
National Liberation Front (Greece)

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826:(λαοκρατία, "people's rule"), based upon "self-administration, involvement of new categories (mainly women and youths) and popular courts". At the same time, the mechanisms of the "revolutionary order" created by ΕΑΜ were often employed to eliminate political opponents. Within "Free Greece" as the area under EAM control was known, EAM's rule was broadly popular as the elected councils that EAM set up to rule the villages were made up of local people and were responsible to local people. Before the occupation, Greece was ruled in a very centralised way with prefects appointed by the government in Athens ruling the villages and decisions about even matters of purely local concern being made in Athens. A recurring complaint before the war was the decision-making process in Athens was slow and indifferent to local opinion while EAM's system of "people's councils" was considered an improvement. Likewise, the legal system before the war was widely considered to be cumbersome and unfair in the sense that poor and illiterate farmers could not afford a lawyer nor understand the law, causing them to be victimized by those who did. Even for those who could afford lawyers, trials were held only in the district capitals, requiring those concerned to make time-consuming trips to testify. EAM's system of "people's courts" which met in the villages every weekend to hear cases was very popular as the "people's courts" did not require lawyers and the rules of the "people's courts" were very easy to understand. The "people's courts" usually made their decisions quite quickly and tended to respect the informal rules of the village instead of being concerned with the legalities. The "people's courts" were very draconian in their punishments with people who stole or killed livestock being executed for instance, but the simplicity and speed of the "people's courts" together with the convenience of trials being held locally were all felt to compensate. In both the "people's courts" and "people's councils", EAM did not use 688:
experience of defeat in April 1941 made many Greeks receptive to EAM's message. Before the 4th of August Regime was established in 1936, Greek politics were characterized by a "clientelist" system under which a politician, who was usually from a well-off family, would set up a patronage machine that would deliver goods and services in his riding in exchange for the votes of the local people. Under the clientelist system in Greece, issues of ideology or even popularity were often irrelevant as all that mattered was the ability of a politician to reward the men who had voted for him. The clientelist system made politics in Greece very much a transactional and personalized affair, and as a result, most Greek political parties were weakly organized. Greek men usually voted more for the man best perceived to be able to reward his voters rather than a party. Greek politicians jealously guarded control of their patronage machines, and vigorously resisted efforts to create better organized political parties as a threat to their own power. Most notably the attempt by Eleftherios Venizelos in the 1920s to give the
and journalists; in contrast before the war, almost the only men elected to represent rural areas were doctors and lawyers. Electoral fraud had been common in rural Greece even before the 4th of August regime was imposed in 1936, and Mazower wrote " this respect at least, things were not much different during the war in "Free Greece", and we should avoid idealising the National Council as an expression of free will". Mazower cautioned that these elections organized by EAM bore a close similarity to the elections organized in wartime Yugoslavia by the Partisans, and that in the same way that the wartime "People's Democracy" in Yugoslavia became a Communist dictatorship after the war, the same thing might have happened in Greece had EAM came to power after the war. Through very sympathetic towards EAM, Mazower wrote that historians should avoid "excessive naivety" about what EAM meant by "revolutionary elections". However, Mazower also wrote that EAM was generally "not regarded as an instrument of Soviet oppression, but on the contrary, as an organisation fighting for national liberation".
the victory of the Greeks up in the mountains of Epirus and in Albania, where they pushed the Italians out, abruptly, and without any declaration of war, that came later when they had crossed our border; the enthusiasm of the Greeks at that time was such that, and so great the heroism of the boys that were constantly leaving for the Albanian mountains to confront the enemy that had so underhandedly tried to cross the border. And in Athens, every Greek victory was something...very triumphant. And suddenly, we the victors, had become slaves to a much greater power, the Germans...Suddenly, we found ourselves faced with a conqueror that we had already won against, because the Germans had brought in the Italians...that is, Italian orders on the walls, kommandatoura, blockades...for instance, to go from Filothei where we lived by bus (with the very rare buses then) the Italians would make checks. At a stop, they would board the bus, searching around, yelling "Madonna"...and we
devastating effects of the Great Famine of 1941-42 and to carry out social reforms intended to ensure that everyone would receive food. There was constant tension between the demands of the national EAM leadership vs. the local "People's Committees" who often resisted orders to supply food to other villages in "Free Greece". As part of its "Popular Front" message, EAM appealed to Greek nationalism, saying all Greeks should unite under its banner to fight against the occupation. As EAM was the resistance group most committed to fighting the occupation, many Greek Army officers joined EAM. By 1944, about 800 Army officers together with about 1, 000 officers from the prewar reserves were commanding ELAS
for resistance work. Starting under the 4th of August regime and even more so under the Triple occupation, the clientist system broke down as none of the politicians had the power to alter the policies carried out by the Bulgarians, Italians and Germans. Much of EAM's appeal centered around the fact that it argued the people should mobilize and organize themselves to cope with the disastrous occupation, instead of passively hoping that one of the traditional politicians might be able to arrange some deal with the Germans to improve living conditions. The British historian David Close wrote: "EAM became a party unique in Greek history in achieving mass support while its leaders remained obscure".
1000:) was one of the first to engage the subject of the Holocaust. The plot concerned two Greek Jews who have both fled to "Free Greece" to escape being deported to the death camps named Haim, the son of a wealthy businessman and Moses, a former employee of Haim's father who has joined EAM. Haim who has become a Zionist plans to move to Palestine after the war and is uncomfortable with living with Christians, but Moses urges him to stay in Greece, arguing that in the "New Greece" that EAM is creating that there will be no more ethnic, racial or religious bigotry. The play ends with Moses persuading Haim to give up his "prewar mentality" and both men become 2854: 2731: 2597: 2477: 464: 3020: 2924: 2806: 893:
of Greek women, and EAM as the first organization that took female concerns seriously won significant female support. To justify involving women in public life, EAM argued that in a time of national emergency it was necessary for all Greeks to serve in the resistance. American historian Janet Hart noted that nearly all of the female EAM veterans whom she interviewed in 1990 said their main reason for joining EAM was "intense love of country", noting that in Greece the concept of patriotism is closely linked to the more individualistic concept of
714:"The first goal EAM had set was the fight for life. Against hunger. The first song that was heard was (starts to sing) 'For life and for freedom, bread for our people! The old, women, men and children, for our beloved country.' That was the first hymn of EAM that was heard around the city. It was sung to an old island tune and it went, 'Brothers and sisters, we who are faced with starvation and slavery; we will fight with all our hearts and our strength; for life and for freedom, so that our people might have bread.' That was our first song." 3116: 2632: 2536: 672:(ΑΚΕ). ΕΑΜ's charter called for the "liberation of the Nation from foreign yoke" and the "guaranteeing of the Greek people's sovereign right to determine its form of government". At the same time, while the door was left open to cooperation with other parties, the ΚΚΕ, with its large size concerning its partners, assumed a clearly-dominant position within the new movement. Furthermore, the ΚΚΕ's well-organized structure and its experience with the conditions and necessities of underground struggle were crucial to ΕΑΜ's success. 745: 782: 2889: 2771: 1015:(EKKA), as well as the various minor groupings, were regionally active and mostly military organizations centred on the persons of their leaders, EAM was a true nation-wide mass political movement that tried to "enlist the support of all sections of the population". Although precise numbers do not exist, out of a total Greek population of 7.5 million, at its height in late 1944 EAM numbered, from a low estimate of 500,000–750,000 (according to 930:"I couldn’t go anywhere without my parents knowing where I was going, with whom I was going with, when I would be back. I never went anywhere alone. That is, until the occupation came and I joined the resistance. In the meantime, because we were right in the midst of the enemy, we had an underground press, there at the house...It was very dangerous had to support us...The minute you confront the same danger as a boy, the minute 3189: 36: 702: 793:. Public knowledge of the plans created "a kind of pre-insurrectional atmosphere", which in February 1943 led to a mounting series of strikes in Athens, culminating in an ΕΑΜ-organized demonstration on 5 March, which forced the collaborationist government to back down. In the event, only 16,000 Greeks went to Germany, representing 0.3% of the foreign labour force total. 413:. The fact that a great many of the Communists in Greece had been tortured under the 4th of August Regime, and that the party had been heavily infiltrated by the secret police had contributed much to an embittered, paranoid view of the world. The majority of the Communists had acquired a mentality that saw power as something to be gained and not to be shared. 968:. To address traditional concerns about "family honor", EAM had a strict rule forbidding sexual relationships outside of marriage between male and female members. One female EAM member in a 1990 interview recalled: "We girls and boys weren't really allowed to have romances" Despite the emphasis upon the equality of sexes, in its propaganda recruiting for the 437:" tactic, and tried to engage other parties from the left and the centre, including established pre-war politicians. However, the efforts proved largely fruitless. On 16 July, however, the "National Workers' Liberation Front" (Εθνικό Εργατικό Απελευθερωτικό Μέτωπο, ΕΕΑΜ) was established, bringing the country's labour union organizations together. 1057: 1129:
loyal to the Soviet Union, and that therefore EAM membership was incompatible with being Greek. Former members of EAM were considered by the police to be "dangerous to public welfare", and a great many of the women who served in EAM were raped while a smaller number were executed as "enemies of the Greek family and state".
922:) by Yorgos Kotzioulos, the story line concerns an old man living in a village named Barba Zikos who argues with his son Stavos about EAM's reforms; the elder Zikos contends that equality for women will destroy the traditional Greek family while his son maintains that sexual equality will make the Greek family stronger. 149: 842:
programme. Furthermore, the majority of the Greek Communists were intellectuals from urban areas who before the war had paid little thought to the problems of rural Greece, and thus most Communists found that the Party's theories were not relevant in the predominately rural "Free Greece". Several of the ELAS
and stated: "In today's struggle for liberty, the mass participation of the modern girl is especially impressive. In city demonstrations, we see her as a pioneer, a fighter, courageous and defying death: first in the line of battle the country girl defends her bread, her crops; but we see her even as an
with 6 ministers. Disagreements regarding the disarmament of ELAS and the formation of a national army made their ministers, on 1 December, resign. ΕΑΜ organized a demonstration in Athens on 3 December 1944 against British interference. The exact details of what happened have been debated ever since,
who was against women serving in EAM taken out and shot; regardless if this story was true or not, it was widely believed, and the slogan for EAM members was "respect women or die!" A typical EAM pamphlet "The Modern Girl and Her Demands" criticized the traditional patriarchal nature of Greek society
A notable aspect of EAM was the emphasis upon sexual equality, which attracted much support from Greek women. Before the war, Greek women were expected to be highly subservient to men, being treated as almost slaves by their fathers, and after their marriages, by their husbands. In rural areas, three
About 300,000 Greeks starved to death during the Great Famine, and as the best organized resistance group, EAM attracted much support. Additionally, the experience of being occupied by Fascist Italy, a nation that Greece had defeated in 1940-41 caused many to join EAM. Another EAM veteran recalled in
The elections organized by EAM in 1944 to its National Council undeniably included a far broader and representative sampling of Greek society than ever before with women sitting on the National Council and in addition on the National Council there were farmers, journalists, workmen, village priests,
One female EAM member later recalled in an interview as an old women in the 1990s: "we women were, socially, in a better position, at a higher level than now...Our organization and our own government...gave so many rights to women that only much later, decades later we were given." Another woman EAM
In terms of gender relations, EAM effected a revolution in the areas under its control, and many Greek women recalled serving in EAM as an empowering experience. EAM differed from the other resistance groups by involving women in its activities and sometimes granting them positions of authority such
serving in rural Greece during the war reported that women were "regarded as little better than animals and treated about the same". Since women did not have the right to vote or hold office in Greece, the clientist system had led Greek politicians to almost totally ignore the concerns and interests
more structure was defeated by various Liberal grandees as a threat to the clientelist system. Unlike the traditional Greek parties that were loose coalitions of various politicians, the Greek Communist Party was a well-organized party designed for an underground struggle, and was much better suited
were the winners, and that played a large role; that is, if the Greeks in Albania hadn't won against the Italians, we might have been otherwise. But, since we felt so proud of winning, so...the feeling in the souls of the young people in Greece and of others, of everyone, was so enormous because of
to EAM members, the government was suggesting that EAM was a criminal organization of the most unsavory type, which reflected a broader campaign to present resistance by EAM to the Axis occupation as illegitimate and wrong. The government's line was always that EAM was an "anti-national" movement
killed by the tanks, they could no longer say to you, ‘You, you’re a woman, so sit inside while I go to the cinema.’ You gained your equality when you showed what you could endure in terms of the difficulties, the dangers, the sacrifices, and all as bravely and with the same degree of cunning as a
Another reason for EAM's appeal was a desire for a better future after all the wartime sufferings and humiliations, and the feeling that the Greece of the 4th of August Regime was not that future. The 1930s were remembered as the time of the Great Depression and the oppressive 4 August Regime, and
On 10 October, ΕΑΜ published its manifesto and announced itself and its aims to the Greek people. During the autumn of 1941, its influence expanded throughout Greece, either through pre-existing Communist cells or through the spontaneous actions of local "people's committees". The Great Famine had
In Free Greece, there was much differences of opinion about the sort of society that EAM should establish. The Greek Communist Party following Moscow's orders to establish a "Popular Front" against fascism allowed other parties a say in ruling "Free Greece", which considerably diluted its Marxist
Following Communist practice, ΕΑΜ took care to set up a refined system with which to engage and mobilize the mass of the people. ΕΑΜ committees were thus established on a territorial and occupational basis, starting from the local (village or neighbourhood) level and moving up, and subsidiary
In many ways, EAM was a continuation of the Popular Front that the KKE had attempted to create in 1936, but was far more successful. In 1941, the conditions of extreme poverty owing to the economic exploitation by the Axis occupation, most notably the Great Famine of 1941-42 together with the
EAM allowed women to vote in the elections it organized and for the first time in Greek history declared that men and women would receive equal pay. EAM tried to establish a universal education system in rural areas, using the slogan "A school in every village", and made education for girls
The EAM established "People's Committees" to govern villages in "Free Greece" who were supposed to be elected by all people over the age of 17, through in practice EAM sometimes set up "People's Committees" without elections. Much of the work of the "People's Committees" was to mitigate the
force in the country, and the only one with nationwide presence. At the same time, from late 1943 onwards, the political enmity between ΕΑΜ and rival resistance groups from the centre and right evolved into a virtual civil war, while its relationship with the British and the British-backed
were frustrated during with the way that the Party's leadership remained focused on the urban working class as the "vanguard of the revolution", charging that Party needed to broaden its appeal in rural areas. It was pressure from Velouchiotis who has emerged as the most successful of the
1116:, ΚΚΕ was outlawed, and ΕΑΜ/ELAS vilified as an attempt at "communist takeover" and accused of various crimes against political rivals. The issue remains a highly controversial subject. During the civil war and afterwards, those who joined EAM were vilified by the government as 723:"The Greek Resistance was one of the most spontaneous, that is, it wasn't necessary for someone to tell us, "come join this organization to fight the Germans" but, by ourselves, as soon as we saw the Germans were coming down, we experienced a "shock" because, 984:
were always raped to punish them for having in the opinion of the Battalions betrayed their sex by abandoning the traditional subservient role expected of them. It was also common for the Security Battalions to rape women who merely had relatives serving as
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to power in 1981, however, ΕΑΜ was recognized as a resistance movement and organization (as were already recognized other resistance organizations by the previous conservative governments) and the fighters of ELAS were honoured and given state pensions.
was signed, leading to the disbandment of ELAS. In April, the SKE and ELD parties left ΕΑΜ. ΕΑΜ was not dissolved but was now for all intents and purposes merely an expression of the ΚΚΕ. During the 1945–1946 period, a conservative terror campaign (the
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were veterans of the Albanian campaign of 1940–41, the "epic of 1940" when Greece defied the world's expectations by defeating Italy, and gave as one of their reasons for joining EAM a desire to uphold Greek national honor by continuing the fight.
opened fire on the crowd, resulting in 25 dead protesters (including a six-year-old boy) and 148 wounded. The clash escalated into a month-long conflict between ELAS and the British and Greek governmental forces, known as the "December events"
in 1944. Although the poorer sections of society were naturally well represented, the movement included many of the pre-war elites as well: no fewer than 16 generals and over 1,500 officers of the army, thirty professors of the
compulsory. Women were enlisted in EAM were engaged in social work such as running the food kitchens in towns and villages in "Free Greece" while also working as nurses and washerwomen. At least a quarter of the
379:. The organization reached its peak after liberation in late 1944, when it controlled most of the country, before suffering a catastrophic military defeat against the British and the government forces in the 643:
At the ΚΚΕ's 7th Plenum, the establishment of ΕΑΜ was decided despite the refusal of mainstream politicians to participate. ΕΑΜ was founded on 27 September 1941 by representatives of four left-wing parties:
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and occupation of the country in April–May 1941, several hundred members were able to escape and flee to the underground. Their first task was to reform the party, along with subsidiary groups like the
1019:) up to some 2,000,000 (according to EAM itself) members in its various affiliated organizations, including 50,000–85,000 men in ELAS. The American political scientist Michael Shafer in his 1988 book 409:(KKE) was outlawed and its members persecuted. Its hierarchy and organization suffered heavy blows from Metaxas' efficient security forces, and more than 2,000 Communists were imprisoned or sent to 3813: 498: 4728: 964:
complained in a radio message to SOE headquarters in Cairo that "many weapons are wasted in the hands of women", charging that it was absurd on the part of ELAS to have women fighting as
5347: 433:, the newly reconstituted Communist Party found itself firmly on the anti-Axis camp , a line confirmed by the Party's 6th Plenum during 1–3 July. The Communists were committed to a " 1004:. The play's message was that all Greeks, regardless of their religion will a place in the "New Greece", where Moses insists "Here everything is shared. We live like brothers". 2357: 790: 630: 53: 980:, untranslatable Greek words for which there are no precise English equivalents, but which roughly mean "bravery" and "courage". Women who joined EAM when captured by the 5377: 947:
man. Those old ideas fell aside. That is, the resistance always tried to put the woman next to the man, instead of behind him. She fought a double liberation struggle."
5322: 3864: 493: 5372: 2366: 4862: 3120: 1068:
After Liberation in October 1944, the tensions between ΕΑΜ and anticommunist forces, which were supported by Britain, escalated. Originally, as agreed at the
wrote that EAM "was far from being a Communist monolith", and there was much lively debate within EAM about how a "People's Democracy" was to function. The
5342: 2315:
Wievorka, Olivier; Tebinka, Jacek (2006). "Resisters: From Everyday Life to Counter-state". In Gildea, Robert; Wievorka, Olivier; Warring, Anette (eds.).
5233: 3794: 3687: 3429: 812: 463: 368: 819:", in April; for the first time in Greek electoral history, women were allowed to vote. In the elections, it is estimated that 1,000,000 people voted. 5382: 4125: 3823: 3623: 3563: 3409: 3399: 4985: 4225: 3803: 2842: 2350: 961: 754: 216: 3894: 5327: 1124:
evokes a lifestyle of extreme criminality, as the word is applied to the most disreputable criminals such as serial rapists. By applying the term
623: 4820: 789:
One of the great successes of ΕΑΜ was the mobilization against the plans of the Germans and the collaborationist government to send Greeks into
5367: 5352: 4107: 100: 5312: 4440: 3818: 2901: 2326: 2034: 2015: 1967: 72: 5357: 4077: 2793: 605: 4763: 346:(KKE), but its membership throughout the occupation included several other leftist and republican groups. ΕΑΜ became the first true mass 4072: 3449: 3434: 2343: 385:
clashes. This marked the beginning of its gradual decline, the disarmament of ELAS, and the open persecution of its members during the "
79: 5307: 5046: 3454: 888:
quarters of Greek women were illiterate in the 1930s, and were generally not allowed to go outside alone. One agent from the American
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ELAS fought against German, Italian and Bulgarian occupation forces as well as, by late 1943, anticommunist rival organizations, the
4855: 4718: 4481: 4200: 2956: 2223: 2180: 2158: 2133: 1991: 119: 4980: 3787: 770: 766: 526: 355: 226: 86: 5362: 5066: 4965: 4102: 3354: 2951: 2518: 1008: 797: 4995: 3461: 3076: 2379: 503: 3475: 3377: 2233:
Stavrianos, L. S. (1952). "The Greek National Liberation Front (EAM): A Study in Resistance Organization and Administration".
4474: 4460: 4097: 4092: 4060: 3573: 2871: 2866: 2619: 2609: 1012: 1007:
The position of EAM/ELAS in occupied Greece was unique in several aspects: whereas the other two main resistance groups, the
801: 68: 57: 3777: 758: 661: 306: 5021: 4757: 4288: 3879: 3064: 3589: 1040:
and many ordinary priests. At any given time in 1943 and 1944, about 10% of German forces in Greece were engaged in anti-
5337: 4848: 4805: 4467: 4204: 4053: 3884: 3808: 3497: 3387: 3193: 2936: 2706: 957: 889: 762: 669: 422: 233: 2415: 430: 5253: 5031: 4812: 4777: 4354: 4186: 4087: 3889: 3444: 808: 3201: 3091: 1154: 1100:") was launched against ΕΑΜ-ΚΚΕ supporters. The country became polarized, eventually leading to the outbreak of the 5332: 5302: 5297: 5056: 4889: 4733: 4713: 4488: 4455: 4450: 3344: 2691: 2558: 1073: 478: 4150: 2430: 5237: 5016: 5011: 4990: 4349: 4332: 4320: 4145: 4065: 3930: 3798: 3772: 3767: 2987: 2667: 816: 681: 653: 536: 483: 453: 406: 364: 343: 335: 298: 294: 204: 3349: 5122: 5026: 4799: 4554: 4415: 3568: 2911: 2906: 2701: 2450: 302: 2089:
Hart, Janet (Winter 1992). "Cracking the Code: Narrative and Political Mobilization in the Greek Resistance".
577: 93: 807:ΕΑΜ-ELAS activity resulted in the complete liberation of a large area of the mountainous Greek mainland from 5317: 4425: 4420: 4374: 4369: 4250: 4135: 3940: 3849: 3421: 3174: 3169: 2893: 2775: 2753: 2509: 2499: 2440: 1174: 46: 3404: 5036: 3904: 3656: 3542: 3537: 3324: 3320: 3157: 689: 541: 4155: 665: 5117: 4949: 4723: 4608: 4591: 4498: 4359: 4017: 3869: 3651: 3382: 3339: 3245: 2783: 2696: 2060:
Hart, Janet (Fall 1990). "Women in the Greek Resistance: National Crisis and Political Transformation".
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leaders which forced the Party to start making an appeal to rural people in 1942. The British historian
645: 386: 254: 4929: 684:. Siantos with his affable manner and modest ways was much more popular in the party than Zachariadis. 4170: 3899: 744: 334:) was an alliance of various political parties and organizations which fought to liberate Greece from 4904: 4771: 4634: 4559: 4493: 4245: 4230: 4140: 3492: 3255: 3213: 3032: 2758: 2504: 2445: 1159: 1078: 1033: 677: 546: 426: 402: 351: 242: 4240: 3844: 1199: 781: 5147: 4785: 4629: 4571: 4405: 4400: 4364: 3987: 3945: 3935: 3751: 3594: 3558: 3532: 3507: 3359: 3334: 3300: 3295: 3265: 2876: 2743: 2614: 981: 649: 376: 5202: 5187: 5182: 4909: 4576: 4430: 4410: 4032: 4007: 3992: 3604: 3527: 3522: 3285: 3275: 3270: 3250: 3147: 2748: 2494: 2455: 2258: 2250: 2106: 2077: 1133: 1069: 1023:
estimated the total EAM membership in 1944 as about 1.5 million while ELAS fielded about 50, 000
601: 372: 270: 265: 710:
radicalized Greek opinion. One woman from Athens who joined EAM later recalled in an interview::
5162: 5157: 5137: 4750: 4708: 4649: 4601: 4581: 4384: 4281: 4276: 4271: 4266: 4160: 4130: 4027: 4022: 3982: 3977: 3925: 3859: 3854: 3736: 3716: 3599: 3329: 3315: 3310: 3152: 3047: 3037: 2941: 2858: 2735: 2649: 2601: 2481: 2425: 2420: 2391: 2322: 2219: 2198: 2176: 2154: 2129: 2044: 2030: 2011: 1987: 1963: 1189: 1164: 1092: 847: 274: 174: 17: 5228: 5223: 5172: 5167: 5142: 5102: 5097: 4939: 4899: 4293: 4165: 3746: 3741: 3731: 3721: 3683: 3290: 3280: 3133: 3115: 3083: 2686: 2644: 2636: 2631: 2548: 2540: 2535: 2513: 2435: 2410: 2299: 2283: 2242: 2190: 2098: 2069: 1184: 1169: 1037: 851: 673: 657: 597: 584: 417: 371:, in the areas it had liberated in spring 1944. Tensions were resolved provisionally in the 339: 178: 170: 822:
In the territories that it controlled, ΕΑΜ implemented its own political concept, known as
5274: 5248: 5152: 5132: 5107: 5092: 4919: 4639: 4586: 4539: 4526: 4235: 4012: 4002: 3997: 3972: 3874: 3517: 3305: 3042: 2711: 2523: 2489: 1179: 1149: 1101: 1061: 390: 347: 3087: 901:
as appointing women as judges and deputies. A popular story was that Velouchiotis had an
Thermos, Elias (January 1968). "From Antartes to Symmorites: Road to Greek Fratricide".
5207: 5197: 5192: 5127: 4934: 3839: 3726: 3512: 3502: 3128: 3096: 3059: 2888: 2770: 2553: 2212: 2004: 488: 367:
was characterized by mutual mistrust, leading EAM to establish its own government, the
319: 5291: 5269: 5112: 5087: 4944: 4924: 4644: 4624: 4082: 3616: 2823: 2788: 2568: 2262: 2110: 2081: 1980: 833: 434: 238: 1044:
operations while during the course of occupation ELAS killed about 19, 000 Germans.
4792: 4379: 3225: 3143: 3138: 3052: 3024: 3019: 2946: 2928: 2923: 2828: 2818: 2810: 2805: 2573: 2563: 2168: 1194: 1016: 860: 828: 741:
many Greeks, especially younger Greeks, did not have fond memories of that decade.
258: 871:
bands were often independent-minded men who did not always follow the Party line.
773:" (ELAN), was established later, but its strength and role were severely limited. 2316: 2144: 2119: 5243: 5177: 5061: 4914: 4596: 4220: 3909: 3633: 3628: 3071: 2151:
National Resistance Archives, 1941-1944. 4th Volume "ELAS Partisan Organization"
National Resistance Archives, 1941-1944. 3rd Volume "ELAS Partisan Organization"
1084: 570: 551: 531: 381: 35: 5051: 3439: 3103: 2102: 2073: 1064:, "What is the National Liberation Front and what does it want?", 1944 edition 284: 211: 2335: 2202: 4871: 4073:
Defenders of Northern Greece (YVE)/Panhellenic Liberation Organization (PAO)
1120:-an untranslatable Greek word meaning roughly hoodlums. In Greece, the term 701: 359: 250: 246: 1036:
and other institutions of higher education, as well as six bishops of the
control, where in March 1944, ΕΑΜ established a separate government, the "
in May 1944, when EAM agreed to enter the Greek government in exile under
4894: 3394: 3188: 2146:Αρχεία Εθνικής Αντίστασης, 1941-1944. Τόμος 4ος "Αντάρτικη Οργάνωση ΕΛΑΣ" 2121:Αρχεία Εθνικής Αντίστασης, 1941-1944. Τόμος 3ος "Αντάρτικη Οργάνωση ΕΛΑΣ" 1113: 942:
attended protest demonstrations along with the boys and some of you were
815:" (PEEA). ΕΑΜ even carried out elections to the PEEA's parliament, the " 4692: 2254: 804:(EKKA). It succeedied in destroying the latter entirely in April 1944. 4840: 2010:. Translated by John Howe. New York and London: Monthly Review Press. 832:, the formal Greek that was the language of the elites, instead using 148: 5071: 4875: 3611: 3260: 2853: 2730: 2596: 2476: 2027:
A People's History of the Second World War: Resistance Versus Empire
1056: 2246: 139: 5041: 1055: 743: 700: 410: 1145:
Some notable members (political, not fighters of ELAS) included:
425:" (Εθνική Αλληλεγγύη, EA) welfare organization 28 May. After the 27:
Greek resistance movement against the Axis occupation during WWII
4975: 4048: 3782: 342:
during the occupation of Greece. Its main driving force was the
4844: 4674: 4523: 4318: 3814:
Organization for the Protection of the People's Struggle (OPLA)
3681: 2985: 2377: 2339: 1027:; by the contrast EDES, EAM's main rival, fielded about 5, 000 2214:
Deadly Paradigms: The Failure of U.S. Counterinsurgency Policy
Greece The Decade of War Occupation, Resistance, and Civil War
1470: 1468: 29: 2318:
Surviving Hitler and Mussolini: Daily Life in Occupied Europe
Inside Hitler's Greece: The Experience of Occupation, 1941–44
1072:, ΕΑΜ participated in the government of national unity under 769:" (ELAS) was formed in December 1942, and a crude navy, the " 2006:
The Kapetanios: Partisans and Civil War in Greece, 1943-1949
1641: 1639: 1637: 1635: 1633: 1631: 1455: 1453: 1451: 1449: 914:, and fighting like a tigress". In the EAM propaganda play 1388: 1386: 1263: 1261: 4729:
Museum of the Battle of Crete and the National Resistance
1914: 1912: 1910: 1897: 1895: 1893: 1891: 1889: 1816: 1814: 1812: 1799: 1797: 1658: 1656: 1654: 1591: 1589: 1564: 1562: 1513: 1511: 1509: 1507: 1307: 1305: 1236: 1234: 1618: 1616: 1322: 1320: 499:
International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties
1361: 1359: 972:, EAM emphasized traditional masculine values such as 736:
that now we were faced with the Italians in this way".
Concise History of the National Resistance, 1941-1944
1748: 1746: 1673: 1671: 1221: 1219: 1280: 1278: 1276: 5262: 5216: 5080: 5004: 4958: 4882: 4742: 4701: 4685: 4617: 4547: 4537: 4439: 4393: 4342: 4331: 4259: 4213: 4199: 4179: 4118: 4041: 3965: 3958: 3918: 3832: 3760: 3709: 3698: 3644: 3582: 3551: 3485: 3474: 3420: 3368: 3238: 3185: 3112: 3016: 3007: 2998: 2920: 2885: 2850: 2841: 2802: 2767: 2727: 2720: 2679: 2666: 2628: 2593: 2586: 2532: 2473: 2466: 2403: 2390: 2049:Συνοπτική Ιστορία της Εθνικής Αντίστασης, 1941-1944 753:
organizations were created: a youth movement, the "
290: 280: 264: 232: 222: 210: 200: 192: 184: 166: 158: 134: 60:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 3819:Slavic-Macedonian National Liberation Front (SNOF) 2211: 2153:]. Athens: Hellenic Army History Directorate. 2128:]. Athens: Hellenic Army History Directorate. 2003: 1979: 3795:Political Committee of National Liberation (PEEA) 956:(guerrillas) serving in the ELAS were women. The 732:them. The Germans we hated, but we just couldn't 3824:Anti-Fascist Committee for a Free Germany (AKFD) 3564:Hellenic Socialist Patriotic Organisation (ESPO) 3804:United Panhellenic Organization of Youth (EPON) 2175:. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 1440: 1428: 1416: 1404: 879:bands. About 50% of the men who served as ELAS 5348:Military history of Greece during World War II 761:" (ΕΕΑΜ), and a social welfare organization, " 4856: 2351: 2062:International Labor and Working-Class History 1052:Liberation, Dekemvriana and road to Civil War 624: 389:", leading eventually to the outbreak of the 8: 1112:In its aftermath, and in the context of the 697:Expansion and preparation for armed struggle 494:Initiative of Communist and Workers' Parties 358:(ELAS), quickly grew into the largest armed 4078:Panhellenic Union of Fighting Youths (PEAN) 1088:), which resulted in a government victory. 680:, the ΚΚΕ's proper leader, was interned in 5234:Political Committee of National Liberation 4863: 4849: 4841: 4682: 4671: 4544: 4534: 4520: 4339: 4328: 4315: 4210: 3962: 3706: 3695: 3678: 3482: 3013: 3004: 2995: 2982: 2847: 2724: 2676: 2590: 2470: 2400: 2387: 2374: 2358: 2344: 2336: 2143:Hellenic Army History Directorate (1998). 2118:Hellenic Army History Directorate (1998). 1880: 1868: 1844: 1832: 1776: 1737: 1713: 1645: 1486: 1474: 1459: 1267: 813:Political Committee of National Liberation 676:was appointed as the acting leader, since 631: 617: 444: 369:Political Committee of National Liberation 131: 4272:Gorgopotamos Bridge (Operation "Harling") 4131:Gorgopotamos Bridge (Operation "Harling") 4054:National Bands of Greek Guerrillas (EOEA) 2218:. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 785:Conference of EAM in Kastanitsa, Thessaly 777:First Civil War and "Mountain Government" 120:Learn how and when to remove this message 5378:Political parties disestablished in 1945 4986:United Panhellenic Organization of Youth 2310:] (in Greek). Athens: A. A. Livanis. 2294:] (in Greek). Athens: A. A. Livanis. 2195:Greek Resistance Army: The Story of ELAS 1104:in March 1946, which lasted until 1949. 780: 755:United Panhellenic Organisation of Youth 748:Poster of EAM during the Axis occupation 217:United Panhellenic Organization of Youth 5323:Massacres in Greece during World War II 5062:Coalition of Left Movements and Ecology 4103:Northern Epirus Liberation Front (MAVI) 4049:National Republican Greek League (EDES) 1918: 1901: 1820: 1803: 1788: 1764: 1725: 1701: 1662: 1607: 1595: 1580: 1568: 1553: 1541: 1529: 1517: 1350: 1240: 1215: 934:wrote slogans on the walls, the moment 452: 69:"National Liberation Front" Greece 1856: 1622: 5373:Political parties established in 1941 4821:What Did You Do in the War, Thanasis? 4061:National and Social Liberation (EKKA) 3788:Greek People's Liberation Navy (ELAN) 3783:Greek People's Liberation Army (ELAS) 2304:Απομνημονεύματα, Γ' Τόμος (1944-1946) 2288:Απομνημονεύματα, Β' Τόμος (1940-1944) 2055:] (in Greek). Athens: Kapopoulos. 1338: 1252: 1225: 153:ΕΑΜ poster calling "everyone to arms" 7: 4093:National Organization of Crete (ΕΟΚ) 3865:Protests against labour mobilization 1942: 1930: 1752: 1689: 1677: 1498: 1392: 1377: 1365: 1326: 1311: 1296: 1284: 838:, the informal Greek of the masses. 58:adding citations to reliable sources 4282:Asopos Bridge (Operation "Washing") 5343:National Liberation Front (Greece) 5047:Fighting Socialist Party of Greece 2321:. Oxford: Berg. pp. 153–176. 1982:The Origins of the Greek Civil War 910:, wearing the crossed belt of the 765:" (EA). ΕΑΜ's military wing, the " 759:Workers' National Liberation Front 338:. It was the main movement of the 25: 3778:Union of People's Democracy (ELD) 1132:With the coming of the socialist 938:distributed leaflets, the moment 427:German attack on the Soviet Union 5383:1945 disestablishments in Greece 5067:Communist Organization of Greece 3187: 3114: 3018: 2922: 2887: 2852: 2804: 2769: 2729: 2630: 2595: 2534: 2475: 2380:1940–1941 Balkans Campaign 1009:National Republican Greek League 798:National Republican Greek League 462: 429:on 22 June and the break of the 147: 34: 4996:Panhellenic Liberation Movement 3773:Socialist Party of Greece (SKE) 3768:Communist Party of Greece (KKE) 3462:Rescue of the Jews of Zakynthos 2308:Memoirs, Volume III (1944-1946) 504:International Communist Seminar 448:Part of subjects related to the 45:needs additional citations for 5328:Violence against men in Europe 4981:Greek People's Liberation Navy 4976:Greek People's Liberation Army 3574:Greek National Socialist Party 3569:National Union of Greece (EEE) 2872:Central Macedonia Army Section 2867:Eastern Macedonia Army Section 2620:Western Macedonia Army Section 2292:Memoirs, Volume II (1940-1944) 1155:Giannis Ioannidis (politician) 1013:National and Social Liberation 802:National and Social Liberation 771:Greek People's Liberation Navy 767:Greek People's Liberation Army 757:" (EPON), a trade union, the " 356:Greek People's Liberation Army 328:Ethnikó Apeleftherotikó Métopo 227:Greek People's Liberation Army 18:Ethniko Apeleftherotiko Metopo 1: 5368:1941 establishments in Greece 5353:Political movements in Greece 5072:Coalition of the Radical Left 5022:Agricultural and Labour Party 4966:Socialist Workers' Federation 4289:Kidnapping of Heinrich Kreipe 2235:The Journal of Modern History 5313:World War II sites in Greece 4151:Execution of Josef Salminger 2988:Occupation and collaboration 992:Another play by Kotzioulos, 958:Special Operations Executive 890:Office of Strategic Services 670:Agricultural Party of Greece 324:Εθνικό Απελευθερωτικό Μέτωπο 140:Εθνικό Απελευθερωτικό Μέτωπο 5358:Socialist parties in Greece 5254:Athens Polytechnic uprising 4525:Liberation and road to the 4187:Expulsion of Cham Albanians 3445:Jewish cemetery of Salonica 3296:Cephalonia (Acqui Division) 1441:Wievorka & Tebinka 2006 1429:Wievorka & Tebinka 2006 1417:Wievorka & Tebinka 2006 1405:Wievorka & Tebinka 2006 662:Union of People's Democracy 606:Communist parties in Greece 307:Union of People's Democracy 5399: 5057:Democratic Social Movement 4890:Modern Greek Enlightenment 4758:Captain Corelli's Mandolin 4714:Holocaust Museum of Greece 3350:Larissa concentration camp 3345:Haidari concentration camp 2559:Sebastiano Visconti Prasca 2367:Greece during World War II 2025:Gluckstein, Donny (2012). 479:All-Workers Militant Front 5308:Nazi war crimes in Greece 5017:Communist Party of Greece 5012:Socialist Party of Greece 4991:Democratic Army of Greece 4971:National Liberation Front 4719:Kalavryta Massacre Museum 4681: 4670: 4533: 4519: 4327: 4321:Greek government-in-exile 4314: 3931:5/42 Regiment dissolution 3694: 3677: 3455:Expropriation of property 3430:Bulgarian-occupied Greece 2994: 2981: 2386: 2373: 2103:10.1017/S0145553200016680 2074:10.1017/S014754790001019X 2002:Eudes, Dominique (1973). 998:The Suffering of the Jews 682:Dachau concentration camp 654:Socialist Party of Greece 537:Democratic Army of Greece 484:Communist Youth of Greece 407:Communist Party of Greece 365:Greek government in exile 354:. Its military wing, the 344:Communist Party of Greece 323: 316:National Liberation Front 299:Socialist Party of Greece 295:Communist Party of Greece 205:Democratic Army of Greece 146: 137:National Liberation Front 5123:Alexandros Papanastasiou 5027:Agrarian Party of Greece 4800:The 11th Day: Crete 1941 4555:National Bands Agreement 4416:Panagiotis Kanellopoulos 4201:British Military Mission 3809:National Solidarity (EA) 3378:Greek economy, 1941–1944 3092:Friedrich-Wilhelm Müller 2907:2nd New Zealand Division 2451:Italian spring offensive 2272:The Massachusetts Review 2210:Shafer, Michael (1988). 897:(self-worth and honor). 791:forced labour in Germany 578:Komounistiki Epitheorisi 303:Agrarian Party of Greece 5363:1940s in Greek politics 4734:Thessaloniki War Museum 4426:Christodoulos Tsigantes 4421:Thrasyvoulos Tsakalotos 4251:Jerzy Iwanow-Szajnowicz 2912:6th Australian Division 2754:Konstantinos Bakopoulos 2500:Charalambos Katsimitros 2197:. London: Birch Books. 1962:. London: I.B. Tauris. 431:Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact 266:Political position 5037:United Democratic Left 3910:Killing of Franz Krech 3657:Executions of Kokkinia 3543:Dionysios Papadongonas 3538:Ioannis Plytzanopoulos 2952:1st Parachute Division 2671:(April–May 1941) 2519:Dimitrios Papadopoulos 2091:Social Science History 1958:Brewer, David (2016). 1945:, p. 46 & 57. 1175:Miltiadis Porfyrogenis 1065: 949: 786: 749: 738: 716: 706: 542:United Democratic Left 5118:Pandelis Pouliopoulos 4950:Left-wing nationalism 4635:Archbishop Damaskinos 4592:Percentages agreement 4018:Konstantinos Ventiris 3405:Occupation Reichsmark 2957:5th Mountain Division 2784:Henry Maitland Wilson 2610:8th Infantry Division 1978:Close, David (1995). 1059: 928: 784: 747: 721: 712: 705:Guerillas of EAM/ELAS 704: 255:Left-wing nationalism 5032:Democratic Alignment 4905:Democratic socialism 4807:The Guns of Navarone 4772:Ill Met by Moonlight 4451:3rd Mountain Brigade 4246:George Psychoundakis 4231:Patrick Leigh Fermor 3895:Pinerolo disarmament 3493:Georgios Tsolakoglou 2902:1st Armoured Brigade 2894:British Commonwealth 2776:British Commonwealth 2759:Georgios Tsolakoglou 2505:Konstantinos Davakis 1160:Dimitris Partsalidis 1034:University of Athens 678:Nikolaos Zachariadis 352:modern Greek history 243:Socialist patriotism 54:improve this article 5338:Mass murder in 1944 5148:Evripidis Bakirtzis 4786:Ipolochagos Natassa 4630:Georgios Papandreou 4406:Emmanouil Tsouderos 4277:Operation "Animals" 4267:Operation "Albumen" 3988:Komninos Pyromaglou 3946:Red Terror (Greece) 3890:1943 Athens protest 3855:Gorgopotamos Bridge 3752:Evripidis Bakirtzis 3700:National Liberation 3595:Alcibiades Diamandi 3559:Security Battalions 3533:George S. Mercouris 3508:Sotirios Gotzamanis 3450:Baron Hirsch ghetto 3077:XXII Mountain Corps 2877:Epirus Army Section 2615:Epirus Army Section 1986:. London: Longman. 1353:, pp. 108–109. 994:Ta Pathi to Evraion 982:Security Battalions 763:National Solidarity 666:Apostolos Vogiatzis 650:Christos Chomenidis 423:National Solidarity 377:Georgios Papandreou 5203:Andreas Papandreou 5188:Charilaos Florakis 5183:Ioannis Passalidis 4910:Agrarian socialism 4724:Kalpaki War Museum 4577:Lebanon Conference 4443:in the Middle East 4441:Greek Armed Forces 4431:Pafsanias Katsotas 4411:Sofoklis Venizelos 4098:Hellenic Army (ES) 4033:Kimonas Zografakis 4008:Vasileios Sachinis 3993:Antonis Fosteridis 3959:Non-EAM resistance 3624:Cham collaboration 3605:Vassilis Rapotikas 3528:Nikolaos Bourantas 3523:Friedrich Schubert 3498:K. Logothetopoulos 3148:Carlo Vecchiarelli 2749:Alexandros Papagos 2495:Alexandros Papagos 2045:Grigoriadis, Solon 1704:, p. 278-279. 1583:, p. 274-275. 1395:, p. 653-655. 1314:, p. 652-653. 1134:Andreas Papandreou 1070:Lebanon conference 1066: 867:who commanded the 787: 750: 707: 646:Lefteris Apostolou 602:Politics of Greece 373:Lebanon Conference 5333:April 1944 events 5303:Massacres in 1944 5298:Conflicts in 1944 5283: 5282: 5217:Historical events 5163:Nikos Zachariadis 5158:Alexandros Svolos 5138:Aris Velouchiotis 5005:Political parties 4838: 4837: 4834: 4833: 4830: 4829: 4751:Aera! Aera! Aera! 4709:Athens War Museum 4666: 4665: 4662: 4661: 4658: 4657: 4650:Nikos Zachariadis 4602:Treaty of Varkiza 4587:Operation "Manna" 4582:Caserta Agreement 4515: 4514: 4511: 4510: 4507: 4506: 4370:April 1944 mutiny 4310: 4309: 4306: 4305: 4302: 4301: 4236:Bill Stanley Moss 4195: 4194: 4146:Skala Paramythias 4023:Manolis Paterakis 3983:Dimitrios Psarros 3978:Georgios Kartalis 3954: 3953: 3926:Feneos executions 3737:Alexandros Svolos 3717:Aris Velouchiotis 3673: 3672: 3669: 3668: 3665: 3664: 3600:Nicolaos Matussis 3470: 3469: 3355:200 of Kaisariani 3234: 3233: 3065:LXVIII Army Corps 3038:Hermann Neubacher 3033:Günther Altenburg 2977: 2976: 2973: 2972: 2969: 2968: 2965: 2964: 2942:XXXX Panzer Corps 2837: 2836: 2662: 2661: 2658: 2657: 2582: 2581: 2395:(1940–1941) 2392:Greco-Italian War 2328:978-1-84520-181-4 2300:Vafeiadis, Markos 2284:Vafeiadis, Markos 2191:Sarafis, Stefanos 2036:978-1-84964-719-9 2017:978-0-85345-275-1 1969:978-1-78076-854-0 1871:, pp. 44–45. 1835:, pp. 41–42. 1190:Alexandros Svolos 1165:Ioannis Pasalidis 1093:Varkiza agreement 1091:In February, the 1074:George Papandreou 848:Aris Velouchiotis 641: 640: 312: 311: 223:Paramilitary wing 175:Alexandros Svolos 130: 129: 122: 104: 16:(Redirected from 5390: 5238:National Council 5229:Greek resistance 5224:Kileler uprising 5173:Ilias Tsirimokos 5168:Markos Vafeiadis 5143:Stefanos Sarafis 5103:Platon Drakoulis 5098:Georgios Skliros 4940:Anti-imperialism 4930:Marxism–Leninism 4900:Social democracy 4865: 4858: 4851: 4842: 4683: 4672: 4568: 4545: 4535: 4521: 4340: 4333:Greek government 4329: 4316: 4294:Damasta sabotage 4211: 3963: 3799:National Council 3747:Markos Vafeiadis 3742:Ilias Tsirimokos 3732:Georgios Siantos 3722:Stefanos Sarafis 3707: 3696: 3679: 3483: 3476:Collaborationist 3413: 3222: 3210: 3192: 3191: 3166: 3134:Pellegrino Ghigi 3119: 3118: 3084:Alexander Andrae 3023: 3022: 3014: 3005: 2996: 2983: 2937:XVIII Army Corps 2927: 2926: 2892: 2891: 2857: 2856: 2848: 2809: 2808: 2794:Bernard Freyberg 2774: 2773: 2734: 2733: 2725: 2687:Operation Lustre 2677: 2672: 2635: 2634: 2600: 2599: 2591: 2549:Benito Mussolini 2539: 2538: 2514:Ioannis Pitsikas 2480: 2479: 2471: 2401: 2396: 2388: 2375: 2360: 2353: 2346: 2337: 2332: 2311: 2295: 2279: 2266: 2229: 2217: 2206: 2186: 2164: 2139: 2114: 2085: 2056: 2040: 2021: 2009: 1997: 1985: 1973: 1946: 1940: 1934: 1928: 1922: 1916: 1905: 1899: 1884: 1878: 1872: 1866: 1860: 1854: 1848: 1842: 1836: 1830: 1824: 1818: 1807: 1801: 1792: 1786: 1780: 1774: 1768: 1762: 1756: 1750: 1741: 1735: 1729: 1723: 1717: 1716:, p. 42-43. 1711: 1705: 1699: 1693: 1687: 1681: 1675: 1666: 1660: 1649: 1643: 1626: 1620: 1611: 1605: 1599: 1593: 1584: 1578: 1572: 1566: 1557: 1551: 1545: 1539: 1533: 1527: 1521: 1515: 1502: 1501:, p. 55-56. 1496: 1490: 1484: 1478: 1477:, p. 50-51. 1472: 1463: 1457: 1444: 1438: 1432: 1426: 1420: 1414: 1408: 1402: 1396: 1390: 1381: 1375: 1369: 1363: 1354: 1348: 1342: 1336: 1330: 1329:, p. 50-51. 1324: 1315: 1309: 1300: 1294: 1288: 1282: 1271: 1265: 1256: 1250: 1244: 1238: 1229: 1223: 1185:Georgios Siantos 1170:Nikos Ploumpidis 1038:Church of Greece 1021:Deadly Paradigms 926:member recalled: 852:Markos Vafeiadis 817:National Council 674:Georgios Siantos 658:Ilias Tsirimokos 633: 626: 619: 608: 598:Communism Portal 466: 445: 340:Greek Resistance 325: 201:Merged into 179:Ilias Tsirimokos 171:Georgios Siantos 151: 132: 125: 118: 114: 111: 105: 103: 62: 38: 30: 21: 5398: 5397: 5393: 5392: 5391: 5389: 5388: 5387: 5288: 5287: 5284: 5279: 5275:Gender equality 5258: 5249:Greek Civil War 5212: 5153:Dimitris Glinos 5133:Kostas Varnalis 5108:Avraam Benaroya 5093:Marinos Antypas 5076: 5000: 4954: 4920:Nationalization 4878: 4869: 4839: 4826: 4743:Popular culture 4738: 4697: 4677: 4654: 4640:Georgios Grivas 4613: 4562: 4560:Plaka agreement 4529: 4503: 4442: 4435: 4389: 4334: 4323: 4298: 4255: 4226:Monty Woodhouse 4191: 4175: 4114: 4037: 4013:Lela Karagianni 4003:Ilias Degiannis 3998:Kostas Perrikos 3973:Napoleon Zervas 3950: 3914: 3885:Kournovo Tunnel 3828: 3756: 3701: 3690: 3661: 3640: 3578: 3547: 3518:Georgios Poulos 3477: 3466: 3416: 3407: 3400:Compulsory loan 3370: 3364: 3230: 3216: 3214:Trifon Trifonov 3204: 3186: 3181: 3170:VIII Army Corps 3160: 3113: 3108: 3043:Walter Schimana 3017: 3009: 3000: 2990: 2961: 2921: 2916: 2886: 2881: 2851: 2833: 2803: 2798: 2768: 2763: 2728: 2716: 2670: 2669: 2668:German invasion 2654: 2629: 2624: 2594: 2578: 2533: 2528: 2524:Georgios Kosmas 2490:Ioannis Metaxas 2474: 2462: 2394: 2393: 2382: 2369: 2364: 2329: 2314: 2298: 2282: 2269: 2232: 2226: 2209: 2189: 2183: 2167: 2161: 2142: 2136: 2117: 2088: 2059: 2043: 2037: 2029:. Pluto Press. 2024: 2018: 2001: 1994: 1977: 1970: 1957: 1954: 1949: 1941: 1937: 1929: 1925: 1917: 1908: 1900: 1887: 1881:Gluckstein 2012 1879: 1875: 1869:Stavrianos 1952 1867: 1863: 1855: 1851: 1845:Stavrianos 1952 1843: 1839: 1833:Stavrianos 1952 1831: 1827: 1819: 1810: 1802: 1795: 1787: 1783: 1777:Gluckstein 2012 1775: 1771: 1763: 1759: 1751: 1744: 1738:Gluckstein 2012 1736: 1732: 1724: 1720: 1714:Gluckstein 2012 1712: 1708: 1700: 1696: 1688: 1684: 1676: 1669: 1661: 1652: 1646:Gluckstein 2012 1644: 1629: 1621: 1614: 1606: 1602: 1594: 1587: 1579: 1575: 1567: 1560: 1552: 1548: 1540: 1536: 1528: 1524: 1516: 1505: 1497: 1493: 1487:Stavrianos 1952 1485: 1481: 1475:Stavrianos 1952 1473: 1466: 1460:Stavrianos 1952 1458: 1447: 1439: 1435: 1427: 1423: 1415: 1411: 1403: 1399: 1391: 1384: 1376: 1372: 1364: 1357: 1349: 1345: 1337: 1333: 1325: 1318: 1310: 1303: 1295: 1291: 1283: 1274: 1268:Stavrianos 1952 1266: 1259: 1251: 1247: 1239: 1232: 1224: 1217: 1213: 1208: 1180:Petros Kokkalis 1150:Dimitris Glinos 1143: 1141:Notable members 1110: 1102:Greek Civil War 1079:Greek gendarmes 1062:Dimitris Glinos 1054: 800:(EDES) and the 779: 699: 637: 604: 600: 596: 591: 590: 565: 557: 556: 517: 509: 508: 474: 455: 454:Communist Party 443: 418:German invasion 399: 391:Greek Civil War 348:social movement 336:Axis Occupation 305: 301: 297: 257: 253: 249: 245: 241: 154: 142: 141: 138: 126: 115: 109: 106: 63: 61: 51: 39: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 5396: 5394: 5386: 5385: 5380: 5375: 5370: 5365: 5360: 5355: 5350: 5345: 5340: 5335: 5330: 5325: 5320: 5318:1944 in Greece 5315: 5310: 5305: 5300: 5290: 5289: 5281: 5280: 5278: 5277: 5272: 5266: 5264: 5260: 5259: 5257: 5256: 5251: 5246: 5241: 5231: 5226: 5220: 5218: 5214: 5213: 5211: 5210: 5208:Alexis Tsipras 5205: 5200: 5198:Manolis Glezos 5195: 5193:Maria Damanaki 5190: 5185: 5180: 5175: 5170: 5165: 5160: 5155: 5150: 5145: 5140: 5135: 5130: 5128:Yiannis Ritsos 5125: 5120: 5115: 5110: 5105: 5100: 5095: 5090: 5084: 5082: 5078: 5077: 5075: 5074: 5069: 5064: 5059: 5054: 5049: 5044: 5039: 5034: 5029: 5024: 5019: 5014: 5008: 5006: 5002: 5001: 4999: 4998: 4993: 4988: 4983: 4978: 4973: 4968: 4962: 4960: 4956: 4955: 4953: 4952: 4947: 4942: 4937: 4935:Social justice 4932: 4927: 4922: 4917: 4912: 4907: 4902: 4897: 4892: 4886: 4884: 4880: 4879: 4870: 4868: 4867: 4860: 4853: 4845: 4836: 4835: 4832: 4831: 4828: 4827: 4825: 4824: 4817: 4816: 4815: 4803: 4796: 4789: 4782: 4781: 4780: 4768: 4767: 4766: 4754: 4746: 4744: 4740: 4739: 4737: 4736: 4731: 4726: 4721: 4716: 4711: 4705: 4703: 4699: 4698: 4696: 4695: 4689: 4687: 4679: 4678: 4675: 4668: 4667: 4664: 4663: 4660: 4659: 4656: 4655: 4653: 4652: 4647: 4642: 4637: 4632: 4627: 4621: 4619: 4615: 4614: 4612: 4611: 4606: 4605: 4604: 4594: 4589: 4584: 4579: 4574: 4569: 4557: 4551: 4549: 4542: 4531: 4530: 4524: 4517: 4516: 4513: 4512: 4509: 4508: 4505: 4504: 4502: 4501: 4499:336th Squadron 4496: 4494:335th Squadron 4491: 4486: 4479: 4472: 4465: 4462:Vasilissa Olga 4458: 4453: 4447: 4445: 4437: 4436: 4434: 4433: 4428: 4423: 4418: 4413: 4408: 4403: 4401:King George II 4397: 4395: 4391: 4390: 4388: 4387: 4382: 4377: 4372: 4367: 4362: 4357: 4352: 4346: 4344: 4343:Events/Battles 4337: 4325: 4324: 4319: 4312: 4311: 4308: 4307: 4304: 4303: 4300: 4299: 4297: 4296: 4291: 4286: 4285: 4284: 4274: 4269: 4263: 4261: 4257: 4256: 4254: 4253: 4248: 4243: 4241:Themis Marinos 4238: 4233: 4228: 4223: 4217: 4215: 4208: 4197: 4196: 4193: 4192: 4190: 4189: 4183: 4181: 4177: 4176: 4174: 4173: 4168: 4163: 4158: 4153: 4148: 4143: 4138: 4133: 4128: 4122: 4120: 4116: 4115: 4113: 4112: 4105: 4100: 4095: 4090: 4085: 4080: 4075: 4070: 4069: 4068: 4058: 4057: 4056: 4045: 4043: 4039: 4038: 4036: 4035: 4030: 4028:Petrakogiorgis 4025: 4020: 4015: 4010: 4005: 4000: 3995: 3990: 3985: 3980: 3975: 3969: 3967: 3960: 3956: 3955: 3952: 3951: 3949: 3948: 3943: 3938: 3933: 3928: 3922: 3920: 3916: 3915: 3913: 3912: 3907: 3902: 3897: 3892: 3887: 3882: 3877: 3872: 3867: 3862: 3857: 3852: 3847: 3842: 3840:Drama uprising 3836: 3834: 3830: 3829: 3827: 3826: 3821: 3816: 3811: 3806: 3801: 3792: 3791: 3790: 3780: 3775: 3770: 3764: 3762: 3758: 3757: 3755: 3754: 3749: 3744: 3739: 3734: 3729: 3727:Andreas Tzimas 3724: 3719: 3713: 3711: 3704: 3692: 3691: 3682: 3675: 3674: 3671: 3670: 3667: 3666: 3663: 3662: 3660: 3659: 3654: 3648: 3646: 3642: 3641: 3639: 3638: 3637: 3636: 3631: 3621: 3620: 3619: 3609: 3608: 3607: 3602: 3597: 3586: 3584: 3580: 3579: 3577: 3576: 3571: 3566: 3561: 3555: 3553: 3549: 3548: 3546: 3545: 3540: 3535: 3530: 3525: 3520: 3515: 3513:Georgios Bakos 3510: 3505: 3503:Ioannis Rallis 3500: 3495: 3489: 3487: 3480: 3472: 3471: 3468: 3467: 3465: 3464: 3459: 3458: 3457: 3452: 3447: 3442: 3432: 3426: 3424: 3418: 3417: 3415: 3414: 3402: 3397: 3392: 3391: 3390: 3380: 3374: 3372: 3366: 3365: 3363: 3362: 3357: 3352: 3347: 3342: 3337: 3332: 3327: 3318: 3313: 3308: 3303: 3298: 3293: 3288: 3283: 3278: 3273: 3268: 3263: 3258: 3253: 3248: 3242: 3240: 3236: 3235: 3232: 3231: 3229: 3228: 3223: 3211: 3198: 3196: 3183: 3182: 3180: 3179: 3178: 3177: 3172: 3167: 3158:III Army Corps 3155: 3141: 3136: 3131: 3129:Angelico Carta 3125: 3123: 3110: 3109: 3107: 3106: 3101: 3100: 3099: 3097:Fortress Crete 3081: 3080: 3079: 3069: 3068: 3067: 3060:Hellmuth Felmy 3057: 3056: 3055: 3048:Alexander Löhr 3045: 3040: 3035: 3029: 3027: 3011: 3002: 2992: 2991: 2986: 2979: 2978: 2975: 2974: 2971: 2970: 2967: 2966: 2963: 2962: 2960: 2959: 2954: 2949: 2944: 2939: 2933: 2931: 2918: 2917: 2915: 2914: 2909: 2904: 2898: 2896: 2883: 2882: 2880: 2879: 2874: 2869: 2863: 2861: 2845: 2839: 2838: 2835: 2834: 2832: 2831: 2826: 2821: 2815: 2813: 2800: 2799: 2797: 2796: 2791: 2786: 2780: 2778: 2765: 2764: 2762: 2761: 2756: 2751: 2746: 2744:King George II 2740: 2738: 2722: 2718: 2717: 2715: 2714: 2709: 2704: 2702:Kleisoura Pass 2699: 2694: 2689: 2683: 2681: 2674: 2664: 2663: 2660: 2659: 2656: 2655: 2653: 2652: 2647: 2641: 2639: 2626: 2625: 2623: 2622: 2617: 2612: 2606: 2604: 2588: 2584: 2583: 2580: 2579: 2577: 2576: 2571: 2566: 2561: 2556: 2554:Galeazzo Ciano 2551: 2545: 2543: 2530: 2529: 2527: 2526: 2521: 2516: 2507: 2502: 2497: 2492: 2486: 2484: 2468: 2464: 2463: 2461: 2460: 2459: 2458: 2448: 2443: 2438: 2433: 2428: 2423: 2418: 2413: 2407: 2405: 2398: 2384: 2383: 2378: 2371: 2370: 2365: 2363: 2362: 2355: 2348: 2340: 2334: 2333: 2327: 2312: 2296: 2280: 2267: 2247:10.1086/237474 2230: 2224: 2207: 2187: 2181: 2165: 2159: 2140: 2134: 2115: 2097:(4): 631–668. 2086: 2057: 2041: 2035: 2022: 2016: 1999: 1992: 1975: 1968: 1953: 1950: 1948: 1947: 1935: 1933:, p. 658. 1923: 1921:, p. 114. 1906: 1904:, p. 294. 1885: 1873: 1861: 1859:, p. 169. 1849: 1837: 1825: 1823:, p. 278. 1808: 1806:, p. 277. 1793: 1791:, p. 188. 1781: 1769: 1767:, p. 285. 1757: 1742: 1730: 1728:, p. 281. 1718: 1706: 1694: 1682: 1667: 1665:, p. 279. 1650: 1627: 1612: 1610:, p. 305. 1600: 1598:, p. 304. 1585: 1573: 1571:, p. 274. 1558: 1556:, p. 300. 1546: 1544:, p. 301. 1534: 1532:, p. 298. 1522: 1520:, p. 268. 1503: 1491: 1479: 1464: 1445: 1443:, p. 170. 1433: 1431:, p. 169. 1421: 1419:, p. 158. 1409: 1407:, p. 165. 1397: 1382: 1380:, p. 650. 1370: 1368:, p. 651. 1355: 1343: 1331: 1316: 1301: 1299:, p. 652. 1289: 1272: 1257: 1245: 1243:, p. 103. 1230: 1214: 1212: 1209: 1207: 1204: 1203: 1202: 1200:Giannis Zevgos 1197: 1192: 1187: 1182: 1177: 1172: 1167: 1162: 1157: 1152: 1142: 1139: 1109: 1106: 1053: 1050: 778: 775: 698: 695: 639: 638: 636: 635: 628: 621: 613: 610: 609: 593: 592: 589: 588: 581: 574: 566: 563: 562: 559: 558: 555: 554: 549: 544: 539: 534: 529: 524: 518: 515: 514: 511: 510: 507: 506: 501: 496: 491: 489:Panspoudastiki 486: 481: 475: 472: 471: 468: 467: 459: 458: 450: 449: 442: 439: 411:internal exile 403:Metaxas Regime 398: 395: 310: 309: 292: 288: 287: 282: 278: 277: 268: 262: 261: 236: 230: 229: 224: 220: 219: 214: 208: 207: 202: 198: 197: 194: 190: 189: 186: 182: 181: 168: 164: 163: 160: 156: 155: 152: 144: 143: 136: 135: 128: 127: 110:September 2018 42: 40: 33: 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 5395: 5384: 5381: 5379: 5376: 5374: 5371: 5369: 5366: 5364: 5361: 5359: 5356: 5354: 5351: 5349: 5346: 5344: 5341: 5339: 5336: 5334: 5331: 5329: 5326: 5324: 5321: 5319: 5316: 5314: 5311: 5309: 5306: 5304: 5301: 5299: 5296: 5295: 5293: 5286: 5276: 5273: 5271: 5270:Demotic Greek 5268: 5267: 5265: 5261: 5255: 5252: 5250: 5247: 5245: 5242: 5239: 5235: 5232: 5230: 5227: 5225: 5222: 5221: 5219: 5215: 5209: 5206: 5204: 5201: 5199: 5196: 5194: 5191: 5189: 5186: 5184: 5181: 5179: 5176: 5174: 5171: 5169: 5166: 5164: 5161: 5159: 5156: 5154: 5151: 5149: 5146: 5144: 5141: 5139: 5136: 5134: 5131: 5129: 5126: 5124: 5121: 5119: 5116: 5114: 5113:Ion Dragoumis 5111: 5109: 5106: 5104: 5101: 5099: 5096: 5094: 5091: 5089: 5088:Rigas Feraios 5086: 5085: 5083: 5079: 5073: 5070: 5068: 5065: 5063: 5060: 5058: 5055: 5053: 5050: 5048: 5045: 5043: 5040: 5038: 5035: 5033: 5030: 5028: 5025: 5023: 5020: 5018: 5015: 5013: 5010: 5009: 5007: 5003: 4997: 4994: 4992: 4989: 4987: 4984: 4982: 4979: 4977: 4974: 4972: 4969: 4967: 4964: 4963: 4961: 4959:Organizations 4957: 4951: 4948: 4946: 4945:Republicanism 4943: 4941: 4938: 4936: 4933: 4931: 4928: 4926: 4925:Welfare state 4923: 4921: 4918: 4916: 4913: 4911: 4908: 4906: 4903: 4901: 4898: 4896: 4893: 4891: 4888: 4887: 4885: 4881: 4877: 4873: 4866: 4861: 4859: 4854: 4852: 4847: 4846: 4843: 4823: 4822: 4818: 4814: 4811: 4810: 4809: 4808: 4804: 4802: 4801: 4797: 4795: 4794: 4790: 4788: 4787: 4783: 4779: 4776: 4775: 4774: 4773: 4769: 4765: 4762: 4761: 4760: 4759: 4755: 4753: 4752: 4748: 4747: 4745: 4741: 4735: 4732: 4730: 4727: 4725: 4722: 4720: 4717: 4715: 4712: 4710: 4707: 4706: 4704: 4700: 4694: 4691: 4690: 4688: 4684: 4680: 4676:Commemoration 4673: 4669: 4651: 4648: 4646: 4645:Angelos Evert 4643: 4641: 4638: 4636: 4633: 4631: 4628: 4626: 4625:Ronald Scobie 4623: 4622: 4620: 4616: 4610: 4607: 4603: 4600: 4599: 4598: 4595: 4593: 4590: 4588: 4585: 4583: 4580: 4578: 4575: 4573: 4570: 4566: 4561: 4558: 4556: 4553: 4552: 4550: 4546: 4543: 4541: 4536: 4532: 4528: 4522: 4518: 4500: 4497: 4495: 4492: 4490: 4489:13th Squadron 4487: 4485: 4484: 4480: 4478: 4477: 4473: 4471: 4470: 4466: 4464: 4463: 4459: 4457: 4454: 4452: 4449: 4448: 4446: 4444: 4438: 4432: 4429: 4427: 4424: 4422: 4419: 4417: 4414: 4412: 4409: 4407: 4404: 4402: 4399: 4398: 4396: 4392: 4386: 4383: 4381: 4378: 4376: 4373: 4371: 4368: 4366: 4363: 4361: 4358: 4356: 4353: 4351: 4348: 4347: 4345: 4341: 4338: 4336: 4330: 4326: 4322: 4317: 4313: 4295: 4292: 4290: 4287: 4283: 4280: 4279: 4278: 4275: 4273: 4270: 4268: 4265: 4264: 4262: 4258: 4252: 4249: 4247: 4244: 4242: 4239: 4237: 4234: 4232: 4229: 4227: 4224: 4222: 4219: 4218: 4216: 4212: 4209: 4206: 4202: 4198: 4188: 4185: 4184: 4182: 4178: 4172: 4169: 4167: 4164: 4162: 4159: 4157: 4154: 4152: 4149: 4147: 4144: 4142: 4139: 4137: 4134: 4132: 4129: 4127: 4124: 4123: 4121: 4117: 4111: 4110: 4106: 4104: 4101: 4099: 4096: 4094: 4091: 4089: 4086: 4084: 4083:Prometheus II 4081: 4079: 4076: 4074: 4071: 4067: 4066:5/42 Regiment 4064: 4063: 4062: 4059: 4055: 4052: 4051: 4050: 4047: 4046: 4044: 4042:Organizations 4040: 4034: 4031: 4029: 4026: 4024: 4021: 4019: 4016: 4014: 4011: 4009: 4006: 4004: 4001: 3999: 3996: 3994: 3991: 3989: 3986: 3984: 3981: 3979: 3976: 3974: 3971: 3970: 3968: 3964: 3961: 3957: 3947: 3944: 3942: 3939: 3937: 3934: 3932: 3929: 3927: 3924: 3923: 3921: 3917: 3911: 3908: 3906: 3903: 3901: 3898: 3896: 3893: 3891: 3888: 3886: 3883: 3881: 3878: 3876: 3873: 3871: 3868: 3866: 3863: 3861: 3858: 3856: 3853: 3851: 3848: 3846: 3843: 3841: 3838: 3837: 3835: 3831: 3825: 3822: 3820: 3817: 3815: 3812: 3810: 3807: 3805: 3802: 3800: 3796: 3793: 3789: 3786: 3785: 3784: 3781: 3779: 3776: 3774: 3771: 3769: 3766: 3765: 3763: 3761:Organizations 3759: 3753: 3750: 3748: 3745: 3743: 3740: 3738: 3735: 3733: 3730: 3728: 3725: 3723: 3720: 3718: 3715: 3714: 3712: 3708: 3705: 3703: 3697: 3693: 3689: 3685: 3680: 3676: 3658: 3655: 3653: 3650: 3649: 3647: 3643: 3635: 3632: 3630: 3627: 3626: 3625: 3622: 3618: 3617:Andon Kalchev 3615: 3614: 3613: 3610: 3606: 3603: 3601: 3598: 3596: 3593: 3592: 3591: 3588: 3587: 3585: 3583:Secessionists 3581: 3575: 3572: 3570: 3567: 3565: 3562: 3560: 3557: 3556: 3554: 3552:Organizations 3550: 3544: 3541: 3539: 3536: 3534: 3531: 3529: 3526: 3524: 3521: 3519: 3516: 3514: 3511: 3509: 3506: 3504: 3501: 3499: 3496: 3494: 3491: 3490: 3488: 3484: 3481: 3479: 3473: 3463: 3460: 3456: 3453: 3451: 3448: 3446: 3443: 3441: 3438: 3437: 3436: 3433: 3431: 3428: 3427: 3425: 3423: 3422:The Holocaust 3419: 3411: 3406: 3403: 3401: 3398: 3396: 3393: 3389: 3386: 3385: 3384: 3381: 3379: 3376: 3375: 3373: 3367: 3361: 3358: 3356: 3353: 3351: 3348: 3346: 3343: 3341: 3338: 3336: 3333: 3331: 3328: 3326: 3322: 3319: 3317: 3314: 3312: 3309: 3307: 3304: 3302: 3299: 3297: 3294: 3292: 3289: 3287: 3284: 3282: 3279: 3277: 3274: 3272: 3269: 3267: 3264: 3262: 3259: 3257: 3254: 3252: 3249: 3247: 3244: 3243: 3241: 3237: 3227: 3224: 3220: 3215: 3212: 3208: 3203: 3200: 3199: 3197: 3195: 3190: 3184: 3176: 3173: 3171: 3168: 3164: 3159: 3156: 3154: 3151: 3150: 3149: 3145: 3142: 3140: 3137: 3135: 3132: 3130: 3127: 3126: 3124: 3122: 3117: 3111: 3105: 3102: 3098: 3095: 3094: 3093: 3089: 3085: 3082: 3078: 3075: 3074: 3073: 3070: 3066: 3063: 3062: 3061: 3058: 3054: 3051: 3050: 3049: 3046: 3044: 3041: 3039: 3036: 3034: 3031: 3030: 3028: 3026: 3021: 3015: 3012: 3006: 3003: 2997: 2993: 2989: 2984: 2980: 2958: 2955: 2953: 2950: 2948: 2945: 2943: 2940: 2938: 2935: 2934: 2932: 2930: 2925: 2919: 2913: 2910: 2908: 2905: 2903: 2900: 2899: 2897: 2895: 2890: 2884: 2878: 2875: 2873: 2870: 2868: 2865: 2864: 2862: 2860: 2855: 2849: 2846: 2844: 2840: 2830: 2827: 2825: 2824:Sepp Dietrich 2822: 2820: 2817: 2816: 2814: 2812: 2807: 2801: 2795: 2792: 2790: 2789:Thomas Blamey 2787: 2785: 2782: 2781: 2779: 2777: 2772: 2766: 2760: 2757: 2755: 2752: 2750: 2747: 2745: 2742: 2741: 2739: 2737: 2732: 2726: 2723: 2719: 2713: 2710: 2708: 2705: 2703: 2700: 2698: 2695: 2693: 2690: 2688: 2685: 2684: 2682: 2678: 2675: 2673: 2665: 2651: 2648: 2646: 2643: 2642: 2640: 2638: 2633: 2627: 2621: 2618: 2616: 2613: 2611: 2608: 2607: 2605: 2603: 2598: 2592: 2589: 2585: 2575: 2572: 2570: 2569:Ugo Cavallero 2567: 2565: 2562: 2560: 2557: 2555: 2552: 2550: 2547: 2546: 2544: 2542: 2537: 2531: 2525: 2522: 2520: 2517: 2515: 2511: 2510:Markos Drakos 2508: 2506: 2503: 2501: 2498: 2496: 2493: 2491: 2488: 2487: 2485: 2483: 2478: 2472: 2469: 2465: 2457: 2454: 2453: 2452: 2449: 2447: 2444: 2442: 2439: 2437: 2434: 2432: 2429: 2427: 2424: 2422: 2421:Korytsa/Korcë 2419: 2417: 2416:Elaia–Kalamas 2414: 2412: 2409: 2408: 2406: 2402: 2399: 2397: 2389: 2385: 2381: 2376: 2372: 2368: 2361: 2356: 2354: 2349: 2347: 2342: 2341: 2338: 2330: 2324: 2320: 2319: 2313: 2309: 2305: 2301: 2297: 2293: 2289: 2285: 2281: 2278:(1): 114–122. 2277: 2273: 2268: 2264: 2260: 2256: 2252: 2248: 2244: 2240: 2236: 2231: 2227: 2225:9781400860586 2221: 2216: 2215: 2208: 2204: 2200: 2196: 2192: 2188: 2184: 2182:0-300-06552-3 2178: 2174: 2170: 2169:Mazower, Mark 2166: 2162: 2160:960-7897-32-3 2156: 2152: 2148: 2147: 2141: 2137: 2135:960-7897-31-5 2131: 2127: 2123: 2122: 2116: 2112: 2108: 2104: 2100: 2096: 2092: 2087: 2083: 2079: 2075: 2071: 2067: 2063: 2058: 2054: 2050: 2046: 2042: 2038: 2032: 2028: 2023: 2019: 2013: 2008: 2007: 2000: 1995: 1993:0-582-06471-6 1989: 1984: 1983: 1976: 1971: 1965: 1961: 1956: 1955: 1951: 1944: 1939: 1936: 1932: 1927: 1924: 1920: 1915: 1913: 1911: 1907: 1903: 1898: 1896: 1894: 1892: 1890: 1886: 1883:, p. 44. 1882: 1877: 1874: 1870: 1865: 1862: 1858: 1853: 1850: 1847:, p. 44. 1846: 1841: 1838: 1834: 1829: 1826: 1822: 1817: 1815: 1813: 1809: 1805: 1800: 1798: 1794: 1790: 1785: 1782: 1779:, p. 54. 1778: 1773: 1770: 1766: 1761: 1758: 1755:, p. 54. 1754: 1749: 1747: 1743: 1740:, p. 43. 1739: 1734: 1731: 1727: 1722: 1719: 1715: 1710: 1707: 1703: 1698: 1695: 1692:, p. 55. 1691: 1686: 1683: 1680:, p. 56. 1679: 1674: 1672: 1668: 1664: 1659: 1657: 1655: 1651: 1648:, p. 42. 1647: 1642: 1640: 1638: 1636: 1634: 1632: 1628: 1625:, p. 71. 1624: 1619: 1617: 1613: 1609: 1604: 1601: 1597: 1592: 1590: 1586: 1582: 1577: 1574: 1570: 1565: 1563: 1559: 1555: 1550: 1547: 1543: 1538: 1535: 1531: 1526: 1523: 1519: 1514: 1512: 1510: 1508: 1504: 1500: 1495: 1492: 1489:, p. 51. 1488: 1483: 1480: 1476: 1471: 1469: 1465: 1462:, p. 50. 1461: 1456: 1454: 1452: 1450: 1446: 1442: 1437: 1434: 1430: 1425: 1422: 1418: 1413: 1410: 1406: 1401: 1398: 1394: 1389: 1387: 1383: 1379: 1374: 1371: 1367: 1362: 1360: 1356: 1352: 1347: 1344: 1341:, p. 71. 1340: 1335: 1332: 1328: 1323: 1321: 1317: 1313: 1308: 1306: 1302: 1298: 1293: 1290: 1287:, p. 50. 1286: 1281: 1279: 1277: 1273: 1270:, p. 45. 1269: 1264: 1262: 1258: 1255:, p. 70. 1254: 1249: 1246: 1242: 1237: 1235: 1231: 1228:, p. 50. 1227: 1222: 1220: 1216: 1210: 1205: 1201: 1198: 1196: 1193: 1191: 1188: 1186: 1183: 1181: 1178: 1176: 1173: 1171: 1168: 1166: 1163: 1161: 1158: 1156: 1153: 1151: 1148: 1147: 1146: 1140: 1138: 1135: 1130: 1127: 1123: 1119: 1115: 1107: 1105: 1103: 1099: 1094: 1089: 1087: 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886: 880: 876: 873: 868: 864: 861:Mark Mazower 856: 843: 840: 834: 829:Katharevousa 827: 823: 821: 806: 795: 788: 751: 739: 733: 729: 724: 722: 717: 713: 708: 686: 642: 583: 576: 569: 547:United Left 521: 473:Affiliations 415: 400: 387:White Terror 380: 331: 327: 315: 313: 291:Participants 259:Anti-fascism 159:Abbreviation 116: 107: 97: 90: 83: 76: 64: 52:Please help 47:verification 44: 5244:Dekemvriana 5178:Ilias Iliou 4915:Land reform 4597:Dekemvriana 4563: [ 4538:Prelude to 4483:Papanikolis 4456:Sacred Band 4360:Wadi Akarit 4350:Mareth Line 4221:Eddie Myers 3870:Fardykambos 3702:Front (EAM) 3688:Free Greece 3634:Xhemil Dino 3408: [ 3321:Kallikratis 3217: [ 3205: [ 3202:Ivan Markov 3161: [ 3072:Hubert Lanz 3008:Leaders and 2707:Thermopylae 2431:Morava–Ivan 1857:Shafer 1988 1623:Brewer 2016 1085:Dekemvrianá 1060:Booklet by 1011:(EDES) and 920:The Traitor 571:Rizospastis 552:Synaspismos 532:Dekemvriana 401:During the 382:Dekemvriana 5292:Categories 5052:Greek Left 4572:Red Terror 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Ethniko Apeleftherotiko Metopo

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"National Liberation Front" Greece
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Georgios Siantos
Alexandros Svolos
Ilias Tsirimokos
Democratic Army of Greece
Youth wing
United Panhellenic Organization of Youth
Greek People's Liberation Army
Socialist patriotism
Left-wing nationalism
Political position

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