Knowledge (XXG)

User talk:Duane543/Archive 2

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astonished at the uselessness of admins on this site...hammersoft called one in, who did nothing; one came in for 3RR, and did nothing but block me for doing literally the exact same thing beta was doing; and then u called one in that also did nothing but tell u to take it up elsewhere. u'd think inciting edit wars and using bully tactics would have prompted at least a warning from them (hell one gave one to me when i didn't even start it, when i pointed that out hammersoft incited the war he got NOTHING but i was left alone at least), or the length of the argument would have led to an attempt at dispute resolution...i mean all the admin had to do was give his opinion on whether or not its abuse and the whole issue ends one way or the other since someone who is ACTUALLY an agent of the foundation and not just pretending to be one gave an official opinion on whether or not its limited enough use. the admins here don't do shit and expect u to work it out for urselves knowing damn good and well you and i will NEVER agree with beta or hammersoft. hell those two even refused any attempt to comprimise. the 3RR may have an exception for nfc, but it also says inciting edit wars could get u blocked. the admins are really applying only half of the rules. nfc-
which intern gave it to maya...if that even makes sense, given that i'm totally just guessing on that i left it out. adding sakon is probably to early, but when u name a character something like that it has to be for the purpose of drawing attention to them, and setting them up as someone impressive without ever actually doing anything. i mean the role he played in the chapter could have been done by nameless guy number 5, but to not only give him a name but a famous one leads me to think its for a reason...especially with this series' ties to the time period the historical sakon lived in. 1st division leader also caught my attention (which is why he's above shiro tagami) but that's only assuming the divisions are numbered by some sort of power order, which isn't necissarily the case. i kinda have a feeling sakon is gonna do his attack anyway, and the only way he'll even make a dent in the juuken club is if he is a badass himself. then again its not like ya can ever predict oh great so who any case reverts are easy, and i have no problem with taking sakon out etc. if he doesn't show up again in 111 or 112. --
mentioned on the list shown. hell it would take multiple just to show the members of the juuken club, the enforcement group, and f alone. and some are in no group pictures me a group image with mouki in it, i dare u. the wiki-nazi's need to lay off the crack and get into the real world. "don't use many when one will suffice" yeah well one, most definately, does NOT suffice. this is why people mock wiki so much, rules over usefulness. the rules say to MINIMIZE usage not to eliminate it, could the number of image be cut back, yeah. we could probably use a group image of feudal japan's main characters, and several other groups but doing it in one image effectively is impossible. they are destroying a perfectly good article, with "the rules say only one image", and "the rules say images in list fail the criteria"...well the rules don't say that, they say use one WHEN POSSIBLE, and images in lists GENERALLY fail the criteria. they are trying to make general statements specific. --
the next morning. After a brief confrontation, he dragged Suzuka back home to Yokohama. He then forbade Yamato from contacting the family and prevented Suzuka from attending the winter training camp at her university. After a week had passed, Yamato showed up unannounced at the Asahina home to formally apologize, which Mr. Asahina essentially ignored. Later that day, the father overheard the family talking about Yamato’s visit and is angered to discover that Suzuka had snuck out to be with Yamato. He is surprised, however, when Suzuka complained that Yamato refused to be with her as long as the father had not forgiven them. Yamato had told her, “I’m not going to deceive your father ever again.” Impressed by Yamato’s sense of honor, and obvious devotion towards his daughter, Mr. Asahina forgave them and allowed their relations to continue.
its a chick in feudal japan (looks like senihime to me but people on the mangatranslation forum think its someone new). there is no obake ookami or whatever. and they sure as hell aren't talking about some uber family, 109 is mostly masataka and souichiro hanging out and aya wondering about reiki's past. 109 could be interesting or boring i'm not sure which lol. souichiro finally shows whats under the eyepatch, and his eye looks looks to me like souichiro and masataka are about to fight again (it almost looks like sohaku is in control now or something), but people on the mangatranslation forum seem to think its something less awesome. actually knowing whats being said can make a world of difference lol...the two are either bullshitting (boring) or about to throw down (awesome). --
so i assume thats what was going on there), but before they could the mark of the amaterasu dragon's gate of senihime appears on maya's chest. fucking bunshichi walks in with a trail of bodies behind him, picks up maya, throws her on his bike and hotaru and madoka seemed less than pleased with this, but he's bunshichi so yeah, they can't stop him lol. something is goin down with dogen and mitsuomi they are clearly talking about really important things; and whatever it is has emi freaking out. and it ends with bunshichi about to fight what seem like policemen while holding maya. i'm dying for a translation...i have to know what is going on! it seriously looks like 110 is going to be a major turning point in the story, some big shit seems to be going down. --
probably just undid ur changing of certain names like whatever the hell were calling the enforcement group now...i wasn't doing that to be a dick i just changed it on accident. if u don't wanna change it back urself just tell me what the hell were calling everything now and i'll go back and do it myself when i get a chance. i don't know that i'll really add anymore images than that, i mean, everyone who really important both storywise and for understanding has an image up there. but i would like some supporting characters to have an image not just those with articles already and the feudal japan main characters. if i can find a group image of a buttload of characters, with some of them together i may crop it down to them and add it.
400-600 years ago...if it ain't myouun i'm not sure wtf it could be. but it begs the question of why sohaku would help an enemy....either way oh great is stepping up his game again, tjtg never ceases to keep it interesting. its like just when u think u know whats going on he's gonna throw in some crazy new element. thats y i changed/updated the summary of the series on the main page way back...the original plot and the plot now are worlds apart. u think its winding down with the tournaments 1st round now over...then bam the kabane family and sohaku have a past, and maya has senihime's gate...u never see this stuff coming. --
love his last post tho...well i have no counter argument since everything u just said was totally logical, so i'll just be a fag and revert everything if u change it. yeah well from the fact that i wrote all this shit should tell him i have a lot of free time and i will just sit here all day reverting his reverts till i get blocked...i really don't care. i put a lot of time into this i'm not gonna let some random fag fuck it up cuz he is too stupid to read a rule properly.
31: 227:(朝比奈)Suzuka's strict, authoritarian father. Mr. Asahina plays a minor role in the storyline until volume 17 at which point he begins exerting great influence on both Suzuka and Yamato's relationship. Since Yamato feels that the family is the MOST important thing in a person's life, he demonstrates his love and commitment for Suzuka by repeatedly confronting the father, thus earning the entire Asahina family's respect. 849:
that) i decided why the hell would i tip toe around him...especially since he never gave me a reason not to use already in use images. if he's gonna be stubborn, why can't i be stubborn basically. none the less if you want to try it, i can go get those images up and on there in about 10-20 min. i have to transfer them to this computer but with my flash drive and all the longest part is finding the images. --
create any content themselves wiki will regret its silent encouragement of such faggotry. by that time tho there will be no one left to bring it back...or at least i would hope so. problem is that likely for everyone that leaves a new one shows up. its not hard to see why, dispite its best efforts, wiki still isn't seen as a legitimate source...policy over usefulness and content.
i'm torn cuz this selective blocking rules application, and indirect bully tactic support makes me want to leave...the stubborn side makes me want to stay just to spite beta and hammersoft if nothing else. i'm sure as hell not gonna help some company profit while i work for free as u've said, but i'm
yeah the gate being given to her by reiki is just my interpretation of what aya was talking about, with the "sheath" holding back its power etc. otherwise its kind of a plot hole for her to have been born with it. it seems to me that they are leading up to a claim that senihime gave her gate to reiki
actually i had the same thought regarding myouun. i looked back and he poked out the OTHER eye during the ceremony. which if u think about it makes sense, he needs to be blind in both; stab one, replace the other. i'm not sure exactly when the flashback was but i'm pretty sure its in the ball park of
I see the dilemma: Mr. Asahina plays an extremely minor role UNTIL volumes 17 and 18 at which point he takes center stage regarding the Suzuka-Yamato relationship; ESPECIALLY when the pregnancy and its consequences are explored. As far as the non-Japanese readers are concerned, they're not going to
page clean-up, I'm not going to tackle it. Years ago (never mind how long ago - okay fine, DECADES ago) when I used to read Shonen Jump (both Weekly as well as Monthly versions), that was one of the storylines I used to skip - it just wasn't interesting for me. Last year, I purchased Shonen Jump to
I noticed today that you reclassed yugioh gx as class c, i am planning on getting the page done up including references etc witin the next few weeks. once that is done would it be possible oyu could review the page to see if it could go up in class? if possible could you give details as to where the
fugu always does the translations and his isn't up yet...i'm kinda suspicious of this one. i mean random new guy is named sakon shima...are u serious. granted this all goes back to feudal japan and so forth but they've never been so blatant like that. i mean they didn't just name bunshichi, yukimura
dude i just looked at 110 raw...i wanna update cuz its so awesome and clearly shit that is important as hell is happening, yet i can't cuz i have no idea wtf is goin on. from what i can tell, they tried to put nokimi's insects in maya to bring her back to life (nokimi's power is a branch off sohakus
i don't know that the series is winding down, i mean 109 seems to move away from the tournament and all i think he'll drag it out for awhile...and that family is totally made up, i've actually looked at both chapters and read the translation of 108 and yeah theres only one "new" character in 109 and
Also during the GA review it was expressed that "find a single image which contains the main characters listed in this article, that would be good for the characters section (in the main article)". At that time, I and SeizureDog could not find one. In chapters 164 and 166 there is a single cell with
The Guide Book has fairly extensive articles on each chara includinge the minor ones up to Volume 8, and does so without exposing the plot details. The articles are written from the actual characters' points-of-view, and also offers several insights from the author. Of course, it IS in Japanese.
yeah using the images already in the articles is a pretty good idea, and i appreciate the help with the rationales on the images cuz i'm probably gonna have to do it for every image i've ever put up...which is a shit load. i'm all for removing the text from the images too...i usually try to do that
Although projecting a cold and aloof persona, Mr. Asahina is very protective of his daughters. When he discovered Suzuka had gone off with Yamato on an unchaperoned, overnight holiday to an hot springs resort, he immediately drove all night (from Yokohama to Hakone) and arrived at the lovers’ room
series still running. I thought now that I've matured some, I might enjoy it, but I didn't. It still was boring to me. In fact, I found the ENTIRE Shonen Jump manga books lacking in the entertainment department (they have ceased publication of the Monthly version so other readers apparently have
lets face it the biggest abusers of nfc are also wiki's biggest content contributors in most cases. if wiki wants a bunch of policy enforcing asshats who contribute absolutely nothing they can have them. when all thats left is a bunch of dilapidated articles, and bullies who would never enhance or
see i started to do what ur saying...i looked up images of the juuken club and f...then i realized that hammersoft is going to say that even THAT is not limited enough cuz its multiple images, and given his basic declaration of a revert war (that he tried to tell daniel was me, and i put a stop to
I can and will, as soon as I get those issues: My local Kinokuniya bookstore is about 3 weeks behind on the Weekly Shonen Magazine (I've only just now got the No.38 issue - Suzuka chapter 162). Incidentally, the guide book has several full color plates of our main characters. I'll upload one of
When confronted with Suzuka’s pregnancy and Yamato’s request for her hand in marriage, the father initially doubted Yamato’s commitment to, nor his understanding of, parenthood. He showed Yamato Suzuka’s childhood picture album and explained how the happiness of his two daughters was all he lived
i don't wanna spoils something for ya so if u haven't read 107 yet ignore this. dude i was pissed at the end of 106 cuz i thought kabane was boned...107 left me pleasantly surprised. i was like why the hell did they make him seem so uber then kick his ass? but they brought it back nicely. hirohiko
alright added several new images...i don't like that i didn't find one with shin but at least he has a character article if they really wanna see what he looks like. i'd also like one for reiki but no such luck. i put chiaki and raika together and put it on the border of the two sections their in
as for hammersoft, he can sit there and be a sockpuppet; i'll just be one back. if they block me so be it, faggotry like that had me leave wiki once volentarily. forcing me to leave a site filled with a bunch of illogical idiots who won't admit it when i prove them wrong is not a loss to me. i do
yo i put back the images already in use (since i was never given a reason for their removal even tho i specifically asked about it) and added a group image of the feudal japan main cast. but i was lazy and cut and pasted a lot of it from the old version...i didn't think about it at the time but i
Duane, I have been here since NuPedia. Please follow my collegial tone and take your police actions to a polite and rational level. Your "If I do not see improvement" smacks of veiled threatening and arrogance, which of course I know you do not begin to intend. Walk away and find an anonymous IP
He is a demanding perfectionist and is utterly intolerant of half-hearted efforts or improper manners. Not having been overly impressed with Yamato’s poorly thought out answers during their initial meeting and subsequent family conversation, Mr. Asahina essentially ignores Yamato’s existence.
btw i saw the new character infobox; i like that, ur really improving the articles. i don't really know how to make an infobox so i could never do that myself...shit i had to cut and paste the template for bleach to put links to everyone at the bottom of each article lol. keep up the good work.
nah man i have no idea what kabane was talking about...i've been wondering about it ever since i saw the 108 translation. with the symbol around his eye and all i thought maybe they did the eyeball transfer thing with him too (with some relative of his?). but then i don't think were supposed to
Suzuka’s strict, authoritarian father. Father to Suzune (older sister) and Suzuka. Married to Suzue (Suzuka’s mother). The father plays a minor role in the series until after Suzuka and Yamato are passionately committed to each other, at which point he becomes instrumental in cementing their
Congratulations on getting the Suzuka page upgraded to GA status. You busted some serious ass on it and I'm overwhelmed at how quickly you were able to get it all completed. It REALLY looks great. Sorry I didn't help much (went on vacation, got back, Shazam! the project was finished); but I
related to the article subject (such as a list of people, companies, anime characters, literary or musical works, and so on), regardless of whether the list is in prose, a table, bullet points, contains subsections, or is in any other format. It may be acceptable to include a single image that
yeah i just noticed the deletion of images from the list of characters page...again. oh no the article is useful, better put a stop to that! their idea that one image can be used is RIDICULOUS. even if we used the images that show a lot of the cast it would take multiple images to get everyone
even with that rule it says 2-3 not the one and only one hammersoft insists on. not to mention rather than take out all but 2-3 they remove ALL of them. they blatently incite edit wars knowing that an idiotic loophole in 3RR makes it so that objectors are blocked and they arent. i'm actually
I performed a general cleanup to the article. Anything else you may have trouble on will have to do with the choice of references, the fact that there was something in the lead I tagged that needed referencing, and the general content of the article, but overall I think it looks pretty
That's why the "stub" tag exists of course; so prod tagging new stubs and calling them "dict" entries is a bit hasty IMO. If there is a reason you think I will not be able to link and extend these articles (always a possibility), please let me know. Very Sincerely Yours,
also not going to sit here and let wiki piss all over me and yet still support them. i did like how coren turned down my appeal apparently cuz i wasn't sucking up and kissing ass despite getting fucked over...what world does he live in where people do that?
btw i had an intersting thought, if acoording to souichiro, masataka will break the wheel of fate, and aya and reiki will be the blade of the person who breaks the chains of fate...could aya actually end up with masataka instead of souichiro? just a thought.
I just looked over the characters page. Since you've been keeping it up-to-date (and already includes vols 17/18 events), my issue of "how much info to impart" is moot. So I'm thinking we discuss how he influences the Suzuka-Yamato relationship.
dude have u seen the 108 raw yet? a good chuck of it is translated already but not the whole thing tho. i swear kabane gets cooler with every chapter...i'm dying to know what the deal is with the pattern on his face and the 400 years or whatever.
IF i come back i wont be contributing significantly, if i don't take it easy man...if you apply as much hard work and dedication to real life as u have here at wiki you'll move up in the world fast. been a pleasure editing with ya...later.
Do you think that Mr. Asahina should be add to the list of characters? I think he does, but this may cause others to add the other parents that play very minor roles in the manga. What do you think? (Duane543 03:38, 2 September 2007 (UTC))
get immunity apparently. i'll be the first to admit editing wiki is the first sign of bordom/having no life...but enforcing wiki policy and doing nothing else here means u probably don't know what contact with the opposite sex is like.
i don't think its fighting in general. i thinks its either that she has the hots for hirohiko or that she's got some sadistic shit going on where watching aya get her ass kicked turns her on. i can't tell which...maybe both.
ok apparently i lost my mind lol. it was the same eye that he poked out that had a pattern around it...i have no idea how i could look and see the wrong frickin eye, i need an eye exam or a therapist i'm not sure which lol.
Hey, thanks for your note. Yeah, that's cool, I've had a quick look and the article looks good. As soon as I get a chance to do some more work I'll give it a thorough review and let you know what I think. All the best.
Well it is done except the info that may turn up in the 2nd Guide book. Since it is done, what do you think the character bios becoming more generalized so they do not giving up to many details of the story?
offender to brandish your truncheon at please. These are not DICT offenses. They are stubs. You MUST have more important articles to work on instead of tagging these seedlings. Gosh what can you be thinking.
is staunchly against copyrights of character lists too. It may be best to bring the issue with the Village Pump. They referred me to discussions about copyright that, in their view, affirm their views.
looked like a fuck dragon or some shit in one of those frames with his armor...he just keeps getting cooler. but anyway the point is...any idea how the fuck aya pulled the reiki out of her damn hair? --
Hi, another anime article I've done a lot of work on, Wolf's Rain, is up for Peer Review. As you gave me some good feedback on Blood+, I was wondering if you might take a look and offer your thoughts.
The use of non-free media in lists, galleries, discographies, and navigational and user-interface elements is generally unacceptable because it usually fails the test for significance (criterion #8).
With nothing but Wikipedian collegial kindness, and with an assumption of friendly good faith, let me ask that you please do not "prod" tag these two new articles marked as "stubs" so quickly.
portrays multiple enumerated elements from the list, or at most two or three separate non-free images portraying items from the list, provided that all other non-free considerations are met.
511: 442:
The bit that I wrote on Miki Hashiba came from her Guide Book article. I can start working on the others for you. I'll include them on your sandbox. I'll also do the references. --
That depends on when the image was deleted. More-recently deleted images can be brought back. Images deleted before a certain point cannot. I forget when the point-of-no-return was.
726: 209:
get ahold of vols 17/18 for another 3+ YEARS(!!!); which brings up the problem: If we discuss his increased role regarding the up-coming volumes, HOW much info should we impart?
for. He confronted Yamato with a final statement, “I have no intention of offering any form of assistance.” To which Yamato simply replied, “Yes. I will persevere.”
1012: 510:
Hey: I noticed you recently added the "This AfD has been included..." notice to several DBZ related AfDs, but you forgot to actually include them in
Major props for wanting to verify! I'm working on the Daiwon article, and now on its magazines. The Korean name is 천상천하 and here's your link
As you can see, I've included a lot, and I'll leave for you to decide how much to keep. I've a small JPG image of the father if you want it.
promise I'll keep the chapter listing page updated. I'm currently reading the Suzuka light novel and will upload info about it soon.
understand just yet. its one of the reasons i think this series could still drag on, it still has several wtf's left unanswered. --
Great, I made a couple of last tiny adjustments, mainly to the positioning of references, and now I've passed the article to
731: 216:, we need to include Mr. Asahina; his role becomes pivotal to the plotline (ESPECIALLY in chap 161, vol 18). To assuade the 460:
displaying by default on manga infoboxes doesn't make logical sense to have there as you pointed out. I have removed it. --
147: 387:
my bad man i thought it was one of those things saying it should be deleted. i'll pay better attention in the future. --
135: 59: 518: 307:
As for the series ending this month, I'm not surprised, the storyline didn't have too much more it could've gone. --
1075: 1057: 1042: 38: 738: 886: 1101: 1020: 393: 1116: 1071: 1053: 1038: 894: 746: 707: 1016: 931:(emphasis mine). I did have to think about it, and I checked the relevant policies before blocking. — 1118:. :) It's the Champ Comics imprint, from Champ Comics magazine (article up today, hopefully). :) -- 461: 415:
I'm all for taking out the details. I've always been uncomfortable about giving away the storyline.
1097: 961: 932: 325: 685:
Yeah. Sure thing. Just tell me what you need and I'll work it out somehow. 00:40, 1 December 2007
1125: 47: 17: 997: 870: 854: 839: 825: 793: 766: 652: 634: 615: 595: 577: 558: 542: 143: 91: 917:
There are other instances where multiple reverts may not constitute a breach of this policy:
720: 890: 742: 703: 698: 363: 255: 939: 909: 515: 1067: 377:
before i upload them, but sometimes i forget or don't have the time to fuck with it. --
76: 1119: 673: 485:
ok apparently 109 raw is out too...did we miss a month or is oh great moving fast? --
158: 138:. I guess I should've paid a little more attention to the coding of the infobox... 1133: 1105: 1079: 1061: 1046: 1030: 1024: 1001: 993: 964: 935: 898: 874: 866: 858: 850: 843: 835: 829: 821: 801: 786: 777: 770: 762: 750: 711: 676: 669: 656: 648: 638: 630: 619: 611: 599: 591: 581: 573: 562: 554: 546: 538: 500: 497: 489: 486: 479: 476: 464: 446: 443: 430: 427: 397: 388: 381: 378: 366: 351: 348: 340: 337: 311: 308: 246: 243: 235: 232: 191: 188: 161: 151: 139: 124: 121: 114: 111: 99: 84: 514:. I've taken care of them, but next time remember the other half of the job! :) -- 1172: 1159: 1146: 607: 46:
If you wish to start a new discussion or revive an old one, please do so on the
686: 522: 960:
Emphasis, again, mine. It's not just a matter of the name of the article. —
332:. These are important elements of anime creation and will be filled out. 834:
for now its ok...just leave it for now. its not a revert war right now --
I've added comments on the talk page for you, hope they help. Cheers.
If you read the stuff and disagree with the interpretation (try not to
Yeah, we need to include this chara. I'll wordsmith this better... --
254: 187:
similar opinion). So now, I just read Weekly Shonen Magazine. --
329: 921:
reverts to remove clear violations of the copyright, spamming or
525: 182:
get a line on the current stories and was surprised to find the
these characters. Would you be willing to upload one of these?
25: 672:
article an upgrade and possibly getting it up to GA rating? (
Knowledge (XXG):Knowledge (XXG) Signpost/2007-05-07/Fair use
Knowledge (XXG):WikiProject Deletion sorting/Anime and manga
976: 610:
in present day? i don't trust it just yet; but whatever --
And, for good measure, here's the relevant clause from
page is lacking so i can make sure to improve it.--
716:Okay, this is what Betacommand specifically cites: 220:
that this character is important, how about this...
1013:Knowledge (XXG):Peer review/Wolf's Rain/archive1 274: 179:Kochira Katsushia-ku Kameari Kōenmae Hashutsujo 952:any enumeration or summary of a group of items 668:Would you be interested in helping giving the 268: 8: 741:, though) - Bring it up with both of them 317:Please delay adding prod tag to new stubs 889:and they will help you with your issue. 1138: 732:User:Durin/Fair use overuse explanation 44:Do not edit the contents of this page. 606:sanada why would they name this fuck 7: 756:i see we have image deletion...again 324:The two cases which concern me are 405:RE: Finalizing the Suzuka Article 82:Check the talk page for details.-- 24: 865:since one is in each section. -- 29: 447:21:23, 22 September 2007 (UTC) 431:02:39, 20 September 2007 (UTC) 398:02:10, 17 September 2007 (UTC) 382:22:14, 16 September 2007 (UTC) 367:16:29, 16 September 2007 (UTC) 352:03:30, 13 September 2007 (UTC) 341:13:28, 10 September 2007 (UTC) 169:Congratulations and Well Done! 125:05:50, 10 September 2007 (UTC) 1: 802:06:54, 31 December 2007 (UTC) 771:01:54, 30 December 2007 (UTC) 751:05:22, 12 December 2007 (UTC) 712:05:20, 12 December 2007 (UTC) 657:23:09, 25 November 2007 (UTC) 639:05:56, 25 November 2007 (UTC) 620:04:57, 25 November 2007 (UTC) 600:04:05, 23 November 2007 (UTC) 582:20:29, 22 November 2007 (UTC) 563:05:12, 22 November 2007 (UTC) 547:03:55, 22 November 2007 (UTC) 312:23:25, 6 September 2007 (UTC) 247:19:06, 5 September 2007 (UTC) 236:18:38, 5 September 2007 (UTC) 1080:18:06, 15 January 2008 (UTC) 1062:19:36, 12 January 2008 (UTC) 1047:17:44, 12 January 2008 (UTC) 887:Knowledge (XXG):Village pump 677:03:27, 1 December 2007 (UTC) 501:18:35, 25 October 2007 (UTC) 490:05:36, 23 October 2007 (UTC) 480:04:32, 14 October 2007 (UTC) 136:Shinji Ikari Raising Project 1025:03:11, 7 January 2008 (UTC) 1002:07:24, 6 January 2008 (UTC) 965:01:50, 5 January 2008 (UTC) 936:01:37, 5 January 2008 (UTC) 899:18:29, 4 January 2008 (UTC) 875:04:32, 4 January 2008 (UTC) 859:03:08, 4 January 2008 (UTC) 844:02:22, 4 January 2008 (UTC) 830:23:56, 3 January 2008 (UTC) 465:14:56, 5 October 2007 (UTC) 437:RE: Suzuka Characters Re-do 275: 192:19:35, 29 August 2007 (UTC) 162:02:48, 19 August 2007 (UTC) 152:17:11, 18 August 2007 (UTC) 115:03:34, 13 August 2007 (UTC) 1192: 1171:"Suzuka" Manga; volume 18 1158:"Suzuka" Manga; volume 17 1145:"Suzuka" Manga; volume 16 100:00:54, 6 August 2007 (UTC) 1134:19:29, 10 July 2008 (UTC) 269: 134:for fixing that image in 1106:11:54, 8 July 2008 (UTC) 958: 929: 885:Get this issue in the 261: 950:The above applies to 944: 914: 396:comment was added at 260: 42:of past discussions. 697:It's not just him - 1015:Thanks either way, 372:tenjho tenge images 257:File:Mr Asahina.JPG 807:list of characters 394:signed but undated 262: 18:User talk:Duane543 1130: 452:Animanga Template 426:them for now. -- 400: 72: 71: 54: 53: 48:current talk page 1183: 1176: 1169: 1163: 1156: 1150: 1143: 1129: 1126: 1122: 1072:The Rambling Man 1054:The Rambling Man 1039:The Rambling Man 923:non-free content 800: 797: 790: 699:User:Betacommand 693:Copyright issues 391: 280: 278: 272: 271: 258: 157:Happy to help. ( 98: 95: 88: 68: 56: 55: 33: 32: 26: 1191: 1190: 1186: 1185: 1184: 1182: 1181: 1180: 1179: 1175:(Chapter 161). 1170: 1166: 1162:(Chapter 153). 1157: 1153: 1149:(Chapter 143). 1144: 1140: 1127: 1120: 1113: 1090: 1034: 1009: 972: 957: 928: 906: 883: 809: 795: 788: 785: 781: 758: 695: 664: 534: 508: 506:Recent DBZ AfDs 472: 454: 439: 407: 374: 360: 319: 266: 256: 200: 198:Re: Mr. Asahina 171: 132: 107: 93: 86: 83: 80: 64: 30: 22: 21: 20: 12: 11: 5: 1189: 1187: 1178: 1177: 1164: 1151: 1137: 1112: 1109: 1098:Andrewcrawford 1089: 1086: 1085: 1084: 1083: 1082: 1070:. 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User talk:Duane543
current talk page
Archive 1
Archive 2
Suzuka (manga)

00:54, 6 August 2007 (UTC)
03:34, 13 August 2007 (UTC)
05:50, 10 September 2007 (UTC)
Shinji Ikari Raising Project
17:11, 18 August 2007 (UTC)
02:48, 19 August 2007 (UTC)
19:35, 29 August 2007 (UTC)
18:38, 5 September 2007 (UTC)
19:06, 5 September 2007 (UTC)
File:Mr Asahina.JPG
23:25, 6 September 2007 (UTC)
Genga (anime)

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