
Talk:Dual polyhedron

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dual" (and it is not clear what sense to make of applying other notions of duality to compounds of polyhedra); the second sentence was tautologous; the third sentence was incomprehensible (what is the "this property" in question?) and also not supported by the cited source (the Hart reference makes no claim of uniqueness of anything, and the statement was uncited before that but with a different claim of uniqueness); the fourth (parenthetical) sentence was completely off-topic; and the fifth sentence is not really sourced to Hart and not really on-topic. To the extent that this is mathematically rescuable and can be supported with references, its natural home would be as a discussion of duality in the context of compounds of polyhedra, rather than as a discussion of compounds of polyhedra in the context of a discussion of duality. --
either case, do you allow repeated vertices? If you wrap around the same convex polygon more than once, is the result still a valid non-convex but regular polygon, and if so why doesn't this give us many more regular polyhedra in which we replace the faces of a Platonic solid with these wrapped polygons? If you glue two squares vertex-to-vertex, is the result still a polygon, or are there two different polygons with the same edges and vertices, one in which you go around both squares clockwise and another in which you go around one clockwise and the other counterclockwise? Does every cyclic sequence of points define a polygon, or is it required that consecutive points in the sequence be unequal to each other? Everything is much simpler if you stick to simple polygons, but then half the Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra would be disallowed. —
1319:. It happens in Euclidean space and is the most widely accepted basis for the geometry of things like polyhedra, unless another model is invoked (which we are not doing here). And it does have a very clear definition of non-convex polyhedra - I refer you again to Cromwell. Lakatos' whole thrust was that our understanding evolves, and what was once a satisfactory definition may cease to be so. Abstract theory, developed since his time, is the modern touchstone and we have to run with that. (As for the dual pair you mention, they are topologically toroids and they do obey the appropriate modification of Euler's formula. Seriously, if you are that far out of touch you should not be making these sorts of edits but reading up on the material I have suggested - please add Richeson; 3855:, the duals of Archimedean solids. They do not mention its applicability to more general solids with midspheres, for which this is anyway just a messy way of describing the polar dual. (2) As they describe it, it recovers the shape of a single dual face (congruent to all other faces), but it is not described as constructing "each face" in a way that links together to form the whole dual polyhedron. (3) Their construction does not use edge midpoints or midspheres. For a given vertex v, it chooses an arbitrary distance (less than the length of an edge), finds points on each incident edge at that distance, constructs a circle through these points, and forms a polygon from tangent lines to this circle. My feeling is that this material should be removed from this article to 2268:, and the Gailiunas and Sharp example shows that it's also an area where it's easy to make big mistakes and where the value of having high-quality rigorous sources is high. The example here where we said for some time that the stella octangula is the only regular self-dual (which appears to be incorrect), based on no sources, should similarly serve as a warning about what happens when we don't use good sources. So I think that rather than keeping the original research in the article and hoping to turn up sources that sort of say something resembling it later, it's important to base the content here on reading the sources first and only adding material that comes from good sources. 3433:
polyhedron in the class whose associated abstract polyhedron is A. The second sentence in the present version (correctly) observes that it may or may not be true (depending on what class of geometric polyhedra we're talking about) that the dual of a realizable abstract polyhedron is again realizable. This reading has the following virtues: it assigns the paragraph a true meaning, via reasonable and widespread conventions for assigning meanings to words in the context of mathematics; it correctly accounts for the variation in definition of the word "polyhedron"; and under this reading the statement is clearly worth making in an encyclopedic article about duality of polyhedra. --
4138:, where we talk about all uniform polyhedra and their duals, rather than separating out the uniform polyhedra that are not prisms, pyramids, or Platonic solids (a bad way of classifying things by what they are not, but whatever). The answer to your question is "not here". It's a specialized subtopic and should not clutter this article. : Yes, that is a ridiculous suggestion. We do not and should not follow MathWorld in what they do, and we should not advocate that sources change what they do as a way of making those changes here. MathWorld is full of mistakes and original research. We should follow better scholarly sources. — 4088:, the case relevant for the Dorman Luke construction. This article is not; it is about more general constructions valid for polyhedra more generally. It is as if, in an article about real number division, you went on and on about simplification of rational numbers to simplest terms; yes, it's sort of relevant, but only to a special case, not the general topic of the article. Citing popularizations whose coverage of polyhedra concentrates primarily on the uniform polyhedra rather than the general case is unconvincing as evidence for anything, really. — 656:
24-cell is a cube, yet its dual has octahedral cells; similarly, the vertex figure of the 600-cell is an icosahedron, but its dual has dodecahedral cells). Even in 3D, however, we do see a subtle hint that it's not simply the vertex figures, but the dual of the vertex figures, that form the dual polyhedron: take the vertex figures of the cube, for example. They are triangles, but oriented in the dual position to the orientation of the faces of the octahedron. Taking their duals gives us the faces of the octahedron in the correct orientation.
1340:. But when you say "there is no requirement for a geometric dual to be a valid geometric polyhedron" you appear to be allowing sentences like "all non-convex polyhedra have dual polyhedra" that use the same word "polyhedron" with two different meanings in the same sentence. The first polyhedra must be geometric, for otherwise what would it mean to be convex or non-convex? But now you're allowing the second polyhedra in the same sentence to be abstract lattices without even any topology, let alone geometry. That's just bad mathematics. — 4172:, relevant for the general article here. Should we also have a separate multi-paragraph illustrated section about how the dual polyhedron of a disphenoid is another disphenoid, filled with detailed calculations of its vertex coordinates and face normals? Do you think that sort of cruft would be on-topic here? No wonder our polyhedron articles are such a disaster, if even this small attempt at de-crufting them and trying to avoid saying everything about all polyhedra in every polyhedron article runs into so much opposition. — 1538:
pair of faces that form a manifold and enclose a volume", "geometric polyhedra with simple faces and at most one edge per pair of faces that form a topological sphere and enclose a volume", "abstract Eulerian lattice", etc, are all different but valid definitions, and only some of them have duals in the same class. We should not say that non-convex polyhedra have duals, without qualification, because without an explicit definition of what a non-convex polyhedron is, that statement is so far from meaningful that it is
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as a specialised subtopic of the uniform polyhedra, to not go there either. Wenninger spends several pages discussing polar reciprocation at the beginning, which sets a clear context for DL as "the easiest way" to make that construction for the Archimedeans. Given that our views can only be editorial opinion, I feel that we need better reason before diverging from the approach of such established sources. I have moved DL in as a subtopic, to mirror that treatment and see how it looks. — Cheers,
145: 124: 1238:
octahedra joined at a single vertex. But one may reasonably define a polyhedron in a way that requires it to have a manifold boundary; the two cubes stuck together do satisfy this requirement but the two octahedra don't. The Kepler–Poinsot stars are a special case and obey a different and very weird definition of polyhedron where the faces are allowed to cross and not enclose a volume. It would be a mistake to assume that they provide the only way for a polyhedron to be non-convex. —
pushing compound polyhedra into this article acts as a way of forcing one particular definition to the front to the exclusion of others, which is not necessarily appropriate. So I agree with the opinion that if this material can be written from the start from reliable sources (rather than doing original research and sourcing later), it still may be better to include it in the article about compound polyhedra (where compatibility with other definitions isn't problematic) than here. —
definition of a polyhedron. If a polyhedron is defined as , some polyhedra do not have duals. According to , a dual can always be constructed by , but it may not be possible to preserve the symmetries of the polyhedron. However, according to , a dual may always be constructed but may not always be faithful." All with proper reliable sources, if there are more to be found on this issue than Grünbaum. If Grünbaum is the only source we can find, we should follow what he says. —
1279:, a cube with a smaller cubical divot taken out of one edge. All faces are simple polygons, but it has a pair of faces that share two edges with each other. The dual would have to have two different edges connecting the corresponding two dual vertices, but that is not possible geometrically because there do not exist two different line segments with the same two endpoints. I have no idea what you mean by "in elementary theory". The definition of nonconvex polyhedra has 250: 229: 1602: 1597: 1592: 4303:
not be bounded, would probably have all its vertices, edges, & faces at infinity; then, its dual "polyhedron" would be reduced to the (trivially convex & bounded) center of the sphere... This is probably why the condition that the polyhedron be bounded is not specified in your sentence in question: "Given a centrally-symmetric convex polyhedron reciprocated about a concentric sphere, the dual will be convex and finite."; isn't it? :-P --
circumcircles), no intersphere (since its parallel faces, even in the case where they are rhombi, are not perpendicular to the line joining their centers (of incircles)), & generally no insphere. Finally, as your edit summary says, you simplified the text, because: "we don't need to attempt to classify symmetries here". Then, we don't need to attempt to classify symmetries for polar reciprocation efficiency in any Knowledge article; do we?
1646:. They follow the same pattern of focusing on elementary and abstract theories. This article needs to do the same, specifically focusing on duality within these two domains. I think David may be conflating the old Victorian conceptual agonies over "What is a polyhedron?" with the modern radiation of specialist definitions. This is why we need to take answers to that question from popular and reputable sources such as Cromwell and Richeson. 5415:
the prism, I don't see a good reason to choose the centroid over the center of the circumscribed sphere or inscribed sphere (it has both, not necessarily with the same center). Why are you so fixated on centroids over other centers? The only case where the choice of a good center is unambiguous is when there is a center of symmetry, because that is exactly the case where all centers (defined in a symmetric way) coincide. —
78: 53: 1222:, which is not being questioned. So I am not quite sure why it is being questioned here. What exactly is "false" about it? For example the theory of duality covers non-convex polyhedra as well - the Kepler-poinsot stars being a case in point - so one needs to make that clear. As ever in polyhedron theory, results derived for convex forms sometimes copy across to the non-convex and sometimes they don't.— Cheers, 1731:
main sources for this article and no contradictions to these sources from, say, some learned primary source should be allowed without building a consensus as to why. I am not aware of examples from such secondary and tertiary sources which support the claims you are making, for example where are the "reasonable and intuitive definitions of polyhedra that do not fit the abstract polyhedron requirements"?
connect the (dual) vertices that correspond to adjacent (original) faces. Well, if our original polyhedron is concave, then the dual of its dual would not be the original polyhedron. (For example, say we start with a concave hexagonal prism with end faces shaped like an hourglass -- (0,0), (6,0), (4,4), (6,8), (0,8), (2,4), with z-values at 0 and 4. The dual polyhedron would be a convex
2240:"The dual of a compound of polyhedra is the compound of the duals of the polyhedra"... such basic properties must be treated in a context of duality. In a context of compounds of polyhedra: duality must be used to construct dual compounds of polyhedra, & to derive other compounds of congruent polyhedra; but convex hulls, common cores, different symmetry groups... must be treated. 22: 1405: 4105:, could you respond to the point about C&R including the duals of the regular-faced pyramids in the construction, but our article on the Catalan solids failing to do so? Had we no article recognising the rationals as a whole, but did have multiple sources discussing the division of numbers in general, where else could one discuss their division? — Cheers, 1694:
square roots". You would agree, I hope, that it would be unreasonable to revert this with an explanation that all numbers are complex, or that any exceptions only belong to such esoteric branches of mathematics that they can be safely ignored. So why do you think it acceptable to take the position that all polyhedra are abstract polyhedra?
but only by the consensus which is so sorely lacking here. (By the way, I forgot to say last night that Cromwell is a good source for the "what is a polyhedron?" debate, he does not address duality. I might also add that interiors are irrelevant to the duality issues, significant sources only ever consider the bounding manifold.) — Cheers,
In extended Euclidean geometry, the polyhedron you describe becomes a tiling of the plane at infinity and is flat not convex. With the meanings you state, there is no such thing as your "centrally-symmetric convex polyhedron which is not bounded". I think this discussion can end here, as it has lost relevance to duality. — Cheers,
formula for a different genus, because then we can just define the genus as being what it obeys and the generalized formula doesn't actually provide any constraint on what a polyhedron is. Your later comments essentially asserting that computational geometry is not mainstream and can be ignored are equally condescending. Grow up. —
5311:"For symmetrical polyhedra having an obvious centroid, it is common to make the polyhedron and sphere concentric, as in the Dorman Luke construction described below. For bounded polyhedra having multiple symmetry axes, these will necessarily intersect at a single point, and this is usually taken to be the center of the sphere." 1621:
reasonably, that a pentagram is not a polygon. And I was not asking about "slightly offset" positions of vertices, but exactly coinciding ones. The point is that defining non-convex polygons and non-convex polyhedra requires care. You and Steelpillow do not appear to have been exercising the appropriate level of care. —
5555:(But this sentence had no mistake.) Is there any example of a polyhedron having a circumsphere, insphere, or intersphere, where reciprocating it about this (by using the tangency points of it & this, or of its dual & this, or of both & this) is not more convenient than about a random sphere, please? :-/ -- 5122:, the following passage: "For bounded polyhedra having multiple symmetry axes, these will necessarily intersect at a single point" should be more specific, such as: "For a bounded polyhedron having multiple symmetry axes, these will necessarily intersect at a single point: its center of mass"; shouldn't it? -- 5414:
The parallelepiped has a center of symmetry, so there is no reason to talk about centroids for it. The prism has a center of symmetry for equilateral triangle bases, and for other bases I don't see a good reason to choose the centroid rather than say the center of the circumscribed sphere. Again, for
Thank you very much for your detailed answer. :-O (However, if anyone ever sees a proof (of the DL construction) at a lower math level (more direct, not using a general theorem), i would also be interested.) ;-) So, does your sentence: "Given a centrally-symmetric convex polyhedron reciprocated about
You're arguing that because it might be seen as a specialized subtopic of a specialized subtopic, it should not go into the subtopic article, but into the general-topic article? Really? In what world is there any logic behind such an argument? And you have not addressed my point, that you are relying
I don't have reliable sources (according to Knowledge standards) about the DL construction. But if the claims about starting with a polyhedron having a midsphere, at the end of the "Dorman Luke construction" section, are to be kept, then the specification "VA = VB = VC = VD" is also to be kept; isn't
OK, so you have changed your mind (apparently because you dislike my approach, but perhaps we could ignore that hyperbole). If you do want to keep one particular definition of a polyhedron and its geometric realization, then do you agree that the others should also be represented, as David says - all
Well, ok, you have successfully convinced me again that you are wrong (or, at least, that you prefer to endow words with your own peculiar definitions that do not appear to agree with those in common use). So I am back to supporting the preservation of the correct statement currently in the article.
For polyhedra in general (defined by him as sets of simple flat polygons meeting two per edge and with a simple cycle of polygons per vertex, allowing self-intersections) "the only consistent approach to duality is via polarity". He doesn't state that polarity works for these general polyhedra but it
claim that I had changed it to "the dual is a polyhedron, but the dual geometric figure might not be a polyhedron". That again is incorrect. I had changed it to, "Every geometric polyhedron corresponds to an abstract polyhedron in this way, and has an abstract dual polyhedron. However, for some types
cycle than is typically called for. (You will note that everyone else who has weighed in has agreed with my assessment of the problems in the material!) In comparison, making essentially the same edit while ignoring the substantive objections of others is a much more serious breach of protocol, as is
Do you really have a published reliable source about self-duality of compound polyhedra? My searches for such sources found only Gailiunas and Sharp "Duality of polyhedra" (which has an informative example of two non-regular compounds that were previously claimed to be dual to each other but actually
requires that our article "represent all significant viewpoints", which in this context means that we must discuss widespread alternative definitions rather than pretending that abstract polyhedra are the only possible definition. In its current state, I think the article is ok in that respect, but I
I should point out that the same definitional issues apply even to polygons in the Euclidean plane. In computational geometry, it is much more standard to allow polygons to have holes (separate boundary cycles enclosed within the outer boundary cycle) than to allow them to have self-crossings. And in
are relatable in this topological sense. An in general I'd say you can map a genus-k polyhedron onto the surface of a k-torus, and draw the vertices, edges and faces there, and then its easier to see the topological dual as a tiled surface. The "star" forms get messy, like when faces pass through the
Thank you so much to both of you! I hope I am understanding things correctly. To summarize, the dual of a polyhedron is not necessarily unique (depending on how abstractly similar two shapes have to be for us to call them "the same"). Also, the "centroid" method only really works if there is a lot
Wenninger uses the Dorman Luke construction for many if not all of the nonconvex uniform duals. While it would appear to work for all polyhedra with a midsphere, including canonical dual pairs, I know of no reliable source stating this. So, while Wenninger's use also clearly makes the article on the
You change my question, to align with your unjustifiable assumptions about my own usage for terms which I have just said vary in meaning! You really must stop changing other editors' comments, or someone will lose patience with you and seek sanctions. In Euclidean geometry "infinity" does not exist.
RavBol, with respect to "obviously", I do not think it was obvious that this is what was meant -- the claim before you edited it appeared to be that the only regular compound that consists of a single self-dual polyhedron and its dual is the stella octangula. This is very close to what Hart says in
with six cubes, four of which form a square and the other two of which rise above diagonally-opposite cubes of the bottom four, so that they touch along an edge. The section from this touching edge to the top of the Hasse diagram is not a segment — the edge touches four squares, not two. But you can
An article lead is intended to summarise the main text. Whether I chose to revert to "every number has a square root" would depend on the extent to which the main text explained these complexities. The present article confines its main text to polar reciprocity and abstract or combinatorial duality.
I tried Dorman Luke construction for many uniform polyhedra, It doesn't seem to work when the vertex figure is self-intersecting. Are you sure it doesn't mean the face of a face-transitive polyhedron is dual to it's dual polyhedron vertex-figure? And are you sure it's written in the source «Uniform
on the subject) as the intersection, of the polyhedron containing the vertex (pole), with its dual face plane (polar). For such a polyhedron which also has an intersphere (tangent to all edges), the Dorman Luke construction follows. The Archimedeans provide examples. I would assume naively that the
Of course, I meant prisms not pyramids (which are not isogonal). Wenninger devotes several pages at the beginning to polar reciprocation, setting a clear context for DL as the "the easiest way" to make the construction. So it should really be dealt with in that context. Also, one can equally see it
It is a known bug with the current version of MediaWiki and has been going on for months. This has led to various confusions and upsets in this discussion. It was delicate enough anyway and has now descended into an unpleasant farce, so I am pulling out to avoid further upsets. I will just say that
but with realizability. I have cited two impeccable RS to show this. What you are describing as realizable is what Schulte defines as "faithfully" realizable. Examples of his "degenerate" realization are seen in Grünbaum (2009), where any injection of the abstract into a real space is a realization
The abstract dual is very much not the dual figure; there is a sharp distinction between the abstract and the geometric. "the dual geometric figures may not be valid geometric polyhedra" would be more correct, but it seems unnecessary to say "geometric" twice. I would have no problem with "the dual
I don't have any strong feelings about the inclusion or not of the excavated dodecahedron, but if there is a reasonable definition of geometric duality for non-convex polyhedra (that we have not yet presented in the article, because we only define abstract duality and have a sentence about polarity
There is no requirement for a geometric dual to be a valid geometric polyhedron - the Wenninger duals of the "hemi" uniform polyhedra are well known. Just derive the Hasse diagram of your figure and read it upside down. Either these are both valid abstract polytopes or they are not, you cannot have
I would add, there is a difference of meaning between "the dual" and "a dual". Depending on the level of abstraction (among other things), there may be one unique dual (as in the abstract formalism) or there may be many geometric "realizations" of that abstraction. It is all too common to take some
See previous sentence: "Such dual figures remain combinatorial or abstract polyhedra, but not all can also be constructed as geometric polyhedra". The dual of the dual preserves the abstract structure of the original – its system of vertices, edges, faces, and which pairs of these things touch each
Quick question: I am trying to understand the sentence "Starting with any given polyhedron, the dual of its dual is the original polyhedron." I thought that to construct the dual of a polyhedron, all you do is place a (dual) vertex at the centroid of each face of the original polyhedron, and then
Just some observations. The centroid is well defined. As used here the term "obvious" appears to be an assertion that the centre of symmetry is the intuitively "obvious" place to put the centroid, i.e. it is anticipating what is about to be explained. Also, terms such as centre of mass are loaded;
A "regular tetrahedron" ("centered" on the origin) with all its vertices, edges, & faces at infinity...? :-P Didn't you use "finite" as a synonym for "bounded", in the sense of "included in a ball having a finite radius"? With this definition, a centrally-symmetric convex polyhedron that would
I am not aware of any rigorous treatment online. The proof is simple enough. It is a theorem of projective geometry that polar reciprocation of any polyhedron about any quadric curve will yield a dual figure. Given a centrally-symmetric convex polyhedron reciprocated about a concentric sphere, the
David Eppstein, it looks to me like the Hart claim is fine (if trivial) and is how I read the claim in the article before RavBol changed it, namely, that the only compound that is both a compound of a single polyhedron with its dual and a compound of multiple congruent polyhedra must consist of a
a short (though recently expanded) section called "Self-dual compound polyhedra". I feel that it consisted entirely of material that was mathematically dubious, not supported by sources, or off-topic in an article on duality. To be precise: the first sentence was true only if "dual" means "polar
An editor cannot summarily remove say a clarification or citation tag placed in good faith, without first dealing with it either in the article or on the talk page. I tagged "Grünbaum (2007) argues that any proper definition of a non-convex polyhedron should include a notion of a dual polyhedron."
requires that "Articles should rely on secondary sources whenever possible" and not contradict what they tell us by invoking primary sources. So I think the only solution to David's and my differences is going to be a citation fest. Properly-cited content cannot then be deleted by an edit warrior,
I'm disappointed that you mistook, and are still mistaking, my simplification for purposes of discussion of Euler as referring only to spherical surfaces, for ignorance. It makes you look condescending and ignorant yourself. It is not very helpful to say that of course any polyhedron obeys Euler's
It is just not true that, for every reasonable definition of a geometric polyhedron, there exists a dual geometric polyhedron. For instance, take a big cube and stick a small cube into the middle of one of its faces, causing that face to become an annulus. What is the dual? It would have to be two
in the high school geometry sense, but should be topologically equivalent in that it will have the same number of vertices, edges, and faces, and they will be connected in the same way. A better construction would be the "polar reciprocation" method, especially the Dorman Luke construction, which
The centroid method you describe is very special, basically only works in cases where there is a lot of symmetry, and even in those cases shrinks the result (so that when you take the dual of the dual you get the same shape but never the same size). The centroid method does not work more generally
I was quite surprised about the sentence "regular polygons are geometrically self-dual". The dual of a cube is a octahedron and I wouldn't consider these to be congruent figures - which is required in the definition of self-duality. Can anyone explain how congruence of polyhedra is defined in this
The statement "If a polyhedron has an element passing through the center of the sphere, it will have an infinite dual." makes no sense, since it there is no definition (or even explanation) what "an infinite dual" means. No definition of "polyhedron" admits vertices or edges or faces "at infinity.
Previously, you had unintentionally written "pyramids" instead of "prisms", "quadric curve" instead of "quadric surface" (hadn't you?), & in your question: "Can you give an example of a centrally-symmetric finite polyhedron which is not bounded?", you had forgotten to write "convex" on top of
MathWorld is not usually a high-quality source, and its single short paragraph about DL is very vague about whether it applies to anything beyond the Catalan solids (it says that certain conditions are necessary but does not say they are sufficient). If you pretend that it is not vague then it is
Would that be Grünbaum (1999) or Grünbaum (2009)? Is the Egon Schulte chapter quoted above not a suitable RS? I am sure I have some more somewhere. But seriously, the problem sentence is not so much leaving the definition of "polyhedron" woolly, but that of "realizable". May I suggest that if the
OK, I have amended my comment, I trust it is now correct. If you feel that "hyperbole" is more perjorative than "over-wrought and irrelevant stuff", I am happy to offer my apologies once again and to withdraw it. Do you yet have any response relevant to the points I brought forward on the article
The reverting editor also rejects insertion of the term "faithful" as it has not been defined in the article, while insisting on "realized", which also has not been defined in the article. Both are established terms in abstract theory. If we are to be rational and consistent about this, we should
It is wholly incorrect to say that, as one editor currently insists, "for some types of non-convex geometric polyhedra, the dual polyhedra may not be realizable geometrically." In fact any figure may be realized unfaithfully. Any attempt I make to improve matters gets reverted without discussion.
I thought the poverty of source was about the regular compound of two tetrahedra & the regular compound of ten tetrahedra being THE ONLY regular self-dual compounds of polyhedra; so i thought that stating just existence instead of stating existence & "unicity" really solved the problem of
When i edited the writing of the definition, i had not realized that David Eppstein had already answered "no" (there is very little space left on my mobile's screen when it displays its virtual keyboard, i receive only a few notifications on the mobile version of Knowledge, & i thought nobody
and, therefore, so should this article. Any other kinds of "polyhedron" with significant literature on their duality may be given a subsection of their own. There are several good secondary and tertiary sources for elementary polyhedra and some of them deal with duality as well. These must be our
It's not true, both because abstracting a polyhedron loses a lot of information and also because there are reasonable and intuitive definitions of polyhedra that do not fit the abstract polyhedron requirements. In particular the requirement in an abstract polyhedron that every 1-section be a line
You appear to have misunderstood my intent. I am not seeking enlightenment from you. Those were rhetorical questions. I was not asking you to provide the one true definition, because I don't believe that such a thing exists. You can answer them in different ways. Lots of people would think, quite
The point is that "topological polyhedra with simple faces", "geometric polyhedra with self-intersecting polygon faces that form a manifold", "geometric polyhedra with non-intersecting polygon-with-holes faces that enclose a volume", "geometric polyhedra with simple faces and at most one edge per
By this, it should be obvious that the Dorman Luke construction of the polyhedral dual is easily generalized to higher dimensions: given an n-polytope, finding its dual amounts to finding the duals of its vertex figures. Since vertex figures are (n-1)-dimensional, we simply recursively apply this
of the vertex figures suitably enlarged. For polyhedra, it does not really matter whether it's the vertex figure or its dual, at least not for regular/uniform polyhedra, since regular polygons are self-dual. In higher dimensions, however, this quickly becomes obvious (e.g., the vertex figure of a
I thought you were quoting the terms of my question: ``does your sentence: "Given a centrally-symmetric convex polyhedron reciprocated about a concentric sphere, the dual will be convex and finite." work even if the centrally-symmetric convex polyhedron is not bounded?``, so that i would clarify
case for describing the construction under a similar heading here, viz. the present article. Secondly, Cundy & Rollett accept the regular-faced pyramids as among the Archimedeans, and therefore the Dorman Luke construction also applies to them. On the other hand Wenninger's discussion of the
Ignoring the over-wrought and irrelevant stuff above, I personally am perfectly happy with "the dual figures may not be valid geometric polyhedra" instead of "the dual polyhedra may not be realizable geometrically"; also I think "the abstract dual" could be substituted for "the dual figure". It
Does anybody have any rational objection to restoring this, hopefully slightly clearer, version; "Every geometric polyhedron corresponds to an abstract polyhedron in this way, and has an abstract dual polyhedron. However, for some types of non-convex polyhedra, the dual figure may not be a valid
Having checked the cited source, I have to agree on Joel and David's conclusion. Some of the criticisms voiced may be overly opinion-based, while others seem a bit over-stated; if we were to apply their professed standards of rigour across all our polyhedron-related articles, the result would be
Suppose we had an article stating that "every number has a square root", and an editor objected to this as being too sloppy and replaced it with "every positive real number has a real square root, and every complex number has a complex square root, but some other number systems don't always have
makes even more clear.) In particular I reject the implicit assumption that there is a standard definition that allows the Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra but does not allow these examples. This is not an area of mathematics where it works well to just naively assume that definitions that are valid for
None of this is OR. However, one needs to be very careful in generalising - Luke's construction was originally described only for highly symmetrical polyhedra. Wenninger generalised it to some extent, but it does not apply to polyhedra in general. It is in fact a special case of the more general
The difficulty here is that the theory of topological and abstract dualities is primarily worked out for arbitrary dimensionality, i.e. for polytopes generally. Here, it would be better to treat polyhedra as a follow-on topic. There is a Knowledge policy which allows some repetition of material,
I'm not Steelpillow, but I have an opinion. It is: this point is the center of symmetry (already stated), the center of mass of the vertices, the center of mass of the edges, the center of mass of the faces, the center of mass of the solid, the center of the bounding ball, and probably a lot of
4191:, Cromwell eschews duality entirely. He discusses the Archimedeans and, on pp.367-8, the Catalans. Because he avoids duality, he therefore avoids any mention of DL. So here is an RS which discusses the uniforms and Catalans without mentioning DL. Back with DL, Gailiunas and Sharp's paper on the 3088:
polyhedron." That is a perfectly correct statement and wholly consistent with the article lead, which states that, "In geometry, any polyhedron is associated with a second dual figure, where the vertices of one correspond to the faces of the other, and the edges between pairs of vertices of one
Just a naive (ridiculous?) suggestion: if David Eppstein (or Steelpillow) directly contacted Eric Weisstein (if E.W. knows Steelpillow), & "simply" asked him to clarify his MathWorld entry "Dual Polyhedron", then perhaps E.W. would improve this, & so the decision / the most appropriate
I've never said the DL construction should stay in the general "Dual polyhedron" article. I just said it would be a pity to apply DL only to the Archimedean solids (to construct the shape of the faces of any Catalan solid), when MathWorld claims DL can construct the faces of any convex uniform
Maybe it will be helpful if I spell out briefly what I think the paragraph in question actually says. The first half of the first sentence (implicitly) defines the notion of realizability: for a given class of geometric polyhedra, an abstract polyhedron A is realizable if there is a geometric
I also think that regular polyhedra are a somewhat specialized subtopic of the theory of polyhedra more generally, and regular compound polyhedra more so. Additionally, because there are many ways of defining polyhedra and their duals, only some of which are compatible with compound polyhedra,
Good, then since you are familiar with the application of Euler's formula, you will understand why it applies to globally toroidal polyhedra but not to locally toroidal faces. I am disappointed that I had to remind you of this. Similarly, may I remind you that the article currently divides the
with equatorial vertices at (3,0), (5,2), (5,6), (3,4), (1,6), (1,2) at a z-value of 2, and end vertices at (3,4) at z-values of 0 and 4. Finally, the dual-dual would be a convex hexagonal prism (I could find the vertices, but not right now), and thus not similar to the original polygon.) My
5290:"taken to be the centroid" is wrong or misleading. It cannot be taken to be the centroid of the polyhedron; it *is* the centroid, but that's incidental. What it is usually taken to be is the center of the sphere that we are using to define the polarity. I have rewritten to make this clearer. — 3564:
is no good. Also, it is not a matter of what the publications prefer (as if a publication is a thing that could have a preference) but rather what follows from what definitions. We need to be much more specific, something like: "The existence of a dual for all polyhedra depends on the chosen
There is much in this article at an elementary level, such as the important Dorman Luke construction. To bury this in a discussion of polytopes generally is IMHO unhelpful to the majority of students who wish only to find out about dual polyhedra. If you guys move it, I will have to pull the
Perhaps you should also give your definition of "hyperbole", because what actually happened was that I came to believe something you said was reasonable, and then you argued with me about it, and (as a consequence of the content of your argument) I no longer believe what you were saying was
appears to, as long as you don't insist on the origin of polarity being at a particular point that might be on one of the polygons. If you want to maintain symmetry, this is a problem, because sometimes the center of symmetry (the only reasonable choice for the origin) does lie on a polygon.
because any discussion of a definitional muddle (long resolved), between it and Brückner's icosahedron of the same outward appearance, belongs in that or the polyhedron article and not here. This leaves the Grünbaum quote with nothing to amplify. Hence my tagging it to see if anything worth
Thank you also for mentioning in the article the case with a center of symmetry. (*) Though, some polyhedra have a center of circumsphere or insphere, but no center of symmetry. Also, my specified parallelepiped example has a center of symmetry, but no circumsphere (since its faces have no
1909:. May I suggest that the "what is a polyhedron?" definitional issue should be addressed there, but that the subsequent duality issue is best addressed here, where it began? It is not helpful to have parallel discussions on the same issue. If folks have a problem with that, please reply at 4969: 1831:
running into difficulties) then it might make a reasonable example for that. It at least has a well-defined vertex figure (as the link of each vertex lies entirely within the halfspace perpendicular to the center) whose dual polygon could be used as the face shape of a geometric dual. —
1257:. You are probably thinking of some specialised definition that is not part of elementary geometry. Sorry, there is nothing weird about star polyhedra - the same historical comments apply. Perhaps you have not read the right sources. Cromwell gives a careful explanation in his book on 963:
standardised construction of a dual and refer to it as "the" dual, giving the false impression that the geometrical result is unique. At high school level, the best general approach is probably polar reciprocity via the Dorman Luke construction, as introduced by Cundy & Rollett's
As a starter for ten, let's see if we can get an article lead to stick. I cited a primary source for the idea that the dual of every abstract polyhedron is also an abstract polyhedron, there is probably a better one but it needs to be found before this one can be removed. — Cheers,
Do you have any published evidence that it "is sometimes used"? Who has used it, in circumstances where a center of symmetry did not exist, and what did they write about using it? Why are you continuing to try to add material to this article without basing it on published sources?
both self-dual) and Coxeter "Regular compound tessellations of the hyperbolic plane" and Rigby "Some new regular compound tessellations" (both very sloppy, appearing to define self-duality merely by reversal of Schläfli symbols, and not containing the special claims included here).
In general, it is better to spell out quantifiers in English words rather than using symbols, even within set-builder formulas as in this case. There are occasional exceptions where one is specifically discussing quantified formulas (see the first example displayed formula in
correspond to the edges between pairs of faces of the other. Such dual figures remain combinatorial or abstract polyhedra, but not all are also geometric polyhedra." So the claim of nonsense is itself patent nonsense; it disses what I did not say, while reverting what I did.
For a polyhedron, the only meanings of "finite" that i can imagine are: "included in a ball having a finite radius", or "with a finite number of faces". To me: the former is a definition of "bounded", & the latter doesn't seem to fit in your sentence in question (does
5072: 5191:
mentioned, because this does not always exist. (Example: the regular tetrahedron is bounded & has multiple symmetry axes; these intersect at a single point: the center of mass (of the vertices, of the edges, of the faces, of the solid); but this is not a center of
If your arguments were supported by treatments in RS, I would take more cognizance of them. Your remarks illustrate very clearly how the whole "specialized subtopic" issue needs reference to RS, and that is what I do. Let us now consider an example of omission. In his
4405:& the vertices of its dual have the coordinates specified in this file page's Description part. (With the original vertex coordinates, & by their symmetries, one checks that: all original edge lengths are the same (2); all original base angles are right.) 927:
question is this: Am I understanding the dual incorrectly or are there unstated conditions on the original statement? I would appreciate some clarification here. (FYI, I am a high school math teacher, so I understand most of this, but I am not a specialist.)
4048:, the duals of the convex Archimedeans. (In reply to David's concern that "the discussion has already happened", I was not a part of it and, had I been following it, I would certainly have interjected. I do so now.) Firstly, while the points made above by 3676:
my use of "hyperbole" should be considered withdrawn with sincere apologies (others may redact instances if you so wish), and that "perjorative" is the correct spelling of the adjective - "pejorative" is the noun. Etiquette on indentations may be found at
for convex polyhedra, even though they always have a geometric dual. Instead, in that case the "polar reciprocation" method described in our article is more general, and does preserve geometry: the polar of the polar is the original geometric polyhedron. —
I think Steelpillow is...not wrong, but reverting to the "there can only be one definition of a polyhedron and its geometric realization, the abstract polyhedron + mapping from vertices to points one that I use" attitude that caused so much difficulty on
find plenty of literature saying that polycubes are polyhedra. And certainly they would fall into the naive "shape bounded by flat sides" conception of non-convex polyhedra, regardless of whether that conception can be formalized as a proper definition. —
There's no point in specifying that the point in P should be the parallel one with positive dot product, because the same inequality is valid for all the other points in P as well. The added specification just complicates the formula for no good reason.
Too bad, but people do seem to go on about his "generalization". Was he so undistinguished that they don't want to honor him by raising it to a "conjecture"? Perhaps his own schools were too undistinguished for that ;) As for school teachers in general,
are broadly valid, they do not take into account the fact that both Cundy & Rollett and Wenninger discuss this construction in the context of duality. Cundy & Rollett describe it in Section 3.8 on "Dual solids", while Wenninger's book is titled
We are now getting to the nub of why this article discusses just two definitions. Computational geometry uses a definition of "polygon" which differs from those in mainstream geometry textbooks, and so on. All that is dealt with in the articles on the
4968: 4236:
Besides, is there a rigorous mathematical proof anywhere (online) that, when applied to an Archimedean solid (or perhaps more generally to a uniform polyhedron), the DL construction necessarily provides the face shape of the dual polyhedron, please?
does not require an enumeration of different possible definitions, what it needs is to be flexible enough to encompass the reality of various choices of definition of "geometric polyhedron". The version that currently exists does that, correctly.
If the face is an annulus then the figure is no longer a polyhedron in elementary theory, for example it breaks Euler's formula. That was determined in the nineteenth century and affirmed by abstract theory in the 21st. See also the article on the
centers besides. Why is it important to say more than that it's the center of symmetry, when it is symmetry that we are already talking about? I don't see how mentioning that it happens to also be a different center makes it any more specific. —
Right. In other words: a fake consistency does not serve readers well, and serving readers is our job. Links in formulas are confusing and unclear, as well, and in 95% of cases should be removed, usually by rewriting to give an in-text gloss.
One similarly checks (but with most point coordinates (specified in the following file page's Description part) & corresponding plane equations being less simple) that the right square pyramid with side/base edge length ratio: √2, also has
I would agree with that. Pragmatically, we all seem happy to change "the dual polyhedra may not be realizable geometrically" to "the dual figures may not be valid geometric polyhedra". Is there anything still preventing that change? — Cheers,
be bad mathematics! Furthermore, to fail selectively to distinguish between specifically convex polyhedra and polyhedra in general really is bad mathematics, and your ongoing edits while we discuss this are compounding that error. — Cheers,
a right pyramid with a symmetrical base polygon (except the regular tetrahedron) has only 1 symmetry axis (& several symmetry planes containing it); the centroid of the solid pyramid is 1/4 the distance from the base centroid to the
the DL construction works when starting with any convex uniform polyhedron, then it is a pity that reliable sources don't state it, as the proof is probably the same (probably only the number of edges connected to each vertex varies)...
3699:: Sorry for my confusion (the particular context mislead me). Still, horizontal lines separating comments can be added without breaking threads & indentations. Such a line should be automatically added right below each signature! :-V 2540:
The MOS says: "Articles should avoid common blackboard abbreviations such as wrt (with respect to), wlog (without loss of generality), and iff (if and only if), as well as quantifier symbols ∀ and ∃ instead of for all and there exists."
You are still asking the wrong question. We should not be basing article content on your intuition of convenience. We should be basing it on what sources say. I ask again, do you have any published evidence that these choices are used?
My apologies if reasoned discussion came across as arguing with you. You used the term "hyperbole" with reference to some of my remarks, It did not occur to me that you would be unhappy to have it used in the reverse direction - we all
I really can not make my own (humble) opinion on this difficult technical point, as long as every occurence of "pyramids" that should be replaced with "prisms" is not; but a user is not allowed to change other users' comments... :-P
5071: 3205:, Discrete mathematics 307) he was filling out his treatment by allowing the "realization of a nonorientable abstract polyhedron" and referring to planar nets as realizations. Egon Schulte defines faithfulness in Chapter 18 of the 971:. The abstract structural formalism is often associated with topology or "rubber-sheet geometry", and may be sidled up to via the duality of the regular figures and their Schlaefli symbols, where {a b} is dual to {b a}. — Cheers, 601:
where it enables each article to stand on its own. In the present case, the treatment of the common material would tend to diverge in the two articles - the one becoming a little simpler, and the other more advanced. -- Cheers,
Mentioning the center of mass efficiently explains why the symmetry axes necessarily intersect at a single point (& why in this case the centers of mass (of the vertices, of the edges, of the faces, of the solid) are all
I wrote "something like"; besides, i used the term "publications" instead of "authors", because there seems to be an evolution in Grünbaum's approach & terminology; & anyway, i'll leave this addition to you guys...
of some kind or other. One can discuss usages of the term interminably, which is precisely why it is better to excise it from an entry-level discussion of duality than to try and accommodate those varied usages. — Cheers,
691:) of any polyhedron about any sphere. Yes the Dorman Luke construction can be generalised to higher dimensions, but at this level of difficulty it is more productive to generalise polar reciprocation. FYI, see my essay on 1199:
Would benefit from: a diagram showing polar reciprocity, a full section on Wenninger's 'infinite prism' duals, perhaps a table of some common or interesting dual pairs (e.g. the regular pairs and the Csaszar and Szilassi
The fifth sentence was on-topic: one can legitimately wonder why the regular compound of two tetrahedra & the regular compound of ten tetrahedra are self-dual, whereas a regular compound of five tetrahedra is not.
a parallelepiped with (parallelogram) faces of 3 different shapes & 0 right angle is symmetrical about the common midpoint of its body diagonals & of its body medians, has 0 symmetry axis, but has an obvious
In the third sentence: in a (short) section entitled "Self-dual compound polyhedra", "this property" in question was obviously self-duality. Anyway: why removing the whole section, instead of improving the writing?
First off, I realised that the solutions must come in pairs - dualising any solution obtains a second solution (because V and F dualise to each other). I then asked around. Someone pointed out that in the table of
It seems to me that any polyhedra with simple polygonal faces that the dual polyhedron exists topologically, but the practical problem comes down to how to represent that geometrically. And the toroidal (genus-1)
in 2017. The correct resolution now, as then, is to make the article recognize and address the multiplicity of definitions rather than being dogmatic about which definition is the only one the article can use.
also omits these pyramids. So DL ought to be described in an article which embraces both the Catalans and the regular-faced pyramids. No better alternative than the present article has been offered. — Cheers,
3132:"Revert an edit if it is not an improvement, and it cannot be immediately fixed by refinement. Consider reverting only when necessary. BRD does not encourage reverting, but recognizes that reversions happen." 2291:
absolute mayhem. But a slightly more balanced approach would still reap a very large harvest and that would certainly be an improvement. Might some of the deleted remarks find a better home in the article on
was a distinguished philosopher yet he was killed by the quills of his students. Thanks for answering so quickly and BTW, I "see" polyhedra as central point(s) joining apices. It's a chemist sort of thing.
I am not sure what you mean. Both "finite" and "bounded" can mean different things in different contexts. Can you give an example of a centrally-symmetric finite polyhedron which is not bounded? — Cheers,
on sources that are primarily about symmetric polyhedra; of course in that context, they're going to discuss concepts that relate to that class of polyhedra, but that doesn't make such concepts, which are
3545:"The correct resolution now, as in 2017, is to" add something like: "Some recent publications prefer to say that the realizations of the abstract duals may not be valid geometric polyhedra.", isn't it? -- 446:
As these articles pad out, I think this begins to make for rather large pages. For example, consider listing all the interesting dual pairs in every dimensionality all on a single page! <shudder!: -->
Now that the ANI issue is basically settled, I will return to these discussions once I know where they are taking place: both the duality and the "what is a polyhedron?" discussions have been forked to
Thank you for your answer. I knew my ``"regular tetrahedron" ("centered" on the origin) with all its vertices, edges, & faces at infinity`` is a tiling of a plane, so i thought it could be convex.
4195:(Int. J. Math. Ed. in Sci. & Tech., 2006) touches on it without specifically mentioning the Archimedeans (p.625, Section 5). So your arguments are not borne out by RS, whereas mine are. — Cheers, 2320:
I am happy with Hart as a reference for the existence of compounds of polyhedra with their duals, and that some of these compounds have other properties. But I think they are interesting examples of
2384:. Please do not continue adding poorly-sourced material back to this article. Find the sources FIRST, and then base your additions on what they actually say, not on what you would like them to say. — 849:, the 4th from the left in row 5 and the 2nd from the left in the last row are dual solutions. I checked the rest, then the simpler hexahedra, etc, and his solution appears to be correct. — Cheers, 4335:
Excuse me for my (good faith) replacing of your "finite" with "convex". I owe you an explanation for this blunder: i thought you had unintentionally written "finite" instead of "convex", because:
I'm not fixated on centroids over other centers: it's the passage in question & the sentence just after it that were, before you changed the former & surprisingly (*) removed the latter:
3510:. Like most people, I sometimes use hyperbole, and have no objection to that being pointed out when relevant, but there is no use of hyperbole whatsoever in the comment you called hyperbolic. 5759:. I personally dislike my own suggestion, as I am sure that one day we will have to move it again, but for now it does seem to be the home that best conforms to Knowledge's policies. — Cheers, 715:
Has anyone noticed that all references, citations, and Wiki links to my transverse homonym are missing from these articles? Even his/her/their biography(ies) is (are) missing from WikipediA.
Hello, I don't have access to the pages you mentioned (I found p.30 in Google books). So as you say it works for any uniform dual. Could you please show me how it works to find the faces of
The Dorman Luke example of going from the cuboctahedron to its dual, the rhombic dodecahedron, needs a better explanation — especially of why the vertex figure is drawn as a 1:√2 rectangle.
211: 5483:): Then, what about replacing "this can be used" with "this is sometimes used"? Because the sentence just after that claims "it is possible to reciprocate a polyhedron about any sphere". -- 5893: 5857: 5842: 5709: 5658: 5610: 5393:
an oblique prism with isosceles triangle bases & 1 rectangle side face is symmetrical through the plane lying on the opposite side edge & perpendicular to the rectangle side face;
3859:(because its sources only describe it as applying to construct the face shapes of Catalan solids) and cut down to what the sources describe (without mention of midpoints or midspheres). — 764:
The generalisation of his construction seems to have been first described by Wenninger. Both Luke's original and Wenninger's generalisation are simplifications of construction methods in
Indeed I am. It is the original published source of the Dorman Luke construction. But I am not sure what point is being made here. Nor am I clear that I am worth arguing over. — Cheers,
Dorman Luke construction is described in his chapter on "The Thirteen Semi-Regular Convex Polyhedra and their Duals", i.e. excluding the regular-faced pyramids, while our article on the
3002: 1888:
In case other editors are worried by that, you are of course welcome to keep editing the article as usual. I am only suggesting that this discussion be put on hold for a bit. — Cheers,
See also paragraph on Pages 32-5 and the whole of Chapter IV. Indeed, I strongly recommend studying his entire text and accompanying drawings before jumping to conclusions. — Cheers,
5270:"For a bounded polyhedron having multiple symmetry axes, these will necessarily intersect at a single point: its centroid, and this is usually taken to be the center of the sphere."; 3326:
subsection is totally abstract... It should show the diagrams of a small poset & of its dual, a dual which ideally could not have a faithful geometric realization; shouldn't it?
2676: 5722:(W87). Its Dorman Luke construction is shown on Page 49. If you enable user email in your preferences and send me an off-wiki message, I can send you a photo of the page. — Cheers, 3393:
Well, I prefer the current version, and I infer from DE's comments & actions that he does as well (please correct if this is wrong). So that's a thing preventing the change. --
2772: 2185:
Thank you again for your answer; don't worry: i won't create my own mathematics website & cite it... & even if i did, you would recognize my presentation/writing style! ;-)
amplifying came up. My tag was reverted without discussion, which breaches our behavioural guidelines (You are letting your tea go cold, David), so I opened a discussion. — Cheers,
The most obvious way that a shape bounded by flat sides would fail to be elementary would be for it to violate the "every 1-section is a segment" constraint. For instance, take a
Eh? What did I get wrong there? What words have I messed with? If you don't like my suggestion, I'd be as happy as you to go with the one you are perfectly happy with. — Cheers,
5889: 5853: 5838: 5705: 5654: 5606: 2885: 2856: 2725: 2955: 2904:
Anyway, some non-mathematician readers may assume that "q|q·p" means: "q|q", denoting another operation, possibly some kind of division, followed by the dot product with p. --
1516: 2583:) but they are rare and do not apply in this article. For the same reason, I would also strongly consider using the English word "in" in place of the set membership operator 578:
What about putting the polytopes stuff (including any polytope-specific generalizations) at the end of the article, after the elementary stuff? The concept of dual polytopes
WatchDuck: Thank you very much for copying my message in the appropriate talk page, and so, making me understand that yes, i could edit this article: in the right Wiki. :-)
Many mistakes reside unnoticed for years on Knowledge. That is neither proof they are not mistakes, nor reason to leave them there once someone does notice them! — Cheers,
Still missing the point. We have a separate article about duals of convex uniform polyhedra. The construction belongs there, not in this article about more general duals. —
a generalization of dual polyhedra, after all. We can add a section, maybe entitled "Generalization to higher dimensions", and put the polytope-related material under it.—
So the DL construction also applies to this pyramid, even though this & its dual are not uniform, since they are not isogonal & their side faces are not regular.
3804:; we aim at this point. But starting with e.g. the rhombic dodecahedron, it is another point on each connected edge than its midpoint that is also a point of tangency to 5258:
Sorry: i hastily thought that David Eppstein had hastily rejected my suggestion (as he sometimes does), & that he had meant "the center of a central symmetry"... :-P
discussion into (geometric) polar reciprocity and abstract polyhedra. If I did not make differing statements about the two differing classes of understanding, now that
gives results that better preserve the geometry. I hope I interpreted your comments correctly, please let me know if I am misunderstanding anything. Thanks again!
2601: 3045: 3632:
I placed my latest reply above Steelpillow's latest reply, because mine is not important & requires no reply, whereas his is important & requires a reply.
3022: 2827: 2792: 2696: 2380:
that you have ignored the main reason for the removal, now discussed extensively above, the lack of adequate reliable sources, needed to prevent this from being
because the remark stands alone, without explanation, as the conclusion to a subsection and I fail to see any encyclopedic value in it. Is there any? — Cheers,
elementary stuff back here - so by all means move or copy across the relevant stuff, but please save me the trouble of recreating this article over. -- Cheers,
1874:"On hold" means that you get your way — the article stays in its misleading-to-readers state. Why should that be the default outcome of your drama-mongering? — 5366:
only if we weight all points equally is the barycenter (CG) of a figure coincident with the centroid, so it might be simpler to avoid talk of mass. — Cheers,
are not polyhedra? They also have simple polygon faces, manifold boundaries, and enclose a volume (unlike Kepler–Poinsot) but do not obey Euler's formula. —
The Hart claim is technically correct, but I seem to recall it was wrongly presented here. The Stella Octangula is indeed the only self-dual compound of a
772:(here a circle). The appealing feature of these simplifications is that they are suited to the classroom, not that they have any theoretical novelty. BTW, 2421:
regular polyhedron. What we do not have is a source for the claim that the regular compound of ten tetrahedra is the only self-dual compound of a regular
is the only uniform star polyhedron with ambiguity and can be considered degenerate, and need to be seen as coinciding edges to be topologically manifold.
More correctly, a concentric reciprocal will not be a polyhedron. The dual does exist, and if you move the sphere off-center it becomes finite. — Cheers,
5964: 5954: 1414: 730:
I guess that's because he was (IIRC) an otherwise undistinguished school teacher, whose construction was only ever published by other authors. — Cheers,
308: 298: 201: 5264:"For bounded polyhedra having multiple symmetry axes, these will necessarily intersect at a single point, and this is usually taken to be the centroid." 3080:
of non-convex geometric polyhedra, the dual geometric figure may not be a polyhedron", which for illustrative purposes we may precis as "the dual is an
construction applies to any canonical dual pair and indeed to any polyhedron having an intersphere, but I have never seen any proof of that. — Cheers,
540:— we can use dual polyhedra to explain to concept first, and then lead on to polytopes. This should keep the article accessible to the general reader. 5926:
In the passage "For example, the dual of a regular tetrahedron", there should be a link from 'tetrahedron' to the Knowledge article on that topic.
4029:. The discussion has already happened; it is here; there was little or no opposition to the move. Please explain your revert or restore the move. — 347:. Would it make sense to extend this article so that it applies to both? There are quite a good number of articles on 4-dimensional polytopes (see 5383:
If "In particular" is not added, then some readers may deduce that an obvious centroid is always the intersection point of multiple symmetry axes.
Besides, it also seems to me that certain editors make an excessive use of the "Revert" part of the BRD cycle, & tend to become harder if the
one without the other. If you want to pick nits over definitions, there is no standard definition for "polyhedron", whether convex or otherwise. "
84: 58: 5833:
Hello and sorry for delay. I found page 32 and read it and I found out what is going on, thank you. About the thing you said, maybe page 117 in
Everything needs a source, not just the part that was dubious and disputed. Getting rid of that part does not eliminate the need for a source. —
am dismayed at recent attempts to downplay this generality and move back to a view of the world in which all polyhedra are abstract polyhedra. —
a concentric sphere, the dual will be convex and finite." work even if the centrally-symmetric convex polyhedron is not bounded, please? :-P --
177: 2066:(But with my mobile, i could not find the "parallel" symbol, so i wrote "//"; of course, i could not reduce the space between the two "/"...) 1218:. This is the fundamental definition of dual polyhedra and can be found in most any book on the subject. There is an equivalent definition of 5949: 2506: 5480: 5329:
having an obvious centroid, it is common to make the polyhedron and sphere concentric, as in the Dorman Luke construction described below.
996: 928: 879: 420:
Incidentally, there's LOTS of links to this article. I've found it useful elsewhere to link expanded by article/headers. In this case like
274: 3921:
outright incorrect (it says to use midpoints of edges in all cases but then also says that it might work for polyhedra with midspheres). —
I'm asking you just because you are the last user who edited the WikiVisually article entitled "Dual polyhedron", which i can not edit...
The ref i had added was not sufficient, but it sourced some elements; why removing the whole section, instead of improving the sourcing?
In geometry, every polyhedron is associated with a second dual polyhedron, where the vertices of one correspond to the faces of the other
5959: 2607:
and the fact that many readers of this article are likely to be non-mathematicians; words are easier to read than unfamiliar notation. —
I trust you feel better for having got that off your chest. One day we will sit down, enjoy a cup of tea, and laugh this off. — Cheers,
5719: 4366:
If you think someone has made a mistake in their comment then you ask, you do not change. That is fundamental point of etiquette, see
That paper is decades old. It discusses realizations only in the context of acoptic polyhedra (all of which are orientable). By 2009 (
5147: 1580: 168: 129: 3706:: I can find "perjorative" neither on Reverso, nor on Linguee, nor in my English/French dictionary, nor in my English dictionary... 1950:
In its 1.1 paragraph, entitled "Polar reciprocation", is a very unclear mathematical writing; just after this equation of sphere:
The Dorman Luke construction of the dual essentially makes use of the fact that the facets of the dual polytope are precisely the
4401:& 3 orthonormal axes placed as on the following figure, the vertices & edge midpoints of a regular faced square pyramid 3851:
So I looked up both of our supposed sources for this, Cundy&Rollett and Wenninger. (1) The method they describe is only for
1193:, these subpages are now deprecated. The comments may be irrelevant or outdated; if so, please feel free to remove this section. 5244:, because that's a different phrase with a different meaning. Maybe the similarity of wording is the cause of confusion here? — 2580: 1586: 257: 234: 944:
other – but (when the duality is performed in a setting where geometric duality does not work) loses its geometric structure.
as intersphere, & has the same properties regarding its vertex figures, except that its side edge points of tangency to
The text of the article says the midpoints of the edges. Now you say the points of tangency of the midsphere. Which is it? —
I have moved it across and left behind a small subsection, which others of you may or may not wish to rearrange. — Cheers,
That ... also is definitely false. I think you will have to forgive me if, at this point, I abandon this conversation. --
2170:(usually meaning, published by reputable journals or book publishers). Web pages are usually not reliable in this sense. — 407:
I prefer to put them together, since otherwise there will be a lot of needless repetition. So option 1 sounds good to me.—
5439:"Failing that, a circumscribed sphere, inscribed sphere, or midsphere (one with all edges as tangents) is commonly used." 2858:"; indeed: on Knowledge, polyhedra are defined as "3-dimensional" figures, but there are other 3-dimensional spaces than 2557:
Suggestion: in a math formula, using the necessary math symbols, but bluelinking each of them to an explanation article.
1572: 33: 776:
was a distinguished philosopher but killed himself because he was condemned to do so by his fellow citizens. — Cheers,
But some symmetrical polyhedra also having an obvious centroid have only 1 or even 0 symmetry axis. So, the following
Maybe you should address your questions to the editor who made those edits, rather than to me? Also you should read
duals (i.e., The Archimedean or semi-regular duals) is to use the so-called Dorman Luke construction." Thank you,
5701: 5240:
which makes clear that, according to that definition, it is indeed a center of symmetry. It is not the center of a
Starting with a convex uniform polyhedron, the midpoint of each edge connected to V is also a point of tangency to
What's the point in restoring an indentation error ("::" followed by "::") that glues comments by different users?
2510: 5871: 5782: 5575: 5532: 5504: 5474: 5420: 5380:
Thank you for your answer. I agree with it, & i think it supports my latest suggestions of changes; indeed:
5295: 5249: 5175: 5103: 4253:
dual will be convex and finite. We define a vertex figure, for this purpose (there are others, see for example
4177: 4143: 4093: 4034: 3959: 3926: 3864: 3827: 3791: 3570: 3355: 3192: 2799: 2612: 2520:
if the reader cannot see that from the drawing of the cut apex, is there any point in explaining it? — Cheers,
2490: 2389: 2277: 2175: 2128: 2092: 2049: 2001: 1879: 1836: 1758: 1708: 1626: 1562: 1547: 1380: 1345: 1301: 1243: 1000: 953: 932: 5649:
No, It worked for convex examples for him. I saw page 30, it is written:"The easiest way to find the faces of
2960: 1471: 1293: 883: 5386:
But some symmetrical polyhedra having only 1 or even 0 symmetry axis also have an obvious centroid. Examples:
Is that what reliable sources say about this construction, or are you trying to figure it out for yourself? —
5756: 5513:
No, but this sentence had been in the article for a long time, & everyone used to be happy with it... --
3733:'s changes seem like they are trying to fix it, but they leave the text too garbled for me to understand. -- 3166: 2554:
Moreover, it would be consistent to replace "|" with "such that", and "{...}" with "the set of ...", too...
2337: 2216: 2044:
True. But other than in changing the variable names, I don't think the proposed formula is an improvement. —
5931: 5755:
an inappropriate home, I do not think that any argument can be sustained against moving it to that on the
prism", so that even with equilateral triangle bases, it has no circumsphere, & generally no insphere.
2646: 2443:
There is no obligation to discuss before making a bold edit, and indeed I began discussion earlier in the
2377: 2233:
The fourth (parenthetical) sentence was a proof that the regular compound of ten tetrahedra is self-dual.
1859:. Until that is resolved, I would be grateful if folks could regard this discussion as on hold. — Cheers, 1812: 1153: 4254: 3364:
Right; I'm not sure I articulated this well in my last comment, but I agree it's the same phenomenon. --
2745: 2328:. If someone wants to add material about duality together with some nice examples (properly sourced) to 990:
of symmetry, and even then the dual of the dual is not equal to the original shape, nor even necessarily
5907: 5866:
I would assume that Steelpillow is already familiar with Cundy & Rollett's coverage of this topic. —
5814: 5764: 5727: 5672: 5629: 5546: 5371: 5223: 5141: 4375: 4323: 4293: 4263: 4200: 4158: 4110: 4072: 3685: 3585: 3494: 3462: 3413: 3384: 3305: 3269: 3235: 3155: 3150:
Anyway, I have deleted the false statement until all involved can agree on a correct version. — Cheers,
3103: 2525: 2430: 2300: 2035: 1918: 1893: 1864: 1821: 1781: 1739: 1671: 1656: 1498: 1444: 1365: 1328: 1266: 1227: 1168: 1019: 976: 911: 854: 781: 735: 700: 692: 606: 568: 39: 5927: 3655:, which clearly explains why others have been repeatedly correcting your indentation and sequencing. -- 1938: 507: 154: 3182:
For acoptic (non-self-intersecting) polyhedra it doesn't work and there exist polyhedra without duals.
5834: 4367: 3808:; we still aim at this point (see the "Canonical dual" (subsubsection) compound figure); don't we? -- 2861: 2832: 2701: 1515:
that you could have toroidal cells in a 4-polytope, but I've never explored what exists there! (Like
875: 663:
I'd add this to the article, except that I'm not sure if this violates original research or not. :-)—
387: 376: 89: 63: 21: 5867: 5796: 5778: 5571: 5528: 5500: 5470: 5416: 5291: 5245: 5171: 5099: 4173: 4139: 4089: 4049: 4030: 3973: 3955: 3922: 3860: 3823: 3787: 3738: 3660: 3566: 3519: 3479: 3438: 3398: 3369: 3351: 3284: 3253: 3188: 2924: 2795: 2631: 2608: 2604: 2486: 2453: 2408: 2385: 2273: 2171: 2124: 2088: 2045: 1997: 1875: 1832: 1754: 1727: 1704: 1622: 1558: 1543: 1467: 1376: 1341: 1312: 1297: 1289: 1239: 949: 923: 765: 668: 587: 533: 5119: 3323: 2548: 273:
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
on Knowledge. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join
5237: 5076: 4135: 2890:
However, i guess that the formula in question is not the right place for such a specification. --
2333: 2212: 1288:
convex polyhedra continue to be valid more generally. For that matter, would you assert that the
1141: 160: 144: 123: 5218:
Of course the regular tetrahedron has a center of symmetry. I agree with David here. — Cheers,
been standardized, as the Grünbaum 2007 reference that I added makes clear. (And Lakatos' book
2329: 2292: 1802: 1698:
segment disallows some perfectly-reasonable flat-sided solids that many would call polyhedra.
1611: 1524: 1484: 1149: 831: 813: 755: 720: 630: 520: 352: 3906:
but this entry mentions uniform polyhedra, midpoints, & midspheres several times each. --
and expand with divided sections by dimension? (starting with regular polygons as self-duals)
5903: 5828: 5810: 5760: 5723: 5695: 5668: 5644: 5625: 5560: 5542: 5518: 5488: 5451: 5405: 5367: 5356: 5281: 5241: 5219: 5209: 5159: 5137: 5127: 5098:? That's not how Knowledge works. You need to provide published sources, not calculations. — 5084: 4371: 4357: 4319: 4308: 4289: 4278: 4259: 4242: 4215: 4196: 4154: 4125: 4106: 4068: 4016: 3988: 3945: 3911: 3842: 3813: 3777: 3715: 3703: 3681: 3680:. I just hope this post arrives with my sig attached and not my IP address again. — Cheers, 3677: 3652: 3641: 3600: 3581: 3561: 3550: 3490: 3458: 3409: 3380: 3334: 3301: 3265: 3231: 3151: 3141: 3099: 3056: 2909: 2895: 2732: 2568: 2521: 2475: 2426: 2359: 2296: 2250: 2192: 2156: 2123:
It wasn't a waste of time. The resulting change in variable names was a clear improvement. —
2113: 2076: 2031: 1987: 1914: 1889: 1860: 1817: 1777: 1735: 1667: 1652: 1601: 1494: 1440: 1361: 1324: 1262: 1223: 1164: 1015: 972: 907: 850: 777: 731: 696: 602: 564: 548: 465: 1596: 1591: 249: 228: 3346: 1910: 1906: 823: 383: 4120:
Knowledge article for the Dorman Luke construction would become easier to make...? :-P --
2586: 1010:
The only clarification I would make is that it is more accurate to say "depending on how
3027: 5792: 4063: 4045: 3969: 3749: 3734: 3696: 3656: 3616: 3515: 3475: 3434: 3394: 3365: 3295: 3280: 3249: 2627: 2560: 2449: 2404: 1699: 1539: 1508: 1476: 801: 664: 583: 529: 408: 356: 5527:
So what? That is not addressing the point and not a valid argument for including it. —
article simply avoids the term in this sentence, then the problems go away? — Cheers,
3007: 2812: 2777: 2681: 1404: 456:
page for the general theory, e.g. to do justice to the duality of abstract polytopes.
5943: 5752: 4081: 4026: 4022: 3856: 3852: 3729:
What is it actually supposed to be? The first step has always been under-specified;
Twice now my posts have been corrupted by a problem with my login session being lost.
here. Back on topic, my criticism of the putative sentence is not to do with duality
3449: 2444: 1856: 1512: 1276: 1190: 769: 768:
that had been known for many years - specifically the polarisation of a polygon in a
476: 433: 429: 425: 421: 391: 369: 3891: 3230:." (His emphasis). So basing anything here on that paper alone is unwise. — Cheers, 1275:
For an even worse example, look at the rightmost polyhedron in Figure 1 of my paper
5095: 2551:, replacing "∀" with "for all" results in mixing math symbols and English words... 2381: 2265: 2167: 2166:
Sources written in languages other than English are allowed. However, they must be
1798: 1647: 1607: 1520: 1480: 1337: 827: 809: 751: 716: 626: 516: 503: 487: 437: 398: 3319:
Indeed: i didn't comment JBL's latest 2 replies, because i don't understand them.
prompts me to wonder: What's the simplest convex polyhedron which has V=F but is
for dimensional subsections. That works well as long as headers are not changed!
5556: 5514: 5484: 5447: 5401: 5352: 5277: 5205: 5155: 5123: 5080: 4747:
is 1/√2, so their coordinates satisfy the equation (√2)y = 1 of the polar plane
is 1/√2, so their coordinates satisfy the equation (√2)z = 1 of the polar plane
4353: 4304: 4274: 4238: 4211: 4121: 3984: 3941: 3907: 3838: 3809: 3773: 3730: 3711: 3637: 3596: 3546: 3330: 3329:
This way, the terminology in question would seem slightly less crucial... ;-) --
3137: 3052: 2905: 2891: 2728: 2564: 2471: 2371: 2355: 2246: 2188: 2152: 2109: 2072: 1983: 1589:
can have ambiguity of coinciding vertices, like this sequence, slightly offset:
1315:" is that branch of geometry which derives from the ideas expressed in Euclid's 1206:
Last edited at 21:44, 4 June 2007 (UTC). Substituted at 19:56, 1 May 2016 (UTC)
846: 173: 77: 52: 3209:, 3rd Edition, 2017. I have only his draft, which states, "The realization is 3169: 1723: 1643: 1254: 1219: 495: 150: 5704:
for example? I might have understood it wrongly. Thanks for your attention,
comes from, so I think it just makes the formula unnecessarily complicated. —
dual topology still exists, still just ugly geometry. This does remind me on
1576: 348: 270: 266: 4918:(1/√2,1/√2,1/√2) is the corresponding vertex of the dual. So, by symmetry, 4044:
I am not convinced that this section should be moved to the article on the
Similarly, the article deals with the duals of polyhedra as defined in the
respectively the distances from its centre to the pole and its polar, then:
Mentioning the center of mass can prevent from making this tempting error.
David Eppstein: I agree: i wrote "u" and "v" instead of "M" and "N". :-)
You will find many, if not all, of the constructions in Wenninger's book
2295:? Perhaps, if better sources can be found, but I know of none. — Cheers, 1749: 773: 746: 344: 5935: 5911: 5897: 5875: 5861: 5846: 5818: 5800: 5786: 5768: 5731: 5713: 5676: 5662: 5633: 5614: 5579: 5564: 5550: 5536: 5522: 5508: 5492: 5455: 5424: 5409: 5375: 5360: 5308:
Thank you for your answer & for your edit. The whole passage is now:
5299: 5285: 5253: 5227: 5213: 5179: 5163: 5131: 5107: 5088: 4379: 4361: 4327: 4312: 4297: 4282: 4267: 4246: 4204: 4181: 4162: 4147: 4129: 4114: 4097: 4076: 4038: 3992: 3977: 3963: 3949: 3930: 3915: 3868: 3846: 3831: 3817: 3795: 3781: 3742: 3719: 3689: 3664: 3645: 3604: 3589: 3574: 3554: 3523: 3498: 3483: 3474:
If you mean in the discussion on this page, that is definitely false. —
3466: 3442: 3417: 3402: 3388: 3373: 3359: 3338: 3309: 3288: 3273: 3257: 3239: 3196: 3159: 3145: 3107: 3060: 2913: 2899: 2803: 2736: 2635: 2616: 2572: 2529: 2514: 2494: 2479: 2457: 2434: 2412: 2393: 2363: 2341: 2304: 2281: 2254: 2220: 2196: 2179: 2160: 2132: 2117: 2096: 2080: 2053: 2039: 2005: 1922: 1897: 1883: 1868: 1840: 1825: 1806: 1785: 1762: 1743: 1712: 1675: 1660: 1630: 1615: 1566: 1551: 1528: 1502: 1488: 1448: 1384: 1369: 1349: 1332: 1305: 1270: 1247: 1231: 1172: 1157: 1023: 1004: 980: 957: 936: 915: 887: 858: 835: 817: 785: 759: 739: 724: 704: 672: 634: 610: 591: 572: 551: 537: 524: 511: 498: 490: 468: 440: 411: 401: 359: 5075:
So, in my opinion, the DL construction part should not be moved to the
1639: 262: 906:
are not (only the regular tetrahedron is). Hope this helps. — Cheers,
355:), which would make good use of a more general description of duals.— 3879:
only, so i didn't mention: Dual Polyhedron -- from Wolfram MathWorld
I thought this was settled but today's edits convince me otherwise.
Euler's Gem: The Polyhedron Formula and the Birth of Modern Topology
having multiple symmetry axes, these will necessarily intersect at
compound of a single self-dual uniform polyhedron with its dual. --
You used the term "hyperbole" with reference to some of my remarks
625:, since polytope is the general case and polyhedron is specific. — 5624:(Cambridge University Press, 1983). It worked for him. — Cheers, 4930:, is the vertex of the dual corresponding to the side face plane 1014:
two shapes have to be for us to call them 'the same'". — Cheers,
4102: 2468:
PS: sorry for the "Rewrited" that i wrote in my Edit summary...
See two last paragraphs of the page I mentioned in particular.
I don't object to "hyperbole" as pejorative, I object to it as
In the passage in question, the center of symmetry is rightly
3126: 2318:
the first paragraph of the reference you added, incidentally.
In general our polyhedron articles have often been overrun by
1399: 15: 5345:, and this is usually taken to be the center of the sphere.", 4954:& its dual are not uniform, since they are not isogonal; 339:
Many of the concepts described in this article also apply to
Please, could you improve this writing into something like:
until it all gets too big, then float it off on its own. --
reasonable; there is nothing hyperbolic about any of that.
N and M are not good choices of variables for 3d vectors. —
rather than fork the discussion about the fork! — Cheers,
I am familiar with Euler's formula and its generalizations
What's the point in restoring a typo ("perjorative" : -->
geometric figures may not be valid polyhedra". — Cheers,
polyhedron, but the dual geometric figure might not be a
This has been removed from the lead as "outright false":
polyhedron (& is probably right on this point)... --
4457:(-√2,√2,0), is 0; so these are orthogonal. So the edge 4425:, satisfy the equation x²+y²+z² = 1 of the unit sphere 3673: 3671: 3076: 2207: 1796: 1185: 379:
article and move/expand the 4D/honeycomb content there?
5001:. And for its base vertex figures: e.g., by symmetry, 3113:
This latest version (right above) seems clearer to me.
webpage written in French, to source a statement in a
I'm so sorry for bothering you... Entschuldigung! :-P
Dual polyhedron#Kinds of duality##Polar reciprocation
Dual polyhedron#Kinds of duality##Topological duality
3030: 3010: 2963: 2927: 2864: 2835: 2815: 2780: 2748: 2704: 2684: 2649: 2589: 2549:
Dual polyhedron#Kinds of duality##Polar reciprocation
Thank you for your answer. But i had specified: "an
seems that this is also consistent with Grunbaum. --
goes on after they've exposed their first arguments.
process until we reach the trivial case (polygons).
I'd like to keep this page fairly simple, and add a
261:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 172:, a collaborative effort to improve the coverage of 5594:
Dorman Luke construction for all uniform polyhedra?
5184:Thank you for your detailed answer. But precisely: 4966:(as the 3rd coordinate of every base vertex is 0). 4134:Ok, then put the construction for uniform duals in 4057:, a bit of a giveaway really. So there is a strong 3752:: Starting with a polyhedron having an intersphere 1968:
P° = {N € R^3, N // M, & 0 =< N.M =< r^2}
5718:The great triambic icosahedron is the dual of the 4668:(-1/√2,1/√2,1/√2). The dot product of the vectors 3039: 3016: 2996: 2949: 2879: 2850: 2821: 2786: 2766: 2719: 2690: 2670: 2595: 2563:: what do you think of this suggestion, please? -- 643:Generalization of the Dorman Luke construction to 3892: 2149:In advance, thank you very much for your answer! 2106:Sorry for making you guys waste your time... :-/ 1277:Steinitz theorems for simple orthogonal polyhedra 87:, a project which is currently considered to be 3207:Handbook of Discrete and Computational Geometry 2448:adding unsourced content after an objection. -- 1189:, and are posted here for posterity. Following 4914:has the equation x/(√2)+y/(√2)+z/(√2) = 1, so 1962:where y.x denotes the dot product of y and x. 3875:I thought you were talking about sources for 3560:No. This sort of mealy-mouthed bothesidesist 2603:in the same formula. We need to keep in mind 1959:P° = {y € R^3 / y.x =< r^2 for all x € P} 1183:The comment(s) below were originally left at 417:Sounds good! I wonder who else is watching? 8: 5114:Center of mass taken to be center of sphere? 4946:So an "extended" DL construction applies to 4839:(-√2,0,0) is 0, so these are orthogonal. So 4676:(-√2,0,0) is 0, so these are orthogonal. So 3034: 2941: 2501:Dorman Luke example needs better explanation 1956:the dual of a polyhedron P is expressed as: 4875:" is vertical, so they are orthogonal. So " 4343:"centrally-symmetric finite" (hadn't you?). 3764:of the tangent lines connected to a vertex 2809:Actually, i appreciated the specification " 2352:Still: why removing before discussing? :-/ 1261:, which I suggest you check out. — Cheers, 4370:. Why you did it is irrelevant. — Cheers, 3935:I've never said this entry was clear. But 223: 118: 47: 4021:You reverted my move of this material to 3725:Dorman Luke construction: over-specified? 3029: 3009: 2997:{\displaystyle \mid ~q\cdot p\leq r^{2},} 2985: 2962: 2932: 2926: 2871: 2867: 2866: 2863: 2842: 2838: 2837: 2834: 2814: 2779: 2758: 2754: 2753: 2747: 2711: 2707: 2706: 2703: 2683: 2662: 2658: 2657: 2648: 2588: 3203:Graphs of polyhedra; polyhedra as graphs 3175:Convex polyhedra have duals (as we know) 2536:ALWAYS avoid quantifier symbols ∀ and ∃? 3168:(a reference to a similar statement in 2774:altogether. It's unambiguous which set 1795:section and part of a longer sentence. 1475:center, the dual won't exist, like the 1323:, Princeton (2008) to that.) — Cheers, 225: 120: 99:Knowledge:WikiProject Uniform Polytopes 49: 19: 4985:But for its apex figure: by symmetry, 4660:(0,1/√2,1/√2) is the midpoint of also 3511: 3503: 3471: 2742:I think maybe it's better without the 967:and treated more fully in Wenninger's 872:case, so that it makes sense at all? 102:Template:WikiProject Uniform Polytopes 5602:polyhedron» not «Archimedean solid»? 4409:The coordinates of the midpoint e.g. 3408:properly cited, of course? — Cheers, 3075:The latest revert was justified with 2671:{\displaystyle q\in \mathbb {R} ^{3}} 2643:In the same formula, why not replace 1977:In advance, thank you very much! :-) 7: 4170:inapplicable to almost all polyhedra 2767:{\displaystyle \in \mathbb {R} ^{3}} 394:with dimensional article references? 255:This article is within the scope of 166:This article is within the scope of 83:This article is within the scope of 2547:But within a math formula, like in 2226:Why removing before discussing...? 2146:English Knowledge article, please? 2030:are probably even worse. — Cheers, 1911:the higher-level article discussion 1726:article. That deals primarily with 1142:Inversive geometry#Circle inversion 621:In passing, I'm amused at the term 38:It is of interest to the following 5720:great ditrigonal icosidodecahedron 5150:): Do you have an opinion on this 4811:is the center of the circumcircle 4640:is the center of the circumcircle 3093:allow either both or neither here. 2544:Within a sentence in English: OK. 2332:, I certainly would not object. -- 687:or, incorrectly in this instance, 14: 5965:Mid-importance Polyhedra articles 5955:Mid-priority mathematics articles 5777:per my earlier discussion here. — 4831:. The dot product of the vectors 4727:Similarly: the 2nd coordinate of 4477:. So, by symmetry, every edge of 4441:. The dot product of the vectors 3224:is a bijection; otherwise, it is 3098:geometric polyhedron"? — Cheers, 1581:great disnub dirhombidodecahedron 1517:Higher Toroidal Regular Polytopes 1191:several discussions in past years 1163:Yes indeed. Now fixed. — Cheers, 1072:is the radius of the sphere, and 186:Knowledge:WikiProject Mathematics 5070: 4967: 2880:{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{3}} 2851:{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{3}} 2720:{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{3}} 2103:would care about my message)... 1811:I had removed the bit about the 1791:Here's the original edit in the 1600: 1595: 1590: 1403: 900:are self-dual, most regular poly 364:Good to add something! Choices? 248: 227: 189:Template:WikiProject Mathematics 153: 143: 122: 76: 51: 20: 2581:true quantified Boolean formula 1719:The lead needs to reflect this. 460:? well, I'd keep it as part of 303:This article has been rated as 283:Knowledge:WikiProject Polyhedra 206:This article has been rated as 5912:08:41, 23 September 2021 (UTC) 5898:08:37, 23 September 2021 (UTC) 5888:I did not say he/she doesn't. 5876:06:50, 23 September 2021 (UTC) 5862:06:05, 23 September 2021 (UTC) 5847:06:00, 23 September 2021 (UTC) 5819:08:28, 20 September 2021 (UTC) 5801:23:02, 19 September 2021 (UTC) 5787:18:51, 19 September 2021 (UTC) 5769:15:52, 19 September 2021 (UTC) 5732:08:22, 16 September 2021 (UTC) 5714:07:48, 16 September 2021 (UTC) 5677:17:21, 15 September 2021 (UTC) 5663:16:46, 15 September 2021 (UTC) 5634:16:17, 15 September 2021 (UTC) 5615:15:26, 15 September 2021 (UTC) 5108:21:39, 18 September 2021 (UTC) 4981:are not also their midpoints. 4871:is horizontal & the line " 3066:False statement being restored 2964: 2950:{\displaystyle P^{\circ }=\{q} 2530:08:51, 26 September 2020 (UTC) 2515:01:41, 26 September 2020 (UTC) 1024:18:48, 19 September 2023 (UTC) 1005:20:56, 18 September 2023 (UTC) 981:07:50, 16 September 2023 (UTC) 958:21:49, 15 September 2023 (UTC) 937:21:16, 15 September 2023 (UTC) 286:Template:WikiProject Polyhedra 1: 5267:should be rephrased, such as: 5089:02:47, 3 September 2021 (UTC) 4084:is exactly about the duality 2495:00:48, 6 September 2020 (UTC) 2480:23:39, 5 September 2020 (UTC) 2458:19:30, 5 September 2020 (UTC) 2435:20:16, 5 September 2020 (UTC) 2413:19:30, 5 September 2020 (UTC) 2394:18:59, 5 September 2020 (UTC) 2364:14:08, 3 September 2020 (UTC) 2342:11:54, 3 September 2020 (UTC) 2305:07:56, 3 September 2020 (UTC) 2282:04:57, 3 September 2020 (UTC) 2255:01:18, 3 September 2020 (UTC) 2221:22:51, 2 September 2020 (UTC) 1923:15:56, 13 February 2017 (UTC) 1898:20:40, 11 February 2017 (UTC) 1884:20:05, 11 February 2017 (UTC) 1869:19:29, 11 February 2017 (UTC) 1841:18:10, 11 February 2017 (UTC) 1826:11:26, 11 February 2017 (UTC) 1807:10:50, 11 February 2017 (UTC) 1786:10:32, 11 February 2017 (UTC) 1763:18:03, 11 February 2017 (UTC) 1744:11:06, 11 February 2017 (UTC) 1713:00:11, 11 February 2017 (UTC) 1579:faces or vertex figures. The 1186:Talk:Dual polyhedron/Comments 916:20:49, 12 February 2013 (UTC) 888:11:15, 12 February 2013 (UTC) 826:looks like a good candidate. 491:02:43, 18 February 2006 (UTC) 441:04:08, 18 February 2006 (UTC) 412:01:54, 18 February 2006 (UTC) 402:23:10, 17 February 2006 (UTC) 360:22:14, 17 February 2006 (UTC) 335:Generalize to dual polytopes? 277:and see a list of open tasks. 180:and see a list of open tasks. 85:WikiProject Uniform Polytopes 5950:C-Class mathematics articles 4903:is the tangent "polygon" of 1676:12:15, 9 February 2017 (UTC) 1661:11:36, 9 February 2017 (UTC) 1631:03:48, 9 February 2017 (UTC) 1616:03:38, 9 February 2017 (UTC) 1567:00:06, 9 February 2017 (UTC) 1552:23:11, 8 February 2017 (UTC) 1529:22:21, 8 February 2017 (UTC) 1503:22:16, 8 February 2017 (UTC) 1489:22:09, 8 February 2017 (UTC) 1449:17:29, 9 February 2017 (UTC) 1385:16:49, 9 February 2017 (UTC) 1370:11:36, 9 February 2017 (UTC) 1350:23:42, 8 February 2017 (UTC) 1333:22:13, 8 February 2017 (UTC) 1306:21:42, 8 February 2017 (UTC) 1271:21:38, 8 February 2017 (UTC) 1248:21:30, 8 February 2017 (UTC) 1232:21:29, 8 February 2017 (UTC) 1173:17:46, 2 December 2014 (UTC) 1158:17:25, 2 December 2014 (UTC) 859:22:30, 2 November 2011 (UTC) 836:21:25, 1 November 2011 (UTC) 786:22:42, 2 November 2011 (UTC) 760:03:33, 2 November 2011 (UTC) 740:20:54, 1 November 2011 (UTC) 725:19:48, 1 November 2011 (UTC) 635:07:24, 30 October 2008 (UTC) 611:20:56, 29 October 2008 (UTC) 592:20:38, 29 October 2008 (UTC) 573:20:30, 29 October 2008 (UTC) 538:04:57, 29 October 2008 (UTC) 525:01:10, 29 October 2008 (UTC) 512:04:50, 28 October 2008 (UTC) 5580:17:30, 31 August 2021 (UTC) 5565:16:48, 31 August 2021 (UTC) 5551:09:54, 23 August 2021 (UTC) 5537:03:59, 23 August 2021 (UTC) 5523:03:58, 23 August 2021 (UTC) 5509:01:39, 23 August 2021 (UTC) 5493:22:05, 22 August 2021 (UTC) 5456:21:48, 13 August 2021 (UTC) 5425:21:37, 12 August 2021 (UTC) 4417:(1/√2,1/√2,0), of the edge 4380:05:28, 28 August 2021 (UTC) 4362:19:42, 27 August 2021 (UTC) 4328:08:50, 27 August 2021 (UTC) 4313:21:12, 26 August 2021 (UTC) 4298:19:35, 26 August 2021 (UTC) 4283:18:28, 26 August 2021 (UTC) 4268:11:59, 26 August 2021 (UTC) 4247:15:47, 24 August 2021 (UTC) 4205:06:47, 24 August 2021 (UTC) 4182:05:37, 24 August 2021 (UTC) 4163:05:01, 24 August 2021 (UTC) 4148:22:34, 23 August 2021 (UTC) 4130:22:32, 23 August 2021 (UTC) 4115:19:14, 23 August 2021 (UTC) 4098:19:04, 23 August 2021 (UTC) 4077:18:55, 23 August 2021 (UTC) 4039:18:31, 23 August 2021 (UTC) 3508:a clearly false description 2197:00:17, 9 October 2020 (UTC) 2180:19:12, 8 October 2020 (UTC) 2161:18:51, 8 October 2020 (UTC) 2133:21:45, 31 August 2020 (UTC) 2118:21:23, 31 August 2020 (UTC) 2097:18:33, 31 August 2020 (UTC) 2081:18:23, 31 August 2020 (UTC) 2054:18:09, 31 August 2020 (UTC) 2040:17:55, 31 August 2020 (UTC) 2006:17:17, 31 August 2020 (UTC) 1937:I received this message on 1114:Shouldn't the formula read: 5981: 5960:C-Class Polyhedra articles 5702:great triambic icosahedron 5410:21:31, 6 August 2021 (UTC) 5376:07:27, 6 August 2021 (UTC) 5361:22:34, 5 August 2021 (UTC) 5300:22:55, 3 August 2021 (UTC) 5286:22:42, 3 August 2021 (UTC) 5261:Still, the whole sentence: 5254:21:55, 2 August 2021 (UTC) 5228:21:48, 2 August 2021 (UTC) 5214:14:01, 2 August 2021 (UTC) 5180:06:43, 2 August 2021 (UTC) 5164:04:32, 2 August 2021 (UTC) 4958:s base lies on the center 4720:is the tangent polygon of 4501:, & for every edge of 4347:these terms by an example. 3968:I am inclined to agree. -- 3504:"hyperbole" ... pejorative 2918:Then, what about writing: 2326:nice properties of duality 1587:Vertex-transitive polygons 1575:have topologically simple 705:21:21, 7 August 2008 (UTC) 673:20:36, 6 August 2008 (UTC) 499:19:39, 23 March 2006 (UTC) 309:project's importance scale 105:Uniform Polytopes articles 5936:00:34, 2 March 2024 (UTC) 5132:02:21, 31 July 2021 (UTC) 5017:both = (√3)(1+2√2)/7. So 4910:E.g. the side face plane 4891:" is the line tangent to 4879:" is the line tangent to 4700:, is the line tangent to 4513:its point of tangency to 3993:14:45, 14 July 2021 (UTC) 3978:19:09, 13 July 2021 (UTC) 3964:16:31, 12 July 2021 (UTC) 3950:16:00, 12 July 2021 (UTC) 3931:01:15, 11 July 2021 (UTC) 3916:00:52, 11 July 2021 (UTC) 3869:23:32, 10 July 2021 (UTC) 3847:21:22, 10 July 2021 (UTC) 3832:20:12, 10 July 2021 (UTC) 3818:19:57, 10 July 2021 (UTC) 3796:19:07, 10 July 2021 (UTC) 3782:17:52, 10 July 2021 (UTC) 3743:13:40, 10 July 2021 (UTC) 3512:I have amended my comment 3061:23:41, 30 June 2021 (UTC) 2914:21:46, 28 June 2021 (UTC) 2900:20:17, 27 June 2021 (UTC) 2804:16:28, 27 June 2021 (UTC) 2737:14:04, 27 June 2021 (UTC) 2636:11:47, 27 June 2021 (UTC) 2617:05:50, 27 June 2021 (UTC) 2573:01:29, 27 June 2021 (UTC) 2138:Is it possible to cite a 2022:coordinates, the current 1855:I have reported David at 1198: 302: 243: 205: 138: 71: 46: 3720:15:49, 4 July 2021 (UTC) 3690:07:56, 4 July 2021 (UTC) 3665:23:12, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3646:23:02, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3605:18:45, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3590:16:05, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3575:15:43, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3555:15:31, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3524:20:52, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3499:15:44, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3484:14:34, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3467:07:00, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3443:02:58, 3 July 2021 (UTC) 3418:15:05, 2 July 2021 (UTC) 3403:14:14, 2 July 2021 (UTC) 3389:12:36, 2 July 2021 (UTC) 3374:11:19, 2 July 2021 (UTC) 3360:05:56, 2 July 2021 (UTC) 3339:05:25, 2 July 2021 (UTC) 3310:04:15, 2 July 2021 (UTC) 3289:20:44, 1 July 2021 (UTC) 3274:20:25, 1 July 2021 (UTC) 3258:17:16, 1 July 2021 (UTC) 3240:20:25, 1 July 2021 (UTC) 3197:16:53, 1 July 2021 (UTC) 3160:16:25, 1 July 2021 (UTC) 3146:15:30, 1 July 2021 (UTC) 3108:08:04, 1 July 2021 (UTC) 2322:nice polytopal compounds 1573:Kepler–Poinsot polyhedra 818:05:33, 21 May 2010 (UTC) 552:21:26, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 469:21:26, 4 June 2007 (UTC) 212:project's priority scale 4843:is the line tangent to 4680:is the line tangent to 4664:(1/√2,1/√2,1/√2) & 1953:x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = r^2, 1907:Talk:Polyhedron#Duality 1413:Someone has poured you 475:Consensus to rename to 169:WikiProject Mathematics 5837:is useful. Thank you, 5757:Uniform dual polyhedra 4612:(-1/√2,0,1/√2), & 4524:The 3rd coordinate of 4489:is the intersphere of 3041: 3018: 2998: 2951: 2881: 2852: 2823: 2788: 2768: 2721: 2692: 2672: 2597: 1813:excavated dodecahedron 1285:Proofs and Refutations 28:This article is rated 5746:Proposed section move 4815:of the vertex figure 4787:(1/√2,1/√2,0), & 4485:at its midpoint. So: 4413:(0,1/√2,1/√2), resp. 3768:are equidistant from 3042: 3019: 2999: 2952: 2882: 2853: 2824: 2789: 2769: 2722: 2693: 2673: 2598: 258:WikiProject Polyhedra 5835:this reliable source 5325:symmetrical polyhedr 4887:. So, by symmetry, " 4867:("0,0,∞"). The line 4851:. "Similarly": e.g. 4193:Duality of Polyhedra 4086:of uniform polyhedra 3427:sentence in question 3028: 3008: 2961: 2925: 2862: 2833: 2813: 2778: 2746: 2702: 2682: 2647: 2596:{\displaystyle \in } 2587: 2010:Having just defined 192:mathematics articles 5029:. So, by symmetry, 4791:(-1/√2,1/√2,0), so 4688:. So, by symmetry, 4644:of the apex figure 4616:(0,-1/√2,1/√2), so 4493:; for every vertex 3877:"VA = VB = VC = VD" 3489:content? — Cheers, 3040:{\displaystyle P\}} 2957:in Euclidean space 2378:your latest efforts 1931:Polar reciprocation 1929:Unclear formula in 1728:elementary geometry 1468:Szilassi polyhedron 1313:Elementary geometry 1290:Szilassi polyhedron 1140:in accordance with 1059:Polar reciprocation 1012:geometrically alike 965:Mathematical Models 924:hexagonal bipyramid 766:projective geometry 5238:Center of symmetry 5077:Uniform polyhedron 4449:(0,√2,-√2), resp. 4136:uniform polyhedron 3625:"pejorative" : --> 3037: 3014: 2994: 2947: 2877: 2848: 2819: 2784: 2764: 2717: 2688: 2668: 2593: 2293:polytope compounds 1941:and copy it here: 1472:Császár polyhedron 1420: 1294:Császár polyhedron 1179:Assessment comment 711:Transverse Homonym 689:projective duality 289:Polyhedra articles 161:Mathematics portal 34:content assessment 5096:original research 4835:(0,0,1/√2) & 4672:(0,1/√2,0) & 3450:assume good faith 3017:{\displaystyle p} 2968: 2822:{\displaystyle q} 2787:{\displaystyle q} 2691:{\displaystyle q} 2382:original research 2330:polytope compound 2266:original research 1424: 1423: 1410: 1204: 1203: 878:comment added by 623:polytope-specific 353:uniform polychora 323: 322: 319: 318: 315: 314: 222: 221: 218: 217: 117: 116: 113: 112: 96:Uniform Polytopes 59:Uniform Polytopes 5972: 5832: 5699: 5648: 5337:bounded polyhedr 5242:central symmetry 5154:, please? ;-) -- 5094:Because of your 5074: 4971: 4859:& the line " 4521:is the same (1). 4465:, is tangent to 4020: 3620: 3299: 3046: 3044: 3043: 3038: 3023: 3021: 3020: 3015: 3003: 3001: 3000: 2995: 2990: 2989: 2967: 2956: 2954: 2953: 2948: 2937: 2936: 2886: 2884: 2883: 2878: 2876: 2875: 2870: 2857: 2855: 2854: 2849: 2847: 2846: 2841: 2828: 2826: 2825: 2820: 2793: 2791: 2790: 2785: 2773: 2771: 2770: 2765: 2763: 2762: 2757: 2726: 2724: 2723: 2718: 2716: 2715: 2710: 2697: 2695: 2694: 2689: 2677: 2675: 2674: 2669: 2667: 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