
Template talk:Sticky table start

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issue for me since on phones you naturally scroll horizontally to read something that goes beyond the viewport the same way you vertically scroll when the content is longer. Once you scroll, the same number of data rows will be visible regardless of where the caption is placed since, again, the caption isn't sticky. I don't have anything more to add to this discussion since it isn't something that can be done through this template. Editors have to choose to manually change the caption, which you are welcome to do to your tables. If I find a way to wrap the caption using CSS, then I'll add it, but I found nothing thus far. BTW, I use the default font size, which I would assume most use.
358:. I added a way to show (expand w/o sticky) or hide (collapse w/ sticky) the table, but not fully hide the content so it stays accessible. This is similar to the covid CSS expand/collapse behavior. This provides a way to disable the sticky features for cases where on mobile the sticky portions are too wide or tall and covers most or all of the data making the data unreadable (accessibility issue). What do you think? I haven't fully tested it. 24: 1590:
sticky table start" w/o quotes, I can find this template. Googling "wikipedia template sts" w/o quotes with an extra "template" to narrow it down, I cannot find the "skip to section" template. If a bot did spell them out, then that would be nice, but that would add more overhead. When editing a page, there is a list of transclusions at the bottom, but that is a hassle to read through and may not be apparent to most editors.
4548: 4494:? My issue is that you only refer to the scroll, which is no different than naming it expand/collapse that implies that the sticky should still work per the linked discussion. That's why it is simply "disable" and "enable". I highly doubt disable/enable or "disable scroll/sticky" and "enable scroll/sticky" will cause any real confusion beyond this hypothetical discussion, especially after clicking the link. 2635:. I don't understand your remark about a notes column not working. The biggest difference between the two templates is that this one limits how much of the table takes up the page's vertical and horizontal space, has a toggle to disable it, and offers a way to make a column left-sticky. Making row(s) top sticky is the same, just either to the page or div. 1195:
allowed. The purpose of the toggle, in my view, is mostly to circumvent problems on smaller devices in the case where the sticky portion is overly large and covers too much or all of the visible underlying scrollable data. All I can think to do with pure CSS is to only show the toggle when the viewport is smaller so it still works on all skins.
The meaning of show/hide is obvious. The meaning of enable/disable is not. Though it is distinctive. I want more meaning, and there is room. Adding a couple more words hurts nothing, and helps readers who don't see these scrolling tables often (which right now is almost everybody). It helps irregular
The former expand/collapse was changed to the current disable/enable for accuracy because this template can be used unnecessarily on a narrow, short table or used on one that is narrow but tall that won't "expand" noticeably without scrolling down to compare. In essence, the links disable/enable this
Adjusted the tables a bit. The "sticky-table-unsticky" class removes sticky, not add it. On the second table, if you are wanting to also make the "Margaret Court" cell left sticky, which is technically in column one due to the preceding rowspan (no preceeding cells), it can't be done without adding a
I don't know if a bot can be created that automatically periodically (once a week or month) specifically looks for a shortcut. One that is started, and no longer needs help from a human to continue on. I believe there are various bots on Knowledge that function totally automatically, except for maybe
The documentation would explain the classes, as it does now. I'm not removing the current classes, only adding one for making a cell left sticky and renaming the other that is also applied to a cell. Renaming would apply to usage too, which is less than a dozen pages. Those two cell classes are only
is a different template with different class names (not embedded). Although similar styles for top sticky rows, this template does it in a div that fixes an Android issue mentioned on the other template. This one also offers a left sticky column, something not possible without the div. This one also
About problems with a notes column. Notes column is usually a wider column. Like the summary column in the perennial sources table. It does not fit in landscape view in my iphone in the top and side sticky table. Not enough room. So it is difficult to read that summary column. One has to scroll each
as a counterpart. Cot/cob, hat/hab use "top" and "bottom" nomenclature, for a lack of a better term, to specify the placement of the template pair. I feel sticky table start and -end should, if we follow the above logic, be renamed to sticky table top and sticky table bottom, respectively. Shortcuts
There is also the amount of time to type out multi-word templates versus an acronym. That alone would account for more usage of the template. I myself have a text file (tables.txt) that is always open (along with many other text files) in NoteTab Light. It has the templates and class names handy for
I don't know if an acronym shortcut would help the template to be used more or not. It would confuse editors who come across it. On the other hand, editors who figure it out will probably use the template more. I am leaning towards creating some shortcuts. Some templates have more than one shortcut.
Good to know that the two versions have the same width once sticky and wrapped. Yeah, makes since having all in one cell would be taller in some cells. Looks the same on my Android too. Did you want me to change the covid ones to one column? As I recall, the original purpose was to reduce the amount
That can be tricky. Although it may be considered small on desktop, it may be large on mobile. There isn't a way for the template to know the size of the table as compared to the viewport in order to guess if scroll is available. I believe JavaScript might accomplish this automatically, but it isn't
I already know about moving some header info to the caption to reduce headers. You asked me to look at the page, so I did and gave my thoughts. I read the table caption the same way I read the table headers and data, by scrolling horizontally if it doesn't fit on the screen. I don't find it to be an
Also, although the template is built and named for tables, it isn't limited to usage for tables. It is possible that the scrollable div can be used on something else that has no need for sticky like a large graph that extends beyond the desktop's main content area, albeit predictably rarely used on
span issues with sticky headers be resolved with class="db-c3RpY2t5LXRhYg" on mobile? I tried adding it to the cells that start with the span but because the 1st column is using rowspan and the 2nd one isn't, it's not resolving the span issue. Is the top table fixed because it has matching rowspans
You're welcome. Having two buttons would be the equivalent to wrapping the table in two collapsible divs. That would be very tricky to manage with four states: collapsed/enabled, collapsed/disabled, expanded/enabled, expanded/disabled. It sounds like overkill to me. The documentation gives guidance
For the TOC link, if the link goes to something inside of a collapsed area (table, paragraph, etc.), it expands it so it is visible. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense to link to hidden content. Collapsible has always been used to completely show or hide content, not to partially "hide" (not hidden,
I'm willing to bet that if that one editor couldn't create the acronym, they would have still used the template as many times purely out of necessity, not because of how short the transclusion name was. Just saying that it isn't easy to prove increased usage without actual test cases and analytics,
I remember one editor who created a template, and an acronym shortcut for it, and used it often. So it does increase usage. For that template I always used the full name of the template. I can't remember the template now. There are many templates that use acronym shortcuts that are often used. Over
Not sure if some JavaScript is doing this since I didn't look into something I can't change? Always showing the toggle isn't a fix since the user will have to collapse/enable the features every time a link is clicked. The only fix I can think of is to reverse this (collapsed = disabled, expanded =
All country and US state tables are taller than the screen height. So I think this template will eventually be used often. It makes navigating pages much faster. Especially for getting to parts of the page other than the tables. Or navigating pages with multiple tables. One can scan a page quickly
Which table? The collapsible button and caption aren't sticky, so they will scroll out of view. As I recall, keeping the caption in the table's caption element is probably needed for screen readers unless aria tags are added. You would need JavaScript to hide the sort arrows upon a scroll event in
option, sortable and the sticky gadget only move consecutive header rows into the thead, so that's always headers even if misused for say a totals header row that normally should be a sorttop data row or a caption in a top header row that should be caption markup. Sortable also moves sorttop data
The expand/collapse toggle is useful. But then one is back to a table that can cause page width problems if the table is wide. And an expanded wide table can be very difficult to follow if the info one wants is in the columns farther to the right. It is hard to connect the location to the correct
When I came across it on my cell phone today, I thought "disable" was confusing. As in disable what? I can see how some would just scroll by and not even realize they missed a table. The header fills in the whole screen. Granted, after using it, it is clear. But non-regular Knowledge readers may
version, on the other hand, works great. Since there is no side sticky, the table can be scrolled horizontally in landscape view, and the table will fill up the whole screen top to bottom, and side to side. No margins, and no scrollbars. And since the top sticky is only 2 lines, it takes up very
version works badly in both portrait and landscape view. I use a larger font. The first column is just too wide in both views. It almost fills up the whole available scroll-window width in portrait view. And since side sticky is used, even the landscape view is bad. And several columns are wide,
Thanks for putting the expand/collapse functionality in the template. I personally find the expand/collapse button most useful on my desktop monitor. It allows me to more rapidly scroll up and down a table without fiddling with scroll bars. So I can rapidly go down a page with many scroll tables
You wrote that the inline CSS for the caption didn't work with sidebars. I remember confirming that myself by alternating between Vector 2010 and 2022. We didn't discuss it further. I thought it was a settled discussion. But I am confirming it now. I assume it is true also for people alternating
Since sticky headers can't be disabled, really tall ones could make the data unreadable regardless of scrolling, which is why the "expand" is there to disable sticky. Caption isn't sticky, so it will scroll out of the way whether it is in or above the scroll div. I don't have any issues with the
Did you have a reason for requesting it? Personally, I don't think it would "increase" usage since you wouldn't use this template unless needed, which would be for tall and/or wide tables. If you aren't familiar with the acronym, it might become harder to find this template. Googling "wikipedia
I won't be using them either since I prefer clarity and agree that the longer version helps to both figure out which templates are used and more easily find them. I don't know of any bot that replaces transclusion redirects. I don't really see a big benefit to having shorter versions on a new
That's an interesting way to fix it that I would not have considered since the col1 and col2 classes weren't originally meant to be used together due to stacking. See doc. I guess due to the addition of the "sticky-table-unsticky" class, the stacking can be removed. If it works, then OK.
2421:. I don't see any other way to fix sticky transparency issues on other tables without setting the background-color to inherit, which only affects non-header cells. Using "!important" should be avoided, but is needed sometimes. Looks like those color styles are only used on four pages: 438:
It isn't sticky, so it will scroll out of view. It can be moved above, but will add more height to the total page. Keep in mind that the covid CSS is a different implementation that has less testing and features. Its usage will most likely be replaced by this template before deletion.
Although it may be possible to keep the top sticky in an expanded state, in that case sticky to the top of the page instead of the div, it sounds like a bad idea because of the before mentioned potential accessibility problem for a sighted person. And to answer your question,
So we need to tell people how to shorten column headers. One way is to put more info in the captions. I do that often. Like putting "rates" instead of "Rates per 100,000 people" in the column head. I put "rates per 100,000 people" in the caption, or a note above the
The background-color wasn't removed, just set to "inherit" to fix a transparency issue when the sticky element has content scrolling behind it. Setting the background-color inline should override it. That table uses a style sheet and sets the color through a class.
At least temporarily, or in a sandbox. I would like to see how it looks on the perennial sources table. I am curious to see how much width the vertical scrollbar for the scrolling table window takes up. Also, want to see if there are additional margins compared to
new class to the template to make a cell left sticky. You are going to have unpredictable results when it comes to having rowspan or colspan prior to a sticky cell. The alignment is also off on that same cell and the "26" cell next to it for the same reasons: see
The only small advantage of having a flag column is that fewer country names need to wrap to 2 lines. Some multi-word countries for example. And some of the longer country names wrap to 2 lines with the flag on one line, and the country name on the other line.
Why should they be listed? They are added through the start template and aren't something most editors need to worry about. Adding them to this doc has the potential of complicating and confusing things for editors beyond the classes they should be aware of.
The alternative is to only make column 2 sticky, then apply a new class to individual cells to make them left sticky, which would only be needed on column 2 cells affected by rowspan. Column 3+ would still use unsticky to prevent stacking above column 2.
1005: 2492:
Reversing collapsible's show/hide states worked, so the table stays scrollable and sticky when an anchor/jump link that targets it is used. As I mentioned, the "aria-expanded" attribute true/false value is reversed now. That leaves the background-color
Qwerty284651. I think full template names help editors in figuring out what is happening with a table. So having a bot go around now and then, and replace those using acronyms is helpful. For example, here is a row of table templates I have used often:
without having to guess what is on the page from a poorly written table of contents. Or quickly scanning a long page with multiple tables, and many sections. Without having to use the same table of contents that does not have an "expand all" button. :)
They both use the same class. The template just encapsulates the content with a span tag that has the class. If the entire caption is short, then I would just use the class for less markup. For a longer caption on a narrow table, you may need to use
That defeats the purpose of the toggle to disable the features. Remember, the same problem you experienced with a wide left sticky column can also occur with tall top sticky rows, especially in mobile landscape, which is mentioned in the doc on both
And before one scrolls, the flag column actually takes up space on the screen, and makes for less available width for data columns. Just like the static row numbers column. Fortunately, both those columns disappear upon scrolling horizontally.
since you've been involved with this template lately, do you have an opinion on this? Mine is that disable/enable seems as clear as collapsible's hide/show. Once clicked/pressed, the reader will quickly know what it is for and it isn't hard to
on what to avoid so the need to disable is less likely, which again would most likely only be needed on mobile and in certain cases. If many users find the disable or enable options problematic or not enough, then it can be looked into.
Or maybe go back to having the expand and collapse buttons on all tables? Maybe with a note that "The table may already be expanded". Or "The table may already be expanded on some screens". If not a note, then a tooltip saying that.
One can stop and re-enable the sticky headers if they want. Those headers may still be better than doing without them. Even if they are big. And then expanding the table may give just enough space to make it workable. Reader has to
With this template you can have top sticky rows and not have a left sticky column if you want. At least if a table has a wide sticky column, you can disable it with this template to see the entire table, but can't disable sticky on
1651:. One can always find a template by opening it in source and adding "template:" in the wiki's search bar, something that admittedly not many newcomer editors are aware off. And not all transclusions are of templates but I digress. 684:
So sighted see "caption" above table. Screen reader has it above and in the table, basically read twice. I can't see many editors going the extra mile to do this. Anyways, it isn't anything that can be done through this template.
I can agree that the right/bottom borders are more important to keep visible when sticky. The changes are live now. There are no other sandboxed styles. Feel free to update the doc. I only added two quick examples, but might need
Adding a template parameter would be possible, but it can be forgotten about if used on a small table that grows over time. For a more automated solution, I added some CSS to only show the toggle button on smaller screens.
I don't find the expand/collapse ability very useful to me on my iphone unless the table width fits in landscape view. Then it is useful since I don't have to fiddle with scroll bars. I can just drag the page up and down.
until I find one I want to check out in more detail in expanded form. I think it will also alleviate a main objection some people may have with the new template. That objection being that scroll tables are different. :)
Imagine if all the common table templates on top of a table were all acronyms. It would be nice if a bot came around now and then, and spelled them out later. Then we would have speed, and easier comprehension.
was going to be replaced/deleted by this one, which I still believe it is obsolete, but Timeshifter believes it is still useful from what I understand. The two templates should not be used on the same table.
does nothing for the caption. It already doesn't wrap to the screen width. The table caption will wrap to the table width. I mention this mainly for others reading this thread later. Because I have noticed
In case you haven't realized it yet, you can also have a left sticky column with no top sticky rows if there is a need. I'm sure at some point someone will use it just for the scroll with no sticky rows or
Aha, I see. I thought the div classes are extra, optional parameters one can use to modify the template not a built-in feature/code of the template that is executed when the template is used. Good to know.
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For all tables on both links with a left-sticky column, I recommend moving the flags to a separate column to reduce the amount of sticky data so more underlying data is visible when horizontally scrolling.
Would it be possible for the template to detect the use of the horizontal TOC, and collapse the table? Or add a collapse button? Or convert the table back to a sticky table. At least a top sticky table.
Googling "wikipedia sticky table start" w/o quotes, I can find this template. Googling "wikipedia template sts" w/o quotes with an extra "template" to narrow it down, I cannot find the "skip to section"
I leave that up to you. Either way. Personally, I would like to remove all flags from tables. It's just more work, and serves no purpose. I would consider a Village Pump proposal to ban them from tables.
I disabled the combining of col1 and col2, as the doc indicates (limit 1) because of the stacking issue mentioned above and on the doc. If column 1 is wider than column 2, it is still visible. Instead,
I might use that. It's faster to type in 3 characters (and brackets) than finding its full name in the text file, or at the top of the table, and copying and pasting it to the bottom of the table. --
This would make the buttons distinctive from show/hide toggle buttons, and expand/collapse toggle buttons, which are used on fully collapsed tables for the most part. And never on scroll windows. --
Also, seems like your caption is messed up. You have it as a single cell data row (sortable needs top header rows) instead of using the caption markup, which might be causing sorting/sticky issues.
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just scrollable) content like what this template does. This template uses the collapsed state for enabled (scrollable and sticky) and the expanded state for disabled (not scrollable or sticky).
665:. But it is not seen by sighted readers, and it does not get in the way. The caption is duplicated above the table for sighted readers. This particular table does not have a collapsible button. 2769:
Without the ability to disable all, the only way around a wide sticky column or tall sticky rows would be to rotate the phone (landscape vs portrait) granted the sticky column and rows aren't
an emergency stop button. So a bot could maybe be set to look at the results of a "what links here" link to the template shortcut, and then go and replace the shortcuts. Might have to ask at
I was thinking that someone might want to expand the table for a related reason: To still have the sticky header, but also to have a little more space for the table. No space lost due to the
Would not that be more confusing for newcomers seeing all those classes sticky-table (-none, -left, etc.) that have no idea about sticky (row and column) headers? On the other hand, if only
In its current location inside the scroll window it is further limiting the number of data rows visible in my iphone browsers. I only see one data row in landscape view in my iphone SE 2020.
That's interesting. With "disable" by itself one ends up with a simple scroll window. That is useful by itself. It makes going up and down the page faster. One can bypass the table quickly.
1021:. It makes a big difference in cell phones. Can quickly scroll down a page in portrait view, while being able to read the table captions. Since they wrap due to being outside the table. -- 2790:
OK. I guess if someone is expanding the sticky table due to the sticky headers extending too far into a cell phone's screen space, then they don't want the same problem after expansion.
column, specifically the one that separates the header/sorttop rows from the rest of the data that follows. You can see the difference on the testcases pages in the following sections
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increases the number of data rows that are visible in landscape view. I use larger fonts in my cell phone. So it matters even more. Larger fonts means less data rows are visible.
doesn't offer a left-sticky column like this one, so its transparency fix is a little different. I'll have to take a closer look to see if it can be fixed along with transparency.
template's styling/features and the links are only visible on smaller screens like mobile to give the reader a way to disable what might be causing a readability issue, if any.
For me personally with my small-screen iphone SE 2020 (and larger text) I prefer having more initial data column space in portrait view. By not having a separate flag column. --
4567:? Because of the latest edits sticky-left and sticky-none useless can't fix the span issues in mobile. Related discussion for sticky-table-left and sicky-table-none classes in 2608:
The background colors are a secondary issue, and if a TemplateStyle is used, then I agree that !important should be used if that is necessary to get a scroll window to work. --
Note, that fix works only if column 1 is narrower than column 2, otherwise it is visible behind column 2 due to being sticky. In those cases, column 1 would need unsticky too.
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I think bringing up expand/collapse earlier might have caused some confusion. Looks like your links are the same as the search, which would show more uses beyond your own.
I assume that a row or column can be made sticky even if not a header row or column. So "enable" in almost all cases is enabling what in effect become sticky headers. So
I can't think of a pure CSS way to hide the expand button based on the table's content width being narrower than the main content area. I would think JavaScript is needed.
2879:, was highlighting the table's rows for a day or so before it stopped working. I assume it is from a recent update (which replaced expand/collapse with enable/disable in 411:
I suggest putting the toggle button above the scroll window, and not in the scroll window. The button is above and outside the scroll window in the covid CSS tables here:
Not all templates need shortcuts. For example, main, for, expand, clarify don't need shc. Even 2-word ones like see also don't. Polysyllabic and 2+ word templates do:
and how substantial the increase is. I agree that it might make it more convenient to transclude if the acronym is easy to remember like "hat". Create it if you want.
For the rowspan problem on 266 where left sticky is applied to some of the next column, use the "sticky-table-unsticky" class on those two cells: "Number" and "Total".
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What is disabled and enabled is both the scrolling div and the sticky cells, which aren't necessarily headers. Other things get disabled too like the border fixes.
3486: 3482: 2497:, assuming they want to use this template. Let me know if you still want the change and I can change it. Not sure if a discussion on the other talk page is needed? 1354: 4564: 4342: 4338: 3494: 3490: 1823:? I personally won't be using shortcuts with this template. But if they help others use it, I have nothing against changing the template name. Then we could use: 1169: 1165: 4249:
would best reflect its usage, which consequently might not be immediately intuitive that it is used for tables, primarily, if "table" is removed from the title.
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and column 2 is sticky. Give it a try. This avoids making both column 1 and 2 sticky and having a wide column 1 show behind column 2 when stacked. I also added
non-tables. I may have questioned what the hide/show links were when I first came across them, but it was quickly and permanently answered with a single click.
Again, it doesn't just disable/enable the scroll window. The names differ from hide/show, so it is already distinctive. There are no expand/collapse buttons.
Once you start horizontally scrolling the country columns have the same exact width. They can't get any less wide than the widest word. Which in this case is
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Now I see 2 data rows. They are taller rows due to some wrapping within in the rows. When I scroll down to narrow rows, I see 3 data rows in landscape view.
2478:(toggle) so it is always scrollable and sticky and hope no sticky elements block too much or all of the underlying scrollable data on small mobile screens. 2825:
I just want to say that I looked at the template CSS to try and figure out something. I see again that you have done a massive amount of work. Thanks! --
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attribute will be reversed for a screen reader though. Since the table isn't completely hidden, the screen reader can read the content in either state.
4121:", which, admittedly, might get confused with "show/hide" as they sound similar. Alternatively, something along the lines of the following can be used: 1445:
I'll leave it alone then. I agree, flag images are only for aesthetics when next to the name of a country/state/etc in a table that isn't about flags.
Sticky headers work strangely on the multi-row top headers. In both Safari and Chrome. Same problem also with right border of the left sticky column.
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I wonder if it is possible to have 2 options: One to expand the table, but keep the sticky headers. The second option disables the sticky headers.
3633: 2035: 811:
I need to look at a wide scroll table in landscape view sometimes. I may alternate between portrait and landscape to get a more complete picture.
Also, in your second example, using color as the only means to convey data (Active or Defunct tournament) is not accessible for screen readers.
If editors can't do anything with them, then why explain them? It would be like trying to explain all the coding in templates, modules, etc.. --
Flags should only be allowed if they are in the column farthest to the right. That might get some more interest at a Village Pump discussion. :)
138:. Sticky headers work fine on the single row in Safari and Chrome. Except that the right border of the left-sticky column disappears upon use. 2193: 1756:
So a bot could maybe be set to look at the results of a "what links here" link to the template shortcut, and then go and replace the shortcuts.
caption being in the table on my Android landscape view. If I want to see more rows, then I flip to portrait view, which is a normal practice.
For the first link, the small tables in these sections fully fit on the screen, at least mine, and probably don't need to use this template:
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from elements that are parent to the anchor link's id location. So, the options are to reverse it (as mentioned above) or completely remove
to make both rows top sticky. If row1 and row2 were used, the botton of the rowspans would stick out below row2 once the latter is sticky.
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I will have to show the various options on a sandbox page, because it is hard to explain without seeing the differences in a cell phone. --
When I edit/preview that section and fix the caption, the buttons work and the table is both sticky and sortable. This template shows the
between the different tables of content (sidebar versus floating icon TOC). I also noticed other problems if I am remembering correctly.
for the disable/enable toggle, except it doesn't fully hide the content and has a max-height that is easy to scroll past. Adding another
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and so on. Oops, those are taken. So I guess that leaves the other ones: stickyt (sticky top) and stickyb (sticky bottom) or stit/stib
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by making the first 2 columns sticky and then adding class="db-c3RpY2t5LXRhYg"| to overlapping data cells during horizontal scrolling.
378: 4629:
I would update the doc that "adding sticky-table-row1 or -row2 disables sticky-table-head's feature of making both rows sticky". See
template wrappers similar to sticky table- start and -end. And, no, the goal is not about increasing usage but moreso ease of access.
Due to the multi-line header, and due to the long wrapping caption inside the scroll window. Also, due to the wrapping within rows.
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did not have the toggle, as previously mentioned, so it still has the potential for accessibility problems that cannot be disabled.
Can the "expand/collapse" button be suppressed/made invisible so it does not show in smaller tables with sticky rows, for example,
If others think keeping top sticky in an expanded state won't cause accessibility issues, then it might be possible to change it.
4552: 4263:
Well in that case, the "sticky" part doesn't apply. Sticky is only used in tables. For non-tables, it's just the scrollable div.
3723: 3603: 3539: 3416: 3397: 2991: 223: 2031: 32: 4435: 210:. Reversing them back and applying the remaining styles will fix the issue, but one of the top borders will be missing for the 4044:
By the way, that page section table can not use sticky row headers, since the first column does not consist of row headers. --
needed to make a column left sticky when rowspan causes issues. Naming convention like float and other's with a "none" value.
Yes, any cell can be made sticky or not sticky, not just headers. The same goes for a single row or column. However, for the
But I don't think the bot has to be created to justify creating shortcuts. As I said, I think shortcuts are a net benefit. --
And is the only certain thing about this template is that it is in a scroll window? If so, then could the buttons be called
2038:. If you think having stickyt/stickyb or stickys/stickye is beneficial and won't cause confusion, feel free to create them. 797:
Putting the caption outside the table also solves the problem HouseBlaster discussed. The caption wraps to the screen width.
2445: 808:
It takes a few experiences with the scroll tables to learn how to use them. And it is easier if more data rows are visible.
780:"Avoid making excessively tall header rows sticky that might block too much data on short screens (ex. mobile landscape)." 709:
is on 46,000 pages. I didn't know it existed, or I had forgotten. I intend to use it often. Solves several problems. See:
I think the disable and enable buttons need to be clearer. I think there is room since nothing else is on the same line?
I hope to add some notes to the template doc eventually to point out some of the accessibility problems and solutions. --
3019: 2745:"Avoid making an excessively wide column sticky that might block too much data on narrow screens (ex. mobile portrait)." 1604:
It is usually more for convenience/ease of access to instead of type out the whole thing one can use abbreviations like
When I first look (before touching the table) I see one data row without it. I see 2 data rows at first when I use it.
4442: 3667: 3556: 3546: 3199: 2914: 2883: 2687: 2676: 2658: 2599: 2540: 2325: 2076: 1901: 1853: 1473: 1018: 849: 775: 747: 731: 714: 705: 662: 600: 552: 316: 204: 125: 118: 110: 103: 97: 82: 62: 2092:, respectively, as a compromise to have shortcuts with logical full names instead of abbreviated unprintworthy ones. 3933:
on various table captions even though it doesn't do anything for those tables. And it would not be logical to use
without the scrolling option. There are many tables with wide columns that need sticky headers. And I now see that
2086: 1487: 852:
that the CSS wasn't supported by the template styles. You can however add it inline to the table caption like so:
and column 2 rowspan is correct for any sticky column, and the issue is mentioned in the doc next to that class.
One really good thing about this template is that it fixes the problem of wide tables messing up page widths in
42: 3163:, that would be applied to individual cells affected by rowspan so they are left sticky too. Maybe also rename 1889: 1519: 1313:
where the flags were put in a separate column. It looks like something I can do with find-and-replace with the
where the flags were put in a separate column. It looks like something I can do with find-and-replace with the
4188:. Added extra text in 1st data cell to force the table to expand beyond the page's width in mobile portrait. 3262:
allows you to disable the styling if sticky elements cause readability issues on small screens. Originally,
So there is no advantage in using a separate flag column in that respect after horizontal scrolling occurs.
That is if you want something to work or experiment on. This is also a note to myself if I find the time.
4666: 4652: 4638: 4620: 4606: 4576: 4502: 4481: 4417: 4403: 4379: 4354: 4268: 4254: 4220: 4193: 4175: 4101:
seems most clear. I think it will be rare to see only a scrolling table, without sticky headers at all. --
4077: 3979: 3910: 3874: 3835: 3816: 3798: 3784: 3742: 3611: 3593: 3567: 3502: 3464: 3431: 3387: 3354: 3314: 3277: 3255: 3236: 3189: 3176: 3153: 3133: 3119: 3101: 3079: 3027: 3000: 2971: 2957: 2894: 2847: 2781: 2760: 2713: 2700: 2640: 2629: 2589: 2576: 2556: 2502: 2483: 2453: 2430: 2400: 2386: 2339: 2313: 2248: 2217: 2201: 2123: 2097: 2066: 2043: 2004: 1911: 1871: 1802: 1711: 1656: 1595: 1530: 1505: 1450: 1414: 1293: 1254: 1240: 1218: 1200: 1177: 1109: 1063: 989: 941: 839: 788: 771: 690: 644: 537: 458: 444: 385: 363: 306: 295: 239: 169: 2525:
works on them without problems. I use a lot of different text highlighting and section background colors.
It does say limit one and don't combine and gives reasons. More can be added, but they need to read it.
4524: 4466: 4315: 4243: 4108: 4051: 3995: 3948: 3708: 2932: 2832: 2729: 2615: 2528:
I finally looked at the various perennial sources table versions (see links in my previous posts) in my
2358: 2233: 2163: 2136: 2014: 1990: 1930: 1862: 1797:
would be stickyt (sticky top) and stickyb (sticky bottom) or stit/stib as shorter alternatives or both.
1746: 1695: 1573: 1436: 1398: 1334: 1150: 1088: 1028: 974: 824: 760: 675: 628: 567: 487: 429: 326: 270: 185: 151: 3022:. Easiest might be to move the "Player" column to the left most since that seems to be the row header. 581:
In the previous talk section I discussed a wide table. I noticed that only one data row was showing in
class) by default since that causes accessibility issues for screen readers. Also, this template uses
1957: 1947: 532:
Specifically the wide table in "Cases and deaths by region" section. In that page version it is using
47: 2372: 4233: 3963: 3227:
to fix the overlapping/stacked data cells. The same naming convention compared to what class? Like
2148: 2111: 2056: 1977: 1967: 1880: 1078:
Is it possible for the template to remove the expand toggle when a table fully fits on the screen?
Your Android phone is probably bigger than my iphone, and you probably use a smaller font than me.
1555: 3337:
P.S. Without having both columns sticky, it is a bit more time consuming having to manually add
A lot of the detect and modify you are asking for might be doable with JavaScript, but not CSS.
Because its application expand beyond just tables, maybe renaming to of its existing shortcuts
4662: 4648: 4634: 4616: 4602: 4588: 4572: 4498: 4477: 4413: 4399: 4375: 4350: 4288: 4264: 4250: 4216: 4189: 4171: 4073: 4063: 3975: 3906: 3885: 3870: 3831: 3812: 3794: 3780: 3754: 3738: 3607: 3589: 3579: 3563: 3498: 3460: 3442: 3427: 3383: 3365: 3350: 3310: 3288: 3273: 3247: 3232: 3172: 3144: 3129: 3115: 3097: 3090: 3075: 3023: 3012: 2996: 2967: 2953: 2943: 2910: 2904: 2890: 2843: 2777: 2636: 2498: 2479: 2449: 2426: 2396: 2378:
link is clicked that links inside the table ("Legend" works). I'll have to take a closer look.
2244: 2213: 2197: 2093: 2039: 2000:
template that has a niche usage on tall and/or wide tables. There are other sticky templates:
1940: 1920:
Imagine someone seeing this, or something similar, and trying to figure out what is going on:
1820: 1816: 1798: 1707: 1652: 1591: 1584: 1526: 1501: 1446: 1410: 1289: 1250: 1236: 1229: 1214: 1196: 1189: 1173: 1105: 1081:
I don't know how to put the flags in a separate column. Please point me where I need to go. --
1059: 985: 937: 835: 784: 686: 640: 454: 440: 375: 359: 349: 302: 257: 253: 235: 165: 90: 4445:
does more than add a scrolling window. My point is that it does it in all cases of its use.
line in the summary column. This is why it is better to do without side sticky in this case.
Though, I haven't tested it across all skins to make sure it works and "85vw" is low enough.
4518: 4460: 4326: 4309: 4102: 4045: 3989: 3942: 3702: 3701:
They mix up pages with lists of US states by topic; with individual state pages by topic. --
2947: 2926: 2868: 2826: 2723: 2609: 2352: 2227: 2157: 1984: 1924: 1740: 1689: 1567: 1430: 1392: 1328: 1144: 1082: 1022: 968: 818: 754: 669: 622: 561: 481: 423: 345: 320: 282: 264: 179: 164:
For the border, I'll have to take a closer look at how they differ from the covid CSS ones.
145: 44: 23: 2921:
How about "disable scroll/sticky" and "enable scroll/sticky" so we don't have a repeat of
3902: 3895: 3863: 3760: 2024: 1543: 3128:
Is the class=sticky-header| the class you are referring to that makes cells left sticky?
4670: 4656: 4642: 4624: 4610: 4580: 4528: 4506: 4485: 4470: 4421: 4407: 4383: 4358: 4319: 4272: 4258: 4224: 4197: 4179: 4112: 4081: 4055: 3999: 3983: 3952: 3914: 3878: 3839: 3820: 3802: 3788: 3746: 3712: 3615: 3597: 3571: 3506: 3468: 3435: 3391: 3358: 3318: 3281: 3240: 3180: 3137: 3123: 3105: 3083: 3031: 3004: 2975: 2961: 2936: 2898: 2851: 2836: 2785: 2733: 2644: 2619: 2506: 2487: 2457: 2434: 2404: 2362: 2252: 2237: 2221: 2205: 2167: 2101: 2047: 1994: 1934: 1806: 1750: 1715: 1699: 1660: 1599: 1577: 1534: 1509: 1454: 1440: 1418: 1402: 1338: 1297: 1258: 1244: 1222: 1204: 1181: 1154: 1113: 1092: 1067: 1032: 993: 978: 945: 843: 828: 792: 764: 694: 679: 648: 632: 571: 491: 462: 448: 433: 389: 367: 330: 310: 274: 243: 189: 173: 155: 4027: 2530: 1551: 1547: 1346: 1317: 1133: 724: 512: 224:
Template:Sticky header/testcases#Test template static row numbers (sticky-header-multi)
135: 46: 1006:
List of U.S. states and territories by incarceration and correctional supervision rate
For the background color, I suggest appending "... !important" to the five colors at
1682: 1367: 83:
Template talk:Sticky header#Template:Sticky table start and Template:Sticky table end
There pages all have one or more long tables, though not necessarily wide tables:
time people see both the shortcuts and the acronyms. I think it is a net benefit.
3764: 2425:. If you aren't going to use this template on those pages, then no changes needed. 1837: 1827: 1790: 1780: 1768: 1729: 1638: 1628: 1618: 1608: 1497:(not sure if the "template:" namespace is mandatory for template shortcuts' name). 1494: 1480: 1373: 229:
Template:Sticky table start/testcases#Test template static row numbers (head, col1)
4491: 3811:
buttons when the browser is less than 640px wide. But again, I wouldn't use both.
too large, or maybe switch to desktop view and zoom out (untested and cumbersome).
I copied the caption and put it outside and above the scroll window. I then added
Can you reenable class stacking so I can use both sticky-row1 and sticky-row2 in
So I am pointing out stuff that makes scroll tables accessible to more people. --
I want a top-sticky-only template that can expand, but still have top sticky. --
1559: 3941:
can be used for individual table column headers, but not for table captions. --
on some of the caption so the table width isn't wider than it needs to be. See
It is important that people know this, so that they are more encouraged to use
Thanks for the insource search link. I used a couple insource search links in
I did not know that expand/collapse is no longer used anywhere on Knowledge.
3959: 1324: 1140: 619:
toggle location, caption location, sorting arrows, and number of header lines.
4291:. Could you give an example table here or elsewhere (version link) that uses 2696:
If only the expanded version still had the top sticky. Without that I prefer
I think the right-side border on the left-sticky column is more important. --
Looks like the colspans are causing problems in the multi-row top headers? --
template. I need to figure it out more, and put the procedure on one of the
template. I need to figure it out more, and put the procedure on one of the
4568: 4553:
Talk:WTA 1000 Series singles records and statistics#Table design discussion
class to the table too, then the disable/enable buttons are hidden at : -->
Border is missing in 1st column between the merged col headers and "1" cell
I have been using that a lot lately on the other wikis I edit. So that the
So I guess the more the better, because more editors will use the template.
Table has a white background, but row highlighting (via hover) is gone. --
They are clear, and easy to remember. I may be using them, and these too:
But I don't think the bot has to be created to justify creating shortcuts.
I meant making it invisible manually by using a custom param, for example
will not work with them. For example, the many tables with notes columns.
the div when not scrolled at the top. Not possible with these templates.
This table needs to use the "sticky-table-unsticky" class on two cells:
LGTM on my Mac in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Thank you for your work!
to the table. It does not seem to be removing the background colors as
Thanks. I missed those unsticky classes. I remembered elsewhere though.
class since there is a need to fix issues when a static column 1 uses
would restore the span issues in all tables, that are currently using
Done. Thanks. 266 is working great now. I highlighted the wikitext. --
COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory#Cases and deaths by region
3679:"a list of lists of countries and territories by various criteria." 2719:
expanded or not. Or if when expanded the top sticky still worked.
works with the horizontal TOC now. And the expand button worked.
Ah yeah, I forgot about the inline CSS not working with sidebars.
In landscape view on my iphone it has 3 lines in the table header.
List of US states by minimum wage#Consolidated minimum wage table
There are a lot of pages like this with many tables on the page:
The "mw-collapsed" class is being removed for some reason when a
Template:2020 monthly cumulative COVID-19 death totals by country
Template:2020 monthly cumulative COVID-19 death totals by country
Template:2020 monthly cumulative COVID-19 death totals by country
Feel free. Table captions, column headers, table cells, etc.. --
3159:. I am talking about adding a new class to this template, maybe 1170:
WTA 1000 Series doubles records and statistics#1000 (since 2024)
WTA 1000 Series singles records and statistics#1000 (since 2024)
issue should be moved to that template's talk in a new section.
4185: 3924:
This only matters for fully collapsed tables. On sticky tables
3734: 3071: 3055: 2514:
About the only thing I understand well are your comments about
is taken. Running out of the first shortcuts that come to mind.
4492:#Expanded table is not sticky. Also, background colors removed 4207:
rows into the thead after sorting, so those become sticky too.
3830:= 640px width while the hide/show buttons are always visible. 3825:
I modified the styles so that if someone does want to add the
1983:. Those could be used now with the existing template names. -- 661:
The caption remains in the table's caption element when using
48: 17: 2261:
Expanded table is not sticky. Also, background colors removed
The table in the section titled "Cases and deaths by region":
WTA 1000 Series singles records and statistics#Title leaders
is going to cause issues. I suggest using one or the other.
I finally got around to comparing the country columns in my
United States drug overdose death rates and totals over time
Scroll down to the long, wide tables. For more such pages:
to all cells that need to be sticky instead of just having
I like "disable scroll/sticky" and "enable scroll/sticky".
I thought about it and am gravitating towards the former "
3497:(same charts as discussed above). They work like a charm. 2743:
The documentation does warn against a wide sticky column:
from both the non-expanded table, and the expanded table.
Male and female incarceration and correctional supervision
should be used, which doesn't have that potential issue.
The small tables don't fit fully on my cell phone screen.
2749:"If only the expanded version still had the top sticky." 2654:
Oops, brain fart. Forgot I could disable left sticky on
4395: 4389: 4368: 3331: 3050: 3038: 2920: 2875: 2422: 2411:
Knowledge:Reliable sources/Perennial sources/styles.css
2347: 2267: 1309: 1125: 520: 4438:. I also added another table example from an article. 3382:
issues from column 1, which I suspect to be uncommon.
Having only the 2nd column sticky in combination with
Knowledge:Reliable sources/Perennial sources#Sources
4598: 4594: 4456: 4452: 4364: 4346: 4292: 4203: 4167: 3971: 3967: 3938: 3937:to force a caption to extend past the table width. 3934: 3930: 3925: 3856: 3849: 3845: 3826: 3808: 3776: 3772: 3768: 3727: 3675:
Lists of sovereign states and dependent territories
3478: 3474: 3456: 3448: 3409: 3405: 3379: 3375: 3371: 3346: 3342: 3338: 3328: 3324: 3228: 3224: 3220: 3213: 3209: 2189: 2185: 867:"max-inline-size: 85vw; overflow-wrap: break-word;" 770:
FYI, tall headers are mentioned on both templates (
200:from what the covid CSS had to fix the borders for 3726:is missing in both desktop and mobile view. Also, 4398:I linked to in my examples in the comment above. 4008:Disable scroll window. And: Enable sticky headers 3718:Bug?: show/hide button missing in collapsed table 2413:so they aren't overridden by "inherit". Example: 1160:Can the expand/collapse button be made invisible? 4511:I am trying to ensure that they click the link. 3974:when used inside table cells vs table caption. 3767:, the table (content) should not be collapsed ( 3473:I implemented the new solution/workaround with 3426:no longer works as it disables sticky columns. 1500:I am open for suggestions for other shortcuts. 1355:List of countries by firearm-related death rate 3562:is disabled, the border displays as expected. 3205:? Or is that a separate, albeit similar thing? 3072:2nd col only sticky without the unsticky class 2862:Bug report: mw-datatable not highlighting rows 560:I did, and it fixed the page width problem. -- 3696:Category:Lists of states of the United States 3378:, and only used when column 2 is sticky with 2548:making it near useless in landscape view too. 56:This page has archives. Sections older than 8: 3869:or the namesake class or it's all the same? 2156:Depending on which ones I remember first. -- 3370:Good to know that it works. At least using 2709:I can't remember if the scroll window with 4593:That won't fix your issue. Because of the 3585: 3171:so it follows the same naming convention. 2671:I experimented here with top sticky only: 526:COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory 453:It has been moved outside the scroll div. 416:COVID-19 pandemic by country and territory 4569:#Need help with class="db-c3RpY2t5LXRhYg" 3966:should be updated to distinguish between 1469:I propose to make template shortcuts for 4166:Can't any data cell be made sticky with 3020:Template:Table alignment/doc#Limitations 2986:Need help with class="db-c3RpY2t5LXRhYg" 2308:I went ahead and added the old template 4476:I agree with the proposed names above. 3844:Thanks for the clarification regarding 3634:List of Intel graphics processing units 3412:for overlapping/stacking cells, if any. 2913:. I did a test on the top doc table at 218:and the three sections that follow them 3535:Border missing with static row numbers 3309:. The documentation has been updated. 3214:sticky-table-<insert name here: --> 2748: 2744: 2281:clicks a letter in the horizontal TOC, 2194:Template:Sticky table start/styles.css 1761: 1758:why would the bot "replace" shortcuts? 1755: 1647: 1284:There's a separate column of flags at 1100:There's a separate column of flags at 850:Template talk:Sticky header#Discussion 779: 66:when more than 3 sections are present. 2564:little space, and does not interfere. 502:New template fixes page width problem 398:Template:Sticky table start/testcases 356:Template:Sticky table start/testcases 7: 4329:, you can find some examples here: ( 4025:I think that would be clearer on my 3903:Help:Collapsing#Tables with captions 3691:Category:United States-related lists 3624:Pages with many long and wide tables 3056:both cols sticky with unsticky class 1923:{{srn}}{{mwd}}{{sts}}{{su}}{{ta}} -- 3653:Category:Lists of computer hardware 3216:would bypass stacking, presumingly. 2815:And their opposites after toggling. 2511:I am not good at a lot of stuff. :) 2295:background colors have been removed 1819:. Have you seen this last reply of 1546:, unfortunately, is already taken. 1409:of sticky data, so excluding flag. 1213:or similar if possible, of course. 1000:Some articles with the new template 3212:is used in combination with a new 2992:User:Qwerty284651/sandbox#Examples 2567:I am thinking we might return the 2419:background-color: #dfd !important; 1041:By territory and percentage female 723:Look at it in a cell phone. In my 604:to the caption inside the table. 14: 3646:Category:Lists of microprocessors 3398:when column 2 is sticky and uses 2196:should be added to the doc page. 776:Template:Sticky table start#Usage 60:may be automatically archived by 4546: 4436:Template:Sticky table start/doc‎ 3855:You fixed my caption issue with 2034:. Although not transcluded, the 614:could disappear upon scrolling. 194:The borders fix was reversed on 22: 2876:addition of the row highlighter 1275:Copied from a previous thread: 1249:Thank you for the alternative. 1017:All the sticky tables also use 467:Thanks. That definitely helped 4661:It does say that. Now I know. 4449:Knowledge readers even more. 4388:Addendum: expand/collapse was 3305:and will replace the usage of 406:expand/collapse toggle button. 1: 4671:00:23, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 4657:00:17, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 4643:00:15, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 4625:00:11, 7 September 2024 (UTC) 4611:23:57, 6 September 2024 (UTC) 4581:18:34, 6 September 2024 (UTC) 4529:20:42, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4507:19:58, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4486:17:40, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4471:17:16, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4422:04:26, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4408:03:57, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4384:03:52, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4359:03:50, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4320:03:13, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4273:03:36, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4259:01:58, 5 September 2024 (UTC) 4225:02:25, 3 September 2024 (UTC) 4198:23:09, 2 September 2024 (UTC) 4180:22:41, 2 September 2024 (UTC) 4113:20:42, 2 September 2024 (UTC) 4082:19:39, 2 September 2024 (UTC) 4056:18:15, 2 September 2024 (UTC) 4000:21:49, 1 September 2024 (UTC) 3984:16:45, 1 September 2024 (UTC) 3953:14:46, 1 September 2024 (UTC) 3915:04:25, 1 September 2024 (UTC) 3879:01:16, 1 September 2024 (UTC) 3735:doesn't do anything on mobile 2523:Firefox addon, "Dark Reader", 2462:The expanding is done by the 1724:I just created the redirect: 1685:to see if this is possible. 339:Expand/Collapse toggle button 3722:The hide/show button in the 1786:is missing an already taken 772:Template:Sticky header#Usage 100:- Single top row. Covid CSS. 4443:Template:Sticky table start 3840:04:54, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 3821:04:14, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 3803:04:05, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 3789:03:58, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 3747:01:50, 31 August 2024 (UTC) 3713:06:14, 23 August 2024 (UTC) 3668:Category:Lists of countries 3616:16:11, 23 August 2024 (UTC) 3598:18:46, 22 August 2024 (UTC) 3572:12:40, 22 August 2024 (UTC) 3507:16:18, 23 August 2024 (UTC) 3469:18:59, 22 August 2024 (UTC) 3436:13:37, 22 August 2024 (UTC) 3392:02:30, 22 August 2024 (UTC) 3359:01:50, 22 August 2024 (UTC) 3319:22:24, 21 August 2024 (UTC) 3282:21:45, 21 August 2024 (UTC) 3241:21:18, 21 August 2024 (UTC) 3181:21:00, 21 August 2024 (UTC) 3138:20:43, 21 August 2024 (UTC) 3124:20:11, 21 August 2024 (UTC) 3106:18:35, 21 August 2024 (UTC) 3084:10:57, 21 August 2024 (UTC) 3032:23:39, 20 August 2024 (UTC) 3005:21:26, 20 August 2024 (UTC) 2995:that fall in the same row? 2976:22:54, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2962:22:01, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2937:19:56, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2915:Template:Sticky table start 2899:19:09, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2852:20:34, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2837:20:26, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2786:12:52, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2734:05:22, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2677:User:Timeshifter/Sandbox269 2645:03:08, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2620:01:48, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2507:21:13, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 2488:20:21, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 2458:17:46, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 2444:enabled), if possible. The 2435:17:03, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 2405:05:39, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 2363:04:51, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 2253:23:06, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 2238:17:35, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 2222:15:34, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 2206:10:48, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 2168:13:07, 22 August 2024 (UTC) 2102:21:30, 21 August 2024 (UTC) 2048:22:30, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 2036:sticky table headers gadget 2020:w/ "sticky" parameter, and 1995:22:14, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 1935:21:47, 14 August 2024 (UTC) 1807:23:38, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 1751:03:56, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 1716:02:27, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 1700:01:29, 13 August 2024 (UTC) 1661:23:22, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 1600:20:58, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 1578:17:31, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 1535:15:22, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 1510:10:39, 12 August 2024 (UTC) 1465:Template shortcut proposals 1019:Template:Screen reader-only 715:User:Timeshifter/Sandbox268 706:Template:Screen reader-only 663:Template:Screen reader-only 601:Template:Screen reader-only 577:Template:Screen reader-only 317:Template talk:Sticky header 119:User:Timeshifter/Sandbox266 104:User:Timeshifter/Sandbox265 98:User:Timeshifter/Sandbox264 31:Archives: no archives yet ( 4693: 4544: 4363:If you want to know where 3149:No, that class belongs to 2470:. It specifically removes 2072:as template shortcuts for 1455:22:51, 6 August 2024 (UTC) 1441:22:22, 6 August 2024 (UTC) 1419:16:34, 6 August 2024 (UTC) 1403:16:13, 6 August 2024 (UTC) 1339:00:05, 3 August 2024 (UTC) 1298:18:31, 2 August 2024 (UTC) 1259:23:03, 4 August 2024 (UTC) 1245:23:00, 4 August 2024 (UTC) 1223:22:29, 4 August 2024 (UTC) 1205:20:23, 4 August 2024 (UTC) 1182:20:04, 4 August 2024 (UTC) 1155:00:05, 3 August 2024 (UTC) 1114:18:31, 2 August 2024 (UTC) 1093:18:10, 2 August 2024 (UTC) 1068:12:53, 2 August 2024 (UTC) 1033:12:09, 2 August 2024 (UTC) 473:sticky table start/sandbox 134:What I have noticed in my 3724:following collapsed table 2468:jquery.makeCollapsible.js 2180:Documentation page update 994:13:47, 31 July 2024 (UTC) 979:10:20, 31 July 2024 (UTC) 946:00:28, 31 July 2024 (UTC) 844:00:18, 31 July 2024 (UTC) 829:22:56, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 793:21:03, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 765:20:34, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 695:20:01, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 680:19:46, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 649:16:50, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 633:13:11, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 572:12:55, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 492:20:37, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 463:18:47, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 449:17:15, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 434:13:42, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 390:23:33, 29 July 2024 (UTC) 368:20:51, 29 July 2024 (UTC) 331:10:29, 30 July 2024 (UTC) 311:14:51, 29 July 2024 (UTC) 275:08:29, 29 July 2024 (UTC) 244:19:56, 28 July 2024 (UTC) 190:18:13, 28 July 2024 (UTC) 174:14:57, 28 July 2024 (UTC) 156:10:52, 28 July 2024 (UTC) 81:See previous discussion: 54: 20: 4371:. It was recently added. 4017:"Disable scroll window". 3606:already on the subject. 3374:should be right next to 2990:Can the bottom table in 2569:scrollable window option 2186:sticky-table-collapsible 1271:Separate column of flags 855: 617:All this stuff adds up: 610:It would be nice if the 121:- Multi rows in header. 93:. Here are some tests: 4559:Reenable class stacking 4539:Table design discussion 4347:class=sticky-table-left 4304:"enable scroll window"? 4300:"disable scroll window" 4293:class=sticky-table-left 4168:class=sticky-table-left 4099:"Enable sticky headers" 4021:"Enable sticky headers" 3972:style=whitespace:nowrap 3602:Glad to know there are 3349:. Just an observation. 2706:. There is more room. 2415:background-color: #dfd; 2030:(draft?). The obsolete 1897:I will be substituting 1377:is another wide word. 4367:is used, you can just 4138:disable sticky headers 3733:Enable/disable button 3586:#Tests of new template 3210:sticky-table-rowN/colN 3185:Isn't the CSS code of 3074:) in mobile portrait. 2464:function hashHandler() 2287:The expanded table is 801:data in those columns. 213:{{static row numbers}} 63:Lowercase sigmabot III 4453:disable scroll window 4186:above mentioned table 4161:enable sticky headers 4090:Other possibilities: 3958:The documentation at 3584:Already discussed at 3307:sticky-table-unsticky 3225:sticky-table-unsticky 3165:sticky-table-unsticky 3058:) in comparison with 3045:See another example: 3039:solved the span issue 2907:. Good catch. Thanks. 260:. Moved thread here. 73:Tests of new template 4457:enable scroll window 4396:Those are the tables 3542:when combining with 1721:copying into tables. 1307:OK, thanks. Here is 1123:OK, thanks. Here is 547:I will change it to 4157:restore small table 4145:fit table to screen 3964:Help:Table/Advanced 3730:disables sorting. 3447:Your comment about 3404:) does not require 3402:instead of column 1 3396:The reverse of it ( 2190:sticky-table-scroll 1953:(sticky start) and 4597:, you have to use 4441:I understand that 4392:to disable/enable. 4345:) which are using 4143:2. For collapse: " 4032:For example here: 3859:. 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Lowercase sigmabot III
Template talk:Sticky header#Template:Sticky table start and Template:Sticky table end
sticky table start
sticky table start
iphone SE 2020
10:52, 28 July 2024 (UTC)
14:57, 28 July 2024 (UTC)
18:13, 28 July 2024 (UTC)
static row numbers
Template:Sticky header/testcases#Test template static row numbers (sticky-header-multi)
Template:Sticky table start/testcases#Test template static row numbers (head, col1)
19:56, 28 July 2024 (UTC)

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