Knowledge (XXG)

Roger Savory

Source 📝

International Journal; IP = International Perspectives: the Canadian Journal of World Affairs; ISL = Der Islam; JAH = Journal of Asian History; JAOS = Journal of the American Oriental Society; JEH = Journal of Economic History; JNES = Journal of Near Eastern Studies; JRAS = Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society; MEF = Middle East Focus; MER = Middle East Review;
AHR = American Historical Review; BSOAS = Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies; CJEPS = Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science; CJH = Canadian Journal of History/Annales Canadiennes d’Historie; EHR = English Historical Review; IHR = International History Review; IJ =
33. Savory, R. M. (1995) ‘Ṣafawids: I Dynastic, political and military history; II. Economic and commercial history; trade relations with Europe’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W. P. Heinrichs & G. Lecomte (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 8, pp. 769-774, Leiden: Brill.
Savory, R. M. (1994) ‘The Shī‘ī enclaves in the Deccan (15th-17th centuries): an historical anomaly’ in Corolla Torontonensis: Studies in Honor of Ronald Morton Smith, E. Robbins & S. Sandahl (eds.), Toronto: TSAR with the assistance of the Centre for Korean Studies, University of
Savory, R. M. (1983) ‘Religion and government in an Iṯnā ‘Ašarī Šī‘ī State’ in Religion and Government in the World of Islam, J. L. Kraemer & I. Alon (eds.), Tel Aviv. (Proceedings of the Colloquium held at Tel Aviv University, 3–5 June 1979; Israel Oriental Studies, vol.
Savory, R. M. (1980) ‘The History of the Persian Gulf: 1. The Ancient Period; 2. A.D. 600-1800’ in The Persian Gulf States: a General Survey, A.J. Cottrell, C.E. Bosworth, R.M. Burrell, K. McLachlan & R.M. Savory (eds.), Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University
Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘Mutual Perceptions of the West: Iran’ in ‘As Others See Us: Mutual Perceptions, East and West.’ A special issue of Comparative Civilizations Review, nos. 13–14, Fall 1985 and Spring 1986, New York: International Society for the Comparative Study of
Savory, R. M. (1989) ‘Islam and democracy: the case of the Islamic Republic of Iran’ in The Islamic World from Classical to Modern Times: Essays in Honor of Bernard Lewis, C.E. Bosworth, C. Issawi, R. M. Savory, & A.L. Udovitch (eds.), Princeton: Darwin
Savory, R. M. (1990) ‘Religious dogma and the economic and political imperatives of Iranian foreign policy’ in Iran at the Crossroads: Global Relations in a Turbulent Decade, Westview Special Studies on the Middle East, M. Rezun (ed.), Boulder: Westview
Savory, R. M. (1988) ‘Ex Oriente Nebula: an enquiry into the nature of Khomeini’s ideology’ in Ideology and Power in the Middle East: Studies in Honor of George Lenczowski, P. J. Chelkowski & R. J. Pranger (eds), Durham: Duke University
Savory, R. M. (2003) ‘Tajlu Khanum: Was she captured by the Ottomans at the Battle of Chaldiran or not?’ in Irano-Turkic Cultural Contacts in the 11th/17th Centuries, E. M. Jeremias (ed.),. Pilisesaba: Avicenna Institute of Middle East
Also published as Savory, R. M. (1976) ‘The Strong Rope – the Persian historical and cultural tradition’, Farhang-e Īrān-Zamīn/ Revue trimestrielle des Études Iranologiques, vol. 20, pase, 1–4, pp. 35–65.
Savory, R. M. (1982) ‘The religious environment in the Middle East’ in Business and the Middle East: Threats and Prospects, Y. Alexander & R. A. Kilmarx (eds.), New York, Oxford, Toronto: Pergamon
Savory, R. M. (1998) ‘The visit of three Qājār princes to England (May–September 1836/Safar-Jumādā I 1252)’ in Iran and Iranian Studies: Essays in Honor of Iraj Afshar, K. Eslami (ed.), Princeton: Zagros
Savory, R. M. (1987) ‘The geopolitical impact of the Islamic Revolution in Iran on the Gulf region’ in The Middle East in Global Strategy, A. Braun (ed.), Boulder, Colorado and London: Westview/Mansell.
32. Savory, R. M. (1993) ‘Muḥammad Riḍā Shāh Pahlawī’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W. P. Heinrichs & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 7, pp. 446-451, Leiden: Brill.
Savory, R. M. (1969) ‘A 15th-Century Ṣafavid propagandist at Harāt’ in The American Oriental Society, Middle West Branch Semi-Centennial Volume, D. Sinor (ed.), Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
36. Savory, R. M. (2000) ‘Takkalū’ in P. J. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel & W. P. Heinrichs (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 10, pp. 136-137, Leiden: Brill.
35. Savory, R. M. (2000) ‘Tahmāsp’ in P. J. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel & W. P. Heinrichs (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 10, pp. 108-110, Leiden: Brill.
7. Savory, R. M. (1960) ‘Bārūd. V. The Ṣafawids’ in H. A. R Gibb, J. H. Kramers, E. Lévi-Provençal, & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 1, pp. 1066-1068, Leiden: Brill.
34:. His numerous writings on Safavid political, military history, administration, bureaucracy, and diplomacy-translated into several languages have had a great impact in understanding this period. 558:
17. Savory, R. M. (1978) ‘Irān: V – History: (b) Turkomans to Present Day’ in E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 4, pp. 33-43, Leiden: Brill.
Savory, R. M. (1974) ‘The Safavid state and polity’ in Iranian Studies, vol. 7, nos. 1-2: Studies on Isfahan: Proceedings of the Isfahan Colloquium, pt. 1, Boston: Society for Iranian Studies.
Savory, R. M. (1971) ‘Abō’l-Fażl Beyhaqī as an historiographer’ in Yādnāme-ye Abu-l Fadl-e Bayhqī. Meshed: Meshed University Press. (Meshed University, Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences).
Savory, R. M. (1990) ‘The export of Ithnā ‘Asharī Shī‘ism: historical and ideological background’ in The Iranian Revolution and the Muslim World, D. Menashri (ed.), Boulder: Westview Press.
34. Savory, R. M. (1995) ‘Ṣafī al-Dīn Ardabīlī’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W. P. Heinrichs & G. Lecomte (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 8, p. 801, Leiden: Brill.
Savory, R. M. (1991) ‘Orthodoxy and aberrancy in the Ithnā ‘Asharī Shī‘ī Tradition’ in Islamic Studies Presented to Charles J. Adams, W. B. Hallaq & D. P. Little (eds.), Leiden: Brill.
6. Savory, R. M. (1960) ‘Baghdād Khātūn’ in H. A. R Gibb, J. H. Kramers, E. Lévi-Provençal, & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 1, pp. 908-909, Leiden: Brill.
3. Savory, R. M. (1960) ‘Asad Allāh Iṣfahānī’ in H. A. R Gibb, J. H. Kramers, E. Lévi-Provençal, & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 1, p. 685, Leiden: Brill.
Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘The Ṣafavid administrative system’ in Cambridge History of Iran, vol. 6, P. Jackson, S. I. Grossman & L. Lockhart (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Savory, R. M. (1982) ‘Khumayni’s Islamic Revolutionary Movement’ in Iran, Iraq and the Gulf War, Robert Spencer (ed.), Toronto: Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto.
19. Savory, R. M. (1978) ‘Iskandar Beg al-Shahīr bi-Munshī’ in E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 4, pp. 130-131, Leiden: Brill.
Savory, R. M. (1995) ‘Taḥlīlī az tārīkh va tārīkh-nigārī-yi davrān-i Ṣafavīyah’ in Īrān Nāmeh: a Persian Journal of Iranian Studies, vol. XIII, no. 3, Summer 1995, pp. 277–300.
Savory, R. M. (1971) ‘A curious episode of Safavid History’ in Iran and Islam: In Memory of the late Vladimir Minorsky, C.E. Bosworth (ed.), Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
2. Savory, R. M. (1960) ‘Alḳāṣ Mirzā’ in H. A. R Gibb, J. H. Kramers, E. Lévi-Provençal, & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 1, p. 406, Leiden: Brill.
710: 582:
29. Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘Kizil-bāsh’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 5, pp. 243-245, Leiden: Brill.
26. Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘Khurramshahr’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 5, pp. 65-66, Leiden: Brill.
20. Savory, R. M. (1978) ‘Abu’l/Ismā‘īl I (Muẓaffar)’ in E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 4, pp. 186-187, Leiden: Brill.
1. Savory, R. M. (1960) ‘‘Abbās I’ in H. A. R Gibb, J. H. Kramers, E. Lévi-Provençal, & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 1, pp. 7-8, Leiden: Brill.
Savory, R. M. (1988) ‘Iran 1501 – 1629’, in P. Burke & H. Inalcik (eds.), History of Humanity: Scientific and Cultural Development, vol. 5, pp. 258–263, Paris: UNESCO.
28. Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘Kinkiwar’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 5, pp. 123-124, Leiden: Brill.
Savory, R. M. (2002) ‘The Qājārs: ‘The last of the Qezelbāš’ in Society and Culture in Qājār Iran: Studies in Honor of Ḥāfez Farmāyān, E. L. Daniel (ed.), Costa Mesa: Mazda.
27. Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘Khuzistān’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 5, pp. 80-81, Leiden: Brill.
10. Savory, R. M. (1965) ‘Djamãl al-Ḥusaynī’ in B. Lewis, V. L. Ménage, Ch. Pellat & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 3, p. 420, Leiden: Brill.
4. Savory, R. M. (1960) ‘Ashraf’ in H. A. R Gibb, J. H. Kramers, E. Lévi-Provençal, & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 1, p. 701, Leiden: Brill.
8. Savory, R. M. (1960) ‘Bast’ in H. A. R Gibb, J. H. Kramers, E. Lévi-Provençal, & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 1, p. 1088, Leiden: Brill.
25. Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘Khurramābād’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 5, p. 63, Leiden: Brill.
5. Savory, R. M. (1960) ‘Asīr’ in H. A. R Gibb, J. H. Kramers, E. Lévi-Provençal, & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 1, p. 707, Leiden: Brill.
22. Savory, R. M. (1978) ‘I‘timād al-Dawla’ II’ in E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 4, pp. 281-282, Leiden: Brill.
30. Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘Kur’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 5, pp. 396-397, Leiden: Brill.
11. Savory, R. M. (1965) ‘Djangalī’ in B. Lewis, V. L. Ménage, Ch. Pellat & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 3, pp. 445-446, Leiden: Brill.
24. Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘Khōī’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 5, pp. 28-29, Leiden: Brill.
16. Savory, R. M. (1971) ‘Ḥasan-i Rūmlū’ in B. Lewis, V. L. Ménage, Ch. Pellat & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 3, p. 253 Leiden: Brill.
15. Savory, R. M. (1971) ‘Ḥamza Mirẓā’ in B. Lewis, V. L. Ménage, Ch. Pellat & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 3, p. 157, Leiden: Brill.
31. Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘Kūrči’ in C. E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 5, p. 437, Leiden: Brill.
Savory, R. M. (1972) ‘Iran: a 2,500-year historical and cultural tradition’ in Iranian Civilization and Culture, C.J. Adams (ed.), Montreal: McGill University Press.
14. Savory, R. M. (1965) ‘Gulistān’ in B. Lewis, V. L. Ménage, Ch. Pellat & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 3, p. 1135, Leiden: Brill.
13. Savory, R. M. (1965) ‘Farāḥābād’ in B. Lewis, V. L. Ménage, Ch. Pellat & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 3, p. 783, Leiden: Brill.
9. Savory, R. M. (1965) ‘Čūbānids’ in B. Lewis, V. L. Ménage, Ch. Pellat & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 3, pp. 67-68, Leiden: Brill.
Savory, R. M. (1970) ‘Safavid Persia’ in Cambridge History of Islam, vol. 1, P.M. Holt, A.K.S. Lambton, & B. Lewis (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
10. Savory, R. M. (1985) ‘Amīr-al-Omarā’. ii. Ṣafavid usage’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, pp. 970-971, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Savory, R. M. (1970) ‘Modern Persia’ in Cambridge History of Islam, vol. 1, P.M. Holt, A.K.S. Lambton, & B. Lewis (eds.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
14. Savory, R. M. (1993) ‘Courts and Courtiers: vi. In the Ṣafavid Period’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 6, pp. 371-375, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
23. Savory, R. M. (1978) ‘Ḳāsim-i Anwār’ in E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 4, pp. 721-722, Leiden: Brill.
12. Savory, R. M. (1965) ‘Djunayd’ in B. Lewis, V. L. Ménage, Ch. Pellat & J. Schacht (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 3, p. 598, Leiden: Brill.
12. Savory, R. M. (1990) ‘Carpets: i. Introductory Survey’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 4, pp. 834-839, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
24. Savory, R. M. (2004) ‘Ḥosayn Khān Šāmlū’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 12, pp. 514-515, New York: Encyclopaedia Iranica Foundation.
18. Savory, R. M. (1978) ‘Īshīk-Āḳasī’ in E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 4, p. 118, Leiden: Brill.
21. Savory, R. M. (1978) ‘Ismā‘īl II’ in E. van Donzel, B. Lewis & Ch. Pellat (eds.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, new edn, vol. 4, p. 188, Leiden: Brill.
6. Savory, R. M. (1985) ‘Alā’-al-Dawla Ḏu’l-Qadar’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, pp. 771-772, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Savory, R. M. (1978) ‘Social development of Iran in the Pahlavi era’ in Iran Under the Pahlavis, G. Lenczowski (ed.), Stamford: Hoover Institution Press.
11. Savory, R. M. (1990) ‘Č(ah)ār-Bāḡ-e Eṣfahān’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 4, pp. 625-626, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
155:, C.E. Bosworth, R.M. Burrel, K.M. Mclachlan & R.M. Savory (eds.), general ed. A.J. Coltrell, Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press. 639:
17. Savory, R. M. (1996) ‘Dīvānbegī. Ii. The Ṣafavid period’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 7, pp. 439-440, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
9. Savory, R. M. (1985) ‘Khān ‘Alī Qolī Šāmlū’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, pp. 875-876, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
7. Savory, R. M. (1985) ‘Ãlam-ārā-ye ‘Abbāsī’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, pp. 796-797, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Savory, R. M. (2003) ‘Roger M. Savory on Vladimir Fedorovich Minorsky’ in The Best Teacher I Ever Had, A. C. Michalos (ed.), London: Althouse Press.
5. Savory, R. M. (1985) ‘Ahmad Solṭān Afšār’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, p. 661, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
15. Savory, R. M. (1993) ‘Dāḡestānī, Fatḥ-‘Alī Khān’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 6, pp. 576-577, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
695: 613:
4. Savory, R. M. (1985) ‘Aḥdāt, woǰūh-e’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, p. 635, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
22. Savory, R. M. (1998) ‘Eskandar Beg Torkamān’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 8, pp. 602-603, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
8. Savory, R. M. (1985) ‘Alī Mīrzā’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, p. 868, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
1. Savory, R. M. (1985) ‘Abbās I’ in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, pp. 71-75, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
705: 651:
23. Savory, R. M. (1998) ‘Esmā‘īl I Ṣafawī’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 8, pp. 628-635, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
3. Savory, R. M. (1985) ‘Abbās III’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, p. 76, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
Savory, R. M. (1980) ‘Very dull and arduous reading: a reappraisal of the history of Shah ‘Abbas the Great by Iskandar Beg Munshi’,
21. Savory, R. M. (1998) ‘Ešīk-āqāsī-bāši’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 8, pp. 600-601, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
2. Savory, R. M. (1985) ‘Abbās II’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 1, p. 76, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
18. Savory, R. M. (1996) ‘Dūrmeš Khān Šāmlū’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 7, p. 597, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
13. Savory, R. M. (1992) ‘Čerāḡ Khān Zāhedī’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 5, p. 263, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
514: 700: 483: 645:
20. Savory, R. M. (1998) ‘Emāmqolī Khān’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 8, p. 394, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
690: 637:
16. Savory, R. M. (1996) ‘Dīv Solṭān’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 7, p. 431, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
Savory was first introduced to Iranian studies as a young man between 1943 and 1947. He started his formal education in
19. Savory, R. M. (1998) ‘Ebn Bazzāz’, in E. Yarshater (ed.), Encyclopaedia Iranica, vol. 8, p. 8, Costa Mesa: Mazda.
133:(Tārīkh-e ‘Ālamārā-ye ‘Abbāsī), 2 vols., R.M. Savory (trans.), Persian Heritage Series no. 28, Boulder: Westview Press. 391:
Savory, R. M. (1972) ‘The principle of homeostasis considered in relation to political events in Iran in the 1960s’,
Savory, R. M. (1976) ‘Land of the Lion and the Sun’ in The World of Islam, B. Lewis (ed.), London: Thames and Hudson.
Savory, R. M. (1961) ‘The principal offices of the Ṣafawid state during the reign of Ṭahmāsp I (930-84/1524-76)’,
Savory, R. M. (1960) ‘The principal offices of the Ṣafawid state during the reign of Ismā‘īl I (907-30/1501-24)’,
499: 78:
and was a major factor in establishing the University of Toronto as one of the forerunners of Middle Eastern and
Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘The geo-political impact of the Islamic revolution in Iran on the Persian Gulf region’,
91: 97: 75: 23: 685: 680: 101:, and other encyclopaedias. He also has dozens of book reviews published in peer-review journals. 328:
Savory, R. M. (1964) ‘Some notes on the provincial administration of the early Ṣafawid empire’,
Savory, R. M. (1986) ‘The added touch: Ithna ‘Ashari Shi‘ism and the foreign policy of Iran’,
Savory, R. M. (1979) ‘The problem of sovereignty in an Ithna Ashari (“Twelver”) Shi‘i state’,
126:, New York: Cambridge University Press. Reprint. (1980) “Students’ edition,” New Delhi: Vikas. 71: 59: 451:
Savory, R. M. (1995) ‘The office of Sipahsālār (Commander-in-Chief) in the Safavid state’,
503: 458:
Savory, R. M. (2004) ‘Relations between the Safavid state and its non-Muslim minorities’,
79: 405:
Savory, R. M. (1976) ‘Some reflections on totalitarian tendencies in the Ṣafavid state’,
427:, Westview special studies on the Middle East, M. Curtis (ed.), Boulder: Westview Press. 162:, Papers in Mediaeval Studies no. 6, Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. 55: 51: 335:
Savory, R. M. (1964) ‘The struggle for supremacy in Persia after the death of Timur’,
Persia in Islamic Times: a Practical Bibliography of its History, Culture and Language
674: 377:
Savory, R. M. (1971) ‘The emergence of the modern Persian state under the Ṣafavids’,
83: 47: 22:(27 January 1925 – 16 February 2022) was a British-born Professor Emeritus at the 342:
Savory, R. M. (1964) ‘The significance of the political murder of Mirza Salman’,
Iranian Studies: Bulletin of the Society for Iranian Cultural and Social Studies
119:, W. J. Watson (ed.), Montreal: Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University. 67: 27: 482:
Roger Savory, "Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations"- University of Toronto"
Savory, R. M. (1965) ‘The office of Khalīfat al-Khulafā under the Ṣafawids’,
Savory, R. M. (1963) ‘A secretarial career under Shah Tahmasp I (1524-76)’,
379:Īrān-Shināsī: Journal of Iranian Studies, Faculty of Letters and Humanities 384:
Savory, R. M. (1972) ‘British and French diplomacy in Persia, 1800-1810’,
31: 432:
Hamdard Islamicus: Quarterly Journal of the Hamdard National Foundation
496: 349:
Savory, R. M. (1965) ‘The consolidation of Ṣafawid power in Persia’,
Islamic Studies: Journal of the Central Institute of Islamic Research
Islamic Studies: Journal of the Central Institute of Islamic Research
Logos Islamikos: Studia Islamica in Honorem Georgii Michaelis Wickens
43: 89:
Besides books and journal articles, he has also contributed to the
Proceedings of the Second European Conference of Iranian Studies
63: 398:
Savory, R. M. (1975) ‘The Qizilbāsh: education and the arts’,
423:, vol. 11, no. 4, 1979, pp. 5–11. Reprinted in (1981) 365:
Iran: Journal of the British Institute of Persian Studies
The list of Journal Abbreviations are in the footnotes
Savory, R. M. (1960) ‘Persia since the Constitution’,
146:(1993) Īrān-e ‘Asr-e Ṣafavī, trans. K. ‘Azīzī, Tehran. 86:. Savory died on 16 February 2022, at the age of 97. 143:(1984) Īrān-e ‘Asr-e Ṣafavī, trans. A. Ṣabā, Tehran. 370:Savory, R. M. (1968) ‘Notes on the Ṣafavid state’, 381:, Tehran University, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1–44. 74:at SOAS in 1958. He then joined the faculty of 158:Savory, R. M. & Agius, D. A. (eds.) (1984) 280:Articles and book reviews in academic journals 8: 393:International Journal of Middle East Studies 711:Academic staff of the University of Toronto 346:, Karachi, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 181–191. 325:, Karachi, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 343–352. 434:, Pakistan, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 19–37. 115:Savory, R. M. & Wickens, G. M. (1964) 363:Savory, R. M. (1967) ‘The Sherley myth’, 153:The Persian Gulf States: a General Survey 140:, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 425:Religion and Politics in the Middle East 412:Savory, R. M. (1979) ‘Turmoil in Iran’, 472: 314:Savory, R. M. (1962) ‘Communication ’, 167:Studies on the History of Safavid Iraan 492: 490: 318:, vol. 38, no. 1–2, pp. 161–165. 131:The History of Shaah ‘Abbās the Great 7: 478: 476: 460:Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 124:Introduction to Islamic Civilisation 462:, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 435–458. 448:, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 402–423. 409:, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 226–241. 360:, vol. 85, no. 4, pp. 497–502. 332:, vol. 27, pt. 1, pp. 114–129. 304:, vol. 23, pt. 1, pp. 91–105. 297:, vol. 24, no.2, pp. 243–261. 14: 374:, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 96–103. 339:, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 35–65. 311:, vol. 24, pt. 1, pp. 65–85. 58:. In 1950 he began lecturing on 441:, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 15–23. 66:. He completed his Ph.D. under 16:Canadian Iranologist (1925–2022) 416:, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 8–12. 295:University of Toronto Quarterly 1: 288:Articles in academic journals 515:Roger Mervyn Savory obituary 169:, London: Variorum Reprints. 696:British emigrants to Canada 402:, vol. 6, pp. 168–176. 395:, vol. 3, pp. 282–302. 129:Eskandar Beg Monshi (1978) 122:Savory, R. M. (ed.) (1976) 727: 388:, vol. 10, pp. 31–44. 353:, vol. 41, pp. 71–94. 497:Iranian Studies in Canada 455:. Rome, pp. 597–615. 367:, vol. 5, pp. 73–81. 706:People from Peterborough 138:Iran Under the Safavids 92:Encyclopaedia of Islam 30:and specialist on the 701:Canadian Iranologists 165:Savory, R. M. (1987) 151:Savory, R. M. (1980) 136:Savory, R. M. (1980) 98:Encyclopaedia Iranica 76:University of Toronto 24:University of Toronto 691:British Iranologists 502:21 May 2011 at the 20:Roger Mervyn Savory 72:Vladimir Minorsky 62:at the school of 46:under Professors 718: 665: 661: 655: 605: 599: 523: 517: 512: 506: 494: 485: 480: 726: 725: 721: 720: 719: 717: 716: 715: 671: 670: 669: 668: 662: 658: 654: 652: 650: 648: 646: 644: 642: 640: 638: 636: 634: 632: 630: 628: 626: 624: 622: 620: 618: 616: 614: 612: 610: 608: 606: 602: 598: 596: 594: 592: 589: 587: 585: 583: 581: 579: 577: 575: 573: 571: 569: 567: 565: 563: 561: 559: 557: 555: 553: 551: 549: 547: 545: 543: 541: 539: 537: 535: 533: 531: 529: 527: 525: 524: 520: 513: 509: 504:Wayback Machine 495: 488: 481: 474: 469: 290: 282: 176: 112: 107: 80:Iranian studies 40: 17: 12: 11: 5: 724: 722: 714: 713: 708: 703: 698: 693: 688: 683: 673: 672: 667: 666: 656: 600: 518: 507: 486: 471: 470: 468: 465: 464: 463: 456: 449: 442: 435: 428: 417: 410: 403: 396: 389: 382: 375: 368: 361: 354: 347: 340: 333: 326: 319: 312: 305: 298: 289: 286: 281: 278: 277: 276: 273: 270: 266: 263: 259: 256: 252: 249: 245: 242: 238: 234: 231: 228: 227:Civilizations. 224: 220: 216: 213: 209: 206: 203: 200: 199: 198: 192: 189: 186: 183: 180: 175: 172: 171: 170: 163: 156: 149: 148: 147: 144: 134: 127: 120: 111: 108: 106: 103: 56:Richard Walzer 52:Joseph Schacht 39: 36: 15: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 723: 712: 709: 707: 704: 702: 699: 697: 694: 692: 689: 687: 684: 682: 679: 678: 676: 660: 657: 604: 601: 522: 519: 516: 511: 508: 505: 501: 498: 493: 491: 487: 484: 479: 477: 473: 466: 461: 457: 454: 450: 447: 443: 440: 436: 433: 429: 426: 422: 418: 415: 411: 408: 404: 401: 397: 394: 390: 387: 383: 380: 376: 373: 369: 366: 362: 359: 355: 352: 348: 345: 341: 338: 334: 331: 327: 324: 320: 317: 313: 310: 306: 303: 299: 296: 292: 291: 287: 285: 279: 274: 271: 267: 264: 260: 257: 253: 250: 246: 243: 239: 235: 232: 229: 225: 221: 217: 214: 210: 207: 204: 201: 196: 195: 193: 190: 187: 184: 181: 178: 177: 174:Book chapters 173: 168: 164: 161: 157: 154: 150: 145: 142: 141: 139: 135: 132: 128: 125: 121: 118: 114: 113: 109: 104: 102: 100: 99: 94: 93: 87: 85: 84:North America 81: 77: 73: 69: 65: 61: 57: 53: 49: 48:Hamilton Gibb 45: 37: 35: 33: 29: 25: 21: 659: 603: 521: 510: 459: 452: 445: 438: 431: 424: 420: 413: 406: 399: 392: 385: 378: 371: 364: 357: 350: 343: 336: 329: 322: 315: 308: 301: 294: 283: 166: 159: 152: 137: 130: 123: 116: 105:Bibliography 96: 90: 88: 41: 19: 18: 686:2022 deaths 681:1925 births 68:Ann Lambton 28:Iranologist 26:who was an 675:Categories 467:References 38:Biography 500:Archived 269:Studies. 255:Toronto. 32:Safavids 400:Turcica 60:Persian 262:Press. 248:Press. 241:Press. 237:Press. 219:Press. 212:Press. 44:Oxford 330:BSOAS 309:BSOAS 302:BSOAS 110:Books 386:Iran 358:JAOS 70:and 64:SOAS 54:and 439:MEF 421:MER 414:MEF 407:ISL 351:ISL 337:ISL 316:ISL 223:X). 82:in 677:: 489:^ 475:^ 446:IJ 95:, 50:,


University of Toronto
Hamilton Gibb
Joseph Schacht
Richard Walzer
Ann Lambton
Vladimir Minorsky
University of Toronto
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Encyclopaedia of Islam
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Iranian Studies in Canada
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Roger Mervyn Savory obituary
1925 births
2022 deaths
British Iranologists
British emigrants to Canada

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