Knowledge (XXG)

Capture of Montauban

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2367:(Colonel) Leibrock, commander of BRIR 6, had been taken prisoner and after the war wrote that the regiment had not been placed under the command of the 28th Reserve Division and the 12th Division until the British–French preparatory bombardment had begun. There had been a lack of material to build dug outs and obstacles and the work could not be done in daylight. The regiment had been split, battalions assigned elsewhere and companies had been used piecemeal as reinforcements. On 1 July, the commander lost telephone communication with most of the regiment and had no control over the supply of food and ammunition. Leibrock wrote that it would have been better to move the regiment into line as a unit and move neighbouring units sideways. The infantry had fought a determined defensive battle and had been overwhelmed. In 2005, Jack Sheldon wrote that the 2nd Army had lost the initiative on the Somme during the preliminary bombardment, rather than on 1 July and that the defence of the area south of the Albert–Bapaume road was conducted in an atmosphere of crisis, in which units were thrown into battle to plug gaps rather than as formed units, which increased German loses. 1861:
discharges and infantry probes continued; German sentries watching through periscopes were often able to warn the garrisons in time. On 30 June, the bombardment repeated the earlier pattern, by when much of the German surface defences had been swept away, look-out shelters and observation posts were ruined and communication trenches had disappeared, particularly on the front of XIII Corps and XV Corps. The headquarters of Reserve Infantry Regiment 23 was destroyed by a shell on 23 June and by 1 July, the systematic bombardment had cut the wire around Montauban, destroyed the German trenches and hit the German artillery in Caterpillar Valley. The infantry took cover in the deeper dug-outs or shallow support trenches. On the night of 30 June/1 July, the bombardment fell on rear defences and communication trenches, then at dawn, British aircraft "filled the sky", captive balloons rose into the air at
lined by bricks and the overhead cover of dugouts and machine-gun nests was to be made thicker; sanitary conditions in the trenches were to be improved and trench junctions signposted. Units were to clarify their boundaries and survey the areas into which they could fire without endangering neighbouring units. Listening posts were to be equipped with bell pulls for warnings and linked by deeper communication trenches. Obstacles of barbed wire up to 3 ft 3 in (1 m) high, fencing and knife rests were to be kept ready to keep French patrols out of the trenches. Attacks from 17 to 21 December by the 53rd Division were defeated, despite a chronic shortage of artillery ammunition, which led many appeals for fire support to go unanswered. On 21 December, artillery-fire was available to repulse an attack on the village, in which
Trench. The 53rd Brigade in the centre had advanced west of the Carnoy road, assisted by the flame projector which killed the Germans on the west side of the Carnoy crater field and the mine under Kasino Point, which had destroyed a machine-gun post and demoralised the survivors, some of whom surrendered immediately. The leading battalions crossed the front and support lines easily, except on the right flank, where Germans in The Castle and in Back Trench behind the front line caused a short delay before The Castle was captured. The left-hand battalion by-passed Back Trench and attacked Pommiers Trench, the intermediate line on Montauban Ridge. Three German machine-guns had survived the bombardment and stopped the advance until a party of bombers moved up Popoff Lane and silenced one of the machine-gun crews with hand grenades and by
1895: 1670:
trench known as Montauban Alley had been dug below the skyline, along the north facing (reverse slope) of Caterpillar Valley. A second position existed about 3,000 yd (1.7 mi; 2.7 km) further back from Maurepas to Guillemont, Longueval and the Bazentin villages. The third position was incomplete and the second position was not as elaborate as the defences to the north, the ground being mainly clay and soil, unlike the chalk characteristic of the terrain further north. All available labour was absorbed in keeping the first position in repair during the preparatory bombardment. In the 12th Division area, the second position was a shallow trench and work had only begun on the third position. The front position had been made more formidable, with the strong points of
2338:, an intermediate line about 1,000 yd (910 m) in front of the second position, between Maurepas and Guillemont. A new defensive front was established behind Montauban, from Maurepas northwards to Bazentin-le-Petit Wood. It was not possible for the Germans to counter-attack again on 2 July, because the 10th Bavarian Division had been used to reinforce the most threatened sectors and to join the failed counter-attack. The 185th Division had occupied the new line and also provided reinforcements, the 11th Reserve Division would not arrive until 3 July and the 3rd Guard, 183rd and 5th divisions, were the only reserves close to the Somme front. On the morning of 2 July, the 30th Division artillery tried to set Bernafay Wood alight with 1853:
into the open to avoid the shelling and from 27 to 28 June, heavy rain added to the devastation, as the bombardment varied from steady accurate shelling to shell-storms and periods of quiet. At night British patrols moved about no man's land and on the 30th Division front found German trenches lightly held. Raiders, taken prisoner by the Germans, said that they were checking on the damage and searching for German survivors. On 27 June, a large explosion was seen in Montauban and two raids during the night found German trenches empty, while a third party found more Germans above ground than the night before. German interrogators gleaned information suggesting that the offensive would begin on either side of the Somme and Ancre rivers at
1753:, westwards to Carnoy. The front line was close to the bottom of the forward (south-facing) slope of a valley between the Maricourt and Montauban ridges and the German front line was further up the slope. Maricourt Ridge declines to the east into the Hardecourt Valley which contains the woods of Bois d'en Haut and Bois Favière. Beyond Montauban on the crest of the ridge lies Caterpillar Valley, beyond which are the Ginchy–Pozières ridges. A valley containing Carnoy divides into a northern branch with a pre-war light railway known as Railway Valley with a long tree plantation known as Talus Boisé (wooded embankment) along the eastern slope. The XIII Corps divisions had to ascend a long, low slope, which was almost flat on the 1839:
began and in the evening a light rain turned the German positions into mud. On 25 June, heavy artillery-fire predominated, smashing trenches and blocking dugouts, setting fire to supply dumps and causing large explosions in Montauban. Variations in the intensity of fire indicated likely areas to be attacked; the greatest weight of fire occurring at Mametz, Fricourt and Ovillers. During the night the German commanders prepared their defences around the villages and ordered the second line to be manned. After an overnight lull, the bombardment increased again on 26 June then suddenly stopped. The German garrisons took post, fired red rockets to call for artillery support and a German barrage began on no man's land.
1568:(barrage sectors); each officer was expected to know the batteries covering his section of the front line and the batteries ready to engage fleeting targets. A telephone system was built, with lines buried 6 ft (1.8 m) deep for 5 mi (8.0 km) behind the front line, to connect the front line to the artillery. The Somme defences had two inherent weaknesses that the rebuilding had not remedied. The front trenches were on a forward slope, lined by white chalk from the subsoil and easily seen by ground observers. The defences were crowded towards the front trench, with a regiment having two battalions near the front-trench system and the reserve battalion divided between the 2325:
the salient formed at Montauban and the ridge was threatened by the attack but it took until midnight for the reinforcements to reach the Maurepas–Ginchy road and it was dawn before the infantry passed either side of Bernafay Wood. BIR 16 stumbled into a British outpost north of Montauban in the dark, the alarm was raised and a British SOS barrage fell on the area, forcing the Germans back into Caterpillar Valley. To the south, RIR 51 arrived at La Briqueterie in an exhausted and disorganised condition, looking like "a mass of drunken men", who were forced back by machine-gun fire. French troops repulsed the other two regiments and took several prisoners.
1365: 254: 1766: 1582:. In May 1916, increased activity behind the British front line indicated that an offensive was being prepared. On 10 and 19 July, the 28th Reserve Division repulsed attacks near Fricourt. When Reserve Infantry Regiment 109 moved into the area of Mametz and Montauban in mid-June, the defences were seen to be poor and there had been far less fighting in the sector. Telephone connexions were inadequate and there had been little stocking of supplies and ammunition around the front line. By July, Reserve Infantry Regiment 23 had been brought up to Montauban, east of Reserve Infantry Regiment 109. 2182:(BRIR 6), due to the number of casualties inflicted by the preparatory bombardment. On the east side of the crater area, some German soldiers had survived the bombardment but those in the west end had been swamped by a flame projector and killed. Machine gunners in the crater area were able to fire along no man's land into the left of the 55th Brigade battalions on the right flank, which caused many casualties, confusion and delay. The Germans opposite had time to man the support trench and strong points further back and when the creeping barrage moved on, about 1799:
would fall on each length of trench obstructing the advance, each battery firing along a lane. Barrage lifts were determined by time-table, based on the assumption that delays in the infantry advance to wait for the barrage to move on, were preferable to the risk of it moving too fast and allowing German troops time to emerge from shelters and engage the infantry with small-arms fire. The British infantry were to keep as close to the creeping barrage as possible and six artillery lifts were synchronised with the stages of the infantry advance. The
1488:, OHL), ordered a reconstruction of the defences which had been improvised when mobile warfare ended on the Western Front, late in 1914. Barbed wire obstacles were enlarged from one belt 5–10 yd (4.6–9.1 m) wide to two belts 30 yd (27 m) wide, about 15 yd (14 m) apart. Double and triple thickness wire was used and laid 3–5 ft (0.91–1.52 m) high. The front line had been increased from one trench line to a front position with three trenches 150–200 yd (140–180 m) apart, the first trench ( 167: 1517:) about 1,000 yd (910 m) behind the front line was also built. Communication trenches ran back to the reserve position, renamed the second position, which was as well-built and wired as the front position. The second position was sited beyond the range of Allied field artillery, to force an attacker to stop and move guns forward before assaulting it. The Second Army had fought the Battle of Hébuterne (7–13 June) on a 1.2 mi (1.9 km) front at Toutvent Farm, to the west of Serre, against a salient held by the 63: 2014:(16th Manchesters) rushed German field artillery positions in Caterpillar Valley, forced back the crews of Field Artillery Regiment 21, after the German infantry had fallen back through the gun positions and captured three guns. The German artillerymen were machine-gunned from Montauban and strafed by aircraft from 150 ft (46 m) above as they retired but they returned during the night and recovered three guns. The British began to consolidate the captured positions and a hot meal was brought forward. After 2376:
few casualties and the 9th (Scottish) Division was ready but the disastrous consequences of the British attacks further north led to the division being ordered to wait on the 18th (Eastern) Division. Patrols went forward and found Bernafay Wood nearly empty but before the attack, it had been stressed that the division must prepare to defend Montauban against German counter-attacks which were considered inevitable. Consolidation went on all night and four communication trenches were dug across no man's land. By
1820:(RE) and detachments from two pioneer battalions, which were attached to each brigade. Parties of infantry and machine-guns were to move forward to La Briqueterie, which had a chimney used by the Germans as an observation point and other areas useful for British artillery observation. Several batteries of field guns were to move forward to command ground between the new front line and the German second position and a box-barrage was to be fired around Montauban to deter a German counter-attack. 182: 2114: 2225:
and got into the redoubt through gaps in the wire. After fighting hand-to-hand fight for an hour, the garrison was overwhelmed and Maple Trench was also captured. Both sides lost many casualties and the creping bombardment had advanced far beyond. Despite the left of the 53rd Brigade not having come level and the 91st Brigade of the 7th Division to the left being delayed, the advance continued to Beetle Alley just beyond the creeping barrage and the British bombed their way in at
Alley, from Montauban west to Pommiers Redoubt, which was on a commanding position along the Montauban–Mametz road, an advance of 2,000 yd (1,800 m). A third objective was set another 400 yd (370 m) forward on the left flank, to capture part of the Montauban Spur overlooking Caterpillar Wood. The bombardment plan of the division was similar to that of the 30th Division, except for the advance to the second and third positions, which was to be covered by a
1843: 1596: 151: 1985:(wooded slope) which was sheltered by Railway Valley and further on, the infantry was protected by a smoke screen along Dublin Trench, raised by the leading brigades. As soon as the advance began it was bombarded by German artillery but with little effect because of the state of the ground, which smothered shell explosions and the formation adopted for the advance. A German machine-gunner behind the former German front line trench near 2133:
which left a devastated area in front of Carnoy near the Carnoy–Montauban road of about 150 yd (140 m), which had prompted the Germans to fill the front trench with barbed wire and obstacles, then retire to the support line, except for some fortified craters. The 55th and 53rd brigades were to pass either side, while the 55th Brigade cleared the area, with a large flamethrower at the end of a Russian sap. As part of the
2064: 1957:
dug-outs in time and begun counter-attacking eastwards. Thirty-one prisoners were taken and a large number of troops from Infantry Regiment 109 retreated through the artillery lines in Caterpillar Valley. The way was cleared for the left-hand battalion, which ran up Train Alley and overran the machine-gun nest. The advance of the brigade continued, reached
261: 2551:, the German spring offensive. In the afternoon, air reconnaissance saw that the British defence of the line from Montauban and Ervillers was collapsing and the RFC squadrons in the area, made a maximum effort to disrupt the German advance. The village was recaptured for the last time on 26 August, by the 18th (Eastern) Division, during the 2282:
Wood and build trench blocks and advanced parties were established at the third objective which overlooked Caterpillar Wood, with the right flank in touch with the 55th Brigade west of Montauban. In the 54th Brigade area, two battalions worked forward to the third objective at White Trench on the north face of Montauban Ridge by
The Germans in the trench and Montauban Alley resisted attempts to move eastwards and an inconclusive bombing fight began, ending the advance of the 53rd and 54th brigades. Further east, the 55th Brigade advance had just begun, despite the plan requiring the north face of Montauban Ridge to have been
An outflanking attempt was made from the west, British troops got into Maple Trench and fired along the south face of the redoubt, where the German infantry had their heads and shoulders above the parapet. During the surprise, most of the two attacking battalions had infiltrated towards the east side
the Kasino Point mine was late because the officer in charge hesitated when he saw that British troops near Kasino Point had left their trenches and begun to advance across no man's land. The German machine-gunners at the point opened fire and inflicted many casualties; the officer detonated the mine
the second objective in Montauban Alley beyond the village was entered and another hundred prisoners were taken. Across the valley beyond, hundreds of German troops were seen retreating along the road to Bazentin-le-Grand and quickly brought under artillery-fire by forward artillery observers. Troops
The infantry advance was to be assisted by a heavy artillery barrage which was to fall successively on German defensive lines and a field artillery barrage which was to creep forward. The short lifts of the creeping barrage were to reach points registered beforehand so that the advance of the barrage
were constructed for gas cylinders. The woods behind the British front line filled with men and guns. The Germans were little able to impede the preparations due to lines of balloons, from which observers detected all daylight movement behind the German front line and directed heavy artillery-fire on
on 9 July, after a forty-minute bombardment; the 90th Brigade on the right advanced from La Briqueterie up a sunken road, rushed Maltz Horn Farm and then bombed up Maltz Horn Trench to the Guillemont track. An attack from Bernafay Wood intended for the same time was delayed, after the battalion lost
reserve units from following up. Feints had induced German artillery to return fire and disclose the ground on which the guns were ranged, which was traversed quickly. The Germans had been defeated on a 1,500 yd (1,400 m) front and pushed back for 2,000 yd (1,800 m) for a loss of
The 54th Brigade on the left advanced up the south side of Mametz Spur between the craters of the two mines and crossed the German front and support trenches, until a machine-gun at The Triangle caused many casualties in the right-hand battalion, before being rushed. The left-hand battalion moved so
Redoubt and Train Alley, threatened the retreat of the Germans opposite the 55th Brigade and some began to drift back towards Montauban; the right-hand battalion of the 55th Brigade was able to get forward towards Train Alley but no further. The left-hand battalion was still short of Breslau Support
During tunnelling, the British broke into a German dugout but were able to cover it up before the breach was noticed. (In 1932 James Edmonds wrote that this incident occurred during the digging of Russian saps rather than the Kasino Point mine.) Though the mines on the British front were to be blown
Later in the afternoon, huge mortar bombs began to fall, destroying shallower dug-outs and a super-heavy gun bombarded the main German strong-points, as smaller guns pulverised the villages close to the front line, from which civilians were hurriedly removed. German troops billeted in villages moved
companies reaching the front line, the rest waiting at Montauban. Most of the artillery and ammunition of the 12th and 28th Reserve divisions in the valley north of Montauban and Mametz was destroyed. Opposite the 30th Division, much of the garrison and most of the machine-guns had been destroyed by
The concentration of troops at the front line on a forward slope guaranteed that it would face the bulk of an artillery bombardment, directed by ground observers, on clearly marked lines. Much of the new defence-building on the Somme began in the area north of Fricourt and work further south through
A second battalion advanced north-eastwards, veered from the eastern edge to the south-eastern fringe and tried to work northwards but was stopped by fire from the strong point. The left of the battalion entered the wood further north, took thirty prisoners and occupied part of the eastern edge, as
when a battalion advanced eastwards from Bernafay Wood and reached a small rise, where fire from German machine-guns and two field guns caused many casualties and stopped the advance, except for a bombing attack along Trônes Alley. A charge across the open was made by the survivors, who reached the
on 3 July, the 30th Division occupied Bernafay Wood, suffering only six casualties and capturing seventeen prisoners, three field guns and three machine-guns. Patrols probed eastwards, discovered that Trônes Wood was defended by machine-gun detachments and withdrew. Reports from the advanced troops
and three field guns. By noon the 30th Division was established on Montauban Ridge and had observation into Caterpillar Valley. The 18th (Eastern) Division on the left had yet to come up but on the right, the French 39th Division was ready to advance again. The 30th Division had suffered relatively
The infantry advanced behind a creeping barrage over no man's land, which was about 200 yd (180 m) wide. Troops of Reserve Infantry Regiment 109 (RIR 109) and Infantry Regiment 23 (IR 23) had garrisoned the area but on the day, most prisoners were from Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 6
I looked left to see if my men were keeping a straight line. I saw a sight I shall never forget. A giant fountain, rising from our line of men, about 100 yards from me. Still on the move I stared at this, not realizing what it was. It rose, a great column nearly as high as Nelson's Column, then
Strong points were to be built by a Field Company Royal Engineers and detachments from two pioneer battalions attached to each brigade. The division was to raid Caterpillar Wood and prevent the withdrawal of German artillery from the valley. Mine warfare had been conducted by both sides during May,
The 18th (Eastern) Division was to attack with all three brigades, up the Carnoy Spur and the south end of the Mametz Spur on the left of the XIII Corps area, to the first objective along Train Alley and Pommiers Trench. After a pause, the brigades were to advance to a second objective at Montauban
On the left, the 21st Brigade reached the German front line with few casualties and caught the Germans before they could emerge from their shelters. The two leading battalions advanced up the east side of Railway Valley close up to the creeping barrage, until just before Alt Trench, where they took
at Dublin Redoubt. West of the village, the advance was to reach Montauban Alley and gain observation into Caterpillar Valley. The first objective was set at a German reserve line known as Dublin Trench and Pommiers Trench, about 1,000 yd (910 m) from the British front line. In the centre
In November 1914, the 28th Reserve Division was instructed to improve the fortifications in the divisional area, which included Montauban. Chalk spoil from digging was to be disguised by soil or turf, communication trenches should be deepened to 5 ft 7 in (1.7 m), trenches were to be
on 10 July, the British advanced in groups of twenty, many getting lost but some reaching the northern tip of the wood, reporting it empty of Germans. To the west, bombing parties took part of Longueval Alley and more fighting occurred at Central Trench in the wood, as German troops advanced again
When RIR 51 reached Guillemont, two battalions of Bavarian Infantry Regiment 16 (BIR 16) between Waterlot Farm and Longueval were to advance southwards towards Montauban Alley, Montauban and Pommiers Redoubt; RIR 51 was to recapture Dublin Redoubt, La Briqueterie and Montauban. The eastern side of
and dug in, as supporting battalions began to consolidate the captured ground and repair destroyed German trenches. Field artillery moved forward to Carnoy and two battalions of the 9th (Scottish) Division were attached to the 18th (Eastern) Division to carry stores and help dig new strong points.
despite German snipers using automatic rifles to stop any movement over the ground. Both parties then occupied the last length of Montauban Alley, which completed the capture of the second objective of the 18th (Eastern) Division. Parties began to move along Caterpillar Trench close to Caterpillar
to occupy the trench. Bombing parties had pushed ahead of the main force and taken Black Alley, which led to Pommiers Trench. Preparations began for the 53rd and 54th brigades to advance over the ridge to the second objective of Pommiers Redoubt, Maple Trench and Beetle Alley. On the extreme right
but the late detonation surprised and demoralised the Germans, whose fire diminished and the British swept over the German front trenches, making it the most successful mine detonation of 1 July. Several casualties were suffered by the battalion nearest to the Kasino Point mine. The three brigades
machine-gun fire, from the far side of Railway Alley, which caused many casualties and a supporting battalion was also engaged by machine-gun fire as it crossed no man's land and only a few men got across. Two mopping-up parties were sent westwards to engage German troops, who had got out of their
batteries, which had been placed in Russian saps opened during the night. Eight minutes later the 89th Brigade attacked on the right of the division, the two leading battalions advancing quickly across the 500 yd (460 m) of no man's land with slung rifles, in extended lines of companies,
On 20 June, British heavy artillery bombarded German communications behind the front line as far back as Bapaume and then continued intermittently until the evening of 22 June. At dawn on 24 June, a shrapnel barrage began on the German front position and villages nearby. At noon more accurate fire
and marched to the area between Combles and Ginchy, where it was put under the command of the 28th Reserve Division and ordered to recapture Montauban and Favières Wood. Overnight, Below ordered the garrison of Fricourt to withdraw. During the night, news arrived at the 2nd Army headquarters that
with a battalion each from the 53rd and 54th brigades. The redoubt was on the flat top of the Montauban Spur and had not been extensively bombarded and as the infantry advanced behind a creeping barrage against massed machine-gun and rifle fire, the attacks broke down in front of the German wire.
the division was close to the first objective and on the left had reached it but in the centre, most of the 53rd Brigade was held up in front of Breslau Support Trench and the troops near The Loop were still pinned down. The attack on Pommiers Redoubt, a battalion headquarters of RIR 109 began at
was sent forward to relieve the troops on either side of Montauban, which had been reduced by the British and French preliminary bombardment to about thirty men. Many of the fortifications were found to have been demolished and only three shelters were relatively safe. The relief had been chaotic
the British artillery fired a barrage between Trônes Wood and Guillemont after a report from the French was received of a counter-attack by RIR 106. The German attack was cancelled but some German troops managed to get across to the wood and reinforce the garrison, as part of a British battalion
flashes from the reflectors were seen along the northern fringe of Montauban and a sketch was drawn for the infantry headquarters, showing the extent of the advance onto Montauban Ridge. Balloon observers and the crews of artillery-observation aircraft spent the day spotting German artillery and
1314:. Signs of an offensive by the British and French had been seen in May 1916 but German military intelligence anticipated an offensive against the Fricourt and Gommecourt spurs, with a possible supporting attack in between, rather than an attack further south around Montauban and the Somme river. 2206:
Pommiers Trench was captured and consolidation began. Troops in The Loop at the right of Pommiers Trench held out and caused many casualties. Bombing parties tried to get close but found the trenches blocked and a Stokes mortar crew which was sent forward towards Pommiers Redoubt also found the
was in support, Infantry Regiment 63 opposite the French XX Corps and Infantry Regiment 62 behind Montauban. Reserve Infantry Regiment 109 of the 28th Reserve Division held the line from the Carnoy road, westwards to Mametz. On the following night an attempt was made to relieve Reserve Infantry
The German front line opposite XIII Corps had been developed into a front position with several lines of trenches linked by communication trenches and a new reserve line about 700–1,000 yd (640–910 m) further back, from Dublin Trench to Train Alley and Pommiers Trench; a communication
further to the north, defeated French Territorial divisions and then attacked westwards near Gueudecourt, towards Albert, through Sailly, Combles, Guillemont and Montauban. The village was captured on 28 September, against dug in French infantry and artillery of the northern corps of the French
The success of the 30th Division was ascribed to the efficiency of the artillery support and the infantry training before the attack, particularly in open warfare and "mopping-up", to prevent parties of Germans emerging in overrun ground, engaging the troops ahead and preventing supporting and
The reserve battalion of the 55th Brigade went forward spontaneously against continuous small-arms fire from The Loop but two companies were shielded by the Carnoy Spur and advanced to the battalion held up below Train Alley. The companies on the left arrived later; both battalions reached the
Alley caused many casualties to the brigade, having already engaged the 18th (Eastern) Division but the troops reached Train Alley fifteen minutes early and waited for the bombardment to lift, during which the machine-gun nest on the left flank was located and silenced by a Lewis gun crew. The
The German infantry stood to along with reinforcements but the bombardment resumed in the afternoon, rising in intensity to drumfire several times. Artillery-fire concentrated on small parts of the front and then lines of shells moved forward into the depth of the German defences. Periodic gas
close to Fricourt against scattered resistance from French infantry and cavalry. On 29 September, French counter-attacks at Fricourt almost succeeded; the German infantry were ordered to hold the village regardless of casualties and the French defence of Maricourt was equally effective. A lull
Redoubt to block the retreat of the garrison. No resistance was met until the far side was reached where a machine-gun was silenced. The commander of Infantry Regiment 62 and three staff officers were captured. The 12th Reserve Division near Cambrai, received orders from the XIV Reserve Corps
If the first phase succeeded and the attack further west captured Fricourt, XIII Corps was to wheel to the right by pivoting on Favière Wood and Dublin Redoubt. The third phase consisted of an eastwards advance via Bernafay and Trônes woods to the German second position from Falfemont Farm to
Reserve Infantry Regiment 51 (RIR 51) was ordered to advance south of the Bapaume–Albert road past Combles to enter the north-eastern corner of Montauban. In the centre, RIR 38 was to recapture Bois Favières and RIR 23 was to attack between Curlu and Maurepas, the first troops to cross the
The flyers saw German troops in trenches to the east of the wood and engaged them with the machine-gun. As the crew flew back, they saw the 16th Manchester enter Montauban and troops of the 18th (Eastern) Division coming up on the left, flying low over the ridge to wave at the infantry. By
when the bombardment abruptly stopped. The remaining German trench garrisons began to leave their shelters and set up machine-guns in the remains of trenches and in shell-holes, which proved difficult to spot and from which the occupants could face in any direction to engage an attacker.
The right-hand brigade was to stop at Casement Trench, which extended west from Dublin Redoubt and the brigade on the left was to reach Train Alley, 150 yd (140 m) west of Glatz Redoubt and to attack the redoubt. The third brigade was then to advance up Railway Valley and at
apart. The rearward companies advanced before time, to avoid a sparse German counter-barrage which began as soon as the infantry moved forward. The German wire was found to be well cut; German troops in the front line were caught below ground sheltering from the bombardment and
1894: 2021:
By noon, reports had reached German headquarters that British troops were in Bernafay and Trônes woods but with so few troops available, no counter-attack could be contemplated. Cooks and clerks were mobilised with recruit companies to occupy the second position. At
under a German salient at Kasino Point and a 500 lb (230 kg) mine was blown on the extreme left flank, intended to collapse German dugouts and destroy machine-gun nests. (In 1971, Martin Middlebrook wrote that the Kasino Point Salient was between Mametz,
After a pause the two battalions moved forward to Casement Trench and Alt Trench, taking prisoners from German's Wood on the way. After waiting for the standing barrage to lift the infantry advanced to the first objective at Dublin Trench, which was found empty at
Early in May 1916, preparations for the offensive quickened and long convoys of lorries and carts moved constantly on roads behind the front line. After dark, trains delivered ammunition and material was carried to the front line. New trenches were dug and sandbag
3554:. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Vol. I (facs. repr. Imperial War Museum, London Department of Printed books & Battery Press ed.). London: Macmillan. 1815:
and pass through the leading brigades, to capture Montauban. On the left flank, the 18th (Eastern) Division was to advance parallel with the 30th Division. As the final objectives were reached, strong points were to be built by a Field Company section of the
2305:(second position) from Guillemont to Longueval and Bazentin le Grand. Bernafay and Trônes woods were left undefended and the only German reserve was Bavarian Infantry Regiment 16, between Longueval and Flers. The 12th Reserve Division was rushed forward at 1785:
Guillemont. When the plan was settled by Operation Order 14 on 23 June, the 30th Division dug a new front line trench about 150–200 yd (140–180 m) closer to the German front line and six communication trenches between Maricourt on the right and
The XIII Corps heavy artillery comprised three heavy artillery groups and four French mortar batteries, with howitzers: two 12-inch, eight 9.2-inch, four 8-inch, twenty-four 6-inch; guns: two 6-inch, sixteen 60-pounder, four 4.7-inch; mortars: sixteen
German troops in the wood from I Battalion, RIR 106, II Battalion, IR 182 and III Battalion, RIR 51, skirmished with patrols and received reinforcements from Guillemont. Around noon more German reinforcements occupied the north end of the wood and at
3573:. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence (facs. repr. Imperial War Museum, London Department of Printed books & Battery Press ed.). London: Macmillan. 1422:
forced back the French 3rd Battalion, 69th Infantry Regiment and then attacked Maricourt. The Bavarian attack managed to advance half-way to Carnoy but was held up nearly 0.62 mi (1 km) short of Maricourt and the troops dug in after dark.
1829: 1661:
the British artillery. In early June, the German defenders were confronted by British patrols but the front was mostly quiet until 20 June, when British heavy guns began to bombard the area behind the German front line, as far back as
on 10 July, all but the south-eastern part of the wood had fallen to the German counter-attack; a lull occurred as the 30th Division relieved the 90th Brigade with the 89th Brigade. The remaining British troops were withdrawn and at
advanced from the south, retook the south-eastern edge and dug in. On 12 July, a new trench was dug from the east side of the wood and linked with those on the western fringe, being completed by dawn on 13 July. German attempts at
with vague orders and an unclear chain of command. BIR 6 took over from the north bank of the Somme to the road between Montauban and Carnoy, with the rest of the division in reserve near Bapaume or in the line near Thiepval. The
Redoubt. The trench had been so badly damaged by the bombardment that some troops overshot and dug in 50–100 yd (46–91 m) forward by connecting shell-holes; three field artillery batteries moved forward near Maricourt.
reached the south end of the wood and dug in 60 yd (55 m) from the south-western edge. Patrols moving north in the wood found few Germans but had great difficulty getting through the undergrowth and fallen trees. At
bombardment, moving forward slowly at a rate of 100 yd (91 m) in three minutes, until beyond the final objective. Arrangements were made with XV Corps to bombard the length of Pommiers Trench from the left flank.
1325:. A German counter-attack in the early hours of 2 July was a costly failure. The 30th Division began operations against Bernafay and Trônes woods on 3 July. Montauban was recaptured by German troops on 25 March 1918 during 2242:
Montauban road by noon, seen by the crew of a contact patrol aircraft. The British advances on the flanks threatened the retreat of the Germans in Breslau Support and The Loop and many of the survivors began to retire. By
The XIII Corps plan for the 30th Division, issued on 15 June, was to capture Montauban on the first day; to the east of the village Nord Alley and Dublin Trench were to be captured to form a defensive flank to the French
3768:. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Vol. II (Imperial War Museum & Battery Press ed.). London: Macmillan. 1295:, which then attempted a reciprocal outflanking move further north and forced the 6th Army to fight a defensive battle as more troops were moved further north to attempt another advance around Arras, Lille and Lens. 1275:
and lies on the D 64, between Guillemont to the east and Mametz to the west. To the north are Bazentin-le-Petit and Bazentin-le-Grand. Bernafay and Trônes woods are to the north-east and Maricourt lies to the south.
which instead of exploding upwards, sent debris outwards over a wide area, causing casualties among at least four British battalions, as well as obliterating several German machine-gun nests. A witness wrote later,
3595:. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Vol. I (Imperial War Museum and Battery Press ed.). London: Macmillan. 2095:
Redoubt along Train Alley towards Montauban. The crew saw a German field artillery battery setting up in Bernafay Wood and attacked the gunners with machine-gun fire, from an altitude of 700 ft (210 m).
and on the left flank the advance was to continue to Montauban and the Montauban–Mametz Ridge and then the left flank was to advance a short distance, to improve the observation over German positions on the left.
4017: 3701:. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Vol. IV (Naval & Military Press ed.). London: Clarendon Press. 3614:. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Vol. IV (Imperial War Museum and Battery Press ed.). London: HMSO. 1978:
the two leading battalions advanced in lines of companies, each company making lines of half-platoons which advanced in files, with the third battalion following closely. The battalions moved forward east of
736: 5563: 5578: 5762: 333: 6215: 1937:
as the 3rd Battalion of the French 153rd Infantry Regiment occupied Dublin Redoubt. Consolidation began, using the picks and shovels carried by the supporting battalions, with the left flank on
274: 5660: 5297: 1317:
The 30th Division attacked behind a creeping barrage and captured its objectives of Montauban and the Montauban Ridge, inflicting many casualties on Bavarian Infantry Regiment 6, of the
4461: 2616:"The Warren", a strong point opposite the 18th (Eastern) Division, had been built forward of the reserve line, from which the garrison could fire eastwards into the 30th Division area. 2299:
began to arrive from Cambrai during the afternoon of 1 July. By the afternoon the survivors of the 28th Reserve Division and BRIR 6 of the 10th Bavarian Division, had withdrawn to the
5739: 5767: 4274: 3935:
The Evolution of the British Army's Logistical and Administrative Infrastructure and its Influence on GHQ's Operational and Strategic Decision-Making on the Western Front, 1914–1918
5682: 1449:
along the Roman road from Bapaume to Albert and Amiens, intending to reach the Ancre and then continue westwards along the Somme valley. The 28th Reserve Division advanced through
3537:. History of the Great War Based on Official Documents by Direction of the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence. Vol. I (2nd ed.). London: Macmillan. 1998:
Redoubt, which reduced visibility in Montauban and Caterpillar valley to 2 to 3 yd (1.8 to 2.7 m). The trench around Montauban was empty and the infantry who entered at
Montauban to the river had not been completed by 1 July. For nearly a year after the Battle of Hébuterne, the area became a backwater and the German divisions became known as the
5955: 5374: 4332: 729: 6062: 6200: 5970: 5725: 2527:
to advance into the wood were defeated by French and British artillery-fire. Rawlinson ordered XIII Corps to take the wood "at all costs" and the 30th Division, having lost
and took the south end of Maltz Horn Trench, as a battalion of the 30th Division attacked from La Briqueterie and took the north end. A second attack from Bernafay Wood at
troops were captured and many more killed; a local truce was observed for the French to recover their wounded and dead but on Christmas Day there was no truce in the area.
5965: 5655: 5606: 5521: 1645:, which reduced the frontage of the XIV Reserve Corps from 30,000 to 20,000 yd (17 to 11 mi; 27 to 18 km), the 28th Reserve Division holding the line from 6210: 5809: 2443:
of the divisions of XIII Corps and XV Corps, indicated that they were pursuing a beaten enemy. A combined attack by XX Corps and XIII Corps on 7 July, was postponed for
326: 1574:
and the second line, all within 2,000 yd (1,800 m) and most troops within 1,000 yd (910 m) of the front line, accommodated in the new deep dugouts.
966: 6205: 722: 425: 1653:. Recruit battalions of troops undergoing advanced training were moved closer to the front to occupy the second and third positions if needed; the 2nd Army had about 1028: 703: 2349:
from RIR 51. Consolidation continued along with reconnaissance and artillery registration, the front being quiet, except for a German bombardment of Montauban area.
the right-hand battalion had become pinned down in the German support line, blocked by The Warren to the front and the machine-guns in the crater field on the left.
it. British aircraft flew over the German lines unopposed, photographing German defences and lines of communication, bombing shelters and artillery emplacements and
5650: 5008: 1298:
On 1 July 1916, the German first defensive position ran south of the village, along the lower slopes of Montauban Spur. The junction of the British Fourth Army and
253: 5279: 4501: 5710: 5640: 4491: 4402: 319: 2250:
from RIR 109 and IR 62. The attackers got into the west end of Train Alley and on the west side of the area, about sixty Germans in The Loop surrendered at
5734: 4625: 4079: 2412:
surviving, most in units which had not been engaged; only a few stragglers turned up the next morning. In 2013, Ralph Whitehead wrote that BRIR 6 suffered
slowly toppled over. Before I could think, I saw huge slabs of earth and chalk thudding down, some with flames attached, onto the troops as they advanced.
661: 4302: 2055:
the division was ordered to attack the Montauban–Mametz ridge during the night but by midnight the foremost units had only reached the second position.
4632: 949: 2234:
The right flank was short of Train Alley, the centre was stuck near the German front trench and the objective had been reached on the left flank. At
4284: 5309: 5018: 4920: 5892: 5730: 5717: 5674: 5583: 5111: 4678: 4325: 2488:
and parts of RIR 38 and RIR 51, was pressed from Maltz Horn Farm to the north end of the wood and reached the wood north of the Guillemont track.
2485: 6074: 1507:
Dugouts had been deepened from 6–9 ft (1.8–2.7 m) to 20–30 ft (6.1–9.1 m), 50 yd (46 m) apart and large enough for
98: 6084: 5942: 2105:
directing counter-battery fire onto them, although the quantity of shell-bursts was so great that only approximate corrections could be given.
redoubts, made by blocking trenches and encircling them with barbed wire. Montauban had been fortified and a trench dug around the south side.
1518: 2514:
which killed fifty German soldiers but failed to reach the objective at a strong point, after the troops mistook a fork in the trench for it.
5856: 5790: 5627: 5506: 5179: 4198: 4054: 3973: 3943: 3887: 3868: 3849: 3830: 3811: 3792: 3773: 3754: 3732: 3706: 3678: 3657: 3638: 3619: 3600: 3578: 3559: 3520: 2544: 2296: 1446: 1442: 1334: 6031: 5451: 4236: 418: 5802: 1364: 6016: 1291:, attacked westwards down the Somme valley to reach Albert, Amiens and the sea. The attack was stopped just east of Albert by the French 4754: 4259: 2238:
a clearing party managed to overrun the Germans at the Carnoy craters but the defenders of Breslau Support Trench and The Loop held on.
had advanced from repaired trenches and taped lines, rather than from new jumping-off trenches to disguise the imminence of the attack.
2134: 1723: 671: 607: 6001: 5291: 1806:
Two brigades of the 30th Division were to advance to the first objective, a line from Dublin Trench to Glatz Redoubt, in two stages by
4693: 2531:
from 7 July, was withdrawn and replaced by the 18th (Eastern) Division, the 55th Brigade taking over in the wood and trenches nearby.
was begun in February and was almost complete on the Somme front when the battle began. German artillery was organised in a series of
814: 5386: 4439: 5876: 5570: 4658: 4129: 2577:) and found itself in the path of the 30th Division; all were killed or captured and by the end of 1 July the regiment had suffered 2463:
reached the south-eastern edge of Trônes Wood, despite many casualties and dug in facing north. The 30th Division attacked again at
1612: 1427: 1284: 767: 2607:
which gave a heavy gun or howitzer for 47 yd (43 m) of front and a field gun or howitzer for each 17 yd (16 m)
5056: 4094: 1183: 487: 372: 4792: 1757:
front, cut with depressions adjacent to the Carnoy and Mametz spurs and Railway Valley, which curved eastwards below Montauban.
885: 553: 6127: 5932: 5912: 5699: 5635: 5458: 5327: 4231: 4151: 4089: 1690: 1318: 597: 411: 5601: 4968: 5927: 5922: 5917: 5907: 4246: 4221: 4119: 1754: 1303: 219: 2031: 1765: 1454:
followed and in October, both sides began to improve the ditches and shallow scrapes dug when the German advance had ended.
on a front of 4 mi (6.4 km), with exhausted troops who suffered many casualties; the survivors were withdrawn to
2079:(RFC) flew over XIII Corps and an observer watched the troops of the 30th Division advance to a line from Dublin Trench to 5960: 5902: 5897: 5861: 5795: 5687: 5533: 5116: 4506: 4434: 4365: 4134: 4104: 4099: 1902:, Gunner officers correcting their battery fire by field telephone from a disused trench in No Man's Land (Art.IWMART2297) 1738:
parties of infantry and cavalry. When German observation balloons ascended, they were attacked by aircraft and shot down.
1695: 1438: 1409:
advanced along the north bank of the Somme, through Bouchavesnes, Leforest and Hardecourt until held up at Maricourt. The
1322: 907: 831: 5126: 1699:
Regiment 109 with Infantry Regiment 23 of the 12th Division but the extent of British artillery-fire prevented more than
6195: 5851: 5478: 5418: 5315: 5220: 4983: 4769: 4473: 4312: 4211: 3571:
Military Operations France and Belgium, 1916: Sir Douglas Haig's Command to the 1st July: Battle of the Somme Appendices
Military Operations France and Belgium 1914: Mons, the Retreat to the Seine, the Marne and the Aisne August–October 1914
Troops which had captured Pommiers Redoubt bombed along Pommiers Trench for 400 yd (370 m) to White Trench by
1629: 1237: 1006: 836: 666: 5086: 2501:
from Guillemont, took several patrols prisoner as they occupied the wood and established posts on the western edge. By
the Maricourt–Montauban road had been repaired to a point 200 yd (180 m) short of the old German front line.
in corps reserve, was to move forward to sheltered localities about 2 mi (3.2 km) behind the old front line.
1158: 6089: 5526: 5511: 5369: 5321: 4637: 4511: 4424: 4188: 4176: 4171: 4027: 2005:
The British troops moved through the village, followed up by the second line and as the smoke screen dispersed around
1742: 1410: 1406: 1307: 1249: 1206: 1178: 991: 746: 619: 614: 202: 5303: 4698: 848: 6185: 6069: 6026: 5061: 5046: 4948: 4817: 4385: 4297: 4254: 1553: 1153: 1143: 1121: 1055: 971: 961: 934: 762: 6011: 5351: 4958: 4812: 6220: 5779: 5363: 5106: 5091: 4703: 4397: 4375: 4124: 4114: 4047: 2433: 1501: 1201: 1173: 1128: 1111: 1067: 981: 902: 858: 853: 641: 504: 392: 5392: 5333: 5273: 1500:) was kept for the bulk of the front-trench garrison and the third trench for local reserves. The trenches were 1395: 5986: 5473: 5463: 5345: 5081: 5076: 4998: 4407: 4380: 4084: 2552: 2540: 2211:
fast over Mametz Spur that it reached Pommiers Trench before the standing barrage lifted and had to wait until
1606: 1342: 1330: 1288: 1245: 1168: 1106: 1082: 986: 912: 629: 624: 587: 494: 4802: 2447:
because of a German counter-attack on Favières Wood in the French area. The British attack began on 8 July at
Landrecies to Cambrai: Case Studies of German Offensive and Defensive Operations on the Western Front 1914–17
Military Operations France and Belgium, 1916: Sir Douglas Haig's Command to the 1st July: Battle of the Somme
1400: 6190: 6057: 6049: 5991: 5751: 5446: 5209: 5121: 5036: 5031: 5003: 4963: 4822: 4807: 4782: 4663: 4540: 1800: 1792: 1777: 1391: 1359: 1338: 1311: 1133: 1094: 1072: 922: 863: 789: 526: 482: 477: 452: 387: 382: 343: 223: 32: 5824: 5548: 5483: 5339: 5066: 4993: 4943: 4928: 4910: 4883: 4797: 4764: 4429: 4390: 4370: 4181: 4074: 2480:
from an arc between Maurepas to Bazentin-le-Grand and as a counter-attack loomed, the British withdrew at
and the crew saw the reflectors sewn onto the small packs of the infantry glinting, as they advanced from
1549: 1471: 1229: 1148: 1116: 1077: 1045: 976: 944: 927: 917: 890: 799: 686: 656: 580: 575: 558: 536: 499: 457: 357: 62: 28: 5357: 5814: 5468: 5133: 5096: 5026: 4973: 4895: 4863: 4837: 4787: 4718: 4620: 4573: 4419: 4357: 4226: 4109: 1953: 1912: 1646: 1483: 1264: 1163: 1138: 996: 878: 782: 592: 290: 279: 4759: 2034:
of the 89th Brigade advanced from Dublin Trench behind a creeping barrage. A party of bombers moved up
1750: 1642: 1299: 531: 3984: 3933: 3907: 3612:
Military Operations France and Belgium 1918: 8th August – 26th September: The Franco-British Offensive
6164: 6079: 4733: 4708: 4683: 4040: 3588: 3530: 2590: 1638: 1477: 1415: 1292: 1050: 543: 519: 207: 6146: 6099: 5285: 5149: 5101: 4978: 4938: 4933: 4878: 4561: 4555: 4456: 3861:
The Other Side of the Wire: The Battle of the Somme. With the German XIV Reserve Corps, 1 July 1916
2011: 1842: 1595: 1241: 1233: 1060: 1016: 1011: 826: 804: 636: 514: 509: 472: 435: 377: 50: 3766:
Military Operations France and Belgium, 1916: 2nd July 1916 to the End of the Battles of the Somme
and the mine planted there was one of seven large mines that were due to be detonated on 1 July.)
barrage lifted and the front wave rushed forward. A smoke barrage screened the advance forward of
6106: 6021: 5380: 5244: 5226: 5191: 5155: 4988: 4953: 4905: 4890: 4777: 4728: 4567: 4526: 4206: 3742: 2076: 2073: 2051:
to move up to Rancourt and Bouchavesnes, about 6–7 mi (9.7–11.3 km) from Montauban. At
1261: 1257: 1033: 873: 794: 602: 570: 287: 283: 187: 772: 2262:
The remaining British troops in the area, were able to advance to the Montauban–Mametz road by
6139: 6133: 6094: 5996: 5829: 5412: 5267: 5250: 5051: 4873: 4853: 4688: 4673: 4603: 4591: 4451: 4292: 4269: 4216: 3990: 3969: 3939: 3913: 3883: 3864: 3845: 3826: 3807: 3788: 3769: 3750: 3728: 3702: 3674: 3670:
The War in the Air, Being the Story of the Part Played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force
3653: 3634: 3615: 3596: 3574: 3555: 3538: 3516: 3508: 2548: 2113: 1889: 1326: 1099: 1040: 843: 698: 467: 367: 3723:
Jones, S. (2018). "XIII Corps and the Attack at Montauban, 1 July 1916". In Jones, S. (ed.).
Germany's Western Front, 1915: Translations from the German Official History of the Great War
Military Operations France and Belgium 1918: The German March Offensive and its Preliminaries
1556:) in 1915, a third defensive position 3,000 yd (1.7 mi; 2.7 km) back from the 1337:
retreated. The village was recaptured for the last time six months later on 26 August by the
311: 5197: 5167: 5161: 5071: 4900: 4868: 4858: 4597: 4521: 4516: 4444: 4264: 4164: 2472:
The move into Trônes Wood was nearly unopposed, the battalion reached the eastern fringe at
and were joined by the troops who had moved along Loop Trench after the fall of The Loop at
1650: 1001: 777: 565: 548: 2510:
a huge British bombardment fell on the wood, followed by an attack up Maltz Horn Trench at
after a mortar bombardment, at which the German survivors retreated into Caterpillar Wood.
6006: 5846: 5185: 4738: 4713: 4412: 4320: 4159: 1817: 1746: 1617: 1433: 1387: 1280: 1253: 1196: 868: 693: 54: 5839: 5819: 5490: 5203: 5041: 4832: 4723: 4579: 4483: 4466: 2484:
to Bernafay Wood. The German counter-attack by the II Battalion, IR 182 from the fresh
2170: 2125: 1521:
and gained 3,000 ft (900 m) on a 1.2 mi (2 km) front, at a cost of
Military operations resumed in the area of Montauban in late September 1914 during the
939: 809: 676: 156: 6179: 5950: 5238: 5232: 4668: 4585: 4496: 4022: 3696: 3668: 2018:
German artillery-fire on the village from the north and east caused many casualties.
1916: 1450: 821: 172: 2416:
on 1 July, the second worst loss after RIR 109. IR 62 fought near Montauban and had
5400: 4827: 3804:
Bloody Victory: The Sacrifice on the Somme and the Making of the Twentieth Century
an attack along the communication trenches nearby had occupied the area and taken
1405:), forced a hurried withdrawal. As more Bavarian units arrived in the north, the 5611: 5516: 5214: 4642: 4063: 3698:
The War in the Air Being the Part Played in the Great War by the Royal Air Force
1621: 3673:. Vol. II (Naval & Military Press ed.). London: Clarendon Press. 2468:
direction in the rain and a gas bombardment, not advancing from the wood until
3727:. Wolverhampton Military Studies (No. 30). Warwick: Helion. pp. 270–292. 2345:
shells; later on patrols found many dead German soldiers in the wood and took
2063: 1899: 681: 3917: 113: 100: 5406: 5173: 3994: 3542: 2147: 1828: 1730: 17: 2476:
and sent patrols northwards. A German heavy artillery bombardment began at
The Operational Role of British Corps Command on the Western Front 1914–18
3962: 1302:
of the Sixth Army ran through Maricourt and to the east of Montauban. The
5666: 2341: 1735: 88: 1663: 1268: 294: 2254:
The last German post in Back Trench near Breslau Alley held out until
2143: 1272: 298: 92: 1865:
and an unprecedented barrage began all along the German front until
1620:) on the Somme front was reinforced to eight divisions in line from 3633:(repr. Naval & Military Press ed.). London: R. Maclehose. 2026:
the British heavy artillery began to bombard La Briqueterie and at
and had sentry posts in concrete recesses built into the parapet.
5834: 2137:, a 5,000 lb (2.2 long tons; 2.3 t) mine was sprung at 2112: 2068:
Photograph of the B.E.8 prototype, similar to 9 Squadron equipment
2062: 1893: 1847:
Map of Maricourt, south of Montauban (commune FR insee code 80513)
1841: 1827: 1764: 1625: 1594: 1363: 403: 3652:. Vol. II. Waterloo Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 3938:(Thesis). London: King's College London (University of London). 714: 4036: 2539:
Montauban was lost on 25 March 1918, during the retreat of the
718: 407: 315: 4032: 3038: 3036: 3023: 3021: 2936: 2934: 2932: 2907: 2905: 2880: 2878: 2690: 2688: 1381:) Reserve Division attacks towards Albert, late September 1914 2853: 2851: 2404:
The Bavarian Official History recorded that BRIR 6 suffered
Emblem of the 18th (Eastern) Division in the First World War
3101: 3099: 1600:
Map of Montauban and vicinity (commune FR insee code 80505)
3787:(Naval & Military Press ed.). London: Blackwood. 3299: 3297: 3116: 3114: 2968: 2966: 2964: 2951: 2949: 2826: 2824: 2822: 2797: 2795: 2793: 2780: 2778: 2717: 2715: 3844:(Pen & Sword Military ed.). London: Leo Cooper. 3725:
At All Costs: The British Army on the Western Front 1916
2593:, wrote that this was the first use of the term "creep". 1749:) held the front line from Maricourt next to the French 3515:(Phoenix ed.). London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. 1310:) held the right of the corps area, next to the French 2186:
troops engaged the attackers with small-arms fire. By
The 90th Brigade had assembled west of Maricourt at
1791:(wooded slope) on the left at the boundary with the 1689:
Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 6 (BIR 6) of the
1641:) with three divisions took over from Gommecourt to 6216:
Battles of World War I involving the United Kingdom
6119: 6040: 5979: 5941: 5885: 5874: 5778: 5750: 5698: 5620: 5594: 5546: 5499: 5439: 5432: 5260: 5142: 5017: 4919: 4846: 4747: 4651: 4613: 4548: 4539: 4482: 4356: 4345: 4311: 4283: 4245: 4197: 4150: 4143: 3880:
If Germany Attacks: The Battle in Depth in the West
Through German Eyes: The British and the Somme 1916
2197:the advance of the 30th Division on the right into 3961: 3909:British Intelligence and the German Army 1914–1918 3463: 2571:The 8th Company had taken post near Train Alley ( 1770:Battle of Albert, 6-inch gun in action, July 1916 1390:, a French attack north of the Somme against the 1228:to the British), took place on 1 July 1916, the 5009:Armistice between Russia and the Central Powers 3882:(Greenwood Press, NY ed.). London: Faber. 2491:A British advance north from La Briqueterie at 2161: 1929:were taken, mostly from Infantry Regiment 62. 43: 2757: 2002:found the village deserted, except for a fox. 4048: 730: 419: 327: 67:Battle of the Somme 1 July – 18 November 1916 8: 3785:The 18th (Eastern) Division in the Great War 2572: 2362: 2333: 2311: 2300: 2041: 2035: 1993: 1986: 1980: 1958: 1938: 1786: 1633: 1628:, with three divisions held in reserve. The 1610: 1569: 1563: 1557: 1543: 1512: 1495: 1489: 1481: 1431: 1376: 1370: 3180: 3168: 3144: 3132: 1511:An intermediate line of strong points (the 1283:, when the II Bavarian Corps and later the 6201:Battles of the Western Front (World War I) 5882: 5591: 5496: 5436: 4545: 4353: 4147: 4055: 4041: 4033: 4018:The Long, Long Trail: Capture of Montauban 737: 723: 715: 426: 412: 404: 345:Battle of Albert (1916) tactical incidents 334: 320: 312: 40: 3375: 2694: 2266:and then take part of Montauban Alley at 1494:) occupied by sentry groups, the second ( 6211:Battles of World War I involving Germany 5298:Revolutions and interventions in Hungary 3363: 3351: 3339: 3252: 3240: 3228: 3216: 3204: 3192: 3156: 3120: 3090: 3078: 3066: 3054: 3042: 3027: 2988: 2955: 2940: 2923: 2911: 2896: 2884: 2869: 2830: 2801: 2675: 1967:and gained touch with the 89th Brigade. 6206:Battles of World War I involving France 5675:Occupied Enemy Territory Administration 3806:(1st ed.). London: Little, Brown. 3631:History of the 17th (Northern) Division 3491: 3487: 3459: 3327: 3288: 2857: 2842: 2733: 2679: 2663: 2651: 2639: 2635: 2628: 2564: 1480:the German Chief of the General Staff ( 3842:The German Army on the Somme 1914–1916 3475: 3303: 3264: 3012: 2984: 2972: 2784: 2745: 2543:and the 1st Dismounted Brigade of the 1952:The left-hand battalion was caught by 1657:and howitzers, which were outnumbered 1418:. Bavarian Reserve Infantry regiments 1333:and the 1st Dismounted Brigade of the 5628:Austro-Hungarian occupation of Serbia 4964:Third Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele) 3447: 3435: 3423: 3411: 3399: 3387: 3315: 3276: 3105: 3000: 2813: 2769: 2721: 2706: 2455:The French 39th Division attacked at 1441:) attacked on 28 September, with the 7: 6032:Agreement of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne 3968:. New Haven: Yale University Press. 3648:Humphries, M. O.; Maker, J. (2010). 1948:the trench as the barrage lifted at 228:Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment 6 5961:Ottomans against the Triple Entente 4755:Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes 2135:Mines on the first day of the Somme 1724:Mines on the first day of the Somme 4694:First Battle of the Masurian Lakes 3989:(PhD). London: London University. 3863:. Vol. II. Solihull: Helion. 2258:mostly from BRIR 6 surrendered at 1329:, as the right flank units of the 25: 1375:) Reserve Division and the 28th ( 260: 5057:Second Battle of the Piave River 4679:Russian invasion of East Prussia 3629:Hilliard Atteridge, A. (2003) . 2310:Thiepval had been held and that 1528:killed against a German loss of 1321:and Infantry Regiment 62 of the 259: 252: 180: 165: 149: 61: 6128:Arrest of a Suspect in Sarajevo 5328:Lithuanian Wars of Independence 2638:, pp. 19, 22, 24, 26, 28; 5951:Austria-Hungary against Serbia 5810:Deportations from East Prussia 5607:1915 typhus epidemic in Serbia 3960:Prior, R.; Wilson, T. (2005). 2328:The attack had been made from 1: 5862:Ukrainian Canadian internment 3490:, pp. 291–292, 299–300; 1833:Animation of a Shrapnel shell 1529: 230:Reserve Infantry Regiment 109 6017:Sazonov–Paléologue Agreement 5316:Estonian War of Independence 4984:Southern Palestine offensive 4023:17th Manchester, 1 July 1916 3093:, pp. 336–337, 344–345. 2392:the 18th (Eastern) Division 2087:Another aircraft arrived at 1386:On 25 September, during the 5971:USA against Austria-Hungary 5370:Turkish War of Independence 5322:Latvian War of Independence 5047:Treaty of Bucharest of 1918 4638:Anti-Serb riots in Sarajevo 3783:Nichols, G. H. F. (2004) . 2388:The 30th Division suffered 1624:on the south bank north to 1542:In February, following the 1207:Western Front tactics, 1917 6237: 6054:Treaties of Brest-Litovsk 5602:1899–1923 cholera pandemic 5062:Second Battle of the Marne 4949:Second battle of the Aisne 4818:Second Battle of Champagne 4659:German invasion of Belgium 3912:(PhD). London University. 3747:The First Day on the Somme 2758:Humphries & Maker 2010 2431: 2320:Maurepas–Ginchy road from 1887: 1721: 1554:Second Battle of Champagne 1469: 1396:Karl von Martini (General) 1357: 448:Battles of the Somme, 1916 26: 6160: 5835:Assyrian genocide (Sayfo) 5364:Irish War of Independence 5107:Armistice of Villa Giusti 5092:Battle of Vittorio Veneto 4704:First Battle of the Marne 4070: 3859:Whitehead, R. J. (2013). 3749:. London: Penguin Books. 3569:Edmonds, J. E. (1993b) . 3550:Edmonds, J. E. (1993a) . 2169:L/Cpl E. J. Fisher, 10th 2032:King's Liverpool Regiment 1548:(Autumn Battle; the dual 1476:In January 1915, General 754: 445: 353: 247: 234: 213: 195: 141: 71: 60: 48: 5987:Constantinople Agreement 5280:Armenian–Azerbaijani War 5143:Co-belligerent conflicts 5112:Second Romanian campaign 5082:Third Transjordan attack 4793:Gorlice–Tarnów offensive 4699:Battle of Grand Couronné 3821:Rogers, D., ed. (2010). 3610:Edmonds, J. E. (1993) . 2845:, pp. 130, 161–162. 2589:The official historian, 2553:Second Battle of Bapaume 2541:17th (Northern) Division 1343:Second Battle of Bapaume 1331:17th (Northern) Division 6050:Modus vivendi of Acroma 6002:Bulgaria–Germany treaty 5310:Greater Poland Uprising 5210:National Protection War 5087:Meuse–Argonne offensive 5037:German spring offensive 5032:Treaty of Brest-Litovsk 4808:Siege of Novogeorgievsk 4783:Second Battle of Artois 4664:Battle of the Frontiers 3695:Jones, H. A. (2002a) . 3591:; et al. (1995) . 3464:Hilliard Atteridge 2003 2109:18th (Eastern) Division 1824:Preparatory bombardment 1801:9th (Scottish) Division 1793:18th (Eastern) Division 1360:Battle of Albert (1914) 1339:18th (Eastern) Division 1095:German spring offensive 224:18th (Eastern) Division 33:Battle of Albert (1916) 6075:Paris Peace Conference 6063:Ukraine–Central Powers 5857:Massacres of Albanians 5825:Late Ottoman genocides 5632:Bulgarian occupations 5340:Third Anglo-Afghan War 5304:Hungarian–Romanian War 5122:Naval Victory Bulletin 5117:Armistice with Germany 5067:Hundred Days Offensive 4994:Battle of La Malmaison 4944:Second battle of Arras 4911:Battle of Transylvania 4765:Second Battle of Ypres 4633:Sarajevo assassination 4522:South African Republic 4028:Montauban: photo essay 3878:Wynne, G. C. (1976) . 3667:Jones, H. A. (2002) . 2654:, pp. 26, 28, 33. 2573: 2452:wood and disappeared. 2434:Capture of Trônes Wood 2363: 2334: 2312: 2301: 2175: 2120: 2070: 2042: 2036: 2030:a company of the 20th 1994: 1987: 1981: 1959: 1939: 1904: 1849: 1835: 1787: 1772: 1691:10th Bavarian Division 1635:General der Infanterie 1634: 1613:General der Infanterie 1611: 1605:In late May 1916, the 1602: 1570: 1564: 1558: 1550:Third Battle of Artois 1544: 1513: 1496: 1490: 1482: 1432: 1383: 1377: 1371: 1319:10th Bavarian Division 1236:, between the British 358:First Day on the Somme 196:Commanders and leaders 29:First day on the Somme 6085:Treaty of St. Germain 6058:Russia–Central Powers 6012:Sykes–Picot Agreement 5840:Pontic Greek genocide 5815:Destruction of Kalisz 5791:Eastern Mediterranean 5352:Polish–Lithuanian War 5134:Armistice of Belgrade 5097:Armistice of Salonica 5027:Operation Faustschlag 4974:Third Battle of Oituz 4896:Baranovichi offensive 4864:Lake Naroch offensive 4838:Battle of Robat Karim 4813:Vistula–Bug offensive 4788:Battles of the Isonzo 4719:First Battle of Ypres 3932:Brown, I. M. (1996). 3840:Sheldon, J. (2006) . 3802:Philpott, W. (2009). 2682:, pp. 49–50, 53. 2423:Subsequent operations 2316:had been recaptured. 2297:12th Reserve Division 2116: 2066: 1913:hurricane bombardment 1897: 1845: 1831: 1768: 1598: 1484:Oberste Heeresleitung 1447:28th Reserve Division 1443:26th Reserve Division 1411:4th Bavarian Division 1407:3rd Bavarian Division 1369:Diagram of the 26th ( 1367: 280:Montauban-de-Picardie 235:Casualties and losses 6080:Treaty of Versailles 5796:Mount Lebanon famine 5711:in the United States 5679:Russian occupations 5393:Turkish–Armenian War 5334:Polish–Ukrainian War 5274:Ukrainian–Soviet War 5221:Central Asian Revolt 5004:Armistice of Focșani 4734:Battle of Sarikamish 4684:Battle of Tannenberg 4080:Military engagements 3997:. 3983:Simpson, A. (2001). 3825:. Solihull: Helion. 3462:, pp. 473–474; 3318:, pp. 26–27, 5. 3231:, pp. 333, 338. 3183:, pp. 127, 282. 2545:1st Cavalry Division 2207:approaches blocked. 1745:(Lieutenant-General 1718:British preparations 1639:Karl von Plettenberg 1478:Erich von Falkenhayn 1335:1st Cavalry Division 1222:Capture of Montauban 1202:French Army mutinies 1197:1914 Christmas truce 967:Hohenzollern Redoubt 608:Butte de Warlencourt 275:class=notpageimage| 208:Erich von Falkenhayn 114:50.00722°N 2.78000°E 44:Capture of Montauban 6196:Battle of the Somme 6147:They shall not pass 6070:Treaty of Bucharest 6027:Treaty of Bucharest 5966:USA against Germany 5943:Declarations of war 5647:German occupations 5560:British casualties 5419:Soviet–Georgian War 5346:Egyptian Revolution 5286:Armeno-Georgian War 5150:Somaliland campaign 5102:Armistice of Mudros 4979:Battle of Caporetto 4969:Battle of Mărășești 4939:Zimmermann telegram 4934:February Revolution 4879:Battle of the Somme 4803:Bug-Narew Offensive 4778:Battle of Gallipoli 4770:Sinking of the RMS 4562:Scramble for Africa 4556:Franco-Prussian War 4212:Sinai and Palestine 3906:Beach, J. (2005) . 3764:Miles, W. (1992) . 3494:, pp. 376–377. 3466:, pp. 339–342. 3366:, pp. 320–345. 3354:, pp. 337–338. 3330:, pp. 169–170. 3291:, pp. 179–180. 3255:, pp. 340–341. 3243:, pp. 338–340. 3219:, pp. 332–333. 3207:, pp. 331–332. 3195:, pp. 329–330. 3108:, pp. 213–214. 3081:, pp. 335–336. 3069:, pp. 334–335. 3045:, pp. 327–328. 3030:, pp. 326–327. 3003:, pp. 161–162. 2943:, pp. 323–324. 2914:, pp. 322–323. 2899:, pp. 182–183. 2887:, pp. 321–322. 2872:, pp. 320–321. 2860:, pp. 161–162. 2816:, pp. 287–288. 2772:, pp. 160–161. 2724:, pp. 100–103. 2709:, pp. 100–101. 2697:, pp. 253–271. 2642:, pp. 402–403. 2012:Manchester Regiment 1591:German preparations 1472:Battle of Hébuterne 1244:against the German 1234:Battle of the Somme 1191:Associated articles 908:Hartmannswillerkopf 768:Invasion of Belgium 651:Associated articles 110: /  51:Battle of the Somme 6107:Treaty of Lausanne 6022:Paris Economy Pact 5956:UK against Germany 5886:Entry into the war 5852:Urkun (Kyrgyzstan) 5571:Ottoman casualties 5381:Franco-Turkish War 5261:Post-War conflicts 5245:Russian Revolution 5227:Invasion of Darfur 5192:Kelantan rebellion 5180:Kurdish rebellions 5156:Mexican Revolution 4989:October Revolution 4954:Kerensky offensive 4929:Capture of Baghdad 4906:Monastir offensive 4891:Brusilov offensive 4729:Battle of Kolubara 4568:Russo-Japanese War 2987:, pp. 60–61; 2121: 2077:Royal Flying Corps 2071: 1905: 1850: 1836: 1773: 1603: 1565:sperrfeuerstreifen 1523:10,351 casualties, 1384: 243:3,957 (incomplete) 6186:Conflicts in 1916 6173: 6172: 6156: 6155: 6140:The Golden Virgin 6134:Mutilated victory 6115: 6114: 6095:Treaty of Trianon 6090:Treaty of Neuilly 5997:Damascus Protocol 5870: 5869: 5830:Armenian genocide 5787:Allied blockades 5759:Belgian refugees 5542: 5541: 5452:Strategic bombing 5428: 5427: 5413:Franco-Syrian War 5387:Greco-Turkish War 5375:Anglo-Turkish War 5358:Polish–Soviet War 5292:German Revolution 5268:Russian Civil War 5251:Finnish Civil War 5077:Battle of Megiddo 5052:Battle of Goychay 4999:Battle of Cambrai 4959:Battle of Mărăști 4874:Battle of Jutland 4854:Erzurum offensive 4709:Siege of Przemyśl 4689:Siege of Tsingtao 4674:Battle of Galicia 4604:Second Balkan War 4592:Italo-Turkish War 4549:Pre-War conflicts 4535: 4534: 4425:Portuguese Empire 4341: 4340: 4303:German New Guinea 4285:Asian and Pacific 3975:978-0-300-10694-7 3945:978-0-275-95894-7 3889:978-0-8371-5029-1 3870:978-1-907677-12-0 3851:978-1-84415-269-8 3832:978-1-906033-76-7 3813:978-1-4087-0108-9 3794:978-1-84342-866-4 3775:978-0-901627-76-6 3756:978-0-14-139071-0 3734:978-1-912174-88-1 3708:978-1-84342-415-4 3680:978-1-84342-413-0 3659:978-1-55458-259-4 3640:978-1-84342-581-6 3621:978-0-89839-191-6 3602:978-0-89839-219-7 3580:978-0-89839-226-5 3561:978-0-89839-185-5 3522:978-0-7538-2202-9 3450:, pp. 47–48. 3438:, pp. 46–47. 3426:, pp. 44–46. 3414:, pp. 44–45. 3402:, pp. 21–23. 3390:, pp. 17–23. 3306:, pp. 78–79. 3147:, pp. 82–83. 3015:, pp. 61–64. 2975:, pp. 58–61. 2787:, pp. 57–58. 2666:, pp. 46–47. 2579:1,809 casualties. 2549:Operation Michael 2406:3,000 casualties, 2396:RIR 109 suffered 2390:3,011 casualties, 2330:3:00 to 4:00 a.m. 1915:was fired by six 1890:Capture of Mametz 1714:the bombardment. 1666:, until 23 June. 1533: 4,000 men. 1439:Hermann von Stein 1428:XIV Reserve Corps 1392:II Bavarian Corps 1327:Operation Michael 1285:XIV Reserve Corps 1256:. Montauban is a 1215: 1214: 1041:Nivelle offensive 815:Trouée de Charmes 712: 711: 699:Thiepval Memorial 554:Flers–Courcelette 401: 400: 310: 309: 137: 136: 119:50.00722; 2.78000 16:(Redirected from 6228: 6221:July 1916 events 6100:Treaty of Sèvres 5992:Treaty of London 5883: 5661:Northeast France 5592: 5564:Parliamentarians 5497: 5459:Chemical weapons 5437: 5198:Senussi campaign 5168:Muscat rebellion 5162:Maritz rebellion 5130: 5072:Vardar offensive 4901:Battle of Romani 4869:Battle of Asiago 4859:Battle of Verdun 4823:Kosovo offensive 4598:First Balkan War 4546: 4445:Russian Republic 4354: 4148: 4090:Economic history 4057: 4050: 4043: 4034: 4006: 4004: 4002: 3979: 3967: 3956: 3954: 3952: 3928: 3926: 3924: 3893: 3874: 3855: 3836: 3817: 3798: 3779: 3760: 3738: 3719: 3717: 3715: 3691: 3689: 3687: 3663: 3644: 3625: 3606: 3584: 3565: 3546: 3526: 3495: 3485: 3479: 3473: 3467: 3457: 3451: 3445: 3439: 3433: 3427: 3421: 3415: 3409: 3403: 3397: 3391: 3385: 3379: 3373: 3367: 3361: 3355: 3349: 3343: 3337: 3331: 3325: 3319: 3313: 3307: 3301: 3292: 3286: 3280: 3274: 3268: 3262: 3256: 3250: 3244: 3238: 3232: 3226: 3220: 3214: 3208: 3202: 3196: 3190: 3184: 3181:Middlebrook 1971 3178: 3172: 3169:Middlebrook 1971 3166: 3160: 3154: 3148: 3145:Middlebrook 1971 3142: 3136: 3133:Middlebrook 1971 3130: 3124: 3118: 3109: 3103: 3094: 3088: 3082: 3076: 3070: 3064: 3058: 3052: 3046: 3040: 3031: 3025: 3016: 3010: 3004: 2998: 2992: 2982: 2976: 2970: 2959: 2953: 2944: 2938: 2927: 2921: 2915: 2909: 2900: 2894: 2888: 2882: 2873: 2867: 2861: 2855: 2846: 2840: 2834: 2828: 2817: 2811: 2805: 2799: 2788: 2782: 2773: 2767: 2761: 2755: 2749: 2743: 2737: 2731: 2725: 2719: 2710: 2704: 2698: 2692: 2683: 2673: 2667: 2661: 2655: 2649: 2643: 2633: 2617: 2614: 2608: 2606: 2600: 2594: 2587: 2581: 2580: 2576: 2569: 2530: 2526: 2521: 2513: 2509: 2504: 2499: 2494: 2483: 2479: 2475: 2471: 2466: 2462: 2458: 2450: 2446: 2441: 2419: 2415: 2414:1,761 casualties 2411: 2407: 2403: 2399: 2398:2,147 casualties 2395: 2391: 2379: 2374: 2366: 2348: 2344: 2337: 2331: 2323: 2315: 2308: 2304: 2285: 2280: 2276: 2269: 2265: 2261: 2257: 2253: 2249: 2245: 2237: 2233: 2228: 2219: 2214: 2205: 2196: 2189: 2185: 2173: 2157: 2140: 2103: 2090: 2086: 2054: 2050: 2047:headquarters at 2045: 2039: 2029: 2025: 2017: 2008: 2001: 1997: 1990: 1984: 1977: 1973: 1966: 1962: 1951: 1942: 1936: 1928: 1923: 1910: 1868: 1864: 1856: 1814: 1809: 1790: 1712: 1711: 1707: 1704: 1688: 1685:On the night of 1660: 1656: 1637: 1616: 1573: 1567: 1561: 1547: 1534: 1531: 1527: 1524: 1516: 1510: 1499: 1493: 1487: 1461: 1437: 1421: 1404: 1380: 1374: 1154:St Quentin Canal 749: 739: 732: 725: 716: 657:Hébuterne (1915) 620:Schwaben Redoubt 440: 438: 428: 421: 414: 405: 348: 346: 336: 329: 322: 313: 263: 262: 256: 186: 184: 183: 175: 171: 169: 168: 159: 155: 153: 152: 125: 124: 122: 121: 120: 115: 111: 108: 107: 106: 103: 73: 72: 65: 41: 21: 6236: 6235: 6231: 6230: 6229: 6227: 6226: 6225: 6176: 6175: 6174: 6169: 6152: 6111: 6043: 6036: 6007:Treaty of Darin 5975: 5937: 5893:Austria-Hungary 5879: 5866: 5847:Rape of Belgium 5774: 5746: 5694: 5688:Western Armenia 5683:Eastern Galicia 5616: 5590: 5554: 5553:Civilian impact 5552: 5538: 5495: 5424: 5256: 5186:Ovambo Uprising 5138: 5124: 5013: 4915: 4842: 4760:Battle of Łomża 4743: 4739:Christmas truce 4714:Race to the Sea 4647: 4609: 4531: 4502:Austria-Hungary 4478: 4413:Empire of Japan 4350: 4348: 4337: 4321:U-boat campaign 4307: 4279: 4241: 4193: 4139: 4120:Popular culture 4066: 4061: 4014: 4009: 4000: 3998: 3982: 3976: 3959: 3950: 3948: 3946: 3931: 3922: 3920: 3905: 3901: 3899:Further reading 3896: 3890: 3877: 3871: 3858: 3852: 3839: 3833: 3820: 3814: 3801: 3795: 3782: 3776: 3763: 3757: 3743:Middlebrook, M. 3741: 3735: 3722: 3713: 3711: 3709: 3694: 3685: 3683: 3681: 3666: 3660: 3647: 3641: 3628: 3622: 3609: 3603: 3587: 3581: 3568: 3562: 3549: 3529: 3523: 3507: 3503: 3498: 3486: 3482: 3474: 3470: 3458: 3454: 3446: 3442: 3434: 3430: 3422: 3418: 3410: 3406: 3398: 3394: 3386: 3382: 3374: 3370: 3362: 3358: 3350: 3346: 3338: 3334: 3326: 3322: 3314: 3310: 3302: 3295: 3287: 3283: 3275: 3271: 3263: 3259: 3251: 3247: 3239: 3235: 3227: 3223: 3215: 3211: 3203: 3199: 3191: 3187: 3179: 3175: 3167: 3163: 3155: 3151: 3143: 3139: 3131: 3127: 3119: 3112: 3104: 3097: 3089: 3085: 3077: 3073: 3065: 3061: 3053: 3049: 3041: 3034: 3026: 3019: 3011: 3007: 2999: 2995: 2983: 2979: 2971: 2962: 2954: 2947: 2939: 2930: 2922: 2918: 2910: 2903: 2895: 2891: 2883: 2876: 2868: 2864: 2856: 2849: 2841: 2837: 2829: 2820: 2812: 2808: 2800: 2791: 2783: 2776: 2768: 2764: 2756: 2752: 2744: 2740: 2732: 2728: 2720: 2713: 2705: 2701: 2693: 2686: 2674: 2670: 2662: 2658: 2650: 2646: 2634: 2630: 2626: 2621: 2620: 2615: 2611: 2604: 2601: 2597: 2588: 2584: 2578: 2570: 2566: 2561: 2537: 2528: 2524: 2519: 2511: 2507: 2502: 2497: 2492: 2481: 2477: 2473: 2469: 2464: 2460: 2456: 2448: 2444: 2439: 2436: 2430: 2425: 2418:737 casualties. 2417: 2413: 2409: 2405: 2401: 2397: 2393: 2389: 2386: 2377: 2372: 2360: 2355: 2346: 2339: 2329: 2321: 2306: 2293: 2283: 2278: 2274: 2267: 2263: 2259: 2255: 2251: 2247: 2243: 2235: 2231: 2226: 2217: 2212: 2203: 2194: 2187: 2183: 2174: 2168: 2155: 2138: 2119: 2111: 2101: 2088: 2084: 2069: 2061: 2052: 2048: 2027: 2023: 2015: 2006: 1999: 1975: 1971: 1964: 1949: 1934: 1926: 1921: 1908: 1903: 1892: 1886: 1881: 1876: 1866: 1862: 1854: 1848: 1834: 1826: 1818:Royal Engineers 1812: 1807: 1771: 1763: 1747:Walter Congreve 1726: 1720: 1709: 1705: 1702: 1700: 1686: 1658: 1654: 1618:Fritz von Below 1601: 1593: 1588: 1571:Stützpunktlinie 1559:Stützpunktlinie 1540: 1532: 1525: 1522: 1514:Stützpunktlinie 1508: 1474: 1468: 1459: 1434:Generalleutnant 1419: 1398: 1388:Race to the Sea 1382: 1362: 1356: 1351: 1281:Race to the Sea 1254:First World War 1240:and the French 1218: 1217: 1216: 1211: 1188: 992:Vimy Ridge 1916 869:Race to the Sea 837:1st St. Quentin 759: 750: 745: 743: 713: 708: 694:Leipzig Salient 662:Order of Battle 648: 441: 437:Somme Offensive 436: 434: 432: 402: 397: 349: 344: 342: 340: 306: 305: 304: 303: 302: 277: 271: 270: 269: 268: 264: 229: 222: 181: 179: 166: 164: 163: 150: 148: 147: 133:British victory 118: 116: 112: 109: 104: 101: 99: 97: 96: 95: 66: 55:First World War 35: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 6234: 6232: 6224: 6223: 6218: 6213: 6208: 6203: 6198: 6193: 6191:1916 in France 6188: 6178: 6177: 6171: 6170: 6168: 6167: 6161: 6158: 6157: 6154: 6153: 6151: 6150: 6143: 6136: 6131: 6123: 6121: 6117: 6116: 6113: 6112: 6110: 6109: 6104: 6103: 6102: 6097: 6092: 6087: 6082: 6072: 6067: 6066: 6065: 6060: 6052: 6046: 6044: 6042:Peace treaties 6041: 6038: 6037: 6035: 6034: 6029: 6024: 6019: 6014: 6009: 6004: 5999: 5994: 5989: 5983: 5981: 5977: 5976: 5974: 5973: 5968: 5963: 5958: 5953: 5947: 5945: 5939: 5938: 5936: 5935: 5930: 5928:United Kingdom 5925: 5920: 5918:Ottoman Empire 5915: 5910: 5905: 5900: 5895: 5889: 5887: 5880: 5875: 5872: 5871: 5868: 5867: 5865: 5864: 5859: 5854: 5849: 5844: 5843: 5842: 5837: 5832: 5822: 5820:Sack of Dinant 5817: 5812: 5807: 5806: 5805: 5800: 5799: 5798: 5784: 5782: 5776: 5775: 5773: 5772: 5771: 5770: 5768:United Kingdom 5765: 5756: 5754: 5748: 5747: 5745: 5744: 5743: 5742: 5737: 5728: 5722:POW locations 5720: 5715: 5714: 5713: 5704: 5702: 5696: 5695: 5693: 5692: 5691: 5690: 5685: 5677: 5672: 5671: 5670: 5663: 5658: 5653: 5645: 5644: 5643: 5638: 5630: 5624: 5622: 5618: 5617: 5615: 5614: 5609: 5604: 5598: 5596: 5589: 5588: 5587: 5586: 5581: 5573: 5568: 5567: 5566: 5557: 5555: 5547: 5544: 5543: 5540: 5539: 5537: 5536: 5531: 5530: 5529: 5522:United Kingdom 5519: 5517:Ottoman Empire 5514: 5509: 5503: 5501: 5494: 5493: 5491:Trench warfare 5488: 5487: 5486: 5476: 5471: 5466: 5461: 5456: 5455: 5454: 5443: 5441: 5434: 5430: 5429: 5426: 5425: 5423: 5422: 5416: 5410: 5404: 5398: 5397: 5396: 5390: 5384: 5378: 5367: 5361: 5355: 5349: 5343: 5337: 5331: 5325: 5319: 5313: 5307: 5301: 5295: 5289: 5283: 5277: 5271: 5264: 5262: 5258: 5257: 5255: 5254: 5248: 5242: 5236: 5230: 5224: 5218: 5212: 5207: 5204:Volta-Bani War 5201: 5195: 5189: 5183: 5177: 5171: 5165: 5159: 5153: 5146: 5144: 5140: 5139: 5137: 5136: 5131: 5119: 5114: 5109: 5104: 5099: 5094: 5089: 5084: 5079: 5074: 5069: 5064: 5059: 5054: 5049: 5044: 5042:Zeebrugge Raid 5039: 5034: 5029: 5023: 5021: 5015: 5014: 5012: 5011: 5006: 5001: 4996: 4991: 4986: 4981: 4976: 4971: 4966: 4961: 4956: 4951: 4946: 4941: 4936: 4931: 4925: 4923: 4917: 4916: 4914: 4913: 4908: 4903: 4898: 4893: 4888: 4887: 4886: 4876: 4871: 4866: 4861: 4856: 4850: 4848: 4844: 4843: 4841: 4840: 4835: 4833:Battle of Loos 4830: 4825: 4820: 4815: 4810: 4805: 4800: 4795: 4790: 4785: 4780: 4775: 4767: 4762: 4757: 4751: 4749: 4745: 4744: 4742: 4741: 4736: 4731: 4726: 4724:Black Sea raid 4721: 4716: 4711: 4706: 4701: 4696: 4691: 4686: 4681: 4676: 4671: 4666: 4661: 4655: 4653: 4649: 4648: 4646: 4645: 4640: 4635: 4630: 4629: 4628: 4626:Historiography 4617: 4615: 4611: 4610: 4608: 4607: 4601: 4595: 4589: 4583: 4580:Bosnian Crisis 4577: 4574:Tangier Crisis 4571: 4565: 4559: 4552: 4550: 4543: 4537: 4536: 4533: 4532: 4530: 4529: 4524: 4519: 4514: 4509: 4507:Ottoman Empire 4504: 4499: 4494: 4488: 4486: 4484:Central Powers 4480: 4479: 4477: 4476: 4471: 4470: 4469: 4467:British Empire 4462:United Kingdom 4459: 4454: 4449: 4448: 4447: 4442: 4440:Russian Empire 4432: 4427: 4422: 4417: 4416: 4415: 4405: 4400: 4395: 4394: 4393: 4383: 4378: 4373: 4368: 4362: 4360: 4358:Entente Powers 4351: 4346: 4343: 4342: 4339: 4338: 4336: 4335: 4330: 4329: 4328: 4326:North Atlantic 4317: 4315: 4309: 4308: 4306: 4305: 4300: 4295: 4289: 4287: 4281: 4280: 4278: 4277: 4272: 4267: 4262: 4257: 4251: 4249: 4243: 4242: 4240: 4239: 4237:Central Arabia 4234: 4229: 4224: 4219: 4214: 4209: 4203: 4201: 4199:Middle Eastern 4195: 4194: 4192: 4191: 4186: 4185: 4184: 4174: 4169: 4168: 4167: 4156: 4154: 4145: 4141: 4140: 4138: 4137: 4132: 4127: 4122: 4117: 4112: 4107: 4102: 4100:Historiography 4097: 4092: 4087: 4082: 4077: 4071: 4068: 4067: 4062: 4060: 4059: 4052: 4045: 4037: 4031: 4030: 4025: 4020: 4013: 4012:External links 4010: 4008: 4007: 3980: 3974: 3957: 3944: 3929: 3902: 3900: 3897: 3895: 3894: 3888: 3875: 3869: 3856: 3850: 3837: 3831: 3818: 3812: 3799: 3793: 3780: 3774: 3761: 3755: 3739: 3733: 3720: 3707: 3692: 3679: 3664: 3658: 3645: 3639: 3626: 3620: 3607: 3601: 3589:Edmonds, J. E. 3585: 3579: 3566: 3560: 3547: 3531:Edmonds, J. E. 3527: 3521: 3504: 3502: 3499: 3497: 3496: 3480: 3478:, p. 319. 3468: 3452: 3440: 3428: 3416: 3404: 3392: 3380: 3378:, p. 460. 3376:Whitehead 2013 3368: 3356: 3344: 3342:, p. 341. 3332: 3320: 3308: 3293: 3281: 3269: 3257: 3245: 3233: 3221: 3209: 3197: 3185: 3173: 3171:, p. 126. 3161: 3159:, p. 325. 3149: 3137: 3125: 3123:, p. 329. 3110: 3095: 3083: 3071: 3059: 3057:, p. 328. 3047: 3032: 3017: 3005: 2993: 2991:, p. 307. 2977: 2960: 2958:, p. 324. 2945: 2928: 2926:, p. 322. 2916: 2901: 2889: 2874: 2862: 2847: 2835: 2833:, p. 344. 2818: 2806: 2804:, p. 321. 2789: 2774: 2762: 2760:, p. 199. 2750: 2738: 2736:, p. 160. 2726: 2711: 2699: 2695:Whitehead 2013 2684: 2678:, p. 34; 2668: 2656: 2644: 2627: 2625: 2622: 2619: 2618: 2609: 2595: 2582: 2574:Kleinbahnmulde 2563: 2562: 2560: 2557: 2536: 2533: 2486:123rd Division 2432:Main article: 2429: 2426: 2424: 2421: 2385: 2382: 2359: 2356: 2354: 2351: 2322:7:00–8:00 p.m. 2313:Schwaben-Feste 2302:Braunestellung 2292: 2289: 2166: 2117: 2110: 2107: 2067: 2060: 2059:Air operations 2057: 1898: 1885: 1882: 1880: 1877: 1875: 1872: 1846: 1832: 1825: 1822: 1769: 1762: 1759: 1719: 1716: 1599: 1592: 1589: 1587: 1584: 1545:Herbstschlacht 1539: 1536: 1470:Main article: 1467: 1464: 1368: 1358:Main article: 1355: 1352: 1350: 1347: 1287:of the German 1213: 1212: 1210: 1209: 1204: 1199: 1187: 1186: 1184:Lys and Escaut 1181: 1176: 1171: 1166: 1161: 1156: 1151: 1146: 1141: 1136: 1131: 1126: 1125: 1124: 1119: 1114: 1109: 1104: 1086: 1085: 1080: 1075: 1070: 1065: 1064: 1063: 1058: 1053: 1048: 1038: 1031: 1020: 1019: 1014: 1009: 1004: 999: 994: 989: 984: 979: 974: 969: 964: 953: 952: 947: 942: 937: 932: 931: 930: 920: 915: 913:Neuve Chapelle 910: 905: 894: 893: 888: 886:Winter actions 883: 882: 881: 876: 866: 861: 856: 851: 849:Grand Couronné 846: 841: 840: 839: 834: 829: 819: 818: 817: 812: 807: 802: 797: 787: 786: 785: 780: 775: 765: 755: 752: 751: 744: 742: 741: 734: 727: 719: 710: 709: 707: 706: 701: 696: 691: 690: 689: 687:Hawthorn Ridge 684: 679: 669: 664: 659: 647: 646: 645: 644: 642:Beaumont-Hamel 634: 633: 632: 627: 622: 612: 611: 610: 605: 600: 590: 588:Thiepval Ridge 585: 584: 583: 578: 573: 563: 562: 561: 551: 546: 541: 540: 539: 529: 524: 523: 522: 517: 512: 507: 502: 495:Bazentin Ridge 492: 491: 490: 485: 480: 475: 470: 465: 460: 446: 443: 442: 433: 431: 430: 423: 416: 408: 399: 398: 396: 395: 390: 385: 380: 375: 370: 365: 360: 354: 351: 350: 341: 339: 338: 331: 324: 316: 308: 307: 278: 273: 272: 266: 265: 258: 257: 251: 250: 249: 248: 245: 244: 241: 237: 236: 232: 231: 226: 216: 215: 211: 210: 205: 198: 197: 193: 192: 191: 190: 160: 144: 143: 139: 138: 135: 134: 131: 127: 126: 87: 85: 81: 80: 77: 69: 68: 58: 57: 46: 45: 39: 38: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 6233: 6222: 6219: 6217: 6214: 6212: 6209: 6207: 6204: 6202: 6199: 6197: 6194: 6192: 6189: 6187: 6184: 6183: 6181: 6166: 6163: 6162: 6159: 6149: 6148: 6144: 6142: 6141: 6137: 6135: 6132: 6130: 6129: 6125: 6124: 6122: 6118: 6108: 6105: 6101: 6098: 6096: 6093: 6091: 6088: 6086: 6083: 6081: 6078: 6077: 6076: 6073: 6071: 6068: 6064: 6061: 6059: 6056: 6055: 6053: 6051: 6048: 6047: 6045: 6039: 6033: 6030: 6028: 6025: 6023: 6020: 6018: 6015: 6013: 6010: 6008: 6005: 6003: 6000: 5998: 5995: 5993: 5990: 5988: 5985: 5984: 5982: 5978: 5972: 5969: 5967: 5964: 5962: 5959: 5957: 5954: 5952: 5949: 5948: 5946: 5944: 5940: 5934: 5933:United States 5931: 5929: 5926: 5924: 5921: 5919: 5916: 5914: 5911: 5909: 5906: 5904: 5901: 5899: 5896: 5894: 5891: 5890: 5888: 5884: 5881: 5878: 5873: 5863: 5860: 5858: 5855: 5853: 5850: 5848: 5845: 5841: 5838: 5836: 5833: 5831: 5828: 5827: 5826: 5823: 5821: 5818: 5816: 5813: 5811: 5808: 5804: 5801: 5797: 5794: 5793: 5792: 5789: 5788: 5786: 5785: 5783: 5781: 5777: 5769: 5766: 5764: 5761: 5760: 5758: 5757: 5755: 5753: 5749: 5741: 5738: 5736: 5732: 5729: 5727: 5724: 5723: 5721: 5719: 5716: 5712: 5709: 5708: 5706: 5705: 5703: 5701: 5697: 5689: 5686: 5684: 5681: 5680: 5678: 5676: 5673: 5669: 5668: 5664: 5662: 5659: 5657: 5654: 5652: 5649: 5648: 5646: 5642: 5639: 5637: 5634: 5633: 5631: 5629: 5626: 5625: 5623: 5619: 5613: 5610: 5608: 5605: 5603: 5600: 5599: 5597: 5593: 5585: 5582: 5580: 5577: 5576: 5574: 5572: 5569: 5565: 5562: 5561: 5559: 5558: 5556: 5550: 5545: 5535: 5534:United States 5532: 5528: 5525: 5524: 5523: 5520: 5518: 5515: 5513: 5510: 5508: 5505: 5504: 5502: 5498: 5492: 5489: 5485: 5484:Convoy system 5482: 5481: 5480: 5479:Naval warfare 5477: 5475: 5472: 5470: 5467: 5465: 5462: 5460: 5457: 5453: 5450: 5449: 5448: 5445: 5444: 5442: 5438: 5435: 5431: 5420: 5417: 5414: 5411: 5408: 5405: 5402: 5399: 5394: 5391: 5388: 5385: 5382: 5379: 5376: 5373: 5372: 5371: 5368: 5365: 5362: 5359: 5356: 5353: 5350: 5347: 5344: 5341: 5338: 5335: 5332: 5329: 5326: 5323: 5320: 5317: 5314: 5311: 5308: 5305: 5302: 5299: 5296: 5293: 5290: 5287: 5284: 5281: 5278: 5275: 5272: 5269: 5266: 5265: 5263: 5259: 5252: 5249: 5246: 5243: 5240: 5239:Kaocen revolt 5237: 5234: 5233:Easter Rising 5231: 5228: 5225: 5222: 5219: 5216: 5213: 5211: 5208: 5205: 5202: 5199: 5196: 5193: 5190: 5187: 5184: 5181: 5178: 5175: 5172: 5169: 5166: 5163: 5160: 5157: 5154: 5151: 5148: 5147: 5145: 5141: 5135: 5132: 5128: 5123: 5120: 5118: 5115: 5113: 5110: 5108: 5105: 5103: 5100: 5098: 5095: 5093: 5090: 5088: 5085: 5083: 5080: 5078: 5075: 5073: 5070: 5068: 5065: 5063: 5060: 5058: 5055: 5053: 5050: 5048: 5045: 5043: 5040: 5038: 5035: 5033: 5030: 5028: 5025: 5024: 5022: 5020: 5016: 5010: 5007: 5005: 5002: 5000: 4997: 4995: 4992: 4990: 4987: 4985: 4982: 4980: 4977: 4975: 4972: 4970: 4967: 4965: 4962: 4960: 4957: 4955: 4952: 4950: 4947: 4945: 4942: 4940: 4937: 4935: 4932: 4930: 4927: 4926: 4924: 4922: 4918: 4912: 4909: 4907: 4904: 4902: 4899: 4897: 4894: 4892: 4889: 4885: 4882: 4881: 4880: 4877: 4875: 4872: 4870: 4867: 4865: 4862: 4860: 4857: 4855: 4852: 4851: 4849: 4845: 4839: 4836: 4834: 4831: 4829: 4826: 4824: 4821: 4819: 4816: 4814: 4811: 4809: 4806: 4804: 4801: 4799: 4798:Great Retreat 4796: 4794: 4791: 4789: 4786: 4784: 4781: 4779: 4776: 4774: 4773: 4768: 4766: 4763: 4761: 4758: 4756: 4753: 4752: 4750: 4746: 4740: 4737: 4735: 4732: 4730: 4727: 4725: 4722: 4720: 4717: 4715: 4712: 4710: 4707: 4705: 4702: 4700: 4697: 4695: 4692: 4690: 4687: 4685: 4682: 4680: 4677: 4675: 4672: 4670: 4669:Battle of Cer 4667: 4665: 4662: 4660: 4657: 4656: 4654: 4650: 4644: 4641: 4639: 4636: 4634: 4631: 4627: 4624: 4623: 4622: 4619: 4618: 4616: 4612: 4605: 4602: 4599: 4596: 4593: 4590: 4587: 4586:Agadir Crisis 4584: 4581: 4578: 4575: 4572: 4569: 4566: 4563: 4560: 4557: 4554: 4553: 4551: 4547: 4544: 4542: 4538: 4528: 4525: 4523: 4520: 4518: 4515: 4513: 4510: 4508: 4505: 4503: 4500: 4498: 4495: 4493: 4490: 4489: 4487: 4485: 4481: 4475: 4474:United States 4472: 4468: 4465: 4464: 4463: 4460: 4458: 4455: 4453: 4450: 4446: 4443: 4441: 4438: 4437: 4436: 4433: 4431: 4428: 4426: 4423: 4421: 4418: 4414: 4411: 4410: 4409: 4406: 4404: 4401: 4399: 4396: 4392: 4391:French Empire 4389: 4388: 4387: 4384: 4382: 4379: 4377: 4374: 4372: 4369: 4367: 4364: 4363: 4361: 4359: 4355: 4352: 4344: 4334: 4333:Mediterranean 4331: 4327: 4324: 4323: 4322: 4319: 4318: 4316: 4314: 4313:Naval warfare 4310: 4304: 4301: 4299: 4296: 4294: 4291: 4290: 4288: 4286: 4282: 4276: 4273: 4271: 4268: 4266: 4263: 4261: 4258: 4256: 4253: 4252: 4250: 4248: 4244: 4238: 4235: 4233: 4230: 4228: 4225: 4223: 4220: 4218: 4215: 4213: 4210: 4208: 4205: 4204: 4202: 4200: 4196: 4190: 4189:Italian Front 4187: 4183: 4180: 4179: 4178: 4177:Eastern Front 4175: 4173: 4172:Western Front 4170: 4166: 4163: 4162: 4161: 4158: 4157: 4155: 4153: 4149: 4146: 4142: 4136: 4133: 4131: 4130:Puppet states 4128: 4126: 4123: 4121: 4118: 4116: 4113: 4111: 4108: 4106: 4103: 4101: 4098: 4096: 4093: 4091: 4088: 4086: 4083: 4081: 4078: 4076: 4073: 4072: 4069: 4065: 4058: 4053: 4051: 4046: 4044: 4039: 4038: 4035: 4029: 4026: 4024: 4021: 4019: 4016: 4015: 4011: 3996: 3992: 3988: 3987: 3981: 3977: 3971: 3966: 3965: 3958: 3947: 3941: 3937: 3936: 3930: 3919: 3915: 3911: 3910: 3904: 3903: 3898: 3891: 3885: 3881: 3876: 3872: 3866: 3862: 3857: 3853: 3847: 3843: 3838: 3834: 3828: 3824: 3819: 3815: 3809: 3805: 3800: 3796: 3790: 3786: 3781: 3777: 3771: 3767: 3762: 3758: 3752: 3748: 3744: 3740: 3736: 3730: 3726: 3721: 3710: 3704: 3700: 3699: 3693: 3682: 3676: 3672: 3671: 3665: 3661: 3655: 3651: 3646: 3642: 3636: 3632: 3627: 3623: 3617: 3613: 3608: 3604: 3598: 3594: 3590: 3586: 3582: 3576: 3572: 3567: 3563: 3557: 3553: 3548: 3544: 3540: 3536: 3532: 3528: 3524: 3518: 3514: 3510: 3506: 3505: 3500: 3493: 3489: 3484: 3481: 3477: 3472: 3469: 3465: 3461: 3456: 3453: 3449: 3444: 3441: 3437: 3432: 3429: 3425: 3420: 3417: 3413: 3408: 3405: 3401: 3396: 3393: 3389: 3384: 3381: 3377: 3372: 3369: 3365: 3364:Edmonds 1993a 3360: 3357: 3353: 3352:Edmonds 1993a 3348: 3345: 3341: 3340:Edmonds 1993a 3336: 3333: 3329: 3324: 3321: 3317: 3312: 3309: 3305: 3300: 3298: 3294: 3290: 3285: 3282: 3279:, p. 26. 3278: 3273: 3270: 3267:, p. 78. 3266: 3261: 3258: 3254: 3253:Edmonds 1993a 3249: 3246: 3242: 3241:Edmonds 1993a 3237: 3234: 3230: 3229:Edmonds 1993a 3225: 3222: 3218: 3217:Edmonds 1993a 3213: 3210: 3206: 3205:Edmonds 1993a 3201: 3198: 3194: 3193:Edmonds 1993a 3189: 3186: 3182: 3177: 3174: 3170: 3165: 3162: 3158: 3157:Edmonds 1993a 3153: 3150: 3146: 3141: 3138: 3135:, p. 82. 3134: 3129: 3126: 3122: 3121:Edmonds 1993a 3117: 3115: 3111: 3107: 3102: 3100: 3096: 3092: 3091:Edmonds 1993a 3087: 3084: 3080: 3079:Edmonds 1993a 3075: 3072: 3068: 3067:Edmonds 1993a 3063: 3060: 3056: 3055:Edmonds 1993a 3051: 3048: 3044: 3043:Edmonds 1993a 3039: 3037: 3033: 3029: 3028:Edmonds 1993a 3024: 3022: 3018: 3014: 3009: 3006: 3002: 2997: 2994: 2990: 2989:Edmonds 1993a 2986: 2981: 2978: 2974: 2969: 2967: 2965: 2961: 2957: 2956:Edmonds 1993a 2952: 2950: 2946: 2942: 2941:Edmonds 1993a 2937: 2935: 2933: 2929: 2925: 2924:Edmonds 1993a 2920: 2917: 2913: 2912:Edmonds 1993a 2908: 2906: 2902: 2898: 2897:Edmonds 1993b 2893: 2890: 2886: 2885:Edmonds 1993a 2881: 2879: 2875: 2871: 2870:Edmonds 1993a 2866: 2863: 2859: 2854: 2852: 2848: 2844: 2839: 2836: 2832: 2831:Edmonds 1993a 2827: 2825: 2823: 2819: 2815: 2810: 2807: 2803: 2802:Edmonds 1993a 2798: 2796: 2794: 2790: 2786: 2781: 2779: 2775: 2771: 2766: 2763: 2759: 2754: 2751: 2748:, p. 57. 2747: 2742: 2739: 2735: 2730: 2727: 2723: 2718: 2716: 2712: 2708: 2703: 2700: 2696: 2691: 2689: 2685: 2681: 2677: 2676:Philpott 2009 2672: 2669: 2665: 2660: 2657: 2653: 2648: 2645: 2641: 2637: 2632: 2629: 2623: 2613: 2610: 2599: 2596: 2592: 2591:James Edmonds 2586: 2583: 2575: 2568: 2565: 2558: 2556: 2554: 2550: 2546: 2542: 2534: 2532: 2515: 2489: 2487: 2453: 2435: 2427: 2422: 2420: 2383: 2381: 2373:501 prisoners 2368: 2365: 2357: 2352: 2350: 2347:18 prisoners, 2343: 2336: 2335:Grunestellung 2326: 2317: 2314: 2303: 2298: 2290: 2288: 2271: 2239: 2222: 2208: 2200: 2191: 2179: 2172: 2165: 2160: 2151: 2149: 2145: 2136: 2130: 2127: 2115: 2108: 2106: 2097: 2094: 2082: 2078: 2075: 2065: 2058: 2056: 2044: 2038: 2033: 2019: 2013: 2003: 1996: 1989: 1983: 1968: 1961: 1955: 1945: 1941: 1930: 1927:300 prisoners 1918: 1917:Stokes mortar 1914: 1901: 1896: 1891: 1884:30th Division 1883: 1878: 1873: 1871: 1858: 1844: 1840: 1830: 1823: 1821: 1819: 1804: 1802: 1796: 1794: 1789: 1782: 1779: 1778:39th Division 1767: 1760: 1758: 1756: 1755:30th Division 1752: 1748: 1744: 1739: 1737: 1732: 1725: 1717: 1715: 1697: 1696:12th Division 1692: 1683: 1681: 1677: 1674:, along with 1673: 1667: 1665: 1652: 1648: 1644: 1640: 1636: 1631: 1627: 1623: 1619: 1615: 1614: 1608: 1597: 1590: 1585: 1583: 1581: 1580:Sleeping Army 1575: 1572: 1566: 1560: 1555: 1551: 1546: 1537: 1535: 1520: 1519:52nd Division 1515: 1505: 1503: 1498: 1492: 1486: 1485: 1479: 1473: 1465: 1463: 1455: 1452: 1448: 1444: 1440: 1436: 1435: 1429: 1424: 1417: 1412: 1408: 1402: 1397: 1393: 1389: 1379: 1373: 1366: 1361: 1353: 1348: 1346: 1344: 1341:, during the 1340: 1336: 1332: 1328: 1324: 1323:12th Division 1320: 1315: 1313: 1312:39th Division 1309: 1305: 1304:30th Division 1301: 1296: 1294: 1290: 1286: 1282: 1277: 1274: 1270: 1266: 1263: 1259: 1255: 1252:, during the 1251: 1250:Western Front 1247: 1243: 1239: 1235: 1231: 1227: 1223: 1208: 1205: 1203: 1200: 1198: 1195: 1194: 1193: 1192: 1185: 1182: 1180: 1177: 1175: 1172: 1170: 1167: 1165: 1162: 1160: 1159:Meuse-Argonne 1157: 1155: 1152: 1150: 1147: 1145: 1142: 1140: 1137: 1135: 1132: 1130: 1127: 1123: 1120: 1118: 1115: 1113: 1110: 1108: 1105: 1103: 1102: 1098: 1097: 1096: 1093: 1092: 1091: 1090: 1084: 1081: 1079: 1076: 1074: 1073:Passchendaele 1071: 1069: 1066: 1062: 1059: 1057: 1054: 1052: 1049: 1047: 1044: 1043: 1042: 1039: 1037: 1036: 1032: 1030: 1027: 1026: 1025: 1024: 1018: 1015: 1013: 1010: 1008: 1005: 1003: 1000: 998: 995: 993: 990: 988: 985: 983: 980: 978: 975: 973: 970: 968: 965: 963: 960: 959: 958: 957: 951: 948: 946: 943: 941: 938: 936: 935:2nd Champagne 933: 929: 926: 925: 924: 921: 919: 916: 914: 911: 909: 906: 904: 903:1st Champagne 901: 900: 899: 898: 892: 889: 887: 884: 880: 877: 875: 872: 871: 870: 867: 865: 862: 860: 857: 855: 852: 850: 847: 845: 842: 838: 835: 833: 830: 828: 825: 824: 823: 822:Great Retreat 820: 816: 813: 811: 808: 806: 803: 801: 798: 796: 793: 792: 791: 788: 784: 781: 779: 776: 774: 771: 770: 769: 766: 764: 761: 760: 758: 753: 748: 747:Western Front 740: 735: 733: 728: 726: 721: 720: 717: 705: 702: 700: 697: 695: 692: 688: 685: 683: 680: 678: 675: 674: 673: 672:Mines, 1 July 670: 668: 665: 663: 660: 658: 655: 654: 653: 652: 643: 640: 639: 638: 635: 631: 630:Regina Trench 628: 626: 625:Stuff Redoubt 623: 621: 618: 617: 616: 615:Ancre Heights 613: 609: 606: 604: 601: 599: 596: 595: 594: 591: 589: 586: 582: 579: 577: 574: 572: 569: 568: 567: 564: 560: 557: 556: 555: 552: 550: 547: 545: 542: 538: 535: 534: 533: 530: 528: 527:Delville Wood 525: 521: 518: 516: 513: 511: 508: 506: 503: 501: 498: 497: 496: 493: 489: 486: 484: 481: 479: 476: 474: 471: 469: 466: 464: 461: 459: 456: 455: 454: 451: 450: 449: 444: 439: 429: 424: 422: 417: 415: 410: 409: 406: 394: 391: 389: 386: 384: 381: 379: 376: 374: 371: 369: 366: 364: 361: 359: 356: 355: 352: 347: 337: 332: 330: 325: 323: 318: 317: 314: 300: 296: 292: 289: 285: 281: 276: 255: 246: 242: 239: 238: 233: 227: 225: 221: 220:30th Division 218: 217: 212: 209: 206: 204: 200: 199: 194: 189: 178: 177: 176: 174: 161: 158: 146: 145: 140: 132: 129: 128: 123: 94: 90: 86: 83: 82: 78: 75: 74: 70: 64: 59: 56: 52: 47: 42: 37: 34: 30: 19: 6145: 6138: 6126: 5733: / 5665: 5500:Conscription 5464:Cryptography 5401:Iraqi Revolt 4828:Siege of Kut 4771: 4349:participants 4298:German Samoa 4232:South Arabia 3999:. Retrieved 3985: 3963: 3949:. Retrieved 3934: 3921:. Retrieved 3908: 3879: 3860: 3841: 3822: 3803: 3784: 3765: 3746: 3724: 3712:. Retrieved 3697: 3684:. Retrieved 3669: 3649: 3630: 3611: 3592: 3570: 3551: 3534: 3512: 3492:Nichols 2004 3488:Edmonds 1993 3483: 3471: 3460:Edmonds 1995 3455: 3443: 3431: 3419: 3407: 3395: 3383: 3371: 3359: 3347: 3335: 3328:Sheldon 2006 3323: 3311: 3289:Sheldon 2006 3284: 3272: 3260: 3248: 3236: 3224: 3212: 3200: 3188: 3176: 3164: 3152: 3140: 3128: 3086: 3074: 3062: 3050: 3008: 2996: 2980: 2919: 2892: 2865: 2858:Sheldon 2006 2843:Sheldon 2006 2838: 2809: 2765: 2753: 2741: 2734:Sheldon 2006 2729: 2702: 2680:Sheldon 2006 2671: 2664:Sheldon 2006 2659: 2652:Sheldon 2006 2647: 2640:Edmonds 1926 2636:Sheldon 2006 2631: 2612: 2598: 2585: 2567: 2538: 2516: 2490: 2454: 2437: 2387: 2369: 2361: 2327: 2318: 2294: 2272: 2256:152 Germans, 2248:90 prisoners 2240: 2223: 2209: 2198: 2192: 2180: 2176: 2162: 2152: 2131: 2122: 2098: 2092: 2083:Redoubt, at 2080: 2072: 2020: 2010:of the 16th 2004: 1969: 1946: 1931: 1906: 1859: 1857:on 29 June. 1851: 1837: 1805: 1797: 1783: 1774: 1761:British plan 1741:The British 1740: 1727: 1684: 1679: 1675: 1671: 1668: 1604: 1579: 1576: 1541: 1506: 1475: 1460:1,200 French 1456: 1425: 1385: 1316: 1297: 1278: 1271:in northern 1225: 1221: 1219: 1190: 1189: 1149:Saint-Mihiel 1117:Belleau Wood 1100: 1088: 1087: 1078:La Malmaison 1034: 1022: 1021: 987:Kink Salient 955: 954: 950:Gas: Wieltje 896: 895: 756: 650: 649: 537:Mouquet Farm 483:La Boisselle 478:Contalmaison 462: 447: 388:Contalmaison 383:La Boisselle 362: 203:Douglas Haig 162: 142:Belligerents 49:Part of The 36: 18:Kasino Point 5763:Netherlands 5740:Switzerland 5621:Occupations 5612:Spanish flu 5389:(1919–1922) 5383:(1918–1921) 5377:(1918–1923) 5366:(1919–1921) 5360:(1919–1921) 5354:(1919–1920) 5330:(1918–1920) 5324:(1918–1920) 5318:(1918–1920) 5300:(1918–1920) 5282:(1918–1920) 5276:(1917–1921) 5270:(1917–1921) 5217:(1916-1918) 5215:Arab Revolt 5206:(1915–1917) 5200:(1915–1917) 5188:(1914-1917) 5182:(1914–1917) 5176:(1914–1921) 5170:(1913–1920) 5158:(1910–1920) 5152:(1900–1920) 5125: [ 4643:July Crisis 4564:(1880–1914) 4227:Mesopotamia 4105:Home fronts 4064:World War I 3476:Jones 2002a 3304:Rogers 2010 3265:Rogers 2010 3013:Rogers 2010 2985:Rogers 2010 2973:Rogers 2010 2785:Rogers 2010 2746:Rogers 2010 2400:and BRIR 6 2244:10:00 a.m., 2230:reached by 2193:Just after 2040:Alley from 2028:12:30 p.m., 1982:Talus Boisé 1963:Redoubt at 1788:Talus Boisé 1687:28/29 June, 1630:Guard Corps 1526:1,760 being 1491:Kampfgraben 1416:Second Army 1399: [ 1372:Württemberg 1293:Second Army 1238:Fourth Army 1169:2nd Cambrai 1007:Boar's Head 997:Mont Sorrel 704:Ancre, 1917 667:Boar's Head 593:Le Transloy 581:Gueudecourt 559:Martinpuich 505:Trônes Wood 393:Trônes Wood 297:, northern 117: / 79:1 July 1916 6180:Categories 5980:Agreements 5780:War crimes 5656:Luxembourg 5549:Casualties 4420:Montenegro 4255:South West 4135:Technology 4125:Propaganda 4115:Opposition 3501:References 3448:Miles 1992 3436:Miles 1992 3424:Miles 1992 3412:Miles 1992 3400:Miles 1992 3388:Miles 1992 3316:Miles 1992 3277:Miles 1992 3106:Jones 2002 3001:Duffy 2007 2814:Jones 2018 2770:Duffy 2007 2722:Wynne 1976 2707:Wynne 1976 2512:3:27 a.m., 2508:2:40 a.m., 2478:12:30 p.m. 2457:10:05 a.m. 2449:8:00 a.m., 2384:Casualties 2279:5:40 p.m., 2252:10:20 a.m. 2232:10:00 a.m. 2227:10:15 a.m. 2195:9:00 a.m., 2184:300 German 2156:7:28 a.m., 2102:11:15 a.m. 2089:10:00 a.m. 2074:9 Squadron 2049:1:35 p.m., 2024:11:30 a.m. 2007:11:00 a.m. 2000:10:05 a.m. 1900:Colin Gill 1888:See also: 1867:7:30 a.m., 1743:XIII Corps 1731:revetments 1722:See also: 1672:The Castle 1497:Wohngraben 1349:Background 1308:XIII Corps 1265:department 1242:Sixth Army 1226:Monty-Bong 982:Wulverghem 945:3rd Artois 923:2nd Artois 891:1st Artois 544:Guillemont 488:Gommecourt 373:Gommecourt 291:department 105:02°46′48″E 102:50°00′26″N 27:See also: 5877:Diplomacy 5584:Olympians 5507:Australia 5474:Logistics 5407:Vlora War 5336:(1918–19) 5312:(1918–19) 5306:(1918–19) 5294:(1918–19) 5241:(1916–17) 5223:(1916–17) 5174:Zaian War 5164:(1914–15) 4884:first day 4772:Lusitania 4600:(1912–13) 4594:(1911–12) 4582:(1908–09) 4576:(1905–06) 4558:(1870–71) 4347:Principal 4207:Gallipoli 4110:Memorials 4095:Geography 4085:Aftermath 4001:17 August 3964:The Somme 3918:500051492 3714:4 October 3686:4 October 3511:(2007) . 3509:Duffy, C. 2624:Footnotes 2529:2,300 men 2525:8:30 p.m. 2520:6:00 p.m. 2503:8:00 a.m. 2498:4:00 a.m. 2493:6:40 p.m. 2482:3:00 p.m. 2474:8:00 a.m. 2470:6:00 a.m. 2465:3;00 a.m. 2461:1:00 p.m. 2445:24 hours, 2440:9:00 p.m. 2428:July 1916 2378:6:00 p.m. 2353:Aftermath 2307:9:00 a.m. 2284:4:00 p.m. 2275:3:30 p.m. 2268:5:15 p.m. 2264:3:00 p.m. 2260:2:00 p.m. 2236:9:30 a.m. 2218:8:30 a.m. 2213:7:50 a.m. 2204:7:50 a.m. 2188:8:37 a.m. 2148:Montauban 2139:7:27 a.m. 2085:8:30 a.m. 2053:1:30 p.m. 2016:1:45 p.m. 1976:8:30 a.m. 1972:2:30 a.m. 1965:8:35 a.m. 1950:7:45 a.m. 1935:8:30 a.m. 1922:100 paces 1909:7:22 a.m. 1863:6:30 a.m. 1855:5:00 a.m. 1813:9:30 a.m. 1808:8:28 a.m. 1651:Maricourt 1649:south to 1502:traversed 1420:5 and 22, 1394:(General 1248:, on the 1230:first day 1164:5th Ypres 1144:2nd Somme 1122:2nd Marne 1112:3rd Aisne 1061:The Hills 1056:2nd Aisne 1017:Fromelles 1012:1st Somme 962:The Bluff 928:Hébuterne 918:2nd Ypres 879:1st Ypres 859:1st Aisne 854:1st Marne 827:Le Cateau 805:Charleroi 790:Frontiers 677:Lochnagar 520:High Wood 515:Fromelles 500:Longueval 463:Montauban 458:First day 363:Montauban 267:Montauban 6165:Category 5752:Refugees 5718:Italians 5707:Germans 5667:Ober Ost 5447:Aviation 4541:Timeline 4512:Bulgaria 4293:Tsingtao 4270:Togoland 4217:Caucasus 4152:European 4144:Theatres 3995:59484941 3745:(1971). 3543:58962523 3533:(1926). 2358:Analysis 2342:thermite 2167:—  2126:shrapnel 1954:enfilade 1751:XX Corps 1736:strafing 1680:Pommiers 1655:240 guns 1647:Ovillers 1607:2nd Army 1552:and the 1445:and the 1300:XX Corps 1289:6th Army 1246:2nd Army 1174:Courtrai 1129:Soissons 1068:Messines 1035:Alberich 844:Maubeuge 800:Ardennes 795:Lorraine 763:Moresnet 598:Eaucourt 576:Lesbœufs 532:Pozières 510:Ovillers 473:Fricourt 378:Fricourt 214:Strength 84:Location 5903:Germany 5803:Germany 5731:Germany 5651:Belgium 5636:Albania 5595:Disease 5575:Sports 5527:Ireland 5440:Warfare 5433:Aspects 4621:Origins 4614:Prelude 4517:Senussi 4497:Germany 4492:Leaders 4430:Romania 4371:Belgium 4366:Leaders 4265:Kamerun 4247:African 4182:Romania 4160:Balkans 4075:Outline 3951:19 July 3923:19 July 2605:240 mm, 2547:during 2410:500 men 1988:Breslau 1974:and at 1708:⁄ 1664:Bapaume 1586:Prelude 1509:25 men. 1269:Picardy 1260:in the 1258:commune 1232:of the 1139:Ailette 1107:The Lys 1101:Michael 1083:Cambrai 977:Hulluch 972:St Eloi 864:Antwerp 603:Le Sars 571:Combles 295:Picardy 286:in the 284:commune 188:Prussia 173:Germany 157:Britain 89:Picardy 5923:Russia 5898:France 5726:Canada 5641:Serbia 5512:Canada 5469:Horses 5421:(1921) 5415:(1920) 5409:(1920) 5403:(1920) 5395:(1920) 5348:(1919) 5342:(1919) 5288:(1918) 5253:(1918) 5247:(1917) 5235:(1916) 5229:(1916) 5194:(1915) 4606:(1913) 4588:(1911) 4570:(1905) 4527:Darfur 4452:Serbia 4435:Russia 4398:Greece 4386:France 4376:Brazil 4222:Persia 4165:Serbia 3993:  3972:  3942:  3916:  3886:  3867:  3848:  3829:  3810:  3791:  3772:  3753:  3731:  3705:  3677:  3656:  3637:  3618:  3599:  3577:  3558:  3541:  3519:  2402:1,810. 2394:3,115. 2364:Oberst 2291:2 July 2144:Carnoy 1920:about 1879:1 July 1874:Battle 1659:6:1 by 1451:Mametz 1273:France 1179:Sambre 1134:Amiens 1002:Verdun 832:Étreux 778:Dinant 566:Morval 549:Ginchy 468:Mametz 453:Albert 368:Mametz 299:France 185:  170:  154:  130:Result 93:France 6120:Other 5913:Japan 5908:Italy 5735:camps 5579:Rugby 5129:] 4408:Japan 4403:Italy 4381:China 4275:North 2559:Notes 2408:only 2199:Glatz 2171:Essex 2093:Glatz 2081:Glatz 2043:Glatz 1995:Glatz 1960:Glatz 1940:Glatz 1676:Glatz 1643:Serre 1626:Arras 1403:] 1378:Baden 1262:Somme 1046:Arras 1029:Ancre 783:Namur 773:Liège 682:Y Sap 637:Ancre 288:Somme 240:3,011 5700:POWs 5019:1918 4921:1917 4847:1916 4748:1915 4652:1914 4457:Siam 4260:East 4003:2015 3991:OCLC 3970:ISBN 3953:2014 3940:ISBN 3925:2014 3914:OCLC 3884:ISBN 3865:ISBN 3846:ISBN 3827:ISBN 3808:ISBN 3789:ISBN 3770:ISBN 3751:ISBN 3729:ISBN 3716:2014 3703:ISBN 3688:2014 3675:ISBN 3654:ISBN 3635:ISBN 3616:ISBN 3597:ISBN 3575:ISBN 3556:ISBN 3539:OCLC 3517:ISBN 2535:1918 2340:500 2295:The 2146:and 2037:Nord 1678:and 1622:Roye 1538:1916 1466:1915 1426:The 1354:1914 1220:The 1089:1918 1051:Vimy 1023:1917 956:1916 940:Loos 897:1915 874:Yser 810:Mons 757:1914 282:, a 201:Sir 76:Date 31:and 2438:At 2154:at 1907:At 1267:in 293:in 6182:: 5127:It 3296:^ 3113:^ 3098:^ 3035:^ 3020:^ 2963:^ 2948:^ 2931:^ 2904:^ 2877:^ 2850:^ 2821:^ 2792:^ 2777:^ 2714:^ 2687:^ 2555:. 1911:a 1795:. 1530:c. 1401:de 1345:. 91:, 53:, 5551:/ 4056:e 4049:t 4042:v 4005:. 3978:. 3955:. 3927:. 3892:. 3873:. 3854:. 3835:. 3816:. 3797:. 3778:. 3759:. 3737:. 3718:. 3690:. 3662:. 3643:. 3624:. 3605:. 3583:. 3564:. 3545:. 3525:. 1710:2 1706:1 1703:+ 1701:1 1632:( 1609:( 1430:( 1306:( 1224:( 738:e 731:t 724:v 427:e 420:t 413:v 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Kasino Point
First day on the Somme
Battle of Albert (1916)
Battle of the Somme
First World War

50°00′26″N 02°46′48″E / 50.00722°N 2.78000°E / 50.00722; 2.78000
Douglas Haig
Erich von Falkenhayn
30th Division
18th (Eastern) Division
Montauban is located in France
Battle of Albert (1916) tactical incidents
First Day on the Somme

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.