
User talk:A. Rad

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Not that it's really important in my opinion, but in a journal article by Prussin C., Metcalfe D.D. not be able to tell the difference between the two (unless you included the surrounding tissue as well); they certainly look s, (2006) 5. IgE, mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Aug;117(2 suppliment mini-primer) S450-456 they claim that "Basophils are granulocytes that comprise a separate lineage from mast cells, although both cells share common features..." Someone from my PBL brought up this subject last year and was the subject of much controversy (even though it wasn't important in my opinion) and this article was considered to be the final deciding factor in the argument. If you can't get access to the full article and would like it, give me your email address and I'll email it to you. Again congratulations on a wonderful diagram.
1676:. Would it be possible to make a more basic clock without any unnecessary images which is a smaller file size? Also, there is a problem with it saying "melatonin secretion stops" when it should say "melatonin levels low". Melatonin having a half-life of less than an hour. There are probably to many details on the periphery of clock and some can be removed for the purposes of the article. One of the most important specifications is that its file size on the page be as small as possible. Can you make something simple and basic? 1346:
image in my project (for educational reasons only of course), and was wondering if you could grant permission for this. Reason being, I'm trying to avoid captioning the image with "Adapted from wikipedia" as my supervisor despises the site :(. Instead I hope to put "Image donated by A. Rad, Netherlands - all rights reserved" or something along those lines. I would be ever grateful if you could grant me this request. I am a huge fan of your illustrations and they have helped me extensively during my studies at Medical school.
1734: 2262: 1901: 186:
groups with the indirect Coombs test by using both the patients cells (against known serums) and the patients serum (against known cells) to double check the methods and to find very weak antibodies or antigens that were not fully expressed. Your diagram only covers screening for serum antibodies in the indirect test and not screening for RBC antigens. It may be better not to specify "donor" and "recipient" in your diagram for the indirect Coombs test portion.
resemble the person's own RBC antigens, antibodies are created against these, which eventually will shift from IgM to something else (although I'm not sure about this last one). E.g. a baby with blood type A will not have anti-A Ig's, nor anti-B Ig's until it comes into contact with these bacteria that have "B-antigen-like" antigens. When it does, the baby will develop its own anti-B Ig's from that point onward.
different versions of this diagram (older pictures are archived on the wiki) and this will all take much room. The same happens with the text of each wiki article, but text is different than graphics: e.g. the Coombs test graphic is 268 Kb, so every time a new version is uploaded - be it only slightly different from the previous - 268 Kb will replace the original, but the original will also stay in the archive :)
between RBCs are reduced in LISS or enzyme treated RBCs. ie RBCs can move closer and permit IgM linking between RBCs. Coombs test used for IgG antibodies or weak antibodies. The Coombs article page has almost reached a plateau of development. There are higher plateaus of development, but I can not edit much more as I do not work in blood bank these days.
2210: 2187: 2175: 1291:
Should the mast cell arise from the myeloblast or the common myeloid progenitor? From what I've read in other sources, it should directly arise from the common myeloid progenitor, but this is a bit vague cause the sources I found this info in use the "CFU" notation (CFU-GEMM) :\ But I assume it's the common myeloid progenitor. Greets,
Hi, I don't know for sure whether the antibodies should be IgM or IgG. I read that initially the antibodies are developed by contact with common bacteria. These bacteria have antigens on them that closely resemble the antigens on RBCs. Thus, when these bacterial antigens are recognised and they don't
However I would never touch or amend a thing without notice. Also you may find the latter research of interest if you are still following immunology. Basically I am trying first of all to improve the Lymphopoiesis article. Feel free to express any interest or make any edits. This is my hobby, but of
That's an interesting question, because I've never attempted to label that particular complex. I'd be forced to call it an R, RR', rR', or Rr' complex depending on its appearance, but perhaps simply R wave is the least confusing for everyone. A qR complex would be suggestive of myocardial infarction
Great picture! Your diagram has evolved from an easy to follow diagram of haematopoiesis to something I'd expect in a textbook like Robbins. However, there is one small error (or at least I think it might be an error), your diagram shows basophils turning into mast cells, which (I think) isn't true.
Well, I think the Coombs test shouldn't give the impression that it's testing something specific as a Rh disease or so, otherwise the reader might think it's not suitable for anything else. Way at the beginning, you suggested the use of terms like "patient's serum" and "known RBCs" which sounds more
And there's also a part of the test where the patient's RBCs receive known serum, which is not covered in the diagram? So this part would be practically the same, only the test tube should contain RBCs and the eye-dropper (or whatever it's called) contains known serum? Please check me on that to see
Hi, I am trying to figure out my rights to use the hematopoiesis image in non-commercial printed work. As I understand it I can do so with attribution, but it also requires me to license it under the same CC license, which I can't. Anyone can help me interpret the rights? A Rad? Anyone have A Rad's
Thanks for the info and ECG reference. I've corrected and updated the image. I agree that a simple R will do here. What you said about that the exact designation of the complex depends on its appearance: I think the article's text is a suitable place for that info. Or maybe not...depends on whether
Hi, that's what I thought (about the antibodies and antigens). But other Coombs diagrams show each Ig bound to only 1 antigen (triangular, D-shaped or otherwise)... Since each antibody is bound to 2 antigens, I think it would be more correct to put several small antigens on/behind the RBC's surface
Your diagrams of antibodies look exactly correct to me. It would be nice to see an RBC surface antigen "possibly a triangular solid or a D shaped solid" under the antibodies. I am fairly sure that both the top ends of the Y would each be fixed to separate antigens on the RBC surface. One antibody
I found an error in one of your images and I was wondering if you could correct it. The QRS complex for LBBB in lead V6 is labeled RsR'. I know what you're trying to say (because of the M shape at the top) but technically this is a monophasic R wave. The notch is not considered an S wave unless it
I am a student at St george's Medical school currently undertaking a research project on haemopoiesis. I came across your depiction of the haemopoietic system and was impressed by the simplicity of the image and the succinct way in which it describes the process. I would very much like to use your
A think that a specific example using one blood type would be fine, with appropriate captions and foot notes. I suggest, use the example a mother who has been sensitised to Rh D, as it is a well known example of a positive indirect Coombs test. Your direct Coombs test could be the example of the
Overall your diagram of the Coombs test is good. I may be mistaken, as it has been some time since I worked in blood transfusion, but one situation may not covered in your diagram. This is when the patient's RBCs are used in the indirect Coombs test with serums of known type. We always did blood
Hi, yes I made the diagram in Xara, which is a vector program. However, the original vector file can only be opened with Xara (the .xar format is not as widely used as the .svg format which is used on Knowledge). For use in other programs one would have to export it to a raster image (.png, .jpg,
and your amazing picture. I read most of the discussion above and I'm not sure if there were any finalized changes but I think two things could be done to improve your a;ready-well-done image. 1. In indirect coomb's test, the word "recipient" I think would be clearer if changed to "patient," as
Indeed, my bad, it is a typo; February not March. As to whether the mast cell derives from the same common granulocyte progenitor that neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils share I don't know; my knowledge of haematology is pretty crap. However, if you were to put a mast cell and a basophil on a
I have changed the Coombs article page and blood grouping is now not on the Coombs page any more. The usual way blood grouping is done is with LISS (low ionic strength saline) because the blood group antibodies are IgM. IgM are bigger molecules and can link between RBCs if the electrical forces
I think the Coombs schematic and the wording as it stands today is actually a the specific explanation of a cross-match. This is where neither the antigens on the RBCs or the antibodies are specifically identified, but the test shows that an antigen (of some unknown specificity)is binding to an
Also, wasn't there a major and minor antibody screen? That would require 2 sets of diagrams, which wouldn't be a problem cause they'd both be almost similar. Not sure if that's what you're refering to with the foot notes. Personally, I think a separate section in the diagram would explain things
I think that it would be prudent to wait for more comments from readers of the article. I think that your diagrams of the Coombs test are very good and show visually what the Coombs test is about. I think that the Coombs test antibody-antigen reactions are basic and there is no such think as an
Hi, I know basic Coombs test, so that's why the diagram is basic too. But I'm willing to expand the diagram. I just need to make sure I understand you correctly on the indirect part: the part I've drawn is the part where the known RBCs are added to patient's serum to see if agglutination occurs,
I placed the mast cell between the erythroid series and the granulocytes. I was thinking of either doing it like this, or placing the mast cell at the right of to monocyte/DC branch. It may look a bit weird this way, but it's easier to compare the baso with the mast like this. I'll leave it for
I found the fulltext of the article at PMID: 16455345. It should be the one you mean (only difference I found with your description is that it's in the February edition; typo?). You're absolutely right. The mast cell does not arise from the baso, but has its own lineage. I'll correct this soon.
at risk of messing up the simplicity of it, it would be nice to show that the predominant location for the develpment of T-cells is the thymus. you have B-cells and T-cells parallel on the chart, but B-cells mature in the marrow, and so should be a higher so they are in the "marrow" row, while
Hi, afaik, the cross-match and the antibody screen are the most familiar examples of the Coombs test in practice. One for determining the compatibility between donor and recipient, the other for determining the blood group the way I understand it; No, I'm currently not working on the schematic.
Also it's not that I lose my motivation for having to re-edit the diagram, but if you think the caption will change a lot over the months, it would seem better to me to wait till the article is completed and then make a final caption for it :) Otherwise the Wiki will get cluttered by dozens of
Indeed you're right that both cells mature in different organs. However, I've drawn the B- and T-cells in the location they are in their mature forms (see the far right vertical text next the the lymphoid DC) :) When mature, the B- and T-cells are mostly in the secondary lymphoid tissue (as I
My association would like to include your figure, "Hematopoiesis in Humans" in a textbook we are printing. However, we cannot print it just using GFDL. Could we e-mail or fax you a permission form for us to have on file that grants your permission for us to reprint this figure? Thank you.
1098:(WCN) houden, volgend op Wikimania in Boston, gedeeltelijk erop inspelend middels een aantal discussiegroepen. Om iets dergelijks te organiseren is imput erg gewenst. Dus als je wilt meehelpen, of als je interesse hebt om bij een dergelijk evenement aanwezig te zijn, geef dat dan aan op 1262:. This however means the "small lymphocyte" would be omitted from the diagram... In this case, I could group the T/C cells and tag them as "small lymphocyte" the way I did with the thrombo-/erythro-/granulo-/monocyto-/lymphopoiesis and the Stem cell/committed progenitor/mature cell; it 1577:
I had one suggestion for this image, if you redraw, it might be a good idea to fix the shadows. As it is now, the shadows are a little too far out from under the objects, especially the antibody shadows. Otherwise, the image looks good and hopefully we can have an SVG version.
Yeah, thanks for pointing that error on the RAAS diagram out to me. Somewhere along the line I was very confused, apparently ;) That was a quick fix. I'll see if I can work a bit on the Coombs, but for reasons I gave above, I'm going to keep re-uploads to a minimum. Greets,
Dear A. Rad, recent research has superseded your otherwise excellent hemo family tree chart. I have a young son who will pbly re-do the chart (he is the graphics guy in the family) in a week or two in the context of the latest myeloid/lymphoid progenitor distributions...
786:, I wouldn't put additional info like "IF the serum antibodies are specific for RBC surface antigens" - this would make the text longer and is a bit redundant. The diagram is to give a brief key description. For more info, one should always refer to the article itself. 1769:
That magician could provide an svg version without labels. However, it's so detailed that it slows down my computer too much when editing it in Inkscape, and I haven't planned yet when to buy a faster one, so I think the task could be put in WikiProject Medicine.
OK, I updated the diagram. The changes may not show up in the article's page, if that pic is still stored in the local internet cache though (it does, when you click on the pic). CTRL+F5 (or Shift+F5) should clean the cache and show the updated pic. Greets,
this more clearly established who's getting the therapeutic advantage from the test. 2. I'm not sure if it was resolved, but I'm sure that each variable portion of each antibody would bind to just one epitope. Well done though! Excellent contribution.--
Good luck with exam. Lets do the direct Coombs test first, as it is easier. There is some work to do on the indirect Coombs test as well. I have wrote it on your user page to save space on the article talk page. Of course delete this, if you want to.
slide next to each other, I probably wouldn't be able to tell them apart (unless you included the surrounding tissue as well). They look very similar, although like many things in life, appearances can be deceiving. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Suggestions Put an asterisk at the end of the heading for the indirect Coombs test * and a footnote to say that if the antigens on the RBC surface are known then the test can be used to screen for antibodies in the serum.6 (UTC)
The page is indeed not very much viewed by other people, but I think I once came along a place where wikipedians could bring their medical articles to attention so other wikipedians could help them. I'll see if I can find that
Hello there, and thanks for the big welcome! ;) Nice to know some other people who are in the same business as I am. BTW, I'm merely a medical student at the present, but hopefully a real doc in a few years :) Greets,
You appear to have Renin being made from the adrenal gland in the diagram. It is actually made in the kidney. This is a serious mistake. The juxtaglomerular apparatus is near to the glomerulus as the name suggests
antibody (of same unknown specificity). I am considering saying that the schematic for the indirect Coombs test is a cross-match in the text of the article page. Do you have any further plans for the schematic.
Hi, I directed the red link to the Dutch wikipedia. I was very much in doubt whether I should just delete that entry or direct it to an external sister wiki. There's a small note on linking to external pages at
and would probably be viewed more. As your Coombs drawing are very good I think that they (with appropriate captions) should help to explain Rh D haemolytic disease of the newborn visually and clearly better.
Since "onder andere" means "amongst others", creating a page for it here wasn't appropriate. If links to other wikis don't belong on disambiguation pages, then go ahead and delete that entry :) Greets,
I have heard of cold and warm antibodies (but the Coombs test mechanism is the same for each) and no more diagrams are needed. These are usually against anti I or anti i agtigens on the RBC surface.
1178:, Paul, July and Bob were at the party. (Grammar or placement of the words may be a bit weird, but you get the idea ;)). Instead of saying "onder andere" in Dutch, we abbreviate it in text by typing 1251:). I too was in doubt whether I should - somehow - create a seperate compartment for the B/T cells, but thought it would be too complex and decided to draw them as they are in their mature stadium. 217:
if it's all correct. If this is all, I can start working on it. But I got an exam on Wednesday, so it could be that the new diagram won't be up till then, depending on how busy I get. ;) Greets, --
antibody receptor sites per antibody. The tops of the Y are variable. The bottom of the Y is constant and is not a receptor site. You should be able to look this up in any immunology book.
for the same is underway. Please cast your vote in the name you find most suitable. We would be glad to receive further suggestions from you. It is also acceptable to mention your votes in the
Do you think it's a good idea to use blood groups A and B as an example? I'd prefer a more "general" approach that can be applied to each blood group (A, B, O, Rh and possibly other groups?).
2201: 2044:
to potential contributors, with can include (but is not limited to) scholars and health professionals. In any mention of Wikiversity Journal of Medicine, there may be a reference to this
I have not heard of the expression major and minor antibody screen. Do you have any more information on what you call major and minor antibody screens? How can they be different?
1982: 1325:
Oh well, doesn't matter. Unfortunately I'm not an expert either, but I'm sure that sooner or later someone will shed more light on this matter :) Thanks again for the help. Greets,
2078: 2148: 1823: 1218:
I was wondering, have you heard about check it out for I think you would be a good candidate as an author / editor. the pilot page is
I think that the juxtaglomular apparatus can be confusing. As well as having the kidney in the diagram, can you include a JGA diagram as a magnified view from the kidney?
2061: 2013: 2020: 1552: 1157:
If anyone knows what to do about that link it is a person that can speak Dutch. Does it have any special use or is it used in any particular circumstances in Holland?
Of course, I can draw a Thymus and a Bone(marrow) on top of the diagonal arrows that seperate both cells. The problem would be that this suggests the small lymphocyte
1137: 293:
fixes to two antigens. RBC surface antigens are very small being short strings of sugar molecules and one would be completely covered by just one end of the "Y".
166:. There's a bit of a debate on how to pronounce his name, especially the first name. If you could supply a phonetic pronunciation, it would be of great help. Thanks 1266:
interfere with the "lymphopoiesis" group below it, but I'm not sure about this. I dunno exactly what would work best really. I'm open to all suggestions :) Greets,
2067: 1536:
Hi and thanks for pointing that out. I can't believe how I've missed it - I must have gone over that drawing a 1000 times. Anyway, I've fixed it now :) Greets,
Thanks I found your chart very useful too...I needed to brush up on the mechanism of the ACE inhibitor antihypertensives to explain it to an educated patient!
590:$ 1 The indirect Coombs test is commonly used for antibody screening: an unknown serum is incubated against a known range of RBCs with known surface antigens. 2033: 1866:
Dear A. Rad I am doing my PhD thesis book and I would like to have your permission to use a simplified adaptation from your hematopoiesis in humans diagram (
879: 459:
Caption 3 Antibodies from blood sample A bind onto RBC surface antigens from blood sample B IF the serum antibodies are specific for RBC surface antigens.
2026: 2040: 244:
Caption 3 RBCs agglutinate: antihuman antibodies form links between RBCs by binding to the human antibodies, which are bound to the RBC surface antigens.
and an Rs complex would suggest a nonspecific intraventricular conduction defect (because it would look like LBBB in lead V1 and RBBB in leads I and V6).
Caption 5 Agglutination occurs IF an antibody from serum A was bound to RBC surface antigens from Serum B in the first stage of the indirect Coombs test
2140: 2274:
The RAAS scheme is very helpfull is my lectures. Thank you very much. How can I cite it properly to refer to you? my email:
2004: 264:
I've changed the captions (and slightly condensed them). Antibodies have 2 antigen binding sites, so shouldn't there be 1 antigen per Ig-binding site?
1748: 593:$ 2 The indirect Coombs test can also be used to detect RBC surface antigens: unknown RBCs are incubated against serums containing known antibodies. 278:
advanced diagram. The captions will probably need several edits over the months, but do not be disheartened by this as your diagrams are excellent.
2049: 65: 2296:
HI A. RAD i updated your picture from the raas to a dutch version that i want to use in a book how do i contact you. i uploaded the picture here
1461: 1057:
I think that the kidney, lungs and the blood vessel all need an label, like you have for the liver and adrenal gland. This is for consistency.
page. I thought you might like to see someone else's work. In his schematic the antibodies look like IgG and I think that they should be IgM.
1751:. The appearance in in Commons may look incomplete, but I think it's all there when editing in Inkscape. I've left a request to that magician ( 49: 830:
infant with Rh D haemolytic disease of the newborn. The caption could then also link from the Rh haemolytic disease of the newborn wiki page
Caption 1 Blood sample from a patient with immune mediated haemolytic anaemia: antibodies are shown attached to antigens on the RBC surface.
1799: 1649: 1980:? It is an open access, peer reviewed medical journal, with no publication charges. You can find more about it by reading the article on 1870:
as part of my thesis book. You can contact me by mail: I will also be happy to send you the copy of my adaptation.
1877: 1702: 1425: 1174:
Well, I don't know what you mean exactly by special use. It's just a normal everyday abbreviation and could be used in a sentence like:
to Knowledge! Thank you for your contributions. I hope you like the place and decide to stay. Here are a few good links for newcomers:
2152: 1567: 1404: 310:
Could you indicate graphically with coloured bars (or lines or brackets) stage 1 and stage 2 of the ICT or would it be too cluttered?
References to your schematic recently added to the article in the laboratory method for both the direct and the indirect Coombs test.
on talk pages using four tildes (~~~~); this will automatically produce your name and the date. If you have any questions, check out
1356: 112: 69: 313:
Could you put a “key” to say what each part of the drawing is on the top row where there is room or would it look too cluttered? eg
2055: 1976: 2200:
The future of this journal as a separate Wikimedia project is under discussion and the name can be changed suitably. Currently a
2100: 1831: 1775: 1760: 873:
I don't have the terms correct there. I meant the screen for weak antibodies/antigens (read the beginning of the discussion). :)
1669: 1587: 1258:
into a T/B cell later on, which is not true as far as I know... I could also create that split before the "Small lymphocyte",
Still, somebody has successfully made an Icelandic svg-version of it which was fully editable as a vector image in Inkscape:
1673: 1564: 1792:
So is it ok to use not just the full chart but also individual cells for scientific publications? Thanks for your answer!
one of the cofounders of wikipedia broke away and made this wiki to address some of the problems that wikipedia is having.
a while back, but didn't get a reply. I'll correct it as soon as I know the correct designation of that complex. Greets,
Again, I have wrote this on your user page to save space on the article talk page. Of course delete it, if you want to.
email list. Please note that the voting closes on 16th August, 2016, unless protracted by consensus, due to any reason.
115:) en ikke. Laat me weten als je hulp nodig hebt. Ik heb je vraag t.a.v. de afbeelding beantwoord op mijn overlegpagina. 98: 34: 22: 307:
There are five pictures (all very good) in the lower half of your diagram for the ICT. No more pictures are needed.
1955: 1639: 1527: 1913:
Good job man, I initially thought a few of your images came out of textbooks before I came across your user profile.
1827: 1771: 1756: 2181:. If you want to receive these emails too, state your interest at the talk page, or contact the Editor-in-chief at 2279: 1967:
Wikiversity Journal of Medicine, an open access peer reviewed journal with no charges, invites you to participate
859: 54: 2304: 2124: 1803: 1653: 1087:. Dit wordt de Vereniging Wikimedia Nederland (VWN). Je kunt je interesse om lid te worden van deze vereniging 855: 1881: 1706: 2116: 1990: 1429: 1408: 728:
Suggest actually add these last two sentences to the bottom of the diagram to be built into the graphic.
2300: 2275: 1681: 1561: 854:
Hi, I tried to draw a JGA before, but the results were disappointing. For now, people can always read the
29: 2239: 1920: 1360: 106: 61: 1851: 285:
Antibodies are Y shaped. There is a receptor site on each of the top ends of the Y, so there are two
1951: 1943: 1873: 1795: 1698: 1645: 1618: 1515: 1421: 1400: 1352: 87:
PS We hebben altijd dokters nodig, en je bent in goed gezelschap - andere Hollandse medici hier zijn
2261: 1916: 1900: 1583: 1259: 1103: 2128: 2097:
journal pages into other languages. Wikiversity currently exists in the following other languages
1867: 1633: 1120: 241:
Caption 2 The patients washed RBCs are then incubated with Antihuman antibodies (Coombs reagent).
Can you show antigens (possibly a triangle shape) on the RBC surface (underneith the antibodies)?
1847: 1752: 1378: 77: 44: 2019:
of potential upcoming articles. If you do not have expertise in these subjects, you can help in
1947: 1733: 1519: 868:
broad and suitable IMO :) The article already links to Rh disease, so that's not a big problem.
2104: 1677: 1556: 1202: 1158: 1126: 1125:. Is there anythink that you can do about it? I hope you are doing well with your studies. 1058: 1041: 1013: 995: 959: 914: 896: 842: 812: 747: 732: 294: 249: 187: 145: 1511:
Hey man. I love your big hematopoiesis pic. But the neutrophil is misspelled to neuthrophil.
Hi and thanks for pointing that error out. So I assume that this complex is simply called an
There are three pictures (all very good) in the top half of your diagram for a positive DCT.
2220: 2144: 2136: 2120: 1479: 1446: 102: 92: 1083:
Beste allemaal Al enige tijd is er een Nederlandstalig chapter in oprichting, te vinden op
Hi there. Since you're a native Dutch speaker, I was wondering if you could take a look at
1614: 1523: 1234: 760:(small squares e.g.) and have each binding site of the antibody bind to 1 small antigen :) 167: 163: 2132: 2112: 2108: 1375:
Hi, I find this diagram especially helpful and clear to understand. Great job on this!
Hi, yeah they're fine with me :) The article looks very good too. Well done! ;) Greets,
1579: 456:
Caption 2 Washed RBCs from blood sample B are incubated with serum from blood sample A
status, because I think it really deserves it. You can see the votes and comments at:
Am I allowed to use your figure on a poster presentation? If so, how do I cite it??
T-cells mature in the thymus, and so should be lower, to fall into the "tissue" row.
Your schematic has reached a plateau of development and looks like a finished product.
73: 39: 1819: 1475: 141: 1719: 1609: 1597: 1537: 1490: 1465: 1388: 1326: 1317: 1305: 1292: 1278: 1267: 1183: 1145: 1069: 1033: 1024: 976: 925: 883: 797: 265: 218: 179: 121: 88: 2085: 1009: 831: 1445:
travels below the isoelectric line. Otherwise great work on the image! Best,
1099: 1095: 2196:
Spread the word to anyone who could be interested or could benefit from it.
I have made minor changes to the OA page in line to what you have said. :)
Hi. Do you have vector images of your fantastic hematopoiesis diagram?
1102:. Ik hoop daar snel je imput tegemoet te zien! Met vriendelijke groet, 880:
Knowledge talk:WikiProject Clinical medicine#Coombs test needs some help
2297: 1668:
If you are too busy do not worry. We have being discussing this image
P.S I really hope you see this before my deadline submission :| lol.
For you information, I nominated the raster version of the image for
1642:. As a medical student, your input would be very much appreciated. 776:
About the indirect test: sure, I think there's place to put a key :)
2308: 2283: 2242: 1959: 1924: 1885: 1855: 1835: 1807: 1779: 1764: 1727: 1710: 1685: 1657: 1622: 1600: 1591: 1571: 1540: 1493: 1482: 1468: 1449: 1433: 1412: 1391: 1381: 1364: 1329: 1320: 1308: 1295: 1281: 1270: 1237: 1205: 1186: 1161: 1148: 1129: 1072: 1061: 1044: 1027: 1016: 998: 979: 962: 928: 917: 899: 886: 845: 815: 800: 750: 735: 297: 252: 221: 190: 170: 149: 124: 82: 1732: 1040:
and all this IgM stuff is on blood group page (or linked pages).
1638:? Please join our discussion regarding the content of our first 1304:
others to decide and advise on the current placement :) Greets,
Caption 4 Incubation with antihuman antibodies (Coombs reagent)
This may be a bit verbose. Perhaps you can shorten parts of it.
1994: 1868:
Hi, I also have a question regarding the Hematopoiesis images.
You can participate in any one or more of the following ways:
Talk:Major_depressive_disorder#Biological clock human image
1115: 2076:
Share your ideas of what the journal would be like in the
Caption 1 Serum from blood sample A containing antibodies
1740:, without labels. May appear incomplete in Wiki browser. 1632:
Would you like to participate in the development of the
1140:. The downside is that the link is now a "piped link"... 1555:, specifically Sean's offer regarding SVG conversion. — 1489:
the rules on nomenclature are clear in that ;) Greets,
Deze vereniging gaat eind augustus/begin september een
1088: 1989:
We welcome you to have a look the journal. Like us on
Meanwhile, I've placed a message on this topic at the
Sure, I'll try to remember when I redo the image :)
Knowledge:Featured picture candidates/Hematopoiesis
1478:are quite useful as a quick reference guide. Best, 1814:Nominated hematopoiesis image for featured picture 1118:disambiguation page has an irritating red link: 1790:Did you draw all the individual cells yourself? 1008:There is a schematic about blood groups on the 1862:Permission to use your Hematopoiesis in humans 862:if they don't know what is meant by that term. 782:Since this diagram shows the Coombs test when 1460:instead of RsR'? I've also asked this on the 140:course I have no ownership....stay in touch 8: 1084: 72:or ask me on my talk page. Again, welcome! 1997:. Feel free to participate in the journal. 2169:related to the journal, which are sent to 1793: 1551:You might be interested in the discussion 1547:Your image is a featured picture candidate 1387:Hi, glad it was of help to you :) Greets, 60:I hope you enjoy editing here and being a 1749:File:Hematopoiesis (human) diagram is.svg 2162:like template designing for the journal. 882:. I hope some people come in to help :) 2050:Example presentation about the journal. 1229:gorgeous chart. a great contribution! 197:right? And therefore, I should replace 2062:guidelines for editing published works 1691:Hematopoiesis images in vector format 7: 2079:future as separate Wikimedia project 2054:Add a post-publication review of an 1138:Manual of Style - Individual entries 2249:, Wikiversity Journal of Medicine. 1096:Wikimedia Conferentie in Nederland 14: 2060:. If errors are found, there are 1038:medical collaboration of the week 70:Knowledge:Where to ask a question 2276:Dr. Jhonatan Christian Maraschin 2260: 2208: 2185: 2173: 1899: 1670:Image:Biological clock human.PNG 895:Changes on Coombs and RAS seen. 2268:The Graphic Designer's Barnstar 1977:Wikiversity Journal of Medicine 1907:The Graphic Designer's Barnstar 1287:Hi. Thanks for your comments :) 1243:Hi. Thanks for your comments :) 213:? Or is it the other way round? 2292:A question on the RAAS picture 1635:Wikiversity School of Medicine 1628:Wikiversity School of Medicine 1: 1507:Typo in hematopoiesis picture 1271:16:39, 19 December 2006 (UTC) 1238:03:51, 19 December 2006 (UTC) 958:Are these edits ok with you? 801:15:02, 28 February 2006 (UTC) 751:13:54, 28 February 2006 (UTC) 736:13:46, 28 February 2006 (UTC) 315:blue “Y” = antihuman antibody 298:14:35, 27 February 2006 (UTC) 253:09:12, 23 February 2006 (UTC) 222:23:10, 17 February 2006 (UTC) 191:19:20, 16 February 2006 (UTC) 30:The five pillars of Knowledge 1960:09:40, 18 October 2011 (UTC) 1925:20:29, 13 October 2011 (UTC) 1886:12:14, 13 October 2010 (UTC) 1808:19:12, 30 January 2017 (UTC) 1780:06:06, 7 February 2010 (UTC) 1765:08:30, 6 February 2010 (UTC) 1686:14:51, 6 December 2008 (UTC) 1623:06:00, 4 December 2008 (UTC) 1601:17:06, 8 November 2007 (UTC) 1592:22:04, 5 November 2007 (UTC) 1572:14:54, 31 October 2007 (UTC) 171:08:30, 1 February 2006 (UTC) 50:How to write a great article 2243:15:14, 11 August 2016 (UTC) 1434:20:08, 6 October 2010 (UTC) 125:09:49, 5 January 2006 (UTC) 83:19:03, 4 January 2006 (UTC) 2324: 1755:) for an English version. 1494:13:22, 24 April 2007 (UTC) 1483:11:39, 24 April 2007 (UTC) 1469:08:22, 24 April 2007 (UTC) 1450:00:38, 24 April 2007 (UTC) 1392:15:02, 25 March 2007 (UTC) 1382:02:33, 25 March 2007 (UTC) 1365:19:27, 30 March 2014 (UTC) 1330:16:32, 21 April 2007 (UTC) 1321:07:15, 21 April 2007 (UTC) 1309:08:52, 20 April 2007 (UTC) 1296:15:40, 17 April 2007 (UTC) 1282:09:00, 17 April 2007 (UTC) 1028:16:07, 13 April 2006 (UTC) 918:11:25, 31 March 2006 (UTC) 900:09:51, 18 March 2006 (UTC) 2309:11:42, 4 April 2022 (UTC) 2259: 2209: 2186: 2174: 2008:an article to the journal 1898: 1856:18:59, 21 June 2010 (UTC) 1836:16:30, 11 June 2010 (UTC) 1658:21:57, 17 June 2008 (UTC) 1371:Renin-Angiotensin Diagram 1247:understand from Parham's 1206:12:23, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 1187:14:11, 10 July 2006 (UTC) 1162:12:03, 10 July 2006 (UTC) 1149:08:32, 10 July 2006 (UTC) 1073:15:39, 2 April 2006 (UTC) 1062:11:23, 1 April 2006 (UTC) 1045:12:29, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 1017:13:17, 8 April 2006 (UTC) 999:13:17, 8 April 2006 (UTC) 980:14:43, 5 April 2006 (UTC) 963:18:05, 3 April 2006 (UTC) 929:15:38, 2 April 2006 (UTC) 887:16:23, 4 March 2006 (UTC) 860:Juxtaglomerular apparatus 846:10:06, 2 March 2006 (UTC) 816:10:06, 2 March 2006 (UTC) 317:grey “Y” = human antibody 150:13:29, 25 July 2010 (UTC) 2023:for current submissions. 1986:featuring this journal. 1723: 1541:16:59, 22 May 2007 (UTC) 1440:Left bundle branch block 1130:19:16, 9 July 2006 (UTC) 1106:25 feb 2006 12:27 (CET) 450:INDIRECT COOMBS TEST $ 2284:20:56, 7 May 2017 (UTC) 2089:to Wikimedia Foundation 1753:Commons:User:Spacebirdy 1728:17:39, 8 May 2009 (UTC) 1711:18:41, 7 May 2009 (UTC) 1413:04:04, 8 May 2010 (UTC) 1085: 742:Renin Angitensin system 268:15:15, 23 February 2006 2021:finding peer reviewers 1841:Permission for reprint 1741: 131:Superseded Hemopoiesis 1934:Help with permissions 1736: 1476:Tom Evans' Cribsheets 2057:existing publication 1530:) 01:11, 22 May 2007 2253:A barnstar for you! 1974:Did you know about 1892:A barnstar for you! 1225:hematopoiesis chart 2245:-on behalf of the 2032:, and help out in 1742: 303:More Coombs test 2 273:More Coombs test 1 35:How to edit a page 21:Hello A. Rad, and 2289: 2288: 1963: 1946:comment added by 1931: 1930: 1876:comment added by 1810: 1798:comment added by 1701:comment added by 1660: 1648:comment added by 1532: 1518:comment added by 1462:image's talk page 1424:comment added by 1403:comment added by 1355:comment added by 80: 2315: 2264: 2257: 2256: 2241: 2236: 2233: 2230: 2227: 2224: 2215: 2213: 2212: 2211: 2192: 2190: 2189: 2188: 2183:haggstrom.mikael 2180: 2178: 2177: 2176: 1993:or follow us on 1962: 1940: 1903: 1896: 1895: 1888: 1828:Mikael Häggström 1820:featured picture 1772:Mikael Häggström 1757:Mikael Häggström 1713: 1643: 1531: 1512: 1436: 1415: 1367: 1036:page has been a 78: 2323: 2322: 2318: 2317: 2316: 2314: 2313: 2312: 2301:Martien Joosten 2294: 2255: 2247:Editorial Board 2234: 2231: 2228: 2225: 2222: 2219: 2207: 2205: 2184: 2182: 2172: 2170: 2165:Sign up to get 2070:editorial board 1969: 1941: 1936: 1894: 1871: 1864: 1843: 1816: 1696: 1693: 1666: 1630: 1549: 1513: 1509: 1442: 1419: 1398: 1373: 1350: 1300:OK, fixed it :) 1227: 1219: 1112: 1081: 1055: 261:I've edited it: 203:patient's serum 183: 164:Edsger Dijkstra 160: 158:Edsger Dijkstra 133: 55:Manual of Style 12: 11: 5: 2321: 2319: 2293: 2290: 2287: 2286: 2271: 2270: 2265: 2254: 2251: 2198: 2197: 2194: 2163: 2160:Technical work 2157: 2156: 2155: 2092: 2083: 2074: 2065: 2052: 2037: 2027:Sign up as an 2024: 2011: 1968: 1965: 1935: 1932: 1929: 1928: 1910: 1909: 1904: 1893: 1890: 1863: 1860: 1842: 1839: 1815: 1812: 1800: 1787: 1785: 1784: 1783: 1782: 1767: 1731: 1730: 1692: 1689: 1665: 1662: 1650: 1629: 1626: 1608:Hi! 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19:03, 4 January 2006 (UTC)
A. Rad
09:49, 5 January 2006 (UTC)
Reg C Handford
13:29, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
Edsger Dijkstra
08:30, 1 February 2006 (UTC)
Coombs test
19:20, 16 February 2006 (UTC)

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