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Eran Elinav

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Nicenboim, Noga Kowalsman, Wolfgang Lieb, Edith Kario, Tal Cohen, Yael Friedman Geffen, Lior Zelcbuch, Ariel Cohen, Urania Rappo, Inbar Gahali-Sass, Myriam Golembo, Vered Lev, Mally Dori-Bachash, Hagit Shapiro, Claudia Moresi, Amanda Cuevas-Sierra, Gayatree Mohapatra, Lara Kern, Danping Zheng, Samuel Philip Nobs, Jotham Suez, Noa Stettner, Alon Harmelin, Naomi Zak, Sailaja Puttagunta, Merav Bassan, Kenya Honda, Harry Sokol, Corinna Bang, Andre Franke, Christoph Schramm, Nitsan Maharshak, Ryan Balfour Sartor, Rotem Sorek, Eran Elinav,
39: 639:
Koren T, Ze'evi D, Suez J, Weinberger A, Avnit-Sagi T, Pompan-Lotan M, Matot E, Jona G, Harmelin A, Cohen N, Sirota-Madi A, Thaiss CA, Pevsner-Fischer M, Sorek R, Xavier R, Elinav E (co-corresponding co-last author), Segal E. 2015. Growth dynamics of gut microbiota in health and disease inferred from
Suez J, Zmora N, Zilbrerman-Schapira G, Mor U, Dori-Bachash M, Bashiardes S, Zur M, Regev-LehavI D, Ben-Zeev Brik R, Federici S, Horn M, Cohen Y, Moor AE, Zeevy D, Korem T, Harmelin A, Itzkovitz S, Maharshak N, Shibolet O, Pevnser-Fishcher M, Shapiro H, Sharon I, Halpern Z, Segal E, Elinav E. 2018.
Ze'evy D, Korem T, Rothschild D, Weinberger A, Zmora N, Israeli D, Ben-Yacov O, Lador D, Avnit-Sagi T, Lotan-Pompan M, Suez J, Ali Mahdi, J, Matot E, Malka G, Kosower N, Rein M, Zilberman-Schapira G, Dohnalova L, Pevsner-Fischer M, Bikovsky R, Halpern Z, Elinav E (co-corresponding last co-author),
Zmora N, Zilbrerman-Schapira G, Suez J, Mor U, Dori-Bachash M, Bashiardes S, Kotler E, Zur M, Regev-LehavI D, Ben-Zeev Brik R, Federici S, Cohen Y, Linevsky R, Rothschild D, Moor AE, Ben-Moshe S, Harmelin A, Itzkovitz S, Maharshak N, Shibolet O, Shapiro H, Pevnser-Fishcher M, Sharon I, Halpern Z,
Jotham Suez, Yotam Cohen, Rafael Valdés-Mas, Uria Mor, Mally Dori-Bachash, Sara Federici, Niv Zmora, Avner Leshem, Melina Heinemann, Raquel Linevsky, Maya Zur, Rotem Ben-Zeev Brik, Aurelie Bukimer, Shimrit Eliyahu-Miller, Alona Metz, Ruthy Fischbein, Olga Sharov, Sergey Malitsky, Maxim Itkin, Noa
Elinav studies the molecular basis of host-microbiota interactions, and their effects of diet, environmental factors, immune function and host genetics on the intestinal microbiome and associated multi-factorial metabolic, inflammatory, malignant and neurogenerative disease. His most-cited papers
Korem T, Zeevi D, Zmora N, Weissbrod O, Bar N, Lotan-Pompan M, Avnit-Sagi T, Kosower N, Malka G, Rein M, Suez J, Goldberg B, Weinberger A, Levy AA, Elinav E (co-corresponding last co-author), Segal E. 2017. Bread affects clinical parameters and induces gut microbiome associated personal glycemic
Thaiss CA, Levy M, Grosheva I, Zheng D, Soffer E, Blacher E, Braverman S, Tengeler A, Barak O, Elazar M, Ben-Zeev R, Lehavi-Regev D, Katz MN, Pevnser-Fischer M, Gertler A, Halpern Z, Harmelin A, Aamar S, Serradas P, Grosfeld A, Shapiro H, Geiger B, Elinav E. 2018. Hyperglycemia drives intestinal
Blacher E, Bashiardes S, Shapiro H, Rothschild D, Mor U, Dori-Bachash M, Kleimeyer C, Moresi C, Harnik Y, Zur M, Zabari M, Ben-Zeev Brik R, Kviatcovsky D, Zmora N, Cohen Y, Bar N, Levi Y, Amar N, Mehlman T, Brandis A, Biton I, Kuperman Y, Tsoory M, Alfahel L, Harmelin A, Schwartz M, Israelson A,
In 2014 Elinav discovered that people consuming identical foods and additives, such as non-nutritive sweeteners, general foods and bread, feature a unique and personalized glycemic response, thereby potentially explaining the lack of uniform metabolic responses to generalized dietary approaches.
Henao-Mejia, J., Elinav, E. (first coauthor), Jin, C., Hao, L., Mehal, W.Z., Strowig, T., Thaiss, C.A., Kau, A.L., Eisenbarth, S.C., Jurczak, M.J., Camporez, J.P., Shulman, G.I., Gordon, J.I., Hoffman, H.M., Flavell, R.A. 2012. Inflammasome-mediated dysbiosis regulates progression of NAFLD and
Rothschild D, Omer Weissbrod O, Barkan E, Kurilshikov A, Korem T, Zeevi D, Costea PI, Shilo S, Lador D, Godneva A, Kalka IA, Bar N, Vilq VA, ZmorA N, Pevsner-Fischer M, Israeli D, Kosower N, Malka G, Wolf BC, Avnit-Sagi T, Lotan-Pompan M, Weinberger A, Halpern Z, Carmi S, Fu J, Lifelines cohort
Elinav discovered, that the gut microbiota features a compositional and functional diurnal activity during a 24-hour cycle, which is dictated by host and environmental factors, mainly by the timing in food consumption. These microbiota diurnal activities are tightly coordinated with the host
Suez, J.; Cohen, Y.; Valdés-Mas, R.; Mor, U.; Dori-Bachash, M.; Federici, S.; Zmora, N.; Leshem, A.; Heinemann, M.; Linevsky, R.; Zur, M.; Ben-Zeev Brik, R.; Bukimer, A.; Eliyahu-Miller, S.; Metz, A.; Fischbein, R.; Sharov, O.; Malitsky, S.; Itkin, M.; Stettner, N.; Harmelin, A.; Shapiro, H.;
Sara Federici, Sharon Kredo-Russo, Rafael Valdés-Mas, Denise Kviatcovsky, Eyal Weinstock, Yulia Matiuhin, Yael Silberberg, Koji Atarashi, Munehiro Furuichi, Akihiko Oka, Bo Liu, Morine Fibelman, Iddo Nadav Weiner, Efrat Khabra, Nyssa Cullin, Noa Ben-Yishai, Dana Inbar, Hava Ben-David, Julian
Levy M, Thaiss CA, Ze'evi D, Dohnalova L, Zilberman-Schapira G, Ali Mahdi J, David E, Savidor A, Korem T, Herzig Y, Pevsner-Fischer M, Shapiro H, Christ A, Harmelin A, Halpern Z, Latz E, Flavell RA, Amit I, Segal E, Elinav E. 2015. Microbiota-modulated metabolites shape the  intestinal
Tuganbaev T, Mor U, Bashiardes S, Liwinski T, Nobs SP, Leshem A, Dori-Bachash M, Pinker EY, Ratiner K, Adlung LK, Federici S, Kleimeyer C, Moresi C, Yamada T, Cohen Y, Massalha H, Massasa E, Kuperman Y, Koni PA, Harmelin A, Gao N, Itzkovitz S, Honda, Shapiro H, Elinav E. 2020.
Elinav developed precision microbiota interventions, including Personalized Nutrition, Precision Probiotics, small molecule ″postbiotics″, Phage Therapy, autologous fecal microbiome transplantation, Vaginal Microbiome Transplantation (VMT) and gut epithelial interventions.
In 2012 Elinav moved to the Weizmann Institute of Science and in 2016 was made a professor. He heads the Institute of Microbiome research and the Center of Host-Pathogen Interaction Research at the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Microbiome & Cancer Division at the
Personalized dietary recommendations, based on individualized dietary, clinical and microbiota data, improved pre-diabetes control. He similarly showed, that consumption of probiotics leads to a person-specific colonization resistance and physiological patterns.
Grosheva I, Zheng D, Levy M, Polansky O, Lichtenstein A, Golani O, Dori-Bachash M, Moresi C, Shapiro H, Del Mare-Roumani S, Valdes-Mas R, He Y, Karbi H, Chen M, Harmelin A, Straussman R, Yissachar N, Elinav E (last co-corresponding coauthor), Geiger B. 2020.
Thaiss CA, Levy M, Korem T, Zweevi D, Jaitin DA, David E, Dohnalova L, Meijer M, Kartvelishvily E, Pevsner-Fischer M, Gatt ME, Harmelin A, Halpern Z, Amit I, Segal E, Elinav E. 2016. Microbiota diurnal rhythmicity program host trascriptome oscillations.
Elinav, E., Strowig, T., Kau, A.L., Henao-Mejia, J., Thaiss, C.A., Booth, C.J., Peaper, D.R., Bertin, J., Eisenbarth, S.C., Gordon, J.I., Flavell, R.A. 2011. NLRP6 inflammasome regulates colonic microbial ecology and risk for colitis. Cell 145:745-757.
gastrointestinal and systemic circadian activity, while disruption of circadian activity by jet-lag or shift work may lead to alterations in the microbiota behavior, which contribute to the development of common metabolic, immune and liver diseases.
Elinav was awarded the Rappaport prize for biomedical research in 2015, the Levinson award for basic science research in 2016, the Landau prize of Immunology in 2018 and was inducted to the American Academy of Microbiology in 2021.
Thaiss CA, Itav S, Rothschild D, Meijer M, Levy M, Moresi C, Dohnalova L, Braverman S, Rozin S, Malitsky S, Dori-Bachash M, Kuperman Y, Biton I, Gertler A, Harmelin A, Shapiro H, Halpern Z, Aharoni A, Segal E, Elinav E. 2016.
Suez J, Korem T, Zeevi D, Zilberman-Schapira G, Thaiss CA, Maza O, Israeli D, Zmora N, Gilad S,  Weinberger A, Kuperman Y, Harmelin A, Kolodkin-Gal I, Shapiro H, Halpern Z, Segal E (last coauthor), Elinav E. 2014.
Thaiss CA, Ze'evi D, Levy M, Zilberman-Schapira G, Suez J, Tengeler AC, Abramson L, Katz MN, Korem T, Zmora N, Kuperman Y, Biton Y, Gilad S, Harmelin A, Shapiro H, Halpern Z, Segal E, Elinav E. 2014.
1680: 1214:
Stettner, Alon Harmelin, Hagit Shapiro, Christoph K. Stein-Thoeringer, Eran Segal, Eran Elinav | Personalized microbiome-driven effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on human glucose tolerance,
study, Wijmenga C, Zhernakova A, Elinav E (co-corresponding last author), Eran Segal. 2018. Environmental factors dominate over host genetics in shaping human gut microbiota composition.
1700: 1665: 1685: 1340: 586: 1675: 495:
Elinav, E., Waks, T., and Eshhar, Z. 2008. Redirection of regulatory T cells with predetermined specificity for the treatment of experimental colitis in mice.
707: 1591: 1315: 474: 189: 1417: 829: 911: 1116: 1142:
Lev-Sagie A, Goldman-Wohl D, Cohen Y, Dori-Bachash M, Leshem A, Mor U,  Strahilevitz J, Moses A, Shapiro H, Yagel S, Elinav E. 2019.
1660: 185: 212: 447: 181: 1542: 1670: 1393:
Personalized gut mucosal colonization resistance to empiric probiotics is associated with unique host and microbiome features
360: 201: 81: 1267: 540: 420: 390: 243: 174: 170: 100: 89: 1068: 1440: 442: 781:"A non-antibiotic-disrupted gut microbiome associated with clinical responses to CD19-CAR-T cell cancer immunotherapy" 227: 1319: 1093:
Post-antibiotic gut mucosal microbiome reconstitution is impaired by probiotics and improved by autologous FMT.
Rappaport prize for biomedical research, Levinson award for basic science research, Landau prize of Immunology
1546: 205: 85: 1629: 563: 1695: 1190: 755: 1366: 226:, after developing the Chimeric Antigen Receptor Regulatory T cell (CAR-Treg) approach, as treatment of 1465: 1392: 942: 1690: 1516: 1248: 1049: 590: 338: 235: 1191:
High-Throughput Screen Identifies Host and Microbiota Regulators of Intestinal Barrier Function
1498: 1473: 1400: 1297: 1240: 1198: 1172: 1151: 1098: 1041: 975: 950: 919: 863: 810: 763: 735: 689: 667: 645: 623: 518: 500: 330: 1230: 1072: 1031: 800: 792: 320: 1604: 1520: 231: 880: 805: 780: 1466:
Trans-kingdom control of microbiota diurnal oscillations promotes metabolic homeostasis
885: 415: 1654: 1252: 1053: 587:"Blood sugar levels response to food are highly individualized : Dr Eran Elinav" 342: 1567: 1143: 967: 855: 1271: 1121: 712: 223: 166: 118: 756:
Diet diurnally regulates SI microbiome-epithelial-immune homeostasis and enteritis
Persistent microbiome alterations modulate the rate of post-dieting weight regain
Vaginal Microbiome Transplantation in women with intractable bacterial vaginosis
385: 138: 1235: 1218: 1036: 1019: 856:
Potential roles of gut microbiome & metabolites in modulation of murine ALS
796: 615: 325: 308: 535: 708:"Yo-yo weight gain driven by gut bacteria's 'memory' of obesity, says study" 62: 1502: 1477: 1404: 1301: 1244: 1202: 1176: 1155: 1102: 1045: 979: 954: 923: 912:
Artificial sweeteners induce glucose intolerance by altering the microbiota
867: 814: 767: 739: 693: 671: 649: 627: 522: 504: 334: 204:
in 1999. Following an internship and residency in internal medicine at the
1418:"Is whole wheat bread healthier? It depends on the person, study suggests" 1341:"Why do some people put on weight and not others – and can we change it?" 247: 163: 854:
Arike L, Johansson MEV, Hansson GC, Gotkine M, Segal E, Elinav E. 2019.
38: 469: 1268:"Scientists Pit Sourdough Against White Bread—With Surprising Results" 1568:"Prof. Eran Elinav – Prize for Senior Israeli Bio-Medical Researcher" 188:
and a senior fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advance Research (
443:"Eran Elinav, MD, PhD – HHMI-Gates International Research Scholar" 830:"Motor neurone disease researchers find link to microbes in gut" 1316:"Should You Take a Genetic Test to Find the Best Diet for You?" 991: 943:
Personalized Nutrition for the Prediction of Glycemic Responses
1344: 219: 215:
Institute of Gastroenterology and Liver Disease in 2005–2009.
microenvironment by regulating NLRP6 inflammasome signaling.
and autoimmunity. In 2009-2012 he followed by a post-doc at
416:"Division of Microbiome and Cancer – Prof. Dr. Eran Elinav" 1117:"Vaginal fluid transplants could cure bacterial vaginosis" 1217:
Stein-Thoeringer, C. K.; Segal, E.; Elinav, E. (2022).
1543:"How Disrupting Your Gut's Rhythm Affects Your Health" 779:
Stein-Thoeringer, C. K.; et al. (22 April 2023).
In 2009 Elinav earned a Ph.D. in immunology from the
The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School alumni
Awards And Honors | Scientific Council Prizes- 2016
1167:barrier dysfunction and risk of enteric infection. 133: 125: 114: 106: 95: 77: 69: 48: 21: 238:, in which he discovered the NLRP6 inflammasome. 211:He served as a senior physician-scientist at the 1701:Fellows of the American Academy of Microbiology 1666:Academic staff of Weizmann Institute of Science 162:(born 22 June 1969 in Jerusalem, Israel) is an 1441:"Tracking the Daily Rhythms of the Microbiome" 968:Moving from probiotics to precision probiotics 8: 966:Veiga P, Suez J, Derrien M, Elinav E. 2020. 380: 378: 1686:Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation people 18: 1234: 1035: 804: 749: 747: 324: 206:Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center 86:Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center 1541:Greenberg, Larry M. (27 February 2017). 1314:Medaris Miller, Anna (16 January 2018). 475:Canadian Institute for Advanced Research 363:. Journal of Experimental Medicine (JEM) 1517:"How Jet Lag Can Contribute to Obesity" 536:"The Institute for Microbiome Research" 359:Houston, Stephanie (30 November 2018). 299: 1069:"The Risks and Benefits of Probiotics" 410: 408: 180:He is an international scholar at the 1488: 1486: 1460: 1458: 936: 934: 932: 905: 903: 609: 607: 354: 352: 276:Nutritional timing and the Microbiota 7: 1676:Weizmann Institute of Science alumni 1515:Oaklander, Mandy (16 October 2014). 1439:David, Lawrence (12 February 2016). 361:"Eran Elinav: Beyond the microbiome" 706:Devlin, Hannah (24 November 2016). 562:Graedon, Terry (12 November 2019). 186:Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 1067:Wadyka, Sally (26 November 2018). 1018:Federici, S.; et al. (2022). 564:"How Do You Feed Your Microbiota?" 250:, Weizmann Institute of Science. 14: 259:have more than 2,000 cites each. 169:and microbiota researcher at the 1115:Davis, Nicola (7 October 2019). 248:Department of Systems Immunology 213:Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center 37: 1609:Pais – Arts and Sciences Awards 1594:, Weizmann Institute of Science 448:Howard Hughes Medical Institute 182:Howard Hughes Medical Institute 99:Weizmann Institute of Science, 585:Akhter, Shahid (6 July 2019). 202:Hebrew University in Jerusalem 200:Elinav earned a M.D. from the 82:Hebrew University in Jerusalem 1: 1634:Weizmann Institute of Science 1367:"Food Unwrapped Diet Special" 734:obesity. Nature 482:179-185. 541:Weizmann Institute of Science 421:German Cancer Research Center 391:Weizmann Institute of Science 220:Weizmann Institute of Science 171:Weizmann Institute of Science 101:German Cancer Research Center 90:Weizmann Institute of Science 1320:U.S. News & World Report 828:Sample, Ian (22 July 2019). 640:single metagenomic samples. 309:"No guts, no research glory" 974:Microbiology, 5(7)-878-80. 246:. Since 2022, he heads the 196:Academic and medical career 1717: 1236:10.1016/j.cell.2022.07.016 1037:10.1016/j.cell.2022.07.003 797:10.1038/s41591-023-02234-6 228:inflammatory bowel disease 1661:Scientists from Jerusalem 1420:. 6 June 2017 1391:Segal E, Elinav E. 2018. 326:10.1038/s41591-019-0342-5 36: 29: 28: 1266:Yong, Ed (6 June 2017). 1547:The Wall Street Journal 566:. The People’s Pharmacy 236:Richard Anthony Flavell 1572:Rappaport Prize Awards 285:Awards and recognition 267:Personalized Nutrition 1671:Israeli immunologists 1229:(18): 3307–3328.e19. 1171:, 359(6382):1376-83. 1030:(16): 2879–2898.e24. 666:, 163(6), 1428–1443. 307:Elinav, Eran (2019). 16:Israeli immunologist 1150:, 25(10):1500–1504. 949:, 163(5):1079-1094. 862:, 572(7770):474-80. 688:, 555(7695):210-15. 1219:"Prof. Eran Elinav" 1020:"Prof. Eran Elinav" 992:"Prof. Eran Elinav" 644:349(6252):1101-6. 591:The Economic Times 1296:, 25, 1243–1253. 918:514(7521):181-6. 157: 156: 1708: 1645: 1644: 1642: 1640: 1626: 1620: 1619: 1617: 1615: 1601: 1595: 1589: 1583: 1582: 1580: 1578: 1564: 1558: 1557: 1555: 1553: 1538: 1532: 1531: 1529: 1527: 1512: 1506: 1497:167, 1495–1510. 1490: 1481: 1462: 1453: 1452: 1450: 1448: 1443:. Science Friday 1436: 1430: 1429: 1427: 1425: 1414: 1408: 1399:174, 1388–1405. 1388: 1382: 1381: 1379: 1377: 1365:Doherty, Jimmy. 1362: 1356: 1355: 1353: 1351: 1337: 1331: 1330: 1328: 1326: 1311: 1305: 1289: 1283: 1282: 1280: 1278: 1263: 1257: 1256: 1238: 1211: 1205: 1195:Gastroenterology 1186: 1180: 1164: 1158: 1140: 1134: 1133: 1131: 1129: 1112: 1106: 1097:174, 1406–1423. 1090: 1084: 1083: 1081: 1079: 1073:Consumer Reports 1064: 1058: 1057: 1039: 1013: 1007: 1006: 1004: 1002: 988: 982: 964: 958: 938: 927: 907: 898: 897: 895: 893: 877: 871: 851: 845: 844: 842: 840: 825: 819: 818: 808: 776: 770: 751: 742: 731: 725: 724: 722: 720: 703: 697: 681: 675: 659: 653: 637: 631: 622:, 540, 544-551. 611: 602: 601: 599: 597: 582: 576: 575: 573: 571: 559: 553: 552: 550: 548: 532: 526: 514: 508: 497:Gastroenterology 493: 487: 486: 484: 482: 466: 460: 459: 457: 455: 439: 433: 432: 430: 428: 412: 403: 402: 400: 398: 382: 373: 372: 370: 368: 356: 347: 346: 328: 304: 153: 150: 148: 146: 144: 142: 140: 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4: 3: 2: 1713: 1702: 1699: 1697: 1696:Living people 1694: 1692: 1689: 1687: 1684: 1682: 1679: 1677: 1674: 1672: 1669: 1667: 1664: 1662: 1659: 1658: 1656: 1635: 1631: 1630:"Eran Elinav" 1625: 1622: 1610: 1606: 1605:"Eran Elinav" 1600: 1597: 1593: 1588: 1585: 1573: 1569: 1563: 1560: 1548: 1544: 1537: 1534: 1522: 1518: 1511: 1508: 1504: 1500: 1496: 1489: 1487: 1483: 1479: 1475: 1471: 1467: 1461: 1459: 1455: 1442: 1435: 1432: 1419: 1413: 1410: 1406: 1402: 1398: 1394: 1387: 1384: 1372: 1368: 1361: 1358: 1346: 1342: 1336: 1333: 1321: 1317: 1310: 1307: 1303: 1299: 1295: 1288: 1285: 1273: 1269: 1262: 1259: 1254: 1250: 1246: 1242: 1237: 1232: 1228: 1224: 1220: 1210: 1207: 1204: 1200: 1196: 1192: 1185: 1182: 1178: 1174: 1170: 1163: 1160: 1157: 1153: 1149: 1145: 1139: 1136: 1124: 1123: 1118: 1111: 1108: 1104: 1100: 1096: 1089: 1086: 1074: 1070: 1063: 1060: 1055: 1051: 1047: 1043: 1038: 1033: 1029: 1025: 1021: 1012: 1009: 997: 993: 987: 984: 981: 977: 973: 969: 963: 960: 956: 952: 948: 944: 937: 935: 933: 929: 925: 921: 917: 913: 906: 904: 900: 888: 887: 882: 881:"Eran Elinav" 876: 873: 869: 865: 861: 857: 850: 847: 835: 831: 824: 821: 816: 812: 807: 802: 798: 794: 790: 786: 782: 775: 772: 769: 765: 761: 757: 750: 748: 744: 741: 737: 730: 727: 715: 714: 709: 702: 699: 695: 691: 687: 680: 677: 673: 669: 665: 658: 655: 651: 647: 643: 636: 633: 629: 625: 621: 617: 610: 608: 604: 592: 588: 581: 578: 565: 558: 555: 543: 542: 537: 531: 528: 524: 520: 513: 510: 506: 502: 498: 492: 489: 477: 476: 471: 470:"Eran Elinav" 465: 462: 450: 449: 444: 438: 435: 423: 422: 417: 411: 409: 405: 393: 392: 387: 381: 379: 375: 362: 355: 353: 349: 344: 340: 336: 332: 327: 322: 318: 314: 310: 303: 300: 293: 291: 284: 282: 275: 273: 266: 264: 260: 253: 251: 249: 245: 239: 237: 234:, advised by 233: 229: 225: 222:, advised by 221: 216: 214: 209: 207: 203: 195: 193: 191: 187: 183: 178: 176: 172: 168: 165: 161: 152: 136: 132: 128: 124: 121:, Omri, Inbal 120: 117: 113: 109: 105: 102: 98: 94: 91: 87: 83: 80: 76: 72: 68: 64: 59:June 22, 1969 51: 47: 40: 35: 27: 20: 1637:. 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Eran Elinav
Hebrew University in Jerusalem
Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center
Weizmann Institute of Science
German Cancer Research Center
Weizmann Institute of Science
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Hebrew University in Jerusalem
Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center
Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
Weizmann Institute of Science
Zelig Eshhar
inflammatory bowel disease
Yale University
Richard Anthony Flavell
Department of Systems Immunology
"No guts, no research glory"

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