deletion 728:criteria for speedy deletion 614:criteria for speedy deletion 525:Knowledge's image use policy 452:criteria for speedy deletion 334:criteria for speedy deletion 216:criteria for speedy deletion 2340:Hello, باسم. Voting in the 2267:Hello, باسم. Voting in the 2160:Hello, باسم. Voting in the 2142:01:26, 9 January 2018 (UTC) 1969:and submit your choices on 1932:Hello, باسم. Voting in the 1753:and submit your choices on 1219:16:30, 6 January 2012 (UTC) 1198:07:47, 6 January 2012 (UTC) 69: 62: 55: 48: 41: 34: 27: 3294: 3276:01:10, 28 April 2024 (UTC) 3262:23:37, 27 April 2024 (UTC) 3243:13:42, 27 April 2024 (UTC) 3223:23:04, 26 April 2024 (UTC) 3205:21:41, 26 April 2024 (UTC) 3191:21:37, 26 April 2024 (UTC) 3169:21:13, 26 April 2024 (UTC) 3138:MediaWiki message delivery 3056:18:51, 28 March 2022 (UTC) 3039:14:52, 28 March 2022 (UTC) 3021:14:40, 28 March 2022 (UTC) 2990:13:02, 28 March 2022 (UTC) 2932:MediaWiki message delivery 2804:MediaWiki message delivery 2725:11:42, 5 August 2020 (UTC) 2686:08:21, 28 April 2020 (UTC) 2662:01:24, 28 April 2020 (UTC) 2647:01:21, 28 April 2020 (UTC) 2624:00:53, 28 April 2020 (UTC) 2593:15:09, 22 March 2020 (UTC) 2562:exemption from IP blocking 2539:MediaWiki message delivery 2385:MediaWiki message delivery 2312:MediaWiki message delivery 2205:MediaWiki message delivery 1977:MediaWiki message delivery 1967:the candidates' statements 1903:MediaWiki message delivery 1759:MediaWiki message delivery 1539:17:11, 27 April 2014 (UTC) 1523:17:07, 27 April 2014 (UTC) 1506:16:47, 27 April 2014 (UTC) 1488:as GA quality on 1299:المنع في ويكيبيديا العربية 1294:22:42, 26 April 2012 (UTC) 1267:22:42, 26 April 2012 (UTC) 968:the image will be deleted 925:Knowledge:Non-free content 854:the image will be deleted 811:Knowledge:Non-free content 740:the image will be deleted 697:Knowledge:Non-free content 626:the image will be deleted 583:Knowledge:Non-free content 556:Image:Persian onager 2.jpg 464:the image will be deleted 346:the image will be deleted 228:the image will be deleted 2700: 2439:00:26, 26 June 2019 (UTC) 2427:Categories for discussion 1223:أهلاً باسم، كان القصد من 1172:Islam on Arabic Knowledge 1109:22:45, 2 March 2011 (UTC) 1074:13:25, 2 March 2011 (UTC) 1054:13:01, 2 March 2011 (UTC) 495:Duplicate images uploaded 3186: 3135:to your user talk page. 3046:I will keep you posted! 3016: 2929:to your user talk page. 2849: 2802:to your user talk page. 2642: 2572:when you are logged in. 2537:to your user talk page. 2463:18:17, 6 July 2019 (UTC) 1858:File:Gazella gazella.jpg 1848:10:45, 4 July 2016 (UTC) 1830:09:24, 4 July 2016 (UTC) 1593:16:13, 1 July 2015 (UTC) 1579:16:10, 1 July 2015 (UTC) 1253:Lebanese nationality law 1246:Lebanese nationality law 3031:Rui ''Gabriel'' Correia 2982:Rui ''Gabriel'' Correia 1864:Gazella gazella gazella 1013:Encyclopædia Britannica 891:Image Copyright problem 777:Image Copyright problem 663:Image Copyright problem 549:Image Copyright problem 503:. A machine-controlled 377:Unspecified source for 259:Unspecified source for 141:Unspecified source for 2411: 1205:this response of yours 892: 778: 664: 550: 388: 270: 152: 3096:Arbitration Committee 3079:Hello! Voting in the 2890:Arbitration Committee 2874:Hello! Voting in the 2763:Arbitration Committee 2747:Hello! Voting in the 2715:Appreciate your work 2575:Please read the page 2498:Arbitration Committee 2482:Hello! 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