
Talk:Avenged Sevenfold/Archive 1

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about rumors in articles, here) which call them metal. I have not seen them labelled as metalcore since Waking the Fallen, with the exception of the kids on this website. The band would feel grossly misinterpreted by this term being used to describe their music. You're right, there is nothing wrong with metalcore, no one with any sort of intelligence would argue such a thing because it's all a matter of taste and it isn't the point. The point is that regardless of some silly "enyclopedia of metal" website and what they think, this band does not feel they play that type of music, they don't want to be associated with that scene, they have been quite vocal about it and the vast majority of their fans know they do not play metalcore music. So if someone wants to change it to hard rock, that would be much more accurate. I was simply putting metal because that is what a lot of press has said and that is what M. Shadows has said more times than I care to remember. As I said in my earlier comment on here, the band feels that they are certain things and not certain things and regardless of what anyone else says about it, it isn't their band. -
1023:"If you read the earlier posts you would have seen that even if we don't talk about sex and drugs at this point, it still is part of the articles people write about us. Like most people (no offense) there is obviously a lot you don't understand about the music industry. We have no choice if we get put into a teen mag. (btw i haven't seen this). Magazines don't need any permission to write about us or do articles. If we were to see something or hear something we didn't like was going to press we would have no control over it. We are a band, people write what they are gonna write, people feel the way they are gonna feel and there is just about nothing we can do about it." This was written by the singer, himself on their site, to prove my point that a lot of the magazine articles about this band probably shouldn't be taken seriously... making none of them good candidates to go on wikipedia. I'm not doing this to be a nuisance, I just want to prove to you that I am not vandalizing these pages, I'm simply taking out what is rumors/unsourced/straight up wrong/personal opinion. I, like the rest of you, want the page to contain truth. - 565:
seriously if the only people giving opinions were involved in the music industry and I knew in what specific way they were involved... that way I would at least know that the genre placement is being done by individuals who know what they are talking about. When it's open to the public in such a way to collect "information" which is opinion and not real information... then I would be more likely to pay attention. Therefore, I disregard what that site has to say, it is irrelevant, full of opinion and probably wrong on as many counts as it is right. Your point has been made invalid.
as metalcore with some post-thrash elements to the music. City of Evil transcends metalcore entirely but couldn't possibly be called emocore by any stretch of the imagination. They posess none of the characteristics of emocore or emo in City of Evil. More or less they are just Avante-garde metal with metalcore influence that transcends a pathetic attempt at categorizing. And remember kiddies, having emotional lyrics and being popular with lame emo kids does not make a band emo. There is an actual musical aspect to emo and emocore that many bands who are labelled as such often lack.
over the years, are in this age group. Does that mean every 14 year old Avenged fan is an idiot? No. But, there's a significant portion of them who are. And that's the truth. For another thing, just because certain celebrities let their personal lives become more public doesn't give anyone the right to dig into everyone's lives, celebrity or not. It's still rude. Anyway, I agree with the changes that have been made, as far as keeping their personal lives out of it.
or starting rumors are jealous people with no lives who sit at a computer all day in chat rooms, blogs, journals, and message boards creating nasty lies because they ether dont like the person they are creating the rumors for or they have no life, and it could be both. and yes im sure there are some stupid little boys and girls out there that are jealous because they want to date members of them band and all i have to say for them is grow up.--
31: 237:
similar to "Waking the Fallen" or "Sounding the Seventh Trumpet" are evident. It's my opinion that the genre should be changed to Metal with a sentence about their earlier releases being more Hardcore/Metalcore influence. When I initially read the article, it sounded to me like "City of Evil" was going to be another Metalcore album due to this reason, when that's clearly not the case. I think it should be changed ASAP.
588:-"It's undeniable that they have some metalcore influences, it's just that overall, metal fits better." Metal does not fit better; A7X still does not produce true metal, it is too poppy sounding overall. Yes, the last album was not like the others, and had more classic metal influence, but not nearly enough. Metalcore describes them best, and until they make a complete metal album, they will probably remain metalcore. 1661:
very many other bands on Knowledge that have all their personl information on them. What makes Avenged Sevenfold undeserving of these things. i have had alot of people aske me where they can find information about the band members and i have directed them to Knowledge, and know someone has decided to remove that information. I think the member biographies should be put back up.
2291: 1903:? Because whether or not a genre or subgenre of music is dying seems to me a very subjective POV and a hell of a hard thing to prove factually unless you're prepared to study hundreds of pages of Billboard charts and SoundScan data, and by the time you finished with that your "dying" genre would probably have rebounded back to popularity anyway. Music is cyclical by nature. 2215:
getting it from, where it states the guitarists' equipment incorrectly: they have not added Syn's Avengers and does not state that Syn rarely uses his C1 anymore. Also, Zacky's equipment is incorrect stating that he uses the "Pro" S1 Model, which does not exsist. I'd appreciate it if before anyone changes the equipment, that they consult this first. --
agree with her inclusion in these articles. She has played a large role in the success of this band. The other girls, or lack thereof (read: private information that is not needed in these articles) are best left out. This goes for other family members and friends who are not directly involved in the history of the band. For example, appropriate inclusions would be:
hit it big and now they've jumped to a sound reminicent of Metallica which no one can deny as he is even copying Hetfield's vocals. I have it on good authority that they have dropped the screaming because that is a "barrier" to the mainstream. However this can only be good for metalcore as it wont be such a bad word any more that it's not related to these bands.
changed. The only thing that has changed is the public's awareness of it. A7X is merely using this tactic of "grandoise guitar solos" (if you want to call it that) because it has worked for previous bands, such as power metal bands. If they really used grandoise guitar they would most likely be considered power metal more so than Metalcore.
636:"We're from southern Cali, so we grew up listening to Rancid and Green Day, but at the same time listening to stuff like Slayer. So we were like, 'I want to play in a band like that,' 'But I want to be in a band like that!' We compromised the two and made metalcore." See? You don't have to be as stupid as you sound now, do you? -Emogoth 2596:, you will see that they include the news about the potential release of a new album within the parent article. Please register your signed arguments for or against this proposal below. Please base your arguments on Knowledge policy, guidelines, and/or precedent. Also, to ensure that your arguments are understood, please add 498:
should cover just about whatever genres they play or have played in, no? EDIT: I got it, it's those damn vocals, that ruins this whole album for me. You'd think it'd be good to get rid of the screaming... Either way, I don't have problems with 'metal' as long as hard rock and/or hardcore stay there as well. --
give more credibility to the band, because they might just be concerned wtih making themselves look good, whereas magazines usually have some journalistic standards and will publish things that they can back up. Look at it this way: if Hitler said he never started a war, would you delete that from Knowledge?
can't seem to find the shirt anymore. I think labels are too personalized now-a-days anyways. People are too concerned about fitting in, or being individual, depending on preference. I would consider all of A7X's stuff Metal (of varying degrees) just because it sounds like other music that is labelled Metal.
994:, I suggest that you read those two articles and think about the differences. There is nothing wrong with this band being metalcore. Please provide a source before changing the information again. You will be reverted each time if you do not provide a link to where we can see that the band is actually metal. 2686:
I don't believe the page is simply a news article. It has information that was released by the band that regards the album, which will obviously be updated as more information is released by them. Is it not OK for the page to be moved once the title is released? Simply delete it when it CAN be moved.
Everyone else should really just be left out of it. I'm sure they'd prefer that, as well. I would also like to ask anyone who is listening to rumors of break-ups, relationships with porn stars, etc. to be very wary of their sources because none of these things are true and they are started by jealous
First of all, this is personal information and it's no one's business. So, I'm not going to tell you if it's true or not. I understand that now that Valary is the main character in their latest video, and a former manager of the band... she does have a place in the band's story and for that reason, I
A band cannot be hadcore punk/metalcore, since metalcore is the fusion of hardcore and heavy metal. The moron who disputes this shouldn't be listening to any core. The listing of hard rock is fine, because an advanced listener could probably find elements of hard rock in their music, especially their
Perhaps you're not familiar with how an encyclopedia works. If a magazine publishes something, and then the singer denies it, you do not simply delete the information altogether. Instead, you leave what the magazine reported, and add something like "this has been denied by ___". There is no reason to
If we cannot agree on classification, then it is only fair that both genres are included. I think the arguments from both sides are strong enough for that. Make of it what you will. (My opinion, though, they still are metalcore. And I really do not see any resemblance between their so-called 'classic
If we want to get technical about it, Avenged Sevenfold was considered more of a hardcore band when they came out because of there more evident punk influences ('Darkness Surrounding' for example.) Waking the Fallen continued with more of a hardcore sound than a metalcore sound drawing comparisons to
Someone keeps changing the guitarists' guitars. They should be for Zacky: Schecter S1 Models (Elite, Vengance Custom Models) and for Syn: Schecter C1-FR (White, Seymour Duncan Invader pickups, dot inlays) and Syn Custom Avenger Models. Whoever is changing it back to its incorrect form is most likely
Agreed with above. I don't think they deserve their own pages, they have done nothing noteable outside the band. Looking at the ZV page it seems like it basiacaly says the same as the main band article with more and I don't think we need such detailed information on their instruments on any page let
ok well we know about pretty much every other celebrities personal life what makes them different? and i would like to let the person who stated that the rumors are startes by jealous 14 year olds, i am a 14 year old and i do not create rumors about anyone or anything. the people who are responsible
Okay, you people piss me off! Avenged Sevenfold are not "poppy" okay? They are from southern California, for god's sake, give them a break! Being in that area means that regardless of who you are, you're still going to end up with a lot of pop and punk influences. As is said by Matt Shadows himself,
Ryouga- you have no idea what metalcore is. Seriously you should look it up. Sounding the Seventh Trumpet was a metalcore album, no question, the hardcore and metal influences were both clear. However the band now plays a style that has nothing in common with metalcore. Because of the variety in the
I thought that statement was bias, also. I'm glad to see it was removed. As much as I personally dislike metalcore, it is its own genre and I haven't seen any signs of it "dying" any more than it always has. It got popular a couple years ago and then faded a bit, like most genres do. But it's still
The only way that Metalcore is dying is that bands such as A7X and Trivium are changing their styles to fit whatever their fans now think is cool, which just so happens to be Hard Rock/Metal, look at Trivium for example they started out copying Melodic Death Metal then jumped to Metalcore after KsE
they also have really bad drug habits. everytime they do an interview for revolver they brag about how they snort coke and crap. this and the conservative thing turned me off from this over rated band. like i really care about the opinion of some lame band fronted by a guy who refers to himself as
Ok I am not understanding why someone deleted the member biography pages. Almost every other band that has a Knowledge entry has members biogrphies unless there is too little or nothing known about the band. And someone posted that personal information should not be posted, why not, again there are
If you take a good look at this page, it looks....unclean. This page needs some good cleanup, and, if possible, some sort of severe cahnge in the member biography section. Do members really need individual biographies? I don't think so. And if they do, they should have their own pages, if anything.
I'm considering contacting Larry Jacobson, their Manager, and seeing if he can help out with the article. It's just a quick email or MySpace message away. But until then, we really need to stick together with this article. It's a good article, don't get me wrong, but we can make it a lot better, in
Some of the songs are not original at all. Trashed and Scattered's intro is stolen from Falconer's song The Coronation. The song Unholy Confessions is ripped off of Spirit Crusher by Death. And even Chapter Four is too reminiscent of Iron Maiden's song The Clairvoyant to be considered the least bit
To correct you all, number one: Burn It Down part one and two DO exist. They were promotional videos released before City of Evil was released. They were small clips of the live video, with other parts taken out. Number two: Burn It Down is being released as a single on CD and vinyl in the UK only,
Avenged Sevenfold can be classified strictly as metalcore or emotional metalcore (also sometimes labelled emocore, but different from hardcore emo also sometimes called emocore) for Sounding the Seventh Trumpet and the Warmness E.P. Waking the Fallen is very avante-garde but can still be classified
Eh.. I wouldn't ever guess that City of Evil was metalcore. "Melodic" or not. Its sounds very metal. The Band has heavy metal influences anyway, save Zacky Vengeance, but the fusion of his punk tastes engergizes the music. Despite all of these genres today, i don't even care really when it comes to
I agree. The part stating "The band's use of grandiose guitar solos has restarted a trend of groups signing up talented lead guitarists in the hope of achieving the same sort of cult-like fan following as A7X." is complete non-sense. Bands have been doing that since the 80's and before, it hasn't
Whoever put melodic hardcore for the genre of A7X in the beginning introduction is a dumbass. Melodic hardcore is used to describe bands like Anti-Flag and Rise Against. I just wrote that they are a heavy metal band, since I'm pretty sure everyone can agree that they're metal, of whatever variety.
We need some support to help bring back the member pages. I think it's ridiculous that these guys can't have their own pages, while numerous other bands do! If you agree, just add "Agree" and your signature (with the four tildas) at the bottom of this. If you don't support it, just ignore this and
No one said you were to blame. There are intelligent and idiotic 14 year olds in the world, just like there are intelligent and idiotic people of every age. The reason the age of 14 is brought up is because, frankly, the fans who have been causing problems not only on this site, but several others
While I'm at it, I would also like to let you guys know that interviews in the press about this band and the things the press has to say about their personal lives are not accurate. I will have a link to prove this soon, as well. This is why I have been deleting some random personal information...
I did research on Encyclopaedia Metallum and just because they don't list Avenged Sevenfold as metal, does not mean Avenged Sevenfold is or isn't metal at all. This "encyclopedia" is merely another site full of opinions of countless random people all across the internet. I would take it more
While I typically do not believe in creating article placeholders, there seems to be enough information and page establishment that the article should stay as is. I believe that when fans and interested parties are searching for this said album, this collected resource will actually be beneficial
as a separate article. Further, since the album will have a title, the present name of this Knowledge article will change and until a permanent name for the article can be established, it is premature to maintain this article on its own; (ii) Other parent articles in similar circumstances to not
before your arguments. Any editor may make a conclusion on the consensus of the provided arguments in five days (on December 17, 2006 on or after 14:15) and that editor may take the action directed by the consensus. Please note that the consensus will be based on the arguments provided, not the
People, they are METALCORE. They aren't classified as such to be insulted, it's simply a genre. If the band said they were Northern Hyperblast Whistle Metal some of you would believe them. You fanboys take them more seriously than they take themselves. They ARE NOT hardcore punk, get this through
I know this isn't helpful at all to the discussion, but I have to say your comparison is hilarious, but very accurate. I especially like the part where you say it's like calling Mozart emo, the thought of someone actually doing that made me laugh pretty hard. Anyways, back on the subject, I agree
Click on the biography link on the bottom (it won't let me directly link to it) and you will see that they call themselves a hard rock band. So maybe, to make everyone happy to some degree it can be changed to hard rock. I have read countless magazines that talk about their MUSIC (I'm not talking
keeps on changing from metalcore to metal. User has violated the 3 revert rules multiple times within several days. User will not discuss his/her rationale for changes. User will not provide an online source that say that the band is "metal." User will be reverted each time he/she changes to from
The article claims the band's lyrics "bear no resemblence to religious teaching". They do, however, contain many Biblical references, though they might not pretain to any specific doctrine. This seems worth mentioning to me, since this statement could lead one to believe that A7X's lyrics are not
Just an FYI: A7X had a Tshirt a while back (availible through Hopeless Records at the time, because they didn't have their own merch site) that said "Heavy Fucking Metal" on it. That is at least an indication on what the band considered themselves at one point. I don't have any sources, because I
My mistake, hadn't heard enough of the album to judge it. From what I remember of it now, it lacked what was common to metalcore, but had much in common with alt. metal. Whatever, I don't feel like arguing. I do approve of what the page looks like right now though (metal/hard rock/hardcore). That
Too bad emocore is an oxymoron. "emotional hardcore punk hardcore punk" is stupid. Anyone that wears black is now a 'emo' when they used to call us 'goths'. Anyway, point is no metalhead thinks A7X is metal because they're not. Maybe metal in your dad's "pop metal" book, but as far as traditional
Avenged Sevenfold's music before City of Evil was metalcore, but now they have turned to emocore (but still a little bit of metalcore). Avenged Sevenfold should not be considered as metal since it is more like emocore with a little metalcore touch. By th way, no metalhead would say it is metal...
The article claims the band's lyrics "bear no resemblence to religious teaching". They do, however, contain many Biblical references, though they might not pretain to any specific doctrine. This seems worth mentioning to me, since this statement could lead one to believe that A7X's lyrics are not
article should be merged back into this parent article. The Untitled Fourth Avenged Sevenfold Album page reads more like a news article rather than an encyclopedia entry. There does not seem to be enough information available to maintain the Untitled Fourth Avenged Sevenfold Album article as a
Metal-Archives has not listed them for one reason. They are still metalcore. SCREAMING does not make a band metalcore, they still have poppy choruses (beast and the harlot) and breakdowns, things common with metalcore. If you like them that's fine, metalcore doesn't mean they suck. Please, don't
They're not metal. Unless of course you think Guns And Roses is metal. It's called "Hard Rock" yes, it is a genre no it's not some wide undefined genre like people say. It's a valid genre and that's where their new album falls under, not heavy metal and certainly not power metal. I'll admit that
Melodic metalcore doesn't make sense. The riffing in "City of Evil" is closer to Iron Maiden and Judas Priest than metalcore. The vocals are melodic and the riffing is straight ahead classic metal. They've pretty much dropped almost all of their metalcore sound, and very few instances of riffing
I just saw the video for "Seize the Day" the other day (yes, I noticed the redundancy), and i couldn't help but to notice this one blond, spikey-haired guy in the background playing a guitar (or bass, couldn't tell). I can't recall seeing him on any of the band's previous videos, and he doesn't
I think that specifically the first two albums should be cited as metalcore. City of evil, and most likely following albums, totally stray from metalcore and are actually metal. I've read several interviews and articles that say the band was planning on changing styles since their second album,
If you know so much about your music, why is it so important that you gotta make post on message board asking people to come here and support you? if it was a few years back, i bet your name would not have Emo in it. YOU should research about real music. make me shut up? go ahead and try. - raf
Dumb, they sound poppy sometimes, and nowaways everything with "screaming" is metalcore these days, real metalcore calls for bands like Converge and SHai Hulud. The first person is right, just because they may have things that may be associated with metalcore it doesnt mean they are a metalcore
In Metal Hammer magazine months ago (when they had the cover story) they said they were all Republicans, they all voted Bush in the previous elections. They also said that people in the country were better than those in the city who are supposidly lazy and sponges. really put me off this band.
I think that specifically the first two albums should be cited as metalcore. City of evil, and most likely following albums, totally stray from metalcore and are actually metal. I've read several interviews and articles that say the band was palnning on changing style since their second album,
Okay, read this before changing any of the listed guitar equipment. Syn and Zacky ONLY use the guitars listed (S-1 Models /C-1 FR and Avenger Models)and NO OTHER ONES. A few times I have had to change it back from things ranging from the wrong model to guitars produced by completely different
511: - A7X have in the past played metalcore, which can't be denied, whether the new album is or not. WHat I'm saying is you cannot disallow 'metalcore' as a genre if they released however many albums in that genre. If the term 'metalcore' bothers you, as I know I usually use it as a
But is that crapload of information accurate and relevant to a page relating to music? That is the big issue. Sure, there's tons of information about them... that is false, based on rumors with no accurate source and that has nothing to do with music or the development of the band members as
The article also says, "The predominant lyrical themes are ... and Apocalypse." Yes, the story of "Beast and the Harlot" is found in the book of revelations, but countless other bands have similar songs and they are not accused of being influenced by the Bible. I think its only a reference.
I'm sorry, but that's just wrong. Any two genres can be crossed, even if one of them is already a cross of what it's being crossed with. It's just a matter of how much influence is taken. Think of it as breeding dogs. You cross a border collie and a german sheppard. After this, you mix the
I'm sure you like them, and thus want your favorite band to be rememberd as X-tra brutal heavy metal, and would also like their word to be taken as gospel. But no, it doesn't matter what they say, they aren't heavy metal. Which brings me to the article, in which they are listed as heavy
Avenged Sevenfold is simply metal, THEY'RE NOT HARDCORE...Why do you classify A7X as a Hardcore band? Hardcore bands are Black Flag, Casualties, Unseen, Lower Class Brats all of those are PUNK bands...A7X has nothing in common with any of them. So explain to me how they are Hardcore?
Maybe someone should add something about their small feud with TDEP and how M. Shadows shouldn't be allowed to disrespect musicians better than him and his band. And maybe something about how "The Reverend" uses constant double-bass to make extremely simple drum parts sound complex?
I added Chapter-Four to the external links. After reading what's acceptable under the fan site section, I believe it is alright to keep it up. The people that run the site have close contact with Avenged Sevenfold and their representatives. I think this is enough to let it stay up.
They're probably talking about Blinded In Chains, where there's a pretty fast couple of verses underneath the main lyrics at the start... took me ages to get it right but I can do it too now :P. I wouldn't say it's rapping either though... but then, I wouldn't :D - At0m1Ca15
Since everyone who is NOT in Avenged Sevenfold disagrees on them being metal or metalcore and everyone IN Avenged Sevenfold is 100% sure they are making metal music and it's their band and all... let's respect that and let people come to their own conclusions... on their own.
your skull. For instance, listen to a hardcore band such as Black Flag, and take note of their musical style. Then, compare this to Avenged Sevenfold. It's not shameful to be metalcore, so stop taking metal elitists so seriously and understand that metalcore is JUST A GENRE.
because not only is it false, but its source is not being posted so that people can make a reference between what is fact and what has been said in an interview, where they have said many many times that they lie, make up stories and play jokes on the press. -
It looks unclean because I merged all the individual pages into this one. I don't think we need their bio info at all, but thats what I had to do. They are certainly not notable enough to require their own pages. If you don't think it belongs here, go ahead and delete it.
It really doesn't matter what you think the band is. What is important is that you can verify what is written here. Since some magazines seem to disagree with the bands assesment of itself why don't you write something along the lines of "....while they see themselves as
The Avenged Sevenfold MySpace has new pics of their upcoming video, Beast and the Harlot. Should we put one or two of them up, or one for each member article? We should try to get more information about the band members, or, at least, as much as we can possibly get.
has even less. These people are notable in their respective genres. People come here to find information on them, but instead, can't if they don't have pages. It's easier to find information on a specific person rather than hunt through a bigger page for them. --
Ayo I agree with the kid on top of me hip hop is not a fad its been around for a while now and look ill admit it I listen to A7X and I do listten to rap ive listened to A7x since WTF(Waking The Fallen) and i still listten to rap yeah thats right I listen to
Synyster doesn't use Gibsons, although he used to. He currently is sponsored by Schecter Guitars. Check out the main page to find more gear info. (Also, FYI, please start a new topic rather than extend on something that has nothing to do w/ your question).
Further suggestion--- Wouldn't it suffice to say in the article that the band's genre is disputed by many between metal, metalcore and hard metal? Then once somebody asks the band which genre they consider themselves, make THAT genre their listed genre.
yeah it's rude, but i see that as just correcting a post. whoever is doing it should stop, but all he's really doing is fixing the comment, adding a touch of "truth" to it. maybe he shouldn't stop.....the public should be aware of this bands pure crap.
The band has no political views in their songwriting. The closest is MIA and that's aobut their friends experiences at war, not neccessarily the right or wrong of it. They have stated many times they are not, have not, and will not be a political band.
There is no answer to the question. They were considered metalcore when they released "Waking The Fallen" and "Sounding The Seventh Trumpet". And now with "City of Evil" they are considered metal. No true answer to the question. Because no one knows.
Well if they're against God, I care. It doesn't matter as I've moved away from metalcore to some degree and as far as their new album goes, I'd rather listen to Guns And Roses. Btw, noone has said a clear cut answer: are they or aren't they anti-God?
There is no need to clog up A7X's page. Most other notable bands on wikipedia don't have any of these present....if anything, they will link to individual bioographies. I suggest we simply remove these biographies from this page. Any objections? --
Without any band the members are not noteable. There are plenty of other less noteable articles on Knowledge anyway, and from a brief look, the Avenged Sevenfold members entrys look like they have alot more information warrenting their inclusion.
Avenged Sevenfold are completely not nu metal...if anyone called them that I would pretty much have to hit them very hard, they have nothing in common with Korn, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Orgy, etc. besides the fact that both bands use guitars. -
A7X = Not Metal. Metalcore or not, I don't care, this is not metal. I don't know who keeps putting 'metal' as the genre, but it is incredibly stupid. If Slipknot is not metal, this isn't either (I'm not saying A7X is nu metal, so don't go there.)
companies than their sponsor: Schecter Guitar Research. Know that there is no such thing as a Schecter S-1 Pro, Syn no longer uses Gibson or Ibanez guitars, and that both guitarists have their own custom models that they play almost exclusively.
I agree with this. They do not need their own pages. There simply isn't enough appropriate* information about them, to begin with. *by that I mean, information about music-related accomplishments, other bands, history, etc. Not gossip/garbage.
than the other two. Waking the Fallen is probably the best example of metalcore in the Avenged Sevenfold album listing. And because M Shadows blew a blood vessel in his throat, City of Evil is just where they want to be -- melodical metalcore.
Okay dumbass, you asked for it. Converge is actually classified stoner jams, I am in fact an emogoth, and if you really want a fad, listen to that shitty hip hop. You don't seem to know fuck about real music, so shut up before I make you!
I don't know about his not being able to scream. He can't do vocals on the old songs from Waking the Fallen anymore (live). If you listen to pre-City of Evil concerts, then compare them to post-CoE, you can hear a BIG difference.
There haven't been disputes in some time. Everyone came to the same conclusion, more or less... so I really don't know what you're talking about. And your personal opinion towards the end has even less to do with the situation.
the fact that other band members have their own pages is not a justification for these members having them. each of the articles contained barely a paragraph of information, which can be easily included in the main article.
When it comes to Avenged Sevenfold, you can either love them or you hate them. However, if you have something so incorrect and just nasty to say, find somewhere selse to put it other than the article and/or this discussion.
When it comes to Avenged Sevenfold, you can either love them or you hate them. However, if you have something so incorrect and just nasty to say, find somewhere selse to put it other than the article and/or this discussion.
372:* M. Shadows (Matt Sanders) - Lead Vocals * Synyster Gates(Brian Haner, Jr.) - Guitar * Zacky Vengeance (Zachary Baker) - Guitar * Johnny Christ (Jonathan Seward) - Bass * The Reverend (Jimmy Sullivan) - Drums 1153:
It's known that A7X have purposely adopted elements of Guns And Roses, so to say they have 'nothing in common' is complete crap. The band is Hard Rock with speed metal influences. That's not my "opinion" that's the fact.
Avenged Sevenfold has stated themselves as being a metalcore band. However, each of their albums change styles. Sounding the Seventh Trumpet was more of a heavy/hard rock type of album. It wasn't heavy metal, but it was
It got deleted I suppose. And for future reference, underscores are not proper separation between comments. Use colons or skip a line next time, and sign your posts with four tildes (~~~~), even if you're just an IP.
Brian's father, for playing guitar on the album. Brian's long-term girlfriend, Michelle, who makes his clothes and is creating a clothing line for him. Cam Rackam, a friend of the band who does their latest artwork.
1132:. Totally NOTHING in common with A7X. That's like saying 2Pac was country or Mozart was emo...heh heh. I haven't heard enough of their music and that of similar bands to figure it out 4 me self, but based on what I 116:
Why would they be influenced by the bible? They all got kicked out of Catholic school? I don't believe so. The only song I've heard that pertains to the bible is "Chapter Four." And I've listened to A7X since '99.
metal/metalcore. This is redundant, as metalcore is the fusion of heavy metal and hardcore punk. I would expect better out of those who frequent Knowledge, as this information is readily available on the website.
policy, most of these should probably be removed. I'm putting this message here, on this talk page, to request the regular editors take a look at the link and make sure it doesn't violate policy. In short: 1.
Not that it matters to me one way or the other, but isn't saying that Avenged Sevenfold left such-and-such because it's a dying genre, and then tacking on "and it is" after that the antithesis of the Wikipedian
I know for a fact that M. Shadows is in fact a Republican, but I can't speak for other members. He stated in the (I believe) February issue of AP Magazine that in general, he's a Republican, but not a diehard.
Is it really true that The Rev is engaged to Leana & Zacky V dated Gena for 2 years? Of course, M. Shadows has a girlfriend named Valerie for twelve years now, and Synyster was(?) dating Valerie's sister.
Why is the band under the category of "Rock Musicians of the Political Right"? If this is going to be added as a relevant category, it at least deserves some mention in the article, because it is not obvious.
heavy metal, they're not. They are Hard Rock with speed metal influences. Enough said. And grindcore?! Think Napalm Death's newest album. And they're first two albums were metalcore, just a more unique kind.
Alright everyone let's all get together and create some Bio page's on the band member's! We REALLY need it. If you want to help me please give me some more info and idea's for the new article's! Thank you.
Since you guys deleted there bios did any one move the zacky v clothing line?(btw I think when Syn comes out at least make a page for zacky v and Synyster Gates cause they got their own clothing lines)--
The inclusion of the band in this category is more for M Shadows, who has stated in interviews that he is a member of the Republican Party and was a deep supporter of George W Bush in the 2004 election.
I think taht SOME songs have references to religion but others dont. But who really cares? The songs are CRAP! Who cares if they refer to religion all that matters is that they ROCK HARD AND KICK ASS!!!
be used, but if it's a matter of copyright, etc. just stick with the one we got now. It gets pretty annoying, having to see a new pic everytime I check this article. The one with the red background was
There is no need to dispute the genres of Avenged Sevenfold anymore for it does not matter. Due to the disappointment of makings after Waking the Fallen this band does not require a genre nor a name.
FIY, hip hop is not a fad and its been around for 30 years, so little emo kid, shut up... anyway i disagree with A7x (too lazy to spell) as metal. same story blah blah blah. hmmm waffle? -
derogatory term, I say put metal. It is wrong to label them as metal because some diehard fans think so, on top of that, they were metalcore, and that WILL REMAIN as one of their genres. --
Most Avenged Sevenfold fans are emos and commercial punks. Avenged Sevenfold never was grindcore... listen to bands like Pig Destroyer if you want to get what grindcore is all about...
Opinion is neither fact nor fiction. Therefore it is not helping people who want to find facts. If A7X is crap the reader can findout for themselves, not because of crappy comments.
Opinion is neithr fact nor fiction. Therefore it is not helping people who want to find facts. If A7X is crap the reader can findout for themselves, not because of crappy comments.
they're is some speed metal in there, but even bands such as Motorhead aren't really considered metal by purists. The band is Hard Rock with some metal influences. End of story.
Just for your information: Art Smith is NOT a former member of Avenged Sevenfold. He is a student at my school who has been repeatedly vandalising this page. Keep an eye on it.
It certainly needs to mention some form of metal; musically the band haven't fully changed from when they were a metalcore group. Its the vocals which have changed mostly..
I think this article need to be protected from editing by new members and anons, I would do it myself but I don't remember how to so if someone else would like to do it?
To clear this up for the last time, he went in for surgery, that part is true, but it in NO WAY contributed to his not screaming anymore. It was a decision by the band --
Well, it's debatable whether they're hard rock (see the above discussion), but it's pretty obvious they're not nü metal (yes, I use the umlaut). Nü metal are bands like
I believe Metal would be a good classification for A7X. They still seem to have some metalcore influences on their new cd, but it is much more metal than anything else.
I believe Metal would be a good classification for A7X. They still seem to have some metalcore influences on their new cd, but it is much more metal than anything else.
Let's try to make this NOT sound like a fanboy slobber piece, hmm? Specific objection: Last sentence. Piece overall reads more like a fluff piece than a real biography.
Good for a section in the original article, not as a seperate entry. Once it is released, an actual page with the name should be created. Knowledge is not a news site.
around, Avenged Sevenfold just isn't a part of it. It's fine to leave their opinion in there, in quotations... but to state it's dying like it's a fact, is incorrect.
It contains some facts that were featured in the individual band member's biography pages, that were recently deleted. If you have anything to add, go ahead and post.
Quite frankly, none of the members nor the band itself are notable. If there is going to be any mention of the group at all, it should be restricted to the main page.
Why was the protection of the page removed? I've already had to go back and remove vandalism done to the band members page. I think it should be protected again. --
I don't know if this is true but i heard that shadows ripped his throat screaming during a concert, which is why he barely screams anymore. Should this be added?
within that search. Once the album is scheduled for release with a name and date, this article should be moved to the standard album title (article) format. --
Avenged Sevenfold was considered more of a hardcore band when they came out because of their more evident punk influences ('Darkness Surrounding' for example.)
It has been mentioned that rapping has been used in City Of Evil. OK Shadow's pace of singing is a bit fast, but it is not rapping. I shall be removing this.
I agree that there are many more non-notable articles on Knowledge. However, that is not a justification for creating articles for every member of every band.
I agree with Ryouga they ARE NOT metalcore, I read an interview by A7X and M. Shadows (Lead Singer) clearly said "I've always classified our music as metal"
2637: 2593: 928: 857: 1376:
Without the band, the members themselves are not notable, and there is not enough Knowledge-worthy information about them to justify their own articles.
Agreed. There is no solid information about the album to warrant an entry on it, and the page name would have to be changed once it has a title anyway.
A message for, please provide an online source that we can look at that say the band is metal. If you do not know the difference between
Yes you are right with your edits. Some people just need to stop vandalizing this page and let people decide for themselves if the band is good or not.
They are not anti-God. From what I've heard, but i doubt because it was unsourced, Zacky V. is Christian, Syn is agnostic, and the others are aethist
It is a really great source for information the band, and is considered the number one Avenged Sevenfold fansite. The band has even addressed this.
M Shadows is republican. He is not excessively pro-war but he's one of those nutcases who blindly supports the president, no matter what hes done.
Yes. Thank you. It's all a mater of opinion really and the reader should be able to decipher for themselves if this particular band is crap or not.
2866: 816: 694:] this is the source. I find it hard to categorise A7X since they have lots of different influences like punk rock, heavy metal, classical etc. - 663: 615: 591: 568: 136:
Yes. "The Beast and the Harlot" is about Babylon. Oh wow! They do it on purpose to ridicule the bible. They've been quoted saying so themselves.
band.With a name like Emogoth no one is going to take you seriously at all, to me you just sound like another kid cashing in the new fad. -raf
separate article. If you look at how other articles using the Future Album template handle announcing the proposed release of a future album
I fully agree. There are many band's who's member's have their own pages. (Ask an I'll give you some.) I think they should be brought back. --
Avenged Sevenfold's music before City of Evil is metalcore, alt.core, and maybe grindcore. City of Evil is Hard Rock, Alt. Rock, and Metal.
Not enough though. It wouldn't meet the notability requirements for music (which I have just recently proven Syn, Zacky, and The Rev meet).
922: 851: 828: 627: 580: 2037:
really appear much. Just wondering if he's a new member, or if it was meant as a cameo of some kind. Anyone know who I'm talking about? --
2870: 675: 1746:
In the newspaper here in Kansas, it said that Avenged Sevenfold were extremely Right-Winged/Republican. Can anyone confirm/deny this?--
180:, but didn't because of fear of a negative response because of such a drastic change. So the question is: are they metal or metalcore? 2320: 1868:
individuals. No matter what anyone says... the fact that Zacky has a dog and Jimmy went to catholic school are not important details.
metalcore to metal. Everyone, please keep an eye on this user and revert him/her until he/she provide sources that the band is metal.
Yeah, you're right. Thanks, Copysan. It's really ridiculous that people take things so personally as to vandalize a Knowledge article
What about "Beast and the Harlot" on City of Evil? that song is riddled with references to metaphors found in the Book of Revelation.
and go to the headline "Zacky Vengeance prefers wine not whine" He says so himsel. I'd change it but I'm too lazy to make a profile.
1222: 802:
It's all a mater of opinion really and the reader should be able to decipher for themselves if this particular band is crap or not.
collie/shepard with another german sheppard. Now you have a dog that is definately a german sheppard, but looks like a collie too.
Oh for the love, the next single is Seize The Day, NOT BURN IT DOWN! And there's no such thing as Burn It Down Part 1 and Part 2!
styles A7X plays, they cannot really be pinned down to one subgenre, but debating the fact they play metal music is ridiculous.--
such bands as Atreyu (before they turned emo and As I Lay Dying) and now they have moved on to Metal. But thats just my opinion.
71: 66: 2319:. If you are not sure if the link on this article should be removed or you would like to help spread this message contact us on 2588: 946: 875: 2332: 385: 315: 300: 287: 247: 224: 198: 185: 155: 137: 118: 964: 893: 603: 375:
Could somebody verify this and edit if wrong? I dont know A7X too well, and was just trying to revert some vandalism --
2409: 2384: 805:
Some people just need to stop vandalizing this page and let people decide for themselves if the band is good or not.
Hey, thrash metal and speed metal are different dude. They are Hard Rock with speed metal influences, enough said.
38: 1858:
I also agree, and if anyone says that there isnt enough information on them I knopw people who havea crap load. --
2804: 2774: 2700: 2567: 2545:
Requesting a7x to be put in the catorgorites: Metalcore musical groups, and Americian Heavy Metal Musical groups
2528: 2490: 2402: 2359: 2273: 2228: 2158: 1962:
I think we had it settled. Waking the Fallen and before = metalcore, and COE to present = heavy metal/hard rock?
1835: 1057: 129:"Beast and the Harlot" is not just riddled with references, the theme of the song is stright out of Revelations. 1017: 1519:. Generally, if you can include the information off the site onto Knowledge, that's much the preferred option! 916: 845: 824: 623: 576: 1629:
i love synyster gates... he is hot.. but does anyone know what type of guitar he has other than his gibson?!?
2874: 671: 311:
If you beleive they're so crappy, then saying they're crappy is not neccesary, people would already know it.
heard, they're definitely not nu metal. The real debate is between metal, metalcore, and yes...hard rock. --
14 year old fans (most of their fan-base) in response to learning of their happy, long-term relationships.
2729: 47: 17: 1781: 911: 840: 820: 684: 619: 572: 543: 425:
It's not Grind, it's not prog. Emocore is completely different too. It's metalcore, now hard rock/metal.
2546: 2381: 1953: 1926: 1900: 1869: 1406: 1335: 1313: 1253:
new album which strongly shows their influences. But citing them as hardcore/metalcore cannot continue.
1241: 1238: 1229: 1204: 1201: 702: 667: 536: 523: 513: 414: 1324: 1254: 2462: 2432: 1226: 1221:
In some of their most recent interviews, M.Shadows has said himself that they are a heavy metal band.
It's undeniable that they have some metalcore influences, it's just that overall, metal fits better.
I wonder what genius thought that. And Burn It Down Pts 1 and 2? WTH? Anyway, glad it's been fixed. --
449: 351: 2799: 2769: 2744: 2695: 2562: 2523: 2485: 2397: 2354: 2268: 2223: 2153: 2123: 2057: 1859: 1843: 1812: 1768: 1724: 1673: 1642: 1606: 1576: 1545: 1499: 1478: 695: 692:
A7X said in an interview that they play "real metal music" (whatever they consider real metal to be)
480: 468:
Another thing, Burn it Down was never a single. They just had a live video on it on their site. God!
347: 255:
It's undeniable that they have some metalcore influences, it's just that overall, metal fits better.
1943: 1826: 1299:
Rev IS engaged, it is said Zacky broke up w/ his girl. Syn is single cuz he did date Valaries twin.
1112: 1071: 2145:
Yes, he CAN. But they chose not to. It has nothing to do with his ability to scream or what not. --
1708: 1367:
The band aren't noteable?! I hate them but it's hard to deny how popular they are. PLease Explain.
363: 2743:
has a page for their unrealeased album; which is not a great deal more informative than this one.
To claim the band now play just "hard rock" is incorrect, the music they play does not sound like
645: 2180:
What's up with the band's picture on this page that keep changing? I agree a pretty recent image
2107: 1904: 1847: 1520: 1428: 1266: 1223:
1212: 1177: 2728:
Agreed with Immunity, there seems to be enough information to support the page's being there. --
2242: 940: 869: 2468:
Alright now I feel stupid....but we need to create M. Shadow's a page along with Johnny Christ.
2328: 2089: 1915: 1880: 1387: 1368: 426: 2106:
It has been added - he went for throat surgery, as he damaged his throat through 'singing'.
2014: 599: 265: 1695:
Look at other band member pages (although I'm sure that you'll just delete them, as well).
2794: 2764: 2690: 2653: 2557: 2535: 2518: 2510: 2497: 2480: 2472: 2450: 2444: 2435: 2426: 2392: 2349: 2263: 2218: 2148: 2118: 2052: 1966: 1807: 1763: 1719: 1712: 1668: 1637: 1601: 1571: 1540: 1494: 1473: 1046: 475: 359: 1942:
Every Band needs a genre catagorisation for indentification classifacation and just info.
All of the other band members have pages. The Zacky Vengeance page should not be merged.
2878: 2835: 2811: 2781: 2747: 2732: 2720: 2707: 2671: 2656: 2644: 2617: 2574: 2549: 2366: 2336: 2280: 2245: 2235: 2203: 2189: 2165: 2140: 2130: 2110: 2092: 2073: 2064: 2041: 2017: 1956: 1946: 1929: 1918: 1907: 1883: 1872: 1862: 1850: 1829: 1819: 1784: 1775: 1750: 1731: 1690: 1680: 1649: 1613: 1593: 1583: 1552: 1523: 1506: 1485: 1452: 1442: 1431: 1409: 1399: 1390: 1380: 1371: 1362: 1338: 1327: 1316: 1285: 1269: 1257: 1215: 1189: 1180: 1168: 1140: 1115: 1074: 1060: 1049: 998: 981: 952: 881: 723: 705: 687: 648: 559: 546: 526: 516: 502: 487: 462: 452: 429: 402: 388: 379: 333: 318: 303: 290: 268: 259: 250: 241: 227: 217: 201: 188: 158: 140: 121: 2826: 2665: 2454: 2137: 2070: 1700: 1687: 1590: 1439: 1396: 1377: 1359: 1282: 1165: 1147: 459: 399: 330: 214: 104:"such as power metal bands." - Avenged Sevenfold stole a power metal riff. 'Nuff said. 1491:
Anyone? Anyone? If no one's going to address this, I'm going to relist the website. --
2717: 2641: 2614: 1839: 1804:
please don't go trying to lecture me on this one. I've had enough for now. Thanks. --
1747: 1449: 720: 256: 238: 2241:
Noted. Sorry if any of my reverts overrode these changes to the incorrect versions.
I fixed it up. There were some spelling and grammatical errors that I cleaned up. --
due to the the past material, gothic lyrics, low guitar tunings and double kick P.S.
I personally think that the band is great and I wouldn't change them for the world.
2832: 2507: 2469: 2441: 2423: 2324: 2302: 2200: 2186: 2038: 2006: 1516: 1186: 1185:
A chunk of ironized granite beaten to death by punks. Heh heh...I'm toooo funny. --
1137: 1092: 1004:
Here is one for starters and I think in this case it would be the most important.
376: 1993:
that is the only relation to hard rock and that has nothing to do with the actual
Avenged Sevenfold has stated themselves as being a metalcore band on past albums.
Yes please do. And please do not change the people's comments. That is just rude.
Avenged Sevenfold has stated themselves as being a metalcore band on past albums.
2315: 2309: 1998: 1982: 1129: 1125: 1100: 995: 978: 811:
False information about Johnny Christ's religious affiliation has been removed.
595: 556: 499: 355: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
2290: 1468:
Is there anyway that we can make an exception and let this one site be listed?
and A7X have absolutely nothing in common to that, yes they are definately not
original. Yay for metalcore ripping off heavy, death, and power metal artists.
TO voice your support in the location where the discussion is being held, hit
1704: 1696: 1018:
2740: 2010: 1989:. The vocalist changed his vocals and in a couple of songs trys to immitate 1986: 1104: 1084: 1080: 1042: 1005: 991: 2759:
Since the votes were 4 to 3, in favor with keeping the page, voted to keep.
Well, I would, but I don't have enough factual/proven information on them.
Unless I'm mistaken, that's the bassist Johnny Christ with blond hair. --
has as much as the Zacky Vengeance page had. I know, I added a lot to it.
1990: 1096: 657:
Hahaha, "emogoth". What a douchebag. - someone much cooler than emogoth.
Well A7X called themselves metalcore in an interview but hey...whatever.
Emo kids are not allowed to diss people who follow trends or fads. - by
Actually they're not, they are Hard Rock with speed metal influences .
2458: 2002: 154:
Yes. I'll give you props for that. But only because you are right.
1994: 1978: 1108: 1088: 1037: 987: 542:
metal' and the classic metal of bands like Priest and Maiden.) --
Brian Warner is dating Dan Karaty. Matthew is dating Sophia Bush.
1121: 2377: 2301:
on Knowledge that have a link to YouTube in it. Based on the
716: 712: 25: 2316:
We must not link to material that violates someones copyright
this page seems to have been hit with some sever vandalism.
2289: 750:
you guys could argue genres till hell froze over. i swear.
People tried to say Hank Williams rapped, laugh out loud!
I think that this website should be allowed to be listed.
break out future album announcements in separate article
2631:(i) There is not enough information available to support 958: 887: 2298: 970: 934: 899: 863: 2580:
Merge Untitled Fourth Avenged Sevenfold Album proposal
1225:. LOOK! He says himself, they're a heavy metal band! 233:
A7X. I like it, and I guess that's all that counts.
2346:to whoever protected the page. About damn time! -- 771:influenced by the Bible, though they clearly are. 113:influenced by the Bible, though they clearly are. 1350:Why merge Zacky Vengeance with Avenged Sevenfold? 2308:99% of the time YouTube should not be used as a 2389:What's your point? It isn't on there anyway... 1276:We really need to get together and work on this 2194:______________________ Where's the image now? 555:categorize them into something they are not -- 223:Yes I guess that explaination works for them. 8: 2638:Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Future_album 2594:Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:Future_album 2440:No they have not been made, I have checked. 2371: 1070:They are not nu-metal, they're hard rock. 728:i think they're origional, there own genre 472:but not for radio play, or for a video. -- 1598:Heh, sorry about any of those. Thanks! -- 1006: 1040:musicmagazines like <insert name: --> 2633:Untitled Fourth Avenged Sevenfold Album 2589:Untitled Fourth Avenged Sevenfold Album 2449:Wow, you need to look around. Here is 1281:my opinion. What do you guys think? -- 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 2372:Zaxky V's middle name isn't jonathan. 1707:has a small amount of info, as well. 7: 369:Which it was before I edited it to: 358:(Zachary Baker) - Rhythm Guitar * 354:(Brian Haner, Jr.) - Lead Guitar * 2831:I think that's a reasonable change. 24: 350:(Matt Sanders) - Lead Vocals * 1838:, and familiarise yourself with 29: 2024:They sound like Hard Rock to me 1174:What is Punk Rock Death Metal? 738:SOLUTION TO ALL THIS BULLSHIT. 2465:06:44, 4 December 2006 (UTC) 2190:21:19, 25 September 2006 (UTC) 2166:23:37, 23 September 2006 (UTC) 1947:19:45, 16 September 2006 (UTC) 1116:19:37, 16 September 2006 (UTC) 339:Who are the real band members? 89:SO BIASED I CAN'T SEE STRAIGHT 1: 2836:01:44, 20 December 2006 (UTC) 2812:06:20, 16 December 2006 (UTC) 2782:03:39, 20 December 2006 (UTC) 2748:22:53, 19 December 2006 (UTC) 2733:04:29, 18 December 2006 (UTC) 2721:22:19, 17 December 2006 (UTC) 2708:06:16, 16 December 2006 (UTC) 2672:22:10, 19 December 2006 (UTC) 2657:22:26, 14 December 2006 (UTC) 2645:14:15, 12 December 2006 (UTC) 2618:14:15, 12 December 2006 (UTC) 2575:05:09, 10 December 2006 (UTC) 2427:03:35, 30 November 2006 (UTC) 2410:05:56, 28 November 2006 (UTC) 2385:12:32, 24 November 2006 (UTC) 2367:03:56, 22 November 2006 (UTC) 2337:03:21, 10 November 2006 (UTC) 2018:22:09, 8 September 2006 (UTC) 1194: 430:20:55, 27 November 2006 (UTC) 334:01:40, 22 December 2005 (UTC) 291:16:28, 28 November 2005 (UTC) 228:16:23, 13 December 2005 (UTC) 218:15:28, 13 December 2005 (UTC) 202:16:29, 28 November 2005 (UTC) 189:15:29, 14 November 2005 (UTC) 141:15:27, 14 November 2005 (UTC) 2550:20:18, 8 December 2006 (UTC) 2536:03:17, 6 December 2006 (UTC) 2511:00:06, 6 December 2006 (UTC) 2498:02:45, 5 December 2006 (UTC) 2473:00:40, 5 December 2006 (UTC) 2445:20:08, 2 December 2006 (UTC) 2436:00:55, 2 December 2006 (UTC) 2378: 2281:06:09, 26 October 2006 (UTC) 2236:05:36, 26 October 2006 (UTC) 2204:20:02, 13 October 2006 (UTC) 403:15:08, 12 January 2006 (UTC) 362:(Jonathan Seward) - Bass * 319:15:06, 5 December 2005 (UTC) 304:15:02, 1 December 2005 (UTC) 269:14:16, 1 February 2006 (UTC) 260:07:45, 19 January 2006 (UTC) 251:15:21, 17 January 2006 (UTC) 242:12:17, 17 January 2006 (UTC) 159:16:13, 3 November 2005 (UTC) 122:15:29, 11 October 2005 (UTC) 88: 2879:08:46, 9 January 2007 (UTC) 2246:05:23, 5 October 2006 (UTC) 2141:17:08, 30 August 2006 (UTC) 2131:05:35, 26 August 2006 (UTC) 2111:23:56, 25 August 2006 (UTC) 2093:15:10, 20 August 2006 (UTC) 2074:17:08, 30 August 2006 (UTC) 2065:06:56, 20 August 2006 (UTC) 2042:20:03, 18 August 2006 (UTC) 1270:22:40, 18 August 2006 (UTC) 389:16:31, 9 January 2006 (UTC) 380:21:56, 6 January 2006 (UTC) 2896: 1997:. Musically the band have 1957:04:45, 9 August 2006 (UTC) 1930:00:49, 4 August 2006 (UTC) 1919:13:31, 3 August 2006 (UTC) 1908:06:41, 3 August 2006 (UTC) 1884:23:37, 3 August 2006 (UTC) 1873:23:03, 3 August 2006 (UTC) 1863:19:10, 2 August 2006 (UTC) 1785:12:00, 7 August 2006 (UTC) 1656:Why Did Someone Delete It? 1553:07:56, 1 August 2006 (UTC) 1524:03:11, 1 August 2006 (UTC) 1507:02:47, 1 August 2006 (UTC) 1453:11:18, 5 August 2006 (UTC) 1410:22:47, 3 August 2006 (UTC) 1339:22:43, 3 August 2006 (UTC) 1328:05:57, 3 August 2006 (UTC) 1050:16:44, 15 March 2006 (UTC) 999:07:43, 15 March 2006 (UTC) 982:07:38, 15 March 2006 (UTC) 724:11:08, 5 August 2006 (UTC) 649:16:23, 15 March 2006 (UTC) 560:00:59, 13 March 2006 (UTC) 547:19:51, 16 March 2006 (UTC) 527:18:55, 17 March 2006 (UTC) 517:21:21, 17 March 2006 (UTC) 503:21:27, 17 March 2006 (UTC) 488:08:00, 1 August 2006 (UTC) 264:It should mention both. - 1851:23:08, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 1830:23:01, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 1820:22:29, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 1776:05:30, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 1751:02:58, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 1732:07:39, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 1691:06:21, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 1681:06:01, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 1650:07:44, 30 July 2006 (UTC) 1614:23:54, 29 July 2006 (UTC) 1594:19:52, 29 July 2006 (UTC) 1584:09:14, 29 July 2006 (UTC) 1486:08:53, 29 July 2006 (UTC) 1443:16:29, 27 July 2006 (UTC) 1432:09:14, 27 July 2006 (UTC) 1400:19:56, 28 July 2006 (UTC) 1391:19:43, 28 July 2006 (UTC) 1381:18:00, 28 July 2006 (UTC) 1372:12:36, 28 July 2006 (UTC) 1363:05:06, 21 July 2006 (UTC) 1317:02:15, 17 July 2006 (UTC) 1258:20:46, 13 June 2006 (UTC) 1248:This needs to be finished 1242:23:51, 25 June 2006 (UTC) 1230:03:52, 24 June 2006 (UTC) 1216:19:28, 13 June 2006 (UTC) 1205:19:26, 13 June 2006 (UTC) 1190:18:00, 24 July 2006 (UTC) 1181:10:08, 17 July 2006 (UTC) 1150:, 9:32 PM 6 August 2006 1141:17:54, 24 July 2006 (UTC) 706:10:52, 23 July 2006 (UTC) 698:1:44, 01 June 2006 (UTC) 463:14:13, 17 June 2006 (UTC) 366:(Jimmy Sullivan) - Drums 80:The Dillinger Escape Plan 2787:Removed semi-protection? 1825:I agree whole-heartedly 1799:Member Bio Pages Support 1563:I added a trivia section 1286:04:21, 7 July 2006 (UTC) 1169:21:52, 23 May 2006 (UTC) 1075:14:50, 23 May 2006 (UTC) 688:20:54, 16 May 2006 (UTC) 453:21:00, 5 June 2006 (UTC) 386:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 316:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 301:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 288:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 248:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 225:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 199:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 186:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 156:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 138:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 119:TearAwayTheFunerealDress 2297:This article is one of 2255:One more time EQUIPMENT 2069:It is Johnny Christ. -- 2001:influences, taken from 1107:. I would go with just 1061:00:14, 8 May 2006 (UTC) 2431:They're already made. 2294: 2009:influences taken from 1103:but they are just not 678:) 31 March 2006 (UTC) 299:in your opinion maybe 18:Talk:Avenged Sevenfold 2869:comment was added by 2844:Rap In City Of Evil?? 2293: 2032:New Member, or Cameo? 1699:hardly has anything. 819:comment was added by 741:GO TO THEIR MYSPACE. 666:comment was added by 618:comment was added by 594:comment was added by 571:comment was added by 42:of past discussions. 1058:James J. L. Marshall 2210:Guitarist Equipment 1709:Spencer Chamberlain 754:Category membership 731:They are Hard rock 171:Metalcore or Metal? 108:Biblical References 2668: 2295: 1195:It's not difficult 2882: 2817:Melodic hardcore? 2730:Prof. Tor Coolguy 2666: 2418:Band Member Bio's 2098:M. Shadows Throat 1711:has a paragraph. 1041:classify them as 832: 778:Waking the Fallen 679: 631: 607: 584: 178:Waking the Fallen 146:Avenged Sevenfold 77: 76: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 2887: 2864: 2859:Severe vandalism 2809: 2807: 2802: 2797: 2779: 2777: 2772: 2767: 2705: 2703: 2698: 2693: 2572: 2570: 2565: 2560: 2533: 2531: 2526: 2521: 2502:There has to be 2495: 2493: 2488: 2483: 2407: 2405: 2400: 2395: 2364: 2362: 2357: 2352: 2278: 2276: 2271: 2266: 2233: 2231: 2226: 2221: 2163: 2161: 2156: 2151: 2128: 2126: 2121: 2062: 2060: 2055: 1817: 1815: 1810: 1773: 1771: 1766: 1729: 1727: 1722: 1678: 1676: 1671: 1647: 1645: 1640: 1611: 1609: 1604: 1581: 1579: 1574: 1550: 1548: 1543: 1504: 1502: 1497: 1483: 1481: 1476: 975: 974: 929:deleted contribs 904: 903: 858:deleted contribs 814: 747:DONE. 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Talk:Avenged Sevenfold
current talk page
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15:29, 11 October 2005 (UTC)
15:27, 14 November 2005 (UTC)
16:13, 3 November 2005 (UTC)
15:29, 14 November 2005 (UTC)
16:29, 28 November 2005 (UTC)
15:28, 13 December 2005 (UTC)
16:23, 13 December 2005 (UTC)
12:17, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
15:21, 17 January 2006 (UTC)
07:45, 19 January 2006 (UTC)
14:16, 1 February 2006 (UTC)
16:28, 28 November 2005 (UTC)

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