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Gender issues in the American Civil War

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64:, serving as the commission's Superintendent, was able to convince the medical corps of the value of women working in 350 Commission or Army hospitals. North and South, over 20,000 women volunteered to work in hospitals, usually in nursing care. They assisted surgeons during procedures, gave medicines, supervised the feedings and cleaned the bedding and clothes. They gave good cheer, wrote letters the men dictated, and comforted the dying. A representative nurse was Helen L. Gilson (1835–1868) of Chelsea, Massachusetts, who served in Sanitary Commission. She supervised supplies, dressed wounds, and cooked special foods for patients on a limited diet. She worked in hospitals after the battles of Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg. She was a successful administrator, especially at the hospital for black soldiers at City Point, Virginia. The middle-class women North and South who volunteered provided vitally needed nursing services and were rewarded with a sense of patriotism and civic duty in addition to opportunity to demonstrate their skills and gain new ones, while receiving wages and sharing the hardships of the men. 209:
dressing as a man and enlisting in the Union Army to avoid detection. Loreta Janeta Velazquez, on the other hand, was driven to enlist by more personal motivations; inspired by the example of Joan of Arc and other historical women warriors, she was idealistic about feminine potential on the battlefield, insisting that, "when women have rushed to the battlefield, they have invariably distinguished themselves." Sarah Rosetta Wakeman had been living as a man long before the outbreak of the war, hoping to find better-paying work on the riverboats of New York rather than as a female domestic servant. She was, therefore, compelled to enlist by an economic imperative; the prospect of steady pay as an enlisted soldier in the Union Army appeared to be preferable to the instability of day labor. Whatever the original motivations of the individual female soldiers, however, they ultimately took part in the war on similar terms as their male brothers-in-arms.
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exposed while wounded and receiving medical care in battlefront hospitals. Others, however, escaped detection for the entire war, and returned home to resume their normal lives and feminine gender expression—with a few notable exceptions. Female veteran Sarah Edmonds, the runaway Canadian bride, lived under the masculine identity of Franklin Thompson for the rest of her life, and even was granted a pension for her service by Congress in 1886, while Jennie Hodgers continued living as Albert Cashier before being discovered and forced back into feminine dress after having been institutionalized for dementia in 1913. The participation of so many women in the Civil War, however, was an uncomfortable subject for the US Army for many decades; the fact of female service was officially denied by the army until well in the twentieth century.
escaped comment in an army heavily dominated by adolescent boys, while their own feminine shapes could be obscured through breast-binding. Recruits deemed to be of ambiguous gender, for example, were often subjected to improvised tests to check their gendered responses. One such test was to toss a soldier an apple; if he held out his shirttails to catch the apple as if in an apron, he would be deemed to be a woman, and would be subject to further investigation. Female soldiers who were most successful at blending into military life were those who had been presenting as male even before they had enlisted: Sarah Wakeman, for example, had been living as a man and working on canal boats in New York prior to joining the Union army, while Jennie Hodgers had likewise assumed a masculine identity long before the outbreak of the war.
assembled all-female home guard militias, drilling firearms usage and training to protect their plantations, properties, and neighborhoods from Union invasion. Military training became mandatory at some private girls' academies. One female militia in LaGrange, Georgia—a uniquely militarily vulnerable city, poised halfway between the industrial powerhouse of Atlanta and the original Confederate capital at Montgomery, Alabama—engaged in diplomatic negotiations with the invading Union army in April 1865, using the threat of violence to obtain a promise that their city would not be ransacked. As concerted a challenge to gender norms as these all-female militias would seem to pose, however, the participants were careful to otherwise keep well within gender norms, and to avoid the impression of usurping male protective roles.
201: 242:, for example, the perpetrator spent a month at the guardhouse for offering a mother a dollar and her daughter three dollars for sex. Federal troops who committed rape while invading the Southern states mostly took advantage of black rather than white women, and black soldiers were usually punished more severely for the crime than their white counterparts. Even so, the fear of rape was omnipresent among white Southern women facing the prospect of invasion without male protection; although specific numbers of victims are difficult to trace, the threat of sexual violence committed by Union soldiers lingered in Southern cultural memory long after the war ended. 399: 481: 197:
assumed male identities. The female soldiers were not operating within a vacuum, responding blindly to the stimulus of war. Unlike the members of the all-female militias, the female enlisted soldiers were drawn disproportionately from working- and lower-middle-class backgrounds—and therefore represented a radically different cultural milieu. Mid-nineteenth-century working-class culture, for example, was generally familiar—if not comfortable—with female cross-dressing, with the phenomenon being prominently featured in popular theatrical and literary pieces with mass audiences.
395:. A newspaper estimated there were 5,000 public women in the District and another 2,500 in Alexandria and Georgetown, bringing the total to 7,500 by the war's third year. However, it was the towns located just outside the camps where prostitution was most prominent. These small towns were overrun by the sex trade when army troops set up nearby camps. One soldier wrote home to his wife, "It is said that one house in every ten is a bawdy house—it is a perfect Sodom." 387:
related to the women wanting to spread venereal disease to the opposing troops. The term "public women" was coined for the women that became prostitutes. There was moral outrage at this rising employment, and law officials classified the people they arrested as such. The word "hooker" predates the Civil War, but became popularized due to Union General Joseph Hooker's reputation of consorting with prostitutes. After the outbreak of war, the number of
257:. Paragraphs 44 and 47 of the Lieber Code contained provisions prohibiting several crimes including "(...) all rape (...) by an American soldier in a hostile country against its inhabitants (...) under the penalty of death, or such other severe punishment as may seem adequate for the gravity of the offense." Thus, the only enforcement mechanisms were the military commanders themselves, having the right to execute the soldiers immediately. 4701: 445:, where they were not allowed off the ship and sent further along to Cincinnati. Many of the women became sick due to lack of food and were forced to turn around and return to Nashville. Once they arrived back in Nashville, Lt. Col. Spalding created a system of registration similar to European ones. He inadvertently created the first legal system of prostitution. This is the set of regulations he set up: 4711: 130: 238:. The Confederate records were destroyed, but a perusal of only five percent of Federal records reveal that over thirty court martial trials were held due to instances of rape; death by hanging or firing squad being the usual punishment if convicted. Sometimes, offering money for sex to a white woman of good standing was considered almost tantamount to rape; in the case of an Illinois private at 162: 141:
substitutes used. The households were severely hurt by inflation in the cost of everyday items and the shortages of food, fodder for the animals, and medical supplies for the wounded. The Georgia legislature imposed cotton quotas, making it a crime to grow an excess. But food shortages only worsened, especially in the towns.
169: 217:
prominently featured an entire chapter on the female soldiers of the war. Although it establishes the fact that women warriors were objects of curiosity for the American public, Moore significantly softened and romanticised their experiences in order to make them more palatable to a general audience.
The existence of illicit female soldiers was an open secret in both the wartime Union and Confederacy, with stories commonly shared in both soldiers' letters and newspaper articles. Awareness trickled out into the general public—and civilians were fascinated by these women warriors. This curiosity is
The overall decline in food supplies, made worse by the collapsing transportation system, led to serious shortages and high prices in urban areas. When bacon reached a dollar a pound in 1863, the poor women of Richmond, Atlanta and many other cities began to riot; they broke into shops and warehouses
Women had charge of making do. They cut back on purchases, brought out old spinning wheels and enlarged their gardens with peas and peanuts to provide clothing and food. They used ersatz substitutes when possible, but there was no real coffee and it was hard to develop a taste for the okra or chicory
At the start of the war, Southern women zealously supported the men going off to war. They saw the men as protectors and invested heavily in the romantic idea of men fighting to defend the honor of their country, family, and way of life. Mothers and wives were able to keep in contact with their loved
Upper-class plantation mistresses often had to manage the estates which the younger men had left behind. Overseers of the slaves were exempt from the draft, and usually remained on the plantations. Historian Jonathan Wiener studied the census data on plantations in black-belt counties, 1850–70, and
While men were fighting, many Northern wives needed to learn how to farm and do other manual labor. Besides having to tend to the home and children while the men were away at war, women also contributed supplies. Quilts and blankets were often given to soldiers. Some had encouraging messages sewn on
was apprehended by Union soldiers wearing his wife's shawl for warmth. The false rumor quickly spread in the North that Davis was caught during his escape while dressed as a woman. Period drawings depicting Davis in full women's dress (bonnet included) were used to ridicule the Confederacy's former
At camp, "barracks favorites" were available. These were inexpensive novels of a sexual nature. Photographs of nudity were available as well, and were purchased by both enlisted men and officers. These twelve by fifteen inch pictures cost $ 1.20 for a dozen, or ten cents for a single picture. These
Women who passed the scrutiny of their fellow soldiers, however, were nonetheless expected to perform to the same standard—and so female soldiers largely blended in with their male fellows-in-arms, performing the same duties with fairly minimal risk of exposure. Those who were caught typically were
is estimated at between 400 and 750, although an accurate count is impossible because the women had to disguise themselves as men. A Union officer was once quoted regarding how a Union sergeant was "in violation of all military law" by giving birth to child, and this was not the only case where the
Women in the US were able to engage in the different societal spheres following the civil war. Typically, when women are allowed to stay post-civil war in positions that they gained in the social and political spheres, there is less chance of civil war recurring, whereas in the economic sphere, if
Frances Hook, also known as Private Frank Miller, Frank Henderson, and Frank Fuller, was discovered to be a woman when she was wounded at the Battle of Fredericktown, Missouri. Afterwards, she enlisted in another regiment and was captured at Florence, Alabama, and imprisoned in Atlanta where again
Regardless of generally warm popular opinion, however, female soldiers actually faced significant suspicion and opposition from within the armies themselves. Female soldiers were generally successful at physically disguising themselves; their shorter height, higher voices, and lack of facial hair
The most dramatic and extreme challenge to gender roles, then, came with those women who participated in the Civil War as fully enlisted combatants. Though not particularly well known today, it is estimated that there are over 1000 women who enlisted in both the Union and Confederate armies under
experienced its largest growth during 1861–1865. Some historians have speculated that this growth can be attributed to a depression, and the need for women to support themselves and their families while their husbands were away at war. Other historians considered the growth of prostitution to be
cases. The total rate of venereal disease among the white Union troops was 82 cases per 1,000 men, where before and after the war the rate was 87 of 1,000. Union black troops, however, had rates of 34 per 1,000 for syphilis and 44 per 1,000 for gonorrhea. Cases were most prominent around larger
The Civil War was generally a time of challenges to traditional gender norms, as women mobilized themselves to participate in the war effort and left the home in droves to serve as charity workers, nurses, clerks, farm laborers, and political activists. Across the Confederacy, upper-class women
Several thousand women were just as active in nursing in the Confederacy, but were less well organized and faced severe shortages of supplies and a much weaker system of 150 hospitals. Nursing and vital support services were provided not only by matrons and nurses, but also by local volunteers,
Women had different motivations for joining the army, just as did their male counterparts. A common reason was to escape pre-arranged marriages. Sarah Edmonds, for example, left her home in maritime Canada and fled to the United States to avoid marriage—but took the ultimate protective step of
433:. Before the outbreak of the war, Nashville recorded 207 prostitutes; however, in 1863 reports claimed to have at least 1,500 prostitutes. The area where these prostitutes could be found was known as Smokey Row. In an infamous campaign to rid the city of the "public women", Lt. Col. 306:
were usually pictures of nude women doing innocent things; nude women that were engaging in actual sexual activity were usually not white, but either black or Native American. With the soldiers being far away from their wives and sweethearts, it is speculated these were used for
That one skillful surgeon be appointed as a board of examination whose duty it was to be to examine personally, every week, each licensed prostitute, giving certificate soundness to those who were healthy and ordering into hospital those who were in the slightest degree
ones who had chosen to enlist by writing them letters. African American women, on the other hand, had experienced the breakup of families for generations and were once again dealing with this issue at the outbreak of war.
That a building suitable for a hospital for the invalids was to be taken for that purpose, and that a weekly tax of fifty cents was to be levied on each prostitute for the purpose of defraying the expense of said
them. They also sent shirts, sheets, pillows, pillowcases, coats, vests, trousers, towels, handkerchiefs, socks, bandages, canned fruits, dried fruits, butter, cheese, wine, eggs, pickles, books, and magazines.
found that the War did not drastically alter the responsibilities and roles of women. The age of the groom increased as younger women married older planters, and birth rates dropped sharply during 1863-68 during
4359: 4678: 4505: 2220: 145:
to seize food. The women expressed their anger at ineffective state relief efforts, speculators, merchants and planters. As wives and widows of soldiers they were hurt by the inadequate welfare system.
that "loose males of the most abandoned character from other parts of the Confederacy" had moved to Richmond and "prostitutes of both sexes" openly displayed themselves in carriages and on sidewalks.
For instance, Moore refers to one particular female soldier as an "American Joan of Arc", attempting to frame her wartime exploits within a recognisable paradigm of holy war and divine inspiration.
reflected in the literature of the period. Wartime romance novels idealised these women as heroines sacrificing themselves for love of country and menfolk, while Frank Moore's popular 1866 history
was in command that the term "hooker" was coined to describe them; however, the term had been in use since 1845. The number of prostitutes around Hooker's division only "cemented" the term.
269:" was not coined until thirty years after the war ended. However, no army soldiers were disciplined for such activity, although three pairs of Union Navy sailors were punished, all in 1865. 460:
That all public women found plying their vocation without a license and certificate were to be at once arrested and incarcerated in the workhouse for a period of not less than thirty days.
4188: 3643: 3638: 3648: 4409: 4298: 4283: 2127: 4075: 3995: 2523: 189:
true sex of a soldier was discovered due to childbirth. A captured Confederate officer whose true sex was previously unknown by the guards gave birth in a Union prison camp.
2257: 60:, a federal civilian agency, handled most of the medical and nursing care of the Union armies, together with necessary acquisition and transportation of medical supplies. 4735: 4103: 488:
After the war, many Southern men felt their manhood diminished in a manner some historians dubbed a "crisis of gender"; a crisis exacerbated after Confederate president
1083: 841:
Quinn, E. Moore (May 2010). "'I have been trying very hard to be powerful "nice" 
': the correspondence of Sister M. De Sales (Brennan) during the American Civil War".
2518: 137:
By summer 1861, the Union naval blockade virtually shut down the export of cotton and the import of manufactured goods. Food that formerly came overland was cut off.
2049: 4293: 4268: 4070: 3978: 2528: 2262: 4120: 3763: 3152: 3031: 4647: 4005: 3758: 3753: 3179: 1358:
Lisa Tendrich Frank, “‘With Hearts Nerved by the Necessity for Prompt Action’: Southern Women, Mobilization, and the Wartime State,” in Giesberg and Miller, 56.
Eggleston, Larry. “Women of the Civil War: Extraordinary Stories of Soldiers, Spies,  Nurses, Doctors, Crusaders, and Others.” (McFarland, 2015) pgs 12-15
3011: 2081: 4568: 4098: 3147: 2906: 153:. However, plantation mistresses were not more likely to operate plantations than in earlier years, nor was there a lost generation of women without men. 4662: 4525: 4510: 2941: 2557: 185: 179: 4515: 4278: 4248: 3886: 3815: 2513: 2508: 4429: 4364: 3066: 3041: 2277: 2252: 2202: 2182: 449:
That a license be issued to each prostitute, a record of which was to be kept at this office, together with the number and street of her residence.
4745: 4632: 4323: 4020: 3916: 3768: 3101: 2981: 2192: 200: 74:, and Annie Wittenmeyer played leadership roles. After the war some nurses wrote memoirs of their experiences; examples include Dix, Livermore, 4573: 4318: 3061: 3056: 2731: 2054: 1678: 39:. The advent of photography and easier media distribution, for example, allowed for greater access to sexual material for the common soldier. 4145: 3137: 3132: 2996: 2896: 2147: 1917: 1875: 1819: 1795: 1757: 1697: 523: 35:, and attitudes were affected by the conflict, especially by the absence of menfolk at home and the emergence of new roles for women such as 4750: 4404: 4108: 4080: 3319: 3127: 3096: 3026: 2886: 2460: 4740: 4394: 4384: 4035: 3743: 3106: 3071: 2966: 2544: 1311: 293:
Scholars have tried to ascertain if certain Civil War figures were homosexual. The most notable of these was Confederate major general
4545: 4535: 4520: 4288: 4113: 3142: 3091: 3036: 3001: 2986: 2976: 2961: 2936: 2891: 2876: 2811: 2688: 2137: 775: 528: 398: 53: 4657: 4540: 4530: 4258: 3854: 3748: 3625: 3122: 3086: 3006: 2946: 2926: 2921: 2916: 2871: 2302: 2294: 2172: 2116: 1966:
Telford, Jennifer Casavant, and Thomas Lawrence Long. "Gendered spaces, gendered pages: Union women in Civil War nurse narratives."
825: 800: 750: 562: 378: 57: 3051: 3016: 2956: 2074: 533: 369:
Numbers for Confederates are unknown, but are assumed to be less, due to Confederate soldiers being less likely to be in cities.
2652: 4617: 4602: 4484: 4444: 4343: 4328: 4313: 4308: 4140: 4045: 3076: 2971: 2931: 2488: 1685: 500:
One thing that came from the spread of pornography during the war was the rise of anti-pornography forces; in particular, the
480: 4642: 3961: 3725: 3081: 3046: 2951: 2187: 1087: 2657: 1631:
Demeritt, Jacqueline H.R.; Nichols, Angela D.; Kelly, Eliza G. (3 July 2014). "Female Participation and Civil War Relapse".
987: 4000: 3921: 3738: 3204: 2662: 2470: 283: 1429: 1025:
Teresa Crisp Williams, and David Williams, "'The Women Rising': Cotton, Class, and Confederate Georgia's Rioting Women",
4273: 4015: 3805: 3780: 3492: 2567: 2272: 2212: 1452: 2157: 4704: 4452: 4203: 4040: 4030: 4025: 3983: 3407: 2067: 2706: 4595: 4183: 4010: 3893: 3871: 3800: 3715: 2776: 2577: 2455: 2437: 1828:
Fahs, Alice. "The Feminized Civil War: Gender, Northern Popular Literature, and the Memory of the War, 1861–1900."
Anderson, J. L. "The Vacant Chair on the Farm: Soldier Husbands, Farm Wives, and the Iowa Home Front, 1861–1865,"
4714: 4627: 4583: 4389: 4171: 3973: 3946: 3926: 3827: 3633: 3538: 2836: 2751: 2667: 2317: 2242: 970: 1411:
Feimster, Crystal M. "General Benjamin Butler and the Threat of Sexual Violence during the American Civil War."
4590: 4474: 4399: 4374: 4369: 4333: 4253: 3951: 3936: 3517: 3021: 2801: 2766: 2701: 2642: 2637: 2367: 1838:
Faust, Drew Gilpin. "‘Trying to Do a Man's Business’: Slavery, Violence and Gender in the American Civil War."
Schultz, Jane E. (Winter 1992). "The inhospitable hospital: gender and professionalism in Civil War medicine".
513: 1067:
Jonathan M. Wiener. "Female Planters and Planters' Wives in Civil War and Reconstruction Alabama, 1850-1870".
310:, and not just for entertainment. Only three of the novels are still known to exist; they are located at the 4755: 4578: 4198: 4166: 4161: 3859: 3832: 3224: 2721: 2711: 2483: 2478: 2332: 235: 4563: 4263: 3837: 3427: 3264: 3239: 2771: 2672: 2587: 2327: 2236: 1281:
Women in the Civil War: Extraordinary Stories of Soldiers, Spies, Nurses, Doctors, Crusaders, and Others (
469: 465: 407: 3673: 1734:
Cashin, Joan E. "Torn Bonnets and Stolen Silks: Fashion, Gender, Race, and Danger in the Wartime South."
4479: 4379: 3842: 3795: 3705: 3380: 3370: 2816: 2806: 2791: 2741: 2696: 2352: 2337: 2230: 1720:
Brown, Alexis Girardin. "The Women Left Behind: Transformation of the Southern Belle, 1840–1880" (2000)
278: 4193: 4637: 4489: 4462: 3931: 3710: 3693: 3350: 2991: 2846: 2831: 2826: 2796: 2781: 2761: 2379: 2283: 2167: 442: 392: 354: 319: 3775: 4622: 4414: 4303: 4177: 3822: 3522: 3482: 3467: 3360: 3209: 2911: 2881: 2841: 2716: 2677: 2647: 2602: 2562: 2162: 2152: 1147: 695: 330: 71: 4710: 2021:"Bonnet Brigades at Fifty: Reflections on Mary Elizabeth Massey and Gender in Civil War History," 4468: 4338: 3864: 3849: 3730: 3688: 3660: 3497: 3462: 3309: 3269: 2786: 2756: 2746: 2622: 2617: 2597: 2592: 2572: 2322: 2225: 2142: 2090: 1863: 1745: 1648: 901: 893: 858: 723: 673: 638: 603: 595: 362: 315: 287: 150: 91: 87: 79: 75: 28: 3442: 17: 3966: 3568: 3502: 3437: 3340: 3259: 3219: 2821: 2627: 2582: 2197: 1913: 1871: 1815: 1805: 1791: 1781: 1753: 1693: 1319: 1180:
See Fraser Easton, "Gender's Two Bodies: Women Warriors, Female Husbands, and Plebeian Life,"
1120:, ed. Judith Giesberg and Randall Miller (Kent, OH: Kent State University Press, 2018), 72-73. 956: 821: 796: 771: 746: 715: 558: 273: 876:
Wells, Cheryl A. (Winter 2001). "Battle time: gender, modernity, and Confederate hospitals".
472:, and was one of the few industries to cross enemy lines throughout the duration of the war. 3578: 3447: 3417: 3412: 3345: 3284: 3279: 3234: 2901: 2736: 2726: 2632: 2612: 2607: 2357: 2347: 2307: 1935:
Nelson, Michael C. "Writing during wartime: gender and literacy in the American Civil War."
1640: 948: 885: 850: 707: 665: 630: 587: 391:
skyrocketed. In 1864, there were 450 brothels in Washington, and over 75 brothels in nearby
366: 341: 329:
following behind marching troops. Popular legend has it that they were so common around the
311: 294: 4652: 3941: 3790: 3683: 3563: 3558: 3553: 3543: 3512: 3422: 3365: 3355: 3314: 2342: 2312: 2132: 1926: 1903: 1270:
Ziparo, “Northern Women, the State, and Wartime Mobilization,” in Giesberg and Miller, 73.
489: 434: 403: 246: 94:, which was primarily a disaster relief agency but which also supported nursing programs. 1961:
South Carolina Civilians in Sherman's Path: Stories of Courage Amid Civil War Destruction
However, this is not to say women were not available for sex. Prostitutes were among the
3720: 3668: 3507: 3472: 3432: 3324: 3304: 3299: 3254: 2533: 2374: 2362: 1992: 1809: 1069: 518: 411: 204:
Sarah Rosetta Wakeman, i.e. Pvt. Lyons Wakeman of the 153rd New York Volunteer Infantry
67: 4729: 3988: 3588: 3583: 3573: 3548: 3457: 3452: 3294: 3289: 3274: 3244: 3214: 2552: 2177: 1954: 1785: 1652: 949: 905: 862: 677: 642: 607: 501: 334: 326: 266: 239: 1907: 727: 4457: 4434: 4424: 4419: 3956: 3898: 3810: 3785: 3698: 3678: 3477: 3375: 1142:
Erin Blakemore, “An All-Woman Confederate Militia Guarded Their Georgia Hometown,”
383: 307: 83: 61: 1727:
Campbell, D'Ann, and Richard Jensen. "Gendering Two Wars" in Gabor S. Boritt, ed.
Michael B. Chesson, "Harlots or Heroines? A New Look at the Richmond Bread Riot."
Wood, Ann Douglas (1972). "The war within a war: women nurses in the Union Army".
women keep those positions, then there is a higher chance of civil war recurring.
129: 1644: 253:, which amongst other things contained one of the first explicit prohibitions on 3229: 2267: 2247: 1997:
Young, Elizabeth. "A Wound of One's Own: Louisa May Alcott's Civil War Fiction"
418: 358: 250: 32: 4612: 3487: 3249: 2450: 2445: 984:
Ersatz in the Confederacy: Shortages and Substitutes on the Southern Homefront
854: 1456: 1323: 3876: 430: 349: 719: 161: 1116:
Jessica Ziparo, “Northern Women, the State, and Wartime Mobilization,” in
889: 711: 669: 634: 3881: 656:
Miller, Edward A. (1997). "Angel of Light: Helen L. Gilson, army nurse".
345: 2002: 1850: 1054:
Jessica Fordham Kidd. "Privation and Pride: Life in Blockaded Alabama".
Jessica Fordham Kidd, "Privation and Pride: Life in Blockaded Alabama,"
Occupied women: gender, military occupation, and the American civil war
1833: 1043: 897: 599: 388: 36: 2059: 1739: 1430:"Prosecuting Crimes of Sexual Violence in an International Tribunal" 1312:"What trans soldier Albert Cashier can teach Trump about patriotism" 1729:
War Comes Again: The Civil War and World War II: Comparative Vistas
591: 1232:(Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University Press, 2002), 145-46. 397: 199: 168: 160: 1230:
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254: 4679:
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4224: 3613: 3177: 2400: 2101: 2063: 1868:
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Days after the Union recaptured the city, Memphis slave trader
Prostitution experienced a large growth and spread across the
86:(1821–1912) gained fame for her nursing work during the 2050:
Southern women in Civil War, free books to borrow or download
1133:, ed. Muriel Phillips Joslyn (Gretna, LA: Pelican, 1996), 45. 2028:
Cashin, Joan E. "American Women and the American Civil War"
Civil War as a Crisis in Gender: Augusta, Georgia, 1860-1890
Battle Scars: Gender and Sexuality in the American Civil War
696:"Civil War nurse, Civil War nursing: Rebecca Usher of Maine" 2055:
Unions women in Civil War, free books to borrow or download
Women and the American Civil War: an annotated bibliography
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Patriotic Toil: Northern Women and the American Civil War
344:. Among white Union soldiers there was a total of 73,382 1895:(1966), excellent overview North and South; reissued as 1690:
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1341: 1339: 282:
reported on May 13, 1862, that since the moving of the
She Went to the Field: Women Soldiers of the Civil War
She Went To the Field: Women Soldiers of the Civil War
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2015), 2; Michael Bronski,
Anne J. Bailey, “The Defenders: The Nancy Harts,” in
Prostitution in the United States § 19th century
90:. She was an energetic organizer who established the 1371:(Wichita, KS, University Press of Kansas, 2006), 49. 934:
Trials and Triumphs: American Woman in the Civil War
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4671: 4556: 4498: 4443: 4352: 4241: 4154: 4133: 4091: 4063: 4054: 3907: 3659: 3624: 3531: 3400: 3393: 3333: 3197: 3190: 3115: 2862: 2855: 2686: 2542: 2501: 2469: 2436: 2429: 2293: 2211: 2112: 1787:
Intimate Matters: A History of Sexuality in America
Bibliography of the American Civil War § Women
1245:(Hartford, CT: Scranton & Co., 1866), 529-535. 1243:Women of the War: Their Heroism and Self-Sacrifice 1930:Sexual Misbehavior in the Civil War: A Compendium 1893:Bonnet Brigades: American Women and the Civil War 1434:Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 743:A Strong-Minded Woman: The Life of Mary Livermore 4365:Confederate States presidential election of 1861 429:The most notorious area for prostitution was in 1423: 1421: 4189:Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the U.S. 1855:Giesberg, Judith, and Randall M. Miller, eds. 1455:. United States War Department. Archived from 1197:(Hartford, CT: W.S. Williams & Co., 1865). 689: 687: 2075: 1451:Francis Lieber; et al. (24 April 1863). 1266: 1264: 920:Wisconsin Women in the War between the States 8: 1886:Women during the Civil War: An Encyclopedia. 1773:Clinton, Catherine, and Silber, Nina, eds. 1766:Clinton, Catherine, and Silber, Nina, eds. 103:slaves, free blacks, and prisoners of war. 4238: 4221: 4060: 3621: 3610: 3397: 3194: 3187: 3174: 2859: 2433: 2426: 2397: 2109: 2098: 2082: 2068: 2060: 1146:, 25 June 2018, accessed 1 December 2018. 1086:. 2013-01-25. Archived from 1040:Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 421:'s Main Street brothel ("Shooting Affray" 180:List of female American Civil War soldiers 165:Sarah Emma Edmonds, i.e. Franklin Thompson 1973:Whites, LeeAnn, and Alecia P. Long, eds. 955:. Oxford University Press (US). pp.  4736:Social history of the American Civil War 2278:Treatment of slaves in the United States 1768:Divided Houses: Gender and the Civil War 936:. Michigan State University. p. 23. 793:Clara Barton: In the Service of Humanity 479: 128: 4021:Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War 2193:South Carolina Declaration of Secession 1012:Stephanie McCurry, "'Bread or Blood!'" 545: 4006:Modern display of the Confederate flag 2203:President Lincoln's 75,000 volunteers 1504:Abramson p. 180, D'Emilio pp. 131,132 922:(Wisconsin History Commission, 1911). 745:. University of Massachusetts Press. 524:History of women in the United States 437:loaded the women on to the steamboat 7: 1347:A Queer History of the United States 1285:A Queer History of the United States 4360:Committee on the Conduct of the War 4036:United Daughters of the Confederacy 1811:Don't Know Much About the Civil War 1228:DeAnne Blanton and Lauren M. Cook, 766:Gardner Holland, Mary, ed. (1895). 406:, a brother of Confederate officer 4430:U.S. Presidential Election of 1864 3769:impeachment managers investigation 2148:John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry 1369:Women on the Civil War Battlefront 1084:"Female Soldiers in the Civil War" 555:Dorothea Dix: New England Reformer 529:Medicine in the American Civil War 245:On 24 April 1863, Union President 25: 3855:Reconstruction military districts 2303:Abolitionism in the United States 2258:Plantations in the American South 2173:Origins of the American Civil War 1171:(Guildford, CT: TwoDot, 2006), 1. 297:, although it is still disputed. 234:Some soldiers engaged in acts of 174:she was discovered to be a woman. 58:United States Sanitary Commission 4709: 4700: 4699: 3838:Enforcement Act of February 1871 3811:Pulaski (Tennessee) riot of 1867 1750:Public Women and the Confederacy 1118:Women and the American Civil War 820:. University of Virginia Press. 534:Women in the American Revolution 4623:New York City Gold Hoax of 1864 4485:When Johnny Comes Marching Home 4046:Wilmington insurrection of 1898 2001:48#3 (1996), pp. 439–474 1790:. University of Chicago Press. 1195:Nurse and Spy in the Union Army 18:Women in the American Civil War 4746:Sexuality in the United States 3726:Southern Homestead Act of 1866 1870:. Cambridge University Press. 1752:. Marquette University Press. 1731:(Oxford UP, 1995), pp 101–124. 1692:. Oxford University Press US. 1522:Davis p. 280, Goldstein p. 342 932:Culpepper, Marilyn M. (1994). 694:Leonard, Elizabeth D. (1995). 1: 4141:Ladies' Memorial Associations 3843:Enforcement Act of April 1871 3739:Impeachment of Andrew Johnson 1349:(Boston, Beacon Press, 2011). 1287:(Boston, Beacon Press, 2011). 1027:Georgia Historical Quarterly, 484:Caricature of Jefferson Davis 4274:Confederate revolving cannon 4016:Sons of Confederate Veterans 3887:South Carolina riots of 1876 3865:Indian Council at Fort Smith 3816:South Carolina riots of 1876 3781:Knights of the White Camelia 2273:Slavery in the United States 1932:(Xlibris Corporation, 2006). 1645:10.1080/13698249.2014.966427 1310:Gabbatt, Adam (2017-08-22). 1158:Bailey, “The Defenders,” 46. 791:Burton, David Henry (1995). 741:Hamand Venet, Wendy (2005). 557:. Harvard University Press. 4751:Gender in the United States 4628:New York City riots of 1863 4453:Battle Hymn of the Republic 4204:United Confederate Veterans 4041:Children of the Confederacy 4031:United Confederate Veterans 4026:Southern Historical Society 2658:Price's Missouri Expedition 2128:Timeline leading to the War 2030:Journal of Military History 2011:(U of Chicago Press, 1999). 1984:(U of Georgia Press, 2000). 1946:(Harvard UP, 2005). 332 pp. 1937:Journal of American Studies 1830:Journal of American History 1184:180 (August 2003), 131-174. 947:Clinton, Catherine (2000). 272:There was only one case of 4772: 4741:History of human sexuality 4596:Confederate Secret Service 4184:Grand Army of the Republic 4076:Grand Army of the Republic 3894:Southern Claims Commission 1963:(The History Press, 2012). 1951:I'll pass for your comrade 1676: 376: 340:This led to many cases of 186:female soldiers in the war 177: 4695: 4584:Confederate States dollar 4395:Habeas Corpus Act of 1863 4390:Emancipation Proclamation 4284:Medal of Honor recipients 4237: 4220: 4172:Confederate Memorial Hall 3974:Confederate Memorial Hall 3947:Confederate History Month 3927:Civil War Discovery Trail 3828:Habeas Corpus Act of 1867 3634:Reconstruction Amendments 3620: 3609: 3186: 3173: 2425: 2396: 2243:Emancipation Proclamation 2108: 2097: 1717:(Cornell UP, 1998), 294pp 1453:"The Lieber Code of 1863" 1073:(1977) 30#2. pp. 135-149. 971:Alabama Heritage Magazine 878:Journal of Social History 855:10.1080/09670881003725929 553:Brown, Thomas J. (1998). 441:. The women were sent to 276:reported during the war. 133:Richmond bread riot, 1863 4658:U.S. Sanitary Commission 4569:Battlefield preservation 4475:Marching Through Georgia 4400:Hampton Roads Conference 4375:Confiscation Act of 1862 4370:Confiscation Act of 1861 4146:U.S. national cemeteries 3952:Confederate Memorial Day 3937:Civil War Trails Program 3806:New Orleans riot of 1866 1832:85.4 (1999): 1461–1494. 951:Southern Families at War 816:Hilde, Libra R. (2012). 514:American Civil War spies 4579:Confederate war finance 4199:Southern Cross of Honor 4167:1938 Gettysburg reunion 4162:1913 Gettysburg reunion 3860:Reconstruction Treaties 3833:Enforcement Act of 1870 3716:Freedman's Savings Bank 2333:Lane Debates on Slavery 2158:Lincoln–Douglas debates 2032:(2017) 81#1 pp 199–204. 2025:(2015) 61#4 pp 400–444. 1953:(2008), women soldiers 1851:excerpt and text search 1382:They Fought Like Demons 1298:Women in the Civil War, 988:excerpt and text search 4638:Richmond riots of 1863 4564:Baltimore riot of 1861 4344:U.S. Military Railroad 4264:Confederate Home Guard 3996:Historiographic issues 3962:Historical reenactment 2461:Revenue Cutter Service 2328:William Lloyd Garrison 2237:Dred Scott v. Sandford 1897:Women in the Civil War 1738:61#4 (2015): 338–361. 1193:See Sarah E. Edmonds, 1042:92#2 (1984): 131–175. 1029:(2002) 86#12 pp. 49–83 982:Mary Elizabeth Massey 485: 426: 408:Nathan Bedford Forrest 205: 175: 166: 134: 4603:Great Revival of 1863 4480:Maryland, My Maryland 4269:Confederate railroads 3932:Civil War Roundtables 3801:Meridian riot of 1871 3796:Memphis riots of 1866 2353:George Luther Stearns 2338:Elijah Parish Lovejoy 2231:Crittenden Compromise 1993:online free to borrow 1955:online free to borrow 1016:(2011) 50#3 pp 36–41. 999:C. Mildred Thompson, 890:10.1353/jsh.2001.0149 712:10.1353/cwh.1995.0039 670:10.1353/cwh.1997.0010 635:10.1353/cwh.1972.0046 483: 410:, shot a mate of the 401: 377:Further information: 279:The Richmond Dispatch 203: 178:Further information: 172: 164: 132: 4490:Daar kom die Alibama 4405:National Union Party 4081:memorials to Lincoln 4001:Lost Cause mythology 3706:Eufaula riot of 1874 3694:Confederate refugees 2907:District of Columbia 2534:Union naval blockade 2380:Underground Railroad 2168:Nullification crisis 1970:38.2 (2012): 97–105. 1864:Goldstein, Joshua S. 1842:4.2 (1992): 197–214. 1840:Gender & History 1415:138, no. 2, 126-127. 1402:Lowry pp.124,131,132 1279:Larry G. Eggleston, 1058:(2006) 82. pp. 8-15. 1003:(1915), pp 14–17, 22 843:Irish Studies Review 423:Memphis Daily Appeal 393:Alexandria, Virginia 355:Nashville, Tennessee 320:Bloomington, Indiana 4648:Supreme Court cases 4415:Radical Republicans 4194:Old soldiers' homes 4178:Confederate Veteran 4104:artworks in Capitol 3823:Reconstruction acts 3684:Colfax riot of 1873 2648:Richmond-Petersburg 2253:Fugitive slave laws 2183:Popular sovereignty 2163:Missouri Compromise 2153:Kansas-Nebraska Act 2035:McDevitt, Theresa. 1939:31.1 (1997): 43–68. 1912:. Stackpole Books. 1904:Lowry, Thomas Power 1428:Kuo, Peggy (2002). 795:. Greenwood Press. 333:when Union general 331:Army of the Potomac 72:Mary Ann Bickerdyke 31:, sexual behavior, 4469:A Lincoln Portrait 4410:Politicians killed 4334:U.S. Balloon Corps 4329:Union corps badges 4109:memorials to Davis 3979:Disenfranchisement 3850:Reconstruction era 3731:Timber Culture Act 3689:Compromise of 1877 2653:Franklin–Nashville 2323:Frederick Douglass 2226:Cornerstone Speech 2143:Compromise of 1850 2091:American Civil War 2007:Young, Elizabeth. 1999:American Quarterly 1987:Wiley, Bell Irwin 1977:(LSU Press, 2009). 1968:Medical humanities 1884:Harper, Judith E. 1845:Giesberg, Judith. 1746:Clinton, Catherine 1710:(2007) 66: 241–265 1540:Davis pp. 231, 232 1380:Blanton and Cook, 973:(2006) 82 pp 8–15. 486: 427: 363:Richmond, Virginia 348:cases and 109,397 316:Indiana University 206: 176: 167: 135: 98:Confederate nurses 92:American Red Cross 88:American Civil War 80:Sarah Emma Edmonds 76:Sarah Palmer Young 29:American Civil War 4723: 4722: 4691: 4690: 4687: 4686: 4521:Italian Americans 4506:African Americans 4463:John Brown's Body 4216: 4215: 4212: 4211: 4129: 4128: 3967:Robert E. Lee Day 3711:Freedmen's Bureau 3674:Brooks–Baxter War 3605: 3604: 3601: 3600: 3597: 3596: 3389: 3388: 3169: 3168: 3165: 3164: 3161: 3160: 2578:Northern Virginia 2524:Trans-Mississippi 2497: 2496: 2392: 2391: 2388: 2387: 2284:Uncle Tom's Cabin 2221:African Americans 2023:Civil War History 1989:Confederate Women 1919:978-0-8117-1515-7 1877:978-0-521-00180-9 1821:978-0-380-71908-2 1814:. HarperCollins. 1806:Davis, Kenneth C. 1797:978-0-226-14264-7 1759:978-0-87462-332-1 1736:Civil War History 1699:978-0-19-514609-7 1686:Abramson, Paul R. 1603:Clinton pp.25–26d 1345:Michael Bronski, 1131:Confederate Women 700:Civil War History 658:Civil War History 623:Civil War History 417:in the parlor of 274:male prostitution 16:(Redirected from 4763: 4713: 4703: 4702: 4526:Native Americans 4511:German Americans 4304:Partisan rangers 4299:Official Records 4239: 4222: 4114:memorials to Lee 4061: 3622: 3611: 3398: 3195: 3188: 3175: 3148:Washington, D.C. 2942:Indian Territory 2902:Dakota Territory 2860: 2777:Chancellorsville 2568:Jackson's Valley 2558:Blockade runners 2434: 2427: 2398: 2358:Thaddeus Stevens 2348:Lysander Spooner 2308:Susan B. Anthony 2110: 2099: 2084: 2077: 2070: 2061: 2039:(Praeger, 2003). 1980:Whites, LeeAnn. 1927:Lowry, Thomas P. 1923: 1881: 1825: 1801: 1763: 1724:62#4 pp 759–778. 1703: 1666: 1663: 1657: 1656: 1628: 1622: 1619: 1613: 1612:Clinton pp.27–28 1610: 1604: 1601: 1595: 1592: 1586: 1583: 1577: 1574: 1568: 1565: 1559: 1556: 1550: 1547: 1541: 1538: 1532: 1529: 1523: 1520: 1514: 1511: 1505: 1502: 1496: 1495:Lowry pp.113,118 1493: 1487: 1484: 1478: 1475: 1469: 1468: 1466: 1464: 1448: 1442: 1441: 1425: 1416: 1409: 1403: 1400: 1394: 1391: 1385: 1378: 1372: 1365: 1359: 1356: 1350: 1343: 1334: 1333: 1331: 1330: 1307: 1301: 1294: 1288: 1277: 1271: 1268: 1259: 1256:Women of the War 1252: 1246: 1239: 1233: 1226: 1220: 1217: 1211: 1204: 1198: 1191: 1185: 1182:Past and Present 1178: 1172: 1165: 1159: 1156: 1150: 1140: 1134: 1127: 1121: 1114: 1108: 1105: 1099: 1098: 1096: 1095: 1080: 1074: 1065: 1059: 1056:Alabama Heritage 1052: 1046: 1036: 1030: 1023: 1017: 1010: 1004: 997: 991: 980: 974: 967: 961: 960: 954: 944: 938: 937: 929: 923: 916: 910: 909: 873: 867: 866: 838: 832: 831: 813: 807: 806: 788: 782: 781: 763: 757: 756: 738: 732: 731: 691: 682: 681: 653: 647: 646: 618: 612: 611: 575: 569: 568: 550: 425:, June 13, 1862) 367:Washington, D.C. 342:venereal disease 312:Kinsey Institute 295:Patrick Cleburne 21: 4771: 4770: 4766: 4765: 4764: 4762: 4761: 4760: 4726: 4725: 4724: 4719: 4683: 4667: 4552: 4516:Irish Americans 4494: 4439: 4348: 4339:U.S. Home Guard 4279:Field artillery 4233: 4232: 4208: 4150: 4125: 4087: 4056: 4050: 3942:Civil War Trust 3909: 3903: 3791:Ethnic violence 3776:Kirk–Holden war 3655: 3616: 3593: 3527: 3385: 3329: 3182: 3157: 3111: 2864: 2851: 2682: 2663:Sherman's March 2643:Bermuda Hundred 2538: 2493: 2465: 2421: 2420: 2384: 2343:J. Sella Martin 2313:James G. Birney 2289: 2207: 2133:Bleeding Kansas 2121: 2104: 2093: 2088: 2046: 2018: 1959:Stokes, Karen. 1949:Silvey, Anita. 1920: 1902: 1888:(2004). 472 pp. 1878: 1862: 1822: 1804: 1798: 1780: 1760: 1744: 1713:Attie, Jeanie. 1700: 1684: 1681: 1675: 1673:Further reading 1670: 1669: 1664: 1660: 1630: 1629: 1625: 1621:Goldstein p.275 1620: 1616: 1611: 1607: 1602: 1598: 1593: 1589: 1584: 1580: 1575: 1571: 1566: 1562: 1557: 1553: 1548: 1544: 1539: 1535: 1530: 1526: 1521: 1517: 1512: 1508: 1503: 1499: 1494: 1490: 1485: 1481: 1476: 1472: 1462: 1460: 1450: 1449: 1445: 1427: 1426: 1419: 1410: 1406: 1401: 1397: 1392: 1388: 1379: 1375: 1366: 1362: 1357: 1353: 1344: 1337: 1328: 1326: 1309: 1308: 1304: 1295: 1291: 1278: 1274: 1269: 1262: 1253: 1249: 1240: 1236: 1227: 1223: 1218: 1214: 1205: 1201: 1192: 1188: 1179: 1175: 1166: 1162: 1157: 1153: 1141: 1137: 1128: 1124: 1115: 1111: 1107:Goldstein p.110 1106: 1102: 1093: 1091: 1082: 1081: 1077: 1066: 1062: 1053: 1049: 1037: 1033: 1024: 1020: 1014:Civil War Times 1011: 1007: 998: 994: 981: 977: 968: 964: 946: 945: 941: 931: 930: 926: 918:Ethel A. Hurn, 917: 913: 875: 874: 870: 840: 839: 835: 828: 815: 814: 810: 803: 790: 789: 785: 778: 765: 764: 760: 753: 740: 739: 735: 693: 692: 685: 655: 654: 650: 620: 619: 615: 577: 576: 572: 565: 552: 551: 547: 542: 510: 490:Jefferson Davis 478: 435:George Spalding 404:John N. Forrest 381: 375: 303: 263: 247:Abraham Lincoln 232: 182: 159: 157:Female soldiers 123: 114: 109: 100: 56:(1861–65), the 50: 45: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 4769: 4767: 4759: 4758: 4756:Gender history 4753: 4748: 4743: 4738: 4728: 4727: 4721: 4720: 4718: 4717: 4707: 4696: 4693: 4692: 4689: 4688: 4685: 4684: 4682: 4681: 4675: 4673: 4669: 4668: 4666: 4665: 4663:Women soldiers 4660: 4655: 4650: 4645: 4640: 4635: 4630: 4625: 4620: 4618:Naming the war 4615: 4610: 4605: 4600: 4599: 4598: 4588: 4587: 4586: 4576: 4571: 4566: 4560: 4558: 4554: 4553: 4551: 4550: 4549: 4548: 4543: 4538: 4533: 4523: 4518: 4513: 4508: 4502: 4500: 4496: 4495: 4493: 4492: 4487: 4482: 4477: 4472: 4465: 4460: 4455: 4449: 4447: 4441: 4440: 4438: 4437: 4432: 4427: 4422: 4417: 4412: 4407: 4402: 4397: 4392: 4387: 4382: 4377: 4372: 4367: 4362: 4356: 4354: 4350: 4349: 4347: 4346: 4341: 4336: 4331: 4326: 4321: 4316: 4311: 4306: 4301: 4296: 4291: 4286: 4281: 4276: 4271: 4266: 4261: 4256: 4254:Campaign Medal 4251: 4245: 4243: 4235: 4234: 4231: 4230: 4229:Related topics 4226: 4225: 4218: 4217: 4214: 4213: 4210: 4209: 4207: 4206: 4201: 4196: 4191: 4186: 4181: 4174: 4169: 4164: 4158: 4156: 4152: 4151: 4149: 4148: 4143: 4137: 4135: 4131: 4130: 4127: 4126: 4124: 4123: 4118: 4117: 4116: 4111: 4106: 4095: 4093: 4089: 4088: 4086: 4085: 4084: 4083: 4078: 4067: 4065: 4058: 4052: 4051: 4049: 4048: 4043: 4038: 4033: 4028: 4023: 4018: 4013: 4008: 4003: 3998: 3993: 3992: 3991: 3986: 3976: 3971: 3970: 3969: 3964: 3959: 3957:Decoration Day 3954: 3949: 3944: 3939: 3934: 3929: 3924: 3913: 3911: 3910:Reconstruction 3905: 3904: 3902: 3901: 3896: 3891: 3890: 3889: 3879: 3874: 3869: 3868: 3867: 3857: 3852: 3847: 3846: 3845: 3840: 3835: 3830: 3820: 3819: 3818: 3813: 3808: 3803: 3798: 3788: 3783: 3778: 3773: 3772: 3771: 3766: 3764:second inquiry 3761: 3756: 3751: 3746: 3736: 3735: 3734: 3728: 3721:Homestead Acts 3718: 3713: 3708: 3703: 3702: 3701: 3691: 3686: 3681: 3676: 3671: 3669:Alabama Claims 3665: 3663: 3661:Reconstruction 3657: 3656: 3654: 3653: 3652: 3651: 3649:15th Amendment 3646: 3644:14th Amendment 3641: 3639:13th Amendment 3630: 3628: 3618: 3617: 3614: 3607: 3606: 3603: 3602: 3599: 3598: 3595: 3594: 3592: 3591: 3586: 3581: 3576: 3571: 3566: 3561: 3556: 3551: 3546: 3541: 3535: 3533: 3529: 3528: 3526: 3525: 3520: 3515: 3510: 3505: 3500: 3495: 3490: 3485: 3480: 3475: 3470: 3465: 3460: 3455: 3450: 3445: 3440: 3435: 3430: 3425: 3420: 3415: 3410: 3404: 3402: 3395: 3391: 3390: 3387: 3386: 3384: 3383: 3378: 3373: 3368: 3363: 3358: 3353: 3348: 3343: 3337: 3335: 3331: 3330: 3328: 3327: 3322: 3317: 3312: 3307: 3302: 3297: 3292: 3287: 3282: 3277: 3272: 3270:J. E. Johnston 3267: 3265:A. S. Johnston 3262: 3257: 3252: 3247: 3242: 3237: 3232: 3227: 3222: 3217: 3212: 3207: 3205:R. H. Anderson 3201: 3199: 3192: 3184: 3183: 3178: 3171: 3170: 3167: 3166: 3163: 3162: 3159: 3158: 3156: 3155: 3150: 3145: 3140: 3135: 3130: 3125: 3119: 3117: 3113: 3112: 3110: 3109: 3104: 3099: 3094: 3089: 3084: 3079: 3074: 3069: 3067:South Carolina 3064: 3059: 3054: 3049: 3044: 3042:North Carolina 3039: 3034: 3029: 3024: 3019: 3014: 3009: 3004: 2999: 2994: 2989: 2984: 2979: 2974: 2969: 2964: 2959: 2954: 2949: 2944: 2939: 2934: 2929: 2924: 2919: 2914: 2909: 2904: 2899: 2894: 2889: 2884: 2879: 2874: 2868: 2866: 2857: 2853: 2852: 2850: 2849: 2844: 2839: 2834: 2829: 2824: 2819: 2814: 2809: 2804: 2799: 2794: 2789: 2784: 2779: 2774: 2769: 2767:Fredericksburg 2764: 2759: 2754: 2749: 2744: 2739: 2734: 2729: 2724: 2719: 2714: 2709: 2707:Wilson's Creek 2704: 2699: 2693: 2691: 2684: 2683: 2681: 2680: 2675: 2670: 2665: 2660: 2655: 2650: 2645: 2640: 2635: 2630: 2625: 2620: 2615: 2610: 2605: 2600: 2595: 2590: 2585: 2580: 2575: 2570: 2565: 2560: 2555: 2549: 2547: 2540: 2539: 2537: 2536: 2531: 2526: 2521: 2519:Lower Seaboard 2516: 2511: 2505: 2503: 2499: 2498: 2495: 2494: 2492: 2491: 2486: 2481: 2475: 2473: 2467: 2466: 2464: 2463: 2458: 2453: 2448: 2442: 2440: 2431: 2423: 2422: 2419: 2418: 2415: 2412: 2409: 2406: 2402: 2401: 2394: 2393: 2390: 2389: 2386: 2385: 2383: 2382: 2377: 2375:Harriet Tubman 2372: 2371: 2370: 2363:Charles Sumner 2360: 2355: 2350: 2345: 2340: 2335: 2330: 2325: 2320: 2315: 2310: 2305: 2299: 2297: 2291: 2290: 2288: 2287: 2280: 2275: 2270: 2265: 2260: 2255: 2250: 2245: 2240: 2233: 2228: 2223: 2217: 2215: 2209: 2208: 2206: 2205: 2200: 2198:States' rights 2195: 2190: 2185: 2180: 2175: 2170: 2165: 2160: 2155: 2150: 2145: 2140: 2135: 2130: 2124: 2122: 2120: 2119: 2113: 2106: 2105: 2102: 2095: 2094: 2089: 2087: 2086: 2079: 2072: 2064: 2058: 2057: 2052: 2045: 2044:External links 2042: 2041: 2040: 2033: 2026: 2017: 2016:Historiography 2014: 2013: 2012: 2005: 1995: 1985: 1978: 1971: 1964: 1957: 1947: 1942:Silber, Nina. 1940: 1933: 1924: 1918: 1900: 1891:Massey, Mary. 1889: 1882: 1876: 1860: 1853: 1843: 1836: 1826: 1820: 1802: 1796: 1782:D'Emilio, John 1778: 1771: 1764: 1758: 1742: 1732: 1725: 1718: 1711: 1708:Annals of Iowa 1704: 1698: 1677:Main article: 1674: 1671: 1668: 1667: 1665:Abramson p.180 1658: 1639:(3): 346–368. 1623: 1614: 1605: 1596: 1587: 1578: 1569: 1560: 1551: 1542: 1533: 1524: 1515: 1506: 1497: 1488: 1479: 1470: 1443: 1417: 1404: 1395: 1386: 1373: 1367:Richard Hall, 1360: 1351: 1335: 1302: 1289: 1272: 1260: 1247: 1234: 1221: 1212: 1199: 1186: 1173: 1160: 1151: 1135: 1122: 1109: 1100: 1075: 1070:Alabama Review 1060: 1047: 1031: 1018: 1005: 992: 975: 962: 939: 924: 911: 884:(2): 409–428. 868: 849:(2): 213–233. 833: 826: 808: 801: 783: 777:978-1889020044 776: 758: 751: 733: 706:(3): 190–207. 683: 648: 629:(3): 197–212. 613: 592:10.1086/494734 586:(2): 363–392. 570: 563: 544: 543: 541: 538: 537: 536: 531: 526: 521: 519:Gender history 516: 509: 506: 477: 474: 462: 461: 458: 454: 450: 374: 371: 327:camp followers 302: 299: 286:'s capital to 262: 259: 231: 228: 184:The number of 158: 155: 151:Reconstruction 122: 119: 113: 110: 108: 105: 99: 96: 68:Mary Livermore 49: 46: 44: 41: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 4768: 4757: 4754: 4752: 4749: 4747: 4744: 4742: 4739: 4737: 4734: 4733: 4731: 4716: 4712: 4708: 4706: 4698: 4697: 4694: 4680: 4677: 4676: 4674: 4670: 4664: 4661: 4659: 4656: 4654: 4651: 4649: 4646: 4644: 4641: 4639: 4636: 4634: 4633:Photographers 4631: 4629: 4626: 4624: 4621: 4619: 4616: 4614: 4611: 4609: 4608:Gender issues 4606: 4604: 4601: 4597: 4594: 4593: 4592: 4589: 4585: 4582: 4581: 4580: 4577: 4575: 4572: 4570: 4567: 4565: 4562: 4561: 4559: 4555: 4547: 4544: 4542: 4539: 4537: 4534: 4532: 4529: 4528: 4527: 4524: 4522: 4519: 4517: 4514: 4512: 4509: 4507: 4504: 4503: 4501: 4497: 4491: 4488: 4486: 4483: 4481: 4478: 4476: 4473: 4471: 4470: 4466: 4464: 4461: 4459: 4456: 4454: 4451: 4450: 4448: 4446: 4442: 4436: 4435:War Democrats 4433: 4431: 4428: 4426: 4425:Union Leagues 4423: 4421: 4418: 4416: 4413: 4411: 4408: 4406: 4403: 4401: 4398: 4396: 4393: 4391: 4388: 4386: 4383: 4381: 4378: 4376: 4373: 4371: 4368: 4366: 4363: 4361: 4358: 4357: 4355: 4351: 4345: 4342: 4340: 4337: 4335: 4332: 4330: 4327: 4325: 4324:Turning point 4322: 4320: 4317: 4315: 4312: 4310: 4307: 4305: 4302: 4300: 4297: 4295: 4294:Naval battles 4292: 4290: 4287: 4285: 4282: 4280: 4277: 4275: 4272: 4270: 4267: 4265: 4262: 4260: 4257: 4255: 4252: 4250: 4247: 4246: 4244: 4240: 4236: 4228: 4227: 4223: 4219: 4205: 4202: 4200: 4197: 4195: 4192: 4190: 4187: 4185: 4182: 4180: 4179: 4175: 4173: 4170: 4168: 4165: 4163: 4160: 4159: 4157: 4153: 4147: 4144: 4142: 4139: 4138: 4136: 4132: 4122: 4119: 4115: 4112: 4110: 4107: 4105: 4102: 4101: 4100: 4097: 4096: 4094: 4090: 4082: 4079: 4077: 4074: 4073: 4072: 4069: 4068: 4066: 4062: 4059: 4057:and memorials 4053: 4047: 4044: 4042: 4039: 4037: 4034: 4032: 4029: 4027: 4024: 4022: 4019: 4017: 4014: 4012: 4009: 4007: 4004: 4002: 3999: 3997: 3994: 3990: 3987: 3985: 3982: 3981: 3980: 3977: 3975: 3972: 3968: 3965: 3963: 3960: 3958: 3955: 3953: 3950: 3948: 3945: 3943: 3940: 3938: 3935: 3933: 3930: 3928: 3925: 3923: 3920: 3919: 3918: 3917:Commemoration 3915: 3914: 3912: 3906: 3900: 3897: 3895: 3892: 3888: 3885: 3884: 3883: 3880: 3878: 3875: 3873: 3870: 3866: 3863: 3862: 3861: 3858: 3856: 3853: 3851: 3848: 3844: 3841: 3839: 3836: 3834: 3831: 3829: 3826: 3825: 3824: 3821: 3817: 3814: 3812: 3809: 3807: 3804: 3802: 3799: 3797: 3794: 3793: 3792: 3789: 3787: 3784: 3782: 3779: 3777: 3774: 3770: 3767: 3765: 3762: 3760: 3759:first inquiry 3757: 3755: 3752: 3750: 3747: 3745: 3742: 3741: 3740: 3737: 3732: 3729: 3727: 3724: 3723: 3722: 3719: 3717: 3714: 3712: 3709: 3707: 3704: 3700: 3697: 3696: 3695: 3692: 3690: 3687: 3685: 3682: 3680: 3679:Carpetbaggers 3677: 3675: 3672: 3670: 3667: 3666: 3664: 3662: 3658: 3650: 3647: 3645: 3642: 3640: 3637: 3636: 3635: 3632: 3631: 3629: 3627: 3623: 3619: 3612: 3608: 3590: 3587: 3585: 3582: 3580: 3577: 3575: 3572: 3570: 3567: 3565: 3562: 3560: 3557: 3555: 3552: 3550: 3547: 3545: 3542: 3540: 3537: 3536: 3534: 3530: 3524: 3521: 3519: 3516: 3514: 3511: 3509: 3506: 3504: 3501: 3499: 3496: 3494: 3491: 3489: 3486: 3484: 3481: 3479: 3476: 3474: 3471: 3469: 3466: 3464: 3461: 3459: 3456: 3454: 3451: 3449: 3446: 3444: 3441: 3439: 3436: 3434: 3431: 3429: 3426: 3424: 3421: 3419: 3416: 3414: 3411: 3409: 3406: 3405: 3403: 3399: 3396: 3392: 3382: 3379: 3377: 3374: 3372: 3369: 3367: 3364: 3362: 3359: 3357: 3354: 3352: 3349: 3347: 3344: 3342: 3339: 3338: 3336: 3332: 3326: 3323: 3321: 3318: 3316: 3313: 3311: 3308: 3306: 3303: 3301: 3298: 3296: 3293: 3291: 3288: 3286: 3283: 3281: 3278: 3276: 3273: 3271: 3268: 3266: 3263: 3261: 3258: 3256: 3253: 3251: 3248: 3246: 3243: 3241: 3238: 3236: 3233: 3231: 3228: 3226: 3223: 3221: 3218: 3216: 3213: 3211: 3208: 3206: 3203: 3202: 3200: 3196: 3193: 3189: 3185: 3181: 3176: 3172: 3154: 3151: 3149: 3146: 3144: 3141: 3139: 3136: 3134: 3131: 3129: 3126: 3124: 3121: 3120: 3118: 3114: 3108: 3105: 3103: 3102:West Virginia 3100: 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2705: 2703: 2700: 2698: 2695: 2694: 2692: 2690: 2685: 2679: 2676: 2674: 2671: 2669: 2666: 2664: 2661: 2659: 2656: 2654: 2651: 2649: 2646: 2644: 2641: 2639: 2636: 2634: 2631: 2629: 2626: 2624: 2621: 2619: 2616: 2614: 2611: 2609: 2608:Morgan's Raid 2606: 2604: 2601: 2599: 2596: 2594: 2591: 2589: 2586: 2584: 2581: 2579: 2576: 2574: 2571: 2569: 2566: 2564: 2561: 2559: 2556: 2554: 2553:Anaconda Plan 2551: 2550: 2548: 2546: 2541: 2535: 2532: 2530: 2529:Pacific Coast 2527: 2525: 2522: 2520: 2517: 2515: 2512: 2510: 2507: 2506: 2504: 2500: 2490: 2487: 2485: 2482: 2480: 2477: 2476: 2474: 2472: 2468: 2462: 2459: 2457: 2454: 2452: 2449: 2447: 2444: 2443: 2441: 2439: 2435: 2432: 2428: 2424: 2416: 2413: 2410: 2407: 2404: 2403: 2399: 2395: 2381: 2378: 2376: 2373: 2369: 2366: 2365: 2364: 2361: 2359: 2356: 2354: 2351: 2349: 2346: 2344: 2341: 2339: 2336: 2334: 2331: 2329: 2326: 2324: 2321: 2319: 2316: 2314: 2311: 2309: 2306: 2304: 2301: 2300: 2298: 2296: 2292: 2286: 2285: 2281: 2279: 2276: 2274: 2271: 2269: 2266: 2264: 2263:Positive good 2261: 2259: 2256: 2254: 2251: 2249: 2246: 2244: 2241: 2239: 2238: 2234: 2232: 2229: 2227: 2224: 2222: 2219: 2218: 2216: 2214: 2210: 2204: 2201: 2199: 2196: 2194: 2191: 2189: 2186: 2184: 2181: 2179: 2178:Panic of 1857 2176: 2174: 2171: 2169: 2166: 2164: 2161: 2159: 2156: 2154: 2151: 2149: 2146: 2144: 2141: 2139: 2138:Border states 2136: 2134: 2131: 2129: 2126: 2125: 2123: 2118: 2115: 2114: 2111: 2107: 2100: 2096: 2092: 2085: 2080: 2078: 2073: 2071: 2066: 2065: 2062: 2056: 2053: 2051: 2048: 2047: 2043: 2038: 2034: 2031: 2027: 2024: 2020: 2019: 2015: 2010: 2006: 2004: 2000: 1996: 1994: 1990: 1986: 1983: 1979: 1976: 1972: 1969: 1965: 1962: 1958: 1956: 1952: 1948: 1945: 1941: 1938: 1934: 1931: 1928: 1925: 1921: 1915: 1911: 1910: 1905: 1901: 1898: 1894: 1890: 1887: 1883: 1879: 1873: 1869: 1865: 1861: 1858: 1854: 1852: 1848: 1844: 1841: 1837: 1835: 1831: 1827: 1823: 1817: 1813: 1812: 1807: 1803: 1799: 1793: 1789: 1788: 1783: 1779: 1776: 1772: 1769: 1765: 1761: 1755: 1751: 1747: 1743: 1741: 1737: 1733: 1730: 1726: 1723: 1719: 1716: 1712: 1709: 1705: 1701: 1695: 1691: 1687: 1683: 1682: 1680: 1672: 1662: 1659: 1654: 1650: 1646: 1642: 1638: 1634: 1627: 1624: 1618: 1615: 1609: 1606: 1600: 1597: 1591: 1588: 1582: 1579: 1573: 1570: 1564: 1561: 1555: 1552: 1546: 1543: 1537: 1534: 1528: 1525: 1519: 1516: 1510: 1507: 1501: 1498: 1492: 1489: 1483: 1480: 1474: 1471: 1459:on 2001-04-07 1458: 1454: 1447: 1444: 1439: 1435: 1431: 1424: 1422: 1418: 1414: 1408: 1405: 1399: 1396: 1390: 1387: 1383: 1377: 1374: 1370: 1364: 1361: 1355: 1352: 1348: 1342: 1340: 1336: 1325: 1321: 1317: 1313: 1306: 1303: 1299: 1293: 1290: 1286: 1282: 1276: 1273: 1267: 1265: 1261: 1257: 1251: 1248: 1244: 1241:Frank Moore, 1238: 1235: 1231: 1225: 1222: 1216: 1213: 1209: 1203: 1200: 1196: 1190: 1187: 1183: 1177: 1174: 1170: 1167:Bonnie Tsui, 1164: 1161: 1155: 1152: 1148: 1145: 1139: 1136: 1132: 1126: 1123: 1119: 1113: 1110: 1104: 1101: 1090:on 2015-08-15 1089: 1085: 1079: 1076: 1072: 1071: 1064: 1061: 1057: 1051: 1048: 1045: 1041: 1035: 1032: 1028: 1022: 1019: 1015: 1009: 1006: 1002: 996: 993: 989: 985: 979: 976: 972: 966: 963: 958: 953: 952: 943: 940: 935: 928: 925: 921: 915: 912: 907: 903: 899: 895: 891: 887: 883: 879: 872: 869: 864: 860: 856: 852: 848: 844: 837: 834: 829: 827:9780813932187 823: 819: 812: 809: 804: 802:9780313289453 798: 794: 787: 784: 779: 773: 769: 762: 759: 754: 752:9781558495135 748: 744: 737: 734: 729: 725: 721: 717: 713: 709: 705: 701: 697: 690: 688: 684: 679: 675: 671: 667: 663: 659: 652: 649: 644: 640: 636: 632: 628: 624: 617: 614: 609: 605: 601: 597: 593: 589: 585: 581: 574: 571: 566: 564:9780674214880 560: 556: 549: 546: 539: 535: 532: 530: 527: 525: 522: 520: 517: 515: 512: 511: 507: 505: 503: 502:Comstock laws 498: 494: 491: 482: 475: 473: 471: 467: 459: 455: 451: 448: 447: 446: 444: 440: 436: 432: 424: 420: 416: 415: 409: 405: 400: 396: 394: 390: 385: 380: 372: 370: 368: 364: 360: 356: 351: 347: 343: 338: 336: 335:Joseph Hooker 332: 328: 323: 321: 317: 313: 309: 300: 298: 296: 291: 289: 285: 281: 280: 275: 270: 268: 267:homosexuality 261:Homosexuality 260: 258: 256: 252: 248: 243: 241: 240:Camp Dennison 237: 229: 227: 223: 219: 216: 210: 202: 198: 194: 190: 187: 181: 171: 163: 156: 154: 152: 146: 142: 138: 131: 127: 120: 118: 111: 106: 104: 97: 95: 93: 89: 85: 81: 77: 73: 69: 65: 63: 59: 55: 47: 42: 40: 38: 34: 30: 19: 4607: 4574:Bibliography 4557:Other topics 4499:By ethnicity 4467: 4420:Trent Affair 4319:Signal Corps 4176: 3899:White League 3786:Ku Klux Klan 3699:Confederados 3626:Constitution 3498:D. D. Porter 3351:Breckinridge 3062:Rhode Island 3057:Pennsylvania 2812:Spotsylvania 2772:Stones River 2752:2nd Bull Run 2702:1st Bull Run 2588:Stones River 2489:Marine Corps 2456:Marine Corps 2295:Abolitionism 2282: 2235: 2036: 2029: 2022: 2008: 1998: 1988: 1981: 1974: 1967: 1960: 1950: 1943: 1936: 1929: 1908: 1896: 1892: 1885: 1867: 1856: 1846: 1839: 1829: 1810: 1786: 1774: 1767: 1749: 1735: 1728: 1721: 1714: 1707: 1689: 1661: 1636: 1632: 1626: 1617: 1608: 1599: 1594:Clinton p.25 1590: 1585:Clinton p.20 1581: 1576:Clinton p.14 1572: 1567:Clinton p.16 1563: 1558:Clinton p.10 1554: 1545: 1536: 1531:Lowry p. 104 1527: 1518: 1509: 1500: 1491: 1482: 1473: 1461:. Retrieved 1457:the original 1446: 1437: 1433: 1412: 1407: 1398: 1389: 1381: 1376: 1368: 1363: 1354: 1346: 1327:. Retrieved 1316:The Guardian 1315: 1305: 1297: 1292: 1284: 1280: 1275: 1255: 1250: 1242: 1237: 1229: 1224: 1215: 1207: 1202: 1194: 1189: 1181: 1176: 1168: 1163: 1154: 1143: 1138: 1130: 1125: 1117: 1112: 1103: 1092:. Retrieved 1088:the original 1078: 1068: 1063: 1055: 1050: 1039: 1034: 1026: 1021: 1013: 1008: 1000: 995: 983: 978: 965: 950: 942: 933: 927: 919: 914: 881: 877: 871: 846: 842: 836: 817: 811: 792: 786: 767: 761: 742: 736: 703: 699: 664:(1): 17–37. 661: 657: 651: 626: 622: 616: 583: 579: 573: 554: 548: 499: 495: 487: 463: 438: 428: 422: 413: 384:Prostitution 382: 373:Prostitution 353:cities like 339: 324: 308:masturbation 304: 292: 277: 271: 264: 244: 233: 224: 220: 214: 211: 207: 195: 191: 183: 147: 143: 139: 136: 124: 115: 101: 84:Clara Barton 66: 62:Dorothea Dix 51: 33:gender roles 26: 4380:Copperheads 4092:Confederate 3984:Black Codes 3310:E. K. Smith 3191:Confederate 3138:New Orleans 3133:Chattanooga 2997:Mississippi 2897:Connecticut 2865:territories 2856:Involvement 2817:Cold Harbor 2807:Fort Pillow 2797:Chattanooga 2792:Chickamauga 2742:Seven Pines 2732:New Orleans 2697:Fort Sumter 2638:Valley 1864 2471:Confederacy 2268:Slave Power 2248:Fire-Eaters 1549:Clinton p.9 1513:Lowry p. 56 1486:Lowry p.110 1477:Lowry p.109 1393:Lowry p.123 1296:Eggleston, 493:president. 419:Puss Pettus 359:New Orleans 284:Confederacy 251:Lieber Code 249:signed the 121:Confederacy 52:During the 27:During the 4730:Categories 4613:Juneteenth 4134:Cemeteries 4011:Red Shirts 3922:Centennial 3872:Red Shirts 3280:Longstreet 3210:Beauregard 3153:Winchester 3128:Charleston 3097:Washington 3032:New Mexico 3027:New Jersey 2887:California 2863:States and 2847:Five Forks 2832:Mobile Bay 2802:Wilderness 2782:Gettysburg 2762:Perryville 2747:Seven Days 2678:Appomattox 2603:Gettysburg 2563:New Mexico 2430:Combatants 2405:Combatants 2318:John Brown 1633:Civil Wars 1440:: 306–307. 1329:2023-08-09 1094:2015-08-09 443:Louisville 414:Carondelet 265:The term " 4591:Espionage 4385:Diplomacy 4353:Political 4309:POW camps 4055:Monuments 3882:Scalawags 3877:Redeemers 3615:Aftermath 3564:Pinkerton 3503:Rosecrans 3468:McClellan 3371:Memminger 3107:Wisconsin 3072:Tennessee 2992:Minnesota 2967:Louisiana 2842:Nashville 2787:Vicksburg 2717:Pea Ridge 2668:Carolinas 2623:Red River 2618:Knoxville 2598:Tullahoma 2593:Vicksburg 2573:Peninsula 2545:campaigns 2411:Campaigns 2188:Secession 1722:Historian 1653:143906397 1324:0261-3077 906:145675218 863:144279525 678:144006247 643:143174815 608:143761860 457:hospital. 453:diseased. 431:Tennessee 412:USS  350:gonorrhea 107:Homefront 54:Civil War 4705:Category 4546:Seminole 4536:Cherokee 4289:Medicine 4242:Military 4155:Veterans 3989:Jim Crow 3754:timeline 3549:Ericsson 3532:Civilian 3513:Sheridan 3473:McDowell 3433:Farragut 3418:Burnside 3408:Anderson 3401:Military 3381:Stephens 3341:Benjamin 3334:Civilian 3220:Buchanan 3198:Military 3143:Richmond 3092:Virginia 3037:New York 3012:Nebraska 3002:Missouri 2987:Michigan 2977:Maryland 2962:Kentucky 2937:Illinois 2912:Delaware 2892:Colorado 2877:Arkansas 2837:Franklin 2757:Antietam 2628:Overland 2583:Maryland 2502:Theaters 2408:Theaters 1906:(1994). 1866:(2003). 1808:(1999). 1784:(1997). 1748:(1999). 1688:(2002). 1463:10 March 1413:Daedalus 1384:, 167-68 1044:in JSTOR 990:pp 71–73 728:45269493 720:27652391 508:See also 389:brothels 346:syphilis 288:Richmond 4672:Related 4541:Choctaw 4531:Catawba 4314:Rations 4259:Cavalry 4121:Removal 3749:efforts 3733:of 1873 3579:Stevens 3574:Stanton 3559:Lincoln 3518:Sherman 3453:Halleck 3443:FrĂ©mont 3428:Du Pont 3366:Mallory 3325:Wheeler 3260:Jackson 3240:Forrest 3180:Leaders 3123:Atlanta 3087:Vermont 3007:Montana 2947:Indiana 2922:Georgia 2917:Florida 2882:Arizona 2872:Alabama 2822:Atlanta 2737:Corinth 2689:battles 2633:Atlanta 2613:Bristoe 2514:Western 2509:Eastern 2414:Battles 2213:Slavery 2117:Origins 2103:Origins 1991:(1975) 1849:(2009) 1777:(2006). 1254:Moore, 1144:History 986:(1952) 898:3790195 600:3174468 301:In camp 43:Nursing 37:nursing 4715:Portal 4653:Tokens 3589:Welles 3569:Seward 3554:Hamlin 3523:Thomas 3458:Hooker 3423:Butler 3376:Seddon 3361:Hunter 3346:Bocock 3320:Taylor 3315:Stuart 3305:Semmes 3285:Morgan 3245:Gorgas 3225:Cooper 3116:Cities 3052:Oregon 3017:Nevada 2957:Kansas 2927:Hawaii 2827:Crater 2727:Shiloh 2687:Major 2673:Mobile 2543:Major 2417:States 2368:Caning 2003:Online 1916:  1899:(1994) 1874:  1859:(2018) 1834:Online 1818:  1794:  1770:(1992) 1756:  1740:online 1696:  1651:  1322:  1258:, 533. 1206:Tsui, 904:  896:  861:  824:  799:  774:  749:  726:  718:  676:  641:  606:  598:  561:  476:Legacy 439:Idahoe 365:; and 78:, and 4458:Dixie 4445:Music 4064:Union 3908:Post- 3744:trial 3544:Chase 3539:Adams 3508:Scott 3483:Meigs 3478:Meade 3448:Grant 3438:Foote 3413:Buell 3394:Union 3356:Davis 3300:Price 3290:Mosby 3235:Ewell 3230:Early 3215:Bragg 3077:Texas 2972:Maine 2932:Idaho 2438:Union 1649:S2CID 902:S2CID 894:JSTOR 859:S2CID 724:S2CID 674:S2CID 639:S2CID 604:S2CID 596:JSTOR 580:Signs 540:Notes 470:South 466:North 112:Union 48:Union 4643:Salt 4249:Arms 4099:List 4071:List 3584:Wade 3493:Pope 3463:Hunt 3295:Polk 3255:Hood 3250:Hill 3082:Utah 3047:Ohio 2952:Iowa 2484:Navy 2479:Army 2451:Navy 2446:Army 1914:ISBN 1872:ISBN 1816:ISBN 1792:ISBN 1754:ISBN 1694:ISBN 1465:2020 1320:ISSN 1210:, 24 822:ISBN 797:ISBN 772:ISBN 747:ISBN 716:PMID 559:ISBN 468:and 255:rape 236:rape 230:Rape 3488:Ord 3275:Lee 1641:doi 886:doi 851:doi 708:doi 666:doi 631:doi 588:doi 318:in 314:of 4732:: 1647:. 1637:16 1635:. 1438:34 1436:. 1432:. 1420:^ 1338:^ 1318:. 1314:. 1300:2. 1263:^ 957:16 900:. 892:. 882:35 880:. 857:. 847:18 845:. 770:. 722:. 714:. 704:41 702:. 698:. 686:^ 672:. 662:43 660:. 637:. 627:18 625:. 602:. 594:. 584:17 582:. 504:. 361:; 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Women in the American Civil War
American Civil War
gender roles
Civil War
United States Sanitary Commission
Dorothea Dix
Mary Livermore
Mary Ann Bickerdyke
Sarah Palmer Young
Sarah Emma Edmonds
Clara Barton
American Civil War
American Red Cross


List of female American Civil War soldiers
female soldiers in the war

Camp Dennison
Abraham Lincoln
Lieber Code
male prostitution
The Richmond Dispatch

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