
Âşık Veysel

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understand the question he does not want to answer. He brushes it off with 'I don't know, I don't know, I didn't hear'. It seems that he does not want to delve into the issue of marriage today." Bekki (2021) notes that Veysel never spoke much about his marriages in general. The only exception was in an interview with folklorist Ahmet Günbulut. In this interview, Veysel admitted to sensing the affair. Veysel recounted that at the time, the housework was Esma and Hüseyin's job, whilst Veysel himself was in charge of the garden and hay threshing; Esma and Hüseyin's relationship meant that all the housework fell apart. In Veysel's words, "I had an old pistol from my father. I got it ready. I though I should finish them off. Now the winter preparations are over, the cold has started. But I couldn't manage to settle the matter." Veysel referred to his first marriage again, more implicitly, in one poem, writing "the cruel infidel made my lamb an orphan." Whilst the "infidel" is not named, Bekki (2021) interpreted this to refer to Esma. However, Veysel also wrote other poems in which he described his marriage to Esma in positive terms. Veysel wrote that whilst he loved Esma, Esma did not love him back, and she conversely thought he was "crazy". Incidentally, this is where Esma and Veysel's accounts both agree; Esma characterized Veysel in exactly this way in a later interview.
Kaymak, who lived in Sivrialan from 1967-1977, was acquainted with both parties, and heard an account of Esma's marriage with Veysel from her perspective. Kaymak reports that Veysel was allegedly jealous, mostly because he was physically unable to see his wife. Veysel would reportedly test Esma's loyalty by hiding an apple under her pillow, then when the time came, ask Esma who had put it there. He would secretly throw stones into the chimney in order to judge what Esma's reaction would be. In an interview with Veysel's friend Erdoğan Alkan, Esma alleged that Veysel used to beat her. Researcher Gülağ Öz, who also lived in Sivrialan, recorded similar sentiments in an interview with Esma, who stated: "Veysel was very grumpy. He wouldn't give me a living and was always jealous. I didn't marry with my heart anyway." According to Esma, Veysel's mood alienated her from him, and she would seek out their neighbour, Hüseyin, for consolation. Veysel sensed what was happening, even suspecting that Esma would run away, and apparently warned her against Hüseyin on multiple occasions, though Esma admitted that "I told him how could he think of such a thing." Esma, ultimately, did elope with Hüseyin.
came to Sivrialan around the winter of 1902 to 1904, when Veysel was 8 or 10 years old. At this time, Alevi religious gatherings and similar festivities were frequently held in Sivrialan, and Veysel often attended out of his love for music and conversation. At one such gathering, where Âşık Ali was present, the young Veysel was for unknown reasons expelled from the assembly with the invective, "get out, blind boy!" Such insults were common in Anatolian peasant villages, including Sivrialan; Veysel's nickname there was "Blind Veysel" (Turkish: Kör Veysel), and he was occasionally called "Blind Boy" (Turkish: Kör Oğlan) to his face, usually (though not always) as an insult, regardless of Veysel's personal feelings on the matter. In one account, though very poorly attested, the reason for Veysel's expulsion was that he had, in his intrigue and his blindness, gotten too close to the speaker at the gathering, and his unkempt and smallpox-ravaged appearance had offended one of the villagers, who allegedly slapped him. Regardless of the true reason, Âşık Ali took pity on Veysel. Ali made a saz and gave it to Veysel, then spent the year by Veysel's side, teaching him the basics.
making signs outside the window, leaving without saying a word. Veysel had been in the midst of a conversation with the shopkeeper. Asking who else had gone into the store, the shopkeeper lied--presumably to avoid any awkwardness--and told Veysel that no one had come in. Veysel continued to insist otherwise. The conversation was joined by another man, visiting from a nearby village, who told Veysel, "Şatıroğlu, you are deceiving us, you cannot be blind, how would you know, how would you know?" Veysel, who had been getting steadily more and more upset, finally struck the table with his hand and cried, "because of the smell, the smell!" Veysel had recognized the scent of Esma's perfume. In person, however, he was decidedly colder to Esma; Esma once walked past his house and saw Veysel in the garden, eating grapes. Esma allegedly asked Veysel what he was eating, to which Veysel replied, "can't you see that I'm eating grapes?" Esma then asked if she could have one. Veysel, who was known to give away his own produce for free, retorted that if Esma wanted produce from his house, then she should have stayed in it.
1119:, who was known for his hospitality, and they stayed with the Pasha for a few days in the neighborhood of Dağardı. Next, Veysel and Ibrahim stayed in the home of a local man, Hasan Efendi, who ran a business owning horse-drawn carriages. They resided at Hasan Efendi's house for 45 days. Eventually, Veysel, impatient, told Efendi that he and Ibrahim had come to Ankara to present Veysel's epic to Atatürk, and asked how it might be accomplished. Efendi was poor, and not very well-connected. He had heard of a member of parliament by the name of Mustafa Bey, but could not remember his surname. He advised Veysel to speak to the MP. The MP was resistant to the idea. Initially instructing Veysel and Ibrahim to go away, he heard Veysel perform, but was only willing to present Veysel's poem to a local newspaper, the 1237:, describing the crime, his feelings regarding it, and his message to the thief (ironically, this included the invective that the thief should, like Veysel had, become blind in both eyes). Although this poem never explicitly incriminated Ibrahim, and although the evidence was entirely circumstantial—especially given Ibrahim's previously stellar track record with Veysel—the two soon parted ways. Nothing is known of what became of Ibrahim afterwards. Many years passed before Veysel later discovered, by sheer coincidence, that the real culprit had been the hotel manager's young son, who confessed to the crime as an adult, while Veysel was staying at his house. By this time, Veysel no longer bore any anger towards the thief, but, there was no known reconciliation with Ibrahim. 2001:
day-to-day life. He was often asked about his health, to which he was known to reply, as if he had misunderstood, "I don't have a watch." His friend, Erdoğan Alkan, once asked him where he wanted to be buried, to which Veysel replied, "I'm not dead yet. I'll think about it when I die!" Veysel was asked the same question again, also on his deathbed, and ended up caught in an argument with his younger son, Bahri, who insisted that Veysel should choose to be buried nearer the village, instead of in the pasture where he had been born. Veysel ended the argument, stating, "Don't talk nonsense. Am I going to be buried or you?" He was eventually interred in the Ayipınarı pasture. His children were later buried there as well; Veysel's son Bahri joined him there in September 2021.
2328:. The visitors had plans to stay with one of Veysel's relatives in Sivrialan, so Veysel left with them later that evening. Despite the road, which was unlit, unpaved, unfenced (it had sheer drops on either side), and very muddy, Veysel knew the way very well and was walking at a brisk pace. His companions--who could not see in the dark--fumbled in the mud and called for Veysel to slow down. Unfortunately, Veysel found this deeply amusing. He insisted on keeping the same pace, telling them to make note of where he placed his feet, all while teasing the others ("are you blind?"). At one point, Veysel heard the mayor slip and fall in the mud behind him. Not knowing it was the mayor who had fallen, Veysel cheerily called out: "the first blind man has fallen into the mud!" 1138:. As such, security was very tight. Veysel and Ibrahim, being ignorant of urban affairs, dressed in shabby clothes, and (in Veysel's case) blind, were barred from entry by a local policeman. A second attempt to enter the bazaar was countered with threats. The policeman only ceded to the pair's defiance on the condition that Veysel, being blind, would let Ibrahim buy the strings in his stead, and they went to the printing press the next day. After hearing Veysel's poem, the reception of the press was much more encouraging, and despite Veysel's own doubts, his photograph and an article about his poem were duly published on April 3, 1934. The story was circulated for three days, bringing Veysel's name to public prominence across Ankara. 2165:(b. 1892) was Veysel's cousin, the son of his aunt. He was Veysel's closest friend and first traveling companion. From 1927 to 1940, İbrahim and Veysel travelled together across the country, appearing in several interviews and press releases together, as well as making several joint records. He was also the man chosen by Veysel to escort Gülizar to Sivrialan. Despite being two years older, İbrahim was typically perceived as being his cousin's junior, both in age and profession, and tended to default to Veysel in interviews and public appearances. Because Veysel was blind, İbrahim also acted as his guide and assistant. Veysel affectionately referred to İbrahim as "gözlerim" ("my eyes"). İbrahim and Veysel had a falling out in 2308:, which Veysel drank by alternating sips of rakı and water. He was handed a glass of water instead of rakı, either on purpose or by accident, and grimaced, asking, "why did you give me the water first?" The person serving him, either his daughter Zöhre or a guest, replied, "I gave it to you and you took it yourself", to which Veysel responded, "I am blind. Are you blind too?" Once handed a sketch of himself and asked by the artist what he thought of it. Veysel commented, "you did very well, but you made my eyes all squinty" (Veysel always had his eyes closed, even when walking). He also liked practical jokes. Alkan reported that Veysel, for a joke, once took four 616:; in this retelling, the accident occurred in 1906, when Veysel was already 12 years old. Veysel stated that the cow's horn gouged out his eye, and that he ran outside screaming, attracting the attention of his father and some of the other villagers. Veysel understood from the adults' conversation that he would remain permanently blind in his right eye. According to Veysel, he and his father went to Sivas anyway, still hopeful that something could be done—there, Veysel was sat on a couch, and his right eye examined. A brief silence followed. Veysel, understanding that he would be blind for the rest of his life, began to weep. 2109:, he was able to find a loose brick by touch alone. He was also able to tell, by sound, whether or not someone was in his garden; not simply who the individual was, but also what had been taken, in what quantity, and even whether the produce was ripe or not. In this way, he was able to avoid people taking advantage of his blindness; a boy in the village, deciding to test Veysel, once laid down in front of his donkey just as Veysel was coming down the road. Veysel not only asked him to get out of the way thrice, but was able to reprimand the boy by name. His own children were unable to sneak past him without being identified. 1992:), implying that he felt they separated his work from its connection to Turkey and its people, and that his poems ought to be read only in Turkish, stating: "Must they be changed?". Veysel's opinion that folk music was intrinsically and inseparably connected to the land even extended into Turkish music played on Turkish instruments, by Turkish musicians; once asked to listen to another musician play a folk song on the saz, Veysel commented that whilst the song was still beautiful, it had been removed from its homeland in the country, and therefore had undergone an inherent change of which he did not implicitly approve. 1957:. According to his daughter, Veysel would also stay awake into the early hours of the morning, sitting in the dark, and play saz all night while he hummed to himself; his daughter thought he was ill, though in reality, Veysel was just composing poetry. By his own admission, he would do this until he lost his voice, as it made him forget about his own blindness, and allowed him to put his troubles aside. Days before his death in March 1973, Veysel asked for his saz and kissed it goodbye. He was buried with the instrument, though he in fact owned several of them, one of which was donated to a museum by his son Bahri. 1287:
explained that whilst he championed the institutes' initiative, he had always disliked towns and unfamiliar places, because his blindness made them restricting; Veysel found the environment too loud, and did not like that he was unable to go outside on his own (Veysel spent much of this period being guided by his eldest son, Ahmet). In contrast, Veysel knew Sivrialan well enough that he could walk around independently and enter any house he wanted. Whilst at the Village Institute at Ladik in 1946, Veysel was given 15 days leave to return to his village. He did not return to the institutes again.
882:, Esma ran away with Hüseyin, leaving Veysel and his six-month-old daughter behind. Veysel continued to care for his daughter, but the child died at the age of two. Esma and Hüseyin, ultimately growing disillusioned with their escape, eventually returned to Sivrialan, and continued to reside there alongside Veysel. Veysel, on learning that Esma had returned, only asked if Esma was in need of anything, and would continue to make his relatives ask. Veysel later wrote a poem capturing his grief and anger towards Hüseyin, placing the blame on him for the death of Veysel's daughter. 2292:, and asked Veysel "somewhat sarcastically" if Veysel saw the rocks too, to which Veysel replied drily, "I'm not blind, Kul Ahmet, of course I see them." Although he typically did not take offence to such mistakes, this was not always the case; a neighbour once visited Veysel in the hospital, and insisted on speaking to him excessively loudly. When the neighbour had left, Veysel remarked, "I knew I was blind, but I just learned I was deaf." He was otherwise happy to poke fun at himself. In an anecdote recalled by his friend Erdoğan Alkan, Alkan had been lighting a 1537: 1654:(which he carved himself). He owned multiple sazı throughout his life. Veysel's very first saz was old and cracked; Ahmet Kutsı Tecer allegedly stated that as a young man, Veysel lost seven instruments when the gendarmerie confiscated and incinerated them; he then lost another when it was broken in a bus accident. Upon his death, Veysel was buried with a saz. One surviving saz came into the possession of Veysel's nephew, who, who later gifted it to a saz maker, Şentürk İyidoğan, in nearby Zara, where Veysel had purchased his first saz in 1928. 2348:
put money in her socks so that she would not be in want. Whilst this story is widespread on social media and in biographies of Veysel, it is demonstrably untrue. Veysel himself was frequently an unreliable source. He could be deliberately evasive in interviews, and would change details of events; there are two versions of the story explaining how he lost the sight in his right eye, both of which originate from Veysel himself. He would switch between both stories throughout his lifetime. It has not been proven which one is true.
36: 2039:
suggests that Veysel was often given to suspicion and jealousy. His first wife, Esma, alleged that Veysel was jealous of her, because Esma had been described to him as very beautiful, and yet Veysel could not see her; this is corroborated by their acquaintance, Veysel Kaymak. The 25 year-old Veysel would allegedly conduct bizarre experiments to test Esma's loyalty, or make baseless accusations against her; she also described him as "very grumpy". In 1940, when Veysel was 46, his money was stolen in a hotel in
of large audiences. Tecer and his colleagues launched a search for minstrels across Sivas, including in Sivrialan, where a few representatives visited Veysel's house. Reportedly, Veysel was shy. The presence of state officials in his home made him worry that something would happen to him, and Veysel instructed Gülizar to say that he was not at home. However, he was ultimately persuaded, and allegedly participated in the festival against the advice of the other villagers in Sivrialan.
chose to default to the first version by as late as 1964. The most probable explanation is that Veysel simply did not remember. He told both versions of the story in various interviews throughout his life, and sometimes even mixed up his eyes (for instance, he would point to his left instead of his right eye as the one blinded by smallpox). When asked by an interviewer whether he remembered the days before he had gone blind, Veysel replied, "I don't remember. No. I was too young."
506:) from his mother, and went to a nearby house to show it to Muhsine, the wife of his maternal uncle (Veysel's memory of this event was unreliable; in other recollections, he stated that had merely gone outside to play). It had recently rained in Sivrialan, and the road was saturated with mud and snow. On the way home, Veysel's foot slipped. He fell and bloodied his hand, and, after lying there for some time, got up and ran home in tears. It was discovered that he had developed a 2097:, though it is uncertain how he used it). He was able to cross the village without ever getting his shoes muddy. His wife Esma stated that Veysel could pull a snake out of a hole using nothing but sound. He once teased a friend whose car had broken down with a scathing poem, in which Veysel pointed out that the friend was tall. The latter was surprised and asked how Veysel could have known this, to which the poet replied simply: "When you talk, your voice comes from above." 957:, and therefore, should not be opposed. Despite the continued protests of Gülizar's father, Hamza forwarded a letter of acceptance to Sivrialan. Veysel sent his brother Ali's wife, Yeter, and his aunt's son, İbrahim, to Karayaprak to fetch Gülizar, who married Veysel in that same year, sometime around March 1928. She took nothing with her to Sivrialan except for a sack of meat, signifying that Gülizar would bring only her person into the marriage; she was married without a 629: 1210:, requesting to see Veysel. However, Cemil did not know where Veysel was staying. The local police were dispatched to search for Veysel and İbrahim, but neither could be found, despite continuing the search throughout the night. Veysel and İbrahim were only informed of Atatürk's phone call when they returned to Cemil's office the next day. Still hopeful that a meeting could be arranged, Cemil wrote them a letter of introduction to an official at 1912:, Veysel's greatest wish as a young man was to fight for his nation in the First World War and the War of Independence. He welcomed most of Atatürk's reforms with open arms. Mindful of his own illiteracy, of which he expressed some bitterness, Veysel was particularly approving of the increased education opportunities which Atatürk brought to Turkey's most impoverished regions. Veysel kept a large portrait of Atatürk in his home in Sivrialan. 1782:(it was impossible to tell which Veysel was from his poems alone), Veysel replied, "If you listen to my songs with your heart's eye, you will understand what I am talking about. If you don't have eyes to see, what shall I do?" In the aşık tradition, a large number of Veysel's poems were taken from popular folk legends, with the stories used as a vehicle for Veysel to discuss his own thoughts, feelings, and perceptions (e.g. ' 1233:. At the Şadırvanlı Inn, where Veysel and İbrahim shared a room, Veysel went out one morning to find that his money, which he kept in a wallet in his jacket pocket, had been stolen. The door to Veysel's room had been locked, and only three people had access. Veysel quickly suspected Ibrahim. He composed and performed a poem about the incident, entitled "Locked Door, Empty Wallet in Pocket" (Kapı Kitli Cüzdan Cepte Para Yok 766:
the village. I was heartbroken. I was very upset, I suffered a lot. They went to the service of the country, and I remained sorrowful and deprived in the village. I suffered a lot, thinking, "What kind of servant of Allah am I, that I am deprived of this, this patriotic service?" Then there was the War of Independence. In those years, I was in the village again. Even if I have been to one or two places, it's insignificant.
1827:. When asked what he liked to do when at home, Veysel's first response was that he spent time in his garden or orchard. His wife Gulizar also noted that Veysel "liked to find red and green with his hands". Veysel's garden, located in the new house he had built in Sivrialan, was frequently remarked upon by visitors as being of exceptional beauty, and Veysel passed most of his time cultivating it, giving away much of its 2268:. In response, Veysel replied, "I have found the right place, why would I leave it? The others are still looking for the place I found." He used jokes like these to avoid controversy, though not always; he once spent so long tuning his saz that a member of the audience asked him to hurry up. Indicating his instrument, Veysel retorted, "if we don't turn its ear once in a while, it becomes out of tune, just like you!" 1851:, as there is no evidence that he believed technology and the environment were inherently opposed. Rather, Veysel frequently used his poetry to call his audience—many of whom were poor villagers benefiting from the first public education programs in Turkey—to use their education to pursue science and innovation. He himself made frequent use of many technologies that were almost entirely new to him, most commonly the 1080:, as well as a lifelong admirer of Atatürk and his reforms. In response, Veysel revealed his first poem, "Atatürk is the Revival of Turkey" (Turkish: Atatürk’tür Türkiye’nin İhyası). For his effort, Tecer gave Veysel a certificate identifying him as a folk poet. This certificate allowed Veysel and other poets like him to move around the country without fear that their instruments would be taken away and destroyed. 6651: 1146:
money at the Ankara Community Center, Veysel and Ibrahim proceeded there, but were again denied entry. Thankfully, a passerby recognized Veysel from his photograph, and helped to obtain their entry. The community center deputies bought both Veysel and Ibrahim a pair of suits, and they gave a concert on Sunday of that week, for which they were given money. Veysel and Ibrahim used this money to return to Sivrialan.
428: 1203:. He made his first radio appearance, alongside İbrahim, on April 15, 1936. Though Veysel sung at the top of his lungs—having never interacted with a radio before, he had mistakenly assumed that he would need to shout to be heard—the performance was extremely well received, and Cemil's office was inundated with cards and flowers. Veysel and Ibrahim were put up that evening in the house of a local man. 6639: 2085:. Once in Istanbul, hearing that Atatürk was to give a speech on the radio, Veysel took to the streets on his own to try and find a radio broadcasting the speech. He "walked about, bumping into things, bumping into things", but ended up totally lost. He later discovered that he had not only missed the speech, but had wandered all the way out of the city and into the countryside. 2236:, a new fashion at the time. Some thought it excessive; others argued that it was a personal choice. Veysel interrupted the argument, saying, "what is this you are describing, at least let me feel it with my hand," and grabbed the leg of the miniskirt-wearing woman sitting beside him, to the amusement of those present. In another anecdote, the winner of the local 1961:
did, however, hold some in particularly high esteem, especially Hidir Dede, a Sivrialan-born saz player with whom Veysel was a contemporary, and to whom Veysel attributed much of his own skill. By contrast, he was more critical of Western music, especially adaptations of his own work into the Western tradition. He expressed a quiet, albeit clear, disapproval of
5718: 1299:) during this period. From 1932, these centers, which aimed to consolidate and reexamine the full corpus of Turkish culture, history, language, and economy, dealt extensively with research into Turkish folk music and literature. Many prominent folk poets, including Veysel, were featured in their publications. Veysel's first book, a poetry anthology entitled 1214:, Yaver Şükrü, and Veysel and İbrahim proceeded there immediately with the letter in hand. Şükrü, however informed them that they were most likely too late. Indeed, an audience could not be arranged with Atatürk. This second misfortune touched Veysel deeply. He remembered it for the rest of his life, and would recount the incident to his children every 1552:, located not far from Sivrialan, whose frequent flooding and rapid waters had long posed a significant danger to the local community. Shortly before he died, Veysel also requested that he be buried in the field where his mother had given birth to him, on open ground, so that the land could continue to be used for agriculture and for the environment. 612:, Veysel was in the barn, feeding grass to one of the family's cows. The trip to Sivas was to take place in the next few days; Ahmet was poor, and had been saving up for the trip. However, when the cow suddenly moved its head, it pierced Veysel's right eye with the tip of its horn. Veysel recollected the incident similarly in 1969 for the newspaper 1863:, despite being blind, believing that it was important that people knew not only what he sounded like, but also what he looked like. He preferred his photos to show him smiling. Finally, Veysel had an intense curiosity for most technologies, almost all of which he had never seen before going blind; he was once observed enthusiastically examining a 2256:. He coughed a lot, and was once told that smoking was the cause, to which he replied, "I know, I know. Isn't the point of smoking to cough, anyway?" His wife Gulizar also scolded him for drinking whilst he was in recovery for stomach surgery (Veysel had promised to quit alcohol). When caught, he told his wife, "I quit and now I am celebrating." 996:, recognized Veysel's skill with the saz, and was the key figure responsible for launching Veysel's name onto the national stage. In 1931, Tecer, alongside his colleagues Muzaffer Sarısözen and Vehbi Cem Aşkun, founded the Association for the Protection of Folk Poets, with Sivas' mayor, Osman Hikmet Işık, appointed as association president. 793:
living by playing in village cafes, and at weddings and holidays. Veysel stayed mostly within Sivrialan and nearby villages, as the saz was still perceived to be a sinful and shameful instrument, especially in big cities. Reportedly, Veysel could not be seen with his instrument without having it confiscated and burned by the authorities.
2047:; he expressed bitterness that Ataturk's photograph, which was widely available, was inaccessible to him, and that he wanted to hear the president's voice. Ataturk died before Veysel could ever meet him, for which the latter expressed lifelong regret. The depression Veysel felt at his blindness was also expressed in several of his poems. 942:. This marked Veysel's first time meeting Gülizar; however, Gülizar later recounted in interviews that she had had a dream in which she was visited by a 14th-century folk poet, who told her that she would be the one to spread Veysel's ashes. In other accounts, Gülizar purportedly had a dream in which she saw herself marrying Veysel. 1524:. In the same year, Veysel was approached by an official delegation from Sivas, headed by former senator Hüseyin Öztürk, with the proposal to establish an association in his name. Veysel was allegedly not very warm to the idea. He only agreed on the condition that the association would be strictly non-political, would establish 1338:(You are the one who sees this country), was changed to "you are the one who sees this world", without Veysel's prior approval. From May 14 of that year, Veysel's work was no longer published by Ülkü magazine. Veysel himself also heavily disapproved of any form of censorship. He appeared in a 1953 dramatization of his own life, 2131:
returned to Sivrialan with her new husband, was if Esma needed anything, and he allegedly would continue to ask. Özer also related a time when Esma had had a headache, and knocked on the door to Veysel's house, asking if Hayrire would ask Veysel for some medicine. On hearing this, Veysel reached into his pocket and placed an
894:. Esma had been bothered by what she thought was a pebble in her shoe since leaving Sivrialan. Removing her sock, Esma found money inside, Veysel having stashed it there so that she would not be in want. Whilst this story is often related and was believed by Veysel's children and grandchildren, it is probably apocryphal. 1064:, which had replaced the old Ottoman Empire, was approaching its 10th anniversary. Tecer was by this time Director of Education for Sivas, a post he had been appointed to in 1932. In this capacity, Tecer began to encourage the ashiks of Sivas, including Veysel, to compose a poem reflecting on the nascent Republic and its 2015:
Ahmet, Hüseyin, Menekşe Süzer, Bahri, Zekine, and Hayriye Özer. Their son, Hüseyin, died in childhood; his birth and death dates are not known. Gülizar and Veysel were happily married until Veysel's death in 1973. Gülizar passed away on 29 October 1991, at the age of 105. She and Veysel are survived by 22 grandchildren.
1362:. In protest, Veysel did not attend the film's premiere. According to his son, Ahmet, Veysel later recalled the film with amusement; he did not think anyone would seriously believe that the film depicted the real Sivrialan, nor did he believe that censoring the village had contributed anything towards improving it. 862:
him; in one instance, Veysel hid an apple under Esma's pillow, then demanded to know who had put it there; he would climb onto the roof and throw stones down the chimney, then study Esma's reaction. They agreed only on one point--for, when asked what she thought of her husband, Esma stated, "he was crazy, crazy!"
1262:, aiming to provide an education to children of the local peasantry—then numbering approximately 12 million people—with no access to primary schools. With the initiatives of Sabahattin Eyüboğlu, Bedri Rahmi Eyü Boğalu, İsmail Hakkı Tonguç, and Bedrettin Tuncel, Tecer appointed Veysel as a saz instructor at the 645:, from whatever schoolwork Veysel's brother Ali would recite aloud. The newly blinded Veysel relied on the support of his brother Ali and sister Elif, who helped him to walk and provided him with constant support. However, Veysel struggled to come to terms with his blindness, and became increasingly withdrawn. 2347:
Because of his own fame, other aspects of Veysel's personality went largely ignored in popular culture. The most typically cited example is the legend surrounding Veysel and his first wife, Esma. According to the legend, Veysel was aware that Esma was planning to run away with her lover, and secretly
and made a hole in them, eating the insides and leaving the shell apparently whole. Veysel then took the eggs to a neighbour's house to look after. On leaving some time later, Veysel went to take the empty eggs, made a show of breaking them, and pretended the scold the neighbour, insisting, "you gave
In Veysel's final days, on learning that her first husband was on his deathbed, Esma came to Veysel's house, wishing say goodbye to him. Veysel's daughter Hayrire again went to her father, who gave his permission. However, Esma did not have the courage to enter Veysel's room, saying: "I made that man
The nature of the relationship between Veysel and his first wife is controversial. However, most accounts agree that there was definite animosity between Veysel and Esma, even while they were still married. The final straw was the relationship between Esma and her second husband. Schoolteacher Veysel
Over the years, Veysel's other senses compensated for his blindness, a common experience for the blind. Veysel was able to differentiate people by their breath, footsteps, and smell, even from far away, and could call each individual by name. He liked to feel the faces of unfamiliar people, and could
Despite his strongly nationalistic views, most of Veysel's poetry continued to focus on nature and pastoralism as core themes, a decision for which he was occasionally criticized; his poems for Atatürk, despite constituting some of his best known work, were exceptional in their focus, rather than the
He passed away in his sleep at 3.30 AM on March 21, 1973. According to Veysel's wishes, his body was kept at home for a day, before being buried in Ayipınarı, where he was born. Veysel's funeral, held on March 22, was attended by thousands. The funeral procession was led by Veysel's grandson, bearing
Until this point, Veysel had never sung any of his own poetry. Although personal composition formed a core part of the ashik tradition, and despite having allegedly composed poetry before, Veysel never performed it, as he was worried that people would think he was in love with one of the local girls.
According to most accounts, the marriage was unhappy, although the precise reason is unclear. Veysel remained markedly silent on the issue, though he suggested his poems that Esma thought he was crazy, and was cold to him. It is possible that he also blamed her for the death of their son. Veysel once
I remember this much. I used to try to hold the rays of the sun. My father would say, "Catch it, son, bring it to me." I would jump up and down and grab it and bring it to my father. I would open my palm and marvel when I couldn't find anything to give him. That is the fun of the village; this is how
Despite holding strong views, Veysel disliked conflict. He either avoided or ignored it when he came across it in his travels, and generally responded to criticism with silence. In one notable incident, at the Gülköy Village Institute in 1944, Veysel was working as a saz instructor alongside another
Having never learned to read or write, Veysel composed all of his poetry in his head. Once composed, he would have someone write his poems down. Veysel's descriptions of colours and physical form were mostly not drawn from his own experiences, as he had gone blind early enough that his visual memory
village, Veysel grew up in a community who expressed spiritual connection through music, particularly through the saz, and Veysel also nursed a love for his art and his instrument throughout his life. When his saz was broken in a bus accident on the way to a concert, Veysel famously wrote a poem for
Having left the Village Institute at Ladik in 1946, Veysel decided to establish an apple orchard in Sivrialan. This idea was met with scorn from his fellow villagers (who frequently underestimated Veysel because he was blind). Veysel, however, carried out the work anyway with the help of his brother
As Veysel spent more time at the institutes, however, he began to grow bored. At Ladik, he wrote a new poem, "Letter" (Turkish: Mektup), framing it as a letter from his wife Gülizar, asking him to come home to Sivrialan. In a later conversation with TRT correspondent and friend Erdogan Alkan, Veysel
In the same year, 1931, Tecer's association organized the first Folk Poets Festival in Sivas, intended to showcase the work of local folk poets. There was some difficulty in finding minstrels to attend the event; it was a novelty, and folk poets at the time were not accustomed to performing in front
with his friend Ibrahim. On the way, they stopped at the village of Karaçayır, 22 km from Sivas. Veysel played the saz for a man there. Apparently deeply affected by the thought of Veysel's departure, the man, Deli Süleyman, begged Veysel not to leave, to such an extent that Veysel finally gave
By the end of the War, Veysel's parents were very old. Veysel was by now 25 years old. Continuing to worry about their younger son's future, Veysel's parents arranged a marriage for him with Esma, the daughter of a relative living in the village. Veysel had two children by Esma; their firstborn, Ali
To escape his sorrow, Veysel spent most of his time in the garden, sleeping under a pear tree. At night, he would climb into the treetops and sit there until morning. He began to carry his saz slung over his shoulder like a rifle, which his biographer and friend, Erdogan Alkan, speculated was homage
Gençlik yıllarımda en büyük üzüntüyü, Birinci Dünya Savaşı çıktığında yaşadım. Savaş başlayınca bütün köylü asker oldu. Benim emsallerim de askere gitti. Yirmi yaşında olduğum halde gözlerim görmediği için beni askere almadılar. Köyde yaşlı erkeklerle, kadınlarla başbaşa kaldım. Çok müteessir oldum.
Though he initially struggled with the saz, and though he felt that both Molla Hüseyin and Ali Ağa had to put considerable effort into teaching him, Veysel eventually came to enjoy it once he had learned how to tune his instrument on his own. Having learned to play saz proficiently by the age of 20,
in his left eye, which eventually caused a leakage that left him completely blind on that side. Veysel's right eye was spared, but quickly began to fail as well. He was left able only to perceive changes in light. By the time the pox eventually faded, Veysel was blind and scarred for the rest of his
Other jokes of which Veysel was fond, were frequently used when he had been engaged to play at concerts or as mealtime entertainment, typically to ward off any potential awkwardness. If he thought a conversation had been going on for too long, Veysel was fond of indicating it by saying, "we ate and
Through his marriage to Esma, Veysel had two children, a son and a daughter; Veysel's son, Ali, died ten days after birth, and his daughter, Elif, died aged two. The marriage lasted for 8 years. Through his second wife, Gülizar, Veysel had seven children, three sons and four daughters; Zöhre Beşer,
and Sivrialan. Another expression of this is found in the apple orchard Veysel established in Sivrialan in 1949. He spent most of his childhood and almost all of his adult life entrusted with the care of the family garden, being unable to carry out farming activities due to his blindness, and found
Veysel's name was also passed on to ophthalmologists in Istanbul. Having been blind for 51 years, Veysel was approached once again with the offer of cataract surgery. However, Veysel now declined the offer. When asked why, he stated that he had built his own world in his head, and feared that being
Veysel, himself deprived of his own education, was a staunch supporter of the village institute system. The position also gave him opportunities to befriend prominent intellectuals such as Sabahattin Eyuboğlu, Ruhi Su, and Yaşar Kemal. Both Kemal and Su believed that Veysel wrote his most beautiful
From 1940 onwards, Veysel began to travel with a second companion, Veysel Erkılıç (b. 1913), also a minstrel, with whom he would sometimes perform. Because they shared the same name, Erkılıç quickly gained the nickname 'Little Veysel' (Turkish: Küçük Veysel). Erkılıç remained with Âşık Veysel until
Both Gülizar and her father were initially hesitant to accept. This hesitance was entirely practical; Veysel's blindness meant that he could not mend fences, bring in the harvest, or perform other manual tasks. By her own admission, Gülizar was also hesitant to marry a blind man. Sivrialan was also
With the end of the Turkish War of Independence in 1923, Ali returned home to Sivrialan, and Veysel was encouraged to pick up the saz again. Now of age and needing to support himself, this marked the first time that Veysel began to play the saz in a professional capacity; he started to earn a small
I experienced the greatest sorrow of my youth when the First World War broke out. When the war started, all the villagers became soldiers. My peers also joined the army. Even though I was twenty years old, they did not enlist me because I couldn't see. I was left alone with the old men and women in
correspondent Rıdvan Çongur. In this recollection, Ahmet had planned to take Veysel to Akdağmadeni for surgery, but for one reason or another, was yet to make the trip. One day, Veysel was with his mother Gülizar, out milking their cows. Ahmet came up behind them and called his son by name. Veysel,
Veysel's exact date of birth is disputed. It is typically given as 25 October, but the precise day is unknown; the best estimates suggest he was born in the autumn of 1894. He spent his entire childhood in his home village of Sivrialan, where his father's family, known as the Şatıroğulları, resided
match. Veysel declined, suggesting that he did not know how to compose in the suggested style; however, it is almost certain that he simply did not want to participate, rather than because he lacked the actual skill. The match took place anyway, with Veysel appearing very physically uncomfortable,
Muslim, his profession, poverty, and blindness, were only a few of the criticisms directed at Veysel throughout his lifetime. Perhaps because of his own suffering, Veysel constantly encouraged cooperation and friendship between all social classes and sects. In a conversation where he was warned to
Conversely, Esma stated that Veysel never visited or came to see her and Hüseyin. She herself spent her life tormented by her decision to leave Veysel. Once, going to the shop for groceries, Esma saw Veysel inside, and refused to go in. She instead directed a helper to buy the groceries for her by
Following their separation, tension between Esma and Veysel cooled, though their remained some mixed feelings. On one hand, Veysel reportedly would pass by Esma's house on multiple occasions, in the hope of meeting her. According to Veysel's daughter Hayrire Özer, Veysel's only question, when Esma
Veysel's attitude towards death was relatively light. He was quoted as saying, "Why should I be afraid of death? Death is my friend." However, although he frequently reflected on the subject in his work, and although a large portion of his works were pessimistic, Veysel did not reflect this in his
As one of the most well-respected musicians in Turkey, Veysel was frequently asked for his opinions of folk music and other artists. A non-confrontational man by nature, he was hesitant to name anyone whose work he actively disliked, stating, "I cannot say Ibrahim is good whilst Mehmet is bad." He
and technological development. Born a child of the late 19th century, raised in poverty in a remote Anatolian village, and denied a formal education due to his own blindness, Veysel lived through a period of immense political change in Turkey, experiencing rapid technological advancement and total
of his face was made, with the permission of Veysel's family, by Ahmet Özdemir and two colleagues, who hoped to buy the mask and use it to make commemorative statues of Veysel. Özdemir, who had not performed the procedure before, had difficulty removing the mask, and Veysel's eyebrows, lashes, and
By January 1973, Veysel realized that he was dying. He refused to stay in hospital, opting instead to return to Sivrialan to die. News that Veysel was in his final days soon spread through the country, and Veysel was frequently visited by friends and family, as well as fans. He was also visited by
On November 4, 1960, Veysel's regular travelling companion, Veysel Erkılıç ("Little Veysel"), died of a sudden heart attack. Erkılıç had by then been Veysel's guide for just over 20 years. Âşık Veysel, who had been attending a wedding at the time the death was announced, was heard to say in grief,
for assistance, who sent a letter to the Ankara Municipality on Veysel and Ibrahim's behalf. Both the Municipality and the Government Office denied them any money, informing the pair that they should return to Sivrialan by the same way in which they had come. Deciding to see if they could earn any
They also took our picture that night. But we weren't dressed like this . I had a long stick in my hand; an old Sivas hat on my head; a black sheep's wool shawl jacket; woven in the village; on my back, a zıvga shawl made from black sheep's wool; we had shawls wrapped around our feet; and shoes we
Conversely, Esma accused Veysel of being grumpy and baselessly suspicious, and even alleged that Veysel had beaten her. Their mutual acquaintance, Veysel Kaymak, believed that Veysel had been jealous of Esma for being beautiful. He would purportedly conduct bizarre tests to prove Esma's loyalty to
From about the age of 8, Veysel's education was continued by his father's friend, Çamışıhlı Ali Ağa, also called Âşık Ali. Ali, who lived in abject poverty, earned his living as an itinerant saz teacher, and would frequently obtain lodgings by staying in students' homes across the Emlek region. He
As all but one of Gülizar and Ahmet's previous children had died of smallpox, their newborn son was taken to Mount Beserek, a sacred mountain located approximately 10 km (6.21 miles) from Sivrialan. The mountain is thought to have healing properties; according to local folklore, Mount Beserek
He had an extraordinary working memory and memorized all his poems, including the voices of all his students at the Village Institutes (he knew which students were absent, where each was sitting, and whose technique required correction, even if the student had not spoken). Veysel's senses were so
761:Çok üzüldüm. Çok çektim. Onlar memleket hizmetine gitti, ben köyde mahzun ve mahrum kaldım. Ben Allah'ın nasıl kuluyum ki, bundan, bu vatan hizmetinden mahrum kaldım diye düşünerek çok acı çektim. Sonra istiklal Savaşı oldu. O yıllarda ben yine köydeydim. Bir iki yere gidip geldimse de önemsizdir. 667:
Veysel first took saz lessons from a neighbour, Molla Hüseyin, who also tuned and replaced any broken strings. However, whilst he enjoyed the saz's sound, Veysel initially found it too difficult to learn, and tried to throw the instrument aside. Ahmet, in contrast, was adamant that his son learn;
2264:, remarking, "is this noise coming from the saz?" Veysel was also occasionally asked about his playing style; he used the "Aşık Düzeni" (Aşık Pattern) of playing, instead of the more widespread "Normal Düzeni" (Normal Pattern), the former of which involved less extensive movement along the saz's 2071:
Practically, Veysel was only able to move truly independently in his home village of Sivrialan. He relied on a number of travel companions throughout his life, first his cousin İbrahim, then his friend Veysel Erkilic, and finally his son Ahmet. Veysel would typically get around by holding onto a
Veysel was born with black eyes, which he described as being "beautiful as black grapes". Descriptions of the medical particulars of Veysel's blindness are scant. His own description of how he lost his eyesight ("leaking" in his left eye; gradual, late-onset blindness in the right, caused by the
According to Ahmet, Veysel replied, "Dear audience, I already have a handful of earth. It will cover me, what can I give you?" Veysel began to recite "Kara Toprak", but was unable to complete the song. He exited the stage early and fell ill the next morning. In late 1971, Veysel began to receive
I loved my saz very much. It was my first saz and it fit my hand well. Despite being very small, it produced a good sound. Also, the frets were set by my master, Ali Ağa. In fact, together with İbrahim, I sang folk songs like Köroğlu, Karacaoğlan, Hacıbey, Çiçekler, Keklik to the Colombia Record
O gece bizim resmimizi de çektilerdi. Ama kıyafetimiz böyle değildi. Elimde uzun bir değnek, başımda eski bir Sivas şapkası, sırtımda köyde dokunan kara koyun yününden şal bir ceket, yine kara koyun yününden dokunmuş bir şal zıvga, ayağımızda şaldan dolak ve bizim dikmiş olduğumuz çarık vardı. O
The veracity of either version of events has not been proven. It is possible that the second story may not have been true, and may have been invented by Veysel to absolve his father of any possible blame for his blindness. However, this does not explain why Veysel related this story in 1936, but
for Veysel. Out of habit, Alkan asked Veysel if the cigarette was lit. Veysel laughed, replying, "why are you asking me? Check the tip of my nose. If there is smoke, it's lit." Another incident involving Alkan saw Veysel and his son Ahmet having dinner in Alkan's home. Alkan served them a local
had made a visit to Sivrialan, Veysel's village. Veysel called the beauty to him and made as if to say something in her ear. When she bent down, he kissed her on the cheek. In the ensuing hilarity, Veysel laughed and responded, "bless my eyes, I did nothing." He frequently swore on his eyes for
His condition presented him with unique difficulties throughout his life. Veysel was ostracized as a child due to his blindness, and never attended school. As a young man, he frequently seemed bitter about his condition; in addition to being left out of fighting in the 1910s, anecdotal evidence
under the leadership of İhsan Hınçer, of the Turkish folklore Research Journal, and with the support of a range of institutions and organizations. Notables in the folklore scene, including Tecer, gave speeches on various aspects of Veysel and his work, and presented some of his poems. A similar
by Ali Rıza Bey, then the Director of Ağacakışla township, with which Sivrialan was affiliated. However, no response was received from Ankara. Veysel therefore resolved to travel there on foot, alongside a friend, his cousin İbrahim Tutuş (nicknamed "Cort İbrahim"), with the hopes of personally
The first Sivas Folk Poets Festival was launched on November 5, 1931, and lasted for three days. In total, 15 minstrels and folk poets were found to attend, including Veysel; most were also instrumentalists. Veysel sang from the repertoire he had learned from Çamışıhlı Ali Ağa. The festival was
Popular perception of Veysel, both during and after his lifetime, conceived of the minstrel as a retreating and melancholic figure. In reality, Veysel was described in closer circles as being a quick witted and cheerful person. Accounts of the more mischievous side of Veysel's personality were
Veysel also suggested some longstanding animosity towards Esma, though he was either evasive of questions, or was more implicit. In 1967, interviewer İbrahim Aslanoğlu asked Veysel if he was married. Of his response, Aslanoğlu noted: "He speaks gently and with a full voice. He pretends not to
Veysel's blindness meant that he was unable to work a farm, one of the only professions in Sivrialan at the time. Unable to attend school, he never learned to read or write. Veysel's bitterness at being denied an education was lifelong, and he resigned himself to learning what he could of the
Veysel often made jokes about his blindness. A friend of his, Veysel Kaymak, recorded him as saying, "stand away from the blind man, when he waves his cane, he will hit you!" He also used similar jokes when his companions forgot that Veysel was blind; in another incident, Âşık Veysel and a
Veysel struggled with ill health towards the last 10 years of his life, and came to Istanbul with Ahmet in 1961, for medical attention. According to his biographer Ahmet Özdemir, Veysel was now visibly old and exhausted. He made fewer appearances, though he continued to give informal, short
Veysel's mother died on 24 February 1921, followed 8 months later by his father. The death of Gulizar hit Veysel especially hard; he would later compose a poem in her memory. This did not help the mood at home. Veysel and Esma's neighbour was a man named Hüseyin, the brother of a farmhand
486:Şu kadarını hatırlıyorum ki. Güneşin ışıklarını tutmaya çalışırdım. Babam “Avuçla oğlum, bana getir.” derdi. Ben de oynaya zıplaya avuçlayıp babama getirirdim. Avucumu açıp verecek bir şey bulamayınca hayret ederdim. Köy yerinin eğlencesinden ne olacak; babam beni bu şekilde eglendirirdi. 1100:, Veysel and Ibrahim were set upon by dogs. Ibrahim reportedly hid behind Veysel, who had to look for stones to throw by dragging his foot over the ground. However, Veysel could not pick up a stone without exposing his head to the dogs. They were only rescued later by the arrival of the 476:
In later interviews, Veysel described his earliest childhood as being happy. In his own words, he recollected, "until the age of seven I ran and played and had fun like everybody else." Veysel had a fine voice from a young age, and from the age of 3 or 4 was frequently asked to sing.
ultimately successful; Although Veysel did not perform his own poetry at the time, his performance attracted the intellectuals of urban Sivas, who were allegedly unaware of such a rich folk tradition among the local peasantry. At the festival's conclusion, Veysel was offered 10
1354:, and Erksan was forced to reshoot these scenes in another town. The film's ending was rewritten to show Veysel returning to Sivrialan with his guide, Erkılıç, after a long time away, only to discover with astonishment that the village had been modernized, and now made use of 402:, eventually settling in Sivrialan when Veysel's grandfather Ali Şatıroğlu, or his great-grandfather İbrahim Şatıroğlu, migrated there from the village of Kaledibi. Karaca Ahmet, Veysel's father, was orphaned at a young age, and grew up in Sivrialan as a shepherd and farmer. 1037:
Ben sazımı çok severdim. Hem ilk sazım, hem de elime iyiydi. Çok ufak olmasına nazaran iyi ses verirdi. Ayrıca perdelerini ustam Ali Ağa düzenlemişti. Hatta İbrahim'le beraber Colombia Plak şirketine Köroğlu, Karacaoğlan, Hacıbey, Çiçekler, Keklik gibi türküleri o sazımla
in 1941. Veysel also taught saz at the village institutes of Hasanoğlan (1942), Eskişehir Çifteler (1943), Kastamonu Gülköy (1944), Yıldızeli Pamukpınar (1945), and Samsun Ladik Akpınar (1946). In addition to teaching, he also gave concerts at the village institutes of
Even when a new saz was immediately made for him, when asked how he was finding the new saz after a year with it, Veysel still mourned his old instrument, stating "I have got used to it, but it hasn't gotten used to me." In another poem, Veysel said of his instrument:
My son, who will take care of you when we are gone? We want to make sure that you have a skill. What else can you do, besides play the saz? You can't farm, sow seeds, or harvest crops. If you learn this, you can earn a living by playing in village halls, meetings, and
Veysel's situation was a source of constant worry for his father, Ahmet, who feared that his own passing would leave no one to take care of Veysel. The Emlek region, by which the area around Sivrialan was known, was at the time a popular place for itinerant bards and
in a photograph from the First Sivas Poets' Festival in 1931, and Veysel was photographed using a regular long cane; he used a normal walking stick in a similar manner in archival footage. However, textual evidence suggests that it was unusual for Veysel to rely on
In terms of subject matter, most of Veysel's poems were about nature, love, solidarity, national pride, or life and death, and were informed by Veysel's perception of the world as a blind man. Few of his poems were explicitly political. Despite being a practicing
had sewn ourselves. At the time, there were no clothes to wear other than the shawls in the village. Where could we have gotten the fabric? That's why I went onstage with unironed clothes... in my hand was a saz carved from oak wood, made in Zara's Girit village.
2105:, and, testing the stitching on the collar, wanted to know why the tailor's stitching was crooked. The tailor was confused until Veysel had him lay hands on the imperfection, which was so subtle that it was invisible to the eye. Commissioning a new house from a 2175:(b. 1908) was Veysel's travelling companion from 1940. Also an ashik, he shared Âşık Veysel's name and had a singing voice that was "indistinguishable" from Âşık Veysel's; as such, Erkılıc's nickname was "Little Veysel". He died from a heart attack in 1960. 1517:
treatment at the Sivas Numune hospital. Reportedly, when a doctor asked for permission to examine Veysel's heart, Veysel had replied, "Examine me from head to toe, but leave my heart to me. There are secret things there that belong to me. you will see them."
104: 674:
Oğlum, biz ölürsek sana kim bakar? Mutlaka seni bir sanat sahibi yapmak istiyoruz. Sen ise sazdan başka ne iş yapabilirsin? Çift süremez sin, tohum ekemezsin, ekin biçemezsin... Bunu öğrenirsen köy odaların da, toplantılarda, kahvelerde çalarak ekmek paranı
According to a widespread story told about this time in Veysel's life, Veysel was fully aware that Esma intended to run away, but never let on that he knew. The story goes that during Esma and Hüseyin's escape, the lovers stopped to rest at a fountain near
Veysel began to become suspicious that Esma was having an affair. He apparently warned Esma about Hüseyin several times, though Esma always reassured her husband that nothing had happened between them, and asked Veysel "how could he think of such a thing?"
The family surname was initially Ulu, although the descendants of Ahmet Karaca were known as the "Şatıroğulları", a nickname, since at least the time of Veysel's birth. The surname was legally changed in 1934 to Şatıroğlu, after the passage of the Turkish
poems during this period. One of his most famous compositions, "Black Earth" (Turkish: Kara Toprak) was written at Çifteler. Indeed, Veysel found such joy in teaching saz at the institutes that Kemal, who heard his singing at Hasanoğlan in 1942, asked if
589:) arrived in Sivrialan and examined Veysel's right eye. They informed Veysel's father, Karaca Ahmet, that cataract surgery would be able to restore the vision in that eye, but as they did not carry the necessary equipment, advised Ahmet to take Veysel to 2340:. This has led to extensive dissemination of false information about Veysel's life and character, continuing a misrepresentation of Veysel's personality that was widespread even during his lifetime. His character and works were also subject to state 746:
and desperate to fight, was obliged to stay home with his parents and saz. Veysel was devastated. He instantly fell into a deep depression that he self-described as one of the darkest periods of his life. Veysel was left behind yet again when the
926:), known as the Yalıncak Baba Lodge. At the time of Veysel's visit, the lodge was owned by one Hamza Ertemür, of the nearby village of Karayaprak. The lodge was maintained by members of Hamza's family. This included his granddaughter Gülizar, a 1221:
Veysel and İbrahim continued to make records an appear on the radio together for four years. They were invited to appear on air again in 1936 by Columbia Plak Finna, where they made a joint recording of the folk song "Mecnun'um Leyla'mı Gördüm"
I enter the house, my face is sullen: my parents don't know how I feel. I cannot tell them my troubles, lest they touch me. They think I am defiant, but I am afraid to pour out my troubles, to the extent that I have even become distant from the
with his hands, laughing to himself. One of the most financially well-off in his home village of Sivrialan, it was Veysel who paid to bring electricity to Sivrialan, making it the first village in the local area to have access to electricity.
Despite the loss, Veysel's family agreed that Veysel should continue travelling, but should on no account travel alone. Thenceforth, Veysel's last travelling companion became his oldest son, Ahmet Şatıroğlu. Ahmet travelled with his father to
Gülizar and Veysel had seven children together, though their son, Hüseyin, died when he was a few months old. The marriage was happy, and lasted until Veysel's death. In a later conversation where her husband was present, Gülizar would note:
1005: 289:). Blind since the age of 7, Veysel's songs were typically melancholic, and dealt with a range of themes revolving around morality, love, faith, life and death, patriotism, nature, and his own perception of the world as a blind man. 1377:
of Veysel playing the saz. The recordings are noted for showcasing Veysel playing in a manner more akin to the Alevi style. Veysel Erkılıç is also heard accompanying him on several tracks. The recordings, including Veysel's famous
1420:(I Have a Little World Inside Me), explaining that his own patriotism, determination, and inner world were enough for him, with the only regret being that his blindness had prevented him from joining the military 38 years before. 1814:(Kara Toprak), is exemplary for its reflection of Veysel's love of the natural environment. Most of his other poems had the beauty of nature as a central theme, with many of them dedicated to the landscape around Veysel's native 1198:
from İzmir, Veysel went to Istanbul with İbrahim and performed for Cemil, who was so deeply touched by Veysel's playing that it, reportedly, moved him to tears. Cemil agreed to feature Veysel in that evening's 8 o' clock
in payment. Veysel, however, rejected the money, despite being very poor. Veysel was recorded as saying: "You valued us and invited us here. We should really be giving it to you." He was finally compelled to take 5 lira.
2304:. Veysel took a spoonful and put it in his mouth, only to realize that he had taken three in one go, crying, "I took three meatballs like a blind man!" In a similar incident, he was once at a dinner and was being served 1847:
social and political upheaval. The hardships of his own life and his patriotism for his country meant that Veysel welcomed any change that he thought was beneficial to social development. He was, however, not strictly a
According to Veysel's mother, Gülizar, she gave birth to Veysel on the way home from milking sheep, in a nearby pasture known as Ayipınarı. Unable to return home in time, she delivered Veysel by the roadside and cut the
2181:(b. 1934) was Veysel's eldest son, later his travelling companion after the death of Veysel Erkılıc. Ahmet accompanied Veysel to many Village Institutes, even feeding his father on several occasions. He died in 2018. 870:) whom Veysel's brother Ali had hired after having a daughter of his own. Esma, feeling harassed by her own husband, would allegedly wait until Veysel had left the house, before going to spend time with Hüseyin. 2206:), Veysel grew angry and insisted on the equal treatment of all those present. Although he was himself a Muslim, Veysel also did not make distinctions between those of other religions, and treated them the same. 688:
Though Veysel was initially reluctant, he understood his father's concerns, and he eventually began to learn the saz in earnest, also committing traditional folk songs and poems to memory, including the works of
he had once seen his father holding. However, Veysel still had isolated memories from before the age of 7; for instance, he could remember the location of a random boulder at the end of the road in the village.
2043:--Veysel suspected his roommate, his cousin İbrahim, despite having no evidence. They fell out and never travelled together again. Once asked what his greatest wish was, Veysel responded that he wished to meet 2380:, a biopic based on Veysel's life; Veysel himself, along with his guide Veysel Erkılıç, appear in the latter portion of the film. It was censored due to its unfavourable portrayal of agriculture in Anatolia. 383:; and two brothers, one of whom died in infancy, and the other in a childhood accident. Only one brother, Ali, survived to adulthood. In 1896, Veysel's birth was followed by that of a younger sister, Elif. 777:
Eve girerim, yüzüm asık: anam babam halimi bilmez. Ben onlara derdimi, dokunmasın diye, açamam. Onlar benim kafa tuttuğumu zannederler, bense derdimi dökmekten çekinirim, öyle ki, sazdan bile farır gibi
Veysel's life has been depicted in a range of media and literature. His poems and songs have also been extensively adapted an reinterpreted across multiple music genres, and used in a variety of media.
would have sung as happily; initially pretending not to understand Kemal, Veysel eventually laughed and replied simply that Karacaoğlan would have found it impossible: "He didn't have Hasanoğlan!"
Erdoğan Alkan, Âşık Veysel Şatıroğlu'nun Yaşam Öyküsü ve Şiiri, 21 Mart 1993 Anma gecesinde konuşma metni. Gülağ Öz, a.g.e. s.22. Erdoğan Alkan, Kör Oldum Veysel Oldum, E Yayınları İstanbul 1991
Veysel, who could not plow, sow, or harvest, but who had a fine voice, could use the saz as a way to earn a living. In a quote recounted decades later by Veysel himself, Ahmet had told his son:
political poems, Veysel continued not to compose such poetry. When asked why by a friend, Veysel replied, "I'm blind, if I veer left and right and don't walk straight, I will fall into a pit."
1350:, shot in and around Sivrialan and rural Sivas. The film's screening permit was withheld for unfavourably depicting the conditions of Turkish peasant life, especially after the reforms of the 5276:
Korkmaz, Yaylagül, N., ve Kurtaslan, H., (2022) Halk Kültüründe Ömür Söylemi: Âşık Veysel Türküleri Örneği. Folklor Akademi Dergisi. Cilt:5, Sayı:3, 647 – 659. DOI: 10.55666/folklor.1141439
379:, in late 1894, the son of Gülizar Keçecigillerden and "Karaca" Ahmet Şatıroğlu, a farmer. He was his parents' fifth child. These included two elder sisters, both of whom died in infancy of 1032:
zaman köyde şaldan başka giyecek elbise yoktu. Kumaş nerede idi. İşte ütüsüz bir elbise ile çıktım sahneye... Elimde ise Zara'nın Girit köyünde yapılan meşe ağa cından oyma bir sazım vardı.
poets and ashiks of Anatolia. Veysel also listened to the works of other ashiks; his favourite was a friend and contemporary of his, Hıdır Dede, also from Sivrialan and about Veysel's age.
Smallpox came hard. A smallpox scar appeared in my left eye. A veil fell over my right eye, because of the difficulty of the left. Ever since that day, the world has been a dungeon for me.
After his stay in Yalıncak, Veysel returned to Sivrialan. Almost as soon as he had arrived there, Veysel dispatched a letter to the village where Gülizar lived, Karayaprak, bearing his
922:. Yalıncak was notable for being the location of an important tomb, and Veysel, who had heard of the place from his father, wished to visit it. He stayed a few nights in a local inn ( 1088:
presenting the epic to Atatürk. The journey was very difficult, having been undertaken in tough winter conditions, and took three months to complete. At one point, passing a herd of
The death of Veysel's parents, the end of his marriage, and the deaths of his children, led Veysel to consider leaving Sivrialan for the first time. In 1928, he resolved to make for
raised 335,000 lira for Veysel, of which 200,000 were used to build a statue of him, with the remaining money going to the Sivrialan school. In 1982, based on an initiative by the
Whilst Veysel initially approved of the Community Centers' work, by the 1950s, it was no longer safe to make social or political criticisms in Turkey. Many of Veysel's poems were
and responding to Ozanoğlu's attacks with difficulty. Both men derided the other's appearance, with Ozanoğlu mocking Veysel's blindness, and Veysel ridiculing Ozanoğlu for his
1303:(Turkish: Deyişler), was prepared by Tecer and published by the Community Center Headquarters in 1944, and many of his most well-known poems were also released in the magazine 2351:
Veysel also had a suspicious side to his personality that is not well reflected in modern biographies of him. This was first seen in the relationship between Veysel and Esma.
1778:, only some of Veysel's poems were explicitly religious in nature, though he frequently alluded to religion in many of his works; once asked why he did not mention Alevism or 2472: 1607: 1969:
and traditionally European instruments. He was, however, apparently tolerant in his opinion; Veysel was a longtime friend of the multi-instrumentalist and rock musician
Unbeknownst to Veysel at the time, his radio appearance had in fact been attended by Atatürk himself. Atatürk was so impressed that he telephoned the radio station from
Conflicting accounts exist as to the sequence of events that followed. The most commonly cited version is the one recounted by Veysel in 1964, during an interview with
life, and needed to be led by the hand. His first guide was his sister Elif, who would frequently lead her brother around the village, describing to him what she saw.
very remote, about 136 km (83.9 miles) from Karayaprak on foot. However, Gülizar's grandfather Hamza came to Veysel's defense, arguing that the proposal must be
Alkan, Erdoğan (1994). Âşık Veysel Şatıroğlu’nun Yaşam Öyküsü ve Şiiri. Bütün Yönleriyle Âşık Vey�sel Yaşamı Sanatı Şiirleri. haz. Gülağ Öz. Ankara: Ayyıldız, 17-25.
At a loss for what else to do, Veysel and Ibrahim decided to go to the printing press themselves. Veysel's saz needed to be restringed, so the pair proceeded to the
1884:. He openly and frequently expressed his desire to fight for Turkey in the First World War and War of Independence, sentiments which were reflected in his poems. 1399:
Ali, in 1949. The plan was successful. Veysel's initiative went on to be copied across Şarkışla, and apples from his orchard were sold as "Aşık Veysel's apples".
Despite this, no news was heard from Atatürk. Veysel and Ibrahim decided to return to Sivrialan. By this point, however, both were out of money. They contacted a
6717: 3686:"Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım" (English: "I'm on a Long and Narrow Road") is one of Veysel's best known works and is still popular among fans of Turkish folk music. 1484:"for his services to our mother tongue and national unity, from the national service scheme for as long as he lives". This pension awarded him a salary of 500 1190:, Veysel—once again with İbrahim as a travelling companion—was advised by a listener to meet with Mesut Cemil, the manager of a radio station located near the 789:
to Veysel's ineligibility to fight; Veysel continued to carry his saz this way for the rest of his life. He also commemorated this period in his later poems.
5798: 510:. Veysel was undressed and quickly put to bed. The next morning, he was unable to get up; it was soon discovered that Veysel too, had contracted smallpox. 1154:
Having been denied a meeting with Atatürk in Ankara, Veysel played saz in other cities and villages to earn a living, also attending minstrel meetings in
Until he married me, this Veysel struggled hard. His fortune began with me. He started singing like a nightingale, when before he could never sing poetry.
6737: 6707: 5454:
Kaymak, Veysel (2017). Anı, Şiir, Espri ve Resimlerle Âşık Veysel’li Yıllar / Bilinmeyen Yönleriyle Âşık Veysel’in Gerçek Yaşamı. Ankara: Özdoğan Matbaa
5441: 2219:
and short height (it is presumable that Veysel's son Ahmet must have told his father what Ozanoğlu looked like). Veysel ended the flyte after only six
throughout his life. He continually championed cooperation and unity across all nationalities, social classes, and sects. He was, however, not a strict
fell asleep with his infant daughter beside him, and woke up horrified, thinking that he might have suffocated her if he had rolled over in his sleep.
6722: 468:. In light of this, Ahmet and Gülizar named their newborn son Veysel, believing this name would compliment that of their older son, Ali Şatıroğlu. 4587: 854:Şatıroğlu, died aged just 10 days, when he reportedly suffocated while Esma was breastfeeding him. Their second child was a daughter, named Elif. 4168: 1351: 1703:
style and used the aşık düzeni ('aşık pattern', sometimes known as 'Veysel pattern'), characterized by less extensive movement across the saz's
moustache got stuck to the plaster. Veysel's son, Bahri Şatıroğlu, exclaimed in distress: "Poor father. Even in death, they still torment you."
6687: 2193:
philosophy. He spent much of his life experiencing prejudice both in Sivrialan and throughout Anatolia, for various reasons; his status as an
5664: 1495:. Veysel attended, at the age of 73, this time as its oldest and most highly regarded participant, in the capacity of a member of the jury. 2063:, and red from the hand he had bloodied after having fallen in the mud, just before going blind. He also recalled red from a newspaper or 1194:
in Istanbul, where Veysel would be able to go on air. Veysel hoped this would be a second opportunity to possibly meet Atatürk. Bearing a
6747: 5991: 6692: 2146:
Gülizar, Veysel's second wife, was "never jealous of Esma", and was kind to her, despite both women's disparate views towards Veysel.
739: 527:Çiçek zorlu geldi. Sol gözüme çiçek beyi çıktı. Sağ gözüme de, solun zorundan olacak, perde indi. O gün bu gündür dünya başıma zindan. 6232: 1548:
Celal Kayakan, then the Governor of Sivas, who asked if Veysel had any last wishes; Veysel requested that a bridge be built over the
664:, which Ahmet later gave to Veysel. Asking what the instrument was, Veysel was told that the saz was a gift to keep him entertained. 5694: 5540: 5395: 5347: 4918: 4724: 4516: 2244:
comedic effect, usually finishing anecdotes with a variation of, "If I am lying, may I be blind in both eyes." Veysel also liked to
Benimle evleninceye kadar zorlu çarık çitirmiş bu Veysel. Kısmeti benimle açıldı. Hiç şiir söyleyemezken bülbül gibi ötmeye başladı.
79: 57: 5235:
Armağan Coşkun Elçi, Yetiştiği Ortam ve Yetiştiren Unsurlar Işığında Müzik Yönü, Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Veli Araştırma Dergisi
If I go, my instrument, you stay in this world/ Don't divulge my hidden secrets/ As I remember my father, you remember your master.
1767:). As with most folk poems, Veysel tended to finished his poems by adding his name, or a close pseudonym, into his final stanzas. 1226:). Both Veysel and Ibrahim also were cited as sources for a number of folk songs recorded in a compilatory book published in 1938. 6096: 2143:
suffer a lot, and God made me miserable. How dare I say goodbye to him?" She then fled the house. Esma died shortly after Veysel.
5791: 1520:
By 1972, Veysel's health had begun to rapidly worsen. He spent time in various hospitals, where he was eventually diagnosed with
660:. At the Mustafa Kemal lodge in Ortaköy, Ahmet discussed his worries with one Hakkı Baba, who gave Ahmet a broken three-stringed 6282: 608:
The second version of events also originates from Veysel. In this second recollection, first recounted in 1936 for the magazine
585:. Some years after Veysel had first contracted smallpox, itinerant ophthalmologists (locally referred to as "swallow servants", 1504:
performances, and appeared as a guest of honour at a minstrels' festival in Istanbul in July 1971. He gave his last concert in
6497: 6317: 5743: 1123:. He advised Veysel and Ibrahim to return the next day. However, they were later informed that nothing further could be done. 5705: 5569: 731: 6402: 5263: 653:
to come and perform their compositions. Ahmet, who was interested in poetry, read Veysel poems in an effort to console him.
5494: 6727: 5009:
Tahir Kutsi Makal, Âşık Veysel'in Dünyası, İnanç Yayınları İstanbul 1982 s. 69, ayrıca Son Havadis Gazetesi 2125 Mart 1977
4985: 4817: 5141: 6582: 2260:
drank and the saz died of hunger." If he thought his audience was being too noisy, he would pretend to listen his saz's
In the highly charged religious and political environment of 20th century Turkey, Veysel was particularly noted for his
1585: 6542: 6357: 6212: 5941: 2430: 1974: 1810:. These aspects form one of the most notable themes in his work and interviews, and one of Veysel's most famous poems, 301: 6702: 5784: 5755: 1954: 1824: 748: 6137: 6111: 5901: 5846: 5821: 5722: 2093:
of about 30 minutes or less, presumably by listening to the ticking of the clock he kept on the wall (he also kept a
1536: 6512: 6312: 6277: 2369: 2281: 1476:, where Veysel read him poems on solidarity and unity. Gürsel not only attended a jubilee held for Veysel, held in 1339: 6352: 6655: 6081: 1077: 6487: 6262: 1549: 1134:(then known as Karaoğlan Square) to buy strings. Their visit happened to coincide with an upcoming visit by the 910:
Having given up on Adana, Veysel began to make the journey back to Sivrialan. On the way, he passed through the
who had not realized his father was close by, turned around, and was accidentally pierced in the right eye by a
was prolific in the region, and struck Sivas in the winter of 1901. Veysel, aged 7, had received a new robe (an
herself, using a rock, then wrapped up the infant and walked back to Sivrialan (known as Söbüalan at the time).
6697: 50: 44: 6507: 6437: 5116: 4194:
Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Veli Araştırma Dergisi = Turkish Culture & Haci Bektas Veli Research Quarterly
2044: 1897: 1069: 5675: 4683: 6712: 6462: 6302: 6157: 4157: 1716: 573:
At this stage, there remained hope that Veysel would be able to regain the use of his right eye. There were
324: 297: 6372: 742:
to the front, including most of Veysel's peers and his older brother Ali; however Veysel, though a staunch
6577: 6572: 6447: 6267: 6162: 6051: 5253:
Yücel Yönal, Uzun İnce Bir Yolda Fotoğraflarla Âşık Veysel, Hüseyin Yıldırım Yayını, İstanbul 2004, s. 10.
was unreliable. In a 1969 interview with Erdoğan Alkan, Veysel stated that he only remembered the colours
2032: 1740: 1195: 1061: 61: 6422: 6307: 6242: 1855:. He also kept a radio at home, of which he was reportedly very fond. Veysel was also enthusiastic about 1691:. Most of his works prominently feature the descending melodic progression found in Turkish makam music. 1242: 1215: 6457: 6297: 6061: 1477: 1304: 1272: 6592: 2336:
Since Veysel's death, modern scholars have criticized the tendency to idolize Veysel, particularly in
327:, in the "loyalty" category. In 2023, on the 50th anniversary of his death, Veysel was recommended to 6742: 6682: 6677: 6622: 6617: 6362: 6142: 6001: 5976: 2277: 2232:
brought to light after his death. In one, Veysel was caught in a debate that had broken out over the
accurate that his friends and family were sometimes shocked. He once commissioned new clothes from a
1970: 1643:, two sizes of the same instrument; he generally played the larger, long-necked bağlama saz, made of 1453:"Now I'm blind". Veysel proceeded at once to Erkılıç's home. He hugged Erkılıç's sister, composed an 1211: 1207: 1191: 878:
Esma soon fell in love with Hüseyin. One day, when Veysel was sick in bed and Ali was out collecting
407: 6387: 5931: 2387: 1751:
interspersed throughout most of his poems. Also typical of Turkish folk poetry, Veysel's poems used
930:, who was in charge of the cleaning, and who also assisted Veysel. He and his companions arrived on 6607: 6467: 6237: 6197: 6106: 6011: 5921: 5732: 5484:
Günbulut, Şükrü (2003). Ölümünün Otuzuncu Yılında Âşık Veysel. Folklor / Edebiyat, 34 (2), 235-250.
1989: 1893: 1469: 1120: 1065: 938:
were on high alert; Gülizar, who opened the door to them, at first thought that Veysel's saz was a
935: 743: 321: 6517: 5614:(Biography, Drama, History), Ugur Aslan, Taner Cindoruk, Emirhan Kartal, Bilal Babaoglu Deniz Film 2089:
differentiate hundreds of individuals by voice. At home, Veysel was able to tell the time with a
6367: 6347: 5807: 4827: 4215: 2289: 1917: 1687:, including Hüseyni, Uşşak, Hijaz, Rast, Muhayyer, and Karçığar, and used 2/4, 4/4, 5/8, and 7/8 1658: 1618:, which were dedicated to Âşık Veysel. In the same year, a remixed version of Âşık Veysel's song 1259: 1200: 503: 293: 180: 6392: 6257: 6177: 6172: 5324:
Cılga, Hüseyin (2023): Âşık Veysel, Bilgelikleri, Sezgileri, Nükteleri, Post Yayınevi, İstanbul.
Kutlu Özen, Âşık Veysel/Selam Olsun Kucak Kucak. Sivas: Dilek Ofset Mabaacılık. Sivas 1998 s. 19
5039:Şükrü Günbulut, Ölümünün Otuzuncu Yılında Âşık Veysel, Folklor/Edebiyat Sayı:34 2003/2 Sayfa:235 2391: 1465: 1390:. Gheerbrant's work now constitutes some of the highest-quality recordings of Veysel available. 1268: 1876:
In the highly religiously charged environment of 20th century Turkey, Veysel remained a strong
Although he was a strong environmentalist throughout his life, Veysel also actively encouraged
628: 320:). In 2022, Veysel was posthumously awarded a Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Award by the 6557: 6547: 6537: 6482: 6337: 6167: 6086: 6046: 5951: 5866: 5701: 5690: 5660: 5565: 5536: 5391: 5343: 4914: 4813: 4720: 4512: 4207: 2426: 2064: 1843: 1592: 1355: 989: 946: 738:
officially entered the war. In the ensuing mobilization, all men of eligible age (20-45) were
First known photograph of Aşık Veysel, aged 37, taken at the Sivas Folk Poets Festival, 1931.
657: 162: 137: 6602: 6532: 6527: 6427: 6397: 6071: 5971: 5946: 5871: 5428:
Anı-Şiir-Resimlerle Âşık Veyselli Yıllar (Bilinmeyen Yönleriyle Âşık Veysel'in Gerçek Yaşamı
4870: 4197: 4162: 4137: 1978: 1901: 1803: 1786: 1744: 1370: 694: 582: 461: 453: 431:
Sacred juniper tree at Mount Beserek, near Sivrialan, where prayers for healing were offered
261: 254: 6567: 6332: 6091: 1904:
region, in abject poverty, blind and uneducated, reaching his majority with the end of the
1505: 718:
Veysel's early years were spent playing the saz predominantly for his entertainment alone.
6732: 6382: 5906: 5836: 5747: 4840: 4189: 2321: 2090: 1820: 1383: 1374: 727: 701:, Kemter Baba, Veli, Visali, Kul Abdal, Emrah, Tarsuslu Sıtkı, Şahan Ağa, and other great 638: 574: 513:
Veysel was bedridden for three months. As the disease progressed, he developed a smallpox
449: 348: 6472: 6377: 6222: 5986: 5956: 5508:
Görkem, Betül (2023). "Aşık Veysel'in Mizah Yönü" [Âşık Veysel's Humorous Side].
5306:(NED-New edition). Boydell & Brewer. 1623: 1473: 918:
in the village of Yalıncak, where he and his travelling companions were also swindled by
5475:Öz, Gülağ (1994). Bütün Yönleriyle Âşık Veysel Yaşamı Sanatı Şiirleri. Ankara: Ayyıldız. 1988:
Veysel similarly was not keen on translations of his poems (at the time, primarily into
a month. This was the first time such an award had been granted to any Turkish citizen.
6612: 6597: 6587: 6522: 6502: 6492: 6417: 6287: 6227: 6152: 6116: 6026: 6006: 5966: 5893: 5856: 5851: 5076: 4142: 2434: 2240: 2166: 2040: 1905: 1779: 1756: 1752: 1688: 1280: 1230: 1097: 911: 735: 698: 578: 437: 282: 278: 264: 145: 103: 5018:
Y. Bülent Bâkiler, Âşık Veysel,1.Baskı, Kültür Bakanlığı Yayınları:/102,Ankara 1989/51
4859:"Âşık Veysel'in Şiirlerinde Otobiyografik Bellek Bağlamında Travmatik Anıların İzleri" 1977:. Veysel apparently granted it, because Kızılok released a version in 1969, played in 1928:
The saz and folk music naturally formed a central part of Veysel's life. Born into an
norm. Following the 1961 constitution, when many minstrels transitioned to performing
Four different sizes of bağlama, or saz. The terms are generally used interchangeably.
6671: 6643: 6407: 6322: 6272: 6247: 6187: 6182: 6101: 5981: 5961: 5926: 4972:(Interview). Veysel Şatıroğlu. Sivrialan, Sivas. Retrieved on 6th May 2024 from URL: 4890:
Aslanoğlu, İbrahim (1967). Âşık Veysel. İlavelerle İkinci Baskı. Sivas: Ata Kitabevi.
4234: 4219: 2073: 2028: 1962: 1684: 1680: 1561: 360: 6292: 6207: 6202: 6076: 6021: 5911: 5740: 2468: 2377: 2337: 2094: 2082: 1728: 1603: 1491:
From the 28th to 30 October 1967, the Second Sivas Folk Poets Festival was held in
1485: 1347: 1135: 1018: 915: 427: 6432: 6327: 6217: 5831: 1715:
Veysel's poetic style typified the traditional structures and techniques found in
to his fellow villagers for free. One of his last wishes was to be buried in the
867: 6562: 6552: 6477: 6452: 6442: 6412: 6342: 6252: 6147: 6016: 5916: 5315:Özerdem, Ahmet (2020): Anıları, Nükteleri ve Bilgeliğiyle Âşık Veysel, İstanbul. 2265: 2199: 1950: 1848: 1807: 1704: 1648: 1581: 1580:
News of Veysel's death quickly spread across the country. The Turkish newspaper
1525: 1521: 1131: 992:
in 1931. Tecer, himself a poet and a literature teacher in schools in Sivas and
954: 602: 5771: 4190:"The traces of Alevi and Bektashi culture in the folk songs of the Asik Veysel" 2404:) (2012), by German director Hüseyin Tabak, a film about a 12-year old Turkish 1004: 6192: 6121: 6041: 5881: 4973: 4152: 4147: 2341: 2320:
being blind; he was once visited at an acquaintance's house by several French
2077: 1943:
are like a flower, Veysel is a bee/ We would get down and make honey together.
1909: 1856: 1640: 1573: 1541: 1327: 1296: 690: 661: 656:
In 1904 or 1905, Ahmet made a trip to the village of Ortaköy, 21 km from
his father had been holding, thereby losing the remaining vision in that eye.
399: 356: 344: 340: 332: 274: 209: 5936: 4211: 5861: 2405: 2293: 2261: 2233: 2169:
in 1940, after which İbrahim's name disappears from the historical record.
1966: 1836: 1736: 1696: 1416:
able to see again would destroy his inner world. Veysel later wrote a poem,
879: 391: 5996: 5205:
Mustafa Ekmekçi, Âşık Veysel'le Konuşmalar, Yeni Ortam gazetesi 2 Ocak 1973
2437:. The show's name (English: Day and Night) is also a reference to the song. 2223:
of invective exchange, and never participated again in another such match.
1973:, who had visited Sivrialan to ask for Veysel's blessing to cover his song 277:
virtuoso, and folk poet. He was born and died in the village of Sivrialan,
17: 5717: 4874: 1258:
By 1945, Ahmet Kutsi Tecer had begun to implement music programs at local
6066: 6036: 6031: 4941: 2301: 2285: 2190: 2072:
guide's arm. Independently, Veysel walked with a cane, usually a regular
1881: 1877: 1760: 1724: 1695:
were ubiquitous in Veysel's poetry, musically characterized by repeating
1651: 1644: 1457: 1408: 1187: 1183: 1155: 919: 613: 499: 380: 372: 5631: 5609: 5586: 4858: 4202: 1719:. Lyrics in his poems are defined by simple, but powerful Turkish, with 581:, 71 km (44.1 miles) from Sivrialan, whose main function was to perform 5876: 5841: 2409: 2305: 2253: 2249: 2245: 2211: 2194: 2132: 2106: 1929: 1832: 1828: 1775: 1772: 1748: 1732: 1700: 1692: 1528:
for poor students, and establish educational institutions in his name.
1481: 1359: 1263: 1167: 1116: 1093: 1083:
Veysel's poem was very popular, and was forwarded to both Tecer and to
702: 514: 387: 352: 336: 267: 5510:
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Tahir Kutsi, Aşık Veysel, Ararat Yayınevi, İstanbul Nisan 1973, s. 28.
2450:(2020), stage play biopic of Veysels life, written by Osman Nuri Ercan 1107:
Once at Ankara, neither Veysel nor Ibrahim had the money to stay in a
Of his participation in the event, Veysel commented some years later:
Veysel's name first became known outside his local circle when he met
6056: 5776: 2298: 2273: 2220: 2216: 2203: 2102: 2027:
strain of the left) suggests that his blindness was a combination of
1982: 1720: 1595:
granted Veysel's wife, Gülizar, a pension based on national service.
1366: 1223: 1175: 1163: 1142: 1127: 1101: 1089: 1084: 993: 931: 891: 328: 286: 170: 4763: 4275:
Görkem, Betül (11 November 2023). "Humorous Aspect of Asik Veysel".
1588:, Veysel's house in Sivrialan was opened to the public as a museum. 4533: 2135:
in Hayrire's palm, saying only that Esma's pain would grow worse.
Through his brother, Ali, Veysel had three nieces and one nephew.
1763:, typically 11 per line, though the number could go up to 13 (e.g. 1675:(consistently rhythmic and irregularly rhythmic/non-rhythmic songs) 5591:(Biography, Drama), Asik Veysel, Ayfer Feray, Kemal Öz, Atlas Film 5193:
Bekki, Salahaddin. (2022). Kendini Yazdıran Sanatkar: Âşık Veysel.
2325: 2237: 2056: 1946: 1852: 1815: 1535: 1492: 1454: 1179: 1171: 1159: 1112: 1108: 1003: 958: 939: 927: 898: 887: 650: 642: 627: 590: 507: 457: 445: 426: 376: 270: 193: 166: 141: 4791:
Eröz, N. (1936). "Saz Şairleri". Yedigün. S. 7/161, s. 11-12, 23.
sometime during the 17-18th centuries. Initially settling in the
5636: 2316:
Conversely, he was known to occasionally make fun of others for
2060: 2035:. Veysel kept his eyes closed at all times, even when walking. 1860: 1218:
on October 29, even long after Atatürk predeceased him in 1938.
395: 5780: 4235:"Decisions adopted by the Executive Board at its 211th session" 1663:, namely folk songs of Turkish origin, with most of them being 2309: 2052: 1864: 597: 465: 456:: Veysel Karanî), found some camels he had previously lost in 29: 5342:] (in Turkish). Doğan Egmont Yayıncılık Çocuk Kitapları. 1556:
his grandfather's saz, and Veysel's voice, reciting his poem
5763: 5562:
Aşık Veysel Anthology: With memoirs, Articles and Interviews
4511:] (in Turkish). Istanbul: Sivas Platformu. p. 203. 1819:
solace there when he was left behind at the outbreak of the
Tecer's request, however, tempted him; Veysel was a staunch
464:, where he had fought for another prominent Islamic figure, 419:
in four small houses overlooking the surrounding mountains.
102: 4588:"21 Mart | Veysel gider adı kalır, dostlar beni hatırlasın" 1949:, homage to the fact that he had not been able to fight in 4748:] (in Turkish). Istanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları. 1598:
In 2000, a compilation album of Âşık Veysel's songs named
2076:. He is shown holding a slim staff more akin to a modern 1622:
was featured as the main theme in a Turkish film series,
Grave of Aşık Veysel near Sivrialan, showing his saz and
without his knowledge. One of Veysel's social critiques,
day, when all the local lodges were closed and the local
Selam Olsun Kucak Kucak - Aşık Veysel Hayatı ve Şiirleri
1839:, so that his gravesite could be left open for grazing. 1460:
on the spot, then broke down and "sobbed like a child".
Veysel is considered one of the most prominent icons of
featured in the same album, was also inspired by Veysel
throughout his life, as well as an ardent supporter of
structure of Turkish, for instance by pairing the same
in April of that year, but also awarded him a lifetime
Veysel was also heavily involved in Community Centers (
aşık, İhsan Ozanoğlu. Ozanoğlu challenged Veysel to a
Of his state of mind during this time, he also noted:
to form couplets. He also relied on broadly repeated
Veysel's ancestry is not well-known. His family were
Aşık Veysel antolojisi: anı, makale ve röportajlarla
The Other Classical Musics: Fifteen Great Traditions
4986:"Aşık Veysel'in Alevilik Bağı Yok Edilmek İsteniyor" 2344:, both while he was alive and long after his death. 6130: 5890: 5814: 5756:Âşık Veysel: Biography and Discography with Samples 4534:"Turkish Literature Names Dictionary - Âşık Veysel" 1945:He famously wore it slung over his shoulder like a 226: 216: 205: 186: 176: 151: 130: 120: 115: 94: 5442:"Aşık Veysel'in evi yol arkadaşının oğluna emanet" 2473:Professor Satchafunkilus and the Musterion of Rock 1608:Professor Satchafunkilus and the Musterion of Rock 1412:jubilee was also held in Ankara in the same year. 1388:Voyages D'Alain Gheerbrant En Anatolie (1956-1957) 730:broke out on 28 July 1914. Three months later, on 5529:Âşık Veysel Bilgelikleri - Sezgileri - Nükteleri 5495:"'Aşık Veysel Yılı'nın Viyana etkinliğinden (2)" 1739:); to achieve this, Veysel heavily utilized the 1667:type songs. Veysel's works generally consist of 1386:on the saz, were compiled in Gheerbrant's album 1365:In 1957, Veysel was visited in Sivrialan by the 1423: 804: 540: 331:for a year of commemoration, backed by Turkey, 5293:(246), 412–415. 5226:Milliyet Sanat Dergisi, 30 Mart 1973. Sayı 26. 566:Extract from "Genç Yaşımda Felek Vurdu Başıma" 480:Of his father, Karaca Ahmet, Veysel recalled: 398:region of Anatolia, the family later moved to 5792: 5564:] (in Turkish). Ankara: Uyum Yayıncılık. 4863:Uluslararası Halkbilimi Araştırmaları Dergisi 4277:Faculty of Letters Journal of Social Sciences 8: 2202:Muslims (Veysel and the others present were 1759:, with each line sharing the same number of 1560:(Dostlar Beni Hatırlasın) was played from a 390:, whose ancestors migrated to Anatolia from 5764:Sivrialan village is Âşık Veysel's hometown 5533:Âşık Veysel: Wisdom, Intuitions, Witticisms 4974: 2408:named Veysel, migrating with his family to 2198:speak carefully, due to the arrival of two 1508:on 15 August 1971. The audience called for 754:Of this time in his life, Veysel reflected: 371:Veysel Şatıroğlu was born in Sivrialan, an 359:. His 125th birthday was commemorated in a 5799: 5785: 5777: 5687:The Routledge Dictionary of Turkish Cinema 5285:Belik, M. (1949). The Turkish Folk Poets. 5117:"Atatürk'ün Veysel'i polise arattığı gece" 2490: 2488:Veysel's family tree is given as follows: 1407:In 1952, a jubilee was held for Veysel in 1317:If I Pour My Troubles into the Deep Stream 263:); 25 October 1894 – 21 March 1973) was a 91: 4201: 2272:companion, Kul Ahmet, were travelling to 1275:, as well as at local community centers. 1229:In 1940, Veysel and İbrahim travelled to 521:Of this period in his life, Veysel said: 80:Learn how and when to remove this message 4970:Turkish Radio and Television Corporation 1985:. Veysel also gave Kızılok saz lessons. 1334:(Tanrı'ya Hitap), opening with the line 1315:(Sen Bir Ceylan Olsan Ben de Bir Avcı); 300:. Among his most popular folk songs are 43:This article includes a list of general 5685:Dönmez-Colin, Gönül (4 December 2013). 5390:] (in Turkish). Pencele Yayinlari. 5340:Âşık Veysel on the Long and Narrow Road 5189: 5187: 5185: 5183: 5181: 4968:Alkan, Erdoğan. (1969). "Aşık Veysel". 4532:Alptekin, Ali Berat (5 December 2020). 4180: 979:—Gülizar Şatıroğlu, Veysel's wife 722:First World War and War of Independence 5471: 5469: 5421: 5419: 5417: 5415: 5413: 5411: 5409: 5407: 5377: 5375: 5373: 5371: 5369: 5367: 5365: 5363: 5361: 5359: 5213: 5211: 5201: 5199: 5179: 5177: 5175: 5173: 5171: 5169: 5167: 5165: 5163: 5161: 5071: 5069: 5067: 5065: 5026: 5024: 4964: 4962: 4886: 4884: 4852: 4850: 4836: 4825: 4787: 4785: 4783: 4781: 4779: 4777: 4719:] (in Turkish). İnkılap Kitabevi. 4498: 4496: 4494: 4492: 4490: 316:) and "Your Beauty is Worth Nothing" ( 5110: 5108: 5106: 5104: 5102: 5100: 5098: 5096: 5063: 5061: 5059: 5057: 5055: 5053: 5051: 5049: 5047: 5045: 4936: 4934: 4932: 4930: 4904: 4902: 4900: 4898: 4896: 4799: 4797: 4757: 4755: 4706: 4704: 4678: 4676: 4674: 4672: 4670: 4668: 4666: 4664: 4662: 4660: 4658: 4656: 4654: 4652: 4650: 4648: 4646: 4618:Türküz Türkü Çağırırız / Âşık Veysel. 4612: 4610: 4608: 4582: 4580: 4578: 4576: 4574: 4488: 4486: 4484: 4482: 4480: 4478: 4476: 4474: 4472: 4470: 4468: 4466: 4464: 4462: 4460: 4458: 4456: 4454: 4452: 4450: 4448: 4446: 4444: 4442: 4440: 4438: 4436: 4434: 4432: 4430: 4428: 4426: 4424: 4422: 4420: 4418: 4416: 4414: 4412: 4410: 4408: 4406: 4404: 4402: 4400: 4398: 4396: 4394: 4392: 4390: 4388: 4386: 4384: 4382: 4380: 4378: 4376: 4374: 4372: 4370: 4368: 4366: 4364: 4362: 4360: 4358: 4356: 4354: 4352: 4350: 4348: 4346: 4344: 4342: 4340: 4338: 4336: 4334: 4332: 4330: 4328: 4326: 4324: 4322: 4320: 4318: 4316: 4314: 4312: 4310: 3669: 3667: 3665: 3663: 3661: 3659: 3657: 3655: 3653: 3650: 3648: 3645: 3643: 3640: 3638: 3635: 3633: 3630: 3628: 3625: 3623: 3620: 3618: 3611: 3609: 3606: 3604: 3601: 3599: 3596: 3594: 3591: 3589: 3586: 3584: 3581: 3579: 3576: 3574: 3571: 3569: 3562: 3560: 3553: 3551: 3544: 3542: 3539: 3537: 3534: 3532: 3529: 3527: 3525: 3523: 3521: 3519: 3517: 3515: 3513: 3461: 3459: 3457: 3455: 3449: 3447: 3445: 3443: 3441: 3439: 3437: 3435: 3433: 3431: 3429: 3427: 3425: 3423: 3421: 3419: 3417: 3415: 3413: 3411: 3409: 3407: 3405: 3403: 3355: 3353: 3351: 3349: 3347: 3345: 3343: 3341: 3339: 3309: 3307: 3304: 3295: 3293: 3286: 3277: 3275: 3272: 3263: 3261: 3258: 3249: 3247: 3240: 3238: 3235: 3226: 3224: 3221: 3212: 3210: 3203: 3201: 3194: 3192: 3189: 3187: 3184: 3182: 3179: 3177: 3174: 3172: 3170: 3110: 3058: 3050: 3032: 3030: 3023: 3021: 3014: 3003: 2998: 2996: 2989: 2984: 2948: 2946: 2944: 2912: 2910: 2908: 2906: 2904: 2894: 2892: 2885: 2876: 2874: 2872: 2870: 2868: 2866: 2864: 2862: 2856: 2854: 2852: 2850: 2848: 2846: 2844: 2842: 2840: 2838: 2836: 2834: 2832: 2830: 2828: 2822: 2820: 2818: 2813: 2811: 2809: 2807: 2805: 2803: 2801: 2795: 2793: 2787: 2785: 2783: 2781: 2779: 2777: 2775: 2769: 2767: 2765: 2760: 2758: 2756: 2754: 2752: 2750: 2748: 2710: 2708: 2706: 2704: 2702: 2700: 2698: 2696: 2694: 2692: 2690: 2688: 2686: 2684: 2682: 2680: 2678: 2676: 2674: 2672: 2670: 2668: 2666: 2664: 2662: 2660: 2624: 2622: 2620: 2618: 2616: 2614: 2612: 2610: 2608: 2606: 2604: 2602: 2596: 2594: 2592: 2590: 2588: 2586: 2584: 2582: 2580: 2578: 2576: 2574: 2572: 2570: 2568: 2566: 2564: 2562: 2560: 2558: 2556: 2554: 2552: 2550: 2548: 2546: 2544: 2542: 2540: 2538: 2536: 2534: 2532: 2530: 2528: 2526: 2524: 2522: 2520: 2518: 2516: 2514: 2512: 2510: 2508: 2506: 2504: 2502: 555:I had both my eyes taken from my hand 7: 6718:Composers of Ottoman classical music 4644: 4642: 4640: 4638: 4636: 4634: 4632: 4630: 4628: 4626: 4572: 4570: 4568: 4566: 4564: 4562: 4560: 4558: 4556: 4554: 4308: 4306: 4304: 4302: 4300: 4298: 4296: 4294: 4292: 4290: 4270: 4268: 4266: 4264: 4262: 4260: 4258: 4256: 4049:Derdimi dökersem derin dereye (4:51) 3969:Through stranger lands I do not know 2313:me empty eggs because I am blind!" 1639:Veysel played both the cura and the 1437:Open the channel, the water has come 914:of Sivas. He bought a new saz for 9 684:—Karaca Ahmet, Veysel's father 557:I had just reached the age of seven 5535:] (in Turkish). POST YAYINEVİ. 5264:"Arabesk, "halk" anlamına gelmiyor" 4684:"Âşık Veysel Şatıroğlu (1894-1973)" 4538:Turkish Literature Names Dictionary 3999:Through times of sorrow, or delight 1900:. Veysel had grown up in a largely 1679:His melodies featured a restricted 1564:carried by his youngest son Bahri. 1313:If You Are a Gazelle, I am a Hunter 1111:. They were advised to stay with a 838:"The bush bears no fruit," she said 444:was the site where the 6th century 5430:(in Turkish). Ankara: Kuloğlu Mat. 5142:"Aşık Veysel Şatıroğlu (1894–1973" 4812:] (in Turkish). Ankara: Ülkü. 4764:"Şarkışla - Tarih ve Halk Kültürü" 4052:Dost çevirmiş yüzünü benden (3:12) 3965:On plain, on peak, in desert roam, 3935:And at the two-doored inn I strode 1572:Within a day of Veysel's death, a 836:Whatever I said, she said, "crazy" 110:Photograph of Âşık Veysel, c. 1950 49:it lacks sufficient corresponding 25: 6738:Deaths from lung cancer in Turkey 6708:20th-century Turkish male singers 5659:. Istanbul: Etkileşim Yayınları. 5632:"Deine Schönheit ist nichts wert" 4112:Sekizinci ayın yirmi ikisi (4:43) 3927:When first I came into this world 1683:composed in a variety of Turkish 1447:- Lament for Veysel Erkılıç, 1960 1418:Bir Küçük Dünyam var Içimde Benim 1319:(Derdimi Dökersem Derin Dereye); 1271:, Pulur, Akçadağ, Kepirtepe, and 726:Veysel was 20 years old when the 312:); "Let My Friends Remember Me" ( 6723:Composers of Turkish makam music 6650: 6649: 6637: 5716: 5287:The Journal of American Folklore 4768:Şarkışla - Tarih ve Halk Kültürü 4241:(Programme and meeting document) 4003:The distant end of this to sight 3919:What state I'm in, I do not know 1965:of his songs scored to European 802:Memlekete Destan Oldum (extract) 559:I lost my spring and my summer. 553:When I was young, fate struck me 460:. Al-Qarani was martyred in the 34: 5336:Uzun İnce Bir Yolda Aşık Veysel 4913:(in Turkish). Duvar Yayınları. 4804:Şatıroğlu, Âşık Veysel (1944). 4717:I Became Blind, I Became Veysel 4509:Aşik Veysel at the Two-Door Inn 4127:Yıldız (Sivas ellerinde) (3:16) 4100:Ne ötersin dertli dertli (3:05) 4082:Güzelliğin on para etmez (4:31) 4064:Dünya'ya gelmemde maksat (2:43) 3986:Though the road goes in a blink 3982:As if to nothingness it shrinks 3682:Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım (lyrics) 2429:(2008) featured Veysel's song " 2412:. Âşık Veysel's eponymous song 2398:Deine Schönheit ist nichts wert 1933:his instrument with the lines: 825:I became a legend to my country 543:Genç yaşımda felek vurdu başıma 537:Genç Yaşımda Felek Vurdu Başıma 491:my father used to entertain me. 5608:Babaoglu, Bilal (2016-12-30), 4169:Aşık Veysel Meslek Yüksekokulu 4058:Dostlar beni hatırlasın (6:02) 2276:. Kul Ahmet caught sight of a 1: 5082:(in Turkish). 26 October 2018 4121:Uzun ince bir yoldayım (2:23) 3995:Veysel wonders at this plight 3961:Forty-nine years on this road 3931:I started on that narrow road 3911:I'm on a long and narrow road 2471:, featured in his 2008 album 2416:is also featured in the film. 1835:where he was born, without a 306:I'm on a Long and Narrow Road 5674:Sarı, Emre (4 August 2006). 5657:Türk Saz Şairleri Antolojisi 5077:"Aşık Veysel'in hikayesi..." 4740:Oğuzcan, Ümit Yaşar (1973). 4616:Alptekin, Ali Berat (2004). 4505:İki Kapılı Handa Âşık Veysel 4061:Dün gece yar eşiğinde (4:28) 3800:Transliterated (Bekki, 2021) 3688: 2402:Your Beauty is Worth Nothing 1382:and an extensive improvised 840:"Don't embrace me," she said 831:My other half didn't like me 829:I became a husband, a friend 549:Kayıb ettim baharımı yazımı. 547:Yeni değmiş idim yedi yaşıma 5677:Ünlü Halk Ozanı Aşık Veysel 5115:SÜSOY, Yener (2005-02-21). 4762:Kurt, Cengiz (2022-01-01). 4091:Kızılırmak seni seni (4:58) 4076:Gönül sana nasihatim (6:40) 4073:Gonca gülün kokusuna (5:24) 4025:Arasam seni gül ilen (4:18) 3978:If I stand and deeply think 2467:song by American guitarist 2324:, escorted by the mayor of 2173:Âşık "Küçük" Veysel Erkılıc 2059:. He remembered black from 848:- Âşık Veysel, date unknown 749:Turkish War of Independence 587:Turkish: kırlangıç uşakları 545:Aldırdım elimden iki gözümü 6764: 6748:20th-century Turkish poets 5302:Church, M. (Ed.). (2015). 4046:Cümle âlem senindir (6:44) 3854:Kırk dokuz yıl bu yollarda 3747:Kırk dokuz yıl bu yollarda 1787:I'm Mecnun, I Saw My Layla 1657:All of Veysel's songs are 1610:featured two songs called 1558:Let My Friends Remember Me 1441:For us, this came from God 1439:For others a wedding feast 1435:Joy as come to the ashiks, 1291:Publication and censorship 1224:I'm Mecnun, I saw my Leyla 6693:People from Sivas vilayet 6631: 6583:Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu 5689:. Routledge. p. 51. 3952:Many seeing, all are gone 3507: 3505: 3503: 3501: 3499: 3497: 3495: 3493: 3491: 3489: 3487: 3485: 3483: 3481: 3479: 3473: 3471: 3469: 3453: 3451: 3401: 3397: 3395: 3393: 3391: 3389: 3387: 3385: 3383: 3381: 3379: 3377: 3375: 3373: 3371: 3369: 3367: 3365: 3363: 3361: 3302: 3284: 3270: 3256: 3233: 3219: 3164: 3162: 3160: 3158: 3156: 3154: 3152: 3150: 3148: 3146: 3144: 3142: 3140: 3138: 3136: 3134: 3132: 3130: 3128: 3126: 3124: 3122: 3120: 3118: 3116: 3114: 3108: 3104: 3102: 3100: 3098: 3096: 3094: 3092: 3090: 3088: 3086: 3084: 3082: 3080: 3078: 3076: 3074: 3072: 3070: 3068: 3066: 3064: 3062: 3060: 3056: 3054: 3052: 3012: 3001: 2987: 2980: 2978: 2976: 2974: 2972: 2970: 2968: 2966: 2960: 2958: 2956: 2942: 2940: 2938: 2936: 2934: 2932: 2930: 2928: 2922: 2920: 2918: 2883: 2791: 2789: 2742: 2740: 2738: 2736: 2734: 2732: 2730: 2728: 2726: 2724: 2722: 2720: 2718: 2658: 2654: 2652: 2650: 2648: 2646: 2644: 2642: 2640: 2638: 2636: 2634: 2632: 2630: 2394:, also a biopic on Veysel 2163:Âşık "Cort" İbrahim Tutuş 1784:Mecnunum Leylamı Gördüm'; 1264:Arifiye Village Institute 1249:Saz instructor: 1941–1946 1000:Sivas Folk Poets Festival 810:Eşten oldum dosttan oldum 751:broke out on 19 May 1919 101: 6112:Yirmisekiz Mehmed Çelebi 5655:Yıldırım, Nihal (2016). 5384:Aşık Veysel'den Nükteler 5334:Binyazar, Adnan (2015). 4992:(in Turkish). 2015-03-15 4946:TC Sarkisla Kaymakamligi 4690:(in Turkish). 2022-05-27 4594:(in Turkish). 2021-03-21 4118:Şu geniş Dünya'ya (7:27) 4022:Anlatamam derdimi (5:24) 3948:Even waking, I search on 3944:Even sleeping, I walk on 3879:Yol bir dakka mihdarınca 3772:Yol bir dakka miktarınca 2886:Gülizar Keçecigillerden 2414:Güzelliğin On Para Etmez 1723:typically arranged into 1647:wood, and played wıth a 1336:"Memleketi gören sensin" 1241:the former's death of a 817:"Meyva vermez çalı" dedi 318:Güzelliğin On Para Etmez 6303:Halide Nusret Zorlutuna 5992:Kınalızâde Hasan Çelebi 5527:Cılga, Hüseyin (2023). 5426:Kaymak, Veysel (1997). 5388:Quotes from Âşık Veysel 5382:Alkan, Erdoğan (2001). 4746:Let Friends Remember Me 4742:Dostlar Beni Hatırlasın 4711:Alkan, Erdoğan (2005). 4503:Özdemir, Ahmet (2010). 4239:UNESDOC Digital Library 4158:Turkish folk literature 4109:Seherin vaktinde (5:01) 4037:Bir kökte uzamış (4:55) 4034:Beş günlük Dünya (3:58) 4007:I'm going day and night 3990:I'm going day and night 3973:I'm going day and night 3956:I'm going day and night 3939:I'm going day and night 3923:I'm going day and night 3915:I'm going day and night 3888:Şaşar Veysel iş bu hâle 3862:Düşmüşüm gurbet ellerde 3781:Şaşar Veysel iş bu hale 3755:Düşmüşüm gurbet ellerde 3705:Bilmiyorum ne haldeyim, 3697:Uzun ince bir yoldayım, 2877:Karaca Ahmet Şatıroğlu 1602:was released. In 2008, 984:Rise to fame: 1931–1935 815:Ne söylesem "deli" dedi 624:Introduction to the saz 314:Dostlar Beni Hatırlasın 64:more precise citations. 6543:Şevket Süreyya Aydemir 6318:Hüseyin Rahmi Gürpınar 6233:Cevat Şakir Kabaağaçlı 6052:Recaizade Mahmud Ekrem 4713:Kör Oldum Veysel Oldum 4079:Gözyaşı armağan (3:32) 4067:Esti bahar yeli (2:41) 3812:Bilmiyorum ne haldeyim 3804:Uzun ince bir yoldayım 3776:Gidiyorum gündüz gece. 3759:Gidiyorum gündüz gece. 3738:Gidenleri hep görüyom, 3725:Gidiyorum gündüz gece. 3713:Dünyaya geldiğim anda, 3709:Gidiyorum gündüz gece. 3701:Gidiyorum gündüz gece, 2431:Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım 2376:) (1952), directed by 2332:Veysel in modern media 2033:sympathetic ophthalmia 1975:Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım 1802:Veysel was a lifelong 1620:Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım 1600:Âşık Veysel Klasikleri 1544: 1499:Final years: 1970–1973 1444: 1394:Later years: 1946–1970 1323:(Mektup), and others. 1196:letter of introduction 1047:Company with that saz. 1009: 845: 842:My love didn't like me 827:My wife didn't like me 806:Memlekete destan oldum 709:Early years: 1906–1931 633: 562: 432: 302:Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım 116:Background information 107: 6508:Sabri Esat Siyavuşgil 6403:Necip Fazıl Kısakürek 6373:Memduh Şevket Esendal 6138:Abdülhak Şinasi Hisar 6097:Tâcîzâde Cafer Çelebi 6082:Prizrenli Suzi Çelebi 5902:Abdülhak Hâmid Tarhan 5733:Âşık Veysel's village 5725:at Wikimedia Commons 4875:10.61729/uhad.1421567 4857:Erdal, Tuğçe (2024). 4688:Atatürk Ansiklopedisi 4040:Birlik destani (1:42) 4031:Beni hor görme (2:46) 4028:Atatürk'e ağıt (5:21) 3900:Gediyorum gundüz gece 3896:Yetişmek için menzile 3883:Gediyorum gundüz gece 3866:Gediyorum gundüz gece 3858:Ovada dağda çöllerde, 3849:Gediyorum gundüz gece 3845:Gedenleri ben görüyom 3832:Gediyorum gundüz gece 3820:Dünyaya geldiğim anda 3816:Gediyorum gundüz gece 3808:Gediyorum gundüz gece 3793:Gidiyorum gündüz gece 3789:Yetişmek için menzile 3785:Gah ağlaya gahi güle, 3768:Uzak görünür görünce, 3751:Ovada dağda çöllerde, 3742:Gidiyorum gündüz gece 3734:Kalmaya sebep arıyom, 3717:Yürüdüm aynı zamanda, 2990:Ali Rüstem Şatıroğlu 1898:Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 1892:Veysel was a staunch 1717:Anatolian folk poetry 1539: 1431:Bize haktan bu geldi. 1070:Mustafa Kemal Atatürk 1007: 819:"Açma bana kolu" dedi 631: 430: 363:on October 25, 2017. 238:Gülizar Ana (m. 1927) 235:Esma Sengül (m. 1919) 106: 6728:Turkish blind people 6688:People from Şarkışla 6573:Vasfi Mahir Kocatürk 6513:Sait Faik Abasıyanık 6363:Mehmet Emin Yurdakul 6313:Halid Ziya Uşaklıgil 6283:Fazıl Hüsnü Dağlarca 6278:Faruk Nafiz Çamlıbel 6158:Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar 6002:Mehmet Emin Yurdakul 4909:Özen, Kutlu (2009). 3892:Gâh ağlaya gâhi gule 3875:Uzak görünür görünce 3841:Kalmaya sebep arıyom 3828:İki gapılı bir handa 3824:Yörüdüm aynı zemanda 3764:Düşünülürse derince, 3730:Uykuda dahi yürüyom, 3721:İki kapılı bir handa 3554:Sebahattin Şatıroğlu 2386:(2016), directed by 2278:geological formation 1568:Aftermath and legacy 1468:in 1965 to meet the 947:proposal of marriage 821:Sarım beni beğenmedi 812:Yarim beni beğenmedi 808:Karım beni beğenmedi 414:Childhood: 1894–1906 325:Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 6578:Yahya Kemal Beyatlı 6498:Ruşen Eşref Ünaydın 6488:Reşat Nuri Güntekin 6448:Oktay Rıfat Horozcu 6358:Mehmet Fuat Köprülü 6308:Halit Fahri Ozansoy 6268:Ercüment Ekrem Talu 6263:Enis Behiç Koryürek 6213:Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı 6163:Ahmet Muhip Dıranas 6107:Yahya bey Dukagjini 5772:Âşık Veysel's poems 4203:10.34189/HBV.96.023 4094:Küçük dünyam (5:17) 4055:Dost yolunda (4:43) 3871:Düşünülürse derince 3837:Uyhuda dahi yörüyom 1955:War of Independence 1825:War of Independence 1699:. He played in the 1586:Ministry of Culture 1470:President of Turkey 1429:Ellere düğün bayram 1427:Harkı açın su geldi 1373:, who made several 1121:Hakimiyet-i Milliye 410:in that same year. 6703:Turkish folk poets 6438:Orhan Hançerlioğlu 6368:Melih Cevdet Anday 6348:Kenan Hulusi Koray 6298:Halide Edib Adıvar 6062:Samipaşazade Sezai 5847:Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli 5822:Aşık Mahzuni Şerif 5808:Turkish literature 5746:2008-01-10 at the 5556:Öz, Gülağ (1998). 4620:Ankara: Akçağ Yay. 4592:Independent Türkçe 4188:H, Coşkun (2021). 4088:Kara toprak (9:25) 4085:Kahpe felek (2:58) 4070:Gel ey âşık (5:35) 3180:Muharrem Şatıroğlu 2355:In popular culture 2322:ethnomusicologists 2290:Khosrow and Shirin 1545: 1356:combine harvesters 1260:Village Institutes 1254:Village institutes 1062:Republic of Turkey 1051:—Âşık Veysel 1010: 634: 495:—Âşık Veysel 433: 308:); "Black Earth" ( 294:Turkish folk music 181:Turkish folk music 108: 6665: 6664: 6644:Turkey portal 6538:Suut Kemal Yetkin 6483:Refik Halit Karay 6463:Orhan Şaik Gökyay 6458:Orhan Seyfi Orhon 6168:Ahmet Kutsi Tecer 5952:Fatma Aliye Topuz 5721:Media related to 5666:978-605-162-434-1 5497:. 7 January 2024. 4124:Yaz gelsin (3:02) 4115:Sen varsın (4:01) 4014: 4013: 3679: 3678: 3675: 3674: 3616: 3612:Rüstem Şatıroğlu 3567: 3558: 3549: 3545:Cevriye Şatıroğlu 3530:Güldane Şatıroğlu 3300: 3296:Hayriye Şatıroğlu 3291: 3282: 3268: 3254: 3250:Menekşe Satıroğlu 3245: 3241:Hüseyin Şatıroğlu 3231: 3217: 3208: 3199: 3185:Gülizar Şatıroğlu 3028: 3019: 3010: 2994: 2890: 2881: 2494:Şatıroğlu family 2065:birth certificate 2045:President Atatürk 1990:European languaes 1844:industrialisation 1745:verb conjugations 1731:(typically ABAB, 1727:featuring simple 1593:Cabinet of Turkey 1425:Âşıklara hu geldi 990:Ahmet Kutsi Tecer 466:Ali ibn Abi Talib 322:Turkish President 245: 244: 90: 89: 82: 16:(Redirected from 6755: 6653: 6652: 6642: 6641: 6640: 6608:Yusuf Ziya Ortaç 6593:Yaşar Nabi Nayır 6468:Orhan Veli Kanık 6423:Nihal Yeğinobalı 6243:Ece Ayhan Çağlar 6198:Behçet Necatigil 5972:Imadaddin Nasimi 5942:Cenâb Şehâbeddîn 5922:Ali Canip Yöntem 5872:Pir Sultan Abdal 5801: 5794: 5787: 5778: 5770: 5762: 5754: 5739: 5731: 5720: 5700: 5681: 5670: 5642: 5641: 5628: 5622: 5621: 5620: 5619: 5605: 5599: 5598: 5597: 5596: 5582: 5576: 5575: 5553: 5547: 5546: 5524: 5518: 5517: 5505: 5499: 5498: 5491: 5485: 5482: 5476: 5473: 5464: 5461: 5455: 5452: 5446: 5445: 5438: 5432: 5431: 5423: 5402: 5401: 5379: 5354: 5353: 5331: 5325: 5322: 5316: 5313: 5307: 5300: 5294: 5283: 5277: 5274: 5268: 5267: 5260: 5254: 5251: 5245: 5242: 5236: 5233: 5227: 5224: 5218: 5215: 5206: 5203: 5194: 5191: 5156: 5155: 5153: 5152: 5138: 5132: 5131: 5129: 5128: 5112: 5091: 5090: 5088: 5087: 5073: 5040: 5037: 5031: 5028: 5019: 5016: 5010: 5007: 5001: 5000: 4998: 4997: 4982: 4976: 4966: 4957: 4956: 4954: 4952: 4938: 4925: 4924: 4906: 4891: 4888: 4879: 4878: 4854: 4845: 4844: 4838: 4833: 4831: 4823: 4801: 4792: 4789: 4772: 4771: 4759: 4750: 4749: 4737: 4731: 4730: 4708: 4699: 4698: 4696: 4695: 4680: 4621: 4614: 4603: 4602: 4600: 4599: 4584: 4549: 4548: 4546: 4544: 4529: 4523: 4522: 4500: 4285: 4284: 4272: 4251: 4250: 4248: 4246: 4230: 4224: 4223: 4205: 4185: 4138:Pir Sultan Abdal 3689: 3614: 3602:Yıldız Şatıroğlu 3597:Gündüz Şatıroğlu 3565: 3563:Cemal Şatıroğlu 3556: 3547: 3298: 3289: 3280: 3278:Zekine Şatıroğlu 3266: 3252: 3243: 3229: 3215: 3206: 3197: 3190:Fadime Şatıroğlu 3026: 3017: 3015:Gulizar Ertemür 3008: 3005:Veysel Şatıroğlu 2992: 2888: 2879: 2500: 2499: 2491: 2158:Other companions 1979:psychedelic rock 1804:environmentalist 1798:Environmentalism 1550:Kızılırmak River 1448: 1375:field recordings 1371:Alain Gheerbrant 1192:Tokatlıyan Hotel 849: 695:Pir Sultan Abdal 583:cataract surgery 575:ophthalmologists 569: 462:Battle of Siffin 423:Birth and naming 258:Veysel Şatıroğlu 229: 219: 158: 134:October 25, 1894 126:Veysel Şatıroğlu 123: 92: 85: 78: 74: 71: 65: 60:this article by 51:inline citations 38: 37: 30: 21: 6763: 6762: 6758: 6757: 6756: 6754: 6753: 6752: 6698:Blind musicians 6668: 6667: 6666: 6661: 6638: 6636: 6627: 6618:Ziya Osman Saba 6383:Murathan Mungan 6126: 5907:Ahdi of Baghdad 5892: 5886: 5837:Erzurumlu Emrah 5810: 5805: 5768: 5760: 5752: 5748:Wayback Machine 5737: 5729: 5714: 5697: 5684: 5680:. Nokta Ekitap. 5673: 5667: 5654: 5651: 5646: 5645: 5630: 5629: 5625: 5617: 5615: 5607: 5606: 5602: 5594: 5592: 5585:Erksan, Metin, 5584: 5583: 5579: 5572: 5555: 5554: 5550: 5543: 5526: 5525: 5521: 5507: 5506: 5502: 5493: 5492: 5488: 5483: 5479: 5474: 5467: 5462: 5458: 5453: 5449: 5440: 5439: 5435: 5425: 5424: 5405: 5398: 5381: 5380: 5357: 5350: 5333: 5332: 5328: 5323: 5319: 5314: 5310: 5301: 5297: 5284: 5280: 5275: 5271: 5262: 5261: 5257: 5252: 5248: 5243: 5239: 5234: 5230: 5225: 5221: 5216: 5209: 5204: 5197: 5192: 5159: 5150: 5148: 5140: 5139: 5135: 5126: 5124: 5114: 5113: 5094: 5085: 5083: 5075: 5074: 5043: 5038: 5034: 5029: 5022: 5017: 5013: 5008: 5004: 4995: 4993: 4984: 4983: 4979: 4967: 4960: 4950: 4948: 4940: 4939: 4928: 4921: 4908: 4907: 4894: 4889: 4882: 4856: 4855: 4848: 4839:value: length ( 4834: 4824: 4820: 4803: 4802: 4795: 4790: 4775: 4761: 4760: 4753: 4739: 4738: 4734: 4727: 4710: 4709: 4702: 4693: 4691: 4682: 4681: 4624: 4615: 4606: 4597: 4595: 4586: 4585: 4552: 4542: 4540: 4531: 4530: 4526: 4519: 4502: 4501: 4288: 4274: 4273: 4254: 4244: 4242: 4233:UNESCO (2021). 4232: 4231: 4227: 4187: 4186: 4182: 4177: 4134: 4043:Çiçekler (3:05) 4019: 4009: 4005: 4001: 3997: 3988: 3984: 3980: 3971: 3967: 3963: 3954: 3950: 3946: 3937: 3933: 3929: 3921: 3917: 3913: 3909: 3902: 3898: 3894: 3890: 3881: 3877: 3873: 3864: 3860: 3856: 3847: 3843: 3839: 3830: 3826: 3822: 3814: 3810: 3806: 3802: 3795: 3791: 3787: 3783: 3774: 3770: 3766: 3757: 3753: 3749: 3740: 3736: 3732: 3723: 3719: 3715: 3707: 3703: 3699: 3695: 3684: 3626:Doğan Şatıroğlu 3613: 3607:Yeliz Şatıroğlu 3592:Filiz Şatıroğlu 3587:Hayrettin Suzer 3564: 3555: 3546: 3535:Yeter Şatıroğlu 3297: 3288: 3279: 3265: 3264:Bahri Şatıroğlu 3251: 3242: 3228: 3227:Ahmet Şatıroğlu 3214: 3213:Zöhre Şatıroğlu 3205: 3204:Elif Şatıroğlu 3196: 3025: 3024:Elif Şatıroğlu 3016: 3007: 2991: 2887: 2878: 2815: 2762: 2486: 2457: 2444: 2423: 2366: 2357: 2334: 2229: 2187: 2179:Ahmet Şatıroğlu 2160: 2152: 2120: 2115: 2091:margin of error 2024: 2012: 2007: 1998: 1926: 1890: 1874: 1821:First World War 1800: 1795: 1713: 1689:time signatures 1637: 1635:Instrumentation 1632: 1570: 1534: 1512:("Black Earth") 1501: 1450: 1446: 1440: 1438: 1436: 1433: 1432: 1430: 1428: 1426: 1405: 1396: 1346:), directed by 1311:(Kara Toprak); 1293: 1256: 1251: 1152: 1058: 1053: 1049: 1048: 1045: 1044: 1040: 1035: 1034: 1002: 986: 981: 977: 976: 973: 908: 906:Second marriage 902:up the notion. 877: 851: 847: 841: 839: 837: 834: 833: 830: 828: 826: 823: 822: 820: 818: 816: 814: 813: 811: 809: 807: 803: 799: 786: 785: 784: 780: 769: 768: 767: 763: 732:31 October 1914 728:First World War 724: 711: 686: 682: 681: 677: 626: 571: 567: 565: 564: 558: 556: 554: 551: 550: 548: 546: 544: 542: 539: 538: 534: 533: 532: 529: 497: 493: 492: 488: 474: 450:Owais al-Qarani 425: 416: 369: 349:North Macedonia 248: 241: 227: 217: 201: 160: 156: 135: 121: 111: 97: 86: 75: 69: 66: 56:Please help to 55: 39: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 6761: 6759: 6751: 6750: 6745: 6740: 6735: 6730: 6725: 6720: 6715: 6713:Turkish Alevis 6710: 6705: 6700: 6695: 6690: 6685: 6680: 6670: 6669: 6663: 6662: 6660: 6659: 6647: 6632: 6629: 6628: 6626: 6625: 6623:Zülfü Livaneli 6620: 6615: 6610: 6605: 6600: 6595: 6590: 6585: 6580: 6575: 6570: 6565: 6560: 6558:Turgut Özakman 6555: 6550: 6545: 6540: 6535: 6530: 6525: 6523:Samiha Ayverdi 6520: 6515: 6510: 6505: 6503:Sabahattin Ali 6500: 6495: 6490: 6485: 6480: 6475: 6470: 6465: 6460: 6455: 6450: 6445: 6440: 6435: 6430: 6425: 6420: 6415: 6410: 6405: 6400: 6395: 6390: 6388:N. Abbas Sayar 6385: 6380: 6375: 6370: 6365: 6360: 6355: 6353:Küçük İskender 6350: 6345: 6340: 6338:Kemal Bilbaşar 6335: 6330: 6325: 6320: 6315: 6310: 6305: 6300: 6295: 6290: 6285: 6280: 6275: 6270: 6265: 6260: 6255: 6250: 6245: 6240: 6235: 6230: 6225: 6220: 6215: 6210: 6205: 6200: 6195: 6190: 6185: 6180: 6175: 6170: 6165: 6160: 6155: 6150: 6145: 6143:Adalet Ağaoğlu 6140: 6134: 6132: 6131:Republican era 6128: 6127: 6125: 6124: 6119: 6114: 6109: 6104: 6099: 6094: 6089: 6087:Süleyman Nazif 6084: 6079: 6074: 6072:Şemsettin Sami 6069: 6064: 6059: 6054: 6049: 6047:Ömer Seyfettin 6044: 6039: 6034: 6029: 6024: 6019: 6014: 6009: 6007:Mercimek Ahmed 6004: 5999: 5994: 5989: 5984: 5979: 5977:İbrahim Şinasi 5974: 5969: 5967:Habib Esfahani 5964: 5959: 5954: 5949: 5944: 5939: 5934: 5929: 5924: 5919: 5914: 5909: 5904: 5898: 5896: 5888: 5887: 5885: 5884: 5879: 5874: 5869: 5864: 5859: 5857:Kaygusuz Abdal 5854: 5849: 5844: 5839: 5834: 5829: 5824: 5818: 5816: 5812: 5811: 5806: 5804: 5803: 5796: 5789: 5781: 5775: 5774: 5766: 5758: 5750: 5735: 5713: 5712:External links 5710: 5709: 5708: 5695: 5682: 5671: 5665: 5650: 5647: 5644: 5643: 5623: 5600: 5588:Karanlik dünya 5577: 5570: 5548: 5541: 5519: 5512:(in Turkish). 5500: 5486: 5477: 5465: 5456: 5447: 5433: 5403: 5396: 5355: 5348: 5326: 5317: 5308: 5295: 5278: 5269: 5255: 5246: 5237: 5228: 5219: 5207: 5195: 5157: 5133: 5092: 5041: 5032: 5020: 5011: 5002: 4977: 4958: 4926: 4919: 4892: 4880: 4846: 4818: 4793: 4773: 4751: 4732: 4725: 4700: 4622: 4604: 4550: 4524: 4517: 4286: 4279:(in Turkish). 4252: 4225: 4179: 4178: 4176: 4173: 4172: 4171: 4166: 4160: 4155: 4150: 4145: 4140: 4133: 4130: 4129: 4128: 4125: 4122: 4119: 4116: 4113: 4110: 4107: 4104: 4101: 4098: 4095: 4092: 4089: 4086: 4083: 4080: 4077: 4074: 4071: 4068: 4065: 4062: 4059: 4056: 4053: 4050: 4047: 4044: 4041: 4038: 4035: 4032: 4029: 4026: 4023: 4018: 4017:Selected works 4015: 4012: 4011: 3907:English Lyrics 3904: 3797: 3693:Turkish Lyrics 3683: 3680: 3677: 3676: 3673: 3671: 3670: 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A firm 1837:headstone 1761:syllables 1735:AABA, or 1725:quatrains 1616:Andalusia 1269:Savaştepe 1245:in 1960. 1201:broadcast 1066:President 472:Blindness 392:Turkestan 373:Anatolian 281:, in the 222:1894-1973 6656:Category 6067:Sehi Bey 5744:Archived 5516:: 41–52. 5080:CNN TÜRK 4806:Deyişler 4543:16 March 4283:: 41–52. 4245:30 April 4165:language 4132:See also 3287:Mustafa 3207:d. ~1921 3198:d. ~1919 2282:featured 2191:humanist 1888:Politics 1882:pacifist 1878:humanist 1872:Humanism 1849:romantic 1808:agrarian 1749:refrains 1693:Refrains 1660:Türküler 1652:plectrum 1645:mulberry 1582:Hürriyet 1458:quatrain 1409:Istanbul 1360:tractors 1328:censored 1184:Istanbul 1098:Kırşehir 1092:between 920:gamblers 880:milkweed 658:Şarkışla 641:and the 639:alphabet 614:Milliyet 610:Yedi Gün 500:Smallpox 381:smallpox 163:Şarkışla 138:Şarkışla 6042:Nergisî 5894:Ottoman 5877:Seyrani 5842:Gevheri 5649:Sources 4810:Sayings 4163:Turkish 3615:b. 1962 3557:b. 1968 3548:b. 1962 3299:b. 1943 3290:d. 2019 3281:b. 1941 3253:b. 1937 2993:d. 1956 2889:d. 1921 2880:d. 1921 2814:Ali Ulu 2761:Ibrahim 2442:Theater 2410:Austria 2286:Persian 2284:in the 2250:tobacco 2221:stanzas 2212:flyting 2133:aspirin 1953:or the 1918:leftist 1910:patriot 1833:pasture 1829:produce 1721:stanzas 1482:pension 1478:Kızılay 1466:Çankaya 1455:elegiac 1384:prelude 1369:writer 1301:Sayings 1168:Kayseri 1150:Stardom 1117:Erzurum 1102:cowherd 1094:Kayseri 1038:okudum. 515:pustule 454:Turkish 448:martyr 446:Islamic 400:Divriği 353:Ukraine 337:Hungary 285:(later 275:bağlama 265:Turkish 256:; born 228:Spouses 210:Bağlama 58:improve 6733:Ashiks 6057:Riyazi 6012:Mesihi 5997:Latifî 5962:Fuzuli 5704:  5693:  5663:  5568:  5539:  5394:  5346:  4917:  4835:Check 4816:  4723:  4515:  4218:  4210:  2463:(2008) 2299:bulgur 2274:Amasya 2227:Humour 2217:myopia 2167:Tarsus 2103:tailor 2041:Tarsus 2010:Family 1983:guitar 1776:Muslim 1711:Poetry 1685:makams 1606:album 1367:French 1321:Letter 1273:Düziçi 1231:Tarsus 1182:, and 1176:Mersin 1164:Yozgat 1143:lawyer 1128:bazaar 1090:cattle 1085:Ankara 1056:Ankara 994:Ankara 932:Nowruz 892:Samsun 734:, the 651:ashiks 643:surahs 504:entari 388:Alevis 367:Family 355:, and 329:UNESCO 287:Turkey 177:Genres 171:Turkey 47:, but 6037:Nef'i 6032:Nedîm 5560:[ 5531:[ 5386:[ 5338:[ 4951:6 May 4808:[ 4744:[ 4715:[ 4507:[ 4216:S2CID 3273:Suzan 3259:Suzer 3222:Başer 2985:Yeter 2455:Music 2326:Sivas 2246:smoke 2238:Sivas 2204:Sufis 2200:Sunni 2195:Alevi 2107:mason 2057:black 1947:rifle 1930:Alevi 1924:Music 1853:radio 1816:Sivas 1793:Views 1789:'). 1773:Alevi 1757:metre 1707:. 1701:Alevi 1681:range 1665:deyiş 1630:Style 1532:Death 1493:Konya 1188:İzmir 1186:. 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Asik Veysel
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Ottoman Empire
Turkish folk music

Sivas Province
Ottoman Empire
Turkish folk music
Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım
Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

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