
User talk:Argo Navis/Archive/2006/06/08-2006/08/29

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2024:. I obviously thought Boris would like to know if something had happened to him. I don't know why you'd want a checkuser, you all of all people should understand my message ( since it was written in Serbo-Croatian because you speak Serbo-Croatian). This has been my only edit since getting blocked, and it was to inform Boris of a something rather important, and that had nothing to do with Knowledge, Serb-propaganda, Anti-Croatinism, or whatever the heck else, all these things are set aside when horrible things like this happen. I didn't want Boris to just stumble upon it days later after realizing HRE wasn't there anymore. I hope you understand, and let's hope HRE is okay. Are you we okay now? (Sorry I put a rather pissed off comment earlier on the RfA talk page, I've been accused more than Hipi Zhdripi, yet there are no new users editing any Serb related articles) 3676:
about a Duch guy - this incident has nothing to do with nationality. It could have been a French guy, or a German or a Croat. That is not the point. The point is that the attack happened under these circumstances, and that attacks like that happen to tourists. such attacks do not happen in some other parts of the world. peadophilia exists everywhere. Perhaps, there are prejudices agaist western people in croatia, that they must be peadophiles if they are elder people who take photos on the beach. while nationality is not apparent, they might have assumed he was from the west - thats all i can guess about your question. but i think that nationality in this case does not play importance.
1305:. But I had to act as I promised to act. And I agree that I did nothing useful by blocking you. But at the time, the idea of blocking undiscussed reverts seamed OK... What I'm trying to say here is that I understand that you are upset with the block and that I understand that the block maybe wasn't the most fair thing that I ever did. But I ask you to understand that I have to stick to my word if I wish to retrain my credibility. And being an administrator on Balkans related topics is not an easy thing but I try realy hard not to step on other peoples toes... and sometimes I don't have any other option. Sorry for the block, but I had to do that. No hard feelings. -- 1482:
tvoja pitanja je da al samim time što je to više politička nego lingvistička kategorija odnosno ljudi koji su izjasnili jedno govore istim idiomom kao i ovi drugi pretvara popis prilično nerelevatnim po ovom pitanju. Ono što je prilično jadno od tebe da me prozivaš radi mojih političkih uvjerenja i na indirektan me način želiš zamoliti da se povučem iz rasprave. Ono što bi ja tebi mogo reč da prestaneš sa svojima kroatocentričnih ideja o nekom zasebnom hrvatskom jeziku koji je čvrsto odjeljen od srpskog jer taqe stvari nažalost prolaze u hrvatskoj al ne prolaze ovdje na wikipediji. nadam se da češ se urazumiti...
2275:. It must be frustrating for you. I've warned him he'll be blocked if he goes on refusing to listen. Meanwhile, I can make a rough guess at what his non-English phrases mean... but, in case they're a cause for a longer block, could you please translate them for me? I'd appreciate it if you'd either put a rough translation on my page, or, if it's stuff I wouldn't want to see on my page, use e-mail. If your wikibreak allows, that is! Thanks. 69: 38: 2814:"Neutral Point of View (NPOV) is a fundamental Knowledge principle which states that all articles must be written from a neutral point of view, that is, they must represent views fairly and without bias. This includes maps, reader-facing templates, categories and portals. According to Knowledge founder Jimmy Wales, NPOV is "absolute and non-negotiable." 2791: 1639:
agree with you that he violated 3RR (who couldn't) but (not sure if you saw my comment on the 3RR page) I don't believe the comment above constitutes a personal attack. At the worst it could be considered incivil, but barely. Just be sure someone is attacking, rather than being rude, before accusing them of so.
120:, and revert any new additions that were unsourced (either by not having an article or source). That to me, would be only way to deal with it fairly, as otherwise editors adding new material would have a valid critism of "why remove my unsourced material, when the unsourced material there is untouched". 3131:
Boško is not a common Slavonic name, it appears only in some South Slavonic languages. I'm sorry, but I don't want to argue any more. I shall refer to Serbian Embassy here, so they can, together with you and other users who support the different point of view, try to make the articles as much NPOV as
Napravio sam ono što bi ti sigurno napravio i meni a ti več mene cinkaraš dulje vrjeme. Na koji sam način ja to sam sebi? Pa nisam ja bio blokiran nego ti a ti se samo tješi. Druga stvar nisi ti taj koji određuje ko nam treba a ko ne na wikipediji. Da ti sad odgovorim na tvoje pitanje: odgovor na sva
You keep reverting the article Neo-Nazism without explanation. I am ready for discussion and have provided my arguments on the talk page, but you have not replied anything sensible. I do not intend to engage in an edit war. Therefore, I will give you a day or two to explain your position. After that,
And btw, in any civilized society, it is not suicidal to take photos of regular beach with people on it, so people should be informed that in Croatia, this may lead to broken bones - it is not defaming, the incident has been reported in the west and it should be reported. --- to answer your question
What was the comment for? Was it for the map (opštine) or some other article? I understand the BiH is divided to some extend, but many, here and in other places, purposely try to divide it further (Just for their liking/pleasure). This is what agitates me, not so much that BiH is divided. It will be
My apologies, no I hadn't checked the history. You wrote "I moved this text here and added the title" and I assumed that you had moved it here from another page. That was my mistake. The reason I was on your talk page in the first place though was b/c of the 3RR report you made against Hahahih.... I
I must say, I'm not a great fan of list articles due to verification problems. To me a list should either be a) verifiably complete (e.g. football teams in X league) or b) comprised solely of notable (blue linked) items. Having an unbounded list with red links (like this one) is too open to abuse as
regarding maps and explained situation about Brcko district. I was going to make a Brcko district map in that way to color two municipalities that form district. And as i mentioned, articles about BiH, FBiH, RS and Brcko district should have maps with different colors, municipalities are one color,
Da ti kazem pravo ja nemam nist protiv mene su vecina dorbi ljudi...samo mrzim kad neko gura svoju politiki kao neki purger na Knowledge. Vidio sam svasta naprimjer, Dalmatinci su Srbi, Dubrovcani su Srbi, Andric je Srb, Boka njie imala Hrvate nego to su Srpski katolici, Bosanci su Srpski
On the other hand, Boskovic is a Serb since his father was a Serb. In one place you have said that one can't just stop being a Croat (refering to Andric). Well, one can't just stop being a Serb either, you know. And once again, the people of Dubrovnik needn't necessarily be Croats. They have never
Hi Ante. Sorry about the confusion around article names. We are trying to get all our material into a project structure using appropriate categories but we're still a long way short, especially with postal sections tucked away in country articles like these are. We have these articles in a list
Hi! I am concerned with the level of arguements, POVness and vandalism presented at Ivo Andric's article - now it doesn't even mention at all that he was a Croatian writer. Since You have been protecting it from Vandalism (as I see on its history), I would ask You to oversee my slight rewriting of
Well, one of the reasons why I gave it to you is just - the block itself. I think that you were unjustifyingly blocked - and this is not just for other admins/users to see when they come to your talk page, but also to make you chill off and not worry, as I know that you would be very frustrated by
Yeah, the fact is, I just worsened the situation by promising to block the person which makes undiscussed revert. And, yes, you have every right to be pissed off because I blocked you. But, please understand that I'm trying to stop this escalation of edit warring that's happening on Knowledge. And
that it's not a large amount of vandalism. One of the articles I have on my watchlist has the same problem, but, while slighty annoying, isn't too much trouble. So, for the moment, I would suggest continuing to revert any vandalism changes, if it gets bad (i.e. multiple people vandalising multiple
Also, I see you apparently accusing me of doing something illegitimate; please do mind your manner and do not try to intimidate people that come to wikipedia because they present facts that you dont like! If you have been here for long time that does not give you the right to bihave like a bully.
Naprotiv, sajt vlade RS je upravo najrelevantniji za ovu problematiku. Ti sporovi su bili oko prethodnih naziva opština, i oni su rešeni. Na sajtu vlade RS možeš videti da Foča nije Srbinje, da Novo Goražde nije Srpsko Goražde (to je bio stari sporni naziv koji je promenjen), itd. Na tom linku se
Hi, I see you have an issue with photo on the page tourism in croatia, which is downloaded by me under fair use pretense. It seems to me that you dont understand what historicPhoto tag is meant for - it is meant for illustrating events that are not repeatable, regardles of when they happened and
A simple example would be obstinately reverting an edit exactly 3 times a day, and then "innocently" maintaining that no rules are being violated. The three-revert rule should not be construed as an entitlement to revert, and doing so is regarded as a disruption of Knowledge operations. In fact,
I remind you that you should not accuse people and act like a bully. I dont think you are right in calling someone a vandal just because he is editing article in a way you dont like. Do you not know that, or just pretend? I am not doing anything wrong, and I think you also know that. So - your
Pre svega, odavno sam to predložio na strani za razgovor tamo, što se tiče promene imena samog članka. Drugo, ja ovde ne menjam ime samog članka, već naziv u drugim člancima što je potpuno drugo pitanje. Nadam se da shvataš koliko je naziv "Croatian war of independence" netačan i koliko izvrće
How do you know that he was not a Serb? There is a Serbian family of Boskovic in Herzegovina today. Perhaps the Serbs are those who claim everybody in the region, but the Croats are no better. They claim all the Catholics in the region, including the people of Dubrovnik. And also including the
Another branch of Boškovićes, or most probably a completely unrelated family which shared the same surname (Bošković was a common patronymic surname in Dubrovnik at the time) settled in the city at the end of the 18th century, coming from the village of Orahov Do in the neighbouring Eastern
And, finally, I must express my frustration with my blocking. I am one of the most active users of croatian wikipedia and I made numerous interwiki links on croatian and english articles. I made simoultanious interwiki links on both wikipedias, so blocking my en-wiki account made this work
Don't play stupid, Boris. Some Serbs were killed in that area in war, but that part of article was aboutb Srebrenica masacre in 1995, not about massacres in 1991/92. I stated it clearly in my comment, I find it quite hard to believe that any missunderstanding of my words was possible.
Umm.. what exactly did I do? I though that Serbs were captured and killed in Kravica. Or is that another "Greater-Serbian" propaganda story, the "Butcher of the Balkans" made up... Just stay away from me, I don't want to talk to you/don't respect you. Go away, you nationalist.
I don't know about you, but I'm rather tired of the daily reversions of the anon change. I'm thinking of requesting semi-protection for a while... perhaps that will discourage the anon (who is almost certainly 1 motivated individual) from constantly adding Croatian back in.
Hello. So far I never used Knowledge and I just wanted to comment a part with Croats title. So, instead of commenting I replaced the word Croat with Serbian Catholic. It wasn't a vandalism. I'm just unfamiliar with using comments, editing etc. Sorry for the inconvenience.
that the figure 250,000 has been disproved? I do realize that you can't mention everything in a summary. Still, as long as it simply says 100,000, I'm betting it'll keep getting changed to 250,000, and not necessarily only by Hahah either. But I'll leave it to you.
Sorry to say, but this looks like comment from either provocator or totally uninformed user. In any case, I'm not planing to waste my time with this. If you consider this as a fact, I suggest you to try including it in other articles, so let's see what will happen.
Wrt the anon user, as it appears to be a static ip address, messages sent to the ip address talk page will be received by them. You mentioned that you think it mught be another user, this is only relevant in extreme cases (e.g. user evading bans and such like).
possible. If our grandfathers and grand-grandfathers had just accepted king Alexander Karageorgevic's Yugoslav model, now we could all be at least a little bit more happy together... (since we are, obviously, pretty much related, as well as our languages are) --
Hello, I'm glad to inform you that the mixup has been solved and I am glad to see that you supported me at times (and at times not - but who am I to blame objectivity? :) Anyways, what do you think about my compromise to the Boskovic affair (that didn't pass)?
1122:, if we suppose that Jacov comments didn't answer any of questions, we can say that Zmaj didn't need to make any comments because Jacov's revert was unexplained in the first place, so he just reverted the page to last version that is supported by explanation. 3234:? Hrvati to zovu domovinski rat, ali ga Srbi zovu građanski rat, i ako je hrvatski naziv spomenut, zašto ne bi bio i srpski? Po čemu i naslov članka i njegov sadržaj moraju biti bazirani na hrvatskom gledištu? Dakle, ja sigurno nisam "wrong" kad je u pitanju 2077:
Haha too young to have a newphew, no it's just that there a load of people who share my IP. I'm usually unable to edit a lot of the time because of auto blocks on my IP. It's a home computer, not school, school is thankfully over until September for me. :D
I argue that German Catholic is not automatically a Pole. No relevant historical source never mentioned Croats southern of the Cetina or eventually Neretva river. That' the fact. Of course I'm talking about the historical period before let's say 1800.
Funny thing, You removed exactly those references that proves croatian police doing their work. Talking about NPOV... right.. like you are capable of ever writing something afirmative about Croatia. No, your prejadices are just to strong for that to
I see that you accuse Duch tourist of being a peadophile, just as did police. However, there is not a grain of truth in that accusation. The guy is a well known photographer and making photos of people on the regular beach is completely legitimate.
better in the future, so I'm not worried. What irritates me is some of the attitudes people bring out in Knowledge. Knowledge should not be a political website, that is why I am happy that most of the political templates have been removed. Thanks,
I remember you what really means NPOV, because it seems you don't have clear ideas. It does not mean: "I tried to change, add or delete some parts of the article, I gave valid references, but some people keep reverting my edits." as you say.
These are not real songs, it's just a childish vandalism. Hahahihihoho doesn't need any warning because we gave him plenty of warnings so far. What he needs is very long block. Hahahihihoho is either infantil (spelling?) or mentaly chalenged.
I vandalize pages? I don't think so. First of all, I don't know which pages are on your watchlist, and don't frankly care. I just try to be fair and neutral, but some people just don't appreciate that and would rather simplify some matters...
Unfortunatelly, Jacov's "changes" were almost completely limited to reverting page to is last version regardles of the fact that, in the meantime, some people made considerable effort to improve the article. As an example, see his change from
112:- architect" - there is no source given to show who he is, so other editors have no way of knowing whether the entry is valid or not. That's one of the reasons I'd hesitate to put it on my watchlist, as my preference would be to first remove 3687:
Kako ja vidim Wiki je pustio mnogo Srba da minjaju stranice kako oni oce. Nazalost mnogo sto oni minjaju nije istina nego samo njihovo misljenje. Sto je jos gore neki Englez ili bilo koji stranac ce procitat i milsit da je Knowledge istina.
The Lora prison certainly deserves its page and I am glad that someone who is not from Balkans (I'm really sick of serbian propagandist here) will tako care of it. If you need some help in translation from croatian, feel free to contact me.
to be Croats. Just like Andric chosed to be a Serb. But their tradition says that they have come from Timocka krajina. Just like the traditions of Bunjevci says that they have come from northern Dalmatia or western Bosnia. Obviously
Yes.... I've forgot the "Serbian problem". I don't know if Boscovich is Serb. A Serb could say, but I know that Serbs keep the memory of Boscovich and it is correct to mention it, because Knowledge must show all the points of wiev.
I would suggest that a good thing to do would be find references for those people on the list, as if you ask for help stopping vandalism/unsourced info being added, you might find that more gets removed than you expected! Regards,
In Image:BH municipality location.gif you have included both West Mostar and East Mostar municipalities. For example, in your Mostar map (Image:BH municipality location-Mostar.gif), you seem to have included only East Mostar.
and decided to make a "trap" for me by making endless reverts with poor (but regular) explanation until I, having nothing to add without senslessly repeating myself, made a revert without actually changing any talk page (but, I
Ja znam da so misnai i da smo Slaveni...ali glupo je samo gurat da samo mozemo biti Srbi..moguce je da sy Srbi svi Hrvati isto tako. Mrzim ovaj topic ali kad vidis laz tesko se ne uzbunit malo. Boje meni ne citat ovaj Wiki.
don't know many things. And the fact that there is a House of Boshko in Dubrovnik doesn't mean that Boskovics are Croats. Like I said, the Ragusans weren't ever actually saying that they are Croats, just Ragusans or Slavs.
Ne odrđuje tko što ima pravo??? Naravno, ne određuje to wikipedija nego povelja UN-a, ustav SFRJ i slično. A Hrvatska se za nezavisnot borila protiv JNA, a kasnije protiv onih što je JNA naoružala, a Milošević plaćao.
About the father: he was from Hergovina. How can you say he was Serbian or Croatian?... they are today's categories, born in XIX century. For sure the father, never in his life, wondered if he was Serbian or Croatian.
on it, but you didn't obey what's written on it :-) You are supposed to propose new stub categories before creating them. In cases like this (when new category is created without discussion), categories are reported
I also must note that I'm not a nationalist and that I often revert vandalism of some idiotic croatian vandals on Serbia-related articles. Just today, I have been awarded my first barnstar by (pro-)Serbian user.
So, If you want to be a toy in the hands of a disruptive user who's only concern is to push his political preferences by "gaming the system", just go ahead. If You dont, read the part I bolded few lines above.
1080:. Since Jacov kept ignoring my questions on his talk page (see timeline), I made one last (4th) revert without any comment on any talk page. I wrote the only reasonably comment I could think of at that time - " 2481:
Dakle, predlažem ti da zamoliš nekog administratora koji ima bota da da botu nalog da automatski promeni bosanske kategorije da uključe i sela. Ako ne, napravi posebnu kategoriju za sela, pa ih razdvajaj. :)
Hvala bogu da ima Hrvata kao ti na Knowledge. Treba ih vise. Ja nazalost nemam puno vremena za ovde pist ali vidim da se ti bavis sa Knowledge i boris se da se sve od Hrvatima na Wiki pise correct i fair.
Let's make detailed chronology of edit war on. Since I (and Zmaj too, after a while) have been blocked for making "unexplained reverts", let's go back to my first revert and follow the story afterwords...
The story behind this edit war is simple. It's all about Luka Jacov's political preference and stubbornes. He is a keen supporter of reunification of Yugoslavia and he declared his mother language to be
However, I was under the impression that they have since been united back into one municipality. Whatever the case, either your map must be changed or there must be some mention of East and West within
You don't really expect every and each of us to repeat the same question to Jacov, while he keeps ignoring it, just to do some formal change to some talk page, because we are afraid of being blocked by
I'm not stalking you. You just happen to vandalise pages on my watchlist (which is quite long). If you could stop vandalising pages, I would make no problem to you. It's up to you, just like I said. --
As I said - you did not explain anything. To make you partially happy - I removed just two refereces. No need for re-wording the last paragraph-- 19:49, 8 June 2006 (UTC)<end copy: -->
1441:, because this twarth normal conversation since I never know am I talking to one user or to 6 users. This is just an example of avoiding conversation in rder to have excuse for mindless reverts. -- 3364:
policy" Vikipedije nema nameru da određuje ko je imao pravo na nešto a ko ne, već da TAČNO opiše događaje. Ajde mi molim te objasni kako se to Hrvatska borila za nezavisnost od Krajiških Srba?
Hm, da, s bitnom razlikom da je Hrvatska po ustavu imala pravo na nezavisnost, za razliku od Srba u Hrvatskoj koji su se jednostavno htjeli odcijepiti - stvoriti granicu gdje je nije bilo. --
3133: 3098: 2980: 2941: 2926: 2561:. Since he's trying, could you please explain to him how to write the tildes and where they are on the keyboard? I would, but my keyboard is pretty different, I'd likely only confuse him. 1199: 1162: 1253:
I wanted to continue this activities today, but, when I wanted to make my first edit, I realised that I was blocked for most exotic and most obscure reason that I could ever think of.
netočan, izvoli pokrenit proceduru da se promijeni. Pa, ako upali, dobro, ako ne, očito ni za ovo nemaš opravdanja. Očito sumnjaš u svoje argumente kad ideš na ovaj način, zar ne? --
The article is not about Croatian police - either, they are pretending working against the Ustashe. Anyway, I've put back the reference I removed before. Hope it'll make you happy.--
impossible. This edit-wars are not my primary activity here (which couldn't be said for Jacov) and I spend less then 10% of my wiki-time on activities related to disputed articles.
55: 52: 1393:
No need to log in - it is perfectly legal to contribute and discuss anonymously. To talk to you - I'll use your talk page! I'll block myself for the next two days. Is it a deal?
Another funny thing is that one of the links is the one that I wrote you about (remember "thank you for proving my point" discussion?). --Ante Perkovic 08:22, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
256:, so three of the four IPs are most likely the same person. The fourth appears to be a different ISP, but could quite possibly be the same person using a different service 3590:
It is perfectly legitimate and also perfectly stupid and suicidal. And it perfectly doesn't say nothing about Croatian, except if your sole purpose here is to defamate. --
1198:(I have no problem with that). He showed many times that he is extremelly unwilling to accept any compromise on the issue of the language and he proved to be willing to 2543:
Eto mene "iz mrtvih" (mene je ovo previse izmucilo, procitaj moju stranicu ako ti se dade). Veceras putujem u Karlovac, pa onda na more (u Hrvatsku), pa da ti javim. --
Sorry - that was unintentionally. I just reverted because my version is NPOV (I saw all the nationalist-b(i)ased POV and rv), but please keep my in-between version.
Ante: I gave you a link were it clearly said that 250 000 died! And I didnt take away YOUR PART OF WERE IT SAID THAT 100 000 DIED, so why did you deleted my part? --
It's correct to keep all the categories, and, by the way, you have again deleted the Italians ones.... that very bad. I should repair them again, now. Stop it! --
1990: 1769:
I warned him again. I realize you are annoyed, but you should also realize that there exist people who are simply rude and inconsiderate. It's not a big deal. --
Naprotiv, jer suštinski gledano, Srbi iz Krajine su se borili za nezavisnost od Hrvatske a ne Hrvatska za nezavisnost od njih. Sadašnji naslov je "misleading".
Stoping other people from defamating my country by making very bad-faith edits here is really the definition of nationalism. It's more like anti-vandalism. --
3118:. Anyway, I don't see how you can make Serbs to change their nationality to Croatian hundreds of km from the rest of Croatian people. I see no logic there. -- 1282:
For expressing NPOVness in all sitautions, for honoring every single Knowledge rule and for such a talented work on Croat-related articles, I reward you this
I would like to shed some light on Jacov's "rules-obiding" behaviour, so You can judge by yourself does he writtes in good faith or just "Gaming the system".
I agree.Boscovich father was from Herzegovina. We can not say if he was Serbian of Croatian. Religion criteria to divide them, is born only in XIX century.--
Mulsimani a ne Hrvatski muslimani itd....sve je njihova verzija ..sve sto onaj Vuk je mislio i govorio Srbima neki vjeruju ...da smo svi Srbi, pa nemoj...
karakter ovog rata. Inače, ja ovo menjam u potpuno neutralan naziv "war in Croatia". Možda bi ti se više svidelo da promenim u "Civil war in Croatia"? :)
Pa i ja sam razmišljao gde da stavim ta sela. Ako ti baš bode oči što su tu, pomeri ih u kategoriju "Geography" ili napravi novu kategoriju "Villages".
I was merely informing Boris of the horrible (now questionable) news. He was the only one who had significant contact with HRE, to not get contacted by
I see that you are a biased editor that pushes Croatian nationalism. If all people in Croatia are like that, than people should know what to expect!
It is estimated that there are around 5,000 Krashovani in Romania, with only some 200 opting for the nationality itself, the remainder chosing the
Dakle službeno ime opštine je Novo Goražde, a u članku Municipalities of Bosnia and Herzegovina se očigledno radi o grešci koju treba popraviti.
seems to verify that for some time there was an East and West, but I'm not sure if they still exist or have been unified as in the first map. --
says about it I realized it wasn't on--please see my post on Hahah's page. But don't you think it might be a good idea to explicitly mention in
2702: 2138: 2401:
Hey, Ante. I don't know if you saw me offering (like an ignorant fool) to input Hahah's figure of 250,000 dead and his 2002 WHO source in
1271: 1246:
If you check my recent contribution, You will see I made great deal of effort to categorise Croatia-related articles just a few days ago.
951:'s rule was introdiced primarily because of Jacov's behaviour. Jacov was also responsile for blocking the article in the first place, see 2817:
The article about Boscovich is NOT neutral and I've wrotten why. Don't insist in your behaviour or you will be reported to a moderator.
2329: 2305: 2054: 1745: 1707: 1565: 1178:
gaming the system in this way, over a prolonged period of time, is likely to lead to sanctions, and, in extreme cases, a permanent ban
Znači upravo tvrdiš da se Hrvatska za nezavisnost borila protiv RSK? E, ali pitao sam te da objasniš kako (a nisam video odgovor) :)
Why did you feel the need to put a personal attack (if that) towards you on your talk page, when it wasn't there in the first place?
Gaming the system is the use of Knowledge rules to thwart Knowledge policy. In many cases, gaming the system is a form of disruption.
1. Why don't you log? Trying to evade 3RR? 2. Please, comment my proposal on talk page. --Ante Perkovic 00:32, 13 June 2006 (UTC)
and we'll go through them to extract the postal parts into new articles. Thanks for your interest and I wish you all the best. --
No problem :). I agree that this wasn't a real persdonal attack, but more like being uncivil. I don't know all the nuances :). --
58: 2589:
I'm not sure whether Hahahihihoho needs a warning or a block. Can you explain the song names, please? (I see Hitler in there..)
1975: 3017:
Nikola Bošković ... went to the Republic of Dubrovnik as a trader in the service of Rad Getaldic, who then dispatched him to
2975:. Nevertheless, they are settled in Romania from the east of Serbia! I really didn't know that Croats have ever migrated to 2474: 1314:
A quick note: I just noticed your edit on my talk page. I wrote this before I read it. I'll now read it and reply to it. --
about his rule. Dijxtra had no choise, but to block a few users, despite his feeling of "being manipulated by Luka Jacov".
2353: 2283: 3651: 3616: 3581: 3214: 1875: 1214: 2477:Što se tiče odeljivanja gradova i sela, upravo to odeljivanje i jeste problem. Pogledaj kako je to urađeno kod Srbije: 2082: 2061: 1213:
that he wanted to rename to "Molise Slavic dialect". When he lost the argument, he still insisted on another vote. See
77: 191:
I will assume you are acting in bad faith and invite administrators to sort this out. --Zmaj 14:19, 8 June 2006 (UTC)
23: 3107:
You didn't get the point. I didn't say house of Bosko were Croats. I copied that part to ilustrate that Bošković is
2735:. Ako znaš nešto više o tome da li su porodice Gorjanski i Iločki bili Hrvati ili Mađari, molim te da napišeš tamo. 2097: 1274:
For expressing NPOVness in all sitautions, for honoring every single Knowledge rule and for such a talented work on
By the way, Jagoda 1 is a well-known sockpuppeteer and internet troll - I advice you to stay a way from him/her. --
A, to. Sorry, imam jako malo vremena ovih dana, pa nisam baš razgovorljiv, a ni pretjerano koncentriran na wiki. --
2653: 1221: 157:
it for now. I'm working on a complete rewrite of this article but life just seems to get in the way of wikipedia -
Would just like to show my appreciation for all the work you're doing on the BiH maps, and the locator map. :-) --
Hello. Thanks for the message about the above. Unfortunately I would have to agree with the reply you received on
Izrael se bori protiv Palestinskog naroda (eto ti odgovor, a svaka sličnost sa ratom u Hrvatskoj je namerna). :)
Aaa, lijepo :). Ajde neka :). Sto se tice ostalog, sorry, malo sam kratak s vremenom, zabavljam se sa hr wiki. --
3759: 3742: 3721: 3703: 3664: 3629: 3594: 3534: 3490: 3457: 3413: 3379: 3335: 3310: 3278: 3253: 3221: 3207: 3178: 3161: 3136: 3122: 3101: 2983: 2971:
Krašovani (Serbocroatian-speaking Catholics from Romania), which Croatian president Stjepan Mesic refered to as
2957: 2944: 2929: 2910: 2893: 2880: 2870: 2856: 2839: 2824: 2785: 2768: 2750: 2688: 2664: 2631: 2597: 2569: 2547: 2533: 2514: 2497: 2465: 2437: 2422: 2391: 2369: 2261: 2240: 2227: 2205: 2176: 2167: 2152: 2104: 2071: 2040: 2028: 2010: 2006:
Uh, I just copied it from Belarus or something history and changed the words. Can you take care of procedure? --
2001: 1959: 1925: 1912: 1882: 1868: 1828: 1813: 1803: 1772: 1758: 1720: 1676: 1655: 1625: 1601: 1578: 1539: 1521: 1509: 1496: 1486: 1471: 1462: 1445: 1412: 1358: 1343: 1318: 1309: 1290: 1260: 334: 304: 289: 232: 174: 164: 150: 128: 2713:
at all! I'm quite sick of this issue, I can't believe that goverment of Bosnia Bosnia can't produce one single
2134: 1754:
I would have to be umbelievably stupid and masohistic to give an email to someone like you. So, say it here. --
1456: 2925:
The ethnic question of the Ragusan population is very obscure. They are claimed both Serbian and Croatian. --
2478: 1952: 1905: 1861: 1796: 1645: 1591: 1339: 1210: 1142: 1111:
What strikes me even more here is that, if I just copied some of previous explanations to the bottom of the
1083: 1077: 807: 732: 676: 632: 574: 1994: 326:
you can find link to your undiscussed revert. After your block expires, you might wan't to join discussion
143: 3684:
Neznam di su Hrvati na Knowledge. Sigurno nije ih briga..a bolje jer mene pece kad neko mota laz na Wiki.
You are right about being a Serb except one thing. Boskovic's father wasn't a Serb. So neither was him. --
2410: 2402: 2325: 2301: 2272: 2130: 1741: 1703: 1561: 2778:
It's enough to read the discussion, to see that the subject is NPOV. Don't delete the sign again, thank.
3756: 3235: 3231: 3070:
Maybe they have been brainwashed by croatian TV? As for migrations - there are some Croats in Austria -
2890: 2867: 1825: 1355: 1287: 1112: 1069: 952: 919: 861: 834: 783: 738: 2845: 3600:
Also, I see that you question which article people can edit here. This is 💕, and anyone can edit it.
I did not register myself under any name. It is perfectly legal to contribute and discuss anonymously.
that he still didn't answer. Instead, he decided to make unrelated comments just to avoid the answer.
257: 3639: 3604: 3569: 3001: 2804:
It means that the article MUST be written from a neutral point of wiev. Read this link to learn more
2317: 2293: 2126: 1889: 1733: 1695: 1553: 957:
After the page has been unlocked, Jacov started reverting changes without even trying to discuss it:
17: 3111:
surname, and since Boško is common clavic name, you can expect bošković to be common slavic surname.
2173: 2164: 772: 3171: 3158: 2821: 2782: 2670:
I'm not positive, but it's something I have noticed from these maps. For example, look at this map
2021: 161: 2254: 1217:. He is extremelly stubborn person and unwilling to change his oppinion after being proved wrong. 356:. The opinion on the diaspora population has not been polled and the data for them is unavailable. 327: 109: 37: 3661: 3643: 3626: 3608: 3591: 3573: 3527: 3487: 3450: 3410: 3372: 3332: 3303: 3275: 3246: 3218: 3200: 3175: 3119: 3082: 2954: 2907: 2877: 2743: 2718: 2628: 2594: 2566: 2511: 2490: 2458: 2419: 2350: 2280: 2237: 2220: 2198: 2149: 2101: 2068: 2007: 1940: 1922: 1893: 1879: 1849: 1810: 1784: 1755: 1717: 1673: 1650: 1622: 1596: 1575: 1549:
Hey! I dont know how to send message to users like Ante Pederkovic. Can somebody tell how to do?
1536: 1493: 1468: 1442: 1409: 1335: 1257: 1141:
First, regarding his "regular discussion" on talk pages. I asked Jacov a simple yes/no question (
850: 723: 683: 669: 639: 625: 615: 567: 557: 547: 449: 428: 407:
What they declare is merely political preference and this will only make confusion among readers.
295: 171: 147: 2976: 1518: 1483: 931: 799: 754: 708: 698: 654: 600: 590: 528: 518: 474: 464: 413: 399: 361: 301: 286: 2889:
Pa, moje sugestije za Rudjera - i da li mi vjerujes da nijesam totalni bolesnik (moja "smrt").
2530: 1417:
I will not contribute anything within the next two days - this is a self-block. Your question:
1119: 831:
Estavisti, "come now really" is no argument; please go to the talk page to justify your reverts
823: 503: 493: 2836: 2544: 2434: 2321: 2297: 2079: 2058: 1982: 1737: 1699: 1557: 1301:
it's not an easy job. I had some real nice interactions with you and I do not think you are a
1206: 353: 229: 85: 2271:
Hi, Ante. I saw your dialogue with Hahahihihoho on his page, and the way he's been reverting
so I can find it later. I can only promise that no vandalism of yours will past unnoticed. --
page to his last version, effectively deleting Joy's usefull contribution to the last letter.
3647: 3612: 3577: 3167:
Well, if nations didn't exist back then, let's put him under Bosniak category too. Why not?
2685: 2661: 1532: 1240: 1057: 903: 437: 365: 344:
obviously didn't have enought time to analyse every possible edit related to this edit-war.
315: 139: 2709:
article, has not only the same borders of Mostar municipality as my maps, but doesn't have
2674: 2673:
of Mostar municipality from Croatian wikipedia. Then compare with your map at the commons:
2366: 2608: 254: 2387:
You obviously forgot that those guys think Cyrillic. Both "Р" and "С" precede "Ф". :-))
On the oter side, Jacov decided to "play by the rules". He did remember the rule set by
3036: 2853: 2763: 2710: 1845:
1506: 1408:
What do you mean by block? Only admin can do that. And, plaese, comment my proposal. --
1302: 1195: 441: 352:
According to the Croatian census 2001 , most Serbs of Croatia declared that they speak
158: 2349:
Second: I didn't deleted it. Go away, don't waste time of mentaly sane people here. --
3739: 3718: 3700: 3520: 3443: 3365: 3296: 3239: 3193: 2736: 2590: 2562: 2483: 2451: 2415: 2276: 2213: 2191: 1640: 1586: 679:) that his (single and very important yes/no) question answer still remain unanswered 294:
I ask you 3 simple yes-or-no questions on your talk page. I don't see the answers. --
125: 97: 92: 2475:
2037: 2025: 1998: 1331: 1324: 1315: 1306: 1127: 1101: 1100:
write a comment, by the way!). When that finally happened, Jacov quickly contacted
1092: 1053: 1046: 1042: 1021: 992: 948: 915: 760: 382: 341: 331: 68: 3051: 1371:
If you are Purger, you broke 3RR. So, I'll have to ask you - are you user:Purger?
1032:. This is not the first time he showed disrespect for other user's contributions. 314:
You have been blocked for editing Knowledge for next 24 hours for edit warring on
The range - (16,777,216 addresses) is all the same ISP, see
2682: 1535:. Thanks for bringing this to my notice - let me know if he tries this again. -- 2671: 2406: 2258: 2187: 1270: 117: 322:, as a result of last edit war there, I promised to block undiscussed reverts. 285:
I told you hundert times, cause it will confuse reader. Do you understand now?
3108: 3075: 3071: 3018: 1947: 1900: 1856: 1791: 1161:
Jacov's recent behaviour is called "Gaming the system" and is explained here:
including several Orthodox monasteries ... also comments on the sad state of
from 2004. shows even more divisions in Mostar municipality. Also, note that
make a change to some talk page every time he made a change to the article.
3115: 2732: 2388: 2257:
as it's already done. We shouldn't complicate situation, maps do the job. --
2698: 2473:
Zar ova galerija slika što sam je danas napravio nije konstruktivan posao?
It is not cause we are talking about what they speak not what they declare.
3061: 1770: 1460: 1283: 1163:
Knowledge:Don't disrupt Knowledge to illustrate a point#Gaming the system
1146: 897: 887: 877: 3556:
historic is used in this sense. In any case, fair use provision is met.
Talk:Serbs of Croatia#accuracy disputed (Luka Jačov deleting references)
Vladimir Prelog is from Bosnia and Herzegovina and not Croatia!!!!!!!!
267: 2790: 2172:
You're too late, I've already done about 15 maps earlier today. :-) --
The electric guitar edit isn't mine Ante, I've been busy dealing with
in detail why there is no way that disputed text could confuse anyone.
Next person that makes undiscussed revert will be blocked for 24 hours
No, I don't - everyone can edit. But noone can't use sock-puppets. --
3032: 3028: 2706: 2676:. It's as if the first municipality map of Mostar was split into two. 2657: 2614: 1115:, I guess I wouldn't be blocked! You must agree that this is absurd! 1010:, at 18:06, 9 June 2006, make revert without changing any talk page. 1205:
Example - he can't stand to see the language of Croats to be called
I did explain every possible edit I make and I was blocked because
actually refered to themselves as Croats, just Ragusans or Slavs (
1275: 1269: 1243:. This numerous "+ hr" comments are marks adding interwiki links. 3361: 2339: 300:
I c u r talking to yourself now. You have gone totaly mad. :D.
3031:... Bošković describes the historical and sacral monuments of 2381:"did someone recently mentioned alphabetical order here? ;-))" 812:
I c u r talking to yourself now. You have gone totaly mad. :D.
Issue with photo illustrating vicious attack on Duch tourist
2789: 579:
simple yes/no question that so far still remaines unanswered
and deletes part including valid reference to census results
67: 2717:
map of their country with municipality borders included. --
is insisting that census data on language is irrelevant to
baziran na hrvatskom gledištu jer bi se članak inače zvao
Why? Why? I gave you a link and an evidence for gods sake!
OK. Ako si upućen u to, nema razloga da ti ne vjerujem. --
User talk:Luka Jačov#I need some explanation of your edit
No, it is too unpersonaly. Everything is easier at MSN.
For more about Jacov, see his talk page, somewhere form
2805: 2558: 2093: 1618: 1614: 1209:. For, example, few months ago, he lost te battle with 1150: 1105: 1029: 984: 973: 962: 935: 900: 890: 880: 853: 826: 803: 775: 757: 726: 711: 701: 686: 672: 657: 642: 628: 618: 603: 593: 570: 560: 550: 531: 521: 506: 496: 477: 467: 452: 431: 416: 402: 385: 323: 319: 271: 2604:"Jebemti tri Prsta" - f*ck 3 fingers (orthodox simbol) 3114:
Regarding Keršovani, some of them claim to come from
I hope you understand how close your statement is to
1613:? What are you talking about? Did you even chech the 499:
the referenced text, but removes some irrelevant bits
User talk:Ante Perkovic/Archive/2006/06/08-2006/08/29
part of the text with valid reference with comment "
2342:!!! I signed at least 20 of your posts.And you did 2036:No problem. Have you heard anything new about HRE? 1841:HARRASSMENT, AND YOU MUST STOP HARRASSING ME, OR I 1374:Avoiding to answer will only make you look guilty. 2636:Dobar dan Ante Perkovic! Sta ima? // Hahahihihoho 2428:The serbs commited genocide, everyone knows that. 2212:dakle nalaze upravo novi nazivi koji nisu sporni. 1153:on Jacov's stubborn refusal to obey to the logic. 32: 3486:Jel se Izrael bori protiv Hezbolaha ili Irana? -- 2122:I appreciate your effort in editing the article. 3672:behaviour can only be interpreting as bullying. 1993:, and I did just that with the one you created: 2186:Pogledaj zvanični sajt vlade Republike Srpske: 1189:A story behind the edit-war - who is Luka Jacov 1041:First, I must admit that I totally overlooked " 1974:Interesing thing you did there... You created 1729:Well, my is What is yours? 1574:(I moved this text here and added the title -- 1056:set the rule, I made alltogether 4 changes to 436:Returned text based on cited resource, as per 2994:Well, You don't know manw things, obviously. 2188: 1437:It is perfectly legal, but is also perfectly 1215:Talk:Molise_Croatian_dialect#Requested_move_2 1045:'s rule". I commented my changes not because 1001:regarding the edit-war after setting the rule 856:disputed part with (misleading!!!!) comment " 645:Jacov that his comments are basicaly offtopic 8: 3691:Gluposti da je Boscovich Srb itd.......... 2557:Ante, Hahahihihoho left a question for you 906:detailed explanation af the language issue. 405:the change he is about to make with words " 347:The text we are edit-waring about is this: 3694:Kako mogu spavat kad tako lazu??????????? 1377:--Ante Perkovic 00:18, 13 June 2006 (UTC) 1020:So, technically speaking, I did break the 995:and this led to this new rule by Dijxtra. 1024:'s self-invented rule, and Jacov didn't. 1168:Let me copy that part of the text here: 1006:Technically speaking, I (Ante Perkovic) 156:Certainly is - I've <blockquoted: --> 2622:"Dragi nas Hitler" - Our beloved Hitler 2067:So you also have a nasty nephew ;))? -- 1200:disrupt wikipedia just to prove a point 1049:told me to but because I do it anyway. 689:on hid own talk page, after Luka's text 235:-- 13:35, 9 June 2006 (UTC) 3045:This answers your question. And more! 2703:Image:Mostar_Municipality_Location.png 266: 3074:. Following your logic, they must be wasn't there in the first place 1202:, no mather if he is right or wrong. 922:giving "list of undiscussed reverts". 108:it lacks sources. Take for example, " 7: 2431:ICTY have very, very many evidence. 1619:reverted blanking of previous attack 987:him that he must discuss his changes 635:) that he didn't answer the question 2553:How to write the waves like you did 1533:User talk:Purger#Block period reset 1381:No, I am not - so, am I guilty now? 368:because it will "confuse readers". 2619:"Zivela Ustasa" - Long live ustasa 1492:E, moj, Luka, samo se ti tjesi. -- 1064:were accompanied with alltogether 116:red links without sources, as per 96:times a day) then you can post on 31: 2613:"Svi smo mi Ustase" - We are all 2607:"Volim te Ante Pavelic" - I love 2397:How many dead in the Bosnian War? 100:to request temporary protection. 866:This was the reason for blocking 839:This was the reason for blocking 788:This was the reason for blocking 763:that I made "undiscussed revert" 743:This was the reason for blocking 36: 2098:Image talk:BHMunicipalities.png 1976:Category:Croatian history stubs 660:his changes on Ante's talk page 596:(but not answering my question) 3274:. Eto, jel ti sad bistrije? -- 3174:21:41, 21 August 2006 (UTC) -- 2405:? Well, as soon as I saw what 1892:, so I suggest you stop it. -- 947:First, I must remind you that 918:announces massive blocking on 729:Jacov's changes with comment " 1: 1517:Opet ti sam sa sobom pričaš. 1354:that block (I was right :) -- 1231:My contributions to wikipedia 904:Serbs of Croatia#Languagewith 66: 3215:Croatian war of independence 3000:Surname: As you can read in 1036:Regarding commenting changes 829:disputed text with comment " 778:disputed part with comment " 195:Copied from User_talk:Zmaj: 50: 35: 3760:10:55, 28 August 2006 (UTC) 3743:23:06, 27 August 2006 (UTC) 3722:04:33, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3704:04:03, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3665:01:29, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3630:01:29, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3595:01:29, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3535:02:24, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3491:02:17, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3458:02:05, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3414:01:56, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3380:01:48, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3336:00:57, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3311:00:54, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3279:00:47, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3254:00:44, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3222:00:28, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3208:00:24, 24 August 2006 (UTC) 3179:21:42, 21 August 2006 (UTC) 3162:21:25, 21 August 2006 (UTC) 3137:23:01, 21 August 2006 (UTC) 3123:22:34, 21 August 2006 (UTC) 3102:22:28, 21 August 2006 (UTC) 2984:21:52, 21 August 2006 (UTC) 2958:21:23, 21 August 2006 (UTC) 2945:21:17, 21 August 2006 (UTC) 2930:21:07, 21 August 2006 (UTC) 2911:21:46, 20 August 2006 (UTC) 2894:21:13, 20 August 2006 (UTC) 2881:12:28, 20 August 2006 (UTC) 2871:12:17, 20 August 2006 (UTC) 2857:13:13, 18 August 2006 (UTC) 2840:21:08, 17 August 2006 (UTC) 2797:Ante stop with edit war!!! 1224:all the way to the bottom. 737:", but makes no changes to 3780: 3717:-- Sto spavas Javi se ... 2825:13:40, 1 August 2006 (UTC) 2786:12:59, 1 August 2006 (UTC) 2654:Herzegovina-Neretva Canton 2529:sorry about that, fixed -- 1716:Say what you need here. -- 1531:Please see my comments at 1086:my simple yes/no questions 976:the article with comment " 965:the article with comment " 804:slightly insulting comment 735:my simple yes/no questions 3213:Čuj, ako je naziv članka 2973:cvijeće hrvatskoga naroda 2769:13:06, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 2751:13:01, 31 July 2006 (UTC) 2689:15:44, 28 July 2006 (UTC) 2665:15:00, 28 July 2006 (UTC) 2632:23:26, 23 July 2006 (UTC) 2598:21:48, 23 July 2006 (UTC) 2570:11:05, 15 July 2006 (UTC) 2548:00:30, 12 July 2006 (UTC) 2534:23:59, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 2515:22:33, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 2498:22:32, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 2466:22:11, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 2438:21:06, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 2423:17:00, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 2392:15:54, 11 July 2006 (UTC) 2370:21:58, 10 July 2006 (UTC) 2354:18:34, 10 July 2006 (UTC) 2284:12:33, 10 July 2006 (UTC) 1804:16:26, 30 June 2006 (UTC) 1773:09:52, 30 June 2006 (UTC) 1759:16:38, 29 June 2006 (UTC) 1721:16:00, 29 June 2006 (UTC) 1677:16:45, 28 June 2006 (UTC) 1656:16:39, 28 June 2006 (UTC) 1626:16:33, 28 June 2006 (UTC) 1602:16:28, 28 June 2006 (UTC) 1579:11:53, 28 June 2006 (UTC) 1540:18:55, 27 June 2006 (UTC) 1522:18:31, 15 June 2006 (UTC) 1510:21:10, 15 June 2006 (UTC) 1497:09:54, 15 June 2006 (UTC) 1487:21:42, 14 June 2006 (UTC) 1472:11:40, 13 June 2006 (UTC) 1463:10:56, 13 June 2006 (UTC) 1446:07:50, 13 June 2006 (UTC) 1413:00:42, 13 June 2006 (UTC) 1359:19:58, 12 June 2006 (UTC) 1344:09:03, 12 June 2006 (UTC) 1319:16:15, 11 June 2006 (UTC) 1310:16:14, 11 June 2006 (UTC) 1291:18:11, 10 June 2006 (UTC) 1261:23:26, 10 June 2006 (UTC) 1133: 972:09:09, 24 May 2006 Jacov 961:04:43, 24 May 2006 Jacov 366:Serbs of Croatia#Language 335:15:22, 10 June 2006 (UTC) 2262:18:29, 9 July 2006 (UTC) 2241:19:29, 9 July 2006 (UTC) 2228:19:26, 9 July 2006 (UTC) 2206:18:22, 9 July 2006 (UTC) 2177:22:32, 9 July 2006 (UTC) 2168:17:00, 9 July 2006 (UTC) 2153:10:29, 8 July 2006 (UTC) 2105:23:02, 7 July 2006 (UTC) 2083:23:37, 6 July 2006 (UTC) 2072:22:40, 6 July 2006 (UTC) 2062:21:59, 6 July 2006 (UTC) 2041:22:54, 4 July 2006 (UTC) 2029:22:48, 4 July 2006 (UTC) 2011:19:46, 3 July 2006 (UTC) 2002:19:43, 3 July 2006 (UTC) 1960:20:25, 3 July 2006 (UTC) 1926:20:13, 3 July 2006 (UTC) 1913:19:55, 3 July 2006 (UTC) 1883:19:39, 3 July 2006 (UTC) 1869:19:28, 3 July 2006 (UTC) 1829:13:05, 1 July 2006 (UTC) 1814:13:59, 2 July 2006 (UTC) 1457:User talk: 1013:I must admit that Jacov 741:or any other talk page. 453:makes additional comment 305:20:04, 9 June 2006 (UTC) 290:17:56, 9 June 2006 (UTC) 233:13:38, 9 June 2006 (UTC) 175:10:41, 9 June 2006 (UTC) 165:10:18, 9 June 2006 (UTC) 151:09:54, 9 June 2006 (UTC) 129:09:09, 9 June 2006 (UTC) 2266: 2110:Croats south of Neretva 1211:Molise Croatian dialect 1134:About Jacov's behaviour 808:User_talk:Ante Perkovic 534:its change with words " 3272:Homeland war (Croatia) 3081:Any more questions? -- 2794: 2411:Bosnia and Herzegovina 2403:Bosnia and Herzegovina 2273:Bosnia and Herzegovina 2267:Hahahihihoho's editing 1970:Croatian history stubs 1330:See my talk page, and 1279: 1118:Regarding blocking of 482:Explained in talk page 249:Re: Croatian vandalism 72: 3236:Neutral point of view 3232:Neutral point of view 3039:Church in these lands 2921:Is Gundulic a Serb... 2793: 1273: 1113:Talk:Serbs of Croatia 1074:additional 3 comments 1070:Talk:Serbs of Croatia 983:12:25, 26 May 2006 I 978:I ll discuss it later 920:Talk:Serbs of Croatia 862:Talk:Serbs of Croatia 835:Talk:Serbs of Croatia 784:Talk:Serbs of Croatia 739:Talk:Serbs of Croatia 71: 3145:Is Boscovich a Serb? 3027:His travels through 2660:articles. Thanks. -- 2375:Your edit summary... 2092:Entire conversation 2048: 1151:quite a good comment 1078:User talk:Luka Jačov 930:20:51, 10 June 2006 914:15:10, 10 June 2006 896:01:28, 10 June 2006 886:01:24, 10 June 2006 876:01:24, 10 June 2006 860:", without changing 833:", without changing 782:", without changing 594:explaines his change 575:User talk:Luka Jačov 18:User talk:Argo Navis 3230:Ok, a šta sa ovim: 2643:Mostar Municipality 1527:Purger sockpuppetry 1030:20:51, 10 June 2006 849:21:49, 9 June 2006 822:20:18, 9 June 2006 798:20:04, 9 June 2006 780:come now, really... 771:19:07, 9 June 2006 753:19:01, 9 June 2006 722:18:06, 9 June 2006 707:18:04, 9 June 2006 697:18:03, 9 June 2006 682:18:02, 9 June 2006 668:18:01, 9 June 2006 653:17:56, 9 June 2006 638:17:47, 9 June 2006 624:17:42, 9 June 2006 614:17:37, 9 June 2006 599:17:30, 9 June 2006 589:17:29, 9 June 2006 571:ask for explanation 566:13:25, 8 June 2006 556:13:15, 8 June 2006 546:13:10, 8 June 2006 527:12:57, 8 June 2006 517:12:57, 8 June 2006 502:10:15, 8 June 2006 492:10:15, 8 June 2006 473:09:50, 8 June 2006 463:09:48, 8 June 2006 448:08:23, 8 June 2006 427:08:22, 8 June 2006 412:08:14, 8 June 2006 398:08:10, 8 June 2006 381:16:36, 26 May 2006 76:Leave me a message 3134:Djordje D. Bozovic 3099:Djordje D. Bozovic 2981:Djordje D. Bozovic 2942:Djordje D. Bozovic 2927:Djordje D. Bozovic 2795: 2756:Philately Subjects 1691:What is your MSN? 1451:anonymous question 1419:Why don't you log? 1280: 967:no time 2 disscuss 509:the change he made 73: 3656: 3642:comment added by 3621: 3607:comment added by 3586: 3572:comment added by 2334: 2320:comment added by 2310: 2296:comment added by 2143: 2129:comment added by 2088:Municipality maps 2049:Edits aren't mine 1997:. So you know. -- 1874:OK. I'll move it 1750: 1736:comment added by 1712: 1698:comment added by 1570: 1556:comment added by 1278:-related articles 1207:Croatian language 1157:Gaming the system 858:just a suggestion 318:. As you can see 262: 86:List of Croatians 65: 64: 22:(Redirected from 3771: 3757:HolyRomanEmperor 3738:Pozdrav Legendo 3655: 3636: 3620: 3601: 3585: 3566: 3532: 3525: 3455: 3448: 3377: 3370: 3308: 3301: 3251: 3244: 3238:u ovom slučaju. 3205: 3198: 2891:HolyRomanEmperor 2868:HolyRomanEmperor 2748: 2741: 2495: 2488: 2463: 2456: 2333: 2314: 2309: 2290: 2225: 2218: 2203: 2196: 2142: 2123: 1987: 1981: 1957: 1945: 1910: 1898: 1866: 1854: 1826:HolyRomanEmperor 1801: 1789: 1778:Srebs in Kravica 1749: 1730: 1711: 1692: 1648: 1594: 1569: 1550: 1356:HolyRomanEmperor 1288:HolyRomanEmperor 1266:Barnstar time!!! 1058:Serbs of Croatia 417:changes the text 316:Serbs of Croatia 277: 260: 140:Lora prison camp 80: 40: 33: 27: 3779: 3778: 3774: 3773: 3772: 3770: 3769: 3768: 3767: 3750: 3732: 3682: 3637: 3602: 3567: 3553: 3528: 3521: 3451: 3444: 3373: 3366: 3304: 3297: 3247: 3240: 3201: 3194: 3189: 3147: 3002:House of Boshko 2979:region... :( -- 2977:Timočka krajina 2923: 2876:U vezi čega? -- 2866:Sto je 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User talk:Argo Navis
User talk:Ante Perkovic/Archive/2006/06/08-2006/08/29

List of Croatians
Antun Albini
09:09, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
Lora prison camp
Ante Perkovic
09:54, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
10:18, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
Ante Perkovic
10:41, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
13:38, 9 June 2006 (UTC)


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