
Talk:Abbasid Caliphate/Archive 1

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Persian ethnicity. Iran has a majority of Arab origin? Based on what? Genetic testing doesn't suggest that at all; Only certain cities (Qom, for example) were founded by Arabs. The Arabs in Southwestern Iran didn't even arrive into that region until relatively recently (a few hundred years... they have not been living there since Islamic conquest). Nor does the historical reality. As for "Arabic identity dominates Iran." Can you name a single contribution the Arabs have made to Islamic architecture beyond calligraphy? Did they come up with double skinned domes? Pointed arches? Minarets? The landscaping? Right. The original Arabs were living in tents. So let's not start with the nonsense that Iranians have "Arabic origin." It makes no sense genetically. It makes even less sense culturally. The Ummayads were Arab in essentially every way, but to lay a claim on all of the science, culture and knowledge that was generated during the Abbasid period is nonsense. The CAPITAL CITY of the Abbasid Caliphate was predominantly Persian. Baghdad did not become Arabized until the Ottoman Empire. Rhazes, Khwarizmi, Avicenna, Biruni, Tusi etc. were all Persians. As for the Iran-article.. That's irrelevent to this article, for one. Two, the Iran article does mention almost 10 paragraphs on the Arabs, the Turks, and the Mongols. I don't really understand where the "nationalist Persian propaganda is." Ignoring the Persian component of the Abbasids would be similar to ignoring the Greek component of Rome. The entire reason there WAS a golden age was because works of non-Arabs were translated into Arabic. Not because the Arabs themselves started something on their own. I think leaving out that little factoid would qualify as Pan-Arab nationalism, not Persian nationalism. -
Persian manipulating history, names & facts....Does any Arab manipulate anything on Iran-related articles...No....its only persians doing the Iran article they even jump over certain parts of the history related to ruling of persia by Arabs, its so biased in the way they not only manipulate but also write things that serve their persian nationalism & if we would search & analyze about Iran as a whole the majority of it has Arabic origin & yet Arabs don't do it....So stop with this persian nationalistic propaganda..stop putting your shit everywhere!!!!!!
3861:). "Dar al-Khilafa" is not only perfectly sensible as a term for a palace complex, it is also apparently (per some of the sources above), the name used in historic Arabic sources to refer to that palace. Per those sources, the complex was begun by al-Mu'tasim, with doubtless later additions by al-Mutawakkil. Whether "Dar al-Baraka"/Baraka Palace is commonly used in modern Arabic sources I can't judge, but since this is the English Knowledge there is no reason to ignore the clear majority of English sources. It is also, incidentally, the name used in other relevant articles like 3447:
exclusive with being Persian, Semites have no historical monopoly over that region, they weren't even the first to live there. Furthermore you've clearly never read the Qur'an seeing as it explicitly states that Islam is not an ethnic religion and ethno-supremacy is considered shirk. The "Islam = Arabic" nonsense was buried with the rightful destruction of the Umayyad "caliphate". As for the Abbasids, in what universe is an empire whose soldiers were Turks and whose bureaucrats were Persians an "Arab empire"? To others your rants look like nothing more than envy. --
the largest Empire of its time. It stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to China. During 508 years it was ruled by 38 Caliphs of the Abbasid dynasty, direct descendants of the Prophet Abraham through the male line. 10 days after the fall of Baghdad the last Caliph Al-Mustasim perished the death of a martyr. Several of his sons fled to different countries. The Syrian line spread itself and gained importance. Emirs Ruslan and Iskander belong to it. 750 years have passed but Iraq is still in the paws of barbarians...
1261: 3404:"Persian identity" if you converted to Islam, took an Arabic name, lived in an Arab empire, and served Arab Caliphs? If we look at the pages on Knowledge about the Seljuk and Mughal empires, we will note that they are both referred to as "Persianate Empires" because they embraced Persian culture and language. So why aren't the Bermakids considered "Arabs"? They adopted the Arabian religion of Islam, spoke Arabic, had Arabic names, and served Arab Caliphs, again why aren't they considered "Arabs”? 3482:
does not change the facts on the ground, namely that Arabic culture, language, civilization, ruling elites, majority of bureaucrats, soldiers (throughout the most important Abbasid conquests) were Arab. Why should Arabs have envy of any regional people? Makes no sense historically, in terms of ancient civilization, global influence and outreach, culturally, linguistically, religiously, geographically, economically, militarily etc. A strange comment considering the legit criticism.--
31: 3911: 2833: 3530: 443:
Al-Mustasim's son was somewhere in a desert town, I read, when Baghdad was sacked, and kept roaming the desert in fear of his life, until the mongols were defeated at Ayn Jalut, then he travelled to Cairo in Egypt, to meet Sultan Baibars Al-Banduqdari, and be restored as a figurehead caliph. May someone please edit the article concerning this matter. Everytime I edit it, my edit is scrubbed out.
1465: 3922:. With a context of Knowledge and editors' efforts to advance knowledge for humanity, it was horrifying, incredibly saddening, and even painful reading how the accumulated knowledge and prized culture of centuries was so brutally destroyed. How were people and intellectuals mercilessly murdered. It really touched deep in my soul. I have to point out that coincidentally or work of the 3720:. (The current façade nonetheless appears to be a modern reconstruction and the original late Abbasid remains would be inside the courtyard.) There is still no reason to include the image as it was, since it's not relevant to the section where it was placed and the article is a little overloaded with images for much of its length already. The building is explained with more context at 605:
Atlantic Ocean to China. During 508 years it was ruled by 38 Caliphs of the Abbasid dynasty, descendants of the Prophet Abraham through the male line. 10 days after the fall of Baghdad the last Caliph Al-Mustasim was massacred. Several of his sons fled to different countries. Emirs Ruslan and Iskander belong to the Syrian line of the descendants of Al-Mustasim.
2825: 1819:
capitals of the Abassid Caliphate in the table. Both assertions can't be right. The assertion in the text has no references to back it up. The reference at the end of the paragraph, currently #5, '^ a b Applied History Research Group, University of Calgary, "The Islamic World to 1600", Last accessed 30 October 2008' does not support the assertion.
2332: 1823:
remnants of the Umayyad forces. But then what of Kufa? If the claim here is that the Abbasids' first capital in 750 was Damascus, and not Kufa, and that the Abbasids occupied Damascus for the next twelve years until 762 when the Abbasids moved their capital to Baghdad, then this is a claim that needs an inline citation in the text to support it.
as the name of the state, or the Abbasid caliphate as a casual reference in compare and contrast mode. As it is used here, it is the proper name of an entity. Again, to emphasize, Abbasid is not a demonym, but a dynastic family, like the Tudors or Hapbsurgs. The proper name of the entity they ran is the Caliphate. It should remain capitalized.
3195:. But what does the dotted lines signify? I doubt that those regions had well-defined borders back then, so the map would be more accurate without them. I'd also consider reducing the font size used for Al-Yamama, Sistan, Uman, Egypt, etc. It's a bit distracting and gives undue attention. The size used for Iraq and Jibal should be good enough. 1155: 3062:). 'Turan' is incorrect, that was Sind. Add the Yamamah and Bahrayn regions/provinces in Arabia, and extend the map to include Yemen, if you can. Cyrenaica was a distinct sub-province (Barqa). I'd also recommend distinguishing the autonomous dynasties (Tahirids, Aghlabids, Afrighids, Crete) from the geographical/administrative names, 2079:(2011). The first of these (Willem Floor's books) makes occasional references to Shaikh Mohamed Khan Bastaki while the other two devote considerable sections to the history of Lengeh and Bandar Abbas under the Khans of Bastak. The primary sources for the Abbasid Khanate of Bastak are in Arabic and Farsi. They include the following: 356:... the caliph and his three sons, Abu'1-Fadl Abdul-Rahman, Abu'l-Abbas Ahmad, and Abu'l-Managib Mubarak, came out on Sunday the 4th of Safar 656 . With him were three thousand sayyids, imams, cadis, grandees and dignitaries of the city. ... The people disarmed themselves and came out in droves, and the Mongols killed them.... 2136:
that these quotes are generally not necessary as all they are doing is verifying the information alluded to by the reference (which is what the reference are for). This is not an article that I have, done a lot of work on and I feel that this point should probably be talked about before a major change (i.e. deleted) Thanks
3859: 3856: 2063:
Khanate of Bastak represents a later manifestation of Abbasid rule (under a new form, that of a "Khanate"). References in English to the Khans of Bastak are few so far, though there are sources that are still unpublished. Published English sources include Sykes' account of Southern Persia, the English translation of
2010:"Within 10 years, the Abbasids built another renowned paper mill in the Umayyad capital of Córdoba in Spain." The Umayyad kingdom in Spain called itself a Caliphate and did not acknowledge the political authority of the Abbasids in Baghdad. The Abbasids could not claim credit for anything that happened in Cordoba. 3648:
while using terms or words belonging to a different language, due care and effort is given for correct pronunciation and spelling. Why does Knowledge use caliph, mecca, mosque, and many other Arabic words as some form of mockery rather than using the exact arabic word? it's same as writing churus for
I am not sure of this section. All of my literature, including portions of the same article, point out that the end of the Abbasids occurred on 1517, with the death/captivity of Matawakhil III? I am not disputing the information only asking for a clarification. Well, maybe I am disputing it slightly,
Damascus was of course the capital of the Umayyad Caliphate until the fall of the Umayyads in 750. The Abbasids defeated the Umayyads at the Battle of the Zab on 25 January 750. Did the Abbasids then briefly occupy Damascus in 750? On the face of it, it seems plausible if only to have driven out the
One empire? There have been many empires and emperors - west roman, east roman, holy roman, bulgar, sassanid, mongol, etc. Caliph is a religious title, not a temporal one. It covers the community of all Muslims. Caliph is more akin to "Pope", and Caliphate to "Papacy". Abbasid is not a demonym, but
In theory, there is one "Caliphate" and should remain capitalized. In practice, many states (Umayyads of Cordoba, Fatimids of Egypt, Almohads of Morocco, etc.) absconded with the title and called themselves that. I guess the best point of comparison is with, say, the Pope - supposedly only one, but
The map is completely anachronistic. The map is actually helpful in that it summarises the areas of separate dominance very well, and given the complication of this issue such as summary is needed, but (for example) the Buyids took power in Baghdad a couple of decades after the caliphate seized Egypt
February 10th 2008 is the 750th anniversary of the fall of Baghdad and the demise of the Abbasid Empire established in 750. On February 10th 1258 the hordes of Mongol prince Hulagu sacked Baghdad, effectively dissolving the Abbasid Empire, the second largest Empire of the time . It stretched from the
February 10th 2008 is the sad 750th anniversary of the fall of Baghdad and the demise of the Abbasid Empire established in 750. On February 10th 1258 the hordes of Mongol prince Hulagu sacked Baghdad. One the World's greatest city was destroyed up to a million people massacred. The Abbasid Empire was
Why do you (Iranian Wikipedians) keep adding the irrelevant texts to articles on Knowledge?, that thing will -NOT- make Iran a greater country, i can see many articles that the name (Persia) is shoved in and you keep mentioning (Persia= Iran today don't forget)!, i call that a childish edits and will
The concept of the "citizen" didn't emerge until the French Revolution, therefore no one was a second class citizen because there was no such thing as a citizen. Someone should fix this, because I'm too busy to think of a better way to reword this, but if no one changes it by weekend, I'll fix it up.
3785: 3481:
As for the ignorant comment above, Semitic or not (oldest civilizational ethnolinguistic group in existence in the MENA region), those regions and civilizations are native to the Arab world and its inheritors are the Arabs of today. Nobody else. Arabized Mamluk soldiers and a few foreign bureaucrats
To help English language Knowledge editors, the map subtext in Swedish "Kalifatet vid dess största utbredning" translates to "The caliphate at its greatest extent". Which Knowledge language version is correct? It ought to be corrected. Now the same in Swedish: Någon har fel. Vem? Hursomhelst bör det
Really hate having to look dumb pointing this out, 5 years later, but oh well, the user from the IP above seems to spend all his time contributing to articles about "Race and Intelligence" and scientific racism. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions, but coupling stuff like that with phrases such as
Ugh. That article is a mess. I don't agree with your deduction, as it depends very much on the context in which it is used. e.g. I can use "Roman Republic" as the proper name of a state, or "Roman republic" as a casual reference to the republic the Romans had. Similarly, I can use Abbasid Caliphate
In their opening years they did have sovereigny over Morocco and Spain, so the map somewhat accurately represents the Abbasid empire at its greatest extent. They lost Spain early on to Abdul Rahman I, and then later lost Morocco to Idris I after a failed revolt of Fakkh in the late 8th century, but
Yes, I have nowadays a habit of examining the history in articles regarding islam and science, but I refrained from mentioning that for the principle of reconciliation. In some areas there are numerous independent indications that islam really pioneered and paved way for the western renaissance, but
alkindi was arab but ibn sina was persian, alfarabi was either a persian or turk. Nevertheless, the question of ethnic origin is quite pointless, since they these three belonged to the same cultural and intellectual realm and most if not all their works were written in arabic (the de facto language
As for the page number of the source I provided (Bloom & Blair 2009, Grove Encyclopedia): I only had the electronic version, so I provided the specific encyclopedic entry ("Samarra"), which should be plenty for anyone given the structure of that book. Still, the page number, after looking it up
middle Islamic period is between Noah and Jesus. late Islamic period is from the Prophet Muhammad till the end of world (may peace be upon them all). Because the Qur'an clearly says Islam is the only religion. Islam means peace. Islam means peace acquired by submitting one's own will to the will of
The sources indicate that this "Abbasid khanate" in Bastak began in 1673 and ended in 1967. It did NOT begin with the arrival of Abbasid prince refugees in 1258. This provides ample time (415 years to be exact between 1258 to 1673) for someone to claim Abbasid descent for prestige and legitimacy as
I have been tidying up the reference sections and I have noticed that there are a lot of large quotes that may (or may not) be integral to the flow and quality of the article. As of now I have moved them to a separate footnote section to ease readability of the ref/note/footnotes. I personally feel
Take this dreadful excuse of an image out of here. The Abbassid Caliphate never ruled so much land at all and in fact they never had control of North Africa or Spain which was under a splinter Ummayad Corduba Caliphate. Meanwhile also teh date is wrong because after the 10th century the rise of the
Pretty good state now. I'll take an exact look at who really influenced Copernicus. As far as I can tell, he erected a new planetary model with fewer epicycles, but the only influences he really would need was to be Ptolemy's Almagest and some updated astronomical tables. There were Europeans to do
This map is not accurate, many of the names mentioned are not clear and if you look them up you will not find any entry in either Knowledge or google; example: Tulumid, Buyjid and Alijid; who are they? Someone needs to clarify this, probably correct the spelling (if they exist) so that we can know
Someone sounds quite salty here. You do realize that cuneiform, winged sun, etc. are not Arabic or Semitic inventions yes? They originate from Ancient Egypt, Sumer, and other pre-Semitic civilizations. Something being Mesopotamian (which is a regional and not ethnic term) does not make it mutually
I believe this section is biased, written by a member of a deposed dynasty in southern Iran with no verified ties to the Abbasids and thus it should be either removed completely or amended significantly to show that this dynasty of khans merely claims descent from the Abbasids but there is no real
Why would a number of Abbasids venture into PERSIA which was controlled by the Mongols whom are slaughtering every single known member of the Abbasid family? Especially in 1258 AD.... when Baghdad had just fell. It would make far more sense for these Abbasid princes to go west into Syria and Egypt
Under the Abbasids, Persianate customs became the style of the ruling elite. Affecting the demeanor Sasanian Persian emperors, the Abbasids wore Persian clothing, instituted such Persian offices as vizier and executioner, established their new capital, and like the Achamenids and Sasanians erected
The Abbasids came to power by pandering to the non-Arab converts and they moved their capital to Baghdad (a Persian name), which is only 20 km away from Cteisphon, I believe. I think it's fairly obvious the Abbasid Caliphate was highly persianized... The majority of the thinkers in Baghdad were of
In the "Today part of" in the Old country infobox, there is Andorra and Portugal but not Spain. Either believe the map given and remove the whole Iberian peninsula, or put them all (maybe France too, since it's highly improbable the empire extended exactly to Andorra not touching French territory)
for details. Some of the claims you've looked at have been specifically challenged and removed already in other articles. This article appears not to have been cleaned up yet. I would suggest removing all of the detail content on specific scientists, and write it as something like: 'Individuals in
Hi. What do the terms Early / Middle / Late Islamic period mean? How are they defined? When do they start and end? They show up in articles about Jordan for instance, but I cannot find a periodisation offering the basic meaning. Are these terms mainstream, are they outdated, can they be used over
Completely agree and you will hardly find any serious nor objective historian or academic who would deny some of your criticism. Anyway there is a reason why Knowledge cannot be used as an academic source and inherent biases are obviously a well-known problem across the board. The solution is for
I removed the racist sentences mentioned in the article...since this has nothing to do with was never said...& I'm getting sick of all Persian shit put on ALL Arabic-related articles...Exactly all Arabic articles on wikipedia...its very annoying, they're making everything Arabic as
It is correct that Umar (Omar) is not the first ancestor of Umayyads however, he was belonging to that linage. And is the first Umayyad Caliph. In view of this fact one may consider that Umayyads descended from Umar. Umar and Uthman these two Rashiduns belonged to Umayyad descendency. But as they
3717: 2106:
The sources mentioned above can be consulted for more information. The section in the Knowledge article has been kept brief (while giving enough information) to avoid devoting too much space to a later manifestation of Abbasid rule which is only one part of Abbasid history. With reference to the
seems in a state of flux, but better than before, examining its history, it seems that it has been extensively proofread. As far as I can tell/guess, "Geber" was more like a tradition, whereupon lots of alchemical ideas were added by lots of people from the islamic and from the western christian
Unlike the Achaemenid page, however, the Knowledge page on the Abbasids focuses more on Persians and Persian culture than on the Abbasids themselves! Isn't that odd and hypocritical? And, like the Barmakids, the so-called "Persian bureaucrats" were more Arabs than Persians! What remains of your
Thanks, that's what I thought. The influence of Persian customs on the Abbasid ruling elite is broadly accepted and we can add a statement to that effect to the second paragraph, which already talks about Persian political influence. However, that's not the same as calling Abbasids "thoroughly
The section on the Abbasid Khanate of Bastak has been added because it is a part of Abbasid history, and related to the history of the Caliphate. It is the Abbasid Caliphate of Cairo that ended in 1517; and the difference between "Caliphate" and "Khanate" should be emphasized here. The Abbasid
In the article section headed "Power", however, the text currently asserts: "The first change the Abbasids made was to move the empire's capital from Damascus, in Syria, to Baghdad in Iraq." This is confusing. On the face of it, the assertion would appear to contradict the assertion about the
In 'Power (752–775)' section the link for khorasanian arabs links to an alleged alqaeda subgroup, with the disputed conventional name Khorasan group/Khorasan. But it shouldn't right? Even in the Khorasanian Group wiki page there's a section that disputes the very name of the group, albeit for
1. Nearly all references in the section come from "Baniabbassian, M. (1960). Tarikh-e Jahangiriyeh va Baniabbassian-e Bastak (in Persian). Tehran." Judging by his last name, he appears to hail from the "Abbasi" family in Bastak which ruled this khanate. Information provided thus is subject to
many of the discoveries attributed to him are dubious, and may alternatively be tracked to an anonymous Christian sphere alchemist using the name Geber for his books for the sound of it. Alchemy was a very secretive art, so it is very hard to track discoveries back to Geber or pseudo-Gebers.
I'm done with Jagged cleanup. I still think the technology section needs further verification, so I've tagged it with Expert verify. For example, mills were used extensively, but I'm not sure if there were steel mills in the modern sense, and I don't know how reliable the sources given are.
It says in the article that al-mu'tasim, the last abbasid caliph, had his last son and daughter sent to hulegu's harem as a slave and a concubine. Which is totally untrue. How could his last son be sent to Azerbaijan (hulegu's stronghold), then reappearing in Cairo to restore his dynasty?!!
I fixed it by removing non-chemical (?) guys such as Roger Bacon, Newton and a couple of alleged praisers. The essense of the clause was originally correct, according to the books I had to borrow from the city library. The case you refer to is more of a general cleanup where a lot of valid
3775: 2703:"In 656 AH/1258 CE, the year of the fall of Baghdad, and following the sack of the city, a few surviving members of the Abbasid dynastic family led by the eldest amongst them, Ismail II son of Hamza son of Ahmed son of Mohamed, made their way into the region of Fars in Southern Persia." 3834: 3829: 3819: 3814: 3780: 3824: 2809:
Hello everyone! I was thinking the current map for this page was lacking, so I decided to improve it a bit by adding cities, rivers a legend and make it in a more appropriate format. I was wondering if there are any more details I should add or change before we adopt this new map.
3751:: I don't strongly care what name is used in the caption of one image on this overview article, but I want to be clear that the wording of the caption change was chosen for a reason. I recommend that your edit be reverted or that the caption be re-edited to reflect the following: 1988: 2718:
of Abbasid princes fled into Iran, not even just one, then I don't doubt one bit that they'd rush to kill them off. Even if Bastak is in the mountains with a somewhat rough terrain, then the Mongols would besiege it like the besieged the Nizari Ismaili castles on the mountains.
So, did the last Khan have any sons or daughters? Are they still alive or did the dynasty finally come to a complete end? Is there a photograph of the guy? A photo would be totally cool....and as to the Caliph, did they kill his entire family in 1517 or are there any pretenders
so unconnected editors can evaluate its appropriateness. Many of the website's entries are short and may not contain much more than the articles they have been added to. However, this might be a good source even if editors do not consider it an appropriate external link. --
as I know I am no expert, but if it is correct (the section in question) and it is not just an extension of some vague connection to the abbasids then more information needs to be added connecting that last chapter, also the dual calendars really create confusion.
3050:). Bilad al-Sham contains a typo (missing 'l'). I am unsure whether Arran extended that far south, and would recommend using the Arabic form Adharbayjan, rather than modern Azerbaijan, for the province. Khurasan for Khorasan, and what is labelled as 'Tahirids' is 3229:
I can resize the labels. The dotted lines are in no way an attempt to denote be exact political boundaries within the Caliphate, just roughly. I think we do know enough about who ruled which cities and over what areas at least make an attempt at visualizing it.
knowledgeable Arab editors to correct some of those obvious biases using academic sources. I also wonder how it is possible that neither this Abbasid article or the Rashidun or Umayyad articles state that those were empires/caliphates ruled by Arab dynasties.--
Occasionally you may also know that referenced material is incorrect, although that's rarer. If you can check the reference, or find a better referenced, then again, please be bold and correct the Knowledge article. If it's a more complicated matter of giving
It is very clear that the Arabs are influenced by Persian culture after the conquest of Persia. For this reason, As in other articles I did this addition. The reason why I have made this statement in defining the state, It is made in this way in some other
At the same time the Arab conquerors of Iran were being Persianized, for although they were originally garrisoned as soldiers, they soon settled in the towns and cities, especially in Khurasan, where conquerors and subjects melded into a single Persianate
3873:(per above), is p. 177 (Volume 3). Or you can cite one of the other sources listed above. For clarity, the edited caption should also specify "Samarra", to avoid confusion with the Dar al-Khilafa of Baghdad; a detail I missed in my previous edit. Thanks, 3542: 220:, i dont know what me and Islami have together we edit different articles we are different people we have different IP's, can i have any evidence that explain my block on the nick User:Tinglepal??, he wants to silence me but i will stand for the truth-- 185:
make people suspicious of articles related to Iran. can you tell me what's good for the article to add "It is well established that the Abbasid caliphs modeled their administration on that of the Sassanids. One Abbasid caliph is even quoted as saying:
3804: 1906:"The entire reason there WAS a golden age was because works of non-Arabs were translated..." and "The original Arabs were living in tents" strikes me as a bit, uh, hypocritical for someone trying to carefully denounce claims of Persian nationalism. 1731:
Not sure what you mean. I have plenty of references which keep Caliphate capitalzed, especially when attached to the dynastic name. Caliphate is the name of the state. Abbasid a dynastic modifier. Like saying Tudor England or Hapsburg Spain.
I ran across a scholarly article that may be relevant for expanding this article: Richardson, Kristina. "Singing slave girls (qiyan) of the ‘Abbasid court in the ninth and tenth centuries." Children in Slavery through the Ages (2009): 105-118.
PS: Alternatively, the caption could simply identify it as a part of the "Samarra palace complex" founded by al-Mu'tasim, or something to that effect, since the exact scholarly name isn't essential to a reader's understanding of this article.
Moreover, if Damascus, and not Kufa, was indeed the Abbasids' capital from 750 to 762, then of course the table would need to modified to remove the erroneous reference to Kufa, not least in order to make the text and the table consistent.
No, I was referring to the link up above. Anyways, that's not important, it was just an example. My point is we have more than enough information to determine the provincial borders of the Abbasid Caliphate - such as the sources cited in
I think we should use the map from Arabic wikipedia that has Hispania and north west Africa in dark green explaining that the those parts were lost at the caliphate's infancy and that the light green remained under its control for a long
If we aren't quite sure on what areas are autonomous and not, perhaps we should consider not distinguishing autonomous areas at all, especially since I think the line between who is and isn't autonomous may be blurry. What do you think?
I don't get source says the Seljuks simply took over Baghdad, another says they were allied with the Abbasids before taking over, and another says that the Mamluks were responsible for the empire's decline...which one is it?
3839: 1337:
To revive this discussion, regardless of what areas we consider to be actually ruled by the Abassids, this crappy map cuts off the Eastern edge of the territory, and while it claims they ruled Spain, cuts off most of that as well.
whose walls encircled the caliph’s official residence and the first great mosque. While it is impossible to cite any direct influence, there were a number of examples of round cities from pre-islamic Persia which may have provided
whose walls encircled the caliph’s official residence and the first great mosque. While it is impossible to cite any direct influence, there were a number of examples of round cities from pre-islamic Persia which may have provided
where I removed the image due to lack of verifiable information. After some searching I managed to actually find a detailed source that describes this building and notes its popular name as the "Abbasid Palace"; see pages 316-219
English and Swedish language editions of Knowledge apparently have very different ideas of the Abbasid Caliphate's greatest extent. See the little map in green and white towards the top right of each of the two mentioned pages:
I have had trouble finding in Spuler the quotation about the Persians given in the text and footnoted at footnote 4. I have a different edition of Spuler but have searched pretty extensively through it. Could there be an error
I've deleted it. The sentence was not referenced, and as you've observed, it didn't make a great deal of sense. In general if something is unreferenced and you have a good reason to believe it's wrong, I'd encourage you to be
3809: 2416:
Persianized in their culture" or describing the caliphate as a "Persianate empire". It looks like you didn't notice that the term "Persianate society" in the first quote is referring specifically to Khurasan. According to
Currently, the inset table on the right of the Wikipage states that the first capital of the Abassid Caliphate was Kufa (750-762), followed by Baghdad (762-836), then Samarra (836-892), then Baghdad again (892-1258).
1682:– classic over-capitalization should be fixed. Whether there's one or several, sources describing the one commonly use lower case, which is good evidence that capitalization is not "necessary" here; the threshold in 446:
It was not his son but his uncle who re-established the Caliphate. Al-Mustasim's several sons fled to different countries. The Syrian line spread itself and gained importance. Emirs Ruslan and Iskander belong to it.
and correct it. Knowledge is only as good as its references; information which is unreferenced can be (and frequently is) complete rubbish, so don't worry about deleting inaccurate unreferenced material.
from the directly ruled territories/provinces (different font for the dynasty and other shade of green?), and possibly also add Ifriqiya and Sicily somewhere as the geographical designations. Antakya -:
i found this map showing the greatest extent to te abassid caliphate that is different than the pic currently used, so i think the pic used is misleading that the abassids did rule parts in north africa
3842: 3287:
Love the new map aesthetic and I think it's also serve a more educational purpose than the current abstract map especially since the old map lacks province names/major settlements. Thank you very much @
is that what you understood! you look so clever, the section is about ABBASID SCIENCE not about the administration. now your racist admin Khoikhoi blocked me and accused me of being a sock puppet of
2237: 2739:
Both with a similar origin story to the Bastak Abbasids and like the Bastak Abbasids, they offered no real evidence. I think the section would be far more interesting with the inclusion of these.
The Achaemenid Empire was More Mesopotamian than Persian, The Achaemenid kings embraced Mesopotamian clothes and culture, however this is not mentioned in the Knowledge page on the Achaemenids.
This material is similar to, or exact duplication of, other material that has failed verification, all added by a single editor, or written by that editor in other articles and copied here. See
Bloom and Blair (eds.) 2009, Grove Encyclopedia of Islamic Art and Architecture, see "Abbasid" (Vol 1, p.2), "Architecture" (Vol 1, p.80), and "Samarra" (Vol 3, p.177-178) entries (and others)
2496:, there were a number of examples of round cities from pre-islamic Persia which may have provided inspiration.", and not the direct "The round plan reflects pre-Islamic Persian urban design". 2424:, the Arabs who settled in Iran adopted the Persian language en masse and generally assimilated into the local Iranian society, which is quite different from what happened, e.g., in Baghdad. 1752: 2038:
to one source, or if you don't have access to a good reference source but suspect the Knowledge information is wrong, then starting a discussion on the Talk page is a good idea. But if you
Why aren't Al Mu'tasim's conquests of Amorium and Ankara included in the map? Under Al-Mu'tasim, the Abbasid Caliphate achieved its territorial hight, nearly conquering all of Asia Minor.
I would say Iranicaonline, the web version of a large academic (but incomplete) encyclopedia, is very much an RS, without of course being infallible. We use it widely. I don't understand
202:"I don't like it" is not a valid reason to remove relevant sourced information about who caliphs modeled their administration on, and their influences......I agree what he is saying .-- 579:
The section in question smacks of NPOV and is written with very poor grammar and mechanical construction. Should it be removed entirely, or reformatted so it actually means something?
It's arguable I guess, after over half a year of learning about things since I last posted the comment... anyhow, I think I fixed in such a way that it works for either view point -
is produced by Columbia University and like Encyclopedia Britannica is a scholarly source. It should not be removed from the articles as they are pertinent sources of reference.--
1056: 189:"The Persians ruled for a thousand years and did not need us Arabs even for a day. We have been ruling them for one or two centuries and cannot do without them for an hour."" 2107:
Hijri years of the section, where employed these derive directly from Arabic and Farsi sources (hence the use of Hijri). They have been retained for the sake of accuracy.
is a generic, common term, not a propriety or commercial term, so the article title should be downcased. Lowercase will match the formatting of related article titles.
3030:. Some observations: In Sicily, the northeastern corner, around Messina, was the last to be actually conquered. In c. 850, the island was divided in the middle, with 3348:
The map is obviously inadequate and does not show the Abbasid Caliphate at its greatest extent at all unlike pretty much every other empire covered on Knowledge.--
3248:? Compared to the other map, some provinces have different borders (e.g., Oman; al-Yamama; Mosul not being part of Jazira). Some have better names, like Khwarizm. 2688:
Unlike the Abbasid caliphs in Cairo whose genealogy was checked by a group of Egyptian jurists around the time of the fall of the Abbasid dynasty. That is why the
And to the Empire. In theory (up until 1804, at least) there was only one Empire; for some six centuries there were at least two, in Aachen and in Constantinople.
1279: 2391:
grand palaces and supported artists and scholars who celebrated their rule. The Abbasid caliphate at its nadir was the climax of Persianate panopoly: they were
1574:, for example), to refer to the office of caliph within the Abbasid state, but that is not the subject of this article. I would suggest the warning parallel of 1052: 363:"...At the end of the day on Wednesday the 14th of Safar 656 , the caliph, his eldest son, and five of his attendants were executed in the village of Waqaf...." 1022: 2684:
being kings descendants of great kings (the Abbasid caliphs), all while providing no real evidence except a genealogy tree that could be easily falsified.
2679:- محمد أعظم؛ (العباسي)بني عباسيان بستكي (1993م). أحداث و وقائع و مشايخ بستك و خنج و لنجة و لار. البحرين، المنامة: مؤسسة الإمام للصحافة والطباعة والنشر. 2936:
Ray was part of Jibal, and Khurasan was much bigger, encompassing of the cities of Nasa, Merv (should be spelled Marw), Merwrud (which should be spelled
3554: 3789:
Tabbaa 2007, "Architecture", Northedge 2012, "ʿAbbāsid art and architecture", and Milwright 2021, "Iraq, art, architecture, and archaeology", all in
Mazandaran and Gilan were certainly autonomous, and I think that applies to several other regions as well, but I'm not really well-versed in that. --
2673: 2982:. As you can see, Makran is nowhere that big, I guess Sistan extended all the way to Kabul? Or maybe they created a province named after the region 2241: 2645:
Calligraphy is a fundamental element and one of the most highly regarded forms of Islamic Art. As such, I think there should be a section on it.
that doesn't mean they didn't appoint governors there prior to that. Also, they ruled more territory in the east than is shown by that map. --
2445: 1947:
There isn't a source given for the 20 million figure, so it could easily be wrong. I'll add a citation needed. Do you have a sourced figure? --
2. The "Abbasid Khanate of Bastak" is a real dynasty and khanate, yes. But as shown by sources provided by the Arabic article of the khanate (
2655: 3763:) are the only names used in any scholarly English-language sources discussing Abbasid Samarra. Here are some of the many relevant examples: 3047: 2198: 1913: 1163:
contributions is outweighted by an annoyingly bad source usage, and lot's of imaginative interpretation concocts in the "bullocks class", to
737: 3926:, February 2023 marks 765 years of that utterly despicable and horrifying event. May all those innocent victims rest in peace. In memoriam. 3126:
asked about, it was because I thought that including the entire empire in one map would leave too much whitespace/unused space on the map.
2401: 851: 2277: 2271: 3509: 3059: 2637:
Being among some of the greatest rulers of Abbasid and Islamic rule shouldnt a seperate category be made for his rule in the Caliphite?
1345: 2477:, a medieval historian and academic. He specialises in the history of the early Islamic Middle East, Muslim Spain and the Crusades. -- 1876: 1847: 1846:
Modern day Iran was only a part of the Abbasid Caliphate, why is the info box titled and links to the page discussing history of Iran?
1828: 877: 586: 400: 1892: 264: 644:. If it's not relevant to a certain section it can be moved to a different one. But I don't see why it should be deleted outright. 2859:
Updated the map, let me know if there's anything else I should add, tweak or modify before I replace the main map of the article.
467: 3582: 2301: 2707:"A few surviving members of the Abbasid dynastic family"???? "Made their way into the region of Fars in Southern Persia."???? 1570:. A specific state, hence a proper name. Some writers use the "Abbasid caliphate", or more often some closer transliteration ( 564: 2393:
remote in a world of awesome luxury, walled off by an elaborate courtly eriquette whose casual word was obeyed like divine law
besides the fact that we are not a religious encyclopaedia you are posting at the wrong place, read the original post again.
3034:, the centre of Byzantine resistance in the middle of the island, not falling until 859. However, the Aghlabids had captured 1416:
could be put in the infobox (apparently something similar was done in the past, see section "Abbasid flag" above). However,
The concept of rectangular national flags was unknown in Abbasid times, but black was the dynastic color of the Abbasids, so
Either Geber or that Christian pseudo-Geber allegedly invented the destillation of alcohol. Which is culturally most likely?
Iraq? Makran is way too vast as well. And if I'm not mistaken Ghur was not conquered by the Muslims until the advent of the
Would you please research before you add stuff, yes al farabi was persian, but al kindi and ibn sina (avicenna) were arabs.
3412: 3069: 2774:
Why would you dispute this? Can you explain. I would like to hear your side. I have the sources to support this. Cheers --
were accepted as Abbasid figureheads for Egypt. No such historically documented verification of the "Abbasids" of Bastak.
a dynasty. Just happens to be some other dynasties have tried to claim that same title (akin to Roman vs. Avignon Popes).
526: 503: 484: 452: 386: 2722:
4. The section instead of focusing one on dynasty could focus on several dynasties whom claim desecent from the Abbasids
Was added by a Columbia University IP along with many other links to the site. I have moved it hear in keeping with our
The Achaemenids were influenced by Mesopotamian culture far more than the Abbasids were influenced by Persian culture!
2369: 730:
Umayyad rule" is this some kind of partisan comment on an old secterian muslim conflict. seems like it might be one..
I am proposing the deletion or some drastic change of the "Abbasid Khanate of Bastak" due to the following objections:
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on this talk page. No further edits should be made to this section.
Subsequent comments should be made in a new section on the talk page. No further edits should be made to this section.
that, maybe Regiomontanus, maybe some other person associated to the updated planetary tables of the high middle ages.
2733: 2629:
Shouldn't there be a reference in here about Abu Muslim, who is usually credited with bringing the abassids to power?
1991:. There isn't much about the revolution in particular but there is a lot of good stuff about the Abbasids in general. 833: 793: 287: 3602:
early Islamic period is the period from the beginning (since Adam) till the great flood during the lifetime of Noah.
In the same book I advised using, if you click here you can see a okay map of the whole caliphate and its provinces
it is completely racist and does not help -at least- the section of Abbasid Science, I hope you guys understand me--
2164: 360:
I suppose this means February 10, 1258 was the date Baghdad fell to the Mongols. I'll edit the article accordingly.
38: 3319: 3295: 3043: 2948:
by Guy Le Strange is still pretty good when it comes to the geography of the Abbasids, I would advise using this
2295: 2242:
1917: 1065: 741: 1268:
Byzantine Empire and the Fatimid Caliphate meant that the Abbassids governed little other than modern day Iraq.
I'm going to move this to the main article page. If there are any objections, post them here and we'll discuss.
2646: 2569:
Perhaps one of you gentlement would like to instruct Loaka1 on the finer points of plagiarism and paraphrasing.
2470: 2449: 2405: 2202: 1439:. You are almost certainly the person who knows most about the subject looking at the article at the moment. -- 976:
Geber should (IMHO) be mentioned as part of the Islamic Golden Age, but downplayed, not as a scientist proper.
957:, who started it by describing experiments rejecting the alchemical symbolism and its mythical concepts in his 914: 855: 522: 499: 480: 448: 382: 3463: 3408: 3513: 3435: 3270: 3217: 3152: 3006: 2956: 2906: 2849: 2360: 2229: 1832: 1349: 1303: 881: 829: 789: 590: 337:
Hard to figure out exact date since it apparently went on (including initial negations) for a month or more
283: 1417: 1323: 268: 3654: 3611: 3339: 2779: 2035: 1880: 1851: 157: 47: 17: 3793: 1092: 1061: 946: 3813:
Hoffman 2008, The Wall Paintings of Samarra and the Construction of Abbasid Princely Culture p.107, 123
3694: 3677: 3634: 3452: 2980: 2949: 2792:, next time it might be helpful to name or ping the person you are wanting to have a conversation with. 2610: 2543: 2520: 2482: 2344:
If you have discovered URLs which were erroneously considered dead by the bot, you can report them with
2283: 2253: 2160: 1896: 958: 145: 3666: 3650: 3623: 3607: 2278:
2259: 2247: 2228:. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit 3068:
Antioch as the common name for the medieval city. Draw the border a bit more north above Malatya (cf.
Canfield, Robert L. (2002). Turko-Persia in Historical Perspective. Cambridge University Press. p. 5.
Canfield, Robert L. (2002). Turko-Persia in Historical Perspective. Cambridge University Press. p. 4.
1401: 1319: 1064:, another linked name, etc.". This would leave the specific content to the linked articles, including 664: 124: 3894: 3878: 3729: 3721: 3505: 3487: 3483: 3472: 3468: 3353: 3349: 3335: 3315: 2995: 2759: 2753: 2749: 2689: 2322: 2194: 1996: 1909: 1872: 1623: 1583: 1511: 1341: 1073: 873: 847: 733: 688: 582: 540: 166: 1260: 107:
Would you ppl stop adding Persian crap to this page, as in "three Persians, Al-Kindi, Al-farabi..."
3936: 3919: 3918:-related articles. I stumbled on the timeline of the end of the Abbasid empire at the hands of the 3546: 3076: 2011: 1779: 1737: 1668: 1609: 1413: 910: 811: 762: 640:
The quote expands on the idea that the Abbasid caliphs modeled their administration on that of the
409: 3744: 3590: 3562: 3533:
This article was the subject of a Wiki Education Foundation-supported course assignment, between
3431: 3266: 3235: 3213: 3174: 3163: 3148: 3131: 3113: 3002: 2970: 2952: 2927: 2917: 2902: 2864: 2845: 2815: 2429: 2141: 2047: 2015: 1973: 1952: 1867: 1764: 1691: 1647: 1444: 1425: 1201: 712: 660: 649: 236: 96: 76: 235:
A protection template should be applied to this page for the duration of its protection. Thanx,
because we use the language found most often in English reliable sources. There is no mockery.
The most important feature of the architecture of early Baghdad was the celebrated round city,
The most important feature of the architecture of early Baghdad was the celebrated round city,
2345: 2157: 3855:
I could find no English sources at all that use the term Baraka Palace or Dar al-Baraka (e.g.
3427: 2789: 2775: 2560: 2221: 1535: 1522: 1390: 1283: 3407:
No one can deny that Knowledge is being used to disseminate a terrible, dreadful propaganda.
141: 3690: 3672: 3629: 3448: 3254: 3201: 3106: 2797: 2606: 2538: 2516: 2501: 2478: 2457: 1937: 1370: 1316: 1239: 1217: 1172: 1129: 1101: 1030: 1001: 981: 825: 781: 332: 3263: 2842: 2352: 3890: 3874: 3862: 3725: 3090: 3055: 3035: 2474: 2121: 1992: 1717: 1619: 1579: 1555: 1539: 1507: 1478: 1474: 1069: 899: 684: 471: 221: 2729:
in Chad and Sudan which held power between 1501–1912 claimed descent from the Abbasids.
2067:(Vol. II), and the recently published works of Willem Floor which include the following: 3939: 3898: 3882: 3733: 3698: 3680: 3658: 3637: 3615: 3594: 3566: 3517: 3491: 3476: 3456: 3439: 3416: 3357: 3343: 3323: 3303: 3274: 3256: 3239: 3221: 3203: 3178: 3156: 3135: 3094: 3079: 3010: 2974: 2960: 2931: 2910: 2868: 2853: 2832: 2819: 2783: 2763: 2614: 2564: 2546: 2524: 2505: 2486: 2461: 2433: 2409: 2374: 2265: 2206: 2168: 2145: 2125: 2051: 2019: 2000: 1977: 1956: 1941: 1921: 1900: 1884: 1855: 1836: 1783: 1768: 1741: 1723: 1695: 1672: 1651: 1627: 1613: 1587: 1561: 1515: 1448: 1429: 1394: 1378: 1353: 1327: 1306: 1292: 1272: 1247: 1225: 1205: 1180: 1137: 1109: 1077: 1038: 1009: 989: 918: 885: 859: 837: 815: 797: 766: 745: 716: 692: 668: 653: 630: 594: 568: 530: 507: 488: 474: 456: 424: 414: 390: 291: 272: 249: 239: 224: 206: 196: 173: 160: 127: 99: 3928: 3866: 3423: 3311: 3073: 2027: 1775: 1733: 1664: 1642:
Good call; no reason "papacy" should be capitalized there; books overwhelmingly agree.
1605: 1601: 1436: 1234:
Found a ref for al-Tusi, Urdi and al-Shatir. The other influnces need additional refs.
807: 758: 559: 554: 421: 404: 366:
I'll add this date of the execution of the last reigning Abbasid caliphate in Baghdad (
If you found an error with any archives or the URLs themselves, you can fix them with
Black was indeed the official color of the Abbasids (except for a brief period during
3586: 3558: 3288: 3231: 3192: 3170: 3142: 3127: 3027: 2966: 2923: 2860: 2811: 2492:
I did not notice that it was written by Hugh N. Kennedy, sorry. But the source says "
2425: 2137: 2043: 1969: 1948: 1760: 1687: 1643: 1440: 1421: 1269: 1197: 909:
were included on the higher rank as Rashiduns; they were not considered as Umayaads.
708: 646: 615: 1708:(in the sense of governance)? That's a specific state, but why would you upcase it? 2937: 2726: 2556: 2534: 1794: 1575: 1489: 1386: 954: 203: 170: 152: 88: 84: 2844:? It uses various sources and is made by one of our best editors in this topic. -- 3394:
3- Arabic was written using the Arabic alphabet rather than the Pahlavi script.
788:. It's possible the original map was done in another language where "j"="y". -- 498:
Part of the Al-Bitar family of Syria is of Abbasi descent through the male line.
I will post this also on other relevant pages. The discussion should be held at
3529: 3249: 3226: 3196: 3051: 2991: 2793: 2552: 2497: 2453: 2421: 2289: 1933: 1366: 1235: 1213: 1168: 1125: 1097: 1026: 997: 977: 970: 940:
In particular, Jābir ibn Hayyān (Geber) is considered the "father of chemistry".
374: 367: 349: 338: 323: 319: 315: 303: 299: 217: 193: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
in India which ruled between 1802-1955 also claimed descent from the Abbasids.
like Al-Muntasir and Al-Hakim did, not deep into Mongol-controlled territory?
possible bias and I would suggest making it at least shorter and more concise
No, he's not. Maybe he was the father of alchemy, but referring to the article
Maybe we should find someone to correct this, does anyone have any idea how? --
Why is this "Caliphate" considered Shia? It imprisoned and persecuted the Shia
Was the Abbasid flag really just a black field, or is that just a placeholder?
3121: 3086: 2983: 2941: 2898: 2889: 2748:
historical evidence to suggest that they are descendants of Abbasid refugees.
2693: 2296:
2117: 1710: 1548: 279: 246: 3379:
4- Religious emblems from Mesopotamia, such as " Faravahar ", were adopted.
3915: 3768: 3039: 2450:
1748: 966: 962: 322:, as the date of the sack of Baghdad. Can anyone confirm this, please ? -- 282:'s reign when they switche to green). They fought under a black banner. -- 2997:. Also, I would advise correcting some of the following names; Boost -: --> 2077:
The Persian Gulf: Bandar Abbas, The Natural Trade Gateway of Southeast Iran
3245: 3046:
article). The actual western borders of Ifriqiya are a bit excessive (cf.
726:"temporarily converting to Shia Islam and joining their fight against the 703:"One Abbasid caliph (whose mother was Persian) is even quoted as saying:" 2885: 2881: 1932:
Which year circa was this? Where's the source for the 20 million mark? //
1683: 896:
The Umayyads were not descended from Umar. I have corrected that claim.
641: 610: 3376:
3- The Persian language was written in cuneiform, a Babylonian script.
3058:, which actually ruled Khurasan and some other eastern territories (cf. 2824: 3686: 773: 311: 3808:
Abbasid chapter in edited volume "Islam: Art and Architecture", p. 102
That should work. But where is the consensus that Iranicaonline fails
An editor has reviewed this edit and fixed any errors that were found.
should be avoided, since there's no evidence that it's historical...
That map is wrong! Never arabs conquered or occupied those islands!
777: 3502:
different reasons. I'd suggest just removing the link all together.
2182: 1810:
Power: The first Capital of the Abbasid Caliphate - Kufa or Damascus
Not quite right, as shown in the work of Le Strange for example. --
Disputing "Abbasid Khanate of Bastak" - proposing removal or change
3923: 2987: 2877: 2831: 2823: 2103:, and others. More such sources are being published all the time. 1259: 785: 2896:
are missing, perhaps they could be added? And perhaps Irak -: -->
3031: 2893: 953:
In general one more generally accepted "father of chemistry" is
3072:. Finally, may I suggest uploading it as an svg file? Cheers, 2994:) was also a province, I would advise basing its frontiers on 1747:
Are you saying that the dictionary definition and our article
1468: 961:. Later non-alchemical experimentalists and theoreticans like 25: 2471:
BAGHDAD i. The Iranian Connection: Before the Mongol Invasion
2185: 1987:
While looking for info about the Abbasid Revolution, I found
When you have finished reviewing my changes, please set the
2- Rather than Persian, Arabic was the official language.
The round plan may reflect pre-Islamic Persian urban design
this period who advanced scientific understanding include
for additional information. I made the following changes:
1755:; that supports the conclusion that capitalization is not 1021:
Please ignore that! (Me trying to be funny). Instead see:
You could contact the person who apparently made the map:
and Ettinghausen, Grabar, & Jenkins-Madina 2001, p.55
This might be trivial, but this is a quick follow-up on
2-Aramaic was the official language and lingua franca.
Sorry for the delay. Updated it to your specifications.
2944:. And Gurgan was part of the Abbasid Caliphate as well. 1488:
The following discussion is an archived discussion of a
back from the decadent Tulunids. Have emphasised this.
3748: 3712: 3397:
4- it was banned to use non-Islmaic religious symbols.
2590: 2225: 1751:
are all wrong? Nobody denies that usage in sources is
1578:, but the nom's edits suggest he may prefer that too. 1527: 550: 547: 3497:"Khorasanian Arabs" links to modern day al qaeda group 2073:
The Persian Gulf: The Rise and Fall of Bandar-e Lengeh
Wiki Education Foundation-supported course assignment
The above discussion is preserved as an archive of a
allude one of the detractors of aforementioned case.
352:. I can't find any mention of Feb.28th. And I quote: 1538:("Knowledge avoids unnecessary capitalization") and 1481:(blocked for another year for abusive sockpuppetry). 3042:) in the years before (you can find sources in the 2494:
While it is impossible to cite any direct influence
something is wrong don't hesitate to correct it. --
HAHAHA wtf people, are you smoking something legal?
470:and it imprisoned and persecuted Shia in general. 1604:is capitalized. Should that be also lowercased? 752:Independent Emirates rising in Abbasid Caliphate 600:I agree, and have removed it. This is the text: 546:because the same editor that wrote it also made 3573:Meaning of Early / Middle / Late Islamic period 2081:Tarikh-e Jahangiriyeh va Baniabbassian-e Bastak 1280:Image talk:Abbasids Dynasty 750 - 1258 (AD).PNG 3388:1-The main Capital wasn’t located in Persia. 1365:No, I'm not smoking. And this is not a forum. 1282:, i think too much of coffee is the reason :) 2290: 1091:chemistry is not one of them. The article of 8: 3689:would certainly be one worth signing up to. 2069:The Persian Gulf: The Rise of the Gulf Arabs 1124:I just read your links. Good links, thanks! 1023:Talk:Alchemy and chemistry in medieval Islam 3772:A Companion to Islamic Art and Architecture 3767:Northedge 1993 (a frequently-cited article) 2085:Nader al-Bayan fi Dhikr Ansab Baniabbassian 1842:Why is the info box titled history of Iran? 3914:I have been editing for a couple of hours 3503: 2757: 2220:I have just modified 11 external links on 2192: 2183: 1477:has been indef blocked as a sockpuppet of 245:I've added a small template, top right. — assignment 2990:is missing. Seems like Ma Wara' al-Nahr ( 2922:Updated it according to your suggestions 2186: 3844:(these two examples only cite the name " 3796:(see also "Sāmarrāʾ" entry in the older 3118:. As for the cut off at the bottom that 3085:Why does the map cut off at the bottom? 2151:singing slave girls of the Abbasid court 87:had a developed sense of citizenship. - 3553:Above undated message substituted from 3370:1- Babylon was the principal capital. 616: 3314:and slap it into the article? :) Best 2446:Knowledge:Identifying reliable sources 381:Sometimes February 12th is mentioned. 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 2699:3. The section states the following: 2319:to let others know (documentation at 2058:More on the Abbasid Khanate of Bastak 1278:Yeh , i already noticed and wrote on 927:The alleged fantastiqualness of Geber 7: 2511:So then it needs to be re-phrased, " 1503:The result of the move request was: 396:BBC Podcast about Abbasid Caliphate 3599:if I'm to give my understanding, 3578:larger parts of the Muslim world? 3538: 3534: 2946:The lands of the eastern caliphate 2841:Perhaps this map could be of help 1600:sometimes claimed by several. The 24: 3649:church. correct this huge fault. 2224:. Please take a moment to review 436:Al-Mu'tasim's Last Remaining Son" 3909: 3583:Talk:Timeline of Islamic history 3541:. Further details are available 3528: 3244:I assume by Le Strange you mean 3054:, not the area under the actual 3048:Fall of the Aghlabid Emirate.svg 2330: 1463: 1153: 29: 3739:Caption of Samarra palace image 3026:A very good effort, thank you, 2300:Corrected formatting/usage for 2294:Corrected formatting/usage for 2288:Corrected formatting/usage for 2282:Corrected formatting/usage for 2276:Corrected formatting/usage for 2270:Corrected formatting/usage for 2264:Corrected formatting/usage for 2258:Corrected formatting/usage for 2252:Corrected formatting/usage for 2246:Corrected formatting/usage for 1700:JCScaliger, must we then write 772:Tulumid is a typo (should read 516:750 years without the Abbasids. 3685:Though any religion with more 3518:08:16, 15 September 2021 (UTC) 3363:“Persian this” “Persian that” 3060:Tahirid Khurasan ca 836 AD.svg 2418:A History of Islamic Societies 1404:) 22:10, 27 August 2013 (CET) 886:21:29, 10 September 2010 (UTC) 536:I've tagged this section with 329:This site has all the dates: 1: 3940:00:49, 22 February 2023 (UTC) 3595:15:17, 25 November 2021 (UTC) 1901:07:58, 17 November 2007 (UTC) 1856:03:45, 2 September 2012 (UTC) 1784:19:17, 25 November 2011 (UTC) 1769:04:00, 25 November 2011 (UTC) 1742:16:53, 24 November 2011 (UTC) 1724:08:55, 24 November 2011 (UTC) 1696:16:47, 23 November 2011 (UTC) 1673:02:33, 21 November 2011 (UTC) 1652:05:01, 24 November 2011 (UTC) 1628:19:12, 20 November 2011 (UTC) 1614:23:35, 19 November 2011 (UTC) 1588:23:30, 19 November 2011 (UTC) 1562:12:25, 19 November 2011 (UTC) 1516:12:13, 27 November 2011 (UTC) 1449:08:04, 1 September 2011 (UTC) 838:12:34, 29 December 2007 (UTC) 816:13:10, 23 December 2007 (UTC) 798:12:41, 19 December 2007 (UTC) 767:13:45, 15 December 2007 (UTC) 746:20:25, 24 February 2010 (UTC) 669:10:17, 9 September 2008 (UTC) 654:08:39, 7 September 2008 (UTC) 569:01:22, 12 February 2008 (UTC) 531:07:49, 11 February 2008 (UTC) 508:07:47, 11 February 2008 (UTC) 489:07:07, 11 February 2008 (UTC) 479:It is not Shia, it is Sunni. 457:06:59, 11 February 2008 (UTC) 391:06:48, 11 February 2008 (UTC) 100:20:09, 13 December 2005 (UTC) 3791:Encyclopedia of Islam, Three 3722:Abbasid architecture#Palaces 3567:13:13, 16 January 2022 (UTC) 3430:Take this somewhere else. -- 2876:Important provinces such as 2770:Abbasids capturing Mogadishu 2676:), including the following: 2615:19:46, 27 January 2018 (UTC) 2565:18:33, 27 January 2018 (UTC) 2547:17:57, 27 January 2018 (UTC) 2525:02:27, 27 January 2018 (UTC) 2506:02:23, 27 January 2018 (UTC) 2487:02:14, 27 January 2018 (UTC) 2462:02:10, 27 January 2018 (UTC) 2174:Knowledge contradicts itself 2169:15:00, 4 February 2016 (UTC) 1957:09:07, 4 February 2013 (UTC) 1942:17:22, 3 February 2013 (UTC) 1922:15:54, 6 December 2012 (UTC) 1885:00:32, 23 October 2007 (UTC) 1307:02:16, 6 November 2007 (UTC) 1293:20:56, 4 November 2007 (UTC) 1273:06:01, 4 November 2007 (UTC) 919:06:25, 6 February 2011 (UTC) 698:Abbasid persian mother quote 425:13:34, 9 February 2006 (UTC) 415:20:46, 6 February 2006 (UTC) 292:01:57, 5 February 2008 (UTC) 273:04:27, 23 January 2008 (UTC) 3779:Ruggles 2011, p.26, 183-184 3644:proper use of Arabic terms. 2764:11:30, 15 August 2019 (UTC) 2734:Bahawalpur (princely state) 2375:08:05, 2 October 2016 (UTC) 1430:13:08, 31 August 2011 (UTC) 1395:01:24, 25 August 2011 (UTC) 973:may also share this title. 3955: 3699:13:11, 17 April 2022 (UTC) 3681:12:33, 17 April 2022 (UTC) 3638:12:31, 17 April 2022 (UTC) 3385:In The Abbasid Caliphate 3324:05:10, 22 April 2021 (UTC) 3310:Agree totally. Why not be 3304:17:16, 21 April 2021 (UTC) 3136:13:10, 29 March 2021 (UTC) 3095:02:22, 18 March 2021 (UTC) 3080:17:22, 17 March 2021 (UTC) 3011:15:07, 17 March 2021 (UTC) 3000:Hamadan. Samarakand -: --> 2975:08:15, 17 March 2021 (UTC) 2961:18:36, 16 March 2021 (UTC) 2932:12:08, 16 March 2021 (UTC) 2911:13:23, 15 March 2021 (UTC) 2869:07:58, 15 March 2021 (UTC) 2854:23:36, 10 March 2021 (UTC) 2820:22:08, 10 March 2021 (UTC) 2452:is not a reliable source. 2434:16:23, 22 April 2017 (UTC) 2410:15:40, 22 April 2017 (UTC) 2217:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 1461: 1379:12:10, 11 April 2011 (UTC) 1354:00:12, 12 March 2009 (UTC) 1248:17:44, 9 August 2011 (UTC) 1226:17:21, 9 August 2011 (UTC) 1206:09:40, 17 April 2011 (UTC) 1181:09:31, 13 April 2011 (UTC) 1138:07:03, 12 April 2011 (UTC) 1110:07:00, 12 April 2011 (UTC) 1078:13:04, 11 April 2011 (UTC) 1039:13:13, 12 April 2011 (UTC) 1010:12:27, 11 April 2011 (UTC) 990:12:23, 11 April 2011 (UTC) 595:19:35, 29 March 2008 (UTC) 348:Thanks for the reference, 133:Encyclopaedia Iranica link 128:12:05, 10 April 2007 (UTC) 3899:02:43, 21 June 2022 (UTC) 3883:02:34, 21 June 2022 (UTC) 3770:, Northedge's chapter in 3734:22:26, 19 June 2022 (UTC) 3659:11:46, 9 April 2022 (UTC) 3616:11:54, 9 April 2022 (UTC) 3492:21:41, 26 June 2021 (UTC) 3477:21:41, 26 June 2021 (UTC) 3367:In The Achaemenid Empire 3358:21:24, 26 June 2021 (UTC) 3344:13:28, 26 June 2021 (UTC) 3275:20:30, 9 April 2021 (UTC) 3257:20:04, 9 April 2021 (UTC) 3240:09:49, 9 April 2021 (UTC) 3222:04:42, 9 April 2021 (UTC) 3204:23:29, 8 April 2021 (UTC) 3179:16:36, 8 April 2021 (UTC) 3157:00:05, 5 April 2021 (UTC) 3044:Muslim conquest of Sicily 2784:11:28, 23 July 2020 (UTC) 2714:If the Mongols knew that 2656:18:37, 15 July 2019 (UTC) 2126:15:53, 5 March 2015 (UTC) 2052:16:08, 30 June 2014 (UTC) 2020:11:49, 30 June 2014 (UTC) 1978:21:43, 9 April 2013 (UTC) 1963:Abbasid Khanate of Bastak 1837:10:49, 27 July 2012 (UTC) 1066:Science in medieval Islam 902:09:45, 17 Jan 2004 (UTC) 860:11:39, 25 July 2010 (UTC) 717:16:22, 27 June 2009 (UTC) 693:21:13, 10 June 2009 (UTC) 631:14:36, 9 April 2008 (UTC) 475:10:39, 7 April 2007 (UTC) 250:19:22, 17 July 2007 (UTC) 240:18:02, 17 July 2007 (UTC) 225:09:08, 15 July 2007 (UTC) 207:03:58, 15 July 2007 (UTC) 197:23:14, 14 July 2007 (UTC) 174:13:06, 23 June 2007 (UTC) 161:01:59, 23 June 2007 (UTC) 153:external links guidelines 91:02:15, Jun 19, 2005 (UTC) 79:07:07, 28 Apr 2005 (UTC) 3784:el-Hibri 2011, p.188-189 3457:22:50, 28 May 2021 (UTC) 3440:19:30, 27 May 2021 (UTC) 3417:18:23, 27 May 2021 (UTC) 3070:Asia Minor ca 842 AD.svg 2999:Bardasir. Hamedan -: --> 2207:11:11, 14 May 2016 (UTC) 2001:05:11, 4 June 2014 (UTC) 1800:Please do not modify it. 1495:Please do not modify it. 1328:00:25, 23 May 2008 (UTC) 1191:Done with Jagged cleanup 341:09:53, 7 Feb 2005 (UTC) 326:05:51, 2005 Feb 7 (UTC) 3798:Encyclopedia of Islam 2 3585:(so not here). Thanks. 2213:External links modified 2146:08:49, 3 May 2015 (UTC) 866:SARDINIA? CORSE? CRETE? 377:18:31, 2005 Feb 7 (UTC) 373:Thanks, again. :-) -- 370:, 1258) to the article. 180:Stop your nonesense war 70:"Second Class Citizens" 3833:Westbrook 2014, p. 140 2837: 2829: 2650:♥ L'Origine du monde ♥ 2089:Bastak va Jahangiriyeh 2036:Knowledge:Undue weight 1264: 707:Which abbasid caliph? 705: 18:Talk:Abbasid Caliphate 3823:Cooper 2016 p.137-144 3606:the Creator of all. 3545:. Student editor(s): 2835: 2827: 2732:- The dynasty of the 2725:- The dynasty of the 1861:Stop the manipulation 1418:File:Abbasid flag.png 1400:and correct the map.( 1263: 959:The Sceptical Chymist 776:). Buyjid means the 701: 298:the Sack of Baghdad: 146:Encyclopaedia Iranica 42:of past discussions. 3838:Bennison 2009, p. 72 2998:Bust. Badasir -: --> 2940:), extending to the 2690:Al-Mustansir (Cairo) 1505:No consensus to move 167:Encyclopedia Iranica 3464:Jasmkssnksskskskskz 3409:Jasmkssnksskskskskz 2674:إمارة بستك العباسية 2311:parameter below to 1414:File:Black flag.svg 523:Information service 500:Information service 481:Information service 449:Information service 383:Information service 318:, 1258, instead of 3747:. With regards to 3543:on the course page 3299:Contemporary Nomad 2838: 2830: 2692:and his successor 2589:From Loaka1's edit 2363:InternetArchiveBot 2097:Tarikh-e Qajariyeh 2065:Tarikh-e Qajariyeh 2006:Cordoba paper mill 1983:Educational source 1265: 3846:Jawsaq al-Khaqani 3757:Jawsaq al-Khāqānī 3707:Follow-up on edit 3520: 3508:comment added by 3294: 2766: 2473:, was written by 2222:Abbasid Caliphate 2209: 2197:comment added by 1912:comment added by 1887: 1875:comment added by 1528:Abbasid caliphate 1523:Abbasid Caliphate 1344:comment added by 1290: 876:comment added by 850:comment added by 736:comment added by 659:fair enough now-- 597: 585:comment added by 142:Abbasid Caliphate 67: 66: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 3946: 3935: 3933: 3913: 3912: 3759:(or more rarely 3675: 3670: 3632: 3627: 3569: 3540: 3536: 3532: 3300: 3292: 3167: 3146: 3125: 3117: 3110: 2986:? not sure. 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Talk:Abbasid Caliphate
current talk page
Archive 1
Canadian Paul
Ancient Rome
Bryan is Bantman
Canadian Paul
20:09, 13 December 2005 (UTC)
12:05, 10 April 2007 (UTC)
Abbasid Caliphate
Encyclopaedia Iranica
external links guidelines
01:59, 23 June 2007 (UTC)
Encyclopedia Iranica
13:06, 23 June 2007 (UTC)
23:14, 14 July 2007 (UTC)
03:58, 15 July 2007 (UTC)
09:08, 15 July 2007 (UTC)
18:02, 17 July 2007 (UTC)
Gareth Hughes
19:22, 17 July 2007 (UTC)

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