
Disciples of Confucius

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155:, and set before me the examples of the ancient kings. I felt a pleasure in his instructions; but when I went abroad, and saw the people in authority, with their umbrellas and banners, and all the pomp and circumstance of their trains, I also felt pleasure in that show. These two things assaulted each other in my breast. I could not determine which to prefer, and so I wore that look of distress. But now the lessons of our Master have penetrated deeply into my mind. My progress also has been helped by the example of you my fellow disciples. I now know what I should follow and what I should avoid, and all the pomp of power is no more to me than the dust of the ground. It is on this account that I have that look of fullness and satisfaction." Min Sun was one of Confucius's most favourite students. He was distinguished for his moral purity and his love for his parents. His place in the Temple of Confucius is on the first place on the east, among "The Wise Ones", immediately following the Four Assessors. He was first sacrificed to, along with Confucius, in 720 AD, by the sixth emperor of the 99:
students, Hui, Zilu, and Zigong, and asked them each to tell him their different aims, after which he would choose between them. After Zilu's answer, Confucius said, "It marks your bravery." After Zigong's answer, Confucius said, "It shows your discriminating eloquence." Yan Hui spoke last, saying "I should like to find an intelligent king and sage ruler whom I might assist. I would diffuse among the people instructions on the five great points, and lead them on by the rules of propriety and music, so that they should not care to fortify their cities by walls and moats, but would fuse their swords and spears into implements of agriculture. They should send forth their flocks without fear into the plains and forests. There should be no sunderings of families, no widows or widowers. For a thousand years there would be no calamity of war. Yu would have no opportunity to display his bravery, or Ts'ze to display his oratory." After hearing Yan Yui's answer, Confucius said, "How admirable is this virtue!"
386:, and Confucius gave him this advice: "In dealing with your subordinates, there is nothing like impartiality; and when wealth comes in your way, there is nothing like moderation. Hold fast these two things, and do not swerve from them. To conceal men's excellence is to obscure the worthy; and to proclaim people's wickedness is the part of a mean man. To speak evil of those whom you have not sought the opportunity to instruct is not the way of friendship and harmony." After leaving Confucius, Zigong served in high offices in both in Lu and Wei, and finally died in Qi. Following Confucius's death, many of the disciples built huts near their Master's grave, and mourned for him three years, but Zigong remained there, mourning alone for three years more. His place in the Temple of Confucius is third among "The Wise Ones", to the east of the Assessors. The fifth chapter of the 503:, where Confucius was then teaching, to learn under the sage. Confucians later considered him to be his second most senior student, after Yan Hui. Zigong said of him, "There is no subject which he has not studied. His appearance is respectful. His virtue is solid. His words command credence. Before great men he draws himself up in the pride of self-respect. His eyebrows are those of longevity." He was noted for his filial piety, and after the death of his parents he could not read the rites of mourning without being led to think of them and being moved to tears. He was a voluminous writer. He composed ten books, compiled in the 481:, and was 48 years younger than Confucius. His courtesy name was Zizhang (子張). Zigong said of him: "Not to boast of his admirable merit; not to signify joy on account of noble station; neither insolent nor indolent; showing no pride to the dependent: these are the characteristics of Zhuansun Shi." When he was sick and close to death, he called his son Shanxiang to him, and said, "We speak of his end in the case of a superior man, and of his death in the case of a mean man. May I think that it is going to be the former with me to-day"? In the Temple of Confucius, he is placed in the fifth west position, among "The Wise Ones". 73: 1130:
Zhongsun Heji, supposed by many to be the same with No. 17; Ru Bei, (孺悲), mentioned in the Analects, XVII. xx, and in the Li Ji, XVIII. Sect. II. ii. 22; Gongwang Zhiqiu (公罔之裘) and Xu Dian (序點), mentioned in the Li Ji, XLIII. 7; Binmou Jia (賓牟賈), mentioned in the Li Ji, XVII. iii. 16; Kong Xuan (孔琁) and Hai Shulan (惠叔蘭), on the authority of the 'Narratives of the School;' Chang Ji (常季), mentioned by Zhuangzi; Ju Yu (鞫語), mentioned by Yanzi (晏子); Lian Yu (廉瑀) and Lu Jun (魯峻), on the authority of Wenweng Shishi 文翁石室; and finally Zifu He (子服何), the Zifu Jingbo (子服景伯) of the Analects, XIV. xxxviii.
had a son, and my mother was then about to take another wife for me, when the Master proposed sending me to Qi. My mother was unwilling that I should go, but Confucius said, 'Don't be anxious. Zhu will have five sons after he is 40.' It has turned out so, and I apprehend it is your fault, and not your wife's, that you have no son yet." Zhan took this advice; and, two years later, he had a son. In the Temple of Confucius his tablet occupies the eighth place on the west side, among the tablets of the outer court.
127: 546:. He attracted three hundred students, to whom he laid down rules for their guidance in their intercourse with princes. When Confucius heard of his success, he confessed how he had been led by his bad looks to misjudge him. He, with nearly all the disciples whose names follow, first had a place assigned to him in the sacrifices to Confucius in 739 AD. in the Temple of Confucius his tablet is placed on the second, east, in the outer court, beyond that of the "Assessors" and "Wise Ones". 167:
while she would line his clothes with weeds. One day, while taking his father out in a carriage, he almost succumbed to the cold. When his father learned what had happened, he went back to throw his wife out of the house. However, Min Sun said, "If mother leaves, there will be three of your sons who go cold, but if she stays, then only one will suffer." His stepmother was touched by his kindness and never mistreated him again.
447:. His courtesy name was Zixia (子夏). He was 45 years younger than Confucius and lived to a great age, for in 406 BC (73 years after Confucius's death) he was recorded serving at the court of Prince Wan of Wei, to whom he gave copies of some of the classics. He is represented as an extensively well-read and exacting scholar but one without great comprehension of mind. The 595:, of Lu. His courtesy name was Zisi (子思). He was younger than Confucius by 36 years. He was noted for his purity and modesty, and for his happiness in the principles of the Master while suffering deep poverty. After the death of Confucius, he lived in obscurity in Wei. His tablet in the Temple of Confucius is next to that of Ziyu. The fourteenth chapter of the 829:. This was done after a request from a high-ranking government official, who said he was motivated to act following a dream. His real motives may have been a desire to do Justice to the merits of Ziruo, and to restore the symmetry of the tablets in the "Hall of the Great and Complete One", which had been disturbed by the introduction of the tablet of 745:
condemned a prisoner to lose his feet. Later, when Gao Chai was forced to flee Wei, that same man helped to save his life. Confucius praised Chai for being able to administer stern justice with such a spirit of benevolence that the people he judged could not resent him. In the Temple of Confucius his tablet is next to that of Gongxi Ai.
are as it were in a state of slumber. His wish is to rouse and put them in motion. Could he find a prince really anxious to rule according to them, he would walk on foot to his court and be glad to do so. Why need he receive such a valuable gift as this from so great a distance?" Confucius later commended Zai Yu for this reply.
339:, and 31 years younger than Confucius. His courtesy name was Zigong (子貢). He had mental sharpness and ability, and appears in the Analects as one of the most forward talkers among Confucius's students. Confucius said, "From the time that I got Ci, scholars from a distance came daily resorting to me." According to 865:
or of Lu. His courtesy name was Ziqi (子期 or 子旗). He was 30 years younger than Confucius. On one occasion, when Confucius was about to set out with a company of the disciples on a journey, he told them to take umbrellas. Later that day it rained heavily, and Wuma asked Confucius, "There were no clouds
Fu Buqi (宓不齊) was a native of Lu; and, according to different accounts, 30, 40 or 49 years younger than Confucius. His courtesy name was Zijian (子賤). After studying under Confucius he became the Commandant of Danfu, where he succeeded in his position easily. Wuma Qi, having served in the same office,
Duke Ching of Qi once asked Zigong how Confucius was to be ranked as a sage, and he replied, "I do not know. I have all my life had the sky over my head, but I do not know its height, and the earth under my feet, but I do not know its thickness. In my serving of Confucius, I am like a thirsty man who
Ran Yong (冉雍) was of the same clan as Ran Geng, and 29 years younger than Confucius. His courtesy name was Zhonggong (仲弓). He had a bad father, but the Master declared that this was not to be counted against him, to detract from his admitted excellence. He had a reputation for integrity, but not for
said: "The disciples who received my instructions, and could themselves comprehend them, were seventy-seven individuals. They were all scholars of extraordinary ability." It was traditionally believed that Confucius had three thousand students, but that only 72 mastered what he taught. The following
57. Shen Dang, styled Zhou (申黨, 周). In the 'Narratives of the School' there is a Shen Ji, styled Zi-zhou (申續, 子周). The name is given by others as Tang (堂 and 儻) and Zu (續), with the designation Zi-zu (子續). These are probably the same person mentioned in the Analects as Shen Chang (申棖). Prior to the
later attributed to him the ability to talk with birds and other animals. In one story, he overhears a group of birds discussing the location of a murder victim. His knowledge of the body later leads him to be arrested for the person's murder, but he is released after demonstrating his supernatural
on some commission, King Chao offered him an easy carriage adorned with ivory to return to Confucius. Yu replied, "My Master is a man who would rejoice in a government where right principles were carried out, and can find his joy in himself when that is not the case. Now right principles and virtue
Ran Geng (冉耕) was a native of Lu, and Confucius's junior by only seven years. His courtesy name was Boniu (伯牛). When Confucius became Lu's Minister of Crime, he appointed Boniu to the office from which he had just been promoted, Commandant of Zhongdu. His tablet is now fourth among "The Wise Ones",
or Zuoqiu Ming (左丘明) or Qiu Ming (丘明) has the 32nd place, east. His title was fixed in AD 1530 to be 'The Ancient Scholar,' but in 1642 it was raised to that of 'Ancient Worthy.' To him we owe the most distinguished of the annotated editions of the Chun Qiu. But whether he really was a disciple of
48. Qin Ran, styled Kai (秦冉, 開), a native of Cai. He is not given in the list of the 'Narratives of the School,' and on this account his tablet was put out of the temples in the ninth year of Jiajing. It was restored, however, in the second year of Yongzhang, AD 1724, and is the 33rd, east, in the
46. Gongliang Ru, styled Zi-zheng (公良孺 , 子正), a native of Qin, follows the preceding in the temples. The 'Sacrificial Canon' says:-- 'Zi-zheng was a man of worth and bravery. When Confucius was surrounded and stopped in Pu, Zi-zheng fought so desperately, that the people of Pu were afraid, and let
Liang Zhan (梁鱣), aka. Liang Li (梁鯉), was a native of Qi. His courtesy name was Shuyu (叔魚). He was either 29 or 39 years younger than Confucius. When he was 30, being disappointed that he had no son, he was thinking about divorcing his wife. "Do not do so," said Shang Zhu to him. "I was 38 before I
You Ruo (有若) was a native of Lu, but Chinese historians do not agree on his age. His courtesy name was Ziruo (子若). He was noted among Confucius's students for his great memory and fondness for antiquity. After Confucius died the rest of his disciples, because Ruo looked and sounded like Confucius,
Ran Qiu (冉求) was related to Ran Gong and Ran Yong. His courtesy name was Ziyou (子有). He was the same age as Rong Yong. He was noted among Confucius's students for his versatile abilities and many talents. Zigong said that he was "respectful to the old and kind to the young; attentive to guests and
Fan Xu (樊須) also known as Fan Chi (樊迟) was either a native of Qi or Lu. His courtesy name was Zichi (子遲). He was either 36 or 46 years younger than Confucius. When he was young he distinguished himself as a military commander, serving in the armies of the Ji family. In the Temple of Confucius his
Gongxi Ai (公皙哀) was either a native of Lu or Qi. His courtesy names were Jici (季次) and Jichan (季沉). Confucius commended him for refusing to accept employment with any of the noble families who had gained power through usurpation, choosing instead to endure severe poverty rather than sacrifice his
Min Sun is most well known for his love and respect for his parents. His mother died when he was young; and, after his father remarried, he was raised by his stepmother. Under her care, he was abused and mistreated. His stepmother, during winter, would line her own sons' clothes with warm cotton,
Min Sun (閔損) was one of Confucius's students from the State of Lu. His courtesy name was Ziqian (子騫). According to Sima Qian he was 15 years younger than Confucius, but other sources state that he was 50 years younger. When he first came to Confucius he had a starved look, but after studying with
The above are the only names and surnames of those of the disciples who now share in the sacrifices to the sage. Those who wish to exhaust the subject, mention in addition, on the authority of Zuo Qiuming, Zhongsun Heji (仲孫何忌), a son of Meng Xizi (孟僖子), and Zhongsun Shuo (仲孫說), little brother of
56. Qin Shang, styled Zi-pei (秦商, 子丕 ), a native of Lu, or, according to Zhang Xuan, of Chu. He was 40 years younger than Confucius. One authority, however, says he was only four years younger, and that his father and Confucius's father were both celebrated for their strength. His tablet is the
Tantai Mieming (澹臺滅明) as a native of Wu-chang. His courtesy name was Ziyu (子羽). Sima Qian said that Ziyu was 39 years younger than Confucius, but other records state that he was 49 years younger. He was excessively ugly, and Confucius thought poorly of his talents following consequence his first
40. Yan Gao, styled Zi-jiao (顏高, 子驕). According to the 'Narratives of the School,' he was the same as Yan Ke (刻, or 剋), who drove the carriage when Confucius rode in Wei after the duke and Nan-zi. But this seems doubtful. Other authorities make his name Chan (產), and style him Zi-jing (子精). His
Gao Chai (高柴) was either a native of Qi or Wei. His courtesy names were Zigao (子羔) and Jigao (季羔). He was either 30 or 40 years younger than Confucius, and was dwarfish and ugly but very intelligent and talented. After studying with Confucius he became a criminal judge in Wei, and once famously
and girdle ornaments, women laid aside their pearls and earrings, and the sounds of weeping could be heard in the streets for three months. Yan replied, "The influences of Zichan and my Master might be compared to those of overflowing water and those of fattening rain. Wherever the water in its
71. Shuzhung Hui , styled Zi-qi (叔仲會 , 子期), a native of Lu, or, according to Zhang Xuan, of Jin. He was younger than Confucius by 54 years. It is said that he and another youth, called Kong Xuan (孔琁), attended by turns with their pencils, and acted as amanuenses to the sage, and when Mang Wubo
was Ziyuan (子淵). He was Confucius's favorite student, and was younger than Confucius by 30 years. He became Confucius's disciple when he was very young. "After I got Hui," Confucius once said, "the disciples came closer to me." Confucius once traveled to Nang Hill with three of his favourite
Confucius later said, "From the time that I got You, bad words no more came to my ears." Confucius admired Zilu for his courage, but was concerned that he might lack other virtues (such as good judgement) that would have balanced this courage, potentially turning Zilu's courage into a vice
321:. While employed in Qi he joined with Tian Chang in a rebellion. After this rebellion was suppressed, his actions led to the destruction of his extended family and made Confucius ashamed of him. His place in the Temple of Confucius is second among "The Wise Ones", to the west. 1063:
72. Yan He, styled Ran (顏何, 冉), a native of Lu. The present copies of the 'Narratives of the School' do not contain his name, and in AD 1588 Ran was displaced from his place in the temples. His tablet, however, has been restored during the Qing. It is the 33rd, west.
80. Xian Dan , styled Zi-xiang (縣亶 , 子象), a native of Lu. Some suppose that this is the same as No. 53. The advisers of the Qing dynasty in such matters, however, have considered them to be different, and in 1724, a tablet was assigned to Xian Dan, the 34th, west.
652:, a fire broke out at the palace. While others attempted to secure the contents of the treasury, Nangong directed his efforts to saving the palace library, and it was because of his efforts that numerous ancient texts (possibly the most important being the 800:(司馬耕) was a great talker and a native of Song. His courtesy names were Niu (牛) and Shugeng (黍耕). He spent a great amount of energy escaping from the negative influence of his brother. In the Temple of Confucius his tablet follows that of Qidiao Kai. 258:"Of what advantage would learning be to me?" asked Zilu. "There is a bamboo on the southern hill, which is straight itself without being bent. If you cut it down and use it, you can send it through a rhinoceros's hide: what is the use of learning?" 350:
When he first came to Confucius he quickly demonstrated an ability to grasp Confucius's basic points, and refined himself further through Confucius's education. He is later revealed to have become a skillful speaker and an accomplished statesman
5.7). After studying with Confucius Ran Qiu took an official position working for the ministers who had usurped power in Lu, but did not himself have enough power or ability to influence his employers to follow a more ethical course of action
Yan Xing (顏幸), also called Yan Xi (顏辛), Yan Liu (顏柳), and Yan Wei (顏韋), was a native of Lu. His courtesy name was Ziliu (子柳). He was 46 years younger than Confucius. In the Temple of Confucius his tablet is on the east side, after Wuma Shi.
Zai Yu (宰予) was a native of Lu, but his age is unknown. He was stubborn at first, and cared much about how he looked. His courtesy name was Ziwo (子我). He had "a sharp mouth", according to Sima Qian. Once, when he was at the court of
Confucius he gained a look of fullness and satisfaction. When Zigong once asked Min Sun how this change had come about, he replied, "I came from the midst of my reeds and sedges into the school of the Master. He trained my mind to
519:. He was first associated with the sacrifices to Confucius in 668 AD, but in 1267 he was advanced to be one of the sage's four Assessors. His title, "Exhibitor of the Fundamental Principles of the Sage", dates from the period of 1073:
75. Kong Zhong, styled Zi-mie (孔忠, 子蔑). This was the son, it is said, of Confucius's elder brother, the cripple Mang-pi. His tablet is next to that of No. 73. His sacrificial title is 'The ancient Worthy, the philosopher Mie.'
visitors; fond of learning and skilled in many arts; diligent in his examination of things." When a minor official of Lu asked Confucius about Ran Qiu's qualities, Confucius praised him as having modest administrative ability (
Ran Ru (冉孺) was a native of Lu. His courtesy names were Zilu (子魯), Zi-zeng (子曾), and Ziyu (子魚). He was 50 years younger than Confucius. In the Temple of Confucius his tablet is on the west side, following that of Liang Zhan.
Yan Wuyou (顏無繇) was the father of Yan Hui, and was younger than Confucius by only six years. His courtesy name was Lu (路). In the Temple of Confucius his tablet is the first on the east side in the same hall as Zeng Dian.
630:, Confucius's marriage of his daughter to him despite the strong stigma attached to criminals in the Zhou dynasty demonstrates Confucius's adherence to moral reason and his independence from arbitrary social conventions. 613:
Gongye Chang (aka. Gongye Zhi) (公冶長 or 公冶芝) was Confucius's son-in-law. His courtesy names were Zichang (子長) and Zizhi (子之). He was either a native of Lu or Qi. In the Temple of Confucius, his tablet is next to Buji's.
68. Yuan Kang, styled Zi-ji (原亢, 子籍), a native of Lu. Sima Qian calls him Yuan Kang-ji, not mentioning any designation. The 'Narratives of the School' makes him Yuan Kang (抗), styled Ji. His tablet is the 23rd, west.
Sima Qian here observes: 'Of the 35 disciples which precede, we have some details. Their age and other particulars are found in the Books and Records. It is not so, however, in regard to the 52 which follow.'
81. Lin Fang, styled Zi-qiu (林放, 字子邱), a native of Lu. The only thing known of him is from the Ana. III. iv. His tablet was displaced under the Ming, but has been restored by the Qing. It is the first, west.
Bo Qian (伯虔) was a native of Lu. His courtesy names were Zixi (子皙/析) and Zijie (子楷). He was 50 years younger than Confucius. In the Temple of Confucius Bo Qian's tablet follows that of Cao Xu, on the west.
Zishi replied, "What leisure have I to do so? My parents require me to be filial; my brothers require me to be submissive; and my friends require me to be sincere. What leisure have I for anything else?"
343:, Zigong was a merchant who later became wealthy through his own efforts, and developed a sense of moral self-composure through the course of his work. (His past profession as a merchant is elaborated in 251:
origin. He was only nine years younger than Confucius. His courtesy names were Zilu (子路) and Jilu (季路). At their first interview, Confucius asked him what he was fond of, and he replied, "My long sword."
5.7; see also 8.2, 17.8, and 17.23). After studying with him, Confucius later praised Zilu as his having exceptional administrative ability and being capable of handling duties of national importance (
63: Zhang Guo, styled Zi-tu (鄭國, 子徒), a native of Lu. This is understood to be the same with the Xue Bang, styled Zi-cong (薛邦, 子從), of the 'Narratives of the School.' His tablet follows No. 61.
Cao Xu (曹卹) was a native of Cai. His courtesy name was Zixun (子循). He was 50 years younger than Confucius. In the Temple of Confucius his tablet is on the east side, following that of Yan Xing.
In the Temple of Confucius, the tablet of Ziruo is now the sixth on the east side, among "The Wise Ones". His tablet was promoted to this position only relatively recently, in 1714 during the
408:(吳). His courtesy name was Ziyou (子游). He was 45 years younger than Confucius, and was distinguished for his literary achievements. After studying with Confucius he was made Commandant of 621:
5.1 Confucius says of Gongye Chang: "He is marriageable. Although he was once imprisoned as a criminal, he was in fact innocent of any crime." Confucius then married his daughter to him.
929:. His courtesy name was Zishi (子石). He was 53 years younger than Confucius. Once, before he had met Confucius, Zishi met Zigong, who asked him "Have you not learned the Book of Poetry?" 233:
6.12). Later, it was by the influence of Ran Qiu that Confucius was finally able to return to Lu. His place in the Temple of Confucius is third among "The Wise Ones", to the west.
and succeeding only by virtue of great industry and toil, asked Zijian for advice. Zijian answered, "I employ men; you employ men's strength." People later pronounced Fu to be a
849:, and Confucius's other students deferred to him on the arrangement of Confucius's funeral. Confucius praised him as being competent to entertain guests and visitors at court ( 463:
with him. When Zixia died, his son wept so greatly it is said that he became blind. In the Temple of Confucius, he is placed in the fifth east position, among "The Wise Ones".
overflow reaches, men take knowledge of it, while the fattening rain falls unobserved." His place in the Temple of Confucius is fourth in the western range of "The Wise Ones."
Ming dynasty they were sacrificed to as two, but in AD 1530, the name dang was expunged from the sacrificial list, and only that of Chang left. His tablet is the 31st, east.
5.3 Confucius himself uses the evidence of Zijian's exemplary character to demonstrate that Lu had retained a culture of high moral quality. His writings are mentioned in
1648: 967:
42. Zeng Sichi, styled Zi-tu, or Zi-cong (壤 駟赤, 子徒, or 子從), a native of Qin. Some consider Zengsi (壤駟) to be a double surname. His tablet comes after that of No. 40.
5.12); later he is criticized by Confucius for being too strict with others, and for not moderating his demands with an empathic understanding of others' limitations (
is a list of students who have been identified as Confucius's followers. Very little is known of most of Confucius's students, but some of them are mentioned in the
873:, 'When the moon is in Pi, there will be heavy rain?' It was thus I knew it." In the Temple of Confucius his tablet is on the east side, next to that of Sima Gang. 789:
14:33, where he slanders Zilu to Confucius. His courtesy name was Zizhou (子周). It is disputed whether he should really be considered one of Confucius's disciples.
689:. His courtesy name was Xi (皙). In the Temple of Confucius his tablet is in the hall to Confucius's ancestors, where it is the first on the west side. In 416:
and music, and was praised by Confucius. After the death of Confucius, Ji Kang asked Yan how it was possible that Confucius was not as widely mourned as
Gongxi Chi (公西赤) was a native of Lu. His courtesy name was Zihua (子華). He was younger than Confucius by 42 years. He was notable for his knowledge of
sacrificed to both him and Confucius. In the Confucian sacrificial Canon his title, "Continuator of the Sage", was conferred in the ninth year of the
11.3), but Confucius may have felt that he lacked the necessary flexibility and empathy towards others necessary for achieving consummate virtue (
1595: 1576: 1186: 1118:
85. Mu Pi (牧皮), mentioned by Mencius, VII. Pt. II. xxxvii. 4. His entrance into the temple was under the Qing. His tablet is the 34th, east.
were fixed. Hui's place is on the east of the sage. He is considered the first of the Four Assessors, the most senior disciple of Confucius.
2016: 1641: 1620: 730:, when it became widely disseminated. His courtesy name was Zimu (子木). In the Temple of Confucuis his tablet follows that of Nangong Kuo. 648:
king's court. He was also called Nanguo Shi (南宮适)and Nanguo Tao (南宮縚), and his courtesy name was Zirong (子容). Once, while he was serving
1863: 763:
or Lu. His courtesy names were Zikai (子開), Ziruo (子若), and Zixiu (子修/脩). Little is known about him, except that he was a scholar of the
639: 159:. His title, the same as that of all but the four assessors, is "The Ancient Worthy, the Philosopher Min." The eleventh chapter of the 2021: 964:
41. Qidiao Dufu , styled Zi-you, Zi-qi and Zi-wen (漆雕徒父 , 子有 , 子期 and 子文), a native of Lu, whose tablet precedes that of Qidiao Chi.
412:. While being employed as a government official there he was successful in transforming the character of the people by teaching them 72: 2646: 1968: 970:
43. Shang Zhai, styled Zi-ji and Zi-xiu (商澤, 子季 and 子秀), a native of Lu. His tablet is immediately after that of Fan Xu, No. 26.
1112:, an intimate friend of Confucius. Still his tablet has shared the same changes as that of Lin Fang. It is now the first, east. 1046:
67. Bu Shusheng, styled Zi-che (步叔乘 , 子車), a native of Qi. Sometimes for Bu (步) we find Shao (少). His tablet is the 30th, west.
2636: 1823: 1753: 1634: 936:"Come to my Master," said Zigong, "and learn of him." In the temple of Confucius, Gongsun Long's tablet follows that of Zixun. 399: 1908: 996:
51. Gong Jianding , styled Zi-zhong (公肩 定 , 子仲 ). His nativity is assigned to Lu, to Wei, and to Jin (晉). He follows No. 46.
51: 951:
37. Gongzu Gouzi or simply Zi, styled Zi-zhi (公祖勾茲 , 子之), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 23rd, east, in the outer court.
499:, and 46 years younger than Confucius. His courtesy name was Ziyu (子輿 or 子與). When he was 16 he was sent by his father into 973:
44. Shi Zuo -shu, styled Zi-ming (石作 蜀, 子明). Some take Shizuo (石作) as a double surname. His tablet follows that of No. 42.
expressed a doubt of their competency, Confucius declared his satisfaction with them. He follows Lian Jie in the temples.
70. Lian Jie, styled Yong and Zi-yung (廉潔, 庸 and 子庸 ), a native of Wei, or of Qi. His tablet is next to that of No. 68.
11:25 Zeng Dian is portrayed as a musician whose modest political aspirations are similar to those of Confucius himself.
Confucius said, "If to your present ability there were added the results of learning, you would be a very superior man."
2531: 2495: 2280: 2507: 990:
49. Gongxia Shou, styled Sheng or Zi-sheng (公夏首 , 乘 or 子乘), a native of Lu, whose tablet is next to that of No. 44.
1612: 999:
52. Yan Zu , styled Xiang and Zi-xiang (顏祖 , 襄 and 子襄), a native of Lu, with his tablet following that of No. 50.
in the morning; but after the sun had risen, you told us to take umbrellas. How did you know that it would rain?"
573:'s catalogue of important books. In the Temple of Confucius his tablet is placed on the second place on the west. 767:. Confucius was pleased with him for his modesty and for his realistic assessments of himself and other people ( 1028:
61. Zuo Renying , styled Xing and Zi-xing (左人郢 , 行 and 子行), a native of Lu. His tablet follows that of No. 59.
460: 443:
It is not certain what state Bu Shang (卜商) was a native of, but he was said to have been born either in Wei or
509: 102:
Yan Hui was very introverted. When Hui was 29, his hair turned completely white, and at age 32 he died. The
359:): he once claimed to have achieved Confucius's moral ideal, but was then sharply dismissed by the Master ( 261:"Yes", said Confucius; "but if you feather it and point it with steel, will it not penetrate more deeply?" 126: 954:
38. Qin Zu, styled Zi-nan (秦祖, 子南), a native of Qin. His tablet precedes that of the last, two places.
36. Ran Ji, styled Zi-chan (冉季, 子產 ), a native of Lu, whose place is the 11th, west, next to Bo Qian.
55. Han -fu Hei, styled Zi-hei (罕 父黑, 子黑 ), a native of Lu, whose tablet is next to that of No. 53.
wanted to defer to him as if he was Confucius, but after Zeng Shan objected they abandoned this idea.
Nangong Kuo (南宮括) may have been the same person as Nangong Zhangshu, who accompanied Confucius to the
goes with his pitcher to the river, and there he drinks his fill, without knowing the river's depth."
74. Kui Sun, styled Zi-lian (□ (kui1 刲左邦右) 巽, 子歛 ), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 27th, west.
103: 2596: 2220: 2196: 1665: 1143: 276:
5.7). After completing his studies with Confucius, Zilu became chief magistrate of the district of
115: 2412: 2340: 2172: 2148: 1043:
66. Yan Kuai, styled Zi-sheng (顏噲, 子聲), a native of Lu. His tablet is the next to that of No. 64.
452: 2641: 2613: 2608: 2601: 2460: 2453: 2448: 2376: 2364: 2304: 2184: 2093: 2088: 2045: 869:
Confucius replied, "The moon last evening was in the constellation Pi, and is it not said in the
456: 444: 131: 2292: 2124: 2112: 2100: 2064: 993:
50. Xi Yongdian , styled Zi-xi (系容蒧 , 子皙 ), a native of Wei, having his tablet the 18th, east.
5.7). In the Temple of Confucius his tablet is the fourth on the west side, in the outer court.
542:. Traces of his presence in that part of the country are still pointed out in the department of 225:
3.6). He once disappointed Confucius, and was rebuked for telling him that he loved Confucius's
2268: 2256: 2244: 2232: 1108:
82. Zhu Yuan, styled Bo-yu (蘧瑗, 字伯玉), an officer of Wei, and, as appears from the Analects and
280:, where his administration commanded the warm commendations of Confucius. His violent death in 2555: 2543: 2400: 2352: 2136: 1616: 1591: 1572: 1182: 1176: 834: 570: 77: 2567: 2519: 2483: 2388: 2328: 2316: 2160: 2076: 1022:
59. Yong Qi, styled Zi-qi (榮旂 , 子旗 or 子祺 ), a native of Lu, whose tablet is the 20th, west.
58. Yan Zhipo, styled Zi-shu (顏之僕, 子叔 ), a native of Lu, who occupies the 29th place, east.
45. Ren Buji, styled Xuan (任不齊, 選), a native of Chu, whose tablet is next to that of No. 28.
powers to his jailers. Although the exact nature of his offence is not known outside of this
2436: 2424: 2208: 2052: 1080:
77. Gongxi Dian, styled Zi-shang (公西蒧 , 子上 ), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 28th, east.
76. Gongxi Yuru , styled Zi-shang (公西輿如 , 子上), a native of Lu. His place is the 26th, west.
65. Shi Zhichang, styled Zi-hang (施之常, 子恆 ), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 30th, east.
53. Jiao dan, styled Zi-jia (鄡 單, 子家), a native of Lu. His place is next to that of No. 51.
47. Hou Chu , styled Zi-li (后 處 , 子里 ), a native of Qi, having his tablet the 17th, east.
822: 622: 409: 2579: 1067:
73. Di Hei, styled Zhe (狄黑, 晢 ), a native of Wei, or of Lu. His tablet is the 26th, east.
797: 520: 136: 1005:
54. Zhu Jing-qiang , styled Zi-qiang (句 井疆 , 子疆 ), a native of Wei, following No. 52.
39. Qidiao Chi, styled Zi-lian (漆雕哆 , 子斂), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 13th, west.
meeting with him. After completing his studies, he travelled to the south, as far as the
5.5). His place in the Temple of Confucius is second among "The Wise Ones", to the east.
78. Qin Zhang , styled Zi-kai (琴張 , 子開), a native of Wei. His tablet is the 29th, west.
Gongsun Long (公孫龍), also called Gonsun Chong (公孫寵), was either a native of Wei, Chu, or
2572: 2465: 2417: 2381: 2369: 2345: 2309: 2273: 2237: 2225: 2201: 2189: 2177: 2153: 2141: 2129: 2105: 2069: 1949: 1937: 1843: 1053:
69. Yue Ke , styled Zi-sheng (樂欬, , 子聲), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 25th, east.
64. Qin Fei, styled Zi-zhi (秦非, 子之), a native of Lu, having his tablet the 31st, west.
846: 656:) survived. His tablet in the Temple of Confucius is on the east, next to Yuan Xian's. 649: 532: 515: 413: 114:, in 1530 AD, when almost all of the present sacrificial titles of the worthies in the 1025:
60. Xian Chang, styled Zi-qi (縣成, 子棋 ), a native of Lu. His place is the 22nd, east.
290:(480 BCE). Zilu's tablet is now the fourth, to the east, from those of the Assessors. 2630: 653: 627: 539: 421: 318: 95: 2040: 1858: 1833: 1608: 1564: 926: 862: 826: 645: 608: 588: 478: 472: 248: 156: 152: 111: 513:
under the direction of Confucius. He was also associated with transmission of the
1602: 1583: 2591: 1898: 1122: 1031:
62. Yan Zhi, styled En (燕伋 , 恩 ) a native of Qin. His tablet is the 24th east.
780: 760: 727: 500: 336: 306: 281: 91: 76:
A tablet in honor of Yan Hui ("The Continuator of the Sage, Duke of Yanguo") in
1626: 726:
from Confucius and preserved it through a line of transmitters until the early
14.29). He is one of the Confucius's students most commonly referred to in the
1956: 1932: 1893: 1139: 754: 592: 496: 425: 405: 314: 2584: 2560: 2548: 2536: 2524: 2512: 2500: 2488: 2441: 2429: 2405: 2393: 2357: 2333: 2321: 2297: 2285: 2261: 2249: 2213: 2165: 2117: 2081: 2057: 2033: 2009: 1997: 1985: 1973: 1961: 1925: 1913: 1903: 1878: 1873: 1868: 1853: 1818: 1808: 1737: 1711: 702: 680: 665: 582: 330: 286: 277: 242: 46: 35: 31: 264:
Zilu bowed twice, and said, "I will reverently receive your instructions."
1944: 1888: 1883: 1828: 1798: 1793: 1758: 1695: 1690: 786: 739: 717: 690: 438: 191: 176: 56: 41: 1588:
The Confucian Analects, The Great Learning, and The Doctrine of the Mean
17: 2004: 1920: 1848: 1803: 1788: 1783: 1732: 1685: 1680: 1178:
Modern Chinese Religion I (2 vol.set): Song-Liao-Jin-Yuan (960–1368 AD)
1109: 1093:
The three preceding names are given in the 'Narratives of the School.'
870: 771:
5.6). In the Temple of Confucius his tablet follows that of Shang Zhu.
764: 555: 383: 210: 145: 107: 85: 2028: 1992: 1980: 1838: 1813: 1716: 1138:
Other than Confucius himself, the most venerated Confucians are the "
830: 723: 543: 490: 417: 340: 299: 1126:
Confucius, and in personal communication with him, is much debated.
principles. His tablet in the Temple of Confucius follows Gongye's.
the Master go, on his swearing that he would not proceed to Wei.'
562: 125: 71: 1604:
Confucius Analects: With Selections from Traditional Commentaries
Zai Yu is not portrayed well in the Analects. He took service in
1630: 722:
Shang Qu (商瞿) was traditionally believed to have received the
226: 1086:
79. Chan Kang, styled Zi-kang (陳亢, 子亢 ), a native of Ch'an.
Qidiao Kai (漆雕開), or Shang Zhu (漆雕開), was either a native of
83 and 84. Shen Chang (申棖) and Shen Tang (申堂). See No. 57.
Wuma Shi (巫馬施), aka. Wuma Qi (巫馬期), was either a native of
After studying with Confucius, Zigong became Commandant of
317:, and was the chief magistrate governing the Qi capital of 507:(大戴禮). He was said to have composed and/or edited the 1101:
The research of scholars has added about 20 others.
2476: 1776: 1746: 1725: 1704: 1673: 1664: 247:Zhong You (仲由) was a native of Pian (卞) in Lu, of 229:, but that he lacked the strength to pursue it ( 45:. Many of their biographies are recorded in the 1375: 1373: 1371: 1361: 1359: 599:was traditionally attributed to his disciples. 390:was traditionally attributed to his disciples. 163:was traditionally attributed to his disciples. 1310: 1308: 1271: 1269: 1259: 1257: 27:Followers of the Chinese philosopher Confucius 1642: 8: 495:Zeng Shen (曾參) was a native of South Wu in 451:is said to contain his philosophical views. 1601:Slingerland, Edward G. (Trans. & Ed.). 1548: 1546: 1544: 1525: 1523: 1521: 1519: 1517: 1498: 1496: 1494: 1492: 1490: 1488: 1460: 1458: 1456: 1454: 1452: 1450: 1431: 1429: 1427: 1408: 1406: 1387: 1385: 1340: 1338: 375:9.6, 9.13, 11.13, 13.20, 14.17, and 17.19. 1670: 1649: 1635: 1627: 1247: 1245: 1243: 1241: 1239: 424:), after whose death men laid aside their 1569:Confucius: a Life of Thought and Politics 1229: 1227: 1225: 1181:. BRILL. 8 December 2014. pp. 816–. 1159: 523:, when he was associated with Yan Hui. 587:Yuan Xian (原憲) was either a native of 686: 7: 59:were practiced by the 72 disciples. 685:Zeng Dian (曾蒧/點) was the father of 640:Nangong Kuo (disciple of Confucius) 477:Zhuansun Shi (顓孫師) was a native of 1134:Four Sages and Twelve Philosophers 25: 809:tablet follows that of Gao Chai. 90:Yan Hui (顏回) was a native of the 335:Duanmu Ci (端木賜) was a native of 104:first emperor of the Han dynasty 1571:. Yale University Press, 2008. 1097:Twenty others added by scholars 400:Yan Yan (disciple of Confucius) 1623:. Retrieved November 17, 2012. 1590:. New York, NY: Cosimo. 2009. 1: 785:Gongbo Liao (公伯僚) appears in 404:Yan Yan (言偃) was a native of 1658:Major disciples of Confucius 623:Chinese legends and folklore 1142:" or "Correlates" and the " 197:being an eloquent speaker ( 134:, with two ancient-looking 2663: 1598:. Retrieved June 28, 2012. 961:tablet is the 13th, east. 778: 752: 737: 715: 700: 678: 663: 637: 606: 580: 553: 530: 488: 470: 436: 397: 328: 297: 240: 208: 189: 174: 143: 83: 1769: 461:Spring and Autumn Annals 2647:Lists of Chinese people 510:Classic of Filial Piety 2637:Disciples of Confucius 1777:The Seventy-Two Saints 603:Gongye Chang (Zichang) 505:Rites of the Elder Tai 467:Zhuansun Shi (Zizhang) 141: 81: 1747:Masters of Literature 837:of the Qing dynasty. 527:Tantai Mieming (Ziyu) 129: 75: 42:Analects of Confucius 1705:Masters of Languages 940:Less known disciples 921:Gongsun Long (Zishi) 847:ritual and propriety 775:Gongbo Liao (Zizhou) 634:Nangong Kuo (Zirong) 371:, also appearing in 284:is accounted in the 186:Ran Yong (Zhonggong) 1726:Masters of Politics 1144:Twelve Philosophers 591:; or, according to 116:Temple of Confucius 1674:Masters of Virtues 877:Liang Zhan (Shuyu) 841:Gongxi Chi (Zihua) 749:Qidiao Kai (Zikai) 420:(a famous Duke of 325:Duanmu Ci (Zigong) 142: 132:tomb of Min Ziqian 82: 2624: 2623: 1767: 1766: 1596:978-1-60520-644-8 1577:978-0-300-15118-3 1284:Slingerland 18–19 1188:978-90-04-27164-7 16:(Redirected from 2654: 2617: 2605: 2588: 2576: 2564: 2552: 2540: 2528: 2516: 2504: 2492: 2469: 2457: 2445: 2433: 2421: 2409: 2397: 2385: 2373: 2361: 2349: 2337: 2325: 2313: 2301: 2289: 2277: 2265: 2253: 2241: 2229: 2217: 2205: 2193: 2181: 2169: 2157: 2145: 2133: 2121: 2109: 2097: 2085: 2073: 2061: 2049: 2037: 2025: 2013: 2001: 1989: 1977: 1965: 1953: 1941: 1929: 1917: 1671: 1651: 1644: 1637: 1628: 1621:978-087220-635-9 1553: 1550: 1539: 1536: 1530: 1527: 1512: 1509: 1503: 1500: 1483: 1480: 1474: 1471: 1465: 1462: 1445: 1442: 1436: 1433: 1422: 1419: 1413: 1410: 1401: 1398: 1392: 1389: 1380: 1377: 1366: 1363: 1354: 1351: 1345: 1342: 1333: 1332:Chin 2008:81–82. 1330: 1324: 1323:Sligerland 41–42 1321: 1315: 1312: 1303: 1302:Chin 2008:77–78. 1300: 1294: 1291: 1285: 1282: 1276: 1273: 1264: 1261: 1252: 1249: 1234: 1231: 1220: 1217: 1211: 1208: 1202: 1199: 1193: 1192: 1173: 1167: 1164: 886:Yan Xing (Ziliu) 734:Gao Chai (Zigao) 660:Gongxi Ai (Jici) 577:Yuan Xian (Zisi) 550:Fu Buqi (Zijian) 485:Zeng Shen (Ziyu) 433:Bu Shang (Zixia) 414:ritual propriety 237:Zhong You (Zilu) 171:Ran Geng (Boniu) 122:Min Sun (Ziqian) 68:Yan Hui (Ziyuan) 21: 2662: 2661: 2657: 2656: 2655: 2653: 2652: 2651: 2627: 2626: 2625: 2620: 2611: 2599: 2582: 2570: 2558: 2546: 2534: 2522: 2510: 2498: 2486: 2477:Other disciples 2472: 2463: 2451: 2439: 2427: 2415: 2403: 2391: 2379: 2367: 2355: 2343: 2331: 2319: 2307: 2295: 2283: 2271: 2259: 2247: 2235: 2223: 2211: 2199: 2187: 2175: 2163: 2151: 2139: 2127: 2115: 2103: 2091: 2079: 2067: 2055: 2043: 2031: 2019: 2007: 1995: 1983: 1971: 1959: 1947: 1935: 1923: 1911: 1772: 1763: 1742: 1721: 1700: 1660: 1655: 1561: 1556: 1551: 1542: 1537: 1533: 1528: 1515: 1510: 1506: 1501: 1486: 1481: 1477: 1472: 1468: 1463: 1448: 1443: 1439: 1434: 1425: 1420: 1416: 1411: 1404: 1399: 1395: 1390: 1383: 1378: 1369: 1364: 1357: 1352: 1348: 1343: 1336: 1331: 1327: 1322: 1318: 1313: 1306: 1301: 1297: 1292: 1288: 1283: 1279: 1274: 1267: 1262: 1255: 1250: 1237: 1232: 1223: 1218: 1214: 1209: 1205: 1200: 1196: 1189: 1175: 1174: 1170: 1165: 1161: 1157: 1152: 1136: 1099: 942: 923: 914: 906: 897: 888: 879: 859: 857:Wuma Shi (Ziqi) 843: 815: 813:You Ruo (Ziruo) 806: 795: 793:Sima Geng (Niu) 783: 777: 757: 751: 742: 736: 720: 714: 712:Shang Qu (Zimu) 705: 699: 683: 677: 668: 662: 642: 636: 611: 605: 585: 579: 558: 552: 535: 529: 493: 487: 475: 469: 441: 435: 402: 396: 394:Yan Yan (Ziyou) 333: 327: 302: 296: 245: 239: 213: 207: 205:Ran Qiu (Ziyou) 194: 188: 179: 173: 148: 124: 88: 70: 65: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 2660: 2658: 2650: 2649: 2644: 2639: 2629: 2628: 2622: 2621: 2619: 2618: 2606: 2594: 2589: 2577: 2565: 2553: 2541: 2529: 2517: 2505: 2493: 2480: 2478: 2474: 2473: 2471: 2470: 2458: 2446: 2434: 2422: 2410: 2398: 2386: 2374: 2362: 2350: 2338: 2326: 2314: 2302: 2290: 2278: 2266: 2254: 2242: 2230: 2218: 2206: 2194: 2182: 2170: 2158: 2146: 2134: 2122: 2110: 2098: 2086: 2074: 2062: 2050: 2038: 2026: 2014: 2002: 1990: 1978: 1966: 1954: 1942: 1930: 1918: 1906: 1901: 1896: 1891: 1886: 1881: 1876: 1871: 1866: 1861: 1856: 1851: 1846: 1844:Tantai Mieming 1841: 1836: 1831: 1826: 1821: 1816: 1811: 1806: 1801: 1796: 1791: 1786: 1780: 1778: 1774: 1773: 1770: 1768: 1765: 1764: 1762: 1761: 1756: 1750: 1748: 1744: 1743: 1741: 1740: 1735: 1729: 1727: 1723: 1722: 1720: 1719: 1714: 1708: 1706: 1702: 1701: 1699: 1698: 1693: 1688: 1683: 1677: 1675: 1668: 1662: 1661: 1656: 1654: 1653: 1646: 1639: 1631: 1625: 1624: 1599: 1582:Legge, James. 1580: 1560: 1557: 1555: 1554: 1540: 1531: 1513: 1504: 1484: 1475: 1473:Slingerland 39 1466: 1446: 1437: 1423: 1414: 1402: 1393: 1381: 1379:Slingerland 40 1367: 1355: 1346: 1334: 1325: 1316: 1304: 1295: 1293:Slingerland 31 1286: 1277: 1265: 1253: 1235: 1221: 1212: 1203: 1194: 1187: 1168: 1158: 1156: 1153: 1151: 1148: 1135: 1132: 1098: 1095: 941: 938: 922: 919: 913: 912:Bo Qian (Zixi) 910: 905: 904:Cao Xu (Zixun) 902: 896: 893: 887: 884: 878: 875: 858: 855: 842: 839: 814: 811: 805: 804:Fan Xu (Zichi) 802: 794: 791: 779:Main article: 776: 773: 753:Main article: 750: 747: 738:Main article: 735: 732: 716:Main article: 713: 710: 701:Main article: 698: 697:Yan Wuyou (Lu) 695: 679:Main article: 676: 675:Zeng Dian (Xi) 673: 664:Main article: 661: 658: 650:Duke Ai of Qin 638:Main article: 635: 632: 607:Main article: 604: 601: 581:Main article: 578: 575: 554:Main article: 551: 548: 533:Tantai Mieming 531:Main article: 528: 525: 516:Great Learning 489:Main article: 486: 483: 471:Main article: 468: 465: 437:Main article: 434: 431: 398:Main article: 395: 392: 329:Main article: 326: 323: 298:Main article: 295: 292: 241:Main article: 238: 235: 209:Main article: 206: 203: 190:Main article: 187: 184: 175:Main article: 172: 169: 144:Main article: 123: 120: 84:Main article: 69: 66: 64: 61: 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2659: 2648: 2645: 2643: 2640: 2638: 2635: 2634: 2632: 2615: 2610: 2607: 2603: 2598: 2597:Zhongsun Heji 2595: 2593: 2590: 2586: 2581: 2578: 2574: 2569: 2566: 2562: 2557: 2554: 2550: 2545: 2542: 2538: 2533: 2530: 2526: 2521: 2518: 2514: 2509: 2506: 2502: 2497: 2494: 2490: 2485: 2482: 2481: 2479: 2475: 2467: 2462: 2459: 2455: 2450: 2447: 2443: 2438: 2435: 2431: 2426: 2423: 2419: 2414: 2411: 2407: 2402: 2399: 2395: 2390: 2387: 2383: 2378: 2375: 2371: 2366: 2363: 2359: 2354: 2351: 2347: 2342: 2339: 2335: 2330: 2327: 2323: 2318: 2315: 2311: 2306: 2303: 2299: 2294: 2291: 2287: 2282: 2279: 2275: 2270: 2267: 2263: 2258: 2255: 2251: 2246: 2243: 2239: 2234: 2231: 2227: 2222: 2221:Gou Jingjiang 2219: 2215: 2210: 2207: 2203: 2198: 2197:Gong Jianding 2195: 2191: 2186: 2183: 2179: 2174: 2171: 2167: 2162: 2159: 2155: 2150: 2147: 2143: 2138: 2135: 2131: 2126: 2123: 2119: 2114: 2111: 2107: 2102: 2099: 2095: 2090: 2087: 2083: 2078: 2075: 2071: 2066: 2063: 2059: 2054: 2051: 2047: 2042: 2039: 2035: 2030: 2027: 2023: 2018: 2015: 2011: 2006: 2003: 1999: 1994: 1991: 1987: 1982: 1979: 1975: 1970: 1967: 1963: 1958: 1955: 1951: 1946: 1943: 1939: 1934: 1931: 1927: 1922: 1919: 1915: 1910: 1907: 1905: 1902: 1900: 1897: 1895: 1892: 1890: 1887: 1885: 1882: 1880: 1877: 1875: 1872: 1870: 1867: 1865: 1862: 1860: 1857: 1855: 1852: 1850: 1847: 1845: 1842: 1840: 1837: 1835: 1832: 1830: 1827: 1825: 1822: 1820: 1817: 1815: 1812: 1810: 1807: 1805: 1802: 1800: 1797: 1795: 1792: 1790: 1787: 1785: 1782: 1781: 1779: 1775: 1760: 1757: 1755: 1752: 1751: 1749: 1745: 1739: 1736: 1734: 1731: 1730: 1728: 1724: 1718: 1715: 1713: 1710: 1709: 1707: 1703: 1697: 1694: 1692: 1689: 1687: 1684: 1682: 1679: 1678: 1676: 1672: 1669: 1667: 1666:Ten Wise Ones 1663: 1659: 1652: 1647: 1645: 1640: 1638: 1633: 1632: 1629: 1622: 1618: 1614: 1610: 1606: 1605: 1600: 1597: 1593: 1589: 1585: 1584:"Prolegomena" 1581: 1578: 1574: 1570: 1566: 1565:Chin, Annping 1563: 1562: 1558: 1549: 1547: 1545: 1541: 1538:Legge 121–122 1535: 1532: 1526: 1524: 1522: 1520: 1518: 1514: 1511:Legge 120–121 1508: 1505: 1499: 1497: 1495: 1493: 1491: 1489: 1485: 1482:Legge 119–120 1479: 1476: 1470: 1467: 1461: 1459: 1457: 1455: 1453: 1451: 1447: 1444:Legge 118–119 1441: 1438: 1432: 1430: 1428: 1424: 1421:Legge 117–118 1418: 1415: 1409: 1407: 1403: 1400:Legge 116–117 1397: 1394: 1388: 1386: 1382: 1376: 1374: 1372: 1368: 1365:Slingerland 7 1362: 1360: 1356: 1353:Legge 115–116 1350: 1347: 1341: 1339: 1335: 1329: 1326: 1320: 1317: 1314:Legge 114–115 1311: 1309: 1305: 1299: 1296: 1290: 1287: 1281: 1278: 1275:Sligerland 42 1272: 1270: 1266: 1263:Sligerland 41 1260: 1258: 1254: 1248: 1246: 1244: 1242: 1240: 1236: 1230: 1228: 1226: 1222: 1219:Legge 113–114 1216: 1213: 1207: 1204: 1201:Legge 112–113 1198: 1195: 1190: 1184: 1180: 1179: 1172: 1169: 1163: 1160: 1154: 1149: 1147: 1145: 1141: 1133: 1131: 1127: 1124: 1119: 1116: 1113: 1111: 1106: 1102: 1096: 1094: 1091: 1087: 1084: 1081: 1078: 1075: 1071: 1068: 1065: 1061: 1057: 1054: 1051: 1047: 1044: 1041: 1038: 1035: 1032: 1029: 1026: 1023: 1020: 1017: 1013: 1009: 1006: 1003: 1000: 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271: 265: 262: 259: 256: 253: 250: 244: 236: 234: 232: 228: 224: 219: 212: 204: 202: 200: 193: 185: 183: 182:on the west. 178: 170: 168: 164: 162: 158: 154: 147: 139: 138: 133: 128: 121: 119: 117: 113: 109: 105: 100: 97: 96:courtesy name 93: 87: 79: 74: 67: 62: 60: 58: 54: 53: 48: 44: 43: 37: 33: 30:According to 19: 2413:Shuzhong Hui 2341:Shi Zhichang 2173:Gongxia Shou 2149:Gongliang Ru 2041:Gongzu Gouzi 2017:Gongsun Long 1859:Gongye Chang 1834:Zhuansun Shi 1657: 1609:Indianapolis 1603: 1587: 1568: 1559:Bibliography 1534: 1507: 1478: 1469: 1440: 1417: 1396: 1349: 1328: 1319: 1298: 1289: 1280: 1215: 1206: 1197: 1177: 1171: 1162: 1137: 1128: 1120: 1117: 1114: 1107: 1103: 1100: 1092: 1088: 1085: 1082: 1079: 1076: 1072: 1069: 1066: 1062: 1058: 1055: 1052: 1048: 1045: 1042: 1039: 1036: 1033: 1030: 1027: 1024: 1021: 1018: 1014: 1012:12th, east. 1010: 1007: 1004: 1001: 998: 995: 992: 989: 985: 982: 978: 975: 972: 969: 966: 963: 959: 956: 953: 950: 947: 943: 935: 931: 924: 915: 907: 898: 889: 880: 868: 860: 850: 844: 827:Qing dynasty 823:Qianlong era 820: 816: 807: 796: 784: 768: 758: 743: 721: 706: 684: 669: 643: 618: 616: 612: 609:Gongye Chang 596: 586: 566: 563:superior man 559: 536: 514: 508: 504: 494: 476: 473:Zhuansun Shi 459:studied the 453:Gongyang Gao 448: 442: 403: 387: 381: 377: 372: 368: 364: 360: 356: 352: 349: 344: 334: 312: 303: 285: 273: 269: 266: 263: 260: 257: 254: 246: 230: 222: 217: 214: 198: 195: 180: 165: 160: 157:Tang dynasty 153:filial piety 149: 135: 112:Ming dynasty 101: 89: 50: 40: 29: 2612: [ 2609:Zifu Jingbo 2600: [ 2592:Zuo Qiuming 2583: [ 2571: [ 2559: [ 2547: [ 2535: [ 2523: [ 2511: [ 2499: [ 2487: [ 2464: [ 2461:Gongxi Dian 2452: [ 2449:Gongxi Yuru 2440: [ 2428: [ 2416: [ 2404: [ 2392: [ 2380: [ 2377:Yuan Kangji 2368: [ 2365:Bu Shusheng 2356: [ 2344: [ 2332: [ 2320: [ 2308: [ 2305:Zuo Renying 2296: [ 2284: [ 2272: [ 2260: [ 2248: [ 2236: [ 2224: [ 2212: [ 2200: [ 2188: [ 2185:Xi Yongdian 2176: [ 2164: [ 2152: [ 2140: [ 2128: [ 2116: [ 2104: [ 2092: [ 2089:Qidiao Dufu 2080: [ 2068: [ 2056: [ 2044: [ 2032: [ 2020: [ 2008: [ 1996: [ 1984: [ 1972: [ 1960: [ 1948: [ 1936: [ 1924: [ 1912: [ 1899:Gongbo Liao 1864:Nangong Kuo 1123:Zuo Qiuming 833:during the 781:Gongbo Liao 728:Han dynasty 457:Guliang Chi 130:A symbolic 110:era of the 2631:Categories 2293:Xian Cheng 2125:Shi Zuoshu 2113:Shang Zhai 2101:Zeng Sichi 2065:Qidiao Chi 1957:Liang Zhan 1933:Gongxi Chi 1894:Qidiao Kai 1150:References 1140:Four Sages 755:Qidiao Kai 593:Zhang Xuan 78:his temple 2642:Confucius 2532:Chen Kang 2269:Yan Zhipo 2257:Shen Dang 2245:Qin Shang 2233:Hanfu Hei 1904:Sima Geng 1879:Yan Wuyou 1874:Zeng Dian 1869:Gongxi Ai 1854:Yuan Xian 1839:Zeng Shen 1819:Duanmu Ci 1809:Zhong You 1738:Zhong You 1712:Duanmu Ci 1552:Legge 122 1529:Legge 121 1502:Legge 120 1464:Legge 119 1435:Legge 118 1412:Legge 117 1391:Legge 116 1344:Legge 115 1251:Legge 114 1210:Legge 113 1166:Legge 112 1155:Citations 798:Sima Geng 703:Yan Wuyou 687:Zeng Shan 681:Zeng Dian 666:Gongxi Ai 583:Yuan Xian 426:bow rings 331:Duanmu Ci 287:Zuo zhuan 243:Zhong You 63:Disciples 47:Sima Qian 36:Confucius 32:Sima Qian 2556:Lin Fang 2544:Xian Dan 2496:Jiao Dan 2401:Lian Jie 2353:Yan Kuai 2137:Ren Buji 1969:Yan Xing 1945:Wuma Shi 1889:Gao Chai 1884:Shang Qu 1829:Bu Shang 1799:Ran Yong 1794:Ran Geng 1759:Bu Shang 1696:Ran Yong 1691:Ran Geng 1615:. 2003. 1233:Legge 16 851:Analects 787:Analects 769:Analects 740:Gao Chai 718:Shang Qu 691:Analects 619:Analects 597:Analects 567:Analects 439:Bu Shang 388:Analects 373:Analects 369:Analects 365:Analects 361:Analects 353:Analects 347:11.18). 345:Analects 274:Analects 270:Analects 231:Analects 223:Analects 218:Analects 199:Analects 192:Ran Yong 177:Ran Geng 161:Analects 57:Six Arts 18:Wuma Shi 2568:Qu Boyu 2520:Qin Lao 2484:Qin Ran 2389:Yue Kai 2329:Qin Fei 2317:Yan Zhi 2281:Yong Qi 2161:Hou Chu 2077:Yan Gao 2005:Bo Qian 1921:You Ruo 1849:Fu Buqi 1824:Yan Yan 1804:Ran Qiu 1789:Min Sun 1784:Yan Hui 1754:Yan Yan 1733:Ran Qiu 1686:Min Sun 1681:Yan Hui 1613:Hackett 1110:Mencius 871:Shijing 825:of the 765:Shujing 571:Liu Xin 556:Fu Buqi 521:Jiajing 449:Maojing 410:Wuchang 384:Xinyang 211:Ran Qiu 146:Min Sun 140:turtles 108:Jiajing 86:Yan Hui 80:in Qufu 2508:Yan He 2437:Zi Mie 2425:Di Hei 2209:Yan Zu 2053:Qin Zu 2029:Ran Ji 1993:Cao Xu 1981:Ran Ru 1909:Fan Xu 1814:Zai Yu 1771:  1717:Zai Yu 1619:  1611:, IN: 1594:  1575:  1185:  831:Zhu Xi 724:Yijing 544:Suzhou 491:Zengzi 418:Zichan 341:Zhu Xi 300:Zai Yu 94:. 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Wuma Shi
Sima Qian
Analects of Confucius
Sima Qian
Six Arts

his temple
Yan Hui
courtesy name
first emperor of the Han dynasty
Ming dynasty
Temple of Confucius

tomb of Min Ziqian
Min Sun
filial piety
Tang dynasty
Ran Geng
Ran Yong
Ran Qiu
Zhong You

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