Knowledge (XXG)

Talk:Henry David Thoreau/Archive 1

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1264:. The first chapter deals with a lot of the issues being discussed here and on the anarchism pages. Some quotes of interest in the first chapter: "Anarchism shares with liberalism a radical commitment to individual freedom while rejecting liberalism's competitive property relations." "Historically, anarchism has often been conceptualized as being most closely related to Marxism. This is due, in part, to the fact that many prominent anarchists share with the Marxists a rejection of private property and an espousal of communist economic relations." "Anarchism has more in common with other individualist philosophies like liberalism than is generally recognized many statements made by the liberal John Stewart Mill, for instance, contain a spirit of existential individualism ("existential individualism" is the term Brown uses to describe the form of individualism anarchism advocates--individual freedom unrestrained by authority and seen as an end in and of itself, which she contrasts to "instrumental individualism", or the form of individualism where individuals use others to further their own self-interest, which would use individualism as a means to an end)." "However, liberals are not anarchists; while they assert the importance of individual freedom and autonomy, liberals also maintain that the human individual is a competitive owner of private property." Brown says that liberalism contains elements of existential and instrumental anarchism, which makes it contradict itself, since according to Brown, existential individualism and instrumental individualism cannot coexist. She later says "the fact that liberalism and anarchism share common existential individualistic views explains why certain passages in liberal thought sound decidedly anarchistic. However, liberals also subscribe to an individiualism that is instrumental while anarchist political philosophy stands opposed to instrumental competitive values; for the anarchist, 'freedom can exist only in a society where there is no compulsion of any kind," including the compulsion that accompanies property relations." All of these quotes are in the first chapter in case you want to look them up. 1532:
merely links to an essay which describe the essay "Civil Disobedience" as anarchist among other things, but only in passing again. The seventh source doesn't say anything about Thoreau being an anarchist. The eighth is a bunch of links to various anarchist related articles including "Civil Disobedience", but doesn't say Thoreau was an anarchist. The ninth appears to be a personal website, and is devoted largely to individualist anarchism, but I'll be nice and give it to you anyways. The tenth is a bunch of quick point-counter point things on various topics related to the title of "GANDHI, KING, AND THOREAU: ANARCHISM, CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, AND NON-VIOLENCE". Gee, Gandhi, just like I mentioned above. They have a section that says "Is Thoreau an Anarchist" with arguments for it, and a section that says "Thoreau Not an Anarchist" with arguments for that. This search is not looking to good for you--it surely isn't 125,000 sources that back up your claim. And my guess is that the further I go into the search results, the more incoherent and unrelated they'll be (that's how google usually works). As for Jesus being an anarchist or not, would you be willing to go to the article on Jesus and say in the first sentence that he was an anarachist? Good luck! Although the case can be made (relatively well I think), there are virtually no reliable and neutral sources that would say that I think. Most of them would all be partisan. There are also people who try to say he was a communist, socialist or capitalist (hell,
3463:, which I had referenced, along with a reference detailing all this (Ivaska) (After flippant deletions, sometimes one wonders why one bothers.) Initially Harding copped some flak, but his paper has been widely cited and I don't think its basic conclusion that Thoreau was homoerotic in his orientation (or however you want to phrase it) has been disputed by any significant scholar in the last two decades. But I'm not going to plow through 100 academic papers to prove that point. Maybe someone else has the energy. Since then has been a slow opening up of the discussion, but naturally, with no consensus on the degree of the 'homoeroticism' - that's where academic discussion is now and, and the degree to which it shaped his thought and writing. In short: the view of his 'homoeroticism' has moved from being non-existent, to being something anomalous, to being something implicit. Thoreau's journals and other writings were also long incomplete in their published form, and now that the full editions are being republished it is also helping reassessment. So of course, his sexuality should be referenced in the article. This has been long winded, but probably necessary given it can be a radioactive issue, and for those unaware of it, the progression of academic thought has been significant. I have restored the entry, while making further hopefully informative and *balanced* improvements to it. The revised entry is as follows: 3455:(2011), p473-4. (The section didn't appear in the original edition.) He begins by writing: "The most controversial studies about Thoreau in recent years are those concerned with his sexuality. Some, I know, feel that such studies are an intrusion in the privacy of the subject's life". This would be comical if it wasn't so sad. Harding then states that a reviewer took him to task for writing "as if Sigmund Freud had never existed" and confesses "that was done intentionally on my part". You can't make this up. Feeling forced to finally address the issue by "recent studies of homoeroticism in Thoreau" and acknowledging "pioneer" "Jonathan Katz" whose Gay American History I have referenced, he admits "I have been convinced that there is evidence of a strong homoerotic element in Thoreau's personality", but "I should add that to the best of my knowledge no factual evidence of sexual activity on Thoreau's part has been uncovered." Phew! It's easy to mock Harding's timidity, but one has to appreciate that until recently your academic career could actually see you marginalised over such an issue. (e.g. see 249:
it. I did not see why the schoolmaster should be taxed to support the priest, and not the priest the schoolmaster: for I was not the State's schoolmaster, but I supported myself by voluntary subscription. I did not see why the lyceum should not present its tax-bill, and have the State to back its demand, as well as the Church. However, at the request of the selectmen, I condescended to make some such statement as this in writing:—"Know all men by these presents, that I, Henry Thoreau, do not wish to be regarded as a member of any incorporated society which I have not joined." This I gave to the town clerk; and he has it. The State, having thus learned that I did not wish to be regarded as a member of that church, has never made a like demand on me since; though it said that it must adhere to its original presumption that time. If I had known how to name them, I should then have signed off in detail from all the societies which I never signed on to; but I did not know where to find a complete list.
early, dismissed at the time, and now have grown to seem almost clairvoyant. Putting labels on him like vegetarian, environmentalist, or anarchist is therefore nearly always apocryphal. Those are later ideas which we may trace back to his influence, but it's an exaggeration to draw him into a particular camp--he hated being more than a party of one! So I altered the statement about anarchism to indicate that he advocated limited government, not its abolition. Although these subjects have not yet entered the article, there are debates about his religion and sexual orientation. He was eclectic, flexible, and inconsistent about his ideas. I hope we can respect that (to me) delightful variety and eccentricity and not try to box him in too tightly. I base this judgement on four decades of work as a Thoreau scholar, and as the former editor of the PUP edition of his Writings. Thanks, WH --28 Dec 2006
2451:: "Su obra más representativa es Walden, aparecida en 1854, aunque redactada entre 1845 y 1847, cuando Thoreau decide instalarse en el aislamiento de una cabaña en el bosque, y vivir en íntimo contacto con la naturaleza, en una vida de soledad y sobriedad. De esta experiencia, su filosofía trata de transmitirnos la idea que resulta necesario un retorno respetuoso a la naturaleza, y que la felicidad es sobre todo fruto de la riqueza interior y de la armonía de los individuos con el entorno natural. Muchos han visto en Thoreau a uno de los precursores del ecologismo y del anarquismo primitivista representado en la actualidad por Jonh Zerzan. Para George Woodcock(8), esta actitud puede estar también motivada por una cierta idea de resistencia al progreso y de rechazo al materialismo creciente que caracteriza la sociedad norteamericana de mediados de siglo XIX." 2437:: "Su obra más representativa es Walden, aparecida en 1854, aunque redactada entre 1845 y 1847, cuando Thoreau decide instalarse en el aislamiento de una cabaña en el bosque, y vivir en íntimo contacto con la naturaleza, en una vida de soledad y sobriedad. De esta experiencia, su filosofía trata de transmitirnos la idea que resulta necesario un retorno respetuoso a la naturaleza, y que la felicidad es sobre todo fruto de la riqueza interior y de la armonía de los individuos con el entorno natural. Muchos han visto en Thoreau a uno de los precursores del ecologismo y del anarquismo primitivista representado en la actualidad por 589:
that. And in Emerson's "Nature," he writes of becoming the "transparent eyeball," one of the most famous images in Transcendental thought. He would enter the woods and "see all and be all." Transcendentalism has less to do with any Christian theology and more with "communing with the Over-Soul." A theological lineage exists from Calvinism to Unitarianism to Transcendentalism, surely, but Emerson's thought held Transcendentalism as the infinite telos of the divine. That said, both Emerson's and Thoreau's writings reveal many instances where actually realizing and experiencing the Transcendental existence becomes problematic.
and neutral source say he wasn't an anarchist, and I've seen many that have. As for Stirner, neutral and reliable sources usually do label him as an anarchist, which can't be said for Thoreau. I'm not arguing whether or not Thoreau was an anarchist--as I said I don't feel qualified to do so. I am arguing that you seem to be pushing a minority position that is not backed up by neutral or reliable sources. All of them are biased and have something to gain by appropriating Thoreau, a great American hero, as an anarchist. Same can be said of Jesus, Gandhi or (no god forbid) Jefferson.
tedious and predictable sounding Brown, you might do better to read Thoreau. I am finding 100s of thousands of references to Thoreau as an anarchist. But I doubt you will accept any of them because you don't want to. Knowledge (XXG) is supposedly an encyclopedia that bases what it says on what the world accepts as real. Well the world, apparantly, says that Thoreau was an anarchist. And while we're at it, Jesus was talking about sharing property, in Book of Matthew, 2000 years ago. I think that beats Karl Marx by just a few years.
sources, or generally reference a number of works, for biographical information. The geneology web site seems to be a private effort. The analysis has several mistakes. All of these references could be improved by finding better sources, instead of using these as footnotes...which leads to the bigger problem for this article--that the events described are poorly sourced, in that it's not clear which of the fine references listed at the bottom of the article are relied upon for the numerous statements in the text. --
Student, was ". . . one of the first native attacks upon American Imperialism. . ." (34) Vivas was writing when the US was involved in many countries in South America and Central America. Vivas saw Thoreau's politics, especially his stance on resistance to government, as troubling, "Thoreau's ideals are inoperative in the real, everyday world, and because he will not compromise his ideals, at all, they have no effect upon the world: they are politically useless." (35) In the 1960s, we will see how useful Thoreau becomes.
1290:"Although at times it sounds as if Thoreau is advocating anarchy, what he demands is a better government, and what he refuses to acknowledge is the authority of one that has become so morally corrupt as to lose the consent of those governed. “There will never be a really free and enlightened State,” he argues, “until the State comes to recognize the individual as a higher and independent power, from which all its own power and authority are derived, and treats him accordingly” (“Civil Disobedience”)" from: 491:
felt a strange thrill of savage delight, and was strongly tempted to sieze and devour him raw; not that I was hungry then, except for that wildness which he represented. ... I found in myself, and still find, an instinct toward a higher, or, as it is named, spiritual life, as do most men, and another toward a primitive rank and savage one, and I reverence them both." This quote, in my opinion, also highlights excellently the difference between Thoreau's Transcendentalism and that of Emerson and others.
produced as normal expensive books). I also correct for typographical issues like tables, etc, that books on gutenberg and many other sites ignore. They are pretty handy - I've had up to 5000 downloads of these books per month, more than 50% from outside the USA. I just finished my ebook of Walden and will be adding other Thoreau titles to my site. Would the community be supportive of a link in the links sections of the relevant articles to these books? Thanks.
31: 1162:
Lingeron. I was accused of being Lingeron, thewolfstar, Hogeye and RJII. That'sHot was accused of being thewolfstar and RJII. Why don't you just get it over with? Your nasty insults, personal attacks, and false accusations are getting to really be a drag. What kind of life can you have that has so much spare time to go witch hunting for sockpuppets of anarchists -- specifically anarchists that have dared to introduce libertarianism into the
we edit the same pages. As to what you said, I did a search of the document for Thoreau yesterday, and nothing turned up. Now it does. I don't know why (I spelled it right, since I copy and pasted from the title of this article. Anyways, just because goldman says he's an anarchist, doesn't make it so. I think we should leave that up to others to decide. Goldman can't be seen as the be all end all of anarchist labelling.
885:"Emma Goldman called Thoreau an anarchist" is a whole different kettle of fish from "Thoreau is an anarchist." Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If you want to stick "anarchist" in the intro to an article, you're going to have to do better than googling for one isolated quote. We can find thousands of notable references describing him as a "writer," but the anarchist spin is quite singular. 1224:
block. Anyways, a few people, including admins who are unrelated to the anarchism issues suspect you to be a sock. Also, I have no problem with mentioning libertarianism (American-style) on the anarchism page, as the relationship should be explored. But I do have a problem with trying to say that they are the same, or that some forms of american libertarianism should be considered a form of anarchism.
train passing nearby, his walks through other peoples' farms, the shanty towns near across the pond, the ice cutters he speaks with. It is a tragic misreading of Walden to suggest that this was the "point" of the book and that Thoreau presents his experience fraudulently. The Zacks quote supports this modern myth, so I am removing it. If you disagree, let's Talk. Rpworth 00:47, 7 October 2010 (UTC)
gay academics fed up with the dissembling and/or censorship. Gradually mainstream academic acknowledgement that there is/may be a case occurred. After all the hard work of gay scholars, the hole in the dyke wall, so to speak, was opened by "Mainstream" Thoreau biographer the late Walter Harding. He tells the story from his perspective in the Afterforward to the 2nd edition of his 1965 biography
2857: 401:
his family. He made an adequate living from many sources and shared his income with his family. Yes, he built his house at Walden on Emerson's land. Some friends helped him raise the roof beam. He visited his family now and then. All true, but hardly indications of laziness. He caught his fatal cold by staying out too long in a wet snow to count rings in felled trees. --WH 29 Sep 2005
3480:, is an expression of conflicted desire. In some of Thoreau's writing there is the sense of a secret self. In 1840 he writes in his journal: "My friend is the apology for my life. In him are the spaces which my orbit traverses". Thoreau was strongly influenced by the moral reformers of his time, and this may have instilled anxiety and guilt over sexual desire. 1998:
written ten sentences since I was introduced to him, but his influence might be somewhere detected by a close observer." Now you must amend this Criticism portion because your said only one half of the true. Why don't you add Stevenson to the writers who have been strongly influenced by Thoreau instead of make of him a contemner of Thoreau ? A frenchman.
792:, said: "Government, what is it but a tradition, though a recent one, endeavoring to transmit itself unimpaired to posterity, but each instance losing its integrity; it has not the vitality and force of a single living man. Law never made man a whit more just; and by means of their respect for it, even the well disposed are daily made agents of injustice. 542:
lectures bears comparison. We must remember Thoreau lectured out of compulsion to speak out on important issues, and Emerson lectured more to fulfill the role of the "public intellectual." We find him saying as much in "The American Scholar." To claim that HDT met with less success in his lectures ignores that we remember him yet for far fewer of them.
2902: 487:
diet, but he did eat meat, eggs, and dairy at times, though not eagerly for they gave him indigestion. In "Higher Laws" he says that food is less important than the spirit or imagination with which we eat it. He did have a sweet tooth and was especially fond of spice cake and fruit pies. Every philosopher needs a weakness! --WH 29 Sep 2005
Why is it in the intro of his wiki page? He clearly was for limited government, but not for anarchy. Virtually no serious writer is, first of all, and, it is almost impossible to misinterpret Walden or Civil Disobedience as pro anarchy for anyone who has actually read it, and not just his "quotes".
The history of Thoreau studies on the issue has, not surprisingly, followed the same academic trajectory as with his bisexual/homosexual contemporaries, such as Whitman, Eakins, Sargent, Lincoln, et al. That is, beginning in the 1980s, the issue was, in the teeth of vituperative opposition, forced by
The ten in-line links presently in the article at the very least could be converted to footnotes. Given their less than stellar quality, and the fact that the article has no footnotes, no great harm would come from having these links removed, as several are writings that do not either cite their own
125,000 sources could be the viral result of one biased Knowledge (XXG) page. Thoreau was a master of harmony, not discord. Just because he critiqued government doesn't make him an Anarchist. He advocated limited government, not an abolition of government. There is a bias here Towards identifying
even have a song called "Jesus Was a Communist"). And Jesus was a king as well according to the bible--just not on Earth. Also, I'm not seeing anything in a quick scan of the Gandhi article about him being a king, and I've never heard that. Also, Kropotkin was a prince, yet I've never seen a reliable
violent and pacifist Anarchism. Henry David Thoreau, a nonviolent Anarchist writer, and Emma Goldman an Anarchist activist, are a couple of examples. Activist Anarchism, however, was mainly sustained by immigrants from Europe. In the late 1800's, Anarchism was a part of life for many. In 1886, four
Several of the Transcendentalists, notably Bronson Alcott and Charles Lane, experimented with vegetarian diets. (Alcott thought he should eat only "asipring" vegetables, the ones that grow upward toward heaven (celery), instead of downward into earth (carrots, potatoes). Thoreau preferred a vegetable
Can anyone confirm what I have heard, that he was also jailed for non-compliance with compulsory tithes to the state-established church he was deemed to be affiliated to? I know he had strong conscientious objections, and I gather he actually got jailed for that too. I am pretty confident of this but
One interesting and useful quote from Robert Fleck may be from the introduction of the PDF i linked above, where he writes, "Thoreau believed that the entire human race was much closer to the Earth’s truth before sophisticated civilization shielded us from its light." This seems to sum up the import
The quotation by Richard Zacks in the Critique section should come out. It is unjust to Thoreau and also inaccurate to perpetuate the middle school English teacher's myth that he purported to be isolated from any society in his Walden years. The closeness of society is a primary theme of Walden: the
Similar to 'Suggestions for Edits," I'd like to suggest that the 'Critique' page needs not just negative critiques, but positive critiques and objective analysis. This would be much help to college students cramming the night before. It's been forever since I've made/edited a page, so if anyone else
Edits are too numerous to list. Mentions of Basketball everywhere, "death" listed as "mecca." who knows what else. This ENTIRE page should be reviewed with incredible prejudice. I don't have the time to do it, but I know there are people that spend all day on this site making edits... though they
I've removed the infobox section that lists "influences" and "influenced"; this tends to be the norm as articles improve. As for Kennedy, he is listed in the prose as speaking of Thoreau as an influence. Whether you agree with Kennedy's practice or not, it would not contradict what he may have said.
Hey, about Stevenson's cristicism, you don't know what you are speaking about. If you had read Familiar Studies of Men of Books you wouldn't have written such nonsense. Here what Stevenson actually wrote :"Upon me this pure, narrow, sunnily-ascetic Thoreau had exercised a great charm. I have scarce
The articles below are available on this server. The selection does not imply an endorsement above and beyond other anarchist articles referenced in the Anarchist Sampler pages. Some have typo corrections or additional HTML markup from the original e-text; in other cases, the articles were stored at
and liberalism. What has any of this got to do with Thoreau? Thoreau was not a liberal. You can't be serious. And I doubt that Susan Brown will ever affect the number of people, both great leader and not, anarchist and not, that Thoreau did by 100,000 of a percent. Instead of telling me to read this
wikistalking me. And why don't you just get an RFCU? It'd be fascinating as it would be nearly impossible for us to have the same ip. Did you see the admin noticeboard incidents page? Now there's a Wolfstar2 and a Wolfstar3 that are bots. Let's have a checkuser against me and all these wolfstars and
I've had this article on a watchlist for a while (a day before you started editing with this account). Look in the history, I edited it on august 9th. Oh, and see the thread up above, that was started before you came to this page. We happen to have interesecting areas of interest, I can't help it if
Yes, many times in his Journal. Here are 3 examples: While on a river excursion, he and Sophia rescued "a little dot of a kitten" whose instincts were highly developed (May 22, 1853). The family cat was Min, another rescued orphan (Feb 28, 1856). One autumn Thoreau observed her "studying ornithology
This Thoreau article ends with several anarchism entries in the "See also" section, but doesn't make it clear whether he was or was not an anarchist. This sends a confusing message. I suggest something in the intro paragraph to clarify his "status", fuzzy and debatable as it might be. Perhaps after
Among the many points highlighted above, Thoreau's "Walden" gives good reason to believe he indulged in and enjoyed the omnivorous life: "As I came home through the woods with my string of fish, trailing my pole, it being now quite dark, I caught a glimpse of a woodchuck stealing across my path, and
Lazy he was not. Friends often commented on his athletic talent, his energy, and his dogged tendency to drive himself farther on outings than was prudent. A typical day after 1855 was writing all morning, the afternoon given to surveying or hiking and boating, and the evening to reading or time with
Why should not we, who have renounced the king’s authority, have our national preserves, where no villages need be destroyed, in which the bear and panther, and some even of the hunter race, may still exist, and not be "civilized off the face of the earth," — our forests, not to hold the king’s game
I don't think there's an agenda here - just a lack of sources. The whole article is in serious need of attention and I wouldn't consider it of any significant quality or respectability yet. Like all of Knowledge (XXG), this is a work in progress. If you have a source and think it's worth mentioning,
Thoreau strove to portray himself as an ascetic puritan. However, his sexuality has long been the subject of speculation, including by his contemporaries. He proposed marriage to one woman and was proposed to by another, but there is no evidence to suggest he was physical with anyone. Some scholars
I am going to start some work on adding content about the Indian Notebooks. I've been a Thoreau enthusiast for 30 years now and yet i only heard of these writings in the last year. It appears that Thoreau learned a lot about native people in the areas where he roamed, and kept separate notebooks on
My attention has just been directed to this page, with a suggestion that perhaps I "should spend some time improving that article." In looking at it, I see several points at which I suppose I might be able to add something. However, I also noticed that the article makes no reference whatever to the
says specifically that he is referring to "The Anarchists", with whose work he is familiar. Since in that sentence he sets himself apart from the anarchists -- despite his statement in the first paragraph which is a near-perfect restatement of anarchism -- evidently he does not claim the anarchist
I first started the Thoreau page, and I come back to it every year to see how it's growing. Today I edited the bit about him and anarchism before reading this discussion. I apologize and I also respect the strong opinions that folks are expressing here. Thoreau is problematic because his ideas were
article. There is an editor(s?) who wishes to include a paragraph detailing Thoreau's (along with Jesus and Thomas Jefferson) influence on modern anarchist thought. There is also a vocal group who do not agree that such information is pertinent to an article on anarchism. I thought that there might
A good description of Henry David Thoreau with regards to his vegetarianism can be found in the book 'Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb: A Chronicle of Sensibility to Animals, edited by Rod Preece' on page 259... though Preece does not emphasize on the fact that he is a vegetarian, just mentions
Is Charles Madison a notable scholar of Thoreau or anarchism or early 19th century American history or philosophy? Is one quote, possibly taken out of context, from a 65 year old essay in an American journal, adequate to argue against the perception that Thoreau was an anarchist? This one quote,
According to Botkin's No Man's Garden, Thoreau was testing the precepts of transcendentalism, unlike Emerson who accepted without test the Romantic version of nature, common in Throeau's day, Thoreau wanted to test the idea that man was corrupted by civilization for himself. For the same reason he
I cannot write nor speak good english. Another thing: the last time I have "fix" something, the next day all had been delete by a fool, because I think there was not references or somrthing. I do no want touch this stuff anymore, because I don't want to waste my time writing something that another
Well...while mentioning references to Thoreau in modern popular culture may seem a bit irrelevant to Thoreau himself...I dunno, maybe it might give an insight into how modern society interprets Thoreau? Besides, mentioning those things only takes a couple of sentences...maybe they could all be put
You will always find a few sources that back up just about any claim. I'm ok with saying that some have described him as an anarchist, but he isn't usually given that label. I've seen people call Gandhi an anarchist too. And Jesus. But these people aren't usually labelled as anarchists, especially
Thoreau's beliefs very much echoed the ideals of anarchism. His most famous quote in this regard is "That government is best which governs least." His ideas on individual sovereignty as well as his opposition to illegitimate authority certainly rings of anarchist belief. In fact, some have gone as
You don't just turn up on articles and article talk pages that I edit on but on user talk pages, too. It's called wikistalking. Thoreaus was an anarchist get over it. You said "Goldman can't be seen as the be all end all of anarchist labelling." You could say that (or that sort of thing) about any
This statement represents a wide misinterpretation of Transendentalist philosophy. Transcendentalism, as expressed in Emerson's essays (and of particular interest, his speech to the Harvard School of Divinity), does not hold that Jesus was not divine. Rather, it holds that nature itself is divine,
Perhaps this will help your understanding of Transcendentalism a bit: First, Transcendentalism was most assuredly NOT Unitarian, as is suggested below. Emerson's theological and philosophical thinking has roots in his life as a Unitarian minister, but Transcendentalism grew out of his rejection of
Also from "Higher Laws" in Walden - "Whatever my own practice may be, I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals, as surely as the savage tribes have left off eating each other when they came in contact with the more
The Journal entry for January 3, 1861 calls for preserving "the natural features which make a township handsome," founding committees "to see that the beauty of the town received no detriment," and declaring that "the top of Mt. Washington should not be private property." These are all quite early
Some years ago, the State met me in behalf of the Church, and commanded me to pay a certain sum toward the support of a clergyman whose preaching my father attended, but never I myself. "Pay," it said, "or be locked up in the jail." I declined to pay. But, unfortunately, another man saw fit to pay
I would need some particulars to understand what you mean. Thoreau cites hundreds of sources in his books, always giving credit where it is due. You may always attribute a person's ideas to earlier influences; but true originality lies in collecting the wisdom of the past and making it relevant to
I made several revisions today to tighten up the article and make it more chronological. (I wrote the first major expansion of the original stub, back in '03.) I don't think it needs reorganizing now, although sub-titles and an index might help. Thanks to everyone for their contributions. --WH, 18
One of the things weakening the article is the mixing of contemporary commentary with the historical information. For instance, while it's important that Ghandi read the Bhagavad Gita, and it is important that he influenced Ghandi, those two shouldn't be linked (really shouldn't be linked anyway,
Any reason why you are adding a new section with the same headline as the one you made before? It adds a bit more clutter than needed. Again, regardless of what you personally think of Kennedy's actions, you have not made any argument that goes against the idea that Kennedy claimed Thoreau was an
Also, while his lectures weren't as "successful" as Emerson's, this is a moot point. Very few lecturers of the time rivaled Emerson, and the comparison seems strained by the RWE/HDT connection. Simply because we connect them geographically, philosophically, etc. does not mean the success of their
From the man himself, in Civil Disobedience: "But, to speak practically and as a citizen, unlike those who call themselves no-government men, I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government. Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect, and that
was inspired by the eleven-year-old Edmund Sewell, with whom he hiked for five days in 1839. One scholar has suggested that he wrote the poem to Edmund because he could not bring himself to write it to Edmund's sister, and another that Thoreau's "emotional experiences with women are memorialized
I do not believe this article ever states that Thoreau called himself an anarchist. Rather, it says that his life and his writings have influenced anarchism. This is correct and well-referenced. The fact that you apparently disagree is all well and good, but your opinion does not outweigh the
Thoreau's love of nature and his advocacy of Anarchist doctrine was far more than an accidental combination. Just as, in America, Nature took the place of society and "freedom" meant nature, as "restraint" meant State and Society, so have many Anarchists proved that their hatred of the State was
Well, I haven't done RFCU because I've been too busy in real life (if you haven't noticed, I don't edit as much as I used to). Anyways, the user contributions page is there for a reason. It's meant to be looked at, especially when a user is under severe suspicion of being a banned user evading a
I have found (...) that I cannot fish without falling a little in self-respect (...) with every year I am less a fisherman, (...) at present I am no fisherman at all. But I see that if I were to live in a wilderness I should again be tempted to become a fisher and hunter in earnest. (...) I had
I am not familar with the trespassing. He does say a township where a primitive forest fitted not only for corn and potatoes but also to rasie poets and philosophers. He speaks of the wilderness as a source of raw materials, He used logging roads to travel about in the what he called
So far my leads are that there is a PhD dissertation called "Tracking the Moccasin Print: A Descriptive Index to Henry David Thoreau's Indian Notebooks and a Study of the Relationship of the Indian Notebooks to Mythmaking in Walden" by Suzanne Dvorak Rose from 1994, and there is a collection of
Could we have a citation that Thoreau pronounced his own name /ˈθʌroʊ/, as indicated? Also, /ˈθʌroʊ/ is the pronunciation of the word 'thorough', and it does not rhyme with 'furrow' any more than /θəˈroʊ/ does. In addition, the recorded pronunciation (in the ogg file) is /θəˈroʊ/, not /ˈθʌroʊ/.
Now, first of all, I seem to recollect that Thoreau is actually misquoted (or, at least, paraphrased) in that part of the movie, and certainly not quoted exactly as in this excerpt. The second quote, or quote-within-a-quote, is fairly trivial. Truth be told, by comparison with the rest of the
Anarchism" (emphasis added) and says "It is to this same type of Anarchism that Thoreau adhered." The fourth is one of the sources in the article, so we all know about it already. The fifth calls him an anarchist in passing, but it isn't given much attention as it isn't about Thoreau. The sixth
That search doesn't prove anything. If you really think all those sources say thoreau was an anarchist than you really need to brush up on your googling skills. The first hit isn't even about H.D. Thoreau! The second doesn't seem to say anything about him being an anarchist. Get this, the third
The one reference goes to a lecture that Goldman gave on Stirner. That is the only reference that points to Stirner being an anarchist. The only difference here, to stating that Thoreau was an anarchist, as opposed to stating that Stirner is an anarchist is that I have provided more sources for
Personally, I would see the entirety of the quoted sentences removed, though perhaps another passage from the Transcendentalism entry would be a more appropriate replacement: "Among their core beliefs was an ideal spiritual state that 'transcends' the physical and empirical and is only realized
In the main page of Thoreau, we are provided with the land area of Concord as being 26 mile² or 67 km². However, during Thoreau's time, maps and surveys, including those drafted by Thoreau, were scaled to the "rod." We also find the measure of "acre" being used commonly. Would it not be more
The author's name is commonly pronounced "thur-ROW," but his name actually sounds like the word "thorough," with the accent on the first syllable. Upon meeting Thoreau, philosopher and writer Bronson Alcott wrote in his journal the phonetic pronunciation "thorough." And in a letter dated after
In the 1920s, an age of relative affluence, Thoreau was popularly seen as an anarchist, a rebel. In the critics' minds, but there were mixed opinions. Most of these reflect a reaction to the materialism of the time. Eliseo Vivas noted that Thoreau's "Resistance to Civil Government," in The New
Made more revisions today to correct facts, tighten prose, and eliminate repetitions and non-sequiturs. I also made the section titles more parallel and moved one section lower. It's now a major biographical article and deserves to be rated highly. Thanks to all contributors. --WH, 23 Aug 2006
Hi there, I am wondering if the community wants a link to my web site, It is a completely non-revenue/non-profit web site in which I produce completely free public domain ebooks that are designed to be printed at home on regular computer printers (as opposed to read online or
Stirner never called himself an anarchist - he accepted only the label 'egoist'. Nevertheless, he is considered by most to be an anarchist because of his rejection of the state, law and government, and his ideas influenced many anarchists, although interpretations of his thought are diverse.
Stirner never called himself an anarchist - he accepted only the label 'egoist'. Nevertheless, he is considered by most to be an anarchist because of his rejection of the state, law and government and his ideas influenced many anarchists, although interpretations of his thought are diverse.
Clearly Thoreau was one of the first American writers to appreciate the value of wilderness and of public land. But the article says he was an early advocate. Does the above meet the standard of "advocacy" ? A case can be made that he was an "advocate" for preserving wilderness but
As for Thoreau, you have yet to provide any source other than Emma and another wikipedia page, which as mentioned above, does not count as a reliable source (and which should probably be changed itself). You need to provide a neutral and reliable source as well. I just started reading
Laziness would probably be the typical accusation by a member of society to someone who rejects the materialism and complacency of that society. But Thoreau's extensive and detailed studies of plants and animals, in addition to his literary and other work show this to be inaccurate.
Here is an example of the sort of contribution I would seek to make. Although it would be generally accurate that Thoreau did praise the work of Wendell Phillips as stated, it is rather more true that he emphatically recommended and praised the writings of Nathaniel Peabody Rogers.
contributions the Kouroo Contexture has been making to Thoreau scholarship for the past two decades, for instance on the website I am therefore writing to inquire whether --were I to attempt to be of assistance-- I would be greeted with welcome, or with hostility.
I added some information on his family, divided "Life and Works" into "Life and Works" "Later Years and Death" and "Criticisms" subtitles, and re-arranged some paragraphs so that it'll hopefully flow a little better. I think "Life and Works" has room for another subsection or so.
It may be worth a paragraph to clear up this common misunderstanding. Thoreau's time at Walden was manifestly not a rugged experiment in self-sufficiency, but nowadays when people hear "lived in the woods" that's what they think of. I might try to take a crack at it later...
One good source that claims him a vegetarian is Henry Salt's biography of Thoreau (2000 edition). He was no doubt a very influential and known advocator, but the book in chapter 9 (Doctrines) does mention that he was a 'vegetarian in practice' for a greater part of his life.
I've heard that, while living at Walden, Thoreau often dined elsewhere, or had meals/laundry done by his mother and sister for him. Is this documented somewhere, and if so, where should it go in this article? It does put a bit of the "rugged individualist" myth to rest... --
Just because some of us anarchists on the anarchism talk page think so doesn't make it so. That's original research. Before adding that label, you might want to find a reliable source (such as a biography by a notable author or an encyclopedia) that says he is an anarchist.
not in the first sentence of an encyclopedia entry on them. Perhaps I was off with the liberalism thing (I was thinking classic liberalism). Many of the individualist anarchists you people talk about are radical liberals, or at least have strong leanings in that direction.
Ironically, the house he built, the land he tilled for crops, and the trees he cleared for same, all in the relative wilds of Walden Wood, each puts the lie to such a consideration. As in many things, he thought in idealisms that were greater than those to which he held
The blockquote in the 'Civil disobedience and the Walden years: 1845–1849' section doesn't look like it should, because the image is throwing it off. I tried to fix it just now with an indent, but id didn't do anything. Can someone more experienced fix this please?
As for Thoreau and Lincoln being the only noted Americans that opposed the Mexican War: according to John A. Crow's "The Epic of Latin America", the Mexican War was quite unpopular, and the least popular American war until Vietnam. I am sure there were others.
Yes I saw that also, that is why I left this in "he ate relatively little meat and advocated vegetarianism as a means of self-improvement." While he was in Maine (in a wilderness) it seems he ate fish, pork or moose frequently. Perhaps it could be worded more
First, I have no problem personally with saying Thoreau was an anarchist or quasi-anarchist, but unlike Stirner, he is rarely labeled as such by relatively neutral sources. It's OR to say he is an anarchist based on a quote by my beloved Emma. Also, see
I know this is just wikipedia and isn't any kind of serious scholarly information about anything really, but it just bothers me that something so blatantly untrue is in the opening paragraphs for anyone who has a passing interest in Thoreau to see.
606:"Transcendentalism was naturalistic and mystical, rejecting deterministic Calvinism. It was inspired by Swedenborg, Kant, Buddhism, Hinduism, and other non-Christian sources. It was not atheistic, but Unitarian and thus did not see Jesus as divine." 1136:. Mere anti-statism is not equivalent to anarchism. Marxists want to see the state devolve into nothingness (sounds a lot like Thoreau's quote actually), but they are not anarchists. As for wiki-stalking Whiskey, try to prove it. Besides, even 1872:
together in a short section like those that I've seen in some wikipedia articles-where they put like a list of admittedly irrelevant information that remotely concerns the article's topic-such as stuff in the media or fiction or whatever.
Also, the 1995 edition of Walden claims "Although T was not an absolute vegetarian, as were some of his transcendentalist friends, he did follow a modified vegetarian diet for many years" (the later editions do not make the same claim)
He was an early advocate of recreational hiking and canoeing, of conserving natural resources on private land, and of preserving wilderness as public land. This may be somewhat true but I am not sure.. Where does Thoreau write
content in that section on Thoreau's influence, this part about him being quoted in a movie seems really trivial and unimportant. I love the movie, but this is just not that vital to an understanding of Thoreau. Any thoughts? ---
The article seems to make no mention of Thoreau's poetry. As much of Thoreau's early work was poetry (until people close to him, such as Emerson, advised him to focus on prose) I think mentioning these works would have some merit.
usually spend time writing things that are politically convenient for them. But seriously, the page is in dire need of attention. Oh, and perhaps it would be wise to find what IP did the edits and block them from the site/edits.
Considering that John F. Kennedy initiated the Vietnam War and was a paragon of big government, he should be removed from the list of people that Thoreau influenced. In addition, there is no citation for the Kennedy fallacy.
back to it. Oftentimes, these high-profile articles are vandalized, but it takes the careful eyes of a fellow editor (like yourself) to spot it and fix it. Most instances of vandalism are fixed within minutes, if not seconds.
It is important to be careful about claiming that HDT worked in the pencil factory for most of his life. He only worked there for a couple years, after which he moved on to survey work, as well a number of other occupations.
04:30, 28 December 2006 (UTC) Ok folks, since I didn't hear back, I'm going to add the link referenced directly above. I think it's useful for readers. If anyone doesn't think it's appropriate, feel free to remove. Thanks!
It makes little sense to me, neither the bit about "thorough" sounding like "furrow" (although they rhyme in certain English dialects at least), nor the pronounciation of "Tho-row with the h pronounced" (which means...?).
2441:. Para George Woodcock, esta actitud puede estar también motivada por una cierta idea de resistencia al progreso y de rechazo al materialismo creciente que caracteriza la sociedad norteamericana de mediados de siglo XIX." 2384:
Although we don't do this stuff for college students specifically, this article definitely could use more criticism, both positive and negative. I hope you'll help out - just make sure you know how to cite properly, etc.
far as to say Thoreau was an anarchist, the term just had not been around yet. He certainly inspired many radicals and anarchists including Edward Abbey and Emma Goldman, who called him "the greatest American anarchist."
Another thing. I can't believe you called Thoreau a quasi-anarchist. And you call yourself an anarchist? Are you seriously saying that you are a real anarchist and that Thoreau wasn't? I'm not even going to say any more.
I'll also be the first to say that I am not well-versed in Thoreau's writings, so I really can't say whether or not I consider him to be an anarchist. But the fact still remains that most people don't label him as such.
Might it be meaningful to talk about his writings on Botany? I read Faith in a Seed this past fall and found it very interesting, so I think that his interest in Botany might merit a little more mention in the article.
The same claim about his vegetarianism is also made in the 2005 edition of this book by Salt and many other authors during the 2000's, like Thoreau's Living Ethics: Walden and the Pursuit of Virtue, by Philip Cafaro.
traveled to The Maine woods. Contrary to the Throeau myth, his experence on Katadin left him with a deeper appreciation of civilization. According to Roderick Nash over his life time Thoreau's view of nature evolved.
Emma Goldman was quite well noted anarchist. This is one thing she said about him. Also, Thoreau was mentioned three times in that article. Here is the quote by Goldman concerning him and whether he was an anachist:
and that man has a divine spirit within him that represents perfect virtue. Emerson expounded on this by stating that Jesus embodies this divinity by being the man who most closely approximated man's highest virtue.
Under "Name pronunciation and physical appearance", the neckbeard sentence/paragraph claim that "he insisted many women found attractive" is richly deserving of a because it is a decidedly uncharacteristic claim.
In defense of the author(s) of this text, Emerson did also assert in this same speech was that conventional Christianity is overly concerned with the person of Jesus Christ, rather than the principles he embodied.
True about Tolstoy. Still, I think his main influence was on american anarchism. I'll revise it a bit more. Goldman, although originally Russian, is still discussed extensively on the Anarchism in the US article.
It's in the "Cambridge Campanion to Henry David Thoreau" in the works cited. Also, he wrote in his journal of his disdain of lecturing, and his numerous critics compared his discourses unfavorably with Emerson's.
out of material that had been deleted from the biography article. Since cultural references sometimes get deleted without discussion, I'd like to suggest this approach as a model for the editors here. Regards,
However he disdained both occupations. The pencil factory he disliked for keeping him indoors, and lecturing he felt required him to "dumb down" his ideas for the audience. Also, he apparently wasn't a very good
I'm surprised nobody has taken to this discussion yet. I'm still thinking about how to situate the Indian Notebooks, how to explain their significance and their nature. Any discussion here would be appreciated.
civilized." However, later in the same chapter he says - "I was never unusually squeamish; I could sometimes eat a fried rat with a good relish, if it were necessary." Vegetarianism was coming in the future.
I think Marcus Porcius Cato should be listed as one of the people he was influenced by. I just finished reading Walden and he cited Cato many times in that book, far more than anybody else that I can recall.
Anarchists were wrongfully executed for alleged involvement in the Haymarket bombing, in which seven policemen were killed. President McKinley was assassinated in 1901 by Leon Czolgosz, a Polish Anarchist.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discovered that I had no
Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe, - "That government is best which governs not at all"; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will
excerpts from the notebooks called "Selections from THE “INDIAN NOTEBOOKS” (1847-1861) OF HENRY D. THOREAU Transcribed, with an Introduction and additional material, by Richard F. Fleck" that is online
Thoreau said he wanted no government at all. He backed his disdain of oppressive law with action and went to jail to protest it. He openly defied wrong law and wrote about it real loudly and clearly in
I've researched some later works on Thoreau, though not in detail, but enough to say that he did adopt the vegetarian lifestyle for a certain period of his life though not consistently & for ever.
I were, it's a less serious offense than, oh, thewolfstar using a sockpuppet for the zillionth time to evade an indefinite block and push bias and original research into an article. Not sure why that
that even some of the opposers of US anarchist inclusion in the article agree that Thoreau was an anarchist. They state famous names of people that call Thoreau an anarchist. I'm one. (Just kidding.)
2256:, and keep working. First and foremost, it should be agreed that this article needs helps. Here's what I would recommend, however. The easiest way to begin improving the article is to find accurate, 182:
Thoreau page is getting kind of big, and needs to be organized/split into subsections. It's getting kind of rambling, and organizing it would make it easier to read, and to edit information. Thanks,
Quite amazing. After his 'economy' experiment at Walden, did he have debts from that? Did he escape to Walden to hide out from prior debts? What strange scandal lies buried in those woods? :-)
I had been taught that one of the reasons Thoreau spent time at Walden was to duck out on bill collectors. While this has shaped my opinion of him i havent found anything I could cite. Suiciderun
Perhaps a "Thoreau after Death" section, dealing with his post-humous publications, influences and criticisms in the years after his funeral would work best. It could even be divided into periods.
3972: 104:
Again, the Eurocentric or generally anti-Indian/anti-Hindu Knowledge (XXG) conveniently forgets to mention that Thoreau AND Emerson were heavily influenced by Vedanta and specifically the Gita.
OR. If Henry had written, "I am an anarchist", we would not have any question with adding that adjective here. In this case, he uses words that are close to the definition of anarchism itself.
3246: 1029:
I am not remotely an anarchist (at least, in practice), and I am reluctant to use a word that has such strong and complex connotations in a modern setting. However, Thoreau said explicitly,
The source of the quotation listed above,"All Walden Wood might have been preserved for our park forever, with Walden in its midst." ,is Thoreau's Journal: 15-Oct-1859. I hope this helps.
throughout the biographical section of the article. The more difficult (and more debatable) sections in influence, legacy, etc. is less important (for now). How do you feel about that? --
really the hatred of artificial society and but another side of their love of nature. Between certain types of American Anarchists and "Friends of Nature" there is very little difference.
336:(p 140), this is one of Thoreau's most memorable quotes. I am not sure from which Journal this quote is derived. Certainly, this speaks to Thoreau's advocacy of public land preserves. 2657:
Charles Madison describes his seemingly anarchist comments as "obviously the hyperbole of the advocate" and opines that Thoreau was too wise a philosopher to condone anarchy.<ref: -->
630:. In fact from that page; "Transcendental movement may be partially described as a slightly later, American outgrowth of Romanticism" I am over my head here but is that a good start? 2478:
since Ghandi was attracted to Thoreau because of his political philosophy and action, instead of his religious interests). The Ghandi part should be in another section, and briefly.
He also claimed to eat fried rats and board nails (facetiously). He certainly wasn't a strict vegetarian by today's standards, but he clearly advocated a vegetarian point of view.
I can't give a citation, but Thoreau definitely stood for having wilderness be public land. One of his disagreements with Emerson was over trespassing -- Emerson was against it. --
2658:{{cite web| title=Anarchism in the United States|author=Charles A. Madison|publisher=Journal of the History of Ideas|volume=6|number=1|date=January 1945|pages=46-66}}</ref: --> 1846:
I quite agree. I have been, very slowly, trying to remove this sort of stuff from the articles on my watch list. This example seems pretty obviously trivial and unimportant. ---
I'm confused as to why there is a template box for Gandhi at the bottom of the page but none for Thoreau himself; specifically of the type that lists his works, influences, etc.
seriously to me it seems like thoreau has a lot of issue of possible hypocrisy, especially consdering his ideas 'original' to him. like to see something about that somewhere.
The cabin on Walden Pond was only one a half miles from the center of Concord, and Thoreau went into town periodically. He wasn't in the wilderness and he wasn't in hiding. —
This is like a skipping several years history and just starting a section with "In 1865 Mary Todd Lincoln was forced to hurriedly leave her home in a poor mental condition."
Calling Ghandi an anarchist is a little strange. Ghandi was a great man but he was also a king. Jesus actually was an anarchist by his teaching and there is an entire group,
Thoreau's cabin on Walden Pond was not in the wilderness. It was only a mile and a half to the center of Concord, Massachusetts, and Thoreau went into town regularly. --
the present and future. By expressing the importance of low material consumption and the preservation of natural resources, Thoreau was highly original for his day. --WH
3864: 3860: 3846: 3100:
sound in "Thó-row" clearly is not the sound, but instead is the or sound, so that this quote from Emerson can't be used to support a statement that he "confirmed" a
I apologize if any of the above are effectively identical; I am just a simple computer program, so I can't determine whether minor differences are significant or not.
In sum, revisions need to be made concerning his life's work; his vocations and occupations ranged much farther afield than simply pencil maker, writer, and lecturer.
He was vegetarian?? Is there a source for this? In Walden he catches fish. In Allegash and East Branch he eats moose meat and elswhere shows spending money for pork.
Okay, well I'll agree to that change, except he didn't just influence American anarchism. He influenced, at least Tolstoy and Goldman, who was Russian originally.
1639: 1543: 1434: 1420: 1327: 1270: 1150: 847: 417:
Also, mentioned in the 'Introduction' is '...This English Thoreauvian was at once a rationalist, socialist, pacifist, 'vegetarian', animals' rights activist, ..'
There are accounts of Thoreau being a lazy person. He seemed to have relied on friends and family during his stay at Walden Pond. Anyone know if this is true?
merely, but to hold and preserve the king himself also, the lord of creation, — not for idle sport or food, but for inspiration and our own true re-creation?
2409: 1072:
policy. We can say that Emma Goldman called Thoreau an anarchist, but we can't label him "an anarchist" unless that is more than an extreme minority view.
considered Thoreau as an anarchist thinker - would anyone care to elaborate on this? I haven't read enough of Thoreau's work to decide if this is the case.
His writing was an influence on MLK and Gandhi to work within the confines of government to make radical change, not to overthrow it or live without it.
Thoreau's death, his Aunt Maria wrote to a friend that she had suffered both pronunciations through her life, but that their name is pronounced "thorough."
Knowledge (XXG), as an encyclopedia, is a tertiary source. That means that you can't cite Knowledge (XXG) to support things in Knowledge (XXG) articles.
i think someone should disambiguate the link to M. L. King -- i assume this is meant to link to MLK Jr. but i am not certain enough to edit it myself. (v)
of it violates the sculptor's copyright. Publicly displayed art is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the permission of the artist. Please see
Certainly, if there are references you can cite, you should add it to the article. This is an aspect of Thoreau's life with which I am not familiar. ---
1675: 1485:
Anarchists including Benjamin Tucker, Federica Montseny and the Bonnot Gang claimed him as an influence, while Emma Goldman gave lectures on his thought.
Anarchists including Benjamin Tucker, Federica Montseny and the Bonnot Gang claimed him as an influence, and Emma Goldman gave lectures on his thought.
A minor typographical error, perhaps. Townships 6 miles by 6 miles, square ... or 36 square miles ... not 26 square miles as shown in the article.
2562: 2413: 3785:
after the link to keep me from modifying it, if I keep adding bad data, but formatting bugs should be reported instead. Alternatively, you can add
Not a typographical error. You are overgeneralizing. In Massachusetts the size is not standardized and varies widely. Concord has 26 sq. miles.
especially given the doubtful nature of the source, seems to give undue weight to one opinion. I believe the article is better off without it. ---
451:(Higher Laws, p.192-193 in the Oxford World's Classics edition). So it seems that he was a (not very strict) vegetarian for at least a few years. 446:
I also doubted the claim that he was a vegetarian. I checked Walden for Thoreau's thoughts about eating meat and fish. This quote seems relevant:
really wants to tackle this, go for it. If not, I'll find time to do it soon-ish. Otherwise, let's start finding them sources and critiques!!!
3456: 3459:) Harding later presented a paper on the issue to the Thoreau Society where the pigeons flew up, and it was later published in the reputable 1943: 2930: 2886: 2807: 2713: 2326: 2237: 3149:
For what its worth, I add that this relatively new method of respelling at Knowledge (XXG) sure has its shortcomings in comparison to the
These individuals have not applied the label "anarchist" to themselves, perhaps because they predated its popular usage (as with Thoreau),
appropriate to use a measure of Concord as being 16,640 acres or, a bit cumbersome for sure, the equivalent measure of 2,2624,000 rod²?
2833: 2790: 1958:
Thanks for making this comment. I made a similar comment on the talk page for the actual audio file. Can anyone give us further info? --
Thoreau being an anarchist. So there is no good reason to remove it. Until you have a rational reason for removing this, please don't.
3976: 2161: 2109: 2057: 2026: 2005: 1667: 111: 66: 3250: 279:
see quotes at end of essay; Thoreau writes that he is opposed to government; this is pretty much the abiding principle of anarchism.
Thoreau actually has made some contributions to botany and biology. So why don't we add it in the already-existing biology section?
3158: 3039: 2996: 2957: 2497: 1809:
Keating also quoted him in saying, "Thoreau once said 'men lead lives of quiet desperation.' Don't be resigned to that; break out!"
article? You said you have been watching me since I joined Knowledge (XXG). God, girl, get a life. There's more to life than this.
3369:, The Indian Notebooks to the list of Works, and provided the link to the selections by Robert F. Fleck that is available online. 2300:
It will look differently to any number of different users. I think WP policy says we shouldn't try to "fix" articles based on how
332:"All Walden Wood might have been preserved for our park forever, with Walden in its midst." According to W. Barksdale Maynard in 2783:
The pronunciation guide (thorough) applies only to certain English dialects. Surely a phonetic guide would be more appropriate?
723: 3413:, these subpages are now deprecated. The comments may be irrelevant or outdated; if so, please feel free to remove this section. 1648: 654:
Also it seems to me the article does not explain the link between Transcendentalism and Emerson and Thoreau's views of nature?
3328: 3150: 3656: 2490:
And I was wondering why Thoreau's tuberculosis was mentioned near the end of the article and not in the early years section?
The infobox was fine. And whether or not it is removed, Kennedy is still listed as an influence in the "Influence" section.
I've started an approach that may apply to Knowledge (XXG)'s Core Biography articles: creating a branching list page based on
3618: 2534: 3804: 3038:
sounded and stress on the first syllable. Another, perhaps more common pronunciation among modern-day American speakers is
Calvinism, Swedenborg, Kant, Buddhism, Hinduism and other? Can this be dumbed down a notch? Save in depth explaination for
I think that's a good call. There's enough pop culture on Knowledge (XXG) without it bleeding into all of the articles. -
Here are just a few results where Thoreau is called an anarchist, out of 125,000 results for the search: Thoreau anarchist
1256: 2602: 2585: 2572: 2674: 2304:
see it because anyone else will see it differently. In fact, it looked fine on my screen before you added the indent. --
1916: 1855: 1823: 1584: 1467: 167:
I removed the link. It duplicates already listed resources: Walden is already shown as available online, in the section
traces the history of this article claiming that Louisa May Alcott slandered Thoreau's neckbeard. Edit added in 2007
1722: 1634: 1626: 1538: 1429: 1415: 1265: 1145: 842: 716: 3419:
Fairly thorough article, but few inline citations. Introduction, Thoreau on Nature, and Influence could be expanded.
1377: 420:(Also to be noted is that this edition makes use of some unpublished papers extensively in the introduction section) 2252:
If you receive hostility in response to your attempts to help, which is likely, just shrug it off, remind people of
Those are just a few. Take all of them and they represent an awful lot of people that say Thoreau was an anarchist.
I didn't just base Thoreau's anarchism on the quote. Like ususal you don't read what I say. Read what I wrote. You
between the corn-rows" (Oct 1, 1858). Dates refer to entries in the 1906 edition of the Journal. --WH 23 Aug 2006
38: 2863: 2424:
article, so I am asking for a sentient editor to look it over and copy the correct ref content into this article.
Here's a source:Bronson Alcott, of Concord, Thoreau's contemporary, and Thoreau's aunt Maria. Source: side bar at
under a camouflage of masculine pronouns", but other scholars dismiss this. It has argued that the long paean in
2290: 2072:
Sorry, but this project's credibility is based on accurate sourcing. It's nothing that I would ever criticize! --
1620: 1615: 1515: 1510: 1401: 1396: 1212: 1207: 1183: 1178: 987: 982: 873: 868: 827: 822: 670: 3863:
to delete these "External links modified" talk page sections if they want to de-clutter talk pages, but see the
3816: 3926:"Thoreau left Walden Pond on September 6, 1847. ... Over several years, he worked to pay off his debts and ..." 2717: 2420:'s orphans, the problem is that I found more than one version. I can't determine which (if any) is correct for 2390: 2351: 2330: 2309: 2269: 2178: 2136: 2077: 2039: 1963: 1947: 136: 47: 17: 2934: 2890: 2811: 2241: 3467:
suggest that homoerotic sentiments run through his writings, and conclude that he was homosexual. The elegy
2794: 1877: 1333: 333: 171:. Further, it is contrary to Knowledge (XXG) policy to advertise your own website via links in wikipedia. -- 2837: 2666: 2061: 2009: 1909: 1848: 1816: 1610: 1605: 1576: 1505: 1500: 1391: 1386: 1202: 1197: 1173: 1168: 977: 972: 863: 858: 817: 812: 3968: 3457:
3242: 2829: 2786: 2709: 2522: 2501: 2493: 2233: 2149: 2097: 2053: 2001: 1939: 1784:
I am moving this here for discussion because I find it, at the very least, flawed and possibly irrelevant:
What evidence is there Thoreau is a pacifist? Some scholars say he was not, mostly based on his defense of
107: 3477: 2157: 2120: 2105: 368: 115: 2618: 2374: 3902: 3882:
If you have discovered URLs which were erroneously considered dead by the bot, you can report them with
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to keep me off the page altogether, but should be used as a last resort. I made the following changes:
2482: 2153: 2131:
Ultimately, of course, this needs to be sourced for it to stand as the article continues to develop. --
2116: 2101: 1771: 575: 198: 183: 641: 617: 3837: 3225: 3085: 3031: 2286: 1446: 2370: 2031: 1774: 590: 546: 127:
it's up to folks like you to add this kind of material. Oh, and normally we add new comments to the
84: 3770: 3270: 3262: 3186: 3171: 3034:
confirmed the latter pronunciation, writing that the name should be pronounced "Thó-row", with the
2953: 2733: 2557: 2526: 2462: 2448: 2417: 2402: 2386: 2347: 2305: 2265: 2174: 2132: 2073: 2035: 1959: 1557: 1295: 594: 550: 347:
recreational hiking and canoeing? Even in the case of wilderness advocate may be the wrong word.
168: 158: 153: 132: 2342: 88: 3485: 2768: 2692: 2591: 2582: 1790: 1561: 1299: 1123: 1052: 914: 640:
through the individual's intuition, rather than through the doctrines of established religions."
505: 3867:
before doing mass systematic removals. This message is updated dynamically through the template
3506: 2956:
and Thoreau's aunt each wrote that "Thoreau" is pronounced like the word "thorough" (pronounced
1486: 3883: 3197:, then was readded no doubt by the same editor using their IP, but now adding a false citation 80: 3780: 3615: 3389: 3374: 3355: 3339: 3307: 3292: 2914: 2753: 2609: 2206: 2198: 701: 674: 655: 631: 627: 460: 439: 348: 325: 316: 299: 273: 251: 227: 3530: 2261: 1717: 1712: 1458:
Apparantly lots of people do label Thoreau as an anarchist. 125,000 sources is an awful lot.
3940: 3898: 3810: 3440: 3103: 3050: 3007: 2992: 2968: 1976: 1893: 452: 3980: 3944: 3910: 3890: 3657:
3489: 3423: 3410: 3393: 3378: 3359: 3343: 3311: 3296: 3274: 3254: 3229: 3216: 3175: 2938: 2918: 2894: 2841: 2815: 2798: 2772: 2757: 2737: 2721: 2695: 2682: 2630: 2621: 2612: 2538: 2505: 2485: 2467: 2394: 2378: 2355: 2334: 2313: 2294: 2273: 2253: 2245: 2210: 2182: 2165: 2140: 2124: 2081: 2065: 2043: 2013: 1967: 1951: 1924: 1901: 1881: 1863: 1841: 1831: 1702: 1687: 1641: 1592: 1565: 1545: 1521: 1436: 1422: 1407: 1342: 1303: 1272: 1218: 1189: 1152: 1126: 1094: 1076: 1069: 1055: 1014: 993: 889: 879: 849: 834: 752: 746:"development critic, naturalist, transcendentalist, pacifist, tax resister and philosopher" 730: 704: 677: 658: 644: 634: 620: 598: 578: 568: 554: 527: 508: 495: 394: 371: 361: 351: 340: 287: 201: 186: 175: 161: 140: 119: 91: 3788: 3221: 2434: 1699: 358: 172: 3798: 3445:"seems like a WP:FRINGE view. Are there mainstream sources on Thoreau that discuss this?" 3153:(standard here for more than a decade). For example, there is no indication whether the 2257: 1671: 1663: 1116: 1045: 3805:
2552: 1370: 3849:, "External links modified" talk page sections are no longer generated or monitored by 3266: 3194:. (In more detail, the original 2007 edit was reverted a few hours after its addition 3167: 2729: 2459: 2341:
In the future, you can check the history of a page to find the last good version, then
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If you found an error with any archives or the URLs themselves, you can fix them with
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Last edited at 03:24, 9 February 2009 (UTC). Substituted at 14:56, 1 May 2016 (UTC)
inspiration. It still, of course, needs a source and possibly a quote, of course. --
The Article includes no information about his life between 1841-1844 and 1849-1850.
3420: 3385: 3370: 3351: 3335: 3303: 3288: 2910: 2749: 2627: 2599: 2569: 2202: 1533: 1133: 1723:
declarations of what later came to be called natural preservation--WH 23 Aug 2006
3560: 1048:.) That sure sounds like "anarchist" to me. I think we should put it back in. 3936: 2438: 2229: 1681: 1659: 1358: 692:
be people here who could contribute something to the debate. Thanks, Blockader.
476: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
Fine. If the sentiment is notable, a better source will be able to be found. —
to try to fix reference errors. One of the things I do is look for content for
3855:. No special action is required regarding these talk page notices, other than 2653:
I removed the following quote from the lede and bring it here for discussion:
1752: 1727: 87:
for more info. Should this image be submitted to wikipedia's copyright agent?
Comparative American Identities: Race, Sex and Nationality in the Modern Text
to the French-Canadian woodchopper Alek Therien, which includes allusions to
what he learned, as well as collecting quotes and references to other works.
1732: 1291: 2826:
The small town of Thoreau, New Mexico was named after Henry David Thoreau.
1471: 1163: 933: 749: 688: 1334:
936:(where Stirner is included in the anarchism article and for what reasons): 809:
Are you stalking me, Ungovernable? Because it's starting to look like it.
1747: 1742: 1737: 1348: 900:
It's not at all singular to call Thoreau an anarchist. Please see these:
3517: 2512: 3239:
Is it pronounced like the French name "Thoreau" or the American way?
2595: 2516: 771:
Was Thoreau actually a cat lover? does it actually say that anywhere?
don't have the reference to hand. I have used him as an example under
3548: 219: 2452: 2442: 1798:), the Dead Poets Society, always started with a quote from Thoreau: 559:
Is it possible to get a reference for the addition made on 1/9/06?
For reference, perhaps we just add these for comparative analysis?
It sounds like a good idea. What do you have in mind particularly?
Regarding Later years: 1851–1862 ... Townships are 36 square miles.
1757: 1794:. Meetings of the club founded by teacher John Keating (played by 804:
From the 1917 edition of Emma Goldman's Anarchism and Other Essays
There is a box for Thoreau to the right in the "Works" section. -
Thoreau as an Anarchist that Knowledge (XXG) needs to address. (
He advocated a limited government, not abolition of government. (
the language "Thoreau did in fact die a virgin" as indecorous.--
Thoreau was not any kind of liberal, not classical or otherwise.
Throughout American history, there has been a tradition of both
3714:, Bloom, Harold (Ed.), Infobase Publishing, NY. 2007, pp153-174 3638:, Spillers, Hortense (Ed.) New York, Routledge, 1991, p157-173 3263:
Henry David Thoreau#Name pronunciation and physical appearance
2851: 25: 3507:
wrote that the name should be pronounced "Thó-row", with the
When you have finished reviewing my changes, please set the
Gay American Autobiography: Writings From Whitman To Sedaris
3142:, and we find that they are not the same—just as the first 2909:- I agree 16 volumes is too much to expect anyone to read. 3073:—accented on the second syllable. He himself wrote in his 2590:
You can see Walden Pond in the lower right corner of this
sound in "go row" does not rhyme with that in "gore oh".
in wikilinked articles. I have found content for some of
example is the one I'm coming up with right now. Do you?
1097:, thank you. Repeating what HDT writes about himself is 2228:
Austin Meredith, Stack of the Artist of Kouroo Project,
Poor quality in-line links, and lack of notes generally.
3774: 3769:
I have just added archive links to 4 external links on
3405: 3366: 3205: 3198: 3195: 3192: 3189: 3799:
Thoreau has also been quoted in many films, including
information. I started that last year while I raised
Gay American History: Lesbians and Gay Men in the USA
3159: 3040: 2997: 2958: 2513:
3753:, University of Massachusetts Press, 1984, p386 n31 3166:
is voiced or not—whereas this is clear in the IPA. —
3859:using the archive tool instructions below. Editors 3106: 3059: 3010: 2971: 226:I don't think he was actually jailed in this case. 3191:(obvious vandalism), and removed on 18 March 2014 3081:I have since shortened the Emerson sentence thus: 2949:Moments ago, the article included this paragraph: 1310:Brown, Thoreau was no liberal, and 125,000 sources 1113:unlike those who call themselves no-government men 799:Emma Goldman: Anarchism: What it Really Stands For 81:photo of Thoreau's cabin and the sculpture outside 1374:sites relatively isolated from the anarchist Web 1316:The Politics of Individualism by L. Susan Brown. 3409:, and are posted here for posterity. Following 1985: 1119:label. I change my mind; it should stay out. 3845:This message was posted before February 2018. 3920:Search for the word 'debts' and you'll find 3671:, University of California Press, 1986 p58-63 3403:The comment(s) below were originally left at 3112: 3016: 2848:Semi-protected edit request on 5 January 2014 1359: 8: 3439:The sexuality section was deleted by editor 3334:Who wishes to collaborate and help on this? 3109: 3077:that his surname "rhymed with Mrs. Storrow." 3053: 3013: 2974: 2410:Category:Pages with incorrect ref formatting 449:rarely for many years used animal food (...) 3547:A note on pronouncing the name Thoreau, at 3118: 3065: 3056: 3022: 2983: 1753: 1728: 1708:Here's the list of current in-line links: 3966: 3740:, University of Wisconsin Press, 2009, p10 3240: 1733: 1676:Cultural depictions of Alexander the Great 1649:Cultural depictions of Henry David Thoreau 1292: 790:greatest American Anarchist, David Thoreau 788:Referring to the American government, the 3589: 3587: 3092:sounded and stress on the first syllable. 2977: 2511:Regarding Thoreau's influence on Gandhi, 533:Life and Work - Pencil Maker and Lecturer 2594:, and in the north central part of this 2320:Somebody SEVERELY jacked with this page. 1598: 1068:Bikeable: Please read Knowledge (XXG)'s 3518:THUR-oh or Thor-OH? And How Do We Know? 3499: 435:Any comments? ---- Vanita. 27th Jan 06 3973:2601:603:4301:2094:B536:ED67:26E2:8BC4 3684:, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1939, p117 2598:(see the distance scale at bottom). — 1748: 1743: 1738: 1349: 283:will be one step toward obtaining it." 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 3834:to let others know (documentation at 3725:The Gay and Lesbian Literary Heritage 3697:, Meridian, New York, 1992, pp481-492 3549:the Thoreau Institute at Walden Woods 3247:2A01:E35:8A8D:FE80:EC91:C9B3:FBF8:B38 3126:pronunciation. Compare the sound of 7: 3612:A Queer History Of The United States 3115: 3062: 3019: 2980: 2515:seems to be in direct conflict with 2024:? By "you", I suppose you must mean 1981:National Public Radio. Aug. 5, 2002. 3447:Hopefully the following will help. 3350:of his unpublished writings to me. 3096:I have done that because the first 3965:This kind of stuff makes me sad. 3200:. The citation reasonably fooled 3185:This 13 April 2015 Medium article 2197:I've created a stub for his essay 1668:Cultural depictions of Joan of Arc 24: 3773:. Please take a moment to review 3727:, Routledge, New York, 2002, p202 3669:Henry Thoreau: A Life of the Mind 3667:Richardson, Robert; Moser, Barry 3411:several discussions in past years 3406:Talk:Henry David Thoreau/Comments 315:wilderness on his trips to Maine. 3102: 3049: 3006: 2967: 2900: 2855: 2201:and would welcome improvements. 1758: 934:Anarchism#Max_Stirner.27s_egoism 687:I am an editor on the wikipedia 584:Misinterpreted Transcendentalism 432:of vegetarianism in his nature. 169:Henry_David_Thoreau#Online_texts 29: 3318:Indian Notebooks -- to be added 3151:International Phonetic Alphabet 3030:—in 19th-century New England). 1599:Didn't see the changes you made 1449:, that say he was an anarchist. 1323:google search Thoreau anarchist 970:. He was an anarchist. Period. 3815:Attempted to fix sourcing for 3809:Attempted to fix sourcing for 3803:Attempted to fix sourcing for 3797:Attempted to fix sourcing for 2539:21:23, 12 September 2010 (UTC) 2506:01:38, 11 September 2007 (UTC) 2274:13:15, 11 September 2009 (UTC) 2112:) 01:08, 21 January 2009 (UTC) 1642:05:19, 12 September 2006 (UTC) 1627:21:49, 11 September 2006 (UTC) 1546:05:17, 12 September 2006 (UTC) 1522:21:38, 11 September 2006 (UTC) 1464:not an individualist anarchist 1437:05:52, 11 September 2006 (UTC) 1423:03:53, 11 September 2006 (UTC) 1314:You just went on and on about 753:20:35, 11 September 2006 (UTC) 1: 3394:20:31, 10 November 2015 (UTC) 2246:18:02, 6 September 2009 (UTC) 1882:23:51, 14 February 2008 (UTC) 1408:03:34, 7 September 2006 (UTC) 1273:02:55, 7 September 2006 (UTC) 1257:The Politics of Individualism 1219:03:32, 6 September 2006 (UTC) 1190:03:25, 6 September 2006 (UTC) 1153:01:40, 6 September 2006 (UTC) 1127:01:15, 6 September 2006 (UTC) 1077:00:19, 6 September 2006 (UTC) 1056:00:11, 6 September 2006 (UTC) 1015:00:03, 6 September 2006 (UTC) 994:17:15, 5 September 2006 (UTC) 890:14:16, 4 September 2006 (UTC) 880:03:00, 4 September 2006 (UTC) 599:00:21, 22 December 2007 (UTC) 555:00:04, 22 December 2007 (UTC) 362:10:43, 23 December 2005 (UTC) 352:15:23, 10 December 2005 (UTC) 187:22:11, 30 November 2005 (UTC) 3950:Thoreau was not an anarchist 3708:Thoreau, Homer and Community 3563:., LLC. 2013. 3490:18:45, 23 January 2016 (UTC) 3424:15:12, 20 October 2006 (UTC) 2945:Pronunciation of his surname 2939:07:16, 17 January 2014 (UTC) 2799:17:16, 28 January 2012 (UTC) 2738:23:58, 12 January 2011 (UTC) 2722:20:35, 12 January 2011 (UTC) 2468:06:44, 20 January 2010 (UTC) 2395:14:28, 7 December 2009 (UTC) 2379:08:26, 7 December 2009 (UTC) 2356:00:08, 4 November 2009 (UTC) 2335:19:50, 3 November 2009 (UTC) 2314:00:40, 31 October 2009 (UTC) 2295:00:05, 31 October 2009 (UTC) 2183:03:11, 23 January 2009 (UTC) 2166:23:35, 22 January 2009 (UTC) 2141:02:25, 21 January 2009 (UTC) 2125:01:14, 21 January 2009 (UTC) 2082:02:23, 21 January 2009 (UTC) 1864:21:28, 1 December 2007 (UTC) 1842:19:59, 1 December 2007 (UTC) 1832:03:16, 1 December 2007 (UTC) 1703:05:08, 2 February 2007 (UTC) 1688:17:46, 18 October 2006 (UTC) 1345:(anarchism - about Thoreau) 579:00:13, 10 January 2006 (UTC) 341:17:56, 8 December 2005 (UTC) 202:00:14, 27 January 2006 (UTC) 176:04:46, 2 February 2007 (UTC) 162:05:07, 12 January 2007 (UTC) 141:12:32, 15 January 2008 (UTC) 120:08:48, 15 January 2008 (UTC) 3981:20:02, 8 October 2016 (UTC) 3379:23:58, 26 August 2015 (UTC) 3360:16:42, 25 August 2015 (UTC) 3344:14:22, 25 August 2015 (UTC) 3312:14:16, 25 August 2015 (UTC) 2919:18:27, 9 January 2014 (UTC) 2895:21:02, 5 January 2014 (UTC) 2878:to reactivate your request. 2866:has been answered. Set the 2696:16:57, 26 August 2010 (UTC) 2683:15:32, 26 August 2010 (UTC) 2546:self-sufficiency at Walden? 2066:11:35, 4 October 2008 (UTC) 2044:16:37, 28 August 2008 (UTC) 2014:15:26, 28 August 2008 (UTC) 1674:. Recently I also created 1527:source is titled "American- 1474:and you seem to approve it: 850:05:50, 29 August 2006 (UTC) 835:02:37, 28 August 2006 (UTC) 731:04:21, 10 August 2006 (UTC) 705:01:08, 10 August 2006 (UTC) 696:It's clear on the pages of 569:17:47, 9 January 2006 (UTC) 528:22:04, 1 January 2006 (UTC) 3997: 3911:03:13, 29 March 2016 (UTC) 3876:(last update: 5 June 2024) 3791:|deny=InternetArchiveBot}} 3766:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 3655:, September–October 2011, 3653:The Gay And Lesbian Review 3217:13:36, 14 April 2015 (UTC) 2631:23:19, 10 April 2007 (UTC) 2622:21:48, 10 April 2007 (UTC) 2428:Reference named "Thoreau": 2216:Would you like me to help? 2211:17:02, 29 March 2009 (UTC) 1925:20:12, 30 March 2008 (UTC) 1902:19:53, 30 March 2008 (UTC) 1775:03:01, 22 March 2007 (UTC) 1593:17:56, 25 April 2010 (UTC) 1566:16:28, 25 April 2010 (UTC) 1304:16:06, 25 April 2010 (UTC) 779:Thoreau was an anarchist?? 237:Yes, here's the text from 92:03:54, 10 March 2007 (UTC) 3453:The Days Of Henry Thoreau 3418: 3297:04:19, 17 June 2015 (UTC) 3275:20:36, 16 July 2015 (UTC) 3255:20:16, 16 July 2015 (UTC) 3230:06:09, 15 June 2015 (UTC) 3176:00:12, 15 June 2014 (UTC) 2842:20:21, 15 July 2013 (UTC) 2816:19:36, 13 July 2012 (UTC) 2773:17:38, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 2758:13:15, 3 March 2012 (UTC) 2603:22:29, 7 March 2006 (UTC) 2586:18:29, 7 March 2006 (UTC) 2573:17:21, 7 March 2006 (UTC) 2563:14:37, 7 March 2006 (UTC) 2486:08:23, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 1968:00:39, 23 June 2008 (UTC) 1952:12:24, 22 June 2008 (UTC) 455:18:35, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 442:14:11, 12 Jun 2005 (UTC) 372:17:36, 13 June 2006 (UTC) 319:15:19, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC) 302:13:46, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC) 293:Wilderness as public land 288:19:54, 10 June 2006 (UTC) 254:00:49, May 5, 2004 (UTC) 3945:03:36, 5 June 2016 (UTC) 3599:Journal of Homosexuality 3575:Pronunciation Dictionary 3461:Journal of Homosexuality 2613:11:37, 16 May 2006 (UTC) 2408:I check pages listed in 2050:will erase soon after. 1936:Clarification, anyone? 915:List_of_anarchists#Notes 678:00:51, 24 May 2006 (UTC) 659:12:54, 1 June 2006 (UTC) 645:17:51, 31 May 2006 (UTC) 635:17:47, 30 May 2006 (UTC) 621:20:28, 23 May 2006 (UTC) 515:Life and Work - Surveyor 509:04:47, 9 June 2006 (UTC) 496:03:17, 9 June 2006 (UTC) 463:19:05, 15 Jun 2005 (UTC) 328:11:52, 21 Apr 2005 (UTC) 310:14:30, 20 Apr 2005 (UTC) 265:03:23, 10 Jan 2005 (UTC) 230:00:47, May 5, 2004 (UTC) 18:Talk:Henry David Thoreau 3762:External links modified 3632:Walden's Erotic Economy 3581:. Essex, U.K.: Longman. 3281:Biological contribution 2401:Orphaned references in 2362:"Critique" edit please! 1978:Present at the Creation 395:18:46, 3 May 2005 (UTC) 334:Walden Pond, A History. 3647:Robbins, Paula Ivaska 3614:, Beacon Press, 2012, 3478:Achilles and Patroclus 2030:? If that's the case, 1990: 1764: 1762: 665:Thoreau not a pacifist 3601:, 21.3 (1991) pp23-45 3235:French pronunciation? 2995:, but more precisely 2649:Madison and anarchism 2473:Suggestions for Edits 1887:Thoreau as a Botanist 1706: 1670:, which has become a 42:of past discussions. 3857:regular verification 3736:Bergman, David (Ed.) 3706:López, Robert Oscar 3680:Canby, Henry Seidel 3086:Edward Waldo Emerson 3032:Edward Waldo Emerson 1447:Christian anarchists 1070:no original research 1040:(First paragraph of 744:the other labels of 3847:After February 2018 3826:parameter below to 3771:Henry David Thoreau 3712:Henry David Thoreau 3693:Katz, Jonathan Ned 3649:The Natural Thoreau 3595:Thoreau's Sexuality 3573:Wells, J.C. (1990) 3536:Pronouncing Thoreau 2954:Amos Bronson Alcott 2941:Patrick Dukemajian 2449:Anarcho-primitivism 2418:Henry David Thoreau 2414:orphaned references 2403:Henry David Thoreau 2280:invisible quotation 2254:assuming good faith 1115:, and footnote at 1093:I am familiar with 767:Categories Question 97:Missing Information 79:I believe that the 75:Copyright Violation 3852:InternetArchiveBot 3723:Summers, Claude J 3399:Assessment comment 2668:RepublicanJacobite 1911:RepublicanJacobite 1850:RepublicanJacobite 1818:RepublicanJacobite 1791:Dead Poets Society 1780:Dead Poets Society 1656:in popular culture 1636:Ungovernable Force 1578:RepublicanJacobite 1540:Ungovernable Force 1431:Ungovernable Force 1417:Ungovernable Force 1267:Ungovernable Force 1147:Ungovernable Force 1107:, further down in 1042:Civil Disobedience 968:Civil Disobedience 844:Ungovernable Force 239:Civil Disobedience 3983: 3971:comment added by 3909: 3877: 3751:Thoreau's Seasons 3749:Lebeaux, Richard 3610:Bronski, Michael 3429: 3428: 3257: 3245:comment added by 3215: 3134:and the sound of 2882: 2881: 2832:comment added by 2789:comment added by 2712:comment added by 2542: 2525:comment added by 2508: 2496:comment added by 2236:comment added by 2169: 2152:comment added by 2114: 2100:comment added by 2056:comment added by 2016: 2004:comment added by 1954: 1942:comment added by 628:Transcendentalism 381:Thoreau...lazy??? 274:Jorge Luis Borges 131:of talk pages. -- 122: 110:comment added by 72: 71: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 3988: 3905: 3904:Talk to my owner 3900: 3875: 3874: 3853: 3841: 3792: 3784: 3754: 3747: 3741: 3734: 3728: 3721: 3715: 3704: 3698: 3691: 3685: 3678: 3672: 3665: 3659: 3645: 3639: 3630:Michael, Warner 3628: 3622: 3608: 3602: 3593:Harding, Walter 3591: 3582: 3571: 3565: 3564: 3557: 3551: 3545: 3539: 3531:Thoreau's Walden 3527: 3521: 3515: 3509: 3504: 3441:User:Mr._Granger 3416: 3415: 3408: 3214: 3163: 3125: 3124: 3121: 3120: 3117: 3114: 3111: 3108: 3072: 3071: 3068: 3067: 3064: 3061: 3058: 3055: 3044: 3029: 3028: 3025: 3024: 3021: 3018: 3015: 3012: 3000: 2993:General American 2990: 2989: 2986: 2985: 2982: 2979: 2976: 2973: 2961: 2908: 2904: 2903: 2873: 2869: 2859: 2858: 2852: 2844: 2801: 2724: 2681: 2677: 2669: 2541: 2519: 2491: 2465: 2258:reliable sources 2248: 2168: 2146: 2113: 2094: 2068: 1999: 1937: 1923: 1919: 1912: 1862: 1858: 1851: 1830: 1826: 1819: 1765:Thoreau's Poetry 1684: 1664:featured article 1625: 1623: 1618: 1613: 1608: 1591: 1587: 1579: 1520: 1518: 1513: 1508: 1503: 1406: 1404: 1399: 1394: 1389: 1217: 1215: 1210: 1205: 1200: 1188: 1186: 1181: 1176: 1171: 992: 990: 985: 980: 975: 878: 876: 871: 866: 861: 833: 830: 825: 820: 815: 794:" Emma Goldman 728: 721: 715: 147:Editing Requests 105: 63: 56: 55: 33: 32: 26: 3996: 3995: 3991: 3990: 3989: 3987: 3986: 3985: 3952: 3918: 3908: 3903: 3868: 3861:have permission 3851: 3835: 3786: 3778: 3764: 3759: 3758: 3757: 3748: 3744: 3735: 3731: 3722: 3718: 3705: 3701: 3692: 3688: 3679: 3675: 3666: 3662: 3646: 3642: 3629: 3625: 3609: 3605: 3592: 3585: 3572: 3568: 3559: 3558: 3554: 3546: 3542: 3528: 3524: 3516: 3512: 3505: 3501: 3443:with the note: 3437: 3404: 3401: 3320: 3283: 3237: 3183: 3168:President Lethe 3161: 3105: 3101: 3052: 3048: 3042: 3009: 3005: 2998: 2970: 2966: 2959: 2947: 2926: 2901: 2899: 2871: 2867: 2856: 2850: 2827: 2824: 2784: 2781: 2746: 2707: 2704: 2680: 2675: 2667: 2664: 2651: 2560: 2548: 2520: 2475: 2463: 2435:Green anarchism 2406: 2364: 2322: 2287:Alexanderaltman 2282: 2231: 2218: 2195: 2147: 2095: 2090: 2051: 1995: 1944: 1933: 1922: 1917: 1910: 1908: 1889: 1861: 1856: 1849: 1847: 1829: 1824: 1817: 1815: 1782: 1767: 1695: 1682: 1666:when I created 1652: 1621: 1616: 1611: 1606: 1604: 1601: 1590: 1585: 1577: 1574: 1573:references. --- 1516: 1511: 1506: 1501: 1499: 1470:. 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Talk:Henry David Thoreau
current talk page
Archive 1
Archive 2
photo of Thoreau's cabin and the sculpture outside
03:54, 10 March 2007 (UTC)
08:48, 15 January 2008 (UTC)
12:32, 15 January 2008 (UTC)
05:07, 12 January 2007 (UTC)
04:46, 2 February 2007 (UTC)
22:11, 30 November 2005 (UTC)
00:14, 27 January 2006 (UTC)
Scott Burley
Scott Burley

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