Knowledge (XXG)

John Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher

Source πŸ“

1784:, was constructed at Osborne House on the Isle of Wight for the first two years of training, with the last two remaining at Dartmouth. All cadets now received an education in science and technology as it related to life on board a ship as well as navigation and seamanship. Those who went on to be command officers would now have the benefit of improved understanding of their ships while those who became engineers would be better equipped for command. Physical education and sport were to be taught, not only for the benefit of the cadets but also for the future training of ships' crews which were expected to produce sporting teams on good-will visits in foreign ports. Entrance by examination, which biased the intake to those who could obtain special tuition, was replaced with an interview committee tasked with determining the general knowledge of candidates and their reaction to the questions as much as their answers. After the four years, cadets were posted to special training ships for final practical experience before being posted to real command positions. The results of the final examination affected the seniority allotted to each cadet and his chance of future early promotion. 1758: 568:
his innovations and those who did not. As he became older and more senior he also became more autocratic and commented, 'Anyone who opposes me, I crush'. He believed that nations fought wars for material gain, and that maintaining a strong navy deterred other nations from engaging it in battle, thus decreasing the likelihood of war: "On the British fleet rests the British Empire." Fisher also believed that the risk of catastrophe in a sea battle was far greater than on land: a war could be lost or won in a day at sea, with no hope of replacing lost ships, but an army could be rebuilt quickly. When an arms race broke out between Germany and Britain to build larger navies, the German Kaiser commented, 'I admire Fisher, I say nothing against him. If I were in his place I should do all that he has done and I should do all that I know he has in mind to do'.
been done in the past with navigation officers who had similarly once been a completely separate speciality. His solution was to merge the cadet training of ordinary and engineer officers and revise the curriculum so that it provided a suitable grounding to later go on to either path. The proposal was initially resisted by the remainder of the Board of Admiralty, but Fisher convinced them of the benefits of the changes. Objections within the navy as a whole were harder to quell and a campaign once again broke out in newspapers. Fisher was thoroughly aware of the benefits of getting the press on his side and continued to leak information to friendly journalists. Beresford was approached by officers objecting to the changes to act as champion of their cause, but sided with Fisher on this issue.
2074: 2065:. However, when Fisher vacated his room at the Admiralty with the announced intention of retiring to Scotland, the Prime Minister sent him an order in the King's name to continue his duties. Senior naval officers and the press made appeals to the now elderly (74) First Sea Lord to remain in his position. Fisher responded with an eccentric letter to Asquith setting out six demands that would "guarantee the successful termination of the war". These would have given him unprecedented sole authority over the fleet, including all promotions and construction. After commenting that Fisher's behaviour indicated signs of mental aberration, Asquith responded with a brusque acceptance of Fisher's original resignation. 82: 2306: 1418:'s fleet. Fisher was placed in charge of a landing party which was quartered in the Khedive's palace. Lacking means of reconnaissance, he devised a plan to armour a train with iron plates, machine gun and cannon. This became celebrated and widely reported by correspondents, so that its inventor, Fisher, came to the attention of the public for the first time as a hero. Shore duty had the unfortunate effect that Fisher became seriously ill with dysentery and malaria. He refused to take sick leave, but eventually was ordered home by Lord Northbrook, who commented, 'the Admiralty could build another 1602: 993: 1669:
again encouraged his officers to bring ideas to him. He offered prizes for essays on tactics and maintained a large tabletop map room with models of all ships in the fleet, where all officers could come to develop tactics. A particular concern was the threat of torpedoes, which Germany had boasted would dispose of the British fleet, and the numerous French torpedo boats. Fisher's innovations were not universally approved, with some senior officers resenting the attention he paid to their juniors, or the pressure he placed on all to improve efficiency.
1569:. However, an attempt to specify similar boilers for new cruisers in 1894 led to questions in the House of Commons, and opposition from shipbuilders who did not want to invest in the new technology. The matter continued for several years after Fisher moved on to a new posting, with a parliamentary enquiry rejecting the new boilers. Eventually the new design was adopted, but only after another eighteen ships had been built using the older design, with consequent poorer performance than necessary. Fisher was knighted in the 1563:. The first destroyers were considered a success and more were ordered, but Fisher immediately ran into trouble by insisting that all shipbuilders, not just Yarrow's, should be invited to build boats to Yarrow's design. A similar (though opposite) difficulty with vested interests arose over the introduction of water tube boilers into navy ships, which held out the promise of improved fuel efficiency and greater speed. The first examples were used by Thornycroft and Yarrow in 1892, and then were trialled in the gunboat 165: 5863: 1539:
official who refused to step outside his office to personally supervise the work was offered a promotion to the tropics; he would find out the name of one or two men amongst a work crew and then make a point of complimenting them on their work and using their names, giving the impression he knew everyone personally; he took a chair and table into the yard where some operation was to be carried out and declared his intention to stay there until the operation was completed. He observed,
1829: 1643: 2280: 2267: 2254: 2241: 659: 737: 577: 144: 1354: 1677:
effectively at 5000 yards. This was driven by the increasing range of the torpedo, which had now risen to 3000–4000 yards, necessitating ships fighting effectively at greater ranges. At this time he advocated relatively small main armaments on capital ships (some had 15 inch or greater), because the improved technical design of the relatively small (10 inch) modern guns allowed a much greater firing rate and greater overall
1693: 1453: 1860:
up crews and money to increase the number of large modern ships in home waters. The navy estimate for 1905 was reduced by Β£3.5 million on the previous year's total of Β£36.8 million despite new building programs and greatly increased effectiveness. Naval expenditure fell from 1905 to 1907, before rising again. By the end of Fisher's tenure as First Sea Lord expenditure had returned to 1904 levels.
was energetic, ambitious, enthusiastic and clever. A shipmate described him as "easily the most interesting midshipman I ever met". When addressing someone he could become carried away with the point he was seeking to make, and on one occasion, the King asked him to stop shaking his fist in his face. He was considered a "man who demanded to be heard, and one who didn't suffer fools lightly".
853: 612:. Sophia's father Alfred Lambe was a wine merchant and Purveyor of Mineral Water to the King. She was brought up New Bond Street in Mayfair, London. Fisher commented, "My mother was a most magnificent and handsome, extremely young woman....My father was 6 feet 2 inches..., also especially handsome. Why I am ugly is one of those puzzles of physiology which are beyond finding out". 2293: 2319: 1504:, responsible for weapons and munitions. He was responsible for the development of quick-firing guns to be used against the growing threat from torpedo boats, and particularly claimed responsibility for removing wooden boarding pikes from navy ships. The Navy did not have responsibility for manufacture and supply of weapons and ammunition, which was in the hands of the 1957: 1737:, providing him with information and advice for a newspaper campaign promoting the needs of the navy. During the course of the correspondence in 1902, Fisher noted that although France was Britain's historical enemy, Britain had considerable common interest with France as a possible ally, whereas growing German activity abroad made her a much more likely enemy. 1681:. The potentially much greater ranges of large guns was not an issue, because no one knew how to aim them effectively at such ranges. He argued that "the design of fighting ships must follow the mode of fighting instead of fighting being subsidiary to and dependent on the design of ships." As regards how officers needed to behave, he commented, " 631:
could. Fisher wrote to his wife: "I heard from my mother... She contemplates coming to see me... I am in a horrid fright of my mother turning up some day unexpectedly; I am sure we couldn't live together. I hate the very thought of it and really, I don't want to see her. I don't see why I should as I haven't the slightest recollection of her."
715:. She was built of wood, in 1831, with 84 smooth-bore muzzle-loading guns arranged on two gun decks, and relied entirely on sail for propulsion. She had a crew of 700, and discipline was strictly enforced by the "hard-bitten Captain Robert Stopford". Fisher fainted when he witnessed eight men being flogged on his first day. 646:(1868–1955), and three daughters, Beatrix Alice (1867–1930), Dorothy Sybil (1873–1962), and Pamela Mary (1876–1949), all of whom married naval officers who went on to become admirals. Beatrix Alice married Reginald Rundell Neeld in 1896, Pamela Mary married Henry Blackett in 1906, and in 1908 Dorothy Sybil married 1776:
At this time engineering officers, who had become increasingly important in the fleet as it became steadily more dependent upon machinery, were still largely looked down upon by executive (command) officers. Fisher considered it would be better for the navy if the two branches could be merged, as had
He was not keen on sport, but he was a highly proficient dancer. Fisher employed his dancing skill later in life to charm a number of important ladies. He became interested in dancing in 1877 and insisted that the officers of his ship learn to dance. Fisher cancelled the leave of midshipmen who would
Throughout his life he was a religious man and attended church regularly when ashore. He had a passion for sermons and might attend two or three services in a day to hear them, which he would 'discuss afterwards with great animation'. However, he was discreet in expressing his religious views because
of British parents, had Asian ancestry due to his features and the yellow cast of his skin. However, his colour resulted from dysentery and malaria in middle life, which nearly caused his death. He had a fixed and compelling gaze when addressing someone, which gave little clue to his feelings. Fisher
In his capacity as First Sea Lord, Fisher proposed multiple times to King Edward VII that Britain should take advantage of its naval superiority to "Copenhagen" the German fleet at Kiel – that is, to destroy it with a pre-emptive surprise attack without declaration of war, as the Royal Navy had done
to reduce naval budgets, and to reform the navy for modern war. Amidst massive public controversy, he ruthlessly sold off 90 obsolete and small ships and put a further 64 into reserve, describing them as "too weak to fight and too slow to run away", and "a miser's hoard of useless junk". This freed
serving under Fisher, later commented, "It is difficult for anyone who had not lived under the previous regime to realize what a change Fisher brought about in the Mediterranean fleet. ... Before his arrival, the topics and arguments of the officers messes ... were mainly confined to such
in 1899. The peace conference had been called by Russia to agree to limits on armaments, but the British position was to reject any proposal which might restrict use of the navy. Fisher's style was to say little in formal meetings, but to lobby determinedly at all informal gatherings. He impressed
of shipbuilders Thornycroft and Yarrow, who reported that he had obtained plans of new torpedo boats being built by the French, and he could build a faster boat to defend against them. Torpedo boats had become a major threat, as they were cheap but potentially able to sink the largest battleships,
had the largest guns and thickest armour of any ship in the navy, but still carried masts and sails and had slow, muzzle-loading guns. She had been seven years under construction and had many innovations built into her, including electric lighting and torpedo tubes, but with such a tortuous layout
Fisher's aim was 'efficiency of the fleet and its instant readiness for war', which won him support amongst a certain kind of navy officer. He believed in advancing the most able, rather than the longest serving. This upset those he passed over. Thus, he divided the navy into those who approved of
dinners. This practice spread through the fleet. He broke with the then ball tradition of dancing with a different partner for each dance, instead adopting the scandalous habit of choosing one good dancer as his partner for the evening. His ability to charm all comers of all social classes made up
His strategy emphasised the importance of striking the first blow, but with an awareness that sunk ships could not easily be replaced, and would replace any officer who could not keep up with the standards he demanded. He gave lectures on naval strategy to which all officers were invited and once
to France to foment trouble within the French army. It was Fisher's policy to conduct all manoeuvres at full speed while training the fleet, and to expect the best from his crews. He would socialise with junior officers so that they were not afraid to approach him with ideas, or disagree with him
was a new ship with a number of innovations, including twin screws, searchlights and telephones, as well as being armed with torpedoes. It was fitted with an experimental Thomson-designed compass, which the inventor was on hand to adjust. Three days were spent attempting and failing to adjust the
A programme of realistic exercises was adopted including simulated French raids, defensive manoeuvres, night attacks and blockades, all carried out at maximum speed. He introduced a gold cup for the ship which performed best at gunnery, and insisted upon shooting at greater range and from battle
At the end of November 1861, Fisher sat his final lieutenant's examination in navigation at the Royal Naval College at Portsmouth, passing with flying colours. He had already received top grades in seamanship and gunnery, and achieved the highest score then attained under the recently introduced
William Fisher was killed in a riding accident on 5 May 1866 when John was 25. John's relationship with his mother Sophia suffered from their separation. However, he continued to send her an allowance until her death. In 1870, when Sophia suggested a visit, Fisher dissuaded her as strongly as he
on 5 November 1901. He lobbied hard with the Admiralty to obtain additional ships and supplies for the Mediterranean squadron. Beresford, who had established a career in politics alongside his naval one, continued a public campaign for greater funding of the fleet, which caused him to come into
William Fisher sold his commission the year John was born, and became a coffee planter and later chief superintendent of police. He incurred such debt on his two coffee plantations that he could barely support his growing family. At the age of six John (who was always known within the family as
1099:. In order to promote the school, he invited politicians and journalists to attend lectures and organised demonstrations. This produced mixed reactions amongst some officers, who did not approve of his showmanship. He was promoted to captain on 30 October 1874, aged thirty-three, in time to be 1538:
gun on a ship was reduced from a two-day operation to two hours. His example obliged all shipyards, both navy and private, to reduce the time they took to complete a ship, making savings in cost and allowing new designs to enter service more rapidly. He used all the tricks he could devise: an
Notes from his lectures indicate that, at the start of his time in the Mediterranean, useful working ranges for heavy guns without telescopic sights were considered to be only 2000 yards, or 3000–4000 yards with such sights, whereas by the end of his time discussion centred on how to shoot
Fisher was a very exacting master and I had at times long and arduous duties, long hours at the engine room telegraphs in cold fog, etc., and the least inattention was punished. It was, I think, his way of proving us, for he always rewarded us in some way when an extra hard bit of work was
1283:, who came on board to inspect them. As a joke, Fisher arranged for anything that could go wrong with the lamps to do so, sending Colomb away disheartened over his invention (although Fisher officially reported favourably about the lamps). On another occasion, the naval hospital at 808:
in 1861) and he taught Fisher much about navigation, with spectacular later results. When Shadwell was replaced as captain following an injury in action, he gave Fisher a pair of studs engraved with his family motto 'Loyal au Mort', which Fisher was to use for the rest of his life.
2014:, causing Churchill's resignation too. Fisher was never entirely enthusiastic about the campaignβ€”going back and forth in his support, to the consternation and frustration of members of the cabinetβ€”and all in all preferred an amphibious attack on the German 2098:
Admiral Fisher's wife, Frances, died in July 1918. She was cremated and her ashes were interred in St Andrew's churchyard, adjacent to Kilverstone Hall, on 22 July. Her coffin was draped with Fisher's flag as Admiral of the Fleet and topped by a coronet.
five-yearly scheme, with 963 out of 1,000 marks in navigation. For this, he was awarded the Beaufort Testimonial, an annual prize of books and instruments; but in the meantime he had to wait around, unpaid, until his appointment came through officially.
matters as the cleaning of paint and brasswork. ... These were forgotten and replaced by incessant controversies on tactics, strategy, gunnery, torpedo warfare, blockade, etc. It was a veritable renaissance and affected every officer in the navy."
968:, which were invented in the 1860s, and championed their cause as a relatively simple weapon capable of sinking a battleship. His expertise with torpedoes led to his being invited to Germany in June 1869 for the founding ceremony of a new naval base at 1733:
conflict with the Admiralty. While Fisher agreed with him as to the need for greater funding and instant readiness for war, he chose to stay out of the public debate. However, he maintained a steady confidential correspondence with the journalist
1634:. The German delegation summarised Britain's position: English world position depended upon the navy, the navy was sufficiently powerful to overcome any combination of states, and England reserved the right to employ that fleet any way it chose. 1287:
requested some flags to fly for the Queen's birthday. Fisher obliged, but sent only yellow and black flags signifying plague and quarantine. On the other hand, he worked hard at improving his ship. As reported by his second in command, Commander
The correspondence revealed that Fisher remained uncertain how his views were being received at the Admiralty and an uncertainty on his part whether he would receive further promotions. He had already received approaches to become a director of
1749:(then Britain's largest armaments firm), at a considerably larger salary than that of an admiral and with the possibility of building privately new designs of ship which he believed would be needed to maintain the strength of the fleet. 1279:
compass, with Thomson becoming increasingly bad tempered, until it was noticed that by accident the degree card had been marked with only 359 instead of 360 degrees. The ship was fitted with a new design of lamp created by Captain
5284: 996:
Fisher (right) in 1865 with siblings (rear left to right) Frederick, Frank, Lucy, Arthur. Seated Lindsey Daniell, Philip, sister Alice (Mrs Daniell). Frederick also became an admiral, while Philip drowned as a lieutenant when
6441: 1913:
during the Napoleonic Wars. In his memoirs, Fisher records a conversation where he was informed that "by all from the German Emperor downwards was the most hated man in Germany", as the Emperor "had heard of idea for the
that crew became lost. The sails were never used for propulsion, but because a ship's performance was partly judged on the speed with which a ship could set sails, Fisher was obliged to drill the crew in their use.
muzzle-loading type. During free afternoons Fisher would walk the downs, shouting to practice his command voice. He spent 15 of the next 25 years in four tours of duty at Portsmouth concerned with development of
616:"Jack") was sent to England to live with his maternal grandfather, Alfred Lambe, in London. His grandfather had also lost money and the family survived by renting out rooms in their home. John's younger brother, 452:
Fisher has a reputation as an innovator, strategist and developer of the navy rather than as a seagoing admiral involved in major battles, although in his career he experienced all these things. When appointed
Fisher implemented a program of banquets and balls for important dignitaries to improve diplomatic relations. The fleet visited Constantinople, where he had three meetings with the sultan and was awarded the
the first vessel to be so equipped. Fisher noted in his letters that he greatly missed his wife, but also missed his work on torpedoes and the access to important people possible with a posting in England.
1392:, who later became admiral of the German navy. Victoria was impressed by Fisher, as she had been by his brother Philip who had served on royal yachts and for whom she had arranged the ill-fated posting to 638:. Kitty's two brothers were both naval officers. According to a cousin, she believed that Jack would rise "to the top of the tree." They remained married until her death in July 1918. They had a son, 4990: 1550:, the naval officer with overall responsibility for provision of ships and equipment. He presided over the development of torpedo boat destroyers armed with quick-firing small-calibre guns (called 2043:
constructed for the purpose. As the Gallipoli campaign failed, relations with Churchill became increasingly acrimonious. One of Fisher's last contributions to naval construction was the projected
1979:, with a view to converting the entire fleet to oil. Classified "Secret", Fisher's Commission reported in on 27 November 1912, with two follow-up reports on 27 February 1913 and 10 February 1914. 6446: 1795:
caused a drastic fall in the number of cadets opting to become officers in that branch of the service. Fisher accordingly was obliged to modify his reforms to exclude the Royal Marines in 1912.
5328: 1658:, and was considered threatened by France. France was concerned with the route north–south to its colonies in Northern Africa. Fisher retained his flagship from the North American Squadron, 1921:
In 1908, he predicted that war between Britain and Germany would occur in October 1914, which later proved accurate, basing his statement on the projected completion of the widening of the
6426: 6406: 6371: 6205: 1622:
many by his affability and style, combined with a serious determination to press the British case with everyone he met. The conference ended successfully with limitations only upon
by bluejackets, with six admirals as pall-bearers and an escort of Royal Marines, their arms reversed, to the slow beat of muffled drums. That evening the body was cremated at the
1918:" of the German Fleet." Fisher further added that he doubted that the suggestion had leaked out, and believed that " only said it because he knew it was what ought to have done." 1720:, later to become a severe critic of Fisher, gave up a plan to return to Britain and enter parliament, because he had "learnt more in the last week than in the last forty years." 6431: 6401: 1415: 6366: 1757: 634:
Fisher married Frances Katharine Josepha Broughton, known as 'Kitty', the daughter of the Rev. Thomas Delves Broughton and Frances Corkran, on 4 April 1866 while stationed at
on board within his first fortnight, that Jones terrorized his crew and disobeyed orders given to him. For his part, by the end of the tour, Jones was impressed by Fisher.
984:. Perhaps inspired by the visit, he started preparing a paper on the design, construction and management of electrical torpedoes, the cutting-edge technology of the time. 457:
in 1904 he removed 150 ships then on active service which were no longer useful and set about constructing modern replacements, developing a modern fleet prepared to meet
reported that Fisher "was now entering the close of his 74th year but he was never younger or more vigorous". He resigned on 15 May 1915 amidst bitter arguments with the
2125:, escorted by a Royal Navy guard of honour, and were placed in the grave of his wife, underneath a chestnut tree, overlooking the figurehead of his first seagoing ship, 6411: 5241: 4768: 1673:
formations. He found that he too was learning some of the complications and difficulties of controlling a large fleet in complex situations, and immensely enjoyed it.
957:(muzzle-loading). Fisher noted he was popular amongst his brother officers because he frequently stayed on board when others went ashore and could take duty for them. 1836:
After spending September and the first half of October on the continent Fisher took office as First Sea Lord on 20 October 1904. The appointment came with a house in
2399: 6094: 5609: 2284: 406: 355: 71: 3933: 1508:. Fisher began a long campaign to return this responsibility to the Admiralty, but did not finally succeed until he later became First Sea Lord. He was appointed 1211:
Cooper Key was transferred to a special squadron operating in the Channel formed to combat fears of war with Russia. Fisher went with him as flag captain of HMS
left Hong Kong and the China Station in March 1861 and, after a leisurely voyage home, paid off her crew in Portsmouth on 30 August. Captain Oliver Jones of the
6009: 683: 2073: 495:
battleship, but he also believed that submarines would become increasingly important and urged their development. He became involved with the introduction of
6436: 6215: 6416: 6029: 2258: 2198: 392: 345: 149: 57: 5211: 5904: 1305:
was one of the ships sent to search for her, but without result. In January 1881 Fisher received news of his appointment to the new ironclad battleship
Fisher was considered sufficiently able, with recommendations following all of his postings, to be appointed captain of the newly completed battleship
6381: 2245: 1449:
for a fortnight by Queen Victoria, concerned about the charming Captain Fisher. Fisher, having entered the navy penniless and unknown, was delighted.
2089:, the highest of eight classes associated with the award. Notice of the King's permission to accept and to display this honour was duly published in 945:, the first all-iron seagoing armoured battleship and the most powerful ship in the fleet. Built in 1859, she marked the beginning of the end of the 6034: 6024: 5680: 1389: 6170: 5909: 2417: 1314:
Everyone regrets the departure of Captain Fisher, but I fancy we shall not fully realize our loss until he is gone....Since his nomination to the
81: 4199: 1780:
Training was extended from under two years to four, with the resulting need for more accommodation for cadets. A second cadet establishment, the
6456: 6421: 6396: 6295: 6145: 5707: 5203: 1471:
for two years until June 1885, where he gained a following of officers concerned with the poor offensive capabilities of the fleet, including
I intend to give you hell for three months, and if you have not come up to my standard in that time you'll have hell for another three months.
6285: 6099: 6089: 5837: 5440: 5258: 4676: 4496: 3979: 3854: 2408: 1582: 1185: 801: 671: 605: 234: 6461: 6260: 6210: 6190: 6185: 5879: 5842: 5762: 5752: 5742: 5722: 5381: 1976: 1766: 1627: 5348: 6451: 5919: 5817: 5807: 3260: 1461: 1244:
was in poor condition, having a chain passed around the ship to hold the armour plates in place. The tour included an official visit to
and Hong Kong, taking out relief crews and bringing home the crews they replaced. During this time he completed his torpedoes treatise.
904: 687: 258: 2755: 1791:
as "unstoppable by prejudice, Parliament, Satan or even, beyond all these, the Treasury itself". However his original inclusion of the
had printed for private circulation. He installed a system of electrical firing so that all guns could be fired simultaneously, making
6160: 5984: 5949: 5929: 5767: 5727: 5717: 5587: 5433: 5114: 5095: 5076: 4916: 4870: 4849: 4830: 4789: 4569: 6335: 6315: 6280: 6004: 5994: 5974: 5964: 5939: 5787: 5462: 5406: 5343: 5312: 5199: 5189: 5057: 5024: 5000: 4897: 4808: 4709: 4600: 2507: 2371: 1849: 1650:
Unlike the North America and West Indies station, the Mediterranean Fleet was a vital British command operating from Alexandria and
1618: 1223: 1201: 384: 197: 43: 526:
in 1910 on his 69th birthday, but became First Sea Lord again in November 1914. He resigned seven months later in frustration over
2397: 1009:, "at the early age of twenty-eight" according to biographer Ruddock Mackay. On 8 November, he was posted as second-in-command of 6165: 6069: 6059: 5944: 5934: 5924: 5827: 5772: 5757: 4516: 4386: 2170:" as an abbreviation for "Oh my God", in a letter to Winston Churchill on 9 September 1917. In Fisher's case it was "Oh! My God!" 1708: 1426: 1407: 1089: 1029: 592:. He was the eldest of eleven children, of whom only seven survived infancy, born to Sophia Fisher and Captain William Fisher, a 294: 2653: 1388:. This was intended as a reminder of British naval prowess to the French, but allowed Fisher to meet Victoria and her grandson, 1292:, the ship carried out 150 runs with torpedoes in a fortnight, whereas the whole rest of the navy performed only 200 in a year. 6376: 6180: 6044: 5899: 3187: 2082: 620:, joined the Royal Navy and reached the rank of admiral, and his youngest surviving sibling Philip became a navy lieutenant on 535: 31: 5650: 6140: 5914: 5797: 5560: 5523: 5423: 5162: 5138: 5040: 4772: 4692: 4361: 1810: 216: 559:
not take part. He introduced the practice of junior officers dancing on deck when the band was playing for senior officers'
4439: 1196:
had been in the dockyard for repairs, so the new crew was less than perfect in carrying out their duties. Fisher told them
6175: 5979: 5802: 5627: 4068: 1321: 1017: 546:
Fisher was five feet seven inches tall and stocky with a round face. In later years, some suggested that Fisher, born in
5673: 5338: 4889: 1781: 1574: 1541:
When you are told a thing is impossible, that there are insuperable objections, then is the time to fight like the devil
992: 981: 399: 350: 64: 3922: 1215:
from 7 June to 21 August 1878. From 22 August to 12 September he transferred still as flag captain under Cooper Key to
5832: 5377: 2003: 1910: 1626:
bullets, poison gas and bombings from balloons, and Fisher was rewarded with appointment as Commander-in-Chief of the
1373: 964:
in 1864 as a gunnery instructor, where he remained until 1869. Towards the end of his posting he became interested in
835:. Shortly afterwards, Fisher had his first brief command: taking the yacht of the China Squadron's admiralβ€”the paddle- 805: 1589:
brought the threat of war with France, to which Fisher responded with plans to raid the French West Indies including
1570: 1601: 1479:. For the next 15 months he had no naval command and still suffered the effects of his illness. He took to visiting 426:, his efforts to reform the service helped to usher in an era of modernisation which saw the supersession of wooden 6305: 6150: 6019: 5602: 5570: 5365: 1995: 1529: 1271: 523: 252: 2061:
Fisher's resignation was initially not taken seriously: "Fisher is always resigning" commented the Prime Minister
From January to April 1883 Fisher was on half pay recovering from his illness. In January he was invited to visit
5390: 2163: 2118: 1665:, rather than choosing a more powerful but slower traditional battleship, despite criticism from other officers. 973: 919: 5272: 5533: 5516: 5489: 4885: 1501: 1483:, which was famous amongst notable society for its restoring climate, and went there regularly in later years. 903:
From January 1862 to March 1863, Fisher returned to the payroll at the navy's principal gunnery school aboard
511:. He introduced daily baked bread on board ships, whereas when he entered the service it was customary to eat 1773:
in charge of personnel. He was read in at the Admiralty on 9 June, and took up his duties the following day.
1564: 6049: 6039: 5792: 5782: 5666: 4719: 2323: 2215: 2210: 2086: 1799: 1403: 1061: 477: 372: 6104: 5969: 5479: 4818: 1902: 1868: 1867:, and chaired the Committee on Designs which produced the outline design for the first modern battleship, 1788: 1746: 1717: 1264: 1174: 881: 485: 285: 276: 2297: 360: 1883: 1434: 1358: 1339: 1306: 857: 839: 820: 267: 5862: 4191: 2415: 5359: 812:
Fisher passed the seamanship examination for the rank of lieutenant, and was given the acting rank of
6391: 6386: 5506: 2353: 2224: 2103: 1837: 1430: 1284: 1280: 782: 752: 500: 419: 46: 5386: 3096:
A Treatise on Electricity and the Construction and Management of Electrical and Mechanical Torpedoes
816:, on his nineteenth birthday, 25 January 1860. He was transferred three months later from the steam 690:'s captains), to nominate John as a naval cadet. The entry examination consisted of writing out the 5959: 5469: 4326: 2531:, p. 59, citing the daughter of his commanding officer Sir Astley Cooper-Key, Mrs de Crespigny 2146: 2126: 2037: 2011: 1742: 1678: 1487: 1216: 1163: 1128: 705: 228: 87: 3995: 3873: 2406: 6220: 6114: 6074: 5276: 5235: 5152: 5148: 5124: 5034: 4762: 4686: 4620: 4355: 3064: 2091: 1841: 1460:
In April 1883 Fisher had recovered sufficiently to return to duty and was appointed commander of
from gold cups and plates. He then returned to the UK for two months leave at half pay, visiting
1147: 1143: 1122: 1010: 939: 870: 667: 531: 476:, which he believed would supersede big guns for use against ships. As Controller, he introduced 324: 4552:
Fear God and Dread Nought: The Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher of Kilverstone
Fear God and Dread Nought: The Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher of Kilverstone
1828: 564:
for his sometimes blunt or tactless comments. He suffered from seasickness throughout his life.
17: 6255: 6084: 5452: 5308: 5254: 5185: 5168: 5158: 5134: 5110: 5091: 5072: 5053: 5020: 4996: 4974: 4954: 4934: 4912: 4893: 4866: 4845: 4826: 4804: 4785: 4746: 4727: 4705: 4672: 4596: 4492: 4482: 3975: 3850: 2310: 2206: 2151: 2114: 2107: 2007: 1856: 1725: 1659: 1642: 1590: 1230: 1189: 1111: 1096: 977: 658: 366: 4417: 1301:, which disappeared somewhere between the West Indies and England, believed lost in a storm. 6330: 6225: 6119: 6079: 5852: 5543: 5332: 4971:
Fear God and Dread Nought: Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher of Kilverstone
Fear God and Dread Nought: Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher of Kilverstone
Fear God and Dread Nought: Correspondence of Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher of Kilverstone
4642: 4391: 4257: 4173: 4138: 4120: 4102: 4013: 3734: 3716: 3575: 3557: 3515: 3497: 3479: 3461: 3413: 3395: 3341: 3161: 3059: 2654:"Document from 1820 recording Alfred Lambe as the new Purveyor of Mineral Water to the King" 2593: 2174: 2044: 2023: 1965: 1554:
at Fisher's suggestion). A suggestion for the boats was brought to the Admiralty in 1892 by
1494: 1046: 1035: 923: 826: 793: 745: 736: 712: 691: 639: 597: 576: 446: 319: 4239: 3443: 1765:
In early June 1902 Fisher handed over the command of the Mediterranean Squadron to Admiral
6310: 6250: 6195: 6109: 5822: 5812: 5496: 5128: 4565: 4375: 2421: 2412: 2403: 1983: 1770: 1296: 1237: 1118: 954: 722: 621: 617: 508: 462: 329: 246: 222: 4740: 2497: 2375: 2077:
Mural monument to John Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher, St Andrew's Church, Kilverstone, Norfolk
broke out in August 1914, Fisher was a 'constant' visitor to Churchill at the Admiralty.
762:) to join her. He arrived on 19 May, just as the war was ending. After a tour around the 733:, before returning to Britain a few months later. The crew was paid off on 1 March 1856. 1318:, his spirits have returned and daily increased, and now he almost requires wiring down. 1222:. At this time Fisher first became a proponent of the new compass being designed by Sir 6265: 6054: 5954: 5712: 5689: 5619: 5577: 5550: 5413: 4664: 4488: 3842: 2305: 2279: 2271: 2266: 2253: 2240: 2019: 1933:. He was appointed a Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO) that year. 1845: 1614: 1594: 1586: 1560: 1547: 1385: 1377: 1253: 1021: 813: 675: 647: 589: 516: 454: 240: 210: 5107:
In Defence of Naval Supremacy: Finance, Technology, and British Naval Policy 1889–1914
4508: 1353: 6360: 6325: 6320: 6290: 6270: 6230: 6064: 5884: 5777: 4986: 4966: 4946: 4926: 4860: 2085:, serving in that post until the end of the war. In 1917 he was awarded the Japanese 2062: 1915: 1879: 1792: 1712: 1555: 1524:
From May 1891 to February 1892, Fisher was Admiral Superintendent of the dockyard at
1472: 1446: 1289: 969: 950: 789: 496: 469: 458: 438: 5658: 4973:. Vol. III. Restoration, Abdication & Last Years 1914–1920. Jonathan Cape. 3179: 1692: 1226:
which incorporated corrections for the deviation caused by the metal in iron ships.
6340: 6200: 6014: 5999: 5989: 5894: 5847: 5732: 5640: 5354: 2589: 2178: 2167: 2030: 1941: 1937: 1734: 1578: 1513: 1509: 1452: 1181: 1135: 911: 867: 730: 679: 643: 601: 593: 481: 431: 427: 4403: 2054:
class another step further; mounting 20-inch guns, but still with minimal armour,
1956: 1844:
where the family lived until his retirement. In June 1905 he was appointed to the
1095:. His duties included lecturing, and negotiating the purchase of the navy's first 5373: 5014: 1327:, flagship of the port admiral at Portsmouth between 30 January and 4 July 1881. 6300: 6275: 6235: 4782:
Churchill and Fisher: The titans at the Admiralty who fought the First World War
4754: 4435: 2186: 2142: 2122: 1878:
with a high speed achieved at the expense of armour protection. This became the
1814: 1697: 1476: 946: 852: 763: 726: 699: 492: 314: 5225: 4681:. Original edition published London, Hodder and Stoughton Limited, October 1929 4395: 1832:
The Lords of the Admiralty attending the Naval Review, 1907. Fisher front left.
6245: 6240: 5889: 5747: 5737: 5693: 5010: 4616: 4380: 2193: 2015: 1926: 1922: 1864: 1803: 1655: 1525: 1505: 1411: 1081: 1039: 877: 832: 792:. He was to spend the next five years in Chinese waters, seeing action in the 774: 695: 635: 423: 170: 5358: 4731: 5172: 4978: 4958: 4346: 4223: 2868: 2182: 1930: 1898: 1890: 1798:
He was appointed a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath (GCB) in the
1654:. The important shipping route between India and Britain passed through the 1651: 1551: 1480: 1006: 932: 846: 741: 666:
Fisher's father ultimately aided his entry into the navy, via his godmother
John Arbuthnot Fisher was born on 25 January 1841 on the Wavendon Estate at
547: 527: 442: 5286:
Castles of Steel: Britain, Germany, and the Winning of the Great War at Sea
4938: 4617:"Reilly, Ace of Spies – Episode 01 – 1901 – An Affair with a Married Woman" 2396:
Title is not (as often erroneously reported) "Baron Fisher of Kilverstone"
experimental tender for the conduct of torpedo trials. They were moored in
4750: 1874:. His committee also produced a new type of cruiser in a similar style to 4147: 2502: 1535: 1245: 1053: 778: 759: 560: 512: 504: 5198:
One section of Fisher's service records form part of the document piece
Fisher, John Arbuthnot Fisher Baron (1953), Marder, Arthur Jacob (ed.),
His coffin was drawn on a gun-carriage through the streets of London to
1121:' 1832 50-gun sailing frigate, and the hulk of the 26-gun steam frigate 6345: 5069:
Infighting Admirals: Fisher's Feud With Beresford and the Reactionaries
1969: 1925:, which would allow Germany to move its large warships safely from the 1863:
He was a driving force behind the development of the fast, all-big-gun
1729: 1077: 965: 836: 817: 585: 473: 468:
Fisher saw the need to improve the range, accuracy and rate-of-fire of
115: 1901:-fuelled one. He had a long-running public feud with another admiral, 2292: 1623: 1528:, where he concerned himself with improving the speed of operations. 1381: 1257: 1249: 893: 434: 1960:
Admiral of the Fleet The Lord Fisher (on right) with Churchill, 1913
The ship was still building, so Fisher was temporarily appointed to
4177: 3972:
The Matchless Vale: the story of Ham and Petersham and their people
2106:, on 10 July 1920, aged 79, and he was given a national funeral at 1704:
1902. The magazine printed a cartoon of a topical figure each week.
804:, was an expert on naval astronomy (subsequently being appointed a 484:
or from submarines. As First Sea Lord he drove the construction of
2318: 2072: 1994:
In October 1914 Lord Fisher was recalled as First Sea Lord, after
1955: 1827: 1756: 1691: 1641: 1600: 1451: 1352: 991: 851: 735: 657: 609: 575: 4671:. Vol. 1 & 2 (Facsimile ed.). New York: Doubleday. 1728:
in November 1900, and the following year he was promoted to full
training, during which time he split the Torpedo Branch off from
he feared public attention might hinder his professional career.
Recipients of the Order of the Rising Sun with Paulownia Flowers
2498:"OMG: The creator of the abbreviation 'would have loved emojis'" 1894: 1045:
In May 1870, Fisher transferred, again as second in command, to
5662: 5212:
Documents Onlineβ€”Image Detailsβ€”Lord Fisher of Kilverstone, John
1940:. He took the punning motto "Fear God and dread nought" on his 892:
was entirely different from Shadwell: Fisher wrote there was a
Frances Katharine Josepha Broughton, who married Fisher in 1866
Dreadnought: Britain, Germany, and the coming of the Great War
5207: 4992:
Dreadnought: Britain, Germany, and the Coming of the Great War
A reference to Fisher was hidden as an encrypted message, the
928: 2357: 1425:
During this time he became a close friend of the future King
on 13 July 1854, aged 13, on board Nelson's former flagship,
5861: 2324:
Order of the Rising Sun with Paulownia Flowers, Grand Cordon
Order of the Rising Sun with Paulownia Flowers, Grand Cordon
as a class of ship intended for defence against attack from
3259:, pp. 64–65. Vol I, citing Lieutenant (later Admiral) 2121:. The following day, Fisher's ashes were taken by train to 2050:, a mammoth battlecruiser which took the principles of the 1534:
was built in two years rather than three, while changing a
that he wrote an eight-page memoir: "Naval Tactics", which
2987: 2985: 2983: 2981: 2979: 2977: 2975: 2938: 2936: 2934: 2932: 2930: 2928: 938:
In March 1863, Fisher was appointed Gunnery Lieutenant to
The Papers of John Fisher, 1st Lord Fisher of Kilverstone
3079: 3077: 3075: 3042: 3040: 2915: 2913: 2911: 2909: 2907: 2905: 2903: 2872:(obituary). No. 55546. 12 November 1962. p. 12. 2801: 2799: 2797: 2222:
Fisher makes an appearance in the television mini-series
1364:(after original full sailing masts were removed in 1885). 1295:
Fisher's brother Philip was serving on the training ship
September 1876 – March 1877: On half-pay with his family.
5109:(Paperback ed.). London & New York: Routledge. 4381:"Fisher, John Arbuthnot, first Baron Fisher (1841–1920)" 694:
and jumping naked over a chair. He formally entered the
Newspaper clippings about John Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher
2455: 2453: 1893:
into the Royal Navy, and the conversion from a largely
1769:, and returned to the UK to take up the appointment as 1753:
Second Sea Lord: reform of officer training (1902–1904)
under the command of Fisher, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1898
During June–July 1885 Fisher served a short posting to
Energy and Empire: A Biographical Study of Lord Kelvin
Battleships and Battlecruisers of the World, 1905–1970
2636: 2634: 2632: 2205:
Fisher makes an appearance as a midshipman during the
had been forced to resign because of his German name.
In 1872, he returned to England to the gunnery school
was evaluating the performance of the "revolutionary"
came on 12 July 1856 and Fisher joined a 21-gun steam
A Tidy Little War: The British Invasion of Egypt 1882
5029:. Reprinted and published (2010) by Faber & Faber 3910:. No. 36908. London. 25 October 1902. p. 8. 3699: 3697: 2619: 2617: 2177:" to describe the practice of making appointments by 1263:
His next posting, starting 25 September 1879, was to
1038:, with auxiliary screw propulsion. She plied between 721:
participated in the blockade of Russian ports in the
30:"Admiral Fisher" redirects here. For other uses, see 4862:
Edward and Alexandra: Their Private And Public Lives
On 2 August 1869 Fisher was promoted to the rank of
410:(25 January 1841 – 10 July 1920), commonly known as 6447:
People educated at King Henry VIII School, Coventry
6128: 5872: 5700: 3807:. No. 36792. London. 12 June 1902. p. 13. 2756:"From orphan of the Empire to Admiral of the Fleet" 2228:(1983), Episode 1, portrayed by actor Denis Holmes. 1802:list on 26 June 1902, and invested as such by King 1646:
Fisher as commander of the Mediterranean Fleet 1901
He was transferred, on 12 June 1860, to the paddle-
338: 307: 203: 193: 176: 156: 136: 122: 102: 94: 41: 5344:Transcription of Service Record on 4742:Memories, by the Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Fisher 4379: 3895:. No. 36804. London. 26 June 1902. p. 5. 3792:. No. 36781. London. 30 May 1902. p. 10. 1493:in the Baltic under Admiral Hornby, following the 770:returned to England, where the crew was paid off. 534:, and then served as chairman of the Government's 472:, and became an early proponent of the use of the 5227:Records, by the Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Fisher 3974:. Ham and Petersham Association. pp. 41–42. 1088:, forming a separate establishment for it called 6427:Knights Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order 4321: 4319: 4146:, 7 December 1909 BARON FISHER, of Kilverstone, 3847:The Royal Marines: A Pictorial History 1664–1987 2022:), even having the shallow-draft battlecruisers 1229:From 9 January to 24 July 1879 Fisher commanded 914:moored in Portsmouth harbour. During this time, 5329:Works by or about John Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher 2348: 2346: 2344: 2342: 2340: 2285:Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order 356:Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order 6407:Royal Navy personnel of the Anglo-Egyptian War 5296:The First Sea Lords from Fisher to Mountbatten 5224:Fisher, John Arbuthnot Fisher, Baron (1919b). 4739:Fisher, John Arbuthnot Fisher, Baron (1919a). 3115:at Hong Kong, printed for private circulation. 1975:In 1912, Fisher was appointed chairman of the 1056:of the China Station. It was whilst he was on 6372:First Sea Lords and Chiefs of the Naval Staff 5674: 4842:Admiral of the Fleet: The Life of John Fisher 4801:The British Admirals of the Fleet 1734 – 1995 4724:The Sea Heritage, a Study of Maritime Warfare 4333:(Supplement). 30 October 1917. p. 11322. 4227:. No. 39491. 25 January 1911. p. 8. 2081:Fisher was made chairman of the Government's 8: 6432:Knights Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath 6402:Royal Navy personnel of the Second Opium War 5240:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 4767:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 4509:"OMG, interjection (and noun) and adjective" 4390:(online ed.). Oxford University Press. 2189:, which he saw as a problem within the navy. 6367:Barons in the Peerage of the United Kingdom 5414:Third Naval Lord and Controller of the Navy 4745:. London, New York : Hodder and Stoughton. 3868: 3866: 2854:Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage 2842:Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage 2259:Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath 2166:with the earliest known use of the phrase " 1548:Third Naval Lord and Controller of the Navy 1236:serving in the Mediterranean Command under 1162:30 January 1877 – 1 March 1877: Commanding 373:Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun 346:Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath 27:Royal Navy Admiral of the Fleet (1841–1920) 5681: 5667: 5659: 5395: 4953:. Vol. II. 1904–1914. Jonathan Cape. 3923:"Royal Navy Senior Appointments from 1865" 1274:, commanding the North American squadron. 876:where he saw sufficient action to add the 80: 38: 5230:. London, New York: Hodder and Stoughton. 4933:. Vol. I 1854 -1904. Jonathan Cape. 4554:, vol. 1, Jonathan Cape, p. 181 4002:(Supplement). 27 June 1905. p. 4549. 3880:(Supplement). 24 June 1902. p. 4189. 3382: 3232: 2246:Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath 2159:stated that he was a "Jackie Fisher fan". 1889:. He also encouraged the introduction of 1806:at Buckingham Palace on 24 October 1902. 949:and, coincidentally, was armed with both 5307:. Great Britain: Pen & Sword Books. 5253:. Great Britain: Pen & Sword Books. 5133:(paperback ed.). Ballantine Books. 5086:Smith, Crosbie; Wise, M. Norton (1989). 5052:. Great Britain: Pen & Sword Books. 4803:. Great Britain: Pen & Sword Books. 1497:, which led to fear of war with Russia. 608:, and was serving as a staff officer at 6412:Royal Navy personnel of the Crimean War 5470:Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Fleet 4537: 4387:Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 4310: 3592: 3098:, Griffin & Co., Portsmouth (1871). 2483: 2432: 2336: 1972:on 25 January 1911, his 70th birthday. 1632:'the tip-top appointment of the fleet' 388:John Arbuthnot Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher 5610:First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp 5443:North America and West Indies Squadron 5233: 5050:Fisher, Churchill, and the Dardanelles 5032: 4760: 4684: 4669:The Life of Lord Fisher of Kilverstone 4469: 4353: 4298: 4286: 4274: 4054: 4042: 3957: 3688: 3652: 3640: 3628: 3616: 3604: 3370: 3358: 3328: 3304: 3208: 3148: 3124: 3083: 3046: 3031: 3015: 3003: 2991: 2966: 2954: 2942: 2919: 2894: 2882: 2844:(107th edition, 2003) vol. 1, p. 1,432 2829: 2817: 2788: 2776: 2730: 2703: 2691: 2640: 2576: 2564: 2471: 2459: 2444: 2155:plagiarism case. Smith's biography in 758:, and was sent to Constantinople (now 751:On 2 March 1856, Fisher was posted to 704:, at Portsmouth. On 29 July he joined 4623:from the original on 21 December 2021 4519:from the original on 31 December 2013 4202:from the original on 22 November 2017 4089: 4030: 3829: 3817: 3803:"Naval & Military intelligence". 3788:"Naval & Military intelligence". 3775: 3763: 3751: 3676: 3664: 3544: 3532: 3430: 3316: 3283: 3271: 3256: 3244: 3220: 3136: 2805: 2742: 2623: 2608: 2552: 2540: 2528: 2510:from the original on 27 November 2020 2496:Cawley, Laurence (25 November 2020). 2058:was never approved for construction. 1583:North America and West Indies Station 1186:North America and West Indies Station 845:β€”from Hong Kong to Canton (presently 522:He first officially retired from the 367:Grand Cordon of the Order of Osmanieh 235:North America and West Indies Station 7: 4264:. 2 August 1912. pp. 5721–5722. 4160:Stevens, Wayne E. (December 1955). " 3939:from the original on 2 December 2019 3703: 3295:Army & Navy Calendar for 1882/83 2595:The Vertigo Years: Europe, 1900–1914 2354:"Royal Navy Flag Officers 1904–1945" 1977:Royal Commission on Fuel and Engines 1613:Fisher was chosen by Prime Minister 1192:, from 2 March 1877 to 4 June 1878. 422:. With more than sixty years in the 361:Grand Cordon of the LΓ©gion d'honneur 6437:Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour 4911:. London: Oxford University Press. 4572:from the original on 7 October 2015 4442:from the original on 11 August 2019 3127:, p. 416, citing Mackay, p. 75 2298:Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour 2149:in the April 2006 judgement on the 1936:On 7 December 1909, he was created 1761:Admiral Sir John Fisher GCB in 1902 1512:to the Queen in 1887, and promoted 1500:From November 1886 to 1890, he was 6417:Royal Navy admirals of World War I 5184:. Stroud: Spellmount. p. 90. 4890:University of South Carolina Press 4882:Sir John Fisher's Naval Revolution 4424:. 14 December 1920. p. 12341. 2202:is based largely on Fisher's life. 1848:(OM), in December he was promoted 1593:prison, and return the "infamous" 1581:in 1896, and put in charge of the 1376:and was assigned to protection of 682:. She prevailed upon a neighbour, 627:before drowning in an 1880 storm. 604:to the former governor of Ceylon, 25: 5349:Royal Navy Museum short biography 4865:. London: Hodder & Stoddart. 4591:Fraser, George MacDonald (1985). 4350:. 24 July 1918. p. 9. col A. 4127:. 14 December 1909. p. 9514. 3723:. 27 November 1900. p. 7819. 3190:from the original on 7 March 2014 3111:, written 30 March 1871 on board 2374:. Archived from 1685:is the motto for the future, not 1617:as British naval delegate to the 976:(soon to become German emperor), 247:Admiral Superintendent Portsmouth 6382:Royal Navy admirals of the fleet 4907:Mackay, Ruddock Findlay (1973). 4665:Bacon, Admiral Sir Reginald Hugh 4020:. 8 December 1905. p. 8812. 3932:. Gordon Mackie, February 2018. 3741:. 8 November 1901. p. 7223. 3504:. 3 November 1893. p. 6144. 3168:. 3 November 1874. p. 5200. 2317: 2304: 2291: 2278: 2265: 2252: 2239: 1312:. Admiral McClintock commented, 1173:Fisher was appointed to command 1146:. In 1876, Fisher served on the 678:to whom William Fisher had been 163: 142: 6206:The Lord Cunningham of Hyndhope 5289:. Great Britain: Jonathon Cape. 4720:Dreyer, Admiral Sir Frederic C. 4436:"The funeral of Admiral Fisher" 4246:. 27 January 1911. p. 695. 3486:. 26 August 1892. p. 4889. 3450:. 2 February 1892. p. 543. 3348:. 15 August 1882. p. 3794. 2192:The song "Old Admirals" on the 2136:In folklore and popular culture 2083:Board of Invention and Research 1726:Grand Cordon, Order of Osmanieh 766:picking up troops and baggage, 536:Board of Invention and Research 503:, and with the introduction of 241:Third Naval Lord and Controller 32:Admiral Fisher (disambiguation) 18:Jackie Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher 6129:First Sea Lords (1904–present) 5701:Senior Naval Lords (1689–1771) 5524:Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth 5360:"Fisher, John Arbuthnot"  5279:, popular history; pp 401–432. 5251:The Great Edwardian Naval Feud 5090:. Cambridge University Press. 3420:. 5 August 1890. p. 4282. 3068:. 6 August 1869. p. 4366. 1811:Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth 1696:Fisher's caricature by 'Spy' ( 662:Fisher as Midshipman 1856–1860 217:Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth 1: 6457:Deaths from cancer in England 6422:Members of the Order of Merit 6397:British people of World War I 6226:The Earl Mountbatten of Burma 6216:The Lord Fraser of North Cape 5873:First Naval Lords (1771–1904) 5628:Peerage of the United Kingdom 5339:John Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher 4880:Lambert, Nicholas A. (1999). 4166:The Journal of Modern History 4109:. 16 June 1908. p. 4404. 3402:. 21 June 1887. p. 3368. 920:Armstrong breech-loading guns 5294:Murfett, Malcolm H. (1995). 5210:is available (fee required) 5105:Sumida, Jon Tetsuro (1993). 4649:. 26 May 1894. p. 3116. 4595:. Collins. pp. Note 4. 4404:UK public library membership 3582:. 19 May 1896. p. 2988. 3564:. 26 May 1894. p. 3116. 3522:. 9 July 1895. p. 3877. 3468:. 24 May 1892. p. 3071. 2866:"Adml. Sir Eric Fullerton". 2758:. Sri Lanka. 18 October 2015 1855:Fisher was brought into the 1782:Royal Naval College, Osborne 1619:First Hague Peace Convention 1598:when the occasion demanded. 1575:Knight Commander of the Bath 1248:where Fisher dined with the 351:Member of the Order of Merit 6462:Peers created by Edward VII 6055:The Hon. Sir Frederick Grey 6050:The Hon. Sir Richard Dundas 6040:The Hon. Sir Richard Dundas 5378:20th Century Press Archives 2372:"Sir John Arbuthnot Fisher" 2004:First Lord of the Admiralty 1561:built large numbers of them 1422:, but not another Fisher'. 1200:Midshipman (later Admiral) 806:Fellow of the Royal Society 572:Childhood and personal life 6478: 6452:People from British Ceylon 6151:Prince Louis of Battenberg 5970:Sir William Johnstone Hope 5571:Prince Louis of Battenberg 5283:Massie, Robert K. (2004). 5039:: CS1 maint: postscript ( 4995:. New York: Random House. 4700:Breyer, Siegfried (1973). 4691:: CS1 maint: postscript ( 4360:: CS1 maint: postscript ( 3891:"The Coronation Honours". 3849:. Spellmount. p. 91. 2791:, pp. 338. Quotation. 2173:Fisher coined the phrase " 2162:Fisher is credited by the 1996:Prince Louis of Battenberg 1990:First Sea Lord (1914–1915) 1952:Before the war (1911–1914) 1824:First Sea Lord (1904–1910) 1683:Think and act for yourself 1502:Director of Naval Ordnance 849:), a voyage of four days. 729:, entitling Fisher to the 684:Admiral Sir William Parker 538:until the end of the war. 253:Director of Naval Ordnance 29: 6035:The Hon. Maurice Berkeley 6025:The Hon. Maurice Berkeley 5859: 5647: 5638: 5633: 5626: 5616: 5607: 5599: 5594: 5584: 5575: 5567: 5557: 5548: 5540: 5530: 5521: 5513: 5503: 5494: 5486: 5476: 5467: 5459: 5449: 5438: 5430: 5420: 5411: 5403: 5398: 5391:Churchill Archives Centre 5337:The Dreadnought Project: 5249:Freeman, Richard (2009). 4799:Heathcote, T. A. (2002). 4771:) CS1 maint: postscript ( 4513:Oxford English Dictionary 3832:, pp. 183–193. Vol.I 3820:, pp. 187–189. Vol.I 3778:, pp. 156–157. Vol.I 3766:, pp. 157–160. Vol.I 3754:, pp. 135–140. Vol.I 3547:, pp. 106–109. Vol.I 3535:, pp. 105–112. Vol.I 3433:, pp. 103–105. Vol.I 2211:George MacDonald Fraser's 2199:Past, Present, and Future 2164:Oxford English Dictionary 2119:Golders Green Crematorium 2102:Fisher died of cancer at 1840:, but Fisher also leased 1787:Fisher had described his 1546:His next appointment was 1110:consisted of the hulk of 922:against the conventional 880:and Canton clasps to his 515:, frequently infested by 79: 5180:Wright, William (2009). 3845:; Oakley, Derek (1988). 2420:14 November 2017 at the 2402:31 December 2013 at the 1571:Queen's Birthday Honours 1154:Captain R.N. (1876–1883) 1127:provided accommodation. 1062:Captain J. G. Goodenough 654:Early career (1854–1869) 606:Sir Robert Wilmot-Horton 542:Character and appearance 5793:Lord Archibald Hamilton 5783:Lord Archibald Hamilton 5366:EncyclopΓ¦dia Britannica 5303:Penn, Geoffrey (2000). 5067:Penn, Geoffrey (2001). 5048:Penn, Geoffrey (1999). 4859:Hough, Richard (1992). 4840:Hough, Richard (1969). 4593:Flashman and the Dragon 3970:Fison, Vanessa (2009). 3286:, pp. 69–71. Vol.I 3274:, pp. 65–68. Vol.I 3247:, pp. 61–63. Vol.I 2808:, pp. 34–35. Vol.I 2555:, pp. 57–59. Vol.I 2216:Flashman and the Dragon 2104:St James Square, London 1911:against the Danish Navy 1800:1902 Coronation Honours 1404:1882 Anglo-Egyptian War 1390:Prince Henry of Prussia 1076:, this time as head of 618:Frederic William Fisher 478:torpedo-boat destroyers 6377:Lords of the Admiralty 6221:Sir Rhoderick McGrigor 6181:Sir Charles Madden, Bt 6115:Sir Frederick Richards 6075:Sir Hastings Yelverton 5985:The Hon. George Dundas 5866: 5651:Cecil Vavasseur Fisher 4396:10.1093/ref:odnb/33143 4069:"Memories and Records" 3018:, p. 414, citing 2856:(2003), vol. 1, p. 385 2147:Mr Justice Peter Smith 2078: 2069:Last years (1915–1920) 1961: 1903:Lord Charles Beresford 1833: 1789:Selborne-Fisher scheme 1762: 1718:Lord Charles Beresford 1705: 1687:Let us wait for orders 1647: 1610: 1457: 1365: 1272:Sir Leopold McClintock 1238:Geoffrey Phipps Hornby 1184:to the Admiral of the 1150:'s torpedo committee. 1002: 863: 825:to the screw corvette 748: 663: 581: 213:(1904–1910, 1914–1915) 6296:Sir Benjamin Bathurst 6256:Sir Peter Hill-Norton 6146:Sir Francis Bridgeman 5950:Sir Richard Bickerton 5930:Sir Thomas Troubridge 5920:Sir Charles Middleton 5865: 5534:Sir Archibald Douglas 5490:Sir Archibald Douglas 5453:Sir Frederick Bedford 5271:(Random House, 1991) 5204:The National Archives 4909:Fisher of Kilverstone 4780:Gough, Barry (2017). 4704:. London: Macdonald. 4619:. Thames Television. 4164:. Arthur J. Marder". 3233:Smith & Wise 1989 2076: 1959: 1831: 1760: 1695: 1645: 1604: 1585:in 1897. In 1898 the 1455: 1435:Companion of the Bath 1433:. He was appointed a 1356: 995: 988:Commander (1869–1876) 953:(breech-loading) and 855: 739: 661: 579: 501:reciprocating engines 177:Years of service 6331:Sir George Zambellas 6286:Sir William Staveley 6105:Sir Richard Hamilton 6080:Sir George Wellesley 5853:Sir Francis Holburne 5838:Sir Charles Saunders 5603:Sir Henry Stephenson 4198:. 22 November 2012. 3679:, p. 177. Vol.I 3667:, p. 172. Vol.I 3223:, pp. 58. Vol.I 2832:, pp. 409, 415. 2411:3 March 2012 at the 2225:Reilly: Ace of Spies 1897:-fuelled navy to an 1850:Admiral of the Fleet 1456:Captain Fisher, 1883 1001:was lost in a storm. 974:William I of Prussia 972:, where he met King 420:Admiral of the Fleet 385:Admiral of the Fleet 198:Admiral of the Fleet 47:The Right Honourable 44:Admiral of the Fleet 6311:Sir Nigel Essenhigh 6281:Sir John Fieldhouse 6261:Sir Michael Pollock 6251:Sir Michael Le Fanu 6211:Sir John Cunningham 6196:Sir Roger Backhouse 6186:Sir Frederick Field 6110:Sir Anthony Hoskins 6070:Sir Alexander Milne 6060:Sir Alexander Milne 6005:Sir George Cockburn 5995:Sir George Cockburn 5975:Sir George Cockburn 5798:Lord Vere Beauclerk 5480:Sir Compton Domvile 5441:Commander-in-Chief, 5305:Infighting Admirals 5149:Tuchman, Barbara W. 5125:Tuchman, Barbara W. 4277:, pp. 440–441. 3655:, pp. 439–440. 3643:, pp. 435–437. 3631:, pp. 433–434. 3619:, pp. 429–434. 3373:, pp. 424–426. 3331:, pp. 420–422. 3139:, p. 53. Vol.I 3034:, pp. 414–415. 2969:, pp. 412–413. 2745:, p. 69. Vol.I 2567:, pp. 402–404. 2543:, p. 55. Vol.I 1767:Sir Compton Domvile 1743:Armstrong Whitworth 1679:weight of broadside 1638:Mediterranean Fleet 1628:Mediterranean Fleet 1520:Admiral (1890–1902) 1467:. He remained with 1374:Mediterranean Fleet 1270:as Flag Captain to 1106:s first commander. 960:Fisher returned to 229:Mediterranean Fleet 88:Hubert von Herkomer 6341:Sir Antony Radakin 6266:Sir Edward Ashmore 6191:The Lord Chatfield 6171:Sir Rosslyn Wemyss 6010:Sir William Parker 5910:John Leveson-Gower 5900:Sir Robert Harland 5867: 5818:Sir William Rowley 5808:Sir William Rowley 5788:Lord Harry Powlett 5713:Sir John Chicheley 5620:Sir Lewis Beaumont 5517:Sir Charles Hotham 5277:Dreadnought (book) 5267:Massie, Robert K. 5154:The Guns of August 5019:. London: Viking. 4647:The London Gazette 4422:The London Gazette 4378:(September 2004). 4331:The London Gazette 4262:The London Gazette 4244:The London Gazette 4125:The London Gazette 4107:The London Gazette 4018:The London Gazette 4000:The London Gazette 3906:"Court Circular". 3878:The London Gazette 3739:The London Gazette 3721:The London Gazette 3580:The London Gazette 3562:The London Gazette 3520:The London Gazette 3502:The London Gazette 3484:The London Gazette 3466:The London Gazette 3448:The London Gazette 3418:The London Gazette 3400:The London Gazette 3346:The London Gazette 3261:Sir George Egerton 3166:The London Gazette 3065:The London Gazette 2626:, p. 3. Vol.I 2486:, pp. 10, 24. 2092:The London Gazette 2079: 1962: 1944:as a reference to 1882:, the first being 1842:Langham House, Ham 1834: 1809:In 1903 he became 1763: 1706: 1648: 1611: 1458: 1380:during a visit to 1366: 1324:Duke of Wellington 1148:Board of Admiralty 1144:Portsmouth Harbour 1003: 864: 749: 740:Combat at Canton ( 664: 600:, who had been an 582: 532:Gallipoli campaign 325:Anglo-Egyptian War 6354: 6353: 6326:Sir Mark Stanhope 6321:Sir Jonathon Band 6306:Sir Michael Boyce 6291:Sir Julian Oswald 6271:Sir Terence Lewin 6231:Sir Charles Lambe 6166:Sir John Jellicoe 6161:Sir Henry Jackson 6141:Sir Arthur Wilson 6065:Sir Sydney Dacres 5885:Sir Hugh Palliser 5778:Sir Charles Wager 5768:Sir John Jennings 5657: 5656: 5648:Succeeded by 5617:Succeeded by 5588:Sir Henry Jackson 5585:Succeeded by 5561:Sir Arthur Wilson 5558:Succeeded by 5531:Succeeded by 5507:Sir Charles Drury 5504:Succeeded by 5497:Second Naval Lord 5477:Succeeded by 5450:Succeeded by 5434:Sir James Erskine 5424:Sir Arthur Wilson 5421:Succeeded by 5399:Military offices 5260:978-1-84884-083-6 4987:Massie, Robert K. 4678:978-1-4325-9362-9 4497:978-1-408-11414-8 4402:(Subscription or 4344:"Jackie Fisher". 4313:, pp. 90–91. 4289:, pp. 456–8. 4221:"Jackie Fisher". 3981:978-0-9563244-0-5 3856:978-0-946771-32-5 2994:, pp. 29–33. 2945:, pp. 13–28. 2378:on 28 August 2008 2311:Order of Osmanieh 2207:Taiping Rebellion 2115:Westminster Abbey 2108:Westminster Abbey 2008:Winston Churchill 1838:Queen Anne's Gate 1820:as his flagship. 1771:Second Naval Lord 1402:took part in the 1260:with his family. 1190:Astley Cooper Key 1138:of 245 tons, was 1097:Whitehead torpedo 796:, 1856–1860. The 447:aircraft carriers 382: 381: 223:Second Naval Lord 16:(Redirected from 6469: 6336:Sir Philip Jones 6201:Sir Dudley Pound 6120:Lord Walter Kerr 6020:Sir James Dundas 6015:Sir Charles Adam 6000:Sir Charles Adam 5980:Sir Thomas Hardy 5965:Sir Graham Moore 5960:Sir Joseph Yorke 5848:Sir Peircy Brett 5733:Sir George Rooke 5683: 5676: 5669: 5660: 5600:Preceded by 5595:Honorary titles 5568:Preceded by 5544:Lord Walter Kerr 5541:Preceded by 5514:Preceded by 5487:Preceded by 5463:Sir John Hopkins 5460:Preceded by 5431:Preceded by 5407:Sir John Hopkins 5404:Preceded by 5396: 5370: 5369:(12th ed.). 5362: 5333:Internet Archive 5318: 5299: 5290: 5264: 5245: 5239: 5231: 5195: 5176: 5144: 5120: 5101: 5082: 5063: 5044: 5038: 5030: 5006: 4982: 4962: 4942: 4922: 4903: 4876: 4855: 4836: 4823:The Dreadnoughts 4814: 4795: 4776: 4766: 4758: 4735: 4726:. Museum Press. 4715: 4696: 4690: 4682: 4651: 4650: 4639: 4633: 4632: 4630: 4628: 4613: 4607: 4606: 4588: 4582: 4581: 4579: 4577: 4562: 4556: 4555: 4547: 4541: 4535: 4529: 4528: 4526: 4524: 4505: 4499: 4479: 4473: 4467: 4461: 4458: 4452: 4451: 4449: 4447: 4438:. Screen Ocean. 4432: 4426: 4425: 4414: 4408: 4407: 4399: 4383: 4376:Halpern, Paul G. 4372: 4366: 4365: 4359: 4351: 4341: 4335: 4334: 4323: 4314: 4308: 4302: 4296: 4290: 4284: 4278: 4272: 4266: 4265: 4254: 4248: 4247: 4236: 4230: 4228: 4218: 4212: 4211: 4209: 4207: 4188: 4182: 4181: 4157: 4151: 4142:, XIII, p.105: " 4139:Complete Peerage 4135: 4129: 4128: 4117: 4111: 4110: 4099: 4093: 4087: 4081: 4080: 4078: 4076: 4064: 4058: 4052: 4046: 4040: 4034: 4028: 4022: 4021: 4010: 4004: 4003: 3992: 3986: 3985: 3967: 3961: 3955: 3949: 3948: 3946: 3944: 3938: 3927: 3921:Mackie, Gordon. 3918: 3912: 3911: 3903: 3897: 3896: 3888: 3882: 3881: 3870: 3861: 3860: 3839: 3833: 3827: 3821: 3815: 3809: 3808: 3800: 3794: 3793: 3785: 3779: 3773: 3767: 3761: 3755: 3749: 3743: 3742: 3731: 3725: 3724: 3713: 3707: 3701: 3692: 3686: 3680: 3674: 3668: 3662: 3656: 3650: 3644: 3638: 3632: 3626: 3620: 3614: 3608: 3602: 3596: 3590: 3584: 3583: 3572: 3566: 3565: 3554: 3548: 3542: 3536: 3530: 3524: 3523: 3512: 3506: 3505: 3494: 3488: 3487: 3476: 3470: 3469: 3458: 3452: 3451: 3440: 3434: 3428: 3422: 3421: 3410: 3404: 3403: 3392: 3386: 3380: 3374: 3368: 3362: 3356: 3350: 3349: 3338: 3332: 3326: 3320: 3314: 3308: 3302: 3296: 3293: 3287: 3281: 3275: 3269: 3263: 3254: 3248: 3242: 3236: 3230: 3224: 3218: 3212: 3206: 3200: 3199: 3197: 3195: 3180:"History of HMS 3176: 3170: 3169: 3158: 3152: 3146: 3140: 3134: 3128: 3122: 3116: 3105: 3099: 3093: 3087: 3086:, pp. 70–X. 3081: 3070: 3069: 3056: 3050: 3049:, pp. 56–X. 3044: 3035: 3029: 3023: 3013: 3007: 3001: 2995: 2989: 2970: 2964: 2958: 2952: 2946: 2940: 2923: 2922:, pp. 7–12. 2917: 2898: 2892: 2886: 2880: 2874: 2873: 2863: 2857: 2851: 2845: 2839: 2833: 2827: 2821: 2815: 2809: 2803: 2792: 2786: 2780: 2774: 2768: 2767: 2765: 2763: 2752: 2746: 2740: 2734: 2728: 2722: 2721: 2713: 2707: 2701: 2695: 2689: 2683: 2682: 2674: 2668: 2667: 2665: 2663: 2658: 2650: 2644: 2638: 2627: 2621: 2612: 2606: 2600: 2599: 2586: 2580: 2574: 2568: 2562: 2556: 2550: 2544: 2538: 2532: 2526: 2520: 2519: 2517: 2515: 2493: 2487: 2481: 2475: 2469: 2463: 2457: 2448: 2442: 2436: 2430: 2424: 2394: 2388: 2387: 2385: 2383: 2369: 2367: 2365: 2356:. Archived from 2350: 2322: 2321: 2309: 2308: 2296: 2295: 2283: 2282: 2270: 2269: 2257: 2256: 2244: 2243: 1966:Kilverstone Hall 1516:in August 1890. 1495:Panjdeh Incident 1372:was part of the 1105: 1036:ship of the line 1020:, a Crimean War 1016:, serving under 955:Whitworth rifles 802:Charles Shadwell 794:Second Opium War 746:Second Opium War 713:ship of the line 598:78th Highlanders 437:by steel-hulled 418:, was a British 409: 404: 397: 369:(Ottoman Empire) 320:Second Opium War 169: 167: 166: 158: 152: 148: 146: 145: 129: 112: 110: 84: 74: 69: 62: 39: 21: 6477: 6476: 6472: 6471: 6470: 6468: 6467: 6466: 6357: 6356: 6355: 6350: 6301:Sir Jock Slater 6276:Sir Henry Leach 6236:Sir Caspar John 6176:The Earl Beatty 6156:The Lord Fisher 6136:Sir John Fisher 6124: 6100:Sir Arthur Hood 6090:Sir Arthur Hood 5880:Augustus Hervey 5868: 5857: 5843:Augustus Keppel 5823:Edward Boscawen 5813:Edward Boscawen 5773:Sir John Norris 5763:Sir George Byng 5753:Sir George Byng 5743:Sir George Byng 5723:Henry Priestman 5696: 5690:First Sea Lords 5687: 5653: 5644: 5622: 5613: 5605: 5590: 5581: 5573: 5563: 5554: 5546: 5536: 5527: 5519: 5509: 5500: 5492: 5482: 5473: 5465: 5455: 5446: 5442: 5436: 5426: 5417: 5409: 5353: 5325: 5315: 5302: 5293: 5282: 5261: 5248: 5232: 5223: 5220: 5218:Further reading 5192: 5179: 5165: 5147: 5141: 5130:The Proud Tower 5123: 5117: 5104: 5098: 5085: 5079: 5066: 5060: 5047: 5031: 5027: 5009: 5003: 4985: 4965: 4945: 4925: 4919: 4906: 4900: 4879: 4873: 4858: 4852: 4839: 4833: 4817: 4811: 4798: 4792: 4779: 4759: 4738: 4718: 4712: 4699: 4683: 4679: 4663: 4660: 4655: 4654: 4641: 4640: 4636: 4626: 4624: 4615: 4614: 4610: 4603: 4590: 4589: 4585: 4575: 4573: 4564: 4563: 4559: 4549: 4548: 4544: 4536: 4532: 4522: 4520: 4507: 4506: 4502: 4489:A & C Black 4480: 4476: 4468: 4464: 4460:Morris, p. 237. 4459: 4455: 4445: 4443: 4434: 4433: 4429: 4416: 4415: 4411: 4401: 4374: 4373: 4369: 4352: 4343: 4342: 4338: 4325: 4324: 4317: 4309: 4305: 4297: 4293: 4285: 4281: 4273: 4269: 4256: 4255: 4251: 4238: 4237: 4233: 4220: 4219: 4215: 4205: 4203: 4190: 4189: 4185: 4159: 4158: 4154: 4150:, co. Norfolk." 4136: 4132: 4119: 4118: 4114: 4101: 4100: 4096: 4088: 4084: 4074: 4072: 4066: 4065: 4061: 4053: 4049: 4041: 4037: 4029: 4025: 4012: 4011: 4007: 3994: 3993: 3989: 3982: 3969: 3968: 3964: 3956: 3952: 3942: 3940: 3936: 3925: 3920: 3919: 3915: 3905: 3904: 3900: 3890: 3889: 3885: 3872: 3871: 3864: 3857: 3843:Smith, Peter C. 3841: 3840: 3836: 3828: 3824: 3816: 3812: 3802: 3801: 3797: 3787: 3786: 3782: 3774: 3770: 3762: 3758: 3750: 3746: 3733: 3732: 3728: 3715: 3714: 3710: 3702: 3695: 3687: 3683: 3675: 3671: 3663: 3659: 3651: 3647: 3639: 3635: 3627: 3623: 3615: 3611: 3603: 3599: 3591: 3587: 3574: 3573: 3569: 3556: 3555: 3551: 3543: 3539: 3531: 3527: 3514: 3513: 3509: 3496: 3495: 3491: 3478: 3477: 3473: 3460: 3459: 3455: 3442: 3441: 3437: 3429: 3425: 3412: 3411: 3407: 3394: 3393: 3389: 3381: 3377: 3369: 3365: 3357: 3353: 3340: 3339: 3335: 3327: 3323: 3315: 3311: 3303: 3299: 3294: 3290: 3282: 3278: 3270: 3266: 3255: 3251: 3243: 3239: 3231: 3227: 3219: 3215: 3207: 3203: 3193: 3191: 3178: 3177: 3173: 3160: 3159: 3155: 3147: 3143: 3135: 3131: 3123: 3119: 3106: 3102: 3094: 3090: 3082: 3073: 3058: 3057: 3053: 3045: 3038: 3030: 3026: 3014: 3010: 3002: 2998: 2990: 2973: 2965: 2961: 2953: 2949: 2941: 2926: 2918: 2901: 2893: 2889: 2881: 2877: 2865: 2864: 2860: 2852: 2848: 2840: 2836: 2828: 2824: 2816: 2812: 2804: 2795: 2787: 2783: 2775: 2771: 2761: 2759: 2754: 2753: 2749: 2741: 2737: 2729: 2725: 2715: 2714: 2710: 2706:, pp. 2–3. 2702: 2698: 2690: 2686: 2676: 2675: 2671: 2661: 2659: 2656: 2652: 2651: 2647: 2639: 2630: 2622: 2615: 2607: 2603: 2588: 2587: 2583: 2575: 2571: 2563: 2559: 2551: 2547: 2539: 2535: 2527: 2523: 2513: 2511: 2495: 2494: 2490: 2482: 2478: 2470: 2466: 2458: 2451: 2443: 2439: 2431: 2427: 2422:Wayback Machine 2413:Wayback Machine 2404:Wayback Machine 2395: 2391: 2381: 2379: 2370: 2363: 2361: 2352: 2351: 2338: 2333: 2316: 2303: 2290: 2277: 2264: 2251: 2238: 2235: 2185:rather than by 2138: 2071: 2018:coastline (the 1992: 1984:First World War 1954: 1826: 1755: 1700:) published in 1640: 1559:and France had 1531:Royal Sovereign 1522: 1443: 1416:Admiral Seymour 1368:In spring 1882 1357:The battleship 1336: 1224:William Thomson 1156: 1119:William Symonds 1103: 990: 882:China War Medal 856:First command, 723:Gulf of Finland 670:, widow of the 656: 640:Cecil Vavasseur 596:officer in the 574: 544: 517:biscuit beetles 497:turbine engines 463:First World War 402: 395: 391: 378: 334: 330:First World War 303: 189: 164: 162: 143: 141: 140: 132:London, England 131: 127: 114: 113:25 January 1841 108: 106: 90: 75: 67: 60: 56: 54: 53: 52:The Lord Fisher 50: 49: 35: 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 6475: 6473: 6465: 6464: 6459: 6454: 6449: 6444: 6439: 6434: 6429: 6424: 6419: 6414: 6409: 6404: 6399: 6394: 6389: 6384: 6379: 6374: 6369: 6359: 6358: 6352: 6351: 6349: 6348: 6343: 6338: 6333: 6328: 6323: 6318: 6313: 6308: 6303: 6298: 6293: 6288: 6283: 6278: 6273: 6268: 6263: 6258: 6253: 6248: 6246:Sir Varyl Begg 6243: 6241:Sir David Luce 6238: 6233: 6228: 6223: 6218: 6213: 6208: 6203: 6198: 6193: 6188: 6183: 6178: 6173: 6168: 6163: 6158: 6153: 6148: 6143: 6138: 6132: 6130: 6126: 6125: 6123: 6122: 6117: 6112: 6107: 6102: 6097: 6092: 6087: 6085:Sir Astley Key 6082: 6077: 6072: 6067: 6062: 6057: 6052: 6047: 6045:William Martin 6042: 6037: 6032: 6027: 6022: 6017: 6012: 6007: 6002: 5997: 5992: 5987: 5982: 5977: 5972: 5967: 5962: 5957: 5955:William Domett 5952: 5947: 5942: 5937: 5932: 5927: 5922: 5917: 5912: 5907: 5905:Sir Hugh Pigot 5902: 5897: 5892: 5887: 5882: 5876: 5874: 5870: 5869: 5860: 5858: 5856: 5855: 5850: 5845: 5840: 5835: 5830: 5825: 5820: 5815: 5810: 5805: 5800: 5795: 5790: 5785: 5780: 5775: 5770: 5765: 5760: 5758:Matthew Aylmer 5755: 5750: 5748:Sir John Leake 5745: 5740: 5738:Sir John Leake 5735: 5730: 5728:Earl of Orford 5725: 5720: 5718:Edward Russell 5715: 5710: 5708:Arthur Herbert 5704: 5702: 5698: 5697: 5688: 5686: 5685: 5678: 5671: 5663: 5655: 5654: 5649: 5646: 5637: 5631: 5630: 5624: 5623: 5618: 5615: 5606: 5601: 5597: 5596: 5592: 5591: 5586: 5583: 5578:First Sea Lord 5574: 5569: 5565: 5564: 5559: 5556: 5551:First Sea Lord 5547: 5542: 5538: 5537: 5532: 5529: 5520: 5515: 5511: 5510: 5505: 5502: 5493: 5488: 5484: 5483: 5478: 5475: 5466: 5461: 5457: 5456: 5451: 5448: 5437: 5432: 5428: 5427: 5422: 5419: 5410: 5405: 5401: 5400: 5394: 5393: 5384: 5371: 5351: 5346: 5341: 5335: 5324: 5323:External links 5321: 5320: 5319: 5313: 5300: 5291: 5280: 5265: 5259: 5246: 5219: 5216: 5215: 5214: 5196: 5190: 5177: 5163: 5145: 5139: 5121: 5116:978-1591148036 5115: 5102: 5097:978-0521261739 5096: 5083: 5078:978-0850527568 5077: 5064: 5058: 5045: 5025: 5007: 5001: 4983: 4969:, ed. (1959). 4967:Marder, Arthur 4963: 4949:, ed. (1956). 4947:Marder, Arthur 4943: 4929:, ed. (1953). 4927:Marder, Arthur 4923: 4918:978-0198224099 4917: 4904: 4898: 4877: 4872:978-0312097936 4871: 4856: 4851:978-1111875800 4850: 4837: 4832:978-0809427116 4831: 4819:Howarth, David 4815: 4809: 4796: 4791:978-1459411364 4790: 4777: 4736: 4716: 4710: 4697: 4677: 4659: 4656: 4653: 4652: 4634: 4608: 4601: 4583: 4566:"Old Admirals" 4557: 4542: 4530: 4500: 4474: 4472:, p. 196. 4462: 4453: 4427: 4409: 4367: 4336: 4315: 4303: 4301:, p. 172. 4291: 4279: 4267: 4249: 4231: 4213: 4183: 4178:10.1086/237838 4152: 4130: 4112: 4094: 4092:, p. 221. 4082: 4067:Fisher, Lord. 4059: 4057:, p. 345. 4047: 4045:, p. 467. 4035: 4023: 4005: 3987: 3980: 3962: 3960:, p. 315. 3950: 3913: 3898: 3883: 3862: 3855: 3834: 3822: 3810: 3795: 3780: 3768: 3756: 3744: 3726: 3708: 3693: 3691:, p. 438. 3681: 3669: 3657: 3645: 3633: 3621: 3609: 3607:, p. 429. 3597: 3595:, p. 255. 3585: 3567: 3549: 3537: 3525: 3507: 3489: 3471: 3453: 3435: 3423: 3405: 3387: 3383:Heathcote 2002 3375: 3363: 3361:, p. 423. 3351: 3333: 3321: 3309: 3297: 3288: 3276: 3264: 3249: 3237: 3235:, p. 795. 3225: 3213: 3211:, p. 123. 3201: 3171: 3153: 3151:, p. 120. 3141: 3129: 3117: 3100: 3088: 3071: 3051: 3036: 3024: 3008: 3006:, p. 413. 2996: 2971: 2959: 2957:, p. 412. 2947: 2924: 2899: 2887: 2875: 2858: 2846: 2834: 2822: 2810: 2793: 2781: 2779:, p. 409. 2769: 2747: 2735: 2723: 2708: 2696: 2694:, p. 424. 2684: 2669: 2645: 2628: 2613: 2601: 2598:. p. 161. 2581: 2579:, p. 410. 2569: 2557: 2545: 2533: 2521: 2488: 2476: 2474:, p. 403. 2464: 2462:, p. 402. 2449: 2437: 2425: 2389: 2360:on 5 June 2017 2335: 2334: 2332: 2329: 2328: 2327: 2314: 2301: 2288: 2275: 2272:Order of Merit 2262: 2249: 2234: 2231: 2230: 2229: 2220: 2203: 2190: 2171: 2160: 2137: 2134: 2070: 2067: 2020:Baltic Project 1991: 1988: 1964:He retired to 1953: 1950: 1846:Order of Merit 1825: 1822: 1754: 1751: 1713:marine officer 1639: 1636: 1615:Lord Salisbury 1595:Alfred Dreyfus 1591:Devil's Island 1587:Fashoda Crisis 1577:, promoted to 1521: 1518: 1442: 1439: 1437:(CB) in 1882. 1378:Queen Victoria 1335: 1329: 1254:Ottoman Empire 1171: 1170: 1160: 1155: 1152: 1022:Victoria Cross 1018:Captain Hewett 989: 986: 951:Armstrong guns 788:, part of the 655: 652: 648:Eric Fullerton 573: 570: 543: 540: 455:First Sea Lord 445:and the first 439:battlecruisers 432:muzzle-loading 380: 379: 377: 376: 370: 364: 358: 353: 348: 342: 340: 336: 335: 333: 332: 327: 322: 317: 311: 309: 305: 304: 302: 301: 292: 283: 274: 265: 256: 250: 244: 238: 232: 226: 220: 214: 211:First Sea Lord 207: 205: 201: 200: 195: 191: 190: 188: 187: 184: 180: 178: 174: 173: 160: 154: 153: 150:United Kingdom 138: 134: 133: 130:(aged 79) 124: 120: 119: 104: 100: 99: 96: 92: 91: 85: 77: 76: 55: 51: 42: 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 6474: 6463: 6460: 6458: 6455: 6453: 6450: 6448: 6445: 6443: 6440: 6438: 6435: 6433: 6430: 6428: 6425: 6423: 6420: 6418: 6415: 6413: 6410: 6408: 6405: 6403: 6400: 6398: 6395: 6393: 6390: 6388: 6385: 6383: 6380: 6378: 6375: 6373: 6370: 6368: 6365: 6364: 6362: 6347: 6344: 6342: 6339: 6337: 6334: 6332: 6329: 6327: 6324: 6322: 6319: 6317: 6316:Sir Alan West 6314: 6312: 6309: 6307: 6304: 6302: 6299: 6297: 6294: 6292: 6289: 6287: 6284: 6282: 6279: 6277: 6274: 6272: 6269: 6267: 6264: 6262: 6259: 6257: 6254: 6252: 6249: 6247: 6244: 6242: 6239: 6237: 6234: 6232: 6229: 6227: 6224: 6222: 6219: 6217: 6214: 6212: 6209: 6207: 6204: 6202: 6199: 6197: 6194: 6192: 6189: 6187: 6184: 6182: 6179: 6177: 6174: 6172: 6169: 6167: 6164: 6162: 6159: 6157: 6154: 6152: 6149: 6147: 6144: 6142: 6139: 6137: 6134: 6133: 6131: 6127: 6121: 6118: 6116: 6113: 6111: 6108: 6106: 6103: 6101: 6098: 6096: 6095:Lord John Hay 6093: 6091: 6088: 6086: 6083: 6081: 6078: 6076: 6073: 6071: 6068: 6066: 6063: 6061: 6058: 6056: 6053: 6051: 6048: 6046: 6043: 6041: 6038: 6036: 6033: 6031: 6028: 6026: 6023: 6021: 6018: 6016: 6013: 6011: 6008: 6006: 6003: 6001: 5998: 5996: 5993: 5991: 5988: 5986: 5983: 5981: 5978: 5976: 5973: 5971: 5968: 5966: 5963: 5961: 5958: 5956: 5953: 5951: 5948: 5946: 5945:James Gambier 5943: 5941: 5938: 5936: 5935:James Gambier 5933: 5931: 5928: 5926: 5925:James Gambier 5923: 5921: 5918: 5916: 5913: 5911: 5908: 5906: 5903: 5901: 5898: 5896: 5893: 5891: 5888: 5886: 5883: 5881: 5878: 5877: 5875: 5871: 5864: 5854: 5851: 5849: 5846: 5844: 5841: 5839: 5836: 5834: 5831: 5829: 5826: 5824: 5821: 5819: 5816: 5814: 5811: 5809: 5806: 5804: 5801: 5799: 5796: 5794: 5791: 5789: 5786: 5784: 5781: 5779: 5776: 5774: 5771: 5769: 5766: 5764: 5761: 5759: 5756: 5754: 5751: 5749: 5746: 5744: 5741: 5739: 5736: 5734: 5731: 5729: 5726: 5724: 5721: 5719: 5716: 5714: 5711: 5709: 5706: 5705: 5703: 5699: 5695: 5691: 5684: 5679: 5677: 5672: 5670: 5665: 5664: 5661: 5652: 5643: 5642: 5636: 5632: 5629: 5625: 5621: 5612: 5611: 5604: 5598: 5593: 5589: 5580: 5579: 5572: 5566: 5562: 5553: 5552: 5545: 5539: 5535: 5526: 5525: 5518: 5512: 5508: 5499: 5498: 5491: 5485: 5481: 5472: 5471: 5464: 5458: 5454: 5445: 5444: 5435: 5429: 5425: 5416: 5415: 5408: 5402: 5397: 5392: 5388: 5385: 5383: 5379: 5375: 5372: 5368: 5367: 5361: 5356: 5355:Young, Filson 5352: 5350: 5347: 5345: 5342: 5340: 5336: 5334: 5330: 5327: 5326: 5322: 5316: 5314:0-85052-756-2 5310: 5306: 5301: 5297: 5292: 5288: 5287: 5281: 5278: 5274: 5270: 5266: 5262: 5256: 5252: 5247: 5243: 5237: 5229: 5228: 5222: 5221: 5217: 5213: 5209: 5205: 5201: 5197: 5193: 5191:9780752450902 5187: 5183: 5178: 5174: 5170: 5166: 5160: 5157:. Macmillan. 5156: 5155: 5150: 5146: 5142: 5136: 5132: 5131: 5126: 5122: 5118: 5112: 5108: 5103: 5099: 5093: 5089: 5084: 5080: 5074: 5070: 5065: 5061: 5059:0-85052-646-9 5055: 5051: 5046: 5042: 5036: 5028: 5026:9780571265930 5022: 5018: 5017: 5016:Fisher's Face 5012: 5008: 5004: 5002:0-394-52833-6 4998: 4994: 4993: 4988: 4984: 4980: 4976: 4972: 4968: 4964: 4960: 4956: 4952: 4948: 4944: 4940: 4936: 4932: 4928: 4924: 4920: 4914: 4910: 4905: 4901: 4899:1-57003-492-3 4895: 4891: 4887: 4883: 4878: 4874: 4868: 4864: 4863: 4857: 4853: 4847: 4844:. Macmillan. 4843: 4838: 4834: 4828: 4825:. Time Life. 4824: 4820: 4816: 4812: 4810:0-85052-835-6 4806: 4802: 4797: 4793: 4787: 4783: 4778: 4774: 4770: 4764: 4756: 4752: 4748: 4744: 4743: 4737: 4733: 4729: 4725: 4721: 4717: 4713: 4711:0-356-04191-3 4707: 4703: 4698: 4694: 4688: 4680: 4674: 4670: 4666: 4662: 4661: 4657: 4648: 4644: 4638: 4635: 4622: 4618: 4612: 4609: 4604: 4602:0-00-271245-8 4598: 4594: 4587: 4584: 4571: 4567: 4561: 4558: 4553: 4546: 4543: 4540:, p. 78. 4539: 4534: 4531: 4518: 4514: 4510: 4504: 4501: 4498: 4494: 4490: 4486: 4484: 4478: 4475: 4471: 4466: 4463: 4457: 4454: 4441: 4437: 4431: 4428: 4423: 4419: 4413: 4410: 4405: 4397: 4393: 4389: 4388: 4382: 4377: 4371: 4368: 4363: 4357: 4349: 4348: 4340: 4337: 4332: 4328: 4322: 4320: 4316: 4312: 4307: 4304: 4300: 4295: 4292: 4288: 4283: 4280: 4276: 4271: 4268: 4263: 4259: 4253: 4250: 4245: 4241: 4235: 4232: 4226: 4225: 4217: 4214: 4201: 4197: 4196:The Telegraph 4193: 4192:"Lord Fisher" 4187: 4184: 4179: 4175: 4171: 4167: 4163: 4156: 4153: 4149: 4145: 4141: 4140: 4134: 4131: 4126: 4122: 4116: 4113: 4108: 4104: 4098: 4095: 4091: 4086: 4083: 4070: 4063: 4060: 4056: 4051: 4048: 4044: 4039: 4036: 4033:, p. 61. 4032: 4027: 4024: 4019: 4015: 4009: 4006: 4001: 3997: 3991: 3988: 3983: 3977: 3973: 3966: 3963: 3959: 3954: 3951: 3935: 3931: 3924: 3917: 3914: 3909: 3902: 3899: 3894: 3887: 3884: 3879: 3875: 3869: 3867: 3863: 3858: 3852: 3848: 3844: 3838: 3835: 3831: 3826: 3823: 3819: 3814: 3811: 3806: 3799: 3796: 3791: 3784: 3781: 3777: 3772: 3769: 3765: 3760: 3757: 3753: 3748: 3745: 3740: 3736: 3730: 3727: 3722: 3718: 3712: 3709: 3706:, p. 72. 3705: 3700: 3698: 3694: 3690: 3685: 3682: 3678: 3673: 3670: 3666: 3661: 3658: 3654: 3649: 3646: 3642: 3637: 3634: 3630: 3625: 3622: 3618: 3613: 3610: 3606: 3601: 3598: 3594: 3589: 3586: 3581: 3577: 3571: 3568: 3563: 3559: 3553: 3550: 3546: 3541: 3538: 3534: 3529: 3526: 3521: 3517: 3511: 3508: 3503: 3499: 3493: 3490: 3485: 3481: 3475: 3472: 3467: 3463: 3457: 3454: 3449: 3445: 3439: 3436: 3432: 3427: 3424: 3419: 3415: 3409: 3406: 3401: 3397: 3391: 3388: 3385:, p. 80. 3384: 3379: 3376: 3372: 3367: 3364: 3360: 3355: 3352: 3347: 3343: 3337: 3334: 3330: 3325: 3322: 3319:, p. 62. 3318: 3313: 3310: 3307:, p. 90. 3306: 3301: 3298: 3292: 3289: 3285: 3280: 3277: 3273: 3268: 3265: 3262: 3258: 3253: 3250: 3246: 3241: 3238: 3234: 3229: 3226: 3222: 3217: 3214: 3210: 3205: 3202: 3189: 3185: 3183: 3175: 3172: 3167: 3163: 3157: 3154: 3150: 3145: 3142: 3138: 3133: 3130: 3126: 3121: 3118: 3114: 3110: 3109:Naval Tactics 3104: 3101: 3097: 3092: 3089: 3085: 3080: 3078: 3076: 3072: 3067: 3066: 3061: 3055: 3052: 3048: 3043: 3041: 3037: 3033: 3028: 3025: 3021: 3017: 3012: 3009: 3005: 3000: 2997: 2993: 2988: 2986: 2984: 2982: 2980: 2978: 2976: 2972: 2968: 2963: 2960: 2956: 2951: 2948: 2944: 2939: 2937: 2935: 2933: 2931: 2929: 2925: 2921: 2916: 2914: 2912: 2910: 2908: 2906: 2904: 2900: 2896: 2891: 2888: 2885:, p. 19. 2884: 2879: 2876: 2871: 2870: 2862: 2859: 2855: 2850: 2847: 2843: 2838: 2835: 2831: 2826: 2823: 2820:, p. 61. 2819: 2814: 2811: 2807: 2802: 2800: 2798: 2794: 2790: 2785: 2782: 2778: 2773: 2770: 2757: 2751: 2748: 2744: 2739: 2736: 2732: 2727: 2724: 2720:. p. 12. 2719: 2718:Fisher's Face 2712: 2709: 2705: 2700: 2697: 2693: 2688: 2685: 2681:. p. 26. 2680: 2679:Fisher's Face 2673: 2670: 2655: 2649: 2646: 2642: 2637: 2635: 2633: 2629: 2625: 2620: 2618: 2614: 2611:, p. 97. 2610: 2605: 2602: 2597: 2596: 2591: 2590:Blom, Philipp 2585: 2582: 2578: 2573: 2570: 2566: 2561: 2558: 2554: 2549: 2546: 2542: 2537: 2534: 2530: 2525: 2522: 2509: 2505: 2504: 2499: 2492: 2489: 2485: 2480: 2477: 2473: 2468: 2465: 2461: 2456: 2454: 2450: 2446: 2441: 2438: 2434: 2429: 2426: 2423: 2419: 2416: 2414: 2410: 2407: 2405: 2401: 2398: 2393: 2390: 2377: 2373: 2359: 2355: 2349: 2347: 2345: 2343: 2341: 2337: 2330: 2325: 2320: 2315: 2312: 2307: 2302: 2299: 2294: 2289: 2286: 2281: 2276: 2273: 2268: 2263: 2260: 2255: 2250: 2247: 2242: 2237: 2236: 2232: 2227: 2226: 2221: 2218: 2217: 2212: 2208: 2204: 2201: 2200: 2195: 2191: 2188: 2184: 2180: 2176: 2175:Buggins' turn 2172: 2169: 2165: 2161: 2158: 2154: 2153: 2152:Da Vinci Code 2148: 2144: 2140: 2139: 2135: 2133: 2131: 2130: 2124: 2120: 2116: 2111: 2109: 2105: 2100: 2096: 2094: 2093: 2088: 2084: 2075: 2068: 2066: 2064: 2063:H. H. Asquith 2059: 2057: 2053: 2049: 2048: 2042: 2041: 2035: 2034: 2028: 2027: 2021: 2017: 2013: 2009: 2005: 2001: 1997: 1989: 1987: 1985: 1980: 1978: 1973: 1971: 1967: 1958: 1951: 1949: 1947: 1943: 1939: 1934: 1932: 1928: 1924: 1919: 1917: 1916:Copenhagening 1912: 1906: 1904: 1900: 1896: 1892: 1888: 1887: 1881: 1880:battlecruiser 1877: 1873: 1872: 1866: 1861: 1858: 1853: 1851: 1847: 1843: 1839: 1830: 1823: 1821: 1819: 1818: 1812: 1807: 1805: 1801: 1796: 1794: 1793:Royal Marines 1790: 1785: 1783: 1778: 1774: 1772: 1768: 1759: 1752: 1750: 1748: 1744: 1738: 1736: 1731: 1727: 1721: 1719: 1714: 1710: 1703: 1699: 1694: 1690: 1688: 1684: 1680: 1674: 1670: 1666: 1664: 1663: 1657: 1653: 1644: 1637: 1635: 1633: 1629: 1625: 1620: 1616: 1608: 1603: 1599: 1596: 1592: 1588: 1584: 1580: 1576: 1573:of 1894 as a 1572: 1568: 1567: 1562: 1557: 1556:Alfred Yarrow 1553: 1549: 1544: 1542: 1537: 1533: 1532: 1527: 1519: 1517: 1515: 1511: 1507: 1503: 1498: 1496: 1492: 1491: 1484: 1482: 1478: 1474: 1473:John Jellicoe 1470: 1466: 1465: 1454: 1450: 1448: 1447:Osborne House 1441:Home postings 1440: 1438: 1436: 1432: 1428: 1423: 1421: 1417: 1413: 1409: 1405: 1401: 1397: 1395: 1391: 1387: 1383: 1379: 1375: 1371: 1363: 1362: 1355: 1351: 1348: 1344: 1343: 1334: 1330: 1328: 1326: 1325: 1319: 1315: 1311: 1310: 1304: 1300: 1299: 1293: 1291: 1290:Wilmot Fawkes 1286: 1282: 1281:Philip Colomb 1277: 1273: 1269: 1268: 1261: 1259: 1255: 1251: 1247: 1243: 1239: 1235: 1234: 1227: 1225: 1221: 1220: 1214: 1209: 1208: 1203: 1199: 1195: 1191: 1187: 1183: 1179: 1178: 1168: 1167: 1161: 1158: 1157: 1153: 1151: 1149: 1145: 1141: 1137: 1133: 1132: 1126: 1125: 1120: 1116: 1115: 1109: 1102: 1098: 1094: 1093: 1087: 1083: 1079: 1075: 1070: 1067: 1063: 1059: 1055: 1051: 1050: 1043: 1041: 1037: 1034: 1032: 1027: 1023: 1019: 1015: 1014: 1008: 1000: 994: 987: 985: 983: 979: 975: 971: 970:Wilhelmshaven 967: 963: 958: 956: 952: 948: 944: 943: 936: 934: 930: 925: 921: 917: 913: 909: 908: 901: 897: 895: 891: 887: 883: 879: 875: 874: 869: 862: 861: 854: 850: 848: 844: 843: 838: 834: 831:as an acting 830: 829: 824: 823: 819: 815: 810: 807: 803: 799: 795: 791: 790:China Station 787: 786: 780: 776: 773:Promotion to 771: 769: 765: 761: 757: 756: 747: 744:) during the 743: 738: 734: 732: 728: 724: 720: 716: 714: 710: 709: 703: 702: 697: 693: 692:Lord's Prayer 689: 686:(the last of 685: 681: 677: 673: 669: 660: 653: 651: 649: 645: 641: 637: 632: 628: 626: 625: 619: 613: 611: 607: 603: 599: 595: 591: 587: 578: 571: 569: 565: 562: 556: 552: 549: 541: 539: 537: 533: 529: 525: 520: 518: 514: 513:hard biscuits 510: 506: 502: 498: 494: 490: 489: 483: 482:torpedo boats 479: 475: 471: 470:naval gunnery 466: 464: 460: 456: 450: 448: 444: 440: 436: 433: 429: 428:sailing ships 425: 421: 417: 416:Jackie Fisher 413: 408: 401: 394: 389: 386: 374: 371: 368: 365: 362: 359: 357: 354: 352: 349: 347: 344: 343: 341: 337: 331: 328: 326: 323: 321: 318: 316: 313: 312: 310: 306: 299: 298: 293: 290: 289: 284: 281: 280: 275: 272: 271: 266: 263: 262: 257: 254: 251: 248: 245: 242: 239: 236: 233: 230: 227: 224: 221: 218: 215: 212: 209: 208: 206: 202: 199: 196: 192: 185: 182: 181: 179: 175: 172: 161: 155: 151: 139: 135: 125: 121: 117: 105: 101: 97: 93: 89: 83: 78: 73: 66: 59: 48: 45: 40: 37: 33: 19: 6155: 6135: 5990:Charles Adam 5940:John Markham 5895:George Darby 5641:Baron Fisher 5639: 5635:New creation 5634: 5608: 5576: 5549: 5522: 5495: 5468: 5439: 5412: 5389:held at the 5364: 5304: 5295: 5285: 5268: 5250: 5226: 5181: 5153: 5129: 5106: 5087: 5071:. Casemate. 5068: 5049: 5015: 4991: 4970: 4950: 4930: 4908: 4881: 4861: 4841: 4822: 4800: 4781: 4741: 4723: 4701: 4668: 4658:Bibliography 4646: 4637: 4625:. Retrieved 4611: 4592: 4586: 4574:. Retrieved 4560: 4551: 4545: 4538:Fisher 1919a 4533: 4521:. Retrieved 4512: 4503: 4481: 4477: 4465: 4456: 4444:. Retrieved 4430: 4421: 4412: 4385: 4370: 4345: 4339: 4330: 4311:Howarth 1980 4306: 4294: 4282: 4270: 4261: 4252: 4243: 4234: 4222: 4216: 4204:. Retrieved 4195: 4186: 4169: 4165: 4161: 4155: 4143: 4137: 4133: 4124: 4115: 4106: 4097: 4085: 4073:. Retrieved 4071:. p. 49 4062: 4050: 4038: 4026: 4017: 4008: 3999: 3990: 3971: 3965: 3953: 3941:. Retrieved 3929: 3916: 3907: 3901: 3892: 3886: 3877: 3846: 3837: 3825: 3813: 3804: 3798: 3789: 3783: 3771: 3759: 3747: 3738: 3729: 3720: 3711: 3684: 3672: 3660: 3648: 3636: 3624: 3612: 3600: 3593:Tuchman 1996 3588: 3579: 3570: 3561: 3552: 3540: 3528: 3519: 3510: 3501: 3492: 3483: 3474: 3465: 3456: 3447: 3438: 3426: 3417: 3408: 3399: 3390: 3378: 3366: 3354: 3345: 3336: 3324: 3312: 3300: 3291: 3279: 3267: 3252: 3240: 3228: 3216: 3204: 3192:. Retrieved 3181: 3174: 3165: 3156: 3144: 3132: 3120: 3112: 3108: 3103: 3095: 3091: 3063: 3054: 3027: 3019: 3011: 2999: 2962: 2950: 2897:, p. 5. 2890: 2878: 2867: 2861: 2853: 2849: 2841: 2837: 2825: 2813: 2784: 2772: 2760:. Retrieved 2750: 2738: 2733:, p. 2. 2726: 2717: 2711: 2699: 2687: 2678: 2672: 2660:. Retrieved 2648: 2643:, p. 1. 2604: 2594: 2584: 2572: 2560: 2548: 2536: 2524: 2512:. Retrieved 2501: 2491: 2484:Fisher 1919a 2479: 2467: 2440: 2433:Lambert 1999 2428: 2392: 2382:17 September 2380:. Retrieved 2376:the original 2362:. Retrieved 2358:the original 2223: 2214: 2197: 2156: 2150: 2128: 2112: 2101: 2097: 2090: 2080: 2060: 2056:Incomparable 2055: 2051: 2047:Incomparable 2046: 2039: 2032: 2025: 1999: 1993: 1981: 1974: 1963: 1945: 1942:coat of arms 1938:Baron Fisher 1935: 1920: 1907: 1885: 1875: 1870: 1862: 1854: 1835: 1816: 1808: 1797: 1786: 1779: 1775: 1764: 1739: 1735:Arnold White 1722: 1707: 1701: 1686: 1682: 1675: 1671: 1667: 1661: 1649: 1631: 1612: 1606: 1579:vice-admiral 1566:Sharpshooter 1565: 1545: 1540: 1530: 1523: 1514:Rear-Admiral 1510:Aide-de-Camp 1499: 1489: 1485: 1468: 1463: 1459: 1444: 1424: 1419: 1410:the port of 1399: 1398: 1393: 1369: 1367: 1360: 1346: 1341: 1337: 1332: 1323: 1317: 1313: 1308: 1302: 1297: 1294: 1275: 1266: 1262: 1241: 1232: 1228: 1218: 1212: 1210: 1205: 1202:Gordon Moore 1197: 1193: 1182:flag captain 1176: 1172: 1165: 1139: 1136:torpedo boat 1130: 1123: 1113: 1107: 1100: 1091: 1085: 1073: 1071: 1065: 1057: 1048: 1044: 1030: 1025: 1012: 1004: 998: 961: 959: 941: 937: 915: 912:three-decker 906: 902: 898: 889: 885: 872: 865: 859: 841: 827: 821: 811: 797: 784: 772: 767: 754: 750: 731:Baltic Medal 718: 717: 707: 700: 680:Aide-de-camp 665: 644:Baron Fisher 633: 629: 623: 614: 602:aide-de-camp 594:British Army 583: 566: 557: 553: 545: 521: 505:oil fuelling 491:, the first 487: 467: 451: 415: 411: 387: 383: 308:Battles/wars 296: 287: 278: 269: 260: 128:(1920-07-10) 126:10 July 1920 36: 6392:1920 deaths 6387:1841 births 6346:Sir Ben Key 6030:Hyde Parker 5828:John Forbes 5298:. Westport. 5011:Morris, Jan 4784:. Lorimer. 4643:"No. 26516" 4470:Morris 1995 4418:"No. 32162" 4327:"No. 30363" 4299:Breyer 1973 4287:Mackay 1973 4275:Mackay 1973 4258:"No. 28632" 4240:"No. 28460" 4121:"No. 28317" 4103:"No. 28148" 4055:Sumida 1993 4043:Massie 1991 4014:"No. 27861" 3996:"No. 27811" 3958:Mackay 1973 3943:20 February 3874:"No. 27448" 3735:"No. 27373" 3717:"No. 27251" 3689:Massie 1991 3653:Massie 1991 3641:Massie 1991 3629:Massie 1991 3617:Massie 1991 3605:Massie 1991 3576:"No. 26740" 3558:"No. 26516" 3516:"No. 26642" 3498:"No. 26455" 3480:"No. 26320" 3462:"No. 26290" 3444:"No. 26253" 3414:"No. 26076" 3396:"No. 25713" 3371:Massie 1991 3359:Massie 1991 3342:"No. 25138" 3329:Massie 1991 3305:Wright 2009 3209:Mackay 1973 3162:"No. 24147" 3149:Mackay 1973 3125:Massie 1991 3107:Fisher, J. 3084:Mackay 1973 3060:"No. 23523" 3047:Mackay 1973 3032:Massie 1991 3016:Massie 1991 3004:Massie 1991 2992:Mackay 1973 2967:Massie 1991 2955:Massie 1991 2943:Mackay 1973 2920:Mackay 1973 2895:Mackay 1973 2883:Marder 1953 2830:Massie 1991 2818:Marder 1953 2789:Massie 1991 2777:Massie 1991 2731:Mackay 1973 2704:Mackay 1973 2692:Marder 1956 2641:Mackay 1973 2577:Massie 1991 2565:Massie 1991 2514:27 November 2472:Massie 1991 2460:Massie 1991 2445:Mackay 1973 2364:2 September 2143:Smithy code 2123:Kilverstone 1946:Dreadnought 1876:Dreadnought 1871:Dreadnought 1709:Lord Hankey 1702:Vanity Fair 1698:Leslie Ward 1477:Percy Scott 1414:as part of 1303:Northampton 1276:Northampton 1267:Northampton 1194:Bellerophon 1177:Bellerophon 947:Age of Sail 798:Highflyer's 764:Dardanelles 727:Crimean War 725:during the 668:Lady Horton 507:to replace 499:to replace 493:all-big-gun 488:Dreadnought 461:during the 430:armed with 315:Crimean War 300:(1874–1877) 291:(1877–1878) 288:Bellerophon 282:(1879–1881) 279:Northampton 273:(1881–1882) 264:(1883–1886) 255:(1886–1891) 243:(1892–1897) 237:(1897–1899) 231:(1899–1902) 225:(1902–1903) 219:(1903–1904) 95:Nickname(s) 6361:Categories 5890:Robert Man 5803:Lord Anson 5694:Royal Navy 5645:1909–1920 5614:1904–1911 5582:1914–1915 5555:1904–1910 5528:1903–1904 5501:1902–1903 5474:1899–1902 5447:1897–1899 5418:1892–1897 5200:ADM 196/15 5164:034538623X 5140:0345405013 4576:4 November 4406:required.) 4172:(4): 428. 4090:Hough 1992 4031:Gough 2017 3830:Bacon 2007 3818:Bacon 2007 3776:Bacon 2007 3764:Bacon 2007 3752:Bacon 2007 3677:Bacon 2007 3665:Bacon 2007 3545:Bacon 2007 3533:Bacon 2007 3431:Bacon 2007 3317:Hough 1969 3284:Bacon 2007 3272:Bacon 2007 3257:Bacon 2007 3245:Bacon 2007 3221:Bacon 2007 3137:Bacon 2007 2806:Bacon 2007 2743:Bacon 2007 2624:Bacon 2007 2609:Gough 2017 2553:Bacon 2007 2541:Bacon 2007 2529:Bacon 2007 2194:Al Stewart 2052:Courageous 2040:Courageous 2016:Baltic Sea 1923:Kiel Canal 1891:submarines 1886:Invincible 1865:battleship 1804:Edward VII 1656:Suez Canal 1552:destroyers 1526:Portsmouth 1506:War Office 1429:and Queen 1427:Edward VII 1420:Inflexible 1412:Alexandria 1408:bombarding 1400:Inflexible 1370:Inflexible 1361:Inflexible 1347:Inflexible 1342:Inflexible 1333:Inflexible 1316:Inflexible 1309:Inflexible 1204:recalled, 1040:Portsmouth 878:Taku Forts 860:Coromandel 842:Coromandel 833:lieutenant 822:Chesapeake 775:midshipman 696:Royal Navy 636:Portsmouth 443:submarines 424:Royal Navy 270:Inflexible 171:Royal Navy 137:Allegiance 109:1841-01-25 86:Fisher by 5915:Lord Hood 5833:Earl Howe 5236:cite book 5206:. A full 5035:cite book 4763:cite book 4757:facsimile 4732:464512728 4687:cite book 4483:Who's Who 4446:11 August 4356:cite news 4347:The Times 4224:The Times 4075:7 October 3908:The Times 3893:The Times 3805:The Times 3790:The Times 3704:Penn 2001 3194:24 August 3022:, p. 149. 2869:The Times 2762:9 January 2662:8 January 2183:seniority 2157:Who's Who 2127:HMS  2045:HMS  2038:HMS  2031:HMS  2024:HMS  2012:Gallipoli 2000:The Times 1982:Once the 1931:North Sea 1884:HMS  1869:HMS  1857:Admiralty 1815:HMS  1711:, then a 1660:HMS  1652:Gibraltar 1488:HMS  1481:Marienbad 1469:Excellent 1464:Excellent 1462:HMS  1431:Alexandra 1359:HMS  1340:HMS  1322:HMS  1307:HMS  1265:HMS  1231:HMS  1217:HMS  1175:HMS  1164:HMS  1129:HMS  1112:HMS  1090:HMS  1086:Excellent 1074:Excellent 1047:HMS  1031:Conqueror 1011:HMS  1007:commander 966:torpedoes 962:Excellent 940:HMS  933:torpedoes 924:Whitworth 916:Excellent 907:Excellent 905:HMS  871:HMS  858:HMS  847:Guangzhou 840:HMS  800:captain, 785:Highflyer 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Jackie Fisher, 1st Baron Fisher
Admiral Fisher (disambiguation)
Admiral of the Fleet
The Right Honourable

Hubert von Herkomer
United Kingdom
Royal Navy
Admiral of the Fleet
First Sea Lord
Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth
Second Naval Lord
Mediterranean Fleet
North America and West Indies Station
Third Naval Lord and Controller
Admiral Superintendent Portsmouth
Director of Naval Ordnance
HMS Excellent
HMS Inflexible
HMS Northampton
HMS Bellerophon
HMS Vernon
Crimean War
Second Opium War
Anglo-Egyptian War
First World War

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
