
World of Warcraft: The War Within

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She soon reveals herself to be a haranir, a reclusive subterranean race who came to Azj-Kahet to protect the great roots that grow throughout the region from the corruptive Black Blood of the deceased Old Gods that permeates the area but she is forced to leave due to her people's secretive nature. Widow Arak'nai, a nerubian spymaster known as "the Weaver", contacts Faerin seeking allies to stand against Queen Ansurek, the ruler of Azj-Kahet and Xal'atath's closest ally, who usurped her own mother Queen Neferess whom The Weaver was deeply loyal to. After Ansurek made a bargain with Xal'atath to restore her struggling people's former glory, over time many nerubians in positions of authority became replaced by the Ascended, nerubians transformed by the Black Blood. This angered the traditionalist Anub'azal, the former commander of the nerubian military known as "the General". To undermine Ansurek's authority and the Ascended that replaced him, The General works with the goblin Trade Prince Monte Gazlowe to free numerous prisoners who were captured during the assault on Dalaran and were brought to Azj-Kahet to be experimented on. After receiving an invitation to visit the nerubian capital known as the City of Threads, Alleria meets with Executor Nizrek, one of Ansurek's advisors known as "the Vizier", who became horrified of the queen's actions and has Anduin brought to him in secret. Anduin and Alleria then observe one of Ansurek's speeches and witness Xal'atath by her side. Alleria impulsively attempts to assassinate Xal'atath, who easily avoids the attack and Ansurek sends guards to apprehend them, forcing Anduin and Alleria to flee. After they inform The Weaver of what transpired in the city, she contacts The General and The Vizier who together decide to join forces and form the Severed Threads conspiracy to launch an insurrection against Ansurek.
the ceiling of the cavern that acts as an inner sun and meets Faerin Lothar, a hopeful Arathi Lamplighter. She explains how her people were part of an expedition that became stranded in Hallowfall fifteen years prior after they were sent by the prophetic emperor of the Arathi Empire to find Beledar. Anduin and Faerin then make their way to Hallowfall's border wall and meet Great Kyron, leader of the Lamplighters, who defend the Arathi against threats by lighting Dawntowers that radiate holy light. Together they manage to hold off a nerubian attack and are joined by Alleria before witnessing Beledar shift into a temporary Void state that empowers the dangerous creatures that inhabit Hallowfall's darkest regions. The trio then meets with Vaelisia Steelstrike, who commands the Arathi military, and they fend off a raid of the monstrous kobyss who attack whenever Beledar shifts. They soon discover a group of void cultists known as the Order of Night who serve Xal'atath and Anduin struggles to purify a Dawntower corrupted by them after previously losing access to his Light abilities. They then defend the Arathi city of Mereldar from a combined invasion of the Order of Night and the kobyss where they manage to defeat the Order of Night's leader Aelric Reid. Before the Arathi have time to recover, the nerubians launch another offensive on the border, so Anduin, Faerin, and Alleria head to defend against it. As they board an airship to push back the nerubians, Anduin stays behind to protect the others but is quickly overwhelmed and dragged away.
earthen would eventually all shutdown. Brinthe is soon joined by Magni, Moira, and Dagran who together meet with High Speaker Eirich, leader of the Machine Speakers, who dismisses Brinthe's concerns and the problems of his people, seeking only to reactivate the Awakening Machine. Deciding to solve the problems herself, Brinthe allies with the kobold Skitter and helps depose the tyrannical Candle King, ending kobold attacks on earthen settlements and recruiting many rebellious kobolds to take the place of the decreasing number of earthen. Magni and Dagran then investigate an abandoned mine only to discover it overrun with skardyn, earthen corrupted with void magic, and soon learn that Eirich allowed Xal'atath to repair the Awakening Machine but that any who use it become skardyn. They then join Brinthe in confronting Eirich, who finishes corrupting the Awakening Machine out of self-preservation before fleeing, but Magni manages to call upon Azeroth's blessing within himself and purifies the machine, shattering his diamond form and returning him to his original dwarven body. With the Awakening Machine reactivated, the earthen could now be recharged and no longer faced extinction. Brinthe takes Eirich's place as High Speaker and unites the Machine Speakers and kobolds to defeat Eirich and his skardyn forces before returning to the surface to join the Council of Dornogal.
been isolated on the island for millennia and that they strictly follow a set of edicts issued by the Titans. He reluctantly agrees to work with the outsiders and they attempt to defend the earthen capital of Dornogal from an invasion of nerubians who succeed in damaging the Coreway, a large access tunnel that connects the surface to the rest of Khaz Algar underground. Upon meeting Councilward Merrix, leader of the Oathsworn earthen, he accepts the outsider's aid while Thrall and Jaina leave the island to gather Horde and Alliance reinforcements. Baelgrim then seeks out Stoneward Adelgonn, the estranged leader of the Unbound earthen, and despite her history of rejecting the Titan's edicts, he manages to recruit her to repair the Coreway. He then attempts to rally the Stormriders together, only to discover that the vast majority had either been killed or corrupted by void magic in his absence. With the lack of an earthen military force, Adelgonn lays a trap to fend off the nerubians and Baelgrim sacrifices himself to defeat the nerubian commander, saving Dornogal from further incursions. Inspired by Baelgrim's sacrifice, Merrix and Adelgonn reform the Council of Dornogal, and the Coreway is soon repaired. Alleria, who is being taunted by visions of Xal'atath, quickly heads underground to pursue her target, seeking vengeance for Dalaran's destruction.
far, the Severed Threads conspirators, the Weaver, General, and Vizier, launch a joint assault on Nerub-ar Palace, Ansurek's seat of power. They manage to defeat many of the queen's loyalists, several monstrous experiments created by the ascension process, and soon engage Ky'veza, who is discovered to be an assassin sent by an unknown master to infiltrate the city and kill Ansurek as she had become too unstable. After dispelling an illusion created by Ky'veza, the assassin flees the palace which causes Ansurek to become further paranoid of traitors in the royal court and begins executing many of her subjects. The conspirators reveal their identities to Ansurek and deal with the remaining members of the court, before engaging the queen herself. In a final desperate move, Ansurek attempts to undergo ascension but is defeated. In her dying moments, Xal'atath appears before the queen and dismisses her as weak, stating that their cooperation was only a means to an end. Victorious in their campaign, the conspirators gather around Ansurek's corpse and ponder if a more dangerous threat looms in the shadows.
Black Blood was running through Hallowfall towards the Priory of the Sacred Flame, where the Arathi contemplate and worship Beledar which had shifted into its Void state. Alleria, Anduin, and Faerin head to the Priory where Neferess is compelled to attack them, but after she fights against Xal'atath's control, they choose to spare her. Alleria then confronts Xal'atath, who channels Black Blood into the Dark Heart relic within sight of Beledar, and Alleria manages to fire an arrow that strikes and cracks open the Dark Heart, angering Xal'atath who hastily retreats. As Xal'atath portals away, Khadgar emerges from the portal and collapses, having been captured inside the Dark Heart since Dalaran's destruction. As Alleria mourns Khadgar, Beledar shifts back into its Light state and Anduin manages to rekindle his Light abilities to heal the archmage. Alleria and Anduin then bring Khadgar to Dornogal to recover and Neferess is brought to The Weaver in Azj-Kahet in the hopes that the former queen can be helped.
Turalyon. With the combined might of the earthen, Arathi, Horde, and Alliance, they form the Algari Offensive to protect Khaz Algar and stop Xal'atath. While the Council of Dornogal had been restored with Merrix, Adelgonn, and Brinthe among his members, they still sought to reform the Stormriders and find a new Stormward to lead them. Thrall seeks out Lufsela, who tends to the elemental stormrooks that the Stormriders use as mounts, and together they work with the veteran Stormrider Olbarig to find recruits to replenish their number and manage to summon forth new stormrooks for them to use in battle. The council then meets and decides to renounce the Titan's edicts for good to give the earthen the freedom of choice and to better assist their new allies. For her help in restoring the Stormriders to their former glory, Lufsela is made the new Stormward with Olbarig as her second, making the Council of Dornogal whole for the first time in thousands of years.
daughter Moira Thaurissan and her son Dagran Thaurissan II, where they consult both Archmage Khadgar and Alleria Windrunner on how to proceed. After Magni awakens, he explains that Azeroth warned him of dark forces on the subterranean continent of Khaz Algar, and Dalaran is teleported above it to investigate the undiscovered land. Alleria, who had been hunting the mysterious Void entity known as Xal'atath, discovers that she had managed to infiltrate Dalaran and launches a full-scale assault on the city with an army of nerubians, an ancient race of humanoid spiders previously thought to be near extinct, who begin kidnapping numerous civilians. After Alleria works with Anduin to evacuate Dalaran's remaining citizens, Khadgar confronts Xal'atath and witnesses her absorbing the arcane energies of Dalaran into the Dark Heart relic, before she obliterates the city, seemingly killing the archmage along with it.
revolves around the Harbinger of the Void, Xal’atath, who mobilizes nerubian forces to pose a threat to Azeroth. Key features encompass the discovery of Khaz Algar off Pandaria's western shores, with the capital city Dornogal serving as a meeting ground for the Horde and Alliance. Skyriding, initially introduced in Dragonflight, facilitates exploration of new zones on various in-game mounts. Dungeons and Raids play a crucial role, featuring eight new dungeons and a raid that brings together Alliance and Horde defenders.
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where the Ascended were developed. They soon discover that the disposed nerubian queen Neferess is still alive and has been turned into a monstrous creature as part of a failed experiment during the development of the ascension process. Y'tekhi is then possessed by Xal'atath, forcing Voss to subdue them and flee the area, only to discover a vast operation where nerubians were transporting Black Blood to Hallowfall.
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mentioned that while the expansion isn’t groundbreaking, it does a great job of setting the stage for the Worldsoul Saga. However, some players raised concerns about the balance of the new talents and the difficulty of certain new challenges. Despite these minor criticisms, “The War Within” was considered a strong addition to the World of Warcraft franchise, reinforcing its position as a leading MMORPG.
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engaging storyline and the expansive new zones, which added depth to the game’s lore and provided fresh exploration opportunities. However, some players expressed concerns about the balance of the new Hero Talents and the difficulty of the Delves. Despite these minor criticisms, The War Within was considered a strong addition to the World of Warcraft franchise.
263:, allowing players to explore the new zones while mounted on various in-game mounts. Delves are treasure vaults providing solo or cooperative play for up to four people, along with an NPC companion, enabling players to defeat bosses and obtain end-game loot. The Warbands feature is an account-wide system. 345:
With the reformed Stormriders and newly constructed war golems, the earthen join the Arathi in Hallowfall to defend against an impending invasion of nerubians led by Xal'atath herself. Supported by the Horde and Alliance, they manage to defeat the invading nerubians, only for Alleria to discover that
After returning to the surface, Anduin and Alleria inform their allies of the danger they face if Xal'atath proceeds with her mysterious plans. Thrall and Jaina soon arrive with a large fleet of Horde and Alliance ships and begin training the earthen for war while Alleria is reunited with her partner
The survivors of Dalaran's destruction find themselves on the Isle of Dorn and must hold off another nerubian assault while rescuing survivors from the rubble. They quickly run into one of the island's inhabitants Stormward Baelgrim, leader of the Stormriders earthen, who details how his people have
With Ansurek's forces weakened, many citizens in the City of Threads are abducted and forced into becoming Ascended. The Vizier investigates the disappearances and finds that the void ethereal Nexus-Princess Ky'veza, a new arrival to the city, was responsible. Believing that the queen had gone too
Seeking to uncover intel that would benefit her cause, The Weaver has her quartermaster Y'tekhi undergo ascension to better infiltrate the City of Threads. After seeking assistance from the surface, Y'tekhi is soon joined by the forsaken Lillian Voss and together they sneak into the Transformatory
Seeking to rescue Anduin from the nerubians, Faerin and Alleria descend into the Azj-Kahet, the last kingdom of the nerubians, but their airship quickly becomes ensnared in its webbed defenses. Before they can be overwhelmed, they are aided by Orweyna, a mysterious druid who then quickly retreats.
After Anduin learns from the earthen that they previously traded with a race known as the Arathi, mixed-race descendants of humans and high elves from the ancient Empire of Arathor, he travels to the expansive cavern known as Hallowfall. He quickly discovers Beledar, an immense crystal embedded in
Now able to access the Coreway, Brinthe, a representative of the Machine Speakers earthen, travels to the settlement of Gundargaz in the Ringing Deeps only to find her people in disarray as the Awakening Machine, a facility used to recharge the earthen, had been disabled for millennia meaning the
Wanting to assist with the war effort, Brinthe and Dagran travel to the Deepforge Golemworks, an abandoned facility that once produced machines of war, only to find it overrun by the Darkfuse Enforcement, a goblin salvage team. They work together to restore both a hydropower plant and restart a
seek out the diamond-bodied Magni Bronzebeard who had previously been able to communicate with the world soul of Azeroth herself who had now been silent for several years. After Magni is injured attempting to commune with Azeroth, they relocate to the floating city of Dalaran along with Magni's
World of Warcraft: The War Within received generally positive reviews from both critics and players. The expansion was praised for its innovative features, including the introduction of the new Earthen allied race, the Hero Talent trees, and the dynamic Skyriding system. Critics highlighted the
on November 3, 2023 as part of the new Worldsoul Saga trilogy, led by Chris Metzen. Typically, Blizzard Entertainment releases a new expansion for World of Warcraft every two years, with only one expansion being announced at BlizzCons. However, this time, Blizzard Entertainment announced three
The War Within delves into a new subterranean realm called Khaz Algar within Azeroth. This underground expanse, illuminated by a central crystal, encompasses unexplored zones, including the dark depths of the nerubian empire and the radiant underground zone of the Arathi. The primary narrative
praised the expansion, stating that it represents “the best it’s ever been” for the game, highlighting the story, environments, music, and new features. Robin Baird from also gave a favorable review, noting that the expansion sets a strong precedent for future content. GamesRadar+
has been raised to 80, allowing players to further develop their characters with new abilities and talents. Starting at level 71, players can unlock new Hero Talents for every class and specialization, providing more depth to character customization and combat strategies.
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mining operation which allows them to reanimate dormant war golems that quickly disperse the goblins, and the facility is reactivated.
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is Khaz Algar, divided into four distinct zones: the Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet. The level cap in
762: 1177: 1067: 993: 788: 464: 201: 1518: 1260: 1170: 1044: 880: 494: 1320: 1097: 378:. Additionally, Blizzard Entertainment revealed plans to release new expansions and content at a faster pace than before. 238: 1135: 1060: 82: 633: 921: 1327: 1313: 1037: 986: 33: 1587: 1156: 1103: 1499: 1253: 1582: 1577: 1512: 1505: 1444: 1212: 1597: 1436: 1074: 1020: 172: 75: 55: 607: 60: 895: 1592: 1523: 70: 47: 839: 581: 1399: 1220: 937:"World of Warcraft: The War Within review – "One of the strongest WoW expansions in recent memory"" 554:"Blizzard Announces Next Three Expansions in World of Warcraft: The Worldsoul Saga - BlizzCon 2023" 92: 736: 815:"World Of Warcraft's Next Three Expansions Revealed All At Once, Including 2024's The War Within" 114: 1541: 1394: 1389: 1088: 860: 525: 292: 218: 195: 122: 291:
As numerous individuals across Azeroth experience strange visions known as the Radiant Song,
1384: 1345: 296: 157: 684: 660:"World of Warcraft: Some Major The War Within Features Coming Sooner Than Players Expected" 634:"World of Warcraft Reveals New Zone, Race, and More Coming With 'The War Within' Expansion" 1379: 1351: 1235: 972: 873: 1414: 711:"Xal'atath Confirmed the Harbinger, Will Have a Unique Rivalry with Alleria Windrunner" 186: 1556: 1463: 1404: 300: 210: 1374: 1206: 1468: 844: 420: 404: 737:"Delves are a new seasonal outdoor content feature in WoW: The War Within" 1483: 1473: 1010: 362: 276: 106: 1478: 1428: 789:"World of Warcraft's 3-expansion Worldsoul Saga announced at BlizzCon" 1409: 966: 222: 127: 982: 424: 419:
received "generally favorable" reviews with a score of 85 on
608:"Everything we know about World of Warcraft: The War Within" 978: 259:
include Dynamic Flying, a feature initially introduced in
763:"Delves: A Look at the New Game Mode in The War Within" 1492: 1456: 1427: 1367: 1360: 1337: 1284: 1245: 1198: 1113: 1086: 1027: 168: 156: 136: 113: 101: 91: 81: 69: 46: 26: 840:"World of Warcraft: The War Within for PC Reviews" 1568:Massively multiplayer online role-playing games 191:massively multiplayer online role-playing game 994: 8: 935:published, Alex Avard (September 3, 2024). 685:"Everything About Delves in The War Within" 582:"World of Warcraft: The War Within Reviews" 521:"World of Warcraft in 2024 —The Road Ahead" 1573:Video games developed in the United States 1364: 1110: 1001: 987: 979: 971: 922:"World of Warcraft: The War Within Review" 896:"World of Warcraft: The War Within Review" 389: 32: 23: 16:2024 tenth expansion for World of Warcraft 299:and the former High King of the Alliance 552:Valentine, Rebekah (November 3, 2023). 511: 437: 1228:Warcraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans 869: 858: 443: 441: 735:Thoma, Christian (November 3, 2023). 519:Longdale, Holly (December 19, 2023). 7: 709:DiscordianKitty (November 5, 2023). 632:Ratcliff, James (November 3, 2023). 576: 574: 394: 217:was released on August 26, 2024 for 1275:World of Warcraft Trading Card Game 920:Baird, Robin (September 16, 2024). 894:Hafer, Leana (September 13, 2024). 787:Marshall, Cass (November 3, 2023). 385: 205:. It will be the first part of the 813:Koch, Cameron (November 3, 2023). 14: 1563:World of Warcraft expansion packs 1268:World of Warcraft: The Board Game 606:James, Sarah (November 8, 2023). 366:upcoming expansions at BlizzCon: 359:World of Warcraft: The War Within 215:World of Warcraft: The War Within 182:World of Warcraft: The War Within 144: 40:World of Warcraft: The War Within 27:World of Warcraft: The War Within 1537: 1536: 533:from the original on May 8, 2024 658:Law, Eric (December 20, 2023). 1519:WoW: Emergent Media Phenomenon 209:trilogy of expansions, led by 1: 1307:Arthas: Rise of the Lich King 239:Gameplay of World of Warcraft 761:Luxrah (November 3, 2023). 1614: 274: 236: 1532: 1018: 492:During the events of the 477:During the events of the 462:During the events of the 447:During the events of the 398: 395: 31: 1500:Corrupted Blood incident 243:The primary setting for 1513:Make Love, Not Warcraft 1506:Defense of the Ancients 879:CS1 maint: url-status ( 282:The War Within campaign 277:Warcraft § Setting 1129:Wrath of the Lich King 1052:Beyond the Dark Portal 1021:Blizzard Entertainment 480:Wrath of the Lich King 76:Blizzard Entertainment 1285:Comics and literature 1045:II: Tides of Darkness 297:Lady Jaina Proudmoore 255:Gameplay features in 1338:Other licensed media 1261:The Roleplaying Game 1400:Sylvanas Windrunner 1321:The Sunwell Trilogy 1221:Heroes of the Storm 1150:Warlords of Draenor 1122:The Burning Crusade 1061:III: Reign of Chaos 423:. Leana Hafer from 392: 1164:Battle for Azeroth 870:|archive-url= 450:Battle for Azeroth 390: 287:Visions of Azeroth 1550: 1549: 1423: 1422: 1390:Illidan Stormrage 1328:World of Warcraft 1300:Tides of Darkness 1293:Rise of the Horde 1199:Other video games 1194: 1193: 1143:Mists of Pandaria 1089:World of Warcraft 1068:The Frozen Throne 1038:Orcs & Humans 526:World of Warcraft 413: 412: 361:was announced at 196:World of Warcraft 178: 177: 1605: 1588:2024 video games 1540: 1539: 1385:Jaina Proudmoore 1365: 1346:Azeroth Choppers 1111: 1003: 996: 989: 980: 975: 970: 969: 967:Official website 952: 951: 949: 947: 932: 926: 925: 917: 911: 910: 908: 906: 891: 885: 884: 877: 871: 866: 864: 856: 854: 852: 836: 830: 829: 827: 825: 810: 804: 803: 801: 799: 784: 778: 777: 775: 773: 758: 752: 751: 749: 747: 732: 726: 725: 723: 721: 706: 700: 699: 697: 695: 681: 675: 674: 672: 670: 655: 649: 648: 646: 644: 629: 623: 622: 620: 618: 603: 597: 596: 594: 592: 578: 569: 568: 566: 564: 549: 543: 542: 540: 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Retrieved 940: 930: 915: 903:. Retrieved 899: 889: 849:. Retrieved 843: 834: 822:. Retrieved 818: 808: 796:. Retrieved 792: 782: 770:. Retrieved 766: 756: 744:. Retrieved 740: 730: 718:. Retrieved 714: 704: 692:. Retrieved 688: 679: 667:. Retrieved 663: 653: 641:. Retrieved 637: 627: 615:. Retrieved 611: 601: 589:. Retrieved 585: 561:. Retrieved 557: 547: 535:. 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Cover art of World of Warcraft: The War Within
Blizzard Team 2
Blizzard Boston
Blizzard Entertainment
expansion pack
massively multiplayer online role-playing game
World of Warcraft
Chris Metzen
Gameplay of World of Warcraft
Warcraft § Setting
Lady Jaina Proudmoore
Anduin Wrynn

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.
