
Talk:Osteoarthritis/Archive 1

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that position is sorely lacking. After all I could claim just about anything I wanted to claim if I based those claims on a single study. BTW where's the citation on that study? Also, your implication that chiropractic treatment is "expensive" or a "total waste of money" is completely contradicted by actual long term government research demonstrating that chiropractic treatment is not only effective but also cost effective when compared to medical treatment for similar complaints. Furthermore, when was the last time you disputed a medical claim based on a lack of supporting studies or "proof?" If you've actually read any medical studies you'll find that most of them are not of the "highest level of evidence -- placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trials" In fact, many of them have obvious confounding factors and conflicts of interest. Simply knowing the terminology does not mean that you understand what you're talking about. Then consider, since we're talking about OA, why it is that most of the general public thinks OA is caused by aging. If you're honest you'll realize that it is because most physicians have been telling their patients for generations that arthritis is caused by aging. "You're just getting old, accept it" Chiropractors have been telling their patients for generations that age although a factor (through time) is not the determinant of this disease; it's actually the biomechanics of the joints. Knowledge got it right under the "Causes" section. However, if you want to understand why chiropractors claim that chiropractic treatment can help some cases of OA particularly spinal OA, consider something called Wolff's Law. It's in just about every first year students' physiology text book. Then look up the basis for this law called the Piezoelectric Effect. I'll let you connect the dots but please do at least a semblance of research yourself before you criticize someone else's comments. Also, consider that studies that seem to "prove" some scientific "fact" are often disputed or found faulty shortly thereafter. It may be more appropriate for you criticize the pharmacological or medical approach for lack of efficacy, higher risk for detrimental side effects and eventual push for ineffective and overly utilized surgery. Chiropractic treatment can not only prevent/delay OA in many cases it can actually reverse OA by restoring the normal biomechanics of the joints. This claim is based on Wolff's Law. However, it's not a quick fix. In most cases it takes years for the degenerative changes to develop. It makes sense that it will take in some cases years for the body to remodel those bones. What doesn't make sense is to claim that some pills will make it all better in a matter of hours. Why, because they are magical? Where's the study on that?
capsule, synovial membrane, and periarticular muscles. Ultimately, the articular cartilage degenerates with fibrillation, fissures, ulceration, and full thickness loss of the joint surface. OA diseases are a result of both mechanical and biologic events that destabilize the normal coupling of degradation and synthesis of articular cartilage of chondrocytes and extracellular matrix, and subchondral bone. Although they may be initiated by multiple factors, including genetic, developmental, metabolic, and traumatic, OA changes involve all of the tissues of the diarthrodial joint. Ultimately, OA dis- eases are manifested bymorphologic, biochemical, molecular, and biomechani- cal changes of both cells and matrix which lead to a softening, fibrillation, ulceration, loss of articular cartilage, sclerosis and eburnation of subchondral bone, osteophytes, and subchondral cysts. When clinically evident, OA diseases are characterized by joint pain, tenderness, limitation of movement, crepitus, occasional effusion,
sulfate reporting an effect size of 0.44 compared to a 0.06 effect size from glucosamine hydrochloride; Osteoarthritis Research Society International recommends discontinuing glucosamine if no effect is observed after six months". You changed this to say: "A difference has been found between trials involving glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine hydrochloride, with glucosamine sulfate showing a benefit and glucosamine hydrochloride not. It is thus recommends to discontinue glucosamine if no effect is observed after six months". I can appreciate the shortening and tightening of the text, but there's no reason for the "thus", since these two concepts are not related, and the "it" in this case is now undefined. I don't see why we should remove references to effect size, since without discussing it the reader is left basically in the dark about how to compare different treatments. Incidentally, be careful that when you mean to say "while" you don't say "well".
severe pain.75 Furthermore, in a 30- month longitudinal study of patients who had symptomatic knee OA,76 changes in synovitis, as graded by MRI, correlated only modestly with changes in knee pain. The relatively weak correlation suggests that synovitis was not the only, or even the major, cause of the joint pain. Furthermore, pain was not correlated with the loss of articular cartilage in either the tibiofemoral or patellofemoral compartment and changes in synovial effusion were not correlated with changes in pain. In contrast, in a sample of symptomatic subjects from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI), Lo and colleagues77 found that maximal joint effusion scores on MRI were highly associated with knee pain even after adjustment for bone marrow lesion (BML) scores, suggesting that effusion (a manifestation of underlying synovitis) was independently associated with knee pain. Brandtetal 14"
sources as useful supporting references so that people who actually want to weigh the strength of the underlying evidence behind the secondary sources can readily access it. I really feel the edits that "Doc James" made and that "Puhlaa" threatened me with ("If you dont replace the primary sources with secondary sources, someone will revert your changes again.Puhlaa (talk) 15:52, 9 November 2012 (UTC)" are efforts to dumb-down the OA article and make it antiquated. Research progress on OA has stalled out appallingly. My section on the search for DMOADs at least points to the direction of a glimmer of hope. It's contemporary; it is grounded in reliable sources; and it at least touches on research -- something that will be crucial to making progress on OA and other diseases but something that has been edited right off this page, thanks to "Doc James" and misguided application of
2600:. It suggests that "Even if pre-clinical data and some preliminary in vivo studies have suggested that ... strontium ranelate could be of potential interest in OA, additional well-designed studies are needed." I have not yet found a newer review on the topic. Thus, It does not seem like the scientific or medical communities are ready to start making bold claims for this drug just yet. However, it does seem that strontium ranelate could be added to the osteoporosis article, as there are a couple reviews that provide some favourable conclusions. The second drug mentioned in the suggested edits (parathyroid hormone) is in much earlier stages of research than strontium ranelate (according to the weak sources originally used), thus I am not confident that we will find any secondary sources that make claims of efficacy. 874:
it (with diminishing success and worsening consequences as we get older and the damage is ongoing)-- his article seems to be a largely reasonable recent review and I can see no reason why he would be misleading us about inflammation in OA. It is on this basis that I have put back the modest mentions of inflammation. Although Brandt finds the definition uselessly over-broad, here is what he quotes as the definition of OA put out in 1995 by "a workshop of experts in OA sponsored by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; the National Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal, and Skin Diseases; the National Institute on Aging; the Arthritis Foundation; and the Orthopaedic Research and Education Foundation":
associated with a reduction in pain and improved mobility." And if I knew why there wasn't a link between structural effects and WOMAC effects (in this research or just about any other study of OA) I'd be solving a question that has thus far stumped the medical establishment. The more important "forest" point (as opposed to the trees which preoccupy Those Who Know Best) is that this is the first time a large multicenter, multinational double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial has offered credible evidence of an effective DMOAD. There are a few million people who might find a ray of hope in that, as their only prospect, as conveyed in this page, is joint deterioration and/or replacement.
represent the current state of knowledge about the issue. ***If there are more recent reviews of similar quality, we should use those instead.***" He specifically noted that if I found more recent reviews of similar quality, they should be used instead. This was not objected to by anyone. Sure you can remove the 2 other 2007 reviews and just include the 2008 ones. No big deal for me. I just think we should keep our criteria for inclusion consistent here since I'm getting conflicting feedback about what's acceptable as a source. I also don't mind leaving your study in since you're right- controversy should be noted.
information go where? The two arthritis magazines I cite are for patients and are reputable. That's the sort of "secondary source" people go to (if they're lucky; if they're unlucky they get sucked in by quacks pushing ineffective -sometimes even dangerous- crap typically with personal testimonials.) Without any references to areas of research Knowledge looks like it doesn't know about the latest things. Especially if these are clearly labelled as "research" it makes it clear we are looking ahead, not offering medical advice.
1225:"Quality counts as well, as does the state of the field. There's still controversy, and rather than summing it for the readers (i.e. "three sources say it's good, one says its bad, therefore it's actually good"), leave the reviews as is. Which is the better set of reviews? Are they comparable? Are the measures similar, the results similar, are the p-values similar, were the standards for the inclusion of reviews similar, were the quality of the trials similar? Can we say this, or would this be original research?" 908:
wear particles of cartilage and bone from the abraded joint surface26,69,70, release from the cartilage of soluble matrix macromolecules71 (eg, proteoglycans, collagen, fibronectin fragments), or the presence of crystals of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate or calcium hydroxyapatite.72 In some cases, immune complexes containing antigens derived from the cartilage matrix may be sequestered in collagenous tissue of the joint, such as meniscus, leading to chronic low-grade inflammation.73
researchers have their hands full finding treatment options. An interesting, but possibly unrelated fact is that researchers in Cardiff have found that cold feet reduce blood flow in the nose. If the same happened in the capilary system around the cartilage of OA joints that might be a link. (Maybe the guys in Cardiff will look into it somewhen.) Unconscious/involuntary muscle contractions (like e.g. shivering) might be another cause. (No one seems to have studied that yet either)
my shoulder after simple actions consisting in few repetitions of arm movement involving the shoulder. A physician recommended me to apply cold water after a regular hot water shower. Very simple, though mildly unpleasant in winter, but very effective. I have greatly reduced shoulder pain. According to the physician that recommended the treatment, the effect of cold water shock is to increase blood flow toward joints. Blood carries the "chemicals" that repair the connective tissue.
309: 937:
altered and degenerated mechanical properties of the joint. Studies with imaging and histologic studies have shown in people who are asymptomatic and have OA by imaging there is no inflamation clinically or histologically. Therefore, I would support adding language about episodes of synovitis associated with OA as more precise than saying OA is an inflamatory condition. I'll give it a couple of days for people to weigh in and edit accordingly.
else are they going to say but that chiropractic works for OA -- and best to come in frequently for expensive manipulations? I have a brother-in-law who thinks it helps and a father who thought it helped exactly once and was a total waste of money thereafter. Show me the medical literature and I'll go along with keeping this section in. For now I'm going to pare it down and make it so it doesn't sound like such a commercial advertisement.
Timeliness counts for every Knowledge subject except medicine??? One CAN write about uncertainty. The idea of a research page is a good one, especially if you have a link to it from the mouldy OA page. Most importantly, I can't let Doc James' misrepresentation above stand. Quote from the primary research: "The reduction in total WOMAC score and pain subscore was numerically greater with treatment than placebo at every visit, with a
2924:. I am very fond of this paper, which won its author the "Young INvestigator" award from the Society for biomaterials: "On-demand drug delivery from self-assembled nanofibrous gels: a new approach for treatment of proteolytic disease."Vemula PK, Boilard E, Syed A, Campbell NR, Muluneh M, Weitz DA, Lee DM, Karp JM. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2011 May;97(2):103-10. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.33020. Epub 2011 Mar 14.PMID: 21404422 2038:"The effect size of exercise with additional manual mobilisation on pain was significantly higher than that of exercise therapy alone. Since our review provides only an indirect comparison between the different treatment types, it is not possible to conclude with certainty which treatment program is superior. We were unable to find any study that directly compared these intervention types. There has been one..." 76:- if the article does not exist then you shouldn't remove the red link but write the article! It is a major health problem, and relatively simple to diagnose. In countries with regular child-health follow-up, the Ortolani test is often performed as a screening test, with ultrasound as second line. Treatment is simple, with plaster cast immobilisation. 271:
clinical trials that showed no benefit, interestingly enough the reporter ended the article with a personal note: "I don't care what the trial says. All I know is that without these supplements I am a prisoner in my own house. After taking these supplements, I can climb mountains." (citation needed) One possible
According to my surgeon, my MRIs beautifully show the severe (but not painful!) osteoarthritis in my right hip joint, which is why I'm getting an artificial hip next week. According to the Radiology clinic, the MRIs are my property, so I may post them on Knowledge if I so wish. So should I post those
On this new page, I would suggest a strong "caveat" paragraph making it clear that this page is not to be construed as medical advice and underscoring that many therapies that look promising in early-stage testing in animals never work in humans, and, in fact, barely more than half of drugs that make
With respect to my added section on DMOADs, I made it clear that this is about *research*; I began with two very reputable medical sources. When "Doc James" removed my addition to the page because it was primary sources only, I added two reputable secondary sources, leaving the very reputable primary
general or systematic reviews published in reputable medical journals, academic and professional books written by experts in the relevant field and from a respected publisher, and medical guidelines or position statements from nationally or internationally recognised expert bodies." And then there's
Thanks, I like the way you cleaned this section up after my edits. I still have one concern though, which is with the phrase "are thus not recommended". I think using passive voice is best avoided when there is any sort of recommendation. Not recommended by whom? By the authors of this study? By
I am a little bit surprised of not finding any reference to thermotherapy in this article. I am a patient of osteoarthritis that affects my hands, shoulder and spinal bones. I do not take any drug. When my hands hurt, I apply hot water to them, and pain subsides pretty much. I used to develop pain in
with an article title, so ordinarily it should be easy to find. I see this is not one of those cases, but the problem is that in this case you left at least one entire paragraph completely uncited, leaving it open for future deletion. Better to hold off until you've done the research to either delete
3. Noted that results were not clinically relevant (previous wording was "equivalent" ). Article also noted that the results were statistically significant which does not point to equivalence, but I left that out the stat. sig. part because it's not relevant in this article at least. Also corrected a
From a quick skim to find consensus statements on treatment: "Following feedback from Osteoarthritis Research International members on the draft guidelines and six Delphi rounds consensus was reached on 25 carefully worded recommendations. Optimal management of patients with OA hip or knee requires a
Quality counts as well, as does the state of the field. There's still controversy, and rather than summing it for the readers (i.e. "three sources say it's good, one says its bad, therefore it's actually good"), leave the reviews as is. Which is the better set of reviews? Are they comparable? Are
I am not a medical doctor, but I have been writing about arthritis for a while. All I have to go on is what is actually published in the scientific literature. Although Brandt has his slant on things -- namely that OA is caused by mechanical damage (with various sources) and the body's attempt to fix
Are these terms exactly the same? This is as far as I got: -itis indicates inflammation and arthr- means joint if I got it right, and if osteo related to osseous it's bone. Osteoarthritis would then be bone-joint-inflammation. But what is an "-osis"? Is one term old and the other modern or is one a
In a Fox News Channel talk show "Ask Dr. Manny" aired 12 February 2009, available for download from, Dr. Mark Liponis told his listeners to take the following, divided into several doses daily, to relieve joint pain. Glucosamine 1500 mg, chondroitin 1200 mg, curcumin 1800 mg, fish oil EPA
Walk in any drugstore or vitamin store and you will see scores of brands consisting of glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM, either separately or in combinations, all touting as treatment of osteoarthritis. Some even claim proof of efficacy through unnamed trials. When NY Times reported on FDA sponsored
OA affects nearly 21 million people in the United States, accounting for 25% of visits to primary care physicians, and half of all NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) prescriptions. It is estimated that 80% of the population will have radiographic evidence of OA by age 65, although only 60%
you have added 4 references to support the medical claims you have added to this article. Two are from non-peer-reviewed magazines ('Arthritis today' and 'Arthritis Self-Management'), one from a primary source (RCT), and a fourth that is a basic bench-lab study, not a clinical trial. The only source
I'm always thrilled when a page is given more impact through shortening and getting back to the best current sources. But it is ham-handed editing to say every bloody source in an article has to be a SECONDARY source or a review. While I appreciate the stipulation that sourcing should be to reliable
We could say "it is not possible to conclude with certainty which treatment program is superior as there are no trials which compares them but after meta regression exercise plus manual mobilisations appears to improved pain greater than exercise alone(p =0.03)" And for those who understand what it
outlines what constitutes a reliable source for wikipedia, and the source that was removed meets those standards for the highest level of evidence (systematic review and meta-analysis). Moreover, I cannot find a conflicting viewpoint published in the literature that contradicts the findings nor that
In the alternative medicine treatments section, the new version has: "There is no evidence supporting benefits for most alternative treatments including: vitamin A, C, and E, ginger, turmeric, omega-3 fatty acids, and chondroitin sulfate and these are thus not recommended". This is not supported the
I wish people would just stick to talking about things that they truly have knowledge about. Simply claiming an absence of citation or study does not negate the validity or truth of the statement. Second if you're basing your entire position on one study that you claim to have read, your basis for
Quite possibly, yes. I'm 47 and recently developed osteoarthritis after a bad fall. Medical people tell me I'm unfortunate to have it at my age. You may, like me, have what is known as patellar maltracking. If you haven't already, see a doctor for confirmation. You may need physiotherapy and a visit
Maybe one could rephrase the text to like "doctors report increased numbers of patients complaining of pain caused by OA in cold and humid conditions". Since packed waiting rooms would not qualify as "evidence" for a wiki article "anecdotes" might be all there will be for quite a while. Most
I looked around but couldn't really find anything that suggested that humidity actually has an effect on arthritis. The closest is the idea that changes in barometric pressure might, but it seems like your body would come into equilibrium eventually wherever you were. If we can't find citations in
OARSI-OMERACT initiative: defining thresholds for symptomatic severity and structural changes in disease modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD) clinical trials. Manno RL, Bingham CO 3rd, Paternotte S, Gossec L, Halhol H, Giacovelli G, Rovati L, Mazzuca SA, Clegg DO, Shi H, Tajana Messi E, Lanzarotti
Thank you. This is a positive addition. To keep your page "clean" and distinct as "medical advice" as opposed to research, I would suggest keeping this section to one paragraph on this page, listing key areas of research in no more than a phrase or a single sentence, and then developing these areas
and a trend towards improvement in global knee pain (p=0.065) at 2 g/day, but not 1 g/day." I don't think the statement based on the secondary source or my paraphrase of it is off the mark. Here's the direct quote from the secondary source: "The researchers also observed that strontium ranelate was
for making medical claims. As someone with a PhD, I would think that you would recognize the bias inherent in magazine articles and single-trials that make them unsuitable for supporting medical claims here. I apologize if you felt 'threatened' by my friendly note on your talk page, it was meant to
to an exercise program for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis results in better pain relief then a supervised exercise program alone." Yet the ref says "No randomised comparisons of the three interventions were identified" And they used meta regression which is not a actually comparison. Thus one
You did update the Cochrane review for acetaminophen, but the "questionable significance" point was made by OARSI, and I somehow doubt that there was a trial which showed that the drug was highly effective based on the some change between 2006 and 2010. The drug was already well-studied in 2006. At
7. Noted that it's *short-term* acupuncture that does not result in long-term benefits as per review wording. Previous wording could imply that eventually acupuncture slowly stops working for pain management over the long run. This new wording makes it more clear that acupuncture does not treat the
5. This change I made in a separate edit. I removed the part about there being more evidence exercise and weight reduction effectiveness, because I felt that was irrelevant for a section on acupuncture. There is a section on exercise where this review could be noted. It's already noted the evidence
The synovial membrane from patients who have advanced OA commonly exhibits hyperplasia of the lining cell layer and focal infiltration of lymphocytes and monocytes. In advanced OA the intensity of the synovitis may resemble that in rheumatoid arthritis. Synovitis in OA may be due to phagocytosis of
Given that natural supplements which don't have established efficiency are included should investigational drugs not be included as well. Calcitonin is on phase III trial, and other trials have already suggested efficiency. Besides, Calcitonin is already used for other conditions and noting prevent
Unreferenced statements such as, "found quite effective," "revolutionary," and, "the treatment is painless, safe and scientifically proven," without providing references to peer-reviewed or at least reputable sources show an obvious bias. Given the website of this company is provided, I would guess
Would prefer to see an analysis by a proper secondary source first. I guess we could put it in a section on research but even this should really be properly referenced. One RCT does not get FDA approval. There are some concerns with this RCT as mentioned. The popular press typically overstates new
Here is some of what was added "People taking "strontium ranelate typically exhibited around a third less cartilage degradation than those who took placebo. For every three years of treeatment, disease progression slowed by one year." Data also showed people taking the drug enjoyed reduced knee OA
I am satisfied with the approach you have suggested, although, what if we replace 'meta regression' with 'statistical analysis'. The word 'statistics' has more meaning to the general reader than 'meta regression', and a inquisitive mind can easily identify the type of stats in the actual source. I
This trial design does not allow comparison. The key here is "it is not possible to conclude with certainty which treatment program is superior." because no trials have been done comparing them.The work "might" in this context could just as easily be "might not". IMO this paper says nothing useful
As to your half a dozen questions about OA and acupuncture: you are free to research on those matters. The fact is that those reviews supporting/rejecting acupuncture have now all been included (except the one you took out). They are objectively noted. The statement does not make any judgments. If
Synovitis and inflamation describe somewhat different processes in this context. OA itself is a non-inflamatory condition. Periodic injuries, including microtrauma and repetative stress often cause synovitis in an osteoarthritic joint. This is more likely to occur than in a non OA joint due to the
Earlier in the course of OA, however, the synovium—even from symptomatic patients who have full-thickness ulceration of their articular cartilage—may be histologically normal, suggesting that the early pain in those cases is not attributable to synovitis.74 Conversely, in patients who have knee OA
I don't want to open a worldwar on chiropractic here, but IF it is going to be included as something that is useful for OA, this should be justified with the highest level of evidence -- placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trials -- not blurbs from the American Chiropractic Association. What
You are both focused on the rules and neither comes to grips with my basic point that if your sourcing is always to reviews, this will NEVER be a current, up-to-date picture of the state of the art. It takes several years before the reviews are written. In the meantime, people who are looking for
In addition there was a consensus for treatment recommendations, with caveats, based on four non-phamacological modalities (weight loss, shoe insoles, knee braces, TENs), four pharmacological (oral and topical NSAIDs, topical capsaicin and IA injections of corticosteroids and hyaluronate) and one
Please direct me to the talk page section that states that a 2007 review is outdated. The field is in flux and there is controversy over whether it works. We should be representing this controversy, not deciding which aspects we want to cover. I consider it rather absurd to state that the 2007
The Rosenbaum source concludes that there are studies supporting some of the treatments, and that they in particular cannot recommend them yet because more research needs to be done. This is a far cry from the claim of "no evidence", it's just insufficient evidence to support these authors from
But upon looking at these sources, they do not support this assertion. The Reichenbach source only deals with chondroitin, but it acknowledges that "Previous meta-analyses described moderate to large benefits of chondroitin in patients with osteoarthritis.". There is hardly a consensus on this
published in 2007, glucosamine sulfate appears to help patients avoid or delay total knee replacement (TKR). The study relates to treatment of knee OA with glucosamine sulphate for at least 12 months and up to 3 years and in an average follow-up of 5 years after drug discontinuation. The placebo
is not a clinical benefit). This is strange as 1gm per day led to less degradation of the joint than 2 gms but yet resulted in no benefit. Thankfully our guideline means that I do not need to argue this every time someone uses a primary source. This is the type of stuff the authors of secondary
due to the above stated issues with the sourcing. I would be happy to work with you to try and improve the sourcing. If adequate sources can be found, then the text you want to add can be inserted with those proper sources. I will have a look, as well, to see what I can find, but without proper
I see. If the issue is with the interpretation, then perhaps a slight modification of the deleted text would be sufficient? Would you be content with just qualifying the previous text by adding the word "might" in front of "result in better pain relief...", otherwise, would you provide a better
As a general point, I have to take issue with some your revisions which reduce detail and clarity. I drafted a sentence which said: "There is a "striking" difference between the results reported from trials involving glucosamine sulfate as compared to glucosamine hydrochloride, with glucosamine
I have a number of problems with the Bromelain reference. It was a review of both controlled and uncontrolled studies. The two placebo controlled trials in the 10 trails examined has non significant results. The people who published the paper work for the manufacturer. I am happy to discuss
is good and I think there is some good editing that happened here, but I've also got a few concerns. I think a fair bit of important information has been removed, including the clinical significant of standard treatments, side-effects of treatments, some comparative effectiveness, and some less
My change did not comment on quality. It simply noted the number of reviews that support and reject acupuncture on this issue. That's completely objective. You're right- we cannot interpret quality- at least I think that's what you're pointing out. The readers can make up their mind. Noting the
Synovitis is an important cause of pain in patients who have OA, however. In cross- sectional MRI analyses of subjects who had knee OA, synovial thickening was much more common in those who had pain than in those who were asymptomatic and, among those who had knee pain, was associated with more
Osteoarthritis is a group of overlapping distinct diseases which may have different etiologies, but with similar biologic, morphologic, and clinical outcomes. The disease processes not only affect the articular cartilage, but involve the entire joint, including the subchondral bone, ligaments,
I am leaving this as a waste of time. As I said before, the people controlling this page Know Best About the Rules and won't engage on the subject of timeliness, and writing about interesting, well grounded evidence of research promise, which I have made clear is different than medical advice.
There's been a lot of discussion in the scientific community and among science writers about writing and editing for Knowledge. Heretofore I've always encouraged people to contribute their expertise for the greater good. But you guys have at last convinced me Knowledge is a waste. Read quality
talk page and look at the Evidence of effectiveness section where 2/0 commented. "There is actually a very good reason not to use a particular 2004 study. The osteoarthritis section is already cited to a meta-analysis and a systematic review, both of which are more recent. These papers better
The link that you added specifically discusses possible nutritional approaches to osteoarthritis - from an orthomolecular perspective. It would be much more helpful if we could have a single reliable source that addresses this, and in the form of a narrative. To the best of my knowledge, only
In the article it is mentioned a primary and secondary type of OA, but these types are not distinguised between when stating that there is no cure for OA. As far as I know, this is not correct. If OA is caused by trauma to the joint (not caused by a degenerative disease), there is options for
I tried double checking the article by GREEN GA that said over 80% for elderly, but couldn't access it. I do know the Farmingham studies, which are the most cited articles on osteoarthritis prevalence, state that 10% of people over 65 have osteoarthritis (Incidence and Natural History of Knee
Here are the quotes about inflammation from the Brandt article: "The inflammatory changes in OA are secondary and are caused by particulate and soluble breakdown products of cartilage and bone." Also, "The remodeling of connective tissues requires removal of damaged matrix to allow for its
to discuss here - what it works for, what it doesn't, what still needs to be researched and what's pretty much dead. A simple "works or doesn't" not only glosses over the tremendous amount of information present and granularity, it's simply incorrect. Acupuncture doesn't "work" or "not".
The article says that glucosomine has NOT been helpful for the knee. My experience in speaking with a large number of people taking the glucosomine/chondroitin supplement have found help ONLY for their knees. I am a statistician with no statistical evidence, but wanted to tell you this.
And yes, thank you, my Ph.D. as well as my 20+ years as a science writer do help me to understand bias. Including the sorts one finds in doctors and chiropractors. Very large, multicenter international trials with government funding (primary research) that also get raves from the head of a
2344:, which is outside the scope of this article, and some of the cited conclusions are not about OA. This is really sloppy. I'm just going to remove the whole sentence until someone cares to actually read this whole article. It's not public access so right now I can just see the abstract. 607:
Hello I would like to assis on this lemma but my English is not good enough. Would it be helpfull if I post in this discussion some recent PUBMED studies on the possibele causes of osteoarthritis and that somebody else makes the changes in the lemma. Regards, Willy Witsel, Netherlands
I attempted a restructuring of this discussion so that we don't have to go too deep in our indentation too fast. If it bothers you please switch back. I apologize for the response delay but I'm still working on this and I'll respond in several points as you did. For a few points:
concerns over the methodolgy hold no weight on wikipedia, only verifiable sources matter. Ernst' manuscript passed peer-review with the label of a systematic review, thus Ernst' bold conclusions are included as the most recent and high-quality source examining the risk of spinal
2863:; including my offending paragraph with info on PTH and in the same breath RUNX-1 downregulator: Ann Rheum Dis. 2012 Oct 5. A novel disease-modifying osteoarthritis drug candidate targeting Runx1. Two "secondary" articles summarizing the challenges to DMOAD evaluation are 2497:, but there remains potential for misuse. For that reason, edits that rely on primary sources should only describe the conclusions of the source, and should describe these findings clearly so the edit can be checked by editors with no specialist knowledge. In particular, 1243:
number of reviews does NOT sum anything for readers. You added that "therefore it's actually good" yourself. Noting the number of reviews has been done on the acupuncture page too. The sources are there for readers to look at on their own. They are completely accessible.
page -- although possibly it should be the other way 'round and the people who edit that page should add a research page and we could both link to that; And I would definitely include the tanezumab example to underscore that research is NOT the same thing as "approved
I see that this article is a "serious" one, subjected to the use of "high-quality medical sources". I am sure these sources have to exist for Thermotherapy, only I am not trained to find them. I, therefore would appreciate if some medical wikipedist could help in this
Yes many academics have trouble getting encyclopedia / Knowledge writing. There are a number of reasons that we much prefer secondary sources over primary ones. First of all we are not trying to capture the cutting edge, we are not a news source, there is by the way
you will NEVER have a page that is up-to-date. Why should medicine not be as current as any other subject? Could it be that the M.D. and Chiropractor who want to remove my well-sourced additions simply don't want their patients to be better informed than they are???
Ok, I am only 19 and i suffer from chronic knee pain, muscle contractions and cracking noises. This has been so ever since an incident in Karate practice a few years ago when a roundhouse sent my knee the wrong way. Does this mean i have this sort of arthritis?
sourcing your additions will not likely gain consensus. If you can gain consensus for your edits without what I think is proper sourcing, then that would also be ok according to policy. However, you are going to need one of either consensus or better sources.
I have decided to look into that OARSI info after all since I've already invested so much into debating over acupuncture. Although I highly disagree with you in many areas, at least you respond after reverting unlike other editors controlling the acupuncture
1146:? Is it that acupuncture is clearly a first-line treatment that should be picked first, or that it is of limited use? Is portraying it simply as a count of pro- versus anti- studies simplistic? What does Cochrane say? (Ernst would suggest "nothing good" 2168:"Statistical analysis has suggested that exercise plus manual therapy is more effective than exercise alone, however, it is not possible to conclude with certainty which treatment program is superior, as there are no trials which compares them directly." 2089:
My understanding of wikipedia policy is that an editors expert knowledge is not what determines the inclusion/exclusion of a source or its findings. I respect your knowledge of stats, but is it enough to prevent inclusion of the findings of a systematic
For one, the OARSI consensus document mentioned questioned the clinical significance of the standard treatment, acetaminophen. This significant commentary was removed, leaving, with no commentary, an implication that the standard treatment is highly
2096:, which used 25 case reports to make very strong conclusions Re: the safety of SMT. In my opinion, a list of case-reports is not a systematic review, nor is it evidence, it is confirmation bias. However, it was argued by multiple editors that 2884:-- this article includes review of new approaches in imaging OA: Arthritis Res Ther. 2012 Jun 7;14(3):212. Early diagnosis to enable early treatment of pre-osteoarthritis., Chu CR, Williams AA, Coyle CH, Bowers ME.; I'm sure there are others 2358:
Sure so the first ref states "We cannot recommend use of vitamin E alone; vitamins A, C, and E in combination; ginger; turmeric; or Zyflamend (New Chapter, Brattleboro, Vermont) for the treatment of OA or RA or omega-3 fatty acids for OA."
Thanks for the work; I finally got around to writing some more about OA. In medical articles, I generally avoid addressing the reader in person. The reader may be a grandchild of a patient and not like instructions how to cope with OA :-).
It is generally accepted that evidence is required for something to be recommended. If the evidence is insufficient it is not recommended. We could state not recommended due to a lack of evidence but that is basically what we already say.
Everything other than JSW was a secondary endpoint. One does not make recommendations on secondary endpoints with this being only for hypothesis generation. We even added "enjoyed reduced knee OA pain" yet that secondary endpoint did not
With this justification and sourcing, I am putting the mentions of local inflammation back in the article and would request that if they are removed again, it should be with appropriate references stating that OA never entails localized
2851:"New treatments compared to established treatments in randomized trialsNew treatments compared to established treatments in randomized trials The Cochrane Library, DOI:10.1002/14651858.MR000024.pub3, Published Online: 17 OCT 2012. 346:
I have deleted the latest addition to this -- the statement that fishoil obviates the need for prescription medication. "" is a commercial endorsement for a Dr. Cooper -- hardly up to Wiki-standards for adequate
recommending them. Their conclusion is "Whether any of these supplements can be effectively and safely recommended to reduce nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug or steroid usage is unclear and requires more high-quality research".
If DDD and OA is the same, I can upload more images into Commons for the cervical vertebrae. I could also use some help in trying to place images into spine articles on Knowledge. Please see my discussion page if you have time.
osteoarthritis in the Elderly 1995 Arthritis and Rheumatism). They said 82.7% PARTICIPATED in the follow up study from the original in 1987, and I suspect that GREEN GA or the whoever, might have got that prevalence wrong.
This article should also mention boswellia, an herbal analgesic known in Aryuvedic medicine and widely available in health food stores as well as online. It is highly effective and, unlike NSAIDs, has no known side effects.
2044:"Despite the limitations of the review, it suggests that additional manual mobilisations may have significantly better effects compared to exercise alone in terms of pain relief. The manual mobilisation techniques used...." 2107:
is rejected based soley on your personal knowledge and experience with statistics, it will be hard not to feel that adherence to wikipedia policies (Re: sources) are only enforced 'on occassion'. Is this a valid concern?
There are a number of books that report that diet, apart from weight loss, can affect osteoarthritis. This deserves a mention and discussion of the data either supporting or refuting or lacking for these positions.
research, write about it clearly to inform people on subjects of vital interest, and some pontifical rule-monger hits the delete button. There are plenty of other charities that can better use one's time and talents.
There are a number of books that report that diet, apart from weight loss, can affect osteoarthritis. This deserves a mention and discussion of the data either supporting or refuting or lacking for these positions.
because there is insufficient evidence of benefit. I have changed the word from "no" to "little" to address your concerns. The second ref states "the symptomatic benefit of chondroitin is minimal or nonexistent."
Dr Heilman, I respect your knowledge of stats (I have only a basic knowledge; my undergrad and grad school were mol. bio.) and I am empathetic to your concerns here. No disrespect is meant, but please consider my
2007 reviews. Unless I'm missing something, you're claiming that the negative 2007 review is outdated, while the positive 2007 review is not. That seems unlikely. The negative review is also in the prestigious
200:. Whether this procedure is feasible probably depends on how far the OA has gotten, i.e. the condition of the remaining cartilage. I don't know enough about this topic to add this to the article, anyone who does? 1939:
criticizes the methodology. If a noteable controversy exists then both viewpoints could be included. However, without a noteable controversy, I fail to see why this source and its findings should not be included.
2912:, e.g. meniscal tear / ACL to OA again see (Arthritis Res Ther. 2012 Jun 7;14(3):212. Early diagnosis to enable early treatment of pre-osteoarthritis., Chu CR, Williams AA, Coyle CH, Bowers ME.PMID: 22682469 ) 844:. I added the original stuff replaced; would have preferred to keep the information on the proposed mechanism ("lubrication"), the comparison to hylan, and the experimental research into a nutritive solution. 1048:
the measures similar, the results similar, are the p-values similar, were the standards for the inclusion of reviews similar, were the quality of the trials similar? Can we say this, or would this be
that comes close to being of adequate quality to make medical claims is the RCT, however, as a primary source it is considered a relatively weak source. None of these sources meet the standards of
Yes I have removed a great deal of primary research and replace it with review articles. I replaced a 2006 Cochrane review with an update version from 2010. I am attempting to make the article
In conclusion, I am torn as to how to proceed. I trust your opinion on the value of meta regression and I do not want inaccurate or misleading information included here. However, if this source
2505:, as defined above .... When citing primary sources, particular care must be taken to adhere to Knowledge's undue weight policy. Secondary sources should be used to determine due weight." 1729:
I didn't add the bromelain reference and I think you have a fair point, but if something has had 10 trials, it certainly deserves to be mentioned. We also need to make clear when there is
Acupuncture is "effective for these things in these circumstances, but not in these". What is needed is less battle over a blanket statement and more reading and summarizing of results.
Looking through the reviews and your summaries, I changed a few things as well as corrected spelling mistakes. I will state what I changed in descending order of the list in the article:
and this paper is neither on pubmed nor google scholar. I would be happy to review it and replace it if you can find a copy. I agree that I probably should have tagged it for a bit.
1106: 1369:
combination of non-pharmacological and pharmacological modalities of therapy. Recommendations cover the use of 12 non-pharmacological modalities: education and self-management, and
1737:. Your text did not distinguish that the chondroitin conclusion is largely negative. Incidentally, I think we could likely replace that altmed review with a more accessible one. 1571:
compliant. Have changed the language to a more general tone. One does not need to state that the reference being added is a review as all references should be reviews. Etc.
2510: 2481: 421:
it stems from a commercial interest, or even a misplaced attempt at sharing what was a personally successful treatment; I have not investigated the writer to find out.
1627: 1261:
you really want, maybe we can add that "Ongoing research is needed to provide more information on long-term effects and attain more conclusive, high-quality evidence".
but I do not think is of great enough significance for this page. If we mentioned everything than the good evidence gets and mainstream POV gets lost in the clutter.
Feel free to make these changes. I am away this weekend and will comment next week. We should not however remove good reviews just because they are hard to access.
consensus of the modern medical establishment? It's not clear what this phrase carries a lot of implications that I think are important to spell out.
2867:: Curr Drug Targets. 2010 May;11(5):528-35. Disease modifying osteoarthritis drugs: facing development challenges and choosing molecular targets. PMID: 22682469 1961:
cannot conclude that any of the measures looked at results in better pain relief. It is not the source that is the issue but the interpretation of said source.
Rosenbaum CC, O'MathĂşna DP, Chavez M, Shields K (2010). "Antioxidants and antiinflammatory dietary supplements for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis".
As I am not an editor I decided to note it as non-neutral and post this comment, instead of cleaning it up myself; at the moment I stick to grammar fixes.
We need to be very careful of introducing bias for or against any sort of supplements. Be careful about how you cite things, and make sure to maintain
2644:. We at Knowledge are trying to cover the foundations of all of knowledge. This is actually a good example of why we should not allow primary sources. 1763: 1557: 855: 2392:
By the way nearly every research paper ever written finishes with more research is needed. We do not typically repeat this as it is just a given.
430: 2896:
I know there've been some reviews/secondary sources summing up general areas of success and challenge. Obviously this needs to include a link to
2094: 777:
Agreed; the only study that I've ever read said that chiropractic therapy worked for nerve and joint pain, slightly less than a sugar pill did...
Osteoarthritic disorders. Rosemont (IL): American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 1995. p. xxi–v., as quoted and cited in the Brandt article.
There is an article in the Indian Journal of Aerospace Medicine which is peer-reviewed, which substantiates some of the above statements. --kv
What about steem cells? I think some people are working on this kind of surgery in different countries. Can anyone specify something else? --
1435: 1391: 1327: 1292: 1262: 983: 964: 734: 675: 615: 1484: 505: 434: 162:) has effectively rewritten the whole page! Most of it sounds like reasonable edits, but use of edit summaries would have been helpful. 651: 1871: 1752:
Doing a GAN for the article sounds interesting. I don't have much experience with that and I imagine the standards aren't that high.
588: 562: 2619:
multi-million pound arthritis research charity (secondary) and research published in the Science journals receive intensive scrutiny.
this description should follow closely to the interpretation of the data given by the authors or by other reliable secondary sources.
Glucosamine sulfate use and delay of progression of knee osteoarthritis: a 3-year, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study
be helpful, as it seemed you were not familiar with what constitutes high-quality sources on wikipedia for use in medical articles.
1926:"meta-regression indicated that exercise plus manual mobilisations improved pain significantly more than exercise alone (p = 0.03)." 912:
who have no joint pain, the severity of articular cartilage damage and of synovitis may be as great as in those who have knee pain.
197: 2779:(p=0.029 for 2 g/day)." From the Discussion: "Additionally to this structural effect, symptomatic improvement was observed, with 1813: 1101:, which is also good, but one of those citations is Manheimer, which means White was published earlier in the year. Selfe is 1428:
I'm fine with the most recent changes. I'd also like to see the OARSI recommendation noted in the main acupuncutre article.
recent edit removed a secondary source (systematic review and meta-analysis). The reason provided for the deletion is that
1759: 1553: 851: 336: 298: 159: 2976: 2827: 2755: 2685: 2584: 2447: 2405: 2379: 2261: 2147: 2072: 1974: 1829: 1795: 1704: 1673: 1644: 1599:
BTW I am sorry about the mess up in the references. Must have hit the wrong button well editing here is the correct on
1584: 1363: 669:
Long-term effects of glucosamine sulphate on osteoarthritis progression: a randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Chronic smokers have higher risk of OA. Cessation of smoking would at least delay further deterioration of the joints.
1147: 1008: 668: 488:
support of it, then I think we ought to get rid of it, because it is likely unsupported by anything but anecdotes. --
1150: 112:
Feel free to delete that section if you see best, and thanks once again. I have had severe OA for three years now.
1389:, thermal modalities and glucosamine sulphate recommended in 50%, and for hondroitin sulphate recommended in 25%." 1530:
The edits apparently removed Kokebie's review which was used for diagnosis, leaving some text simply unsupported.
1171: 1060: 1027: 823: 52:
NSAIDs is an unnecessary thing - there are hundreds of preprarations, and providing a link should be good enough.
Not entirely sure, but I don't think there is any actual decrease in Synovial fluid in this condition. Cheers!
2980: 2950: 2831: 2789: 2759: 2689: 2628: 2588: 2517: 2451: 2409: 2383: 2265: 2151: 2076: 1978: 1833: 1799: 1753: 1708: 1677: 1648: 1588: 1547: 1535: 1439: 1395: 1331: 1296: 1266: 987: 968: 957:
I updated the section on acupuncture treament for osteoarthritis since there was more new research available.
926: 845: 767: 738: 679: 619: 352: 982:
main page for being outdated. The 4 newer reviews that support acupuncture effectiveness in OA should suffice.
replacement. Inflammation and alterations of cell metabolism are an essential part of this healing process."
2960: 2848: 1488: 73: 2093:
I believe that my concern is valid because of a recent disagreement over a paper recently published by Ernst
1875: 592: 509: 438: 1015:, Family Community Health or Physical Therapy, but that a prominent, recent review has conflicting results 2597:
Here is a bit-older (2008) review of the first drug (strontium ranelate) mentioned in the suggested edits
2289:"there is no evidence supporting benefits for most alternative treatments including: vitamin A, C, and E, 1126:) that agree that it's good for short-term pain, another that states it's not good for long term results ( 566: 816:
considered by one alternative specialist as important was added, however I do not see it here anymore...
472: 458: 392: 130: 2665:
that they quote benefit with 2 grams but do not mention one gram (because if you look at the full paper
2215: 1621: 1123: 1112:
How much do the results converge? I've found a couple of the articles as full text, and other reviews (
1102: 1098: 1094: 36: 2900:
but engineering cartilage is sufficiently distinctive to warrant a section on the subject for this page
1130: 382: 381:
Here are c. 10 summarized healing reports from osteoarthritis (through healing on the spiritual path):
On May 14, Doc James made about 40 edits and reduced the page size from about 45k to about about 27k.
surgical modality (arthroscopic debridement) which are recommended in 75% of existing guidelines; for
1120: 1116: 799: 3005: 2729: 2495:
Reliable primary sources may occasionally be used with care as an adjunct to the secondary literature
2341: 1867: 1524: 1431: 1127: 960: 820: 647:
I agree on gluco and chondro. These articles I use in The Netherlands to show not only pain relieve
611: 584: 558: 501: 324: 286: 2164:
have proposed something similar to your last proposal, but with an altered 'order'. What if we said:
468: 126: 2946: 2785: 2624: 2513: 2302: 2298: 922: 763: 489: 348: 17: 536: 89:
Thank you for your help Jdwolff, this was my first attempt at editing. Your help is appreciated.
2897: 2721: 1957: 942: 795: 716: 694: 636: 275:
is that these supplements can be of benefit in mild cases but not in cases studied in the trials.
201: 170: 113: 103: 90: 81: 64: 2872:
A, Dougados M. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2012 Feb;20(2):93-101. Epub 2011 Nov 28. PMID: 22178465
a significant impact on WOMAC total score and pain subscore (p=0.045 and p=0.028, respectively),
1689: 1291:
I added it in. Does that statement satisfy your request to note that there is still controversy?
218: 2661:
significance p=0.06. Their primary endpoint, JSW, is not a patient oriented outcome. Other issu
2204: 1900: 1610: 782: 540: 526: 367: 332: 318: 294: 280: 252: 235: 153: 48:
I certainly will. Could you use Wikimarkup for headings please (==Symptoms==). Also: listing
2972: 2823: 2751: 2717: 2681: 2605: 2580: 2562: 2543: 2493:
the rest: "All Knowledge articles should be based on reliable, published secondary sources.
2443: 2424: 2401: 2375: 2349: 2330: 2257: 2174: 2143: 2113: 2068: 2020: 1970: 1944: 1825: 1791: 1700: 1669: 1640: 1580: 1568: 1176: 1065: 1032: 661: 2910:
a section on early-stage monitoring, study, treatment/prevention of progression from injury
Anyway, I hope to get a response although I'm not sure when I can spend some time on this.
3001: 2941: 2725: 2534: 2244: 2228: 1935: 56: 1741:
the same time you retain the statement that acunpuncture is of questionable significance.
1542:(which nevertheless notes that other recent reviews did not come to the same conclusion). 1523:, Doc removed all the interesting, more experimental "alternative" remedies, including a 1510:
Comparison between Revision as of 14:20, 14 May 2010 to Revision as of 21:03, 14 May 2010
Also please consider that news articles (Reuters Health) are usually based on studies in
1539: 1144: 2322: 1504: 1083:
is acupuncture the primary treatment modality for osteoarthritis? That's hard to tell.
833: 886:
citation: Kuettner K, GoldbergVM. Introduction. In: Kuettner K, GoldbergVM, editors.
I would like to see references to articles about the heritability of Osteoarthritis.
group had twice as many TKR compared to those formerly receiving glucosamine sulphate.
2553: 1809: 1364:
1179: 1168: 1068: 1057: 1035: 1024: 938: 712: 690: 632: 166: 99: 77: 60: 3009: 2984: 2954: 2835: 2793: 2763: 2733: 2693: 2632: 2609: 2592: 2566: 2547: 2521: 2455: 2428: 2413: 2387: 2353: 2334: 2269: 2178: 2155: 2117: 2080: 2024: 2015:
I have included the relevant discussion from the sources' full text for convenience:
1982: 1948: 1904: 1879: 1837: 1803: 1767: 1712: 1681: 1652: 1592: 1561: 1492: 1443: 1399: 1335: 1300: 1270: 1186: 1075: 1042: 991: 972: 946: 930: 859: 826: 803: 786: 771: 742: 720: 699: 683: 641: 623: 596: 570: 544: 529: 513: 492: 476: 461: 442: 395: 371: 356: 340: 302: 239: 221: 204: 175: 134: 39: 2653: 2105: 1928: 1049: 778: 689:
That sounds reasonable, although your last link doesn't work - it gives gibberish.
363: 328: 314: 290: 276: 248: 231: 226:
A self help book, which was on NY Times best seller list, is The Arthritis Cure by
149: 44:
I have begun editing and adding to this article, feel free to edit and . 16, 2004.
1896: 1921:
however, the deleted text was a direct summary of the deleted sources' abstract:
2964: 2815: 2743: 2673: 2601: 2572: 2558: 2539: 2435: 2420: 2393: 2367: 2345: 2326: 2306: 2249: 2170: 2135: 2109: 2060: 2016: 1962: 1940: 1817: 1783: 1692: 1661: 1632: 1572: 1204: 1090:
is 17.5, and as the article states, it's exceeded only by JAMA, Lancet and NEJM.
979: 409: 2598: 2364: 2360: 2283: 2280: 1137: 1113: 813: 2195:
Loeser, RF (2012 Jun). "Osteoarthritis: a disease of the joint as an organ".
Would these documents be accpetable for this osteo article?? Regards Willy --
2937: 2648:
pain and improved function compared to participants receiving placebo" Now l
1512:. I'll admit that some of the material I added so I have an interest in it. 457:
Is this true? I have read that gout is the most common form of arthritis.
2207: 1613: 2849:
what are the impact factors for the journals? How prestigious are they?
And here is his long section about inflammation of the joint (synovitis):
2641: 2484:
does NOT say we should only have secondary sources or reviews. It says: "
2294: 1164: 1053: 1020: 1012: 2503:
that is not clearly made by the authors or by reliable secondary sources
Reverted edit by WLU because that source was previously rejected on the
glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate have reliable evidence behind them.
Further looking at these sources, the one meta-analysis also examined
it to clinical trials offer any improvement over existing therapies [
2290: 1378:"Acupuncture may be of symptomatic benefit in patients with knee OA." 383:
significant between-group difference for pain subscore at 36 months
What are the overall conclusions in the area? Is it "more study"?
836:, it's just been improved. Was improved by Doc James in two edits, 821:
Caesar J.B. Squitti: Son of Maryann Rosso and Arthur Natale Squitti
With diff not working 100% I am not sure how much was changed, but
as a subpage and link it to here. Feel free to do so if you wish.
1011:, a high-impact journal. I'm not sure about the Hebrew-language 214:
Can someone update this with global data instead of just the US.
59:. If Reuters is good, they should provide the actual reference. 2501:
Primary sources should not be cited in support of a conclusion
1812:. This sort of information may belong on a page pertaining to 1140:
guidelines that mention acupuncture. We should get that study.
Agree with Puhlaa, we are happy to help with sourcing issues.
and variable degrees of inflammation without systemic effects.
Might not some of the contribution that was recently reverted
layman's term and the other the proper medical one?? thks.
Hello I would like to assist on this lemma but............
for acupuncture effectiveness in the review was moderate.
272: 227: 181:
maybe hip luxation should be congenital hip subluxation?
What are the overall recommendations? There's a set of
a discussion of common x-ray findings would be helpful.
be incorporated into a Research directions section per
2714: 2530: 2366:
The ref for the glucosamine bit is a little lower down
1915: 1520: 1509: 999: 841: 837: 2268:) (if I write on your talk page please reply on mine) 2922:
possibly a section on new modalities of drug delivery
1600: 1468:
1. Noted that both pain and function were improved.
2894:a section on tissue engineering/stem cell therapy; 2475:journals, I would contend that if this means only 2059:and is using stats (my undergrad) inappropriately. 2511:Knowledge:Identifying reliable sources (medicine) 2482:Knowledge:Identifying reliable sources (medicine) 2654: 2325:. I'm going to try to clean this sentence up. 1525:2004 review on bromelain hosted on PubMedCentral 838:one replacing a few sources with a better review 2934:and a section on new-generation pain relievers 1376:The recommendation statement for acupuncture: 581:Knowledge shouldn't be used for advertizing. 1093:How many times are they cited? Manheimer is 165:Is anyone willing to tidy up the references? 8: 2854:IMHO, the new page should include at least: 2842:on a separate page, Osteoarthritis Research. 2309:. These treatments are thus not recommended" 1626:: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list ( 211:of those will be symptomatic (Green 2001). 1814:alterantive medicine used in osteoarthritis 2983:) (if I write on your page reply on mine) 2834:) (if I write on your page reply on mine) 2762:) (if I write on your page reply on mine) 2692:) (if I write on your page reply on mine) 2591:) (if I write on your page reply on mine) 2454:) (if I write on your page reply on mine) 2412:) (if I write on your page reply on mine) 2386:) (if I write on your page reply on mine) 2275:Mis-cited section on Alternative medicine 1499:On May 14, 18 kbytes taken out of article 453:"OA is the most common form of arthritis" 247:Suggest adding this comment to treatment. 416:“RFQMR” item in Other Approaches section 2552:I have reverted your addition (as per 2240: 2236: 2224: 2213: 1619: 467:Yes it is. Check the Farmingham study 1956:The text was "The addition of manual 1744:Kokebie was cited to the publication 1540:negative meta-analysis of chondroitin 7: 1749:as unlikely or replace the citation. 362:DHA 3000 mg, and vitamin D3 1000 IU. 1808:The issue I have with bromelain is 1746:Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine 198:Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation 1919:"the ref does not support this..." 1508:notable but still relevant items. 24: 1688:The Kokebie's review was broken 753:physicians to use it off-label. 652:Glucosamine Cochrane Review 2006 283:) 18:27, 5 December 2007 (UTC) 321:) 02:22, 26 August 2008 (UTC) 2456:06:07, 25 September 2012 (UTC) 2429:04:07, 25 September 2012 (UTC) 2414:18:46, 23 September 2012 (UTC) 2388:18:37, 23 September 2012 (UTC) 2354:18:13, 23 September 2012 (UTC) 2335:18:11, 23 September 2012 (UTC) 2285:were used to cite the clause: 2156:23:56, 30 September 2011 (UTC) 2118:22:17, 30 September 2011 (UTC) 2081:20:33, 30 September 2011 (UTC) 2025:20:15, 30 September 2011 (UTC) 1983:11:34, 30 September 2011 (UTC) 1949:21:18, 29 September 2011 (UTC) 947:23:02, 29 September 2009 (UTC) 931:12:59, 29 September 2009 (UTC) 809:Hyaluronan added then removed. 657:but also therapeutic aspects 530:20:35, 28 September 2007 (UTC) 176:11:41, 19 September 2005 (UTC) 40:14:42, 29 September 2007 (UTC) 1: 3010:09:26, 15 November 2012 (UTC) 2985:21:11, 12 November 2012 (UTC) 2955:00:37, 12 November 2012 (UTC) 2936:(e.g. the "on clinical hold" 2836:17:53, 11 November 2012 (UTC) 2794:22:15, 10 November 2012 (UTC) 2764:07:53, 11 November 2012 (UTC) 2734:20:32, 10 November 2012 (UTC) 2694:19:19, 10 November 2012 (UTC) 2633:18:46, 10 November 2012 (UTC) 514:16:51, 17 February 2008 (UTC) 396:20:53, 22 November 2006 (UTC) 240:16:37, 22 December 2007 (UTC) 2610:21:00, 9 November 2012 (UTC) 2593:20:27, 9 November 2012 (UTC) 2567:19:58, 9 November 2012 (UTC) 2548:19:46, 9 November 2012 (UTC) 2522:18:55, 9 November 2012 (UTC) 1905:13:48, 30 January 2011 (UTC) 1880:00:42, 23 January 2011 (UTC) 1493:05:13, 10 October 2009 (UTC) 743:07:41, 19 October 2008 (UTC) 571:04:53, 5 February 2008 (UTC) 303:18:19, 5 December 2007 (UTC) 2814:Added section on research. 2279:The following two sources, 2179:20:24, 3 October 2011 (UTC) 1444:16:14, 9 October 2009 (UTC) 1400:05:10, 9 October 2009 (UTC) 1336:04:58, 9 October 2009 (UTC) 1301:04:56, 9 October 2009 (UTC) 1271:04:44, 9 October 2009 (UTC) 1187:02:23, 9 October 2009 (UTC) 1076:01:05, 9 October 2009 (UTC) 1043:13:41, 8 October 2009 (UTC) 1009:Annals of Internal Medicine 992:12:45, 8 October 2009 (UTC) 973:03:03, 3 October 2009 (UTC) 804:06:10, 20 August 2010 (UTC) 550:Arthrosis or osteoarthritis 341:02:16, 26 August 2008 (UTC) 222:23:08, 1 January 2007 (UTC) 3025: 2995:Offer of some good images. 998:review is "outdated" when 772:12:11, 26 March 2009 (UTC) 700:21:49, 15 March 2008 (UTC) 684:13:22, 14 March 2008 (UTC) 642:12:51, 14 March 2008 (UTC) 624:11:22, 13 March 2008 (UTC) 597:14:00, 12 March 2008 (UTC) 520:Arthritis in young people. 255:) 13:23, 26 December 2007 2488:sources for such content 2270:21:48, 25 July 2012 (UTC) 953:acupuncture effectiveness 834:Osteoarthritis#Injectable 787:04:31, 21 June 2009 (UTC) 721:13:41, 24 July 2008 (UTC) 545:07:22, 10 June 2010 (UTC) 443:21:27, 4 April 2007 (UTC) 372:17:52, 27 July 2009 (UTC) 357:12:03, 2 April 2009 (UTC) 205:10:19, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 191:Regarding treatment of OA 86:09:45, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC) 2197:Arthritis and rheumatism 1838:14:47, 22 May 2010 (UTC) 1804:14:30, 22 May 2010 (UTC) 1768:12:58, 22 May 2010 (UTC) 1713:20:36, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 1682:20:33, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 1653:20:24, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 1593:20:16, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 1562:09:31, 16 May 2010 (UTC) 1536:positive review of SAM-e 1534:two citations: one is a 860:18:00, 25 May 2009 (UTC) 827:16:05, 25 May 2009 (UTC) 493:15:02, 4 July 2007 (UTC) 477:16:35, 4 June 2008 (UTC) 462:03:37, 5 June 2007 (UTC) 135:16:34, 4 June 2008 (UTC) 108:12:52, 18 Nov 2004 (UTC) 69:09:14, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC) 2961:Osteoarthritis research 832:It's still there under 74:Congenital hip luxation 2223:Check date values in: 1603:Altern Ther Health Med 918: 884: 2670:sources take care of. 898: 876: 433:comment was added by 412:2 january 2007 (UTC) 2940:)with a link to the 2882:A section on imaging 2342:rheumatoid arthritis 842:adding a 2009 review 388:Kind regards, Dave 120:Prevalence Incorrect 2959:Sure we can create 2861:a section on DMOADs 2303:chondroitin sulfate 2299:omega-3 fatty acids 1958:joint mobilizations 1158:There is obviously 385:(go to chapter 10) 18:Talk:Osteoarthritis 2898:Tissue Engineering 2314:particular issue. 2235:Unknown parameter 1362:Here is the link: 1174:Knowledge's rules: 1063:Knowledge's rules: 1030:Knowledge's rules: 1002:used not one, but 869:Inflammation in OA 266:Dietary Supplement 196:treatment such as 114:User:Gilgameshfuel 91:User:Gilgameshfuel 2470:Editing gone AMOK 1870:comment added by 1483:underlying cause. 1434:comment added by 1175: 1064: 1050:original research 1031: 963:comment added by 697: 639: 626: 614:comment added by 599: 587:comment added by 577:John Hopkins Plug 573: 561:comment added by 535:to a podiatrist. 516: 504:comment added by 483:Effect of Weather 446: 343: 327:comment added by 305: 289:comment added by 228:Jason Theodosakis 173: 106: 84: 67: 3016: 2969: 2820: 2748: 2678: 2652:look at the ref 2577: 2440: 2398: 2372: 2254: 2248: 2242: 2238: 2232: 2226: 2221: 2219: 2211: 2140: 2065: 1967: 1882: 1822: 1788: 1756: 1735:lack of evidence 1697: 1666: 1637: 1631: 1625: 1617: 1577: 1550: 1446: 1183: 1167: 1153:but not out yet. 1138:expert consensus 1107:never been cited 1072: 1056: 1039: 1023: 975: 848: 695: 637: 609: 582: 556: 499: 428: 322: 284: 171: 104: 82: 65: 57:medical journals 3024: 3023: 3019: 3018: 3017: 3015: 3014: 3013: 2997: 2965: 2947:Celia Kozlowski 2942:Pain Management 2816: 2812: 2786:Celia Kozlowski 2744: 2674: 2625:Celia Kozlowski 2573: 2529:With this edit 2514:Celia Kozlowski 2472: 2436: 2394: 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14:42, 29 September 2007 (UTC)
medical journals
Congenital hip luxation
16:34, 4 June 2008 (UTC)
PM Poon
11:41, 19 September 2005 (UTC)
Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation
10:19, 11 July 2006 (UTC)
23:08, 1 January 2007 (UTC)
Jason Theodosakis

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