Knowledge (XXG)

Operation Soberanía

Source 📝

1552:«The 1976 Arms Export Control Act, proposed by Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn.), began to limit presidential ability to transfer weapons to other nations by giving the United States Congress veto power over sales and extending the notification period to 30 days. Against the wishes of the Ford administration, several countries were placed under even tighter restrictions based on their human rights records. Such was the case with Chile in 1976 under Public Law 94-329. This legislation, commonly referred to as the Kennedy Amendment, prohibited security assistance, military training, and arms sales to Gen Augusto Pinochet’s repressive military regime in Chile» 1040: 1525:"Estoy convencido , por razones que he expuesto en mis libros "Dejo constancia" (2001) y "Malvinas, gesta e incompetencia" (2003). Ahí expreso cuál era la situación de las Fuerzas Armadas, fundamentalmente del Ejército, en 1982.... Chile estaba en unas inmejorables condiciones, porque la defensa es muy fuerte, sobre todo cuando se puede actuar mediante la dinámica propia, que no margina reacciones ofensivas dentro de la concepción defensiva." 2273:"Usted comprenderá que uno llega a estos grados pensando los pro y los contra de las cosas. Una guerra significa una detención o retroceso para un país de a lo menos 20 años. Hay que comenzar de nuevo. ¡No quiero guerra yo!; por lo demás, nosotros no habríamos peleado por ambiciones expansionistas sino defendiendo lo que teníamos, nada más. Ello, a pesar de que 1867:«By contrast, President Ronald Reagan went to great lengths to patch up relations between the two countries that it considered had been damaged by Carter's human rights-based policies: inviting Argentina's military leaders to Washington, exaggerating improvements in respect for human rights, and moving to repeal the Humphrey-Kennedy amendment.» 1371:«Al no llegar a un acuerdo entre ambos países, comienza durante las diversas negociaciones, la tercera fase de su maniobra, pasando a una estrategia de la disuasión directa, efectuando para lo anterior actitudes de amedrentamiento, desplazamientos de fuerzas y aumento sistemático de las violaciones a los espacios aéreos y marítimos chilenos.» 1492:
cifras con tal de que se hayen provistos de armamento de último modelo; pero en este país se carece de homogeneidad de población que caracteriza a Chile ... donde es unánime la exaltación patriótica y donde ha podido formarse un Ejército, que los oficiales alemanes proclaman comparable en su organización y cualidades al mejor de Europa
1178:, from the beginning of Operation Soberanía there were no critical misconceptions on Argentina's side about Chile's commitment to defend its territory: the entire Chilean Navy was in the disputed area, an unequivocal fact at Cape Horn. As stated by David R. Mares in "Violent Peace: Militarized Interstate Bargaining in Latin America": 1442:"Chile, nevertheless, benefits from considerable advantages in the far south, including good ports, control over the Strait of Magellan, as well as the Fuegian and Patagonian channels, branching off laterally from the strait, which gives Chile geographical and logistical advantages in the Drake Passage." 1992:
Michael Morris in «The Strait of Magellan», published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1989, p. 150 cited secure Chilean internal lines of communication between the Beagle Channel and the Strait of Magellan through the Fueguian channels and that the Chilean capacity to surge its fleet
Si Chile adoptaba una actitud estratégica defensiva y Argentina hubiese tenido que adoptar una actitud ofensiva, Chile estaba en unas inmejorables condiciones, porque la defensa es muy fuerte, sobre todo cuando se puede actuar mediante la dinámica propia, que no margina reacciones ofensivas dentro de
The newspaper Clarín explained some years later that such caution was based, in part, on military concerns. In order to achieve a victory, certain objectives had to be reached before the seventh day after the attack. Some military leaders considered this not enough time due to the difficulty involved
government delivered the vessels, submarines and planes behind schedule and the aero-engines and the submarine spare parts were "blacked" by the unions until October 1978 as they were removed from the East Kilbride plant by a combination of police, haulage contractors, sheriff's officers and Chilean
La enmienda impedía vender armas a Chile hasta que se verificaran tres condiciones: un progreso significativo en el respeto de los derechos humanos en ese país; garantías de que la dictadura de Pinochet no encubriría a terroristas internacionales y que, por lo tanto, iba a juzgar a los implicados en
y dar pábulo para que Chile fuera tal vez acusado de ser el país agresor. Pero las consecuencias que se derivarían de obtener una clara superioridad iniciada en el mar, contribuirían a crear aceleradamente condiciones apropiadas para imponer la paz o para facilitar la futura condición de una guerra
2017:"Ellos suponían que iban a invadir Chile, Santiago, especialmente. Les parecía algo muy fácil; una cuestión de cruzar la frontera y que los chilenos se iban a dar por vencidos. Y yo les decía: No, no, se equivocan. Ellos tienen una armada mejor que la de ustedes. Están bien armados, son muy fuertes" 1182:
These Chilean advantages do not imply that it could have won the war against Argentina, but that is not the relevant point. To deter their neighbors the Chileans do not have to demonstrate a capability to win. They need, instead, to make a credible case that a military adventure against Chile would
According to Clarín, two consequences were feared. First, those who were dubious feared a possible regionalization of the conflict. Second, as a consequence, the conflict could acquire great power proportions. In the first case decisionmakers speculated that Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Brazil might
They supposed that they were going to invade Chile, Santiago especially. It seemed to them something very easy; Just a matter of crossing the border and that the Chileans were going to surrender right away. And I told them: No, no, you are mistaken. They have a better Navy than yours. They are well
According to Argentine sources, after the Argentine repudiation of the arbitration award in January 1978, the invasion plans were given different names depending on the planning level and phase. Also, the targets of the invasion changed according to the political situation and to the information
La Républica Argentina es, sin duda, el estado más rico de Sud América, su marina es más fuerte en número y en calidad de buques que la de Chile, posee elementos de guerra para armar un ejército de 300.000 hombres y en sus arsenales y depósitos militares, se ha gastado y se gasta sin reparar en
293:, Germany, and Austria exported weapons to Argentina even during the critical phase of the Beagle conflict, as Argentina had already rejected the international binding Arbitral Award. In December 1978, when the outbreak of war appeared unavoidable, the German shipbuilding and engineering works 1187:
Although it had called off the operation, the Argentine government never gave up on the use of military force to pressure Chile. After the invasion of the Falklands on 2 April 1982, the Argentine junta planned the military occupation of the disputed islands in the Beagle channel, as stated by
At the time of the crisis, the Argentine military was substantially larger than that of Chile; in addition, the Chilean regime was more politically isolated and had suffered deteriorating relations with its main suppliers of arms. The Chilean military, however, had the advantage of defending
Displaying the mentality of the Argentine military regime in the 1970s, as another example, there was "Plan Rosario" according to which Argentina would attack the Malvinas and then turn to settle the Beagle Channel problem by force. The sequence, according to the plan, could also be
2671:"In the Malvinas dispute, the United States and Great Britain failed to signal deterrence credibly. In the Beagle Channel dispute, however, Chile successfully signaled its willingness to follow through, and Argentina rightly understood that the costs of all-out war were too high." 1343:
in February 1978 President of Argentina Jorge Videla threatened, See General Juan E. Gugliamelli: "Cuestión del Beagle. Negociación directa o diálogo de armas", (Spanish Language) compiled from articles in magazine "Estrategia", Buenos Aires Nr:49/50, January–February 1978:
1677:«… en el mismo mes de junio de 1981, la Argentina adquirió 57 tanques austríacos, operación que generó los recelos del lado chileno, pues en 1980 el mismo país proveedor de esos tanques les negó a los militares trasandinos la compra de 100 unidades …» 195:
about the Chilean defense effort: the target being first only the Picton, Nueva and Lennox islands, then the "little" Evout, Hoorn, Deceit and Barnevelt islands, then both groups of islands. Finally, on Friday 15 December 1978 Argentina's President
prepared political instructions to be followed in the southern zone after the disputed islands were under Argentinian sovereignty. They defined the new border, navigation rights for Chilean ships, instructions in case of confrontations with the
2354: 1141:
actually crossed the border into Chile or only waited at the border for the result of the naval combat cannot be established. Argentine sources insist that they crossed the border which would be inconsistent with the two-phase war plan.
There was no surprise factor, since the Chilean military kept movements of the Argentine fleet under surveillance and monitored the build-up of Argentine troops. Chilean troops were deployed along the border, ready to meet any invaders.
2366: 642:, ("Memorial del Ejército de Chile", Edición Nº 471, Santiago, Chile, 2003, S. 54-55), stated that the Argentine General Staff planned the operation under the name "Planeamiento Conjunto de Operaciones Previstas contra Chile". 3182:, Santiago de Chile, 2 September 2005, Spanish Language. There are Interviews with contemporary witness like Ernesto Videla, Jaime Del Valle, Helmut Brunner, Marcelo Delpech und Luciano Benjamín Menéndez. Spanish Language. 3333: 1378:«As the two nations didn't agree , the third phase of the plan began, coming to a strategy of direct dissuasion, with intimidation, strong-arm tactics and a systematic air and maritime Chilean space violations» 3369: 106: 88: 3407: 2793:
Para nosotros no lo estará , porque, inmediatamente después de barrido el enemigo de las Malvinas, debe serlo de las Georgias, Sandwich del Sur y de todos los demás archipiélagos australes argentinos, ...
See pp. 242–43 from "Argentina in the twentieth Century" or "Breve Historia Contemporanea de la Argentina", Luis Alberto Romero, 1994, Pennsylvania State University Press or Fondo de Cultura Economica,
2744:, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Argentina from 29 March 1981 to 11 December 1981, in his "Memorias Políticas", Editorial Planeta, Buenos Aires, 1999, p. 281 confirms the plan of Argentine military: 3448: 1329:«When it became clear that the Chileans wanted full acceptance of the resolution, the Argentine position hardened, and Argentina began to challenge the Chilean commitment to defend the territory» 1770:
plant indicated that the engines were all rusting away anyway, because they have been left packed in crates and left outside the warehouse ever since the overhaul work had been completed in 1975"
100: 1816: 208:
difficult terrain, as well as being a more professional force, while decades of intervention by the Argentine armed forces in day-to-day politics had degraded their professional skills.
signed the order to invade on 21 December 1978 at 04:30 as the beginning of the invasion, but it was postponed to the next day because of the bad weather conditions in the landing zone.
1494:(See Pedro Santos Martínez, "Documentos Diplomáticos sobre historia argentina, 1850–1954"), Tomo V: 1890–1909. Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Históricas "Cuyo", Mendoza, 2002, 3362: 2826:"una guerra de montonera, matando todos los días, fusilando gente, tanto por parte de los argentinos como por nuestra parte, y al final, por cansancio, se habría llegado a la paz" 1165:
intervene. Then the great powers could take sides. In this case, the resolution of the conflict would depend not on the combatants, but on the countries that supplied the weapons.
3102:"El belicismo de los dictadores, Instrucciones Políticas Particulares para la Zona Austral para la Etapa Posterior a la Ejecución de Actos de Soberanía en las Islas en Litigio" 1096:
to frustrate an Argentine landing. Rear Admiral Raúl López, Chief of the Chilean fleet, kept silent as to whether he would simply wait or initiate an attack on the enemy navy.
Rubén Madrid Murúa, "La Estrategia Nacional y Militar que planificó Argentina, en el marco de una estrategia total, para enfrentar el conflicto con Chile el año 1978", p. 55:
In 1978, the United States extended the Kennedy amendment to Argentina as well because of its human rights record, which led to the Armed Forces purchases shifting to Europe:
160:. The invasion was initiated on 22 December 1978 but was halted after a few hours and Argentine forces retreated from the conflict zone without a fight. Whether the Argentine 49: 2754:«The military planning was, with the Falklands in Argentine hand, to invade the disputed islands in the Beagle Channel. That was the determination of the (Argentine) navy…») 1081:. In contrast to the defensive war planned by the Chilean Army in Punta Arenas and Puerto Natales, the Chilean army had plans for an attack to invade the Argentine part of 1395:, Una operación conjunta planificada durante el conflicto de 1978 por la soberanía de las islas del canal Beagle, by Alberto Gianola Otamendi, retrieved on 21 November 2012 2162: 1950:«… La incursión en los gobiernos de facto de 1955 y fundamentalmente la dictadura de 1976 habían alejado a las Fuerzas Armadas del profesionalismo que todos deseábamos …» 1839:
A través de la enmienda Humphrey-Kennedy, la Argentina también vio congelada en 1978 la ayuda militar de Estados Unidos a raíz de las violaciones de los derechos humanos.
3355: 2609:…Yo de esto hablé una vez con un teniente coronel que era jefe de un regimiento en la cordillera y que cuenta que sus patrullas cruzaron la frontera y entraron en Chile… 1256:…Yo de esto hablé una vez con un teniente coronel que era jefe de un regimiento en la cordillera y que cuenta que sus patrullas cruzaron la frontera y entraron en Chile… 1221:, Chief of Staff of the Argentine Army (1991–1999), caused a stir in 2003 when he declared his conviction that in 1978, Chile would have won the war had it broken out. 2140:"El ministro de Economía, Martínez de Hoz, y el jefe del Ejército, general Viola, que no querían que estallara el conflicto, me informaron en una cena diplomática que 1262:«I spoke once about this with a colonel-lieutenant who was a detachment chief in the mountains, and he told me that his patrols crossed the border and entered Chile…» 1085:, but control of the island of Tierra del Fuego was considered a secondary goal since its control was believed to depend on the outcome of the clash of the navies. 1004:
would protect the north of Argentina from a potential Brazilian attack and its II Brigada de Caballería blindada would protect the Argentine region of Río Mayo in
3611: 2665:
Violent Peace: Militarized Interstate Bargaining in Latin America Latin American Politics and Society, Fall 2002 a Book recension by Aguilar, Manuela Aguilar in
1458:"Umgekehrt hätte für Chile positiv zu Buche geschlagen die von militärischen Fachleuten als allgemein höher bewertete Kampfkraft der chilenischen Streitkräfte." 2438: 1683:«on juni 1981 Argentina bought 57 austrian tanks, this operation arouse suspicion on the Chilean side because 1980 Austria refused to sell 100 tanks to Chile» 3193: 1306: 182:
On 25 January 1978 Argentina rejected the decision and attempted to militarily coerce Chile into negotiating a division of the islands that would produce a
1947:, Chief of Staff of the Argentine Army (1991–1999), in the Chilean newspaper "La Tercera" on 21 December 2003, stored in seprin, retrieved 30 August 2008: 1585: 326: 2711: 1426:...that Chile had a significant defender’s advantage, given the professional quality of Chilean troops and well-developed supply and communications lines. 1731: 2538: 1541: 2748:«Los planes militares eran, en la hipótesis de resolver el caso Malvinas, invadir las islas en disputa en el Beagle. Esa era la decisión de la Armada…» 1982:«…Some military leaders considered this not enough time due to the difficulty involved in transportation through the passes over the Andean Mountains…» 3484: 620:
against Chile have been released. But so many individual accounts exist among the Argentine ranks that the existence of a plan has not been disputed.
3586: 1737: 658: 1487:
in Buenos Aires informed to his government in Madrid about the danger of a war between Chile and Argentina. About the strength of the forces told:
2973:"La Estrategia Nacional y Militar que planificó Argentina, en el marco de una estrategia total, para enfrentar el conflicto con Chile el año 1978" 2302:"La Estrategia Nacional y Militar que planificó Argentina, en el marco de una estrategia total, para enfrentar el conflicto con Chile el año 1978" 640:"La Estrategia Nacional y Militar que planificó Argentina, en el marco de una estrategia total, para enfrentar el conflicto con Chile el año 1978" 3591: 2157:. Le pediría que transmitiera este mensaje con claridad absoluta a Buenos Aires. El presidente Carter está al tanto de nuestra conversación..." 1813: 94: 3241: 3179: 3101: 2131: 1636:«… seit 1974 verhalf Bonn zudem den Streitkräften fast aller südamerikanischen Meeresanrainer (Ausnahme: Chile) zu stärkerer Seetüchtigkeit…» 3493: 3414: 2922:), in Spanish Language. (Book compiled from articles of Argentine Magazin "Estrategia", Buenos Aires Nr:49/50, enero-febrero 1978, published. 1912: 1814:
Fuerza de submarinos de la Armada Argentina en la crisis de 1978 - Ricardo Burzaco, Defensa y Seguridad MERCOSUR-Año 8-Nº43 (Mayo-Junio 2008)
1712: 1175: 669: 176: 44: 3323: 3295: 3277: 3259: 2242: 2217: 2032: 2006: 223:, though the U.S. helped install the Pinochet administration initially. The United States banned the export of weapons to Chile through the 3400: 3212: 2196: 2971: 2954: 2305: 1993:
out quickly from the Straits of Magellan into the Atlantic threatened the precarious Argentine supply line to forces south of the Strait.
The Argentines planned amphibious landings to seize the islands southwards of the Beagle Channel, along with massive land-based attacks:
Toma de decisiones políticas y la influencia de los discursos oficialistas durante el Connflicto del Beagle: Chile - Argentina 1977-1979
132: 1213:
a guerrilla war, killing every day, shooting people, by both sides, and in the end, by a matter of fatigue, we would have reached peace
and then, in a second phase, either to stop or continue hostilities according to the Chilean reaction. Argentina had already drafted a
3581: 2506: 2271:
with María Eugenia Oyarzún in "Augusto Pinochet: Diálogos con su historia", Editorial Sudamericana, Santiago, Chile, 1999. (S. 127):
1130:, alarmed by the situation, decided to act personally and informed both governments that he was sending his personal envoy, Cardinal 3309: 3093: 3071: 3053: 2995: 2934: 2806: 2767: 2697: 2633: 2572: 2159: 2114: 2096: 2088: 2065: 1704: 1499: 1278: 2737:
Para colmo, Galtieri dijo en un discurso: “Que saquen el ejemplo de lo que estamos haciendo ahora porque después les toca a ellos”.
1466:"On the other hand, in accordance with the military experts, Chile was benefited of the higher combat strength of the armed forces" 235:'s were delivered to Chile before the embargo took effect, but they arrived without any armament. In 1980 Chile was excluded from 2948: 2323: 2175: 997: 710: 676: 2486:, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Facultad de Historia , Geografía y Ciencia Política, Instituto de Historia, p. 100: 2385: 2355:
Satisfacción de los Gobiernos argentino y chileno al confirmar oficialmente la existencia de un acuerdo sobre el canal de Beagle
by an international tribunal, under the auspices of the British Government, to settle the boundary dispute. On 22 May 1977 the
3106: 2515: 2471:"La escuadra en acción", by Patricia Arancibia Clavel and Francisco Bulnes Serrano. Editorial Grijalbo, Santiago de Chile, 2004 1183:
not be cheap. In 1978, the Argentine Junta could not be very confident that war would produce a low-cost victory against Chile.
1047: 1014:
Argentina solicited a Peruvian attack in Chile's north, but Peru rejected this demand and ordered only a partial mobilization.
378: 302: 1314:, Mai 2004, Working Paper #29, p. 9, James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Energy Forum, retrieved on 26 August 2008 714: 3018: 2640:
in Argentine newspaper "La Nación" on 12 August 1996, stored in "Base de Datos SER en el 2000", retrieved on 30 August 2008:
in Argentine newspaper "La Nación" on 12 August 1996, stored in "Base de Datos SER en el 2000", retrieved on 30 August 2008:
in Argentine newspaper "La Nación" on 12 August 1996, stored in "Base de Datos SER en el 2000", retrieved on 30 August 2008:
Chile planted mines in certain areas along its borders with Argentina, Bolivia and Peru. and dynamited some mountain passes.
2666: 1780: 1716: 2880: 1666: 1438:
Michael A. Morris, "The Strait of Magellan", Clemson University, South Carolina, USA, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, p. 160:
2408: 2903: 3596: 3525: 726: 164:
actually crossed the border into Chile has not been established. Argentine sources insist that they crossed the border.
Interview with the former Chief of the "Secretaría General del Ejército" (a Think-Tank of the Argentine Army), General
2054:"De hecho, Chile no iba a ser el país atacante. Lo tenía todo: las islas y más aún. Era el generalato argentino el que 1940: 1892: 1483:. On 5 November 1900, 78 years prior, in a similar strained situation, Julio de Arellano, Minister Plenipotentiary of 1134:, to both capitals. Six hours before landing, the Argentine fleet turned back and Operation Soberanía was called off. 2446: 3601: 3472: 3456: 3086:
Der argentinisch-chilenische Konflikt um den Beagle-Kanal. Ein Beitrag zu den Methoden friedlicher Streiterledigung
168: 76: 3190: 3014:, Berichte und Urkunden: Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, German Language 2589:«finally they accepted to stop the time counting, to withdraw the forces and to wait for the papal envoy … » 2419: 1479:
The reputation built upon professionalism of the Chilean armed forces impressed the observer since the end of the
3164: 1960: 1620:
Michael Morris, «The Strait of Magellan», published by Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, The Netherlands, 1989, p. 128
1303: 668:
at 22:00 on 22 December 1978 the Argentine task force (with Naval Infantry Battalions N° 3 and N° 4) would seize
3576: 2785: 2721: 54: 3252: 2583:«Finalmente se aceptó detener la cuenta regresiva, dar marcha atrás y esperar la llegada del enviado papal …» 2927:
Beagle-Konflikt und Falkland (Malwinen)-Krieg. Zur Außenpolitik der Argentinischen Militarregierung 1976-1983
2548: 1538: 3440: 3223: 125: 3606: 3533: 1877: 1788: 1743: 570: 364: 1192:, chief of the Argentine Air Force during the Falklands war, in an interview with the Argentine magazine 3384: 2209:
a través de la prensa y los medios de comunicación, que demostraba cuál era la actitud del oficialismo."
1724: 1596:«When the embargo took effect, the Chilean Air Force had just taken delivery of 16 Northrup-built F-5s…» 298: 1420:"Democratization and Strategic Thinking: What the Military in Argentina and Chile Learned in the 1990s" 1039: 746:
Resources and mission of Argentine Forces for the phases 1 and 2 according to Alberto Gianola Otamendi
224: 2644:…«No restaba mucho tiempo: las primeras patrullas de infantería del Ejército pisaban ya suelo chileno… 1518: 1289:…«No restaba mucho tiempo: las primeras patrullas de infantería del Ejército pisaban ya suelo chileno… 3501: 3393: 2741: 2404: 2193: 1573:
el asesinato de Letelier, y que la venta del armamento fuera de interés nacional para Estados Unidos.
1147:"Predicting the probability of war during brinkmanship crisis: The Beagle and the Malvinas conflicts" 1107: 555: 370: 345:(1981–1989) would later improve relations to Argentina due to their military support for Nicaragua's 2895:
Predicting the Probability of War During Brinkmanship Crises: The Beagle and the Malvinas Conflicts.
3464: 3204: 2289:
Predicting the Probability of War During Brinkmanship Crises: The Beagle and the Malvinas Conflicts
Predicting the Probability of War During Brinkmanship Crises: The Beagle and the Malvinas Conflicts
1074: 699: 632: 330: 275: 265: 1909: 1642:«since 1974 Bonn strengthened the navies of all South American coastal states (exception: Chile)» 3320: 3292: 3274: 3256: 3238: 3111: 2481: 2239: 2214: 2128: 2029: 2003: 1791: 1589: 1480: 628: 599: 574: 255: 118: 1850: 1103: 1419: 1348:«… las negociaciones directas constituyen la única vía pacífica para solucionar el conflicto …» 1202:
L.F. Galtieri: have to know that what we are doing now, because they will be the next in turn.
3517: 3089: 3067: 3049: 2991: 2930: 2802: 2763: 2693: 2300: 2110: 2092: 2084: 2041:... la mediación del papa Juan Pablo II fue providencial para la Argentina: no sólo evitó una 1862: 1784: 1708: 1700: 1495: 1189: 1131: 1127: 1001: 722: 703: 692: 654: 617: 374: 357: 1011:
The Argentine Armed Forces expected between 30,000 and 50,000 dead in the course of the war.
3270: 3219: 3149: 2983: 2876: 2268: 1659: 1206: 1082: 738: 602:
described the attitude of the Argentine military towards a possible war with the following:
591: 350: 259: 216: 3347: 2950:
The Vatican Mediation of the Beagle Channel Dispute: Crisis Intervention and Forum Building
2329: 2155:
el gobierno de los Estados Unidos y sus aliados de la OTAN los van a calificar de agresores
1392: 3432: 3327: 3299: 3281: 3263: 3245: 3197: 2637: 2576: 2389: 2309: 2246: 2221: 2179: 2166: 2135: 2069: 2036: 2010: 1916: 1896: 1820: 1758: 1545: 1310: 1282: 1005: 730: 220: 157: 30: 3186: 2979: 2976:, Memorial del Ejército de Chile, Edición Nº 471, Santiago, Chile, 2003, Spanish Language 2864:"Beagle Channel Arbitration between the Republic of Argentina and the Republic of Chile." 2797:
All articles of M. Schönfeld in "La Prensa" from 10 January 1982 to 2 August 1982 are in
2630: 2569: 2312:, Memorial del Ejército de Chile, Edición Nº 471, Santiago, Chile, 2003, Spanish Language 2235: 2062: 1275: 1218: 680: 3339: 2510: 2367:
Los militares involucionistas argentinos consideran una traición el acuerdo sobre Beagle
1608: 3541: 3009: 1776: 1066: 1023: 688: 650: 251:
the traditional supplier of the Chilean Armed Forces, did not supply weapons to Chile.
248: 172: 70: 3100:
Amato, Alberto; Pavon, Héctor; Rubín, Sergio; Lecziky, Uri; Guido, Braslavsky (1998).
2172: 1834: 1663: 1565: 3570: 3509: 2839: 2382: 2200: 2148: 1767: 1720: 1670: 1230: 734: 342: 294: 2863: 2483:
El Conflicto del Beagle y la prensa: un debate limitado. Chile-Argentina (1977–1979)
Pacho O'Donnell, "Historias Argentinas", 1. Edicion, Buenos Aires, Sudamerica, 2006
in the case of an invasion. A defensive position was built up the narrowest part of
over Chile's military occupation of the disputed islands was to precede the attack.
Siehe Interview with Sergio Onofre Jarpa, Ambassador Chile's in Argentina in 1978,
1944: 1798: 1514: 1454:
Karl Hernekamp , "Der argentinisch-chilenisch Grenzstreit am Beagle-Kanal", p. 84:
1340: 1111: 1093: 1078: 1028: 684: 580: 336: 314: 232: 212: 196: 17: 3185:
Interview with the (later, in the nineties) Chief Commander of the Argentine Army
2846: 2543: 2378: 1837:
in Argentine newspaper "La Nacion" on 27 August 2009 (retrieved 27. August 2009):
and the violations of human rights by the Pinochet regime. In October 1981, under
in Argentine newspaper "La Nacion" on 27 August 2009. (retrieved 27 August 2009):
The Argentines' numerical advantage was counterbalanced by the following factors:
2771: 2687: 1354:«…the direct negotiations are the only peaceful manner to resolve the conflict …» 3134: 1629: 675:
at 24:00 on 22 December 1978 the invasion of continental Chile would begin. The
provided advantages to Chilean naval forces in the immediate operational theatre
Universidad del CEMA, Argentina, Documento de Trabajo No. 244, September 2003.
1539:"US Arms Transfer Policy for Latin America Lifting the Ban on Fighter Aircraft" 1126:, a severe storm impeded Argentine operations in the disputed area. Meanwhile, 3208: 3172: 3157: 3142: 2350: 1920: 1100: 1062: 1043: 384: 3226:
de Santiago de Chile, (from the Argentine Magazine "Somos"), Spanish Language
3048:. Pennsylvania State University Press, translated by James P. Brennan, 1994, 2228:
impulsado por el afán belicista de los halcones del régimen militar argentino
1697:"The Politics of British Arms Sales Since 1964: To Secure Our Rightful Share" 616:
No Argentine official documents or statements concerning the planning of the
Interview with the Ambassador of the United States of America in Argentina,
3230: 2258: 2013:, Argentina, on Sunday 20. December 1998. Original as published in Spanish: 1964: 662: 624: 360: 310: 281: 149: 1889: 1775:
The relations between Chile and UK has been also seriously damaged by the
There was considerable international condemnation of the Chilean regime's
1956: 1138: 1070: 306: 161: 3150:
Corporación de Televisión de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
1787:, the UK announced its first significant arms sale with the sale of the 3234: 3110:(in Spanish). Buenos Aires (published 20 December 1998). Archived from 2905:
Historia general de las relaciones exteriores de la República Argentina
Historia general de las Relaciones Exteriores de la República Argentina
2423: 2226:"el drama que se estaba por abatir sobre la Argentina y Chile en 1978, 2124: 1849:"Wie geschmiert - Rüstungsproduktion und Waffenhandel im Raum Hamburg" 1656:
Historia general de las Relaciones Exteriores de la República Argentina
mountain range is a difficult natural barrier and the geography of the
346: 244: 240: 661:) under the command of Humberto José Barbuzzi would seize the islands 2716: 1967:) disconnected the Argentine armed forces from its professional duty» 1194: 1089: 672:
islands and secure for the navy the east mouth of the Beagle Channel.
290: 236: 229:
International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976
183: 2893: 2288: 1149: 623:
The Argentine Government planned to first occupy the islands around
on 2 June 1982 about the Argentine Course of Action after the War:
The combat-ready Chilean fleet sailed on 22 December 1978 from the
record, with the United States expressing particular concern after
1484: 1038: 718: 587: 271: 153: 107:
Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1984 between Chile and Argentina
The Beagle-Question, direct Negotiations or Dialog of the Weapons
1899:, Sabrina Melidoni, Buenos Aires, 2006 (p. 45).(Spanish Language) 1699:, Mark Phythian, published by Manchester University Press, 2000, 1151:
considers the reasons for cancelling the operation (p. 45):
3081:, Editorial Aconcagua, Santiago de Chile, 1984, Spanish Language 3023:
Academia Chilena de Ciencias Sociales, 1985, in Spanish language
3351: 1757:), spare parts and the overhaul of Hawker Hunter turbines. The 1156:
in transportation through the passes over the Andean Mountains.
3030:. Editorial Diagraf, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Spanish Language 1715:, 352 pp., (pp. 105 ff). The UK signed contracts prior to the 517: 450: 2964:. 1984, Editorial Moisés Garrido Urrea, id = A-1374-84 XIII, 2944:(in German). Hamburg: Institut für Iberoamerika-Kunde, 1980. 2762:
Cambridge Studies in International Relations, 1996, 271 pp.,
2251:"Si hay tipos que pensaban que no había otra solución que la 369:(built and completed in the UK) sailed to Argentina from the 3020:
Comentarios sobre el tratado de paz y amistad con Argentina.
en el otro lado había deseos de agresión y vientos de guerra
Cuestión del Beagle. Negociación directa o diálogo de armas
2511:"En 1978, la DINA planeó envenenar el agua de Buenos Aires" 2929:(in German). München/Köln/London: Weltforum Verlag, 1987. 239:
joint naval maneuvers because of human rights violations.
Serrano, Francisco Bulnes and Patricia Arancibia Clavel.
Relaciones Chileno-Argentinas, La controversia del Beagle
2422:. International Campaign to Ban Landmines. Archived from 1031:, dealing with injured personnel, prisoners of war, etc. 3200:
de Santiago de Chile, 2 September 2005, Spanish Language
2153:"Si ustedes toman una sola roca, por minúscula que sea, 2151:, US-national security advisor, to the Argentine Junta: 598:
The Ambassador of the United States in Argentina (1978)
Der argentinisch-chilenisch Grenzstreit am Beagle-Kanal
foresaw a long and bloody war, a kind of partisan war:
2602: 2049: 1407: 1249: 383:(built in Argentina, completed in the UK) sailed from 2957:
of Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict.
se había tomado la decisión de desencadenar la guerra
y se puso en marcha el reloj de la cuenta regresiva."
1548:, Dr. Frank O. Mora, Lt. Col. Antonio L. Palá, USAF: 392: 175:
Government announced the decision, which awarded the
3273:, President of Argentina after the Falkland War, in 3483: 3424: 3383: 3215:, Santiago, Chile, 17 March 2002, Spanish Language 3037:. Editorial Nemont, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1979, 1106:is reported to have worked on a plan to poison the 254:In 1974 the Argentine Navy incorporated two modern 3330:, Buenos Aires, 20 December 1998, Spanish Language 3302:, Buenos Aires, 20 December 1998, Spanish Language 3284:, Buenos Aires, 20 December 1998, Spanish Language 3248:, Buenos Aires, 20 December 1998. Spanish Language 3028:La Argentina en el Beagle y Atlántico sur 1. Parte 3011:Der Schiedsspruch in der Beagle-Kanal-Streitigkeit 2801:, Manfred Schönfeld, Desafío Editores S.A., 1982, 1779:affair, the use of British made planes during the 3312:, Buenos Aires, 12. August 1996, Spanish Language 2988:Dejo Constancia: memorias de un general argentino 2840:"Martín Balza: Chile hubiera ganado una guerra." 1980:Alejandro Luis Corbacho, reasons of the call off: 649:at 20:00 on 22 December 1978 a task force of the 390:An overview of both countries' defense spending: 3307:Beagle: historia secreta de la guerra que no fue 3266:Buenos Aires, 20 December 1998, Spanish Language 2850:, 14 December 2003. Retrieved: 4 September 2010. 2631:Beagle: historia secreta de la guerra que no fue 2570:Beagle: historia secreta de la guerra que no fue 2328:, Argentina: Fundacion Histarmar, archived from 1276:Beagle: historia secreta de la guerra que no fue 3035:Argentina en el Atlántico, Chile en el Pacífico 2914:Gugliamelli, Juan E., Divisionsgeneral (a.D.). 2867:Report and Decision of the Court of Arbitration 2641: 2606: 2439:"Cuando Chile y Argentina encendieron la mecha" 1941:En 1978, Chile hubiese derrotado a la Argentina 1211: 1200: 1180: 1162: 1153: 663:Horn, Freycinet, Hershell, Deceit and Wollaston 604: 167:In 1971, Chile and Argentina agreed to binding 3001:Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile. 2962:El arbitraje del Beagle y la actitud Argentina 1865:Human Rights Watch. Retrieved: 16 August 2008: 1554:cited from US Code, vol. 22, sec. 2370 (1976). 3363: 3079:La mediación de su S.S. el Papa Juan Pablo II 2547:(in Spanish). 19 October 2002. Archived from 1955:«the incursion into the (daily) politics as 363:to the Argentine junta. On 19 September 1977 126: 8: 3408:South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 2712:"Después de Malvinas, iban a atacar a Chile" 2467: 2465: 2463: 1403: 1401: 1022:For the postwar phase of the operation, the 2692:New York: Columbia University Press, 2001. 1537:"Published Airpower Journal", Spring 1999, 3370: 3356: 3348: 3088:. Verlag Peter Lang, Frankfurt a.M. 1992, 2820:Augusto Pinochet, diálogos con su historia 2539:"Chile planeó un ataque biológico en 1978" 2039:Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20 December 1998 1890:Distribución de capacidades en el Cono Sur 1304:Natural Gas Pipelines in the Southern Cone 1077:to avoid or delay an Argentine capture of 744: 133: 119: 26: 3005:. Genf 1979, English and Spanish Language 2783:See also article of Manfred Schönfeld in 190:Date, objective and name of the operation 3449:Patagonia west of the continental divide 3378:Territorial disputes involving Argentina 2990:. Editorial Planeta, Buenos Aires 2001, 2818:Interview with María Eugenia Oyarzún in 2682: 2680: 2257:. "Cachetada" ("a slap in the face") is 772:Naval interdiction of the Beagle Channel 729:" (today Cardenal Samore Pass) to seize 691:, the largest two cities of the Chilean 305:. In November 1978 France delivered two 1963:) and mainly the dictatorship of 1976 ( 1242: 309:to Argentina, originally built for the 62: 36: 29: 3222:, Commandant of the III Army Corps in 2488:Estaba consciente que tomaría con ello 148:(Operation Sovereignty) was a planned 3612:December 1978 events in South America 2491:la grave responsabilidad de iniciarla 1586:"Chileans Try an Air Force Their Way" 1176:1982 invasion of the Falkland Islands 717:would start an offensive through the 7: 3425:Disputes settled in the 20th century 3033:Rojas, Isaac F. and Arturo Medrano: 2902:Escudé, Carlos and Andrés Cisneros. 2760:The State, War, and the State of War 2437:Moraga, Patricio (1 November 2004), 2401:The state, war, and the state of war 2325:Preludios de Acción Militar Conjunta 2074:"Se tomó, por tanto, la decisión de 1393:Preludios de Acción Militar Conjunta 1018:Plan for the time after the invasion 579:The politicization of the Argentine 569:Chile spent a higher portion of its 325:, could not be delivered because of 3066:. Chile, Editorial Grijalbo, 2004, 2445:(in Spanish), Chile, archived from 2207:una campaña muy odiosa contra Chile 795:Landing of BIM sect. in the islands 583:diminished their military readiness 3046:Argentina in the twentieth Century 2322:Gianola Otamendi, Alberto (2012), 186:consistent with Argentine claims. 25: 3218:Interview with Argentine General 1835:Una enmienda clave para la región 1566:Una enmienda clave para la región 1327:, p. 6, retrieved 26 August 2008: 698:at daylight 23 December 1978 the 566:Defense is less risky than attack 329:; in Argentina they were renamed 3163:Argentine Telecast of Argentine 2184:"Ahí, Argentina rompió reglas y 1217:Argentine Falklands War veteran 1069:were selected to serve as extra 1008:from a possible Chilean attack. 631:. An Argentine complaint in the 423: 3587:National Reorganization Process 2822:, 1999. Original as published: 2758:See also Kalevi Jaakko Holsti, 2224:, Argentina, 20 December 1998: 1048:Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego 3317:Historia de la santa mediación 3211:in Argentina 1978 to 1982 in 2720:. Buenos Aires. Archived from 2480:Gustavo Andrés Delgado Muñoz, 2249:, Argentina, 20 December 1998: 2169:, Argentina, 21 December 2003 2002:Interview with Raúl Castro in 848:12 SA 316 B Alouette III (ARA) 1: 3592:Military history of Argentina 3415:Southern Patagonian Ice Field 3139:El año que vivimos en peligro 1851:Kriegsschiffe für Argentinien 1502:, pág. 124, documento nr.:368 1422:, Columbia University, p. 7: 903:T28, T34 and Aermacchi MB 326 838:Agrupación de Lanchas Rápidas 356:The United Kingdom delivered 3526:Laguna del Desierto incident 3154:Beagle: La guerra que no fue 3135:Televisión Nacional de Chile 2365:El País on 25. January 1984 2072:, Argentina 12 August 1996: 1943:, an interview with General 1145:Alejandro Luis Corbacho, in 928:ARA 25 de Mayo (+24 Skyhawk) 872:Sec. anfibious vehicle (VAR) 828:Destacamento Naval de Playas 805:Defense north of Lago Fagano 702:would begin attacks against 554:* Costs in millions of 1979 2881:"Las relaciones con Chile." 1919:with the Chilean newspaper 1766:"The union convenor at the 1050:Chile, photograph from 2006 915:section of BIM N°4 on board 607:armed, and are very strong. 542: 537: 532: 527: 522: 509: 506: 503: 500: 497: 494: 475: 470: 465: 460: 455: 442: 439: 436: 433: 430: 427: 303:building of four destroyers 3628: 3137:"Informe Especial", Theme 3017:Olivos, Sergio Gutiérrez. 2892:Corbacho, Alejandro Luis. 2123:Interview with Pio Laghi, 1880:, retrieved 16 August 2008 1517:for the Chilean newspaper 1174:Unlike the prelude to the 810: 792:Support and base for helos 765: 341:. United States President 270:, complementing two older 77:Beagle Channel arbitration 45:Beagle Channel cartography 3582:Military history of Chile 3334:Chile-Argentina Relations 3220:Luciano Benjamín Menéndez 2710:D, H (22 November 2009). 2287:Alejandro Luis Corbacho. 2213:"Cartas desde el abismo" 1878:Navy History of Argentina 1323:Alejandro Luis Corbacho, 1065:between Punta Arenas and 715:Luciano Benjamín Menéndez 484: 417: 395: 219:'s 1976 assassination in 3237:in Argentina, 1978, in 2786:La Prensa (Buenos Aires) 2383:La guerra que no ocurrió 2103:aggression against Chile 1928:la concepción defensiva. 798:Fire support for landing 775:Fire-support for landing 670:Picton, Nueva and Lennox 412: 409: 406: 403: 400: 397: 327:anti-apartheid embargoes 177:Picton, Nueva and Lennox 55:Picton, Lennox and Nueva 3077:Valdivieso, Fabio Vio. 2960:Madrid, Alberto Marín. 2234:Interview with General 2056:auspiciaba el estallido 1513:Interview with General 50:Boundary Treaty of 1881 3534:Sinking of Chian-der 3 3289:Cartas desde el Abismo 3044:Romero, Luis Alberto. 3008:Oellers-Frahm, Karin. 2875:Cisneros, Andrés and 2647: 2612: 2127:in Argentina in 1978, 2119:Se necesita una guerra 1961:Revolución Libertadora 1923:on 21. December 2001: 1824:(retrieved 2016-04-30) 1789:County-class destroyer 1215: 1204: 1185: 1167: 1158: 1137:Whether the Argentine 1051: 785:Landing in the islands 638:Rubén Madrid Murúa in 609: 571:gross domestic product 377:; on 28 November 1981 3457:Encuentro-Alto Palena 3160:) in Spanish Language 3061:La Escuadra En Acción 2980:Martín, Antonio Balza 2970:Madrid Murúa, Rubén. 2889:. Buenos Aires: Cema. 2299:Madrid Murúa, Rubén. 1797:and the naval tanker 1658:by Andrés Cisneros y 1521:on 21 December 2001: 1114:in the event of war. 1042: 1000:under the command of 968:BIM N°5 in Río Grande 713:under the command of 152:military invasion of 3502:Corbeta Uruguay base 3473:Martín García Island 3394:Argentine Antarctica 3152:"annonimos", Theme: 3148:Chilean Telecast of 3133:Chilean Telecast of 2838:Mendelevich, Pablo. 2449:on 27 September 2007 2426:on 11 February 2009. 2405:Kalevi Jaakko Holsti 2377:Argentine newspaper 2353:on 06. October 1984 2188:con el país vecino." 1611:. 1035:Chilean preparedness 681:José Antonio Vaquero 371:Vickers Shipbuilding 101:Argentine referendum 3597:Cancelled invasions 3494:Beagle channel maps 3465:Laguna del Desierto 3205:Sergio Onofre Jarpa 3178:Special edition of 3175:), Spanish Language 3169:Operativo Soberanía 3145:), Spanish Language 2925:Haffa, Annegret I. 2724:on 25 November 2009 2551:on 15 February 2016 2509:(19 October 2002). 2236:es:Reynaldo Bignone 1908:Martin Balza in an 1339:During a summit in 1075:Brunswick Peninsula 947:3 Grumman S2A / S2E 747: 700:Argentine Air Force 633:UN Security Council 283:Santiago del Estero 256:Type 209 submarines 146:Operación Soberanía 89:Direct negotiations 83:Operation Soberanía 18:Operation Soberania 3344:, Spanish Language 3336:, Spanish Language 3326:2009-09-09 at the 3298:2008-06-24 at the 3280:2009-09-09 at the 3262:2009-09-14 at the 3253:Raúl Héctor Castro 3244:2010-12-07 at the 3196:2008-06-25 at the 2998:, Spanish Language 2897:(Spanish Language) 2636:2007-09-27 at the 2575:2007-09-27 at the 2388:2008-12-20 at the 2349:Spanish newspaper 2332:on 18 January 2013 2308:2006-06-29 at the 2245:2009-09-09 at the 2220:2008-06-24 at the 2182:5 September 2005: 2178:2012-07-24 at the 2165:2007-10-24 at the 2134:2010-12-07 at the 2068:2007-09-27 at the 2043:guerra de agresión 2035:2009-09-09 at the 2009:2009-09-14 at the 1915:2013-02-27 at the 1895:2008-05-29 at the 1819:2016-06-03 at the 1719:for delivery of 7 1590:The New York Times 1544:2008-06-17 at the 1481:War of the Pacific 1391:Website Histamar, 1309:2007-07-09 at the 1281:2007-09-27 at the 1052: 782:Defense of Ushuaia 745: 629:declaration of war 516:percentage of the 449:percentage of the 380:Santísima Trinidad 297:and the Argentine 203:Military imbalance 179:islands to Chile. 3602:1978 in Argentina 3562: 3561: 3518:Hope Bay incident 3096:, German Language 2940:Hernekamp, Karl. 2799:La Guerra Austral 2603:Amato et al. 1998 2381:on 13 April 2005 2138:20 December 1998: 2050:Amato et al. 1998 1959:government 1955 ( 1853:(German Language) 1785:Margaret Thatcher 1762:representatives: 1747:-class submarines 1733:Almirante Condell 1713:978-0-7190-5907-0 1632:on 6 March 1978: 1408:Amato et al. 1998 1250:Amato et al. 1998 1190:Basilio Lami Dozo 1128:Pope John Paul II 1118:Operation aborted 1002:Leopoldo Galtieri 998:Second Army Corps 994: 993: 704:Chilean Air Force 693:Magallanes Region 679:under command of 655:Argentine Marines 618:war of aggression 559: 551: 550: 492:defense spending* 425:defense spending* 375:Barrow-in-Furness 317:. The corvettes, 225:Kennedy Amendment 143: 142: 97: (1979–1984) 91: (1977–1978) 79: (1971–1977) 16:(Redirected from 3619: 3555: 3545: 3537: 3529: 3521: 3513: 3505: 3497: 3476: 3468: 3460: 3452: 3444: 3436: 3417: 3410: 3403: 3401:Falkland Islands 3396: 3372: 3365: 3358: 3349: 3271:Reynaldo Bignone 3141:, (sometimes in 3123: 3121: 3119: 3114:on 15 April 2011 3084:Wagner, Andrea. 3065: 3040: 3026:Rojas, Isaac F. 2984:Mariano Grondona 2967: 2911: 2888: 2851: 2843: 2836: 2830: 2816: 2810: 2733: 2731: 2729: 2707: 2701: 2686:Mares, David R. 2684: 2675: 2663: 2657: 2628: 2622: 2600: 2594: 2567: 2561: 2560: 2558: 2556: 2535: 2529: 2528: 2526: 2524: 2507:González, Mónica 2503: 2497: 2478: 2472: 2469: 2458: 2457: 2456: 2454: 2434: 2428: 2427: 2416: 2410: 2398: 2392: 2375: 2369: 2363: 2357: 2347: 2341: 2340: 2339: 2337: 2319: 2313: 2297: 2291: 2285: 2279: 2269:Augusto Pinochet 2045:contra Chile ... 2027: 2021: 2000: 1994: 1990: 1984: 1978: 1972: 1938: 1932: 1906: 1900: 1887: 1881: 1875: 1869: 1860: 1854: 1847: 1841: 1832: 1826: 1811: 1805: 1694: 1688: 1653: 1647: 1627: 1621: 1618: 1612: 1606: 1600: 1583: 1577: 1563: 1557: 1535: 1529: 1511: 1505: 1477: 1471: 1452: 1446: 1436: 1430: 1416: 1410: 1405: 1396: 1389: 1383: 1365: 1359: 1337: 1331: 1321: 1315: 1301:David R. Mares, 1299: 1293: 1273: 1267: 1247: 1207:Augusto Pinochet 1083:Tierra del Fuego 869:Cía. Leopardo EA 748: 739:Los Lagos Region 725:", "Maipo" and " 711:Third Army Corps 677:Fifth Army Corps 592:Tierra del Fuego 553: 393: 351:Operation Charly 217:Orlando Letelier 135: 128: 121: 27: 21: 3627: 3626: 3622: 3621: 3620: 3618: 3617: 3616: 3577:Beagle conflict 3567: 3566: 3563: 3558: 3548: 3540: 3532: 3524: 3516: 3508: 3500: 3492: 3479: 3471: 3463: 3455: 3447: 3441:Puna de Atacama 3439: 3433:Beagle conflict 3431: 3420: 3413: 3406: 3399: 3392: 3385:Latent disputes 3379: 3376: 3328:Wayback Machine 3300:Wayback Machine 3282:Wayback Machine 3264:Wayback Machine 3246:Wayback Machine 3229:Interview with 3203:Interview with 3198:Wayback Machine 3165:History Channel 3130: 3117: 3115: 3099: 3063: 3038: 2965: 2909: 2886: 2860: 2855: 2854: 2841: 2837: 2833: 2817: 2813: 2727: 2725: 2709: 2708: 2704: 2685: 2678: 2664: 2660: 2638:Wayback Machine 2629: 2625: 2601: 2597: 2577:Wayback Machine 2568: 2564: 2554: 2552: 2537: 2536: 2532: 2522: 2520: 2505: 2504: 2500: 2479: 2475: 2470: 2461: 2452: 2450: 2436: 2435: 2431: 2418: 2417: 2413: 2399: 2395: 2390:Wayback Machine 2376: 2372: 2364: 2360: 2348: 2344: 2335: 2333: 2321: 2320: 2316: 2310:Wayback Machine 2298: 2294: 2286: 2282: 2266: 2247:Wayback Machine 2233: 2222:Wayback Machine 2212: 2191: 2186:apuró la guerra 2180:Wayback Machine 2171:"En su lógica" 2170: 2167:Wayback Machine 2147: 2136:Wayback Machine 2122: 2108: 2081: 2076:invadir a Chile 2070:Wayback Machine 2061: 2048: 2037:Wayback Machine 2028: 2024: 2011:Wayback Machine 2001: 1997: 1991: 1987: 1979: 1975: 1939: 1935: 1917:Wayback Machine 1907: 1903: 1897:Wayback Machine 1888: 1884: 1876: 1872: 1861: 1857: 1848: 1844: 1833: 1829: 1821:Wayback Machine 1812: 1808: 1759:James Callaghan 1739:Almirante Lynch 1728:-class frigates 1695: 1691: 1654: 1650: 1628: 1624: 1619: 1615: 1607: 1603: 1592:, 9 July 1988: 1584: 1580: 1564: 1560: 1546:Wayback Machine 1536: 1532: 1512: 1508: 1478: 1474: 1453: 1449: 1437: 1433: 1418:Kristina Mani, 1417: 1413: 1406: 1399: 1390: 1386: 1366: 1362: 1338: 1334: 1322: 1318: 1311:Wayback Machine 1300: 1296: 1283:Wayback Machine 1274: 1270: 1248: 1244: 1239: 1227: 1172: 1160:On p. 46: 1120: 1104:Eugenio Berríos 1037: 1020: 1006:Chubut Province 953:Beechcraft B200 950:3 heli Sea King 825:Grupo de Minado 614: 221:Washington D.C. 205: 192: 158:Beagle conflict 139: 95:Papal mediation 31:Beagle conflict 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 3625: 3623: 3615: 3614: 3609: 3604: 3599: 3594: 3589: 3584: 3579: 3569: 3568: 3560: 3559: 3557: 3556: 3546: 3542:Snipe incident 3538: 3530: 3522: 3514: 3506: 3498: 3489: 3487: 3481: 3480: 3478: 3477: 3469: 3461: 3453: 3445: 3437: 3428: 3426: 3422: 3421: 3419: 3418: 3411: 3404: 3397: 3389: 3387: 3381: 3380: 3377: 3375: 3374: 3367: 3360: 3352: 3346: 3345: 3337: 3331: 3313: 3303: 3285: 3267: 3249: 3227: 3216: 3201: 3183: 3176: 3161: 3146: 3129: 3128:External links 3126: 3125: 3124: 3097: 3082: 3075: 3057: 3042: 3031: 3024: 3015: 3006: 2999: 2977: 2968: 2958: 2955:Words Over War 2945: 2938: 2923: 2912: 2900: 2890: 2873: 2859: 2856: 2853: 2852: 2831: 2829: 2828: 2811: 2796: 2795: 2782: 2781: 2757: 2756: 2750: 2742:Óscar Camilión 2739: 2738: 2702: 2676: 2674: 2673: 2658: 2656: 2655: 2623: 2621: 2620: 2595: 2593: 2592: 2585: 2562: 2530: 2498: 2473: 2459: 2429: 2411: 2393: 2370: 2358: 2342: 2314: 2292: 2280: 2263:Aggression war 2255:, allá ellos." 2199:2012-09-07 at 2022: 2020: 2019: 1995: 1985: 1973: 1971: 1970: 1951: 1933: 1931: 1930: 1901: 1882: 1870: 1855: 1842: 1827: 1806: 1777:Sheila Cassidy 1774: 1773: 1723:aircraft, two 1689: 1687: 1686: 1679: 1669:2012-06-29 at 1648: 1646: 1645: 1638: 1622: 1613: 1601: 1599: 1598: 1578: 1576: 1575: 1558: 1556: 1555: 1530: 1528: 1527: 1506: 1504: 1503: 1472: 1470: 1469: 1463: 1460: 1447: 1445: 1444: 1431: 1429: 1428: 1411: 1397: 1384: 1382: 1381: 1374: 1360: 1358: 1357: 1350: 1332: 1316: 1294: 1292: 1291: 1268: 1266: 1265: 1258: 1241: 1240: 1238: 1235: 1234: 1233: 1226: 1223: 1171: 1168: 1132:Antonio Samoré 1119: 1116: 1067:Puerto Natales 1036: 1033: 1024:Argentine Navy 1019: 1016: 992: 991: 990: 989: 980: 979: 970: 969: 966: 956: 955: 954: 951: 948: 945: 944:12 Skyhawk A4Q 936: 935: 932: 929: 926: 917: 916: 906: 905: 904: 901: 900:7 Sikorsky FAA 898: 895: 894:3 Sea King ARA 886: 885: 876: 875: 874: 873: 870: 867: 864: 863:Cía. Kaiken IM 851: 850: 849: 840: 839: 830: 829: 826: 823: 822:Buzos Tácticos 813: 809: 808: 807: 806: 801: 800: 799: 796: 793: 788: 787: 786: 783: 778: 777: 776: 773: 768: 764: 763: 760: 757: 754: 751: 743: 742: 707: 696: 689:Puerto Natales 673: 666: 651:Argentine Navy 613: 612:Argentine plan 610: 596: 595: 584: 577: 567: 549: 548: 546: 541: 536: 531: 526: 521: 512: 511: 508: 505: 502: 499: 496: 493: 489: 488: 482: 481: 479: 474: 469: 464: 459: 454: 445: 444: 441: 438: 435: 432: 429: 426: 422: 421: 415: 414: 411: 408: 405: 402: 399: 396: 301:agreed to the 249:United Kingdom 204: 201: 191: 188: 141: 140: 138: 137: 130: 123: 115: 112: 111: 110: 109: 104: 98: 92: 86: 80: 74: 71:Snipe incident 65: 64: 60: 59: 58: 57: 52: 47: 39: 38: 34: 33: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 3624: 3613: 3610: 3608: 3607:1978 in Chile 3605: 3603: 3600: 3598: 3595: 3593: 3590: 3588: 3585: 3583: 3580: 3578: 3575: 3574: 3572: 3565: 3553: 3552: 3547: 3543: 3539: 3535: 3531: 3527: 3523: 3519: 3515: 3511: 3510:Falklands 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2384: 2380: 2374: 2371: 2368: 2362: 2359: 2356: 2352: 2346: 2343: 2331: 2327: 2326: 2318: 2315: 2311: 2307: 2304: 2303: 2296: 2293: 2290: 2284: 2281: 2278: 2276: 2270: 2267:Interview of 2264: 2260: 2256: 2254: 2248: 2244: 2241: 2237: 2231: 2229: 2223: 2219: 2216: 2210: 2208: 2202: 2198: 2195: 2189: 2187: 2181: 2177: 2174: 2168: 2164: 2161: 2158: 2156: 2150: 2149:Robert Pastor 2145: 2143: 2137: 2133: 2130: 2126: 2120: 2116: 2115:950-07-2749-8 2112: 2106: 2104: 2098: 2097:0-271-02192-6 2094: 2090: 2089:0-271-02191-8 2086: 2079: 2077: 2071: 2067: 2064: 2059: 2057: 2051: 2046: 2044: 2038: 2034: 2031: 2026: 2023: 2018: 2015: 2014: 2012: 2008: 2005: 1999: 1996: 1989: 1986: 1983: 1977: 1974: 1968: 1966: 1962: 1958: 1952: 1949: 1948: 1946: 1942: 1937: 1934: 1929: 1925: 1924: 1922: 1918: 1914: 1911: 1905: 1902: 1898: 1894: 1891: 1886: 1883: 1879: 1874: 1871: 1868: 1864: 1859: 1856: 1852: 1846: 1843: 1840: 1836: 1831: 1828: 1825: 1822: 1818: 1815: 1810: 1807: 1803: 1802: 1796: 1795: 1790: 1786: 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Retrieved 3112:the original 3105: 3085: 3078: 3064:(in Spanish) 3060: 3045: 3039:(in Spanish) 3034: 3027: 3019: 3010: 3002: 2987: 2982:General and 2972: 2966:(in Spanish) 2961: 2949: 2941: 2926: 2919: 2915: 2910:(in Spanish) 2904: 2894: 2887:(in Spanish) 2883: 2870: 2866: 2858:Bibliography 2845: 2842:(in Spanish) 2834: 2825: 2819: 2814: 2798: 2792: 2784: 2777: 2759: 2753: 2747: 2726:. Retrieved 2722:the original 2715: 2705: 2688: 2670: 2661: 2651: 2643: 2642: 2626: 2616: 2608: 2607: 2598: 2588: 2582: 2565: 2553:. Retrieved 2549:the original 2542: 2533: 2521:. Retrieved 2519:(in Spanish) 2514: 2501: 2493: 2490: 2487: 2482: 2476: 2453:29 September 2451:, retrieved 2447:the original 2442: 2432: 2424:the original 2414: 2400: 2396: 2373: 2361: 2345: 2334:, retrieved 2330:the original 2324: 2317: 2301: 2295: 2283: 2274: 2272: 2262: 2252: 2250: 2227: 2225: 2206: 2204: 2185: 2183: 2154: 2152: 2141: 2139: 2118: 2102: 2100: 2075: 2073: 2055: 2053: 2042: 2040: 2025: 2016: 1998: 1988: 1981: 1976: 1954: 1945:Martin Balza 1936: 1926: 1904: 1885: 1873: 1866: 1858: 1845: 1838: 1830: 1823: 1809: 1800: 1793: 1765: 1754: 1750: 1744: 1738: 1732: 1725: 1696: 1692: 1682: 1676: 1655: 1651: 1641: 1635: 1625: 1616: 1604: 1595: 1581: 1571: 1561: 1551: 1533: 1524: 1515:Martin Balza 1509: 1490: 1475: 1465: 1457: 1450: 1441: 1434: 1425: 1414: 1387: 1377: 1370: 1363: 1353: 1347: 1341:Puerto Montt 1335: 1328: 1324: 1319: 1302: 1297: 1288: 1271: 1261: 1255: 1245: 1219:Martín Balza 1216: 1212: 1205: 1201: 1193: 1186: 1181: 1173: 1163: 1159: 1154: 1146: 1144: 1136: 1123: 1121: 1112:Buenos Aires 1108:water supply 1098: 1094:Hoste Island 1087: 1079:Punta Arenas 1060: 1057: 1053: 1029:Chilean Navy 1021: 1013: 1010: 995: 982: 981: 972: 971: 965:V Army Corps 959: 958: 938: 937: 934:9 destroyers 925:ARA Belgrano 919: 918: 909: 908: 888: 887: 878: 877: 854: 853: 842: 841: 832: 831: 816: 815: 723:Libertadores 685:Punta Arenas 683:would seize 644: 639: 637: 622: 615: 605: 597: 581:armed forces 561: 552: 543: 538: 533: 528: 523: 515: 485: 476: 471: 466: 461: 456: 448: 418: 389: 379: 365: 355: 337: 331: 322: 318: 315:South Africa 295:Blohm + Voss 288: 282: 276: 274:submarines, 266: 260: 253: 233:Northrop F-5 228: 213:human rights 210: 206: 197:Jorge Videla 193: 181: 166: 145: 144: 103: (1984) 85: (1978) 82: 73: (1958) 3504:(1976–1982) 3496:(1898–1984) 3224:El Mercurio 3191:El Mercurio 3180:El Mercurio 2774:On p. 160: 2770:. See also 2728:22 November 2117:, Chapter: 1781:Coup d'État 1717:Coup d'État 1630:Der Spiegel 931:3 Corvettes 721:passes of " 600:Raúl Castro 169:arbitration 156:due to the 3571:Categories 3213:La Tercera 3209:Ambassador 3207:, Chile's 2555:2 February 2523:2 February 2336:18 January 2194:La Tercera 1921:La Tercera 1519:La Tercera 1237:References 1188:Brigadier 1101:biochemist 1063:route 9-CH 1044:Mine field 812:Resources 735:Valparaíso 556:US dollars 385:Portsmouth 361:destroyers 313:Regime in 37:Background 3551:Soberanía 3485:Incidents 3310:La Nación 3231:Pio Laghi 2847:La Nación 2779:reversed. 2752:(transl.: 2650:(Transl.: 2615:(Transl.: 2587:(Transl.: 2544:La Nación 2443:El Centro 2407:, p. 159 2379:La Nación 2259:Euphemism 2253:cachetada 2203:, Chile: 2173:Río Negro 2160:La Nación 2121:(p. 315). 2063:La Nación 1965:Dirty War 1953:(Transl.: 1910:Interview 1863:Argentina 1799:RFA  1792:HMS  1681:(Transl.: 1640:(Transl.: 1376:(Transl.: 1352:(Transl.: 1260:(Transl.: 1071:airstrips 1061:Parts of 983:Airplanes 939:Airplanes 897:1 Puma EA 889:Airplanes 860:BIM N°4: 843:Airplanes 625:Cape Horn 486:Argentina 323:Transvaal 319:Good Hope 311:apartheid 307:corvettes 150:Argentine 3324:Archived 3315:Article 3305:Article 3296:Archived 3287:Article 3278:Archived 3260:Archived 3242:Archived 3194:Archived 3118:15 April 2918:(Trans.: 2634:Archived 2573:Archived 2495:exitosa. 2386:Archived 2306:Archived 2243:Archived 2218:Archived 2197:Archived 2176:Archived 2163:Archived 2132:Archived 2066:Archived 2033:Archived 2007:Archived 1957:de facto 1913:Archived 1893:Archived 1817:Archived 1801:Tidepool 1667:Archived 1542:Archived 1307:Archived 1279:Archived 1225:See also 1170:Analysis 1139:infantry 1099:Chilean 767:Mission 737:and the 731:Santiago 653:and the 373:yard in 366:Hércules 338:Guerrico 332:Drummond 277:Santa Fe 267:San Luis 247:and the 227:, later 184:boundary 162:infantry 3235:Nuntius 3173:YouTube 3158:YouTube 3143:YouTube 2420:"Chile" 2351:El País 2205:"Había 2125:Nuntius 1794:Norfolk 1751:O'Brien 1742:), two 1726:Leander 759:GT 42.3 756:GT 42.2 753:GT 42.1 727:Puyehue 709:Later, 575:defense 358:Type 42 349:. (See 347:Contras 245:Austria 241:Germany 173:British 3554:(1978) 3544:(1958) 3536:(1986) 3528:(1965) 3520:(1952) 3512:(1982) 3475:(1973) 3467:(1994) 3459:(1966) 3451:(1902) 3443:(1904) 3435:(1984) 3321:Clarín 3293:Clarín 3275:Clarín 3257:Clarín 3239:Clarín 3156:, (in 3107:Clarin 3092:  3070:  3052:  2994:  2933:  2805:  2766:  2717:Perfil 2696:  2516:Clarín 2240:Clarín 2215:Clarín 2129:Clarín 2113:  2095:  2087:  2030:Clarín 2004:Clarín 1745:Oberon 1711:  1703:  1609:UNITAS 1498:  1195:Perfil 1090:fjords 719:Andean 510:2,241 291:France 237:UNITAS 63:Events 3255:, in 2740:Also 2101:"The 1755:Hyatt 1485:Spain 1124:D-day 973:Ships 920:Ships 879:Ships 833:Ships 588:Andes 507:2,126 504:2,641 501:2,339 498:2,225 495:2,702 440:1,128 419:Chile 413:1981 410:1980 407:1979 404:1978 401:1977 398:1976 299:Junta 272:GUPPY 261:Salta 231:. 16 154:Chile 3171:(in 3120:2011 3090:ISBN 3068:ISBN 3050:ISBN 2992:ISBN 2931:ISBN 2869:via 2803:ISBN 2772:here 2764:ISBN 2730:2009 2694:ISBN 2557:2016 2525:2016 2455:2007 2338:2013 2261:für 2111:ISBN 2105:..." 2093:ISBN 2085:ISBN 1753:and 1736:and 1709:ISBN 1701:ISBN 1664:cema 1496:ISBN 996:The 687:and 586:The 443:949 335:and 321:and 280:and 264:and 3319:en 3189:in 2953:in 2403:by 2238:in 2091:or 1662:in 1122:On 1110:of 1092:of 1046:in 960:Men 910:Men 855:Men 817:Men 573:on 544:2.0 539:2.5 534:2.3 529:2.0 524:2.2 518:GNP 477:5.2 472:4.6 467:4.1 462:3.5 457:3.5 451:GNP 437:951 434:713 431:566 428:487 353:). 3573:: 3291:, 3233:, 3167:: 3104:. 2986:: 2879:. 2734:: 2714:. 2679:^ 2652:«» 2617:«» 2605:: 2541:. 2513:. 2462:^ 2441:, 2099:: 2058:." 2052:: 1707:, 1673:: 1588:. 1400:^ 1252:: 1198:: 733:, 657:( 387:. 286:. 258:, 243:, 3371:e 3364:t 3357:v 3122:. 3074:. 3056:. 3041:. 2937:. 2907:. 2809:. 2732:. 2700:. 2654:) 2619:) 2591:) 2559:. 2527:. 2277:" 2265:. 2232:. 2230:" 2211:. 2190:. 2146:. 2144:" 2107:. 2080:. 2060:. 2047:. 1969:) 1804:. 1772:. 1749:( 1730:( 1685:) 1644:) 1468:) 1380:) 1373:: 1356:) 1264:) 988:- 978:- 884:- 741:. 706:. 695:. 665:. 558:. 134:e 127:t 120:v 20:)


Operation Soberania
Beagle conflict
Beagle Channel cartography
Boundary Treaty of 1881
Picton, Lennox and Nueva
Snipe incident
Beagle Channel arbitration
Operation Soberanía
Direct negotiations
Papal mediation
Argentine referendum
Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1984 between Chile and Argentina
Beagle conflict
Picton, Nueva and Lennox
Jorge Videla
human rights
Orlando Letelier
Washington D.C.
Kennedy Amendment
Northrop F-5

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