
Esan language

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trivial), khisin-mhin (small; diminutive), khere-mhin (small; little), hu-mhin (big; foamy), khuẹlẹ-mhin (slim), re-mhin (far; deep; well attended; grown up), dia-mhin (straight; appropriate), bhala-mhin (light-complexioned), bhia-mhin (large, spacious), riẹriẹ-mhin (smooth), rẹrẹ-mhin (restless), kpoloa (smooth), gọ-mhin (crooked) kpono-mhin (slippery), kwọn (slippery; slimy), to-mhin (irritating), kpọ-mhin (widespread), khia-mhin (holy, righteous), fu-mhin (peaceful), bhiẹlẹ-mhin (lazy), fa-mhin (dirt-free, clean), lẹ-mhin (scarce), tua-mhin (quick), zaza-mhin (skilful), sun-mhin (slimy), kholo (spherical), hian-mhin (efficacious; alcoholic), nwun-mhin or mun-mhin (sharp; alcoholic), khọlọ-mhin (bad; painful), sẹ-ẹ (ordinary), nọghọ-mhin (difficult), kpataki (real), lo-mhin (inexpensive; deep), khua-mhin (heavy; hot), tọnọ-mhin (itchy), luẹn (ripe), khekhea (sour), riala-mhin (bitter), fua-mhin (white), bhihi-mhin (black; dark-complexioned), kẹnkẹn-mhin (multicoloured), kọnkọn (fat), kaka-mhin (hard; serious), toto-mhin (serious; taut), ghan-mhin (costly), ghantoa (costly), wualan-mhin (wise), sọnọ-mhin (offensive), lẹkhẹ-mhin (soft), khẹrẹ-khẹrẹ (muddy), gban-a (expansive), tan-mhin (tall; elegant), guẹguẹ (ingratiating), mhẹn-mhin (good), lẹnlẹn-mhin (sweet), zeze-mhin (strong), wo-mhin (powerful; mature), bie (cooked or done), fe-mhin (wealthy); fanọn-fanọn (unkempt; untidy), rughu-rughu or ragha-ragha (disorderly), sankan-sankan (muddy and rough), yagha-yagha (untidy); rui ẹlo (blind), yi ehọ (deaf, rebellious), di ọmalẹn (old, senile), di itọn a (wretched), bhọn ose (beautiful), fi ahiẹ a (serene), fua amẹn (light-complexioned), ba bhi egbe (painful), mhẹn bhi egbe (body-friendly), mhẹn bhi unu (sweet), mhẹn bhi ẹlo (beautiful or not offensive to sight), mhẹn bhi ihue (not offensive to the nose), mhẹn bhi ehọ (not offensive to the ear), khọ bhi unu (unpalatable; offensive), khọ bhi egbe (unbearable), etc.
1328:ọmọn (baby), imọn (babies); ọmọle (man, male), imọle (men, males); okpea (man), ikpea (men); okhuo (woman, female), ikhuo (women, females); ọshọ, ọmuọe (friend), ishọ, imuọe (friends); obhio (relation), ibhio (relations); obhokhan (child), ibhokhan (children); oghian (enemy), ighian (enemies); usẹnbhokhan (boy), isẹnbhokhan (boys); ọmamhẹn, ọmọhin (girl), imamhẹn, imọhin (girls); ọwanlẹn (elder, adult), iwanlẹn (elders, adults); ọrhia (person), erhia (persons); ọbo (doctor), ebo (doctors); Ebo (English citizen), Ibo (English citizens); obọ (arm), abọ (arms); oẹ (leg), ae (legs); use (nail), ise (nails); udo (stone), ido (stones) 721:’ to have the highest number of usages in Esan, with up to 76 different meanings in a normal dictionary. Names starting with the prefixes Ọsẹ; Ẹhi, Ẹhiz or Ẹhis; and Okoh (for male), Okhuo (for female) are the commonest in Esan: Ehizefe, Ẹhizọkhae, Ẹhizojie, Ẹhinọmẹn, Ẹhimanre, Ẹhizẹle, Ẹhimẹn, Ẹhikhayimẹntor, Ẹhikhayimẹnle, Ẹhijantor,Ehicheoya,Emiator etc.; Ọsẹmundiamẹn, Ọsẹmhẹngbe, etc.; Okosun, Okojie, Okodugha, Okoemu, Okouromi,Okoukoni, Okougbo, Okoepkẹn, Okoror, Okouruwa, Oriaifo etc. To any Oko-, 'Ọm-' the suffix of the name can be added to arrive of the female version e.g. Ọmosun, Ọmuromi, etc. 1490:
modifies, provides information about the noun’s size and/or quantity, and they start with a vowel letter: ukpomin, ekitui, udede, ikwẹkwi, etc. These adjectives are not subject to the law of tenses and do not take the suffix ‘mhin’. A post-noun adjective comes immediately after the noun it modifies: khọlọ, khọriọn, fuọ, ba, to, han, lẹnlẹn, bhihi, hu, khisin, khere, re(le) (far), re (deep), re (grown up), re (well attended), bue, tan, etc. These adjectives are subject to the law of tenses such that they are used to reflect time (e.g. “Okoh rẹ kkhọriọn.” = "Okoh is ugly.").
1616: 1494:
are also nouns, they all start with vowel letters. They are neither subject to the law of tenses nor can they be used with the suffix ‘mhin’. A nounal or noun adjective is one that comes before a noun and can easily be manipulated to become a noun in usage: esi, ebe. It can neither be used with ‘mhin’ nor are they subject to tense law. A restricted adjective is one that can only be used with a particular noun e.g. ‘bhibhi’ in 'ewewẹ bhibhi' (early morning).
ehọ (deaf, rebellious), di ọmalẹn (old, senile), di itọn a (wretched), bhọn ose (beautiful), fi ahiẹ a (serene), fua amẹn (light-complexioned), ba bhi egbe (painful), mhẹn bhi egbe (body-friendly), mhẹn bhi unu (sweet), mhẹn bhi ẹlo (beautiful or not offensive to sight), mhẹn bhi ihue (not offensive to the nose), mhẹn bhi ehọ (not offensive to the ear), khọ bhi unu (unpalatable; offensive), khọ bhi egbe (unbearable), etc.
84: 43: 1472:
diphthong: khian, gbe, bhanbhan. The formation of past tense in this case is not different: kkhian, ggbe, etc. Some Esan dialect such as Uzea makes use of ‘ah’ (or ’h) to show present participle (as in “He is going home.”). Although this is absent in majority of Esan dialects, it is used and placed before the main verb when writing: Ele ’h khọa = They’re having bath.
1247:): aru, eko, ẹbho, itohan, ozẹ, ọrhia, uze, etc. Due to the influence of neighboring tongues and Western languages, especially English, there is the tendency among Esan to pronounce many non-Esan nouns beginning with a consonant letter. In the event of such within the boundary of Esan write-up, an apostrophe may be employed before the first consonant letter both to 186: 1481:
adjectives are verb-like in that they inflect to show tenses: Ele mhẹnmhin. = They are good. // Ele mmhẹnmhin. = They were good. The doubling of the initial letter of the adjective 'mhẹnmhin (good)' like verbs, clearly demonstrates this point. Esan adjectives are of two distinct types: ‘word adjective’ and ‘phrasal adjective’.
A phrasal adjective is one that consists of more than one word; it is made up of a phrase. More often than not, an adjectival phrase usually contains either a noun + verb or an adjective+preposition+noun which combine to perform the work of an adjective. Some common examples are: rui ẹlo (blind), yi
Except the adjective ‘khọriọn’, all others can be used with the suffix ‘mhin’, and (‘ebe’ and ‘esi’ which are also called noun adjectives) they all start with consonant letters. A numeral adjective is one that can be used to answer such question as “how many?”: ọkpa, eva, ea, igbe, etc. Because they
The use of Esan is open to three orders or arrangements: (subject–verb–object (SVO), object–subject–verb (OSV), and object–verb–subject (OVS)) to express themselves Okoh ’h gbi ele (SVO). Okoh imẹn ddaghe (OSV). Ena yẹ imẹn (OVS). SVO is commonest and most employed. The use of OVS is restricted to a
A word adjective is an adjective consisting of a single word: esi, khọlọ, hu, jian, etc. This form of adjective is subdivided into five types: pre-noun adjective, post-noun adjective, numeral adjective, nounal adjective, and restricted adjective. A pre-noun adjective appears only before the noun it
An Esan adjective, as does an English adjective, modifies a noun or pronoun. That is, it gives more information about a noun or pronoun and makes its meaning more specific. It can appear before or after a noun. The only difference between Esan and English adjectives is that like Japanese, some Esan
All Esan verbs start with consonant letters and end in either vowel letter or the vowel associated letter ‘n’: bi, dẹ, fan, hẹn, lolo, etc. In expressing the past, doubling of initial letter of a verb takes place such that ‘bi’ changes to ‘bbi’ and ‘hẹn’ becomes ‘hhẹn’. A verb can also begin with a
Below are some Esan adjectives and their meanings (and those that can be used with the suffix ‘mhin’ are shown. The addition of the suffix 'mhin' to a word turns it from adjective to noun just as the suffix 'ness' in English does.) Ukpomin (little), ekitui (many; much), udede (big), ikwẹkwi (tiny;
Some adjectives that can be placed under the word adjective are adjectives that are formed from the doubling of a word adjective: fanọn-fanọn (unkempt; untidy), rughu-rughu or ragha-ragha (disorderly), sankan-sankan (muddy and rough), yagha-yagha (untidy), kpadi-kpadi (rough or even), ose-ose
1286:, isẹn, etc. Exception to this rule is the writing of proper nouns where a name can end in letter ‘r’ always after a letter ‘ọ’ to make it sound like ‘or’ in English as well as the use of letter ‘h’ after a letter ‘o’ to make it sound as ‘oh’ in English: Isibor, Oko'ror, Okoh, Okoọboh, etc. 1331:
The second has to do, not with the above which have original plural form, but with many other nouns which do not. In this case, a suffix (as the use of 's' in English) is used by adding it to the noun in question, but without a change in pronunciation. For example:
hia (=female person), etc. This gender-sensitive style is better understood by French speakers, who usually differentiate genders – masculine, feminine, neuter. Exception to this rule has to do with certain nouns that consist of vowel letters only e.g. 'oẹ' (leg,
697:, even though there is documentation that Uromi people and the Uzea people have common ancestry. Such variations in tongue and spelling of words are common in the Esan language. Most annual Esan 1325:
Pluralization in Esan is of two forms, the first of which has to do with nouns that have original plural forms, in which case the first letter is replaced/displaced by another letter:
232: 1769: 1434:‘Aah’ can only be used as subject. (‘otuan’ and ‘ukpọle’ can be used in both ways: Otuan ọkpa ni ele dia; Dati ituan eva re. Ukpọle ọkpa ribhọ. Jia ikpọle ea re.) 1335:
uwaebe (school), uwaebeh (schools); eran (stick), eranh (sticks); emhin (something), emhinh (some things)
All Esan pronouns have plural forms different from singular, but both subject and object cases do not differ (both subject and object cases are the same):
is a tonal Edoid language of Nigeria. Dictionaries and grammar texts of the Esan language are being produced. There are many dialects, including
1454:‘otuan’ (pl. ituan) is used for humans, ‘ukpọle’ (pl. ikpọle) is used for non-humans and ‘Aah’ depends on the context in which it is used. 1039: 1762: 1023: 870: 1251:
and ease the pronunciation. In speech however such apostrophe is often pronounced as ‘i’ /i:/: ’bazaar, ’Jonah, ’labour, ’zoo, etc.
266: 167: 70: 2156: 2120: 957: 898: 876: 495:
Akahia, Ayetoro, Egoro, Amede, Eguare, Egoro Eko, Oikhena, Idoa, Igor, Izogen, Uhiele, Ujeme, Ukpenu, Urohi, idumebo, ihumudumu
1116: 931: 1755: 1139: 105: 101: 56: 148: 705:
for this reason. However, the Esan language has been described as regionally important. It is taught in schools throughout
2353: 904: 671: 120: 340: 1125: 944: 937: 1153: 1083: 979: 127: 1174: 1030: 842: 827: 771: 1778: 345: 334: 964: 950: 924: 1786: 2348: 1305:
ia. For the expression of a feminine gender, the second consonant letter following a vowel letter is doubled: a
1097: 211: 134: 1197:
Esan uses several alphabets, Romanized Esan being the most commonly used with a total number of 25 letters:
857: 848: 833: 94: 2188: 1910: 1615: 970: 756: 228: 116: 1013: 997: 800: 791: 744: 2358: 863: 807: 2213: 2059: 918: 2233: 2110: 1945: 1498:(beautiful). This system can also be used thus: fanọn/2, yagha/2, kpadi/2, sankan/2, ose/2, etc. 751: 739: 62: 2253: 1963: 1867: 1733: 1692: 778: 761: 2223: 2193: 2180: 2054: 2019: 1998: 1915: 1887: 1857: 1723: 1682: 987: 702: 141: 2161: 2100: 2074: 2064: 2039: 1993: 1978: 1968: 1895: 1110: 785: 766: 694: 514: 355: 326: 1535:‘ukpi’ (pl. ‘ikpi’) in Esan is equivalent to the indefinite article ‘a’/‘an’ in English: 2327: 2317: 2312: 2281: 2276: 2271: 2266: 2261: 2218: 2203: 2166: 2151: 2146: 2125: 2115: 2105: 2095: 2079: 2069: 2049: 2029: 1958: 1877: 1862: 1842: 1827: 1822: 1794: 1133: 821: 557:
Egua Ojirua, Atwagbo, Isugbenu, Usenu, Uwesan, Ugbohare, Ibori, Edenu, Ibhiolulu, Opoji
417: 2342: 2296: 2291: 2286: 2243: 2238: 2228: 2208: 2198: 2130: 2044: 2003: 1935: 1930: 1920: 1905: 1900: 1872: 1817: 1809: 1799: 1065: 241: 201: 31: 1523:‘eni’ in Esan is equivalent to ‘the’ (as plural) in English: eni emhinh = the things 1520:‘ọni’ in Esan is equivalent to ‘the’ (as singular) in English: ọni emhin = the thing 2322: 2024: 1953: 1925: 1852: 1847: 1837: 1832: 634: 560: 221: 1289:
In nouns, following the first vowel letter is always a second consonant letter: a
1179: 1158: 1144: 1102: 1088: 1077: 1060: 307: 83: 1712:"Op-Ed-Opinions and Editorials-Johannes Gutenberg, Publishing Chaos and Ebooks" 1608: 1166: 1070: 17: 1737: 1696: 1687: 1670: 1603: 886: 576: 498: 410: 394: 1728: 1711: 1200:
a, b, d, e, ẹ, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, ọ, p, r, s, t, u, v, w, y, z.
401: 1529:‘na’ in Esan is equivalent to ‘this’ in English: emhin na or ọni emhin na 1526:‘ni’ in Esan is equivalent to ‘that’ in English: emhin ni or ọni emhin ni 706: 1747: 661:
Uzea, Obeidun, Ivue, Ibhiolulu, Awo, Amendokhen, Ebulen, Ekomado, Uwesan
530: 434: 297: 1565:‘nekirẹla’ in Esan is equivalent to ‘whoever’/‘whichever’ in English: 458: 454: 442: 1629: 686: 682: 450: 446: 1532:
In the determiner phrases below, the determiners are in boldface:
1544:‘ọsoso’ (pl. ‘esoso’) in Esan is equivalent to ‘any’ in English: 698: 430: 1751: 693:
speak slightly different Esan dialect compared to people from
690: 438: 179: 77: 36: 631:
Ugbegun, Ugbegun Ebodin, Ekekhen, Ewossa, Ujabhole, Ugbelor
1553:‘eso’ /ayso/ in Esan is equivalent to ‘some’ in English: 709:, and Esan language radio and television is prevalent. 469:
List of Esan dialects as classified by Osiruemu (2010):
bh, gb, gh, kh, kp, kw (rarely used), mh, nw, ny, sh.
Aluede, Charles O.; Bello, Abayomi O. (2016-08-02).
1583:‘ekitui’ in Esan is equivalent to ‘many’ in English: 2305: 2252: 2179: 2139: 2088: 2012: 1986: 1977: 1944: 1886: 1808: 1785: 1577:‘eveva’ in Esan is equivalent to ‘both’ in English: 1571:‘erebhe’ in Esan is equivalent to ‘all’ in English: 1559:‘ikpeta’ in Esan is equivalent to ‘few’ in English: 1254:Each Esan noun ends in either a vowel letter (e.g. 1203:The digraph consists of 10 sets of double letters: 408: 392: 387: 323: 313: 303: 293: 281: 108:. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. 1675:EJOTMAS: Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts 227:for phonetic transcriptions, with an appropriate 1671:"Amojo Amen-Niyeye: a study in Esan minstrels" 1659:. Doctoral dissertation, University of Ibadan. 1219:All Esan nouns begin with vowel letters (i.e. 1763: 1463:limited number of grammatical constructions. 8: 701:' Council meetings are largely conducted in 71:Learn how and when to remove these messages 1983: 1770: 1756: 1748: 471: 278: 1727: 1686: 1322:'ae'), 'oo' (mother), 'uu' (death), etc. 267:Learn how and when to remove this message 168:Learn how and when to remove this message 1396: 1345: 1054: 733: 1630:"Welcome To Esanland Edo state Nigeria" 1596: 717:Linguistic finding has shown the word ‘ 1270:) or the vowel-associated letter ‘n’: 7: 1651: 1649: 1368:ibha (you, or Pidgin English ‘una’) 433:, Ẹkpoma (Ekuma), Ebhossa (Ewossa), 106:adding citations to reliable sources 1439: 217:for transliterated languages, and 197:of its non-English content, using 25: 1657:A structural dialectology of Esan 1178: 1173: 1157: 1152: 1143: 1138: 1124: 1115: 1101: 1096: 1087: 1082: 1038: 1029: 1022: 996: 978: 969: 963: 956: 949: 943: 936: 930: 923: 903: 897: 875: 869: 862: 856: 847: 841: 832: 826: 806: 799: 790: 527:Ebele, Uzebu, Uhe, Ebhosa, Ekpon 52:This article has multiple issues. 1614: 1449: 235:may also be used - notably 184: 82: 41: 27:Edoid language spoken in Nigeria 1568:emhin nekirẹla = whatever thing 93:needs additional citations for 60:or discuss these issues on the 1710:Nardini, Robert (2000-04-01). 233:multilingual support templates 1: 672:List of villages in Edo State 1429: 1164: 1108: 1075: 1011: 916: 819: 783: 543:Oria, Onogholo, Uzea, Ugboha 30:Not to be confused with the 1586:ekitui emhinh = many things 2375: 1655:Osiruemu, Evarista. 2010. 1580:Emhinh eveva = both things 1562:ikpeta emhinh = few things 669: 29: 1574:emhin erebhe = all things 286: 1688:10.4314/ejotmas.v5i1-2.7 1556:emhinh eso = some things 1541:ikpi emhinh = ... things 511:Okhuesan, Emu, Okhuedua 1550:emhinh esoso any things 1547:emhin ọsoso = any thing 1397:no English equivalent: 484:Local Government Areas 1729:10.7771/2380-176x.3064 1313:họ (=female friend), ọ 1779:Volta–Niger languages 603:Eguare, Kpaja, Udakpa 481:Speech areas/Villages 319:1,000,000 (2022) 2354:Languages of Nigeria 1538:ukpi ẹmhin = a thing 1309:ihi (=female ant), ọ 573:Ujogba, Amahor, Ugun 195:specify the language 193:This article should 102:improve this article 617:Udo, Ekpon, Ekekhen 1444:Such as ancestors 1392:ehle (they, them) 1384:elle (they, them) 968:    948:    935:    902:    874:    861:    846:    831:    2336: 2335: 2175: 2174: 1716:Against the Grain 1612:(25th ed., 2022) 1502:Phrasal adjective 1425: 1424: 1376:ele (they, them) 1188: 1187: 1048: 1047: 668: 667: 647:Emu, Oria, Ilushi 424: 423: 277: 276: 269: 259: 258: 178: 177: 170: 152: 75: 16:(Redirected from 2366: 1984: 1772: 1765: 1758: 1749: 1742: 1741: 1731: 1707: 1701: 1700: 1690: 1666: 1660: 1653: 1644: 1643: 1641: 1640: 1626: 1620: 1619: 1618: 1601: 1453: 1443: 1433: 1346: 1182: 1177: 1161: 1156: 1147: 1142: 1128: 1119: 1105: 1100: 1091: 1086: 1055: 1042: 1033: 1026: 1000: 982: 973: 967: 960: 953: 947: 940: 934: 927: 907: 901: 879: 873: 866: 860: 851: 845: 836: 830: 810: 803: 794: 734: 664:Esan North East 650:Esan South East 606:Esan South East 592:Esan South East 589:Ohordua, Ewohimi 546:Esan South East 472: 420: 404: 397: 352: 329: 279: 272: 265: 254: 251: 245: 238: 226: 220: 216: 210: 206: 200: 188: 187: 180: 173: 166: 162: 159: 153: 151: 110: 86: 78: 67: 45: 44: 37: 21: 2374: 2373: 2369: 2368: 2367: 2365: 2364: 2363: 2349:Edoid languages 2339: 2338: 2337: 2332: 2301: 2248: 2171: 2135: 2084: 2008: 1973: 1940: 1882: 1804: 1781: 1776: 1746: 1745: 1709: 1708: 1704: 1668: 1667: 1663: 1654: 1647: 1638: 1636: 1628: 1627: 1623: 1613: 1602: 1598: 1593: 1517: 1504: 1487: 1478: 1469: 1460: 1447: 1437: 1427: 1381:ọlle (she, her) 1341: 1217: 1212: 1195: 1053: 773: 760: 746: 732: 727: 715: 679: 674: 515:Esan South East 489:Ekpoma Iruekpen 467: 416: 400: 393: 383: 350: 330: 327:Language family 325: 316: 315:Native speakers 273: 262: 261: 260: 255: 249: 246: 240: 236: 224: 218: 214: 212:transliteration 208: 204: 198: 189: 185: 174: 163: 157: 154: 117:"Esan language" 111: 109: 99: 87: 46: 42: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 2372: 2370: 2362: 2361: 2356: 2351: 2341: 2340: 2334: 2333: 2331: 2330: 2325: 2320: 2315: 2309: 2307: 2303: 2302: 2300: 2299: 2294: 2289: 2284: 2279: 2274: 2269: 2264: 2258: 2256: 2250: 2249: 2247: 2246: 2241: 2236: 2231: 2226: 2221: 2216: 2211: 2206: 2201: 2196: 2191: 2185: 2183: 2177: 2176: 2173: 2172: 2170: 2169: 2164: 2159: 2154: 2149: 2143: 2141: 2137: 2136: 2134: 2133: 2128: 2123: 2118: 2113: 2108: 2103: 2098: 2092: 2090: 2086: 2085: 2083: 2082: 2077: 2072: 2067: 2062: 2057: 2052: 2047: 2042: 2037: 2032: 2027: 2022: 2016: 2014: 2010: 2009: 2007: 2006: 2001: 1996: 1990: 1988: 1981: 1975: 1974: 1972: 1971: 1966: 1961: 1956: 1950: 1948: 1942: 1941: 1939: 1938: 1933: 1928: 1923: 1918: 1913: 1908: 1903: 1898: 1892: 1890: 1884: 1883: 1881: 1880: 1875: 1870: 1865: 1860: 1855: 1850: 1845: 1840: 1835: 1830: 1825: 1820: 1814: 1812: 1806: 1805: 1803: 1802: 1797: 1791: 1789: 1783: 1782: 1777: 1775: 1774: 1767: 1760: 1752: 1744: 1743: 1702: 1661: 1645: 1621: 1595: 1594: 1592: 1589: 1588: 1587: 1584: 1581: 1578: 1575: 1572: 1569: 1566: 1563: 1560: 1557: 1554: 1551: 1548: 1545: 1542: 1539: 1536: 1533: 1530: 1527: 1524: 1521: 1516: 1513: 1503: 1500: 1486: 1485:Word adjective 1483: 1477: 1474: 1468: 1465: 1459: 1458:Sentence order 1456: 1423: 1422: 1419: 1415: 1414: 1411: 1407: 1406: 1403: 1399: 1398: 1394: 1393: 1390: 1386: 1385: 1382: 1378: 1377: 1374: 1370: 1369: 1366: 1362: 1361: 1360:iman (we, us) 1358: 1354: 1353: 1350: 1340: 1337: 1216: 1213: 1211: 1208: 1194: 1191: 1186: 1185: 1183: 1171: 1169: 1163: 1162: 1150: 1148: 1136: 1130: 1129: 1122: 1120: 1113: 1107: 1106: 1094: 1092: 1080: 1074: 1073: 1068: 1063: 1058: 1052: 1049: 1046: 1045: 1043: 1036: 1034: 1027: 1020: 1018: 1016: 1010: 1009: 1007: 1005: 1003: 1001: 994: 992: 990: 984: 983: 976: 974: 961: 954: 941: 928: 921: 915: 914: 912: 910: 908: 895: 893: 891: 889: 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Retrieved 1633: 1624: 1607: 1599: 1509: 1505: 1496: 1492: 1488: 1479: 1470: 1461: 1448: 1446: 1438: 1436: 1428: 1426: 1357:imẹn (I, me) 1342: 1334: 1330: 1327: 1324: 1319: 1314: 1310: 1306: 1302: 1298: 1294: 1290: 1288: 1283: 1279: 1275: 1271: 1267: 1263: 1259: 1255: 1253: 1248: 1244: 1240: 1236: 1232: 1228: 1224: 1220: 1218: 1205: 1202: 1199: 1196: 1189: 718: 716: 713:Common names 681:People from 680: 635:Esan Central 570:Ogua Ugiogba 561:Esan Central 468: 426: 425: 409: 366: 363:Edo–Esan–Ora 287: 263: 247: 229:ISO 639 code 225:}} 219:{{ 215:}} 209:{{ 205:}} 199:{{ 194: 164: 155: 145: 138: 131: 124: 112: 100:Please help 95:verification 92: 68: 61: 55: 54:Please help 51: 34:of Thailand. 2359:Esan people 1515:Determiners 1014:Approximant 567:Ogwa Ujogba 449:, Ohordua, 445:, Igueben, 346:Volta–Niger 335:Niger–Congo 308:Esan people 158:August 2012 2343:Categories 2214:Gupa-Abawa 2060:Ivbiosakon 1787:Ayere-Ahan 1639:2020-12-19 1609:Ethnologue 1591:References 1476:Adjectives 730:Consonants 670:See also: 441:, Ewatto, 128:newspapers 57:improve it 2234:Koro Zuba 2194:Bassa Nge 2111:Okpamheri 1738:2380-176X 1697:2449-1179 1389:ọhle (it) 1365:uwẹ (you) 1111:Close-mid 919:Fricative 887:Affricate 757:Post-alv. 725:Phonology 577:Esan West 499:Esan West 478:Esan name 411:Glottolog 395:ISO 639-3 304:Ethnicity 239:for Esan. 63:talk page 1964:Itsekiri 1946:Yoruboid 1349:Singular 1339:Pronouns 1193:Alphabet 1134:Open-mid 752:Alveolar 740:Bilabial 707:Esanland 658:Urhomwun 620:Igueben 586:Okhuedua 465:Dialects 453:, Uzea, 418:esan1238 250:May 2020 2254:Idomoid 2224:Kakanda 2157:SW Okpe 2121:NW Okpe 2055:Ikpeshi 2020:Afenmai 1999:Engenni 1916:Ikwerre 1681:(1–2). 1421:ikpọle 1413:ituan 1352:Plural 1249:Esanize 1210:Grammar 1066:Central 822:Plosive 779:Glottal 762:Palatal 703:English 628:Ugbegun 625:Ugbegun 583:Ohordua 531:Igueben 524:Igueben 521:Igueben 508:Ebhoato 435:Ewohimi 298:Nigeria 242:See why 142:scholar 2306:Others 2181:Nupoid 2162:Urhobo 2101:Ehueun 2075:Sasaru 2065:Okpela 2040:Ghotuo 1994:Degema 1969:Yoruba 1896:Ekpeye 1888:Igboid 1736:  1695:  1418:ukpọle 1410:otuan 1320:plural 1293:oho, a 1260:Ẹkpoma 1051:Vowels 988:Rhotic 772:Labio- 747:dental 745:Labio- 641:Ugboha 600:Ubiaza 597:Ubiaja 540:Ilushi 537:Ilushi 505:Ewatto 459:Ugboha 455:Ubiaja 443:Ebelle 144:  137:  130:  123:  115:  2328:Ukaan 2318:Akoko 2313:Akpes 2282:Igede 2277:Idoma 2272:Etulo 2267:Alago 2262:Agatu 2219:Gwari 2204:Ebira 2167:Uvbie 2152:Isoko 2147:Eruwa 2126:Uhami 2116:Oloma 2106:Iyayu 2096:Akuku 2080:Uneme 2070:Ososo 2050:Ikhin 2030:Enwan 1987:Delta 1979:Edoid 1959:Igala 1878:Saxwe 1868:Pherá 1863:Tofin 1843:Gbesi 1828:Ayizo 1823:Alada 1795:Ayere 1722:(2). 1467:Verbs 1297:an, i 1280:ẹnyẹn 1272:agbọn 1215:Nouns 1078:Close 1061:Front 786:Nasal 774:velar 767:Velar 699:Kings 687:Irrua 683:Uromi 677:Usage 655:Uromi 644:Owaha 554:Uruwa 551:Irrua 451:Uromi 447:Irrua 356:Edoid 288:Ishan 149:JSTOR 135:books 2297:Yala 2292:Akpa 2287:Yace 2244:Nupe 2239:Kupa 2229:Kami 2209:Gade 2199:Dibo 2131:Ukue 2045:Igwe 2035:Esan 2004:Epie 1936:Ogba 1931:Mgbo 1926:Izii 1921:Ikwo 1906:Igbo 1901:Ezaa 1873:Phla 1858:Tɔli 1800:Ahan 1734:ISSN 1693:ISSN 1604:Esan 1405:Aah 1301:o, u 1284:itọn 1276:eran 1167:Open 1071:Back 695:Uzea 689:and 457:and 431:Ogwa 427:Esan 367:Esan 351:yeai 282:Esan 202:lang 121:news 2323:Oko 2189:Asu 2025:Edo 1954:Ede 1911:Ika 1853:Gun 1848:Gen 1838:Fon 1833:Ewe 1818:Aja 1810:Gbe 1724:doi 1683:doi 1606:at 1268:oya 1264:uri 1256:ato 905:d͡ʒ 899:t͡ʃ 877:ɡ͡b 871:k͡p 719:gbe 691:Ewu 614:Udo 611:Udo 439:Ewu 402:ish 237:ish 222:IPA 104:by 2345:: 1732:. 1720:12 1718:. 1714:. 1691:. 1677:. 1673:. 1648:^ 1632:. 1450:^c 1440:^b 1430:^a 1315:rr 1311:ss 1307:hh 1282:, 1278:, 1274:, 1266:, 1262:, 1258:, 1243:, 1239:, 1235:, 1231:, 1227:, 1223:, 1159:ɔ̃ 1145:ɛ̃ 685:, 461:. 437:, 337:? 207:, 66:. 1771:e 1764:t 1757:v 1740:. 1726:: 1699:. 1685:: 1679:5 1642:. 1402:– 1303:d 1299:l 1295:v 1291:h 1245:u 1241:ọ 1237:o 1233:i 1229:ẹ 1225:e 1221:a 1180:ã 1175:a 1154:ɔ 1140:ɛ 1126:o 1117:e 1103:ũ 1098:u 1089:ĩ 1084:i 1040:w 1031:j 1024:l 998:r 980:h 971:ɣ 965:x 958:ʃ 951:z 945:s 938:v 932:f 925:β 864:ɡ 858:k 849:d 843:t 834:b 828:p 808:ɲ 801:n 792:m 759:/ 270:) 264:( 252:) 248:( 244:. 171:) 165:( 160:) 156:( 146:· 139:· 132:· 125:· 98:. 73:) 69:( 20:)


Ishan language
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Esan people
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