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817:, p. 113: "If the coins from the lower Strymon region that bear the name “ Tyntenoi ' 2 are authentic, they give us a second correspondence between an ethnikon in the lower Strymon basin and one in Epirus, where we find the Atintanes in between the Parauaioi and the Khaones If the Odomantoi-Athamanes and the Tyntenoi-Atintanes were, in truth, each a fracture Paeonian people whose original unity is attested, in either case, by the survival of an identical name, we can account for this by supposing that, in the course of the course of the post - Mycenaean Völkerwanderung, both these Paeonian peoples were split, by impacts from the rear, somewhere in the basin of the River Morava, with the result that their eastern splinters were driven down the Strymon valley, while their western splinters were pushed away to the Adriatic side of the continental divide (..) However, before accepting Kiechers' interpretation of the name 'Atintanes' in terms of Greek, we should have to satisfy ourselves that it was not an Illyrian name but was a Greek one (as its termination -anes perhaps suggests that it may have been) 1772:, p. 243: "In this First Illyrian War (229–228) the Romans freed Corcyra, Pharos, Apollonia, and Epidamnus from Agron’s widow Teuta, as well as the island Issa; and when they marched inland they brought the Illyrian tribe Atintani into alliance with Rome." p. 249: "The treaty, the text of which Polybius has preserved, indicates that Philip expected to keep Rome from gaining control of Illyria—that a peace agreement concluded upon the Carthaginian victory in the war should stipulate that: “the Romans shall no longer be masters of Corcyra, Apollonia, Epidamnus, Pharos, Dimale , Parthini, or Atintania; and that they shall return to Demetrius of Pharos all his friends who are in the dominions of Rome.”" p. 251: "The Peace of Phoenice in 205, which included the allies on both sides, granted to the Romans a number of small Illyrian towns on the Adriatic and to Philip Atintania in Epirus.", p. 262: "The westernmost meris comprised 'upper Macedonia, including... and Atintania around Lake Lycnhidos" 1839:, p. 217: "A major problem of historical topography is considered by M.B. Hatzopoulos, that is the question of the Atintanes and their situation, in the aftermath of the radical solution of N.G.L. Hammond (JRS 79 11-25) which distinguishes two groups of that name,- Illyrian Atintani in the Cermenike region of Central Albania and the Epirote Atintanes somewhere around the upper Drino. It is, according to Hammond, the former who figure of Cassander's operations against Epidamnus in 314 BC (Polyaenus 4.11.4) and subsequently in the Illyrian and Macedonian wars of Rome reported by Polybius (2.11.10-11; 7.9.13), Appian (///. 7-8) and Livy (27.30.13; 29.12.13; 45.30.7). The latter figure in the western Greek campaigns of the Spartan admiral Knemos in 429 BC (Thuc. 2.80.6) and also named by Pseudo- Scylax (c. 26), Lycophron (Alex. 1042-6) and Strabo (7.7.8)." 1409:, pp. 62: “En commençant par le Sud, les premières populations qui voisinent avec les Épirotes sont les Atintanes, et ce ne sont pas les plus simples à situer sur le terrain ; il suffit de voir les problèmes qu’ils ont suscités à N. G. L. Hammond qui en arrive à multiplier les Atintanes en distinguant une Atintania épirote d’une Atintanis, qu’il place, d’abord, au Nord d’Elbasan dans la région appelée Çermenikë . J’ai repris l’ensemble des témoignages existant sur les Atintanes, et je ne reprendrai pas ici la démonstration, me limitant à en donner les conclusions et en me réjouissant que, dans une recherche parallèle, F. Papazoglou soit arrivée à des résultats identiques. L’Atintanie est située dans la zone de collines qui s’étend sur la rive droite de l’Aoos dans la Mallakastra, au Nord de Tepelen et peut-être jusque dans la région de Skrapar.” 1623:, pp. 213–214: "A late 3rd century B.C. inscription at Dodona mentions a "Koinon of the Bylliones."759 This information led Ceka to propose the existence of an Illyrian federated state known as the "Koinon of the Bylliones." He contends that the confederation was composed of three Illyrian tribes: the Bylliones, the Amantes, and the Atintani.760 According to Ceka, the federation was founded before the arrival of the Greeks, and the territory controlled by its member tribes included all of southern Illyria, which extended beyond the modern day Albanian/Greek border into Epirus.761 ... Additionally, it is unlikely that the Illyrian koinon ever encompassed as large a territory as Ceka proposes. It more probably was restricted in extent to the southern, non-Greek speaking portion of Illyria, which does not include Epirus. 764 Epirus was Greek speaking. 859:, p. 113: "If the Odomantoi-Athamanes and the Tyntenoi-Atintanes were, in truth, each a fracture Paeonian people whose original unity is attested, in either case, by the survival of an identical name, we can account for this by supposing that, in the course of the course of the post - Mycenaean Völkerwanderung, both these Paeonian peoples were split, by impacts from the rear, somewhere in the basin of the River Morava, with the result that their eastern splinters were driven down the Strymon valley, while their western splinters were pushed away to the Adriatic side of the continental divide (..) However, before accepting Kiechers' interpretation of the name 'Atintanes' in terms of Greek, we should have to satisfy ourselves that it was not an Illyrian name but was a Greek one (as its termination -anes perhaps suggests that it may have been) 981:, p. 117: "The Illyrian peoples, mentioned in the sources in which the events concerning the Illyrian kingdom are narrated – to name the most outstanding – are the Taulantii, Atintani, Parthini, Enchelei, Penestae, Dassaretii, Ardiaei, Labeates, and the Daorsi. All of these peoples were conceivably more or less closely related in terms of culture, institutions and language. Many of them may have had their own kings, some of whom attained great power and actively took part in the struggle for power in the Hellenistic world. The name “Illyrian” must have carried enough prestige at the time of the rise of the Ardiaean dynasty within the Illyrian kingdom that it was imposed at a later date, when the Romans conquered Illyria and the rest of the Balkans, as the official name of the future provinces of Dalmatia and Pannonia." 1503:, p. 107: "...and their capital must have been located somewhere in south - western Illyria, perhaps they were the Taulantii, but possibly also the Atintanes somewhere in the hinterland of Epidamnus and south of it or the Parthini in the Shkumbi valley, depending on the more or less advanced stage of hostilities between the two kingdoms. ... However, the location of the Atintani is not certain and there are two main hypotheses concerning their identification as one people or two different peoples, one the Atintani and the other the Atintanes : Cabanes, L ' Épire (n . 4), 78 - 81 and passim, argues for the first hypothesis (seemingly more probable), while the second has been advocated by N . G . L . Hammond, » The Illyrian Atintani, the Epirotic Atintanes and the Roman Protectorate «, JRS 79, 1989, 11 - 25 . 1748:, p. 27: "La cartographie récente de Lauriane Martinez-Sève41 fait apparaître une vaste zone entre Illyrie, Épire et Macédoine, constituée du nord au sud de l’Atintanie, de la Paravée et de la Tymphée. On peut considérer qu'il s'agit d'une zone frontalière, une « zone intermédiaire » pour reprendre les termes de Pierre Cabanes. Dans ces régions, il semble très difficile de fixer des limites claires, d'autant que certains peuples sont trop mal connus pour être localisés précisément. Nous ne rouvrirons pas ici le dossier sur les Atintanes, qui a suscité de nombreux débats chez les historiens et des propositions de localisation très diverses. De celle-ci dépend la frontière entre Illyriens et Épirotes." 1093:, p. 172: "When we add to this evidence Thucydides ' description of the Aetolians “ settled in scattered, unfortified villages ” (3 . 94 . 4) or his pseudo-ethnographic portrayal of the Aetolian Eurytanes, who "are apparently incomprehensible in their speech and eaters of raw meat" it soon becomes apparent that in his description of the Acarnanian campaign (see above) the Chaones, Thesproti, Atintanes, Paravaaii, and Orestae are "barbarian" not in the sense that their culture, customs, or behavior are in direct, diametrical opposition to Greek norms but rather in the sense that their seemingly more primitive way of life makes them Hellenes manqués." 1234:, p. 276: "Appian specifically referred to the Atintani as an Illyrian people, which may be in accordance with the data in Pseudo-Scylax (...). The author of the Periplus distinguished between the Illyrian peoples, barbarians, to the north of Chaonia, i.e. the Bulini, ..., Atintanes, and Amantini, while others, i.e. the Chaones, ..., and Molossi, whom he did not identify in terms of their ethnicity, inhabited the regions to the south of Chaonia, were living in villages, while Greece began at the Greek polis of Ambracia (c . 33) . In the Periplous, the Atintanes were located in the regions extending above Oricum and reaching towards Dodona (c .26). 382:(1995) considered Atintania an Illyrian region. S. Thiry (2001) listed the Atintanes among the Epirotes. T. J. Winnifrith (2002) associated the diverse positions of Atintanes reported in ancient accounts with peaceful transhumans activity, but he also stated that two tribes with a similar name may have existed. He also classifies the Atitanians among the Epirote tribes. Sasel Kos (2002) included the Atintanians among the most outstanding Illyrian peoples who conceivably were closely related with each other in terms of culture, institutions and language. She placed them somewhere in the hinterland of 545:
likely than Hammond's one. M.B. Hatzopoulos (1993) did not accept Hammond's proposal of two distinct tribes, and he located the Atintanes on the upper and middle valley of the Aoos, stretching up to the confluence of this river with the Drino. George Mallios (2011) agrees with Hammond that the Atintanians were Epirotes and not connected to the Illyrians. P. J. Burton (2011) considered the Atintani as an Illyrian people, specifying that for the identification of the tribe involved with Rome as the Illyrian Atintani, as opposed to the Epirote Atintanes, he referred the reader to Hammond (1989).
1699:, p. 9: "In return, they ceded Atintanis, the district around the critical pass at Antigonea (see Fig. 1.2), on the border between Illyris and Epirus." p. 23: "The most important elements were the Greek cities of Epidamnus, Apollonia, and Oricum; the islands (Corcyra, Pharos, Issa); and two tribes, the Parthini (in the Genusus valley) and the Atintani (around Antigonea and Byllis). Large parts of Illyris were now free to govern themselves in their own ways, as they had before, but now under the oversight of Demetrius of Pharos and the promise of protection by Rome." 774:, p. 226: "The history of Illyricum is divided into several sharply differing phases, of which the first, lasting to the collapse of the Illyrian kingdom, may be explained in terms of (varying) alliances of tribes and peoples of common or similar ethnic background, speaking similar languages . No doubt various southern Illyrian peoples such as the Atintanes, Bylliones, Taulantii, Parthini, Bryges, and others acquired a certain degree of Hellenization, both on account of the common borde with Epirus and the nearness of Greek colonies along the coast.." 964:
or probably had had in the past connections with Epirus... In addition it was found in classical times in Epirus, where there were tribes called Athamanes, Atintanes, Arctanes and Taleanes, and the earliest names of district in Epirus - Adania and Cammania - are related to such ethnic forms. It therefore follows that the group of peoples from whom the invaders came was not drained completely, and that the tribes of classical times with the termination -anes were either of Greek blood or at least of Greek dialect at the time when the invasion was launched.
1564:, p. 142: After the battle at Medion, Atintania, the section to the east of Apollonia, became a part of Agron' s state, while Epirus and Acarnania left the Aetolian league and joined Agron." p. 144: "It appears that Polybius did not give a full review of events after the war operations, as Appian noted (Ill. 7-8) that the minor Pinnes (not mentioned at all by Polybius) was allowed to retain his kingdom, excluding Corcyra, Pharos, Issa, and Epidamnus, and the Illyrian tribe of the Atintanes, and that if he adhered to the agreement, the Senate " 2186:, p. 63: "Rome was busy, especially after the Battle of Cannae in which L. Aemilius Paullus, the victor of the second Illyrian war, had been defeated and killed in 217. In 216 Philip sailed past Corcyra to Apollonia, but beat a hasty retreat on the arrival of a Roman fleet. In 215 he made a formal treaty with Hannibal and in 214 again attacked Apollonia unsuccessfully by sea. He detached the Parthini and the Atintanes from the Roman alliance, but the main body of Illyrians north of the Shkum-bin remained loyal under Scerdilaidas." 1886:, pp. 134–135: "Σε σχετικό του άρθρο ο Χατζόπουλος συμφώνησε με τον Hammondως προς την αποσύνδεση των Ατιντανών από τους Ιλλυριούς, ωστόσο,μετά από μια λεπτομερή εξέταση των γραπτών πηγών, απέρριψε το ενδεχόμενο να υπάρχουν δύο έθνη (ένα ηπειρωτικό και ένα μακεδονικό) με το ίδιο όνομα. Για τον Έλληνα ιστορικό υπάρχει μόνο μία Ατιντανία, αυτή που εκτείνεται από την λεκάνη του Άνω και Μέσου Αώου ως την συμβολή του ποταμού αυτού με τον Δρίνο, έχοντας στα ανατολικά την Χαονία και στα βόρεια την Μολοσσία" 1081:, p. 160: "Thucydides (2.99.3) appears to accept the Hellenic descent of the Macedonian rulers but not of their subjects. In describing the Acarnanian campaign of 429 B.C. he draws a clear distinction between the Hellenic contingents from Ambracia, Leucas, Anactorium, and the Peloponnese and the barbarian forces of the Chaones, Thesproti, Molossi, Atintanes, Paravaii, and Orestae; Perdiccas’s Macedonian forces are mentioned immediately after the enumeration of the barbarian troops (2.80.5 6)." 1144:, p. 876: "Di lui, probabilmente rifecendosi a una variante della leggenda diffusa nella nativa Calcide, racconta Licofrone, nella sua Alessandra, ai versi 1034-1046. Con linguaggio piuttosto oscuro, egli narra della fuga di Elefenore dall’isola di Otrono, isoletta a nord di Corcira, dove, insieme agli Abanti si era rifugiato dopo il conflitto troiano, e del suo stanziarsi presso il paese degli Atintani, verso la città di Amantia lungo le rive del fiume Polianto, l’attuale Shushica." 1711:, p. 28: "La Première Guerre fut perdue par les Illyriens, lesquelles ont dû renoncer à une grande partie de l’Illyrie méridionale (Pol., ii 11, 18). Les villes de Dyrrhachium et d’Apollonia, ainsi que les territoires des Parthines et des Atintanes, entrèrent sous la protection des Romains." p. 45: "Vraisemblablement sous le nom des Atintanes, mentionné par les auteurs anciens, étaient réunis trois koinons principaux : Bylliones, Amantes et les Atintanes proprement dits." 289:(2nd century AD) is the only ancient author that specifically refers to the tribe of the Atintani (not Atintanes) using the ethnonym "Illyrian". Hatzopoulos states that this appears in reference to their political situation due to their annexation by Illyrian rulers as already explained by P. Cabanes (1986). Šašel Kos (2005) has argued that Appian may be in agreement with Pseudo-Scylax, who included the Atintanes among the Illyrian peoples, barbarians, located to the north of 1452:, p. 217: "Unable to accept Hammond's duality, Hatzopoulos presumes an error on the part of Polyaenus (based on Hieronymus of Cardia) who would have been ignorant of local geography. Along with the Chaones, the Atintanes will have been the most northerly of the Epirote communities. On the north, between them and the Parthini, Taulantians and the real Illyrian Dassareatii, existed a mixed zone as a part of Illyria but culturally an extension of Greek - speaking Epirus ." 1488:, pp. 46, 213: "Peaceful transhumance rather than warlike raids may have caused some tribes to move. We have referred to the problem of the Atintanes and the Parauaei. The Atintanes marching with the Molossians would seem to live in Greek Epirus, but we also find Atintani in the Albanian coastal plain. Vlach shepherds before the First World War used to journey from one district to the other, but there may be two tribes with similar names ... Atintanes, Epirote tribe" 2083:, p. 252: "A clue to the position of the Atintanes is provided in Polybius' account of the seizure of Phoenice by Illyrian pirates in 230 B.C. (2. 5). When an Epirote force was encamped outside Phoenice, the Illyrians made a sortie by night from Phoenice and next day defeated the Epirotes. The survivors of the Epirotes fled 'in the direction of the Atintanes. ... eastwards towards Mt Murgana and the headwaters of the Drin, where reinforcements might be available." 463:, which according to M. P. Dausse (2015) can be considered a border or "intermediate area", as also stated by P. Cabanes. Dausse argued that the border between Illyrians and Epirotes depends on the location of the Atintanes, however it seems very difficult to set clear limits in those regions, especially because little is known about some peoples to precisely locate them. L. Martinez-Sève (2017) depicted Atintania on the lower valley of the Aoos, between 1611:, p. 212: "He mentioned no tribe in the immediate vicinity of the apoikia, information that he did record for Epidamnus, which he specifically placed in the land of the Taulantii. Pseudo-Scylax did, however, record that the Atintanes lived inland from the coast, in the hinterland and to the south of Apollonia. Cabanes 1976 argues that Apollonia itself and the Myzeqe plain were controlled by the Atintania, but there is no evidence for this." 1515:, p. 876: "P. Cabanes (...) ritiene che essi siano la prima popolazione illirica partendo da sud, ai confini con l’Epiro. L’Atintania sarebbe situata nella zona collinare che si estende sulla riva destra dell’Aoos nella Mallakastra, a nord di Tepelenë e forse fino alla regione di Skrapar. Il testo di Licofrone sembrerebbe del resto far riferimento a quest’area. Per un’analisi più approfondita sulla questione, cfr. M. Hatzopoulos, ...1993..." 7873: 6063: 1156:, pp. 84–85: "Dans tous les cas, on voit que l’Atintanie est traditionnellement située entre la Chaonie au sud, les Dassarètes à l’est et au nord-est et le territoire d’Apollonia à l’ouest. L’indication d’un peuple limitrophe avec les Apolloniates tout au long du IVe siècle av. J.-C. est renforcée par les témoignages du Pseudo Aristote et de Lycrophron à propos de l’arrière-pays d’Apollonia :" 6073: 2059:, p. 277:On the other hand, at the end of the fourth century BC, during the reign of Neoptolemus (313 – 295 BC), an inscription from Dodona indicates that the Atintanes did not belong to Epirus ; in it, the Epirote confederacy granted ateleia, an exemption from duties, to an Atintanian, a member of a nearby tribe who obviously did not belong to the Epirote state at the time (SGDI 1336) 6083: 714:, p. 430: "The north-west Greeks occupied a large area, extending in the west from the Gulf of Ambracia to the Gulf of Oricum and in the east to an imaginary line from the upper Achelous valley to the upper Erigon valley... The main groups from south to north were called Thesproti, Athamanes, Molossi, Atintanes, Chaones, Parauaei, Orestae, Elimeotae, Lyncestae and Pela- gones 1437:, p. 876: "P. Cabanes (...) ritiene che essi siano la prima popolazione illirica partendo da sud, ai confini con l’Epiro. L’Atintania sarebbe situata nella zona collinare che si estende sulla riva destra dell’Aoos nella Mallakastra, a nord di Tepelenë e forse fino alla regione di Skrapar. Il testo di Licofrone sembrerebbe del resto far riferimento a quest’area." 759:, p. 224"There is an overall consensus nowadays that the Greek-speaking population of Epirus, despite its fragmentation into major (Molossoi, Thesprotoi, Chaones) and minor (Athamanes (Athamanians), Atintanes, Paroraioi, Tymphaioi, etc.) tribes, spoke a North-West Doric variety akin to that of numerous neighboring populations of central and western Greece". 483:). P. Filos (2017) listed the Atintanes among the Greek-speaking minor tribes of Epirus. A. V. Vasilyev (2018) locates Atintania in Illyria. Jaupaj (2019) lists the Atintanes among the southern Illyrian tribes that inhabited a large territory reached as far as the area of Dodona at some point. According to him the Atintanes probably formed a larger 2259:... nach der Auflösung des Epirotischen Koinon im Jahre 170 v.Chr., oder genauer nach dem Jahr 157, auf welcher Zeit die fruheste Inschrift dieser Gruppe daitert wird. Dies war die Zeit, in der die Römer Epirus underwarfen, indem sie Molosien und Atintanien zerstörten, also die ganzen Gegenden im Osten Chaoniens. 729:, p. 17: "Plus difficile à situer géographiquement est la tribu illyrienne des Atintanes." p. 85: "Pour conclure, il ne fait aucun doute que les Atintanes couvrent un large territoire qui arrive jusqu’à Dodone et qui confine à celui d’Apollonia, de Byllis et d’Orikos. Il est probable qu’ils formaient un 1596:
Epirus gliedert sich in drei Regionen : Nord -, Zentral - und Südepirus . Die Stammesgebiete von Nordepirus (Chaonia, Atintania un Parauaia) liegen in heutigen Albanien, wahrend sich Zentral- und Sudepirus in die Stammesgebiete Molossis (um den See von Ioannina), Thesprotia (an der Kuste sudlich
area in Central Albania. According to Hammond, the Epirote "Atintanes" are the tribe who appears in the accounts of western Greek campaigns of the Spartan admiral Knemos in 429, as reported by Thycydides, and who are also named by Pseudo-Scylax, Lycophron and Strabo, while the Illyrian "Atintani" are
under the same commander, one Sabylinthos. Thucydides depicts a clear distinction between the Hellenic contingents and the barbarian forces, while Macedonian troops are mentioned immediately after the list of the barbarian forces. It has been suggested that the Atintanes are mentioned as "barbarians"
One feature which the Dorians and the western wing of the invasion shared is the ethnic termination -anes (-enes in the Ionian dialect). We noted that in the Achaean Catalogue the only tribes with this termination were the Enienes, later Aenianes, Cephallenes and Hellenes, and that they all had then
a pu se réduire selon les époques et la défection d’une partie de ses membres. Quant au problème de leur frontière méridionale visible depuis Dyrrhachion, il ne peut pas être résolu définitivement." p. 90: "Les Chaones (Χάονες), s’étendent sur la côte Ionienne, entre les monts Acrocerauniens au nord
There is no consensus in current scholarship on the origin and precise location of the Atintanes. Modern scholarship mentions the Atintanes either as one of the various Epirote tribes or in connection with the Illyrians. They also appear sometimes as Epirotes and other times as Macedonians, based on
which may have included both Illyrian and Epirotic tribes and was reduced in territory over time as its communities formed their own polities. Hatzopoulos (2020) described the location proposed by M. Holleaux and P. Lévêque as "obvious and after all roughly correct solution", however he stated that
2119:, p. 46: "The political history of Atintania was complicated. An independent principality allied to the Molossoi, it was brieflly annexed by the Illyrians (230), but the Atintanes took advantage of the Roman intervention of the following year in order to put themselves under Roman protection." 544:
According to Dause Hammond's view about the existence of two different Atintanes/Atintani tribes and their location seems to be abandoned. Hatzopoulos states that although the specific view is "understandable" it is "unacceptable and unnecessary". S. Kos considered Cabanes' proposal seemingly more
The localization is controversial because of contradictory details supplied by ancient authors according to App. III, an Illyrianm according to Str. 7.71, Scyl. 26, an Epirotic tribe. (Hammond) therefore identifies two tribes the Atintani east of Epidamnus (Polyaenus, Strat. 4.11), in 229 BC in
Winnifrith (2021) concludes that the location of the Atintanes or Atintani is not clear and states that it is odd to locate the Illyrian Atintanes too far south in Epirote territory, as their presumed domicile in southern Albania or the Pindus range would give a quite weird shape to the Roman
Die erste Nennung der Atintaner fallt ebenfalls in das 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr.: Als Bundesgenossen der epirotischen Molosser erscheinen sie in deren Zug gegen Akarnanien (429 v. Chr.). Spatere Quellen wesen sie als nordliche Nachbarn der Molosser aus; sie bewohnen die Atintania, einen Gau im
and Parauaea comprised the northern Epirote tribal region. Stocker (2009) notes that Pseudo-Scylax recorded the Atintanes as a tribe dwelling in the hinterland and to the south of Apollonia, inland from the coast, and that he mentioned no tribe in the immediate proximity of the
231:(5th century BC), describing the Acarnanian campaign of 429 B.C., lists the Epirote forces; among them the Atintantes, as well as the Chaones, Thesprotians, Molossians, Paravaii, and Orestae, as "barbarians" living north-west from the Greek lands. They are listed along with the 659:
broke out between Rome and Illyrian queen Teuta, as well as Parthinians, the Atintanians took advantage of this situation and put themselves under Roman protection. After this conflict, in 229-228 BC Rome set a protectorate on the conquered Illyrian lands, the Greek cities of
protectorate that included them. Also the Atintanian particular form of treachery, being unreliable components of the Roman protectorate, is not suitable for a southern location, since the Atintanes were detached from the Roman protectorate both by the Illyrian kingdom of the
1340:, p. 101: "If the coins from the lower Strymon region that bear the name "Tyntenoi" are authentic, they give us a second correspondence between an ethnikon in the lower Strymon basin and one in Epirus, where we find the Atintanes in between the Parauaioi and the Khaones. 695:, they captured a total of seventy settlements of the Molossians and the Atintanians and sold 150,000 men into slavery. As part of the invasion of Epirus by the Romans the later continued with the destruction of Atintania, Molossis as well as east Chaonia even after 157 B.C. 1055:
Nordwestern von Epirus... allerdings im Hinterland der Küste (Abb . 14) 103 . Strabon rechnet sie nicht mehr zu den Illyriern, sondern führt sie unter den epirotischen Stämmen an. ...gelten als nordliche Nachbarn der epirotischen Chaoner, Molosser und Atintaner (Abb 16) "
1464:, pp. 198–199: "Deserted by its Aetolian allies, Rome had been forced to make major concessions in the treaty, such as ceding to Philip the Illyrian region of Atintania. The Romans saw this not as compromise, but as humiliation." p. 198: "Atintania (Illyria), 198". 2623: 427:
According to Burton (2011) the Atintani were located in the Illyrian interior. Heinz Warnecke (2014) considers the Atintanians as a tribe residing inland in northwestern Epirus. V. Parker (2014) considered Atintania as an inland region of Illyria.
395:(2005) published by the Association des études grecques and Universite de Paris IV, Sorbonne classifies Atintantes as an Epirote tribe though their precise location is a matter of dispute. Kirgin (2006) located Atintania on the area to the east of 738:
et le fleuve Thyamis au sud. Les frontières septentrionales et orientales sont assez difficiles à les définir et ont dû fluctuer selon les époques et leurs rapports avec les Atintanes qui étaient leurs grands voisins illyriens, avec sans doute le
345:; according to him they were an authentic Epirote people. H. Kreissig (1984) stressed that they were among the Epirote tribes in contrast to the Illyrian Parthini. Martin Nilsson (1986) considers them as an Epirote tribe of north-western Greece. 408:. According to her there is no evidence about Cabanes' view that Atintanes controlled the Myzeqe plain and Apollonia. Stocker also questions the claim about their inclusion in a southern Illyrian koinon; commenting on the suggestion concerning a 124:
variety similar to that spoken by several neighbouring peoples of central and western Greece. Papamichail (2020) states that a number of variation existed in the speech of those tribes nevertheless their language was based on Doric Greek.
1132:, p. 85:Un témoignage important, car bien documenté et fiable, est celui du Pseudo–Skylax qui situe aussi les Atintanes à l’intérieur des terres, en contact avec les Amantes et les Chaones à l’ouest, et jusqu’à Dodone de l’autre côté 1311:, p. 27: "Ils peuvent apparaître comme Épirotes à certains moments et Macédoniens à d'autres. C'est le cas des Atintanes, cédés à Pyrrhos en 295 mais qui reviennent aux Macédoniens lors de la paix de Phoinicé en 205." 832:, p. 112: "The authentic Epirot rivers Acheron and Kokytos were translated to the Greek Hades; an authentic Epirot people, the Atintanes, gave the Greeks their name for a mythical race of giants, the Titanes (titans)" 69:, in an inland region which was called Atintania. They have been described as either an Epirote tribe that belonged to the northwestern Greek group, or as an Illyrian tribe. They were occasionally subordinate to the 915:Η δωρική διάλεκτος θα μπορούσε να χαρακτηριστεί ως η «πρότυπη γλώσσα» της περιοχής εμφανίζοντας όμως γλωσσικές διαφοροποιήσεις οι οποίες ήταν απόρροια της διάσπασης των κατοίκων της Ηπείρου σε φύλα 1222:, p. 46"Appian's (III. 7-8) use of the ethnic "Illyrian" for the Atintanes has been explained away as referring to their political situation after their annexation by Illyrian rulers (Cabanes 1986), 82" 897: 81:
The suffix -anes is quite typical in north-western Doric Greek and is found in several ethnonyms in Epirus (Arktanes, Athamanes, Talaianes etc.) but is also found in other Greek regions apart from Epirus.
not in the sense that their culture, customs or behavior were in diametrical opposition to Greek norms but rather because of their seemingly more primitive way of life marked them as "failed Greeks". The
and south of it though she argued that the location of the Atintanians is not certain. M.P. Castiglioni (2003) considered that the area suggested by Cabanes would seem in accordance with the data from
651:. Those inhabitants of the city who survived the attack and slavery managed to flee to the territory of the Atintanes to seek for available reinforcements. Atintania was possibly ceded to Teuta by the 129:(1977), who proposed the existence of two distinct homonymous tribes – the Epirotic Atintanes and the Illyrian Atintani, stated that the Epirotic Atintanes spoke Greek at least from the time of the 1687:, p. 393: "All the same, in 213 and 212 Philip V returned to the attack in Illyria, though this time he confined himself to the inland regions (e.g., Atintania) where he made good progress..." 1950:, p. 44: Taking into consideration that in the passage from Thucydides the Parauaioi are directly coupled with the Orestai and connected more loosely with the Molossoi and the Atintanes... 932:, p. 46: "In a 1993 papaer I tried to show a)that Hammond's theory of two homonymous countries and ethne in the same region, although understandable, was both unacceptable and unnecessary" 359:) rivers. Cabanes (1988) located Atintania in a region between Byllis and Dassaretis, without the Drino valley, and considered them the southernmost Illyrian people, on the border with Epirus. 1874:, p. 27:Nicolas Hammond avait même envisagé deux Atintanies : une à proximité immédiate des Chaones et une autre beaucoup plus au nord. Cette hypothèse semble devoir être abandonnée. 1270:, p. 44: "Kao najjužniji ilirski narod Pseudo – Skilaks spominje Atintane. Porijeklo ovog naroda još uvijek u nauci nije riješeno jer ih Tukidid povezuje sa Mološanima odnosno Epiranima." 2231:, p. 23: "after the Macedonian defeat by the Romans at Pydna, the later captured a total of seventy settlements of the Molossians and the Atintanians and sold 150,000 men into slavery." 2148:
In 229 BC Rome first established in the region a group of cities and peoples under their direct protection: Corcyra, Apollonia, Dyrrachium, the Ardiaei, the Parthini, the Atintanes, and Issa
is an Ionic form of Atintani. The ending -anes in Doric Greek (-enes in Ionic) is a typical feature in the name of various Doric tribes that participated in the migrations of the
alliance with Rome (Pol. 7,9), after 205 belonging to Macedonia (Liv. 27,301 45, 30 Steph. Byz., the Atintanes, by contrast, north-west of the Epirotic Molossi (Thuc. 2,80).
137:(2005) has argued that the Atintanes spoke a language similar to other southern Illyrian tribes which acquired a certain degree of Hellenization through contact with their 351:
and Pierre Cabanes stated that there was only one tribe with the name Atintanians and that the area they inhabited was located in the mountain ranges between the Aous (
3210: 2244:
Foundation and Destruction, Nikopolis and Northwestern Greece: The Archaeological Evidence for the City Destructions, the Foundation of Nikopolis and the Synoecism
Referring to Roman administration of Macedonia... bounded by Illyria and Epirus. Certinaly part of Atintania and the area regrded as Dassaretis belonged to Epirus.
1425:: "Another view locates Atintanes among the hills on the right bank of the Aous in the Mallakastra north of Tepelen and perhaps as far as the area of Skrapar. 7909: 899:Η γεωγραφική ποικιλότητα στην εκπαίδευση: Στάσεις των φιλολόγων του νομού Άρτας αναφορικά με τη χρήση της τοπικής γλωσσικής ποικιλίας στο σχολικό περιβάλλον 2107:, p. 80: "The koinon of the Epirotes abandoned the alliance with the Aitolians and sided with Teuta, which probably cost them the loss of Atintania." 4810: 120:
According to Filos (2017), there is an overall consensus in scholarship that the Greek-speaking population of Epirus, including the Atintanes, spoke a
was more likely limited in size to the southern, non-Greek speaking area of Illyria that did not include Epirus, since the latter was Greek speaking.
in terms of Roman administration. Upper Macedonia was located next to Illyria and Epirus, however part of Atinania was certainly found inside Epirus.
1898:, p. 134-135:Ο Hammond πειστικά επιχειρηματολόγησε για την ένταξή τους στα ηπειρωτικά φύλα και υποστήριξε την αποσύνδεση τους από τους Ιλλυριούς 1784:, p. 238: "For the prompt signing of peace treaty they even ceded to the king Atintania from the sphere of Roman interests in Illyria" (...)." 8119: 8099: 2868:Το λεκανοπέδιο των Ιωαννίνων και η ευρύτερη περιοχή της Μολοσσίας στην Κεντρική Ηπειρο: αρχαιολογικά κατάλοιπα, οικιστική οργάνωση και οικονομία 471:. C. J. King (2017) considered the Atintani as an Illyrian tribe, and located Atintania alternatively in Illyria, Epirus or in Upper Macedonia ( 8063: 1368:
Das Gebiet der Parthinen, eines sudillyrischen Stammes (im heutigen Albanien), und das der Atintanen, enies mit den Epiroten verwandern Stammes
1579: 3052:
Vasilyev, Andrey V. (2018). "First steps of the Roman diplomacy in the Eastern Mediterranean: development of the common political strategy".
3021: 3000: 2947: 2834: 2768: 2723: 2589: 2405: 2384: 2252: 2015: 1817: 1589: 1391: 1361: 1189: 1114: 956: 880: 4198: 7355: 2394:
Ceka, Olgita (2012). "Il koinon e la città. L'esempio di Byllis". In G. de Marinis; G.M. FabriniG. Paci; R. Perna; M. Silvestrini (eds.).
Stocker, p. 213: "The Atintanes are listed as part of the Epirote League in the second Delphic list of theorodokoi dated ca. 220-189 B.C."
wars, as reported by Polybius, Appian and Livy. Hammond placed the boundary between the Epirote Atintanes and the Molossians at the upper
7844: 6140: 6119: 3203: 2045: 1005: 399:
and he mentioned the Atintanes as an Illyrian tribe. M. Dieterle (2007) considered that Atintania was part of Epirus, and together with
274:' account (6th century BC) listed them among the fourteen Epirote tribes, drawing a border between them and the Illyrians to the north. 8284: 7702: 4820: 4510: 4203: 4137: 2855: 2808: 2763:. Center for Hellenic Studies colloquia. Vol. 5. Center for Hellenic Studies, Trustees for Harvard University. pp. 187–212. 2578:
Hammond, N. G. L. (1994a). "Illyrians and North-west Greeks". In Lewis, D. M.; Boardman, John; Hornblower, Simon; Ostwald, M. (eds.).
8279: 7839: 7812: 4208: 4183: 3178: 3157: 3129: 3106: 3087: 3042: 2744: 2679: 2658: 2459: 2438: 2363: 2287: 1536: 301:
in the version of Lycaon. The tradition of an eponymous Atintan, as the son of Makednos, was probably created during the reign of
7902: 6017: 4766: 4193: 4188: 2757:(2001). "Contested Ethnicities: Perceptions of Macedonia within Evolving Definitions of Greek Identity". In Malkin, Irad (ed.). 7123: 4660: 4520: 4515: 3792: 2448:
Filos, Panagiotis (2017). "The Dialectal Variety of Epirus". In Giannakis, Georgios; Crespo, Emilio; Filos, Panagiotis (eds.).
but after his defeat Atintania returned to Roman control. The region became a disputed zone between Romans and Macedon. In the
Terra sigillata en Illyrie méridionale et en Chaonie: importations et productions locales (IIe S. AV. J.-C. -IIe S. AP. J.-C.)
The basin of Ioannina and the wider area of Molossia in Central Epirus: archaeological remains sattlement patterns and economy
Shifting Landscapes, Policies, And Morals: A Topographically Driven Analysis Of The Roman Wars In Greece From 200 Bc To 168 Bc
636:(c. 300 BC) indicating that by the end of the 4th century the Atintanes were not part of the Epirote confederacy. At 295 B.C. 7853: 7826: 7385: 7360: 7272: 6746: 6594: 6044: 4685: 3196: 2926: 2899: 2704: 2483: 2321: 7504: 5596: 440:. E. Shehi (2015) locates the Atintanes in southern Illyria, and he accepted the possibility of the inclusion of three main 7576: 7042: 6039: 5089: 4605: 4525: 4223: 3933: 2469: 512:
proposed two distinct homonymous tribes: the Epirote "Atintanes", located by him somewhere around the upper valley of the
379: 141:
neighbours, she also argued (2002) that they were conceivably closely associated in terms of language with those tribes.
7866: 7654: 6514: 6012: 4541: 3995: 1282:, p. 45: "In spite of the relatively numerous citations, there has been no consensus on the location of Atintania." 8174: 8144: 8045: 7516: 1722: 1210:, p. 276"The Atintanes: Appian is also the only one to mention the Illyrian Atintani (sic, not Atintanes) who, ... 432:(2014) considered Atintania as a district on the border between Illyria and Epirus, and he located the Atintani around 378:, existed a mixed zone; though part of Illyria, according to him it was a cultural extension of Greek speaking Epirus. 8068: 7895: 7499: 6917: 6454: 5067: 4675: 4551: 4213: 4167: 4122: 3898: 3587: 391:, and for a more in-depth analysis on the location she referred the reader to Hatzopoulos (1993). The collective work 8129: 5606: 329:
located the Atintanes on the middle valley of the Aoos similarly to Holleaux, but he also included the valley of the
7732: 7727: 7468: 6429: 5728: 5601: 4734: 4729: 4705: 4615: 4132: 3230: 684:. As such it appears that it remained part of the 4th Macedonian meris the following years. The Atintanes received 455:
Cartography by L. Martinez-Sève shows a large area between Illyria, Epirus and Macedonia, consisting of Atintania,
constitute the northernmost Epirote community. Hatzopoulos considers that to their north, and between them and the
2942:. Col·lecció Instrumenta (in French). Vol. 48. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, Publicacions i Edicions. 8294: 7987: 7717: 7712: 6459: 6086: 6029: 4985: 4788: 4773: 4695: 4630: 4099: 3950: 3845: 3319: 3253: 1581:
Dodona: religionsgeschichtliche und historische Untersuchungen zur Entstehung und Entwicklung des Zeus-Heiligtums
237: 8104: 7566: 8274: 4783: 4746: 4680: 4346: 4233: 1650: 625: 617: 613: 7949: 2352:
Hatzopoulos, M. B. (1997). "The Borders of Hellenism in Epirus during Antiquity". In M. V. Sakellariou (ed.).
the Parthini. Atintani, and Dimallum in the Illyrian interior during 213 and 212, the Romans did not respond."
1422: 1294:, p. 133"Άλλοι τους κατατάσσουν στα ποικιλώνυμα ηπειρωτικά φύλα, άλλοι τους συνδέουν με τους Ιλλυριούς". 8269: 7997: 7795: 7722: 7539: 6112: 6066: 5190: 4990: 4975: 4778: 4761: 4741: 4710: 4610: 4546: 4162: 4147: 4117: 4078: 3955: 3807: 3309: 134: 8179: 8038: 8222: 8204: 7807: 7521: 7406: 7302: 6024: 5027: 4798: 4756: 4690: 4655: 4107: 4091: 3787: 3728: 3577: 3572: 1531:. Research Centre for Greek and Roman Antiquity, National Hellenic Research Foundation. pp. 81, 460. 652: 621: 609: 553:
In the context of post-Myceanaean era migration N.G.L. Hammond stated that the Atintanes were among those
294: 198: 8289: 8226: 8218: 8168: 8160: 7918: 7424: 7297: 7264: 6529: 6499: 6464: 6076: 5305: 5295: 5285: 5270: 4960: 4700: 4670: 4625: 4620: 4251: 4218: 4020: 3925: 3911: 3567: 3438: 3402: 2417:"La Grèce du Nord aux IVe et IIIe siècles avant J.-C. : des États puissants aux frontières floues?" 1635:, p. 236: "However, the same cannot be said of the sequel: when Philip attacked Rome's surrendered 1181:
Brill's Companion to Ancient Macedon: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC - 300 AD
Pseudo-Skylax's Periplous: The Circumnavigation of the Inhabited World: Text, Translation and Commentary
592:. At that time they were subordinate to the Molossians, while they were more loosely connected with the 7571: 7051: 2818: 100:
attested in coinage and inscriptions, while N.G.L Hammond has argued that it is linked to the Illyrian
6800: 2541:
Hammond, N. G. L. (1989). "The Illyrian Atintani, the Epirotic Atintanes and the Roman Protectorate".
8164: 8156: 8091: 7944: 7692: 7593: 6760: 6374: 5548: 5542: 5528: 5012: 4970: 4942: 4827: 4640: 3870: 3666: 601: 326: 271: 222: 305:(238–179 BC) in order to tighten the connection between the Macedonian authorities and Atintanians. 7992: 7934: 7687: 7544: 6790: 6709: 6604: 6554: 6489: 6469: 6424: 5679: 5649: 5037: 4932: 4927: 4364: 3679: 3592: 3562: 3516: 3279: 2533:
Epirus: the Geography, the Ancient Remains, the History and Topography of Epirus and Adjacent Areas
673: 661: 464: 452:, and the Atintanes proper. Timothy Edward Schaefer (2015) considers Atinania as a part of Epirus. 433: 302: 298: 267: 6072: 8078: 7977: 7876: 7559: 7287: 7195: 7021: 6549: 6484: 6105: 5896: 5793: 5699: 5343: 5260: 5148: 4650: 4474: 3990: 3970: 3827: 3698: 3582: 3377: 3304: 2696: 2566: 2558: 2518: 2510: 681: 677: 577: 497: 396: 7372: 7175: 1597:
des Thyamis und um den Acheron) und Kassopeia (sudwestlicher Teil von Epirus) austeilen lassen.
8189: 8012: 8002: 7834: 7800: 7767: 7747: 7674: 7649: 7583: 7526: 7491: 7414: 7335: 7330: 7211: 6944: 6854: 6649: 6609: 6584: 6419: 6379: 5971: 5558: 5107: 4955: 4907: 4751: 4720: 4665: 4582: 4459: 4331: 4152: 3985: 3938: 3878: 3752: 3734: 3710: 3692: 3602: 3597: 3248: 3174: 3153: 3125: 3102: 3083: 3061: 3038: 3017: 2996: 2943: 2922: 2895: 2851: 2830: 2804: 2764: 2740: 2719: 2700: 2675: 2654: 2585: 2479: 2455: 2434: 2401: 2380: 2359: 2317: 2283: 2248: 2011: 2005: 1813: 1585: 1532: 1387: 1357: 1185: 1110: 1104: 952: 946: 876: 870: 790: 637: 605: 569: 558: 348: 334: 214: 83: 7009: 8264: 8244: 8214: 8199: 8124: 8053: 7969: 7954: 7762: 7682: 7554: 7487: 7347: 7292: 7277: 7165: 7134: 7082: 6907: 6886: 6726: 6564: 6369: 6326: 5901: 5433: 5398: 5215: 5072: 4950: 4837: 4832: 4157: 4112: 3943: 3850: 3466: 3299: 3284: 3274: 3073: 2966: 2754: 2550: 2502: 2424: 2340: 1967: 597: 509: 429: 318: 297:(6th century AD), Atintania appears as a region of Macedonia, named after Atintan, a son of 158: 126: 5941: 2493:
Hammond, Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière (1966). "The Kingdoms in Illyria circa 400-167 B.C.".
may have been of Greek origin. He also states that they gave the Greeks their name for the
8152: 8033: 7737: 7631: 7626: 7549: 7531: 7509: 7320: 7111: 7094: 7088: 7047: 6981: 6964: 6153: 5916: 5674: 5462: 5275: 5017: 4883: 4815: 4142: 3740: 3722: 3630: 3607: 3481: 3392: 3352: 3289: 2279:
Friendship and Empire: Roman Diplomacy and Imperialism in the Middle Republic (353–146 BC)
692: 557:
tribes that did not followed the Dorian invaders in southern Greece but stayed in Epirus.
530: 449: 417: 282: 241: 130: 109: 2611: 517: 2613:
Etudes des interactions culturelles en aire Illyro-épirote du VII au III siècle av. J.-C
1961: 1922:, p. 136: "For the identification of this tribe as the Illyrian Atintani (cf. App. 8134: 8022: 8017: 7926: 7757: 7752: 7377: 7307: 6928: 6922: 6805: 6674: 6474: 6269: 5798: 5738: 5733: 5689: 5470: 5418: 5408: 5388: 5378: 5122: 5117: 5112: 4597: 4577: 3965: 3775: 3764: 3758: 3746: 3546: 3521: 3433: 3294: 3219: 733:
regroupant plusieurs tribus différentes, aussi bien illyriennes qu’épirotes, et que ce
Tyntenoi that were pushed from the region of northern Macedonia towards the coastline.
1336). They are reported on the above ancient sources in the historical context of the
138: 54: 38: 2716:
Le realtà locali nel mondo greco: Ricerche su poleis ed ethne della Grecia occidentale
Lasagni, Chiara (2019). Cresci Marrone, Giovannella; Culasso Gastaldi, Enrica (eds.).
94:, a race of giants in mythology. Toynbee has linked their name to the tribal ethnikon 8258: 8232: 7982: 7959: 7939: 7621: 7367: 7282: 6669: 6629: 6190: 6034: 5951: 5926: 5616: 5538: 5220: 5163: 5062: 5052: 5022: 5004: 4878: 4030: 3812: 3704: 3660: 3622: 3461: 3382: 2570: 2522: 2095:, p. 598: ""that Atintania had been ceded by the Epirote League to Teuta in 230" 1966:. Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Historisk-filosofiske Meddelelser 75. 656: 600:. They were the among Epirote tribes that had kings. At 344 B.C. during the reign of 526: 218: 154: 1971: 8194: 8184: 8027: 7666: 7434: 7312: 7217: 7062: 6639: 6624: 5851: 5803: 5669: 5523: 5393: 5032: 4868: 4374: 4336: 4035: 2692:
Pharos the Parian Settlement in Dalmatia: A Study of a Greek Colony in the Adriatic
Cancik, Hubert; Schneider, Helmuth; Salazar, Christine F.; Orton, David E. (2002).
7248: 133:
as the rest of the Doric tribes that share the common suffix -anes in their name.
3168: 3147: 3117: 3077: 3032: 3011: 2990: 2979: 2937: 2910: 2889: 2845: 2798: 2758: 2734: 2690: 2669: 2648: 2600: 2579: 2531: 2473: 2449: 2395: 2374: 2353: 2298: 2277: 2242: 1807: 1381: 1351: 1179: 1045: 612:, together with the Molossians, Thesprotians, and the Cassopaeans. In epigraphy, 262:
by Lycophron (3rd century BC) locates the land of the Atintanes near the city of
8209: 8139: 8114: 8109: 8058: 7253: 6859: 6785: 6770: 6619: 6574: 6449: 6414: 6220: 5871: 5763: 5743: 5576: 5571: 5079: 5057: 5047: 5042: 4965: 4922: 4469: 4379: 4369: 4256: 4246: 4010: 3387: 3362: 2779: 2130: 371: 121: 2981:
Illyrian Apollonia: Toward a New Ktisis and Developmental History of the Colony
7), as opposed to the Epirote Atintanes (cf. Strabo 7.7.8 ), see Hammond 1989."
1526: 508:
Due to controversial and contradicting information provided by ancient authors
8086: 8007: 7790: 7451: 7441: 7429: 7342: 7190: 7180: 6765: 6716: 6699: 6494: 6444: 6316: 6299: 6294: 6259: 6200: 6185: 5808: 5778: 5773: 5758: 5644: 5611: 5280: 5250: 4917: 4645: 4479: 4321: 4316: 4306: 4291: 4276: 4266: 4241: 3617: 3372: 3327: 2733:
Leveque, P. (1997). "The Koinon of the Epirotes". In M. V. Sakellariou (ed.).
2506: 633: 581: 573: 480: 375: 232: 228: 150: 70: 3065: 2800:
Atlas du monde hellénistique. Pouvoir et territoires après Alexandre le Grand
Castiglioni, Maria Paola (2003). "Il monumento degli Apolloniati a Olimpia".
in his proposal "Lévêque added the valley of the Drynos for no good reason".
7140: 7099: 6934: 6891: 6869: 6780: 6731: 6589: 6539: 6404: 6346: 6341: 6336: 6284: 6215: 6168: 6128: 5783: 5709: 5694: 5664: 5659: 5591: 5515: 5500: 5485: 5428: 5328: 4980: 4912: 4484: 4464: 4434: 4429: 4424: 4389: 4384: 4354: 4301: 4261: 4040: 3906: 3860: 3840: 3647: 3471: 3342: 2970: 2429: 665: 589: 562: 522: 445: 413: 388: 363: 342: 338: 245: 194: 166: 7150: 6938: 2344: 672:, as well as Atintanis. The following years they supported the campaign of 383: 2416: 2400:. BAR International Series. Vol. 2419. Archaeopress. pp. 59–64. 1476:, p. 73: "des Epirotes (Chaones, Thesprotes, Molosses, et Atintanes)" 655:
at 230 B.C. probably as part of an agreement with her. When in 229 BC the
7742: 7473: 7446: 7242: 7200: 7105: 7072: 7002: 6998: 6954: 6949: 6912: 6864: 6837: 6820: 6815: 6810: 6694: 6659: 6634: 6579: 6569: 6534: 6519: 6434: 6409: 6399: 6394: 6331: 6321: 6289: 6252: 6230: 6225: 6205: 6195: 6173: 6158: 5833: 5823: 5813: 5788: 5654: 5586: 5566: 5533: 5495: 5438: 5353: 5338: 5195: 5185: 5102: 5097: 4494: 4489: 4449: 4444: 4419: 4399: 4326: 4281: 4271: 4127: 4025: 3960: 3888: 3496: 2866: 644: 593: 460: 456: 367: 352: 174: 101: 17: 2514: 1550:
Atintanes, ethnos épirote, ; Atintanie dans l'lllyrie ou Epire?
the tribe who appears in the accounts of Cassander's operations against
7772: 7603: 7419: 7390: 7232: 7185: 7170: 7128: 7077: 7037: 6986: 6879: 6874: 6775: 6741: 6721: 6704: 6690: 6599: 6544: 6524: 6311: 6279: 6274: 6264: 6247: 6242: 6237: 6163: 6148: 5976: 5966: 5921: 5911: 5906: 5891: 5881: 5866: 5861: 5748: 5636: 5626: 5505: 5480: 5475: 5448: 5443: 5423: 5413: 5403: 5368: 5358: 5348: 5300: 5290: 5265: 5235: 5230: 5225: 5200: 4853: 4635: 4296: 4286: 4045: 4015: 4005: 4000: 3980: 3975: 3855: 3802: 3716: 3511: 3501: 3491: 3486: 3476: 2451:
Studies in Ancient Greek Dialects: From Central Greece to the Black Sea
685: 554: 538: 534: 493: 472: 400: 290: 263: 96: 91: 66: 2562: 2300:
L'Épire: De la mort de Pyrrhos à la conquête romaine, 272-167 av. J.-C
Der Ort Amantia gilt als Hauptsitz des epirotischen Volkes der Amanten
7887: 7608: 7598: 7588: 7461: 7456: 7325: 7237: 7227: 7222: 7205: 7160: 7145: 7067: 7032: 6992: 6959: 6902: 6896: 6849: 6843: 6795: 6664: 6644: 6614: 6559: 6504: 6479: 6439: 6389: 6384: 6306: 6210: 5946: 5876: 5856: 5818: 5684: 5490: 5383: 5320: 5310: 5255: 4873: 4858: 4454: 4439: 4414: 4409: 4394: 4055: 4050: 3817: 3797: 3541: 3531: 3526: 3397: 3357: 3347: 3332: 2421:
Actes des congrès nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques
629: 585: 561:
suggested the possibility that the Atintanes were connected with the
468: 437: 286: 254: 206: 186: 178: 62: 2303:(in French). Paris: Annales Littéraires de l'Université de Besancon. 1850: 640:
detached Atintanis and made it a part of the Epirote Kingdom again.
Badlands-borderlands: a history of Northern Epirus/Southern Albania
Shpuza, Saimir (2009). "L'Illyrie méridionale à l'époque romaine".
2554: 2478:. Translated by Deborah Lucas Schneider. Harvard University Press. 7155: 7057: 7027: 7015: 6975: 6969: 6832: 6826: 6755: 6654: 6509: 6351: 5956: 5931: 5828: 5768: 5753: 5621: 5581: 5333: 5245: 5240: 5210: 5205: 5180: 4863: 4404: 4359: 4311: 3883: 3835: 3536: 3506: 3453: 3428: 3367: 3337: 2992:
Les îles ioniennes de 480 à 167 avant J.-C.: étude de géopolitique
Les illyriens de Bardulis à Genthios (IVe–IIe siècles avant J.-C.)
Aneziri, Sophia; Giannakopoulos, N.; Paschidis, Paschalis (2005).
669: 648: 513: 330: 240:(4th century BC) locates the Atintanes inland in contact with the 3188: 2616:(Thesis). Université de Lyon; Instituti i Arkeologjisë (Albanie). 1963:
Polisgenese und Urbanisierung in Aitolien im 5. und 4. Jh. v. Chr
that included three proposed Illyrian tribes (the Atintanes, the
7613: 7118: 5961: 5936: 5886: 5373: 5363: 1809:
Brill's New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World. Antiquity
According to M.B. Hatzopoulos, the Atintanes, together with the
356: 322: 278: 182: 7891: 6101: 6001: 5143: 4572: 4076: 3423: 3243: 3192: 1528:
Index du bulletin épigraphique, 1987 - 2001: II. Les mots grecs
61:) was an ancient tribe that dwelled in the borderlands between 2397:
I processi formativi ed evolutividella città in area adriatica
The Illyrians from Bardylis to Gentius (4th – 2nd century BC)
6097: 1321: 1319: 1317: 989: 987: 86:
argues that the suffix -anes perhaps suggests that the name
1851:"Liatovouni: a Molossian cemetery and settlement in Epirus" 974: 972: 281:(1st century BC – 1st century AD) Atintania formed part of 112:(1100-800 B.C.) with many of them originating from Epirus. 608:
control. In 330 B.C. the Atintanes formed the core of the
Possible existence of two tribes: Atintanes & Atintani
In 167 B.C. after the Romans defeated the Macedonians at
2454:. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. pp. 215–248. 825: 823: 3118:"L'Illyrie méridionale et l'Epire dans l'antiquité. II" 2829:] (in Bosnian). Sarajevo: Univerzitet u Sarajevu . 314:
which neighbouring state gained control of their area.
The Cambridge Ancient History: The Fourth Century B.C.
2355:Ηπειρος: 4000 χρόνια ελληνικής ιστορίας και πολιτισμού 925: 923: 525:
in 314 BC, as reported by Polyaenus, and of the later
205:Ἀτιντάνία) and on a 4th-century B.C. inscription from 149:
The Atintanes are mentioned in classical antiquity by
2781:Μύθος και ιστορία: η περίπτωση της Αρχαίας Μακεδονίας 516:; and the Illyrian "Atintani", located by him in the 270:. Strabo (1st century BC – 1st century AD) based on 2995:(in French). Presses universitaires du Septentrion. 2736:
Epirus, 4000 years of Greek history and civilization
Dausse, Marie-Pierre (2015). Souchon, Cécile (ed.).
2138:. Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations. p. 15 1724:
The Second Punic War: The Turning Point of an Empire
8077: 7968: 7925: 7825: 7783: 7665: 7642: 7486: 7405: 7263: 6740: 6683: 6362: 6139: 5842: 5719: 5708: 5635: 5557: 5514: 5461: 5319: 5171: 5162: 5088: 5003: 4941: 4896: 4846: 4797: 4719: 4596: 4534: 4503: 4345: 4232: 4176: 4098: 3924: 3897: 3869: 3826: 3774: 3616: 3555: 3452: 3318: 3267: 2875:] (PhD) (in Greek). University of Thessaloniki 2718:. Studi e testi di epigrafia. Edizioni dell'Orso. 1445: 1443: 688:as part of the Epirote League in c. 220-189 B.C. 3079:Taken at the Flood: The Roman Conquest of Greece 2959:Mélanges de l'École française de Rome: Antiquité 2333:Mélanges de l'École française de Rome: Antiquité 1855:Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts 1849:Douzougli, Angelika; Papadopoulos, John (2010). 951:. Cambridge University Press. pp. 701–703. 225:, and the 167 BC Roman settlement of Macedonia. 3170:Nobody's Kingdom: A History of Northern Albania 1651:"Lykophron und die westgriechischeInsel Melite" 1178:Fox, Robin J.; Fox, Robin Lane (22 June 2011). 321:sketched Atintania on the middle valley of the 2584:Cambridge University Press. pp. 422–443. 2007:Historia Antigua Universal II. El Mundo Griego 1267: 7903: 6113: 3204: 2915:Greek Influence Along the East Adriatic Coast 2530:Hammond, Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière (1967). 1757: 1109:. Oxford University Press. pp. 62, 114. 852: 850: 420:), Stocker argues that the proposed Illyrian 337:located the Atintanes in Epirus, between the 8: 1039: 1037: 3116:Wilkes, John (1995). Pierre Cabanes (ed.). 2207: 2195: 2116: 1947: 1910:, p. 383: "Atintani (Illyrian people)" 1512: 1434: 1356:(in German). Akademie-Verlag. p. 118. 1325: 1304: 1302: 1300: 1279: 1219: 1141: 1050:Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 1016: 993: 929: 875:. Cambridge University Press. p. 701. 767: 765: 722: 720: 393:Index du bulletin épigraphique, 1987 - 2001 7910: 7896: 7888: 6136: 6120: 6106: 6098: 5998: 5716: 5168: 5159: 5140: 4900: 4803: 4593: 4569: 4086: 4073: 3780: 3449: 3420: 3264: 3240: 3211: 3197: 3189: 3013:The Archaeology of Greek and Roman Slavery 2495:The Annual of the British School at Athens 2183: 2004:Pilar, FERNÁNDEZ URIEL (17 January 2014). 1793: 1727:(Thesis). University of Dayton. p. 35 1696: 1485: 752: 750: 748: 2428: 2056: 1500: 1496: 1494: 1231: 1207: 978: 945:Edwards, Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen (1977). 940: 938: 869:Edwards, Iorwerth Eiddon Stephen (1977). 771: 266:, which corresponds to the hinterland of 2671:A Companion to the Classical Greek World 2228: 2033: 1781: 1386:. Univ of California Press. p. 98. 711: 680:, 205 BC, Atintania was assigned to the 628:son of Alexander and Derkas, prostatas ( 2159: 2104: 2092: 2080: 2068: 1991: 1935: 1895: 1883: 1620: 1608: 1561: 1461: 1406: 1337: 1291: 1255: 1243: 1165: 1046:"Archäologisches zur Frage der Illyrer" 1028: 856: 841: 829: 814: 782: 780: 704: 620:in Epirus by the symmachoi (allies) of 2760:Ancient Perceptions of Greek Ethnicity 2379:. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. 2171: 1919: 1907: 1871: 1836: 1745: 1684: 1632: 1449: 1418: 1308: 1153: 1129: 1066: 1052:(in German). Philipp Von Zabern: 241. 726: 2501:. British School at Athens: 239–253. 1708: 1473: 802: 786: 756: 7: 8120:Pyrrhus' invasion of the Peloponnese 5612:Illicitanus Limin/Portus Illicitanus 1769: 1103:Shipley, Graham (14 December 2019). 1090: 1078: 643:In 231 B.C. the Chaonian capital of 604:their region passed from Epirote to 3082:. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1584:(in German). G.Olms. pp. 8–9. 1383:Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology 27:People of ancient Epirus or Illyria 8100:Antigonid–Nabataean confrontations 2911:"Pyrrhus and Illyrian Kingdom(s?)" 2847:A History of Greece, 1300 to 30 BC 25: 7813:Prehistory of Southeastern Europe 2797:Martinez-Sève, Laurianne (2017). 2316:] (in French). Paris: SEDES. 2022:Dio nuevas fronteras... Acarnania 1721:Schaefer, Timothy Edward (2015). 7872: 7871: 6081: 6071: 6062: 6061: 252:(by some authors interpreted as 6082: 3054:Studia Antiqua et Archaeologica 3031:Toynbee, Arnold Joseph (1969). 2475:Athens from Alexander to Antony 1972:10.11588/propylaeumdok.00000222 647:was raided by the Illyrians of 576:appear under the leadership of 185:(27.30.13; 29.12.13; 45.30.7), 7386:Albanian traditional tattooing 7273:Central Bosnian cultural group 3034:Some problems of Greek history 2624:"Το θέατρο στην αρχαία Ήπειρο" 2282:. Cambridge University Press. 2247:. Danish Institute at Athens. 2071:, pp. 111, 143, 145, 147. 2010:(in Spanish). Editorial UNED. 1566:will consider him their friend 1380:Nilsson, Martin (1983-09-16). 896:Papamichail, Pantelis (2020). 293:. In the lexicon "Ethnika" of 248:to their west and the area of 1: 7577:Battle of Dyrrhachium (48 BC) 3683: 3670: 3651: 3634: 2129:Morton, Jacob Nathan (2017). 948:The Cambridge Ancient History 872:The Cambridge Ancient History 742:des Amantes comme frontière." 4811:Funeral and burial practices 3996:Military of Mycenaean Greece 2543:The Journal of Roman Studies 8069:Wars of Alexander the Great 7505:Alexander's Balkan campaign 7500:Illyrian invasion of Epirus 3146:Winnifrith, Tom J. (2002). 3122:Journal of Hellenic Studies 3037:. Oxford University Press. 2978:Stocker, Sharon R. (2009). 2909:Šašel Kos, Marjeta (2002). 2894:. Narodni muzej Slovenije. 2888:Šašel Kos, Marjeta (2005). 2622:Katsikoudis, Nikos (2000). 2373:Hatzopoulos, M. B. (2020). 1044:Parzinger, Hermann (1992). 317:In the early 20th century, 258:) to their south. The poem 8311: 4735:Greek Revival architecture 2778:Mallios, Georgios (2011). 2599:Hammond, N. G. L. (1994). 1578:Dieterle, Martina (2007). 1353:Geschichte des Hellenismus 1268:Mesihović & Šačić 2015 572:(429 B.C.), Atintanes and 223:first Roman-Macedonian War 8285:Ancient tribes in Albania 8241: 7988:Wars of the Delian League 7862: 6135: 6057: 6008: 5997: 5158: 5139: 4903: 4806: 4592: 4568: 4143:Attalid kings of Pergamon 4089: 4085: 4072: 3951:Antigonid Macedonian army 3783: 3448: 3419: 3263: 3239: 3226: 2989:Thiry, Sébastien (2001). 2865:Pliakou, Georgia (2007). 2850:. John Wiley & Sons. 2674:. John Wiley & Sons. 2668:Kinzl, Konrad H. (2010). 2507:10.1017/S0068245400019043 614:Kleomachos the Atintanian 444:among the Atintanes: the 238:Periplus of Pseudo-Scylax 42: 8280:Ancient tribes in Epirus 8013:Second Peloponnesian War 3167:Winnifrith, Tom (2021). 3010:Thompson, F. H. (2003). 2689:Kirigin, Branko (2006). 2610:Jaupaj, Lavdosh (2019). 2308:Cabanes, Pierre (1988). 2297:Cabanes, Pierre (1976). 2276:Burton, Paul J. (2011). 1649:Warnecke, Heinz (2014). 1350:Kreissig, Heinz (1984). 1006:Lamelles Oraculaires 161 568:At the beginning of the 7998:First Peloponnesian War 7796:Origin of the Albanians 7517:Dardanian–Bastarnic war 3016:. Bloomsbury Academic. 2971:10.3406/mefr.2009.10907 2844:Parker, Victor (2014). 2647:King, Carol J. (2017). 2430:10.4000/books.cths.2013 2046:Cabanes, L'Épire 545,12 1568:", while Demetrius ..." 8205:Seleucid Dynastic Wars 8130:Seleucid–Parthian Wars 8064:Expansion of Macedonia 7808:History of the Balkans 7522:Invasions of Epidamnus 7407:Religion and mythology 4177:Artists & scholars 4092:List of ancient Greeks 3729:Second Athenian League 3578:Greco-Bactrian Kingdom 3403:Ancient Greek colonies 3173:. Andrews UK Limited. 2936:Shehi, Eduard (2015). 2821:; Šačić, Amra (2015). 2345:10.3406/mefr.2003.9796 2241:Isager, Jacob (2001). 1760:, pp. 71, 78, 85. 653:League of the Epirotes 295:Stephanus of Byzantium 199:Stephanus of Byzantium 177:(2.5; 11.11; 7.9.13), 58: 7532:Roman-Macedonian wars 7298:Glasinac-Mati culture 6935:Dyrrhachium/Epidamnus 6530:Glaucias of Taulantii 6500:Eleutherius and Antia 6465:Constantine the Great 5296:Sybaris on the Traeis 4021:Sacred Band of Thebes 3761:(c. 300 BC–c. 300 AD) 3275:Cycladic civilization 3152:. London: Duckworth. 3097:Wilkes, John (1992). 2917:. Knjiga Mediterana. 1960:Funke, Peter (1997). 1184:. BRILL. p. 95. 309:Identity and location 8105:Seleucid–Mauryan war 7945:Second Messenian War 7567:Roman–Dalmatian wars 7308:Monte Saraceno woman 6375:Anastasius I Dicorus 4821:mythological figures 4542:Ancient Greek tribes 3667:Peloponnesian League 2891:Appian and Illyricum 2827:History of Illyrians 2739:. Ekdotikē Athēnōn. 2358:. Ekdotike Athenon. 2162:, pp. 277, 288. 602:Philip II of Macedon 104:as according to him 7993:Third Messenian War 7950:Lydian–Milesian War 7935:First Messenian War 7655:Proposed vocabulary 7303:Gradistë belt-plate 6605:Peter the Patrician 6555:Irenaeus of Sirmium 6490:Demetrius of Pharos 6470:Constantius Chlorus 6425:Bato the Daesitiate 4933:Tunnel of Eupalinos 4928:Theatre of Dionysus 4552:Ancient Macedonians 4168:Tyrants of Syracuse 3680:Amphictyonic League 3280:Minoan civilization 3101:. Wiley-Blackwell. 2819:Mesihović, Salmedin 686:sacred Greek envoys 674:Demetrius of Pharos 374:and the (Illyrian) 303:Philip V of Macedon 219:Roman-Illyrian Wars 8180:Roman–Seleucid War 8039:Theban–Spartan War 7978:Greco-Persian Wars 7919:Ancient Greek wars 7572:Caesar's civil war 7206:Tragurion (Trogir) 6806:Aspalathos (Split) 6747:cities/settlements 6684:Political entities 6550:Gratianus Funarius 5607:Menestheus's Limin 5261:Pandosia (Lucania) 5149:Greek colonisation 4511:Athenian statesmen 4272:Diogenes of Sinope 4133:Kings of Macedonia 4123:Kings of Commagene 3991:Macedonian phalanx 3971:Hellenistic armies 3719:(c. 424–c. 395 BC) 3583:Indo-Greek Kingdom 3305:Hellenistic Greece 2470:Habicht, Christian 1938:, pp. 47, 73. 1758:Martinez-Sève 2017 682:Macedonian Kingdom 678:Treaty of Phoenice 657:First Illyrian War 498:kingdom of Macedon 122:Northwestern Doric 8252: 8251: 8190:War against Nabis 8003:Second Sacred War 7885: 7884: 7821: 7820: 7801:Albanian paganism 7768:Pannonia Superior 7748:Pannonia Inferior 7675:Illyrian emperors 7527:Illyro-Roman Wars 6974:Iader or Idassa ( 6585:Marcellinus Comes 6420:Bato the Breucian 6380:Artas of Messapia 6095: 6094: 6053: 6052: 5993: 5992: 5989: 5988: 5985: 5984: 5559:Iberian Peninsula 5491:Lipara/Meligounis 5457: 5456: 5135: 5134: 5131: 5130: 5108:Cypriot syllabary 4999: 4998: 4908:Athenian Treasury 4892: 4891: 4564: 4563: 4560: 4559: 4153:Ptolemaic dynasty 4113:Archons of Athens 4068: 4067: 4064: 4063: 3939:Athenian military 3920: 3919: 3753:League of Corinth 3735:Thessalian League 3711:Chalcidian League 3693:Acarnanian League 3603:Ptolemaic Kingdom 3415: 3414: 3411: 3410: 3074:Waterfield, Robin 3023:978-0-7156-3195-9 3002:978-2-284-02181-0 2949:978-84-475-4238-3 2836:978-9958-600-65-4 2770:978-0-674-00662-1 2755:Hall, Jonathan M. 2725:978-88-6274-962-6 2650:Ancient Macedonia 2602:Collected studies 2591:978-0-521-23348-4 2407:978-1-4073-1018-3 2386:978-3-11-071868-3 2376:Ancient Macedonia 2254:978-87-7288-734-0 2017:978-84-362-6837-9 1819:978-90-04-12265-9 1591:978-3-487-13510-6 1393:978-0-520-05073-0 1363:978-3-88436-140-5 1191:978-90-04-20650-2 1116:978-1-78962-091-7 1031:, pp. 27–28. 958:978-0-521-08691-2 882:978-0-521-08691-2 638:Pyrrhus of Epirus 580:, regent of king 570:Peloponnesian War 355:) and the Apsus ( 215:Peloponnesian War 181:(7.7.8 Baladié), 135:Marjeta Šašel Kos 16:(Redirected from 8302: 8295:Illyrian Albania 8245:Military history 8215:Mithridatic Wars 8200:Maccabean Revolt 8148: 8125:Chremonidean War 8054:Third Sacred War 8049: 7955:First Sacred War 7912: 7905: 7898: 7889: 7875: 7874: 7763:Pannonia Secunda 7368:Trebeništa masks 7348:Spectacle brooch 7191:Scodra (Shkodër) 7171:Scampa (Elbasan) 6887:Dardana Fortress 6756:Acruvium (Kotor) 6727:Illyrian kingdom 6137: 6122: 6115: 6108: 6099: 6085: 6084: 6075: 6065: 6064: 5999: 5717: 5216:Heraclea Lucania 5169: 5160: 5141: 4901: 4833:Twelve Olympians 4804: 4594: 4570: 4158:Seleucid dynasty 4138:Kings of Paionia 4087: 4074: 3944:Scythian archers 3851:Graphe paranomon 3781: 3688: 3685: 3675: 3672: 3656: 3653: 3643: 3639: 3636: 3450: 3421: 3300:Classical Greece 3285:Mycenaean Greece 3265: 3241: 3213: 3206: 3199: 3190: 3184: 3163: 3142: 3140: 3138: 3112: 3093: 3069: 3048: 3027: 3006: 2985: 2974: 2953: 2932: 2905: 2884: 2882: 2880: 2861: 2840: 2814: 2793: 2791: 2789: 2774: 2750: 2729: 2710: 2685: 2664: 2642: 2640: 2638: 2628: 2617: 2606: 2595: 2574: 2537: 2526: 2489: 2465: 2444: 2432: 2411: 2390: 2369: 2348: 2327: 2304: 2293: 2262: 2261: 2238: 2232: 2226: 2220: 2217: 2211: 2208:Hatzopoulos 2020 2205: 2199: 2198:, pp. 46–47 2196:Hatzopoulos 2020 2193: 2187: 2181: 2175: 2169: 2163: 2157: 2151: 2150: 2145: 2143: 2137: 2126: 2120: 2117:Hatzopoulos 2020 2114: 2108: 2102: 2096: 2090: 2084: 2078: 2072: 2066: 2060: 2054: 2048: 2043: 2037: 2031: 2025: 2024: 2001: 1995: 1989: 1983: 1982: 1980: 1978: 1957: 1951: 1948:Hatzopoulos 2020 1945: 1939: 1933: 1927: 1917: 1911: 1905: 1899: 1893: 1887: 1881: 1875: 1869: 1863: 1862: 1846: 1840: 1834: 1828: 1827: 1803: 1797: 1791: 1785: 1779: 1773: 1767: 1761: 1755: 1749: 1743: 1737: 1736: 1734: 1732: 1718: 1712: 1706: 1700: 1694: 1688: 1682: 1676: 1675: 1670: 1668: 1655: 1646: 1640: 1630: 1624: 1618: 1612: 1606: 1600: 1599: 1575: 1569: 1559: 1553: 1552: 1547: 1545: 1522: 1516: 1513:Castiglioni 2003 1510: 1504: 1498: 1489: 1483: 1477: 1471: 1465: 1459: 1453: 1447: 1438: 1435:Castiglioni 2003 1432: 1426: 1416: 1410: 1404: 1398: 1397: 1377: 1371: 1370: 1347: 1341: 1335: 1329: 1326:Hatzopoulos 2020 1323: 1312: 1306: 1295: 1289: 1283: 1280:Hatzopoulos 2020 1277: 1271: 1265: 1259: 1253: 1247: 1241: 1235: 1229: 1223: 1220:Hatzopoulos 2020 1217: 1211: 1205: 1199: 1198: 1175: 1169: 1163: 1157: 1151: 1145: 1142:Castiglioni 2003 1139: 1133: 1127: 1121: 1120: 1100: 1094: 1088: 1082: 1076: 1070: 1064: 1058: 1057: 1041: 1032: 1026: 1020: 1017:Hatzopoulos 2020 1014: 1008: 1003: 997: 994:Hatzopoulos 2020 991: 982: 976: 967: 966: 942: 933: 930:Hatzopoulos 2020 927: 918: 917: 912: 910: 904: 893: 887: 886: 866: 860: 854: 845: 839: 833: 827: 818: 812: 806: 800: 794: 784: 775: 769: 760: 754: 743: 724: 715: 709: 624:, when king was 537:river as far as 531:Roman-Macedonian 510:N. G. L. Hammond 159:Pseudo-Aristotle 127:N. G. L. Hammond 44: 21: 8310: 8309: 8305: 8304: 8303: 8301: 8300: 8299: 8275:Illyrian tribes 8255: 8254: 8253: 8248: 8237: 8153:Macedonian Wars 8146: 8073: 8047: 8034:Theban hegemony 7964: 7921: 7916: 7886: 7881: 7858: 7845:Illyrian tribes 7817: 7779: 7738:Moesia Superior 7661: 7638: 7589:Desilo shipyard 7510:Siege of Pelium 7482: 7401: 7373:Vače Belt-Plate 7361:Selca e Poshtme 7259: 7176:Selcë e Poshtme 6965:Hedum castellum 6899:(Lower Neretva) 6761:Ad Acroceraunia 6744: 6736: 6679: 6460:Cleitus Dardani 6358: 6131: 6126: 6096: 6091: 6049: 6004: 5981: 5844: 5838: 5721: 5712: 5704: 5675:Melaina Korkyra 5631: 5553: 5510: 5463:Aeolian Islands 5453: 5315: 5173: 5154: 5153: 5127: 5084: 4995: 4937: 4888: 4842: 4793: 4715: 4706:Wedding customs 4588: 4587: 4556: 4547:Thracian Greeks 4530: 4521:Olympic victors 4499: 4341: 4228: 4172: 4163:Kings of Sparta 4148:Kings of Pontus 4118:Kings of Athens 4094: 4081: 4060: 3956:Army of Macedon 3916: 3893: 3865: 3822: 3770: 3743:(370–c. 230 BC) 3741:Arcadian League 3725:(c. 400–188 BC) 3723:Aetolian League 3717:Boeotian League 3699:Hellenic League 3686: 3673: 3663:(c. 650–404 BC) 3654: 3648:Italiote League 3641: 3637: 3631:Doric Hexapolis 3621: 3612: 3608:Seleucid Empire 3551: 3444: 3443: 3407: 3314: 3290:Greek Dark Ages 3259: 3258: 3235: 3222: 3217: 3187: 3181: 3166: 3160: 3145: 3136: 3134: 3132: 3115: 3109: 3096: 3090: 3072: 3051: 3045: 3030: 3024: 3009: 3003: 2988: 2977: 2956: 2950: 2935: 2929: 2908: 2902: 2887: 2878: 2876: 2864: 2858: 2843: 2837: 2823:Historija Ilira 2817: 2811: 2796: 2787: 2785: 2777: 2771: 2753: 2747: 2732: 2726: 2713: 2707: 2688: 2682: 2667: 2661: 2646: 2636: 2634: 2626: 2621: 2609: 2598: 2592: 2577: 2540: 2529: 2492: 2486: 2468: 2462: 2447: 2441: 2414: 2408: 2393: 2387: 2372: 2366: 2351: 2330: 2324: 2307: 2296: 2290: 2275: 2271: 2266: 2265: 2255: 2240: 2239: 2235: 2227: 2223: 2218: 2214: 2206: 2202: 2194: 2190: 2184:Winnifrith 2002 2182: 2178: 2170: 2166: 2158: 2154: 2141: 2139: 2135: 2128: 2127: 2123: 2115: 2111: 2103: 2099: 2091: 2087: 2079: 2075: 2067: 2063: 2055: 2051: 2044: 2040: 2032: 2028: 2018: 2003: 2002: 1998: 1994:, pp. 290. 1990: 1986: 1976: 1974: 1959: 1958: 1954: 1946: 1942: 1934: 1930: 1918: 1914: 1906: 1902: 1894: 1890: 1882: 1878: 1870: 1866: 1848: 1847: 1843: 1835: 1831: 1820: 1805: 1804: 1800: 1794:Winnifrith 2021 1792: 1788: 1780: 1776: 1768: 1764: 1756: 1752: 1744: 1740: 1730: 1728: 1720: 1719: 1715: 1707: 1703: 1697:Waterfield 2014 1695: 1691: 1683: 1679: 1666: 1664: 1653: 1648: 1647: 1643: 1631: 1627: 1619: 1615: 1607: 1603: 1592: 1577: 1576: 1572: 1560: 1556: 1543: 1541: 1539: 1524: 1523: 1519: 1511: 1507: 1499: 1492: 1486:Winnifrith 2002 1484: 1480: 1472: 1468: 1460: 1456: 1448: 1441: 1433: 1429: 1417: 1413: 1405: 1401: 1394: 1379: 1378: 1374: 1364: 1349: 1348: 1344: 1336: 1332: 1324: 1315: 1307: 1298: 1290: 1286: 1278: 1274: 1266: 1262: 1254: 1250: 1242: 1238: 1230: 1226: 1218: 1214: 1206: 1202: 1192: 1177: 1176: 1172: 1164: 1160: 1152: 1148: 1140: 1136: 1128: 1124: 1117: 1102: 1101: 1097: 1089: 1085: 1077: 1073: 1065: 1061: 1043: 1042: 1035: 1027: 1023: 1015: 1011: 1004: 1000: 992: 985: 977: 970: 959: 944: 943: 936: 928: 921: 908: 906: 902: 895: 894: 890: 883: 868: 867: 863: 855: 848: 840: 836: 828: 821: 813: 809: 801: 797: 785: 778: 770: 763: 755: 746: 725: 718: 710: 706: 701: 584:, as allies of 551: 506: 475:'s westernmost 311: 283:Upper Macedonia 147: 145:Ancient sources 131:Dorian invasion 118: 110:Greek Dark Ages 79: 49:or Ἀτιντᾶνιοι, 28: 23: 22: 15: 12: 11: 5: 8308: 8306: 8298: 8297: 8292: 8287: 8282: 8277: 8272: 8270:Ancient Greeks 8267: 8257: 8256: 8250: 8249: 8242: 8239: 8238: 8236: 8235: 8230: 8212: 8207: 8202: 8197: 8192: 8187: 8182: 8177: 8172: 8150: 8142: 8137: 8135:Cleomenean War 8132: 8127: 8122: 8117: 8112: 8107: 8102: 8097: 8089: 8083: 8081: 8075: 8074: 8072: 8071: 8066: 8061: 8056: 8051: 8043: 8042: 8041: 8030: 8025: 8023:Corinthian War 8020: 8018:Phyle Campaign 8015: 8010: 8005: 8000: 7995: 7990: 7985: 7980: 7974: 7972: 7966: 7965: 7963: 7962: 7957: 7952: 7947: 7942: 7937: 7931: 7929: 7923: 7922: 7917: 7915: 7914: 7907: 7900: 7892: 7883: 7882: 7880: 7879: 7869: 7863: 7860: 7859: 7857: 7856: 7851: 7850: 7849: 7848: 7847: 7831: 7829: 7823: 7822: 7819: 7818: 7816: 7815: 7810: 7805: 7804: 7803: 7793: 7787: 7785: 7781: 7780: 7778: 7777: 7776: 7775: 7770: 7765: 7760: 7758:Pannonia Savia 7755: 7753:Pannonia Prima 7750: 7745: 7740: 7735: 7730: 7725: 7720: 7715: 7707: 7706: 7705: 7697: 7696: 7695: 7690: 7685: 7677: 7671: 7669: 7663: 7662: 7660: 7659: 7658: 7657: 7646: 7644: 7640: 7639: 7637: 7636: 7635: 7634: 7629: 7624: 7616: 7611: 7606: 7601: 7596: 7591: 7586: 7581: 7580: 7579: 7569: 7564: 7563: 7562: 7557: 7552: 7547: 7542: 7534: 7529: 7524: 7519: 7514: 7513: 7512: 7502: 7496: 7494: 7484: 7483: 7481: 7480: 7477: 7476: 7471: 7466: 7465: 7464: 7459: 7454: 7449: 7444: 7439: 7438: 7437: 7427: 7422: 7411: 7409: 7403: 7402: 7400: 7399: 7396: 7395: 7394: 7393: 7388: 7380: 7375: 7370: 7365: 7364: 7363: 7358: 7350: 7345: 7340: 7339: 7338: 7333: 7328: 7323: 7315: 7310: 7305: 7300: 7295: 7290: 7285: 7280: 7275: 7269: 7267: 7261: 7260: 7258: 7257: 7245: 7240: 7235: 7230: 7225: 7220: 7215: 7208: 7203: 7198: 7193: 7188: 7183: 7178: 7173: 7168: 7163: 7158: 7153: 7148: 7143: 7138: 7131: 7126: 7121: 7116: 7102: 7097: 7092: 7085: 7080: 7075: 7070: 7065: 7060: 7055: 7045: 7040: 7035: 7033:Mursa (Osijek) 7030: 7025: 7018: 7013: 7006: 6996: 6989: 6984: 6979: 6972: 6967: 6962: 6957: 6952: 6947: 6942: 6932: 6925: 6920: 6915: 6910: 6905: 6900: 6894: 6889: 6884: 6883: 6882: 6872: 6867: 6862: 6857: 6852: 6847: 6840: 6835: 6830: 6823: 6818: 6813: 6808: 6803: 6798: 6793: 6788: 6783: 6778: 6773: 6768: 6763: 6758: 6752: 6750: 6738: 6737: 6735: 6734: 6729: 6724: 6719: 6714: 6713: 6712: 6702: 6697: 6687: 6685: 6681: 6680: 6678: 6677: 6675:Valentinian II 6672: 6667: 6662: 6657: 6652: 6647: 6642: 6637: 6632: 6627: 6622: 6617: 6612: 6607: 6602: 6597: 6592: 6587: 6582: 6577: 6572: 6567: 6562: 6557: 6552: 6547: 6542: 6537: 6532: 6527: 6522: 6517: 6512: 6507: 6502: 6497: 6492: 6487: 6482: 6477: 6475:Constantius II 6472: 6467: 6462: 6457: 6452: 6447: 6442: 6437: 6432: 6427: 6422: 6417: 6412: 6407: 6402: 6397: 6392: 6387: 6382: 6377: 6372: 6366: 6364: 6360: 6359: 6357: 6356: 6355: 6354: 6344: 6339: 6334: 6329: 6324: 6319: 6314: 6309: 6304: 6303: 6302: 6297: 6292: 6282: 6277: 6272: 6267: 6262: 6257: 6256: 6255: 6250: 6240: 6235: 6234: 6233: 6223: 6218: 6213: 6208: 6203: 6198: 6193: 6188: 6183: 6178: 6177: 6176: 6171: 6161: 6156: 6151: 6145: 6143: 6133: 6132: 6127: 6125: 6124: 6117: 6110: 6102: 6093: 6092: 6090: 6089: 6079: 6069: 6058: 6055: 6054: 6051: 6050: 6048: 6047: 6042: 6037: 6032: 6027: 6022: 6021: 6020: 6009: 6006: 6005: 6002: 5995: 5994: 5991: 5990: 5987: 5986: 5983: 5982: 5980: 5979: 5974: 5969: 5964: 5959: 5954: 5949: 5944: 5939: 5934: 5929: 5924: 5919: 5914: 5909: 5904: 5899: 5894: 5889: 5884: 5879: 5874: 5869: 5864: 5859: 5854: 5848: 5846: 5840: 5839: 5837: 5836: 5831: 5826: 5821: 5816: 5811: 5806: 5801: 5796: 5791: 5786: 5781: 5776: 5771: 5766: 5761: 5756: 5751: 5746: 5741: 5736: 5731: 5725: 5723: 5714: 5706: 5705: 5703: 5702: 5697: 5692: 5687: 5682: 5677: 5672: 5667: 5662: 5657: 5652: 5647: 5641: 5639: 5633: 5632: 5630: 5629: 5624: 5619: 5614: 5609: 5604: 5599: 5594: 5589: 5584: 5579: 5574: 5569: 5563: 5561: 5555: 5554: 5552: 5551: 5546: 5536: 5531: 5526: 5520: 5518: 5512: 5511: 5509: 5508: 5503: 5498: 5493: 5488: 5483: 5478: 5473: 5467: 5465: 5459: 5458: 5455: 5454: 5452: 5451: 5446: 5441: 5436: 5431: 5426: 5421: 5416: 5411: 5409:Megara Hyblaea 5406: 5401: 5396: 5391: 5389:Hybla Gereatis 5386: 5381: 5379:Heraclea Minoa 5376: 5371: 5366: 5361: 5356: 5351: 5346: 5341: 5336: 5331: 5325: 5323: 5317: 5316: 5314: 5313: 5308: 5303: 5298: 5293: 5288: 5283: 5278: 5273: 5268: 5263: 5258: 5253: 5248: 5243: 5238: 5233: 5228: 5223: 5218: 5213: 5208: 5203: 5198: 5193: 5188: 5183: 5177: 5175: 5166: 5156: 5155: 5152: 5151: 5145: 5144: 5137: 5136: 5133: 5132: 5129: 5128: 5126: 5125: 5123:Attic numerals 5120: 5118:Greek numerals 5115: 5113:Greek alphabet 5110: 5105: 5100: 5094: 5092: 5086: 5085: 5083: 5082: 5077: 5076: 5075: 5070: 5065: 5060: 5055: 5050: 5045: 5040: 5035: 5025: 5020: 5015: 5009: 5007: 5001: 5000: 4997: 4996: 4994: 4993: 4988: 4983: 4978: 4973: 4968: 4963: 4958: 4953: 4947: 4945: 4939: 4938: 4936: 4935: 4930: 4925: 4920: 4915: 4910: 4904: 4898: 4894: 4893: 4890: 4889: 4887: 4886: 4881: 4876: 4871: 4866: 4861: 4856: 4850: 4848: 4844: 4843: 4841: 4840: 4835: 4830: 4825: 4824: 4823: 4813: 4807: 4801: 4795: 4794: 4792: 4791: 4786: 4781: 4776: 4771: 4770: 4769: 4767:Musical system 4759: 4754: 4749: 4744: 4739: 4738: 4737: 4726: 4724: 4717: 4716: 4714: 4713: 4708: 4703: 4698: 4693: 4688: 4683: 4678: 4673: 4668: 4663: 4658: 4653: 4648: 4643: 4638: 4633: 4628: 4623: 4618: 4613: 4608: 4602: 4600: 4590: 4589: 4586: 4585: 4580: 4574: 4573: 4566: 4565: 4562: 4561: 4558: 4557: 4555: 4554: 4549: 4544: 4538: 4536: 4532: 4531: 4529: 4528: 4523: 4518: 4513: 4507: 4505: 4501: 4500: 4498: 4497: 4492: 4487: 4482: 4477: 4472: 4467: 4462: 4457: 4452: 4447: 4442: 4437: 4432: 4427: 4422: 4417: 4412: 4407: 4402: 4397: 4392: 4387: 4382: 4377: 4372: 4367: 4362: 4357: 4351: 4349: 4343: 4342: 4340: 4339: 4334: 4329: 4324: 4319: 4314: 4309: 4304: 4299: 4294: 4289: 4284: 4279: 4274: 4269: 4264: 4259: 4254: 4249: 4244: 4238: 4236: 4230: 4229: 4227: 4226: 4221: 4216: 4211: 4206: 4201: 4199:Mathematicians 4196: 4191: 4186: 4180: 4178: 4174: 4173: 4171: 4170: 4165: 4160: 4155: 4150: 4145: 4140: 4135: 4130: 4125: 4120: 4115: 4110: 4108:Kings of Argos 4104: 4102: 4096: 4095: 4090: 4083: 4082: 4077: 4070: 4069: 4066: 4065: 4062: 4061: 4059: 4058: 4053: 4048: 4043: 4038: 4033: 4028: 4023: 4018: 4013: 4008: 4003: 3998: 3993: 3988: 3983: 3978: 3973: 3968: 3966:Cretan archers 3963: 3958: 3953: 3948: 3947: 3946: 3936: 3930: 3928: 3922: 3921: 3918: 3917: 3915: 3914: 3909: 3903: 3901: 3895: 3894: 3892: 3891: 3886: 3881: 3875: 3873: 3867: 3866: 3864: 3863: 3858: 3853: 3848: 3843: 3838: 3832: 3830: 3824: 3823: 3821: 3820: 3815: 3810: 3805: 3800: 3795: 3790: 3784: 3778: 3772: 3771: 3769: 3768: 3765:Achaean League 3762: 3759:Euboean League 3756: 3750: 3747:Epirote League 3744: 3738: 3732: 3726: 3720: 3714: 3708: 3702: 3696: 3695:(c. 500–31 BC) 3690: 3677: 3664: 3658: 3645: 3627: 3625: 3623:Confederations 3614: 3613: 3611: 3610: 3605: 3600: 3595: 3590: 3585: 3580: 3575: 3570: 3565: 3559: 3557: 3553: 3552: 3550: 3549: 3547:Lissus (Crete) 3544: 3539: 3534: 3529: 3524: 3519: 3514: 3509: 3504: 3499: 3494: 3489: 3484: 3479: 3474: 3469: 3464: 3458: 3456: 3446: 3445: 3442: 3441: 3436: 3431: 3425: 3424: 3417: 3416: 3413: 3412: 3409: 3408: 3406: 3405: 3400: 3395: 3390: 3385: 3380: 3375: 3370: 3365: 3360: 3355: 3350: 3345: 3340: 3335: 3330: 3324: 3322: 3316: 3315: 3313: 3312: 3307: 3302: 3297: 3295:Archaic Greece 3292: 3287: 3282: 3277: 3271: 3269: 3261: 3260: 3257: 3256: 3251: 3245: 3244: 3237: 3236: 3234: 3233: 3227: 3224: 3223: 3220:Ancient Greece 3218: 3216: 3215: 3208: 3201: 3193: 3186: 3185: 3179: 3164: 3158: 3143: 3130: 3113: 3107: 3094: 3088: 3070: 3049: 3043: 3028: 3022: 3007: 3001: 2986: 2975: 2965:(2): 481–502. 2954: 2948: 2933: 2927: 2906: 2900: 2885: 2862: 2857:978-1405190336 2856: 2841: 2835: 2815: 2810:978-2746746411 2809: 2794: 2775: 2769: 2751: 2745: 2730: 2724: 2711: 2705: 2686: 2680: 2665: 2659: 2619: 2618: 2607: 2596: 2590: 2575: 2555:10.2307/301177 2538: 2536:. 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527:Roman-Illyrian 505: 502: 481:Lake Lycnhidos 310: 307: 146: 143: 117: 114: 78: 75: 26: 24: 14: 13: 10: 9: 6: 4: 3: 2: 8307: 8296: 8293: 8291: 8288: 8286: 8283: 8281: 8278: 8276: 8273: 8271: 8268: 8266: 8263: 8262: 8260: 8247: 8246: 8240: 8234: 8233:War of Actium 8231: 8228: 8224: 8220: 8216: 8213: 8211: 8208: 8206: 8203: 8201: 8198: 8196: 8193: 8191: 8188: 8186: 8183: 8181: 8178: 8176: 8173: 8170: 8166: 8162: 8158: 8154: 8151: 8149: 8143: 8141: 8138: 8136: 8133: 8131: 8128: 8126: 8123: 8121: 8118: 8116: 8113: 8111: 8108: 8106: 8103: 8101: 8098: 8096: 8095: 8090: 8088: 8085: 8084: 8082: 8080: 8076: 8070: 8067: 8065: 8062: 8060: 8057: 8055: 8052: 8050: 8044: 8040: 8037: 8036: 8035: 8031: 8029: 8026: 8024: 8021: 8019: 8016: 8014: 8011: 8009: 8006: 8004: 8001: 7999: 7996: 7994: 7991: 7989: 7986: 7984: 7983:Aeginetan War 7981: 7979: 7976: 7975: 7973: 7971: 7967: 7961: 7960:Sicilian Wars 7958: 7956: 7953: 7951: 7948: 7946: 7943: 7941: 7940:Lelantine War 7938: 7936: 7933: 7932: 7930: 7928: 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7056: 7053: 7049: 7046: 7044: 7041: 7039: 7036: 7034: 7031: 7029: 7026: 7024: 7023: 7019: 7017: 7014: 7012: 7011: 7007: 7004: 7000: 6997: 6995: 6994: 6990: 6988: 6985: 6983: 6980: 6977: 6973: 6971: 6970:Hija e Korbit 6968: 6966: 6963: 6961: 6958: 6956: 6953: 6951: 6948: 6946: 6943: 6940: 6936: 6933: 6931: 6930: 6926: 6924: 6921: 6919: 6916: 6914: 6911: 6909: 6906: 6904: 6901: 6898: 6895: 6893: 6890: 6888: 6885: 6881: 6880:Lower Neretva 6878: 6877: 6876: 6873: 6871: 6868: 6866: 6863: 6861: 6858: 6856: 6853: 6851: 6848: 6846: 6845: 6841: 6839: 6836: 6834: 6831: 6829: 6828: 6824: 6822: 6819: 6817: 6814: 6812: 6809: 6807: 6804: 6802: 6799: 6797: 6794: 6792: 6789: 6787: 6784: 6782: 6779: 6777: 6774: 6772: 6769: 6767: 6764: 6762: 6759: 6757: 6754: 6753: 6751: 6748: 6743: 6739: 6733: 6730: 6728: 6725: 6723: 6720: 6718: 6715: 6711: 6708: 6707: 6706: 6703: 6701: 6698: 6696: 6692: 6689: 6688: 6686: 6682: 6676: 6673: 6671: 6670:Valentinian I 6668: 6666: 6663: 6661: 6658: 6656: 6653: 6651: 6648: 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5755: 5752: 5750: 5747: 5745: 5742: 5740: 5737: 5735: 5732: 5730: 5727: 5726: 5724: 5718: 5715: 5711: 5707: 5701: 5698: 5696: 5693: 5691: 5688: 5686: 5683: 5681: 5678: 5676: 5673: 5671: 5668: 5666: 5663: 5661: 5658: 5656: 5653: 5651: 5648: 5646: 5643: 5642: 5640: 5638: 5634: 5628: 5625: 5623: 5620: 5618: 5615: 5613: 5610: 5608: 5605: 5603: 5600: 5598: 5595: 5593: 5590: 5588: 5587:Hemeroscopion 5585: 5583: 5580: 5578: 5575: 5573: 5570: 5568: 5565: 5564: 5562: 5560: 5556: 5550: 5547: 5544: 5540: 5537: 5535: 5532: 5530: 5527: 5525: 5522: 5521: 5519: 5517: 5513: 5507: 5504: 5502: 5499: 5497: 5494: 5492: 5489: 5487: 5484: 5482: 5479: 5477: 5474: 5472: 5469: 5468: 5466: 5464: 5460: 5450: 5447: 5445: 5442: 5440: 5437: 5435: 5432: 5430: 5427: 5425: 5422: 5420: 5417: 5415: 5412: 5410: 5407: 5405: 5402: 5400: 5397: 5395: 5392: 5390: 5387: 5385: 5382: 5380: 5377: 5375: 5372: 5370: 5367: 5365: 5362: 5360: 5357: 5355: 5352: 5350: 5347: 5345: 5342: 5340: 5337: 5335: 5332: 5330: 5327: 5326: 5324: 5322: 5318: 5312: 5309: 5307: 5304: 5302: 5299: 5297: 5294: 5292: 5289: 5287: 5284: 5282: 5279: 5277: 5274: 5272: 5269: 5267: 5264: 5262: 5259: 5257: 5254: 5252: 5249: 5247: 5244: 5242: 5239: 5237: 5234: 5232: 5229: 5227: 5224: 5222: 5219: 5217: 5214: 5212: 5209: 5207: 5204: 5202: 5199: 5197: 5194: 5192: 5189: 5187: 5184: 5182: 5179: 5178: 5176: 5170: 5167: 5165: 5164:Magna Graecia 5161: 5157: 5150: 5147: 5146: 5142: 5138: 5124: 5121: 5119: 5116: 5114: 5111: 5109: 5106: 5104: 5101: 5099: 5096: 5095: 5093: 5091: 5087: 5081: 5078: 5074: 5071: 5069: 5066: 5064: 5061: 5059: 5056: 5054: 5051: 5049: 5046: 5044: 5041: 5039: 5038:Arcadocypriot 5036: 5034: 5031: 5030: 5029: 5026: 5024: 5021: 5019: 5016: 5014: 5011: 5010: 5008: 5006: 5002: 4992: 4991:Zeus, Olympia 4989: 4987: 4984: 4982: 4979: 4977: 4976:Hera, Olympia 4974: 4972: 4969: 4967: 4964: 4962: 4959: 4957: 4954: 4952: 4949: 4948: 4946: 4944: 4940: 4934: 4931: 4929: 4926: 4924: 4921: 4919: 4916: 4914: 4911: 4909: 4906: 4905: 4902: 4899: 4895: 4885: 4882: 4880: 4879:Mount Olympus 4877: 4875: 4872: 4870: 4867: 4865: 4862: 4860: 4857: 4855: 4852: 4851: 4849: 4847:Sacred places 4845: 4839: 4836: 4834: 4831: 4829: 4826: 4822: 4819: 4818: 4817: 4814: 4812: 4809: 4808: 4805: 4802: 4800: 4796: 4790: 4787: 4785: 4782: 4780: 4777: 4775: 4772: 4768: 4765: 4764: 4763: 4760: 4758: 4755: 4753: 4750: 4748: 4745: 4743: 4740: 4736: 4733: 4732: 4731: 4728: 4727: 4725: 4722: 4718: 4712: 4709: 4707: 4704: 4702: 4699: 4697: 4694: 4692: 4689: 4687: 4684: 4682: 4679: 4677: 4674: 4672: 4671:Olympic Games 4669: 4667: 4664: 4662: 4661:Homosexuality 4659: 4657: 4654: 4652: 4649: 4647: 4644: 4642: 4639: 4637: 4634: 4632: 4629: 4627: 4624: 4622: 4619: 4617: 4614: 4612: 4609: 4607: 4604: 4603: 4601: 4599: 4595: 4591: 4584: 4581: 4579: 4576: 4575: 4571: 4567: 4553: 4550: 4548: 4545: 4543: 4540: 4539: 4537: 4533: 4527: 4524: 4522: 4519: 4517: 4514: 4512: 4509: 4508: 4506: 4502: 4496: 4493: 4491: 4488: 4486: 4483: 4481: 4478: 4476: 4473: 4471: 4468: 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4027: 4024: 4022: 4019: 4017: 4014: 4012: 4009: 4007: 4004: 4002: 3999: 3997: 3994: 3992: 3989: 3987: 3984: 3982: 3979: 3977: 3974: 3972: 3969: 3967: 3964: 3962: 3959: 3957: 3954: 3952: 3949: 3945: 3942: 3941: 3940: 3937: 3935: 3932: 3931: 3929: 3927: 3923: 3913: 3910: 3908: 3905: 3904: 3902: 3900: 3896: 3890: 3887: 3885: 3882: 3880: 3877: 3876: 3874: 3872: 3868: 3862: 3859: 3857: 3854: 3852: 3849: 3847: 3844: 3842: 3839: 3837: 3834: 3833: 3831: 3829: 3825: 3819: 3816: 3814: 3811: 3809: 3806: 3804: 3801: 3799: 3796: 3794: 3791: 3789: 3786: 3785: 3782: 3779: 3777: 3773: 3766: 3763: 3760: 3757: 3754: 3751: 3748: 3745: 3742: 3739: 3736: 3733: 3730: 3727: 3724: 3721: 3718: 3715: 3712: 3709: 3706: 3705:Delian League 3703: 3700: 3697: 3694: 3691: 3681: 3678: 3668: 3665: 3662: 3661:Ionian League 3659: 3649: 3646: 3642: 560 BC 3632: 3629: 3628: 3626: 3624: 3619: 3615: 3609: 3606: 3604: 3601: 3599: 3596: 3594: 3591: 3589: 3586: 3584: 3581: 3579: 3576: 3574: 3571: 3569: 3566: 3564: 3561: 3560: 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Autrement. 2802: 2801: 2795: 2783: 2782: 2776: 2772: 2766: 2762: 2761: 2756: 2752: 2748: 2746:9789602133712 2742: 2738: 2737: 2731: 2727: 2721: 2717: 2712: 2708: 2702: 2698: 2694: 2693: 2687: 2683: 2681:9781444334128 2677: 2673: 2672: 2666: 2662: 2660:9780415827287 2656: 2653:. Routledge. 2652: 2651: 2645: 2644: 2643: 2632: 2625: 2615: 2614: 2608: 2604: 2603: 2597: 2593: 2587: 2583: 2582: 2576: 2572: 2568: 2564: 2560: 2556: 2552: 2548: 2544: 2539: 2535: 2534: 2528: 2524: 2520: 2516: 2512: 2508: 2504: 2500: 2496: 2491: 2487: 2481: 2477: 2476: 2471: 2467: 2463: 2461:9783110532135 2457: 2453: 2452: 2446: 2442: 2440:9782735508679 2436: 2431: 2426: 2422: 2418: 2413: 2409: 2403: 2399: 2398: 2392: 2388: 2382: 2378: 2377: 2371: 2367: 2365:9789602133712 2361: 2357: 2356: 2350: 2346: 2342: 2338: 2334: 2329: 2325: 2319: 2315: 2311: 2306: 2302: 2301: 2295: 2291: 2289:9781139501866 2285: 2281: 2280: 2274: 2273: 2268: 2260: 2256: 2250: 2246: 2245: 2237: 2234: 2230: 2229:Thompson 2003 2225: 2222: 2216: 2213: 2209: 2204: 2201: 2197: 2192: 2189: 2185: 2180: 2177: 2174:, p. 162 2173: 2168: 2165: 2161: 2156: 2153: 2149: 2134: 2133: 2125: 2122: 2118: 2113: 2110: 2106: 2101: 2098: 2094: 2089: 2086: 2082: 2077: 2074: 2070: 2065: 2062: 2058: 2053: 2050: 2047: 2042: 2039: 2035: 2034:Hammond 1994a 2030: 2027: 2023: 2019: 2013: 2009: 2008: 2000: 1997: 1993: 1988: 1985: 1973: 1969: 1965: 1964: 1956: 1953: 1949: 1944: 1941: 1937: 1932: 1929: 1925: 1921: 1916: 1913: 1909: 1904: 1901: 1897: 1892: 1889: 1885: 1880: 1877: 1873: 1868: 1865: 1860: 1856: 1852: 1845: 1842: 1838: 1833: 1830: 1826: 1821: 1815: 1811: 1810: 1802: 1799: 1796:, p. 52. 1795: 1790: 1787: 1783: 1782:Vasilyev 2018 1778: 1775: 1771: 1766: 1763: 1759: 1754: 1751: 1747: 1742: 1739: 1726: 1725: 1717: 1714: 1710: 1705: 1702: 1698: 1693: 1690: 1686: 1681: 1678: 1674: 1663: 1660:(in German). 1659: 1652: 1645: 1642: 1638: 1634: 1629: 1626: 1622: 1617: 1614: 1610: 1605: 1602: 1598: 1593: 1587: 1583: 1582: 1574: 1571: 1567: 1563: 1558: 1555: 1551: 1540: 1538:9789607905246 1534: 1530: 1529: 1521: 1518: 1514: 1509: 1506: 1502: 1497: 1495: 1491: 1487: 1482: 1479: 1475: 1470: 1467: 1463: 1458: 1455: 1451: 1446: 1444: 1440: 1436: 1431: 1428: 1424: 1420: 1415: 1412: 1408: 1403: 1400: 1395: 1389: 1385: 1384: 1376: 1373: 1369: 1365: 1359: 1355: 1354: 1346: 1343: 1339: 1334: 1331: 1328:, p. 46. 1327: 1322: 1320: 1318: 1314: 1310: 1305: 1303: 1301: 1297: 1293: 1288: 1285: 1281: 1276: 1273: 1269: 1264: 1261: 1258:, p. 134 1257: 1252: 1249: 1245: 1240: 1237: 1233: 1228: 1225: 1221: 1216: 1213: 1209: 1204: 1201: 1197: 1193: 1187: 1183: 1182: 1174: 1171: 1167: 1162: 1159: 1155: 1150: 1147: 1143: 1138: 1135: 1131: 1126: 1123: 1118: 1112: 1108: 1107: 1099: 1096: 1092: 1087: 1084: 1080: 1075: 1072: 1068: 1063: 1060: 1056: 1051: 1047: 1040: 1038: 1034: 1030: 1025: 1022: 1019:, p. 43. 1018: 1013: 1010: 1007: 1002: 999: 996:, p. 45. 995: 990: 988: 984: 980: 975: 973: 969: 965: 960: 954: 950: 949: 941: 939: 935: 931: 926: 924: 920: 916: 901: 900: 892: 889: 884: 878: 874: 873: 865: 862: 858: 853: 851: 847: 844:, p. 12. 843: 838: 835: 831: 826: 824: 820: 816: 811: 808: 805:, p. 240 804: 799: 796: 792: 788: 783: 781: 777: 773: 768: 766: 762: 758: 753: 751: 749: 745: 741: 736: 732: 728: 723: 721: 717: 713: 712:Hammond 1994a 708: 705: 698: 696: 694: 689: 687: 683: 679: 675: 671: 667: 663: 658: 654: 650: 646: 641: 639: 635: 631: 627: 623: 619: 615: 611: 610:Epirote state 607: 603: 599: 595: 591: 587: 583: 579: 575: 571: 566: 564: 560: 559:A. J. Toynbee 556: 548: 546: 542: 540: 536: 532: 528: 524: 519: 515: 511: 503: 501: 499: 495: 489: 486: 482: 478: 474: 470: 466: 462: 458: 453: 451: 447: 443: 439: 435: 431: 430:R. Waterfield 425: 423: 419: 415: 411: 407: 402: 398: 394: 390: 385: 381: 377: 373: 369: 365: 360: 358: 354: 350: 349:F. Papazoglou 346: 344: 340: 336: 335:A. J. Toynbee 332: 328: 324: 320: 315: 308: 306: 304: 300: 296: 292: 288: 284: 280: 277:According to 275: 273: 269: 265: 261: 257: 256: 251: 247: 243: 239: 234: 230: 226: 224: 220: 216: 212: 208: 204: 200: 196: 192: 188: 184: 180: 176: 172: 168: 164: 160: 156: 155:Pseudo-Skylax 152: 144: 142: 140: 136: 132: 128: 123: 115: 113: 111: 107: 103: 99: 98: 93: 89: 85: 84:A. J. Toynbee 76: 74: 72: 68: 64: 60: 56: 52: 48: 40: 36: 32: 19: 8290:Greek tribes 8243: 8195:Galatian War 8185:Aetolian War 8147:(220–217 BC) 8093: 8092:Wars of the 8048:(357–355 BC) 8032:Wars of the 8028:Boeotian War 7699:Prefectures 7667:Roman period 7584:Batonian War 7356:Boka-Përçeva 7247: 7210: 7133: 7110: 7104: 7087: 7020: 7008: 6991: 6927: 6842: 6825: 6640:Scerdilaidas 6625:Pleuratus II 6430:Bato Dardani 6180: 5882:Dionysopolis 5852:Abonoteichos 5804:Pantikapaion 5394:Hybla Heraea 4730:Architecture 4686:Prostitution 4375:Aristophanes 4234:Philosophers 4204:Philosophers 4036:Spartan army 3767:(280–146 BC) 3755:(338–322 BC) 3749:(370–168 BC) 3737:(374–196 BC) 3731:(378–355 BC) 3713:(430–348 BC) 3707:(478–404 BC) 3701:(499–449 BC) 3388:Peloponnesus 3310:Roman Greece 3169: 3148: 3135:. Retrieved 3121: 3098: 3078: 3057: 3053: 3033: 3012: 2991: 2980: 2962: 2958: 2938: 2918: 2914: 2890: 2877:. Retrieved 2872: 2867: 2846: 2826: 2822: 2799: 2786:. Retrieved 2780: 2759: 2735: 2715: 2691: 2670: 2649: 2635:. Retrieved 2630: 2620: 2612: 2601: 2580: 2546: 2542: 2532: 2498: 2494: 2474: 2450: 2420: 2396: 2375: 2354: 2336: 2332: 2313: 2309: 2299: 2278: 2269:Bibliography 2258: 2243: 2236: 2224: 2215: 2210:, p. 47 2203: 2191: 2179: 2167: 2160:Cabanes 1988 2155: 2147: 2140:. Retrieved 2131: 2124: 2112: 2105:Leveque 1997 2100: 2093:Hammond 1967 2088: 2081:Hammond 1994 2076: 2069:Cabanes 1988 2064: 2052: 2041: 2029: 2021: 2006: 1999: 1992:Pliakou 2007 1987: 1975:. Retrieved 1962: 1955: 1943: 1936:Cabanes 1988 1931: 1923: 1915: 1903: 1896:Mallios 2011 1891: 1884:Mallios 2011 1879: 1867: 1858: 1854: 1844: 1832: 1823: 1808: 1801: 1789: 1777: 1765: 1753: 1741: 1729:. Retrieved 1723: 1716: 1704: 1692: 1680: 1672: 1665:. Retrieved 1661: 1657: 1644: 1636: 1628: 1621:Stocker 2009 1616: 1609:Stocker 2009 1604: 1595: 1580: 1573: 1565: 1562:Kirigin 2006 1557: 1549: 1542:. Retrieved 1527: 1520: 1508: 1481: 1469: 1462:Habicht 1997 1457: 1430: 1414: 1407:Cabanes 1988 1402: 1382: 1375: 1367: 1352: 1345: 1338:Toynbee 1969 1333: 1292:Mallios 2011 1287: 1275: 1263: 1256:Mallios 2011 1251: 1244:Mallios 2011 1239: 1227: 1215: 1203: 1195: 1180: 1173: 1166:Cabanes 1988 1161: 1149: 1137: 1125: 1105: 1098: 1086: 1074: 1069:, p. 83 1062: 1053: 1049: 1029:Cabanes 1988 1024: 1012: 1001: 962: 947: 914: 907:. Retrieved 898: 891: 871: 864: 857:Toynbee 1969 842:Hammond 1989 837: 830:Toynbee 1969 815:Toynbee 1969 810: 798: 739: 734: 730: 707: 690: 642: 567: 552: 543: 507: 490: 484: 476: 454: 441: 426: 421: 409: 405: 392: 361: 347: 316: 312: 276: 259: 253: 249: 227: 210: 202: 190: 173:1042–1046), 170: 162: 148: 119: 105: 95: 87: 80: 50: 46: 34: 30: 29: 8210:Achaean War 8145:Social War 8140:Lyttian War 8115:Syrian Wars 8110:Pyrrhic War 8079:Hellenistic 8059:Foreign War 8046:Social War 7854:Settlements 7723:Epirus Nova 7378:Vače Situla 7254:Albanopolis 7119:Pola (Pula) 7022:Matohasanaj 6860:Chrysondyon 6786:Antipatreia 6771:Albanopolis 6620:Pleuratus I 6575:Justinian I 6450:Caravantius 6415:Bardylis II 6221:Daesitiates 6181:Atintanians 6030:Place names 5942:Salmydessus 5764:Kalos Limen 5744:Chersonesus 5734:Borysthenes 5439:Tauromenion 5251:Metapontion 5013:Proto-Greek 4966:Erechtheion 4961:Athena Nike 4923:Philippeion 4752:Mathematics 4723:and science 4606:Agriculture 4470:Stesichorus 4380:Bacchylides 4370:Archilochus 4257:Antisthenes 4247:Anaximander 4219:Seven Sages 4209:Playwrights 4189:Geographers 4184:Astronomers 4011:Pezhetairos 3638: 1100 3618:Federations 3517:Megalopolis 3454:City states 3429:City states 3137:27 November 2921:: 101–119. 2879:28 November 2788:27 November 2697:Archeopress 2172:Wilkes 1992 2142:28 November 1920:Burton 2011 1908:Burton 2011 1872:Dausse 2015 1837:Wilkes 1995 1746:Dausse 2015 1731:23 December 1685:Parker 2014 1633:Burton 2011 1450:Wilkes 1995 1419:Wilkes 1995 1309:Dausse 2015 1154:Jaupaj 2019 1130:Jaupaj 2019 1067:Jaupaj 2019 909:23 December 727:Jaupaj 2019 626:Neoptolemus 578:Sabylinthus 496:and by the 372:Taulantians 319:M. Holleaux 35:Atintanians 8259:Categories 8175:Cretan War 8087:Lamian War 8008:Samian War 7791:Illyrology 7709:Provinces 7430:Deipaturos 7382:Tattooing 7343:Soleto Map 7181:Sesarethus 6838:Brundisium 6766:Ad Quintum 6732:Taulantian 6717:Dassaretan 6700:Autariatan 6495:Diocletian 6317:Osseriates 6260:Dassaretii 6206:Bassanitae 6201:Baridustae 6186:Autariatae 5932:Polemonion 5809:Phanagoria 5779:Kimmerikon 5774:Kerkinitis 5759:Hermonassa 5749:Dioscurias 5645:Aspalathos 5592:Kalathousa 5567:Akra Leuke 5496:Phoenicusa 5281:Scylletium 5266:Poseidonia 5186:Brentesion 5073:Pamphylian 5068:Macedonian 4986:Samothrace 4971:Hephaestus 4918:Long Walls 4897:Structures 4838:Underworld 4784:Technology 4747:Literature 4681:Philosophy 4646:Euergetism 4535:By culture 4480:Thucydides 4322:Pythagoras 4317:Protagoras 4307:Parmenides 4292:Heraclitus 4277:Empedocles 4267:Democritus 4252:Anaximenes 4242:Anaxagoras 4194:Historians 3687: 595 3674: 550 3655: 800 3640: – c. 3568:Cappadocia 3373:Ionian Sea 3363:Hellespont 3328:Aegean Sea 2928:9531631549 2901:961616936X 2784:(in Greek) 2706:1841719919 2637:3 December 2605:. Hakkert. 2485:0674051114 2323:2718138416 1977:6 December 1709:Shehi 2015 1667:4 December 1544:26 January 1474:Thiry 2001 1421:, p.  803:Filos 2017 789:, p.  787:Kinzl 2010 757:Filos 2017 699:References 634:Molossians 616:was given 606:Macedonian 582:Tharrhypas 574:Molossians 380:C. Habicht 376:Dassaretii 327:P. Lévêque 233:Molossians 229:Thucydides 197:(4.11.4), 153:(2.80.6), 151:Thucydides 71:Molossians 51:Atintánioi 7970:Classical 7733:Macedonia 7728:Illyricum 7703:Illyricum 7693:Macedonia 7688:Illyricum 7679:Dioceses 7545:Lyncestis 7469:Nymphaion 7336:Peucetian 7331:Messapian 7288:Education 7249:Zgërdhesh 7124:Poslishte 7100:Pituntium 7016:Lychnidus 6892:Delminium 6870:Damastion 6791:Apollonia 6781:Andetrium 6742:Geography 6722:Enchelean 6705:Dardanian 6590:Monounios 6540:Grabos II 6515:Flavianus 6405:Baraliris 6347:Taulantii 6342:Siculotae 6337:Sardiatae 6285:Iapygians 6216:Bylliones 6169:Docleatai 6129:Illyrians 6018:in Epirus 5967:Trapezous 5912:Mesambria 5897:Eupatoria 5867:Apollonia 5862:Anchialos 5824:Theodosia 5794:Nymphaion 5784:Myrmekion 5754:Gorgippia 5710:Black Sea 5695:Tragurion 5680:Nymphaion 5665:Epidauros 5660:Epidamnos 5650:Apollonia 5627:Zacynthos 5549:Ptolemais 5543:Apollonia 5516:Cyrenaica 5506:Therassía 5501:Strongyle 5481:Ereikousa 5404:Leontinoi 5344:Apollonia 5221:Hipponion 5018:Mycenaean 4981:Parthenon 4913:Lion Gate 4816:Mythology 4779:Sculpture 4742:Astronomy 4676:Pederasty 4651:Festivals 4636:Education 4516:Lawgivers 4485:Timocreon 4465:Sophocles 4460:Simonides 4435:Philocles 4430:Panyassis 4425:Mimnermus 4390:Herodotus 4385:Euripides 4355:Aeschylus 4302:Leucippus 4262:Aristotle 4041:Strategos 3907:Synedrion 3861:Ostracism 3841:Areopagus 3793:Free city 3588:Macedonia 3472:Byzantion 3378:Macedonia 3343:Cyrenaica 3320:Geography 3254:Geography 3066:1224-2284 2571:162831458 2549:: 11–25. 2523:164155370 2472:(1997) . 2423:: 24–31. 1812:. Brill. 1770:King 2017 1658:Theologia 1091:Hall 2001 1079:Hall 2001 666:Epidamnus 662:Apollonia 632:) of the 590:Acarnania 523:Epidamnus 518:Çermenikë 465:Apollonia 446:Bylliones 434:Antigonea 414:Bylliones 397:Apollonia 389:Lycophron 384:Epidamnus 364:Chaonians 343:Parauaioi 339:Chaonians 268:Apollonia 260:Alexandra 246:Chaonians 195:Polyaenus 171:Alexandra 167:Lycophron 165:833a 9), 88:Atintanes 59:Atintanii 47:Atintánes 43:Ἀτιντᾶνες 31:Atintanes 18:Atintanes 8094:Diadochi 7877:Category 7867:Timeline 7743:Pannonia 7718:Delmatia 7713:Dardania 7650:Illyrian 7643:Language 7560:Phoenice 7536:Battles 7492:weaponry 7474:Swastika 7447:Medaurus 7415:Religion 7317:Pottery 7243:Vendenis 7228:Ulkinium 7201:Tilurium 7196:Thronion 7106:Pogradec 7089:Persqopi 7073:Palaeste 6955:Eugenium 6950:Epicaria 6945:Enkelana 6913:Doracium 6865:Creonion 6821:Bassania 6816:Bargulum 6695:Labeatan 6691:Ardiaean 6660:Triteuta 6635:Pleurias 6595:Monunius 6580:Longarus 6570:Justin I 6535:Grabos I 6520:Galaurus 6435:Bircenna 6410:Bardylis 6400:Ballaios 6395:Aurelian 6332:Pirustae 6327:Penestae 6322:Parthini 6265:Enchelei 6253:Thuantai 6231:Tariotes 6226:Dalmatae 6196:Balaites 6174:Labeatae 6159:Amantini 6067:Category 6045:Theatres 5972:Tripolis 5907:Kerasous 5902:Heraclea 5834:Tyritake 5789:Nikonion 5700:Thronion 5622:Salauris 5577:Emporion 5534:Berenice 5524:Balagrae 5476:Euonymos 5449:Tyndaris 5434:Syracuse 5429:Selinous 5399:Kamarina 5354:Casmenae 5339:Akrillai 5256:Neápolis 5191:Caulonia 5172:Mainland 5103:Linear B 5098:Linear A 5028:Dialects 5005:Language 4799:Religion 4757:Medicine 4691:Religion 4656:Folklore 4641:Emporium 4616:Clothing 4611:Calendar 4495:Xenophon 4490:Tyrtaeus 4475:Theognis 4450:Polybius 4445:Plutarch 4420:Menander 4400:Hipponax 4327:Socrates 4282:Epicurus 4128:Diadochi 4026:Sciritae 3986:Hetairoi 3961:Ballista 3926:Military 3889:Gerousia 3879:Ekklesia 3846:Ecclesia 3828:Athenian 3776:Politics 3689:–279 BC) 3676:–366 BC) 3657:–389 BC) 3593:Pergamon 3563:Bithynia 3556:Kingdoms 3497:Pergamon 3439:Military 3434:Politics 3231:Timeline 3076:(2014). 2515:30103175 905:(Thesis) 645:Phoenice 622:Epirotes 596:and the 588:against 563:Paeonian 461:Tymphaea 457:Parauaea 416:and the 368:Parthini 341:and the 299:Makednos 272:Hecateus 244:and the 191:Illyrike 175:Polybius 116:Language 106:Tyntenoi 102:Atintani 97:Tyntenoi 8265:Chaonia 8217: ( 8155: ( 7927:Archaic 7773:Sirmium 7618:Sieges 7604:Liburna 7488:Warfare 7452:Perëndi 7420:Andinus 7391:Sicanje 7321:Daunian 7293:Fibulae 7278:Coinage 7265:Culture 7233:Ulpiana 7218:Tsangon 7212:Triport 7186:Setovia 7129:Promona 7078:Parthus 7043:Nikadin 7038:Nareste 7010:Lofkënd 6987:Kodrion 6918:Dresnik 6875:Daorson 6833:Bouthoe 6801:Arnissa 6776:Amantia 6710:Kingdom 6650:Tacitus 6600:Mytilos 6545:Gratian 6525:Gentius 6312:Narensi 6300:Peuceti 6295:Messapi 6280:Iapodes 6275:Grabaei 6248:Galabri 6243:Dardani 6164:Ardiaei 6154:Amantes 6087:Outline 6040:Temples 5977:Zaliche 5957:Thèrmae 5947:Sesamus 5917:Odessos 5892:Cytorus 5887:Cotyora 5637:Illyria 5602:Mainake 5597:Kypsela 5486:Hycesia 5444:Thermae 5424:Segesta 5414:Messana 5369:Helorus 5349:Calacte 5329:Akragas 5291:Sybaris 5276:Rhegion 5231:Krimisa 5181:Alision 5090:Writing 5063:Locrian 5053:Epirote 5023:Homeric 4956:Artemis 4943:Temples 4884:Olympia 4854:Eleusis 4789:Theatre 4774:Pottery 4701:Warfare 4696:Slavery 4631:Economy 4626:Cuisine 4621:Coinage 4598:Society 4583:Culture 4578:Society 4526:Tyrants 4365:Alcaeus 4347:Authors 4297:Hypatia 4287:Gorgias 4224:Writers 4046:Toxotai 4016:Sarissa 4006:Peltast 4001:Phalanx 3981:Hoplite 3976:Hippeis 3899:Macedon 3871:Spartan 3856:Heliaia 3803:Proxeny 3512:Larissa 3507:Kerkyra 3502:Eretria 3492:Miletus 3487:Ephesus 3482:Corinth 3477:Chalcis 3398:Taurica 3268:Periods 3249:History 618:ateleia 598:Orestai 594:Parauoi 549:History 539:Kalpaki 535:Kalamas 494:Ardiaei 479:around 473:Macedon 450:Amantes 418:Amantes 406:apoikia 401:Chaonia 291:Chaonia 264:Amantia 255:Dodonia 242:Amantes 92:Titanes 67:Illyria 8223:Second 8169:Fourth 8161:Second 7840:Tribes 7835:People 7632:Oricum 7627:Medion 7609:Sibyna 7599:Lembus 7594:Helmet 7555:Pharos 7462:Tomorr 7457:Prende 7425:Bindus 7352:Tombs 7326:Desilo 7313:Pileus 7238:Uscana 7223:Ugento 7166:Salvia 7161:Salona 7151:Romajë 7146:Rhizon 7141:Ragusa 7135:Rabije 7112:Castle 7083:Pelion 7068:Oricum 7048:Nikaia 7028:Meteon 6999:Lissus 6993:Kratul 6960:Gertus 6939:Durrës 6908:Doclea 6903:Dimale 6897:Desilo 6855:Chinna 6850:Byllis 6844:Bushat 6796:Arduba 6665:Valens 6645:Sirras 6615:Plator 6610:Pinnes 6565:Jovian 6560:Jerome 6505:Epulon 6480:Cynane 6440:Caeria 6390:Audata 6385:Astius 6363:People 6307:Mazaei 6238:Daorsi 6211:Breuci 6149:Albani 6141:Tribes 6077:Portal 6025:People 6013:Cities 5952:Sinope 5937:Rhizos 5927:Phasis 5877:Bathus 5872:Athina 5857:Amisos 5819:Tanais 5814:Pityus 5739:Charax 5690:Pharos 5685:Orikon 5582:Helike 5572:Alonis 5539:Cyrene 5471:Didyme 5384:Himera 5359:Catana 5321:Sicily 5311:Thurii 5306:Terina 5271:Pixous 5226:Hydrus 5201:Croton 5033:Aeolic 4951:Aphaea 4874:Dodona 4859:Delphi 4828:Temple 4504:Others 4455:Sappho 4440:Pindar 4415:Lucian 4410:Ibycus 4395:Hesiod 4332:Thales 4100:Rulers 4079:People 4056:Xyston 4051:Xiphos 3912:Koinon 3818:Tyrant 3808:Stasis 3798:Koinon 3598:Pontus 3573:Epirus 3542:Sparta 3532:Rhodes 3527:Megara 3522:Thebes 3467:Athens 3393:Pontus 3358:Epirus 3348:Cyprus 3333:Aeolis 3177:  3156:  3128:  3105:  3086:  3064:  3041:  3020:  2999:  2946:  2925:  2898:  2854:  2833:  2807:  2767:  2743:  2722:  2703:  2678:  2657:  2631:Dodona 2588:  2569:  2563:301177 2561:  2521:  2513:  2482:  2458:  2437:  2404:  2383:  2362:  2320:  2286:  2251:  2014:  1816:  1588:  1535:  1390:  1360:  1188:  1113:  955:  879:  740:Koinon 735:Koinon 731:Koinon 630:archon 586:Sparta 485:koinon 469:Orikos 448:, the 438:Byllis 422:koinon 410:koinon 287:Appian 250:Idonia 221:, the 217:, the 207:Dodona 193:7–8), 187:Appian 179:Strabo 157:(26), 63:Epirus 8227:Third 8219:First 8165:Third 8157:First 7827:Lists 7784:Other 7683:Dacia 7550:Paxos 7156:Runik 7095:Petra 7058:Oneum 7003:Lezhë 6982:Kinna 6976:Zadar 6929:Dukat 6923:Duboc 6827:Berat 6811:Aulon 6655:Teuta 6510:Etuta 6485:Dando 6455:Celer 6445:Caius 6370:Agron 6352:Abroi 6290:Dauni 6270:Eneti 6191:Azali 6035:Stoae 6003:Lists 5922:Oinòe 5845:coast 5843:South 5829:Tyras 5799:Olbia 5769:Kepoi 5722:coast 5720:North 5713:basin 5655:Aulon 5617:Rhode 5529:Barca 5419:Naxos 5374:Henna 5334:Akrai 5301:Taras 5286:Siris 5246:Medma 5241:Locri 5206:Cumae 5196:Chone 5174:Italy 5080:Koine 5058:Ionic 5048:Doric 5043:Attic 4864:Delos 4762:Music 4405:Homer 4360:Aesop 4312:Plato 4214:Poets 3884:Ephor 3836:Agora 3813:Tagus 3788:Boule 3537:Samos 3462:Argos 3368:Ionia 3353:Doris 3338:Crete 3060:(2). 2871:[ 2825:[ 2627:(PDF) 2567:S2CID 2559:JSTOR 2519:S2CID 2511:JSTOR 2312:[ 2136:(PDF) 1654:(PDF) 1637:amici 903:(PDF) 693:Pydna 670:Corfu 649:Teuta 555:Doric 514:Drino 477:meris 442:koina 353:Vjosë 331:Drino 139:Greek 55:Latin 39:Greek 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A. J. Toynbee
Greek Dark Ages
Northwestern Doric
N. G. L. Hammond
Dorian invasion
Marjeta Šašel Kos
Stephanus of Byzantium
Peloponnesian War
Roman-Illyrian Wars
first Roman-Macedonian War

Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Additional terms may apply.