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214:(TEM) studies (e.g.) suggest that endophragm and periphragm are not morphologically separable. Therefore, the use of the terms pedium and luxuria are suggested instead. Within the cyst wall, a thick cellulose-like layer called the endospore is present which is birefringent under crossed nichols. Cysts may be identified using the overall body shape but more often based on the characteristic furrows housing the flagella (cingulum and sulcus) or details of the patterns of plates covering many motiles (thecal tabulation). The one distinctive feature common to all cysts is the excystment opening (archaeopyle) through which the emerging new motile stage exits. In many cases this reflects a recognizable part of the tabulation (one or more plates). However, one large group of dinoflagellates (athecate - or naked dinoflagellates) do not have thecal plates and therefore produce cysts lacking all forms of reflected tabulation. 132:, a heavy liquid. Another method, rarely used, uses a sucrose gradient. Recent times have brought about the possibility to get molecular sequences from single cysts or single cells. The proportion of cyst-forming species for marine dinoflagellates is between 15 and 20% and for freshwater dinoflagellates 24%. The tabulation of the Dinoflagellate is sometimes mirrored in the tabulation (previously called paratabulation) of the dinocyst, allowing species to be deduced from the cyst. It has previously been suggested that morphological characters from the cyst stage may be phylogenetically important in marine species and this may to an even greater extent be the case for freshwater dinoflagellates, confirmed by new observations and recently reviewed. Several books document general cyst taxonomy. There are few guides for determination of marine Quaternary dinocysts. Many new species are still being described for the 208:
less spherical central body with processes or crests, and such cysts are termed chorate or proximochorate. Cysts may have a single-layered wall (autophragm), a two-layered wall (comprising an outer periphragm and an inner endophragm) or a three-layered wall (ectophragm, periphragm and endophragm if the outer wall is structurally supported, or otherwise periphragm, mesophragm and endophragm). Cysts with two or more wall layers that define a cavity are termed cavate. Excystment usually results in loss of part of, or an opening in, the cyst wall, termed archeopyle, the shape and position of which may indicate the position and/or shape of one or more thecal plates.
thecae of the planozygote. These rapidly sink to the sediment. Many species may spend longer periods resting in the sediment than active in the water column. Resting stages also constitute a reservoir of genetic diversity, which increases the survival potential of the populations. Thus, dinoflagellate cysts have great ecological importance and act as "seed banks", comparable to those found in terrestrial ecosystems. The encysted forms may remain viable for up to 100 years. Sediment can be stored with live
59: 70:, who reported his discovery in a paper presented to the Berlin Academy of Sciences in July 1836. He had observed clearly tabulate dinoflagellates in thin flakes of Cretaceous flint and considered those dinoflagellates to have been silicified. Along with them, and of comparable size, were spheroidal to ovoidal bodies bearing an array of spines or tubes of variable character. Ehrenberg interpreted these as being originally siliceous and thought them to be 2973:
Ladouceur, Stéphanie; Ledu, David; Liang, Chen; Limoges, Audrey; Londeix, Laurent; Lu, S.-H.; Mahmoud, Magdy S.; Marino, Gianluca; Matsouka, Kazumi; Matthiessen, Jens; Mildenhal, D.C.; Mudie, Peta; Neil, H.L.; Pospelova, Vera; Qi, Yuzao; Radi, Taoufik; Richerol, Thomas; Rochon, André; Sangiorgi, Francesca; Solignac, Sandrine; Turon, Jean-Louis; Verleye, Thomas; Wang, Yan; Wang, Zhaohui; Young, Marty (2013).
Henry, M.; Hillaire-Marcel, C.; Huang, C.; Jansen, E.; Juggins, S.; Kallel, N.; Kiefer, T.; Kienast, M.; Labeyrie, L.; Leclaire, H.; Londeix, L.; Mangin, S.; Matthießen, J.; Marret, F.; Meland, M.; Morey, A.; Mulitza, S.; Pflaumann, U.; Pisias, N.; Radi, T.; Rochon, A.; Rohling, E.; Sbaffi, L.; SchĂ€fer-Neth, C.; Solignac, S.; Spero, H.; Tachikawa, K.; Turon, J. (2009).
Popescu, S.-M.; Dalesme, F.; Jouannic, G.; Escarguel, G.; Head, M.J.; Melinte-Dobrinescu, M.C.; SĂŒtö-Szentai, M.; Bakrac, K.; Clauzon, G.; Suc, J.-P. "Galeacysta etrusca Corradini & Biffi 1988, dinoflagellate cyst marker of Paratethyan influxes into the Mediterranean Sea before and after the peak
Waelbroeck, C.; Paul, A.; Kucera, M.; Rosell-Melé, A.; Weinelt, M.; Schneider, R.; Mix, A.; Abelmann-Gersonde, A.; Armand, L.; Barker, S.; Barrows, T.; Benway, H.; Cacho, I.; Chen, M.; Cortijo, E.; Crosta, X.; de Vernal, A.; Dokken, T.; Duprat, J.; Elderfield, H.; Eynaud, F.; Gersonde, R.; Hayes, A.;
DE, VERNAL; Eynaud, F.; Henry, M.; Hillaire-MARCEL, C.; Londeix, L.; Mangin, S.; Matthiessen, J.; Marret, F.; Radi, T.; Rochon, A.; Solignac, S.; Turon, J.-L. (2005). "Reconstruction of sea-surface conditions at middle to high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM)
Dinoflagellate cysts described in the literature have been linked to a particular motile stage through morphological similarities and/or co-occurrence in the same population/culture or through the technique of establishing the so-called cyst-theca relation by incubation of the cysts. Geologists use a
Such surface sediment studies show that dinoflagellate cyst distribution is controlled by ranges of temperature, salinity and nutrients. This often poses biogeographical boundaries, more particularly temperature. Some species can be clearly related to cold waters. Recent molecular work has shown the
Mertens, K. N.; Ribeiro, S. Bouimetarhan; Caner, H.; Combourieu-Nebout, N. Dale; de Vernal, M. Filipova; Ellegaard, A.; Godhe, U. Leroy; GrÞsfjeld, A.; Holzwarth, K.; Kotthoff, U.; Londeix, L.; Marret, F.; Matsuoka, K.; Mudie, P.; Naudts, L.; Peña-manjarrez, J.; Persson, A.; Popescu, S.; Sangiorgi,
541:(HF) and/or alternative acids at different temperatures. The use of KOH or acetolysis is not advised in dinocyst studies, because this causes swelling and/or destruction of dinocysts. The palynological method can cause difficulty in identification of certain species: it has been shown that cysts of 516:
The fossil record supports a major adaptive radiation of dinoflagellates during later Triassic and earlier Jurassic times. The majority of living thecate dinoflagellates can be interpreted as having either a peridinalean or gonyaulacalean tabulation, and that these tabulations, and hence the orders
In pure morphological terms, a dinocyst can be described as the body formed by the cyst wall, as well as the space it encloses and all the spaces within it. Cysts may develop their wall immediately within the theca, and such cysts are called proximate. Alternatively, the cyst may comprise a more or
Mertens, K.N.; Verhoeven, K.; Verleye, T.; Louwye, S.; Amorim, A.; Ribeiro, S.; Deaf, A.S.; Harding, I.C.; DE Schepper, S.; GonzÁLEZ, C.; Kodrans-NSIAH, M.; DE Vernal, A.; Henry, M.; Radi, T.; Dybkjaer, K.; Poulsen, N.E.; Feist-BURKHARDT, S.; Chitolie, J.; Heilmann-CLAUSEN, C.; Londeix, L.; Turon,
Mertens, K.N.; Bringué, M.; Van Nieuwenhove, N.; Takano, Y.; Pospelova, V.; Rochon, A.; de Vernal, A.; Radi, T.; Dale, B.; Patterson, R.T.; Weckström, K.; Andrén, E.; Louwye, S.; Matsuoka, K. (2012). "Process length variation of the cyst of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum in the North
DE, VERNAL A.; Eynaud, F.; Henry, M.; Hillaire-MARCEL, C.; Londeix, L.; Mangin, S.; Matthiessen, J.; Marret, F.; Radi, T.; Rochon, A.; Solignac, S.; Turon, J.-L. (2005). "Reconstruction of sea-surface conditions at middle to high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere during the Last Glacial Maximum
Resting cysts are traditionally associated with the sexual cycle of dinoflagellates. Induced by particular triggers such as changes in temperature, nutrients, etc., dinoflagellates undergo gamete formation. The gametes fuse to form the planozygote and undergo encystment: they form cysts within the
Dinocyst distribution is mainly studied through studies of surface sediments. Many studies are regional, such as the Iberian Margin the North Sea, Kiel bight, Celtic Sea, Norwegian Sea, around Iceland, the Southeast Pacific, the Arctic, Equatorial Atlantic, South and Equatorial Atlantic, off West
De Vernal, A.; Henry, M.; Matthiessen, J.; Mudie, P.J.; Rochon, A.; Boessenkool, K.P.; Eynaud, F.; GrĂžsfjeld, K.; Guiot, J.; Hamel, D.; Harland, R.; Head, M.J.; Kunz-Pirrung, M.; Levac, E.; Loucheur, V.; Peyron, O.; Pospelova, V.; Radi, T.; Turon, J.-L.; Voronina, E. (2001). "Dinoflagellate cyst
Mertens, K.N., Bradley, L.R., Takano, Y., Mudie, P.J., Marret, F., Aksu, A.E., Hiscott, R.N., Verleye, T.J., Mousing, E.A., Smyrnova, L.L., Bagheri, S., Mansor, M., Pospelova, V. & Matsuoka, K. (in press). Quantitative estimation of Holocene surface salinity variation in the Black Sea using
Mertens, K.N.; Yamaguchi, A.; Kawami, H.; Ribeiro, S.; Leander, B.S.; Price, A.M.; Pospelova, V.; Ellegaard, M.; Matsuoka, K. (2012). "Archaeperidinium saanichi sp. nov.: a new species based on morphological variation of cyst and theca within the Archaeperidinium minutum Jörgensen 1912 species
Mertens, K.N.; Yamaguchi, A.; Kawami, H.; Ribeiro, S.; Leander, B.S.; Price, A.M.; Pospelova, V.; Ellegaard, M.; Matsuoka, K. (2012). "Archaeperidinium saanichi sp. nov.: a new species based on morphological variation of cyst and theca within the Archaeperidinium minutum Jörgensen 1912 species
Vink, A., Baumann, K-H., Böckel, B., Esper, O., Kinkel, H., Volbers, A., Willems, H., Zonneveld, K.A.F. Coccolithophorid and dinoflagellate synecology in the South and Equatorial Atlantic: Improving the paleoecological significance of phytoplankton microfossils. In: Wefer, G., Mulitza, S. and
Division cysts refer to non-motile division stages wherein asexual reproduction takes place through division. These are not pellicle or resting cysts since they are not dormant. Similarly, palmelloid or mucilage stages are not pellicle or resting cysts, but stages in which the monad loses its
Zonneveld, Karin A.F.; Marret, Fabienne; Versteegh, Gerard; Bogus, Kara; Bonnet, Sophie; Bouimetarhan, Ilham; Crouch, Erica; de Vernal, Anne; Elshanawany, Rehab; Edwards, Lucy; Esper, Oliver; Forke, Sven; GrÞsfjeld, Kari; Henry, Maryse; Holzwarth, Ulrike; Kielt, Jean-François; Kim, So-Young;
Mertens, K.N.; Dale, B.; Ellegaard, M.; Jansson, I.-M.; Godhe, A.; Kremp, A.; Louwye, S. (2010). "Process length variation in cysts of the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum from surface sediments of the Baltic-Kattegat-Skaggerak estuarine system: a regional salinity proxy".
BRAVO I., FIGUEROA R.I., GARCÉS E., FRAGA S. & MASSANET A. 2010. The intricacies of dinoflagellate pellicle cysts: the example of Alexandrium minutum cysts from a bloom-recurrent area (Bay of Baiona, NW Spain). Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 57:
Head, M.J., 1999. The Late Pliocene St. Erth Beds of Cornwall: a review of the palynology and reappraisal of the dinoflagellates. In: Scource, J. and Furze, M.F.A. (eds.), The Quaternary of West Cornwall. Field Guide, Quaternary Research Association, Durham, U.K., p.
W.A.S. Sarjeant, 2002. 'As chimney-sweeps, come to dust': a history of palynology to 1970. pp. 273–327 In: Oldroyd, D. R. The earth inside and out: some major contributions to geology in the twentieth century. Geological Society (London) Special Publication no.
Zonneveld, K.A.F.; Chen, L.; El-Shanawany, R.; Fischer, H.W.; Hoins, M.; Pittaurova, D. (2012). "The use of dinoflagellate cysts to separate human and natural variability in the trophic state of the Po River discharge plume during the last two centuries".
A first relation between dinoflagellate thecae and cysts was made through morphological comparison of both by Bill Evitt and Susan E. Davidson. Further evidence came from detailed culture studies of dinoflagellate cysts by David Wall and Barrie Dale at
Mccarthy, F.M.G.; Mertens, K.N.; Ellegaard, M.; Sherman, K.; Pospelova, V.; Ribeiro, S.; Blasco, S.; Vercauteren, D. (2011). "Resting cysts of freshwater dinoflagellates in southeastern Georgian Bay (Lake Huron) as proxies of cultural eutrophication".
HEAD M.J. 1996. Modern dinoflagellate cysts and their biological affinities. In: Palynology: principles and applications (Ed. by J. Jansonius & D. C. McGregor), pp. 1197–1248. American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists Foundation, Dallas,
Bouimetarhan, I.; Marret, F.; Dupont, L.; Zonneveld, K.A.F. (2009). "Dinoflagellate cyst distribution in marine surface sediments off West Africa (17 – 6°N) in relation to sea-surface conditions, freshwater input and seasonal coastal upwelling".
Pospelova, V.; Esenkulova; Johannessen, S.C.; O'Brien, M.C.; Macdonald, R.W. (2010). "Organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst production, composition and flux from 1996 to 1998 in the central Strait of Georgia (BC, Canada): a sediment trap study".
Pospelova, V; de Vernal, A; Pedersen, TF (2008). "Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the northeastern Pacific Ocean (43-25°N) in relation to sea-surface temperature, salinity, productivity and coastal upwelling".
Tardio, M.; Ellegaard, M.; Lundholm, N.; Sangiorgi, F.; DI Giuseppe, D. (2009). "A hypocystal archeopyle in a freshwater dinoflagellate from the Peridinium umbonatum group (Dinophyceae) from Lake Nero di Cornisello, South-East Alps, Italy".
J.-L.; Marret, F.; Matthiessen, J.; Mccarthy, F.M.G.; Prasad, V.; Pospelova, V.; Hughes, J.E.K.; Riding, J.B.; Rochon, A.; Sangiorgi, F.; Welters, N.; Sinclair, N.; Thun, C.; Soliman, A.; VAN Nieuwenhove, N.; Vink, A.; Young, M. (2009).
Susek, E.; Zonneveld, K.A.F.; Fischer, G.; Versteegh, G.J.M.; Willems, H. (2005). "Organic walled dinoflagellate cyst production in relation to upwelling intensity and lithogenic influx in the Cape Blanc region (off north-west Africa)".
Zonneveld, Karin A.F.; Susek, Ewa (2007). "Effect of temperature, light and salinity on cyst production and morphology of Tuberculodinium vancampoae (Rossignol 1962) Wall 1967 (Pyrophacus steinii (Schiller 1935) Wall et Dale 1971)".
Rochon, A., de Vernal, A., Turon, J.-L., Matthiessen, J., and Head, M.J., 1999. Distribution of recent dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas in relation to sea-surface parameters.
POPOVSKÝ J. & PFIESTER L.A. 1990. Dinophyceae (Dinoflagellida). In: SĂŒĂŸwasserflora von Mitteleuropa. BegrĂŒndet von A. Pascher. Band 6 (Ed. by H. Ettl,J. Gerloff,H. Heynig. & D. Mollenhauer). Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, 272
Williams, G.L., Stover, L.E., & Kidson, E.J., 1993: Morphology and stratigraphic ranges of selected Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinoflagellate taxa in the northern hemisphere. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper. 92-10 , 137 pp., 2
Holzwarth, Ulrike; Esper, Oliver; Zonneveld, Karin A.F. (2007). "Distribution of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in shelf surface sediments of the Benguela upwelling system in relationship to environmental conditions".
104:(resting cysts or hypnozygotes) or (3) a coccoid condition in which the cells are still photosynthetically active. For example, for this last special case, all cysts described from species of the order Phytodiniales (e.g. 1932:
Kokinos, J. P.; Eglinton, T.I.; Goñi, M.A.; Boon, J.J.; Martoglio, P.A.; Anderson, D.M. (1998). "Characterisation of a highly resistant biomacromolecular material in the cellwall of a marine dinoflagellate resting cyst".
Dinocysts are suggested to have a number of adaptive functions including survival during adverse conditions, bloom initiation and termination, dispersal in time, a seed bank for genetic diversity and dispersal in space.
Alpermann, T.J.; Beszteri, B.; John, U.; Tillmann, U.; Cembella, A.D. (2009). "Implications of life history transitions on the population genetic structure of the toxigenic marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense".
Matthiessen, J., De Vernal, A., Head, M., Okolodkov, Y., Ángel, P., Zonneveld, K. and Harland, R. Modern organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in Arctic marine environments and their (paleo-) environmental significance.
Verleye, T.; Pospelova, V.; Mertens, K.N.; Louwye, S. (2011). "The geographical distribution and (palaeo)ecology of Selenopemphix undulata sp. nov., a new late Quaternary dinoflagellate cyst from the Pacific Ocean".
Ellegaard, M; Lewis, J; Harding, I (2002). "Cyst-theca relationship, life cycle, and effects of temperature and salinity on the cyst morphology of Gonyaulax baltica sp. nov. (Dinophyceae) from the Baltic Sea area".
Head, M.J.; Seidenkrantz, M.-S.; Janczyk-Kopikowa, Z.; Marks, L.; Gibbard, P.L. (2005). "Last Interglacial (Eemian) hydrographic conditions in the southeastern Baltic Sea, NE Europe, based on dinoflagellate cysts".
Wall, D.; Dale, B.; Lohman, G.P.; Smith, W.K. (1977). "The environmental and climatic distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in modern sediments from regions in the North and South Atlantic oceans and adjacent seas".
Guiot, J., de Vernal, A., 2007. Transfer functions: methods for quantitative paleoceanography based on microfossils, In Hillaire-Marcel and de Vernal (eds.) Proxies in Late Cenozoic Paleoceanography, Elsevier, pp.
cyst-based taxonomy, whilst biologists use a motile-stage based taxonomy. Therefore, cysts can have different names than the corresponding motile stages. Living cysts can be easily isolated from the sediment using
Sorrel, P.; Popescu, S.-M.; Head, M.J.; Suc, J.P.; Klotz, S.; OberhÀnsli, H. (2006). "Hydrographic development of the Aral Sea during the last 2000 years based on a quantitative analysis of dinoflagellate cysts".
Eynaud, F.; Turon, J.; Matthießen, J.; Peypouquet, F.; Vernal, A.; Henry, M. (2002). "Norwegian sea-surface palaeoenvironments of marine oxygen-isotope stage 3: the paradoxical response of dinoflagellate cysts".
Elshanawany, R., Zonneveld, K.A.F., Ibrahim, M.I. and Kholeif, S.E.A. (2010). Distribution patterns of recent organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in relation to environmental parameters in the Mediterranean Sea.
assemblages as tracers of sea-surface conditions in the northern North Atlantic, Arctic and sub-Arctic seas: the new 'n = 677' data base and its application for quantitative palaeoceanographic reconstruction".
Dale, B., 1996. Dinoflagellate cyst ecology: modelling and geological applications. In Jansonius, J. & McGregor, D.C. (eds.): Palynology: Principles and Applications, volume 3, 1249-1275, AASP Foundation,
Verleye, T.J.; Louwye, S. (2010). "Recent geographical distribution of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in the southeast Pacific (25-53ÂșS) and their relation to the prevailing hydrographical conditions".
Cremer, H.; Sangiorgi, F.; Wagner, F.; McGee, V.; Lotter, A.F.; Visscher, H. (2007). "Marine Littoral Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) and Dinoflagellates cysts (Dinophyceae) from Rookery Bay, Florida, U.S.A.".
Bringué, Manuel; Pospelova, Vera; Pak, Dorothy (2013). "Seasonal production of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in an upwelling system: A sediment trap study from the Santa Barbara Basin, California".
Louwye, S., Foubert, A., Mertens, K.N., Van Rooij, D. & IODP Expedition 307 scientific party (2007). Integrated stratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Lower and Middle Miocene of the Porcupine Basin.
Zonneveld, K. A. F. Susek E.; Fischer, G. (2010). "Interannual and seasonal variability of the organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst production in the coastal upwelling region off Cape Blanc (Mauritania)".
from the Silurian: the end of a myth. In: Wang, W., Quyang, S., Sun, X., Yu, G. (Eds.), Abstracts 10th International Palynological Congress, Nanjing. National Natural Science Foundation of China, p. 88.
de Vernal, A., Rochon, A., 2011. Dinocysts as tracers of sea-surface conditions and sea-ice cover in polar and subpolar environments, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 14, 012007.
Pfiester L.A. & Anderson D.M. 1987. Dinoflagellate reproduction. In: The biology of dinoflagellates. Botanical monographs 21 (Ed. by F.J.R. Taylor), pp. 611–648., Blackwell Scientific Publications.
Pospelova, V.; Pedersen, T F.; DE Vernal, A. (2006). "Dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of climatic and oceanographic changes during the past 40 kyr in the Santa Barbara Basin, southern California".
Verleye, T.J.; Louwye, S. (2010). "Late Quaternary environmental changes and latitudinal shifts of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current as recorded by dinoflagellate cysts from offshore Chile (41ÂșS)".
Limoges, A.; Kielt, J.-F.; Radi, T.; Ruíz-Fernandez, A.C.; de Vernal, A. (2010). "Dinoflagellate cyst distribution in surface sediments along the south-western Mexican coast (14.76° N to 24.75°N)".
Richerol, T; Rochon, A; Blasco, S; Scott, DB; Schell; Bennett, R (2008). "Distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments of the Mackenzie Shelf and Amundsen Gulf, Beaufort Sea (Canada)".
Dale, B. & Dale, A.L. 2002. Environmental applications of dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs . In Quaternary environmental micropalaeontology (Haslett, S.K., editor), 207-240. Arnold, London.
Head, M.J.; Lewis, J.; de Vernal, A. (2006). "The cyst of the calcareous dinoflagellate Scrippsiella trifida: resolving the fossil record of its organic wall with that of Alexandrium tamarense".
CHU, G.; SUN, Q.; Rioual, P.; Boltovskoy, A.; LIU, Q.; SUN, P.; HAN, J.; LIU, J. (2008). "Distinct microlaminations and freshwater "red tides" recorded in Lake Xiaolongwan, northeastern, China".
RENGEFORS K. 1998. Seasonal succession of dinoflagellates coupled to the benthic cyst dynamics in Lake Erken, Sweden. Archiv fĂŒr Hydrobiologie, Special Issues, Advances in Limnology 51: 123–141.
Organic-walled dinocyst morphology is shown to be controlled by changes in salinity and temperature in some species, more particularly process length variation. This is known to be the case for
Sprangers, M.; Dammers, N.; Brinkhuis, H.; van Weering, T.C.E.; Lotter, A.F. (2004). "Modern organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst distribution offshore NW Iberia; tracing the upwelling system".
Mertens, K. N.; GonzĂĄlez, C.; Delusina, I.; Louwye, S. (2009b). "30 000 years of productivity and salinity variations in the late Quaternary Cariaco Basin revealed by dinoflagellate cysts".
Neil Mertens, Kenneth; Rengefors, Karin; Moestrup, Øjvind; Ellegaard, Marianne (2012). "A review of recent freshwater dinoflagellate cysts: taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology and palaeocology".
are difficult to discriminate in samples that have been treated with the palynological method. The concentration of Dinocysts can be quantified by adding an exotic spike or marker such as
Hallett, R.I., 1999. Consequences of environmental change on the growth and morphology of Lingulodinium polyedrum (Dinophyceae) in culture. PhD thesis. University of Westminster, 109 pp.
Vink, A.; Zonneveld, K.A.F.; Willems, H. (2000). "Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in western equatorial Atlantic surface sediments: distribution and their relation to environment".
has been investigated. Transfer functions have also been attempted during the Pliocene. Some species have been suggested to have different environmental preferences during the Neogene.
Pospelova, V.; Head, M.J. (2002). "Islandinium brevispinosum sp. nov. (Dinoflagellata), a new organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst from modern estuarine sediments of New England (USA)".
Fensome, R.A., Taylor, F.J.R., Norris, G., Sarjeant, W.A.S., Wharton, D.I., and Williams, G.L., 1993. A classification of modern and fossil dinoflagellates, Sheridan Press, Hanover. .
Bonnet, S.; de Vernal, A.; Hillaire-Marcel, C.; Radi, T.; Husum, K. (2010). "Variability of seasurface temperature and sea-ice cover in the Fram Strait over the last two millennia".
Kunz-Pirrung, M.; Matthießen, J.; Vernal, A. (2001). "Late Holocene dinoflagellate cysts as indicators for short-term climate variability in the eastern Laptev Sea (Arctic Ocean)".
Marret, F.; Eiriksson, J.; Knudsen, K-L.; Scourse, J. (2004). "Distribution of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in surface sediments from the northern and western shelf of Iceland".
Tardio, M.; Sangiorgi, F.; Brinkhuis, H.; Filippi, M.L.; Cantonati, M.; Lotter, A.F. (2006). "Peridinioid dinoflagellate cysts in a Holocene high-mountain lake deposits in Italy".
Mudie, P.J.; Aksu, A.E.; YaƟar, D. (2001). "Late Quaternary dinoflagellate cysts from the Black, Marmara and Aegean seas: variations in assemblages, morphology and paleosalinity".
Sarjeant, W.A.S.; Lacalli, T.; Gaines, G. (1987). "The cysts and skeletal elements of dinoflagellates: speculations on the ecological causes for their morphology and development".
3309: 517:
Gonyaulacales and Peridiniales, have been separate since at least the Early Jurassic. The biostratigraphical application of dinoflagellate cysts has been thoroughly studied. The
which were interpreted to have been transported along the Southern coast of the United States. Cyst are also often transported from the inner shelf to the outer shelf or slope.
Radi, T.; Pospelova, V.; de Vernal, A.; Barrie, J.V. (2007). "Dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of water quality and productivity in British Columbia estuarine environments".
Price, AM; Pospelova, V (2011). "High-resolution sediment trap study of organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst production and biogenic silica flux in Saanich Inlet (BC, Canada)".
Soliman, A., Head, M.J., and Louwye, S. In press. Morphology and distribution of the Miocene dinoflagellate cyst Operculodinium? borgerholtense Louwye 2001, emend. Palynology.
De Schepper, S.; Head, M.J. (2008). "Age calibration of dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch events in the Pliocene–Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Hole 610A)".
De Schepper, S.; Fischer, E.; Groeneveld, J.; Head, M.; Matthießen, J. (2011). "Deciphering the palaeoecology of Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene dinoflagellate cysts".
There is little known about how organic-walled dinocysts are formed except from culture experiments. Cyst formation is suggested to happen through self-assembly processes.
Krepakevich, A.; Pospelova, V. (2010). "Anthropogenic impact on coastal bays of Southern Vancouver Island (BC, Canada) as reflected in phytoplankton sedimentary records".
Mertens, K.N.; Takano, Y.; Head, M.J.; Matsuoka, K. (2014). "Living fossils in the Indo-Pacific warm pool: A refuge for thermophilic dinoflagellates during glaciations".
Head, M.J., Harland, R., and Matthiessen, J. 2001. Cold marine indicators of the late Quaternary: the new dinoflagellate cyst genus Islandinium and related morphotypes.
De Schepper, S.; Head, M.J.; Louwye, S. (2009). "Pliocene dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy, palaeoecology and sequence stratigraphy of the Tunnel-Canal Dock, Belgium".
MATSUOKA, K. & FUKUYO, Y. 2000. Technical guide for modern dinoflagellate cyst study. WESTPAC-HAB/WESTPAC/IOC, Japan Society of the Promotion Science, Tokyo, 29 pp.
Takano, Y.; Horiguchi, T. (2006). "Acquiring scanning electron microscopical, light microscopical and multiple gene sequence data from a single dinoflagellate cell".
Matthießen, J.; Knies, J. (2001). "Dinoflagellate cyst evidence for warm interglacial conditions at the northern Barents Sea margin, during marine isotope stage 5".
Louwye, S.; Head, M.J.; De Schepper, S. (2004). "Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy and palaeoecology of the Pliocene in northern Belgium, southern North Sea Basin".
Pfiester, L. A. & Anderson, D. M. 1987. Dinoflagellate reproduction. In: The biology of dinoflagellates (ed. F. J. R. Taylor), pp. 611–648. - Blackwell, Oxford.
Africa, the Southern Ocean, Benguela upwelling, in the Mediterranean Sea, Caspian Sea, British Columbia, The Northeastern Pacific, Florida, Mexico and Barends Sea.
as a dormant, zygotic stage of their lifecycle, which can accumulate in the sediments as microfossils. Organic-walled dinocysts are often resistant and made out of
Head, M.J. (2007). "Last Interglacial (Eemian) hydrographic conditions in the southwestern Baltic Sea based on dinoflagellate cysts from Ristinge Klint, Denmark".
De Schepper, S.; Head, M.J.; Louwye, S. (2004). "New dinoflagellate cyst and incertae sedis taxa from the Pliocene of northern Belgium, southern North Sea Basin".
De Schepper, S.; Head, M.J. (2008). "New dinoflagellate cyst and acritarch taxa from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of the eastern North Atlantic (DSDP Site 610)".
Evitt, W.R., Lentin, J.K., Millioud, M.E., Stover, L.E. and Williams, G.L., 1977. Dinoflagellate cyst terminology. Geological survey of Canada, Paper 76-24, 1-11.
Mertens, K.N.; et al. (2012). "Determining the absolute abundance of dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediments II: Further tests of the Lycopodium
Londeix, L.; Herreyre, Y.; Turon, J.L.; Fletcher, W. (2009). "Last Glacial to Holocene hydrology of the Marmara Sea inferred from a dinoflagellate cyst record".
3671:"Late Quaternary climatic and oceanographic changes in the Northeast Pacific as recorded by dinoflagellate cysts from Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (Mexico)" 1366:
Head, M.J.; Norris, G. (2003). "New species of dinoflagellate cysts and other palynomorphs from the late Neogene of the western North Atlantic, DSDP Hole 603C".
Jux, U (1976). "Über den feinbau der wandungen bei Operculodinium centrocarpum (Deflandre & Cookson) Wall 1967 und Bitectatodinium tepikiense Wilson 1973".
Ellegaard, M (2000). "Variations in dinoflagellate cyst morphology under conditions of changing salinity during the last 2000 years in the Limfjord, Denmark".
of freshwater dinoflagellate cysts is relatively unexplored, though several recent studies have shown the relation to changes in nutrients, pH and temperature
Head, M.J. 2000. Geonettia waltonensis, a new goniodomacean dinoflagellate from the Pliocene of the North Atlantic region, and its evolutionary implications"
6069: 1894:
Jux, U (1971). "Über den feinbau der wandungen einiger TertiĂ€rer Dinophyceen-zysten und Acritarcha Hystrichosphaeridium, Impletosphaeridium, Lingulodinium".
Fensome, R.A.; Taylor, F.J.R.; Norris, G.; Sarjeant, W.A.S.; Wharton, D.I.; Williams, G.L. (1993). "A classification of living and fossil dinoflagellates".
Hemsley, A.R.; Lewis, J.; Griffiths, P.C. (2004). "Soft and sticky development : some underlying reasons for microarchitectural pattern convergence".
5687: 3761:
Chen, L.; Zonneveld, K.A.F.; Versteegh, G.J.M. (2011). "Short term climate variability during the "Roman Classical Period" in the Eastern Mediterranean".
Sonneman, J.A.; Hill, D.R.A. (1997). "A taxonomic survey of cyst-producing dinoflagellates from recent sediments of Victorian coastal waters, Australia".
5030:"Process length variation in cysts of a dinoflagellate, Lingulodinium machaerophorum, in surface sediments investigating its potential as salinity proxy" 363:
Such reconstructions can be done via semi-quantitative techniques, such as ordination techniques, which can indicate trends in environmental parameters.
Matthießen, J. (1995) Distribution patterns of dinoflagellate cysts and other organic-walled microfossils in recent Norwegian-Greenland Sea sediments ,
De Schepper S, Head MJ, Groeneveld J (2009) North Atlantic Current variability through marine isotope stage M2 (circa 3.3 Ma) during the mid-Pliocene.
3242:"Transport of toxic dinoflagellates via ships' ballast water: bioeconomic risk assessment and efficacy of possible ballast water management strategies" 2454:
Marret, F.; Scource, J. (2002). "Control of modern dinoflagellate cyst distribution in the Irish and Celtic seas by seasonal stratification dynamics".
Oliver Esper, Karin Zonneveld. The potential of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts to reconstruct past sea-surface conditions in the Southern Ocean"
gen. et sp. N. from the Devonian of the Rudnyy Altay (a unique find of dinoflagellate fossils), Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 307, 442–445 (in Russian).
Van Nieuwenhove, N., Bauch, H.A., Matthiessen, J., 2008. Last Interglacial surface water conditions in the eastern Nordic Seas inferred from dinocyst
cysts for at least 18 months. Cysts often need triggers to germinate ('excyst'), such as changes in temperature, nutrients, etc. Some cysts, such as
Spero, H.J.; Moree, M.D. (1981). "Phagotrophic feeding and its importance to the life cycle of the holozoic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium fungiforme".
Louwye, S.; Mertens, K.N.; Vercauteren, D. (2008). "New dinoflagellate cysts species from the Miocene of Porcupine Basin, off Southwest Ireland".
Evitt, W.R. and Davidson, S.E. 1964. Dinoflagellate studies. 1. Dinoflagellate cysts and thecae. Stanford university publications X (1), pp. 3–12.
Ratmeyer, V. (eds.) The South Atlantic in the Late Quaternary: reconstruction of material budgets and current systems. Springer, Berlin: 121-142.
5721: 5194:
Rochon, A; Lewis, J; Ellegaard; Harding, IC (2009). "The Gonyaulax spinifera (Dinophyceae) "complex" : perpetuating the paradox ?".
6005: 5818: 5320:
MacRae, R.A.; Fensome, R.A.; Williams, G.L. (1996). "Fossil dinoflagellate diversity, originations, and extinctions and their significance".
Edwards, L.E.; Mudie, P.J.; de Vernal, A. (1991). "Pliocene paleoclimatic reconstruction using dinoflagellate cysts: comparison of methods".
591: 4258:
Guiot, J.; DE Vernal, A. (2011). "Is spatial autocorrelation introducing biases in the apparent accuracy of paleoclimatic reconstructions".
Solignac, S.; GrĂžsfjeld, K.; Giraudeau, J.; de Vernal, A. (2009). "Distribution of recent dinocyst assemblages in the western Barents Sea".
Bolch, C.J.S. (1997). "The use of polytungstate for the separation and concentration of living dinoflagellate cysts from marine sediments".
Chapman, D. V.; Dodge, J. D.; Heaney, S. I. (1982). "Cyst Formation in the Freshwater Dinoflagellaie Ceratium Hirundinella (Dinophyceae)".
89: 3045:
Comeau, A. M.; Philippe, B.; Thaler, M.; Gosselin, M.; Poulin, M.; Lovejoy, C. (2013). "Protists in Arctic Drift and Land-Fast Sea Ice".
Head, M.J. (1994). "Morphology and paleoenvironmental significance of the Cenozoic dinoflagellate genera Tectatodinium and Habibacysta".
Dale, B (1977). "New observations on Peridinium faeroense Paulsen (1905), and classification of small orthoperidinioid dinoflagellates".
3536:"Reconstructing marine productivity of the Cariaco Basin during marine isotope stage 3 and 4 using organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts" 3166:"Spatial distribution of modern dinoflagellate cysts in polluted estuarine sediments from Buzzards Bay (Massachusetts, USA) embayments" 304:
Cysts can be transported via ocean-currents, which can distort ecological signals. This has been documented for the warm water species
4042: 1699: 5958:
1983. Introduction. In: Survival strategies of the algae (Ed. by A. Fryxell), pp. 1–22, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
5560: 4946:"Morphological development of resting cysts in cultures of the marine dinoflagellate Lingulodinium polyedrum (= L. machaerophorum)" 2427:
Nehring, S (1994). "Spatial distribution of dinoflagellate resting cysts in Recent sediments of Kiel Bight, Germany (Baltic Sea)".
Bolch, C.J.S. (2001). "PCR protocols for genetic identification of dinoflagellates directly from single cysts and plankton cells".
4409:"Three-hundred-year hydrological changes in a subtropical estuary, Rookery Bay (Florida): Human impact versus natural variability" 1299:
Moestrup, Ø.; Lindberg, K.; Daugbjerg, N. (2009). "Studies on woloszynskioid dinoflagellates IV: The genus Biecheleria gen. nov".
6062: 211: 84:. Though summaries of Ehrenberg's work appeared earlier, it was not published in full until 1837 or 1838; the date is uncertain. 971:"Separation and concentration of living dinoflagellate resting cysts from marine sediments via density-gradient centrifugation;" 7251: 192: 43: 4641:
Head, M.J. and Westphal, H. 1999. Palynology and paleoenvironments of a Pliocene carbonate platform: the Clino Core, Bahamas"
196: 100:
Ontologically, the term cyst can apply to (1) a temporary resting state (pellicle, temporary or ecdysal cyst), (2) a dormant
47: 5107:
Pacific and Baltic-Skagerrak region: calibration as annual density proxy and first evidence of pseudo-cryptic speciation".
Quaternary dinocysts are typically between 15 and 100 ÎŒm in diameter. One of the smallest recent cysts is the cyst of
4529:"Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) surface water conditions at the VĂžring Plateau (Norwegian Sea), based on dinoflagellate cysts" 67: 1217:
Harland, R (1982). "A review of Recent and Quaternary organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts of the genus Protoperidinium".
427: 6055: 501:
is now considered probably an arthropod remain. Another enigmatic form with possible early dinoflagellate affinity is
4862:"A 1600 year multiproxy record of paleoclimatic change from varved sediments in Lake Xiaolongwan, northeastern China" 1968:
Kennaway, Gay; Lewis, Jane (2004). "An ultrastructural study of hypnozygotes of Alexandrium species (Dinophyceae)".
Binder, B. J.; Anderson, D. M. (1986). "Green light-mediated photomorphogenesis in a dinoflagellate resting cyst".
5775: 1473: 1379: 6764: 6000: 5346:
Moldowan, J.M. and Talyzina, N.M., Biogeochemical evidence for dinoflagellate ancestors in the Early Cambrian.
5605:"A review of the laboratory preparation of palynomorphs with a description of an effective non-acid technique" 5360:
Sarjeant, W.A.S. (1978). "Arpylorus antiquus Calandra emend., a dinoflagellate cyst from the upper Silurian".
Dale, B (2009). "Eutrophication signals in the sedimentary record of dinoflagellate cysts in coastal waters".
1540:"Echinidinium zonneveldiae sp. nov., a new dinoflagellate cyst from the Late Pleistocene of the Baltic region" 5461:
Powell, A. J. (ed.), 1992: A Stratigraphic Index of Dinoflagellate Cysts. London: Chapman & Hall, 300 pp.
methods, which can be highly variable between different palynological laboratories, and often involve use of
7004: 5975: 431:
from culture experiments, and study of surface sediments. Also variations in the morphology of the species
7201: 7140: 7079: 6793: 6032: 4293:
Dale, B (2001). "Marine dinoflagellate cysts as indicators of eutrophication and pollution:a discussion".
5259:"Holocene salinity changes in the southwestern black sea: a reconstruction based on dinoflagellate cysts" 1771:
DE, VERTEUIL L.; Norris, G. (1996). "Part 2. Homology and structure in dinoflagellate cyst terminology".
Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts have a long geological record with lowest occurrences during the mid
7161: 7152: 3303: 291:
sp. in Canadian sea-ice for the first time. Other species are thermophilic, such as the "living fossil"
58: 6013: 5028:
F.; van der Meer, M.; Vink, A.; Zonneveld, K.; Vercauteren, D.; Vlassenbroeck, J.; Louwye, S. (2009a).
2161:"Phytoplankton growth after a century of dormancy illuminates past resilience to catastrophic darkness" 7145: 5922: 5736: 5652: 5575: 5561:"Early and Middle Miocene dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the central Paratethys, central Europe" 5525: 5434: 5369: 5273: 5203: 5160: 5116: 5041: 4992: 4957: 4910: 4873: 4826: 4791: 4755: 4720: 4664: 4578: 4493: 4458: 4420: 4345: 4302: 4267: 4211: 4165: 4112: 4068: 3998: 3963: 3927: 3884: 3849: 3805: 3770: 3735: 3682: 3643: 3600: 3547: 3508: 3473: 3368: 3332: 3253: 3214: 3177: 3105: 3054: 2986: 2927: 2856: 2820: 2785: 2733: 2684: 2630: 2581: 2546: 2510: 2463: 2399: 2342: 2307: 2258: 2172: 2117: 2020: 1977: 1942: 1821: 1656: 1616: 1581: 1504: 1461: 1265: 1157: 1062: 1019: 982: 916: 841: 778: 735: 683: 635: 338:
of marine organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts has been extensively studied, more particularly in the
129: 3396:"Seasonal change of dinoflagellates cyst flux collected in a sediment trap in Omura Bay, West Japan" 7256: 7089: 5637: 551: 494: 111:
Digestive cyst or digestion cysts denote pellicle cysts formed after feeding by phagocytosis as in
A quantitative method is the use of transfer functions, although these have been heavily debated.
6170: 5938: 5779: 5668: 5541: 5498: 5289: 5176: 5132: 5088: 4926: 4842: 4680: 4594: 4509: 4227: 4084: 3821: 3708: 3616: 3573: 3445: 3078: 2900: 2368: 2274: 2141: 2071: 2036: 1993: 1837: 1709: 1632: 1520: 1477: 1316: 1281: 1173: 1117: 1078: 1035: 892: 857: 794: 751: 699: 651: 5819:"The absolute abundance calibration project: the Lycopodium marker-grain method put to the test" 2218:"Long-term survival of marine planktonic diatoms and dinoflagellates in stored sediment samples" 1855:
Reid, P.C.; Boalch, G.T. (1987). "A new method for the identification of dinoflagellate cysts".
164:, which can be as small as 19 ÎŒm in length. One of the largest recent cysts is the cyst of 5423:"Dinoflagellate phylogeny revisited: Reconciling morphological and molecular based phylogenies" 4407:
Donders, T.H.; Gorissen, P.M.; Sangiorgi, F.; Cremer, H.; Wagner-Cremer, F.; McGee, V. (2008).
There have been very few ultrastructural studies of marine cysts with TEM, except for early on
7135: 7094: 4389: 4318: 4038: 3900: 3070: 2646: 2198: 2133: 1695: 587: 581: 538: 534: 343: 6738: 6027: 1100:
sp. nov. (Dinophyceae), a new motile form of a round, brown, and spiny dinoflagellate cyst".
7109: 6953: 6900: 6852: 6811: 6776: 6769: 6706: 6583: 6509: 5930: 5887: 5860: 5833: 5771: 5744: 5702: 5660: 5616: 5583: 5533: 5490: 5442: 5377: 5329: 5281: 5239: 5211: 5168: 5124: 5080: 5049: 5000: 4965: 4918: 4881: 4834: 4799: 4763: 4728: 4672: 4586: 4540: 4501: 4466: 4428: 4381: 4353: 4310: 4275: 4219: 4181: 4173: 4120: 4076: 4006: 3971: 3935: 3892: 3857: 3813: 3778: 3743: 3698: 3690: 3651: 3608: 3563: 3555: 3516: 3481: 3437: 3407: 3376: 3340: 3291: 3261: 3222: 3185: 3144: 3113: 3062: 3002: 2994: 2935: 2892: 2864: 2828: 2793: 2741: 2692: 2638: 2589: 2554: 2518: 2471: 2436: 2407: 2358: 2350: 2315: 2266: 2229: 2188: 2180: 2125: 2063: 2028: 1985: 1950: 1864: 1829: 1744: 1687: 1664: 1624: 1589: 1551: 1512: 1469: 1402: 1375: 1308: 1273: 1165: 1109: 1070: 1027: 990: 951: 924: 884: 849: 786: 743: 691: 674:
Wall, D.; Dale, B. (1968). "Modern dinoflagellate cysts and evolution of the Peridiniales".
643: 2974: 1793:
Jux, U (1968). "Über den feinbau der wandung bei Hystrichosphaera bentori Rossignol 1961".
6885: 6117: 6017: 2159:
Ribeiro, S.; Berge, T.; Lundholm, N.; Andersen, T.J.; Abrantes, F.; Ellegaard, M. (2011).
1721: 185: 35: 5926: 5740: 5656: 5579: 5529: 5438: 5373: 5277: 5207: 5164: 5120: 5045: 4996: 4961: 4914: 4877: 4830: 4795: 4759: 4724: 4668: 4582: 4497: 4462: 4424: 4349: 4306: 4271: 4215: 4169: 4151:"Constraints on the magnitude and patterns of ocean cooling at the Last Glacial Maximum" 4150: 4116: 4072: 4002: 3967: 3931: 3888: 3853: 3809: 3774: 3739: 3686: 3647: 3604: 3551: 3512: 3477: 3372: 3336: 3257: 3218: 3181: 3109: 3058: 2990: 2931: 2860: 2824: 2789: 2737: 2688: 2634: 2585: 2550: 2514: 2467: 2403: 2346: 2311: 2262: 2176: 2121: 2024: 1981: 1946: 1825: 1660: 1620: 1585: 1508: 1465: 1269: 1161: 1066: 1023: 986: 920: 845: 782: 739: 687: 639: 7069: 6910: 6820: 6806: 6607: 6463: 6411: 6268: 6187: 6047: 5934: 4945: 3295: 2193: 2160: 2032: 790: 374: 298: 5258: 4314: 3939: 3896: 2642: 2522: 2475: 2354: 1954: 1691: 176:
The walls of organic-walled dinocysts are composed of the resistant biopolymer called
flagella and becomes enveloped in multilayered mucilage wherein division takes place.
7245: 7166: 6999: 6971: 6875: 6848: 6845: 6779: 6273: 6247: 6197: 5955: 5672: 5545: 5293: 5172: 5136: 5084: 4930: 4846: 4732: 4684: 4598: 4513: 4088: 3825: 3669:
Price, A.M.; Mertens, K.N.M.; Pospelova, V.; Pedersen, T.F.; Ganeshram, R.S. (2013).
3620: 3612: 3441: 2774:"New organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts from recent sediments of Central Asian seas" 2372: 2319: 2129: 1628: 1481: 1312: 1113: 1074: 530: 411: 353: 335: 323: 316: 181: 5942: 5783: 5502: 5180: 5092: 4385: 4279: 4231: 4124: 3975: 3782: 3712: 3655: 3577: 3449: 3082: 2904: 2145: 2040: 1997: 1636: 1524: 1320: 1285: 1177: 1121: 1082: 1039: 896: 798: 17: 7186: 7156: 7016: 6667: 6519: 6514: 6416: 6352: 6216: 6082: 6078: 5864: 5837: 5748: 5706: 5243: 5215: 5053: 5004: 4860:
CHU, G; SUN, Q.; Wang, X.; LI, D.; Rioual, P.; Qiang, L.; HAN, J.; LIU, J. (2009).
4803: 4010: 3747: 3485: 3380: 3344: 2998: 2939: 2868: 2832: 2797: 2745: 2696: 2440: 2388:"Dinoflagellate resting cysts as factors in phytoplankton ecology of the North Sea" 2278: 2075: 1668: 1593: 928: 861: 655: 349: 5891: 5381: 4969: 2593: 1989: 1031: 955: 4767: 4470: 4357: 3861: 2558: 888: 7216: 7191: 7179: 6994: 6948: 6749: 6716: 6696: 6617: 6530: 6401: 6369: 6307: 6297: 6232: 6207: 6155: 6138: 3133:"Modern dinoflagellate cysts in hypertrophic coastal waters of Tokyo Bay, Japan" 498: 149: 5878:
Wall, D (1971). "Biological problems concerning fossilizable dinoflagellates".
3670: 3535: 1406: 7230: 7225: 7206: 7196: 7174: 6830: 6754: 6574: 6545: 6473: 6452: 6338: 6323: 6211: 6165: 6107: 5664: 5537: 5447: 5422: 5285: 4922: 4838: 4676: 4505: 3226: 2234: 2217: 1748: 1516: 1277: 995: 970: 583:
MARGO: Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean Surface
513:(1999) consider its dinoflagellate affinity (and also supposed age) unlikely. 506: 381: 370: 357: 339: 177: 145: 80: 39: 5797:
Stockmarr, J (1971). "Tablets with spores used in absolute pollen analysis".
4545: 4528: 1868: 7211: 7084: 7074: 6938: 6920: 6895: 6864: 6825: 6677: 6657: 6643: 6622: 6550: 6447: 6430: 6333: 6312: 6258: 6221: 6150: 6129: 5029: 4244:
Telford, R.J., 2006. Limitations of dinoflagellate cyst transfer functions.
3412: 3395: 3149: 3132: 2773: 482: 479: 400: 5905:
Anderson, D.M.; Wall, D. (1978). "Potential importance of benthic cysts of
5494: 4393: 4322: 3904: 3703: 3074: 3007: 2975:"Atlas of modern dinoflagellate cyst distribution based on 2405 datapoints" 2896: 2650: 2202: 2137: 626:
Wall, D.; Dale, B. (1966). "Living" fossils in western Atlantic plankton".
Cystodinium, Stylodinium, Hypnodinium, Tetradinium, Dinococcus, Gloeodinium
5638:"An effective palynological preparation procedure using hydrogen peroxide" 5621: 5604: 3568: 1200:
American Museum of Natural History, Micropaleontology, Special Publication
458:, in a semi-quantitative or quantitative way. Process length variation of 7104: 7099: 7011: 6976: 6905: 6890: 6880: 6759: 6682: 6633: 6597: 6564: 6390: 6287: 6242: 6122: 6102: 5421:
Fensome, Robert A.; Saldarriaga, Juan F.; Taylor, "Max" F. J. R. (1999).
4886: 4861: 4433: 4408: 3559: 3520: 2054:
Stosch, H.A. VON (1965). "SexualitÀt bei Ceratium cornutum (Dinophyta)".
518: 490: 475: 471: 455: 435:
can be related to salinity and/or temperature. Also cysts of the species
404: 346:
through variations in productivity, temperature, salinity and ice cover.
141: 5588: 5394:
LeHerissé, A., Masure, E., Al Ruwaili, M., Massa, D., 2000. Revision of
1556: 1539: 1143: 1141: 7040: 7021: 6540: 6494: 6133: 6086: 6042: 3694: 3266: 3241: 3190: 3165: 2412: 2387: 2184: 2067: 1841: 755: 703: 396: 392: 373:
application is for environmental goals, more particularly the study of
137: 133: 71: 5980: 4186: 3066: 2363: 1684:
Organic-Walled Dinoflagellate Cysts: Tracers of Sea-Surface Conditions
853: 647: 6943: 6801: 6504: 6380: 6160: 6112: 5128: 3117: 2270: 454:
The morphological variation can be applied for the reconstruction of
385: 101: 75: 5333: 4590: 4223: 4177: 4080: 3817: 1833: 1169: 747: 695: 352:, a fossil species of dinoflagellate cyst, is used to demarcate the 5995: 5722:"A direct comparison of three palynological preparation techniques" 832:
Wall, D.; Dale, B. (1966). "Living fossils" in Atlantic plankton".
74:(freshwater conjugating algae), placing them within his own Recent 6915: 6483: 6145: 315:
Another problem with cysts is that they also get transported with
57: 6037: 6022: 5990: 3164:
Pospelova, V.; Chmura, G.L.; Boothman, W.; Latimer, J.S. (2005).
5985: 6051: 4033:
Beaudoin, Alwynne Bowyer; Head, M. J.; Head, Martin J. (2004).
Kawami, H.; Van Wezel, R.; Koeman, R.P.; Matsuoka, K. (2009). "
Some freshwater cysts have been investigated with TEM, such as
Dinoflaj2 Rob Fensome's and Graham Williams' Database on cysts
5970: 474:, whilst geochemical markers suggest a presence to the Early 6010: 5257:
Verleye, T.J.; Mertens, K.N.; Louwye, S.; Arz, H.W. (2009).
GonzĂĄlez, C.; Dupont, L.M.; Mertens, K.; Wefer, G. (2008b).
are typically 15 to 100 ÎŒm in diameter and produced by
has been used to reconstruct Black Sea salinity variation.
451:) do not show a clear relation to variations in salinity. 2772:
Marret, F.; Leroy, S.A.G.; ChaliÉ, F.; Gasse, F. (2004).
Biostratigraphy and evolution of organic-walled dinocysts
342:. Changes in Quaternary dinocyst assemblages reflect the 66:
The first person to recognize fossil dinoflagellates was
Matsuoka, K; Joyce, LB; Kotani, Y; Matsuyama, Y (2003).
Lewis, Jane; Harris, A.; Jones, K.; Edmonds, R. (1999).
Kucera, M.; Schneider, R.; Weinelt, M. (10 April 2006).
Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts are extracted using
5688:"The use of pre-treatments in palynological processing" 5559:
Jiménez-Moreno, G.; Head, M.J.; Harzhauser, M. (2006).
presence of such cold-water indicator, a life-stage of
Schwinghamer, P.; Anderson, D.M.; Kulis, D.M. (1991).
shows morphological variations in culture, as well as
studies, which help to understand ecological signals.
Riding, J.B.; Kyffin-Hughes, J.E.; Owens, B. (2007).
5065: 5063: 1236:
Schilling, A.J. (1891). "Die SĂŒsswasser-Peridineen".
has been recently investigated and also the Miocene.
Yasuo Fukuyo's site on motile stages and their cysts
1193: 1191: 1189: 1187: 493:
of North Africa, was at one time considered to be a
319:, which can cause introduction of invasive species. 295:
currently found in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool only.
Distribution and ecology of organic-walled dinocysts
In addition to organic-walled cysts, there are also
7126: 7060: 6985: 6962: 6929: 6862: 6736: 6729: 6704: 6695: 6665: 6656: 6631: 6605: 6596: 6572: 6563: 6528: 6492: 6461: 6438: 6429: 6399: 6378: 6360: 6351: 6321: 6295: 6286: 6256: 6230: 6195: 6186: 6179: 6093: 5986:
The Micropalaeontological Society, Palynology group
The Palynology and Micropalaeontology of Boundaries
Morphological variation of organic-walled dinocysts
380:An interval of particular interest during the late 5976:L'Association des Palynologues de Langue Française 168:, which can be as large as 100 ÎŒm in length. 4748:Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 4103:(LGM) based on dinoflagellate cyst assemblages". 3842:Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 3308:: CS1 maint: DOI inactive as of September 2024 ( 2539:Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 6033:Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology (Journal) 301:can also be reflected in dinocyst assemblages. 669: 667: 665: 485:possibly are related to dinoflagellate cysts. 6063: 5407:Vozzhennikova, T.F., Shegeshova, L.I., 1989. 8: 5913:in initiating toxic dinoflagellate blooms". 180:. 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Micropaleontol 3968:2005QSRv...24..897D 3932:2001MarMP..43..155M 3889:2000RPaPa.109...65E 3854:2006PPP...234..304S 3810:2001JQS....16..711K 3775:2011QSRv...30.3880C 3740:2009RPaPa.158...52L 3687:2013PalOc..28..200P 3648:2010QSRv...29.1025V 3605:2009Borea..38..647M 3552:2008PalOc..23.3215G 3513:2006PalOc..21.2010P 3478:2013MarMP.100...34B 3373:2010MarMP..75...17P 3337:2011MarMP..80...18P 3258:1998MEPS..168..297H 3219:2010CSR....30.1924K 3182:2005MEPS..292...23P 3110:2014Geo....42..531M 3059:2013JPcgy..49..229C 2991:2013RPaPa.191....1Z 2932:2010MarMP..76..104L 2861:2008MarMP..68...21P 2825:2007MarMP..62..269R 2790:2004RPaPa.129....1M 2738:2007MarMP..64...91H 2689:2009MarMP..71..113B 2635:2000RPaPa.112..247V 2586:2008JMS....74..825R 2551:2010PPP...298..319V 2515:2004RPaPa.128...35M 2468:2003MarMP..47..101M 2404:1995HM.....49..375N 2386:Nehring, S (1995). 2347:2004RPaPa.128...97S 2312:1977MarMP...2..121W 2263:1986Natur.322..659B 2177:2011NatCo...2..311R 2122:2009MolEc..18.2122A 2025:1982JPcgy..18..121C 1982:2004Phyco..43..355K 1947:1998OrGeo..28..265K 1826:1994MiPal..40..289H 1661:2012MarMP..96...48M 1621:2002JPcgy..38..593P 1586:2011MarMP..78...65V 1557:10.1144/jm.21.2.169 1538:Head, M.J. (2002). 1509:2008JSPal...6..101D 1466:2004JPal...78..625D 1270:2009EJPhy..44..241T 1162:2012Phyco..51..612M 1067:2006JPcgy..42..251T 1024:2001Phyco..40..162B 987:1991LimOc..36..588S 921:2012MarMP..96...48M 846:1966Natur.211.1025W 840:(5053): 1025–1026. 783:1981JPcgy..17...43S 740:1987MiPal..33....1S 688:1968MiPal..14..265W 640:1966Natur.211.1025W 634:(5053): 1025–1026. 552:Lycopodium clavatum 495:dinoflagellate cyst 441:Gonyaulax spinifera 218:Cyst ultrastructure 203:Morphological terms 184:, but is unique to 148:, which covers the 136:, which covers the 6921:Periplast/pellicle 6644:Periplast/pellicle 6584:Cruciform division 5880:Geoscience and Man 5396:Arpylorus antiquus 4295:Sci. Total Environ 3695:10.1002/palo.20019 3267:10.3354/meps168297 3191:10.3354/meps292023 2713:63 (3/4): 185-212. 2413:10.1007/bf02368363 2185:10.1038/ncomms1314 2068:10.1007/bf00626331 509:, however Fensome 445:Pyrophacus steinii 437:Gonyaulax baltica 64: 7239: 7238: 7136:Microbial ecology 7122: 7121: 7118: 7117: 7095:Eyespot apparatus 6725: 6724: 6707:Choanoflagellates 6691: 6690: 6652: 6651: 6592: 6591: 6559: 6558: 6425: 6424: 6347: 6346: 6282: 6281: 5328:(11): 1687–1694. 4266:(15): 1965–1972. 4158:Nature Geoscience 3769:(27): 3880–3891. 3213:(18): 1924–1940. 3143:(12): 1461–1470. 3067:10.1111/jpy.12026 2257:(6080): 659–661. 2116:(10): 2122–2133. 2110:Molecular Ecology 1814:Micropaleontology 1773:Micropaleontology 854:10.1038/2111025a0 728:Micropaleontology 676:Micropaleontology 648:10.1038/2111025a0 593:978-0-08-044702-5 539:hydrofluoric acid 535:hydrochloric acid 344:palaeoceanography 42:. There are also 16:(Redirected from 7264: 7110:Mastigont system 7063: 6988: 6965: 6954:Gliding motility 6932: 6869: 6814:/plektenchymatic 6770:Amoeboflagellate 6743: 6734: 6710: 6702: 6671: 6663: 6637: 6611: 6603: 6577: 6570: 6534: 6498: 6467: 6441: 6436: 6405: 6384: 6363: 6358: 6327: 6301: 6293: 6262: 6236: 6200: 6193: 6184: 6072: 6065: 6058: 6049: 5959: 5953: 5947: 5946: 5902: 5896: 5895: 5875: 5869: 5868: 5848: 5842: 5841: 5832:(3–4): 238–252. 5823: 5813: 5807: 5806: 5799:Pollen et Spores 5794: 5788: 5787: 5759: 5753: 5752: 5735:(3–4): 212–221. 5726: 5717: 5711: 5710: 5701:(3–4): 281–290. 5692: 5683: 5677: 5676: 5642: 5633: 5627: 5626: 5624: 5600: 5594: 5593: 5591: 5565: 5556: 5550: 5549: 5513: 5507: 5506: 5478: 5472: 5468: 5462: 5459: 5453: 5452: 5450: 5418: 5412: 5409:Palaeodinophysis 5405: 5399: 5392: 5386: 5385: 5357: 5351: 5344: 5338: 5337: 5317: 5311: 5304: 5298: 5297: 5263: 5254: 5248: 5247: 5226: 5220: 5219: 5191: 5185: 5184: 5147: 5141: 5140: 5129:10.1002/jqs.2564 5103: 5097: 5096: 5067: 5058: 5057: 5024: 5018: 5015: 5009: 5008: 4991:(1–4): 105–119. 4980: 4974: 4973: 4941: 4935: 4934: 4898: 4892: 4891: 4889: 4857: 4851: 4850: 4814: 4808: 4807: 4778: 4772: 4771: 4743: 4737: 4736: 4708: 4702: 4699:Paleoceanography 4695: 4689: 4688: 4652: 4646: 4639: 4633: 4632: 4623: 4617: 4609: 4603: 4602: 4566: 4560: 4557: 4551: 4550: 4548: 4524: 4518: 4517: 4481: 4475: 4474: 4445: 4439: 4438: 4436: 4404: 4398: 4397: 4368: 4362: 4361: 4333: 4327: 4326: 4290: 4284: 4283: 4255: 4249: 4242: 4236: 4235: 4198: 4192: 4191: 4189: 4155: 4145: 4139: 4135: 4129: 4128: 4111:(7–9): 897–924. 4099: 4093: 4092: 4055: 4049: 4048: 4030: 4024: 4021: 4015: 4014: 3986: 3980: 3979: 3962:(7–9): 897–924. 3950: 3944: 3943: 3926:(1–2): 155–178. 3915: 3909: 3908: 3872: 3866: 3865: 3848:(2–4): 304–327. 3836: 3830: 3829: 3793: 3787: 3786: 3758: 3752: 3751: 3723: 3717: 3716: 3706: 3675:Paleoceanography 3666: 3660: 3659: 3642:(7): 1025–1039. 3631: 3625: 3624: 3588: 3582: 3581: 3571: 3540:Paleoceanography 3531: 3525: 3524: 3501:Paleoceanography 3496: 3490: 3489: 3460: 3454: 3453: 3424: 3418: 3417: 3415: 3391: 3385: 3384: 3355: 3349: 3348: 3320: 3314: 3313: 3307: 3299: 3278: 3272: 3271: 3269: 3237: 3231: 3230: 3202: 3196: 3195: 3193: 3161: 3155: 3154: 3152: 3128: 3122: 3121: 3118:10.1130/G35456.1 3093: 3087: 3086: 3042: 3036: 3029: 3023: 3019: 3013: 3012: 3010: 2969: 2963: 2962: 2950: 2944: 2943: 2926:(3–4): 104–123. 2915: 2909: 2908: 2879: 2873: 2872: 2843: 2837: 2836: 2808: 2802: 2801: 2769: 2763: 2756: 2750: 2749: 2720: 2714: 2707: 2701: 2700: 2683:(3–4): 113–130. 2671: 2665: 2661: 2655: 2654: 2618: 2612: 2604: 2598: 2597: 2569: 2563: 2562: 2545:(3–4): 319–340. 2533: 2527: 2526: 2498: 2492: 2486: 2480: 2479: 2462:(1–2): 101–116. 2451: 2445: 2444: 2424: 2418: 2417: 2415: 2398:(1–4): 375–392. 2383: 2377: 2376: 2366: 2330: 2324: 2323: 2294: 2283: 2282: 2271:10.1038/322659a0 2246: 2240: 2239: 2237: 2213: 2207: 2206: 2196: 2156: 2150: 2149: 2104: 2098: 2095: 2089: 2086: 2080: 2079: 2051: 2045: 2044: 2008: 2002: 2001: 1965: 1959: 1958: 1929: 1923: 1922: 1910: 1904: 1903: 1891: 1885: 1882: 1873: 1872: 1852: 1846: 1845: 1809: 1803: 1802: 1790: 1781: 1780: 1768: 1762: 1759: 1753: 1752: 1732: 1726: 1725: 1719: 1715: 1713: 1705: 1679: 1673: 1672: 1655:. 96–97: 48–62. 1647: 1641: 1640: 1604: 1598: 1597: 1568: 1562: 1561: 1559: 1535: 1529: 1528: 1492: 1486: 1485: 1449: 1443: 1436: 1430: 1426: 1420: 1417: 1411: 1410: 1390: 1384: 1383: 1363: 1357: 1354: 1348: 1340: 1334: 1331: 1325: 1324: 1296: 1290: 1289: 1252: 1246: 1245: 1233: 1227: 1226: 1214: 1208: 1207: 1195: 1182: 1181: 1145: 1136: 1132: 1126: 1125: 1093: 1087: 1086: 1050: 1044: 1043: 1007: 1001: 1000: 998: 966: 960: 959: 939: 933: 932: 915:. 96–97: 48–62. 907: 901: 900: 883:(1–6): 149–177. 872: 866: 865: 829: 823: 819: 813: 809: 803: 802: 766: 760: 759: 723: 717: 714: 708: 707: 671: 660: 659: 623: 617: 614: 608: 604: 598: 597: 577: 447:(cyst is called 391:Also during the 92:in the sixties. 21: 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Sci. Rev 4703: 4690: 4647: 4634: 4618: 4604: 4577:(7): 727–737. 4561: 4552: 4539:(2): 175–186. 4533:Polar Research 4519: 4476: 4440: 4399: 4380:(1): 114–132. 4363: 4344:(1): 103–113. 4328: 4301:(3): 235–240. 4285: 4250: 4237: 4210:(4): 349–359. 4193: 4164:(2): 127–132. 4140: 4130: 4094: 4067:(7): 681–698. 4050: 4043: 4025: 4016: 3997:(3–4): 59–74. 3981: 3945: 3910: 3867: 3831: 3804:(7): 711–716. 3788: 3753: 3734:(1–2): 52–71. 3718: 3681:(1): 200–212. 3661: 3626: 3599:(4): 647–662. 3583: 3569:1854/LU-592855 3526: 3491: 3455: 3436:(1): 202–215. 3419: 3406:(2): 131–147. 3386: 3367:(1–4): 17–37. 3350: 3331:(1–2): 18–43. 3315: 3273: 3232: 3197: 3156: 3123: 3104:(6): 531–534. 3088: 3053:(2): 229–240. 3037: 3024: 3014: 2964: 2945: 2910: 2874: 2855:(1–2): 21–48. 2838: 2819:(4): 296–297. 2803: 2764: 2751: 2715: 2702: 2666: 2656: 2629:(4): 247–286. 2613: 2599: 2580:(3): 825–839. 2564: 2528: 2509:(1–2): 35–54. 2493: 2481: 2446: 2435:(2): 137–158. 2419: 2378: 2325: 2284: 2241: 2228:(2): 343–354. 2208: 2151: 2099: 2090: 2081: 2062:(5): 112–113. 2046: 2019:(1): 121–129. 2003: 1976:(4): 355–363. 1960: 1941:(5): 265–288. 1924: 1905: 1886: 1874: 1847: 1820:(4): 289–321. 1804: 1782: 1763: 1754: 1743:(3): 241–253. 1727: 1718:|journal= 1700: 1674: 1642: 1615:(3): 593–601. 1599: 1580:(3–4): 65–83. 1563: 1550:(2): 169–173. 1530: 1503:(1): 101–117. 1487: 1460:(4): 625–644. 1444: 1431: 1421: 1412: 1385: 1358: 1349: 1335: 1326: 1307:(3): 203–220. 1291: 1247: 1228: 1209: 1183: 1156:(6): 612–619. 1137: 1127: 1108:(4): 259–267. 1088: 1061:(1): 251–256. 1045: 1018:(2): 162–167. 1002: 981:(3): 588–592. 961: 950:(6): 472–478. 934: 902: 867: 824: 814: 804: 761: 718: 709: 682:(3): 265–304. 661: 618: 609: 599: 592: 571: 569: 566: 560: 557: 526: 523: 478:. Some of the 467: 464: 419: 416: 375:eutrophication 331: 328: 299:Eutrophication 279: 276: 268:Lingulodinium 262: 259: 219: 216: 204: 201: 173: 170: 157: 154: 124: 121: 97: 96:Types of cysts 94: 55: 52: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 7269: 7258: 7255: 7253: 7250: 7249: 7247: 7232: 7229: 7227: 7224: 7218: 7215: 7213: 7210: 7209: 7208: 7205: 7203: 7200: 7198: 7195: 7193: 7190: 7189: 7188: 7185: 7181: 7178: 7177: 7176: 7172: 7168: 7167:Fertilization 7165: 7163: 7160: 7159: 7158: 7154: 7151: 7147: 7144: 7142: 7139: 7138: 7137: 7134: 7133: 7131: 7125: 7111: 7108: 7106: 7103: 7101: 7098: 7096: 7093: 7091: 7088: 7086: 7083: 7081: 7078: 7076: 7073: 7071: 7068: 7067: 7065: 7059: 7050: 7047: 7044: 7043: 7042: 7039: 7035:Pleuromitosis 7034: 7031: 7028: 7025: 7024: 7023: 7020: 7018: 7015: 7013: 7010: 7006: 7003: 7002: 7001: 6998: 6996: 6993: 6992: 6990: 6984: 6978: 6975: 6973: 6972:Hydrogenosome 6970: 6969: 6967: 6961: 6955: 6952: 6950: 6947: 6945: 6942: 6940: 6937: 6936: 6934: 6928: 6922: 6919: 6917: 6914: 6912: 6909: 6907: 6904: 6902: 6899: 6897: 6894: 6892: 6889: 6887: 6884: 6882: 6879: 6877: 6874: 6873: 6871: 6868: 6861: 6854: 6850: 6847: 6846:Multicellular 6844: 6837: 6834: 6833: 6832: 6829: 6827: 6824: 6823: 6822: 6819: 6816: 6813: 6810: 6808: 6805: 6803: 6799: 6795: 6792: 6789: 6786: 6783: 6782: 6781: 6778: 6775: 6771: 6768: 6766: 6763: 6761: 6758: 6756: 6753: 6752: 6751: 6748: 6747: 6745: 6742: 6735: 6732: 6728: 6718: 6715: 6714: 6712: 6708: 6703: 6700: 6698: 6694: 6684: 6681: 6679: 6676: 6675: 6673: 6669: 6668:Dictyostelids 6664: 6661: 6659: 6655: 6645: 6642: 6641: 6639: 6635: 6630: 6624: 6621: 6619: 6616: 6615: 6613: 6609: 6604: 6601: 6599: 6595: 6585: 6582: 6581: 6579: 6576: 6571: 6568: 6566: 6562: 6552: 6549: 6547: 6544: 6542: 6539: 6538: 6536: 6532: 6531:Apicomplexans 6527: 6521: 6518: 6516: 6513: 6511: 6508: 6506: 6503: 6502: 6500: 6496: 6491: 6485: 6482: 6480: 6477: 6475: 6472: 6471: 6469: 6465: 6460: 6454: 6451: 6449: 6446: 6445: 6443: 6437: 6434: 6432: 6428: 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5908: 5901: 5898: 5893: 5889: 5885: 5881: 5874: 5871: 5866: 5862: 5858: 5854: 5847: 5844: 5839: 5835: 5831: 5827: 5820: 5812: 5809: 5804: 5800: 5793: 5790: 5785: 5781: 5777: 5773: 5769: 5765: 5758: 5755: 5750: 5746: 5742: 5738: 5734: 5730: 5723: 5716: 5713: 5708: 5704: 5700: 5696: 5689: 5682: 5679: 5674: 5670: 5666: 5662: 5658: 5654: 5650: 5646: 5639: 5632: 5629: 5623: 5618: 5614: 5610: 5606: 5599: 5596: 5590: 5585: 5581: 5577: 5573: 5569: 5562: 5555: 5552: 5547: 5543: 5539: 5535: 5531: 5527: 5523: 5519: 5512: 5509: 5504: 5500: 5496: 5492: 5488: 5484: 5477: 5474: 5467: 5464: 5458: 5455: 5449: 5444: 5440: 5436: 5432: 5428: 5424: 5417: 5414: 5410: 5404: 5401: 5397: 5391: 5388: 5383: 5379: 5375: 5371: 5367: 5363: 5356: 5353: 5349: 5343: 5340: 5335: 5331: 5327: 5323: 5316: 5313: 5310: 5303: 5300: 5295: 5291: 5287: 5283: 5279: 5275: 5272:(1): 77–100. 5271: 5267: 5260: 5253: 5250: 5245: 5241: 5237: 5233: 5225: 5222: 5217: 5213: 5209: 5205: 5201: 5197: 5190: 5187: 5182: 5178: 5174: 5170: 5166: 5162: 5158: 5154: 5146: 5143: 5138: 5134: 5130: 5126: 5122: 5118: 5114: 5110: 5102: 5099: 5094: 5090: 5086: 5082: 5078: 5074: 5066: 5064: 5060: 5055: 5051: 5047: 5043: 5039: 5035: 5031: 5023: 5020: 5014: 5011: 5006: 5002: 4998: 4994: 4990: 4986: 4979: 4976: 4971: 4967: 4963: 4959: 4955: 4951: 4947: 4940: 4937: 4932: 4928: 4924: 4920: 4916: 4912: 4908: 4904: 4897: 4894: 4888: 4883: 4879: 4875: 4871: 4867: 4863: 4856: 4853: 4848: 4844: 4840: 4836: 4832: 4828: 4824: 4820: 4813: 4810: 4805: 4801: 4797: 4793: 4789: 4785: 4777: 4774: 4769: 4765: 4761: 4757: 4753: 4749: 4742: 4739: 4734: 4730: 4726: 4722: 4718: 4714: 4707: 4704: 4700: 4694: 4691: 4686: 4682: 4678: 4674: 4670: 4666: 4663:(1): 92–112. 4662: 4658: 4651: 4648: 4644: 4638: 4635: 4630: 4622: 4619: 4616:145, 321-344. 4615: 4608: 4605: 4600: 4596: 4592: 4588: 4584: 4580: 4576: 4572: 4565: 4562: 4556: 4553: 4547: 4542: 4538: 4534: 4530: 4523: 4520: 4515: 4511: 4507: 4503: 4499: 4495: 4491: 4487: 4480: 4477: 4472: 4468: 4464: 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3015: 3009: 3004: 3000: 2996: 2992: 2988: 2984: 2980: 2976: 2968: 2965: 2960: 2956: 2949: 2946: 2941: 2937: 2933: 2929: 2925: 2921: 2914: 2911: 2906: 2902: 2898: 2894: 2890: 2886: 2878: 2875: 2870: 2866: 2862: 2858: 2854: 2850: 2842: 2839: 2834: 2830: 2826: 2822: 2818: 2814: 2807: 2804: 2799: 2795: 2791: 2787: 2784:(1–2): 1–20. 2783: 2779: 2775: 2768: 2765: 2762: 2755: 2752: 2747: 2743: 2739: 2735: 2731: 2727: 2719: 2716: 2712: 2706: 2703: 2698: 2694: 2690: 2686: 2682: 2678: 2670: 2667: 2660: 2657: 2652: 2648: 2644: 2640: 2636: 2632: 2628: 2624: 2617: 2614: 2610: 2603: 2600: 2595: 2591: 2587: 2583: 2579: 2575: 2568: 2565: 2560: 2556: 2552: 2548: 2544: 2540: 2532: 2529: 2524: 2520: 2516: 2512: 2508: 2504: 2497: 2494: 2491: 2485: 2482: 2477: 2473: 2469: 2465: 2461: 2457: 2450: 2447: 2442: 2438: 2434: 2430: 2423: 2420: 2414: 2409: 2405: 2401: 2397: 2393: 2389: 2382: 2379: 2374: 2370: 2365: 2360: 2356: 2352: 2348: 2344: 2340: 2336: 2329: 2326: 2321: 2317: 2313: 2309: 2305: 2301: 2293: 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Phycol. J 1731: 1728: 1723: 1711: 1703: 1701:9780444527554 1697: 1693: 1689: 1685: 1678: 1675: 1670: 1666: 1662: 1658: 1654: 1646: 1643: 1638: 1634: 1630: 1626: 1622: 1618: 1614: 1610: 1603: 1600: 1595: 1591: 1587: 1583: 1579: 1575: 1567: 1564: 1558: 1553: 1549: 1545: 1541: 1534: 1531: 1526: 1522: 1518: 1514: 1510: 1506: 1502: 1498: 1491: 1488: 1483: 1479: 1475: 1471: 1467: 1463: 1459: 1455: 1448: 1445: 1441: 1435: 1432: 1425: 1422: 1416: 1413: 1408: 1404: 1400: 1396: 1389: 1386: 1381: 1377: 1373: 1369: 1362: 1359: 1353: 1350: 1347:, 35, 146 pp. 1346: 1339: 1336: 1330: 1327: 1322: 1318: 1314: 1310: 1306: 1302: 1295: 1292: 1287: 1283: 1279: 1275: 1271: 1267: 1263: 1259: 1251: 1248: 1243: 1239: 1232: 1229: 1224: 1220: 1219:Palaeontology 1213: 1210: 1205: 1201: 1194: 1192: 1190: 1188: 1184: 1179: 1175: 1171: 1167: 1163: 1159: 1155: 1151: 1144: 1142: 1138: 1131: 1128: 1123: 1119: 1115: 1111: 1107: 1103: 1099: 1092: 1089: 1084: 1080: 1076: 1072: 1068: 1064: 1060: 1056: 1049: 1046: 1041: 1037: 1033: 1029: 1025: 1021: 1017: 1013: 1006: 1003: 997: 992: 988: 984: 980: 976: 972: 965: 962: 957: 953: 949: 945: 938: 935: 930: 926: 922: 918: 914: 906: 903: 898: 894: 890: 886: 882: 878: 871: 868: 863: 859: 855: 851: 847: 843: 839: 835: 828: 825: 818: 815: 808: 805: 800: 796: 792: 788: 784: 780: 776: 772: 765: 762: 757: 753: 749: 745: 741: 737: 733: 729: 722: 719: 713: 710: 705: 701: 697: 693: 689: 685: 681: 677: 670: 668: 666: 662: 657: 653: 649: 645: 641: 637: 633: 629: 622: 619: 613: 610: 603: 600: 595: 589: 585: 584: 576: 573: 567: 565: 558: 556: 554: 553: 548: 544: 540: 536: 532: 531:palynological 524: 522: 520: 514: 512: 508: 504: 500: 496: 492: 488: 484: 481: 477: 473: 465: 463: 461: 457: 452: 450: 446: 442: 438: 434: 430: 429: 423: 417: 415: 413: 412:palaeoecology 408: 406: 402: 398: 394: 389: 387: 383: 378: 376: 372: 369:Another late 367: 364: 361: 359: 355: 354:K/Pg boundary 351: 347: 345: 341: 337: 336:palaeoecology 329: 327: 325: 324:sediment trap 320: 318: 317:ballast water 313: 311: 307: 302: 300: 296: 294: 290: 284: 277: 275: 273: 269: 260: 258: 256: 251: 249: 245: 241: 237: 233: 229: 225: 217: 215: 213: 209: 202: 200: 198: 194: 189: 187: 183: 182:sporopollenin 179: 171: 169: 167: 163: 155: 153: 151: 147: 143: 139: 135: 131: 122: 120: 116: 114: 109: 107: 103: 95: 93: 91: 85: 83: 82: 77: 73: 69: 60: 53: 51: 49: 45: 41: 37: 33: 29: 19: 7187:Heterotrophy 7157:Reproduction 7032:Orthomitosis 7017:Heterokaryon 6964:Mitochondria 6865:Cell surface 6741:organization 6697:Opisthokonta 6520:Micronucleus 6515:Macronucleus 6478: 6417:Pneumatocyst 6233:Glaucophytes 6217:Phragmoplast 6156:Thallophytes 6083:Protistology 6079:Microbiology 5956:FRYXELL G.A. 5951: 5918: 5914: 5910: 5906: 5900: 5883: 5879: 5873: 5856: 5852: 5846: 5829: 5825: 5811: 5802: 5798: 5792: 5767: 5763: 5757: 5732: 5728: 5715: 5698: 5694: 5681: 5651:(1): 19–36. 5648: 5644: 5631: 5615:(1): 13–44. 5612: 5608: 5598: 5571: 5567: 5554: 5521: 5517: 5511: 5486: 5483:Stratigraphy 5482: 5476: 5466: 5457: 5430: 5426: 5416: 5408: 5403: 5395: 5390: 5365: 5361: 5355: 5347: 5342: 5325: 5321: 5315: 5308: 5302: 5269: 5265: 5252: 5235: 5231: 5224: 5199: 5195: 5189: 5156: 5152: 5145: 5112: 5108: 5101: 5076: 5072: 5037: 5033: 5022: 5013: 4988: 4984: 4978: 4953: 4949: 4939: 4906: 4902: 4896: 4869: 4865: 4855: 4822: 4818: 4812: 4787: 4783: 4776: 4751: 4747: 4741: 4716: 4712: 4706: 4698: 4693: 4660: 4656: 4650: 4642: 4637: 4628: 4621: 4613: 4607: 4574: 4570: 4564: 4555: 4536: 4532: 4522: 4489: 4485: 4479: 4454: 4450: 4443: 4416: 4412: 4402: 4377: 4373: 4366: 4341: 4337: 4331: 4298: 4294: 4288: 4263: 4259: 4253: 4245: 4240: 4207: 4203: 4196: 4161: 4157: 4143: 4133: 4108: 4104: 4097: 4064: 4060: 4053: 4034: 4028: 4019: 3994: 3990: 3984: 3959: 3955: 3948: 3923: 3919: 3913: 3883:(1): 65–81. 3880: 3876: 3870: 3845: 3841: 3834: 3801: 3797: 3791: 3766: 3762: 3756: 3731: 3727: 3721: 3678: 3674: 3664: 3639: 3635: 3629: 3596: 3592: 3586: 3543: 3539: 3529: 3504: 3500: 3494: 3469: 3465: 3458: 3433: 3429: 3422: 3403: 3399: 3389: 3364: 3360: 3353: 3328: 3324: 3318: 3304:cite journal 3287: 3283: 3276: 3249: 3245: 3235: 3210: 3206: 3200: 3173: 3169: 3159: 3140: 3136: 3126: 3101: 3097: 3091: 3050: 3046: 3040: 3032: 3027: 3017: 2982: 2978: 2967: 2958: 2954: 2948: 2923: 2919: 2913: 2891:(1): 23–58. 2888: 2884: 2877: 2852: 2848: 2841: 2816: 2812: 2806: 2781: 2777: 2767: 2760: 2754: 2729: 2725: 2718: 2710: 2705: 2680: 2676: 2669: 2659: 2626: 2622: 2616: 2611:79(1): 3-51. 2608: 2602: 2577: 2573: 2567: 2542: 2538: 2531: 2506: 2502: 2496: 2489: 2484: 2459: 2455: 2449: 2432: 2428: 2422: 2395: 2391: 2381: 2338: 2334: 2328: 2303: 2299: 2254: 2250: 2244: 2225: 2221: 2211: 2168: 2164: 2154: 2113: 2109: 2102: 2093: 2084: 2059: 2055: 2049: 2016: 2012: 2006: 1973: 1969: 1963: 1938: 1934: 1927: 1918: 1914: 1908: 1899: 1895: 1889: 1860: 1856: 1850: 1817: 1813: 1807: 1798: 1794: 1776: 1772: 1766: 1757: 1740: 1736: 1730: 1683: 1677: 1652: 1645: 1612: 1608: 1602: 1577: 1573: 1566: 1547: 1543: 1533: 1500: 1496: 1490: 1457: 1453: 1447: 1439: 1434: 1424: 1415: 1398: 1394: 1388: 1371: 1367: 1361: 1352: 1344: 1338: 1329: 1304: 1300: 1294: 1261: 1257: 1250: 1241: 1237: 1231: 1222: 1218: 1212: 1203: 1199: 1153: 1149: 1130: 1105: 1101: 1097: 1091: 1058: 1054: 1048: 1015: 1011: 1005: 978: 974: 964: 947: 943: 937: 912: 905: 880: 876: 870: 837: 833: 827: 817: 807: 777:(1): 43–51. 774: 770: 764: 731: 727: 721: 712: 679: 675: 631: 627: 621: 612: 602: 586:. Elsevier. 582: 575: 562: 550: 546: 542: 528: 515: 510: 502: 486: 469: 459: 453: 448: 444: 440: 436: 432: 426: 424: 421: 409: 390: 379: 368: 365: 362: 350:Palynodinium 348: 333: 321: 314: 309: 305: 303: 297: 292: 288: 285: 281: 271: 267: 264: 254: 252: 247: 243: 239: 235: 231: 227: 223: 221: 210: 206: 190: 175: 165: 161: 159: 152:and recent. 126: 117: 112: 110: 105: 99: 86: 79: 65: 31: 27: 26: 7217:Necrotrophy 7202:Saprotrophy 7192:Phagotrophy 7180:Phototrophy 7173:Nutrition: 7162:Life cycles 7153:Development 7127:Ecology and 6995:Nucleomorph 6949:Pseudopodia 6750:Unicellular 6634:Euglenoidea 6618:Kinetoplast 6402:Brown algae 6370:Mastigoneme 6308:Mastigoneme 6298:Cryptophyta 6208:green algae 6166:Slime molds 5911:G. excavata 5770:(1): 1–18. 5322:Can. J. Bot 4457:(1): 3–30. 3546:(3): 3215. 3507:(2): 2010. 3252:: 297–309. 2306:: 121–200. 1863:: 249–253. 1401:: 131–142. 1264:(2): 1–10. 734:(1): 1–36. 499:palynomorph 497:, but this 489:, from the 289:Islandinium 248:Alexandrium 172:Composition 150:Pleistocene 7257:Palynology 7246:Categories 7231:Auxotrophy 7226:Mixotrophy 7207:Parasitism 7197:Osmotrophy 7175:Autotrophy 7129:physiology 7005:Plasmodium 6931:Locomotion 6867:structures 6831:Coenocytic 6575:Phytomyxea 6546:Apicoplast 6474:Dinokaryon 6453:Trichocyst 6324:Haptophyte 6212:Phycoplast 6180:Morphology 6151:Cryptogams 5805:: 615–621. 5645:Palynology 5362:Palynology 5266:Palynology 4950:Palynology 4629:Palynology 4187:1885/52333 2761:Palynology 2364:1874/19661 1970:Phycologia 1651:complex". 1395:Palynology 1244:: 220–299. 1225:: 369–397. 1150:Phycologia 1012:Phycologia 944:Phycologia 911:complex". 568:References 507:Kazakhstan 483:acritarchs 382:Quaternary 371:Quaternary 358:Cretaceous 340:Quaternary 178:dinosporin 146:Quaternary 81:Xanthidium 40:dinosporin 7212:Biotrophy 7085:Extrusome 7075:Cytostome 6939:Flagellum 6896:Cell wall 6855:/histonal 6835:Siphonous 6826:Syncytial 6794:Coenobial 6790:Sarcinoid 6739:Levels of 6678:Macrocyst 6658:Amoebozoa 6623:Glycosome 6551:Microneme 6431:Alveolata 6339:Haptonema 6334:Coccolith 6313:Periplast 6259:Red algae 6243:Cyanelles 6130:Infusoria 5859:: 74–81. 5673:128773929 5546:131306285 5294:129675846 5137:128999348 4931:128763506 4847:128843669 4701:24:PA4206 4685:128540933 4599:128434842 4514:128814429 4089:140191345 3826:129877701 3621:129655535 3472:: 34–51. 3176:: 23–40. 2985:: 1–197. 2373:128824886 1779:: 83–172. 1720:ignored ( 1710:cite book 1482:131328767 487:Arpylorus 480:Paleozoic 401:Messinian 28:Dinocysts 7105:Axostyle 7100:Pyrenoid 7080:Fimbriae 7012:Dikaryon 6977:Mitosome 6906:Skeleton 6891:Frustule 6881:Mucilage 6853:tissular 6777:Colonial 6760:Amoeboid 6755:Monadoid 6683:Sorocarp 6598:Excavate 6565:Rhizaria 6495:Ciliates 6479:Dinocyst 6440:General: 6391:Frustule 6362:General: 6288:Hacrobia 6139:Sporozoa 6134:Ciliates 6123:Heliozoa 6103:Protozoa 6087:Protists 6014:Archived 5943:85372383 5886:: 1–15. 5784:86038878 5503:55267190 5181:84740337 5093:83160220 4394:22118910 4323:11213194 4232:54951606 4138:523–563. 3905:10708791 3713:52023457 3578:53454455 3450:83493908 3083:30085938 3075:27008512 2905:82533706 2651:11134709 2203:21587228 2146:28650477 2138:19389181 2041:84164446 1998:84400812 1637:83682507 1525:54847659 1374:: 1–15. 1321:86137363 1286:83927778 1206:: 1–351. 1178:86845462 1122:82954522 1083:84378350 1040:85691284 897:84402741 812:166–174. 799:86726034 555:spores. 519:Pliocene 491:Silurian 476:Cambrian 472:Triassic 456:salinity 405:Pliocene 144:and the 142:Pliocene 123:Taxonomy 7048:Zygotic 7045:Gametic 6987:Nucleus 6765:Coccoid 6730:General 6541:Rhoptry 6448:Alveoli 6381:Diatoms 6118:Testate 5923:Bibcode 5737:Bibcode 5653:Bibcode 5576:Bibcode 5526:Bibcode 5435:Bibcode 5370:Bibcode 5348:Science 5274:Bibcode 5204:Bibcode 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Dinoflagellate cysts
calcareous dinoflagellate cysts
siliceous dinoflagellate cysts

Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
sodium polytungstate
calcareous dinoflagellate cysts
siliceous dinoflagellate cysts
Transmission electron microscopy
ballast water
sediment trap

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