Knowledge (XXG)

Thomas the Slav

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them to abandon their commander and promising amnesty if they would defect. Thomas's army viewed the plea as a sign of weakness, and advanced confidently to begin the assault, but as they neared the wall, the defenders opened the gates and attacked. The sudden onslaught drove back Thomas's army; at the same time, the Imperial Fleet defeated Thomas's ships, whose crews broke and fled to the shore in panic. This defeat diminished Thomas's naval strength, and although he continued blockading the capital by land, the loss demoralized his supporters, who began defecting. Gregory Pterotos, whose family was in Michael's hands, resolved to desert Thomas, followed by a small band of men loyal to him. He departed the rebel camp, headed west, and sent a monk to inform Michael of his defection, but the monk failed to circumvent the blockade and reach the capital. Upon learning of this defection, Thomas reacted quickly: with a select detachment, he followed Gregory, defeated his troops and killed the deserter.
1156:, which were loyal to the emperor. Michael was unmoved and continued the blockade. His troops barred access to Arcadiopolis with a ditch. To conserve supplies, the blockaded troops sent away women and children, followed by those too old, wounded, or otherwise incapable of bearing arms. After five months of blockade, Thomas's loyalists were eventually forced to eat starved horses and their hides. Some began deserting by lowering themselves with ropes over the city walls or jumping from them. Thomas sent messengers to Bizye, where the blockade was less close, to arrange a relief attempt by Anastasius. Before anything could be done, however, the exhausted troops at Arcadiopolis surrendered their leader in exchange for an imperial pardon. Thomas was delivered to Michael seated on a donkey and bound in chains. He was 1008: 1121:
spending winter and early spring there. While a few of his men deserted, the bulk remained loyal. Finally, in late April or early May 823, Michael marched with his troops against Thomas, accompanied by the generals Olbianos and Katakylas with new troops from Asia Minor. Thomas marched to meet them and planned to use a stratagem to outwit his opponents: his men, ostensibly demoralized, would pretend to flee, and when the imperial army broke ranks to pursue them, they would turn back and attack. However, Thomas's troops were by now weary of the prolonged conflict, and their submission was unfeigned. Many surrendered to Michael, while others fled to nearby fortified cities. Thomas sought refuge in
795: 1264:, while in the East, the Byzantines were forced to maintain a generally defensive stance towards the Caliphate. More recent scholarship has disputed the degree to which the civil war was responsible for Byzantine military failures during these years, citing other reasons to explain them: Warren Treadgold opines that the empire's military forces recovered fairly quickly, and that incompetent military leadership coupled with "the remoteness of Sicily, the absence of regular troops on Crete, the simultaneity of the attacks on both islands, and the government's long-standing lack of interest in sea-power" were far more responsible for the loss of the islands. 987: 1089:), was happy to respond to Michael's request for assistance. A later tradition, reported by Genesios and Theophanes Continuatus, holds that Omurtag acted of his own accord and against Michael's will, but this is almost universally rejected as a version started or at least encouraged by Michael, who did not wish to be seen encouraging "barbarians" to invade the empire. The Bulgarian army invaded Thrace, probably in November 822 (Bury believes that the Bulgarian attack occurred in spring 823), and advanced towards Constantinople. Thomas raised the siege, and marched to meet them with his army. The two armies met at the plain of 1137: 637:. Nevertheless, the ambiguous phrasing of the sources, the iconoclast leanings of many themes in Asia Minor, and Thomas's alliance with the Arabs seem to speak against any open commitment to icon worship on his part. Indeed, given Michael II's conciliatory approach during his early reign, the icon worship controversy does not seem to have been a major issue at the time, and in the view of modern scholars most probably did not play a major role in Thomas's revolt. The image of Thomas as an iconophile champion opposed to the iconoclast Michael II in later, 44: 862: 929: 1024: 329: 807: 528: 1055: 823:. His conquest of the Armeniac province was left incomplete because the Abbasids, taking advantage of the Byzantine civil war, launched raids by land and sea against southern Asia Minor, where Thomas had left few troops. Instead of returning to face these raids, Thomas launched a large-scale invasion of his own against Abbasid territory in spring 821, either in Syria (according to Bury and others) or in Arab-held Armenia (according to Treadgold). Thomas then sent an emissary to the Caliph 747: 1106: 604:, but he had come to the throne through murder, while Thomas gained support and legitimacy through his claim to avenge the fallen Leo, and he won the backing of themes both in Asia and later in Europe. Thomas was a well-known, popular, and respected figure in Asia Minor, where Leo V had enjoyed considerable support. Michael, on the other hand, was virtually unknown outside the capital; his military record was unremarkable, he was uneducated and coarse of manner, his 480:
Leo and Michael soon abandoned him and defected to the imperial camp and were rewarded with senior military posts. Thomas alone remained loyal to Bardanes until his surrender. In the aftermath of Bardanes's failure, Thomas disappears from the sources for ten years. Bury suggests that he fled (for a second time according to his interpretation) to the Arabs, a view accepted by a number of other scholars, such as
1043:, whose support had been lukewarm until that point, demanding additional ships. The themes responded forcefully, sending their squadrons, allegedly numbering 350 vessels, to join him. Thus reinforced, Thomas decided to launch a two-pronged assault against Constantinople's sea walls, with his original fleet attacking the wall of the Golden Horn, and the new fleet attacking the south coast, looking towards the 1214:, held in May 824 in Constantinople. While he executed Thomas's volunteers from the Caliphate and perhaps also the Slavs, the sheer number of individuals involved, the necessity of appearing clement and sparing with Christian lives, and the need to restore internal tranquillity to his realm compelled Michael to treat Thomas's defeated partisans with leniency: most were released after being paraded in the 1097:(hence known as the Battle of Kedouktos in the Byzantine sources) . The accounts of the subsequent battle differ: the later sources state that Thomas lost the battle, but the near-contemporary George the Monk states that Thomas "killed many Bulgarians". Given the lack of Bulgarian activity after the battle, most modern scholars (with the notable exception of Bury) believe that Thomas won the battle. 325:. Hence his epithet of "the Slav", which has been applied to him in modern times, and not in medieval sources. Nothing is known about his family and early life, except that his parents were poor and that Thomas himself had received no education. Given that he was between 50 and 60 years old at the time of the rebellion, he was probably born around 760. 847:. In exchange, Thomas is said to have promised to cede unspecified territories and become a tributary vassal of the Caliph, though the agreement's exact terms are left unclear in the sources. At about the same time, Thomas adopted a young man of obscure origin, whom he named Constantius and made his co-emperor. 1047:. Michael, however, did not remain idle: his own fleet attacked the thematic force soon after it arrived at its anchorage in Byrida. Using Greek fire, the Imperial Fleet destroyed many of the rebel vessels and captured most of the remaining ships. Only a few managed to escape and rejoin Thomas's forces. 1239:
suffered great losses, with the thematic fleets in particular being devastated, while the land forces suffered comparatively few casualties. This is traditionally held to have resulted in a military weakness and internal disorder which was swiftly exploited by the Muslims: in the years after Thomas's
Thomas failed in spite of his qualities and the widespread support he had gained, which brought him control of most of the empire. Lemerle holds that several factors played a role in his defeat: the Asian themes he did not subdue supplied reinforcements to Michael; Thomas's fleet performed badly; and
Michael blockaded Thomas's cities of refuge but organized no assaults, instead aiming to capture them peacefully by wearing out their defenders. His strategy was motivated by the political and propaganda expedient of appearing merciful—"in order to spare Christian blood", as Michael himself put it in
Michael used the respite to ferry in additional reinforcements from Asia Minor and repair the walls of Blachernae. When Thomas returned in spring, he decided to focus his attack on the Blachernae sector. Before the offensive, Michael himself ascended the walls and addressed Thomas's troops, exhorting
Two rivals fought for a crown, which one of them had seized, but could not yet be said to have firmly grasped. Michael had been regularly elected, acclaimed, and crowned in the capital, and he had the advantage of possessing the Imperial city. had the support of most of the Asiatic provinces; he was
before the emperor, who placed his foot on his defeated rival's neck and ordered his hands and feet cut off and his corpse impaled. Thomas pleaded for clemency with the words "Have mercy on me, oh True Emperor!" Michael only asked his captive to reveal whether any of his own senior officials had had
Through this victory, Michael secured control of the sea, but Thomas's army remained superior on land and continued its blockade of Constantinople. Minor skirmishes ensued for the remainder of the year, with Michael's forces sallying forth from the city to attack Thomas's forces. Although both sides
After subduing the cities around the capital, Thomas resolved to attack Constantinople from three sides, perhaps hoping his assault would impress its inhabitants or lead to defections. His deputies Anastasius and Gregory Pterotos would attack the Theodosian land and sea walls, respectively, while he
ethnic groups, but according to Lemerle, this exaggerated account is yet another piece of hostile disinformation. It is almost certain, however, that Thomas could count on support among the empire's Caucasian neighbours, for the presence of Abasgians, Armenians, and Iberians in his army is mentioned
sources was probably the result of their own anti-iconoclast bias. Warren Treadgold furthermore suggests that if true, Thomas's claim to be Constantine VI may have been little more than a tale circulated to win support, and that Thomas pursued a "studied ambiguity" towards icons, designed to attract
Consequently, the empire became divided in a struggle that was less a rebellion against the established government and more a contest for the throne between equal contenders. Michael held Constantinople and the European provinces, controlled the imperial bureaucracy, and had been properly crowned by
Thomas's rebellion was one of the largest in the Byzantine Empire's history, but its precise circumstances are unclear due to competing historical narratives, which have come to include claims fabricated by Michael to blacken his opponent's name. Consequently, various motives and driving forces have
in Constantinople's European hinterland and strengthened the garrisons of several fortresses there to secure the loyalty of their populace. When Thomas landed, the people of the European themes welcomed him with enthusiasm, and Michael was forced to withdraw to Constantinople. Volunteers, including
and raided the provinces that had gone over to him. Soon, however, Michael's agents persuaded the inhabitants of the two forts to shut their gates against the officers. Choireus and Koloneiates then tried to seek refuge in Arab territory but were attacked en route by loyalist troops, captured, and
When the inhabitants of Bizye heard of Thomas's fate, they surrendered Anastasius, who suffered the same fate as Thomas. In Panion and Heraclea, Thomas's men held out until an earthquake struck in February 824. The tremor severely damaged the wall of Panion, and the city surrendered. The damage at
who was reputed to foresee the future. The monk predicted what would indeed happen: that Bardanes's revolt would fail, that Leo and Michael would both become emperors, and that Thomas would be acclaimed emperor and killed. When Bardanes did in fact rise up, he failed to win any widespread support.
Thomas's rebellion was the "central domestic event" of Michael II's reign, but it was not very destructive in material terms: except for Thrace, which had suffered from the prolonged presence of the rival armies and the battles fought there, the larger part of the empire was spared the ravages of
his letter to Louis the Pious—but also, according to the chroniclers, by fear of demonstrating to the Bulgarians that the Byzantine cities' fortifications could fall to attack. In Asia Minor, Thomas's partisans hoped to lure Michael away by allowing the Arabs free passage to raid the provinces of
Olbianos and killed, although the army was able to withdraw with relatively few casualties. Constantius's severed head was sent to Michael, who dispatched it to Thomas at Abydos. Thomas was undaunted by this relatively minor setback, and crossed over into Europe some time in late October or early
Thomas was unable to resume the siege: aside from the heavy casualties his army likely suffered, his fleet, which he had left behind in the Golden Horn, surrendered to Michael during his absence. Thomas set up camp at the plain of Diabasis some 40 kilometres (25 mi) west of Constantinople,
in addition to large shipborne catapults. Each of Thomas's attacks failed: the defenders' artillery proved superior and kept Thomas's engines away from the land walls, while adverse winds hindered the fleet from taking any meaningful action. Deciding that operations in the midst of winter were
Thomas's fleet arrived at the capital first. Facing no opposition from the Imperial Fleet, the rebels broke or unfastened the chain and entered the Golden Horn, taking station near the mouths of the Barbysos river, where they awaited the arrival of Thomas and his army. Thomas arrived in early
By summer 821, Thomas had consolidated his position in the East, though the Opsician and Armeniac themes still eluded his control. He set his sights on the ultimate prize, Constantinople, the possession of which alone conferred full legitimacy to an emperor. Thomas assembled troops, gathered
in the near-contemporary letter of Michael II to Louis the Pious. The reasons for this support are unclear; Thomas may have made unspecified promises to their rulers, but Lemerle suggests that the Armenians might have in part been motivated by revenge for Leo, their murdered kinsman.
the Bulgarian offensive diverted him away from the capital and weakened his army. But the most decisive obstacles were the impregnable walls of Constantinople, which ensured that an emperor who controlled Constantinople could only be overthrown from within the city.
interpreted the sources as implying that Thomas fled to the Caliphate at Constantine VI's deposition in 797, and that his participation in Bardanes's revolt must be discounted entirely. The second version of Thomas's story is explicitly preferred by Genesios and
during his celebration, and only the most dangerous were exiled to remote corners of the empire. In an effort to discredit his opponent, Michael authorized an "official" and heavily distorted version of Thomas's life and revolt. The document was written by the
wavered between the two rivals, but finally threw its support behind Thomas. More than two-thirds of the empire's Asian army eventually aligned with Thomas, while the defection of the provincial tax officials provided him with much-needed revenue.
959:, while the Imperial Fleet further guarded the capital from the sea. Nevertheless, judging from Michael's passive stance, his forces were inferior to Thomas's; Warren Treadgold estimates Michael's army to have numbered approximately 35,000 men. 1169:
Heraclea was less severe, but after Michael landed troops at its seaward side, it too was forced to surrender. In Asia Minor, Thomas's loyalists mostly submitted peacefully, but in the Cibyrrhaeot Theme, resistance lingered until suppressed by
654:, to regard Thomas's revolt as an expression of widespread discontent among the rural population, which suffered under heavy taxation. Other Byzantinists, notably Lemerle, dismiss rural discontent as a primary factor during the revolt. 265:. Omurtag attacked Thomas's army, but although repelled, the Bulgarians inflicted heavy casualties on Thomas's men, who broke and fled when Michael took to the field a few months later. Thomas and his supporters sought refuge in 552:. At about the same time, Thomas launched a rebellion in the Anatolic Theme. Sources are divided on the exact chronology and motives of the revolt. George the Monk, the hagiographic sources, and a letter from Michael II to the 963:
December. The sight of his huge force did not cow the capital's inhabitants: unlike the provinces, the capital's citizens and garrison stood firmly behind Michael. To further encourage his troops, Michael had his young son
Michael's first response was to order the Armeniac army to attack Thomas. The Armeniacs were easily defeated in battle and Thomas proceeded through the eastern parts of the Armeniac Theme to occupy the frontier region of
on Thomas's revolt states that in this time, "the servant raised his hand against his master, the soldier against his officer, the captain against his general". This has led some scholars, chiefly Alexander Vasiliev and
620:, in 797. Most modern scholars follow Lemerle, who dismisses this as yet another later fabrication. If it contains any truth, it is possible that this story may originate from Thomas choosing to be crowned under the 624:
of "Constantine", but there is no evidence for such an act. The possible appropriation of Constantine VI's identity is linked in some Byzantine sources with the statement that Thomas was a rumoured supporter of
Byzantine accounts of Thomas's rebellion state that he did not in fact claim the throne under his own name but assumed the identity of Emperor Constantine VI, who had been deposed and murdered by his mother,
835:. Thomas and Ma'mun concluded a treaty of peace and mutual alliance. The Caliph allowed Thomas to recruit men from Arab-ruled territories, and gave leave for him to cross the border and travel to Arab-held 488:, however, argues that Thomas stayed in the empire and that may have even remained in active military service, and explains his obscurity by Thomas's association with Bardanes, which hampered his career. 913:
At this point, Thomas suffered his first reversal of fortune: before his departure for Abydos, he had sent an army under his adoptive son Constantius against the Armeniacs. Constantius was ambushed by
support from iconophiles. In Treadgold's words, "Thomas could be all things to all men until he had conquered the whole empire, and then he would have time enough to disappoint some of his followers".
would lead the main attack against the less formidable defenses protecting Blachernae. All of Thomas's forces were amply supplied with siege engines and catapults, and his fleet fielded quantities of
575:. In his study of Thomas and the revolt, Paul Lemerle dismisses this timeline as a later attempt by Michael to justify his revolt as a response to Leo's failure to suppress the rebellion, and to 2857: 2827: 906:, and gave him command of the fleet. By October, the thematic fleets loyal to Thomas had finished assembling at Lesbos, and Thomas's army began marching from the Thracesian Theme towards 2852: 58:
depicting Thomas, on horseback and dressed as a Byzantine emperor, negotiating with the Arabs. The rebellion of Thomas is one of the most richly illustrated episodes in the chronicle.
ethnic groups, Thomas's personal ambitions, and his desire to avenge Leo V." Its effects on the military position of the Empire, particularly vis-à-vis the Arabs, are also disputed.
many Slavs, flocked to Thomas's banner. As he set out towards Constantinople, chroniclers recount that his army swelled to some 80,000 men. The capital was defended by the imperial
tried to reconcile the two narratives, placing Thomas's flight to the Caliphate at around 788 and then having him return to Byzantine service before 803, while the Russian scholar
858:. In an effort to consolidate his hold on the provinces, and especially the two Asian themes still loyal to him, Michael proclaimed a 25 percent reduction in taxes for 821–822. 242:. After the murder of Leo and usurpation of the throne by Michael the Amorian, Thomas revolted, claiming the throne for himself. Thomas quickly secured support from most of the 2812: 1039:
Thomas exploited this small victory for all it was worth, widely proclaiming that he had defeated Michael's troops "by land and sea". He sent messages to the themes of
238:. After Bardanes' failed rebellion in 803, Thomas fell into obscurity until Leo V's rise to the throne, when Thomas was raised to a senior military command in central 772:(military governor), his proclamation received widespread support throughout Asia Minor. Within a short time, all the Asian themes supported Thomas, except for the 827:, who was sufficiently impressed by Thomas's show of force to receive his proposals, especially in view of the Caliphate's own problems with the rebellion of the 583:—generally considered the most accurate of the 10th-century sources—according to which Thomas rebelled a few days after the murder of Leo and in reaction to it. 1752: 559:
claim that Thomas had risen up against Leo before Michael's usurpation. This chronology is followed by almost all later Byzantine chroniclers like Genesios,
1165:, John Hexaboulios, advised against hearing whatever claims a defeated rebel might make. Michael agreed, and Thomas's sentence was carried out immediately. 2862: 976: 491:
In July 813, Leo the Armenian became emperor and quickly rewarded his old companions, giving them command over elite military forces. Michael received the
2509: 2328: 2185: 1934: 1681: 920:
November. There, Constantius was soon replaced as co-emperor by another obscure individual, a former monk whom Thomas also adopted and named Anastasius.
Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit: 1. Abteilung (641–867), Band 5 : Theophylaktos (# 8346) – az-Zubair (# 8675), Anonymi (# 10001–12149)
1007: 411:
to discredit Thomas, and rejected it altogether, preferring to rely on the first account alone. Most modern scholars follow him in this interpretation.
1273: 269:, where he was soon blockaded by Michael's troops. In the end, Thomas's supporters surrendered him in exchange for a pardon, and he was executed. 2847: 601: 1075: 2755: 2711: 2669: 886:. To counter the powerful Imperial Fleet stationed in the capital, he built new ships to augment his existing fleet, which came from the 549: 2842: 548:
On Christmas Day 820, Leo was murdered in the palace chapel by officials under the direction of Michael the Amorian, who was quickly
2635: 2611: 733:
and every kind of other peoples". This has led to modern claims that Thomas's rebellion represented an uprising of the empire's non-
tradition, before launching his revolt, Bardanes, in the company of his three young protégés, is said to have visited a monk near
1278: 1004:
hazardous and unlikely to succeed, Thomas suspended all further attacks until spring and withdrew his army to winter quarters.
794: 2765: 2602: 384: 275: 986: 579:
himself of the early defeats suffered by the imperial forces. Some recent studies follow Lemerle and prefer the account of
2773: 1631:
Treadgold, Warren T. (1979). "The Chronological Accuracy of the Chronicle of Symeon the Logothete for the Years 813–845".
1215: 379:), he then led an Arab-sponsored invasion of Asia Minor, but was defeated and punished. Classical and Byzantine scholar 2837: 2832: 2822: 2817: 481: 1831: 1511: 1345: 1179:. The most serious opposition was offered in central Asia Minor by two officers, who had possibly served Thomas as 855: 447: 246:(provinces) and troops in Asia Minor, defeated Michael's initial counter-attack and concluded an alliance with the 243: 2661:
The Emperor Theophilos and the East, 829–842: Court and Frontier in Byzantium during the Last Phase of Iconoclasm
1583: 1261: 43: 634: 254:. The imperial capital withstood Thomas's attacks by land and sea, while Michael II called for help from the 952: 1071: 690: 348:, and pursued a military career until launching his revolt in late 820. In the second version, he came to 297: 255: 198: 109: 250:. After winning over the maritime themes and their ships as well, he crossed with his army to Europe and 1162: 851: 173: 2580:
A History of the Eastern Roman Empire from the Fall of Irene to the Accession of Basil I (A.D. 802–867)
527: 2802: 2699: 1112: 964: 854:, but his plan failed when the latter refused to be consecrated by the avowedly iconoclast Patriarch 840: 630: 280: 850:
Meanwhile, Michael II tried to win support among the iconophiles by appointing a relative of his as
844: 317:
race". Most modern scholars support his Slavic descent and believe his birthplace to have been near
2807: 1220: 1079: 1059: 1011:
Repulse of the attack of Thomas's fleet on the seaward walls of Constantinople. Miniature from the
907: 866: 262: 503:(one of the professional guard cavalry regiments stationed around Constantinople), and Thomas the 2721: 2686:(in French). Paris: Centre de recherche d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance. pp. 255–297. 1648: 1600: 1094: 891: 651: 638: 553: 468: 224: 608:
earned him ridicule, and he was reputed to sympathize with the heretical religious sect of the
2781: 2751: 2729: 2707: 2687: 2665: 2659: 2631: 2607: 2597: 2584: 1136: 941: 928: 887: 861: 806: 580: 572: 361: 328: 306: 247: 195: 951:, augmented by reinforcements from the Opsician and Armeniac themes. Michael had ordered the 2741: 1640: 1592: 1054: 1023: 899: 832: 787: 734: 494: 485: 345: 302: 284: 235: 191: 50: 1040: 617: 556: 393: 322: 216: 1193:. From their strongholds, they spurned Michael's offer of a pardon and the high title of 1051:
claimed minor successes in these clashes, neither was able to gain a decisive advantage.
Anticipating Thomas's move, Michael had gone out at the head of an army to the themes of
17: 2702:; Ludwig, Claudia; Pratsch, Thomas; Zielke, Beate (2001). "Thomas "der Slawe" (#8459)". 2578: 467:
in Bardanes's retinue, who formed a fraternal association: Leo the Armenian, the future
360:. Then, discovered trying to commit adultery with his master's wife, Thomas fled to the 1236: 1044: 937: 895: 883: 777: 773: 534: 516: 369: 349: 164: 124: 83: 55: 1105: 2796: 2777: 1604: 1211: 425: 365: 105: 746: 344:. According to the first account, Thomas first appeared in 803 accompanying general 2679: 2621: 1122: 451: 404: 266: 259: 194:
military commander, most notable for leading a wide-scale revolt in 821–23 against
100: 824: 2745: 2625: 1125:
with a large group; his adopted son Anastasius went with some of Thomas's men to
1157: 972: 956: 828: 621: 476: 472: 212: 150: 1596: 392:, and is the only one recorded in 9th-century sources, namely the chronicle of 1241: 1176: 1028: 1000: 980: 968: 714: 626: 609: 576: 568: 500: 417: 408: 239: 2785: 2733: 2691: 2588: 657:
Genesios and other chroniclers further state that Thomas won the support of "
as a poor youth and entered the service of a man with the high court rank of
2574: 1581:
Afinogenov, Dmitry E. (1999). "The Date of Georgios Monachos Reconsidered".
1249: 1196: 1153: 1090: 730: 670: 658: 564: 512: 380: 355: 314: 223:), Thomas rose to prominence, along with the future emperors Michael II and 2780:. Brussels: Éditions de l'Institut de philologie et d'histoire orientales. 340:
Two different accounts of Thomas's life are recounted in both Genesios and
Thomas's troops defeat the forces loyal to Michael II. Miniature from the
2728:(in German) (3rd ed.). Munich: C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. 1253: 1149: 902:, a general and nephew of Leo V whom Michael had exiled to the island of 751: 694: 310: 283:, a social revolution and popular uprising, a revolt by the Empire's non- 1210:
The end of Thomas the Slav's great rebellion was marked by Michael II's
368:, where he remained for 25 years. Pretending to be the murdered emperor 1652: 1257: 1186: 836: 820: 810:
Capture of a city in Asia Minor by Thomas's troops. Miniature from the
763: 726: 706: 682: 678: 674: 605: 471:, and Michael the Amorian, the future Michael II. According to a later 407:
came to consider it an unreliable later tradition created by his rival
318: 279:, "Thomas's revolt has been variously attributed to a reaction against 74: 2596:
Hollingsworth, Paul A.; Cutler, Anthony (1991). "Thomas the Slav". In
1227:. This report quickly became the commonly accepted version of events. 1194: 1190: 1180: 1170: 1130: 946: 914: 903: 870: 781: 767: 755: 722: 718: 506: 504: 492: 462: 423: 415: 399: 353: 220: 148: 113: 87: 79: 1644: 766:, the capital of the Anatolic Theme. Although junior to the theme's 2772:. Corpus Bruxellense Historiae Byzantinae (in French). French ed.: 2646: 1175:
John Echimos. In the Thracesian theme, Thomas's soldiers turned to
1245: 1126: 1006: 894:
naval themes, and possibly included task forces from the theme of
710: 698: 686: 662: 273:
been attributed to Thomas and his followers. As summarized by the
702: 666: 776:
under the patrician Katakylas, a nephew of Michael II, and the
633:: it was under Constantine VI that veneration of the icons was 2770:
Byzance et les Arabes, Tome I: La dynastie d'Amorium (820–867)
2606:. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. p. 2079. 990:
Thomas and his army assail Constantinople. Miniature from the
2706:(in German). Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 33–38. 1189:, and Gazarenos Koloneiates, based at Saniana, southeast of 1140:
The surrender and humiliation of Thomas, as depicted in the
lead a procession along the walls, carrying a piece of the
dealings with Thomas. Before Thomas could respond, the
Byzantine Military Unrest, 471–843: An Interpretation
Michael II's army defeats Thomas. Miniature from the
Constantinople and its walls during the Byzantine era
to be repaired, and chained off the entrance to the
The first tradition relates that Thomas served as a
2750:. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. 1309: 1070:Michael turned to the empire's northern neighbour, 975:, while a large standard was hoisted on top of the 762:As commander of the Foederati, Thomas was based at 178: 144: 130: 120: 94: 63: 34: 1185:: Choireus, with his base at Kaballa northwest of 1078:signed under Leo V, and the Bulgarian ruler, khan 839:, where he was crowned emperor by the iconophile 2651:Encyclopaedia of the Hellenic World, Asia Minor 1795: 1793: 910:, where he intended to cross over into Europe. 742:Outbreak and spread of the revolt in Asia Minor 586: 450:, who in 803 rose in rebellion against Emperor 336:depicting Thomas's supposed flight to the Arabs 2853:9th-century executions by the Byzantine Empire 1027:Michael's fleet destroys Thomas's ships using 567:, as well as a number of modern scholars like 1133:(also known as Theodosiopolis) and Heraclea. 1101:Defeat and death of Thomas, end of the revolt 8: 2858:Abbasid Caliphate–Byzantine Empire relations 398:Life of Saints David, Symeon, and George of 251: 2828:Byzantine people of the Arab–Byzantine wars 2653:. Athens: Foundation of the Hellenic World. 2545: 2488: 1883: 1811: 1074:, for help. The two states were bound by a 532: 431: 446:, i.e. commander-in-chief) of the eastern 313:calls him "Thomas from Lake Gouzourou, of 42: 31: 2558: 2533: 2521: 2464: 2452: 2436: 2420: 2404: 2388: 2372: 2360: 2344: 2320: 2318: 2316: 2314: 2305: 2289: 2269: 2249: 2233: 2217: 2201: 2177: 2175: 2173: 2171: 2162: 2146: 2130: 2114: 2098: 2082: 2066: 2050: 2034: 2014: 1998: 1986: 1966: 1950: 1926: 1924: 1915: 1799: 1709: 1693: 1665: 1555: 1543: 1523: 1471: 1435: 1392: 1329: 1062:attack Thomas's army. Miniature from the 461:). Alongside Thomas were two other young 422:(staff officer) to Bardanes Tourkos, the 27:Byzantine military commander (c. 760–823) 2813:9th-century Byzantine military personnel 2645:Kiapidou, Irini-Sofia (April 28, 2003). 2505: 2324: 2181: 1930: 1827: 1815: 1772: 1748: 1744: 1742: 1677: 1507: 1419: 1403: 1401: 1360: 1358: 1356: 1354: 1341: 1274:List of Byzantine revolts and civil wars 1135: 1104: 1053: 1022: 985: 927: 860: 805: 793: 750:Map of the themes of Asia Minor (modern 745: 526: 327: 2501: 2499: 2497: 2476: 2285: 2265: 2030: 1982: 1946: 1911: 1895: 1871: 1855: 1843: 1768: 1733: 1617: 1539: 1483: 1455: 1431: 1388: 1325: 1289: 403:. Nevertheless, the French Byzantinist 190: – October 823) was a 9th-century 2647:"Rebellion of Thomas the Slav, 821–23" 629:, as opposed to Michael's support for 539:of Michael II with his son, Theophilos 301:states that Thomas was descended from 2726:Geschichte des Byzantinischen Staates 1764: 1451: 1305: 1303: 1301: 1299: 1297: 1295: 1293: 7: 2448: 2432: 2416: 2400: 2384: 2356: 2340: 2301: 2281: 2261: 2245: 2229: 2213: 2197: 2158: 2142: 2126: 2110: 2094: 2078: 2062: 2046: 2026: 2010: 1978: 1962: 1907: 1867: 1721: 1705: 1567: 1535: 1495: 1467: 1447: 1407: 1321: 612:, to which his family had belonged. 309:, while the 10th-century chronicler 303:South Slavs resettled in Asia Minor 234:), under the protection of general 2863:Pretenders to the Bulgarian throne 2603:The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium 25: 2583:. London: Macmillan and Company. 1784: 1376: 1364: 1279:List of sieges of Constantinople 865:Thomas and his fleet cross from 589:only a rebel because he failed. 2630:. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert. 1310:Hollingsworth & Cutler 1991 1084: 983:, in full view of both armies. 456: 374: 229: 203: 2747:The Byzantine Revival, 780–842 276:Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium 1: 2848:People executed by impalement 2658:Codoñer, Juan Signes (2016). 184: 134: 67: 1898:, pp. 285–286, 294–295. 1474:, pp. 131–133, 196–197. 1195: 1181: 1171: 947: 915: 782: 768: 505: 493: 463: 424: 416: 354: 252:laid siege to Constantinople 149: 54:version of the chronicle of 2682:(1965). "Thomas le Slave". 511:(military division) of the 482:Romilly James Heald Jenkins 179: 2879: 1597:10.1515/byzs.1999.92.2.437 1328:, pp. 264, 270, 284; 219:region (now north-eastern 2843:Executed Byzantine people 2451:, pp. 104–105, 107; 2288:, pp. 279–281, 291; 1771:, pp. 262–263, 285; 1584:Byzantinische Zeitschrift 1434:, pp. 259–272, 284; 168: 41: 18:Revolt of Thomas the Slav 1969:, pp. 229–230, 232. 1918:, pp. 228–229, 234. 1696:, pp. 228–229, 243. 1223:and published in 824 as 1163:Logothete of the Course 924:Siege of Constantinople 2766:Vasiliev, Alexander A. 2029:, pp. 90, 92–93; 1708:, pp. 78–79, 85; 1144: 1117: 1067: 1036: 1016: 995: 971:and the mantle of the 933: 878: 815: 803: 759: 647:Theophanes Continuatus 591: 561:Theophanes Continuatus 544:Background and motives 540: 533: 390:Theophanes Continuatus 342:Theophanes Continuatus 337: 298:Theophanes Continuatus 199:Michael II the Amorian 2700:Lilie, Ralph-Johannes 2684:Travaux et mémoires 1 1633:Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1206:Aftermath and effects 1139: 1129:, and others fled to 1108: 1058:The Bulgarians under 1057: 1031:. Miniature from the 1026: 1010: 989: 931: 873:. Miniature from the 864: 852:Archbishop of Ephesus 809: 797: 749: 530: 331: 291:Early life and career 131:Years of service 2536:, pp. 244, 259. 2435:, pp. 107–108; 2403:, pp. 105–106; 2359:, pp. 103–105; 2343:, pp. 102–103; 2284:, pp. 101–102; 2272:, pp. 240, 425. 2268:, pp. 279–281; 2264:, pp. 100–101; 2149:, pp. 237, 239. 2101:, pp. 234, 236. 2033:, pp. 289–290; 1985:, pp. 287–288; 1949:, pp. 286–287; 1814:, pp. 171–172; 1767:, pp. 265–266; 1620:, pp. 273, 284. 1458:, pp. 264, 285. 1391:, pp. 267–272; 1113:Constantine Manasses 882:supplies, and built 841:Patriarch of Antioch 2561:, pp. 259–260. 2548:, pp. 172–173. 2467:, pp. 244–245. 2439:, pp. 242–243. 2407:, pp. 241–242. 2347:, pp. 240–241. 2252:, pp. 239–240. 2204:, pp. 238–239. 2165:, pp. 237–238. 2129:, pp. 93, 95; 2117:, pp. 236–237. 2069:, pp. 236–237. 2053:, pp. 235–236. 2017:, pp. 234–235. 2001:, pp. 233–234. 1989:, pp. 232–233. 1886:, pp. 171–172. 1846:, pp. 296–297. 1736:, pp. 283–284. 1712:, pp. 228–229. 1558:, pp. 223–225. 1438:, pp. 244–245. 1395:, pp. 244–245. 856:Antony I Kassimates 715:sectarians of Manes 515:, stationed in the 332:Miniature from the 211:An army officer of 48:Miniature from the 2838:Byzantine usurpers 2833:Byzantine Pontians 2823:Byzantine generals 2818:9th-century rebels 2722:Ostrogorsky, Georg 2622:Kaegi, Walter Emil 2598:Kazhdan, Alexander 2575:Bury, John Bagnell 2232:, pp. 98–99; 2216:, pp. 97–98; 2200:, pp. 96–97; 2161:, pp. 93–96; 2145:, pp. 93–95; 2097:, pp. 90–91; 2081:, pp. 91–92; 2065:, pp. 90–91; 2049:, pp. 90–91; 1981:, pp. 87–88; 1910:, pp. 86–87; 1570:, pp. 48, 85. 1538:, pp. 44–46; 1470:, pp. 12–13; 1450:, pp. 10–12; 1262:conquest of Sicily 1145: 1118: 1068: 1037: 1017: 996: 977:Church of St. Mary 934: 898:. Thomas recalled 879: 816: 804: 760: 652:George Ostrogorsky 541: 385:Alexander Vasiliev 338: 307:Byzantine emperors 225:Leo V the Armenian 2757:978-0-8047-1462-4 2742:Treadgold, Warren 2713:978-3-11-016675-0 2671:978-1-317-03427-8 1818:, pp. 23–24. 1724:, pp. 85–86. 1498:, pp. 84–85. 1422:, pp. 28–30. 581:Symeon Logothetes 573:Alexander Kazhdan 362:Abbasid Caliphate 295:The 11th-century 248:Abbasid Caliphate 177: 158: 157: 16:(Redirected from 2870: 2789: 2761: 2737: 2717: 2695: 2675: 2654: 2641: 2617: 2592: 2562: 2555: 2549: 2546:Ostrogorsky 1963 2543: 2537: 2531: 2525: 2519: 2513: 2503: 2492: 2489:Ostrogorsky 1963 2486: 2480: 2474: 2468: 2462: 2456: 2446: 2440: 2430: 2424: 2414: 2408: 2398: 2392: 2382: 2376: 2370: 2364: 2354: 2348: 2338: 2332: 2322: 2309: 2299: 2293: 2279: 2273: 2259: 2253: 2243: 2237: 2227: 2221: 2211: 2205: 2195: 2189: 2179: 2166: 2156: 2150: 2140: 2134: 2124: 2118: 2108: 2102: 2092: 2086: 2076: 2070: 2060: 2054: 2044: 2038: 2024: 2018: 2008: 2002: 1996: 1990: 1976: 1970: 1960: 1954: 1944: 1938: 1928: 1919: 1905: 1899: 1893: 1887: 1884:Ostrogorsky 1963 1881: 1875: 1865: 1859: 1853: 1847: 1841: 1835: 1825: 1819: 1812:Ostrogorsky 1963 1809: 1803: 1797: 1788: 1782: 1776: 1762: 1756: 1746: 1737: 1731: 1725: 1719: 1713: 1703: 1697: 1691: 1685: 1675: 1669: 1663: 1657: 1656: 1627: 1621: 1615: 1609: 1608: 1577: 1571: 1565: 1559: 1553: 1547: 1533: 1527: 1521: 1515: 1505: 1499: 1493: 1487: 1481: 1475: 1465: 1459: 1445: 1439: 1429: 1423: 1417: 1411: 1405: 1396: 1386: 1380: 1374: 1368: 1362: 1349: 1339: 1333: 1319: 1313: 1307: 1244:exiles captured 1200: 1184: 1174: 1142:Madrid Skylitzes 1088: 1086: 1064:Madrid Skylitzes 1033:Madrid Skylitzes 1013:Madrid Skylitzes 992:Madrid Skylitzes 950: 918: 900:Gregory Pterotos 875:Madrid Skylitzes 833:Babak Khorramdin 812:Madrid Skylitzes 800:Madrid Skylitzes 788:Thracesian Theme 786:, Olbianos. The 785: 771: 595: 538: 510: 498: 486:Warren Treadgold 484:. The historian 466: 460: 458: 445: 442: 439: 436: 433: 429: 421: 378: 376: 359: 346:Bardanes Tourkos 334:Madrid Skylitzes 236:Bardanes Tourkos 233: 231: 207: 205: 189: 186: 182: 180:Thōmas ho Slavos 172: 170: 154: 139: 136: 72: 69: 51:Madrid Skylitzes 46: 32: 21: 2878: 2877: 2873: 2872: 2871: 2869: 2868: 2867: 2793: 2792: 2764: 2758: 2740: 2720: 2714: 2698: 2678: 2672: 2657: 2644: 2638: 2620: 2614: 2595: 2573: 2570: 2565: 2556: 2552: 2544: 2540: 2532: 2528: 2520: 2516: 2504: 2495: 2487: 2483: 2475: 2471: 2463: 2459: 2447: 2443: 2431: 2427: 2419:, p. 107; 2415: 2411: 2399: 2395: 2387:, p. 105; 2383: 2379: 2371: 2367: 2355: 2351: 2339: 2335: 2323: 2312: 2304:, p. 102; 2300: 2296: 2280: 2276: 2260: 2256: 2244: 2240: 2228: 2224: 2212: 2208: 2196: 2192: 2180: 2169: 2157: 2153: 2141: 2137: 2125: 2121: 2109: 2105: 2093: 2089: 2077: 2073: 2061: 2057: 2045: 2041: 2025: 2021: 2009: 2005: 1997: 1993: 1977: 1973: 1961: 1957: 1945: 1941: 1929: 1922: 1914:, p. 289; 1906: 1902: 1894: 1890: 1882: 1878: 1866: 1862: 1854: 1850: 1842: 1838: 1826: 1822: 1810: 1806: 1798: 1791: 1783: 1779: 1763: 1759: 1747: 1740: 1732: 1728: 1720: 1716: 1704: 1700: 1692: 1688: 1676: 1672: 1664: 1660: 1645:10.2307/1291437 1630: 1628: 1624: 1616: 1612: 1580: 1578: 1574: 1566: 1562: 1554: 1550: 1542:, p. 285; 1534: 1530: 1522: 1518: 1506: 1502: 1494: 1490: 1482: 1478: 1466: 1462: 1454:, p. 246; 1446: 1442: 1430: 1426: 1418: 1414: 1406: 1399: 1387: 1383: 1375: 1371: 1363: 1352: 1340: 1336: 1320: 1316: 1312:, p. 2079. 1308: 1291: 1287: 1270: 1221:deacon Ignatios 1208: 1103: 1083: 926: 744: 645:The account of 618:Irene of Athens 597: 593: 557:Louis the Pious 554:western emperor 550:crowned emperor 546: 525: 455: 443: 440: 437: 434: 394:George the Monk 373: 293: 228: 202: 187: 161:Thomas the Slav 137: 103: 99: 77: 73: 70: 59: 37: 36:Thomas the Slav 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 2876: 2874: 2866: 2865: 2860: 2855: 2850: 2845: 2840: 2835: 2830: 2825: 2820: 2815: 2810: 2805: 2795: 2794: 2791: 2790: 2774:Henri Grégoire 2762: 2756: 2738: 2718: 2712: 2696: 2676: 2670: 2655: 2642: 2636: 2618: 2612: 2593: 2569: 2566: 2564: 2563: 2559:Treadgold 1988 2550: 2538: 2534:Treadgold 1988 2526: 2524:, p. 244. 2522:Treadgold 1988 2514: 2493: 2481: 2479:, p. 297. 2469: 2465:Treadgold 1988 2457: 2455:, p. 242. 2453:Treadgold 1988 2441: 2437:Treadgold 1988 2425: 2423:, p. 242. 2421:Treadgold 1988 2409: 2405:Treadgold 1988 2393: 2391:, p. 241. 2389:Treadgold 1988 2377: 2375:, p. 241. 2373:Treadgold 1988 2365: 2363:, p. 241. 2361:Treadgold 1988 2349: 2345:Treadgold 1988 2333: 2310: 2308:, p. 240. 2306:Treadgold 1988 2294: 2292:, p. 240. 2290:Treadgold 1988 2274: 2270:Treadgold 1988 2254: 2250:Treadgold 1988 2248:, p. 99; 2238: 2236:, p. 239. 2234:Treadgold 1988 2222: 2220:, p. 239. 2218:Treadgold 1988 2206: 2202:Treadgold 1988 2190: 2167: 2163:Treadgold 1988 2151: 2147:Treadgold 1988 2135: 2133:, p. 237. 2131:Treadgold 1988 2119: 2115:Treadgold 1988 2113:, p. 93; 2103: 2099:Treadgold 1988 2087: 2085:, p. 236. 2083:Treadgold 1988 2071: 2067:Treadgold 1988 2055: 2051:Treadgold 1988 2039: 2037:, p. 235. 2035:Treadgold 1988 2019: 2015:Treadgold 1988 2013:, p. 90; 2003: 1999:Treadgold 1988 1991: 1987:Treadgold 1988 1971: 1967:Treadgold 1988 1965:, p. 87; 1955: 1953:, p. 229. 1951:Treadgold 1988 1939: 1920: 1916:Treadgold 1988 1900: 1888: 1876: 1874:, p. 265. 1870:, p. 89; 1860: 1858:, p. 197. 1848: 1836: 1820: 1804: 1802:, p. 233. 1800:Treadgold 1988 1789: 1777: 1757: 1738: 1726: 1714: 1710:Treadgold 1988 1698: 1694:Treadgold 1988 1686: 1670: 1668:, p. 228. 1666:Treadgold 1988 1658: 1622: 1610: 1591:(2): 437–447. 1572: 1560: 1556:Treadgold 1988 1548: 1546:, p. 198. 1544:Treadgold 1988 1528: 1526:, p. 198. 1524:Treadgold 1988 1516: 1500: 1488: 1486:, p. 285. 1476: 1472:Treadgold 1988 1460: 1440: 1436:Treadgold 1988 1424: 1412: 1397: 1393:Treadgold 1988 1381: 1369: 1350: 1334: 1332:, p. 229. 1330:Treadgold 1988 1324:, p. 11; 1314: 1288: 1286: 1283: 1282: 1281: 1276: 1269: 1266: 1260:) began their 1237:Byzantine navy 1225:Against Thomas 1207: 1204: 1102: 1099: 1087: 814–831 1076:30-year treaty 1045:Sea of Marmara 925: 922: 884:siege machines 778:Armeniac Theme 774:Opsician Theme 743: 740: 639:Macedonian-era 585: 545: 542: 524: 521: 517:Anatolic Theme 459: 802–811 441:single-general 377: 780–797 370:Constantine VI 350:Constantinople 305:by successive 292: 289: 232: 813–820 206: 820–829 169:Θωμᾶς ὁ Σλάβος 156: 155: 146: 142: 141: 132: 128: 127: 125:Byzantine army 122: 118: 117: 96: 92: 91: 65: 61: 60: 56:John Skylitzes 47: 39: 38: 35: 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 2875: 2864: 2861: 2859: 2856: 2854: 2851: 2849: 2846: 2844: 2841: 2839: 2836: 2834: 2831: 2829: 2826: 2824: 2821: 2819: 2816: 2814: 2811: 2809: 2806: 2804: 2801: 2800: 2798: 2787: 2783: 2779: 2778:Marius Canard 2775: 2771: 2767: 2763: 2759: 2753: 2749: 2748: 2743: 2739: 2735: 2731: 2727: 2723: 2719: 2715: 2709: 2705: 2701: 2697: 2693: 2689: 2685: 2681: 2680:Lemerle, Paul 2677: 2673: 2667: 2664:. Routledge. 2663: 2662: 2656: 2652: 2648: 2643: 2639: 2637:90-256-0902-3 2633: 2629: 2628: 2623: 2619: 2615: 2613:0-19-504652-8 2609: 2605: 2604: 2599: 2594: 2590: 2586: 2582: 2581: 2576: 2572: 2571: 2567: 2560: 2554: 2551: 2547: 2542: 2539: 2535: 2530: 2527: 2523: 2518: 2515: 2511: 2507: 2506:Kiapidou 2003 2502: 2500: 2498: 2494: 2491:, p. 171 2490: 2485: 2482: 2478: 2473: 2470: 2466: 2461: 2458: 2454: 2450: 2445: 2442: 2438: 2434: 2429: 2426: 2422: 2418: 2413: 2410: 2406: 2402: 2397: 2394: 2390: 2386: 2381: 2378: 2374: 2369: 2366: 2362: 2358: 2353: 2350: 2346: 2342: 2337: 2334: 2330: 2326: 2325:Kiapidou 2003 2321: 2319: 2317: 2315: 2311: 2307: 2303: 2298: 2295: 2291: 2287: 2283: 2278: 2275: 2271: 2267: 2263: 2258: 2255: 2251: 2247: 2242: 2239: 2235: 2231: 2226: 2223: 2219: 2215: 2210: 2207: 2203: 2199: 2194: 2191: 2187: 2183: 2182:Kiapidou 2003 2178: 2176: 2174: 2172: 2168: 2164: 2160: 2155: 2152: 2148: 2144: 2139: 2136: 2132: 2128: 2123: 2120: 2116: 2112: 2107: 2104: 2100: 2096: 2091: 2088: 2084: 2080: 2075: 2072: 2068: 2064: 2059: 2056: 2052: 2048: 2043: 2040: 2036: 2032: 2028: 2023: 2020: 2016: 2012: 2007: 2004: 2000: 1995: 1992: 1988: 1984: 1980: 1975: 1972: 1968: 1964: 1959: 1956: 1952: 1948: 1943: 1940: 1936: 1932: 1931:Kiapidou 2003 1927: 1925: 1921: 1917: 1913: 1909: 1904: 1901: 1897: 1892: 1889: 1885: 1880: 1877: 1873: 1869: 1864: 1861: 1857: 1852: 1849: 1845: 1840: 1837: 1833: 1829: 1828:Kiapidou 2003 1824: 1821: 1817: 1816:Vasiliev 1935 1813: 1808: 1805: 1801: 1796: 1794: 1790: 1787:, p. 35. 1786: 1781: 1778: 1775:, p. 23. 1774: 1773:Vasiliev 1935 1770: 1766: 1761: 1758: 1754: 1750: 1749:Kiapidou 2003 1745: 1743: 1739: 1735: 1730: 1727: 1723: 1718: 1715: 1711: 1707: 1702: 1699: 1695: 1690: 1687: 1683: 1679: 1678:Kiapidou 2003 1674: 1671: 1667: 1662: 1659: 1654: 1650: 1646: 1642: 1638: 1634: 1626: 1623: 1619: 1614: 1611: 1606: 1602: 1598: 1594: 1590: 1586: 1585: 1576: 1573: 1569: 1564: 1561: 1557: 1552: 1549: 1545: 1541: 1537: 1532: 1529: 1525: 1520: 1517: 1513: 1509: 1508:Kiapidou 2003 1504: 1501: 1497: 1492: 1489: 1485: 1480: 1477: 1473: 1469: 1464: 1461: 1457: 1453: 1449: 1444: 1441: 1437: 1433: 1428: 1425: 1421: 1420:Vasiliev 1935 1416: 1413: 1410:, p. 84. 1409: 1404: 1402: 1398: 1394: 1390: 1385: 1382: 1379:, p. 34. 1378: 1373: 1370: 1367:, p. 33. 1366: 1361: 1359: 1357: 1355: 1351: 1347: 1343: 1342:Kiapidou 2003 1338: 1335: 1331: 1327: 1323: 1318: 1315: 1311: 1306: 1304: 1302: 1300: 1298: 1296: 1294: 1290: 1284: 1280: 1277: 1275: 1272: 1271: 1267: 1265: 1263: 1259: 1255: 1251: 1247: 1243: 1238: 1232: 1228: 1226: 1222: 1217: 1213: 1205: 1203: 1199: 1198: 1192: 1188: 1183: 1178: 1173: 1166: 1164: 1159: 1155: 1151: 1143: 1138: 1134: 1132: 1128: 1124: 1115: 1114: 1111:Chronicle of 1107: 1100: 1098: 1096: 1092: 1081: 1077: 1073: 1065: 1061: 1056: 1052: 1048: 1046: 1042: 1034: 1030: 1025: 1021: 1014: 1009: 1005: 1002: 993: 988: 984: 982: 978: 974: 970: 966: 960: 958: 954: 949: 943: 939: 930: 923: 921: 917: 911: 909: 905: 901: 897: 893: 889: 885: 876: 872: 868: 863: 859: 857: 853: 848: 846: 842: 838: 834: 830: 826: 822: 813: 808: 801: 796: 792: 789: 784: 779: 775: 770: 765: 757: 753: 748: 741: 739: 736: 732: 728: 724: 720: 716: 712: 708: 704: 700: 696: 692: 688: 684: 680: 676: 672: 668: 664: 660: 655: 653: 648: 643: 640: 636: 632: 628: 623: 619: 613: 611: 607: 603: 596: 590: 584: 582: 578: 574: 570: 566: 562: 558: 555: 551: 543: 537: 536: 529: 522: 520: 518: 514: 509: 508: 502: 497: 496: 489: 487: 483: 478: 474: 470: 465: 453: 449: 428: 427: 426:monostrategos 420: 419: 412: 410: 406: 402: 401: 395: 391: 386: 382: 371: 367: 363: 358: 357: 351: 347: 343: 335: 330: 326: 324: 320: 316: 312: 308: 304: 300: 299: 290: 288: 286: 282: 278: 277: 270: 268: 264: 261: 257: 253: 249: 245: 241: 237: 226: 222: 218: 214: 213:Slavic origin 209: 200: 197: 193: 181: 175: 166: 162: 153: 152: 147: 143: 133: 129: 126: 123: 119: 115: 111: 107: 102: 97: 93: 89: 85: 81: 76: 66: 62: 57: 53: 52: 45: 40: 33: 30: 19: 2769: 2746: 2725: 2703: 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811: 799: 780:, under its 761: 656: 646: 644: 614: 598: 592: 587: 560: 547: 490: 473:hagiographic 452:Nikephoros I 413: 405:Paul Lemerle 397: 389: 341: 339: 333: 296: 294: 274: 271: 267:Arcadiopolis 210: 160: 159: 104:(modern-day 101:Arcadiopolis 78:(modern-day 49: 29: 2803:760s births 2329:Chapter 2.3 2186:Chapter 2.2 1935:Chapter 2.1 1639:: 157–197. 1240:rebellion, 1202:crucified. 973:Virgin Mary 957:Golden Horn 888:Cibyrrhaeot 829:Khurramites 622:regnal name 477:Philomelion 151:tourmarches 2808:823 deaths 2797:Categories 1765:Kaegi 1981 1452:Kaegi 1981 1285:References 1248:, and the 1216:Hippodrome 1177:brigandage 1158:prostrated 1029:Greek fire 1001:Greek fire 981:Blachernae 969:True Cross 965:Theophilos 953:city walls 892:Aegean Sea 631:iconoclasm 627:iconolatry 610:Athinganoi 594:J. B. Bury 569:J. B. Bury 501:Excubitors 464:spatharioi 418:spatharios 409:Michael II 281:Iconoclasm 240:Asia Minor 188: 760 138: 803 121:Allegiance 110:Kırklareli 106:Lüleburgaz 71: 760 2786:181731396 2734:301446486 2692:457007063 2589:458995052 2510:Chapter 3 2449:Bury 1912 2433:Bury 1912 2417:Bury 1912 2401:Bury 1912 2385:Bury 1912 2357:Bury 1912 2341:Bury 1912 2302:Bury 1912 2282:Bury 1912 2262:Bury 1912 2246:Bury 1912 2230:Bury 1912 2214:Bury 1912 2198:Bury 1912 2159:Bury 1912 2143:Bury 1912 2127:Bury 1912 2111:Bury 1912 2095:Bury 1912 2079:Bury 1912 2063:Bury 1912 2047:Bury 1912 2027:Bury 1912 2011:Bury 1912 1979:Bury 1912 1963:Bury 1912 1908:Bury 1912 1868:Bury 1912 1722:Bury 1912 1706:Bury 1912 1682:Chapter 1 1605:191606312 1568:Bury 1912 1536:Bury 1912 1496:Bury 1912 1468:Bury 1912 1448:Bury 1912 1408:Bury 1912 1322:Bury 1912 1250:Aghlabids 1235:war. 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Revolt of Thomas the Slav

Madrid Skylitzes
John Skylitzes
Byzantine army
Michael II the Amorian
Slavic origin
Leo V the Armenian
Bardanes Tourkos
Asia Minor
Abbasid Caliphate
laid siege to Constantinople

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