Knowledge (XXG)

Talk:Social class/Archive 2

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cause you to be excluded from society altogether and I suppose an argument can be made that one would then be removed from the social class system. I can't think of any country where you, say, move from upper to middle class because of your sexual orientation. It baffles me what this paragraph is doing in this article. 2. Saying that in some situations someones' race is "ignored" in order to attain the requirements of high class because that person has the other attributes is not quite right, if we are looking at the Western world. Let us take the post-1960's United States and African-Americans as an easily recognisable and debatable case (I note that historically there would have been barriers in the US in particular due to openly racist rules, also South Africa but it is of interest that such rules were never prevalent in Europe_. I think we can all agree that most African-Americans today are not considered to be upper-middle or upper-class, and perhaps most are even considered lower class. The sentence in the article currently seems to suggest that, therefore, being black is generally a barrier to being of those higher classes though sometimes society is willing to discreetly ignore the black person's race if he or she fulfills all other criteria. I think this is the wrong way of thinking about it. I think explicitly class and race in the West have almost nothing to do with each other. There is certainly a direct proportionality to the two scales but this is due to other factors. Essentially I am saying that the reason there are so few African-Americans of upper-middle and upper classes in the US is not at all because of their race itself but rather because very few fulfill the necessary criteria to be considered of a higher class. However, if an African-American
defining an artist as bourgeois / upper class. But I think this misses what art has become--in the twenty-first century, an artist can come from any social or educational background, any age group, and any social class. His or her level of success may be irrelevant to what the person spends most of their time doing. So a person might be an artist, writer, or musician when you measure how they spend their time, but be something entirely different based on how they earn their income. I suspect that while some artists may define themselves in the traditional way (i.e. as upper class), many contemporary artists probably define themselves differently--not really fitting into any of the traditionally defined social classes. I don't think Warner's classification holds when considered by what people actually do instead of only what they are paid to do.--
of exactly how lower classes conflict with higher classes. When it points out that it was a “heightened form of class conflict,” so I would maybe expect to see some evidence of a less violent and bloody example of class conflict. In the second paragraph it talks about poverty and exploitation being an in-built structure of capitalism, and that these two characteristics have always been a part of class conflict. I agree with this statement that poverty and exploitation have continuously had a role in class conflict, but it would be helpful in showing where poverty and exploitation were a part of class conflict before capitalism and Marx came to be. With these changes appropriate references would have to be added.
2487:"The issue of the middle class or classes appears to be a major issue within Marxian theory, one often addressed by later Marxists. Many Marxists attempt to show that the middle class is declining, and polarization of society into two classes is a strong tendency within capitalism. Marx's view was that the successful members of the middle class would become members of the bourgeoisie, while the unsuccessful would be forced into the proletariat. In the last few years, many have argued that in North America, and perhaps on a world scale, there is an increasing gap between rich and poor and there is a declining middle. 172:
cite a paper that says that lipsmacking is a communication mechanism independant of social status and yet state that social class can be seen in baboons ?. The paper doesn't support what you say !. The Cambridge paper is refering to the rise of "Pet keeping". They present that pet keeping is associated with certain groups of people in society (e.g. women); this doesn't support a heirachy in which animals fit within themselves. This cite again does not support what you say. I really really really (did I mention really enough ?) do not see what you want to say here without being more blunt on this.
113:"Wales had most of its nobility killed off in a series of conflicts between different families and different centres of power, and of course with England. The upshot of this, according to historian Gwyn Alf Williams in his book When Was Wales, has been a country which thinks of itself as being of a single class, like Czech Republic and Slovakia" - this doesn't seem right to me, even if it was true pre-19th C. Surely there is a clear class structure in Wales today, this seems to suggest that all Welsh people consider themselves of the same class. 2494:
business people, shopkeepers, and small producers while others are professional and managerial personnel, and some intellectual personnel. Well paid working class members and independent trades people might consider themselves to be members of the middle class. Some segments of this grouping have expanded in number in recent years. While it is not clear that these groups hold together and constitute a class in any Marxian sense of being combined in opposition to other classes, they do form a middle grouping..."
pronounced). Most of the confusion seems to set in around the "Middle class" definitions with partitioning that puts accountants and lawyers into different class, despite no evidence of there being an educational or financial distinction between the two. Professions such as the above two and teachers and policemen who have a massive range of classes represented within their ranks (there are even teachers who are Lords) simply get thrown into one class. This is highly mis-representive.
2482:, the term in, pre-revolutionary France, referred to the wealthier members of the third estate (the nobility being the second estate), thus it was akin to "middle class." Marx used the term to mean "owners of the means of production," as opposed to the proletariat, or wage labourers, thus, basically two main classes (though he complicated this by referring to "landowners" as a class, albeit marginal). Here's a note on use of the term "middle class" in Marxian theory: 457:. Just becuase the author him/her-self added it is no reason to exclude the book from the article. There is a policy against self-advertising but such does not seem to be the case here. As added the book actually helps explain socio-economic stratification in China. It is a legit academic book sold on amazon written by what I assume to be a sociologist (). Just don't put in the ISBN number, as we don't mention it for any other of the featured books. 31: 1662:. In theory, directors are responsible for hiring, firing and overseeing the company executives, setting big picture goals and long range direction for the corporation, but are not active in daily work. In practice, executive officers often appoint directors of their choosing, undermining the boards interest in monitoring executive abuse. Moreover, the main function of the board, hiring and firing of the executive, is often undermined by 417:
considered lower class because they were, say, gay is a strange notion to me. This reached its most ridiculous when the writer claimed that one could "improve their class position" in ancient Greece by having sexual relations with people of the same sex. Yes, the ancient Greek upper class men had sex with other men and boys, but this was not specifcally in an attempt to be upwardly mobile.
look indeed implies all four models are US related, yes, let's merge them there. But I think we need both country and theory division, depending on the focus of the theories (and some may be mentioned in both sections. That said, I need to brush up my social class knowledge - everything here looks more or less Marxist to me (with Weber being an exception :) --
2335:(maybe warranting a sentence or two here). Take a look at any encyclopedia article on class, and note how much weight they give Warner vs. Marx/Weber. This article should provide a broad overview of the concept of social class. Warner is usually either briefly mentioned or not mentioned at all in such overviews, and I suggest we do the same here. ~ 2202: 1571:"Many hunter-gatherer societies have also enjoyed a great amount of personal freedom. Among the !Kung, and the Hadza of Tanzania, for example, there were either no leaders at all, or temporary leaders whose authority was severely constrained. These societies had no social classes and arguably no discrimination based on gender." (p.391) 2463:, name given in Europe to the middle class." Websters: "of, relating to, or characteristic of the townsman or of the social middle class". Merriam-Webster: "bourgeois, citizen of a town, a middle-class person." I would just change it, but I'm not sure what to replace it with, using Marxist terminology. "aristocracy"? 228:
doubt that "social class" is really the terms that should be used in regards to animals. We wouldn't add ant colonies to the article pertaining to the colonization of the North American continent, now would we. Stratification among animals should definitely be mentioned on WP, but not on this particular article. Regards,
1716:. This term is usually used in an economic sense to mean those are not productive in the economy as workers but would like to be given the opportunity. The leisure class of major stockholders is not considered "unemployed" and is at the opposite end of the class spectrum. The unemployed may overlap with Marx's 883:
cultures usually do seem to have economic classes, leaders, and status hierarchies. The intro should be qualified to complex cultures, with references. However, I think it is important to broaden our thinking by making the point that classes are not universal to all cultures when simple societies are included.--
355:, . I have reverted another one they did but can't really comment on the nature of these particular changes. It is a pity that Knowledge (XXG) (the software) doesn't have a meta-tagging of changes e.g. some sort of "flag changes for expert in 'x'" and then have the recent changes queue be filtered by this. 989:
in less complex nomadic hunter-gatherer cultures there were apparent class distinctions (e.g. the difference between hunters and gatherers). Thus I don't think that it is correct to say that "most hunter-gatherer societies do not have classes." So I guess you could say that I am challenging the statement.
653:'Historical models' - needs some renaming ('Development'?), the title is confusing and the section discusses both countries and theories (Marx, Weber) without any distinction. The section should discuss history of social classes in various countries, amd Marx and Weber should be split to the next section 2385:
than the one I began editing, so we obviously need to add a lot of quality content to make that happen. I've already started adding sources and content here and there, but I feel it's more productive to focus my initial efforts on trimming off the bad parts and re-organization, and only then focusing
One of the problems with the whole notion of class is the difficulty of comparing societies with very different forms of social organization. There is also a tendency on the part of many in Western counties to romanticize hunter-gatherers. I think that the way to resolve this is to find sources that
However, the opening paragraphs of the article contain several unsourced claims regarding the supposed universality of social class and social classes as they may or may not exist in non-state societies. If you are certain you wish the hunter gatherer statement be removed, I propose that these other
If these claims are true, direct references should be provided. I can't speak for historians or sociologists, but many anthropologists would argue that class is not universal, and that the "simplest" societies do not determine status or class relationships through physical power. Such societies are
The Problems with the Models section includes weasel words ("Some would argue," "Some youth activists") & lacks citation. I'm also not sure if the content addresses the issue of social class: the wiki article suggests that class has to do with hierarchy yet the "problems with the models" section
On race, I have cleaned up the author(s) clear confusion of racism with classism. While the two may be interlinked they are not the same. To say that just because a country such as the US has a history of racism then people of certain races are banished to certain classes shows a misunderstanding of
which you use specifically states "These results suggest that baboon lipsmacking provides positive social communication independently of social status.". From wikipedia, what you have added was "Social class and stratification can be seen among many social animals in nature such as baboons..." so you
While there have been tendencies in this direction, especially among the farmers and peasantry, there has been no clear long run trend toward decline of the middle class. At the same time as there has been polarization of classes, there have been new middle groupings created. Some of these are small
Social class used to be a matter of law and religion. For example, in France, killing someone of the upper class was punishable by death, killing someone of the lower classes punishable by a fine. There were sumptuary laws which forbid anyone of the lower classes to dress like someone of the upper
In the section, describing a distinction between elaborate code, which is seen as a criterion for "upper-class", and the restricted code, which is associated with "lower classes" -- can someone elaborate further? What is "elaborate code" and what is "restricted code"? Further information about these
I'll continue the search for other references, but this is a reputable publication and I think that we can now add to the article a statement to the effect that class is not universal, particularly in many hunter-gatherer societies. I knew it was in there, but now I can confirm it. Thanks for your
I think that makes sense. I definitely agree that only sourced statements should be added to the article; that has been a problem on both sides of the classed / classless societies debate in the article. It must remain balanced, whatever we do. It's fair to say that sometimes hunter-gatherers are
Agreed, agreed. I think we would have to nail down what we mean by class before we could talk intelligently about which societies have it. At the moment the article is more like a collection of concepts of class, not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Maybe we should rewrite the introduction to
That's a level of specialization which simply does not exist in many aboriginal cultures (or did not, prior to European colonization, and in some places still does not). The Warnindilyagwa, for example, have no specialized wisemen--all men and women are trained in spiritual practices, and they have
It seems to me that that part of the problem, apart from the self-promotion, is that it is being included under its own section named after the author, who does not appear to have achieved enough notability as a (discussed) theorist in the field. The book seems to be a suitable reference however. As
1. I don't know of any Western countries where sexual orientation has anything whatsoever to do with class. In Europe and North America, you do not get banished to another class by coming out. outside of Europe, I think the argument can be made that in a lot of countries, not being straight mighe
This part of the article has a good start on Marx’s thoughts on class conflict, but as the Knowledge (XXG) editors said it needs expansion. The article says, “For Marx, the history of class society was the history of class conflict” which is a good statement, but could be backed up by more examples
The photo of a supposedly "working class" street in Camden, New Jersey, USA is totally unrepresentative of actual working class housing in the U.S. and should be replaced. The street shown is practically abandoned and only a few of the very poorest people (almost certainly unemployed) live there.
An article on social class in general should not contain several lengthy sections about various textbook author's categorizations of classes by income in the United States. It should focus on the theory/history of social class in general and provide a brief overview on class in the U.S. with a link
Of course such a definition misses the point rather. It could be assumed that a certain level of education is required for a person to become an artist; however since the post-impressionists, there has been a general disdain of formal education as being a necessary prerequisite for being an artist.
The problem, as I see it, is that many hunter-gatherer societies apparently do have class systems. For example, many of the peoples of the Pacific Northwest had slaves as well as other distinctions based on both occupations in the long house and on family rights to certain resources. Moreover, even
Well, there is no denying that Marxist and Weberian approaches are notable enough to be separate. Which does gives us a different type of section. On the other hand, putting the current four (or five) relativly unknown names next to those two giants would be kind of... blasphemous :) Since a closer
One thing that drives me crazy in some sections of this article is people simply talking about income. Just can't just say "Income." What type of income? Household? Personal? Per capita? Median? Mean? In the Academic models section under the Dennis Gilbert model, it was stated that the upper middle
for more detailed information. The current article is extremely cluttered -- so much so that it is unreadable. It needs to be trimmed and focused on the topic, so that people will actually read it. That is what I was doing. The large majority of the information I removed was unsourced and horribly
I suggest a chapter on the historical development of the term. I can't produce material on this since I came here to find out. However, there must be information on when--at least in general terms--of when it was used first to describe society. It might be nice to read when the various classifiers
Hi again Ben & Sunray and other interested parties. I've finally got a clear reference stating that class is not universal--specifically, that many hunter-gatherer societies live without social classes. The article is: Gowdy, John (1999) "Hunter-gatherers and the mythology of the market," in
Also, I am still concerned about several statements made in the article. My original purpose in adding the hunter-gatherer reference was to show that class was not universal (see above, "Class not universal"), as the article contained several unsourced statements indicating that all cultures have
Well I think we first need to settle on some sort of outline. I still propose having national divisions as so much research we feature here pertains to nations/societies; yes, many schools of thought do have a global point of view but much of the available research is still nation-specific. I will
Revisting the subject I still feel it is not relevant for this article "Social class refers to the hierarchical distinctions between individuals or groups in societies or cultures" and throughout rfers to humans. I still plan to delete this new section. Please start a new article on the subject if
Usually it is a good idea to put a note on the talk page before you begin. You have now cut the article in half. In some cases, you may have been too quick to cut. For example, there is now no mention of Warner in the article. While the former section may have been overly long, are you suggesting
I like Ben's definitional statement. It is written in plain English—always to be sought after in my book. I think we should add it to the lead. I also cannot disagree with Pariah's comments. Hobbesian mythology indeed! That discussion might make a nice section. Do you have any references we could
mythology predominates, leading many Westerners to believe that such dominance hierarchies reflect some kind of universal natural order. That must be avoided also. So, I think it's important to note that many societies have radically different structures and than our own, and while some enforce
Then there is the usage you refer to, which is more common and given as the definition in dictionaries such as Merrian-Webster: "bourgeois, citizen of a town, a middle-class person." Does it not, thus, make sense that we should use the Marxist definition when we are referring to M's theory about
Quality of text is usually an editing problem and, as I have said, I don't question cutting back much of the material formerly in the article. I certainly wouldn't argue that Warner warrants anything like the weight of Marx or Weber. I'm only suggesting that there needs to be mention of Warner's
I'm not a sociologist so I want the basics from this article, but one basic is do we know "Class" exists? I mean why not a sliding scale of wealth? E.g. although we use the terms, there is no such class of temperature as "warm" or "hot" or "cold", these are just relative terms. Can
1735:, as well as assisting as a worker in daily duties. Also, there may be a wide range of subclasses within a corporate structure. "Supervisors" may regulate daily activity similar to the role of a manager, but without the ability to hire and fire or the access to company money given to a manager. 763:
Why less country divisions? I could say, for the same reasons that Marxism considered itself fundamentally international by nature, and for the same reason that postmodern theorists are also interested in globalisation. There are meta issues. I'm not saying there should be no country differences
Well I have to agree this article pertains to social class among human societies. While I don't doubt that there may some sort of social stratification (I'm not sure whether or not the word "social" is applicable here) exsists among animals, that should be mentioned in another article. Besides I
I am just saying social class exist in animals (excluding us from the def for the minute). In language and other articles it is normal to cite other forms of language , other forms of speech, etc, so why is it a problem to list as a small sub section class systems in animals. Sorry about the bad
The article said that women and slaves could be legally killed by the head of a household. This is untrue. Even killing of slaves was prohibited by law (and too harsh treatment also). Later codes also prohibited selling non-criminal slaves to gladiator schools. Not to say killing free women. I
have established a fairly regular hierarchy, which economists in capitalist nations may extend to delineate social class in the broader society. In direct opposition to the Marxist ideology outlined above, the capitalist ideal is not that the class structure will disappear into an egalitarian
Actually, simple societies (at least those mentioned in the above link) tend not to have leaders at all and lack the concept of leadership or obedience. There is no individual or clique of individuals that makes binding decisions for the group. But I believe you are right in that state level
True, these "simple" societies do not have complex class systems, though they do usually have a "leader" - who in some cases has asserted his position through the use of physical strenght. In regards to these societies it isn't common to speak of classes. Social class, however, is universal to
Thats OK but the issue is that you mentioned certain animals without citing who said this. Almost certainly from what I've seen, animals such as baboons do have complex family structures but I wouldn't add that to this particular wikipedia article - as it to date seems to focus on human social
It seems that the judgement of who qualifies as an artist is itself a product of class. To a working class person, artists may seem impractical and therefore bourgeois. To an upper class person, an artist isn't really an artist until he or she is successful or at least educated in it, again
I was just reviewing the recent edit to the William Lloyd Warner section, where a number of professions were added to the lists under each class. The edit indicates that "artists, writers, poets, and musicians" are in the upper middle class, but is this factual? Granted, there must be a few
I think you mean 'were'. And even so, I'm just a bit uncomfortable with this claim. Certainly they did't have the same level of class structure as many societies, but they had recognised leaders, both male and female, and wise men (magicians if you like) and artisans (definetly tool makers,
unreferenced sections: 'Dimensions of social class', 'The relevance of social class today', 'Problems with the models'. Solution: merge the last two into 'Controversies', and use 'Dimensions...' which look like an 'overview' section to expand lead. Note that it's not comprehensive anyway (for
no permanent leaders. There's always at least a few differences in any culture between age groups and gender roles, but that does not mean they have anything like the dominance hierarchies we define as classes. I think it is fair to say that the societies in question are indeed classless.--
I have removed all reference to sexual orientation. The earlier writer(s) of this section seemed to be a bit confused about the distinction between prejudice and classism. Thinking lower of someone for their sexual orientation is not the same as demoting them a class. How someone would be
One way to go might be to say something like "Class is a way of understanding the similarities and differences between the individuals that make up a society, employed both by academics and the general public. Sometimes, identifiable but fluid social classes of people happen to emerge from
656:'Academic models' - rename to models (are there any non-academic). Drop country division: while 'William Lloyd Warner' and 'Gilbert & Kahl' discuss American social class, there is no indication the other two are also limited. Consider creating subsections for local and global approaches 84:
The definition of the various classes in Britain verges on the bizzare - there appears to be a rather arbitrary list of professions to go alongside the various class definitions. In fact, as far as class is concerned in Britain, profession plays a rather small part (education is much more
fulfill the criteria, then they would immediately be considered of such class with not a second thought of their race. This has nothing to do with discreetly ignoring their race; it is simply not an issue. How many people would disagree with the fictional "Banks" family from the show
I have noted however, that in many countries, such as Japan apparently, class is indeed explicitly linked to race. I have edited the article so that this is talked about in context, so that it is clear that this is related to certain societies, and not a broad, sweeping definition of
That sounds good. I don't have a page number at the moment, but next time I'm at my library I'll see if I can find it. I should also be getting a new book in a couple of weeks that I'm hoping will have more evidence for the non-hierarchical nature of many hunter-gatherer societies
holds as an ideal that the smartest and hardest working individuals will rise to the highest levels of the class structure and benefit themselves. That is good for societies cause its supposed they will use their exceptional skills to raise the standard of living for all classes.
Well the book isn't self-published-so I'm suprised that there arn't any reviews yet. Are you sure there arn't any? PS: I know ISBN mentions are OK, but we don't do it for any other books in this article-so we shouldn't do it for this one either to keep some unity in the article.
Well this would depend on your definition of an artist. If a person's profession is defined by what they do to earn money, then in order to be an artist you would have to be successful, and therefore not starving. Under this definition a starving artist isn't an artist at all.
The photo gives the impression of having been selected to make the U.S. look bad. While such streets exist in many places in the U.S., few or no low-wage workers live in them; they can easily afford better. I would select a more representative photo but I don't have one.
1580:"Finally, inequality is not a natural feature of human societies. Immediate-return hunter-gatherer societies were "aggressively egalitarian" (Woodburn 1982). These societies worked because of, not in spite of, the fact that power and authority were kept in check." (p. 394) 412:
Further to this I have changed the article to reflect the following, which I am sure will be backed up by most anthropologists (please note that I am only sure of my comments in the context of Western society, and am willing to accept challenges based on other societies).
is clearly wrong. There is plenty of evidence that in at least some primitive societies there is a very clear pecking order, where those at the top eat well and those at the bottom are considered completely disposable should there not be enough to go around. Regards,
that the article should not describe Warner's theory and its influence? Often when re-organizing an article it is a good idea to put an outline on the talk page and let other interested editors comment. Knowledge (XXG) is, after all, a collaborative editing project.
I want to start a discussion on class and status as a utility index -as a matter of economic theory i am wondering about interdependent constrained and negotiated class functions or index- agents may just be trying to maximize some thing related to this concept.
for "upper-class" and added "the one percent". Do we really need a reference for "blue-collar workers" as a synonym for the working class. It would be easy to provide one, but the usage seems sufficiently common that I don't see the need. Finally (for now) is
I'm not sure if you saw the contemporary context of this discussion, but Yi Li had a separate section alongside Karl Marx and Max Weber. While a complete article on Yi Li would be dubious according to the notability guidelines, a complete section outlining the
Mesoderm has removed a large amount of text from the article, including some that is sourced. I think there are better ways to approach this. It is a good idea to discuss major changes to the article on the talk page before making large deletions.
1743:, and doesn't seem to belong in this article. As an elucidation of corporate hierarchy, it would be better suited to an article that deals with corporate structure. However, if someone has citations, and can make a case for it, let's discuss it. 1574:"Assumptions about human behaviour that members of market societies believe to be universal, that humans are naturally competitive and acquisitive, and that social stratification is natural, do not apply to many hunter-gatherer peoples." (p. 391) 687:
I agree with just about all those points, especially a re-do of the lead section. FYI: Thompson and Hickey are limited to the US. I actually think we should only divide this article by society and put the academic models in the country sections.
We should try to get ISBN for other books, not censor the only good ISBN reference we have :) Assuming we keep it. As for the lack of reviews, here's a theory: the author herself claims above its a textbook. Textbooks don't get many reviews,
Currently in article - "Also a minority sexual orientation and, to a far lesser degree, minority ethnicity have often been faked, hidden, or discreetly ignored if the person in question otherwise attained the requirements to be high class."
1577:"The most important challenges to economic orthodoxy that come from the descriptions of life in hunter-gatherer societies are that... (5) inequality based on class and gender is not a necessary characteristic of human society" (p. 393) 389:
to be upper middle class because of their race? Europe is certaily even less racially split, class-wise; the top Indian castes have always been treated virtually as British aristocracy are in the UK, for centuries, part-black author
We could say something like: "While it is generally accepted that most societies have some notion of social class, there is evidence that some hunter-gatherer societies do not have classes with hierarchical relationships."<ref:
811:"It was in Victorian Britain that Karl Marx became the first person to critically attack the privileges not just of a hereditary upper class, but of anyone whose labor output could not begin to cover their consumption of luxury." 577:
I could be wrong, but I'm not sure if wiki notability is being used correctly in this discussion: "Notability guidelines determine whether a topic is sufficiently notable to be included as a separate article in Knowledge (XXG).
theory, which was influential in the U.S. Medoderm has said that a sentence or two covering Warner would be appropriate weight. I am in agreement with that. I also appreciate the explanation of editing plans for the article.
This article covers all social class in all time periods. I would defy you to propose that historically the majority of urban and rural workers, and as a subset, the majority of US workers, have not lived in slum housing.
agreements, designed to make firing executives cost prohibitive for the corporation and shareholders, thus undermining the ability of the board to exercise its main function. Directors of a corporation may also be known as
structures - without very good cites (and ideally start another article on this subject). I did not rush you; Knowledge (XXG) has no version 1.0 to hit; you entered specific data without citation; I reverted on that basis.
1639:. Obviously actual influence within the corporation is relative to the amount of stock owned. Those who can live off stock dividends without working for a wage themselves make up what Marx called the "capitalist class". 1534:
Richard B. Lee, Richard Daly, eds. Cambridge University Press, 2004), and hopefully another soon after that by David H. Turner regarding Australian Aborigines. I'm still looking for support for the Hobbesian mythology
Also, because different livelihoods are so closely intertwined in less complex societies, morality often ensures that the old, the young, the weak, and the sick maintain a relatively equal standard of living despite low
No, I don't think a reference is needed for "blue-collar workers"; I've removed the tag. The MadisonOverview may have been called "unreliable" because it doesn't download/open properly. At least, I couldn't read it.
successful members of those professions in that class, but the vast majority would seem to fall under the "starving artist" category, or have some other profession to supplement their income. Can anyone comment?--
this is the sort of topic that is covered in introductory sociology courses. The point is that different classes have different jobs in society, different training & education, and involve different people.
Richard B. Lee and Irven DeVore, eds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Unfortunately, I don't have a source for the Hobbesian mythology--it was just sort of a personal observation. I will begin searching.--
which links to animal languages. Thus it is not out of context, it can exist as a sub in this section., and it is not original reserach u can add ref tags if you need but dont delete this contribution, discuss
statements are removed also. Failing that, we should keep the lede as is, but add an original research or NPOV warning tag until proper references can be added. Please let me know your thoughts on this.----
complex societies, where numerous individuals occupy a wide array of vastly different occupations. Perhaps the intro could be fixed by adding that class is identified as a feature of complex societies.
Hi Sunray; I understand your concerns and am currently engaged in the process of finding proper sources. At the moment, I can give you an Anthropology tutorials site at Palomar College in California (
852:. Certain status relationships may exist in these cultures in terms of personal relationships between individuals, but not in terms of broad social classes or political & economic hierarchies.-- 1108:
classes. I have done my best to qualify them, but I am still not convinced of the factualness of some of the statements in the intro, and the opening sentence in the section on the middle class:
1110:"For most of recorded human history, societies have been agricultural and have existed with essentially two classes - those who owned productive agricultural land, and those who worked for them." 2303:
why should one instrumentalist stratification methodology achieve especial weight, particularly when it is explicitly culturally limited in scope? This isn't social class in the united states.
Though the current caption you proposed is perfect, in that it both regards social class, exemplifies the point of having a housing image, and accurately represents the image. Well done!
Lee, Richard B. (1976), ''Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers: Studies of the !Kung San and Their Neighbors,'' Richard B. Lee and Irven DeVore, eds. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.</ref: -->
Thanks for clarifying that Sunray. I think we should use the term "bourgeois" only when writing about Marxist theory. Elsewhere, we should use the terms "upper class"/"middle class". ~
Do you have the page number? Also, it might be a good idea to quote from the article (for verification purposes). This could be either be added to the article or in the form of a note.
probably midwives), as well as division by age (children, adults, elders) and by gender. That doesn't constitute class as we know it, but neither is it "entirely classless". Regards,
A society in which political power is diffused to the degree that there are no institutionalized political leadership roles such as chiefs and kings. Bands and tribes are acephalous.
Then can you show, in the article, that "Class" exists please? I'm trying to understand it but the article's not quite coming up with a convincing argument.08:20, 5 August 2011 (UTC)
I will continue the search for more and better sources, and will re-add the statement when they are found. In the meantime, I hope you will consider letting me add the statement that
These guidelines do not specifically regulate the content of articles, which is governed by other Knowledge (XXG)'s guidelines, such as those on the reliability of sources and trivia
without notions of social class hierarchies, but I do not presently have access to a specific statement to that effect, and I understand that this is not ideal for Knowledge (XXG).
I usually view large, rapid edits with alarm, but Mesoderm's edit seems to correct many flaws in the article and to be even-handed. I've made a few changes, most involving typos.
The above model apply in general to large corporations. In a small corporation, the major stockholder may officially be the company's president and may in fact function as both a
It seems clear to me that if someone wants to restore that statement to the article, s/he will need a citation. I believe that is the only way to build a credible encyclopedia.
1988:. Its a top importance article that badly needs contraction in some areas and expansion in others. Continued instability won't help it actually deserve its current B status. 957:
Both claims--1.) that most societies have classes, and 2.) that most (MOST--not all) hunter-gatherer societies do not have classes--are unsourced. The work of anthropologists
mentioned, but that this article needs some coherence to stick it all together. I think that agrees with what you said above, which are the bigger issues with this article. --
454: 1839:
Perhaps the easiest way of putting it is that an artist, self-defined or otherwise, is in some sense bourgeoise, which would place them in the middle classes or thereabouts.
talks about "quality of life." It's entirely possible to be powerless, happy, and free. So, who's voiced these problems and what concept of class are they responding to?
I do not have specialist knowledge to concur, but this seems to be a non-controversial removal of an extraordinary and uncited claim. (Thanks for checking Social class!)
The History section of this article requires more citations. Perhaps even examples of social class in history and how those affect the lives of others could be added. --
1378:), and comparing Marxian and Weberian conceptions of class. Perhaps expanding the lead to introduce concepts such as stratification and mobility, might be worthwhile. 2829: 2825: 2811: 260:
I think the consensus is to delete the social class stuff pertaining to animals. This article is about humans and human society only. I feel that existing articles or
I'm glad you asked this question as I think that Marxist usage differs somewhat from common English usage and that is potentially confusing. According to our article
written. The parts that were sourced simply do not belong in this article (and if written as poorly as they are here, they don't belong on Knowledge (XXG) either).
Hi people, as I know Marxist theory never counted 18/19-th century America as a slave formation. They were usually considered Capitalist or semi-feudal societies.--
This article's history indicates it is subject to nearly daily anon's vandalism and that about 90% of anon's contribution is vandalism. Hence, I propose permanent
this a bizarre understanding of Marx's ideas - I think Marx explicitly attacks ideas like this in Critique of the Gotha Programme - I should delete this sentance
Social class means ( or at least I think it means) your position on the popularity table. Of course,this might be wishful thinking, since I'm pretty low on it.
I have substituted "the urban poor" for working class in this image of urban slum neighborhood. It is a quite good image to illustrate an urban slum.
At the top of the corporate structure are the shareholders, people who have either purchased or inherited a share of the corporation in the form of
and such - it is very useful for library refs). That said, having one's book sold on Amazon is not enough for it to be used on Knowledge (XXG) (per
2459:. I have always heard that word applied to the middle class, or sometimes to the upper middle class. Here is the Concise Columbia Encyclopedia, " 2039:
Today, class distinctions are blurred, but still present, and the only way to be upper class is to be born upper class. Neveau riche don't count.
169: 88:
I am going to fix this to be consistent with the other classes listed (i.e. less occupational, and more about the background of the individual).
And with that said, I'll point out that the entire section on Warner was horrible, and needed to be scrapped and completely rewritten even if it
589:. If every source used on wikipedia had to meet notability criteria (i.e., had to have multiple, non-trivial, independent, published sources on 321:. If it is indeed household income than we're not talking about 14% of the population (300 million) but the 14% of households (114 million). So 2787: 2181: 900:
Removed this tag (from February), as the article seems ok. Please specify if a particular section wants checking, and we'll be back to help.
corporations. To the extent that directors and executives are answerable to shareholders, the corporate structure is sometimes compared to
1909: 134: 114: 2735:
The second half of this article is in bad shape. Consider the article on social class in Encyclopedia of Social Theory for suggestions.
2217: 2012: 1797: 1709:
do the manual and service labor of a corporation. They are typically paid an hourly wage. These are the "proletariat" of Marx's model.
classes. In New York, in 1900, there was a police line, to prevent anyone of the lower classes from entering the Wall Street district.
2597: 1769: 2807:
When you have finished reviewing my changes, you may follow the instructions on the template below to fix any issues with the URLs.
2332: 2270: 1884:. Either linking to these pages somehow (can one link to a section within a page?) or adding brief definitions would help clarify. 1197:
provide good ethnographic evidence on this subject. We can improve the article considerably by only adding sourced material to it.
839:"As societies expand and become more complex, economic power replaces physical power as the defender of the class status quo..." 2751: 2097:
removed this passage. I also doubt one could legally sell his wife as the article says currently (are there known examples?).--
1693:. In the typical model, executives are decision makers, and do not directly oversee routine activity. They correspond to the 103: 1466:
I think that's a good idea. As for sources--I do have a source for a society that avoids hierarchy: Lee, Richard B. (1976),
It describes a subjective classification as an objective fact, there isn't any consensus on how American social classes work
I added the word "recorded" to qualify this claim, but it is still unsourced. Clearly, this article needs a lot of work.--
in American art, symbolizing someone of the highest prestige who is uninvolved in day to day administration, similar to a
1331:"the hierarchal distinctions that exist between individuals or groups (for example occupational groups) within a society." 550:, and not under a section named after the author. I also think the graphics are far too big, and dare I say it, crude. -- 2872: 2631:
results in a misleading illustration of United States working class life, which is, in the main, much more prosperous.
836:"In the simplest societies, power is closely linked to the ability to assert one's status through physical strength..." 2797: 71: 59: 1085:
are entirely classless. That notwithstanding, I am not disputing that some hunter-gatherers do indeed have classes.
38: 920:
Although related, theses are not identical. The former is better know, as it was and is a widely used expression.
2177: 2138: 2828:
to delete these "External links modified" talk page sections if they want to de-clutter talk pages, but see the
138: 1913: 118: 2221: 2016: 1712:
In the capitalist view, where production and consumption are the levers of society, the lowest class are the
2863: 2788:
2779: 2601: 1801: 1728: 1425:
rigid pecking orders, others actively work to prevent any sort of pecking order from developing. Cheers, --
383: 127:
The reference to capitalist and pre-capitalist society is Marxist, and accordingly both POV and incorrect.
2739: 2582: 2213: 2169: 2008: 1905: 1765: 1005:
The burden of evidence lies with the editor who adds or restores material. All quotations and any material
I agree, I downsized the graphics and re-named the section. The book does seem a suitable reference to me.
130: 91: 2560: 2468: 2446: 2173: 2134: 2044: 1773: 261: 248:
We wouldn't add ant colonies to the article pertaining to the colonization of the North American continent
207: 2900: 2847:
If you have discovered URLs which were erroneously considered dead by the bot, you can report them with
2835: 2678: 2666: 2635: 2616: 1844: 1703:
oversee workers directly and control operations "on the ground". They are typically salaried employees.
1690: 1651: 1363: 870: 865: 845: 815: 803: 781: 776: 695: 690: 567: 562: 512: 507: 464: 459: 336: 331: 288: 283: 235: 230: 2778:. If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit 546:
long as this page is structured the way it is, the more appropriate place would be under a section for
485:). Until academic reviews proving notability of Li Yi works can be provided, it does not belong here.-- 1098:
hunter-gatherers have no notion of class; but I will not add it until I hear your thoughts about this.
Remember that 42% of households have two or more income earners, 76% of those in the top quintile, so
1881: 1786: 1410: 1375: 1264: 1145: 265: 211: 2791: 2743: 2317:
That is not the point I was trying to make. Are you suggesting that Warner should not be mentioned?
2747: 2716: 2102: 2066: 1889: 1647: 1643: 1560: 958: 639:'The Middle Class' section stands alone without much logic to it - why the article doesn't discuss 99: 2534:, as that is the term used by Marx. "Bourgeois" may lead to confusion with the more general term. 2919: 2720: 2695: 2649: 2521: 2405: 2391: 2358: 2340: 2308: 2279: 2237: 2117: 2081: 1993: 1686: 1042: 849: 2832:
before doing mass systematic removals. This message is updated dynamically through the template
2848: 1631:. This group may be as small as a single owner or as large as the millions of stockholders in 2556: 2464: 2442: 2156: 2040: 1970: 1939: 1717: 751: 723: 674: 528: 492: 47: 17: 2662:
was more typical. Keep in mind that in the United States "middle class" means working class.
1929: 629: 474: 2949: 2896: 2675: 2663: 2632: 2613: 2576: 2555: really an unreliable reference?
2539: 2507: 2422: 2322: 2294: 2258: 1958: 1877: 1860: 1840: 1822: 1748: 1663: 1590: 1540: 1504: 1475: 1449: 1430: 1383: 1202: 1171: 1117: 1021: 978: 426: 353: 183:
refernces, It was because you pressured me and i rushed and coulnt find the correct stuff.--
2855: 1740: 1366:, discussing aspects of class in industrial society (a term we should use, BTW), comparing 660: 478: 1782: 1781:
appears nowhere in the article, but I think you may be late to Algebra I or PE about now.
1732: 1655: 1646:
are elected by shareholders, and are often members of high prestige in the corporation's
circumstances; at other times, class membership is rigid and actively enforced." Regards,
1367: 1074: 1038: 962: 950: 391: 153:
in most similar discussion on wiki, it is normal to cite other forms of social class. see
2564: 2472: 2450: 1059:
Most foragers and simple horticulturalists have highly egalitarian, acephalous societies.
482: 1300:
and noted that the first definition they give is close to the one currently in the lead:
class constitutes 14% of the population and has an average income of $ 120,000. Is that
2814:, "External links modified" talk page sections are no longer generated or monitored by 2098: 2062: 1885: 1676: 1296:
Yes, it only makes sense to work from a good definition. Having said that, I looked at
910: 901: 439: 403: 95: 2854:
If you found an error with any archives or the URLs themselves, you can fix them with
2821: 995: 2915: 2691: 2645: 2517: 2401: 2387: 2354: 2336: 2304: 2275: 2233: 2113: 2077: 1989: 1659: 925: 594: 2674:
Skilled workers in the United States make serious money. Knowledge (XXG) is NOT RT.
do not apply and place a link at the top e.g. For social class in animals see......
2935: 2887: 2798:
2771: 2659: 2152: 1966: 1935: 1685:
are the highest ranking day-to-day leaders in a corporation, similar to a national
1615: 914: 747: 719: 670: 648: 640: 585:
The question is not whether or not the book is notable, it's whether or not it's a
524: 488: 356: 269: 251: 215: 195: 184: 173: 159: 2953: 2923: 2904: 2877: 2755: 2724: 2699: 2681: 2669: 2653: 2638: 2619: 2605: 2525: 2511: 2426: 2409: 2395: 2362: 2344: 2326: 2312: 2298: 2283: 2262: 2241: 2225: 2160: 2142: 2121: 2106: 2085: 2070: 2048: 2020: 1997: 1974: 1946: 1917: 1893: 1864: 1848: 1826: 1805: 1790: 1752: 1594: 1544: 1508: 1479: 1453: 1434: 1413: 1387: 1267: 1206: 1175: 1148: 1121: 1025: 982: 941:
I understand your objection to including the following statement in the article:
928: 904: 887: 873: 856: 818: 806: 784: 768: 758: 730: 711: 698: 681: 611: 597: 570: 554: 535: 515: 499: 467: 442: 406: 359: 339: 291: 272: 254: 238: 218: 198: 187: 176: 162: 142: 122: 107: 2961: 2945: 2572: 2535: 2503: 2479: 2418: 2318: 2290: 2254: 1856: 1818: 1778: 1744: 1694: 1586: 1536: 1500: 1471: 1445: 1426: 1379: 1198: 1167: 1113: 1017: 974: 921: 884: 853: 765: 708: 644: 608: 551: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
Of course, the entry for class then goes on for four pages, comparing class to
2820:. No special action is required regarding these talk page notices, other than 1713: 1682: 1620: 1136: 1082: 1009:
should be attributed to a reliable, published source using an inline citation.
I agree this article needs a complete re-organisation. I think we should have
833:"Anthropologists, historians and sociologists identify class as universal..." 2381:
of the text removed that is relevant. However, any finished article will be
1672: 1636: 1632: 1078: 425:
to be upper class just because he is white, and I even fewer would consider
2801: 829:
There are problems with a few statements at the beginning of this article:
lived and who influenced whom, and perhaps even pre-history of the term.
romanticized and that must be avoided, but it is also true that a sort of
632:. Solution: expand preferably by using material from 'Dimensions...' below 2495: 1700: 1668: 399: 154: 2133:
someone explain this basic question that I have in the article please?
pp. 391-398. New York: Cambridge University Press. Here's some quotes:
Kalahari Hunter-Gatherers: Studies of the !Kung San and Their Neighbors,
As an extraordinary claim, it should be removed unless cited reliably.
1706: 663:). Delete duplicates used in main body, incorporate or get rid of rest. 395: 2232:
Thanks. I have gone ahead and created this section, with a source. ~
1962: 1628: 1421: 422: 2892:
Class: a painfully accurate guide through the American status system
16th to 19th century America as an example of slave-owning society
1371: 946: 2792:
merge the Gilbert, Thompson & Hickey and Werner models soon.
While we are at it, this article needs a copyedit. Quick notes:
Moved this down here to put in chrono order with other entries.
example, term 'Middle Class' is not mentioned till that section)
583: 327:
the difference between households and personal income is huge!
25: 2502:
class relations and use the dictionary definition otherwise?
According to the same glossary, "forager" is synonymous with
659:'See also' - gigantic, preferable size is none at all (per 2782:
for additional information. I made the following changes:
949:, seem to have some notion of social class. However, most 1957:
with that. Social class needs semi-protection just like
2941: 2775: 2628: 1370:
in industrial society with other social systems (e.g.,
350: 453:
The book by Li Yi seems fine for use in this article,
Could someone explain what is meant by this phrase?
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers,
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers,
The word "acephalous" is Greek for "without a head."
586: 2824:using the archive tool instructions below. Editors 965:and others make it clear that hunter-gatherers are 309:. Well, I'm guessing it's household income as the 2530:It would likely be safest, then, to refer to the 2386:heavily on re-writing and addition of content. ~ 607:Yi Li social class model is equally dubious. -- 2485: 1610:I've removed this section here for discussion. 421:what class means. I'm sure few would consider 398:in Russia and even his fully black grandfather 373:I disagree with this statement on a few levels 2810:This message was posted before February 2018. 8: 1812:Do artists belong in the upper middle class? 473:Actually ISBN is ok on Knowledge (XXG) (see 953:societies have no notion of class at all. 349:Can someone expert comment on the changes 2770:I have just modified 2 external links on 1298:The HarperCollins Dictionary of Sociology 593:), wikipedia would be very small indeed. 2802: 1965:need protection, for obvious reasons. -- 1257:And another thing - take this sentence: 934:Hunter-gatherers and classless societies 429:lower class simply because she is black. 394:was treated as the French Elite, as was 311:top 15% of income earners made $ 62,500+ 345:Changes to Indian caste system content. 2455:Are the upper class really called the 748:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 720:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 671:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 525:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 489:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 1936:Piotr Konieczny aka Prokonsul Piotrus 1007:challenged or likely to be challenged 7: 2585:comment added 15:50, 28 January 2012 2550:I've removed the non-Marxist use of 1739:This material is unreferenced, thus 1924:Proposing permanent semi protection 647:? Suggest moving entire section to 307:personal income or household income 24: 2774:. Please take a moment to review 2333:Social class in the United States 2271:Social class in the United States 315:top 15% of households had incomes 268:are more relevant and extensive. 2400:I am supportive of these edits. 2200: 998:when statements are challenged:: 323:please state the type of income. 29: 2353:warrant so much weight here. ~ 2924:00:28, 15 September 2017 (UTC) 2756:01:44, 30 September 2012 (UTC) 2725:21:01, 27 September 2012 (UTC) 1998:16:47, 14 September 2009 (UTC) 1975:16:38, 14 September 2009 (UTC) 1776:) 15:03, 4 February 2008 (UTC) 905:22:59, 25 September 2007 (UTC) 1: 2122:00:56, 11 November 2010 (UTC) 2107:00:33, 11 November 2010 (UTC) 2086:00:28, 11 November 2010 (UTC) 2071:00:16, 11 November 2010 (UTC) 1753:17:58, 24 December 2007 (UTC) 1545:20:46, 25 November 2007 (UTC) 1509:18:13, 23 November 2007 (UTC) 1480:00:29, 23 November 2007 (UTC) 1454:15:21, 22 November 2007 (UTC) 1435:00:27, 22 November 2007 (UTC) 1414:22:01, 21 November 2007 (UTC) 1388:16:31, 21 November 2007 (UTC) 1268:11:54, 21 November 2007 (UTC) 1207:09:06, 21 November 2007 (UTC) 1176:22:25, 20 November 2007 (UTC) 1149:07:49, 20 November 2007 (UTC) 1122:20:15, 19 November 2007 (UTC) 1026:07:47, 19 November 2007 (UTC) 994:According to WP:V there is a 983:21:05, 16 November 2007 (UTC) 945:Most societies, particularly 206:the existing articles of say 108:14:43, 1 September 2008 (UTC) 2954:21:08, 9 February 2018 (UTC) 2929:"Biased information removed" 2565:13:39, 28 January 2012 (UTC) 2526:04:00, 28 January 2012 (UTC) 2512:00:35, 28 January 2012 (UTC) 2473:13:17, 27 January 2012 (UTC) 2451:14:19, 26 January 2012 (UTC) 2427:18:52, 25 January 2012 (UTC) 2410:01:51, 25 January 2012 (UTC) 2396:20:02, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 2363:06:22, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 2345:06:20, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 2331:Warner should be covered in 2327:06:13, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 2313:05:19, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 2299:05:14, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 2284:02:34, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 2263:02:24, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 2242:03:21, 24 January 2012 (UTC) 2226:19:32, 2 December 2011 (UTC) 1918:07:56, 30 January 2009 (UTC) 1791:18:25, 4 February 2008 (UTC) 1595:02:17, 12 January 2008 (UTC) 1563:and Richard H. Daly (eds.), 1077:. It is also true that the 929:21:07, 20 October 2007 (UTC) 407:20:47, 20 January 2007 (UTC) 360:13:09, 14 January 2007 (UTC) 292:20:37, 14 January 2007 (UTC) 273:10:26, 14 January 2007 (UTC) 2905:16:51, 13 August 2017 (UTC) 2591:Working class housing photo 1894:03:15, 1 January 2009 (UTC) 1045:, Dr. Dennis O'Neil writes: 888:18:36, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 874:04:46, 23 August 2007 (UTC) 857:21:22, 22 August 2007 (UTC) 365:Race and sexual orientation 340:02:47, 6 January 2007 (UTC) 255:22:25, 6 January 2007 (UTC) 239:19:44, 6 January 2007 (UTC) 219:07:03, 6 January 2007 (UTC) 199:15:38, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 188:12:35, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 177:12:05, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 163:11:43, 5 January 2007 (UTC) 2981: 2878:12:36, 2 August 2017 (UTC) 2841:(last update: 5 June 2024) 2767:Hello fellow Wikipedians, 2198: 2161:02:32, 5 August 2011 (UTC) 2143:22:19, 4 August 2011 (UTC) 2049:11:56, 20 July 2010 (UTC) 2021:13:03, 19 July 2010 (UTC) 1947:19:20, 9 March 2009 (UTC) 1865:03:45, 30 June 2008 (UTC) 1849:21:54, 29 June 2008 (UTC) 1827:13:38, 13 June 2008 (UTC) 1671:, holding titles such as 1139:are entirely classless. 819:17:21, 24 July 2007 (UTC) 807:16:41, 6 April 2007 (UTC) 785:05:40, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 769:01:49, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 759:01:26, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 731:01:26, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 712:01:21, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 707:divisions by country. -- 699:01:18, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 682:01:15, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 571:01:12, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 555:01:10, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 536:01:17, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 516:01:03, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 500:01:02, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 468:00:55, 2 March 2007 (UTC) 443:15:19, 2 April 2007 (UTC) 2940:Can you explain why you 2731:Issues with this article 2700:03:55, 5 June 2012 (UTC) 2682:14:02, 5 June 2012 (UTC) 2670:13:44, 5 June 2012 (UTC) 2654:03:54, 5 June 2012 (UTC) 2639:01:31, 5 June 2012 (UTC) 2620:15:53, 4 June 2012 (UTC) 2606:06:32, 4 June 2012 (UTC) 1806:15:39, 6 July 2008 (UTC) 846:non-stratified societies 797:Problems with the Models 143:02:46, 2 July 2011 (UTC) 123:14:24, 24 May 2009 (UTC) 2763:External links modified 2248:Large deletions of text 1880:and in the entry about 1729:chief executive officer 612:02:13, 6 May 2007 (UTC) 598:01:45, 6 May 2007 (UTC) 384:Fresh Prince of Bel Air 352:made by an IP address 149:Social class in animals 80:Social class in Britain 2910:Suggestions for Change 2498: 955: 438:I welcome discussion-- 262:Comparative psychology 250:that is a good point-- 208:Comparative psychology 1697:of the Marxist model. 1652:Chairman of the board 1364:social stratification 943: 628:lead: inadequate per 548:social class in China 449:Li Yi book seems okay 42:of past discussions. 2942:removed this section 2822:regular verification 2660:Dreary tract housing 2436: 1081:and many Australian 850:acephalous societies 266:Animal communication 212:Animal communication 2944:from this article? 2883:recommended reading 2812:After February 2018 1758:Eat Their Own Poop? 1648:sphere of influence 1644:boards of directors 959:Richard Borshay Lee 825:Class not universal 455:see the amazon link 2866:InternetArchiveBot 2817:InternetArchiveBot 1687:head of government 1043:Acephalous Society 996:burden of evidence 2842: 2759: 2742:comment added by 2216:comment added by 2195:History/Etymology 2186: 2172:comment added by 2128:Does class exist? 2011:comment added by 1908:comment added by 1777: 1768:comment added by 1741:original research 1718:lumpenproletariat 1695:haute bourgeoisie 1407: 133:comment added by 110: 94:comment added by 77: 76: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 18:Talk:Social class 2972: 2965: 2939: 2876: 2867: 2840: 2839: 2818: 2758: 2736: 2676:User:Fred Bauder 2664:User:Fred Bauder 2633:User:Fred Bauder 2614:User:Fred Bauder 2586: 2228: 2204: 2203: 2185: 2166: 2023: 1959:multiculturalism 1944: 1942: 1920: 1878:sociolinguistics 1763: 1664:golden parachute 1405: 1135:many Australian 868: 779: 756: 754: 728: 726: 693: 679: 677: 565: 533: 531: 510: 497: 495: 462: 427:Condoleezza Rice 334: 286: 233: 145: 89: 68: 56: 55: 33: 32: 26: 2980: 2979: 2975: 2974: 2973: 2971: 2970: 2969: 2959: 2933: 2931: 2912: 2885: 2870: 2865: 2833: 2826:have permission 2816: 2780:this simple FaQ 2765: 2737: 2733: 2712: 2593: 2580: 2439: 2437:Mesoderm's edit 2269:to the article 2250: 2211: 2207: 2206: 2201: 2197: 2174:Matthewcgirling 2167: 2135:Matthewcgirling 2130: 2094: 2059: 2006: 1945: 1940: 1934: 1926: 1903: 1882:Basin Bernstein 1873: 1814: 1760: 1733:general manager 1656:stock character 1608: 1368:social mobility 1075:hunter-gatherer 963:David H. 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Talk:Social class
current talk page
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Zoso Jade
14:43, 1 September 2008 (UTC)
14:24, 24 May 2009 (UTC)
02:46, 2 July 2011 (UTC)
11:43, 5 January 2007 (UTC)

12:05, 5 January 2007 (UTC)
12:35, 5 January 2007 (UTC)
15:38, 5 January 2007 (UTC)
Comparative psychology
Animal communication

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