
User:Raul654/Raul's laws

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2024:'s Law of Frequency: The number of entries a contributor makes & the willingness of that contributor to return and add more work is directly proportional to the Arcane Index,(AI=O x N). (Arcane Index = Obscurity of the subject x Number of linkages to a current event in the news.) The number of other subject entries, after a rise in the Arcane Index, will follow a Bell Curve that is inversely proportional to the number of users who view the Arcane Indexed entry as a result of it's prominence in the public's awareness. The inverse proportionality will climb as the number of users viewing the entry increases and fade as the subject matter of the entry fades from public awareness. 271:"The volunteer secretary at my first church used to receive a lot of complaints about things; the bulletin print was too small, too large, too fancy, too plain, the church newsletter came on Tuesday and was thrown out because Tuesday is 'junk mail day' and it was overlooked, the new letterhead was too white, too ivory, too expensive. Then, one day, I heard her tell a member: 'Please feel free to tell me everything you don't like about things. Do, however, be prepared for the fact that doing so will make it your job; if you don't like the way I do it, you can do it. Now, what was it that was the problem?'" 203:. So when asked why they think someone would be good admin, they have nothing specific to point at (merely a lack of bad behavior). On the other hand, when opposing someone, generally they oppose on the basis of one or a small number of incidents which exposed that nominees's judgment as questionable – that is, they have a small set of incidents which they can point at affirmatively and say "these are why I oppose". As a result, oppose votes are much easier to explain than support votes. 4398:): There is a consensus that Knowledge operates by consensus, except for BLPs where there is no consensus whether or not we operate by consensus, flagged revisions where there is a consensus not to have a consensus, and discussions about consensus, where there is a consensus that consensus is not how we operate but there is no consensus about what replaces consensus, except for copyright violations and breaches of personal privacy, oversight requests, arbcom, and office actions. 3328:'s Wikipedian Grammar. Irregular verb number 2: I have not provided citations because I know my facts are correct, indeed I am a respected academic whose credentials are beyond question and therefore I am too busy, and no-one would check the references anyway; you are not providing citations because you are an ignoramus who doesn't know any better; he/she continually contributes original research in violation of policy and should be blocked. 163:"One anonymous reader contacted Boingboing telling them he worked at a marketing company that uses Knowledge for its online marketing strategies. 'That includes planting of viral information in entries, modification of entries to point to new promotional sites or 'leaks' embedded in entries to test diffusion of information. Knowledge is just a more transparent version of Myspace as far as some companies are concerned. We love it.'" 4433:): a good 20% of all editors are agenda-driven and uninterested in the quality of the article from an abstract point of view. under those conditions, you might as well not even talk about the rules or meaning of consensus; people are going to take whatever rules or meanings you provide and game them to achieve their own ends. the rules of consensus only matter where people are actually interested in working towards it 4044:'s Law of Edible Flora: The first editor on an article about fruits and vegetables to make a tangential addition stating the local name of the plant in their country, as well as the local names of popular food preparations, will prompt a cascade of similar edits, resulting in the article gradually being dominated by a list of terms in foreign languages that serves little purpose other than stroking nationalist ego. 2357:'s law: More obscene/obvious vandalism such as "wikipedia sucks", page blanking or adding vulgar images are reverted faster than the vandalism of something less obvious, such as inserting " was here" vandalism. The rate which less obvious vandalism gets reverted is proportional to the page's popularity, amount of RC patrols/editors who could potentially recognize the vandalism, and the obscureness of the vandalism. 2327:'s thirteenth law: Editor X has a strong ideology and comes to Knowledge to promote it, sidestepping various policies along the way. Editors Y and Z object, so Editor X presumes Y and Z are conspirators for the opposing ideology. When Y and Z point to X's policy violations, X wikilawyers to accuse Y and Z of similar policy violations. Run any ideology through that grinder and it produces the same sausage. 4000:'s law of conflict: a few of Knowledge's experienced editors roam from article to article shoving people around. When someone pushes back they will lock horns and charge. Yes, it's frustrating. And no, nobody is going to stop them. The thing to do is be polite and lay low until that person gets into a street brawl somewhere else. It won't solve the big problem, but on a small scale it usually works. 2208:. If you see someone write "the fact is, the truth is, in reality, obviously, in the final analysis, I know, everyone knows, common sense will tell you, always, actually, everyone agrees, of course, clearly, without a doubt, correct me if I'm wrong, certainly, it can't be argued, unquestionably, according to unbiased observers", or "technically", then you are about to read that person's 3551:'s Law of the Target Audience: Knowledge is carefully optimized for its target audience of technically-savvy amateur encyclopedia writers. In providing for this target audience, with reams of edit histories, discussions carefully cataloged on talk pages, and many assessments of article quality, it is a perfect success. For the general audience, who never read these things, not so much. 4989:- Spelling of currency names, as well as currency symbols, are personal choices which should be respected whenever possible, absent special situations such as the presence of strong national ties. Avoid changing the spelling of a currency name from one spelling to another (e.g. from "ruble" to "rouble"); instead, retain the established and stable spelling choices whenever possible. 1976:'s fourth law: small organizations run on relationships. Formal policies emerge when the organization becomes too large to operate on that basis. Policies continue to grow in both quantity and complexity in proportion to organizational growth until the policies no longer work, at which point the policies remain in place while the organization reverts to running on relationships. 2333:'s fourteenth law: An editor who uses logical fallacies habitually will continue to use them even when the result is counterproductive. If someone else takes the time to identify specific instances and link to the relevant fallacies' Latin names, the pseudologician will generate a countercharge of fallacious reasoning and the countercharge will satisfy the definitions of both 4409:, which is by an order of magnitude the largest collection of information ever gathered in one place. It is also the largest collection of lies. Some are malicious lies, some are genuine misunderstandings, some are half-truths, and some are the lies that everyone believesβ€”the theories that tomorrow's scientists will refute. Read, learn, but do not trust. The link to the 2195:'s Definition: A List is a priceless resource for researchers and casual users alike: an ordered, itemized collection of related data of tremendous encyclopaedic value, which amplifies and expands each item in the list with insightful information, and complements the information in related articles in a manner that cannot be achieved through the use of the lowly Category. 5009: 783:'s law: The amount of vandalism an article receives is directly proportional to the amount of readers it gets, which is proportional to how fast the vandalism will get reverted. Thus, on pages where vandalism lasts for a long time, the topic isn't a terribly interesting one, and it's often likely no one's viewed the article in between the vandalism and the revert. 3700:'s law of civility: whatever your standards are, be consistent. Individuals who are quick to demand apologies should be equally quick to extend apologies; Wikipedians who insult publicly should be equally ready to apologize publicly. Self-serving, cliquish, and unequal practices are worse than rudeness: they're hypocrisy. Hypocrisy has the same effect on 3970:'s Second Law: The longer a person spends reading this list, the greater the chance they will think of a rule to add which is either a rephrasing or generalization of a rule they have already read, or identical to a rule they have not. This rule itself is no exception, and is in fact a rephrasing and generalization of at least three other rules above. 928:, this can be further refined to say that, the more miscreants one deals with, the more likely these miscreants are to find other miscreants similarly dealt with, and thus the odds of having an RfC filded are somehow related to m(m-1)/2... but I'll leave the finer mathematic points of miscreant networking to someone with more knowhow in the field. 2036:'s Law of Frequency Corollary #2: The number of contributions will decrease as the originating contributor finds an increase in the number of edits that differ from the originating contributor's knowledge base and slowly increase in direct proportion to the number of people the originating contributor forgets disagreed with his/her knowledge. 2030:'s Law of Frequency Corollary #1: The total number of posts will rise proportionate to the number of edits as the originating contributor attempts to defend and edit additions or subtractions from the entry and begin a hyperbolic downward curve as the contributor's "Patience With Fools", (PWF) evaporates. {Still working on the PWF formula} 1257:, but an opportunity. (A privilege is an honour granted by a government or group. No groups or governments on Knowledge grant this right, as it would be a contradiction of the principle that anyone can edit it (with a computer of course). Nor is it a right, since an editor has no "just claim" or ownership to enact editing upon Knowledge.) 38: 3887:'s battle cry, "Spoon!". If you do not end up laughing uncontrollably at the absurdity of your situation, you should begin the humour developmental program again. Extending the cry indefinitely ("Spoooooooooooooooooooooooooooon!") is conducive to laughter – as is walking into a room full of your friends before attempting this test. 3795:' Law: Any proposal on the RfA talkpage that is not put into action within three days will dissolve into an unnavigatable mess of what-ifs, counter-proposals and will then be archived before turning up on the talkpage again in three months as 'a new idea I just thought of', at which point it will go through the same process again. 1743:'s First and a Half Law – The earliest Generation of Wikipedians (that is, the Wales/Essjay Cabal) is the most likely to insist on new content being "encyclopedic", despite the fact that Knowledge ceased being an Encyclopedia, and became an entity with no descriptor, by the time of the Third Generation. 187:
Being on the Arbitration Committee is the most thankless job on Knowledge. It is absolutely impossible to do it such that people are happy with you. If you are doing a bad job, people complain; if you are doing a good job, people don't notice (or sometimes even then complain). All of your actions are
Corollary – Of these highly dedicated users who have left, the vast majority left as a result of trolls, vandals, and/or POV warriors – typically not as a result of any one particular user, but from the combined stress of dealing with many of them. Consequently, such problem users should be viewed as
Wikitruth's law: "If you tell Wikipedians to trim some fingernails, the nature of the Knowledge environment is that someone will start chopping off hands. And after you go 'Hey, slow down, Tex, that's gone too far', they'll switch to just chopping off fingers and everyone's happy at the compromise."
Corollary – Because specific incidents constitute evidence of bad behavior, whereas it takes a long track record of good behavior to become an admin, in a given time it is possible to build up far more bad evidence than good evidence. This explains the RFA effect often derided as "people having long
have the relevant experience in the areas in which they want to work, they probably don't have any experience in the areas in which they have't said they want to work in, but which it can be assumed that they actually will work in (I can't be bothered with listing examples, as that would end up as
Corollary: As the number of people who independently conclude that someone is a disruptive jerk increases, the likelihood of that person actually being a positive, constructive contributor who's merely run afoul of the "ruling elite" decreases. Not that there was ever a big chance of that to begin
Sixth Law: If an admin !votes to support a candidate at RfA, they are looking to increase the number of cabal admins. If they !vote to oppose a candidate, they are trying to prevent a reasonable, intelligent, conscientious editor from becoming an admin. If they choose to voice a neutral position,
Durova's corollary: trolls who discover the value of consistency will ransack theories of ethics in search of a system by which to accuse their enemies of inconsistency. From the troll's perspective it is immaterial whether the intended target actually professes that belief system; the aim is to
1982:'s fifth law: given problem A and potential solution B (where B is flawed and has met with repeated rejection), if an editor proposes a new solution C which bears superficial similarity to B but eliminates B's pitfalls then 35% or more of respondants will mistake C for B and reject it on sight. 1168:
HereToHelp's Third Law: The following things are all inversely related: the probability of someone threatening to complain to Jimbo over a heated issue and the probability of whether they actually do, the probability of them threatening and the probability that Jimbo will react positively, the
Over time, contentious articles will grow from edit-war inspiring to eventually reach a compromise that is agreed upon by all the editors who have not departed in exasperation. This equilibrium will inevitably be disturbed by new users who accuse the article of being absurdly one sided and who
4957:: The vehemence (and repetitiveness) with which an editor states that those who oppose his actions/edits/POV can only have sinister motives for doing so is in inverse proportion to the editor's conformity to (a) relevant Knowledge policies or guidelines; and/or (b) his articlespace edit count. 2351:'s fifteenth law: All the obvious methods to manipulate Knowledge content have already been tried. The seductive thing about them is that sometimes they appear to work, but only just long enough to become major embarrassments for their perpetrators when their edits become generally known. 4791:'s Law of Meta-processes: If one Knowledge process is used to resolve a dispute about another Knowledge process, the resulting discussion will be a waste of the community's time. Example: RFAR on MOSNUM; RFC on RFA. Processes are necessary evils, to be used for the administration of the 911:
This is actually a very weak statement. For it not to be true the probability of the n-th miscreant, p(n), taking you to RfC would have to decrease very rapidly (1/n^x for some x>2?) as n increases. This is clearly absurd, so the law holds. But it is very weak. Suggest a rephrasing.
The people who complain loudest about the Arbitration Committee are the ones who have been sanctioned by the Committee for their misbehavior. By the same token, the users who most zealously advocate changing Knowledge's rules are the users who refuse to obey the rules as they currently
629:'s law: Knowledge's growth is limited by the number of people who are willing to organize facts, check references, research questionable assertions, and deal with community issues. An overwillingness on the community's part to indulge uncivil contributors risks alienating this group. 2050:'s seventh law: one of the most difficult things to demand of a person is that they do the right thing when the right thing is unpleasant and the person's actions will probably be interpreted in bad faith. This is the standard expectation that problem users have of administrators. 901:'s law: No matter how serious a discussion or how well-founded the arguments, there will always be someone who misses the point and seeks to discount all of it by invoking a one-liner meme in response, such as "instruction creep", "voting is evil" or "adminship is no big deal". 1869:'s first law: Over time, the average quality of Knowledge articles rises, but Wikipedians' standards rise more quickly. Thus, a three-paragraph article on a minor topic, which two years ago might have been considered perfectly adequate, is likely today to be marked as a stub, 2761:'s Law of Deep Thought- One who is willing to read enough of the rules so as to reach this far on the list must have, in some part of them, an urge to conform and therefore obey the rules, seeing as they wish for a better understanding of the mechanics of this community. 2303:'s tenth law: A significant proportion of the sneaky vandals who eventually get caught bring themselves to the attention of Knowledge's sysops by either making frivolous allegations against a productive editor or by overreacting to a legitimate request for investigation. 4775:"Starting articles on Knowledge is like building sandcastles on the beach. Down by the surf the sand is nice and wet and the building is easy, but your work will soon be wiped out by an incoming wave. For your work to last, build farther up the beach." Other rules at: 4050:'s Law: Whenever it is claimed a source exists when it doesn't, says something it doesn't, or is presented as substantial coverage when in fact it is exceedingly trivial, it is usually done either to promote pseudoscience or to rescue a fiction-related article at AfD. 2964:'s First Corollary: Every majority will claim immunity for its articles, categories, userboxes and user categories, invariably claiming, should the need to include such content be questioned, that the user who did so is obviously an agent of the terrorizing minority. 4875:'s law: When a professor states unequivocally that Knowledge should not be used for research, there's a pretty good chance the professor does not understand how editing works on Knowledge. There is an even larger chance that they have never made a contribution. 2958:'s Third Law: Every minority will claim immunity for its articles, categories, userboxes and user categories, invariably claiming, should the need to include such content be questioned, that the user who did so is obviously an agent of the oppressive majority. 188:
examined under a microscope. People expect you to be the Oracle of all truth – to work miracles no matter how complicated the case, no matter how bad the evidence, no matter how hostile and stubborn the disputants. And of course, there are the accusations of
determines that impoverished users are far less likely to contribute to Knowledge (for a multitude of reasons). B) The majority of the people in the world, particularly outside of western states, are impoverished. ∴ Knowledge will always be heavily biased.
3984:'s Third Law: as the number of corollaries on this list increases, the chance of an instance of the word "corollary" being misspelled increases. This can probably be generalized to a nontrivial trend for any sufficiently common word or phrase on this page. 4801:'s law of vandals, vandalfighters, and writers: It's easier to destroy something than to maintain it, and easier to maintain something than to create something new. For proof, consider that there are around 2800 autopatrolled users, 6850 rollbackers, and 2996:
Second corollary: A polite explanation is often what separates a seemingly arbitrary action from a well-reasoned one. One consisting only of an ] or "cruft" often feels like a slap to the face. Both doubly so when talking to casual anons, rather than WP
234:' First Law: If you tag an article as 'non-notable' there is a fifty percent chance that the writer will leave a message on the talk page explaining that the subject of the article is little known, and that Knowledge is the one chance of changing that. 3423:'s second corollary to the first law: If a broken article survives AfD, the likelihood of it being improved before being considered for deletion again is inversely proportional to the ferocity with which its existence was defended by its nominator. 3211:'s Screening Principle: If an editor has read this list all the way to this point, and has not yet laughed at all, that editor ought to be considered a serious threat to the harmony of the community as a potential source of tension and incivility. 4529:): "Knowledge is utterly useless for controversial issues. Its articles ALWAYS assume a POV. NPOV is a polite fiction we all mumble to ourselves and pretend it exists; it's a Lie-to-children. ... "consensus" "the most committed gang of editors." 4271:'s Second Law: The probability of someone memorizing every single policy decreases with the addition of each new policy, increases with every new account registration, decreases with every ban, and increases with every discovery of a sockpuppet. 1448:'s First Law: (contradicting Bhadani's First Law) All attempts to determine the Truth instead of the NPOV are predestined to be complete failures for the simple reason that the Truth is a construct of the mind and as such necessarily subjective. 4743:'s Law of WikiProjects: It's perfectly acceptable to join six or seven WikiProjects that you'd be good at. In the process, you may discover WikiProjects that are best for you. (e.g., if you're in WikiProject Animals and WikiProject Media, join 3856:
Second Random Reader's Second Law of Time – If any user reaches this law, having read most/all of the previous laws, there is a good chance that they will have spent at least half an hour of their time trying to create another new law for this
2853: 2428:
into articles commences a circular process. Trivia expands to become trivia sections, which become trivia articles, which become AfD's about trivia articles, which end with merging the original trivia back into the article. Process repeats ad
Those who fall into the former category have an imagination constant (the measure of the imagination any given person possesses) which is proportional (but not equal) to the number of their law, with later laws requiring more imagination.
Second Random Reader's Hypothesis – I hypothesise that roughly 15–20% of the people who read the Law of Imagination will attempt the Humour Development Test, regardless of whether they possess a sense of humour or not. Further tests are
Conversely – If the user is reading this page at midnight (or any time thereafter), or has important work they should be doing, it is highly likely that they will spend more than an hour (if they have not done so already) reading this
2745:'s Eye amapeersecond In-Law – The stress applied to each unit area of the article as a result of the peer review process is proportional to the product of the nominator's diligence and the diligence of the reviewer(s) and the sum of en 2406:'s First Law of AfD: When an article falls flat on its face with regards to all possible standards in the appropriate notability guideline and gets nominated for deletion, that's when its creator will shout "but it's only a guideline!" 3317:
accuracy: The Accuracy and NPOV of a page is directly proportional to the distance between the subject and a computer. Thus, since there are no (really) Amish editors on Knowledge, there is no conflict of Interest, and therefore, the
1570:'s law of Fictional Miniarticle Lists: There is always a 90 percent chance that a fan will dump his cruft into a related list. There is always a 100 percent chance that a fan will dump his cruft into a two sentence article if there 3846:
Second Random Reader's Law of Time – If the amount of time a user has spent reading this page exceeds an hour, it is highly likely that the user's local time is past midnight, or that they have important work they should be doing.
1964:'s second law: armchair conspiracy theorizing is easy, quick, and pleasant; actual gumshoe work is difficult, slow, and painful. Therefore, within a pool of volunteer labor, crank theorists will always outnumber genuine detectives. 726:
stance in said dispute. The reason for this is that users who are in the wrong, whether from a policy or civility standpoint, tend to fear people will figure this out and thus desire to have their suggestions effected immediately.
3744:'s law of articles to admins ratio: The ratio of articles to admins is roughly 1500:1 (currently: 8095). In July 2008, the number of articles was roughly the number of admins squared, a one-time phenomenon that will never return. 3172:
Corollary: It is very easy for editors in Knowledge and User talk pages to deviate from the instructions given at the top, as long as one editor makes a mistake and said instructions are not visible from that part of the page.
4024:'s first axiom: If an editor lacks enough information about a subject to write even one complete sentence about it then the editor should delay article creation till after they have performed basic research about the subject. 1169:
probability that Jimbo will react positively and the probability that he will intervene, the probability that a user will threaten to tell Jimbo and the probability that he will intervene, and the probability that a user will
1158:'s First Law: The probability that any new user with "wheel" or "communism" in their name will be blocked on sight is very close to 1. Whether or not they would turn out to be vandals or priceless contributors is uncorrelated. 2787:'s second rule: The time between a user's first edit and their being indefinitely blocked for disruptive editing is inversely proportional to the strength of the claims of neutrality, or the search thereof, in their username. 2664:'s law: By the time it becomes obvious to the general editing population that an individual editor's wagon is careening towards the gulch, all attempts to head them off at the pass will merely serve to hasten their departure. 1752:'s Law: Trolls are the driving force of Knowledge. The worst trolls often spur the best editors into creating a brilliant article with watertight references where without the trollish ecapades we would only have a brief stub 3140:'s second corollary: The likelihood of an editor being a POV-pushing troll is directly related to whether or not they refer to themselves as a member of an obscure ethnic group, rather than a citizen of an existing country. 2581:
counter-contradiction: an edit war is more than 2 reverts of other people edits. If there is not another person, there is not edits from another person, and therefore they cannot be reverted, and so you can't revert them 3
Exception – No one with a large imagination constant, even those with early laws, will fall into this category – they will still be trying to think of new laws while reading this page, and so are not subject to the Law of
3252:'s law of leadership: two kinds of people rise in any organization: people who like to get things done and people who like to be in charge. The organization's dysfunctionality is directly proportional to the latter group. 848:
Corollary: In any sufficiently large social endeavor, there will always be some subset of people who fail to understand this, and who will see conspiracies and cabals around every corner whenever their views fall into the
1786:'s Fourth Law – Any article, or edit to an article, which is accompanied by the exhortation "PLEASE DON'T DELETE THIS!" (or similar phrasing) almost certainly needs to be deleted as soon as you can hit the delete button. 3388:
slightly vandalizing the same page they were warned for is equal to the probability that they will respond by either blanking the page in question or replacing the page with a sentence or phrase that includes a swear
Those who fall into the latter category should be subdued immediately and subjected to any number of comedic sitcoms/jokes/cartoons/panel shows/stand-up acts/lolcats until their sense of humour has developed fully.
2236:'s corollary: If their statement contains three or more adverbs ending in -ly (e.g. obviously, actually, clearly, certainly, unquestionably, technically), then you are about to read that person's biased opinion. 3963:
TenPoundHammer's second law: The subjects about which you know the most will always be the subjects whose Knowledge articles require the most work and/or have virtually no other editors who know anything about
4720:'s Law of Standardization: A skeleton is a basic structure of a a certain topic, such as books. When writing an article about a book (in your sandbox of course), develop a skeleton before you begin to write. 4427:): Knowledge's bureaucracy is only concerned with disputes over nothing. If it's about making the encyclopedia better or worse, they stay well out of it – that sort of thing is apparently best left to chance. 3435:'s first observation regarding the first exception to the second corollary to the first law: The quality of these edits will generally display an equal proportion of esoteric knowledge and personal lameness. 2484:
I have always been among those who believed that the greatest freedom of speech was the greatest safety, because if a man is a fool the best thing to do is to encourage him to advertise the fact by speaking.
2847: 3376:-Norbert Addendum: The probability that laws will be continuously and vigorously repeated under new and different scientific-sounding names rises rapidly to unity when placed under similar circumstances. 4863:
fix whatever it would be used on, even if it just means updating the verb tense. It would take as much time as inserting the tag anyway, and would be infinitely more helpful to the project as a whole.
1710:'s self-discovered law of over editing: When a user pushed more than four articles to featured status in a three week period, the user will become ten times more rude, snappy, and frank about matters. 4571:'s Fourth Law (sorry, I'm breaking the law that says laws must always come in threes, but I can't think of another title): Knowledge's governance can be summarized as anarchy tempered by arbitration. 618:'s law – People of strong opinion are not banned or blocked for promoting strong opinions. Eventually, they are banned or blocked for violating social standards in the attempt to defend their views. 608:'s observation – No matter how clued or respected a user is, mistakes can recoil causing that user great damage. It's always best to 'fess up to your mistakes and take your lumps as soon as possible. 730:
Corollary: As the ratio of one side's immediatism quotient (a measure of immediatism) to the other's immediatism quotient approaches 1, the higher the probability that both sides are in the wrong.
211:"It is easy to go down to hell; Night and Day the Gates of Dark Death stand wide; But to climb back up again, to retrace ones steps to the open air, there lies the problem, the difficult task." 4587: 3217:'s Rule of Redundancy: Everything listed here will eventually be, or already has been, retold in a different manner, so as to give the opportunity to more editors to give their names to laws. 1206:'s Law: You can tell someone's role by their edit profile: Mainly Knowledge space – an admin; mainly User or Talk space – an editor; mainly article space – a valuable Wikipedian. What's yours? 3681:: The length of time between something (call it "X") being mentioned in pop culture (usually a cult TV show) and it appearing in a section or spinoff article entitled "X in popular culture". 2261:'s Second Axiom: Any complaint that includes reference to "admin abuse" or similar wording should be taken seriously, as it is likely to provide evidence that an admin is indeed being abused. 4095:
Corollary to the corollary: If the candidate has made more than 20,000 perfectly good edits, they probably don't have the relevant experience in the various areas in which they want to work
2068:'s first law: The length of a thread relating to an interpersonal dispute on the administrator's noticeboard is inversely proportional to the likelihood something useful is going to be said. 1165:
said: "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." Such, "The difference between a good contributing admin and a vandal is that the admins have their limits."
Corollary: If a user starts coloring his posts in discussions, that is an indication that the user is going to post on User talk:Jimbo Wales soon. (See also James M Lane's principle above).
864:'s second law: No matter how patently ludicrous a given proposition may be, any sufficiently large online community will always have at least one person willing to defend that proposition. 545:'s first law – The frequency and fervor of any given user's insistence that a cabal exists is inversely proportional to the likelihood said user would be aware of the cabal if it existed. 107:
Much of Knowledge's content, and all of the day to day functions are overseen by a small core of the most dedicated contributors. These users are the most valuable resource Knowledge has.
HereToHelp's Sixth Law: Because Knowledge attracts more fanboys than experts on "traditional" subjects, general, important articles are worse off than cruft articles that meet notability.
The test for the development of a sense of humour is to imagine yourself as a mighty warrior preparing to defeat a powerful evil villain, and to charge forward shouting absurd superhero
1369:'s law – Vandalizing Knowledge is like masturbating. It feels good to you, but not to anybody else, and it results in a sudden spurt of useless information that needs to be cleaned up. 1131:'s second law: Knowledge is not a democracy, a bureaucracy or an anarchy, but draws elements and characteristics from these and other systems when it benefits the encyclopedia to do so. 4928:
Corollary: The degree of vehemence with which an editor bellows about the notability of a subject is in inverse proportion to the degree for which significant coverage actually exists.
Knowledge is not a forum for Arbitration. The Arbitration Committee exists to help the encyclopedia, not the other way around. All Arbitration Committee decisions involve some sort of
3836:'s First Law: Any article addition that contains some variant or alternate phrasing of the text "it should be noted that..." or "also noteworthy is..." is, almost without exception, 3759:'s's law of mediocrity: policies that attempt to discourage incompetence and antisocial behaviors often end up discouraging all non-normative behavior including genius and innovation. 3429:'s first exception to the second corollary to the first law: This does not include edits made by said nominator during the AfD process in an attempt to retain the article in question. 2850: 2150:'s Law of External Links: The more vociferous and lengthy a user's argument that an external link they've added belongs in an article, the less likely is it that it actually belongs. 3807:' Third Law: If you tag a page as a 'copyright violation' there is a fifty percent chance that the writer will leave a message on the talk page explaining how notable the subject is. 2904:'s Law of Lost Causes: Arguing with a user who thinks Knowledge would be better off if it didn't have policies is a hopeless endeavor. The best solution is to wait for the onset of: 760:
Johnleemk's second law: As the number of registered users approaches infinity, the probability of coming across an ignorant editor, troll or someone acting in bad faith approaches 1.
Fifth Law: If there is an open RfA suitable for an obvious SNOW closure, someone must start an "OMG!!!! ZOMG!!!!!!! Why do we allow such obvious no-hoper RfAs to be opened?" thread.
184:. The reason for this has yet to be satisfactorily explained, although it has been suggested by NullC that "all new media are first explored by the minorities and the marginalized". 3801:' Second Law: If you tag a page as 'non-notable' there is a fifty percent chance that the writer will leave a message on the talk page verifying that the person in question exists. 3777:'s Law of Converse Identification: Most vandals are IPs, so most IPs are vandals. Similarly, most cats have four legs and a tail, so most things with four legs and a tail are cats. 2321:: If someone contributes a lot, but his/her user page has never grown beyond a redirect page or page with little or no text, it is more likely that this account is not their first. 3545:'s first rule of thumb: a talk page comment asserting that "this article is bias" (note the spelling) will likely be a soapbox rant. This is especially true if in capital letters. 3179:
Sub-sub-corollary: such deterioration is generally permanent because attempting to correct another editor's posts may be the very chance they seek to make your life a living hell.
1074:'s Law of Article Quality: All other factors held equal, the greater the notability and encyclopedic merit of a given subject on Knowledge, the higher quality the related article. 2940:'s Law of Geocities: Given a POV of arbitrary craziness, there will always be at least one website found purporting to represent an "international society" supporting such a POV. 2691:'s first law: If one editor quotes a policy page, and another editor counters by quoting elsewhere from the same policy page, chances are that one or both editors is engaging in 2590:'s law: The more talk-page posts containing profanity an admin has on his or her talk page, the better of a job that admin is doing. Bonus points if any posts are in ALL CAPS or 4471: 2946:'s First Law: Articles concerning some particular minority will be closely watched by said minority, to ensure conformance with the public image the minority wishes to present. 1068:'s second law: Some people are only alive because it's against the law to kill them. Some people are only able to edit Knowledge because it's against the "rules" to block them. 3860:
Second Random Reader's Law of Imagination – Any user reaching this law, who has not complied with Second Random Reader's Second Law of Time, falls into one of two categories:
Corollary: Many editors who seem to be writing redundant laws because they did not pay enough attention to avoid redundancy are actually conforming to the Rule subconsciously.
Corollary – Getting people to do things in the real world is difficult. The difficulty increases in proportion to the deviation from normal activities that such work requires.
4688:'s Law of Creation: Before you create an article, you must develop it in your sandbox before sending it in, especially with media, lest you end up with another stub article. 2905: 4926:: The vehemence with which a group believes that their impact on the world is worthy of memorializing is in inverse proportion to the sum of its size and genuine notoriety. 3370:
Norbert's Law: Once the number of laws in a list exceeds a critical mass (about six), the probability of new laws being tortured, unfunny and bland rises rapidly to unity.
2918:: All other things equal, the probability that a new page is speedily deletable is proportional to the number of first- and second-person pronouns and imperative sentences. 1547:
Corollary: The amount of detail on the real-world aspects is inversely proportional to the average age of the fanbase, and directly proportional to the age of the subject.
1544:'s third law: Articles on fictional subjects should include as much detail about the real-world aspects as possible, and make a clear distinction between fact and fiction. 1004:'s law: "There are only two kinds of actions that can be taken on a wiki: those that can be described as unilateral and those that can be described as supporting a cabal." 4920:' Paradox: Knowledge was created to help provide a πŸ’• that could be a good reference, but the entire student population is technically not allowed to make it a reference. 3240:'s Principle: The number of closed off-wiki venues for discussion of actionable on-wiki matters is inversely related to the credibility of on-wiki discussion and process. 2990:
Obligatory Calvin and Hobbes quote: "A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day."
5226: 4709:'s Law of Inclusion: When debating whether to add a fact to Knowledge, check if the information appears somewhere in a serious non-fiction book, newspaper, or magazine. 2844: 2251: 5184:
15:14, 21 February 2007 . . David Gerard (Talk – contribs – block) (Protected Knowledge:Pedophiles: um, no. The pedophile wheel war is not meant to be an annual derby.
1768:'s law: the level of the subjectivity of any debate regarding the inclusion of an article or image is inversely proportional to the extent of it's informative nature. 907:'s law: As the number of miscreants one successfully deals with as an admin increases into infinity, the probability of an RfC being filed against you approaches 1. 3395:'s observation: The more sincere the person, the action, the offer; the greater the likelihood of being accused of secret motivations, and otherwise being maligned. 3267:'s law of exhibitionism: whenever a photograph of a penis gets uploaded it is safe to assume that (a) it is the editor's own member, and (b) no woman will touch it. 2877:
about how someone is an evil/abusive/corrupt/immoral sysop, the odds that the admin in question is indeed evil, abusive, corrupt or immoral are about 1 in 100,000.
Trying to impart common sense into the clueless is a tough job, one which you do particularly well. As such, you get the very first of Raul's common sense bricks.
threaten to tell Jimbo about a dispute and the probability that he will intervene. (The probability that any law of Knowledge will make sense mathematically is 0.)
If "edit this page" is regarded a link, then the path from one orphan to the next is only three links long: Article1 => Edit this page => (Hidden category)
3099: 2044:'s sixth law: a problem editor who really deserves to be banned will demonstrate the need for banning conclusively at the end of an arbitration or investigation. 1040:'s corollary: It is also easier for a needle to pass through the eye of a camel with neither the camel nor animal rights groups complaining than to write a good 4079:
Fourth Law: If there have been more than 3 new RfAs opened in the last 3 days, someone must start an "OMG!!!! There are open RfAs – RfA is not broken!" thread.
Corollary: Those who seek to obscure the Truth in reality, as well as those to whom the Truth has been obscured, shall perpetuate such obfuscation on Knowledge.
The number of discussions by an editor that must be collapsed is directly proportional to the likelihood that they will eventually be blocked as a time waster.
page being vandalized on any given day of the week is directly proportional to the the likelihood of the name of that day containing a vowel and ending in "y".
usually do it because they expect to receive as many barnstars in return (or, if not, in order to create useful connections or increase their own edit counts).
4869:'s law: The more advanced the technology Knowledge has, the higher the probability that a random old user will leave because Knowledge is getting complicated. 4612: 4245:'s Fifth Law: As the size of Raul's Laws increases, the probability that redundant laws will be added by people who haven't read the whole thing approaches 1. 3568:'s only law of wikidynamics: without a continuous input of energy, the total entropy of any article tends to increase over time, approaching a maximum value. 2681:
Corollary: As the number of reliable sources in an article approaches zero, the likelihood of it containing external links to Bebo and MySpace approaches one.
1970:'s third law: the greater the quantity of crank theorists, the harder it becomes for a genuine detective to get a fair hearing when one cracks a complex case. 1119:'s second law: As the number of banned users increases, the probability that any given troublemaker is a sockpuppet of one of these banned users approaches 1. 3191:'s Observation on Fatigue: The more conscientious an editor is, and the more willing that editor is to help resolve disputes, the less it will take for them 3162:'s Second Law: Small mistakes, like common grammar slips and minor formatting errors, are bound to spread because nobody makes a fuss about correcting them. 125:. Of those visitors, a certain number will stay and become contributors. Of those, a certain number of those will stay long enough to become dedicated users. 3976:'s Correlation: as the number of rules on this list increases, the probability of any randomly-selected rule being duplicated in this manner also increases. 2843:" with keep decisions. Delete decisions are in force indefinitely. Once an article's existence becomes controversial, that article survives until it can be 1125:'s first law: The impossible holy grail of Knowledge policy is a complete definition of common sense. It follows that anything less is flawed by comparison. 704:'s law: As the length of an argument on wikipedia-l or foundation-l approaches infinity, the probability of it turning into a language debate approaches 1. 4653:'s Law: It's rare for a cite to both have a source that meets the letter of wp:rs criteria and where the source explicitly says what the material says. ( 2727:'s Second motion of Law – The amount of stress applied over an article's area is proportional to the number of sections and the severity of edits therein. 2400:' Second Law: The number of personal attacks made by an editor is positively correlated to the number of useless quotes provided to defend their position. 261:
While there are many Knowledge articles that lack a free picture, there are always plentiful illustrations for our articles on sex and anatomy (See also:
entry in Raul's laws – one I wish desperately I had thought of. I'm also giving you only the third-ever of Raul's Bricks of Common sense, for the same."
4251:'s law: As the size of Raul's Laws increases, the probability that redundant laws will be added by people who haven't read the whole thing approaches 1. 2755:'s Law of Toll – It is logical to invalidate an event by invalidating its effects, but it is illogical to invalidate an event by invalidating its causes. 1200:
HereToHelp's Lamentation of Copyright: More harm is done to the encyclopedia by editors enforcing copyrights than by the copyright owners enforcing them.
878:'s law: If a user posts on User talk:Jimbo Wales about a dispute, that is a strong indication that the user in question is a) inexperienced or b) wrong. 789:'s corollary: The length of time that vandalism remains in an article is negatively correlated with the number of readers who saw the vandalized version. 4606:
Note: these laws seem to be, not Gavin's own words, but Hans' summary interpretation of his views, and therefore apply in interesting ways to themselves
2315:'s twelfth law: Vandals attack Knowledge for three reasons: for kicks, for ideology, or for profit. Only the first of those reasons is easy to dissuade. 1309:'s fourth law of Knowledge: Biography pages on Knowledge tend to receive most contributions from either their greatest advocates or greatest detractors. 4320:
are: the other editor's contributions; that editor's user page; and that editor's web presence, in that order. The purpose is to find material he can
3941:'s second corollary: To contribute to a WP article, either pick a topic no-one is interested in, or assemble a cabal of editors who support your views. 3008:'s first law: The probability of an article being spam or advocacy is exponentially proportional to the author's conviction of its topic's importance. 2952:'s Second Law: Members of a minority, who are nonetheless able to remain objective with respect to the minority, do not edit articles relating thereto. 1611:'s lawβ€”as the amount of communication and process between administrators and everyone else decreases, the chance of a cabal's existence approaches 1.-- 4737:'s Law of the Department of Fun: The DoF has a serious purpose for everyone. It's your responsibility to weed out what serious purpose it has for you. 4027:
Corollary: Inability to write a complete sentence about a subject will not prevent the article creator's complaints when said article faces deletion.
Sub-corollary: the quality of the grammar, formatting, and indention of posts in such talk pages deteriorates increasingly as the pages grow longer.
Carptrash's Law #2: The more #1 Hits on Google an editor gets the better s/he feels and the less likely the articles are to be of universal interest.
890:'s law: The more a given user invokes Assume good faith as a defense, the lower the probability that said user was acting in good faith. (see also: 4753:'s Law of WikiBreaks: When you take a WikiBreak, you must make it a scheduled amount of time, lest you forget about editing Knowledge altogether. 2461:'s second law: The number of complaints that one is not a sockpuppet is directly proportional to the probability that one is in fact a sockpuppet. 2388:'s Fourth Law: The amount of redundancies in an article is directly proportional to the amount of time the article's writer spends in law classes. 2363:'s Second Law: When a building is on fire, a leader will not survey everyone to see what the consensus is about a response. It is time for action. 1771: 2880:
Unless the admin responds by explaining that the poster is evil, abusive, corrupt or immoral; in which case, the odds increase to about 1 in 10.
5231: 4445:
tertiary corollary: the problem is unlikely to be solved unless Knowledge deteriorates so far as to threaten funding and force WMF intervention
Also the length of time between a comedian or other entertainer referring to a Knowledge article and said article being vandalised by fans. See
1528:'s Second Law. The quality of articles on regional politics is inversely proportional to the number of local editors editing from IP addresses. 773:' law: The wikilawyers and trolls always want a codified set of rules on an issue, so they can subvert the spirit while adhering to the letter. 207:
memories" – that for a given number of bad incidents, it takes a very long time to build up sufficient good behavior to counterbalance the bad.
4703:'s Law of Deletion: When discussing at RfD, only place input if it is a topic you are familiar with or if you can tell it is complete nonsense. 3935:'s corollary: Where a preponderance of editors share a common view, no amount of contrary sources or opposing logic will affect the WP article. 3246:'s First Law: As the number of edits to an article increases, the probability that the article will contain a homophone mistake approaches one. 2394:' First Law: The number of personal attacks made by an editor is inversely correlated to the number of reference used to defend their position. 529:'s Futility Principle – In any Knowledge discussion, the probability that some participant will belligerently threaten to appeal the matter to 4364:'s Law of Prominence: Your worth in the face of a Featured content delagate is directly proportionate to the amounts of bronze stars you have. 4116:
Eighth Law: If a candidate is asked if they are a minor in their jurisdiction, but refuses to answer the question, they must be 10 years old.
3771:'s Law of Psychological Dynamics: Article expansion and creation is only driven by motivation, which can be rather difficult to find at times. 4089:
Seventh Law: If the candidate looks like a perfect candidate, they must be power-hungry (or possibly a sockpuppet of a banned former-admin).
3134:'s second law: The amount of drama in any nationalist debate on Knowledge is inversely proportional to how much everyone else cares about it. 2455:'s first law: Those who most vehemently insist on following a rule are the most likely to ignore that rule when it contradicts their opinion. 451:) – As a debate over anything related to Knowledge continues, the probability of one user asking for Jimbo Wales's intervention approaches 1. 4731:'s Law of Stubs: It's perfectly acceptable to add three or four stub templates to an article to call attention to multiple groups of people. 4723:
Corollary: If there are some things with nothing, such as awards, you may either put that it has none or delete the section of the skeleton.
2412:'s Second Law of AfD: 95% of the time, if a comment in an AFD is prefixed with "Do Not Delete" rather than "Keep", it can be safely ignored. 2102:'s first law: The first editor to throw a user conduct policy at another is likely to be the one who would benefit the most from reading it. 1726:'s Third Law – Problematic users will drive good users away from Knowledge far more often than good users will drive away problematic ones. 3507: 3002:
Amarkov's Fourth Law: The probability of Wikidrama increasing further is directly proportional to the amount of Wikidrama already existing.
Corollary: As the notability of a subject approaches zero, the likelihood of Google-hits being cited as proof of notability approaches one.
722:'s first law: In a dispute, the higher the probability that a user is in the wrong, the higher the probability that that user will take an 396: 4059:
Corollary : chances are that the most ferocious opposes will be said inactives, magically coming back after months without any edits.
3346:'s second law: in any wikipedia debate, the size of the middle ground decreases exponentially as the average difference in opinion rises. 2807:'s fourth law: If an accusation of "vandalism" is misspelled, typed in all capitals or defined as "removeing true informatoin!!!!!!", the 809:'s corollary: Therefore, as the number of rules in this list increases, the higher the probability that the rules in this list are insane. 4662:'s summary of arbitration: Users Churchill, Hitler, Mussolini, Roosevelt, Stalin and Tojo are banned for making Knowledge a battleground. 1958:'s first law: any editor who makes an assertion that is simultaneously wrong on three or more levels is a person who is immune to reason. 1325:. It states that when a Knowledge page has existed long enough, a new page will appear with the same subject, but under a different name. 870:'s corollary: Similarly, no matter how brilliant or perfect a given proposition may be, at least one person will oppose that proposition. 255:
Given a communication forum with a sufficiently high concentration of trolls, the trolls will do a superb job of discrediting themselves.
When someone pleads for a subset of a topic not to be included in the TBAN it means that subset absolutely must be included in the TBAN.
that's at the bottom of each page should be at the top. In bold. In huge font. In flashing red text so you cannot possibly miss it.
4006:'s first law: The longer this list becomes the more daunting it will look, so the smaller will be the number of the laws that get read. 1476: 494:'s law – As a wiki discussion grows longer, the probability of an accusation by one user of another acting unilaterally approaches one. 3273:
law of unexhibitionistic antiporn: guys upload pictures of their penises all the time, but for some reason we never get photographs in
1737:'s First Law – There are Waves or Generations of Knowledge Editors, with a Generation time exactly equal to the human gestation period. 1663:'s second law – (Prediction) In the next 3 years, Knowledge will be a MySpace. Only Exo-pedians will keep it going as an encyclopedia. 1243:'s law of Knowledge – More often than not, for every act of vandalism at Knowledge, there are at least 3 RC patrollers ready to revert. 4941:: Each passing year without it brings Knowledge and/or Wikipedians nearer and much more likely to being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. 4104: 3308:'s Corollary: Similarly, considering the uselessness of the average edit, by definition half of all edits are more useless than that. 3014:
Amarkov's extension: In general, vigor of defense is inversely correlated to the probability that the thing being defended is good. -
2739:'s Archwiki principle – Any article will encounter progress equal to, but opposite of, the weight of important subjects it displaces. 1315:: The more attributes (e.g. bold, capitals, italics) used to post a trivial factoid in an article, the less likely that it is notable 136:
For every one person who knows something about copyright law, there are at least ten who don't, and two who think they do but don't.
It contains the advice or opinions of one or more Knowledge contributors. This page is not an encyclopedia article, nor is it one of
4764:'s law: any attempt to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy without expanding the bureaucracy are invariably doomed to fail. 4310:'s Third Law: Any user who adds a law to this page and subsequently counters it through the use of corollaries is completely insane. 3955: 2142:
Essjay's exception: Where "anyone else" = Jimbo Wales, the developer never wins. (Same where "anyone else" = The Board of Trustees.)
1624: 1504:'s Website Law: The number of vandals on an article referring to a website is directly proportional to the website's Alexa ranking. 54: 5015:
The rarest, most sought after award on Knowledge is Raul's Brick of Common Sense. It's like the Nobel Prize of Knowledge Dynamics.
Corollary: The higher the standards that Knowledge aims for, the more that Knowledge will appear sub-standard to the outside world.
As time goes on, the rules and informal policies on Knowledge tend to become less and less plastic and harder and harder to change.
in theory, "Knowledge aims to present competing views in proportion to their representation in reliable sources on the subject." (
1780:'s law: The participation turnout for an Article for Deletion is often proportional to the amount of edit-warring in said article. 1188:
HereToHelp's Fifth Law: Knowledge users have way too much time on their hands...they just don't spend most of it writing articles.
1080:'s Law: Knowledge is not the venue for negotiating ultimate truth nor the secret history of the world. They have Usenet for that. 4012:'s corollary: as fewer laws are read, the greater becomes the chance that people will add laws with names which already exist or 196: 177: 4665:
Kotniski's Second Law: rather as in real life, the "laws" are kept deliberately opaque – by and for the benefit of the lawyers (
4535:'s Principle of Conflict of Interest: Knowledge itself has a COI on any article (or ex-article) about itself or its competitors. 3732:'s second law: For every exclamation point used in an unblock request, the likeliness that it will be accepted decreases by 20%. 3708:
attack the opponent and influence onlookers. To a troll, all ethics are like plastic sporks: useful, despicable, and disposable.
in as many permutations as possible. Whatever it is, once the thing becomes official the wikilawyers will search for loopholes.
2418:'s fourth law: The amount of complaints an administrator gets is directly proportional to the quality of the job they are doing. 2369:'s Third Law: The quality of a Featured Article Candidate's prose is inversely proportional to the quality of the referencing. 1835: 1674: 1644: 845:'s first law: If enough people act independently towards the same goal, the end result is indistinguishable from a conspiracy. 471: 282:
0. The zeroeth law of Knowledge – The problem with Knowledge is that it only works in practice. In theory, it can never work.
4802: 4767:
Corollary: Anyone expecting to change Knowledge will invariably fail, unless the change is minor or if the person is a vandal.
4216: 4183: 2283:'s corollary: Capitals affect only grammar, not spelling. Something can be written in sentence case and still be misspelled.-- 1720:
is inversely proportional to probability of landing in ArbCom as a defendant, provided that an editor is not already an admin.
797:'s law: Sanity is in finite supply on Knowledge; thus, the more contributors exist, the more likely any given user is insane. 431:'s sub-corollary – In addition, the longer an AFD page, the higher the probability that the article in question will be kept. 4750: 4740: 4734: 4728: 4717: 4706: 4700: 4685: 4223: 4076:
Third Law: If there have been no new RfAs opened in the last 3 days, someone must start a "ZOMG!!!!!! RfA is broken!" thread.
3105: 2733:'s Third motion of Law – The positive stress on the article is equal to, but opposite of, the negative stress on its editors. 966:'s Corollary: Similarly, if treated unfairly, various respected contributors will degrade themselves with vandalish behavior. 258:
The cabalness of a user is directly proportional to the number of private Wiki{p/m}edia mailing lists (s)he is subscribed to.
Corollary: If the candidate made a single mistake 6 years ago, this must be held against them until the end of the universe
2074:'s second law: There isn't any point in debating the legitimacy of an otherwise sound action just because it's illegitimate. 1332: 596:'s Corollary: Unless the first person to demand the unilateral desysopping of the admin they are complaining about is named 586:'s third law – The first person to demand the unilateral desysopping of the admin they are complaining about loses. Always. 151:
Knowledge's steadily increasing popularity means that within the next year or two, we will begin to see organized corporate
4935:: As the list of laws expands, the probability of an editor's first contribution to Knowledge being a new law approaches 1. 4122:
To get around this, make sure that when you create your account you set your location to Iran and your sex to female – the
For imparting common sense into the clueless, I hereby award you this very rare wiki-award: Raul's brick of common sense.
Corollary: If there are no books, newspapers, or magazines readily available on the topic, you may check notable websites.
4692: 2549:
Corollary: Those who haven't complained yet merely haven't read or contributed enough to find something to complain about.
2378:' lemma: this is because the quality of the research is inversely proportional to the compliance with the Manual of Style. 714:
is the number of comments currently entered in the debate) that a user will accuse another user of linguistic imperialism.
551:'s corollary: The likelihood of a cabal existing is inversely proportional to the number of people alleging its existence. 199:: People support on the basis of a good track record with no "bad" incidents. That is, they think someone is a good admin 4986: 4073:
Second Law: If there are more than 2 open RfAs, then RfA is becoming too easy a process, and therefore it must be broken.
Corollary: Straightforward vandals are excepted. Good users drive those away all the time and give each other high-fives.
1024:'s law – According to the WikiProphet, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than to write a good 960:'s First Law: If treated fairly, some vandals will flock back to Knowledge and eventually become respected contributors. 423:'s corollary – The longer an AFD page, the higher the probability that the original poster will be accused of censorship. 4410: 3513: 2859:
Corollary: Knowledge's coverage on nonessential topics depends on what their opponents have not bothered to destroy yet.
2721:'s First motion of Law – An article will remain at its current length unless acted upon by stress applied over its area. 2658:'s law of humility: Better an editor who's often wrong and knows it than an editor who's very seldom wrong and knows it. 2000:'s Forth Law : Thou who seek office to the degree with an agenda, shall be inversely proportional to one's success. 1859: 988:
and articles worthy of inclusion in Knowledge is that the number of articles worthy of inclusion in Knowledge is finite.
817:'s first law: There is no smoke without fire. There is no cry of unilateralism without an action rooted in common sense. 637:'s law: the longer a user spends time in polls and/or debates, the more he or she will see each question as a binary of 413:) – As a debate over user conduct or article content continues, the probability of one user accusing another of being a 367:)'s observation – If a good edit has been made with an edit comment in all caps letters, then probably it was a mistake. 326: 3367:'s Law: The urge to edit is positively correlated with opposition, and uncorrelated with how many readers will benefit. 2108:'s second law: Show me an admin who has never been called a nazi and I'll show you an admin who is not doing their job. 2139:'s first law of Knowledge: In a dispute between developers and anyone else about features, the developer always wins. 1297:'s second law: If only five bytes have been added to an article in a diff by an IP, it will almost always be the word 1111:'s corollary: The longer you know an editor you like, the more likely it is that they will leave the project for good. 181: 3765:: Any editor whose username includes the word "truth" shall be assumed disruptive until conclusively shown otherwise. 1194:
HereToHelp's Seventh Law: You can tell whether an addition is worth keeping by whether it contains the second person.
Corollary 1: This bias does not serve to determine and usefulness/uselessness of Knowledge, but it must be observed.
3783:'s second law: The average length of an editor's talk page posts correlates with that editor's crackpot coefficient. 2247:'s First Axiom: Any complaint that includes reference to "censorship" or similar wording can safely be disregarded. 4947:: Trotting out the "I'm being persecuted by those corrupt bastards for TELLING THE TRUTH!" card in any dispute is 4782: 4212: 4179: 3444: 3073:'s Corollary: If it's worth worrying about in your edit summary, it's probably worth putting into your actual edit. 2670:'s first law of AfD debate: the less notable the article, the more ferociously it will be defended by its creator. 2309:'s eleventh law: An unknown number of sneaky vandals continue to subvert Knowledge because they keep a low profile. 437:'s sub-sub-corollary The longer the AFD lasts the higher the probability that the article in question will be kept. 4744: 3738:'s third law: One out of every 20 admins will eventually become a drama magnet within 2 years of a successful RfA. 954:'s law: All methods of dispute resolution, given time, will trend towards becoming useless or becoming the arbcom. 158: 4896: 4439:'s corollary: any proposed policy reform to deal with the problem is unlikely to achieve the requisite consensus 4145: 3593:
will eventually be so anally "enforced" that you won't be allowed to say anything and Knowledge will die. :(
an editor has in their userspace is inversely proportional to the number of their contributions to the mainspace.
2467:'s third law: No comment is so direct that it will not be misquoted out of context to support a stupid opinion. - 2218:'s corollary: If you instead see a phrase that denotes an opinion, the fact is, you will still find an opinion.-- 1845: 1684: 1680: 1654: 1650: 1518:'s First Law. The narrower the topic range of articles edited, the more likely that editor to be a problem user. 4586:'s 2nd Law: "having seen Pandas not eating bananas is no proof that they don't do it when you're not looking..." 3401:'s corollary: The larger the group of people that you try to help, the more often you'll get your hands slapped. 3340:
The chance that something unusual or little-known is on Knowledge is inversely proportional to how useful it is.
4992: 4892: 4809: 4386: 4373: 4358: 4321: 3789:'s rule of species: There are experts and there are editors. Being one does not necessarily make you the other. 3482: 3214: 3208: 3198: 3188: 3159: 3149: 2536:
reads: There is greater than 50% probability that I am a bigger jerk than any other user who I think is a jerk.
2439:) – As any discussion of any social science lengthens, the probability of an editor accusing another of being " 1633:'s law – Even though it isn't all that hard to become an administrator, you are still in a very powerful spot. 1366: 173: 4960: 329:– The craziness of the editor is directly proportional to the number of adjectives in his/her edit summaries. 241:. Users who have a history of improving the encyclopedia can expect more consideration than those who do not. 4470:'s Second Law: Knowledge is "in denial": "The community generally believes that the Knowledge method works" ( 3349:
Corollary: Both sides in any wikipedia debate will attack the middle ground more ferociously than each other.
Corollary: Assumptions that a person or group is not worth respectful treatment are strongly self-fulfilling.
Raul's Razor – An article is neutral if, after reading it, you cannot tell where the author's sympathies lie.
4977: 4964: 4193: 4056:'s statement. Any proposal made about desysoping inactive admins on the english Knowledge is bound to fail. 3500: 1473: 1397: 932: 803:'s corollary: The sum total of the sanity on wikipedia is approximately constant; the population is growing. 634: 4808:
King jakob c2's law of this list of laws of Knowledge: If you've actually read this far, you're probably a
Corollary to the corollary to the corollary to the corollary: This thus revalidates the initial corollary.
3296:): Think of how stupid the average wikipedian is and you realize that half of them are stupider than that. 4882: 4041: 3091:
users and vandals alike; which is why all should be treated with the most harsh and unforgiving words the
2158: 1903:
approaches Zero, the probability of its defender saying "your objection is not actionable" approaches One.
1760:'s Corollary: The ability of an editor is proportional to the degree to which the editor has been trolled. 1490:" when the consensus is overwhelmingly against their POV are usually doing so because they have no better 691: 364: 4917: 4119:
Corollary: If the candidate answers that they are not a minor in their jurisdiction, they must be lying.
Zginder's wikidynamics corollaryβ€”The maximum value is speedy delete general criterion 1, patent nonsense.
1318: 1176:
HereTohelp's Fourth Law: The length of time an editor has been around and the amount of contributions to
change, no matter how insignificant, unthreatening, or wholly beneficial, will generate controversy from
Corollary: The exoticness of an idea is inversely correlated to its proponent's respect for social norms.
5076: 4853: 3331: 3274: 1360: 904: 770: 626: 238: 5100: 4878: 3334:
Before relying on a Knowledge article make sure there is ref tags and references to reliable recourses.
2071: 2065: 1007: 114:
Counterpoint – Content may be overseen by a core group but contributed by a larger, more anonymous set.
Wikipedian's law of Diminishing return: As the editor's wiki-age increases, his useful edits decrease.
2781:'s first rule: In the mind of each and every editor there exists an equal and opposite opposing cabal. 1906: 1053: 951: 467:'s Law: As the number of contributors to an AfD or RfA increases, the probability of an accusation of 5246: 4819: 4242: 4038: 3810: 3523: 3237: 3063: 3030: 2885: 2354: 2287: 2267:'s Law: As The Number Of Capitalized Words Increases, The Frequency Of Grammatical Errors Decreases. 2222: 2033: 2027: 2021: 1783: 1723: 1595: 1495: 1083: 981: 861: 842: 745: 128:
You cannot motivate people on a large scale to write about something they don't want to write about.
3751:: The current ratio is 8095:1. 724201 is the number of admins squared. It is 89.49% away from equal. 3051:' Principle; If it's worth proving on the talk page, it's probably worth mentioning in the article. 1947:
Second law: If the person who hates it is not called Jimbo or Brion, then it probably wasn't as bad.
Raul's corollary – It is also proportional to the number of exclamation points and capital letters.
Mgasparin's Second Law: The more defined an RfC, the more difficult consensus will be to determine.
4842: 4832: 4815: 4798: 4381: 4368: 4353: 4141: 3762: 3576: 3202: 3192: 3113: 2955: 2949: 2943: 2930:'s Law of Caveats: Given sufficient research, it is impossible to make an unqualified statement on 2767:'s Revolting Realization – everyone who comes across Raul's laws eventually adds one of their own. 2704: 2258: 2244: 2007: 1896: 1853: 1822:'s second law – As the time between the last edit to an article and the last edit to the article's 1669: 1639: 1425: 1383: 1197:
HereTohelp's Eight Law: Whoever accuses someone of acting in bad faith is also acting in bad faith.
1101:'s first law: The longer you know an editor, the more likely it is that they will turn out to be a 974:'s Second Law: The amount of fancruft articles on Knowledge is equal to the amount of stars in the 667:'s law: The larger Knowledge becomes, the more emphasis will be placed on voting to make decisions. 392: 262: 58: 3494: 2678:
Eye's second law of AfD debate: the less well-sourced the article, the more linkspam it contains.
2578: 2519: 984:'s Corollary (Adapted from a famous Einstein quote): The difference between articles that contain 341:
Anon's sub-sub-corollary – And also proportional to the number of characters in his/her signature.
4659: 4568: 4532: 4500: 4483: 4477: 4467: 4436: 4313: 3913: 3780: 3565: 3478: 3153: 3080: 2645: 2637: 2595: 2587: 2341: 2136: 1997: 1991: 1985: 1866: 1827: 1713: 1690: 1470: 1392: 1387: 940: 533:
is inversely proportional to the probability that Jimbo would actually intervene in that dispute.
313:'s Zeroth corollary – Therefore it is impossible to predict when Knowledge will stop functioning. 68: 4617: 3108:'s intrusion into this list of laws: Common sense (and some wise, dead philosopher) states that 1146:
Corollary: Truth without consensus is opinion, unless you're an all-knowing god or Jimbo Wales.
4265:'s First Law: Everything on Knowledge is uncountable, except for every list that counts things. 3384:'s Law of Vandals: When a vandal is warned by a bot, the probability that they will respond by 3234:'s Law of Contradiction: When one law contradicts the other(s), the funniest one applies first. 2132: 1777: 1591:
That's not vague at all; it's absolutely correct. Many of us deal with that on a daily basis.--
5172: 4872: 4866: 4583: 4574: 4328: 4165: 4151: 4064: 4032: 4003: 3768: 3559: 3516: 3373: 3361:" a particular article is inversely proportional to the quality and stability of that article. 3302:
Corollary 2: The intelligence of vandals cannot be measured due to their limited vocabularies.
3143: 3070: 3019: 2973: 2641: 2621: 2472: 2152: 2147: 2092:
Corollary: The educated and informed shall always be greatly outnumbered by those who are not.
1819: 1801: 1765: 1620: 1616: 1435: 1057: 925: 701: 687: 680: 670: 428: 406: 378: 360: 344: 231: 122: 4148:: Any Knowledge page can be reached from any other page by following no more than six links. 3503: 338:'s sub-corollary – And to the percent of bold and/or colored text in his talk page comments. 148:
attempt to rewrite the entire article. This is the cyclical nature of controversial articles.
4621: 4379:'s Statement: A theory subverts a law. A law simply states something; a theory backs it up. 4307: 4268: 4262: 4254: 4208: 4175: 4155: 3981: 3973: 3967: 3938: 3932: 3833: 3364: 3305: 3243: 3116:, are by their own admission, broken, so hence are and should be mended as soon as possible. 3092: 2961: 2708: 2692: 2523: 2425: 1909:'s Assumption : If God didn't like Knowledge, he would have nominated it for deletion. 1275: 975: 963: 764: 536: 46: 5081: 4280:
Corollary to the corollary to the corollary: Thus this law effectively cancels itself out.
Two incoming links still make an orphan. It might be hard to reach them but not impossible.
774: 5205: 4954: 4944: 4938: 4923: 4671: 4418: 4343:, and other wonderful traits for Wikipedians to have is much more important than actually 4316:'s Law: The first few things an editor checks when he encounters an editor whose edits he 4204: 4123: 4009: 3991: 3903:'s law of ineptitude: with a pool of volunteer labor, sometimes you get what you paid for. 3843:
Random reader's theorem – Controversial articles will invariably invite contentious edits.
3786: 3685: 3656: 3640: 3617: 3600: 3590: 3455:'s third law: Any sufficiently advanced vandal is indistinguishable from a genuine editor. 3270: 3231: 3225: 3137: 3131: 3125: 3119: 3059: 2921: 2881: 2758: 2752: 2742: 2736: 2730: 2724: 2718: 2509: 2490: 2375: 2318: 2292: 2284: 2280: 2227: 2219: 2215: 2015: 1912: 1717: 1694: 1600: 1592: 1209: 1162: 1155: 1092: 1037: 916: 856:
Corollary: The people who most need to understand this law and its corollaries never will.
786: 750: 742: 676: 630: 593: 564: 526: 350: 139: 121:
Content brings visitors – this is as true for Wikis as it is for networks, as dictated by
be interpreted as "micromanage the article and pester others to death via the talk page".
2543: 2436: 1921:'s Observation: God did nominate typos for "delition", but could not achieve "concensus". 1322: 710:'s Godwinized Corollary: Once the language debate has commenced, the odds are 2:1 (where 448: 410: 316: 4302:
Revised corollary: This law is to be disregarded, as per the corollary to the corollary.
3716:'s law of bias: prejudice is the inverse of how many mistakes a person will be forgiven. 1291:'s law: as the number of users in #wikipedia increases... the closer to #GNAA it becomes 539:'s law – Anytime people organize together to present one POV, it's going to end up badly 4904: 4650: 4340: 4317: 4230: 4053: 3926:
in practice, it tends to present competing views in proportion to their representation
3817:: "strongly encouraged to submit proposed edits for review on the article's talk page" 3804: 3798: 3792: 3689: 3586: 3381: 3343: 3337: 3289: 3280: 3166: 2979: 2969: 2667: 2661: 2539: 2533: 2513: 2501: 2479: 2385: 2366: 2270: 2204: 2198:
Exception: Unless it's about a subject I have no interest in, in which case it's cruft.
2115: 2111: 2077: 2011: 1928: 1889: 1831: 1823: 1749: 1707: 1664: 1660: 1634: 1630: 1567: 1268: 1071: 1065: 1021: 985: 971: 957: 891: 887: 814: 806: 780: 738: 719: 664: 615: 574: 560: 491: 444: 386: 285: 4839:
we include, there are at least ten that aren't and five that we can't tell either way.
Corollary: The most egregious spam and advocacy will be the most vigorously defended.
Third law: Telling others how to stop wasting their time is a good way to waste yours.
lament: Maintaining good content is at least as difficult as creating good content. --
5240: 5191: 5134: 5114:
For a biting deconstruction of the logical shell game used to support parapsychology
5096: 5061: 4996: 4679: 4675: 4637: 4336: 4257:'s Corollary: Any user can add a corollary to make said law not completely redundant. 4161: 3920: 3907: 3814: 3701: 3606:
tag, the longer it will sit unanswered, causing helpmebot to ping #wikipedia-en-help
3474: 3464: 3461:'s razor: Never attribute to vandalism what can be adequately explained by stupidity. 3458: 3452: 3440: 3432: 3426: 3420: 3410: 3404: 3358: 3293: 2915: 2874: 2840: 2818: 2795:'s third law: If you accuse a large group of editors of "improper reverts", odds are 2568: 2397: 2391: 2233: 2180: 2164: 2114:'s Meta-Law on Raul's Laws: As the number of laws increases, the probability of some 1915:'s corollary: If God didn't like typos, he would have nominated them for "delition". 1900: 1807: 1529: 1525: 1519: 1515: 1491: 1487: 1328: 1312: 1264: 1147: 1108: 937: 929: 898: 800: 420: 357:. (weird, I don't think I read Joel's comment when I wrote the title for the URL...) 335: 3558:: No matter what Rule 34 you see – it's not our fault." (Suggested for inclusion by 2821:
has one legitimate exception. When writing any site policy, guideline, or procedure
2006:'s Wikipedian Grammar. Irregular verb number 1: I am contributing in agreement with 1510:'s corollary – The lower the Alexa rating, the more POV the website article will be. 61:. Some essays represent widespread norms; others only represent minority viewpoints. 4836: 4776: 4633: 4554: 4442:
secondary corollary: the problem is unlikely to be solved without WMF intervention
Corollary to the corollary: The probability is already zero, so it doesn't matter.
4248: 3825: 3741: 3354: 3325: 3228:'s Law of Law: A law is most clear when it is written in a 7th grade reading level. 3098:
The Lack of Surprise Rule: People are frequently surprised by the things listed at
3048: 3015: 2894: 2870: 2864: 2831:'s corollary: Said wikilawyers will exploit said loopholes until someone gets hurt. 2802: 2790: 2784: 2778: 2712: 2698: 2686: 2562: 2554: 2497: 2468: 2464: 2458: 2452: 2446: 2432: 2415: 2360: 2176: 2172: 2168: 2105: 2099: 2003: 1797: 1789: 1757: 1612: 1608: 1561: 1507: 1501: 1418: 1409: 1336: 1306: 1294: 1288: 1282: 1260: 1249:'s second law (in contradiction of Alhutch's law) – editing Knowledge is neither a 1246: 1240: 1140: 1134: 1128: 1122: 993: 875: 832: 823:'s law: Any biographical article with a minuscule last name is already in trouble. 648: 605: 499: 477: 454: 434: 310: 298: 152: 115: 17: 4756:
Corollary: If you intend to quit Knowledge, do not set a scheduled amount of time.
1994:' second law: Radical users tend to radicalize others and polarize the atmosphere. 1892:: People who name laws, axioms, and principles after themselves are pompous asses. 347:'s observation – No quality edit has ever been summarized IN ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. 4174:
Any two articles tagged as orphan connect to each other via e.g.: Article1 =>
5038: 4932: 4785:'s law: An article's ratio of grammar errors to words decreases with its length. 4761: 4126:
for females in Iran is 9 years old. Then you can reply "yes" to the question....
4021: 3997: 3987: 3900: 3774: 3756: 3713: 3697: 3674: 3555: 3548: 3536: 3264: 3249: 2937: 2927: 2808: 2770: 2505: 2440: 2409: 2403: 2348: 2330: 2324: 2312: 2306: 2300: 2264: 2192: 2186: 2121: 2059: 2053: 2047: 2041: 1979: 1973: 1967: 1961: 1955: 1938: 1918: 1841: 1549: 1541: 1456: 1449: 1445: 1372: 1220: 1116: 1098: 1077: 820: 723: 707: 597: 583: 556: 548: 542: 530: 464: 414: 244: 3951:'s law: Any wikipedian with a cat will sooner or later upload a picture of it. 4691:
Corollary: If there is little information about a notable topic, such as with
3542: 3497: 3299:
Corollary 1: Then realize that most articles will be edited by the lower half.
3005: 2836: 2764: 2655: 2603: 2486: 2421: 2372:
Corollary: Except in the situations where reviewers don't treat FAC like RfA.
1849: 1585: 1577: 1557: 1535: 1416:
than the policy guideline, the blocking admin will be accused of admin abuse.
1203: 1137:'s third law: Respect for others is more important than respect for the rules. 913: 867: 829:'s Corollary: more so if the first letter of the last name isn't capitalized. 794: 507: 481: 468: 218: 23: 4138:'s Second Law: The best way to get people to assume good faith is to show it. 2443:" becomes one. If this happens, the accuser automatically loses the argument. 1944:
First law: No matter what you do, someone out there, somewhere, will hate it.
Corollary: What must pass for Truth in Knowledge is determined by consensus.
673:'s law – On Knowledge, the reward for a job well done is another three jobs. 97:
If you have a law, feel free to add it to the "Laws by others" section below.
4908: 4406: 4200: 4135: 4047: 3948: 3723: 3722:'s first law: The usefulness of an article over time always is similar to a 3527: 3510: 3398: 3392: 3088: 3084: 3034: 2828: 2626: 2617: 2609: 2335: 1988:' first law: Attempts to refute a conspiracy theory become part of the plot. 1538:'s Law: People called Willy should not use that as their username ON WHEELS! 1463: 1250: 1001: 826: 510: 458: 382: 302: 292: 5129:
For a clear explanation to a vandal how the allocation of power works here
2056:'s eighth law: the real stakes of Knowledge disputes seldom amount to much. 1091:
Running a large wiki is like cooking a small fish. Adapted from the Tao by
247:'s caveat – However, good behaviour does not in itself excuse bad behavior. 5086:"Regarding your – I'm giving you a double-rare award. First, I am giving 5008: 3583:
th studio album", it will not survive an Articles for Deletion discussion.
is directly proportional to edit count. Once ego becomes too large, it is
5149: 5119: 4973: 4788: 4545:: Biased people always call others biased in attempts to influence bias. 4405:
This is the lesson of this site:- Do not trust what you read. You're on
3884: 3485: 2911: 1740: 1734: 570: 189: 4601:
even patching together copyvios is OR unless you copy most of the source
2189:'s Postulate: The truth is out there...but has been speedy deleted (G1). 457:: As the number of edits on a wiki page increases, the probability of a 4907:'s First Law: As a discussion on ANI gets longer, the probability that 4548: 4538: 3748: 3735: 3729: 3719: 3530: 3519: 3488: 2209: 1693:'s Second Law – The Wikipedians who cast the votes decide nothing. The 2449:'s law: Any newbie who is using the word "sockpuppet" is a sockpuppet. 4641: 3623:
templates on a page, the more likely they are to be highly frivolous.
3407:'s first law: If an article ain't broke, someone will try to fix it. 3169:
that nobody takes them seriously, so this is not really an exception.
3146:'s Law: Everything will eventually be opposed by at least one person. 2814: 1700: 1378:
Counter-corollary: not really, but it does imply a larger ammount of
Really skilled cranks can achieve both of these in the same sentence.
301:'s Zeroth counter-corollary – Therefore Knowledge is the opposite of 214: 3283:'s 2nd law of Wikidynamics – Every Featured Article only gets worse. 1873:
it has now expanded to five paragraphs with a photo and references.
4644:"). Corollary: Knowledge is 10% translation and 90% confrontation ( 4472:
Knowledge: Requests for comment/User conduct/Creation#Wikilawyering
quaternary corollary: anyone who wants to improve Knowledge should
TenPoundHammer's second law: The more frivolous the placement of a
1143:'s First Law: The truth does not depend on a consensus of opinion. 4560: 4070:
First Law: If there are less than 3 open RfAs, then RfA is broken.
3319: 3314: 1884:
Observation: People have five senses and common isn't one of them.
1844:'s fifth law of bad faith: A user asking for a photo to accompany 1379: 1254: 1102: 1045: 1029: 2773:'s contradiction: I have not added one of my own.... oh.... oops! 3579:'s law: If an article's name takes the form "(name of artist)'s 3042: 2277:
in capitols, in which case grammar usually flies out the window.
2081: 1359:
to sustain several edit wars, and may also do a small amount of
1356: 1041: 1025: 4951:
evidence that the editor who flashes it deserves what's coming.
Exception: Many mistakes are pointed out by editors who are so
3033:'s First law: Invariably on any given day, 75% of vandalism to 480:'s corollary: More often than not, the accusation will include 4636:'s Law: Knowledge is 10% information and 90% deformation (re: 4098:
Corollary to the corollary to the corollary: If the candidate
they are checking with the cabal to see what the cabal thinks.
3533: 3491: 3038: 2508:
perspectives are Wikipedians. Those who think that NPOV means
in favour of a point of view with which I disagree, he/she is
1814:(unless it's the first vote because the nominator is mistaken) 1299: 1227: 835:'s Reiteration: even more so if the last name is in lowercase. 503: 385:." "At the end of every edit summary." indicates an editor so 32: 5007: 2125: 1935:
a user, the more likely you are to come in contact with them
increases, the more likely the article is to be filled with
Corollary: Impossible, since the loop stops at the paradox.
3990:'s law of gender: all female Wikipedians are presumptively 1899:'s first law: as the encyclopedic value of the topic of a 3058:(comparte the long discussion on the article talk page). 2924:'s law: all rules and guidelines add up to this; Respect! 2124:'s first law: "Collaboration trumps all other policies." 4614:): Knowledge is good for things that nobody cares about. 3417:
broke, someone will eventually nominate it for deletion.
2620:'s law: half the time that something gets deleted under 5210: 5196: 5177: 5162: 5158: 5154: 5139: 5124: 5109: 5105: 5087: 5066: 5051: 5047: 5043: 5017: 4845:'s Law of Time-Sensitive Material: There is absolutely 4825: 4666: 4654: 4645: 4593: 4578: 4542: 4527: 4524: 4521: 4431: 4425: 4396: 4013: 3448: 3055: 2572: 2167:'s first, second and third law of major contributions: 1753: 1375:'s corollary: by this definition all vandals are male. 1086:'s corollary: Knowledge is the Second Coming of Usenet. 1061: 1033: 997: 996:'s law: Editing Knowledge is a privilege, not a right. 579: 495: 424: 354: 273:– Sent to Raul654 by a user who shall remain anonymous 161:, August 28, 2005 (9 months after prediction was made) 142:
conundrum. Does anyone really understand copyright law?
83: 76: 4895:'s observation: This is probably why it's against the 1574:. CONCLUSION: Take the list over the 150 miniarticles. 305:, as communism works in theory, but never in practice. 5182:
For drawing insightful parallels to past situations (
unless proven otherwise (via voice or actual meetup).
Durova's corollary: Eventually the cat will join the
Only trolls feel the need to define the word "troll".
page is the most accurate and NPOV page on Knowledge.
3201:'s Barter Theory: The editors that give out the most 686:
Indeed – it applies to any volunteer organisation –
will add a sarcastic comment or image approaches 1.
4274:Corollary: This law, in effect, creates a paradox. 3083:'s First law: The majority of humanity is absurdly 2640:'s corollary: That means half of what's deleted by 1745:
The closest English descriptor is "Megacompendium".
353:'s observation – I'm pretty sure that has occured. 172:Knowledge has a disproportionately large number of 4885:)'s law: Making your username your IP address, or 3863:Those who have already written a law on this page. 3128:'s first corollary: It's always the admin's fault. 2982:'s Second Epigram: Children are miniature trolls. 2526:accompanied by an edit summary which begins with " 5227:User:Antandrus/observations on Knowledge behavior 4795:. Process for the sake of process is unnecessary. 4577:'s Law: the answer is probably a definite maybe ( 3292:'s law of averages of intelligence (adapted from 2606:'s Corollary: Excepting posts made by that admin. 1355:--> (low cruft, low POV), it generates enough 4678:, it's safe to say that it'll likely fall under 1339:through the four states: (low cruft, low POV) -- 1285:'s law: only admins and vandals ever use policy. 1226:This perfect source was rejected because of the 651:'s first corollary: sometimes, the binary is of 201:because of a lack of evidence that person is bad 4035:'s first Law: Names of laws are case sensitive. 2118:making a law about Raul's Laws approaces unity. 1412:'s abuse law: If a user gets a valid block for 1263:'s third law of Knowledge – Attempts to change 4647:), with other users hating those translations. 4588:...see also other Panda Diet ramblings at AN/I 4286:Corollary: This law is thus an infinite loop. 3100:Knowledge:Things that should not be surprising 1060:'s law: The encyclopedia comes first. Always. 3413:'s corollary to the first law: If an article 8: 4598:everything but a copyvio is automatically OR 4592:Gavin.collins' Laws (cited by Hans Adler at 2612:'s Corollary: userpage vandalism counts too. 2546:): Those who can complain, eventually will. 2062:'s ninth law: judicious humor is invaluable. 4674:'s law: If an article can be deleted under 3122:'s first law: It's never the troll's fault. 765:amount of policies and guidelines increases 5167:For biting commentary on the Village pump 4509:invite other people to join the discussion 4217:Category:Orphaned articles from Month Year 4184:Category:Orphaned articles from Month Year 2703:'s second law: Any time a section titled " 1792:'s Corollary: If an AFD comment is titled 559:'s second law – Knowledge has no right to 288:'s corollary – Therefore Knowledge really 4480:'s Third Law: Knowledge is a curate's egg 4154:'s Separatist Law: Unless the page is an 3632:: perversely insists on writing English. 2985:Corollary: Trolls are overgrown children. 2972:'s First Epigram: A troll's job is being 2906:Please be a giant dick, so we can ban you 2749:ments the each receives from one another. 319:states the opposite: theory can be fixed. 4818:'s First Law: Please do not disrupt the 3357:'s Third Law: The number of people who " 1716:'s Third Law – Probability of an editor 1697:who count the votes decide everything. ( 1271:invariably result from a different POV. 767:, so does the opportunity to game them. 4889:IP address, usually isn't a good idea. 4803:tens of thousands of IPs that vandalize 4695:, you need not develop in your sandbox. 1881:Common sense is surprisingly uncommon. 1772:User:Voice of All/Sexual image concerns 683:'s law: It's not limited to Knowledge. 461:being placed at the top approaches one. 4981: 4968: 4199:template, the path is: Article1 => 3643:(e.g. "sceptic" instead of "skeptic"). 1180:they make are inversely proportional. 737:I thought immediatism was measured by 567:says "Congress shall make no law..."; 5144:A mighty reply to a farewell message 5003: 3704:that termites have on wooden houses. 3613:TenPoundHammer's third law: The more 3443:'s second law: The likelihood of the 2500:'s first law: Those who believe that 7: 2504:refers to equal respect towards all 2016:disrupting Knowledge to make a point 516:Bots don't have an ego..... ;) 5027:Comment(s) deserving of recognition 3866:Those who have no sense of humour. 2869:'s fifth law: In any discussion on 2811:of said accusation approaches zero. 2542:'s first observation (derived from 2512:of all verifiable perspectives are 1183:Corollary: Articles are grunt work. 4503:'s Outline of Dispute Resolution: 2711:", chances are the article is not 2424:'s Principle: The introduction of 2084:: As in reality, so in Knowledge. 389:they alphabetise their underwear. 59:thoroughly vetted by the community 55:Knowledge's policies or guidelines 31: 4939:Randy Kryn's Basic Inevitable Law 4835:'s Law of Reliability: For every 3054:Piotrus hasn't said this, but he 2823:assume the worst faith imaginable 2799:the one making unhelpful reverts. 1321:: Ellywa's law is a variation on 101: 3928:among the editors of the article 3639:: perversely insists on writing 1363:on the surrounding encyclopaedia 1347:--> (high cruft, high POV) -- 1335:law: as any contentious article 197:Knowledge:Requests for adminship 36: 4456:, improve Knowledge ... er ...? 4395:S Marshall's Law of Consensus ( 3668:for disagreeing with the Truth. 3471:be vandalized wTHIS PAGE SUX!!1 3095:(or any language) has to offer. 1351:--> (low cruft, high POV) -- 1343:--> (high cruft, low POV) -- 600:. Then the admin loses. Always. 519:Bot owners have egos, though... 409:'s law (Knowledge's version of 4565:01:05, 13 September 2010 (UTC) 4233:serves as one-link connection. 4224:Category:All orphaned articles 4189:If the orphan notice is in an 3067:00:12, 13 November 2007 (UTC) 2650:21:00, 18 September 2007 (UTC) 2252:Antandrus's First Observation. 1848:is more likely to be a fan of 1230:conspiracy against The Theory. 1212:'s Two Marks of Crankishness: 763:Johnleemk's third law: As the 1: 4879:IHeartMath&#124Jason13579 4693:Bluetongue Lizard (mythology) 3956:WikiVoices board of directors 3467:'s fourth law: Any page that 2889:00:12, 13 November 2007 (UTC) 2644:never actually materializes. 2528:Created page with '{{hangon}} 2230:11:53, 28 February 2007 (UTC) 2183:17:28, 16 February 2007 (UTC) 2161:00:35, 16 February 2007 (UTC) 1219:be perfect; it appeared in a 919:00:10, 21 February 2006 (UTC) 753:13:32, 22 November 2006 (UTC) 447:'s law (Alternate version of 269:Knowledge law of complaints: 111:Knowledge's biggest handicap. 5004:Raul's Brick O' Common Sense 4745:WikiProject Animals in media 4322:attack the other editor with 4164:'s petty observations about 3255:Corollary: Everybody thinks 3152:'s First Law: The number of 3023:00:15, 30 October 2007 (UTC) 2435:'s fifth law: (a variant of 2250:Comment: Closely related to 1488:Knowledge is not a democracy 924:I would suggest that, given 4859:tag. You can always always 4495:therefore Knowledge is evil 4392:03:48, 17 August 2010 (UTC) 2530:..." can be safely deleted. 2522:'s law: Any page listed on 1810:'s corollary: The same for 1687:) 16:45, 21 July 2006 (UTC) 1657:) 12:56, 21 July 2006 (UTC) 1627:) 20:34, 18 July 2006 (UTC) 694:) 18:56, 4 April 2010 (UTC) 5263: 4213:Category:Orphaned articles 4180:Category:Orphaned articles 4016:them in the wrong section. 3445:List of theological demons 3045:or some variation thereof. 2634:14:28, 11 July 2007 (UTC) 2600:07:54, 11 July 2007 (UTC) 2295:01:03, 28 March 2007 (UTC) 1901:Featured Article Candidate 1804:) 13:15, 15 May 2007 (UTC) 1588:12:24, 10 July 2006 (UTC) 1150:08:03, 26 April 2007 (UTC) 381:'s corollary – Putting a " 66: 4751:Brambleberry of RiverClan 4741:Brambleberry of RiverClan 4735:Brambleberry of RiverClan 4729:Brambleberry of RiverClan 4718:Brambleberry of RiverClan 4707:Brambleberry of RiverClan 4701:Brambleberry of RiverClan 4686:Brambleberry of RiverClan 4331:is always rewarded. The 4146:Six degrees of separation 3195:(for any length of time). 2494:04:45, 23 June 2007 (UTC) 1846:Harlequin type ichthyosis 1796:, this law also applies. 1603:22:34, 27 July 2006 (UTC) 1552:06:51, 21 June 2006 (UTC) 1532:21:06, 5 April 2007 (UTC) 1479:22:11, 3 March 2008 (UTC) 1459:12:24, 17 May 2006 (UTC) 1452:12:24, 17 May 2006 (UTC) 1161:HereToHelp's Second Law: 1095:20:26, 7 March 2006 (UTC) 5211:19:01, February 27, 2008 5052:06:10, December 29, 2005 5048:01:01, December 29, 2005 5044:00:56, December 29, 2005 4997:Laws are a type of rules 4995:'s general observation: 3910:, only losers. Skomorokh 3906:There are no winners at 3259:are in the former group. 3087:, and the same goes for 2707:" begins with the word " 2557:'s second law: It takes 2476:01:11, 6 June 2007 (UTC) 2273:: Unless the posting is 1858:(For previous laws, see 1522:12:29, 1 June 2006 (UTC) 1498:20:15, 29 May 2006 (UTC) 1442:12:28, 12 May 2006 (UTC) 943:19:15, 20 May 2006 (UTC) 472:converges in probability 263:commons:Template:Nopenis 102:Raul's Laws of Knowledge 4945:Ravenswing's Second Law 4515:till the cows come home 4492:Knowledge is a monopoly 4489:all monopolies are evil 4105:WTF? OMG! TMD TLA. ARG! 3110:if it is broken, fix it 3037:will contain the words 2319:Gracenotes' observation 5012: 4955:Ravenswing's Third Law 4924:Ravenswing's First Law 4543:NocturneNoir's comment 4401:S Marshall's 2nd Law: 3655:, etc: Disagrees with 3635:Kmarinas86's collary: 1931:'s law – The more you 1353:mass voting and citing 1345:increasing temperature 484:'s e-mail to enwiki-l. 5110:19:37, March 29, 2006 5106:18:15, March 29, 2006 5011: 4987:NotReallySoroka's Law 3554:from Gwern's rules: " 3332:User:AnnieTigerChucky 3275:List of sex positions 2839:'s Law of Roulette: " 239:cost-benefit analysis 57:, as it has not been 5163:20:40, July 16, 2006 5159:20:13, July 16, 2006 5155:20:50, July 15, 2006 4820:space-time continuum 4512:discuss it some more 4229:With a bit of luck, 3815:Conflict of Interest 2841:Consensus Can Change 1860:Andjam/Andjam's laws 1854:congenital disorders 1582:hopelessly vague law 1341:isothermal expansion 986:vanispamcruftisement 159:Prediction confirmed 5197:14:30, June 5, 2007 4777:Carrite's User Page 4773:Timbo's Rule No. 4: 4541:'s paraphrasing of 4168:'s Separatist Law: 3215:The Duke of Waltham 3209:The Duke of Waltham 3199:The Duke of Waltham 3189:The Duke of Waltham 3160:The Duke of Waltham 3150:The Duke of Waltham 2573:You sure about that 2271:Carptrash's Tangent 1367:DragonflySixtyseven 5013: 4965:First Law of TBANs 4897:WP:Username policy 3626:Troll's glossary: 3193:to leave Knowledge 2817:'s umpteenth law: 2571:'s contradiction: 2342:proof by assertion 2205:Carptrash's Law #1 2126:..elaborated here. 1852:than an expert in 1583: 399:(sorry Johnny :p). 5232:10 internet rules 5218: 5217: 5178:February 21, 2007 5082:February 11, 2006 4978:First Law of TLDR 4849:reason to use an 4829: 4822:to make a point. 4584:User:AndyTheGrump 4575:User:AndyTheGrump 4564: 4329:Superficial charm 3066: 3022: 2888: 2649: 2624:, it comes back. 2599: 2493: 2475: 1863: 1718:gaining adminship 1581: 1401: 1276:The Wrong Version 944: 920: 94: 93: 22:(Redirected from 5254: 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Knowledge's policies or guidelines
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Knowledge:Requests for adminship
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Ostrom's Law

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